Gender pension discrimination of women in the Russian Federation-2015 (Open analytical note for the Security Council of the Russian Federation)

Gender pension discrimination of women in the Russian Federation-2015 (Open analytical note for the Security Council of the Russian Federation)

The neo-colonial policy of the globalist corporatocracy in the face of the establishment of the United States and world financial institutions (IMF, WTO, etc. of other financial organizations), carried out in our country as a victim country, is intensifying. At the same time, Russian collaborators, who sat down in the Russian government, the State Duma and trade unions, again - and now seriously (!) - were concerned about the reduction of state social security costs for ordinary citizens. Namely, in particular, they again returned to the embodiment of the neo-colonial idea of ​​establishing in the Russian Federation an equal age for entering into a labor retirement pension for men and women - now up to 63 years, instead of 60.

With these proposals again, 6.02.2015 was, like the hell out of the box, rushed out to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov, who is automatically a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, it is natural that this question will always be raised as long as the ideology of the so-called will dominate in the world and in the Russian Federation. "Free market" of capital, goods and labor of M. Friedman with his monetarism. By and large, M. Friedman received the Nobel Prize from the US Federal Reserve bankers because he gave the psychopathological ideas of radical Judaism to world usurers in their struggle for world domination to impart a secular expression. Cheating is buried in the methodology of his philosophical concept, as outlined in his work Capitalism and Freedom. Instead of the most perfect philosophical method - dialectical materialism - he applies the metaphysical method with a relativistic bias of a subjectively idealistic sense, with which it is possible not only to debilitate humanity, but also to manipulate its social consciousness. That is why diamantes from 1991 are not taught in Russian universities and transferred to the category of so-called. "Closed scientific technologies".

Before a social catastrophe, the Freedmanist-usurers financiers seek to divide society in the victim country, one might say, into its atomic social components according to the Machiavellian principle of “Divide - and rule!”. (In this case, to separate men and women.) This is done in full accordance with the doctrine of the "shock" of capitalism, the disasters of M. Friedman; “Shock”, during which they manage to accomplish in the victim state all their financial and political frauds to achieve their geopolitical goals - the establishment of world domination by usurers, along with an act of colonial genocide against the enslaved local population. And the longer the shock of the population lasts, the significant losses of the victim state.

So our Anton Siluanov in the issue of equalizing the ages of men and women when they retire on old age comes from the doctrine of M. Friedman’s “shock” adopted by the IMF, i.e. acts in the vein of the neocolonial interests of world money lenders, and not in the national interests of Russia. At the same time, his political “thoughtlessness” (or deceit?) Lies in the fact that he considers the current crisis financial situation in the Russian Federation (that is, the social “shock” in the Russian Federation of all sorts of international sanctions against it) to be quite favorable ground for finally (!), in the country, Russian lawmakers so-called “Unpopular” among the population of pro-Western usurious pension reform Moreover, as he considers, the rating of the head of state - President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin is now historically immeasurably high (somewhere around the order of 82%), and supposedly it will be scary to lower him too! The question “How bad is it to lower the VV rating? Putin as president of the Russian Federation? ”, Naturally, does not make a reservation. (And this is at a time when, according to unofficial data of a sociological survey on the Internet, immediately after AG Siluanov’s speech, up to 85% of Russians polled spoke out against equalizing the ages of men and women during their retirement from old age. However, even according to official post-Soviet data 4-year-old period - with the most aggressive (!) makivelisticheskoy propaganda in the media "for" such a proposal by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation - this figure is lower than 58% of the respondents who did not go down.) ha VV Putin’s Russians - the Fed’s bankers are trying to change the pro-Russian “regime” V.V. Putin: remove him from power and shake the internal political situation in Russia to the "end" - that is, before the geopolitical disappearance of the country.

From these positions, the proposal to equalize the age of men and women when they retire on old age - in accordance with the requirements of the IMF - is not “unpopular”, as it is constantly voiced by the modern liberal leadership of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in general, namely wrecking, for the sovereignization of the Russian state. At the same time, it is enough to look at the practical results of the introduction of the same pension-reform measures carried out at the request of the IMF, for example, in the same Ukraine. There, the increase in the 2011 year of the retirement age for women in old age to the level of the retirement age for men led to the fact that in Ukraine, first of all, female unemployment immediately increased sharply, which, respectively, led to a sharp drop in women's pay in the country, the growth of women's begging among women, the growth of female prostitution and the export of young women to brothels abroad as living goods, the growth of sexually transmitted diseases of men and women in the country, the increase in the number of women with old-age pensions, etc. -

The situation on the labor market and in the Russian Federation will be similar, since the discrimination of women, starting from 1990, is not only acutely marked in almost the entire post-Soviet post-communist space, but in general is constantly increasing -

Besides. If the equation of the ages of men and women with their old-age retirement would be really socially fair, then, according to the liberal logic of AG Siluanova, “father of nations” I.V. Stalin, too, in the post-war crisis years of continuous economic chaos in the country and against the background of the national-patriotic enthusiasm of the Soviet people, after the USSR’s victory over Nazi Germany, could increase the calendar age for retirement for women and “equalize” women with men. However, he did not do it - even being a LEADER of a nation! Yes, and other Soviet leaders of the USSR with such proposals have never acted! Why?

V.V. Putin diplomatically invited the Russians to discuss the proposed by the Minister of Finance and a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation A.G. Siluanov changes to the pension legislation. So let's discuss this proposal by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

So, the trouble of Russia now lies in the fact that its leaders - officials of all levels - are methodologically unable to go beyond the limits of the Friedmann school of Chicago bottling. First, because they are educationally 25 years "zombie" this ideology, and secondly, because they are with it also "feed".

Therefore, there is no doubt that the proposal of A. Siluanov about equalizing the calendar ages of men and women when entering retirement pension for old age will eventually be accepted by the members of the State Duma of the Russian Federation anyway. This will mean an act of de facto gender pension discrimination of women in the Russian Federation and the strengthening of the policy of the genocide of the peoples of Russia carried out in our country.

It is noteworthy that this issue concerns them personally. Over the past decades, they themselves, like the entire political superstructure in the Russian Federation (representatives of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, which include oligarchs), as well as state employees - teachers and doctors (for a long time in the country as the “5 column”) By now, they have been completely withdrawn from the system of nationwide principles of both labor and pension Russian legislation. Namely, they are in comparison with the rest of the population of the country in a special way reliably and socially preferentially protected. By the year 2013, they had their own final - estate estate - labor and pension legislation, as well as their social security, which, according to benefits, are significantly different from similar civil rights and obligations of all other citizens. In other words, we are talking about the existence of double standards in labor and pension Russian legislation - contrary to the requirement of civil equality in the Constitution of the Russian Federation as the Basic Law of the country.

But to remove these privileges to the servants of the people - deputies, officials, state employees, civil servants, oligarchs, etc. - A. Siluanov is unlikely to succeed.

Let us show a literate solution to the problem of the alleged gender pension inequality between men and women in our country.

So, DANO. For the processing of public opinion with a view to adopting these pension changes with respect to the pension rights of women, the claim is applied that supposedly in modern pension legislation between women (55 years) and men (60 years) there is no constitutional “equality” in age when they retire old age. Therefore, this basic gender “equality” must be supposedly restored and the age of entering old-age pension to women should be increased to the age of entering old-age pension for men. The question arises: why not the other way around? Do not reduce the retirement age of men to the retirement age of women? Answer: women live too long compared to men! Understand this: it is necessary that non-men live longer, and that women live less! Machiavellism in the policy of genocide of the authorities in relation to the indigenous population of the country is obvious.

But what about all the same should be fair?

One can understand this not with the help of metaphysics, but with the help of diamat.

In diamat there is the concept of the “law of dialectical identity”, which takes into account the internal properties of the subject or object, namely, that they are constantly changing in time. In relation to people, he says that the same person at a given moment is not equal to himself at another time. It constantly happens internal processes: biological, mental, etc. And even more so, in terms of diamata two different people in the absolute are in no way equal to each other in their intrinsic properties. A man and a woman - all the more. On the contrary, they eventually conflict with each other.

Therefore, it is not necessary to confuse any physiological equality with equality (!) - men and women by their inner nature cannot be said. They are completely different biological and social individuals.

