Belarusian nationalism is a weapon of the West against Russia

After President Alexander Lukashenko came to power in Belarus, the country has long been considered the most important ally and partner of Russia in the post-Soviet space. Perhaps, Russia did not have warmer relations with any of the post-Soviet republics than with Belarus, which even formed a supranational association with Russia — the Union of Belarus and Russia. At the same time, in Belarus itself, the pro-Russian stance of President Lukashenko since the time he came to power evokes the hatred of the so-called. "Belarusian opposition". Strictly speaking, it was in Belarus that the West initially tried to carry out the Maidan scenario, relying on local pro-Western nationalists. The benefit of the latter in post-Soviet Belarus, where the overwhelming majority of the population speaks Russian, for some reason has drawn more than enough. In “Lukashenka’s” Belorussia, among a certain part of the youth, it became fashionable to be a Western nationalist. With nationalism, opposition to Lukashenka’s course is associated, plus the West throughout stories Belarusian nationalism invested considerable forces and means in its development. Another thing is that the Belarusian pro-Western nationalism did not reach such a scale and did not lead (fortunately) to such disastrous consequences as its twin brother in neighboring Ukraine.

Ideology - Russophobia

Belarusian and Ukrainian nationalisms have a lot in common. First, they are all built on the principle of “negative identity.” This concept, introduced into Russian social science by sociologist Lev Gudkov, implies that the unification of people, the construction of some kind of community is not “for”, but “against”. The nature of both Belarusian and Ukrainian nationalism is based on their opposition to Russia. Russia, and in all the historical forms of its statehood, is demonized and regarded exclusively as an empire - an oppressor, for centuries destroying the national cultures of the Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples, hindering their free political development and orientation to the “enlightened West”. Neither Ukrainian nor Belarusian nationalism can exist without an anti-Russian orientation. After all, the confrontation with Russia is the meaning of their existence.

Belarusian nationalism is a weapon of the West against Russia

Secondly, the essence of Belarusian nationalism is based on the active use of the language factor. Language - Basic weapon Belarusian nationalists, their kind of symbol and tool at the same time. After all, it is easy enough to turn Russians into Ukrainians or Belarusians - it’s enough for one or two generations to eradicate the use of the Russian language - first in official institutions, in schools and institutes, in the army and in factories, and then in everyday life. That is why Belarusian nationalists throughout their history sought to minimize the use of the Russian language in the daily life of the country.

At first glance, this looks rather strange - the Russian language, which for centuries has developed as the state language of a huge empire, has incomparable with the Belarusian or Ukrainian scale of distribution and possibilities. This is understood by the majority of Belarusians who consider themselves to be Belarusians, that is, they have a corresponding national identity, but at the same time prefer to speak Russian. In theory, a Russian-speaking person living in Belarus or Ukraine would have no need to learn Belarusian or Ukrainian from purely utilitarian considerations if the state almost did not force the language into force at school, college and at work. But the task of the nationalists, or rather those who stand behind them, is to tear the Ukrainians and Belarusians away from Russia. They will cope with this task - they will start biting the Russians themselves: to dismember Russia into ethnic groups and sub-ethnic groups. There are Cossacks, Pomors here, Volzhans there, Siberians there, and so on.

Historically, Belarusian nationalism also has a certain commonality with Ukrainian. True, the development of Belarusian nationalism proceeded along a somewhat different pattern, which was determined by the specifics of the historical development of Belarusian lands - first as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, then at the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Russian Empire. Since the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was fully incorporated into the Russian state, the Belarusian population was less subject to the anti-Russian propaganda influence that took place in the same Western Ukraine - Galicia, which became part of Austria-Hungary. Anti-Russian nationalist forces in the Belarusian lands were much weaker than in Ukraine. However, here, after the collapse of the monarchy in the Russian Empire and the coming to power of the Provisional Government, nationalist sentiment began to spread. Belarusian nationalists decided to demand autonomy within Russia, forming the Central Council. In October 1917, the latter was transformed into the Great Belarusian Rada (UBD). It should be noted that the majority of the population of Belarus did not aspire to autonomy and, especially, to disconnect from Russia. Separatist sentiments were inherent only in parts of the Belarusian intelligentsia, politically engaged and associated with anti-Russian forces, primarily with Germany.

"Frustrated" Rada

When the 3 March 1918 in Brest-Litovsk a peace treaty was signed with Germany, most of the Belarusian territory fell under the control of the German troops. However, since Germany and Austria-Hungary pledged to resolve the issue of the further political sovereignty of the lands under their control, Belarus was further strengthened by nationalist and separatist sentiments. 9 March 1918 was proclaimed by the Belarusian People's Republic (BNR). It was led by members of the Belarusian socialist community (BSG) - a local socialist party of the Social Revolutionary type. The origins of this political organization, which appeared in 1902, were Belarusian “polonized” intellectuals Ales Burbis, Francis Umyastovsky, Aloiz Pashkevich, Karus Kaganets.

However, Germany and Soviet Russia agreed only on the independence of the Ukrainian state, which was supposed to pass control over the Belarusian woodlands. Independence of Belarus by this treaty was not provided for, therefore neither Soviet Russia nor Germany recognized the political sovereignty of the proclaimed Belarusian People's Republic. At the same time, refusing to officially recognize Belarus, Kaiser Germany did not take any measures against the BNR and its Rada. On the other hand, the BNR was significantly weaker than the Ukrainian state — it did not even have those attributes of statehood that the Ukrainians possessed. The territory of Belarus was under the control of the German occupation forces; there were no Belarusian authorities, judicial bodies, or law enforcement system in this territory. Nevertheless, the BNR had its own seal, symbols, postage stamps, citizenship. BNR exchanged consulates with the neighboring Ukrainian People’s Republic. However, even the UNR did not officially recognize the sovereignty of Belarus - both because of German pressure and because of the existence of serious territorial disputes between Ukraine and Belarus. Belarusian nationalists claimed Polesie, which was controlled by the UNR authorities.

After Germany admitted defeat in the First World War and began withdrawing troops from the territories it had previously occupied, Soviet Russia sent units of the Red Army to liberate Belarus. In Smolensk, the Soviet Socialist Republic of Belarus was proclaimed. However, Grodno and the surrounding territories were under the control of Poland. During the Civil War, there were several armed formations on the territory of Belarus that are considered by modern Belarusian nationalists as components of the armed forces of the Belarusian People’s Republic. Almost immediately after the proclamation of the sovereignty of the Belarusian People's Republic, the 1 th Minsk Belarusian Infantry Regiment, numbering thousands of people in the 2, was formed and acted in alliance with the Polish troops of General I.R. Dovbor - Musnitsky. October 22 1919 g. Jozef Pilsudski authorized the creation of the Belarusian battalions 2 as part of the Polish army. The commander of the Belarusian troops appointed Colonel P. Konopatsky. The headquarters of the Belarusian army was located in Slonim. However, despite the fact that the Belarusian nationalists mobilized on the territory occupied by Poland, the rural population in every possible way declined to recruit a non-existent Belarusian state. As a result of mobilization, only 485 people were recruited. This forced the Polish military command to abandon the idea of ​​creating the Belarusian army as a satellite in the fight against Soviet Russia.

Separately acted Russian people's volunteer army of General Bulakh-Balakhovich. She formally submitted to the Russian Political Committee in Poland, which was led by the Social Revolutionary Socialist Revolutionary - militant Boris Savinkov. Balakhovich's army in the best periods of its existence numbered up to 25 thousands of people and consisted of three infantry and one cavalry divisions. She was supported and directed by the Poles, although the latter themselves had a very low opinion of her. Thus, the Polish prosecutor Colonel Lisowski argued that “Balakhovich’s army is a bandit of bandits. To occupy any city, it sends soldiers, they rob and kill civilians. After the pogroms Balakhovich arrives with his headquarters, drunkenness begins. Balakhovich encourages robbery, otherwise the soldiers would refuse to fight ... An officer who joins Balakhovich’s army pours mud over himself, which you cannot wash away. ”

Actually, Stanislav Nikodimovich Bulak-Balakhovich was not a regular soldier. Before the outbreak of World War I, this descendant of a small land gentry family worked as an accountant, then was mobilized into the army. There he was distinguished by courage, received the Order of St. George 4 degree and the title of cornet. After the revolution, a soldier’s committee elected Balakhovich as a squadron commander, then he was in the Red Army, where he commanded a cavalry regiment and almost went to tribunal for atrocities against the civilian population during the suppression of peasant uprisings. Spas Balakhovich transition to white. It was there that the former cornet of the imperial army and the red regimental commander made a career, after a year he graduated from the captain in the major general.

Belarusian nationalists split over cooperation with Warsaw. The BNR Rada split into the Verkhovna Rada and the People’s Rada. The Verkhovna Rada, whose leader was Anton Lutskevich, sought to develop cooperation with Poland and saw the future of the Belarusian lands as part of a federated state with the Poles. At the same time, the People’s Rada, headed by Václav Lastovsky, believed that Poland was pursuing an occupation policy and was not interested in the genuine independence of the Belarusian state. Therefore, Lastovsky called on the Belarusian nationalists to orient themselves towards the Baltic states and to cooperate with them as the most promising allies. The headquarters of the People’s Council was in Lithuania, and of the Verkhovna Rada in Poland. In the first half of November 1920, there was a repeated attempt to declare the independence of the BNR. 9 November 1920. Ataman Balakhovich’s troops occupied the town of Mozyr and several towns. November 16 was created by the BNR government. Balakhovich's troops began pogroms of the Jewish population. However, two days later, the Red Army managed to push Balakhovich’s troops back from Mozyr. Supporters of Belarusian independence retreated to Poland, where they were disarmed. Balakhovich himself, however, entered the service in the Polish army. To the credit of this man, it should be noted that after the attack on Poland by Hitler Germany, he created a partisan detachment and in 1940 was killed in a skirmish with the Hitlerite military personnel patrolling one of the districts of Warsaw.

Thus, the history of the “Belarusian statehood” was far less than in comparison with the neighboring Ukraine. Since 5 January 1919, the Rada and the BNR government are in emigration. The Belarusian Rada in emigration is an amazing phenomenon. It still exists - 96 years in exile. For all these years in the Rada alternately changed heads. It is currently headed by Ivonka Survilla. Unlike other “governments in exile” of the countries that were part of the Soviet Union, the Rada of Belarus does not recognize the current Belarusian government and therefore continues to consider itself the legitimate leadership of the republic “in exile”.

Belarusian Nazis

Between 1920 and 1939 part of modern Belarus was ruled by Poland. The so-called Western Belarus included the modern Brest and Grodno regions, as well as the western parts of the Vitebsk and Minsk regions. Polish authorities operated on this territory, a policy of rapid “polonization” of the local population was carried out. Thus, the Belarusian nationalists in this case turned out to be dissatisfied with the situation, since the Polish authorities were not going to provide real autonomy to the Belarusian territories, not to mention the creation of a federal state. Therefore, part of the Belarusian nationalists from the beginning of the 1930's. I was looking for patrons in the face of Nazi Germany.

In 1933-1943 there was the Belarusian National Socialist Party. In contrast to the old Belarusian nationalists, this organization, created by the former Socialist-Revolutionary Fabian Akinchits, focused on Hitler-style national socialism and planned to create a national-socialist regime in Belarus. Akinchits published anti-Bolshevik and anti-Semitic articles, and in 1938 he was even hired by the Ministry of Propaganda for the Third Reich. However, despite the desire of the Belarusian admirers of the Hitler Hitler to curry favor with the Reich and get the right to work in Belarus, the Nazi leadership did not see the need to create a special separate party of the national socialist type in Belarus. Therefore, the party acted in hiding. In 1943, Akinchits was assassinated, and the party virtually ceased to exist, almost without real political affairs.

Nevertheless, the Nazi leadership did not refuse to use in their own interests the Belarusian nationalists and traitors to the Soviet regime. Back in the spring of 1941, before the invasion of the USSR, the formation of the first Belarusian Wehrmacht subunit, the assault platoon of 50 people, began in Germany. The servicemen were selected from among the captured Belarusians who served in the Polish army during the conquest of Poland. The platoon was tasked with conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities in the territory of Soviet Belarus. In 1944, on the orders of the Hitlerite leadership, the Byelorussian Regional Defense was created under the command of Franz Kushel. In March, the 1944 of the BRO battalions were formed by the 45, but they did not become a serious military force. The Belarusian battalions were used to search for and destroy partisans, protect strategic facilities and conduct economic activities. In September, the first personnel battalion of the military unit of 1944 was created in Berlin 422 in Berlin. He was commanded by Captain Peter Kasatsky.

