The personnel resource of the “color revolutions”: on whom does the USA rely in provoking chaos?

In the modern world, the skillfully provoked popular discontent, manifested in the form of all kinds of “Maidan” and “color revolutions”, has become one of the most powerful and effective tools of political influence. The most willing to technology change regimes through supposedly "popular revolution" are resorted to by the United States of America, which, through its controlled social and political organizations and movements, sway public sentiments in many countries of the world. For the preparation and conduct of “color revolutions” that have very similar features, regardless of the ethnic, cultural, geographical characteristics of individual states, the United States and its satellites use several major resources. In this article we will try to characterize each of them.

"Extra-parliamentary opposition": from the Nazis to the ultra-liberals

Let's start with the first resource used to form the “core” of the upcoming distemper. This is the so-called "opposition". It includes a very wide range of political and public organizations, between which, at first glance, there is nothing in common. First of all, these are small organizations of “intellectuals” - human rights associations, all kinds of centers for the development of tolerance, feminist, youth and other initiatives, totally dependent on foreign grants. Leading activists of these organizations are on salary, that is, they, for the most part, do nothing but social activities. This is their job, for which they receive money - hence their passion for “work”. In addition, activists often pass regular internships in the West - in the United States and some European countries, where they acquire the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge. By the way, all such organizations are easily recognized by a specific slang, which is not used by anyone other than "Western intellectuals." For example, St. Petersburg feminists recently posted a banner “Down with the gender military capitalist heteronormative religious cultural imperialism”. Here it is immediately clear where the "legs grow" from - normal people do not speak like that and, moreover, the majority of passers-by are not even able to understand what the authors of the slogan meant. However, the feminists didn’t need understanding from the majority of the population - the main thing is to make it clear to their overseas owners that grants are not eaten in vain and no work is being done.

Often, external respectability to such destructive associations gives moral support to foreign "intellectual authorities". Although what they are "authorities"? Madonna supported the action “Pussy Rayot”, but the ability to sing well and effectively behave on the stage does not mean that the singer is also adept at political life, especially of another state. French philosopher Bernard Henri Levy loves to drive around the "Maidan", supporting anti-government movements in Libya and Syria, Serbia and Ukraine. But this is his profession - the propagandist of Western values, the political politician of the new world order. Is this profession can give him credibility in the eyes of normal people?

In the Russian Federation, practically in every city there are various “independent human rights organizations”, “environmentalists”, “fighters for human rights”, “feminists” and other similar groups that rent premises and have a modest but effective material-technical and organizational base. Very often, activists of these groups, who present themselves as non-political and non-ideological, in reality turn out to be politically engaged, participate in demonstrations and rallies of an opposition nature. The task of these organizations is to maximally discredit the state by collecting information about the alleged violation of human rights. It is significant that those same feminists are not interested in the situation of women in Saudi Arabia or Qatar, but they regularly send reports to their Western curators about the "violation of women's rights in the Russian Federation." The situation is similar for advocates of the rights of sexual minorities. An LGBT activist in the modern world is not so much a homosexual as a certain conviction, or, more precisely, a professional oppositionist who simply uses the image of an “offended homosexual” to provoke the population.

The second level of “opposition” is political parties and associations. They can be of a very different political orientation, the main thing is to oppose the current government. The latter is exposed in all mortal sins, is defined only as tyranny, despotism, and bloody regime. The fact that the opposition is acting in the interests of the United States is evidenced by the complete ideological lack of principle in the conclusion of blocs and unions. When parties and movements become allies, between which, by definition, there can be nothing in common, then most often there are “meetings of opposition leaders with the American ambassador” in the history. Simply put - the leaders of opposition organizations are recruited by American diplomats and begin to act in the interests of the United States. A typical example is the situation in Ukraine at the end of 2013.
It would seem that there can be a common thing between liberals - Westerners from the capital's intelligentsia, paramilitary neo-Nazi groups a la “Trident Stepan Bandera”, anarchists, Trotskyists and other ideologically completely diametrically opposed organizations? However, they all merged into a single stream of Maidan. That is, the overthrow of the current government turned out to be their most important goal, for the sake of which the anarchists and the Trotskyists were ready to go in a single column with supporters of wild capitalism, and neo-Nazis-anti-Semites with liberals of Jewish origin. The same picture could be observed precisely in most countries of the Middle East and North Africa, where “color revolutions” occurred, which were included in history as the Arab Spring.

In Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, ultra-radical Islamic fundamentalists, market liberals and leftist groups were in the same team. It should be noted that the “opposition” has no definite common ideology. It operates on the principle of "against the regime", not offering any constructive model in return. Its task is purely tactical - to overthrow the regime of Gaddafi, Mubarak, Assad, Yanukovych, Putin. At the same time, the slogans and ideas put forward by the organizations - the constituent components of the “color revolutions” and “Maidans” - have no meaning. Therefore, one of the most common mistakes of the Russian patriots is the identification of the Kiev "Maidan" and the regime that came to power with Ukrainian nationalism and Bandera. All radical nationalist organizations that participated in the Maidan have long lost their ideological content. They are simply puppets in the hands of American puppeteers and the color of their banners, the contents of printed and electronic publications by and large does not mean anything. It was just that in a given country and at the moment it was convenient to act using nationalists as a screen, in another situation the Americans would act with the hands of leftists — anarchists, religious fundamentalists, or “rebel workers”.