But modern metaphysical legislators do not want to consider and take into account the internal - biological - and social differences between a man and a woman. Those. they do not want to do analytics in the objects of their sociological research, but are immediately taken for a synthesis of the concepts of "woman" and "man" themselves. And at the same time they come to the formal-logical conclusion that the same logical scope is metaphysically common to these concepts, namely, that “woman” and “man” are “people” who are one and the same as a biological species. . Hence, a superficial conclusion is made that the calendar age for entering into a labor retirement pension for old men — both women and men — should be, in principle, without distinction, the same. However, this philosophical and methodologically limited conclusion — metaphysical evidence — is nothing more than sophistry (a conscious ploy disguised by outwardly formal logical correctness). At the same time, there are rumors in society that in Soviet times women retired, allegedly for purely social reasons, in order for grandmothers to nurse with their grandchildren. And no one remembers the main thing - about medical records! Therefore, social justice in this matter is at the mercy of subjectivism and hangs in the balance.

The objective, socially just solution of this question is achieved as a result of the application of the dialectical materialist method. At the same time, unlike metaphysics, the basic social equality between a woman and a man must be sought, as is dialectical equality between them. Then the analyst of the logical concepts of "woman" and "man" is done first. At the same time, the content of concepts is decomposed into smaller indicators, moreover, in relation to the realities of life, i.e. in relation to materialism. And then among them there is an absolutely common internal indicator for the concept of "woman" and "man", which characterizes the biological aging of the body of both women and men. This indicator determines the dialectic synthesis between them in terms of social justice.

As a result, we obtain that the general dialectic indicator of biological aging in women and men is a menopause. In women, it occurs at the age of 45 ÷ 50 years, in men - at the age of 50 ÷ 55 years. It is these very 5 years in the Soviet pension legislation that objectively determined the difference between the existing age for retirement pension for women (55 years) and men (60 years).

By the way, now - in 2013 - Russian doctors have already reduced the average maximum menopausal period for Russian women from 50 to 49, which in itself speaks volumes about the negative developments in our country over the last 25 years. Stress, environmental degradation, poor and poor quality nutrition, etc. For the future demographics in the country, the decline in this indicator sets bad forecasts for the future.

Why do women and men have different periods of menopause? Because in men, a complete change of blood during life occurs on average 1 times in 4 years, and in women - 1 times in 3 years (especially in the childbearing period due to monthly menstrual bleeding). Therefore, the female body under normal conditions of life physiologically ages faster than the male. Indeed, physicians are well aware that it is impossible to take blood from regular donors every month. In this case, the body of donors will not have time to recover fully - it is aging biologically.

Thus, the dialectical calculation shows that genuine socially just equality between men and women in determining their calendar age for access to old-age retirement pension as a fundamental — basic — legislative dimension is determined in sociology not by some lengthy subjective talk about that a woman allegedly retires before a man on 5 years due to the fact that she has to stay at home and nurse grandchildren, etc .; and according to a completely objective maximum medical borderline indicator of biological aging for both sexes in general, with the addition of additional 5 years to it. Namely.

For women: 50 + 5 = 55 (years). And for men: 55 + 5 = 60 (years).

And it is this difference in 5 years that has been and will be correct, scientifically sound and socially fair.

Climax is climax - in both men and women. Fertility functions during this period cease, the body is physiologically rebuilt into old age. This changes the work of the entire endocrine system, the circulatory system, changes the composition of bones, the work of internal organs, etc. No plastic cosmetic surgery to rejuvenate nature will not deceive. After menopause, a woman still does not become pregnant and does not give birth, and it is more difficult for a man to become a father.

If a woman is added to the maximum climacteric age (50 years) before retirement she has 10 years (instead of 5 years), and a man has only 5 years; then we get the actual DISCRIMINATION of women compared to men in the area of ​​compliance with their true gender - that is, biological - equality. This means that, in comparison with a man, a woman will be exploited by society to an older biological age than a man. At the same time, instead of taking care of labor protection and healthy lifestyles of our men, who have a larger reserve of youth and, accordingly, longevity, laid by nature more than women - 55 years, respectively, against 50 years - (see menopause), it is to reduce the longevity of women. At the same time, the number of indigenous women will be reduced - and, above all, among female workers in the sphere of material production and those who have 40-hour working week and annual leave in 28 slave. days In other words, we are talking about a separate gender pensionable GENOCIDE for women, as the gender part of the entire population of the country. In other words, those in power and managers-owners, changing nothing in the country to ensure normal social conditions to increase the actual longevity of Russian men (providing all Russians with work, decent wages and decent quality of life, etc.), decided to continue to “drive into Paradise ", now sitting down on the Russian Indian hump.

Indeed, more women are born in the Russian Federation than women, however, from the age of 20, a mortal decline in their numbers begins, and in 30-35 years old the so-called demographic “gender cross” (see 2012 statistics, after which the female population begins to gradually exceed the male one. And this despite the fact that, from a biological point of view, the stock of longevity and youth in men is, on average, laid down by nature more than in women. This “gender cross” in time does not stand still, but moves up and down the age scale, depending on the nature historical socio-political situation both in the country and in the world as a whole. For example, during the war it falls down to a younger age (then there are more women than men among old-age pensioners than men), and in economically prosperous periods of history it slowly rises. His position is not only one of the most important indicators of the country's real social well-being in the current period, but also an indicator of the quality of managing or manipulating society. First of all, the position of the “gender cross” on the age scale allows managers to predict the future gender of old-age pensioners and the average life expectancy of both men and women for several decades ahead - and, accordingly, take proactive measures of social impact on future demographic development indicators population in the country.

And both in a positive and in a negative direction. For example, in the negative case: when implementing a foreign strategy of passive aggression against the victim country, namely, to reduce the number of the indigenous population of the victim country in the near future, the internal enemies of Russia, i.e. for Freedman-managers of all levels, it’s enough, without doing anything in the country to improve the real socialization of indigenous men, to lime at the moment the number of indigenous young women - if not on a par with young men, then at least that. The “gender cross” as an indicator of improving life in the country also rises, to higher ages, but not at the expense of improving the life of the population, but at the expense of unbalancing social justice in the country and reducing the number of the female population in general. His position on the age scale will already work on fraud for the population and on the Machiavellianism of the country's leaders in the collaborationist management of society. And for this, all that is necessary is Machiavellianism - under the pretext of the alleged need for a democratic “restoration” of constitutional equality between Russian men and women in the spirit of the so-called. pro-Western "universal values" - to metaphysically balance the calendar (rather than biological) age of retirement for old age for men and women.

The effect will be visible already through 3-4, as in Ukraine. And if this also prohibits Russian women from doing free abortions so that deprived Russian women can do abortions for themselves, that is, with their own hands, grandmother's methods and in unsanitary conditions - and they went straight to the “other world” —that even faster! Historical medical practice in this regard is also abundant in such cases.

It is easy to destroy the equality of citizens - later it will be difficult to restore social justice in the law. This will require the creation of a corresponding feminist movement of Russian women for the true equality of their rights as compared with men in the Russian Federation. However, as historical world practice shows, any independent opposition movement (including the feminist movement) in various countries is ultimately “privatized” by globalists with the goal of: 1) or its political degeneration, 2) or to further enhance personal control over members governments and other authorities of a particular national state for their subsequent collaborativeization — in the interests of the globalization of corporattocracy represented by the US establishment international financial institutions (IMF, WTO and other financial institutions, etc.). Simply put, to colonize the country. Russia will not be an exception.

It is objected that, supposedly, in all of Europe women are now retiring in old age at the same age as men. Well, first of all, almost all of Europe is already under the heel of the US Federal Reserve bankers, and difficult times are also coming in Europe. And secondly, not a single sensible people, including men, sooner or later allow a policy of genocide against their women. For there are no women - and no people! Therefore, everything that leads to the growth of national self-consciousness on the principle “Save yourself, who can!” Leads to the growth of national separatism in a multi-ethnic country, the growth of ethnic conflicts, civil war and geopolitical disintegration of the entire state. Russia will not be an exception.

Thus, in connection with the above, the proposal of the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Anton Seluanov, about equalizing the calendar ages of men and women when they leave for an old age retirement pension is scientifically untenable, erroneous, economically and economically unjustified representing a threat to the national security of Russia! It is necessary once and for all to stop raising this issue as profaning and provocative, directed against the sovereignty of Russia.