A large number of young Belarusians who were part of the pro-German Union of Belarusian youth ”participated in the defense of Berlin against the advancing Red Army, being enlisted in the service in anti-aircraft artillery units of air defense. Belarusian collaborators became one of the last hopes of the Hitler regime. In April, the Dalwitz landing battalion was formed from 1945-700 by military personnel of Belarusian nationality in 800, and the 30-division of the SS forces was created (it is also the “Belarus” brigade). But already 30 April 1945 Belarusian SS division in full force surrendered to US troops. A part of the Belarusian collaborators after the liberation of the territory of Belarus remained there for the development of the anti-Soviet partisan movement, which, however, also did not become equal to the Banderovites of Ukraine or the flattering brothers of Lithuania.

From Hitler to the CIA

Throughout its history, the Belarusian “Rada in exile” collaborated with all the enemies of the Soviet and then the Russian state. After Hitler came to power in Germany, Belarusian nationalists who were in exile were taken to the development by the German special services, who intended to use them for subversive activities against the Soviet state. BNR President Vasily Zakharka actively spoke out in support of Hitler while living in Prague. After his death in 1943, Nikolai Abramchik, who lived in Berlin and published the nationalist newspaper Ranitsa, became president of the BNR. The end of World War II instantly reoriented the priorities of the Belarusian nationalists who lived in exile. They were not particularly upset about the fall of the Hitler regime, since they immediately found new owners - American special services, also interested in weakening the Soviet state. In 1951, a certain Ivan Philistovich appeared in Belarus, whom the Soviet security officers managed to expose and arrest. He had with him the certificate of the representative of the BNR government signed by the BNR President Nikolai Abramchik.

Ivan (Jan) Filistovich was a young twenty-five year old boy, when, after training at the American intelligence school in Munich, he was parachuted into the territory of Belarus. Filistovich had to create an underground printing press, print and distribute anti-Soviet leaflets, along with collecting intelligence data on the airfields and the location of Soviet troops. Naturally, Filistovich found "brothers in mind." He got in touch with the group of S. Mikulich. This gang, which hid in the woods and hunted down robberies and robberies against village shops and random travelers, included six people. The gang acted with 1949, and, in fact, was purely criminal in nature. However, this did not prevent Filistovich from calling her "National Liberation Armed Forces." After that, the group launched an attack on financial agents, accompanied by the abduction of six thousand rubles, and an attack on the printing house. 5 September 1952, the refuge of the Filistovich group in the forest, was surrounded by members of the Soviet state security agencies. Four gangsters, among whom was Mikulich, surrendered without a fight. They "passed" and Filistovich, who had gone to the nearest village. As a result of the shooting, two bandits accompanying Filistovich were killed, and the saboteur himself fled into the forest. Four days later he was detained. By the verdict of the military tribunal, he was shot.

The BNR Parliament's residence was located in New York, and most of the Rada’s supporters and employees lived in the USA. At the same time, the whole Soviet history was upholding the position on the "colonial dependence" of Belarus on Russia - the USSR and saw the only deliverance from the "Russian oppression" only in initiating a conflict between the West (US and Europe) and the USSR, as a result of which the Union should fall and Belarus - get political independence. Since after the collapse of the USSR, the Rada did not recognize the sovereign Republic of Belarus, it should be assumed that the conflict with Russia, up to the present, remains among its key priorities.

There is a direct historical continuity between the Belarusian policemen of the Great Patriotic War and the modern nationalists - the Russophobes. So, from 1982 to 1997. Iosif Sazhich (Yazep Sazhich), a prominent figure in the Belarusian nationalist movement who closely cooperated with the Germans during the war years, was the chairman of the BNR "Rada" in exile. Before the beginning of World War II, Sazic served in the Polish army, commanded a platoon there, fell into German captivity, and then moved to Belarus. Since the beginning of World War II, Sazhich was mobilized into the Red Army, but chose to desert and hide in Lviv, where he collaborated with Ukrainian nationalists. In occupied Belarus, where Sazhich returned after the invasion of Hitler’s troops there, he was commandant of the sub-officer school of the Belarusian people's self-help, then formed a battalion of railway guards, commanded a company of the Belarusian regional defense. After the retreat of the German troops, he participated in the creation in Berlin of the Belarusian landing battalion "Dalwitz", was the commandant of the officer school of the 30 SS division. Since 1950, Mr. Sazic has lived in the United States, actively participating in the activities of emigrant nationalist organizations. The former SS man as the face of the Belarusian “Rada” did not in any way embarrass the liberal circles of the United States, who were directing such characters against the Soviet Union, and then against Russia. In 2007, Sazic died at the age of ninety.

From the United States of America are drawn the strings of leadership and modern Belarusian nationalists. The most famous of them is the seventy-year-old Zenon Pozniak. He has been living outside Belarus for almost twenty years, first in Poland and now in the USA. There he was granted “political asylum” due to persecution in Belarus (in fact, in 1996, Pozniak fled the country after the riots organized by the nationalists). Pozniak is known for actively calling for the support of anti-Russian forces in Chechnya, Georgia, and Moldova. It is significant that Zeno Pozniak - 1944 year of birth. At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was 47 years old. Throughout his youth, he lived in the Soviet Union, where he made a good career, managed not only to get an education, but also to defend his PhD thesis in art history. However, as soon as the West saw the "fresh wind of change", Pozniak preferred to become more active in the political sphere and became one of the leaders of the Belarusian Popular Front - the Belarusian Popular Front, the main anti-Soviet and then anti-Russian organization in the country.

The situation in Belarus, however, has a number of differences from the Ukrainian one. In Belarus, the population is more homogeneous than in Ukraine. If in Ukraine there was a clear division into the “Polish-Galitsky” West, the “Little Russian” Center and the “Russian” South-East, then in Belarus such a division is not observed. Western Belarus with a strong Polish component is too small in territory, and Belarusian nationalist organizations do not have the scale of forces and activities that Ukrainian nationalists had even under the “pro-Russian” President Yanukovych.

Nevertheless, the tough policy of Alexander Lukashenko has done his job, and during the twenty years of his rule in Belarus, a generation of citizens who have been brought up in a more or less adequate spirit has grown. Although here there is a spread of nationalist sentiment, especially intensified against the background of events in neighboring Ukraine. The Russification of the Belarusian population and the possibility of tearing away some lands from Belarus in favor of Russia are currently the most widespread “horror stories” of the West offered to the Belarusian population. For a long time, Lukashenko positioned himself in the West as the most negative ruler in the entire post-Soviet space, but in recent years, the Russian president has begun to play the role of the main object of criticism and attacks from the United States and its European satellites. At the same time, Lukashenko increasingly demonstrates disagreement with the Russian positions, which can be explained by his desire to preserve the security and inviolability of the political system that has developed in Belarus over the long period of his tenure as president.
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  1. +5
    11 March 2015 05: 33
    Fascists will always be for the fascists!
    1. bombardir
      11 March 2015 13: 53
      Quote: MolGro
      Fascists will always be for the fascists!
      And who are the fascists?
      1. 0
        11 March 2015 14: 42
        Fascism is a power technology of government, based on finding the extreme (guilty), on which you can blame your miscalculations.
        1. bombardir
          11 March 2015 18: 27
          Quote: Gorinich
          Fascism is a power technology of government, based on finding the extreme (guilty), on which you can blame your miscalculations.
          This is what you typically described Russian propaganda switch-hunting)))
          However, there is some truth in your words.

          This is written by people who studied fascism and bent on fascist Germany and its satellites:
          Fascism (Italian: fascismo, from fascio - bundle, bundle, association)
          the political current that arose in the capitalist countries during the general crisis of capitalism and expressing the interests of the most reactionary and aggressive forces of the imperialist bourgeoisie. F. in power is the terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary forces of monopoly capital, carried out with the aim of preserving the capitalist system.

          In other words, fascism is the essence of capitalism.
          Arriving in latent form, it is part of any capitalist state, and becomes apparent during the crisis of capitalism - at a time when the probability of a change in the socio-economic formation is high.
    2. +2
      11 March 2015 14: 28
      Quote: MolGro
      Fascists will always be for the fascists!

      When I wrote about the same, they zamusnovat at the most do not indulge, only the article was about Russian nationalism.
    3. -1
      11 March 2015 16: 29
      Ukrainians are not enough for us, you’re fooling Belarusians’s head, there’s nothing to do.
  2. +16
    11 March 2015 06: 11
    Old Man, crush this phenomenon, called fascism, like nits, regardless of anyone, otherwise this will turn into a louse, and then further, further and further. Indeed, in Belarus there is a ridge, it is not spineless Ukraine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. Caa
      11 March 2015 10: 26
      Ask any Belarusian who he is: Belarusian or Russian. Everyone (by everyone / everyone means not a Russophobic micro-minority) at first zamnatsya, and then most likely will answer that he is Belarusian. Then ask the following question: i.e. you are not Russian? The answer will be: "Of course I am RUSSIAN!"

      The reasons are that every resident of Belarus feels like a Belarusian ... when it comes to citizenship; and Russian - when it comes to self-awareness. From childhood, the concept was powdered by our brains precisely replacing concepts. So according to the documents we are mb and Belarusians, but here everyone knows for sure, and they feel that they are Russian.
      1. +2
        11 March 2015 15: 02
        Quote: caa
        Ask any Belarusian who he is: Belarusian or Russian. Everyone (by everyone / everyone means not a Russophobic micro-minority) at first zamnatsya, and then most likely will answer that he is Belarusian. Then ask the following question: i.e. you are not Russian? The answer will be: "Of course I am RUSSIAN!"

        The reasons are that every resident of Belarus feels like a Belarusian ... when it comes to citizenship; and Russian - when it comes to self-awareness. From childhood, the concept was powdered by our brains precisely replacing concepts. So according to the documents we are mb and Belarusians, but here everyone knows for sure, and they feel that they are Russian.

        One thing is not clear to me: Why was the Little Russian and Belarusian dialect recognized as languages, but Pomeranian, Vologda, Siberian, etc. only adverbs?
        Even between Peter and Moscow there is a difference in conspiracy.
      2. -1
        11 March 2015 18: 31
        People, if you already receive from the person of Belarus, then write correctly - Belarus. Not Belarus, but Belarus. Respect your friends.
        1. +3
          11 March 2015 20: 52
          When I write in Belarusian, I will write - BelArus, but since the site is Russian-speaking, then in Russian - BelOrus.
          1. -1
            11 March 2015 23: 07
            Clever man - on the official website of the Republic of Belarus - in Russian.

            That’s why you have Russian problems - you immediately get into the bottle.
            1. 0
              11 March 2015 23: 10
              Are you such a Belarusian that you find a nickname of some Scandinavian savage here?
              Probably from the Charter, they smacked here to depict a European?
      3. -1
        11 March 2015 21: 26
        Quote: caa
        The reasons are that every resident of Belarus feels like a Belarusian ... when it comes to citizenship; and Russian - when it comes to self-awareness. From childhood, the concept was powdered by our brains precisely replacing concepts. So according to the documents we are mb and Belarusians, but here everyone knows for sure, and they feel that they are Russian.

        Listen buddy, you are responsible for yourself, no need for all Belarusians. Okay?
  3. +7
    11 March 2015 06: 11
    Some have already played out in Papa Obama and the mother of the EU. They still don’t understand why the Germans and the English speakers needed nationalists from the Slavs. Prior to this, the need was only for a period of 41 years, with the subsequent disposal of subhuman people. It's true! Russia is to blame for everything. Having won the war, they did not allow the Nazis to fertilize the new lands, with their countrymen and themselves.
  4. -10
    11 March 2015 06: 13
    It seems that the authors of such "articles" see fascists everywhere. If you wish, you can find fascists everywhere, even in Moscow. There is no need to look for enemies and thereby alienate neighbors from yourself. The Russian people should be friends with their neighbors and not look for specks in the eye ...
    1. +16
      11 March 2015 07: 56
      But the neighbors are not friends with us. Here are the Baltic neighbors reached frank apartheid. Do you need to be friends with them too? Intellectually, Russia should be friends only with Russia.
      1. -17
        11 March 2015 08: 02
        maybe the problem is in yourself, since no one wants to be friends with you? Self-criticism must be otherwise there will be no objective analysis
        1. +16
          11 March 2015 08: 34
          Quote: Aldo
          maybe the problem is in yourself, since no one wants to be friends with you? Self-criticism must be otherwise there will be no objective analysis

          Of course in us, but still. Always in us, always Russia is to blame. And all the other angels are in white. Yes, there is so much criticism from the outside and everything is so objective that it’s not up to self-criticism here to objectively deal with criticism.
        2. avt
          11 March 2015 09: 38
          Quote: Aldo
          maybe the problem is in yourself, since no one wants to be friends with you?