The combat potential of the Internet

The next important resource used by American politicians and special services in the preparation of "color revolutions" is the Internet. The rich capabilities of information and communication technologies ensured the success of a number of “color revolutions” in different parts of the world. In modern society, the Internet is a virtually inexhaustible information resource, characterized not only by the speed and mobility of access to information, but also by the presence of a serious organizational potential. Among all media, only the Internet has the ability to “feedback”, consolidate information consumers. With the help of the Internet, it is much easier to organize mass movements, rather than relying on traditional media - television, radio, newspapers. A model of so-called multi-level communication functions on the Internet, which greatly simplifies the process of assimilating information: an Internet project (event) acts as an incentive for public reaction; the next stage is the public reaction in the mass media and, finally, to attract the attention of the audience to which this information is directed. In modern conditions, the Internet plays the role of a kind of intellectual space where a variety of ideas and opinions are developed, discussed and disseminated.

Returning to the main topic of our article, it should be noted that social networks have the greatest significance for the organization of social protests and revolutionary speeches. It is with the help of social networks in the modern world that people are consolidated to achieve any socially significant goals. Under the conditions of atomization inherent in modern society, social networks are becoming the most effective tool for bringing together thousands of people unfamiliar with each other, belonging to completely different social and professional groups of the population. With the help of social networks, you can organize a prompt notification of the audience about upcoming events, recruit supporters and look for the most active among them, collect money, distribute relevant information.

Facebook, Twitter, and to a lesser extent, the domestic social network Vkontakte have long become a powerful resource not only for propaganda and agitation, but also for organizing social and political movements.

The personnel resource of the “color revolutions”: on whom does the USA rely in provoking chaos?

Thanks to social networks, online activity of people begins to gradually transform into real activity, which is no longer limited to the monitor and the virtual space of the created group or forum. By consolidating in social networks, people begin to act in real space. In particular, the importance of social networks is great in those states whose authorities “old-fashioned” focus on the fight against street opposition activity. The same is true in Russia - prohibiting largely innocent street actions, the government practically does not control the vastness of the Internet space in terms of its propaganda capabilities. As a result, pro-Ukrainian, pro-American and anti-Russian portals, communities in social networks are quietly operating on the Internet, Russophobic information is being freely distributed.

Supporters of state-controlled “libertarian” Russian mass media usually refer to the following arguments: the Internet is flooded with negative information, first of all with pornography, often with children’s information; drug use or suicide is promoted on the Internet; The Internet is a hub for countless texts, video and audio recordings of radical and extremist interpretations. At the same time, the brunt of the criticism falls on social networks that have received maximum popularity in Russia. Communication resources such as Vkontakte, Facebook and Twitter face numerous accusations of distributing illegal content. is less criticized, and even then primarily because their main audience is middle-aged Russian philistine interested in communicating with former classmates, classmates, and co-workers.

According to VTsIOM, 2012% of the total number of Internet users in the territory of the Russian Federation was registered on social networks in 82. Indeed, social networks currently reach millions of citizens, the majority of whom are young people. A lot of teenagers and even children up to 14 use social networks almost uncontrollably. According to public figures concerned about the moral and ethical condition of the younger generation, the obsession of adolescents in social networking does not bring anything good and can rather be regarded as harmful for their morality and psyche experience.

By the way, the failure of the state educational policy is one of the main risk factors of the “color revolutions”. Most of the Russian intelligentsia, workers of art and culture, still in the “dashing nineties” adopted the mercantilist and selfish values ​​of personal success and well-being, understood, first of all, in the material context - as the achievement of maximum financial and property wealth, the acquisition of branched ties among officials , law enforcement officers, businessmen and representatives of organized crime.

It is safe to say that a significant number of modern Russian families do not perform such an important education function as broadcasting to subsequent generations of spiritual values, including morality, morality, legal values ​​and behavioral attitudes. One of the reasons for this is the loss of moral guidelines by the parents themselves, many of whom were young in the 1990s, accompanied by the devaluation of values ​​and ideological attitudes and the spread of various social deviations. On the other hand, the Russian state, as we can assume, does not sufficiently solve the issues of providing decent living conditions for low-income families, single-parent families, single mothers and single fathers, etc.

In many cases, it is for the first time in a family that a young person learns a disregard for the norms of morality and law, is absorbed by the specific psychology of the “legal nihilist” who is focused on violating the law in the interests of his own advantage and improving his own well-being. It is also impossible not to take into account a significant number of incomplete and “difficult” families in which children and adolescents are left to themselves, none of the parents are engaged in their upbringing, which also entails extremely negative consequences in terms of the legal socialization of the personality of young people brought up in such families . In recent years, the Russian state has begun to pay attention to the issues of material incentives for Russian families, but up to now many problems in the field of family policy have not been resolved. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of their decision also determines the revival of moral and ethical values ​​in Russian families, including in the direction of asserting patriotic values ​​to the younger generations of Russian citizens.