Russian men and women should unite and speak with one voice against such a policy of the authorities in the pension legislation and achieve its abolition.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. -6
    23 March 2015 14: 33
    women in principle should not work at all - their husbands should provide, and the matter is not in the Minister of Finance but as husbands
    1. Aspirin
      23 March 2015 14: 45
      Quote: rus9875
      women in principle should not work at all - their husbands should provide, and the matter is not in the Minister of Finance but as husbands

      That is, a woman should be the property of a man?
      Wanted to be a master?
      And the navel from the Wishlist will not get loose?
      1. Klepa
        23 March 2015 15: 55
        What nonsense? What does a man's property have to do with it? Even in the Soviet Union, scientists proved that if we take male 8-hour labor as 100%, then female domestic labor will be 320-340% of this value. Therefore, raising children for good, plowing at work, and then plowing at home too is just labor slavery. Or the family will not have a home, as a "home of comfort," and only come "home" to sleep and eat semi-finished products from the microwave. This is where scandals, reproaches and divorces begin. load on our babonki 440%. And there is no need to talk about equality. Society subconsciously and at work requires a woman to be a "stakhanovka" and a better housewife, mother and wife at home. It's another matter if a woman herself wants to work not for making money, but for the soul. Dmitry Puchkov spoke well on this topic.
        1. +26
          23 March 2015 16: 13
          Plus fiercely. He himself had to wait a month from the hospital for two months to sit with two senior claws. This is hard labor, a working woman, and even with two or three children - this is some kind of draft animal.
          1. +5
            23 March 2015 17: 11
            and poorly with the wife to do housework, and not push the sofa in anticipation of dinner? What is a woman doing housework that a man cannot do?
            1. Klepa
              23 March 2015 17: 32
              What for? Help - of course. But in the family, everyone should do his own thing. Then there will be harmony and success in the relationship.
        2. +11
          23 March 2015 17: 42
          I support your concept and I want to add that the correct upbringing of children is a serious creative work that requires complete dedication from a woman, as well as the organization of family life. This is generally the fundamental foundation of a healthy society.
          Therefore, in no case can you extend the retirement period for women, but women involved in raising children need to count this time in the length of service.
        3. Aspirin
          23 March 2015 18: 12
          You yourself are nonsense. If a woman is not equal to a man, then she will become his property. Like the same Anglo-Saxons. Kogada, Mrs. a woman belonging to such a man.

          What can be done with THING? Yes, that bad head will allow.
          Which is what happened.
          And now you have not seen how the so-called peasants peel women dependent on them.
        4. Aspirin
          24 March 2015 13: 00
          Quote: Klepa
          What nonsense? What does a man's property have to do with it? Even in the Soviet Union, scientists proved that if we take male 8-hour labor as 100%, then female domestic labor will be 320-340% of this value. Therefore, raising children for good, plowing at work, and then plowing at home too is just labor slavery. Or the family will not have a home, as a "home of comfort," and only come "home" to sleep and eat semi-finished products from the microwave. This is where scandals, reproaches and divorces begin. load on our babonki 440%. And there is no need to talk about equality. Society subconsciously and at work requires a woman to be a "stakhanovka" and a better housewife, mother and wife at home. It's another matter if a woman herself wants to work not for making money, but for the soul. Dmitry Puchkov spoke well on this topic.

          And what prevented this EQUALITY? So that the woman will have a choice, and the man POWER WILL NOT BE ABOUT A WOMAN.

          Let everyone take responsibility VOLUNTARILY. And not because someone’s fists itch to punish a non-joyful wife who imagines that she is the same person as a man.

          One who demands privileges on the basis of the presence of bells in the pants of a wimp.
          A coward is one who fears equal competition with women. And for this I’m ready to lock them in three to.
          1. Klepa
            24 March 2015 17: 16
            Around are full of worthy psychologists and even psychiatrists. They will help you. Mania of persecution and infringement of rights to a person. hi
      2. -7
        23 March 2015 17: 02
        Worthy answer! hi
    2. +30
      23 March 2015 14: 51
      Quote: rus9875
      women in principle should not work at all - their husbands should provide, and the matter is not in the Minister of Finance but as husbands

      This is the degradation of women, including as mothers. Women should have the right to work less than men, and have more benefits. I would generally suggest decreasing the retirement rate for women depending on the number of children born and raised by her: One child minus one year from the retirement age, 2 children 2 years. 5 children - retire at 50!
      1. Klepa
        23 March 2015 15: 56
        Degradation is eliminated by continuing education, and not by going to work.
        1. +2
          23 March 2015 16: 16
          Degradation is eliminated by continuing education, and not by going to work.

          Yes, rather than education (and where to apply it), and there is no time for full-time education, but simply an expansion of the circle of interests. After all, if you watch Soviet films. What did young mothers do? We walked with children and communicated intensely with each other, mutually enriching ourselves on topics from diapers to world politics.
        2. 0
          23 March 2015 22: 37
          Degradation of whom? Given that about 60% of those who graduate are university students.
          And the second highest - so over 75% - are women.
      2. +5
        23 March 2015 16: 00
        Sweetheart. As a rule, both father and mother participate in raising and raising children.
        1. +9
          23 March 2015 16: 18
          Sweetheart. As a rule, both father and mother participate in raising and raising children.

          Gold words. But any work is done well when done professionally. And not after work, tired hands and head. So, although no one removes the responsibilities of raising children from a man, a woman must constantly do this. So nature arranged.
      3. +1
        23 March 2015 16: 27
        Quote: A. Yaga
        Women should have the right to work less than men, and have more benefits

        Why so? Want to arrange gender discrimination?
        I am for equality

        Quote: A. Yaga
        I would generally suggest reducing the retirement rate for women depending on the number of children born and raised by her:

        But the quality of education is not necessary to take into account?
        1. 0
          23 March 2015 16: 49
          Quote: Petrof
          But the quality of education is not necessary to take into account?

          Very necessary! Well, this is the size of the pension. Another law. For example: contributions to a pension fund - 90% depersonalized; 10% immediately retired to parents in addition to earnings. All laws must be worked out in a complex.
        2. +6
          23 March 2015 16: 52
          Quote: Petrof
          Why so? Want to arrange gender discrimination?
          I am for equality

          There can be no gender equality. If my grandmother had an X, she would be a grandfather. in the article it is written in great detail.
          1. -4
            23 March 2015 17: 00
            Quote: A. Yaga
            If my grandmother had an X, she would be a grandfather.

            she would be a hermophratid
            and we do not have equal rights between men and women, of course, this is spelled out in the laws
            women have more benefits, but seeing such articles it’s clear that the authors want more :-)
            and equality is an unattainable ideal of course (like the horizon) - but we must strive for it
            1. +2
              23 March 2015 17: 22
              Quote: Petrof
              women have more benefits, but seeing such articles it’s clear that the authors want more :-)

              The so-called benefits - there are just discounts on physiology. Moreover, men enjoy these benefits if the man himself brings up children without a mother. Retirement Age - The ONLY BENEFIT for women. Avtorsha Julia (Petrof) has every right to work up to a hundred years. In our country, no one forbids individually not to claim their benefits.
              1. +1
                23 March 2015 17: 33
                Quote: A. Yaga
                Retirement Age - The ONLY BENEFIT for women.

                are you sure? :-)
                well, right away - women are not being drafted into the army
                but there are many more, both prescribed in the law and traditional
                1. 0
                  23 March 2015 21: 28
                  They are sure that they just don’t have enough, I want more ...
                2. The comment was deleted.
                3. +1
                  24 March 2015 14: 31
                  Sorry, but hurt ...
                  The business of men - to defend the homeland! Therefore, the army - to prepare.
                  The business of women is to give birth to children. Therefore, before retiring. Or maybe it really does work less, in quantitative terms throughout life.
                  You know, try once at least to be pregnant and give birth :) Maybe you will immediately understand why there is another benefit - for example, maternity leave. And also, if you can do it - you’ll get a million bucks right away, it seems .. like the first man who could do this :))))) Or maybe you want to run into the army several times.
                  1. Aspirin
                    25 March 2015 10: 00
                    Maternity leave is not a benefit. It is intended for the benefit of the child.
    3. +9
      23 March 2015 14: 54
      Quote: rus9875
      women in principle should not work at all - their husbands should provide, and the matter is not in the Minister of Finance but as husbands

