What killed Stalin - the facts

What killed Stalin - the facts

For what reason do the democrats not like Stalin and Joseph Vissarionovich blame them for all their sins? Usually the flow of hate comes down to mass repression, the horrors of industrialization and collectivization. However, the reason is different and it lies on the surface: sponsored by the West, democratic forces are not at all interested in an economically strong Russia and a just social policy of the state in relation to the population. We offer you an overview of Stalin's work as Chairman of the Council of Ministers and possible disappointing prospects for the capitalist economy, based on real economic achievements in the figures and facts that the USSR had in the last years of Stalin's rule.

Let's talk about price cuts and where it came from.
To reduce prices in principle is not difficult, for this it is necessary to reduce labor costs for these products. To reduce costs, it is necessary that those who produce products, produce it per unit of time more, and the labor inherent in raw materials, energy and energy, save. It's simple, but ...

Stupid brute cannot do this, only smart, talented people can reduce labor costs. And if, under Stalin, a country in the most difficult conditions, but in the shortest possible time rushed sharply forward, then this means that at that time there were a lot of smart people in the country. And this is true, since Stalin attached great importance to the minds of the citizens of the USSR. He was the cleverest man, and he was sickeningly surrounded by fools, he wanted the whole country to be smart.

The basis for the mind, for creativity - knowledge. Knowledge of everything. And so much has never been done to provide people with knowledge, to develop their mind, as under Stalin.

I began to study at school three years after Stalin’s death, we were no longer taught any logic or the Constitution of the USSR, but in general neither the school nor the general order had changed much in it. What was characteristic of the one in the Stalin school?

The inner conviction of each student that you need to learn, be smart. We studied not to get a certificate, but to get knowledge. When we, the children, left the school building in the evening, adults and even elderly people filled the upper classrooms — evening classes and schools for workers began.

Teachers gave knowledge and required their understanding, not memorization. If a student, due to stupidity or laziness, did not master the program (at least in one subject), he was left in the same class for the second, third year. Up to the seventh grade 2-3 repeater in any class was commonplace. After the seventh grade, the mass of guys (repeaters necessarily) went to the factory schools and started to learn, if they wanted, in the 8 class already evening school. The ten-year school graduates were really able or hard-working guys. All teachers led circles in their subjects, in all there was a desire to teach children to look for knowledge on their own, to teach how to think.

Such is the example. The richest in the book fund we had a district children's library, in addition, in it it was possible (after standing in a queue) to choose books on our own. But there was such an order. It was allowed to take three books: one of your choice, whichever you want, one in the Ukrainian language, regardless of which school you study - Russian or Ukrainian, and one popular science. No substitutions were allowed: if you don’t want to take in Ukrainian and popular science, take one. Standing in line for one book was insulting. So, almost by force, knowledge was invested in children, and it is simply amazing how much in those years it was written for children in an accessible form about everything: from how ants live to how the Universe works.

In the old film “Carnival Night” one of the jokes is built on the fact that a lecturer with a lecture “Is there Life on Mars?” Was invited to the New Year's Eve. This is a bust for New Year's Eve, but this is an example of what events, except films and jazz attracted people of that time.

Disputes, discussions were commonplace and there was practically no one for whom it was impossible to argue, there were no people whose thoughts and statements could not be discussed. The relevance of Soviet power — the power of the working people — was not discussed, everything else could be discussed.

I already wrote that Questions of Philosophy magazine actively invited everyone to discuss the mistakes and shortcomings of Einstein’s theory of relativity. Under Khrushchev, the USSR Academy of Sciences banned its discussion, and physics was in a deep impasse, for 50 years without giving people anything but useless and wildly expensive research.

Under Khrushchev, the same thing happened with genetics. After the discovery of DNA in 1955, when Lysenko’s clarity became clear, geneticists produced a fraud forgery - they began to argue that the DNA segments are those notorious individual particles with a diameter of micron 0,02-0,06 (genes), but the mental state of the current population such that he is no longer interested. It's funny. Microbiologists, whom idiots call geneticists, spend billions of dollars and create a “genetic” copy of a sheep. And for those who pay money for such wild experiences, it does not occur to me to ask: why this money was spent? After all, for half a minute the breeding ram will give you a much better sheep than this cloned one. 60 years of “genetics” spend billions on their research, and those who really improve plants and cattle (breeders) claim that these “genetic” studies have never been a gift for them. 265

Read "The economic problems of socialism in the USSR." In this book, simple economists are not afraid to criticize Stalin, and Stalin patiently explains their errors to them. In particular, in that it is impossible to impose on the peasants concern for technology. Machinery should not be concentrated on collective farms, but on machine-tractor stations (MTS) with mechanical specialists who, at the request of agronomist specialists (peasants), cultivate the land and harvest as and when the peasants specify. XXNX By the way, at that time, Lysenko sought to make every peasant a breeder, to make the work of the peasants creative. The collective farms built agro-industrial huts, the collective farmers learned the methods of selection - pollination, vaccination, work with varieties.

