The myth that the Bolsheviks destroyed tsarist Russia. Part of 2

The myth that the Bolsheviks destroyed tsarist Russia. Part of 2

With Germany, we could perfectly live in peace, friendship and cooperation. On the complex mechanisms of how the masters of the West were able to set off two great powers, doomed to history on a strategic alliance, you can read in the beautiful books of S. Kremlev: “Russia and Germany: Bleed! From Versailles Wilhelm to Versailles Wilson "; “Russia and Germany: together or apart? USSR Stalin and Hitler's Reich "; "Russia and Germany: The Way to the Pact".

In these works, it is shown how Russia was drawn into European problems, confronted with Germany, and how they broke off all attempts to bring the Germans and Russians closer. The Masonic circles of European countries, to which Russian Masonic lodges were subordinate, which included many prominent figures of the Russian Empire - aristocrats, dignitaries, members of the State Duma, leaders of liberal parties, military, bankers, industrialists, famous lawyers, etc., worked on for many years in order to disrupt the Russian-German alliance. They frustrated the Björk Treaty of 1905, which was signed during the meeting of Emperor Nicholas II with the German Kaiser Wilhelm II in July 1905, on board the imperial yacht Polaris. The Björk Treaty was the result of the personal diplomacy of Nicholas II and was a complete surprise for the Masonic forces. However, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire in 1900 — 1906, a supporter of rapprochement with France, Lamsdorf and Witte, who, judging by his activities, was one of the main agents of influence of the “financial international” in Russia, pressed the tsar and insisted that the Björk treaty with Germany has not gained real power.

Instead, Russia in 1907 was pulled into the Anglo-French military bloc. From that moment on, the suicidal war for us became only a matter of time. The West, relying on pro-Western, Masonic circles in Russia, dragged us into a great European war that did not solve indigenous, national problems and led only to the destabilization of the empire. As a result, the Russian army in 1914-1915's. rushed to the poorly prepared command of the attack on the Germans, saved France and England from defeat. Thanks to Russia, the Germans in 1914 did not take Paris and did not become masters of Western Europe, they could not turn the tide of the battle on the Western Front in their favor in the 1915-1916. It was the Russian army that defeated the Ottomans in the Transcaucasus and Persia, crushing the last remnants of the Ottoman Empire. This allowed France and England to share the "Ottoman heritage". At the same time, the "allies", when the Germans transferred their main efforts to the Eastern Front, did not hurry to help us. On the contrary, in 1915, they attempted to capture the Dardanelles that were promised to Russia.

Thus, we saved France from defeat, did not allow Germany to win the campaigns 1914-1916. Russia crushed the remnants of the military power of Turkey. As a result, the British were able to penetrate into Interfluve (Iraq) into the Arabian Peninsula, establishing long-term control over the Arab sheiks. The British, and behind them the Zionists, were able to settle in Palestine. So we dragged chestnuts out of the fire, not getting anything from it.

However, the cost of these successes was enormous. The cadre army, including the guards, bled to death in the battles with the German troops. Replenishment was no longer so reliable, many new officers were from raznochintsy, with liberal or socialist views. The soldier's mass, the peasant in its basis, did not understand the goals of the war, wanted peace and land. The further the war dragged on and the difficulties multiplied, the more people wanted peace and hated the authorities. As a result, Romanovskaya Russia gradually began to lose control over the main support of the empire - the army, which, in all previous troubles, during the uprisings and riots in general, remained loyal to the oath and the tsar. Worst of all, the generals who were in the Masonic lodges and participated in the liberal conspiracy were in the highest posts in the army.

At the same time, the debt of the Russian Empire grew at a tremendous pace. Russia became the “cash cow” allies in the Entente. Hundreds of tons of gold were spent on the purchase. weapons, ammunition, ammunition. In most cases, prices were inflated. At the same time, western companies gladly took money, but quite often they did not fulfill orders or did not fulfill them in full. Westerners dissuaded that they should first of all carry out the orders of their governments.

The West draws up plans for the dismemberment of Russia and supports the liberal conspiracy

At the same time, the West was making plans to destroy the Russian empire and divide it into spheres of influence. During the war, England and France promised to give the straits to Russia - the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, while they themselves concluded a secret treaty, according to which they mutually promised not to give the straits to Russia.

Moreover, both London and Paris (then Washington was connected to these plans) hatched plans for the dismemberment of the Russian Empire after the defeat of Germany. The Kingdom of Poland (Privislensky Territory), the Baltic States, Finland, and, if possible, Little Russia and the Caucasus, were going to be taken away from Russia. These were the great allies of Tsarist Russia. As a result, it turned out that Russia in this war was fighting not for the acquisition of new lands, but for its own dismemberment. The Western predators were going to divide Russia weakened by war and destabilized from within.

At the end of 1916, the British and French ruling circles resolved a complex issue. London and Paris were already looking forward to an early victory over Germany. It was believed that the German Empire due to lack of raw materials and food would soon capitulate. However, Russia has not yet been catastrophically weakened, as the West hoped, initiating a European war. The Russian army was still capable of successful offensive operations, fleet became even stronger than in 1914, in industry, despite all the problems, small positive shifts were outlined. As a result, in the event of victory over Germany, we would have to share with Russia, which the Western powers categorically did not want to do.

In addition, there was the threat of a separate agreement between Russia and Germany on the terms of the status quo, the prewar situation. At the same time, Berlin could easily agree to the cession of the straits to Western Armenia at the expense of Turkey. It would be a very clever move, destroying all the strategic plans of London, Paris and Washington. Unfortunately, Nicholas II and the German Kaiser Wilhelm II did not think of this before. However, in London and Paris they looked further, considering all possible options, and could not rule out such a scenario. He could become a reality in the event of a catastrophic situation in Germany, which would have had to invent non-standard moves.

In order to completely exclude the possibility of agreement between Germany and Russia and destroy the main geopolitical enemy on earth, the Russian civilization, the masters of England and France began to intensify the scenario of eliminating autocracy and establishing a republican system with “independent, democratic” leaders.

Thus, the Western powers and the “financial international” behind them solved three main tasks. Firstly, it was not necessary to share with Russia, it was excluded from the camp of the winners. Second, they excluded the possibility of preserving the German and Russian empires, and the agreements between them. Weakened by the war, the Russian and German empires would quickly recover and again became a threat to the Anglo-Saxon project of the New World Order. Thirdly, the coming to power in Russia of the “democrats”, many of whom were “brothers” on the beds of Western politicians, destabilize Russia so that it can be made a victim, take away a number of territories from it, weaken the Russian civilization as much as possible, excluding the possibility of it rebirth.

From the beginning of 1916, the British ambassador to Russia, George William Buchanan, and the French ambassador, George Maurice Palaeologus, who had extensive connections in the aristocratic, governmental and public circles of Petrograd, began to coordinate the conspiratorial activities in Russia. The British and French agents had intensive contacts with three groups of conspirators - the grand dukes, the aristocratic, the generals and the liberal-masonic.

It is worth noting that the Bolsheviks practically did not participate in all this conspiratorial activity. First, Lenin from the beginning of the war came out from defeatist positions, which led to the split of the Social Democrats. Plekhanov and other "defencists" called for the need to defend the motherland. The party did not split into several warring groups and factions that were more cursing and squabbling with each other than they were engaged in revolutionary activities. Secondly, the defeatist position led to quite severe repression by the authorities. The de facto active remaining in Russia was crushed, sent to hard labor and to exile. As a result, the Bolsheviks were on the sidelines of the political life of Russia. The small and marginal party had almost no influence on the situation in the Russian Empire. Lenin even believed that the revolution in Russia in the next few decades was impossible in principle.

Only the February Revolution freed the party activists from prisons and exile, allowed revolutionaries who sat abroad to return. And the complete helplessness and lack of talent of the Provisional Government, and the liberal measures during the war led to a total destabilization of Russia, the aggravation of all domestic issues and the growing popularity of radical parties, which had clear action programs. Only by the summer of 1917, after the complete failure of the politics of the liberals, did the Bolsheviks become a real force. However, even then they were inferior to other parties, in particular, the Social Revolutionaries (the Socialist Revolutionary Party), which relied on the peasantry.

It should be noted that there is a certain similarity between the situation with the then Russian Empire and the Russian Federation. At that time, the authorities considered the socialists to be the main evil, they were persecuted, and the real threat was from those sitting in government offices, in aristocratic salons, in the Duma, in the high command of the army, in the offices of directors of banks "liberal democrats." With the support of external forces interested in the collapse of the Russian Empire, a powerful revolutionary detachment was formed, which destroyed the old Russia. Since 1990 in the Russian Federation, the main threat was considered “Russian nationalist patriots”, mythical “Russian skinheads”, who then had practically no influence on public opinion and access to the media. Now they are talking about the mythical "Russian Maidan." However, the real threat of the Russian Federation is the bond of those who recently made a hypocritical hysteria about the death of one of the members of the “Yeltsin gang” (Nemtsov), in which the common people will not shed a single tear. This is a union of liberal opposition and Westernizers, liberals who continue to oversee Russian education, culture, economics and finance, control a large part of the media, and plan to lead Russia to slaughter, repeating the 1914-1917 scenario. With the full support of external forces who want to arrest the global crisis due to the dismemberment and robbery of the Russian civilization.