      At age 15, you can hardly know how life works, grow up a little.
      1. Klepa
        23 March 2015 16: 02
        He did not say anything stupid. My husband also believes that women should not work. He wants - for God's sake, does not want to - sit bring up children, go to some courses, and he, as a man, will provide for his family. The main thing is to organize coziness and spiritual comfort in the family.
        1. +4
          23 March 2015 17: 35
          For women, the evolution of social life has made it possible to achieve any heights, but most do not need it, but about the quality of husbands ... what kind of sons do these husbands bring up))))
          1. +2
            23 March 2015 20: 02
            It is very strange that the article received so many minuses. If we digress for a minute from the debate over who works harder: a man or a woman, we will see that our government, instead of solving economic problems, simply wants to rob you and me again. What will my husband gain from my retirement 5 years later? But our ruling circles and oligarchs will win. Since 2015, we must all transfer the funded portions of pensions to non-state pension funds, and to whom do they belong? You and me? No, to our "dear" oligarchs.
        2. 0
          25 March 2015 18: 37
          In order not to break the spears about whether a woman should or should not work, I propose to change the wording: a woman should have the financial ability not to work, but to focus on raising children. I think in this case, the mass of disagreements will immediately disappear.
    4. 0
      24 March 2015 13: 16
      Everything that does not develop dies.
      A person in life must feel strained, otherwise he begins to engage in nonsense from boredom and idleness and is morally decomposed.
      If a woman should not work at work, this does not mean that she should not work (feel strained) at all.
  3. +3
    23 March 2015 14: 36
    And here in Belarus everyone is quietly talking about the issue of retirement, however, at the same age of retirement for men and women until the hand is raised! Now the elections will be held, and a new "people-loving" law will be thrown in. And the wording will be, as in the best Soviet times - "at the numerous requests of the working people." They just don’t think that it’s necessary to live up to this age ... recourse
    1. +2
      23 March 2015 22: 16
      I am not a supporter of increasing the retirement age for men - I consider 60 to be the optimal age for retirement, I would call it "weighted average", since, for example, a man who is engaged in mental work most of his life, "wears out" less than the one who is engaged in physical labor! This implies the following, logically, but this is confirmed by statistics - men who are engaged in mental work for most of their lives, as a rule, continue to work even after retirement for about 5 years, or even 10 years ... If we consider the cases of men who, in connection with the profession, you have to do physical work, then a serious "wear and tear" of a man's condition can occur by the age of 45, 50, 55, depending on the degree of stress, and genetic health ...
      Therefore, I consider the retirement age for men 60 years old quite reasonable!

      As for women, there’s another case, it’s a proven fact that in Russia the life expectancy of women is much higher than that of men, that is, women reach their retirement age much more (which is a serious financial burden). In addition, there are not so many women’s physically challenging professions, as well as women working in these professions. Now I remembered about 10-15 of my friends, acquaintances of my mother, who is now 50 years old, many of them are already retired, have two to four children, and feel great, continue to work (and there are no plans to tie up plans).
      Why am I all this, to the fact that, as it were, in the equation of the retirement ages of women and men, I do not see anything criminal, a completely justified step ...
      Another question is the retirement age for mothers with many children - here I think there should be something like a privilege system - you have two children and raised them to 16 years - you can retire 2 years earlier, have 3 children - you can retire 4 years earlier , you have 4th - 7 years earlier, 5th and more - 10 years earlier ...
      Something like this, I see it, and indeed, if you give birth and raise 5 good decent people, it seems to me that you can already safely retire at age 45, because good children will help!

      As for the topic raised above, about who should do what in the family laughing , I think there should be no stereotypes, and then how the family life will develop, people are different, there are men, and there are mothers' sons, there are, as they say, "the golden mean", and there are henpecked ones, and there are bitches with the female sex, and there are "nyash-nyash", there are walking, and there are home))))
      So here's how it goes, a lot of combinations)))))
  4. +9
    23 March 2015 14: 37
    I understood from the article that Siluanova was counting.
    For example, it was clear to me before this article. But the article may become another reason for his ... "dismissal" ...
    1. 0
      23 March 2015 19: 17
      Quote: Metallurg
      I understood from the article that Siluanova was counting.
      For example, it was clear to me before this article. But the article may become another reason for his ... "dismissal" ...

      I completely agree with you, but this is about a scientific article about the contradictions in interpretations of the nature of man in dialectical and metaphysics ... with a claim to its scientific nature is intended for Siluanov with the "Genter Cross", in which he is unlikely to understand. The main thing is that he understands that he has not returned to the question of raising the retirement age. Without Putin's knowledge, he would not even come close to this topic.
  5. +6
    23 March 2015 14: 46
    But this Siluanov is not afraid of falling under the hot hand of the people, or he thinks that he can dispose of a 145 millionth country, because we support it and we can throw it to hell’s grandmother, you don’t need to anger the Russian people, even in the most difficult years it didn’t come to anyone's head , and here you see Siluanov the smartest in our country appeared, it’s time for Putin to sort out the cabinet of ministers, because the people will not blame the Siluanovs, but him.
    1. +9
      23 March 2015 14: 58
      many do not live up to the current pension. especially men. where else is it? the average duration is far from us, like in Europe. I had to send Siluanova to work in it or to a physically difficult man. I would look like he sang.
    2. +5
      23 March 2015 15: 25
      And this Siluanov is not afraid
      In a market country where traders have power, who was afraid of the people? And so that they don't think about the power and the situation in the country, they show you on all TV channels and the Internet resources of the show called "Adventures in Dill".
      1. 0
        23 March 2015 23: 47
        How long will the Jews command us?
    3. +3
      23 March 2015 16: 04
      "thinks he can rule a country with 145 million people"
      Well, after all, he still manages it.
  6. -10
    23 March 2015 14: 48
    What’s the problem? Let them get equal rights, the army is waiting for them and the bench machine ...
    1. +10
      23 March 2015 14: 57
      Quote: IAlex
      What’s the problem? Let them get equal rights, the army is waiting for them and the bench machine ...

      You confuse physiology with equality. By the way, women are working in the army and on the bench, it remains to force the men to give birth to children and then complete equality.
      1. Aspirin
        23 March 2015 15: 21
        Quote: A. Yaga
        Quote: IAlex
        What’s the problem? Let them get equal rights, the army is waiting for them and the bench machine ...

        You confuse physiology with equality. By the way, women are working in the army and on the bench, it remains to force the men to give birth to children and then complete equality.

        Frankly speaking, it is really better for a woman not to serve in the army and not to stand behind a machine tool. For this, a man is better suited. And the woman has a different purpose.
        Physiological equality be can not.
        But legal equality SHOULD BE MANDATORY.
        1. +4
          23 March 2015 17: 53
          You talk with the Germans, they quickly set your brains. Especially with the law on the reservation of 30% of the seats for women in the management of companies from 2016 and from 2020 to 40% of the seats. At the same time, it’s as if they don’t introduce such quotas in companies where there are no men ... Well, this is called equality, it just smacks of some kind of musty little soul of hypocrisy. And also a scandal with arbakayte quickly comes to mind, and when the Babster deputies took it and quietly changed the law on the priority of mother's guardianship over their father, well, no one will remember about it, because it’s not watered right and it’s not profitable for women ...
          1. Aspirin
            23 March 2015 18: 07
            Quote: IAlex
            You talk with the Germans, they quickly set your brains. Especially with the law on the reservation of 30% of the seats for women in the management of companies from 2016 and from 2020 to 40% of the seats. At the same time, it’s as if they don’t introduce such quotas in companies where there are no men ... Well, this is called equality, it just smacks of some kind of musty little soul of hypocrisy. And also a scandal with arbakayte quickly comes to mind, and when the Babster deputies took it and quietly changed the law on the priority of mother's guardianship over their father, well, no one will remember about it, because it’s not watered right and it’s not profitable for women ...

            Well, this is the excesses of the europop. They have an aggressive civilization.
            We are not like that.
            1. 0
              23 March 2015 21: 27
              Of course not, we are different ... (each of us said)
            2. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        23 March 2015 15: 50
        children in general in incubators do. healthy, smart, strong right away)
      3. +2
        23 March 2015 16: 09
        and the first who gives birth will receive a green lemon! wassat
      4. -3
        23 March 2015 16: 30
        Quote: A. Yaga
        By the way, women work in the army and at the bench

        I am proud that Norway has become the first European country where conscription into the armed forces is mandatory for women too, I hope that other states will follow our example, "added Foreign Minister Espen Bart Eide." Everyone should have the same rights and obligations. ... The armed forces should have access to the best human resources regardless of gender, and now men are mainly serving in the army, ”summed up one of the authors of the bill, Laila Gustavsen. (C)

        that's how it should
        1. +2
          23 March 2015 19: 51
          Are you talking about that Norway, where instead of mom and dad, there is parent1 and parent2? so there they legally abolished gender, respectively, and FULL equality, in everything ...
      5. +2
        23 March 2015 17: 40
        Well then, by definition, due to physiological signs of equality there can be no equality, and by the way, these babsters always confuse equality and more freebies, in fact, like the Ukrainians ... Modern feminists, like the PID * races, have gained rights and begin to become more impudent, because they want to spoil a piece more on the wave of movement ...
        1. Aspirin
          23 March 2015 18: 09
          Quote: IAlex
          Well then, by definition, due to physiological signs of equality there can be no equality, and by the way, these babsters always confuse equality and more freebies, in fact, like the Ukrainians ... Modern feminists, like the PID * races, have gained rights and begin to become more impudent, because they want to spoil a piece more on the wave of movement ...

          Women have their own advantages for men. request Everyone will ultimately remain with his own. Unless of course not give someone a head start.
      6. 0
        23 March 2015 22: 25
        Quote: A. Yaga
        You confuse physiology with equality. By the way, women are working in the army and on the bench, it remains to force the men to give birth to children and then complete equality.