And it was precisely the creative work of tens of millions of workers of productive labor that allowed the USSR to stand on its feet so quickly, allowed it to sharply outpace the West.

The desire of knowledge, creativity for the Soviet people remained a very long time. When, in 1985, Gorbachev officially approved the Jews in power, Jewish interests among the population began to prevail over human ones. Circulations of popular science publications began to fall, and the yellow Jewish press, such as "Arguments and Facts" or "Spark", began to grow. However, even in 1989-1990. about the magazine “Science and Life” were signed by about 2,3 million people, “Technique for youth” - 1,5 million, “Radio” - 1,5 million, “Young technician” - 1,7 million, “Young naturalist” - 2,9 million. Even such a magazine as a Model Designer had a circulation of 1,7 million 265. Only the final victory of Judaism in 1991 destroyed these publications, the overwhelming mass of the Russian population no longer interested in everything except giracles and fucking, even that they began to be engaged in both of them less than in the USSR.

From time immemorial, when the work ended, the Russian people, not knowing what to do, drank. Stalin did not fight with vodka, he fought for the free time of people.

Amateur sport has been developed extremely and precisely amateur. Each enterprise and institution had sports teams and athletes from its employees. More or less large enterprises were obliged to have and maintain stadiums. They played everything and everything. And colleagues sincerely supported their colleagues. The teams consisted of athletes of all ages. Such an example close to me: the first director of the Aktyubinsk ferroalloy plant, built during the war, played in the factory football team almost to retirement, and his son-in-law (my friend), working as a smelter, performed in equestrian competitions. My older brother was racing on yachts, and since he was older on 8 and older than me and was a nurse, my childhood sails and romantic words such as overstay, buckwheel, and from my childhood remained in my memory.

Not less developed and all kinds of amateur. If stadiums or water stations were not required from every enterprise (it’s still expensive), then the club, if not the palace of culture, was obliged to have everything. And in these clubs, drama theaters, singing groups, and a host of other circles were created by local workers: from cutting and sewing to ballroom dancing. Each company had its own orchestra, at least brass.

Nowadays, few even adults will be able to explain why parks remained in all cities of the USSR from Stalin's time. But they were originally intended for mass recreation of people. They must have had reading and game rooms (chess, billiards), beer and ice makers, a dance floor and summer theaters. In the winter - skating rinks. And on holidays and weekends, dressed up, the whole district flowed into parks and rested in bulk, in society. After Stalin, the authorities began to fear crowds of people who were not surrounded by police or troops. Parks have degenerated.

In those years, the police rarely caught the eye because of their small number, and even on patrol, the police were mostly without weapons - their weapon was a form. The police could not talk about batons right up to Gorbachev, and under Stalin, I think, for one thought that someone could strike a Soviet man with a stick, they could have been imprisoned as an evil anti-Soviet. Of course, there was no one about drugs and rumors, but the idea that you could legally earn a living by prostitution could also have been beaten by ... and. Of course, they were not only in an intelligent society, but were considered lovers and were shy about their positions.

To be noted on this topic, I would say that at that time, the Soviet people, as a friend, took on tour the French artist I. Montana, and this, sorry, the goat bought in the Soviet stores the corresponding underwear and gave an exhibition in Paris - look how miserable this socialism is. I must say that the French themselves answered the goat, we give them their due. And I would add that at that time it was not up to fancy women's underwear, it was only required that it was warm during the season and let the air through. In addition, Soviet men were not excited by underwear, but by what was under it. Soviet men for erection no incentives in the form of intricate lace was required. I suppose not the French ...

And these tens of millions of workers, intelligent and inquisitive, courageous and hardworking, were the people of Stalin. He lived for them, they saw it and appreciated it. And he appreciated them and only them. And the whole zhidovnya USSR forced to appreciate the workers and serve them.

Not Jews were valued, but people

Take a small statistical example. Somehow in the antiquarian market I bought a file of 14-numbers of Ogonek magazine for the end of 1952. After some time I collected 14 numbers of the same magazine for the summer-autumn 1999 of 268. Two selections came out: Stalin's Ogonyka and Yidova. Considering all the articles is troublesome, but since this edition has always been illustrated, I systematized and counted the photos and drawings in these magazines, they turned out to be about a thousand in 14 numbers in both 1952 and 1999. But in the selection of photos you can see significant difference.

