2.0 industrialization

2.0 industrialization

Visiting "Tomorrow" is the chairman of the Development Movement, publicist, statesman, political and public figure. We are talking about the possibility of new industrialization and a new type of urbanization - low-rise cities in Russia.

"TOMORROW". Yury Vasilyevich, today before our eyes the liberal world, the western cosmopolitan system is changing the skin. From soft liberalism, which, however, has always been associated with bombing, with humanitarian military operations, the world is moving to a fascist system. If you wish, to sodomo-fascism, since the theme of the perversion of humanity today also sounds. Russia is a kind of as yet unimpressed, maybe not persistent, but alternative. What could be, in your opinion, our Russian, Russian alternative project, not only for ourselves, but for the whole world?

Yury KRUPNOV. Liberal project today has become simply uninteresting. It seems to me that Russia is ready to offer a planetary development project, a project in the interests of all mankind. What you said about fascism, the next stage of liberalism, is, above all, national and civilizational egoism, where everyone opposes everyone. The war of all against all good will not end, especially given the modern weapons.

Russia has the opportunity, based on its traditional culture, on the ideas of neo-traditionalism, to come up with a seemingly simple agenda. First, man is not a god, but he can do a lot. Second, a person is, first of all, a normal large family. And we need to show a large Russian family today. Third, a person is someone who is capable of creating social wealth through new forms of industrialization just as much as is necessary for people to live with dignity. Not gorgeous, not super comfortable, but worthy. The fourth is the redevelopment of all lands. We must leave something in reserve, in the storehouses of mankind, and in no case should we touch it, but we must not leave the earth abandoned, in the abomination of desolation. This is directly related to our country, the Far East, Siberia, the long-suffering Chernozem. This is our personal agenda, but it is of global importance. And finally, the fifth is the very idea of ​​development. If we take the Orthodox-religious category, then the idea of ​​development is a pre-category of transformation. Today, the agenda of the transformation of humanity, which went into space, showing itself to be a great planetary subject, should lead to a completely new understanding of human destiny and human capabilities.

"TOMORROW". Yury Vasilievich, is it possible now in our society to have super-intensive mobilization activities that would be carried out by the government and society together, in a consolidated manner? In this position of ours, can we be saved if we rely only on rational arguments and calculations?

Yury KRUPNOV. We cannot be saved without a miracle. I believe that the question of the survival of Russians in the XNUMXst century is generally a religious and cultural issue. No less, no more. Therefore, I repeat once again, it is extremely difficult, it is practically impossible, but with the right organization, this process can be launched ... within three years! The problem is that we need to get away from the resource-based economism imposed on us. You know in the new economic stories We have already had two periods in Russia, now the third is coming. The first period is, conditionally, the 90s, even 2000-2001 - lack of money. The second period is petrodollar prosperity. If we then made a few stashes in a few weeks, we would have a unique fund for new industrialization, but again we did not. Now, thank God, we are again entering a period of lack of money, when again there is no money. Therefore…

"TOMORROW". Need to spin.

Yury KRUPNOV. ... money is not the problem. I repeat once again - this is a religious and cultural issue. Stalin made a cultural revolution, first of all, which materialized in the new industrialization, in factories, in airplanes, and so on. After all, in 1944 (my favorite number), when we achieved complete air superiority, we built 1944 aircraft in 44. Do you understand? Today I am telling you that we need 100 thousand units of small private aviation by the 30th year. They say: "What are you, are you crazy? How can we make 15 thousand small airplanes in 100 years? It's impossible!" Here is the situation. You see? It is a matter of spirituality, organization and management.

For three years Putin has been talking about new industrialization, because it is a matter of life and death. And it must be solved through "impossible". As you know, life in general is an accidental event, an exception. From the point of view of entropy, physics and death of the Universe in general, life is unnatural.

"TOMORROW". The Western view is based on determinism, on the entropy of humanity and civilization. They do not understand the idea of ​​a miracle.

Yury KRUPNOV. I absolutely agree. This is true. We are dealing with the most primitive neoliberal modern manifestation of the West. Yes, the West is great in spiritual deeds, stones and coffins in the West are holier and more precious than all. But this is somewhere far away hidden, maybe even in the past ...

The most important thing for us today is personality, these are great inventions. The main problem is time and resources. We need work already!

"TOMORROW". The term "industrialization" itself raises questions, since it refers to the great industrialization of the 30-s. This is the past, this is a waste period. Now it is very important to find a new word for our breakthrough. This is the first question. But if this problem is now postponed, solved in the process of movement, then what measures are needed now and what's stopping you? This is the second question.

Yury KRUPNOV. I'll start from the end. Prevents a lack of understanding among the leadership of the country. It is about the lack of understanding, not because of limitations, but the impossibility of spiritual effort. The resource of free time and forces of the highest ranking official is extremely small.