        Stop trumping what God has given you!
    2. Klepa
      23 March 2015 16: 32
      I do not want to be intrusive, but in fact everyone was called up in 1917, absolutely not asking for desire. So what are you trying to rub here is generally not clear. All together, they began to put down sleepers from the beginning of the 20th century.
      1. 0
        23 March 2015 17: 31
        "Norway is the first country in Europe to make conscription into the armed forces for women as well"
        Norway is one of the most prosperous countries in the world. And if a woman there goes to serve in the army, then most likely it is not from hopelessness, but from well-being. And besides, the population in Norway is less than 5 million people.
        1. 0
          23 March 2015 17: 37
          Quote: lidiy
          then most likely this is not from hopelessness, but from well-being.

          ha ha ha
          that is, that hopelessness, that well-being - as a result, we come to the same thing?
          and with prosperity, military service does not think that it is getting really easy

          Quote: lidiy
          And besides, the population in Norway is less than 5 million people.

          Well, there are no enemies nearby
      2. Aspirin
        23 March 2015 18: 10
        Quote: Klepa
        I do not want to be intrusive, but in fact everyone was called up in 1917, absolutely not asking for desire. So what are you trying to rub here is generally not clear. All together, they began to put down sleepers from the beginning of the 20th century.

        What are the sleepers in FIG. Klepa okts.
        Woman for a man began to be considered, and then thank God.
        1. +1
          23 March 2015 21: 30
          It is a pity only women men for a man did not begin to count ...
  7. +6
    23 March 2015 15: 03
    Attempting retirement age is a crime, it doesn’t matter if a woman is a man. The state’s abandonment of social obligations casts doubt on the state itself, why are we paying taxes and fees? Can it be inappropriately fulfilling our duties to the people? What are they trying to achieve? The state has already refused from obligations on housing and communal services, partly on medicine, and to prepare for the denial of universal education, and anarchy sets in.
  8. +12
    23 March 2015 15: 09
    “In order for the cow to eat less and give more milk, it needs to be fed less and milked more.” Criminal thought in the foreheads of bureaucrats does not give them rest. On the number of such and replace with more capable of resolving issues without strangulation of the people
  9. +8
    23 March 2015 15: 11
    There are many people like Siluanov in the government. Superficial people. "Economists" suck. And by and large they think about themselves. Of course, honey. providing they will live up to a solid pension. And the rest of our people? A normal minister would certainly turn to the Academy of Sciences and ask for a well-grounded scientific opinion on age. This one counts only up to two "bought for rubles and sold for two". This is the approach of the so-called liberal marketers. Minister of Education from the same category. Former Defense Minister Serdyukov is the same shot. A sense of self-preservation saved the leadership, kicked out. Otherwise, the United States could do with them as with Gaddafi and rather quickly with the Serdyukov army. And then there are pensioners, little depends on them, so they donate, save on them. Not humanly. The main feature of Russians is the desire for justice. They do not respect not just people.
  10. +2
    23 March 2015 15: 12
    As soon as I saw the word "gender" - immediately negative to the article and the author. Everyone is looking for some kind of discrimination in Russia. She has not been there for a long time, since the days of the USSR. If a woman wants to achieve something, she always achieves. In my life, I have never faced discrimination against women. So, calm down already.
    1. Yuzver
      23 March 2015 15: 23
      From the first sentence, I already have an aversion to this article.
      When it all starts with words "The neocolonial policy of globalist corporatocracy in the face of the US establishment and global financial institutions (IMF, WTO, etc. other financial organizations), carried out in our country" I understand that the article will have tons of ideological nonsense.
  11. dmb
    23 March 2015 15: 12
    I wonder how this "expert" of this "anti-corruption" committee makes a living? And what does gender equality have to do with anti-corruption? Oh, these fake professors of non-existent sciences. Well, the "girl" Siluanova kicked. So show who doesn't kick him. Well, she said that diamat, the correct methodology, and this is not news. But how can all this be linked to Putin's rating, anti-corruption and gender equality. Verbiage however.
    1. +1
      23 March 2015 17: 52
      Quote: dmb
      Well, she said that diamat, the correct methodology, is not news. But how to link it all with Putin's rating

      You can’t reconcile it in any way :-)
  12. Yuzver
    23 March 2015 15: 20
    Men and women need to be equalized, but for now we live in a matriarchal world.
    1. Aspirin
      23 March 2015 15: 30
      I'm still interested.
      It says that a man cannot force a woman to have a baby or refuse an abortion? And he agrees to walk instead of her pregnant? lol
      Further, there is expressed dissatisfaction with the obligation to support the child and wife? But vice versa?

      And a very interesting question. There is a requirement PUNISH to the wife. Is it like a belt with a fist or immediately stoned to death with stones? feel
      1. 0
        23 March 2015 16: 23
        And he agrees to go pregnant instead of her? lol

        And what does it have to do with it? In fact, for all the severity, pregnancy is not a disease. And during the bearing of the child, a big lump of obligations also falls down on the man, starting from fulfilling the vagaries of the future mother and ending with the housework, from which you want to free the wife, especially when the stomach becomes clearly visible.
        1. 0
          23 March 2015 16: 51
          I have to at least half agree with the ladies: pregnancy greatly affects the metabolism, and it happens negatively. And you can get something worse than the flu for many years. Housework is a much less risky sport.
          But, I will note, BUT: the majority of women ignore their state of health, do not care about their endurance, convinced that it is enough to "eat right" and this is what often causes complications. I will only note that a considerable proportion of men get so many problems at work that their "pregnancy" is permanent ... And not every wife is ready to give her husband at least half an hour to rest after work.
          1. +1
            23 March 2015 22: 23
            The absence of pregnancy in women is just like pregnancy, and, as it were, not even more negative than pregnancy, it affects both metabolism and a lot of other things. More precisely, it causes (provokes the appearance) a lot of female ailments. No wonder they say that women have two reasons to become pregnant:
            - the desire to have a baby;
            - the desire to maintain health.

            Yes, women have to sacrifice something. Well, it’s probably better to get pregnant and survive the toxicosis of one and a half to two months than not to become pregnant and not to give birth and get a lot of any female sores for life. Cancer including.
      2. 0
        23 March 2015 16: 27
        you leave the question — the author clearly expressed the position of the law that the wife, who went to the left and became pregnant, completely shifts the responsibility for this to her husband, and for many years. The desire to punish such a setup is logical.
        1. Aspirin
          23 March 2015 19: 25
          Quote: yehat
          you leave the question — the author clearly expressed the position of the law that the wife, who went to the left and became pregnant, completely shifts the responsibility for this to her husband, and for many years. The desire to punish such a setup is logical.

          Did the husband go to the left and spawn bastards there? wink
          Or a woman will be to blame too. So this has already passed.
      3. 0
        23 March 2015 22: 40
        The absence of pregnancy in women causes (provokes the appearance) a lot of female ailments. No wonder they say that women have two reasons to become pregnant:
        - the desire to have a baby;
        - the desire to maintain health.

        Yes, women have to sacrifice something. Well, it’s probably better to get pregnant and survive the toxicosis of one and a half to two months than not to become pregnant and not to give birth and get a lot of any female sores for life. Cancer including.
        This issue does not concern men. So, it’s not necessary for peasants to become pregnant in the name of their health :)))))))))))))
  13. +12
    23 March 2015 15: 21
    Here are the ghouls. Instead of raising the economy, regulating taxes and giving people the opportunity to earn their retirement, they no longer know how to squeeze us ...
    They want to make a pension for surviving !!!
    I especially liked about the beneficiaries - they leave earlier and it turns out, the rest contain them !!!
    BUT, that I have never, in discussing the pension issue and its budget, heard statistics about - HOW MUCH PEOPLE DIED before they reached this age and most importantly the money was left in the fund and where did it go ??? ...
    1. 0
      23 March 2015 19: 10
      They don’t say the main thing: how many and from which social strata and groups? The answer will be stunning!
    2. 0
      23 March 2015 19: 10
      They don’t say the main thing: how many and from which social strata and groups? The answer will be stunning!
  14. +6
    23 March 2015 15: 23
    The worst thing is that such laws are quietly adopted. Then they will put before a fact, and it turns out that we only have to rely on higher forces. As the saying goes, if thought is material, then let us wish those who adopt such a law to be left without money, without pensions and alone. This is my dream. Let them steal everything from the thieves, from the bribe-takers all the money will turn out to be false, and I generally want to spit in Siluanov's eye. And probably not only to him. As for Putin, for some reason, I doubt that the rating will fall. Everyone likes foreign policy. Pride that the country is getting up from its knees. Yes, and good "horses at the crossing do not change." But the government's rating will probably fall even more. And also, the author calls to unite and speak. What is it like? The revolution? Protest? Do not make me laugh. Now I will go out in my wilderness and begin to protest. They will twist at the temple. And from Moscow only liberal protests can be expected. And we don't need revolutions. Let's remember what 1917 and 1991 brought for ordinary people: poverty and devastation. And we worked all our lives and paid dues. Then wild capitalism stole from us the seniority needed to receive a labor pension. Therefore - REFERENDUM. We have the right to speak out. But people like the author must do everything to make this referendum take place. ...
    1. +3
      23 March 2015 17: 53
      Quote: Independent
      And as for Putin, for some reason, I doubt that the rating will fall. Everyone likes foreign policy

      Yeah, only the head of state is constitutionally responsible for domestic politics.
    2. 0
      23 March 2015 18: 20
      Quote: Independent
      Let us recall what 1917 and 1991 brought to ordinary people. Poverty and ruin. And we worked all our lives and paid dues. Then wild capitalism stole our seniority from us to receive a retirement pension. Therefore, REFERENDUM. We have the right to speak out. But such as the author must do everything to make this referendum take place. Something like this .