          Everything, absolutely all ex-Soviet republics, and now independent states, are built on the national opposition of Russia, as the article itself indicates, the intensity is different - from the "enlightened" European apartheid in the Baltic states to the Nazi one in Ukraine. This is the only way the "national elites" can to stay in power - solely on the opposition, "small but proud" and preferably older, from Chingiz there, Iskender Macedoni, or immediately from Adam / Adamenko, well, so as not to bother us with historical research. But father is no exception. So God save us from such friends, but we will cope with enemies. In general, all these incantations about "friendship", brotherhood "are finally ending even for" political scientists "on TV, I hope it will turn into normal - partners. What actually is in the light of" multi-vector " our "brotherly friends" more consistent with the reality given to the sensation.
          Quote: Aldo
          Self-criticism must be otherwise there will be no objective analysis

          “Self-criticism” in Russia is that on the wave of “civilized divorce”, even in St. Petersburg, there are a handful of descendants of those who were starved to death with Heil's chants at the personal address of the organizer of the blockade. This is a fact, as a fact, and what else should the new states say thank you, that the scale of this cannot be compared with the same Baltics, Ukraine and others who chanted in the 90s - "Suitcase - station - Russia" and helped to carry out sometimes and without a suitcase. The author pointed out a problem that has quite a place to be. But to notice it, or to reject it on the fly, to eliminate it, or to take it on the same course, is, of course, the business of the “elites” themselves and the peoples of these states themselves. This is their choice and their responsibility for the consequences. They want to live like in the Baltics or Ukraine. It is not necessary then to blame Russia for the consequences again. Independence is also our own responsibility for the decisions made.
          1. -11
            11 March 2015 11: 05
            Quote: avt
            In general, all these incantations about "friendship", brotherhood "are finally ending even for" political scientists "on TV, I hope they will turn into normal - partners.

            Oh, good. I hope that Taiga integration will come to an end.
            1. +5
              11 March 2015 11: 11
              Quote: Zymran
              Oh, good. I hope that Taiga integration will come to an end.

              Hello to the builders of Turan. laughing Why does the TS give you no peace? Kazakhstan will be in union with us is a historical inevitability. hi
              1. -8
                11 March 2015 11: 13
                To the builders of the Russian world, salaam! fellow

                Quote: IS-80
                Why does the TS give you no peace?

                The losses from him alone, you know. And the benefits besides supporting the Radiant regime are not worth a penny.
              2. avt
                11 March 2015 11: 21
                Quote: IS-80
                Why does the TS give you no peace?

                This is normal . This is from the newly-born national elites or the Young European, or, as correctly pointed out
                Quote: IS-80
                Hello to the builders of Turan.

                They are fed by Gulen's jamaat, who is in the US and is pushing this idea in Central Asia.
                Quote: Zymran
                Oh, good. I hope that Taiga integration will come to an end.

                request Well, Russia, as I have been saying for a long time, from this cartel conspiracy is neither hot nor cold. Do not want to - free will, saved - paradise. Choose someone else in the early elections instead of the National Academy of Sciences - the cartel conspiracy of the TS is his idea and sculpt whatever you want, freeze your ears to spite Russia, the main thing to remember
                Quote: avt
                . The current does not then need to blame responsibility for the consequences again on Russia. Independence is also our own responsibility for decisions made.
                And the results will not be long in coming, so be calm.
                1. -6
                  11 March 2015 11: 27
                  Quote: avt

                  request Well, Russia, as I have been saying for a long time, from this cartel conspiracy is neither hot nor cold. Do not want - free will, saved - paradise.

                  But really, and why then did you try to drag Ukraine there?

                  Quote: avt
                  Choose someone else instead of ANAS in the expensive elections - the cartel conspiracy of the TS is his idea and do whatever you want, freeze your ears to the spite of Russia, remember the main thing

                  We would love to, but you will find sacred places in Ukraine like us.
                  1. avt
                    11 March 2015 11: 49
                    Quote: Zymran
                    But really, and why then did you try to drag Ukraine there?

                    Ukraine was "dragged out" while Russia was making a gas gesheft under EBoN the most drunken, completely different uncles, and certainly not to Russia, but the vehicle were OFFERED to them, softly explaining the advantages and losses that would actually occur in the economy, which even Porsenok was talking about earlier But when they finally finished playing "brotherly peoples", which was a giveaway game for Russia, and switched to a completely business formula - nothing personal and Russia will not build Ukraine from sea to sea, as in Soviet times, so they threw the velikoukrov like a battering ram to punch the wall with their uncles and they will throw you, do not even hesitate. And those who, with arms in their hands, have risen for the right not to bang their heads against the wall of the GDP will not leave, also do not hesitate, they, with arms in their hands, have obtained the right to choose, and not to appoint Gauleiters.
                    Quote: Zymran
                    We would love to, but you will find sacred places in Ukraine like us.

                    Well, if you follow in the footsteps of the Great-Origins, then you will lose statehood for sure, and yourself, the GDP keeps its word, what it has signed - it will fulfill it, and if you want it like ykry, then each for himself and his interest, which will definitely not coincide, and within what boundaries then a particular national reservation will be - the Big Game Players will decide. Do you think Kazakhstan is a Player? The figure is regional, the player hasn’t gotten the weight yet, but if you start jumping, you won’t get it. This is a fact confirmed by the early moves of the Game. So think hard the next time before you roll the barrel on the National Academy of Sciences. They don’t look for good. Better take care of the methods of evolutionary development of a small, national state, rather than search for enemies, and especially their purpose.
                  2. +2
                    11 March 2015 12: 24
                    judging by your words, Kazakhstan simply has more than enough friends)))

                    I have nothing against Kazakhstan ... a lot of classmates from Alma-Ata and Balkhash, all the guys are excellent)
                    1. avt
                      11 March 2015 12: 50
                      Quote: pavel_SPB
                      judging by your words, Kazakhstan simply has more than enough friends)))

                      According to mine? Or maybe the amount depends on multi-vector?
                      Quote: pavel_SPB
                      I have nothing against Kazakhstan.

                      Well, I don’t have, this is their business, sovereign. Only
                      Quote: avt
                      . Independence is also our own responsibility for decisions made.

                      And no other way. Thank God, Russia began to take a pragmatic approach to relations with its partners without playing a giveaway for the fun of national identity of the new, great, independent.
                  3. 0
                    11 March 2015 13: 32
                    Quote: Zymran
                    We would love to, but you will find sacred places in Ukraine like us.

                    Sacred Kazakhstan. laughing I'm afraid the joy will be short-lived. Suddenly, someone might decide that you have a little democracy. In general, you are nomads according to Makarevich. So you can’t stand on ceremony.
        3. +8
          11 March 2015 11: 26
          It seems that every second of us is not a locksmith, then a gynecologist - either everything knows how to "correctly" repair, or better than any doctor knows how to treat.
          Have you been to Lenin (Independence) Square during the last presidential elections in Minsk? Were you in the crowd when they smashed the Government House? Don't talk about what you don't know. Yes, there were many onlookers, drunks, etc. etc., but there were also trained people who had chopped fittings in their hands, gas cartridges, powder fire extinguishers, etc. We can say that only a large concentration of civilian employees did not allow a significant mass of these "oppositionists" to enter the building, do not believe me, watch the video from YouTube. Another good thing is that at that time they fought the venal opposition (as the AHL calls it) by Western methods - they approached the building, began to smash, all this was carefully recorded on the video - they created the necessary picture, and then the "willowy lads" showed these fools with blue scarves and ribbons that this option will not work, they are still happy that they did not go to the AHL Residence, they would not wait too much there. Think about it, from pl. Oktyabrskaya to the AHL residence is 150 m - 200 m, and to the Government House about 700 - 800 (+ -), ask for a moment why they didn’t rush to the AHL right away! As for the white. opposition, in principle - it has no authority and does not decide anything, it only receives grants from Western foundations and sponsors. And a normal Belarusian in most cases is engaged in making money for the family. The opposition, if nothing has changed, is formed as a rule in Phil. and ist. fakahs of the Belarusian State University, there are yans razmaulyayuts in native mov, zhadayuts vyarnuts Vyalikay of the Lithuanian Principality, etc., but their minority, there are grandmothers and grandfathers who do not accept AHL, fans without brains, but there are few of them. AHL is right: "There will be no Maidan" - believe me, forces, means and a firm hand will be enough! In the current Belarusian law enforcement agencies, orders are carried out implicitly, precisely and on time. As for the authoritarianism, the democratic nature of the state with the forceful solution of such issues as the suppression of protests - then in any state system (democratic, not democratic): The state is an apparatus of violence, and unlimited democracy is anarchy!
      2. -4
        11 March 2015 09: 48
        Quote: Basarev
        Russia should only with Russia.

        Is this a new kind of masturbation in politics?
    2. 0
      11 March 2015 08: 31
      Quote: Aldo
      No need to look for enemies and thereby push the neighbors away from you. The Russian people should be friends with their neighbors and not look for specks in the eye ...

      What do you mean by that? How should one be friends in such a special way? There is another saying burnt in milk, you will blow into the water.
      1. +1
        11 March 2015 12: 08
        So that friendship does not grow into a dryucha, let's establish mutually beneficial relationships, and leave the friendship to boys and girls or whoever you like.
    3. +2
      11 March 2015 09: 19
      the enemy must always be kept in sight so that he cannot attack secretly from behind!
    4. bombardir
      11 March 2015 13: 55
      Quote: Aldo
      The Russian people should be friends with their neighbors and not look for specks in the eye ...
      In this social order, the friendship of peoples is impossible.
  5. 0
    11 March 2015 06: 19
    I remember when I was a child in Moldova as a child, they did not like Russians there, and indeed that south-western corner (Moldova, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine), on the border with Russia it was always Russophobic. Not all of course, but in most.
    1. BMW
      11 March 2015 08: 12
      I remember that in my childhood I was in Moldova, they didn’t like Russians there

      You're lying ruthlessly. It was not there, at least openly. They were afraid of the Russians there and creeped. You will ask any Moldovan who you are by nationality, the Ukrainian will answer. Gypsies lived completely separately; they were generally a state in a state. In Moldova, organizations literally fought for Russian specialists.
      And the nationalism that you are talking about now exists in any national entity in Russia, and in the Caucasus and Siberia, and in the Volga region.
      The trouble is that young people do not loaf around, but are busy creating. Then there will be no time to think about extremism and nationalism. And you also need to protect the children's and youthful mind from corrupting influence and properly educate children.
      I myself ran into this problem, that's why I say I'm glad that I noticed this trend on time. Therefore, I am fighting for the mind of children, society and the school are not an assistant in this matter (at least for now).
      1. 0
        11 March 2015 14: 27
        And the nationalism that you are talking about now exists in any national education in Russia, and in the Caucasus and Siberia

        Sorry, but Siberia (and the most interesting in your opinion Siberia is what territory, well, at least borders from the West and the East) that didn’t please you. And interesting is nationalism in Siberia, what nationalism is what nationality? Given the fact that of the indigenous nationalities there was almost no one left (in% of the total population).
  6. +1
    11 March 2015 06: 30
    The nature of both Belarusian and Ukrainian nationalism is based on their opposition to Russia.

    And neither one nor the other wants to understand that without Russia these countries will at best become an euro colony, with all the ensuing consequences. Such nationalism must be crushed in the bud and prevent it from even being born.
    1. +5
      11 March 2015 10: 52
      Quote: rotmistr60
      And neither one nor the other wants to understand that without Russia these countries will at best become an euro colony, with all the ensuing consequences. Such nationalism must be crushed in the bud and prevent it from even being born.

      You, Ilya Polonsky, with your Nazis in Russia sort out the stranglers, and we really like something ourselves.
      For the author. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania was never part of the Russian Empire
      Belarus finally became part of the Russian Empire during the third division of the Commonwealth under Catherine 2 in 1795.
      You should not write articles about what you have a very distant idea.
      I speak Russian, but I consider myself a Belarusian and I consider Russian fraternal friendly people.
      There was one strangler in fiction.
      1. -1
        11 March 2015 13: 50
        Quote: saturn.mmm
        The Grand Duchy of Lithuania was never part of the Russian Empire
        Belarus finally became part of the Russian Empire during the third division of the Commonwealth under Catherine 2 in 1795.

        So the Principality of Lithuania or Belarus? smile Did you enter or not enter or exit somewhere? laughing
        Quote: saturn.mmm
        I speak Russian, but I consider myself a Belarusian and I consider Russian fraternal friendly people.

        Are you anyway Lithuanian, Russian or Belarusian? From your comment is completely incomprehensible. laughing
        1. avt
          11 March 2015 15: 27
          Quote: IS-80
          So the Principality of Lithuania or Belarus? Did you enter or not enter or exit somewhere?