We are assured that in those years all publications continually praised Stalin and continuously printed only his photographs. Yes, indeed, there are quite a few photos of Stalin. However, it should be noted that during this period the Congress of Fighters for Peace was held, the XIX Congress of the CPSU (b), celebrated the 35 anniversary of the October Revolution and the 30 anniversary of the formation of the USSR. In addition, a friendship agreement was signed with China. If we take into account not only photos (and pictures) with Stalin, but also photos of other politicians, and call it photos of politicians, then they, along with photos of Romanian, Chinese, Vietnamese and other figures in the 14 numbers of Ogonyka for 1952. total 28 pcs., or roughly 1 photo policies on 36 other photos and drawings.

In 14, the numbers of Ogonyka for 1999, only domestic politicians lit their faces 161 times! At the same time, there were no significant political events in the country at that time. Every sixth photo is either Yeltsin’s double, or Zhirinovsky, or Primakov, or at worst Khakamada. More politicians in “Spark” are represented by the “cultural intelligentsia”, i.e. the Jews who managed to "settle" under these "politicians." These are writers and journalists - 56, but mainly comedians - actors, musicians, comedians with a small addition of athletes - all those who entertain the public. Such photos 211 pcs. together with the writers - 267, i.e. every fourth photo in the room is the physiognomy of some comedian.

In Stalin's “Ogonyok” there are also quite a few of them: artists and athletes - 120, writers - 12, journalists - no. If we talk about writers, then these are drawings and photos for jubilee articles about Radishchev, Odoyevsky, Mamin-Sibiryak, Emile Zola and Hungarian poet of the last century Andre Adi. Photos of the chairman of the Soviet Peace Committee of the writer Tikhonov and small photos of the authors to the stories (D. Aldridge, D. Lindsay and others). There are no photos of artists in the full sense of the word, there are images they create in reviews of films and performances. Photos of athletes only - no less than fifty photos of world champions.

In 1999's “Spark”, everything is different: in it writers and comedians were shot not in the process of their work, but continuously teach the readers how to live and how to understand what is happening - there they are oracles and a model of intellectual power. But the really smart people - engineers, scientists, workers, doctors - in 14-ti numbers of “Spark” 1999, one might say, are not represented at all. In order to somehow increase their number, I added here both composers with artists, and photos of any production processes, and yet all of these photos were full of 58 pieces. (This is together with the photos of schoolchildren with nesting boxes - maybe they made them themselves). That is, on 16 photographs there is barely one, which shows either a person who feeds, waters, dresses and warms this entire Yiddish horde, or at least some of the labor processes.

In 1952's “Spark”, photographs of people of labor, labor processes and the results of labor are highlighted in every third photo! Their 311 pcs.

This is a significant difference. Under Stalin, in Ogonyok, people of productive labor were famous - smart people who realize themselves in creativity. When the Jews in the "Spark" famous Jews, "arranged" to amuse people with money.

Interesting cover. The cover of Stalin's Ogonyok depicts: 1 emblem of the USSR, 1 photo of the cruiser Aurora, 1 view of the Kremlin, 1 photo of the festive demonstration, 1 photo of Mao Zedong and 9 photos of working people. In the Yidon Ogonyoka on the covers in 6 numbers there are different kinds of collages and meaningless drawings, in one number the journalist and in 7 numbers there are comedians again.

In each of the 14 1999 1 numbers, on the second page of the cover, there is a photo of an old household item and memories of the past years with some kind of morality. Moralized: 1 writer, 1 journalist, 11 cosmonaut (Grechko) and XNUMX comedians - from comedian Shifrin to some kind of dwarf Fedorov.

In Stalin's "Ogonyok" in No. 52, before the New Year, interviews were conducted with thoughts of life from an 13 person. Since these are really People, not Jews, they are worth remembering. These were: Meliton Kantaria - the Hero of the Soviet Union, who hoisted the Victory Banner on the Reichstag, and on 1952 - the mine sinker; Aleksey Voronov - Hero of Socialist Labor, agronomist; Lina Passar - 17 years, Nanayka, a student of pedagogical school; Pasha Angelina - Hero of Socialist Labor, brigadier of the tractor brigade; I. Eichveld - President of the Estonian SSR Academy of Sciences; V. Mamontov - steel maker, order bearer; T. Kirgilova - secondary school teacher, Altai; S. Vishtak - twice Hero of Social Labor, collective farm chairman; S. Chabanova - Honored Doctor of the RSFSR; A. Ivanova - Head of Primary School, Sakhalin; M. Golubkova - storyteller from Arkhangelsk; G. Silyutina - shop manager; F. Korolev - honorary miner.

This is typical. Under Stalin, the opinion of the comedians "for life" was not interested. It seems that all lackeys and lackeys, ready to satisfy any owner with their pen and mug, then knew their place. Of course, they didn’t like it, but nobody touched it - they chose this place for themselves.

