The Battle of Rosebud: Indians vs. Indians

The battle of Little Big Ram was a battle that showed the superiority of multiply charged weapons over single shot. However, the battle for the Black Hills was also a war that confirmed one very important military rule: “The enemy of your enemy is your friend!”

Well, the beginning of these events was laid by the “Black Hills Gold Rush” when the number of gold miners in He-Zap or the Black Hills exceeded fifteen thousand people and continued to grow with each passing day. As a result, the situation in the area strained to the limit, and individual attacks of Indians on them escalated into a real war, called whites “The War for Black Hills”.

Indians of the prairies. Photo of those distant years

At first, the US government tried to simply buy Indian lands, but it was not possible to reach an agreement, as most Indians did not hide their indignation. It got to the point that one of the Dakota named Little Big Man who represented the leader announced Crazy Horse, during negotiations with the hard drive in his hands, stepped forward and shouted that he would kill all the pale people if they tried to steal his land. His words greatly aroused the Sioux, and only the intervention of a Young Man Afraid of His Horses prevented bloodshed. However, negotiations with the Indians were thwarted. The leaders of Spotted Tail and Red Cloud again visited Washington and refused to sell the Black Hills for the money they were offered, that is, for six million dollars with the payment of the entire amount for fifteen years, and offered their price. The leader of the Red Cloud demanded that the next seven generations of Dakota be supplied with livestock, foodstuffs and even "pepper for the elderly." Then he demanded a light cart with horses and a team of six working oxen to each adult man. In turn, Spotted Tail demanded that all of this be supplied to the Indians "as long as Sioux exist." Although these two leaders constantly competed with each other, in those cases when it came to tribal interests, the Red Cloud and Spotted Tail always acted together and, if they wanted to, they firmly stood their ground. It turned out that the red-skinned savages offered to pay them no less than forty dollars million! While the entire territory of the Wild West, from the east of Mississippi and Missouri to the Rocky Mountains, the United States bought from Napoleon in 1803 for only fifteen million! And here, in general, a small plot of land already paid for and suddenly such prices ?!

Then the US government 6 December 1875 of the year presented an ultimatum to the Indians, which expired on January 31 1876. According to it, they had to register first, and then go to the reservations prepared for them. Otherwise, they were declared enemies, to whom it was allowed to use force. The messengers were sent to the winter camps of the Indians. But it was impossible to roam in the cold, so only a few obeyed the order, and most of the Sioux and Cheyenes did not move. It turned out that the Indians simply ignored the ultimatum of the government, so Washington decided to force them to accept it by force. 18 January ban was issued to sell weapons and ammunition to the Indians. And on February 8, troops stationed on the border received orders from the military department to prepare for a military campaign.

However, the punitive expedition, which began in the spring of 1876, could not reach the goals, as the soldiers could not overtake the Indians. Therefore, the whole calculation was on the summer campaign, which was planned in a much more serious way. The army had to attack the Indian territory in three large columns, from different directions, in order to crush the Indians once and for all and force them to move to the reservations. Colonel John Gibbon came from the west, General Alfred Terry from the east, and General George Crook from the south.

The essence of the war was that US troops pursued Indian tribes, traveling with women and children. Moreover, they tried to attack the small camps and did not disdain the killing of women and children, which caused a mass retreat of Indians of different tribes, unwittingly united into one big camp in the south of Montana, headed by High Priest Dakota Tatanka-Iyotake.

However, many of the prairie Indians in this confrontation were supported not by Indians, but whites. So several Shoshon tribal leaders, led by the Vashaki leader, decided that it was better to obey the whites than to fight against them. The leader of the Utes, Urai, bluntly stated that he liked the way the pale-faced live. Being a hospitable man, he did not hesitate to entertain guests with drinks and cigars. Back in 1872, he sold a significant portion of his land to the US government and now received an annual pension from him in 1000 dollars.