          And most importantly, like this Grand Duchy, but Lithuanian, it fell into the Russian Empire during the partition of Poland! laughing And his current heirs suddenly do not speak Belarusian or Lithuanian, but Belarusian? wassat Well then, after all, according to the logic of things, Belarus is generally an imperial project, like the Belarusian language. Then you need to somehow sort out the "antiquities" of origin. laughing
          1. +1
            11 March 2015 21: 21
            Quote: avt
            And most importantly, like this Grand Duchy, but Lithuanian, it fell into the Russian Empire during the partition of Poland!

            In the middle of the XVI century. Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania created a new country - the Commonwealth, which lasted until the end of the XVIII century. Translated from Polish, “Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth” means “common cause”, “common state”.
            The great Principality of Lithuania arose in the XIII century as a result of the unification of the Slavic-Lithuanian tribes (Lithuania, Yatvyag, Krivichi, Lekheti Radimichi, etc.). In the 40s of the XIII century. Kunigas Letuva Mindaugas (Mindovg) united the Nalshan, Zhetuv, Zhemait lands, part of the Yatvyaz land and Black Russia with the cities of Slonim, Novogorodok, Volkovysk (lands of the Principality of Polotsk). The process of the formation of the principality ended in the 50s of the XNUMXth century.
            After the collapse of Kievan Rus in the 13th century, the lands of South and Western Russia in the 14th century became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which turned into one of the strongest states in Eastern Europe.

            It should be borne in mind that the name "Lithuania" for modern Lithuania began to be used only from the 2nd half of the XNUMXth century... The main part of modern Lithuania (its western part) was not called Lithuania, but Zemaitia (Zhmudia or Samogitia), and figured as an autonomous principality within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russia and Zemaitia (this is the full name of "Lithuania" in the historical sense of the term)

            PS wassat lol laughing am belay bully request crying
            1. avt
              11 March 2015 22: 38
              Quote: saturn.mmm
              , and figured as an autonomous principality within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russia and Zhemait (this is the full name of "Lithuania" in the historical sense of the term)

              wassat Well, here I am saying - there is little to do - to admit that Belarus is an imperial project of the "Moscow invaders", as well as the Belarusian language and all the current attempts of the newly announced "Litvin" to "justify its" primordial antiquity "to recognize a fiction. as well as the creation of the ancient tribe ykrov by the Lyakhom from the entourage of Adam Czartoril, who spun off from the Sarmatians and migrated towards Kiev. If not, it is necessary to first demolish the monument to the founders near Kiev - Kyi, Shchek, Khoryv, or as the Czechs sincerely believe - Rus, Chek, Khrvat, and their sister, but somehow they are not very good in harmony with the theory of, Sarmatian, Scythian tribe "- They are located on the monument on a boat. That is, along the Dnieper / Slavutich they clearly descended from somewhere from Smolensk, if not even worse, to the north. laughing
              1. +1
                12 March 2015 11: 08
                Quote: avt
                Well, I’m saying - it’s only a small matter - to recognize that Belarus is an imperial project,

                I will try again.
                The ON was born from the fragments of Kievan Rus, the ON included Zhemaitiya (autonomous principality), so it began to be called Lithuania only in the second half of the 19th century, I do not deny Belarusians belonging to the Russian world. The fragments of Kievan Rus from time to time fought among themselves, well, what can you do such a life, in the 16th century, the Grand Duchy of Poland and Poland created a single state, the Commonwealth, which at the end of the 18th century the Austrians and Catherine 2 finally divided.
                In the current Republic of Belarus, a referendum was held and the majority of the population voted for an alliance with Russia. But recently, all sorts of provocative articles have often appeared on VO that are actively looking for ardent nationalists of Russophobia in Belarus. It got to the point that even the use of the Belarusian language has become anti-Russian actions, do you want us to forbid to speak our native language? So maybe first prohibit it to the Tatars and a large number of nationalities, nationalities inhabiting the Russian Federation.
        2. +2
          11 March 2015 20: 47
          Quote: IS-80
          So the Principality of Lithuania or Belarus? Did you enter or not enter or exit somewhere?

          The territory of present Belarus.
          Quote: IS-80
          Are you anyway Lithuanian, Russian or Belarusian? From your comment is completely incomprehensible.

          It is written in black and white.
          Quote: IS-80
          but I consider myself a Belarusian
          1. -1
            12 March 2015 08: 34
            Quote: saturn.mmm
            The territory of present Belarus.

            Did not enter the Russian Empire?
            Quote: saturn.mmm
            It is written in black and white.

            You have a lot written there. You speak Russian, a resident of the Principality of Lithuania who was never part of the Russian Empire, and consider yourself a Belarusian.
  7. 511
    11 March 2015 07: 02
    Quote: ayuric
    I remember when I was a child in Moldova as a child, they did not like Russians there, and indeed that south-western corner (Moldova, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine), on the border with Russia it was always Russophobic. Not all of course, but in most.

    And where do they love us?
  8. -6
    11 March 2015 07: 06
    The Old Man himself raised the Natsiks in order to maintain his own power that he would never give up, so in order to crush the Natsiks, it’s necessary to remove the Old Man and join the whole of Belarus at the oblast level, there is no other way, and the Old Man has already got everyone in Belarus, so you have to wait for his replacement over the next year - two
    1. +2
      11 March 2015 07: 19
      Quote: Dmitry 83
      moreover, the Old Man himself in Belarus got everyone so that we must wait for his replacement in the next year or two

      You clearly underestimate the Old Man, he specifically said:
      - I’ll become president anyway if I want!
      Watch the video, he said to everyone that he would not give up power ...
    2. -1
      11 March 2015 09: 24
      Quote: Dmitry 83
      The Old Man himself raised the Natsiks in order to maintain his own power that he would never give up, so in order to crush the Natsiks, it’s necessary to remove the Old Man and join the whole of Belarus at the oblast level, there is no other way, and the Old Man has already got everyone in Belarus, so you have to wait for his replacement over the next year - two

      Tell me how often do you visit Belarus and how much have you seen these same Natsiks, and even grown up by the Old Man? The Old Man should change the time? Are you few or tired of Ukraine, do you want new shows?
      1. Kakaktus
        11 March 2015 10: 56
        And in Ukraine, we were waiting for such a scenario?
      2. +4
        11 March 2015 11: 00
        Quote: Dmitry 83
        The Old Man himself raised the Natsiks in order to maintain his own power that he would never give up, so in order to crush the Natsiks, it’s necessary to remove the Old Man and join the whole of Belarus at the oblast level, there is no other way, and the Old Man has already got everyone in Belarus, so you have to wait for his replacement over the next year - two
        Quote: botur
        Tell me how often do you visit Belarus and how much have you seen these same Natsiks, and even grown up by the Old Man? The Old Man should change the time? Are you few or tired of Ukraine, do you want new shows?

        Yes, he is talking about Belarus only from zomboyaschik information draws laughing
        All, the so-called opposition, such as Zeno Pozniak, sits in a foreign country and whimpers softly.
        I am absolutely not an adherent of the AHL, but I want to ask a question to various "svyadomim" - and who today represents a real alternative to Old Man? what Have a desire to promote? Well, welcome to Central Square with a full expression of the impotence of our fearlessness and a monstrous choice of position in the geopolitical struggle laughing
        1. -1
          11 March 2015 18: 40
          That's right - Old Man is a normal man, but EVERYTHING is enough for him, he REACHED. I got it because I gathered DOLBOEBOV around me - laws create one more badly than another. For example, against parasitism - it seems a good law was in the USSR. But now many people at the factories of ZP 100u.e. will reduce the crisis now, the dollar jumped 60%. Hidden unemployment is simply huge. The tension in society is enormous. There is a joke on Belarus: I want to live in that Belarus, which is shown on BT-1.
          1. 0
            11 March 2015 19: 39
            why stupid you did not accidentally confuse this site with charter97, or is there a buy?
          2. 0
            11 March 2015 19: 39
            why stupid you did not accidentally confuse this site with charter97, or is there a buy?
  9. +13
    11 March 2015 07: 18
    An article from the cycle of regular horror stories. The author remembered about Z. Poznyak, so in Belarus they forgot about him a long time ago.
    1. +8
      11 March 2015 07: 33
      Quote: VOROBEICHIK
      An article from the cycle of regular horror stories. The author remembered about Z. Poznyak, so in Belarus they forgot about him a long time ago.

      Well, not really like that. Rather, the attitude is: there is a pimple on the body, and figs with it.
  10. -17
    11 March 2015 07: 23
    if people want to speak their own language, are they Russophobes? If they develop their culture, are they russophobic traditions? If they consider themselves a separate nation, are they Russophobes? Why are many Russians so frivolous about the words "fascism" and "Russophobia"? Maybe the United States has hammered into your head such a disconnecting model of behavior?
    1. +6
      11 March 2015 07: 42
      Frivolously treated Russophobia before the Ukrainian events. After the Maidan, ignore these phenomena of idiocy. Or do you think those who want to speak only Ukrainian, prohibiting everything Russian, killing all those who disagree with them are normal people? A hot iron must burn any nationalism. I am glad that in Belarus, the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan understand this
      1. +3
        11 March 2015 11: 02
        They want to speak their own language - the flag is in their hands.
        Only now, recently, these desires primarily lead to the fact that they (those who want to speak their own way) begin to ACTIVELY DESTROY the Russian language.
        I must confess that I am surprised that Ukraine has not yet introduced the Latin alphabet. Although some gestures there were in this direction.
        The main thing that is worth noting is that no one even tries to come up with their own alphabet that would better correspond to the language (for example, in Uzbek there are such letters as -G- with strikethrough, -U- with the upper tilde, -K- with the lower tilde ) Well, so as not to come up with your own characters, or, if you are already straining your imagination, take it from the same Latin alphabet?
        And how many more alphabets are unused, all sorts of runes, glagolitic.
        So no ... in defiance of the former USSR, in defiance of the Russian language - we will accept the Latin alphabet.
        Firstly ... so childish that it’s even a pity.
        Secondly, this clearly indicates the following in the wake of recognized leaders of Latin-based letters.
        And thirdly ... do not bark at Russia - and it will not look at you.
        And all the frivolity.
        And also a reaction.
        Not Russia is going to plant its own language. And good fellows ... rights swing.
      2. 0
        12 March 2015 20: 15
        NATIONALISM, IMHO this is love for their native culture, language, history, etc. and respect in relation to other peoples and their roots and foundations, and most importantly to those who they are, and not to those which they would like to see. But Nazism is supposedly love for one’s country and nation and hatred for other nations. It’s not funny, but the first Nazis, again IMHO, who wrote down their postulates on paper, were ... Jews. This is their principle: They are God's chosen, and the rest, goyim, are animals. In the Old Testament, these postulates are not so pronounced, but in the Torah, they are specifically spelled out, or in this little book, Kitsur Shulkhan Arukh.
    2. +11
      11 March 2015 08: 35
      Quote: Aldo
      if people want to speak their own language, are they Russophobes? If they develop their culture, are they traditions-Russophobes? If they consider themselves a separate nation, are they Russophobes?

      But what if, in every newsletter, has its own Belarusian language? So in each village to declare a separate nation and a different culture? Belarusian language is the language of Yakub Kolos! This is not what I came up with, I repeated. Believe in pure Belarusian, only those who study it as a discipline speak. If philologists, folklorists, historians engaged in the preservation and popularization of everyday life and crafts in specific places were engaged in this, then who would be against it. But when the language is adopted by the Belarusian Popular Front (Belarusian Popular Front) in a speech which (that's bad luck) of Polish jargon, and Polish pronunciation like a flea dog, do not try to convince me that I see Russophobia where it is not there. In the early 90s, I lived and studied in Minsk, and by the nature of the profession I received, I observed how movements of a similar kind were born. For them, language is a subject of political bargaining and an excellent means of indirect influence, and specious pretexts are a mask. Something like the spread of democracy in oil-producing countries.
      1. +2
        11 March 2015 09: 15
        Quote: andrejwz
        But what if, in every newsletter, has its own Belarusian language? So in each village to declare a separate nation and a different culture? Belarusian language is the language of Yakub Kolos! This is not what I came up with, I repeated. Believe in pure Belarusian, only those who study it as a discipline speak. If philologists, folklorists, historians engaged in the preservation and popularization of everyday life and crafts in specific places were engaged in this, then who would be against it. But when the language is adopted by the Belarusian Popular Front (Belarusian Popular Front) in a speech which (that's bad luck) of Polish jargon, and Polish pronunciation like a flea dog, do not try to convince me that I see Russophobia where it is not there. In the early 90s, I lived and studied in Minsk, and by the nature of the profession I received, I observed how movements of a similar kind were born. For them, language is a subject of political bargaining and an excellent means of indirect influence, and specious pretexts are a mask. Something like the spread of democracy in oil-producing countries.