Second point. New industrialization is a technology for the country's development, not an end in itself. Russia should bear the right to development, and export this very development in the form of industry, in the form of human capital, and training. Development ideology is the main thing. Its technological embodiment in a new industrialization. One cannot help but admire the industrialization of the 30s, but today we need to design a completely unique industrialization.

Firstly, I believe that it is necessary to localize the new industrialization in Omsk, or at least in Western Siberia. The main reason and purpose of this choice is to save Siberian cities. Everything is already in Omsk, everything is ready. There are still old people left - great designers and engineers. There are talented, very well-educated youth. Secondly, we must go to Central Asia. We need to take a colossal Central Asian market for our new industrialization: Pakistan - 200 million, Afghanistan, Iran and the former Soviet Central Asia. This is a minimum of 350 million people - an economically basic sufficient unit to form a common market.

"TOMORROW". And besides the idea of ​​concentrating, creating an intellectual and production site for new industrialization, are there any other parallel projects within this mega-action?

Yury KRUPNOV. Of course. First of all, we must cover the whole country with a network of industrial development clusters. Omsk could become the capital of the new industrialization, just the main one among other advanced cities.

And here it is important to understand correctly what a cluster is. A cluster is the ability to produce a unique product. A striking example of the production of a unique product is the Bordeaux wine cluster. It is clear that it makes no sense to create Bordeaux wines, say, in Chile, because there you need to cultivate your fine wines. Another example. On the Pacific coast of the United States, there is a small northern town where some materials for the space industry were produced, and then they accidentally tried to make golf clubs. And it turned out that the composition of the plastics used for the clubs is simply optimal. And now the best golf clubs are made there, and everyone knows that there is a small town near Seattle where these best golf clubs are made.

The ability to produce a world-class leading product is the basis for organizing new industrialization. In particular, at the Vostochny cosmodrome, we must immediately build, as I suggested in 2007, a Far East space cluster in terms of the production of unique products: lunar programs, Martian programs, satellite programs, and so on. But if we do not produce a unique product, then, unfortunately, we slide down to the late Soviet theory of the sectoral principle and the territorial-industrial complex, when everything seems to be correct, but at the same time the issue of intension, spiritual height is removed.

"TOMORROW". And the design principle.

Yury KRUPNOV. And the design principle is missing. We tied everything up, so what? The global market for coal, metal, and so on has fallen. And we are in flight.

The second point, of course, is to single out some end-to-end breakthrough industries that set this intensity and maximum effort - the selection of the best boys and girls. We have the leaders of world science - both fundamental and applied. 5-7 industries can be built on their basis.

And the third point is infrastructure. For example, our rivers are not used. In particular, when I talk about Omsk, the necessary project "Great Irtysh" immediately pops up. China, Kazakhstan and Russia should perform together here, because we have a colossal river problem. If we carry out at least minimal hydrotechnical transformations, we will be able to make this river, in fact, a supporting infrastructure for new industrialization.

"TOMORROW". One of the meanings of the Soviet era was Stalin’s accelerated urbanization. Perhaps it was necessary in the context of industrialization, in the context of impending war, and so on. But this urbanization today has largely exhausted itself. Is there a way to overcome urbanization or translate it into some other, human channel?

Yury KRUPNOV. Today we need to move towards a different type of urbanization. I even introduced such a concept - landscape-estate urbanization. We are talking about low-rise urbanization, low-rise settlement with the preservation of all our municipal districts and small towns. Such tissue settlement was in many ways characteristic of pre-revolutionary Russia - and this is just a different type of urbanization.

At the same time, the level of communication should not decrease. Through the means of transport and communication, this intensity must be maintained. The concentration of the culture should not decrease. For example, a conservatory should be located not only in Moscow, or only in cities with a population of one million, it should go further and appear in new places of the settlement. There is no talk of abandoning urban culture; a different urban culture will simply appear. To make it is our joint task.

Now in the megalopolis urbanization is happening what is characteristic of the countries of the "third world" - gigantic cities where people live in boxes, because there you can earn at least half a dollar a day, and nothing can be earned a hundred kilometers from this metropolis.

"TOMORROW". The question arises about the methods of settlement. In the 60s of the twentieth century in France, the architect Michel Ragon published the book "Architecture of the Future", which presented many different projects. These projects in the 60s did not seem fantastic, they seemed to be realizable. Half a century has passed, and nothing has happened in this direction. No new ways of settling have appeared, neither in the West, nor in our country. New architectural principles did not appear, new materials were not used. What exists in this regard now? Are there any developments, how and from what to create new settlements, on what principles should they be created? After all, let's say, there is an idea, it is not only Russian, but Russian architects took part in it - Konstantin Pchelnikov and Lezhava is a linear city. I call this city transpolia, when the lines of villages run along the highway, this is both closeness to nature and the proximity of communications. There are some other principles, eco-cities, for example. What other implementations can you expect? Are there any concepts, do institutions work, do people work?