The Battle of Rosebud: Indians vs. Indians
Chief Crow Washaki

Guadalupe, the leader of the caddo tribe, also suddenly felt a great desire for civilization. He supplied the army of the United States of intelligence scouts, because he believed that not only redheads with pale-faced people were fighting, but nomads and sedentary people (what a wise man, however, understood the essence of the conflict of cultures and civilizations!). And since his tribe Kaddo belonged to the culture of farmers, it automatically brought him closer to the people of the white race and forced him to hate the nomads.

The Crow tribe also supplied an army of excellent scouts, but their motive was different: an old feud with the Dakota, for the sake of victory over which they were even ready to curry favor with the pale faces.

Crow Chief Many Exploits

Their leader named Many Exploits advised his soldiers to help the white in their war against the Sioux, because “When the war is over, the leaders of the soldiers will remember the help that we will now give them!”

The pawnees supplied their scouts to white for the same reasons as the Crow, but it cost them dearly. In 1873, a large Sioux detachment took a group of Pawney Indians unawares during a hunt. White soldiers rushed to the aid of their allies, but they were late: they had already lost only the killed 150 people, and the Indians killed them and the leader himself. The same Vashaki also suffered from the Sioux. Back in 1865, 200 Sioux raided his summer camp on the Sweet Water river and drove around 400 horses. The Vashaki led a detachment to repel them, but the Shoshons lost the battle. And the eldest son of Vashaki Sioux was killed and oskalpirovali right before his eyes.

All these mutual strife were only to hand to General Crook, who never dreamed of successfully conducting this campaign with some white soldiers, because, based on his experience, he knew well that only Indians could track the Indians on the prairie. No white man can do what an Indian could do and so beautifully pursue animals and people.

After all, an Indian scout for the remaining dust in the air could establish whether it was abandoned by a herd of bison or an enemy military detachment. From obscure hooves and moccasins on the grass, he could establish both the intentions and the number of the enemy detachment, as well as the long time he had gone hiking, and where he was going. Imitating the singing of birds or the cries of animals, they warned each other about the danger. In addition, scouts were a full-fledged fighting squad and masters of swift attacks and hijacking of enemy horses.

Therefore, as soon as General Crook received an order to speak, he immediately turned to the Shoshons for support and immediately received it. Meanwhile, the third detachment commander, Colonel John Gibbon, with whom the entire 450 soldier was marching, moved east from Fort Ellis in southern Montana, but first met with the Crow leaders at an agency on the Yellowstone River, and said before them the following speech: “I came here that would start a war with a sioux. Sioux are our common enemies, they have killed both whites and crows for a long time. And so I came to punish them. If Crow want war with the Sioux, then the time has come for it. If the Crow want the Sioux to no longer send their military units to their lands, if they want them to kill more than their men, then now is the time for that. If they want to avenge the dead crows, then the time has come! ”Naturally, the young crows were inspired by this speech and thirty people immediately joined Gibbon, and the rest promised to approach General Crook in two months.

Already in early June, Crook set up a camp and built a warehouse for ammunition on the Goose Creek - a tributary of the River of Languages ​​near the border of Wyoming and Montana. It was there that he received a warning from Chief Siu Tachunko Vitko: "Any soldier who crosses the River of Languages ​​and moves north will be killed."

This warning should be considered, but now General Kruk knew exactly where to look for these elusive Sioux, and decided to cross the river as soon as the Indian Scouts approached him. And on June 14, 176 Crow warriors arrived at his camp with the leaders of the Magical Crow, the Old Crow and the Kind Heart. After another day, Shoshons from 86 came to him along with the leader Vashaki and his two sons.

Crow Chief Magic Crow

One of the officers, who served under the command of General Crook, later recounted: “The long rows of brilliant lances and well-kept firearms heralded the arrival of our long-awaited Shoshone allies. The Shoshone rode towards the main headquarters, then turned around and surprising everyone with a skillful dressage of horses, moved forward. No warriors of civilized armies moved so beautifully. With exclamations of surprise and delight, this barbaric platoon of harsh warriors was greeted by their former enemies, and today's friends by the Crow. Our general went forward to look at them in all their ceremonial regalia of eagle feathers, brass blyah and beads. And when they were ordered to retreat one by one to the right, they moved like an exact clockwork, and the dignity of real veterans. ”

Now his forces numbered 1302 humans: 201 infantrymen, 839 cavalrymen, and 262 Indian intelligence officers. That same evening, he gave advice to the officers and Indian leaders. The Washaki and his Crow allies asked permission to be allowed to act differently in this war with the Sioux, and the general willingly gave them complete freedom of action.