      Well done You Galina, I support your comment! All completely, from start to finish!
    3. 0
      23 March 2015 18: 22
      Quote: Independent
      . We have the right to speak. A

      about what?
  15. -1
    23 March 2015 15: 27
    when I read the article, the feeling that her woman was writing did not leave. looked at the end - for sure)))
    It seems to me that women in our country understand the world in a strange way. Many remember the benefits and discounts that were provided to them during the Soviet era, but in addition to this they want all the advantages of the current "system". Let me remind you that people give way to women in transport, make various discounts not just like that, but implying that they (women) will also somehow show themselves in society. For example, they will give birth to 2-3 children and will raise them, and not send them into eternal exile to their grandmother or to an orphanage. But lately, women prefer to show themselves only in shops and cafes + collecting where they had a rest in summer abroad. Separately, I can talk about the negative side of mass female careerism. Many of them NEVER do hard, risky or dangerous work, preferring pleasant comfort. Very rarely processed. This is the basis for the fact that women's life expectancy is higher on average. At home, too, now everything has changed - washing machines, toasters, microwave ovens, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, chemistry have simplified life so much that it is minimally stressful. I believe that now there is a process of discrimination against men, not women. To understand this, go to any mall and see how many products are sold for women and how many for men. A separate conversation could be about what is required of women and men now, at the household level. I am sure that women are massively abandoning their responsible role in society and in the family, and given this, I see no reason to give a large part of women a favor at retirement age. The part of the female population that I continue to respect as women is now far from 100%. It's my personal opinion.
    1. +7
      23 March 2015 15: 57
      Female careerism, dear, comes from the reluctance of men to take responsibility for their families. I’ve lived for half a century, I know what I'm talking about. Personally, I am generally against raising the retirement age for both men and women. And you don’t have to judge all women by fiery sticks. Never carry out risky and dangerous work. Enrage me. I am one of those. In the evening they put a knife to my back, thanks to those who saved me. And then I went home and looked after my sick mother, prepared, with the help of household appliances that made life easier, food for the family, and again in the morning to work. Discriminated you are ours. Or maybe you just do not like women? Maybe someone offended?
      1. +3
        23 March 2015 16: 11
        you read me inattentively. it’s about the fact that I don’t agree with the question: everyone. And by the way, why did you indiscriminately call all men irresponsible? Someone deserves to retire at 50, and someone at 55 did not.
        How do you like the ensign who has been serving at the warehouse for 20 years and is retiring at a weak pension at age 40? Or what do you think about the fact that half of men simply do not live up to retirement - ALL life works? And what do you think about the extreme stress of many guys who want to honestly earn a decent salary just for their family and because of this they sacrifice their health, often dying at work from strokes, heart attacks, overwork and other delights earned from the same job or just breaking from an unbearable load? All this is there.
        1. +2
          23 March 2015 17: 26
          Yes, not all men are irresponsible. My husband, for example, as you say, is an ensign. He went through Czechoslovakia in 68, and exported civilians from Grozny under bullets. Loads simple belongings and people. I tried to slip at 3-4 in the morning when the militants were sleeping at the checkpoints. And so a few flights. And the pension is not weak - as much as 13 thousand. And in addition to the 2nd group on disability, which he refused to receive, because it is non-working. You can’t work. If ensign, then warehouse? There are not so many warehouses in the army. There are also military ensigns and officers. And their wives, believe me, not only think about clothes. There are different ones. From a man it depends on what kind of woman he will choose. Now about strokes and heart attacks. From them, and women die. Understand that nature has put stress resistance in a woman. Not my invention - scientists. All these births, raising children, the ability to protect at the subconscious level, physiological problems are great stresses. Therefore, nature has laid in us protection against them, but has not laid down not to grow old and not to hurt. Therefore, after the 50th, how difficult it is to work, as in youth.
          1. +1
            23 March 2015 18: 22
            I spoke of a concrete example of an unfair distribution of pensions, and not of warrant officers in general. In the same way, dozens of other cases could be said. For example, about deputies.
          2. +1
            23 March 2015 18: 25
            Quote: Independent
            Therefore, after the 50th, how difficult it is to work, as in youth.

            But does this apply to men?
      2. +1
        23 March 2015 16: 29
        Female careerism, dear, comes from the unwillingness of men to be responsible for the family. I have lived for half a century, I know what I'm talking about.

        Yes, you sho? And it always seemed to me that a woman simply can pay less, hangs on her at least one mouth less than a man always. In Soviet times, this was not important. And therefore, few women were hired for leadership. But the capitalists know how to count money. And therefore it is more profitable to hire a woman for 50 thousand than a man for 80. But this is in the first generation, in the second, and then the law of large numbers is already working and women, having come to the governance structures en masse, not only do not want to leave them, but also begin expansion into ever higher spheres is how the Nabiullins turn out.
      3. +2
        23 March 2015 16: 32
        Plus, it is also a focused policy aimed at the collapse of the family. A woman with a well-paid job will be freer in deciding to break up. And less interested in having children.
        1. 0
          23 March 2015 16: 41
          How can a woman’s large salary negatively affect her desire to have a baby?
          It seems to me that in this case only one thing affects - the upbringing of the woman herself.
          1. +1
            23 March 2015 18: 28
            Quote: yehat
            How can a woman’s large salary negatively affect her desire to have a baby?

            About the same as an incomplete education. A large salary is either a good position (for which there are a lot of people), or a business (which, like a horse, let it go, will bring you there).
      4. +2
        23 March 2015 18: 23
        Quote: Independent
        Female careerism, dear, stems from the reluctance of men to take responsibility for the family

        Yours is not true! Careerism has nothing to do with the alleged unwillingness of men to take responsibility for the family. By the way, most of the so-called "business women" are unhappy in marriage.
    2. PPL
      23 March 2015 15: 59
      Quote: yehat
      I believe that now the process of discrimination against men, not women, is developing. To understand this, go to any shopping center and see how many products are sold for women, and how many for men.

      Bravo! Cool argument, I cry and applaud while standing !!! lol My minus.
    3. -1
      23 March 2015 16: 20
      "when I read the article, I did not leave the feeling that it was a woman who wrote it."

      When I read your comment, the feeling that his man wrote did not leave.

      "washing machines, toasters, microwave ovens, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, chemistry have simplified life so much that it is minimally stressful"
      What nonsense!
      1. +2
        23 March 2015 16: 43
        Quote: lidiy
        What nonsense!

        and you try without them :-)
      2. +1
        23 March 2015 17: 01
        and what bothers you? automatic washing. iron with new irons - just nice. Cooking, given the new technology, takes an hour from the strength of personal time. Cleaning with new vacuum cleaners, rags and detergents - I have enough 2 hours a week. I spend about 70-80 hours a week on work and 5-6 on everyday life.
        1. +1
          23 March 2015 17: 42
          I’m terribly uncomfortable, but my vacuum cleaner is 10 years old and I won’t go for a new one, there are more important expenses. And even a new vacuum cleaner does not go around the house. The machine - the machine does not load linen into itself and does not even want to go out to hang the linen on a rope, etc.
          1. +1
            23 March 2015 17: 49
            Quote: lidiy
            The machine - the machine does not load linen into itself and does not even want to go out to hang the linen on a rope

            your life is hard :-(
            you can’t say anything
          2. +2
            23 March 2015 18: 18
            the old vacuum cleaner is usually noisy because I don’t keep the old one. By the way, there are new ones that work themselves. load the wash well not much time laughing I hang only a large type of sheet on the rope, the rest on a special hanger.
            all this in passing between other matters and ... not for long!
    4. +4
      23 March 2015 16: 24
      In how you got sick, you see right away, women really pierce their eyes :).
      1. +1
        23 March 2015 16: 56
        "that's how we get Nabiullins."
        As you recalled to the place of Nabiulina. In our politics, women have miscalculated once or twice, and the economic collapse has been going on for 25 years. Are the Nabiulins to blame?
        1. 0
          23 March 2015 17: 24
          a highly skilled specialist should be a maniac in the good sense of the word. Most women are very executive and punctual, but not everyone will agree to work for more than 8 hours, be constantly under stress, think with your head, constantly develop, sacrifice your PERSONAL time and be responsible for your creative decisions. Such units.
        2. 0
          23 March 2015 18: 31
          Quote: lidiy
          Are the Nabiulins to blame?