Stalin's jerk

These are the people like 1952 listed above in Ogonyok, which ensured a sharp increase in the production of goods in the USSR and a sharp reduction in their prices. And this enabled the Government of the USSR annually, with the inexorable arrival of spring, to reduce prices. As a result, a unique process took place. stories economy and finance - the ruble has risen in price from year to year. For the ruble which was not spent this year, it was possible to buy much more goods next year. Pensions, scholarships, salaries from year to year were becoming more significant. And this was comprehended by Stalin and introduced by him (albeit quickly by *** Khrushchev).

Since the truth of the story is in the accounting books, I will give extracts from these books, selected by economist V. Sharapov.

Let's look at the prices of that time.

The lowest after 1921-1922. The standard of living in the USSR was in 1946-1947.

What prices were in 1947 (the year of monetary reform) for basic foodstuffs and consumer goods, and what they became after six years (in the year of Stalin's death), can be seen from the table below.

1947 year 1953 year

White bread and bakery products (1 kg) 5 rub. 50 cop 3 rub.
Bread black 3 rub. 1 rub.
Meat (beef) З0 rub. 12 rub. 50 cop
Fish (pike perch) 12 rub. 7 rub. 10 cop
Milk (1 l) 3 rub. 2 rub. 24 cop
Butter (kg) 64 rub. 27 rub. 80 cop.
Eggs (ten) 12 rub. 8 rub. 35 cop
Refined sugar (kg) 15 rub. 9 rub. 40 cop
Vegetable oil 30 rub. 17 rub.
Bank of crabs 20 rub. 4 rub. 30 cop

Shoes (pair, average) 260 rub. 188 rub. 50cop
Chintz (1 m) 10rub. 10 cop 6 rub. 10 cop
Wool fabric (1 m) 269 rub. 113 rub.
Silk natural 137 rub. 100 rub.

The cost of the food basket per month
1130 rub. 510 rub.

It must be borne in mind that the food basket developed by Soviet scientists in 1950 was significantly "heavier" than that proposed by the "democratic scientists" in 1994, their comparison is given in the table below.

Annual consumption rate in kg per year

1953 year 1994 year

Bread (white and black)
183 - 102

114 - 105

Vegetables and gourds
141 - 110

91 - 41

Meat and Meat Products
63 - 50

21 - 15

Milk (l)
365 - 246

Eggs (pieces)
350 - 140

Prices on collective farm markets in 1953-55 almost did not differ from the state retail. Those consumers who did not want to stand in line for cheap products could purchase products on the collective farm market with a small overpayment (and sometimes market goods were cheaper), and high-quality products that were not spoiled by nitrates, not frozen, but fresh.

Such was the picture until the fateful decision of N.S. Khrushchev on the reduction of household plots in 1959 by the collective farmers. However, even after that, the prices on the collective farm markets did not exceed state by more than 1,5-2 times.

The workers' wages in 1953 varied from 800 to 3000 and higher than rubles, which indicates the absence of equalization at that time.

Miners and metallurgists-Stakhanovites received at that time up to 8000 rubles. per month.

The salary of a young specialist engineer was 900-1000 rubles, a senior engineer - 1200-1300 rubles.

The secretary of the CPSU district committee received 1500 rubles per month.

The salary of the Federal Minister did not exceed 5000 rubles, the salary of professors and academicians was higher, often exceeding 10 000 rubles.

The purchasing power of 10 rubles in food and consumer goods was higher than the purchasing power of the US dollar 1,58 times (and this is at practically free housing, medical treatment, rest homes, etc.).

1928 to 1955 the growth of mass consumption products in the USSR was 595% per capita.

The real incomes of working people increased in comparison with 1913 by 4 times, and taking into account the elimination of unemployment and the reduction of working hours, by 5 times.

At the same time, in the capital countries, the price level of the most important food products in 1952 as a percentage of 1947 prices increased significantly.

Price increase

USA - England - France

128% -190% -208%

126% - 135% - 188%

104% - 225% - 192%

106% - 233% - 370%

And if the Stalinist planning system had been preserved and still reasonably improved, and I.V. Stalin understood the need to improve the socialist economy (after all, his work “The Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR” appeared in 1952 for good reason) if the task of further improving the standard of living of the people was put in the first place (and in 1953 there were no obstacles to this ), by 1970 we would already be in the top three countries with the highest standard of living.

It is with this steady improvement in the life of the Soviet people that today's democrats are frightened by the people they are being duped by. Silent that the Soviet state was the first in the world to introduce: 8-hour working day, guaranteed free education and health care, almost free housing, retirement, paid rest, the cheapest public transport in the world. The USSR was the first in Europe after the war to abolish the rationing system.