        In the Belarusian language there is no Polish pronunciation and jargon, no need to fill in, Belarusian by ear is somehow a little closer to the Old Church Slavonic. It is much easier for a Russian person to understand it than church Russian. Read in the original "The Lay of Igor's Campaign", you will need a translation, and you will understand the Belarusian text without a translator.
        1. +2
          11 March 2015 17: 23
          Quote: Max Otto
          Russian people understand it much easier than church Russian

          Not true. Church Slavonic is easy to read in modern Russian, only some words may not be clear. But if, for example, Pushkin and Lermontov are read, then unfamiliar words are also found there, those that are out of circulation.
          Quote: Max Otto
          Read in the original "The Word about Igor's Campaign", you will need a translation

          Read without translation. Everything is clear on 99%.
          1. 0
            12 March 2015 20: 26
            "The Word", "The Tale of Bygone Years" and "Epics" and "Voyage across the Three Seas", I read in the original language no problems with understanding.
        2. avt
          11 March 2015 17: 46
          Quote: Max Otto
          In the Belarusian language there is no Polish pronunciation and jargon, there is no need to fill it in, the Belarusian language is somehow a little closer to the Old Slavonic rather. It is much easier for a Russian person to understand him than a church Russian.

          Well, actually, by the sonorous vowel A, and unlike the Volga O, the South Russian GA, you can outline the territory of the speakers of the dialect before the artificial separation, by the way, Moscow gets there with its own dialect. The root of the tongue is one.
          Quote: Max Otto
          th. Read in the original "The Word about Igor's Campaign", you will need a translation,

          No. There is simply a number of words that are now lost, or instead of them there are new ones that define the same things and concepts. Well, in general, if you generalize, then simply the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in simple terms White Russia, after the hard times of the civil war described in "The Ruin of the Russian Land" could not become the center of the restoration of the Empire and outright lost to the Moscow princes. financially and diplomatically. ”It was painfully clever to get along not only with Kazan, most importantly with the Crimean, again Nogays. Opponents also played with the Crimeans, but the Moscow Polovchas turned out to be weirder. So the Lithuanian principality was extinguished as a powerful European state. inferior to everyone up to the Atlantic, but unlike the same Tver and Novgorod competitors, which Moscow annexed to themselves, fell under the Poles, which finally buried them as the center of the emergence of not only the Empire, just a large state. if you generalize and do not go into details.
          1. 0
            11 March 2015 21: 58
            Quote: avt
            So I see something like this, well, if you generalize and do not go into details.

            That's just the point that you see.
        3. 0
          12 March 2015 02: 19
          andrejwz most likely had in mind the variant of the Belarusian language-tarashkevitsa. It really is full of Polish slang and Polish pronunciation as such, and it is actively used by the Belarusian opposition, Belarusian nationalists including the Belarusian Popular Front and others.
    3. 0
      11 March 2015 08: 37
      Quote: Aldo
      if people want to speak their own language, are they Russophobes?

      Quote: Aldo
      If they develop their culture, are they traditions-Russophobes?

      Quote: Aldo
      Why are many Russians so frivolous about the words "fascism" and "Russophobia"?

      What does it mean easy?
      Quote: Aldo
      Maybe the United States drove you into the head of such a disconnecting model of behavior?

      What exactly is it? And which model is unifying?
    4. +12
      11 March 2015 08: 58
      Hammered into the head, but he did not think.
      I can’t in any way consider where in Belarus they do not allow me to teach or forbid my native language? Is it forbidden to propagandize? Are any special traditions prohibited?
      But among Svidomo people, the first thing that goes is prohibitions, coercion, convictions, geths and ganba. The evidence is there.
      Develop your own culture by "making everyone do what I want" through prohibitions and taboos. It's so democratic.
    5. +4
      11 March 2015 11: 07
      Quote: Aldo
      if people want to speak their own language, are they Russophobes? If they develop their culture, are they russophobic traditions? If they consider themselves a separate nation, are they Russophobes? Why are many Russians so frivolous about the words "fascism" and "Russophobia"? Maybe the United States has hammered into your head such a disconnecting model of behavior?

      You at least once listen to the Belarusian news, and even better is what used to be called talk shows. Or entertaining Belarusian radio channels. You will be amazed how easily both the leading and the respondents switch from Belarusian to Russian and vice versa, how the dialogues are conducted in different languages ​​(one speaks Russian and the other speaks Belarusian) and it does not occur to anyone to demand to speak another (or Russian , or Belarusian) language.
      1. +3
        11 March 2015 14: 13
        Quote: Eragon
        You at least once listen to the Belarusian news, and even better is what used to be called talk shows. Or entertaining Belarusian radio channels.

        Listen to the Belarusian news and our flat humor - and you will understand how Belarusians have so much disgust for their media laughing
    6. bombardir
      11 March 2015 14: 01
      Quote: Aldo
      Why are many Russians so frivolous about the words "fascism" and "Russophobia"?
      Because porridge in the head.
  11. +9
    11 March 2015 08: 01
    Here, the KGB does not eat its bread in vain. I am citing a case. My wife works as the chief bush in a chain of grocery stores. One seller began to "look for the truth" according to the Labor Code. The case came to court. nets photos with this white-red-white rag and "Chase." So, the wife says, one day a polite young man comes, showing the identity of the KGB officer, and begins to be interested in this employee, what she breathes, how she behaves and all that .So it goes....
  12. +1
    11 March 2015 08: 08
    need to be friends with Russians !!! good
  13. +25
    11 March 2015 08: 10
    Honestly, I’m very concerned about such articles. I even signed up to comment on her.
    The article was written without understanding the Belarusian realities. Yes, there are a number of nationalists who do not like Russia. However, they have claims to almost all neighbors. But unlike Ukraine, their number is vanishingly small, and the political weight is zero.
    The author interferes with a bunch of nationalism and national identity. Love for the Motherland and its history, for the mother tongue does not automatically imply hatred of someone. Why does the author believe that knowledge of the Belarusian language automatically leads to Russophobia and fascism? Believe me, a lot of our veterans who defeated this very fascism speak Belarusian.
    I believe that in our difficult times we need to weigh every public word. Such articles can offend and push away people loyal to Russia.
    Take a closer look, neither in our society, nor in public policy there is no Russophobia. Only respect for one’s roots, love for one’s homeland.
    1. -7
      11 March 2015 08: 44
      Quote: zharik
      But unlike Ukraine, their number is vanishingly small, and the political weight is zero.

      This does not mean that they do not need to be noticed.
      Quote: zharik
      The author interferes with a bunch of nationalism and national identity.

      It is not the author who prevents them, but the realities are those in the post-Soviet space.

      Quote: zharik
      Why does the author believe that knowledge of the Belarusian language automatically leads to Russophobia and fascism?

      And where did you see the author?
      Quote: zharik
      Love for the Motherland and its history, for the mother tongue does not automatically imply hatred of someone.

      Yes? Tell this to all sorts of different Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalists who now and then yell "we were oppressed" and fiercely hate Russians and Russia. Moreover, they themselves are in fact Russians. What's the funniest thing.
      1. +2
        11 March 2015 09: 10
        Quote: IS-80
        Yes? Tell this to all sorts of different Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalists who now and then scream "we were oppressed" and fiercely hate Russians and Russia.

        Why should they tell? Normal people need to tell this, but those others will not understand.
        1. 0
          11 March 2015 09: 50
          Quote: Petrix
          Why should they tell? Normal people need to tell this, but those others will not understand.

          And why should this tell normal people? They already understand that. But those others need to be told. After all, there are also people who are simply mistaken.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +2
        11 March 2015 22: 37
        Quote: IS-80
        This does not mean that they do not need to be noticed.

        Quote: IS-80
        Tell this to all sorts of different Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalists who now and then yell "we were oppressed" and fiercely hate Russians and Russia

        If you lived a little in Belarus, you would see that they live quietly here: Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians. And no one bothers what kind of nationality and (here carefully) every day they take their children to study in Russian schools, in which the Belarusian language is taught as a foreign language, in the lesson twice a week.
        These are the realities.
        1. 0
          12 March 2015 08: 49
          Quote: saturn.mmm
          If you lived a little in Belarus, you would see that they live quietly here: Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians. And no one bothers what kind of nationality and (here carefully) every day they take their children to study in Russian schools, in which the Belarusian language is taught as a foreign language, in the lesson twice a week.
          These are the realities.

          I know. But hope for the best, and get ready for the worst. Who would have thought in 1970 that in 1991 a colossal geopolitical catastrophe would occur from the world map, the country with the most advanced social order would disappear, and the fragments of this country's greatest history would take a step back in development, having rolled back to capitalism? How do you like these realities?
    2. +6
      11 March 2015 09: 04
      Quote: zharik
      Why does the author believe that knowledge of the Belarusian language automatically leads to Russophobia and fascism? Believe me, a lot of our veterans who defeated this very fascism speak Belarusian.

      In 2013 he traveled to Belarus (Gomel-Minsk). Very nice people, they speak Russian, and among themselves, too. (in Minsk I would say that sometimes it’s cleaner than in Moscow). Maybe of course I didn’t meet freaks, but the impression was very positive. Something reminded of the Soviet era before perestroika - simplicity to naivety, cleanliness, lack of guest workers on the streets.
      With a great desire, of course, you can recall that Tver once upon a time, when Kalita fought with Moscow, Prince Mikhail was tortured to form a Sepor movement, and here it is a war inside the Russian Federation.
      1. 0
        12 March 2015 21: 44
        And the Ryazanians were the first to burn Moscow, the Tatar-Mongols extinguished the Russians, the ear-flaps killed Kazan long before Grozny. But it happened, thank God that we are together.
    3. +8
      11 March 2015 09: 11
      In principle, true. They write everything.
      On the other hand, there is nothing wrong if people exchange opinions about what they read. Some even wanted to register to participate.
      It often happens that the posts under the article itself are much more interesting.
    4. avt
      11 March 2015 10: 00
      Quote: zharik
      Honestly, I’m very concerned about such articles.

      Do not believe me too! laughing
      Quote: zharik
      The author interferes with a bunch of nationalism and national identity. Love for the Motherland and its history, for the mother tongue does not automatically imply hatred of someone. Why does the author believe that knowledge of the Belarusian language automatically leads to Russophobia and fascism?

      Do you think the author is "interfering"? The author points to the tendency of the development of ideology in new, national states, which cannot develop otherwise, well, there is no other ideology for the national elites to retain their own power, as opposing something, but here the simplest thing is to find, , the occupier "hindering to this day," to enter the seven European peoples "as in Ukraine, or regularly" bending us "as in the case of Batskaya, who just visited the main" bending man "near the Kremlin, sang about the" state government " - you have to give credits, but not a penny, well, get an order. Here's how it was deposited in my head and the fact does not fall out - the local history museums began to be massively closed in the city building. Well, there were such nice, small establishments in which, as a rule, local residents worked almost on a voluntary basis, really patriots of the Little Motherland. And what has come to replace them ?? And not immediately, gradually, but inexorably? That's right - all kinds of museums of the occupation, exhibitions of the Holodomor with photographs depicting hungry Americans in the years of depression, and I do not deny historical facts, I point to the tendency of their presentation. So, it’s a daunting start. But Father, spend in part of state building and attitudes towards Russia.
    5. +4
      11 March 2015 21: 26
      Quote: zharik
      The author interferes with a bunch of nationalism and national identity. Love for the Motherland and its history, for the mother tongue does not automatically imply hatred of someone.

      I support and subscribe! I myself am a supporter of the EAEU and integration. I treat Russians with warmth as a people, and personally, too, I am full of Russian friends. Russian culture and language are my second relatives after Kazakh. But you can't mix everything "in a heap" as zharik rightly pointed out
      the Russian empire and all the Eurasian empires were built on the same basis - all peoples had their own language and culture, national identity and traditions.

      Moreover, Belarus is a separate independent country legally. which voluntarily, with the best intentions, like Kazakhstan, is building a common economic and military union with Russia. Maybe you shouldn't "drive the horses"
      1. andrey_lev
        12 March 2015 01: 35
        Kazakhstan is another matter ... Belarusians and Russians are one nation, which could not immediately create a single state. And this part of history is used by our geopolitical competitors as an occasion to weaken the Russian nation. In Russia, in various regions, Russians had a certain cultural and linguistic identity, but until the 20th century they did not divide themselves into nationalities. And the Russian language, this is the brainchild of the entire Russian state, this is our common language, it was formed in a single country. And the position that Belarusians have their own language, and Russian, is the language of Russians living in Russia, is just being imposed to divide and weaken the largest and most powerful white nation.
        It’s normal when one people lives in one country. It is normal when general integration occurs. If there is a contrast, then this is the result of someone's political games, some kind of destructive influence.
      2. +1
        12 March 2015 09: 15
        Quote: Talgat
        the Russian empire and all the Eurasian empires were built on the same basis - all peoples had their own language and culture, national identity and traditions.