In some cases, the arrogance of Western representatives crossed all the borders. So in 1916, Buchanan openly raised with Tsar Nicholas II the question of creating a "ministry of trust", effectively putting direct political pressure on the head of Russia. In the same year, 1916, the British ambassador specially arrived in Moscow to award the highest English order of the Moscow mayor M. Chelnokov. The head of Moscow became a "peer". At the same time, he was chief of the All-Russian City Union and a high-ranking "brother." Instead of engaging in the improvement of the old Russian capital, Chelnokov regularly visited the General Headquarters, where he negotiated with the Chief of Staff of the General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander Mikhail Alekseev, who, according to the researchers, was one of the plotters or at least sympathetically concerned with the idea of ​​a palace coup. As noted by Guchkov, with whom Alekseev was in correspondence with 1916, Alekseev "... was so informed that he became an indirect participant" of the events that were being prepared. Chelnokov negotiated with other generals.

Thanks to close contacts with the great princes and generals, Buchanan and Palaeolog had access to the most secret information in Russia and became active participants in the upcoming coup. Buchanan more specialized in contacts with conspirators from the Duma environment, bankers, industrialists and lawyers. Paleologue preferred aristocratic environment, like the salon of Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna. In addition, the French ambassador traditionally maintained contacts with the French French aristocracy. The Poles had nothing to do with the conspiracy against the tsar, as they did not have the opportunities and resources for this, but they were interested in the consequences. The pans in their dreams have already led the section of the Russian bear skin.

It is clear that the Russian special services had some information and reported to Tsar Nicholas the Second about the subversive activities of foreign ambassadors. So Anna Vyrubova later in her memoirs reported that the king had told her that Buchanan was taking an active part in the intrigues against the throne and in the embassy almost met with the great princes. However, Tsar Nicholas II did not even dare to ask the British king to recall Buchanan. “This is too harsh,” said the king. Such softness and humanism in the end and destroy the royal family and autocratic Russia.

The British Embassy became the focus of the conspiracy. He was visited by leading liberal leaders, leading members of the future Provisional Government - Prince Lvov, Milyukov, Guchkov, Rodzyanko, Maklakov and others.

Thus, against the Nicholas II, who personified the Russian autocracy, rallied the entire elite of Russia - the grand dukes, aristocrats, the top generals, many leading dignitaries and officials, the State Duma, which was dominated by liberal-minded leaders, numerous urban and industrial bourgeois organizations, bankers. The coordination of their actions was carried out by masonic lodges and embassies of the “allied countries”.

The former head of the royal family’s guards, General Spiridovich, already in exile, accused the military leadership of generals Khabalov, Alekseev, Ruzsky, Brusilov and Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich of the coup. Nicholas II abdicated the throne 2 (15 March) 1917 was not at gunpoint nagan revolutionary sailors, but after questioning their own commanders of fronts and fleets (among them was the current "hero" - Kolchak). Only Khan of Nakhichevan was harshly opposed to the abdication, the rest were in favor. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the last palace commandant of Nicholas, General Voeikov, called the general campaign led by the former commander-in-chief, the uncle of the tsar, the grand duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, to be the main culprits of the fall of the Russian monarchy. However, the constitutional Democrat Milyukov, the monarchist Shulgin and the leader of the Octobrists, the chairman of the State Duma, the landowner Rodzianko, also demanded the tsar's abdication.

So how did the Bolsheviks kill autocratic Russia? The Russian empire was killed by its degenerated, pro-Western elite, which for the sake of its narrow and personal interests ruined a great power. Someone dreamed of getting a warm place in a new constitutional monarchy, others in republican Russia, and others sincerely wanted to turn Russia into a “cozy France or Holland”. And all took advantage of external forces.

The masses, who gradually became the head of the stronger Bolsheviks and other socialists, joined the revolution later, when the royal power, which held the country together, was already destroyed. The Liberal Provisional Government turned out to be so incompetent and worthless that in a matter of months led Russia to the brink of destruction and to the Civil War. The Bolsheviks, having a goal and a program, simply took power, which lay under their feet. As a result, they saved the Russian civilization from total destruction, from invaders invaders controlled by external forces of diverse liberal-democratic, white and nationalist forces.

The Bolsheviks, whose core were simple Russian people, dreaming of creating a just society, where parasitism and exploitation would have no place (the wing of the Trotskyist internationalists also working on the external forces scenario, was not the main one and eventually suffered defeat, at least until Khrushchev's rule) , were able to create a new project - the Soviet civilization. Soviet civilization was flesh of the flesh of the Russian civilization, which embodied the best features of "old Russia". It was the Bolsheviks who connected the concept of Russian Good and Justice with socialism, creating the most effective and advanced system on the planet. As a result, it was the Bolsheviks, the Reds saved the Russian civilization.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows that during the Civil War there were practically no defenders of Tsarist, autocratic Russia. It is in vain that whites are identified with monarchists. The civil war in Russia was already between the supporters of February (the whites), born of the February revolution, various separatist nationalists, anarchist gangsters and Basmachis Islamists and the supporters of the October Revolution (the Reds). The White Army did not fight for Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland. Monarchists among the whites were few, and they often concealed their views. So in the armies of Denikin and Wrangel, counterintelligence crushed officers' monarchist organizations. Politically, the White Army consisted of all sorts of democrats and part of the socialists, social democrats, who had been ousted by the Bolsheviks and nationalists. Elections to the Constituent Assembly in 1918 brought the socialists (Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, social revolutionaries, people’s socialists) a complete victory - 80% of votes. The people did not want the power of capitalists, merchants and landowners. However, the capitalists and liberals, who were supported by external forces, did not reconcile, they did not want to lose power. They started a civil war.


Nicholas the Second was forced to deny not the Bolshevik commissars, not the Red Guards, not the revolutionary soldiers and sailors, not the workers and peasants, but the “color of the nation” - noble, highly educated and quite financially secure people. Autocracy was destroyed by generals and ministers, grand dukes and aristocrats, bankers and lawyers, members of masonic lodges.

The ruling elite of Russia - political, parliamentary, financial and industrial, military, bureaucratic, itself crushed the Russian empire. Moreover, many high-ranking revolutionaries were at the same time freemasons, “brothers” of closed lodges and structures oriented towards the West. In these closed clubs (they have retained a certain role to the present), the interests of various groups of the ruling elite were coordinated.

In general, it was a class of Westerners who needed complete power over Russia (autocracy was a hindrance) to stop Russia into a part of European civilization. Our Westerners and Masons wanted Western "democracy", a market, such orders as in "sweet and civilized" Europe. They had power, influence, money, and partial power, but they wanted more. The Russian monarchy was, in their opinion, a "relic" that must be destroyed. They did not understand that by destroying autocracy, they themselves were destroying the main barrier on the path of the Russian turmoil, which is merciless to all, including the initiators of the storm. As a result, instead of the victory of the liberal-republican system, the ruling classes caused a catastrophe of “old Russia”.

At the same time, representatives of the Russian elite, including commercial, industrial, financial capital and the liberal intelligentsia, without realizing it (for the most part, there were "agents of influence" who worked for the West), carried out the plan of external forces. Financial International, the ruling circles of Britain, France and the United States sentenced Russia. The Russian Empire was supposed to share the fate of the defeated German Empire. The masters of the West dreamed of destroying autocracy, which could unite the forces of the Russian people, dismember Russia and subjugate its separate “independent and democratic” parts.

It should be noted that the Bolsheviks in relations with the representatives of the West were smarter than their liberal rivals. If the liberals were mainly used in the dark, destroying the monarchy with their hands, the Bolsheviks could not be held. The West tried to use all possible forces against the ruling regime, including the Bolsheviks. And the Bolsheviks, in turn, tried to adapt the West to their interests. As a result, the Bolsheviks were able to gradually push aside and partially liquidate the group of “national traitors” in their ranks - the Trotskyist internationalists. The victory was won by the Bolshevik patriots (Stalinists), who focused on building a great socialist Russia and did not intend to throw their homeland into the furnace of the “world revolution”.
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  1. Boos
    4 March 2015 06: 40
    Why do you need a "thought"? This is a harmful formation consisting of opportunistic people, for the most part with narrow selfish goals, lobbying the interests of those who will give them more money). Yes, they still know how to press buttons.
    1. Pervusha Isaev
      4 March 2015 09: 50

      The Bolsheviks, the basis of which were simple Russian people, dreaming of creating a just society, where there would be no place for parasitism and exploitation (the wing of the Trotskyist-internationalists who also worked according to the scenario of external forces was not the main one and, as a result, was defeated, at least before Khrushchev’s reign) , were able to create a new project - Soviet civilization. Soviet civilization was flesh from flesh by Russian civilization, embodying the best features of "old Russia". It was the Bolsheviks who combined the concept of Russian Good and Justice with socialism, creating the most effective and advanced system on the planet. As a result, it was the Bolsheviks, the Reds who saved Russian civilization

      yes no buddy the top of the revolution were not at all Russian people, but Jewish. And it was Leiba, who came to the beginning of the revolution with suitcases of money from Rothschild, who put together the Red Army, because, as Napoleon said, "three things are needed for a war, money, money and more money."
      It was the Jews, the revolutionaries, who destroyed the COSSACKS, it was the Jews who were the revolutionaries who were engaged in the so-called propaganda, and in fact, DESTROYED the Russian peasantry under the guise of revolutionary slogans, it was the Jews who destroyed and suppressed the MASS UPRISINGS Kronstadt, Antonov and the most terrible thing about which we know the most terrible TENS OF THOUSAND Siberian peasants were shot and destroyed. So what kind of "salvation" of Russian civilization "is the author talking about? If there was already someone who saved the Russians from the WORLD FIRE, which Trotsky wanted to arrange for the Russians, it was the GREAT STALIN, who pinched the tail of the kagal ...
      1. +7
        4 March 2015 12: 02
        Pervusha Isaev (
        There are still nuances worth knowing.
        At first, many Jews participated in counter-revolutionary formations, in particular in the White Guard armies. Let us recall, for example, white generals with Jewish roots - Yakov Davidovich Yuzefovich (chief of staff of the Caucasian native division) and Boris Aleksandrovich Shteifon (chief of staff of the Poltava detachment).
        Recall that a quarter of the dead junkers during the Petrograd anti-Bolshevik rebellion at the end of October 1917 were Jews (by the way, therefore, sometimes you are astonished at some authors who, talking about this rebellion, write that Russian cunk boys were victims of the Jews).