The meeting soon ended, as the whites decided that the Shoshone warriors drove 60 miles, and therefore they needed rest. But they decided to prepare for war in their usual way, which meant that at night they would dance!

The “dance vigil” began with a monotonous howl with shouts and cries, all of which were accompanied by ear piercing and booming drums. This attracted soldiers and officers from the entire camp, who were free from the guard service and fled to watch such an amazing show. And they saw the Indians sitting near the small fires, and they swayed from side to side along with their leader and sang monotonously. In these singing it was impossible to distinguish individual words, but it made a fascinating impression, as well as their very swinging. The “night of the dances” ended only at dawn, when Kruk and his unsatisfied soldiers and Native American allies together withdrew from the camp, crossed the River of Languages ​​and headed north-west to Sioux territory. Native American scouts went ahead and soon after noon came back and told that they had found traces of a large Sioux camp and even a large buffalo herd, which these Sioux had spooked.

Meanwhile, Crook's detachment stopped on the River Rosebud, where he arranged for a halt in a large lowland that looked like an ancient amphitheater, surrounded on three sides by hills, and a stream on the fourth channel. The soldiers were ordered to saddle the horses and let them graze in anticipation of the approach of the lagging part of the column. Part of the soldiers was located on one side of the stream, and the other - on the opposite. To the north rose a ridge of low cliffs, and then a chain of low mountains led to a dining elevation. From the plain of what was happening at these heights and behind them, naturally, it was impossible to see. The leader of Vashaki and the other leaders of the Crow were convinced that it was there that the enemies were hiding, while the people of Kruk, not suspecting anything, rested on a completely open plain, and even separated by a stream. The general himself believed that the Sioux camp was somewhere nearby, and he only needed to find him and destroy him. However, his Indian allies told him that Crazy Horse is too experienced a warrior to make a target out of his camp and that, most likely, he wants to lure the whites into a trap. Therefore, the Vashaki and the leaders of the Crow gave the order to their soldiers to take up positions on the mountains to the north, and sent scouts over the hills to see if there were any enemies hiding there. Less than half an hour, they galloped back, shouting: “Siu! Sioux! Lots of Sioux! ”, With one warrior seriously injured. Shots rang out - this was the vanguard of the horses that were hopping behind them, and stumbled upon army guard posts. Then the Indians, as if out of the ground, appeared on both the western and northern hills, and they galloped, hiding behind the grain of their horses.

It turned out that only part of Crook's army was ready to fight, and then these were Shoshone and Crow warriors. They were not afraid of the numerical superiority of the Sioux, and immediately went to the counterattack. Meanwhile, only the first attack involved fifteen hundred Sioux, while Crazy Horse kept in reserve about two and a half thousand warriors who were hiding behind the hills in order to strike at the disorganized and then pursue the retreating. But it turned out that the Shoshons and Crow managed to stop his warriors five hundred yards from the main forces of Crook, and held them back until he organized a fairly strong defense. Then he sent his units forward to support the Indian allies, and placed all the other soldiers in advantageous positions. As for Vashaki, he not only skillfully commanded his warriors, but also saved Captain Guy Henry, wounded by a bullet in his face and lying unconscious on the ground. Siou galloped to him to take off his scalp. But here, the Washaki arrived in time to help the officer, and along with the Shoshone named Little Tail and his other soldiers, defended Captain Henry, until the soldiers reached them and carried him to the camp.

Sioux attacks followed one after another and each time the scouts beat them off. Some of them got off their horses and aimed fire at them. Others, on the contrary, rushed into the thick of the fight, where the Indians fought with the Tomahawks, lances and knives, so that all the bushes of wild roses that covered the whole valley were trampled and stained with mud and blood. Many Crow and Shoshone were so carried away by the pursuit of the enemy that they were too far away from their main forces and began to return, and the Sioux in turn began to pursue them.