        Talgat will probably be clearer to you if you explain the whole situation on the example of Kazakhstan. Now, if purely hypothetically tomorrow Kazakhstan is divided into three states by the number of zhuzes, and the inhabitants of one zhuz-state will hate the inhabitants of another zhuz and vigorously prove that they are not Kazakhs, but some Scythians. And in the third zhuz everything seems to be not so bad so far, although there many people don’t consider themselves Kazakhs, but on the whole the relations are normal. What would you think of this whole situation?
        1. +1
          12 March 2015 12: 45
          the Kazakhs of the three zhuzes have no linguistic or cultural differences. And in the case of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, there are differences. So this comparison is inappropriate.
          1. +2
            12 March 2015 14: 21
            AND? Kazakhstan was territorially divided as many years as Russia was divided? If your brother has laces of a different color, is he already a separate people? And they are not so big and these differences. In general, Kazakhs, in principle, are also Russian, but you understand me, it means one language. The culture is also a common Imperial-Horde-Soviet. Makarevich said that the Russians are nomads. Well, actually the Kazakhs are also Russian. smile
            1. +2
              12 March 2015 19: 31
              Quote: IS-80
              The culture is also a common Imperial-Horde-Soviet. Makarevich said that the Russians are nomads. Well, actually the Kazakhs are also Russian.

              your joke contains a large grain of truth - as one of our publicist Amrekulov said - "the Russians and I grew up out of the same Tatar-Mongol overcoat"
              All these surnames of Tatar or Kipchak origin (Kuprins, Turgenev Yusyupovs, etc., etc. - Turkisms of the type of guard, esaul, etc.)

              And before that, the Kipchaks also strongly interfered with the Russians (remember - feudal fragmentation and the khan and the prince went to rob another prince, etc.) Even the names of the most famous Kipchak khans before the "TTM invasion" - Danila Kobyakovich - or Yuri Konchakovich - but this does not mean that they were Russian - although they spoke Russian well - mothers taught

              Kipchaks are now an integral part of the Kazakhs - a legendary kind, too, and as a rule they speak Russian just like a thousand years ago quite tolerably :)

              That is, what is this bastard Makarevich and is right - Russians are nomads in many ways - and nomads are Russian in some way (but about "crap" he is lying unambiguously)
              1. +2
                12 March 2015 20: 04
                Quote: Talgat
                And before that, the Kipchaks also strongly interfered with the Russians (remember - feudal fragmentation and the khan and the prince went to rob another prince, etc.) Even the names of the most famous Kipchak khans before the "TTM invasion" - Danila Kobyakovich - or Yuri Konchakovich - but this does not mean that they were Russian - although they spoke Russian well - mothers taught

                What was then, as far as I remember then, slowly the cultures were fused into one big one, much was adopted from each other. But the invasion, of course, broke this trend. But Makarevich what to say about him a pitiful man who has lost all respect and worthy of being forgotten about himself after all his demarches. Actually, like about many other media characters of dubious moral qualities.
        2. +1
          12 March 2015 19: 13
          Yes, I understand you IS 80, that is, you perceive Belarus as an integral part of Russia and as a single people. And it is clear that when a part of the whole behaves as an independent state and people, then a certain "emotional protest" arises.

          But in fact, the kind of separation that you describe here also happened - during the collapse of the Golden Horde, there was a division of our people into Kazakhs themselves (which are essentially an agglomerate - a mixture of tribes of different origin, but everyone realized their commonality, which proved the union of the steppe clans during the Dzungarian invasion) of the Kyrgyz, Karakalpaks

          By and large, all "Turks - nomads of the steppe" are essentially one ethnos, by the will of fate for centuries divided into different peoples - but the similarity of language and culture - customs - mentality is striking.

          That is, the Kazakhs also have every right to perceive the same Kyrgyz and Karakalpaks as an integral part of Kazakhstan (although the Kirghiz have their own very entertaining and legendary history of descent from the Yenisei tribes - but in principle, every Kazakh family has an equally interesting and original story - that is, many genera within us by origin are farther to us than the same Karakalpaks or Kyrgyz or Bashkirs with Tuvans - for example, the 2 kind is generally of Arab origin but specifically Mongolian, etc.)

          In general, I want to say that if the Kazakhs would painfully perceive any manifestations of national self-identity among related peoples, and would demand that, for example, the Kirghiz instantly recognize themselves as a Kazakh family, then this would be destructive - what happened, what happened, it is necessary to recognize the realities of modernity

          And vice versa - the Kyrgyz would demand that the Kazakhs recognize themselves as part of the Kyrgyz people - that’s nothing good - and thank God they don’t do that. Why should the Russians do this in relation to their native part of Belarus?

          But tolerance and some kind of delicacy will help much more here. Steppe Turks do not demand anything from each other - and the warmth and friendship of our peoples is evident - in favorable conditions smooth integration is easily possible - fusion of close kindred peoples on the basis of sympathy and a single culture and language - it takes time and "not to drive horses" - but just constantly move towards integration
          1. +2
            12 March 2015 21: 16
            Quote: Talgat
            Yes, I understand you IS 80, that is, you perceive Belarus as an integral part of Russia and as a single people.

            Yes it is.
            Quote: Talgat
            And it is clear that when a part of the whole behaves as an independent state and people, then a certain "emotional protest" arises.

            There is something more respected Talgat. There are a lot of things mixed up. And for me there are no objective reasons why we should be a divided people. This, as history shows, has always been bad. And always in the hands of our enemies. Here, only out of a sense of self-preservation will you want unity, and there are other reasons.

            Quote: Talgat
            That is, the Kazakhs also have every right to perceive the same Kyrgyz and Karakalpaks as an integral part of Kazakhstan (although the Kirghiz have their own very entertaining and legendary history of descent from the Yenisei tribes - but in principle, every Kazakh family has an equally interesting and original story - that is, many genera within us by origin are farther to us than the same Karakalpaks or Kyrgyz or Bashkirs with Tuvans - for example, the 2 kind is generally of Arab origin but specifically Mongolian, etc.)

            By the way, I recently read an interesting article that judging by the DNA of the Kyrgyz people, most of them are descendants of the Scythians. Russians also partially have Scythian DNA and Kazakhs. So here they are Russian Kazakhs, and Kazakh orys. smile

            Quote: Talgat
            it takes time and "not to drive horses" - but just to constantly move forward on the path of integration

            So the trouble is that horses are driven by disintegrators. You look what a mess in the head of the Ukrainians. Their government destroys and robs the country, and they shout that the Russians are to blame. The situation is desperate.
  14. +9
    11 March 2015 08: 22
    Belarusians need to be friends
    they are honest and decent people.
  15. 0
    11 March 2015 08: 47
    I don’t think that VV will again stand on the same rake as with Ukraine.
  16. +12
    11 March 2015 08: 48
    the author mixed everything in a bunch. there’s no nationalism, not rabid fascism, but thugs — they are everywhere ........... I have been living in Belarus for 6 years now - he is a citizen of the Russian Federation. I don’t feel any oppression - I know Belarusian at the 5th grade level — military parents studied here at the union — I speak Russian sometimes inserting words from a Cossack balochka and understand nothing and understand everything. like this.
  17. -11
    11 March 2015 08: 57
    Belarusians forgot Khatyn? And Brest?
    1. +8
      11 March 2015 09: 51
      Have you forgotten? Try to drive around Belarus and pay attention to the state of the monuments of the Soviet Wars even in remote villages. Yes, and in Minsk we have a victory area, not an Independence Square. hi
      1. -5
        11 March 2015 10: 18
        however, the trend is not good. First Russophobia, and then the monuments will begin to destroy. In Ukraine, it also began.
        1. +3
          11 March 2015 10: 28
          And have you met many Russophobes in the vastness of Belarus?
          1. -3
            11 March 2015 10: 46
            Have you read the article?
            1. +2
              11 March 2015 11: 03
              And you judge people in Belarus by this article, well, go ahead, who doesn’t skip that bulbash.
              1. -3
                11 March 2015 11: 18
                and you take off your pink glasses! Nobody thought that what happened in Ukraine could happen!
            2. -1
              11 March 2015 12: 17
              Quote: Million
              Have you read the article?

              They’re not even writing on the fence!
              1. -2
                11 March 2015 12: 30
                Complain to the administration for a bad article
  18. +13
    11 March 2015 08: 59
    I am a Belarusian, born and living in Russia. I travel to Belarus often, and to a village in the Brest (i.e. western) region. Everyone speaks Russian, only using some Belarusian words, with Belarusian pronunciation of sounds and intonation. Nationalism is not special, have not met. Although my cousin converted to Catholicism, he sympathizes with the Belarusian Popular Front, he is perceived by the locals as an eccentric.
    there is now propaganda among young people that they are not Belarusians, but Litvinians, and that the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is the history of Belarus. This is dangerous, many give in. Although it seemed to me that in the Belarusian province the people are apolitical in general.
    And by the way, there I did not meet a negative attitude towards the Russians and the presence of the view that the Russians were to blame for all the troubles. This is not there, but in Ukraine this has always been in bulk.
    1. +6
      11 March 2015 09: 27
      As a resident of the Republic of Belarus, I have never noticed the frenzied imposition of "Litvinism" among the youth. We do not have this in the media, like the imposition of "Ukrainism" in Ukraine.
      1. +4
        11 March 2015 11: 55
        We traveled around Belarus on a tourist trip, Oryol-Brest, the castle of the Radziwills, Dudutki, Minsk - Oryol.
        Well, when I studied in Kaliningrad and so often heard the Belarusian dialect, I got used to it and understand it.
        And here, like a touch of youth again.
        The guide was somewhat surprised. Some kind of roll with him, in an autonomous manner, was traced. It’s not even formulating exactly what ... but, it bothered a few. And this is 2013 year, in spring.
        As the story went, they say, the Red Army actually surrendered all of Belarus right there. The Germans supposedly reached Minsk in a day.
        Intervened - it helped.
        Then the question - how are we friends with Lithuania? The answer is Lithuania to us Belarusians, i.e. - it treats well, because once there were united state .
        Here I was hooked more specifically.
        I say, what was the name of that state? Well, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. And all that?
        For a long time, drop by drop, scratched out from this guide the correct name of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian and Zhemoytsky. Even the co-drivers began to itch, it’s good that all the employees - barked, died down.
        Moreover, present-day Lithuania is precisely that same Zemaitiya. Which wants to be from the sea to the sea.
        And it is not clear where Poland is built in, in a personal union, or what?
        It's me that they want to be Litvin - let them be. They want to be a jagger - but to health. If only they did not forget that the Principality was Russian.
        And for me, it sounds very good - Belarusian. Light somehow.
        Bulba eat, water near. Firewood, and fights. ..trip of wanderings ...
        1. +2
          11 March 2015 14: 02
          Well, a strange logic, living with Lithuanians in one country is bad, but is it good with Russians? VKL - because the word Russian was in the name because it was part of the Russian lands today and was part of VKL - according to the same census of 13 years, 80% of the Smolensk population called themselves Belarusians. And according to the data of the mid-50s of the last century, a very rather large part of the population Belarus called itself Litvin. So, is this our land? Bias in independence? Well then, from the point of view of the historians of any country, the history of Russia is also a bias in independence. All that you are talking about is great-power chauvinism which essentially destroyed both the Russian empire and the USSR. When everyone calms down and finally cease to tryndet about the Slavic brotherhood and other things, or are the Slavs only Russians? But what about the Poles? Czechs? Serbs? Or is it some kind of wrong Slavs? Let’s finally live in normal good neighborly relations.
        2. Livin
          12 March 2015 11: 50
          Of course, the idea that the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Ruske and Zhemaiti was called so because it included the lands of Kievan Rus did not occur to you?
          1. 0
            12 March 2015 13: 19
            Well, damn what ON, you still remember the prehistoric period.
      2. +5
        11 March 2015 12: 10
        But young people, without any "litvinism", want to go to the West, they think that we will enter the EU - and we will live better right away, Ukraine does not teach our fellows anything. The ideological work of any BRYU with slogans "for" causes only disgust. As well as news on the topic "yak we have truncated stable and harasho".
        Factories are laying off workers, production is halted, and enterprises are switching to a 3-4 day work week. After graduating from high school, getting a job in a specialty is unrealistic without connections, even for a salary of $ 200. Qualified doctors and engineers, after working out for $ 200, either go to work outside their specialty, or go west in search of a better life. The ruble has depreciated once again, the prices in the country are the wildest - this only strengthens the mood that we need to "declare war on the Europeans and surrender."
        For the "davolnyh" I would like to inform you that I myself live in Belarus, not in Poland (I was already accepted for living in Poland), in my city state-owned factories are in complete ass, now they are laying off people because of the crisis, which our "chasnya" The media deny it in every possible way. During the Soviet era, two large factories were converted into shopping centers. My friend, who also works at a state enterprise, had his salary reduced from $ 300 to $ 100.
        1. +1
          11 March 2015 17: 41
          The true truth is a colleague, only young people can and want to go west, but almost everyone leaves to work east, since Belarusians in Europe do not need anyone!
          1. 0
            11 March 2015 18: 18
            Quote: Mich
            The true truth is a colleague, only young people can and want to go west, but almost everyone leaves to work east, since Belarusians in Europe do not need anyone!