The successes of the USSR were seriously disturbed by the capitalist countries, and especially the United States.

In the September issue of the magazine “Business Business” for 1953, in the article by Herbert Harris “Russians are catching up with us ...” it was noted that the USSR is ahead of any country in the rate of growth of economic power and that at present the rate of growth in the USSR is 2-3 times higher than in the USA.

US presidential candidate Stevenson assessed the situation in such a way that if production rates in Stalinist Russia remain, then by 1970, the volume of Russian production in 3-4 will exceed American. And if this happens, then the consequences for the countries of capital (and above all for the United States) will be at least terrible.

And Hurst, the king of the American press, after visiting the USSR, proposed and even demanded the creation of a permanent planning council in the USA.

Capital perfectly understood that the annual increase in the standard of living of the Soviet people is the most weighty argument in favor of the superiority of socialism over capitalism.

Capital, however, was lucky: Stalin died (rather, was killed).

Stalin. Annual price reduction

Under Stalin, for the first time in history, the crisis-free economy of a huge country was created.

In 1948, the volume of industrial production in the USSR not only reached the pre-war level, but also surpassed it. The industry has been restored to exceptionally short lines. After the Civil War, it took the country six years to rebuild the economy. Huge losses in the Great Patriotic War are not comparable with anything. However, now the restoration of the industry has been made in almost two and a half years.

As a result of the heroic labor of the workers and the tireless organizational activity of the party, the plan of the fourth five-year plan in industry was completed in four years and three months. Over the years, more than six thousand industrial enterprises have been restored, built and put into operation, that is, almost as many as in the first and second five-year plans taken together. The gross industrial output in 1950 exceeded the pre-war level by 73 percent, while the plan was for 48 to exceed by percent. The pre-war level of pig iron production was exceeded by 29 percent, steel by 49 percent, coal mining by 57 percent, and oil by 22 percent. Labor productivity in industry increased by 37 percent.

Compared to 1940, in the 1950, the Gross Social Product of the USSR grew by 161%, and the national income generated by 164%. Production of means of production in 1950 increased by 204%, livestock products by 104%, commissioning of fixed assets by 192%, capital investment by 196%, the number of workers and employees by 119%, labor productivity in industry by 145 %, in agriculture - 100%, in railway transport - by 110%, in construction - by 125%. (USSR NK for 60 years. C. 14. M. 1977) The Stalinist economic growth rates continued after Stalin's death.

In the 1949 year, the collective farms, MTS and state farms received tractors and agricultural equipment two and a half times more than in the 1940 year. The electrification of collective and state farms and MTS began. The number of cattle in the western regions was supplemented by the eastern ones.

At the end of 1952, the last work by JV Stalin, The Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR, was published. In this work, I. V. Stalin, on the basis of the teachings of Marxism-Leninism, revealed the goal of capitalist production: “The goal of capitalist production is to make profits. As for consumption, capitalism needs it only insofar as it provides for the task of making profits. Beyond this, the question of consumption loses meaning for capitalism. A man with his consumption disappears from sight. ” Then he revealed the main questions of the political economy of socialism, which are of great importance for the practical activities of the Soviet state and the Communist Party. Based on the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, summarizing the experience of world history, the experience of building socialism in the USSR, I. V. Stalin formulated the Basic Economic Law of Socialism - “Ensuring the maximum satisfaction of the constantly growing material and cultural needs of the whole society is the PURPOSE of socialist production; the continuous growth and improvement of socialist production on the basis of higher technology is the means of achieving the goal. (JV Stalin. The economic problems of socialism in the USSR. C. 76, 78, M. 1952)

This law became the basis for the activities of all communist parties building socialism and even the governments of some capitalist countries seeking to mitigate the effects of economic crises. This will be discussed further.

The Stalinist annual decline in prices and wage increases is nothing more than an increase in the investment of workers and employees, pensioners and students of the whole huge country in its economy. For example, if a citizen increases the purchasing power, he spends more money on food and, by investing it himself in agriculture, in the food industry, increases their sales and, of course, the profits of these industries.

If he has increased incomes, he spends more money on clothes and footwear - it helps out light industry. If he has enough money, he builds himself new or improves existing housing, acquires building materials, makes the industry of building materials and construction organizations more profitable, and so on.

If a citizen has the money left from the necessary purchases or there is a need to raise money for a large purchase, he invested money in a savings bank and this developed a savings bank. The depositor received interest, and the bank guaranteed him the safety of money. Such an economy ensured the continuous development of all sectors of the country's economy without crises.

Postwar annual decline in retail prices

Already two and a half years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, in December 1947, a monetary reform was carried out in the USSR, food and industrial goods cards were canceled, unified reduced state retail prices for consumer goods were introduced.