        The Jewish bourgeoisie voluntarily sponsored white Cossack units. A tenth of the victims of the "Red Terror" in September-November 1918 were Jewish counter-revolutionaries. The list goes on and on.

        So, on the basis of the facts, we can say that the revolution and counter-revolution were equally "Jewish." But there was only one small but significant difference: the Bolsheviks did not push the Jews away from themselves, and the white forces, with their Russian narrow-minded nationalism, threw the Jews out of their ranks.

        Of course, the question will arise: where does this opinion come from that the Jews destroyed Rasea? The answer is obvious - from the banal white propaganda.
        Propaganda is a great power and, as we can see, so great that sometimes it replaces the real story. But if you take a closer look and everything will fall into place.
        AT THIS, it is worth KNOWING that one of the Great Rulers of the Russian land. Joseph Stalin, quite clearly, rigidly, but with amazing results, used the talents of the Jews, for the benefit of RUSSIA.
        So, narrow-minded thinking, reduced to bast shoes and onuchs, as an expression of the special mission of "Russian" nationalists, which can be traced in the writings of all quasi-patriots, works against you, YOU yourself, put in a certain pose, offering the vile idea that Russian, no one , to call them in any way and who only does not drive and use for their own purposes, and this is ABOMINATION, Vileness and Spit, in the face of the entire Russian people.
        RIGHT was Joseph Vissarionovich, when such attempts of other zealous people, he assessed in all severity 58 notes.
        1. 0
          7 March 2015 09: 49
          Quote: vladkavkaz
          Yakov Davidovich Yuzefovich

          Yuzefovich is not a Jew, but a Karaite. This is a Turkic-speaking Crimean people who converted to Judaism during the time of the Khazar Kaganate. After the collapse of the Horde, a part of the Crimean nomads (who were "political dissidents", in modern language) during the civil strife of the Chingizids dumped them for permanent residence in other lands, incl. to Poland / ON / Baltic at the invitation of local rulers. The newcomers were given lands, titles, economic benefits. For this, the steppe inhabitants served their new homeland conscientiously, and were exclusively engaged in military service. By the 20th century, most of these Turks (mostly Muslims) assimilated and converted to Catholicism. "Tatar" squadrons existed in the Polish army until the fall of 1939, when they were destroyed in battles with the Germans. In Belarus, the Turks assimilated very quickly and practically without a trace, because there weren't many of them. It's the same in the Baltic countries. Only Karaites more or less retained their identity, and apparently religion alienated the locals from these high-cheeked people, since Judaiz is always associated with Jews. All the same, the Muslims in Europe were treated more positively than the Jews.

          Yuzefovich is a descendant of the Crimean Turkic nomads who at one time fell from the Horde Maidan into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
          1. 0
            7 March 2015 09: 54
            Judging by the flag, I am now Romanian))))
            Your ways are inscrutable, Provider))))
          2. 0
            9 March 2015 12: 35
            Quote: Guard
            Yuzefovich is not a Jew, but a Karaite. This is the Turkic-speaking Crimean people, who during the time of the Khazar Khaganate adopted Judaism.

            The theory of the emergence of Karaites from the Khazars is very controversial. The religion of the Karaites is very different from the Khazar religion. The Karaite language, although it also belongs to the Turkic language family, like the Karaite language, is in a different language group.
            Both Karaites and Jews consider each other different nations, although the Jews acknowledge that a certain Jewish sect in Persia, which rejected the religious tenets of rabbinical Judaism and formed its own religion, served as the core of the formation of Karaites.
            For this reason, Karaites, like Jews, fall under Israeli law of return.
      2. +9
        4 March 2015 12: 03
        With the Great Ruler, you can’t argue.
        Stalin I.V. Compositions. - T. 13. - M .: State
        publishing house of political literature, 1951. P. 28.

        I answer your request.
        National and racial chauvinism is a relic of the hatred mores characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-Semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous remnant of cannibalism.
        Anti-Semitism is beneficial to the exploiters as a lightning rod, removing capitalism from the blow of the working people. Anti-Semitism is dangerous for workers as a false path that leads them astray and leads them into the jungle. Therefore, the Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable and sworn enemies of anti-Semitism.
        In the USSR, anti-Semitism is strictly prosecuted by law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Active anti-Semites are punishable under the laws of the USSR by death.

        J. Stalin
        1. +9
          4 March 2015 13: 05
          Quote: vladkavkaz
          In the USSR, anti-Semitism is strictly prosecuted by law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Active anti-Semites are punishable under the laws of the USSR by death.

          laughing Vlad, in the 30s there was such an anecdote ... How are Moses and Stalin alike? Moses brought the Jews out of Egypt, and Stalin brought the Jews out of the Central Committee !!! Vlad, don't tell me what happened to the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee? And what is this "doctors' case"?
          1. +5
            4 March 2015 15: 53
            Contrary to the opinion of all the talkers that for example the inscription on the fence, Yosya, was planted for one hundred years, my father-in-law, who lived 18 years under Stalin, says the ditties sang and worse, but that they didn’t attract anyone anywhere.
            But attracted, really-CRIMINAL of all stripes and tough, accomplices of different stripes who worked against the country, it is a FACT, because the heirs of thieves and howl here in every way.
            Nikolka Krlushevich, who is a Svanidze, knows perfectly well why his relative, enukidze, lost his head. Having been in a lot of high positions, WHAT is he now babbling in his transmissions? Justifies "innocent-belobe-repressed"?
            The JAC, which, having fulfilled its mission in the war, began to engage in completely different affairs than what was supposed to be, namely, it facilitated the spread of all kinds of gossip about the notorious anti-Semitism in the UNION, merged information of national importance in the USA-YES, was dispersed to hell and correctly was done.
            You and the fool decided that I would defend some JAC assessors? Why would I need it?
            Stalin led the Jews out .. yeah, I’ll remind you for some of those stunned, for example, in Poland, they were brought out altogether, about a hundred families remained all over the country, and not the Nazis, but the Poles themselves, you won’t tell how this was connected with Stalin. that weed, that weed, all united Stalin is to blame?
            1. +2
              5 March 2015 06: 19
              Vlad, did I blame Stalin somewhere? I respect Joseph Vissarionovich for a turn, he is a man of great statehood and integrity, but he has practically nothing to do with the Lenin Guard. Regarding the fact that they planted only crime .. Berry planted a crime, then it turned out that he did not correctly understand who the crime was, he was shot. They put Yezhov in the belief that he knew exactly who the crime was, but he the bastard had tricked the party and began to call crime almost every fifth citizen of the USSR. Stalin had to intervene in this bacchanalia and put Beria at the helm of the NKVD, who was horrified to understand that the crime both lived and lives fast, and in the camps of 60% of the prisoners in general have nothing to do with crime and went to 39-40 rehabilitation.
              1. 0
                5 March 2015 10: 13
                Be so kind as not to repeat the cliche used by regular propagandists about the notorious guard introduced by none other than Trotsky, who tried in this way to claim rights to the leadership in the party in general and in the state in particular.
                To many, Lenin gave derogatory characteristics, but knew how to use these people as they should in certain conditions.
                All the rest of your alphabetic characters have nothing to do with realities. Criminal elements of all stripes in the places of their imprisonment have always been the overwhelming number of Z \ K, with the percentage of acquittals being 10%, unlike 0,2% now.

                On November 1938, 837, L.P. became People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Beria, who succeeded N.I. Yezhova. Beria came to the leadership of the "bodies" in the context of liberalization, which was accompanied by the first large-scale rehabilitation of "enemies of the people." In total, “under Beria,” XNUMX thousand were released and rehabilitated.
                To whom it is nagging and itching, to blame, ascribing the shaft of repression to Lenin, who died in 1924, should know that this cannot be applied to him in any way.
                For those who want to understand this, read the link here
                so that all the screams of op and other nonsense regarding both Lenin and Stalin, address as intended, to the address of Trotsky and his gang.
                1. +2
                  5 March 2015 10: 55
                  Quote: vladkavkaz
                  But attracted, really-CRIMINAL of all stripes and tough, accomplices of different stripes who worked against the country, it is a FACT, because the heirs of thieves and howl here in every way.

                  Quote: vladkavkaz
                  .Criminal elements of all stripes in places of their imprisonment have always been the overwhelming number of Z \ K, with the percentage of acquittals being 10%, unlike 0,2% now.

                  laughing Vlad, your tryndezh is something !!!! So they planted CRIMINAL or is it still mostly "enemies of the people"? In my previous commentary, by the way, I didn't say a word about Lenin's repression !!!
          2. +2
            4 March 2015 18: 06
            Quote: Serg65
            Moses brought the Jews out of Egypt, and Stalin brought the Jews out of the Central Committee !!!