        3. 0
          24 March 2015 00: 35
          No, Nabiullins are the "product" of the collapse.
  16. +4
    23 March 2015 15: 29
    Again, on February 6.02.2015, XNUMX, the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Anton Siluanov, jumped out with these proposals again

    All too often, statements from this minister create a tense atmosphere among the population. Personally, I get the impression that he does it on purpose, after consulting with "our" liberals. At one time, Kudrin was also considered irreplaceable.
  17. 0
    23 March 2015 15: 37
    DOCLE !!!
    "The text of your comment is too short and, in the opinion of the site administration, does not provide useful information." I will answer the administration: if the reader does not have a brain, no matter how long my post is, it will not bring him "useful information".)))
  18. +3
    23 March 2015 15: 51
    Siluanova to retire. The minimum. Ahead of time. It will be good for the country.
  19. +2
    23 March 2015 15: 53
    I am pleased with the main idea of ​​the article: Equalizing the rights of men and women, this is discrimination against women !!!
    1. 0
      23 March 2015 16: 13
      Have you tried to think?
  20. -1
    23 March 2015 16: 09
    Honestly, I do not quite understand the reasons why menopause is compared.
    And if you look at the other hand, that women live on average longer than men? Does this not speak of their better adaptation to living conditions? Already, men have practically no so many chances to live up to the retirement age of 60 years. Whereas women work quite normally until the age of 60 and further in all sectors of the national economy.
    Also, I do not understand the reasons for what is said about some kind of "discrimination" of women of retirement age. What kind of "childbearing" period for women in 40-50 years old can we talk about? Yes, they give birth, but what is the higher percentage of various diseases among late children? To what extent are these children psychologically worse developed and spoiled due to the fact that over-grown mothers cannot breathe on them? Now, rather, there is discrimination against young people by women of retirement age, who, thanks to the "additional payment" from the state in the amount of 8-10 thousand, win in the competition for jobs among young people, bring down the level of wages. Moreover, this discrimination is carried out for 5-10 years, in contrast to pensioners-men with their 0-5 years on average. If we want to improve the conditions for women of childbearing age, then we need to give them a pension from 18 to 25 so that they can give birth to healthy children with the help of grandparents, who, for the most part, are still alive at this age.
    Who would say, of course, it is better to lower the retirement age for men. But HOW will this help reduce the pension fund deficit? In conditions when state revenues are falling, if necessary, to maintain funding for the army and the military-industrial complex, it is the state's social obligations that are sacrificed in the first place. Since the author has turned to the memory of the IVS, then you can play against it with the same "chip". When Stalin urgently needed to prepare for war, he even went to increase working hours and limit the mobility of labor resources. And also for "predatory" compulsory loans. It is clear that the oligarchs sitting on luxury yachts on golden toilets cannot afford such a "luxury" as the people's leader, who left behind him, apart from the Great Country, only a pipe, a pair of worn-out boots and a uniform. The people will not understand. But, for example, equalizing the retirement age for men and women is the most painless and safe way to reduce government spending. As an additional bonus, this will lead to an increase in salaries, since for 10-15 thousand there are already few people willing to work, since there will be no pension supplement. And this will also lead to an increase in the level of filling the pension fund. The article talks about the rise in unemployment among women, yes, it is, but those who cannot find work without an advantage over the young will be able to devote themselves to the same grandchildren.
    1. +3
      23 March 2015 16: 38
      I do not agree with the general message in style give way to the young. Pension from 18 to 25 ... curious, but isn't the decree almost the same? Due to the fact that dealers are throwing with the payment of the decree, with a career and other things, there are problems, but these are problems of control, and not of the law in general. As for the level of payment for work, this dances from another - from the characteristics of the economy, which allows for scanty pay and meager efficiency. Therefore, it is impossible to change everything all at once or in part. I want to remind you that salaries should not be paid for diligence, but for the effect achieved. And in our country there remain vestiges of perception with the USSR of work as an 8-hour performance of duties.
      1. 0
        24 March 2015 00: 44
        Pension from 18 to 25 ... curious, but isn't the decree almost the same?

        Not the same. Firstly, this is from another fund, and secondly, first you need to get a job, take someone else's place, which will be kept for a woman by law and for which there will not be so many hunters because of this. Third, paid decree is 1,5 years. Well, as a "cherry" on the cake - have you tried to "knock out" compensation for maternity payments from the FSS? This "entertainment" is not for the faint of heart. Especially if the employee is well paid and the company is small.
    2. +2
      23 March 2015 16: 41
      And I'm bastard when men talk about female menopause. Well, that’s okay. I liked about the painless replenishment of the budget. Or is it enough for the pension fund to build palaces for its employees? Or maybe, instead of, as you suggest, giving a pension from the age of 18 to give birth to healthy children, create conditions for parents and their children - build kindergartens, and not sell existing businessmen, teach normal doctors and create conditions for specialists to they were normal. Yes, and in general health care and education to pull Uncle Sam out of the ass? Then the youth will want to study and work. And not only the golden and rich youth. And those who just now can not pay for education. Everything is much more complicated. It is easier to scream - women are insolent. To say that the technique for women works. Talk about Stalin with a smart look. Siluanov needs to think about how to raise the national economy. People should be given land, taxes are fair, not equalization. And they think how to replace one poison from the west with another from somewhere else. Give work, let people earn. Both young and old. Pensions and so below the baseboard. Work 35 years and get 5500 plus 1000 gubernatorial. And those who survived the 90s and wild capitalism - generally take away. No experience. Maybe they will not survive.
      1. +2
        23 March 2015 17: 06
        Quote: Independent
        It's easier to scream - women are insolent

        this is an answer to this article
      2. +2
        23 March 2015 17: 17
        the problem is not only how to make money. the problem is how not to lose. With inflation and an opaque business, it is very difficult for us to invest money so that it does not burn out. Bank rates do not cover real inflation. Plus hellish margins on literally everything. A normal car is a million. An apartment is often sold 3-4 times more expensive than the cost. Medicines, products, etc. - the margin is rarely less than 70%, and often 100+%, and this is a lot. Therefore, the bondage of employees remains, because they simply don’t have savings and on the same problem it is worth mentioning the severity of pensions — people are deprived of normal accumulation and they have nothing to hope for except retirement.
  21. 0
    23 March 2015 16: 23
    (to the site administrator, I read the article and comments, I’d like to say, or rather write what I think, but I’m afraid I’ll be deleted or issued a warning. And all of them will retire and the term for leaving up to 80 men and up to 85 women after a free stem cell transplant .)
  22. The comment was deleted.
  23. +2
    23 March 2015 16: 32
    "if at the same time it is also forbidden to Russian women to have free abortions"
    I agree that abortion should be excluded from free medical services. The state should not participate in the killing of its citizens.
    But I’m sure that they won’t do it even for the sake of economy. Not for that, they tried 20 years to now take care of population growth.
  24. 0
    23 March 2015 17: 06
    The article was written by a woman and most likely on emotions. I started with Siluanov, then moved on to physiology, a lot of wise words, and ended up "globally":
    not a single sane people, including men, sooner or later allow a policy of genocide against their women. For there are no women - and no people! Therefore, everything that leads to the growth of national identity on the principle of “Save yourself, who can!” Leads to the growth of national separatism in a multinational country, the growth of ethnic conflicts, civil war and the geopolitical collapse of the entire state. Russia is no exception.