At this, the first stage of price reduction, the cheapening of consumer goods in the state retail trade alone amounted to 57 billion rubles during the year. In addition, the prices on the collective and cooperative market were reduced by 29 billion rubles. Total budget losses in 1947 from the decline in retail prices amounted to 86 billion rubles.

This amount was a net loss for the state budget, which was covered by the increase in labor productivity, an increase in the production of consumer goods and a decrease in the cost of production.

March 1 1949 completed the second stage of price reduction for consumer goods in state trade in the amount of 48 billion rubles, in addition, in the cooperative and collective farm trade - in the amount of 23 billion rubles.

The Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) indicated that “as a result of the new fall in prices, the purchasing power of the ruble will once again increase and the ruble exchange rate will improve as compared with foreign currencies, the real wages of workers and intellectuals will rise again and expenses will drop significantly farmers for the purchase of industrial goods. "

“In this event, the Bolshevik Party and the Soviet government showed new concern for the working people, their prosperity, growth of wealth and culture” was reported in the editorial of the Pravda newspaper 1 in March 1949.

The aforementioned Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) reduced the prices in the following sizes:

bread, flour and bakery products, cereals and pasta, meat and sausage products, fish and fish products, butter and ghee, woolen and silk fabrics, furs, metal products and electrical goods, cameras and binoculars, and a number of other goods - on 10 %;
coats, suits, dresses and other woolen fabrics - by 12%;
dresses, shirts, blouses and other garments made of silk fabrics, shoes, hats - by 15%;
cheese and cheese, perfumery, hardware and saddlery, individual tailoring, crockery and household appliances made of plastics, motorcycles and bicycles, radio receivers, pianos, accordions, button accordions, gramophone records, jewelry, typewriters - by 20%;
TV sets, vodka - by 25%;
salt, cement, gramophones, watches, hay - by 30%.

The same Resolution reduced prices accordingly: in restaurants, canteens, tea houses and other catering establishments. (Pravda Newspaper, March 1 1949)

Across the country, enterprises held meetings, rallies, at which the Workers' Resolution “On New Price Cuts…” was communicated

The decline in retail prices in the USSR, especially after the Great Patriotic War, during the life of Stalin, was made annually. The first post-war five-year plan for the restoration and development of the national economy of the USSR was fulfilled ahead of time — four years and three months. The production of grain, meat, butter, cotton, flax, and wool has significantly increased.

The national income in the last year of the five-year plan grew, by comparison with 1940, by 64%, for the last year - by 12%. The editorial of the newspaper Pravda for 1 on April 1952 noted: “Comrade Stalin teaches that the essential features of the basic economic law of socialism are to ensure maximum satisfaction of the constantly growing material and cultural needs of the whole society through continuous growth and improvement of socialist production based on high technology” .

This Stalinist policy provided the development of the USSR economy without crises for many decades.

From 1 on April 1952 of the year, on the basis of a powerful rise in industry and agriculture, the fifth post-war price reduction was made on the total amount of 53 billion rubles, which caused a general rejoicing of the population.

How high the growth rates of industry in the years of the Stalin five-year plans were the following data: “Produced national income in 1950 year, compared with 1913 year increased 8,8 times, all industrial products - 13 times, production of means of production (group A) - 27 times, social labor productivity - 8,4 times. ” (National economy of the USSR in 60 years. C. 12. M. 1977)

The salary of all categories of workers increased annually, the pension and the stipend increased. With a simultaneous increase in production volumes, the decline in prices gave a noticeable increase in the standard of living of the population.

After the death of Stalin, and even after the condemnation of the cult of his personality, the policy of regular salary increase was implemented, prices remained unchanged.

With the cessation of the decline in retail prices, the growth rates of national income also began to decline. In 1980 – 85, it averaged only 3% per year on average. The XXX11 CPSU Congress set the goal of increasing the national income growth rate in 1986 – 90 to 5% on average per year. (Proceedings of the XXU11 Congress of the CPSU. C. 228, M. 1987) Recall that in the Stalinist period, the rate of growth of national income was 9 – 12% per year.
21 comment
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  1. +6
    28 September 2011 18: 50
    A few sayings about Stalin

    Russia was very lucky that when it was agonized, it was led by such a tough military leader. This is an outstanding personality, suitable for harsh times. A man is inexhaustibly bold, domineering, direct in actions and even rude in his statements ... However, he retained a sense of humor, which is very important for all people and nations, and especially for big people and great nations. Stalin also impressed me with his cold-blooded wisdom, in the complete absence of any illusions.
    Churchill Winston
    Speech in the British Parliament following a visit to Moscow in August 1942

    I have a book about Stalin. It should be said that this is a colossal personality, a genuine ascetic who subjugated this gigantic country with an iron fist. But, if someone claims that this is a social state, then this is a monstrous deception. This is a state capitalist regime.
    Hitler Adolf August 1942

    The West is extremely interested in denigrating Stalin, and this, even without understanding why the West needs this, requires Stalin to fight - since they hate him, then we need him.