            Who how request
            My father’s acquaintance left for the Czech Republic in the 1990s - something doesn’t pull him back to Belarus.
        2. +1
          11 March 2015 18: 43
          All true countryman. How unfortunate. Our country is rolling into a big ass.
        3. 0
          12 March 2015 14: 21
          Quote: 0255
          But young people without any "litvinism" want to go to the West, they think that we will enter the EU.

          Yes, it’s not already torn now, all the same, you can’t cross out the negative example of those who’re chubby, it’s better to have $ 200 and peace than $ 80 and grave.
    2. 0
      11 March 2015 14: 57
      Why is being a Lithuanian more dangerous than being a Belarusian? Or do you think that Rusyns are not Russians? Maybe you know where the Lithuanians came from and where they "disappeared"?
      1. 0
        11 March 2015 15: 27
        Quote: Gorinich
        Why is being a Lithuanian more dangerous than being a Belarusian? Or do you think that Rusyns are not Russians? Maybe you know where the Lithuanians came from and where they "disappeared"?

        Our sister Russophobic zmagars say that we are Lithuanians (or Litvinians) who have nothing to do with the Russians. There are those who believe in it.
  19. +1
    11 March 2015 09: 04
    Quote: zharik

    Well, articles, I think, will not affect the mood of people. But it’s hard to disagree with you ... You can speak in any language, the main thing is not to lose the Slav brothers. So the Ukrainian case shows, the Anglo-Saxons (Naglo-Saxons) can embroil the fraternal peoples and this is sooo dangerous! You need to be friends at least against the Anglo-Saxons (naglo-Saxons) ... I have relatives and friends in Belarus, I have been to Belarus more than once, and as I see us as brothers, we are friends and will be friends. And I think no articles will quarrel us))))
    1. 0
      11 March 2015 13: 29
      So the Ukrainian case shows, the Anglo-Saxons (Naglo-Saxons) can embroil the fraternal peoples and this is sooo dangerous!
      They do this, and judging by Ukraine, they are not bad at it. We recall our common history from the school course, the fragmentation of Kievan Rus, and to what extent this fragmentation brought. While we Slavs will hate and kill each other, the Anglo-Saxons will always praise us and applaud us. It’s time to see and understand who is our friend and who is the enemy! hi
      1. 0
        12 March 2015 22: 22
        Nevertheless, let's look for good friends in each other, and the enemies themselves will be pulled up. Looking for them is unnecessary.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  20. +6
    11 March 2015 09: 11
    He served and then worked in Baranavichy from 88 to 2000. Something I was not lucky for all the time — I met one or two nationalists. I am Russian. He got a job at the factory as a worker. After 4 years he became the head of the department. And do not shag ...
  21. +6
    11 March 2015 09: 18
    Quote: IS-80
    Quote: Aldo
    if people want to speak their own language, are they Russophobes?

    Quote: Aldo
    If they develop their culture, are they traditions-Russophobes?

    Quote: Aldo
    Why are many Russians so frivolous about the words "fascism" and "Russophobia"?

    What does it mean easy? Easy to mean easy, because of a different opinion. As at one time the Communists accused all dissenters of espionage or Trotskyism.
    Quote: Aldo
    Maybe the United States drove you into the head of such a disconnecting model of behavior?

    What exactly is it? And which model is unifying?

    If you declare all Belarusians, as well as Ukrainians, because of a handful of nationalists Nazis and fascists, Belarusians will be satisfied?
    1. 0
      11 March 2015 09: 45
      Quote: Aldo
      Easy to mean easy, because of a different opinion. As at one time the Communists accused all dissenters of espionage or Trotskyism.

      Far from always unreasonable.
      Quote: Aldo
      If you declare all Belarusians, as well as Ukrainians, because of a handful of nationalists Nazis and fascists, Belarusians will be satisfied?

      Nobody calls them that.
  22. 0
    11 March 2015 09: 37
    Quote: zharik
    Honestly, I’m very concerned about such articles. I even signed up to comment on her.
    The article was written without understanding the Belarusian realities. Yes, there are a number of nationalists who do not like Russia. However, they have claims to almost all neighbors. But unlike Ukraine, their number is vanishingly small, and the political weight is zero.
    The author interferes with a bunch of nationalism and national identity. Love for the Motherland and its history, for the mother tongue does not automatically imply hatred of someone. Why does the author believe that knowledge of the Belarusian language automatically leads to Russophobia and fascism? Believe me, a lot of our veterans who defeated this very fascism speak Belarusian.
    I believe that in our difficult times we need to weigh every public word. Such articles can offend and push away people loyal to Russia.
    Take a closer look, neither in our society, nor in public policy there is no Russophobia. Only respect for one’s roots, love for one’s homeland.

    I fully support.
  23. buser
    11 March 2015 09: 44
    interesting article. A Belarusian who wants a Belarusian-Russophobe, Natsik, Maidanuty, etc. Belarusian, who wants to be Russian, he is the right Belarusian. I don’t understand who needs such articles?
    1. +3
      11 March 2015 10: 06
      Quote: buzer
      interesting article. A Belarusian who wants a Belarusian-Russophobe, Natsik, Maidanuty, etc. Belarusian, who wants to be Russian, he is the right Belarusian. I don’t understand who needs such articles?

      Belarusians do not need to want to be Russian, in fact, he is Russian.
      1. -2
        11 March 2015 21: 53
        Quote: IS-80
        Belarusians do not need to want to be Russian, in fact, he is Russian.

        Man, you don’t have to show your stupidity so frankly.
    2. 0
      11 March 2015 18: 44
      Natural swing swing
  24. +5
    11 March 2015 10: 54
    The article is controversial, not without reason there are so many responses to it.
    I will say this, the opposition is everywhere and Belarus is no exception. Newspapers like "Narodnaya Volya", etc., come out, from whom they buy itching, but there are not many of them. Events in Russia and Ukraine are being discussed quite actively, but I have not noticed Russophobia.
    I recall the story of a colleague of a pensioner whose grandmother lived in Western Belarus until 1939, so she lived to see the collapse of the USSR and said: anyway, who will be at least communists, even Russians - just not Poles.
    1. 0
      11 March 2015 17: 48
      The opposition in our country is a dwarf whom no one takes seriously, but which they constantly scare on Belarusian television.
  25. +6
    11 March 2015 11: 48
    I was born and raised in Belarus, although my roots are purely Russian: I keep track of our family genealogical tree as much as I can. At school (early 60s) we were offered a choice: English or Belarusian (a school with in-depth study of foreign languages) and no one twisted their hands about the obligation. The only thing that was said about the subject "Belarusian literature" is the obligatory knowledge of Belarusian classics.
    When the children grew up and also went to school in a similar direction, then there was a period of forced Belarusianization, i.e. an attempt to translate the study of subjects into Belarusian MOV. The elementary school teacher went up to the teachers' council and asked her subject colleagues if they were ready to teach chemistry, physics, mathematics in the Belarusian language? As they say - "Oil painting". They returned everything back, but this year the children lost their literacy in Russian and did not learn Belarusian.
    There was a period when they tried to translate the state office work into Belarusian ... oh, and "jolly" was laughing
    So that's what I mean. Firstly, it’s not at all that almost 80% of the population’s command of the Russian language is not the destruction of the national self-consciousness of the population of Belarus, as the sons want to imagine. The rest speak the so-called tarsianka (as in Ukraine on surzhik) - a mix of Russian-Belarusian languages, and if you call in Polesie, then there’s a mixture of Belarusian, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian.
    As for the Belarusian culture, everything here is at a decent level: ethnographic museums, monuments, and castles are being restored ... And nothing is done to please the regime!
    The only complaint I have against the existing government when they changed the coat of arms and the flag to the current one is what could have been done not in a barbaric way, tearing off the white-red white and trampling it into the mud, but carefully remove, honorably change to the existing one and place to the museum as a historical exhibit. Then barking from the opposition would not have happened. But this can be attributed to "growing pains" that no longer need to be repeated.
    I agree with the opinion that flashed through that the population (I emphasize, the population) is mostly apolitical. Yes, there is a discussion of events, but in the end all conversations end with the thesis "There was no war!"
    If someone wants to break the Slavs, then this desire is understandable, but difficult to fulfill. stop
    I have long ceased to divide OUR territory into Russia, Belarus, Ukraine ... There is Russia or, if you want, Great Tartaria.
    If anyone doubts, I recommend reading the 4th book by GASidorov "Chronological and esoteric analysis of the development of modern civilization." Believe me, you will not regret it !!!
    1. 0
      11 March 2015 16: 19
      I agree, but I will say something about "it was a period of violent Belarusization" ..

      The family is all military (acre me), all are Belarusians, all in the Strategic Missile Forces. Actually, through this we found ourselves in the vast expanses from the Tver region to Komsomolsk. After the dissolution of the Stanislav-Budapest division of the Strategic Missile Forces, his father was transferred to Rezhitskaya. It was in 1997, and at school I had the Belarusian language, Belarusian literature and Belarusian history (the village of Gezgaly, Grodno region). In addition to these three items and jönik all other textbooks were in Russian!
      But for example, Dad went to school in the 60s in the Gomel region and they all textbooks were in Belarusian and everyone tried to get a textbook in Russian, for example, in physics, because physics, mathematics, etc. in Belarusian it’s a scam.

      Hence the rhetorical questions:
      1) Violent Belarusization in the 90s?
      2) The oppression of national republics in the USSR?

      I don’t think everything is relative.
  26. +3
    11 March 2015 11: 58
    Flag and coat of arms I consider OUR. Bel-chyrvona-bely i Pagon. It happened historically. Take a closer look at the modern (almost USSR) coat of arms: the popular name is sunset over a swamp. If you disassemble the flag into parts, the green color is Muslim, but about the ornament ..... The Slavs with a rhombus designated the sun. Rhombus with curved corners - setting sun, death, funeral. And small rhombuses in the corners fit only into the line of weaving of Central Asia.
    But the nationalists-nyahay run, they do not interfere with life.
    1. +3
      11 March 2015 13: 14
      Ukrainian yellow-black colors - a symbol of the international movement of downs

      The Ukrainian coat of arms-trident resembles the coat of arms of Khazaria or the African country of Djibouti

      The result - the mass debilitation of Svidomites, Jewish thieves in power, the country fell to the level of African countries.
      And then what awaits us, Belarusians, with our "funeral" flag and coat of arms resembling a funeral wreath? belay In principle, the country has long been confidently rolling banned if I tell you where recourse
    2. avt
      11 March 2015 16: 35
      Quote: SaVL
      Flag and coat of arms I consider OUR

      I won't say for the flag, but what is the coat of arms? A rider with a sword? Well, in general, then the Moscow seal is the grand ducal, and on the coins they riveted and wrote in ligature - "Sovereign of All Russia", and on the other side it used to be knocked out in Arabic in Tatar - "this money is Moscow" laughing This, if memory serves, Vanya IV put a spear in his hand. Of course, you can search and find - a rider is galloping in the wrong direction, well, even with a spear in the days of even Luzhkov, not to mention Katya # 2, he jumped in different directions. Either from left to right, then from right to left.
  27. +3
    11 March 2015 12: 00
    Be that as it may, the main thing is not to repeat the mistakes that have been made with Ukraine. And I really wanted the union state to finally take tangible features instead of the illusory nature that exists today. Or, on the contrary, it ceased to exist with the establishment of the same interstate relations as we have with most states of the world. But the main thing is not to be in this suspended state of a seemingly union state (even without a name and symbolism) with constant political, economic customs disputes. Already it's time to probably determine the relationship.
    1. +3
      11 March 2015 12: 50
      In 1996, I was hoping that there would really be a union, and not today's parody of a union state.
      1. 0
        11 March 2015 13: 56
        I heard such a version, like, AHL (he is a conceited and ambitious comrade), agreed to the Union State in the hope of moving the EBN and then taking over the kingdom of all Russia. But Uncle Vova appeared and our AHL had to wipe himself - Uncle Vova had much bigger the experience of backstage intrigues, the KGB school, after all.
      2. -1
        11 March 2015 17: 50
        Someone came to power on the wave of unification, and now there is silence on the air ...
  28. The comment was deleted.
  29. belarus
    11 March 2015 14: 06
    the issue of Belarusian nationalism is so insignificant that it is not even worth discussing here (I note: while the authorities are in power ... those in power). I believe that nationalism is a disease that mainly affects young people who are eager to stand out from the gray mass of ordinary people. In Belarus, this is very well treated at an early stage (and even better than in the Russian Federation and somewhere else).
  30. bombardir
    11 March 2015 14: 27
    Belarusian nationalism is a weapon of the West against Russia

    It’s just interesting - at least something in the minds of pro-Kremlin propagandists is not a weapon of the West against Russia?