Meanwhile, General Crook, clearly unaware of the enemy’s great superiority, soon after noon ordered Captain Mills to send his main forces north upstream of the River Rosebud to attack the Sioux camp, which he believed was only a few miles away. Crook reckoned that this would distract the attention of the Indians, and then he would send help to Mills and the battle would be won. However, contrary to his expectations, the enemy not only did not leave the positions, but on the contrary, attacked his center, weakened by the departure of Mills soldiers. Crook quickly realized his mistake and sent messengers to return it back. Fortunately, Mills quickly realized what to do, and, taking his people out of the canyon, described a semicircle on a plain located on a hill, then returning to the battlefield, attacked the main forces of the Sioux from the rear, taking them by surprise. Seeing that they were surrounded, the Sioux Indians galloped off into the prairie, leaving the white people, confused by this strange manner of theirs, to disintegrate and disappear in such lightning manner.

The Sioux Indians are attacking American soldiers at Rosebud. Illustration from the newspaper of the time

The general could celebrate victory, since the battlefield was left behind him, but in reality this battle was his defeat, because to the utmost the tired and wounded soldiers of Crook were unable to continue the battle and even more so to pursue the Indians. They were scattered over a large area, spent nearly twenty-five thousand rounds of ammunition, but at the battlefield they found only the bodies of thirteen Sioux killed! Kruk himself had irretrievable losses in 28 people, counting both Indian scouts and 56 people seriously wounded. All this forced him to return to his base camp at Goose Creek, which he did the next day, that is, he finished the whole thing where he started! And it should be noted that if it were not for the Indian allies of the pale-faced, then ... this clash could turn into an even more severe defeat for him than what was expected of General Custer a few days later!

And in this case, the Americans made the right conclusion from the experience of this war and actively attracted to their side those who for some reason are ready to fight for their interests with their own people! However, the British and the Germans did this in Europe and in the USSR, in a word, this is a worldwide and very effective practice, which nobody should forget about today!
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  1. +13
    31 March 2015 06: 53
    Subsequently, the pale police fully thanked their allies for their invaluable help in the destruction of their blood brothers!
  2. +5
    31 March 2015 07: 00
    And now they do everything with the wrong hands.
  3. +3
    31 March 2015 07: 31
    a global and very effective practice that no one should forget about today!..and the main thing is to draw conclusions ... and take action ..
  4. 0
    31 March 2015 08: 06
    However, many of the prairie Indians in this confrontation supported not the Indians, but the whites. So a few Shoshone tribal leaders, led by the leader Vashaki, decided that it was better to submit to the whites than to fight against them. The leader of the Urath Uray explicitly stated that he liked the way the pale-faced people lived. Being a hospitable man, he did not hesitate to treat his guests with a drink and cigars. Etc., etc. Anglo-Saxons in the best traditions of Roman law - Divide and rule. Which, however, reminds the internecine strife of the Russian princes during the Mongol-Tatar invasion. And even now many were deceived by the "Western way of life and universal values", so willingly proclaimed by our Western opponents for the suckers-liberals who are willing to fall for this nonsense. And so the article itself is very interesting. After all, we mainly know about the life of the Indians from the films with Goiko Mitic.
    1. +2
      April 2 2015 01: 27
      Indeed, we mainly know about the life of Indians from films with Goiko Mitic.

      Films "with Goiko Mitic" by the Defa studio, GDR - were shot according to good literary superiors, with serious consultants-historians and ethnologists.
      Here is a series about Winnette and Schurhend - popular soup and cranberries. But this is the products of Germany.