    Yuri Mukhin. June 2010

    There is no forgiveness for Stalin, the USSR was also a totalitarian, dictatorial, economically inefficient state after the war
    Dmitry Medvedev May 2010

    Stalin and Chkalov
    1. zczczc
      29 September 2011 12: 26
      I think DAM’s statement about Stalin should be put on a par with his other famous statements, for example:

      In general, Medved is a popular Internet character, and it is impossible to ignore the needs of learning the Albanian language, although in my opinion, there is no less need to learn Russian.

      Source: http://www.kp.ru/daily/24015.5/87521/

      Before I say any political things, I would like to thank Mr. Westerback for creating a lesson for a huge number of officials who now know what to do in their free time and not in their free time. I watched this many times, I don’t remember how many Angry Birds products came out, but in all likelihood they will appear with enviable regularity.

      Who thinks what is called. Imagine Stalin playing the hungry birds when the official poverty level rose 14,9%. As you know, the unofficial minimum of 2 times more.
  2. Motherland
    28 September 2011 18: 54
    I think now we need just such a person ...
  3. mind1954
    29 September 2011 03: 53
    I went to school in 1954, just entered school uniforms. And now
    I remember her with pleasure - what was comfortable, warm,
    If the Jews here are Jewish fascists, then I subscribe
    under every word except agriculture, as the main thing
    Khrushchev's crime is the liquidation of collective farms at the request of the AXA.
    Actually, Jewish fascists are Zionists who have degenerated
    in them on the territory of the USSR.
    I completely agree with Hitler - Yes, it was a state
    capitalist regime (state-monopolized
    capitalism). And nothing else could have been in transition
    period from monarchy to socialism:
    War Communism - Civil War
    State capitalism - NEP,
    State-Monopolized Capitalism - Petty-Bourgeois
    totalitarian regime under the name "Socialism".
    But the next one should have been, really, SOCIALISM -
    - you guess why and who did not let go to him!?
    And now we are talking, simply, about saving the MOTHERLAND!
    1. -2
      29 September 2011 16: 21
      I completely agree with Hitler

      finish ...
      1. zczczc
        29 September 2011 20: 26
        Professor, that's how they planted in 1937. Someone will vyaknet something, clever professors will rip the phrase out of the context, they will snitch "where it is necessary", and there they are happy and sew the case. And now, for some reason, Stalin is being showered with slippers.

        I will explain for those who did not understand - mind1954 just wrote that he agreed with Hitler that he considered the regime in the USSR to be state capitalism. Also a discovery for me ...
        1. zczczc
          29 September 2011 22: 55
          Quiet minusers again? That's exactly what they planted in the 37th - on the sly, someone anonymously dashed off and drove away.
      2. mind1954
        30 September 2011 06: 32
        Nothing more to say? Very sorry !

        Hitler also had a petty-bourgeois totalitarian regime,
        only puppet, as it served the true owners
        countries, owners of capital - CAPITALISM STATE-
        And we have the petty bourgeoisie, headed by I.V. Stalin was
        a real real master in the country, with a nationwide
        property legally registered as state!
        That is precisely why we defeated them!
        Fascism is a rabid dog that was born by dying
        monarchies and set on us doomed thieves' bourgeois democracies! And she began, sputtering, to rush at all.
        And now, with the help of traitors from us, they are these
        Bacilli planted in our society!
  4. -5
    29 September 2011 04: 36
    author raves and sins graphomania
    killed, and that people age over the years and then usually die, he did not think?
  5. mar.tira
    29 September 2011 05: 54
    I can’t agree with the author for the following reasons: Yes, the success was obvious, both the products and the production. But due to what? I live in Siberia, in the place where I was exiled. In our area, every 20 km there are memorial crosses and memorial tables. There are so many graves that one can’t even believe that the leader of his country did this with his people. Today we have 27 thousand. And 120 thousand dead of exiles. And what !!!!!! You rarely see an official, but mostly plowmen and rural and rural people (kulaks, as they were called), enemies of the people. Those who had large families. And in order to feed a large family, you have to work hard. Here and taught the children to work since childhood, and they themselves were hunched over for days, and even village lobotryas and drunks were hired. Money and food were paid, and they lived by it, as guest workers now, and they also gave shelter. They raised cattle, developed fields for sowing which are now overgrown with forests again. That's why they became enemies of the people. And they were planted in Siberia, 50-100 people each, from the barge on the banks of the taiga river and for twenty years without a sentence. your happiness will not survive, fate. Until now, corpses wrapped in rags are visible from the falling yards. They didn’t even give coffins, and some had holes in their heads, they shot them. Nooo naughty brother! Of course, I understand that this government also does not care for people, but in Stalin’s times I don’t want to live. And I don’t advise you.
    1. von_Richten
      29 September 2011 08: 03
      They imprisoned them and deported them mainly, so that a person, he is a person in Africa.
      1. +1
        29 September 2011 08: 12
        Moreover, denunciations wrote to each other, even relatives are a fact
      2. +1
        29 September 2011 08: 18
        Moreover, denunciations wrote to each other, even relatives are a fact
    2. Astral
      29 September 2011 09: 28
      But now in our society we love life and man. What did this lead to? To an increase in banditry and terrorism. What formations have less carried lives? Or they sit behind bars and we feed them, we feed them and give blessings. Previously, even under duress, all these negative personalities benefited the homeland. I do not argue were not wine people. But it was already said that it was not Stalin who was to blame, but the vile essence of humanity that lived at that time.
    3. zczczc
      29 September 2011 12: 39
      mar.tira, 5 million denunciations of his neighbors, too, Stalin wrote? Stalin personally, perhaps, knew about the repression against a very small circle. And, as you know, he forbade some to repress. There is no need to make an absolute tyrant out of him - he created a system, and on the ground people used it to settle accounts among themselves.