Opponents of the popularization of social networks see in them only negative factors - pornography, profanization of interpersonal communication, permissiveness and irresponsibility in the end. Some people who had to deal with in various forums in the very vast expanses of Runet, advocate a ban on the use of social networks by minors. Not realizing that in the conditions of mass computerization and the internetization of society, such a ban will not only be elementary, it is simply meaningless. Even in such states as China or Iran, social networks can function, although they meet with mixed reactions from conservative-minded politicians and public figures.

However, fighting the Internet only on the basis that its resources can be used by criminals or terrorists is tantamount to attempts to prohibit or restrict the use of telephone wire or mobile communications. Patriotic citizens, if they really don’t want to “criminalize” the virtual space or use it only with anti-Russian multi-colored elements, should not fight the Internet as such, but strive to condense constructive content. Let good, really useful and positively significant information on the Internet becomes more and more and more numerous categories of people get access to it. In the end, the Internet is only a tool, a communication tool, and you need to be able to use it in your own interests.

The specificity of social networks is that it is extremely difficult for the state to control information flows in social networks. While the network administrators close one group with forbidden content, the second, third, fourth time has appeared. Therefore, the relevant authorities need to improve methods of work in social networks, on the other hand, patriotic citizens, political and public organizations of a patriotic orientation should also increase their presence on the Internet. Because to give the Internet information space to the anti-Russian forces means to act extremely short-sighted, ignoring one of the most effective social mobilization resources.
With the help of social networks, the opposition organizes the spread of anti-government sentiment among wide sections of the population. It should be noted that the majority of Internet users are young people and “young adults”. It is people in the age of 16-30 that both in the Arab countries, in Ukraine, and in modern Russia are the main users of the Internet, especially social networks. But the same age and the most "combat-ready" in terms of street performances. Thus, winning the sympathy of the audience of social networks, pro-American opposition movements are preparing a massive support from the young and active population. Even random people who have never been interested in politics before and who have not taken part in the activities of political parties and movements are involved in opposition activities under the influence of propaganda in social networks. Moreover, by no means in all cases they realize the degree of their involvement in the political activity of the opposition, since the latter can control and direct the activities of various communities in social networks.

Creatives and lumpen - ordinary street fighting

Mass support for anti-government protests is provided primarily by several groups of people who are most actively involved in street protests. We list them.

First, it is the urban “advanced” youth, or the so-called “creative class”. This is the main part of Internet users, members of online communities. Educated young people are representatives of the urban middle class, more precisely, of its lower stratum: students, journalists, designers, photographers, managers, small business owners, white-collar workers. As a rule, it is this group of the population that tends to share the so-called “democratic values” expressed in worship of the Western way of life, the cult of individual freedom, considered in a primitive-philistine spirit (through free sexual behavior, the possibility of uncontrolled drug use, and so on). It is the “creative class” that constitutes the “intellectual center” of the anti-government movement - its representatives disseminate relevant information in social networks, participate in rallies and picketing, come up with slogans. Some representatives of the “creative class” make good sacred sacrifices according to the “twenty-year-old botanist student who is brutally beaten up by the police during the dispersal of the demonstration”.

However, the “creative class”, for all its creative activity, is characterized by poor combat capability. Students and designers for the most part are bad warriors and they don’t even do well in riots. Therefore, in all countries where the “color revolutions” took place, sooner or later, an element that was more aggressive and physically adapted to the riots — urban and rural marginal and lumpen-proletarian layers — was involved in street clashes. It is difficult to inspire the latter with the ideology of “democratic values”, but nationalist and fundamentalist religious slogans are just in their hearts. In the Arab countries, the marginal layers that made up the bulk of the street fighters, and then the militants of anti-government armed groups, were motivated by fundamentalist slogans, in Ukraine - by radical Russophobic nationalism.

Marginal youth - "cannon fodder" "color revolutions." The spread of protest moods among it is a common consequence of the legal nihilism characteristic of these segments of the population. The imperfection of the Russian legal system, corruption and abuse in the executive, legislative and judicial authorities, social polarization of society and some other factors contribute to the spread of radical sentiment among the youth, especially among the disadvantaged, unemployed, socially unsatisfied youth. A low level of education and general development also contributes to the radicalization of young people, since in this case citizens may not be aware of the legal consequences of certain actions. In addition, the level of education, as a rule, affects the social status of a person, his position in society, and in many respects predetermines the social environment in which a person rotates. Naturally, poorly educated people who do not have professional qualifications, who are not working and not studying are much more likely to commit unlawful acts, primarily because of their marginal position in society. Considering the general deterioration in the quality of education, the decline in its accessibility for certain categories of the population, the legal illiteracy of the population turns into a serious problem, aggravated by numerous negative phenomena of a different order.