      And "defov" films, for example "Apache" - are quite reliable, albeit somewhat generalized, history of the struggle of this people.
  5. +2
    31 March 2015 09: 02
    howl not so much red-skinned and pale-faced howl how many nomads and sedentary people (what a wise man, however, - he understood the essence of the conflict of cultures and civilizations!). And since his caddo tribe belonged to the culture of farmers, this automatically brought him closer to the people of the white race and made him hate the nomads.
    Russian history is full of similar examples. So it’s reasonable to assume that the Indians fought not with the brothers, but quite the opposite
  6. +2
    31 March 2015 09: 30
    pitting of Indian tribes began even during the colonial wars between England and France ...
    Remember "The Last of the Mohicans"? there is the same one tribes for the British - others for the French and, most importantly, everyone enthusiastically slaughter each other
  7. +4
    31 March 2015 11: 55
    Quote: Russian Uzbek
    pitting of Indian tribes began even during the colonial wars between England and France ...
    Remember "The Last of the Mohicans"? there is the same one tribes for the British - others for the French and, most importantly, everyone enthusiastically slaughter each other

    But the main thing has not changed after three centuries - the Russians are cutting each other in Ukraine; Muslims in the Middle East, and the geography of the massacre has only been growing since 2011. In Europe, the farther the greater the likelihood of a conflict between aliens and indigenous ... Only here the Americans and the Britons for some reason sit quietly and rub their hands ...
    1. 0
      April 2 2015 01: 39
      pitting of Indian tribes began even during the colonial wars between England and France ...
      Remember "The Last of the Mohicans"? there is the same one tribes for the British - others for the French and, most importantly, everyone enthusiastically slaughter each other
      But the main thing has not changed after three centuries - the Russians are cutting each other in Ukraine; Muslims in the Middle East, and the geography of the massacre has only been growing since 2011. In Europe, the farther the greater the likelihood of a conflict between aliens and indigenous ... Only here the Americans and the Britons for some reason sit quietly and rub their hands ...

      It should be recognized that cutting each other is in the nature of humans (Cain-Abel). And if suddenly you read somewhere that there have been so many years without a war in world history, you should understand that either we are talking about Europe, or those or other clashes were not recognized as a "war".

      babies take away toys, teenagers beat those who are not from our yard (schools, streets, villages), "real boys" divide zones of influence, and so on ...

      The wise Monkey King always preferred to sit on a hill, watching the tigers clash in the valley.
      Mao told this parable to Stalin. Newspapers laughed. But look: while the two superpowers were measured with the words of China, the PRC rose.

      Pale-folks showed wisdom by destroying their enemies with their own hands. I am very sorry for the Indians, but their story could not have been otherwise.

      And we should "wind up" and "hack to death".
  8. +1
    31 March 2015 17: 37
    Now few Americans know how numerous and diverse the Indian tribes were culturally, and also are in complete ignorance of their life and harmony with nature.
    1. 0
      April 2 2015 02: 03
      Now few Americans know how numerous and diverse the Indian tribes were culturally, and also are in complete ignorance of their life and harmony with nature.

      This "now" was about a hundred years ago.
      All the diversity of Indian cultures is in the public domain. And as many Americans know about him as the citizens of the Russian Federation are able to distinguish the Chukchi from the Nivkh or Mansi. How many of our people have read "Olonkho" and seen the dancing of Chukchi girls? And it's worth it.
      Siberia differs little from Canada in indigenous culture. Is that a little more iron.
      Now in the USA it is customary to be proud if you have even a drop of Native American blood (like: this is my land). The Indians after a deep decline and depression experienced a cultural renaissance, moreover, relying on pale-faced libraries.
      And their harmony with nature inspired hippies very much. It is a pity that now she remained only in the wilds of the Amazon.
  9. +4
    31 March 2015 18: 30
    Sorry for the Indians. Fearless warriors, they deserved a better fate.
  10. 0
    April 1 2015 02: 57
    An interesting article - I would like to read something similar
  11. 0
    28 January 2016 22: 24
    Russia had its own "Indian wars" - the resistance of the Chukchi, for example
  12. 0
    18 January 2018 11: 51
    Quote: actively attracted to their side those who for some reason are ready to fight for their interests with their own people. For Shoshone, Sioux were not their people, please do not exaggerate. In fact, the Indian tribes brutally exterminated each other on an ongoing basis, then the white came and exterminated those who exterminated each other since possessed more advanced weapons, resources and numerical superiority. The Indians in the tribal wars were not humane at all, they exterminated, tortured and tortured indiscriminately gender and age. They had such a way of life, there was no romanticism there for a gram-every second fight for survival, resources and fame.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

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