    The impression was that when writing an article she was a little skidded.
    As for discrimination against women, I do not agree, men will always have a different perception of reality from women, see discussions above. In this case, the glass is either full or empty. Neither Siluanov nor others discriminate against women; we live in a more or less legal state. Discriminate, go to court.
    At the beginning of the article, mention was made of raising the retirement age for both men and women:
    Namely, in particular, they again returned to the implementation of the neocolonial idea of ​​establishing in Russia equal old-age retirement pensions for men and women - now up to 63 years old, instead of 60.
    , but this is probably a separate story and topic for writing an article or an analytical note? request
  25. +2
    23 March 2015 17: 42
    What nonsense, an article about a real problem escalated into a discussion of whether a woman has rights and should she even work ??
    1. 0
      23 March 2015 17: 52
      what problem? gender discrimination of women? - no such problem
      1. 0
        23 March 2015 17: 57
        the problem of a liberal approach to pension provision, what is the average life expectancy of a woman in Russia?
        1. 0
          23 March 2015 18: 06
          According to Rosstat for 2011, the average life expectancy in Russia is 69,83 years. Life expectancy of men - 64 years, women - 75,6 years (s)

          1. +2
            23 March 2015 18: 34
            The overwhelming majority of acquaintances of men aged did not live to 64.
            either bent at work, or after reaching a poor pension, they degraded and died, or died of cancer (about a quarter).
    2. +1
      23 March 2015 18: 29
      all questions about money or work are usually reduced by many women to the sacramental "a man must work", and a woman, therefore, spend laughing
  26. 0
    23 March 2015 18: 12
    The state gives less than it takes, that is, if a woman worked for 43 years, for example from 20, and she will be given pension for 8 years)) By the way, a change in the calculation of pensions did not follow, that is, they will pay the same amount))
    1. 0
      23 March 2015 18: 17
      Quote: Astartes
      The government gives less than it takes

      Is it only women or men too?
  27. 0
    23 March 2015 18: 23
    It concerns everyone.
    1. +1
      23 March 2015 18: 27
      then where does the gender-based pension discrimination of women?
      if this is the case with everyone
      1. +1
        23 March 2015 18: 31
        At the head of the author, however, the problem is an increase in the retirement age, that women are what men ... are not the essence of the name but the topic under consideration.
        1. 0
          23 March 2015 18: 40
          Are you against legal equality?
  28. 0
    23 March 2015 18: 33
    When I was pregnant and lying in the gynecological hospital to maintain pregnancy, a woman, a mother with many children, who had an abortion on her own, was brought to our hospital on the night. Doctors fought over her all night - 6 hours - but could not save her. She died anyway. She has 3 children left. The husband fell into shock. But he was, however, not from the military, but from civilians. Women go to such things in a state of depression, when the threat of death is easier than the daily routine of her life.
    And when officials talk about the longevity of men and women in the Russian Federation, then the government means the average, i.e. arithmetic mean, age. And this is like the average temperature of patients in a hospital: some recover and go to discharge, while others state death.
    Therefore, the government comparison of the longevity of men and women is a manipulation from the Evil One. The fact is that for various social reasons (low wages, poor labor protection, participation in hostilities, drug addiction, drunkenness, road rage, etc.), we lose a lot of men, including adolescents, at a young age.
  29. GFE
    23 March 2015 18: 49
    Well, the article is not indisputable. But my opinion is the author of the right about the equalization of retirement. A woman should retire earlier! It’s just at the pre-retirement age that you feel that when you come home from work, your wife does not meet you anyhow, but exactly as someone who came home from work. And the husband, having rested, helps his wife around the house or what they have outlined together. Liberasts have already got it over the past year, led by a sailfist. And while they are at the helm, nothing will change. It's time to kick them out. " for the loss of confidence "! The article put a plus.
  30. The comment was deleted.
  31. +2
    23 March 2015 20: 12
    The bulk of the article is a set of words.
    Indeed, more women are born in the Russian Federation than women

    This information, to put it mildly, is not true. Nature, unlike people, does not allow distortions. For the situation that developed there were more than one decade, and a great deal of miscalculations were made starting from the time of the USSR. The author does not offer anything, but if it is easier, where will we take the money in the current situation?
    1. -1
      23 March 2015 22: 21
      For Thor 2. Men are really born more. This is the official data of the Federal State Statistics Service. And more in all countries. And in those countries that long ago live without war, there aren’t enough brides for men. Don't you know about that?
  32. +1
    23 March 2015 20: 47
    Russian men and women should unite and speak with one voice against such a policy of the authorities in the pension legislation and achieve its abolition.

    Author Zueva T.F. Expert of the National Public Committee against Corruption (GA)
    -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
    What a ridiculous provocation, what kind of an expert on corruption, and why he writes about the pension law when a month ago Siluanov himself closed this topic, what kind of front will go up and what kind of nonsense are you working for whom Zueva.
    1. -1
      23 March 2015 22: 40
      You are inattentively following events. The question is not closed.
    2. 0
      23 March 2015 22: 40
      You are inattentively following events. The question is not closed.
  33. +2
    23 March 2015 21: 02
    Not an article, but a garbage pit, everything is mixed up and served under the sauce of the conflict, everything is against everyone, men are against women, but the capital of both.
    1 increase in retirement age is one problem
    2 Material well-being - other
    3 Social responsibility of the state to citizens ...
    4 Socialization and self-realization in society, including through work, is another topic
  34. Sendi7s
    23 March 2015 21: 37
    I have two questions for this very "close-minded" minister - Siluanov.
    1. Where will these people work if already now the heads of enterprises are trying to fire people over 45 years old and are not hired? Pure age discrimination.
    2. How to ensure that an all-Russian referendum is held on this issue? In the end, we live in a democratic state. And such questions should be discussed at referenda.
  35. +1
    23 March 2015 22: 32
    RF no one can do more harm than the empowered. Fortunately, Russia stepped over 90g and now it remains only to get rid of pro-American politicians.
  36. +1
    23 March 2015 22: 33
    Quote: yehat
    when I read the article, the feeling that her woman was writing did not leave. looked at the end - for sure)))
    it seems to me that women in our country are somehow strange in understanding the world ...
    everywhere they understand him that way, except in Islamic civilization this strange understanding of them remains with them.
    I can’t add your post, therefore, in verbal form, my respect and respect for you for him, but unfortunately for 95% of the population he, as they say, is not a horse feed.
  37. +1
    23 March 2015 22: 41
    Good self-designation - Expert of the National Public Committee against Corruption (GA). Whose expert, by whom is this document certified and verified? We do not have such scarabs (national, public, general galactic).
    After receiving such data, I would very much like to talk to this "expert". We are waiting for communication, experts !!!
  38. MLF
    23 March 2015 23: 58
    He retired in 63. Soon, various diseases began to stick like burdocks to a stray dog. And after all, crap, do not stop! It became noticeable that I was decrepit. And the cottage does not save. Who will tell you what conclusions I need to draw? And I don’t want to work - some kind of fatigue from her, and I am weaning.
    1. 0
      24 March 2015 10: 43
      late to drink barges - it was better to protect your health.
      but you can drink something else - pay attention to Soviet advice: exercises, gymnastics, etc. All this will affect your well-being.
  39. 0
    24 March 2015 00: 10
    A pension, like many other social spheres of life (health care, education, etc.) is an important element of stability and well-being of life in society. The attitude to the weak and less protected shows the level of welfare of society (wealth).
    The times of economic reforms, ideological reorientation to "pure capitalism", especially in its "liberistic" presentation, limiting the role of the state to a purely monetary role and tools virtually excludes the possibility of hoping for a decent pension and other social benefits (education, medical care).
    Postpone to your personal bank accounts or otherwise accumulate - the only way to secure a pension.
  40. 0
    24 March 2015 09: 10
    In total,)) then it is necessary to do rephasing
  41. 0
    24 March 2015 09: 34
    The author tries to divert the attention of the audience from the main problem of pension provision - the loot is stupidly wasted. For the fourth time in 15 years, the PF is emptying.
    Question: on whose water does the author pour water, raising a meaningless discussion about the total menopause and disputing the basic principles of gender equality?
  42. 0
    24 March 2015 10: 25
    The energy of our Government would be turned back on track, Ukrainians would envy. Two Black Seas would dig. laughing
  43. 0
    24 March 2015 14: 42
    The author of the article is for gender equality, for this reason he (a) is for people of one gender (men) to work more than people of the other sex (ginseng). The logic is super, and everything else in the article is boltology and slogans. Moreover, men also live much less, 10 years ago, an average statistical man did not live up to retirement, where is the justice? And FIG knows him.
  44. 0
    21 November 2015 22: 52
    of these siluanovs and all kinds of liberalists, to the wall !!! hands ask for a machine gun
  45. 0
    22 October 2016 04: 36
    The very statement of the question: "Gender discrimination of WOMEN ...". The difference in life expectancy for men and women in Russia is 10 - 12 years. It follows that the average man does not live to retire or dies 1-2 years after retirement. On what grounds, then, should a woman retire earlier and why does no one see actual discrimination against MEN and a direct violation of the constitution in the very fact of different retirement? Depressing the number of mama's sons in the comments saluting for giving women more and more indulgences.

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