A significant part of the "fighters" is recruited in the countryside, among the unemployed and the impoverished population. Untrained people easily assimilate radical ideas, especially if the latter are reinforced with gratuitous cookies from the American embassy and, even more, with a bottle of vodka or a syringe with a narcotic substance. By themselves, marginals are not able to generate and disseminate ideology, but they become excellent tools in the hands of others. Moreover, they are absolutely not sorry. If representatives of the “creative class” can still cause some pity to the puppeteers in the event of their death, then the marginality of the village and the city, rushing to the barricades is just “meat”. They are thrown to the slaughter, at any point of confrontation, completely without regret in the event of their death. Of course, the formally lost “heroes” may mourn crocodile tears, but in reality the fate of unemployed Ahmed and rooks from deaf Arab or Galician villages does not have much interest. Thus, an analysis of the list of those killed on Euromaidan - the so-called “Heavenly Hundred” - reveals that most of them arrived in the Ukrainian capital from small towns and villages in Western Ukraine. The natives of the towns of Ternopil, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn regions make up the main part of the list of those killed on Euromaidan. However, there are among them foreign citizens, first of all - natives of Georgia. Apparently - these are professional and semi-professional "freedom fighters". Many such foreigners took part in the "color revolutions" in Arab countries.

Betrayal of the elite

Finally, we come to the most important resource of pro-American subversive activity. These are the “fifth” and “sixth” columns in the ruling elite. There are a lot of bureaucrats recruited, purchased or potentially ready for this by national traitors. And in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, and in Ukraine, “color revolutions” would not have been possible without the betrayal of the ruling elite, including the current ministers, deputies, the generals of the army, the police and the special services. No opposition parties, human rights groups, and gatherings of students and marginals could ensure the triumph of the “color revolutions” without complicity on the part of ministers, deputies and generals recruited by US special services. A typical example is Ukraine, where the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych passed with the actual connivance of the majority of uniformed services, primarily the command and management personnel.

The “color revolutions” are distinguished from genuine revolutions, first of all, by the preservation of the dominant positions of a part of the former political elite. So, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in most post-Soviet states, the old party and Komsomol nomenklatura retained its position. Of course, one of the party officials was “overboard” of the new political life, but the majority of functionaries of various levels successfully settled in the changed conditions. In the power structures, regional and local authorities, personnel renewal practically did not occur. Similarly, events developed 2014, and in Ukraine. Most of the officials of the old government remained in their places. Even such odious figures as Gennady Kernes have kept their posts. The political leadership of Ukraine was headed by the same company that was in power under the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko and even Viktor Yanukovych.

It is curious that the leaders of the Russian opposition are more and more from the “power pack”. Alexey Kudrin and Mikhail Kasyanov are now zealously criticizing the existing political system, but relatively recently both of them were in the highest echelons of the “Putin” political elite. Kasyanov, who plays the role of opposition leader, was the whole chairman of the government of the Russian Federation — the second person in the country. Boris Nemtsov, who was recently killed in the center of Moscow in the Yeltsin years, was deputy prime minister, headed one of the most economically significant areas of the country. Thus, the United States, undermining the political systems of unwanted states, relies primarily on individual members of the political elite. It is worth noting that in many respects this situation is also due to the specifics of the political structure of those countries where the “color revolutions” are winning. It is no secret that in the same Ukraine, under the presidency of Yanukovich, there was a very high level of corruption. But a corrupt official is practically a traitor, you can easily buy it or, in extreme cases, blackmail it. The political elite bathing in luxury is also of great interest to the enemy. Especially if capital is kept in Western banks, wives, children and mistresses live there - these are ready agents of influence.

Socio-economic collapse 1990-ies. led to the disorientation of a large part of the population. Values ​​of enrichment in any way, status assertions from the standpoint of power or money began to prevail in the minds of many Russian citizens, in particular, business representatives and government officials who were most closely associated with the process of redistributing property. It is the loss of moral guidelines that led to an increase in the level of corruption, the establishment of non-legal relations as the most desirable decision-making mechanisms. Obtaining money and other privileges for certain actions are considered corrupt officials as confirmation of their own privileged status across the state, region or municipality. On the other hand, among ordinary citizens, thanks to such behavior of state and municipal servants, prejudices are spreading with respect to the entire system of power, which is beginning to be endowed with features of a corrupt and criminal structure.

None of those countries in the world where the “color revolutions” have won has lived better than before. Moreover, the once stable Egypt, which attracted tourists from all over the world, has become almost a “hot spot”. Libya is simply destroyed as a state. Iraq is destroyed as a state. In Syria, where the attempt to "color revolution" choked after President Bashar Al-Assad showed courage and thoroughly "crushed" the opposition, a bloody civil war has been going on for several years. The consequence of “Euromaidan” in Ukraine was by no means the achievement of European well-being, but the beginning of a large-scale and bloody war in the Donbass, in which tens of thousands of people died and continue to die - militias, civilians, and Ukrainian military, most of whom were forcibly mobilized into the current the army.