            It is a pity to I.V. Stalin - I am afraid and he paid for it with his life - his death is painfully mysterious ...
          3. -1
            4 March 2015 20: 38
            Quote: Serg65
            Vlad, don't tell me what happened to the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee? And what is this "doctors' case"?

            Nothing to add!
            1. 0
              4 March 2015 20: 52
              not main
              ITS DISPATCHED. What is not clear?
              Correctly done and there is nothing to add.
      3. 0
        4 March 2015 18: 04
        Quote: Pervusha Isaev
        yes no buddy the top of the revolution was not at all Russian people, but Jewish.

        At least one smart person - and then there are extremely few of them here - is a plus from me!
        1. +3
          4 March 2015 18: 13
          RrrJ (1)
          Where is the mind determined?
          On the nose? Skull size?
          The first-person determines this, go far ...
          what a disgrace, pretending to be nationalists, as an enemy of the huge, clever. Russian people, they saw 2 million, at that time Jews who existed in the Republic of Ingushetia generally ..
          Do you like, with the processes of mental activity, KZ does not attend?
          Recently, I remember the whole Internet full of cries of nationalists that the Caucasians are to blame for all the troubles of Russia, Russia is in decline, they are so sinister, everyone in Russia crushed them for themselves ..
          Germany 30 Jews, who is to blame .... Germany is in decline, the Fuhrer is required, the West is out of business, the USSR is to blame for the fact that there was a war-Russia of 10 years of the 21st century, again the Jews ... are to blame. What terrible. ..required Fuhrer-HERE so logically end all your thoughts on this topic.
          And even using the name STALIN, who would have planted you for such thoughts for 25 years, it helps you ..
          1. -3
            4 March 2015 18: 36
            Write any kind of nonsense - already the Great Patriotic War was dragged along, and Khrushchev, and liberals new and old, and Putin and Russophobia, nationalists ... - we actually discuss the role of the Bolsheviks in the beginning of the formation of the Soviet regime.
            1. 0
              4 March 2015 18: 45
              RrrJ (1)
              you nonsense, nonsense, games of spirits, absurdity and misunderstanding of what has been said are sufficient principles for determining a person who is not too competent, unable to understand the meaning of what was said, but persisting in his error.

              Speaking of Putin, I have not said a word, are you again waking up in hallucinations?
              1. -1
                4 March 2015 18: 51
                Quote: vladkavkaz
                Speaking of Putin, I did not say a word

                Less to you - read your comments yesterday on the same topic - you seem to have problems with memory and carelessness.
      4. +1
        5 March 2015 00: 49
        Well, yes, well, yes ... But if you hammer the word "Prodrazversta" into a search engine, you can find out that it was first introduced under EIV Nicholas 2. It did not stop under the Provisional Government and was inherited by the Bolsheviks during the period of war communism.
        By the way, how would you personally act in those realities? After all, the cities had to be fed; they did not produce bread there.
        Regarding the Kronstadt and Antonov rebellions, I want to ask you: since when did the nobleman MN Tukhachevsky become a Jew?
        As for the preservation of Russia by the Bolsheviks, this is what General Slashchev-Krymsky once said. At the same time he added: "It does not matter what it is called now."
      5. +1
        5 March 2015 05: 39
        Quote: Pervusha Isaev
        the revolutionaries were engaged in the so-called PRE-BROADCASTING, and in fact DESTROYED the Russian peasantry under the guise of revolutionary slogans

        Few people know, but the practice of surplus appropriation was introduced not by the Bolsheviks, but by tsarist officials. For the first time, the idea of ​​seizing bread was formally formulated by the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Empire, Alexander Rittich. German by nationality, on November 29, 1916, he signed the decree “On the development of grain bread and fodder purchased for defense-related needs,” which was published on December 2, 1916.

        The line for bread The surplus appraisal assumed the obligation of Russian peasants to sell grain at the state price. Often, instead of grain, not money was issued, but receipts or paper stamps.
      6. +1
        5 March 2015 05: 48
        Quote: Pervusha Isaev
        It was the Jews of revolution who destroyed the COSSACKS


        On the removal from the Cossacks of restrictions on service in the Red Army

        Given the devotion of the Cossacks to the Soviet regime, as well as the desire of the broad masses of the Soviet Cossacks, along with all the working people of the Soviet Union, to actively engage in the defense of the country, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decides:
        To abolish for the Cossacks all previously existing restrictions on their service in the ranks of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, except for those deprived of their rights in court.

        Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR SSR M. KALININ
        And about. Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR I. I. UNSHLIHT

        And google on the topic of the Cossacks in World War II. A tip of the corral (lieutenant) Nedorubov is a complete St. George cavalier, Hero of the Soviet Union, the village of Kushchevskaya.
  2. +4
    4 March 2015 06: 50
    The White Army fought .. And the Entente countries in the rear ..type guarding their citizens robbed Russia..At the Genoa conference, the Entente countries presented an account of Soviet Russia, you say, to which the answer was received: repay the loot and stolen .. we will talk. . Do not want to ..
  3. +4
    4 March 2015 07: 06
    As a politician, Nikolai was a complete "ZERO". Perhaps the only thing he did good for Russia was his abdication.
    1. -3
      4 March 2015 18: 32
      Here you are a complete zero ...... please read the book of the teacher of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, Colonel TV Grachev- (Holy Russia against Khazaria) - (In Memory of the Russian Soul) - and then write your worthless comments. -Nikolai -2 did not abdicate, but fell a victim of a conspiracy of traitors of Russia .. a similar conspiracy is happening now in Ukraine ... Before you write, first read and ponder ....
      1. +1
        4 March 2015 23: 00
        If you decide to become something other than zero, then study History, this is the first, second, you do not need to talk about Grachev, that in her book, she pointed out the correspondence of events in Ukraine today, with events of 17 years in Russia. But she pointed out to the fact that the signing in Bialowieza, with three pyatanitsas of a collar on the collapse of the Union, is NOT legal.
        Do you lie where you learned so much?

        Let us turn to the memoirs of General Nikolai Mikhailovich Tikhmenev: “On the last days of the stay of Emperor Nicholas II at Headquarters”. After the abdication, the Tsar went to Mogilev, where he met (for the last time) with his mother and said goodbye to the officers of the Headquarters. Farewell took place right before the departure of Nicholas II in Tsarskoye Selo. He will get on a train already arrested, so the Tsar’s last hours were at large. Here is a passage that gives an idea of ​​the condition of the abjured Sovereign, of his incredible restraint and self-control, and also contains his first (and only) statement about the abdication, addressed to the officers meeting. Nikolai Tikhmenev writes:

        “He was dressed in a gray Kuban Circassian, with a saber over his shoulder .... On his chest hung only the Cross of St. George, brightly whitewashed against a dark background of Circassians. He held his left hand with his clutching hat on it; The right one was omitted and trembled strongly and noticeably. The face was even more yellowed, gray and tight, and very nervous. The sovereign paused briefly and then began to speak. I remembered the first words of this speech literally. He spoke in a loud and clear voice, very distinctly and figuratively, but he was very worried, making wrong pauses between the parts of the sentence. The right hand trembled all the time. “Today ... I see you ... for the last time,” began the Tsar, “such is the will of God and the consequence of my decision.” He further said that he had abdicated, seeing in this Russia's benefit, the hope of triumphantly ending the war. " (cited in The Diaries of Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, Vagrius, 2008, hereinafter referred to as The Diaries).
    2. +1
      5 March 2015 01: 05
      You are mistaken, dear. According to legend, it was he who invented to bite cognac with a slice of lemon.
  4. 3vs
    4 March 2015 08: 26
    And the conclusion from all this is the same - from Adam and Eve, man does not change!
    Everyone is looking for their own benefit.
  5. +6
    4 March 2015 08: 56
    And still a question? how the Illiterate, marshy, hungry Red Army defeated the White, formed from the cadre of the military, supplied by ANTANTA and the Russian bourgeoisie. Probably motivation in this case has a big role.
    A concrete example of the fighting in the Donbass
    1. +4
      4 March 2015 11: 31
      Quote: Turkestan
      And still a question? how the Illiterate, marshy, hungry Red Army defeated the White, formed from the cadre of the military, supplied by ANTANTA and the Russian bourgeoisie.

      Well, about "illiterate" and "bast shoes" - you are exaggerating.
      The rank and file is largely yes. But exactly the same rank and file was with the whites. Sometimes it’s the same at all - a change of side in that war was the norm: a few commissars / officers were shot / beaten and there was a go to the other side.
      But the Red Army command staff in Civilian upon careful examination amazes with the number of former officers and generals, including even officers of the General Staff. It’s just that, apart from some prominent representatives, it wasn’t very accepted to speak. But in reality, 40-50% of the officer corps of the Empire and the Republic fought on the side of the Bolsheviks.
      Here are just some of the "former" of the top commanding staff of the Red Army: Lieutenant General M.D. Bonch-Bruevich, V.N. Egoriev and V.I. Selivachev, major generals S.G. Lukirsky, P.P. Lebedev, A.A. Samoilo, A.A. von Taube and V.A. Olderogge, Rear Admirals V.M. Altfater, E.A. Behrens and A.V. Nemitz.