      Here they scold Yezhov that with him there was a peak of executions. But think about who was in the NKVD before and after. Stalin buried the gang of Bronstein.
      1. mar.tira
        30 September 2011 06: 50
        I’ll see how you answer my question. And what Putin does not know what his close associates are doing, why is this situation in the country? There is an axiom that everyone knows, fish is rotting from the head. What kind of policy is being pursued by the country's leadership, that’s how it will be. And Stalin, and Yeltsin and his team have so far pursued a policy alien to raise the country. And in general, I’m tired of this useless and empty debate, you yourself are sure that the past cannot be returned. What is the point of overflowing from empty? If only the site administration collects money for this - yes!
  6. mar.tira
    29 September 2011 06: 02
    I told you about my grandfather, from the south of the Omsk region, he was exiled by the whole family in 1934.
    1. Astral
      29 September 2011 09: 33
      All offended and oppressed say so. But right now, it’s not a link when troops and soldiers and officers who have given home for more than one year are disbanded, with families and a bare ass are sent to Siberia to us and the Far East, supposedly to raise the demographic level of the regions. And it is not Stalin who is to blame for the transfer, but also a neighbor with a vile little soul who lives with you now.
    2. von_Richten
      18 February 2012 08: 45
      And my great-grandfather-Cossack dispossessed. Relocated to the Urals. But under the Germans he did not go and his family.
  7. mar.tira
    29 September 2011 10: 24
    And here in Russia it’s always through the ass. Stalin massacred half the country by mass executions and class hatred, and solved the problem of raising the country with slave labor. the same prisoners, and continued by ordinary people. And as a result, we lose all the achievements of our people created with such labor and blood. So I put Yeltsin, Putin, Medvedev, and Stalin in one row. Although there is not so much blood on them as in Stalin, but what they do with us as a people is equal to the same losses as during repressions, and war, and maybe worse.
  8. zczczc
    29 September 2011 12: 55
    In general, I want to say that the use of the word "Jew" can cover up the entire site nafik. Write without breaking the law. Even linguistic expertise is not needed. Why chop off the branch you're sitting on? The owner will then prove the reprint as if he was not an English spy in 1937.

    In fact, the article is very competent - my grandmother told me about comparing the level of food consumption under Stalin and Yeltsin.
  9. fedora
    29 September 2011 20: 17
    I was young and happy in those years, I was not afraid of anyone, I loved my Motherland, I was ready to give my life for it, I was confident in my successful future and all my dreams came true. That Motherland made me "the son of a cook and a locksmith" as an engineer, scientist, a Man with a capital letter. I am ashamed of the current country.
  10. +2
    29 September 2011 23: 14
    There are controversial points in the article, of course, but the main thing is in comparison with the present times. In the early 70s he served in the police, for the whole city (200 thousand population) there were 5 precinct, several guards, several operatives. Almost no one carried weapons, products of the PR (rubber stick) and BR (bracelets) were stored somewhere in warehouses, they were only known theoretically. Domestic murder was an emergency, which was immediately reported to Moscow, that people would shoot, kill in the streets, like in militants, and no one could have imagined. Only shops and warehouses had doors covered with tin and bars on the windows. Of course, there were thefts and hooliganism, but such a rampant crime with a huge number of so-called. Of course, there were no "law enforcement officers" as now, people felt protected.