“Color revolutions” become possible under the condition of the actual absence of the state ideology, the progressive decomposition of the political elite, the affirmation of westernized values ​​among that part of society that must be advanced, avant-garde in its development - among intellectuals, students, and creative youth. In the face of weakening control over the country's political life, a liberal attitude towards anti-state opposition forces, susceptibility to all sorts of negative political tendencies increases, which the interested forces across the ocean will take advantage of. The state needs to act more firmly against potential enemies and disruptive elements, and the society to be more vigilant about the manifestations of its corrosive tendencies.
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  1. +4
    27 March 2015 04: 56
    "Down with gender military capitalist heteronormative religious cultural imperialism" - oh! Do they even understand what is written on their poster?
    1. Alex_Popovson
      27 March 2015 10: 01
      I understood everything, why don't they understand?
      1. +4
        27 March 2015 10: 50
        Quote: Alex_Popovson
        I got it

        then explain ... capitalist ... imperialism ... how is it?
        Rather than overreacting over such nonsense, it would be better to write "Down with Russia" wassat
        1. Alex_Popovson
          27 March 2015 22: 18
          Not "Down with Russia", but simply "Total-Power-Capital-over-the-politics of absolutely all-states." There is a difference.
    2. -2
      27 March 2015 17: 32
      I disagree with the author of the article about social networks: not so long ago (this year) a group was blocked on VKontakte - "Stop the occupation of Karelia" (several hundred participants - in general, not enough for a group on Vkontakte, and many people who were in the group not from Russia - VKontakte is popular abroad as well). Roskomnadzor blocked the group.

      And here, for example, there is such a group "this country cannot be defeated" (about Russia) - a patriotic group - 1 subscribers.

      So the author clearly underestimated the actions of the federal authorities in social networks. Another thing is that it is impossible to block such groups on Facebook or Twitter, since they are not on Russian servers. But VKontakte Russian social network - servers are located in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

      Put a minus article.
      1. jjj
        27 March 2015 18: 04
        Yesterday I looked at an extremely informative selection of studies about poop. This is not a heck, but a real big scientific work with a lot of discoveries. The first of the absolutely proven is that the intestines are directly connected to the brain and can affect the brain. The second - bacteria of microflora, acting on the intestines, affect the brain. From what and how a person eats, depends on his behavior, psychological state, character. Weak-minded can become a hero and vice versa.
        Then I start thinking. Why are the Russian people so patient and heroic at the same time? This is facilitated by a historically established diet that contains bacteria that influence this behavior. Unfortunately, I didn't remember the names of the bacteria. But they are isolated and everything is verified by experiments. And if you change the diet. For example, for beach packs. Over time, some bacteria are removed and others settle, which make you seek adventure. Why were representatives of the office community so willing to go to Bolotnaya? And their gastronomic preferences largely contributed to this. But after all, these preferences are imposed on the mass media, cinema, life examples of each "successful" colleagues. It turns out that the people of the state, which must be enslaved, can be influenced through the intestines.
        It somehow made me uneasy. It is only pleasing that our people for the most part do not betray the traditional way of life. Shatok bacon, pickled cucumber, potatoes from your garden, buckwheat porridge, fish, brown bread, ginger vodka - this is our defense.
        All this may seem nonsense. But they talked about one bacterium, which with food enters the intestines to the mouse. The mouse becomes fearless and is not at all afraid of a cat. A cat will quickly catch and eat such a mouse. So that same bacterium feels best and develops in the intestines of a cat
  2. +12
    27 March 2015 06: 06
    Everything is written correctly and laid out on the right shelves. The bad thing is that since the beginning of the 90s the state has not paid attention to youth at all. A whole generation has grown up, and the next ones are coming, people for whom the word Motherland is an empty phrase, the desire only for consumerism is the norm. And this is fertile ground for supporters of white tape movements.
    1. +3
      27 March 2015 07: 02
      Quote: rotmistr60
      A whole generation has grown up, and the next ones are coming, people for whom the word Motherland is an empty phrase, the desire only for consumerism is the norm. And this is fertile ground for supporters of white tape movements.

      Do not worry, many young people believe that their fathers and grandfathers sold the USSR for sausage.
    2. +2
      27 March 2015 15: 17
      What is the "state"? What are you talking about? Social-Darwinian greedy filthy monster, not the state. Tsapki, yesterday's bandits, rule locally in regions and towns. And in the government there are greedy former members of the CPSU Central Committee and their relatives. That's the whole alignment.
      And they have the same goal - stuffing their pockets with dough and eating into four throats, and also dominating the rest of the population in the style of "I am the boss - you."
    3. 0
      27 March 2015 17: 49
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Everything is written correctly and laid out on the right shelves. The bad thing is that since the beginning of the 90s the state has not paid attention to youth at all. A whole generation has grown up, and the next ones are coming, people for whom the word Motherland is an empty phrase, the desire only for consumerism is the norm. And this is fertile ground for supporters of white tape movements.