      In addition, do not extol the training of white officers. Sometimes it seems that after the transformation of imperialist war into Civil the white officers stupidly lost their experience. For instance:
      Instead of assault teams - walking in the attack with thick chains without a shot, without bending down and not lying down, and the officers are proud of it. My God, many years before this, the last blacks in Africa knew what a machine gun, shrapnel and magazine rifles were. On the WWII fronts, even half a head could not be raised, or looked out into a loophole.
      Since August 14th, when the hands lying under shrapnel were digging shelters, fortification and tactics have developed incredibly. And then "the simplest tactical truths were perceived as a revelation." In the 18th, “trenches and fortifications were not built. The largest that was dug by a hole to protect the shoulders and head, for the most part lay open ”, in the 19th“ our trenches were built extremely remotely ”and in the 20th already on Perekop it was the same. Artillery pulls up and openly shoots at close range, forgetting just everything. Intelligence is such that even in the 18th, the Reds attack suddenly, despite the fact that their plans and radio were read freely. And a constant refrain: “But if the hand of the red machine gunner / gunner didn’t flinch, we would all remain there.”
      In the memoirs and works - a continuous moan over the shots destroyed in the WWI, and rightly so. But whites create officer regiments and St. George battalions, completely not caring for the training of recruits. They drove to slaughter, although often there was time and money. And dreamed of what kind of division could be made from the Academy of the General Staff. Even the Landsknechts would blush from the principle of forming parts by a group of acquaintances.

      December 1918: “The fresh 47th regiment of the 12th division and the brigade of the 6th Ural division suffered heavy losses from frostbite, because, participating in the battle for the first time, they lay for a long time under fire in the snow. Kappel was later accused of misusing them. Rather, the complete unpreparedness of the command staff for fighting in the winter was to blame. ”
      February 1920: General Pavlov loses half his equestrian group frozen out; the cavalry of the South of Russia orders a long life.
      October 1920: “The Russian army, which launched the campaign in the summer of 1920, was not prepared for such a sharp change in the weather and for winter battles. Soldiers in the trenches, not having warm clothes, wrapped themselves in rags and left their positions in the rear villages. Frost caused both the decline in the spirit of the troops and the frostbite of hundreds of soldiers on the front lines. "
      (c) ecoross1
    2. 0
      5 March 2015 01: 11
      Quote: Turkestan
      And still a question? how the Illiterate, marshy, hungry Red Army defeated the White, formed from the cadre of the military, supplied by ANTANTA and the Russian bourgeoisie. Probably motivation in this case has a big role.
      A concrete example of the fighting in the Donbass
      7008221 & mc = 4.351823225551765
      Read here and you will understand everything yourself.
  6. +3
    4 March 2015 09: 36
    It can be added that combat units were prepared and supplied back in 1916 with the money of Western countries and under the patronage of various parties, but by no means the Bolsheviks. There was a big article about this two years ago with accurate data, but I forgot the title of the article.
    In fact, Russia has always interfered with "Europe" because it never really obeyed and pursued its own policy. And after the first half of the 19th century, when it was called the "prison of peoples", Russia was simply feared. And now they are afraid. Therefore, they stubbornly break. Outside, and more scary - from the inside.
  7. -6
    4 March 2015 10: 08
    And liberals and communists were unhappiness for Russia and the world. They were united by a direct or indirect fight against Christianity and the foundations of morality. The Communists launched a civil war in Russia, led the country to famines, to massacres, to abortions. It was only abortion that Russia lost more than a man, as in all wars in its history.
    Ksati, the Communists first carried out a strict Ukrainianization and created Ukraine as a state. Was it a win?
    1. +2
      4 March 2015 11: 17
      Sometimes, a medical procedure is directly shown ...
      It is worth reading what was said in ch1i 2, before repeating myths that have long gone bad.
    2. +4
      4 March 2015 16: 04
      The Bolshevik in 1917, the Communist after 1929, the Communist after 1945, the Communist after 1985 - people are completely different in their stereotype of behavior, with significantly different value systems. Loose forms do not reflect the content and "qualities of these guys" (according to the excellent remark by Jack Sparrow). I will prove it on the basis of your own saying: 1) Let's say the Bolsheviks of 1917 and the liberals of 1917 had ONE and the same goal - to crush the Russian monarchy and destroy the Russian national statehood in principle. You can agree. 2) The 1945 edition of the Communist and the Hypothetical Liberal - it is clear that there is NOTHING in common. 3) Conclusion: The Bolsheviks of 1917 and the Communists of 1945 are completely different types. And therefore, to apply the generalized definition of "Communist" to the events of the Civil War in Russia, it's all the same to say "Vehicle" about the Lada-Kalina Car. If you use "communist", if you please add "which / which / which historical period". Otherwise, this is a conversation about the entropy of the universe.
      1. +2
        4 March 2015 19: 32
        Are you from an undoubtedly highly-studied academy studying the phenomenon of spherical vacuum based on a cubic understanding of fluid flows in zero gravity?
        You yourself, a highly learned Internet user, understood what you wrote about?
        Is there one goal?
        GOALS are different, the way to achieve the goal is the same, through the destruction of the obsolete building of the NEW, the Bolsheviks are really NEW, the Liberals, that since the current ones still have the same CAPITALISM, is it difficult to understand?
        For you, probably yes, an impenetrable difficult concept of difference in goals, methods and tasks, communists and liberals.
        n2-Liberals of that time, the quintessence of liberalism-NACISM. How can you assimilate this?
        p3-between the Communists 17 and 45, there is no difference, they performed one task, PROTECTION and the construction of a NEW society.
        And it’s not worth reinventing the wheel, talking about something else, it’s more appropriate to say, following the example of the substitution after March 53, and especially after the 20th party congress, Khrushchev, it is immediately clear that this type carried a party card in his pocket, but he was not a communist, and these were types, from Khrushchev’s filing, received indulgence from demand for failures, dragged the same mediocrity behind them, eventually rolling out a bald and spotted monster along with a frenzied drunkard.

        Vehicle - "Vehicle" - a device designed to transport people, goods or equipment installed on it by road.
        A very simple and comprehensive definition. Everything that is invented by a person to facilitate movement and transportation and at the same time is able to move on the roads is a vehicle. And there are a huge number of types of vehicles. "Just like in any society, there are many interest groups, and in the parties there are factions.

        So what about entropy, which completely knocks out other brains, tell us, starting with Pervushki and K, having fun here celebrating the brown-haired sabbath (this is so even if they still do not understand this, the maydaunas had fun as well)
    3. 0
      4 March 2015 20: 13
      The people are by no means longing for revolution, destruction, and revenge. He is forced to this by the rulers themselves. The people wanted to take revenge on centuries-old offenders. He had a right. But since many of them were dead a long time ago, he raised and shook their symbols, graves, monuments, relics, their names. But the blind cruelty of the people is more understandable than the cynical and deliberate cruelty of the ruling elites. And isn’t the rabid, sometimes bloody foam on the lips celebration of people's freedom a worthy and logical response to their deeds? And what can you expect from a people that has been kept under conditions worse than cattle for hundreds of years? And what difference does it make who was a liberal there and who is a communist if the people decided to go into the future. In this way it is possible to classify all classical Russian literature as traitors. Just as the great writers Voltaire, Didro, Russo, Montesquieu were the ideological inspirers of the revolution in France, so did Tolstoy, Chekhov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Nekrasov, and Gorky in Russia.
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +6
    4 March 2015 10: 12
    Just as recently, the Soviet Union collapsed. The greedy and corrupt elite overthrew the weak general secretary and rolled the country on an inclined plane. And thank God there was a man like Putin who stopped this fall. For it is hard to imagine what we could get to.
    1. +3
      4 March 2015 10: 25
      Quote: Pashhenko Nikolay
      For it’s hard to imagine what we could get to.