    In general, it is surprising, but people who put their lives to the fight against nationalism and fascism, defeated them, did not know anything about such weapons of the West directed against Russia.

    They knew that nationalism was the weapon of the bourgeoisie against the proletariat.

    "The capitalists and landowners at all costs want to separate the workers of different nations, and the powerful themselves coexist splendidly together, as shareholders of" profitable "million-dollar" deeds "(like the Lena mines) - both Orthodox and Jews, and Russians and Germans, both Poles and Ukrainians, everyone who has capital, amicably exploiting the workers of all nations.
    To promote bourgeois nationalism means to betray the proletariat and take the side of the bourgeoisie. There is a line here, which is often very thin, and which the Bund and Ukrainian National Socialists completely forget about. "
    (V.I. Lenin. On the national question and national policy, the working class and the national question.)

    "What does the deviation towards nationalism mean, is it all the same whether we are talking about a deviation towards Great Russian nationalism or a deviation towards local nationalism? The deviation towards nationalism is the adaptation of the internationalist policy of the working class to the nationalist policy of the bourgeoisie. The deviation towards nationalism reflects the attempts of" our own, "" national "bourgeoisie to undermine the Soviet system and restore capitalism."
    (JV Stalin "Report to the 13th Party Congress on the work of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks" v. 361, page XNUMX.)

    They knew that capital uses these weapons with the aim of dividing peoples and preventing the proletarian majority from recognizing their class interests.
    And for some reason they did not know about the weapons of the West against Russia.

    But the pro-Kremlin propagandists, whose task is to create the image of an external enemy and linking the interests of the robbed majority with the interests of the robbing minority, is more clearly visible ...
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. +2
    11 March 2015 18: 19
    I read about us. Slavs. Ukrainians. Belarusians. Russian ... What are we goofies ... We quarrel, so that they begin to blame and kill each other, like 2 fingers on the asphalt. READ OUT !!!
    1. 0
      11 March 2015 18: 35
      And how not to quarrel, if you say to Russian - Belarus - and in response - "correctly Belarus". Let us ourselves figure out how to correctly name our country.
      1. 0
        11 March 2015 19: 05
        And how important are these things when the enemy "in the person" of the new world order is ready to tear you, your family, your home under his own pressure. Like in Donbass, like in Syria or Iraq / Afghanistan.
      2. +2
        11 March 2015 20: 28
        Quote: viking1703
        And how not to quarrel, if you say to Russian - Belarus - and in response - "correctly Belarus". Let us ourselves figure out how to correctly name our country.

        What comment are you writing on? Is this written trash?
      3. avt
        11 March 2015 21: 09
        Quote: viking1703
        And how not to quarrel, if you say to Russian - Belarus - and in response - "correctly Belarus". Let us ourselves figure out how to correctly name our country.

        laughing Love me! And who specifically answered you so here! ?? That's right up to the grace - when we write Belarus in Russian, then right there such Svidomo climb to indicate the spelling in Russian, like now ykry with their complexes about in Ukraine / in Ukraine. That’s why none of the Germans begins to boil when they hear about Germany and does not require Deutsch to call them, and indeed the German word for the Germans. First get rid of the inferiority complex, then there will be no desire to indicate how we can speak Russian.
        Quote: 0255
        What comment are you writing on? Is this written trash?

        And he doesn’t care what, the main thing is not in Russian. Patriet - bit Mpertsev fool
        1. -1
          11 March 2015 23: 11
          Yes, because you Russians are already starting to bore your ignorance. I repeat once again - officially and in Russian - the name of my country is BELARUS. We in Belarus do not call Russia - Rosyu or the like.
          1. avt
            12 March 2015 10: 48
            Quote: viking1703
            I repeat once again - officially and in Russian - the name of my country is BELARUS.

            Clown - figure it out first, what language is the official name then, then learn the state Russian of a neighboring country.
            Quote: viking1703
            B. We in Belarus do not call Russia - Rosyu or the like.
            Go to the railway station in Minsk and look at the sign on the train from Minsk to Moscow with the inscription “MASKVA”. laughing And the main thing that is characteristic is that not one of us is an idiot, but the nationalist is not complex about this.
            Quote: viking1703
            Yes, because you Russians are already starting to bore your ignorance.

            This is normal, this is due to a lack of education in general, passes with age, BUT subject to constant study.
      4. 0
        12 March 2015 22: 32
        My friend, where did you meet such dense mudil? After all, Belarus is from Belaya Rus. Although maybe I was just lucky not to meet such irons.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  33. +1
    11 March 2015 19: 47
    Also registered to comment about.

    Yes, there is a certain number of Belarusian fascists, there is still a large number of Euro-oriented people, who for the most part will not go to the Maidan, because even they do not want to live on $ 100 a month.

    However, even if you believe the "hostile" polls, the majority of Belarusians have a positive attitude towards Russia.

    By the way, Old Man understands that his position is stronger than ever and therefore adopts unpopular laws about parasites and in the medical field before the elections.
    1. +2
      11 March 2015 23: 22
      Yes, he perfectly understands, therefore, nothing has been heard about the law on parasites lately and the ban on the sale of uncertified goods has been canceled since March 1) less see BT respected
      1. 0
        12 March 2015 00: 17
        Certification was postponed for a while, but not canceled. And about parasites, it is quite possible to hear again.

        And yes, all this is better than a hopeless hole like in Dill.
  34. 0
    11 March 2015 20: 38
    Quote: viking1703
    And how not to quarrel, if you say to Russian - Belarus - and in response - "correctly Belarus". Let us ourselves figure out how to correctly name our country.

    in hohland this is where it all began ...
    1. +2
      11 March 2015 23: 14
      What does Hohland have to do with it. We condemn everything that happens there. But I am BELARUS and love my country. And there’s nothing to tell me what to call her.
      1. +1
        11 March 2015 23: 22
        Quote: viking1703
        What does Hohland have to do with it. We condemn everything that happens there. But I am BELARUS and love my country. And there’s nothing to tell me what to call her.

        Yes, it’s right at the official level of Belarus.
        Although the answer of the RAS is:

        Both names - Belarus and Belarus - have the right to exist and use in modern Russian literary language. However, these items have different functional status:

        Belarus, along with the name of the state, the Republic of Belarus, is the official name of the state recorded in diplomatic documents in Russian. Therefore, in all official situations and official texts, the name Belarus (or the Republic of Belarus) can be used. This applies to such functional areas of the use of the Russian language as lawmaking, ... public speaking in parliament and other official institutions, science, education, the media, etc.
        Belarus is an unofficial name. It is used mainly in the everyday sphere of communication ... Statements of the following type are quite natural: Tomorrow I’m going to my brother in Belarus ...

        But you definitely should not go in cycles in it
      2. +1
        11 March 2015 23: 49
        Dear calm down, we just know what's what, I personally spoke with your opposition here in Sweden. Nenad teach me!
        I will say one thing this is Svidomo!
        They have the source of the truth euronyus, killing Russians (From Russia) to them on the drum. The same infection as the liberals in Russia.
  35. +2
    11 March 2015 22: 01
    To all doubters, I propose to read the refrain of the anthem of the Republic of Belarus, and think about what we praise there
    Glory, you see our light,
    Hail, people ў эр эр эр!
    Our love matsі-Radzіma,
    Everlasting life, Belarus!
  36. +1
    12 March 2015 10: 14
    At the same time, Lukashenko is increasingly demonstrating disagreement with Russian positions, which can be explained by his desire to maintain the security and stability of the political system that has developed in Belarus over the long period of his tenure as president.

    This suggests that Lukashenka is also under the influence of the West. He wants to create a dynasty. That helps "fraternal" Ukraine with fuel. In general, he maneuvers between Russia and the West. But if he strongly bends under the West, then he will make the Maidan in Belarus with his own hands. Let's hope this doesn't happen.
  37. +3
    12 March 2015 18: 19
    It is necessary that everyone - Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, people of other nationalities of our once great country called the USSR, remember these words:
    "- I am Krapast, I am Krapast! I am fighting! I am Krapast! I am fighting!”
    Young guy with dry lips touches the microphone.
    - I - Krepastst!
    No one hears. The army that is retreating to Minsk. The soldiers who shoot from the windows. The head bandaged commander ...
    No one hears.
    Yes, and the guy himself does not hear himself - the rumble of ruptures and the crackle of machine-gun bursts.
    He just wheezes into the microphone:
    - I - Krepastst! I’m in a fight!
    It wheezes because it is thirsty. But there is no water for the third day. All that is is referred to the wounded and to machine guns. He is tired, he wants to sleep. But it can’t. Because you need to wheeze:
    - I - Krepastst! I’m in a fight!
    His voice rushes into space.
    He closed his eyes and tried to hear:
    “I understand you! Reception! ” But there is no answer. And only hoarse:
    “I am Crapass! I’m fighting! ” rushing through the world ether.
    After four and a half years, these hoarse callsigns will reach a small star called Alpha Centauri.
    At the same time, the war will end on Earth. Field kitchens will stand and feed enemy children, accordions will play, trains will ring with orders, returning home.
    And the voice will rush through space:
    - I am Krepast, I am Krepast! I’m in a fight!
    There is no time in space. The spoken word is eternal. It rushes to the edge of the Universe, and let that little guy who wheezed these words, is no longer alive bodily, but his words are alive - let him once again say:
    - I - Krepastst! I’m in a fight!
    In the capital, people will stand in a dead crowd at the tomb of the deceased leader.
    And somewhere far, far away is still hoarse:
    - I am Krepast, I am Krepast! I’m in a fight!
    The stones will grow grass. The bones themselves will go to the ground. Sleeves turn green. But the bricks will bleed with letters:
    “Goodbye, Motherland. I'm dying, but I’m not giving up! ”
    Somewhere there, new constitutions were adopted. The next Olympics has begun. Goodbye, our affectionate Misha! Hello, our Misha is new! And damn you!
    The voice is so far away that it has long been forgotten. He is still fighting. He is still “Crap!”
    The Krapasts is still fighting under heavy fire, under monstrous bombs, under huge shells.
    There is no longer that country, people are already thinning out, and the signalman is still sitting at the microphone:
    - I am Krepast, I am Krepast! I’m in a fight!
    Somewhere there, his grandchildren are killing his children. And he?
    And he did not kill a single enemy. He just sat near the radio transmitter and wheezed and whispered:
    - I am Krepast, I am Krepast! I’m in a fight!
    The dust is such that there is nothing to breathe. The heat is such that there is nothing to sweat. The battle is such that the trunks melt.
    - I - Krepastst! I’m in a fight!
    These were his last words, and they are still flying through the universe.
    Invisible wire.
    - I am Krepast, I am Krepast! I’m in a fight!
    A wire closed through generations. Closed by blood. Death closed. Wound up with life.
    The relationship between fathers and children. Between grandchildren and grandfathers. Between us.
    - I am Krepast, I am Krepast! I’m in a fight!
    - I - Kreports ... - I’ll fight away!
    Eternal battle. "
    So that everyone would remember this war and remember that we all won this war together, because we stood on the path of the Nazis shoulder to shoulder, regardless of nationality, religion, social status. Because only when we are together - we are invincible. This is especially important now - in the year of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, when the situation in the world is heating up and the world is gradually sliding into the abyss of not a "cold", but quite a "hot" war. And do not forget that for Western Europeans and their overseas partners, we are all - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Tatars, etc. (you can add all the nationalities of the former USSR to the list yourself - you won't be mistaken) - these are Russians, and they hate us all equally.
    I have the honor.
    1. 0
      April 4 2015 19: 43
      Quote: Alexander72
      - I am Krepast, I am Krepast! I’m in a fight! I am Krapastst! I’m in a fight!

      Awesome story! Super!