      If so, why did Crimea become part of Russia? - 96% voted for Russia. Young people voted for Russia, otherwise there would not have been such a percentage. How did it happen that in Ukraine - and Crimea was Ukraine (as many as 23 years - enough for the cultivation of "") young people did not fall under the "white ribbon" influence. It turns out that not everything is determined by social networks and sites.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +2
    27 March 2015 06: 57
    And what to do in such a situation? Declare a free hunt for grantosos? Moreover, preventive, and not upon the fact of speeches. And nobody already believes in ideological pumping. Especially taking into account the experience of the late Union, where Lenin and the CPSU were purely minced.
  5. Papabear
    27 March 2015 06: 59
    The author forgot to write - one of the main reasons for color revolutions are problems that states are not able to solve. Doesn't want, can't, can't, don't have resources. According to this article, only a mindless and meaningless crowd "in a single impulse, all as one", oscillating exclusively along with the general line, are able to resist color revolutions. Hurray, hurray, hurray. And there is. Only they don't solve problems
    1. +3
      27 March 2015 08: 06
      Quote: PapaBear
      The author forgot to write - one of the main causes of color revolutions are problems that states are not able to solve ...

      "The state is the apparatus of violence of the minority over the majority" C. Marx.

      An unsolvable problem of all societies, built in the image of "states", embedded in their principle of non-equality:
      - hiding management knowledge;
      - monopoly of the state to receive and disseminate information;
      - inequality in the distribution of labor results.

      In any state there is a large part of the exploited population, which is enough from "alternative sources" to "open their eyes" to the injustice of their position in society in order to provoke popular anger and overthrow the existing government, bringing the new "master" to the top. All revolutions solve the problem of the power of the exploiters, but not one of them will solve the problem of the exploited.

      With the advent of the Internet, their monopoly on information and interpretation of current events has significantly diminished.

      It is necessary for everyone to master the "General enough theory of management" so that during the change of government there would be someone to govern, so that the new government "from the old pack" would not be able to siphon two Volga for us in order that we and our children would become slaves ...
      1. BMW
        27 March 2015 09: 33
        Quote: Boris55

        With the advent of the Internet, their monopoly on information and interpretation of current events has significantly diminished.

        True of course, but there was a wide opportunity to blur or distort.
        Indeed, in order to find the necessary information, it takes a lot of time, but most simply do not have it (social time has accelerated), life problems have been added and the psychological atmosphere has deteriorated catastrophically.
        1. -1
          27 March 2015 09: 53
          Quote: bmw
          True of course, but there was a wide opportunity to blur or distort.

          Any coin has two sides. Adherents of the old ideology will not give up so easily, but their monopoly on reporting and interpreting information has already been destroyed. As the hunchback said, the process has begun.
      2. 0
        27 March 2015 14: 22
        "The state is the apparatus of minority violence against the majority" K. Marx.
        This is just a slogan! The state is ensuring the safety of a community of people from external and internal threats. And security is the primary function of the state.
        1. 0
          27 March 2015 15: 12
          Quote: Tektor
          This is just a slogan! The state is ensuring the safety of a community of people from external and internal threats. And security is the primary function of the state.

          Do you think it is fair that this state of affairs is when a state has a bunch of super rich people who do not bother with any work and a huge number of citizens sometimes work at more than one job and at the same time live just above the poverty line? If the state allows this, on whose side is it?

          Regarding external and internal threats ... Dukalis's statement came to mind: "This is our cow and we milk it."
          In my opinion, you can’t say better.
  6. +5
    27 March 2015 07: 43
    you can’t refuse the ability to arrange such messes for the states, a huge practice
  7. +6
    27 March 2015 08: 41
    The state needs to act more strictly in relation to potential enemies and subversive elements, and society needs to be more vigilant to manifestations of the trends eroding it.
    Put a plus, although this phrase smeared a good impression of the article. The state, as the most organized part of society,
    it is necessary first of all to cleanse yourself of filth yourself, and here the most extreme cruelty will not be unnecessary. And it's not just about corruption, but the management paradigm itself: quality, quality, and once again the quality of legislation and the rigorous implementation of it by all, especially officials and civil servants.
    secondly, to create stable mass social groups of a patriotic direction, at the same time giving the opportunity to develop personalities and individualities. In the early stages, such were the DOSAAF, the pioneer, and the Komsomol. In the presence of such groups, everyone who was called the cadre of color revolutions in the article felt not the arbiter of fate, but an outcast and had to exist in an atmosphere of intolerance, universal condemnation, without even thinking about open protest. Well, mass communications should cease to be anonymous.
    You can peck me, but on duty, I almost every day come across the fact that an anonymous communication system is used by criminals with ever-increasing energy and efficiency. and for propaganda of a hostile ideology with the goal of destroying the country from the inside, you yourself know that.
    At that, only irresponsible people of a pro-Western, liberal orientation can shout about freedom of speech. The irresponsibility of statements is the Trojan horse that we are being pushed intensively from the west. China has long understood this and their information field will definitely be cleaner than ours in a few years.
    1. +2
      27 March 2015 09: 37
      Quote: Begemot
      ... and the management paradigm itself: quality, quality, and once again the quality of legislation and the rigor of its implementation by all, especially officials and civil servants ...

      Are you aware that we live within the framework of "Roman law" invented in ancient times by slave owners to give slaves the illusion of a just society? Since then, the slavery system has only been improving along with the illusion of law. Are you aware that one of the first decrees of Khrushchev was a decree on the non-jurisdiction of members of the Central Committee, and now what is the list to which the laws do not apply? Calling for all these laws to be fulfilled, you are calling to preserve the principle of an unjust organization of society, which creates fertile ground for color revolutions.
      This begs the question - are you a revolutionary?