      It’s easy, look at education, medicine, the state of industry, and we’ve come to this
  10. +5
    4 March 2015 10: 15
    Central Committee of the CPSU of the Bolsheviks (all Jews): In the first place, and this is important, Trotsky (Bronstein) is on the list. In second place is Lenin (Ulyanov. At least a Jew by mother Blank). In third place is Zinoviev (Apfelbaum. He wrote works for Lenin and edited them). Then in turn: Lurie (Larin), Krylenko (Klichka - “Abram”, later the People’s Commissar of Justice, and the first chairman of the USSR Chess Federation), Lunacharsky (Bailikh-Mandelstam), Uritsky, Volodarsky, Kamenev (Rosenfeld. He is the husband of Trotsky’s sister and also editor and Leninist works). Smidovich. Sverdlov. Glass (Nahamkes).
    Bureau of the First Composition of the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies of the City of Moscow (all Jews): Three co-chairs: Chairman of the first Moscow Council after the revolution - Leyba Khinchuk. Chairman of the Council of Workers and Red Army - Smidovich. Chairman of the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies - Moder.
    Members of the first Moscow City Council: Zarkh. Clamer. Gronberg. Scheinkman. Rothstein. Levenson. Krasnopolsky. Martov (Cederbaum). Rivkin. Simson Tyapkin. Chic. Falk. Anderson (Lithuanian Jew). Vimba (Lithuanian Jew). Solo (Lithuanian Jew). Michelson. Ter-Michyan (Armenian Jew). The Secretary of the Bureau is Klausner. Head of the Chancellery - Rocenholtz.
    All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Fourth All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies: (According to the constitution of 1918, formally, the highest authority). Of the 34 members of the CEC, not a single non-Jew.
    The chairman is Yakov Sverdlov. Members: Abelman. Veltman (Pavlovich). Axelrod. Cederbaum (Martov. Menshevik). Krasikov. Lundberg. Volodarsky. Cederbaum (Levitsky). Lenin. Zinoviev-Apfelbaum. Trotsky. An orphan. Sukhanov (Himmer). Rivkin. Tseibut. Ratner. Bleikhman (Solntaev). A. Goldenrudin. Haskin. Lander. Aronovich. Kamkov (Katz). Fishman. Abramovich. Fritsche. Ilyin (Goldstein). Reckless. Khinchuk. Berlinrut. Distler Chernyavsky. Ben (Benjamin) Smidovich.
    All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Fifth Congress of Soviets. Of the 62 members, not a single Gentile:
    Bruno (Lithuanian Jew). Breslau (Lithuanian Jew). Babchinsky. Bukharin (a pure Jew and friend of Trotsky, who was with him in New York and had American citizenship, always pretending to be Russian). Weinberg. Gailis. Heinzberg. Danishevsky (German Jew). Stark. Sachs. Scheinman. Airling. Ladauer. Linger. Volah (Litvinov, future Foreign Minister recorded by the Czech, Czechoslovak Jew). Simon Dimanstein. Levin. Erman. Joffe. Karklin. Knigissen. Kamenev (Rosenfeld). Zinoviev (Apfelbaum). Krylenko (nickname-Abram (!)). Krasikov. Kapnik. Kaul. Lenin. Lacis (Marsden already stresses that Lacis is a Jew). Lander. Lunacharsky. Peterson (Lithuanian Jew). Peters (Latvian Jew). Rudzutak (Lithuanian Jew). Rosin. Smidovich. Knock (Latvian Jew). Sverdlov. Smiga (Latvian Jew). Glass (Nahamkes). Sosnovitsky. Skrypnik. Trotsky. Theodorovich. Teryan (Armenian Jew). Uritsky. Tegulechkin. Feldman. Frumkin. Tsuryupa. Chavchavadze (Georgian Jew). Scheinkman. Rosenthal. Ashkenazi. Karahan (Karaite Jew). Rose. Radek (Sobelson). Schlichter. Cicolini. Shiyansky.
    1. Pervusha Isaev
      4 March 2015 10: 30
      Quote: Lefty
      Central Committee of the CPSU of the Bolsheviks (all Jews

      everything was hidden under Russian surnames, but why such a deception? Yes, because no one could hate Jews in Russia, so these Russians, as it were, are forced to mimic and hide their anger towards the Russians under the guise of Russian surnames ...
      1. -3
        4 March 2015 11: 41
        Pervusha Isaev
        How much despise should your own people be repeated from time to time about the flock of Jews supposedly ruling in Russia .. Allegedly having forced enormous Russia, in 1917 to bow your neck to the Jewish yoke, isn’t it yourself that you duplicate?
        And it’s equal to repeat the nonsense about the origin of Lenin, sucked from the opus-Harutyunov and Shaginyan.
        What a strange Russian you are ...
        1. Pervusha Isaev
          4 March 2015 11: 53
          Quote: vladkavkaz
          How much despise your own people, h

          I do not despise the Russian people, but the other people ...

          Quote: vladkavkaz
          Allegedly forcing huge Russia, in 1917, to bow your neck to the Jewish yoke, isn’t it yourself that you are duplicating such stupidity?

          Well, why hide what is already clear to everyone a long time ago?
          By the way, you can start with the Jew Kerensky in the interim government, so there has been a lot of such high school since the 17th ...

          Quote: vladkavkaz
          What a strange Russian you are ...

          but you are no longer even weird, but completely transparent, usually certain people, the descendants of those same Bolsheviks, do not tell the truth ...
          1. 0
            4 March 2015 12: 20
            Pervusha Isaev
            YOU despise, just like that, the Russian people as a whole and the choice of RUSSIA in 1917, contrary to History.

            And they do this, or those who, like at 17, worked for the West, just like in 91, worked for the West, are working the same way now, clearly, in pro-Western interests, relying on internal evil spirits, which at 91 staged another catastrophe in Russia. The same one that in 2011 tried to arrange a semblance of the Maidan in Moscow. Yes, and now I do not mind, only now from the standpoint of the "uryapatriets", exactly according to the plans of the same West, whether to keep power over Russia and then steal with impunity ...

            So, do not get out, you can see all your rotten right away.
            1. Pervusha Isaev
              4 March 2015 12: 48
              Quote: vladkavkaz
              We despise, that is, the Russian people as a whole and the choice of RUSSIA in 1917, contrary to History.

              enough nonsense to carry already no need to wishful thinking ...
              1. +3
                4 March 2015 19: 02
                Pervusha Isaev
                Nonsense, this is what you scratch here, the result of the CIVIL-Belykh was swept out of the country. PEOPLE, has taken overwhelmingly the power of RED.
                The result of the Civil, the development of the country, in spite of everyone and everyone who interfered. The Reds were able to do what they could not, could not and did not do Nicholas 2 with all his corrupt camarilla, which swept him off the throne in FEBRUARY.
                TOTAL, country by 1940 at times superior to RI.
                The result, a country in 1945, triumphing for the VICTORY over the forces of the united brown Reich of Europe.
                Challenge if you can.
              2. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          4 March 2015 16: 14
          And they are all strange Russians. From your point of view. You have surname lists, you are "nonsense". But I don’t think this is strange, I see a pattern - no other answer was expected. A figurative example: Why are you reaching into my pocket? - And your ears stick out! Forget these rhetorical techniques (switching to defaming the opponent's personality), have passed, we know.
          1. +2
            4 March 2015 16: 20
            Do you yourself now understand what you have piled up? Or is it your principle, without reading the entire discussion, to rush to the attack right away?
            Success, look do not stumble. By the way, I’m in your pocket, absolutely not interested in why you got so excited, or is there a reason why you have such a fright?
            Speaking of rhetorical devices, please tell me your training manual. But don’t voice it, you know, if I argue about something, I defend my point of view on facts and not on rumors.
            Want to debate? Forward without stumbling
        3. -1
          4 March 2015 18: 12
          Quote: vladkavkaz
          And equal to repeating bullshit

          Yes, you lifted up respected by his fanatical ideas - you facts - you are your hectic fanaticism. It’s better to talk with grandmothers (I don’t want to divide the nation - but you managed to write to me about Russophobia - or maybe you are a Jew - that you protect everyone like that - your kindred? And you keep fools here - you are trying to quarrel).
          1. +2
            4 March 2015 18: 56
            RrrJ (1)
            Oh, how you lifted up with your balcony from such sources
            WHAT CONCERNS MY KIND, I will disappoint you, continuous Slavic blood.
            And my grandmothers, who went through a lot, didn’t say anything to me, about the nonsense that you are carrying here with all the crowd of frenzied Natsiks.

            Great-grandfather had a mill, great-grandmother's estate in Belarus, gentry blood, so that you would be silent with your kindergarten and horse, who was taken from you .. And nothing, everything took place in life, fighting for the Soviet power, both in the Civil and the Great Patriotic, because for the MOTHERLAND, and not for Konik and kindergarten ...
            1. -1
              4 March 2015 19: 04
              Quote: vladkavkaz
              so that you would be silent with your kindergarten and konik, who was taken from you ..

              Well, man - how can I tell you this - more culturally - I would go to the hospital - I didn’t say anything about the kindergarten and the horse (I’ve watched hallucinations, they may have not disappeared - they’ll cure me) - what are you rubbing here ...
              My minus is another nonsense.
            2. 0
              4 March 2015 19: 08
              Quote: vladkavkaz
              gentry blood

              + I see that you are a nationalist here - and you are poking all.
              1. +1
                4 March 2015 19: 16
                RrrJ (1
                I knew !!!!!
                I almost fell out of my chair with a laugh .. why are you all predictable and .......
                Well, in general, the buffoons are funny .. Continue to amuse me with your undoubtedly highly learned guesses, Darwin to help you.
                1. 0
                  4 March 2015 19: 19
                  You are tired of me right - all smart people have already dispersed - because figs to understand who is right to a greater or lesser degree - alone you are torn here - moreover, you are rubbling rubbish - you refute the above arguments - what kind of kindergarten, but a horse?
                  My great-grandfather did not have a kindergarten - he worked 2 cows and a pimokat in the village.
                  1. 0
                    4 March 2015 20: 27
                    RrrJ (1)
                    Sorry, but who told you that you are among the smartest?
                    You must behave more modestly, more modestly.
                    1. +1
                      4 March 2015 21: 13
                      Quote: vladkavkaz
                      You must behave more modestly, more modestly.

                      Again, nothing simple.
                      Are you talking about kindergarten then answer - or is it kindergarten implied ah?
                      1. -1
                        4 March 2015 21: 34
                        RrrJ (1
                        Yes, I don’t mind, go to kindergarten, maybe Mary Ivanna, will teach you that you need to listen to the elders ....
                      2. -2
                        4 March 2015 21: 50
                        Quote: vladkavkaz
                        Yes, I do not mind, go to kindergarten

                        You have a dear verbal diarrhea - drink that thread already.
                        As my teacher of the Russian language said, it’s the same on his forehead, on his forehead ...
                      3. 0
                        4 March 2015 21: 53
                        RrrJ (1
                        As your teacher of the Russian language said - it’s the same on his forehead, on the forehead - the same thing ... CORRECTLY your dear teacher, determined your abilities, no abilities ...
                        so valerian solvent, at worst, a pill of glycine and you will calm down, know how to accept defeat with dignity.
                        However, you probably do not know what dignity is?
                      4. 0
                        4 March 2015 21: 59
                        Quote: vladkavkaz
                        However, you probably do not know what dignity is?