Yury KRUPNOV. I am grateful that you are raising this question, in my opinion, it is central today. Unfortunately, our outstanding city planners, town planners, architects, such as Ilya Georgievich Lezhava, are not in demand today. The government, the president should make an appointment with them and discuss how we can equip and transform the country, but this is not happening. The situation is absurd, because these are people who should be prioritized, but no one listens to them. For me personally, this is insulting, but from the point of view of the design and development of the country, this is an elementary non-proprietor attitude towards the outstanding personnel that we have.

You are absolutely right about the need for new principles. But it seems to me that there are two more fundamental points here.

The first point is that through the new urban planning policy (I even call it the urban planning revolution), we must show an example of the country's transformation (what we started with is the Russian idea). We must show that Russians are not the ones who supposedly spiritually live in mud with terrible ruins-cities and bad asphalt. We must transform the country for the convenience of life, for the quality of life, and show what a person can do when he is properly organized socially and politically. The second point is our already existing settlement system.

Everything should be discussed, the issue should be the subject of national discussion. I see the linear city of Ilya Georgievich as an outstanding example of something that can become the subject of serious discussion, because everything else is about nothing. But there should be 5-7 more such different concepts for discussion.

I promote the program "1000 new cities for Russia." It does not speak about the construction of cities in the taiga from scratch, or on the moon, it is about relying on our Russian traditional cities, always with the preservation of the entire cultural and historical heritage. It is important to preserve the low number of floors, with a gradual reformatting, reorganization of existing cities.

But the most important thing now is not even the ideas that someone will express, the main thing is that we must have the headquarters of the town-planning revolution. This should be the Presidential Council, there should be frontal design, frontal ideas, where people do not just discuss, but there is an awareness that this is a subject of strategic planning.

We will perish without new industrialization. New industrialization is strategic youth employment that is the foundation of cities. After all, cities are not some settlements scattered for pleasure and recreation (relatively speaking, dacha relations). New cities are, first of all, clusters of industrial development based on modern technologies. Therefore, without a city-planning revolution and strategic planning, without the fact that we rely on our traditional cities, nothing will come of it.

Our problem is that now no one knows how to work. We are a seriously destroyed country. Today we do not understand how something can be done. When I was in Dushanbe, we went to the city of Nurek, where the famous Nurek hydroelectric power station is located, a beauty - the world's tallest dam (304 m). This is a super project, it is inspiring! Just imagine, in the Soviet Union, 10 research institutes (SRIs) have been designing this dam for 105 years. Today I am afraid that we will not count any 105 research institutes. And then they consolidated the project. Moreover, the Nurek hydroelectric power station was arranged in such a way that after two earthquakes it became even more earthquake-resistant.

"TOMORROW". Now it seems to us that they were built by aliens, another civilization ...

But it is interesting that the Soviet Union, with a global scope of all problems, did not formulate the concept of a "Russian house". Why did this happen and is there any work in this direction now? Is it possible to formulate this typical house, which, on the one hand, will be cheap, because it is typical, and on the other hand, suitable for life and for development, so that this is the very bowl in which the future Russia will live?

Yury KRUPNOV. The Soviet Union was opposed to low-rise housing and private houses precisely because it was "private housing", not public. It was so until the last moment. Leonid Petrovich Batalin, the last representative of the USSR State Construction Committee, was able to push through a resolution on permission to build private houses at the inconvenience - "at least somewhere."

Today we need to think of cities and build low-rise cities. This is a banal imperative from the point of view of ecology, and family-demographic policy, and from the point of view of housing.

There are already 2-3 structures of such a house. Then they can be replicated. I call them Russian huts. In a sense, the Russian House really is the essence of the planetary development that we can offer. Soviet-Russian design is a special type. This is our "know-how", this is our neo-traditionalism. We have to stand up for this.

The Russian house is in demand for one simple reason: if in 2035 we don’t have 60% 3-4-children, then our country will die off permanently. This is a demographic imperative.

"TOMORROW". In the pavilion of the metro station "Baumanskaya" the inscription "Let us turn the country into a single military camp" remains. The name of Comrade Stalin who said this is erased, but, nevertheless, this very slogan can now be very relevant.

Yury KRUPNOV. It's time for us to realize these words again. Russia's dignity is at stake. In fact, it was not Crimea that returned home - it was Russia that began to return home!

1 comment
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  1. 0
    27 March 2015 18: 22
    Many correct words, but no sense. What needs to be built and developed is clear for a long time and without an author. And to the questions "how?" and most importantly "due to what?" there is no answer, and does not smell.
    А "100 thousand units of small private aviation" - this is from the region "35000 couriers alone" and to transport soup by steamers from Paris © NV Gogol "The Inspector General". Where are the aerodromes and hangars for maintenance? You can't sit on a potato field and you can't serve a plane with a sledgehammer.