      Quote: Begemot
      ... an anonymous communications system is used by criminals with ever-increasing energy and efficiency. and for propaganda of a hostile ideology with the goal of destroying the country from within - you yourself know that ...

      And I agree with that. Previously, to deliver alternative information, they used the printed word, published a newspaper abroad (Iskra), dragged it across the border so that a flame would be kindled from it here ... Now instantly - everyone is shown cookies in a fake-beech. Internet anonymity is relative. All of us connecting to the provider provide passport data and any "site owner", not to mention special services, is able to get these passport data. It remains only to block access to free connections in the form of wi-fi, etc.
      In general - I am against anonymity in the internet.
      1. +1
        27 March 2015 11: 16
        I do not see the logic.
        This begs the question - are you a revolutionary?
        the revolution is always committed against the law. Does this definition imply that I call to comply with the laws and at the same time violate them? As for the existence of legislation as the basis of enslavement, this is a very deep topic for discussion. I will confine myself only to the fact that since the time of the Roman Empire the laws have changed "a little", now runaway slaves are not caught and hanged on crosses. And the threefold "quality" in relation to legislation is my assessment of the importance of this mechanism for managing society. Laws can be bad - then society degrades and does not develop, they can be good - then there is progress and prosperity, but the absence of laws and their general failure to comply is bloody chaos.
        1. -1
          27 March 2015 11: 37
          Quote: Begemot
          revolution is always illegal. From this definition, it follows that I urge compliance with the laws and at the same time violate them?

          You urge you to comply with laws that guarantee the existing power of the minority to further parasitize them over the majority, but this is precisely what causes the hatred of the majority, which leads to revolution.
          How power is arranged in all states - I stated on the VO forum:


          Perhaps this will bring more clarity to the understanding of what to do. We can continue the discussion there.
          1. 0
            27 March 2015 13: 50
            You urge you to comply with laws that guarantee the existing power of the minority to further parasitize them over the majority,
            if you consider only half the proposal, as you do, then you can draw such conclusions. In addition to compliance with the laws, I urge you to improve them, which, unfortunately, does not happen in Russia. I am an active and consistent critic of our legislation precisely because it (see the quote at the beginning) not only does not stimulate development, but, on the contrary, decomposes society. But even bad laws must be observed to avoid chaos, like what we see outside of Outskirts.
            1. -1
              27 March 2015 14: 08
              Quote: Begemot
              In addition to enforcing laws, I urge them to be improved.

              Do you want to solve the problem by improving the laws? How?
              To do this, it will be necessary to improve the State Duma, which adopts these laws, whose deputies are elected by the people, who need to "improve" the same in order to elect the "correct" deputies who will adopt the "correct laws", but this is precisely what the authorities do not give to do. Hiding information, keeping the people in ignorance, manipulating our consciousness through the media allows them to rob us with impunity. (Video from 1:40)

              1. BMW
                27 March 2015 14: 58
                There is a wise folk proverb: the law that draws where it turned turned out that way.
                It says all about Roman law.
                The problem of legislation is the possibility of a double interpretation. This should not be in principle. In fact, it turns out that there remains a loophole in the law for the equal application of the law to people of different social status.
                A drunk driver knocks a person to death. For this he receives a minimum term with the wording of murder through negligence. Although by law an aggravated crime. After all, drunkenness at the wheel, which led to death, should be qualified as a deliberate and planned murder and be punished with capital punishment or for life, without the right of pardon and amnesty.
                I am not a lawyer, with the law in troubles, but it is also clear that the law is gentle on the criminal and severe on the victim (especially for crimes not related to death).
              2. +1
                27 March 2015 15: 23
                What can I say, if Gref does not have any higher or special education, 10 classes and boooooooooo big blat is all his education
  8. +10
    27 March 2015 08: 59
    A country where one who lives on an honest salary is considered a sucker, THIS IS AWESOME!
    It's not even about the values ​​of a small part of the population, but about the fact that it is their values ​​that are considered "cool and fashionable" and are imposed even on those children who were raised correctly at home. The media and the Internet can impose on society and not so. Tell a man 100 times that he is a pig and he grunts, this is human psychology. Therefore, no matter how you educate, some resources should be closed and not allowed to broadcast at all on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  9. +1
    27 March 2015 09: 27
    In general, there is nothing new .. the similar has already been seen more than once in history! Here you just need to make an adjustment for scientific and technological progress and information technology! A competent counteraction program should be developed, which includes a whole range of measures, from open dialogue to power intervention .. But most importantly, measures are needed to overcome the crisis, both financial and political ... All errors of the government’s corruption, theft and intrigue will be used against it !
    1. -1
      27 March 2015 10: 11
      Quote: carter38
      But most importantly, measures are needed to overcome the crisis, both financial and political ...

      About financial - the grandmother for two said, but about the political - please read more.
  10. 0
    27 March 2015 09: 27
    on whom does the United States rely on provoking chaos?