                        Yes, it’s you here without dignity - you can’t even answer about the kindergarten - you’re carrying a blizzard (you’ll help you if you’ll leave the computer).
                        And she talked about as narrow-minded as she was ... (I think you will guess).
                        And I passed the Russian language at 5 in school (as well as all other subjects) - so I don’t need to learn.
                        + Already evening - tomorrow we will indulge - if you love so much - I sleep. You think I will dump - Nah - wrong - I also love to ride on my ears. Goodnight!
                      5. -1
                        4 March 2015 22: 08
                        RrrJ (1
                        Do you have Tourette’s syndrome?
                      6. -1
                        5 March 2015 13: 17
                        Quote: vladkavkaz

                        Have you been looking for? Already 10 minutes almost ... And in our apartment there is gas.
                      7. -1
                        5 March 2015 17: 53
                        Do you think that I should look for answers to you, all impatient when you write what nonsense? Do you have Tourette’s syndrome?
                        You are again with friends, run along all my comments, instruct the minus and enjoy, as yesterday ... you had a lesson.
                      8. 0
                        5 March 2015 20: 43
                        Quote: vladkavkaz
                        You think I should look for you answers

                        Hello again! As far as I watched - you have all the answers on this topic stolen from the Internet - so I don’t know that you are so denied.
                        I love the right of such people - oh - not such a respected I broke off - who just did not come across during this time - so smart that even ...
                        You are the first to sculpt me at the beginning - and I followed your example - so do not inflate here.
                        And I don’t know the argument for what reason - I sort of found out: I’m not a Russophobe, not anti-communist, not for liberals, the only thing I have is some dislike for Ulyanov - I don’t know what you don’t like - everyone has their own opinion - you have your own evidence - I have mine.
                        If you write something - I occasionally drop by - read your jokes)
        4. +3
          4 March 2015 19: 07
          vladkavkaz (
          Bullshit written for the authors of the Lefty commentary, taken from here

          It would look strange if the eternal enemies of Russia would write the TRUTH, and not what is written in the opus of this English correspondent, moreover, if you recall a certain Railay, then it turns out interesting who serves the current nationalist monarchists?
          Really out of habit-ENGLISH?
          Then Kolchak is raised to the shield, probably because KOLCHAK brought his dirk, honor (remnants) and oath to the English crown?
          Here and the swarming of a certain Masha with her son Gosha, who has a very, very not so much a ghostly one but generally no rights to the Romanov throne .. a bunch of sufferers gathered here ..
      2. +1
        4 March 2015 14: 52
        Quote: Pervusha Isaev
        under Russian surnames hid, but for what

        Because all real Jews have Russian surnames, and all fake Russians are Jewish. laughing
    2. -2
      4 March 2015 11: 46
      Nowhere without it.
      This is the most “burning” question that monarchists, nationalists, and some Stalinists are procrastinating.
      Jews are everywhere with them: 90% of the Bolsheviks, 98% of the SNK, 100% of the Cheka ... Jews take the bread from the Russian people, Jews shoot (always with particular cruelty) the Romanovs, Jews invented the Red Star, etc. Moreover, many write and talk about it in all seriousness, even questionable sources wave and abundantly quote lists of unknown origin.
      And no one is trying to make sense of all these absurd statements.

      We will not analyze the “Jewish” lists of the SNK, the Cheka, etc., since in essence they are ordinary falsifications, where even representatives of the Baltic nobility or purebred Finns are recorded as Jews (apparently because of the non-Russian surnames), but .

      The national composition of the Cheka during the civil war looked like this: Russians - 77,3%, Jews - 9,1%, Latvians - 3,5%, Ukrainians - 3,1%, Poles -1,7% (according to M.Ya. Latsis “Organizational report of the Cheka for four years of its activity”). The order of these figures is confirmed, for example, by data on the secret departments of the provincial Cheka for 1920, where the Great Russians accounted for 75,1% (RCCHIDNI. F.5. Op.1. D.2563. L.3). So, it can be argued that the notorious Chechek is a myth.

      The myth is also the assertion that the Bolsheviks were mostly Jews or that the Jews committed a revolution. And until October 1917 and until 1924 in the RCP (b), the number of Jews did not exceed 5-8%. What kind of liquid Bolsheviks can we talk about?

      Now let's read Stalin (I highly recommend Stalinist nationalists): “Great Russians in the party at the XIII Congress - 72% ... The second group - Ukrainians-5,88%. The third group is Jews - 5,2%. Then come the Turkic nationalities - more than 4%, and beyond them are other nationalities, such as Latvians, Georgians, Armenians, etc. ” (from the Organizational Report of the Central Committee at the XIII Congress of the RCP (B.), May 1924)
      1. Pervusha Isaev
        4 March 2015 11: 58
        Quote: vladkavkaz
        The myth is also the assertion that the Bolsheviks were mostly Jews or that the Jews committed a revolution. And until October 1917 and until 1924 in the RCP (b), the number of Jews did not exceed 5-8%. What kind of liquid Bolsheviks can we talk about?

        here you don’t know what’s the matter, there’s no need to be a Bolshevik party to be a 100% Jewish party, but you can always be at the top in leading positions and lead the party, which we see after the revolution and after the counter-revolution of 91 ...
        1. -1
          4 March 2015 12: 21
          Pervusha Isaev
          You either bring FACT, or calm down in your rage, to carry nonsense, which is by no means confirmed except by the myths that are naturally sucked from known places.
        2. +2
          4 March 2015 12: 31
          1. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov):
          Sometimes he is called almost a liquid kalmyk and is considered for this reason as the main villain. Let us therefore dwell on it in more detail:
          a) Genealogy of the father (
          Ulyanov Illya Nikolayevich 14.7.1831-12.1.1886 - FATHER (RUSSIAN)
          ..... Ulyanov (Ulyanin, Ulyaninov) NIKOLAI VASILIEVICH 1768 - approx. 1836 - Grandfather
          .......... ULLIANIN VASILIY NIKITICH (NIKITIN) 1733-1770 - PREDED
          ............... Ulyanin Nikita Grigorievich (Grigoriev) 1711-1779 - Great-great-grandfather
          .................... Ulyanin GRIGORY ANDREEVICH (ANDREEV) died before 1723 - PRAPRAPRADED
          .................... (All 3rd - peasants of the Nizhny Novgorod province of the Sergach district of the village of Androsova)
          .......... MYAKININA ANNA SEMYONOVNA (landowner, from a noble family) - GRANDMOTHER
          ............... SMIRNOV LUKYAN (there is a version that he had Kalmyk roots, but there is no documentary evidence to this)

          Apparently, all Russians.

          b) Maternal Genealogy
          ..... ALEXANDER DMITRIEVICH BLANK 1799-1870 - DED

          Here, as a rule, all spears break about Lenin Blanca’s grandfather. Like, he was a Jew, and therefore, Lenin's mother was Jewish. And further (amazing logic!), Since the nationality of the Jews is determined by mother, Lenin himself is a Jew! Handsomely?!
          Under this version, a biography of a completely different person is fitted. That is, the genealogy of Lenin is falsified. We look at whom they want to slip as Lenin's ancestors:
          .......... FORM OF MOYSHA ITSKOVICH 1763-?
          .......... MARY 1976-?
          This couple had 2 sons ABEL MOYSHEVICH BLANK (born in 1794) and SRUL MOYSHEVICH BLANK (born in 1804)
          As you can see, there were other forms, nothing to do with Lenin’s grandfather, Alexander Dmitrievich Blank, their senior or younger 4-5 years old, did not have.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. +5
              4 March 2015 15: 57
              Pervusha Isaev
              I will not draw any conclusions, but judging by the calmness of the "argumentus", the first Isaev is a little ignorant, a lot of a decent ignoramus with the leaven of the first-class NATI, which by the shape of the skull, nose, establishes belonging to the nationality.
              FACT, not disputed, the First-Person, you with this attitude to the study of History, will go far, into the swamp, however, your choice.
              Submit your photo here and I’ll show you the genealogy, from Hottentot, to the very last Papuan, do you want?
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. -2
                  4 March 2015 17: 01
                  Quote: Pervusha Isaev
                  to RUSSIAN NATIONALISTS.

                2. +4
                  4 March 2015 18: 28
                  Quote: Pervusha Isaev
                  and I consider myself to be RUSSIAN NATIONALISTS.

                  Nationalism is a dead end, there is no development, it’s rude in its own juice
                  1. +2
                    4 March 2015 18: 36
                    saag (
                    A bloody brew, more precisely, in Ukraine, this is exactly what we are witnessing, a bloody, heinous brew of nationalism.
                3. +1
                  4 March 2015 19: 03
                  Quote: Pervusha Isaev
                  I consider myself to be RUSSIAN NATIONALISTS.

                  And how is the RUSSIAN NATIONALIST different from the UKRAINIAN NATIONALIST?
          2. -2
            4 March 2015 18: 08
            Quote: vladkavkaz
            .. FORM OF MOYSHA ITSKOVICH 1763-?
            .......... MARY 1976-?
            This couple had 2 sons ABEL MOYSHEVICH BLANK (born in 1794) and SRUL MOYSHEVICH BLANK (born in 1804)
            As you can see, there were other forms, nothing to do with Lenin’s grandfather, Alexander Dmitrievich Blank, their senior or younger 4-5 years old, did not have.