    On corrupt and stupid people. Everyone knows that all these Maidan were paid and many participating received their 33 pieces of silver. In a world where everything is for sale and there are no principles, this is the norm. Now they will reap the fruits of their stupidity and corruption, and puppeteers rub their hands.
    1. +2
      27 March 2015 15: 22
      And what principles do you think will be with the people whom they have been selling and throwing their own government / state for 25 years in a row?
  11. 0
    27 March 2015 09: 54
    In troubled waters it is easier to catch a fish.
  12. +1
    27 March 2015 10: 35
    As I expected, after Ukraine they begin to shake Belarus:
  13. +2
    27 March 2015 10: 56
    Perhaps, judging by the plot, some of the youth of the Republic of Belarus dream of destruction and the coming to power of banderlogs. They should be taken on an excursion to Khatyn. Let them jump there.
  14. dmb
    27 March 2015 11: 06
    The author wrote everything correctly. And about upbringing in the family, and about values, and about the "damned imperialists." But the trouble is in the family Petya's child is inspired by some values, but right there on the street and at school they are completely different. He just sees that his dad, working three jobs, can barely make ends meet, and Vasya Sidorov's dad brings Vasya to school in a Mercedes, and all his "work" is solely in speaking "correct" speeches about social partnership. That's what Petya is thinking. maybe God bless him with spiritual values, I'd rather grow up and my son Kolya, too, in a Mercedes I will take to school. Or does anyone else have illusions about whose children we will see in leadership positions?
  15. 0
    27 March 2015 11: 38
    lumpen, they are also subpassionaries, cannon fodder of any revolution, or disorder, the more such subpassionaries, the greater the likelihood of disorder
  16. +1
    27 March 2015 12: 35
    Madonna supported the campaign “Pussy Rayot”, but the ability to sing well and to behave effectively on stage does not mean at all that in the political life, especially of another state, the singer understands also skillfully ...

    Madonna certainly does not sing well ... negative I heard her live in Moscow ... lol tin .. I'm drunk I sing better .. laughing she has just a computer, not a voice .. She then surprised many .. But the fact that she supports these "forgiveness" ... most likely not for nothing .. More than once she climbed into political tricks (and not only in our country), now "against Marie-Leppen" and "wants to meet with her" ... fool And after all, no one said a word to her ... that it was not her business! She didn’t kiss these "forgiveness" at all, but forbids her daughter to smoke .. So it would be better if she would also teach her how to master chicken in a hypermarket, like these women! And she herself is all indulging in men, not girls, although she is like "for gays"! He leads a strange policy .. No.
  17. +1
    27 March 2015 15: 20
    I’m all lost in the definition. What happened in our country in August 1991, then in 1993 ??? Judging by the article, everything was according to the scenario of the Americans. And most importantly, what then was to ordinary people. But to the honor of the nation, the people survived.
    1. 0
      27 March 2015 16: 39
      Quote: GUKTU
      I’m all lost in the definition. What happened in our country in August 1991, then in 1993 ??? Judging by the article, everything was according to the scenario of the Americans. And most importantly, what then was to ordinary people. But to the honor of the nation, the people survived.

      So this was an act of external aggression against Russia. The policy was aimed at the destruction of the Russian people. But the people really survived. But the people of Ukraine will never come to their senses ...
      1. SAVA555.IVANOV
        28 March 2015 20: 50
        The people of Russia survived !? Yes, you are no less tired of our brother as well as raping and killing children (Don pioneer camp), the elderly (Magnit), humiliating themselves by inventing criminal authorities (Kushchevka), poisoning you with cynical garbage in the secret service of the State Department and sitting there in my patriotism, for women in general I am silent in no nationality there is no such massive ignorance of their own men all over the world are engaged in prostitution. What can I say about poor people, you most likely survived, and this is due to the fact that Putin appeared and at least put things in order.
  18. +1
    27 March 2015 16: 36
    Quote: Ilya Polonsky
    the level of education, as a rule, also affects the social status of a person, his position in society, largely determines the social environment in which a person rotates.
    This once again shows that the more uneducated the contingent, the easier it is to use and the lower its value as a material. We forget that the fifth column carefully destroys the education system, which in their opinion should produce consumers. Only they themselves do not understand that the time will come and there will be no where to get educated people from.
    Quote: Ilya Polonsky
    The United States, undermining the political systems of unwanted states, relies primarily on individual representatives of the political elite.
    Yes, with their own hands and do Maidan, as the owner requires. Only those who have embarked on the path of betrayal forget about one thing, that as soon as the owner reaches his goal, their value is not only reset to zero, but will reach negative values, and such material is usually disposed of. Even pizza will not be allowed to advertise.
  19. +1
    27 March 2015 20: 38
    Dear, I want to add a very important point, the disunity of our society here and the ideology and religions and social status, you can play on this very productively, today it seems to us that our society is ready to resist the "color revolutions", and tomorrow, when Crimea, will become history, and the gap between "poor" and "rich" will increase, it will be difficult to explain to young people why this is so
  20. 0
    28 March 2015 20: 47
    Stop babysitting with this shit. On a shovel and in the trash. Sorry for the expression.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"