            ))))))))))) FORMS, they are in Africa also forms ...)))))
            1. +1
              4 March 2015 18: 34
              some Ivanovs, let’s say .... Ivanovs, doesn’t it sadden you?
              I knew that someone would grab this quote and be noted.
        3. +2
          4 March 2015 12: 31
          “I managed to work in the Kazan archive with the funds of the provincial noble assembly and establish that there really were two Alexander Blanca, whose biographies were deliberately mixed,” writes M. Bychkova, senior researcher at the Institute of Russian History, - Lenin’s grandfather, Aleksandr Dmitrievich Blank, happened from the Orthodox merchant family, starting his service in 1824, in the 40s he rose to the rank of court adviser with seniority (lieutenant colonel), who gave him the right to hereditary nobility. In this sense, his biography is very similar to that of Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov. people from one environment, whom the conditions of the 3th century made it possible to quickly advance through the ranks and leave their children the right to be considered nobles ... Another Alexander Blanck, who had nothing to do with Lenin, really existed, was 4-XNUMX years older than Alexander Dmitrievich and repeated his career in many ways, he also studied medicine, but served in hospitals lakh and charitable organizations, and not in the public service, that is, could not get the rank giving the right to the nobility. " Bychkova does not consider the extradition of one person to another in this obviously unique case an error: "... Rather, it was a deliberately distorted document, but I can’t judge the reasons for its appearance ..."
          The historian Leo Herman concludes: “Regarding the ancestors of the leader, a plausible version should be considered that Dr. A.D. Blank - Russified German. This is perhaps the most believable version. The form is a purely German surname, in literal translation it sounds like “brilliant”. I believe that the Jewish grandfather hypothesis can be left aside unreasonable, unproven. "

          So, Lenin’s mother Maria Blank is a Russified German, her father is Russian. As a result, Lenin is Russian.
    3. +4
      4 March 2015 12: 40
      We continue to expose the fake:

      2. Lunacharsky Anatoly Vasilyevich (surname of his real father - Antonov) - Great Russian
      3. Proshyan has nothing to do with the People’s Commissariat of Agriculture, he worked in the People’s Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs, although nationality is determined correctly ...
      4. Larina (or Lurie) in VSNH never was in sight
      5. Schlichter Alexander Grigorievich - Russified German (father: 1/2 German, 1/2 Cossack; mother comes from Ukrainian noblemen)
      6. Karl Ivanovich Lander - (?) Originally from the Baltic Germans or Jews, it’s impossible to say for sure ...
      7. Kaufman in the Council of People's Commissars never led
      8. Shmidt Vasily Vladimirovich is not a Jew, but from Russified Germans
      9. Lilina is also unknown from where, the People's Commissariat of Health was led by the Great Russian Semashko
      10. "Spitsberg - cults"? What are these "cults"?
      11. "Anvelt - hygiene"? What is this "hygiene"? There were no such people's commissariats
      12. The people's commissariats of the press, elections, refugees and, accordingly, Volodarsky, Uritsky, Fengstein in their chapter did not exist either
      13. Zinoviev, by the way, also never led any People’s Commissariat.

      What we have: 9 out of 17 named "Jews" have never been at the head of the People's Commissariats, the nationality of 3 is defined incorrectly (they are Russians), and one (Lander) is in question.
      1. 0
        4 March 2015 18: 35
        Quote: vladkavkaz
        12. The people's commissariats of the press, elections, refugees and, accordingly, Volodarsky, Uritsky, Fengstein in their chapter did not exist either

        Of course, Uritsky was killed on June 30, 1918, Volodarsky even earlier, but does it bother anyone? Lack of knowledge is compensated by pathos and stupidity :-)
    4. +5
      4 March 2015 12: 40
      But the real composition of the Council of People's Commissars, and not sucked from a finger ...


      1. Chairman - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) (26.10.1917 - 21.01.1924) - Great Russian

      2. People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs:
      Alexey Ivanovich Rykov (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

      3. People's Commissariat of Agriculture
      Vladimir Pavlovich Milyutin (October 26.10 - November 4.11.1917, XNUMX) - Great Russian

      4. The People's Commissariat of Labor
      Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov (26.10.1917 - 8.10.1918) - Great Russian

      5. Committee on Naval Affairs (26.10. - 8.11.1917)
      Vladimir Alexandrovich Antonov-Ovseenko - maloros
      Pavel Efimovich Dybenko - Little Russian
      Nikolay Vasilievich Krylenko - Great Russian

      6. People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry
      Victor Pavlovich Nogin (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

      7. People's Commissar of Education
      Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky (family member for the present father - Antonov) (26.10.1917/12.09.1929/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

      8. People's Commissariat of Finance
      Ivan Ivanovich Skvortsov-Stepanov (26.10.1917 - 20.01.1918) - Great Russian

      9. People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs:
      Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (26.10.1917 - 8.04.1918) - Jew

      10. People's Commissariat of Justice
      Georgy Ippolitovich Lomov-Oppokov (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian

      11. People's Commissariat of Food
      Ivan Adolfovich Teodorovich (26.10 - 4.11.1917) - Pole

      12. The People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs
      Nikolai Pavlovich Glebov (Avilov) (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian

      13. People’s Commissariat for Nationalities (People’s Commissariat) of the RSFSR (1917-1923)
      Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - Ossetian

      14. The People’s Commissariat for Railway Affairs (26.10.1917 - 24.02.1918)
      Mark Timofeevich Elizarov (8.11.1917/7.01.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russian

      15. The People’s Commissariat of State Charity (8.11.1917/20.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
      Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (30.10.1917 - 17.03.1918) - Malorosska

      16. The Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNH)
      Valerian Valerianovich Osinsky (Obolensky) (December 1.12.1917, 22.03.1918 - March XNUMX, XNUMX) - Great Russian

      Result: Russians - 15 (83%), 1 Jew, 1 Pole, 1 Ossetian.
      1. +1
        5 March 2015 01: 06
        So Stalin is Ossetian ??????
    5. +2
      4 March 2015 12: 41
      Another fake, this time concerning the composition of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

      "The Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), ie the Bolshevik party, in the first year of the revolution: Ulyanov (Lenin), Trotsky (Bronstein), Zinoviev (Apfelbaum), Larin (Lurie), Uritsky, Volodarsky, Kamenev (Rozenfed), Smidovich, Yankel Sverdlov, Steklov (Nakhamkes), Lunacharsky (Khaimov), Krylenko. Total - 12 people, including 11 Jews and one (!) Russian (Ukrainian). "

      It would seem awful! Only 1 Russian surrounded by 11 Jews !!!!
      But without panic, here is the real composition of the party:

      I. a) The Central Committee elected by the VIth Congress of the RSDLP (b) 3.8.1917, members
      1. Artyom (Sergeev Fedor Andreevich) - Great Russian
      2. Berzin Yan Antonovich - Latvian
      3. Bubnov Andrey Sergeevich - Great Russian
      4. Bukharin Nikolai Ivanovich - Great Russian
      5. Dzerzhinsky Felix Edmundovich - Pole
      6. Zinoviev Grigory Evseevich (Radomyslsky Ovsey-Gersh Aronovich - Jew
      7. Kamenev (Rosenfeld) Lev Borisovich - Jew
      8. Kollontai (Domontovich) Alexandra Mikhailovna - Malorosska
      9. Krestinsky Nikolay Nikolaevich - Little Russia
      10. Lenin (Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich - Great Russian
      11. Milyutin Vladimir Pavlovich - Great Russian
      12. Muranov Matvey Konstantinovich - Little Russia
      13. Nogin Victor Pavlovich - Great Russian
      14. Rykov Alexey Ivanovich - Great Russian
      15. Sverdlov Yakov Mikhailovich - Jew
      16. Smilga Ivar Tenisovich - Latvian
      17. Sokolnikov Grigory Yakovlevich (Diamond Hirsch Yankelevich) - Jew
      18. Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovich - Ossetian (paternal, mother-Georgian)
      19. Trotsky (Bronstein) Lev Davidovich - Jew
      20. Uritsky (Boretsky) Moses Solomonovich - Jew
      21. Shaumyan Stepan Georgievich - Armenian

      b) The Central Committee, elected by the VIth Congress of the RSDLP (b) 3 (16) .8.1917, candidate members
      1. Dzhaparidze Prokopiy Aprasionovich - Georgian
      2. Ioffe Adolf Abramovich - Jew
      3. Kiselev Alexey Semenovich - Great Russian
      4. Lomov (Oppokov) George Ippolitovich - Great Russian
      5. Osinsky N. (Obolensky Valerian Valerianovich) - Great Russian
      6. Preobrazhensky Evgeny Alekseevich - Great Russian
      7. Skrypnik Nikolay Alekseevich - Little Russia
      8. Stasova Elena Dmitrievna - Great Russia
      9. Theodorovich Ivan Adolfovich - Pole
      10. Yakovleva Varvara Nikolaevna - Great Russia

      Result: Russians (Great Russians, Little Russians, Belarusians) - 17 (55%), Jews - 7 (22%)
    6. +1
      4 March 2015 12: 42
      Now a few words about the Cheka-NKVD.

      First fake from Wilton:

      "All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK, or Cheka), which R. Wilton mistakenly calls" Moscow "meaning, probably, the location):

      Dzerzhinsky - chairman, semi-pole semi-Jew; Petere - Deputy, Latvian; Shklovsky, a Jew; Zeistin, a Jew; Razmirovich, a Jew; Cron Berg, Jew; Haikina, a Jewess; Carlson, Latvian; Shauman, Latvian; Leonto HIV, Jew; Rivkin, a Jew; Antonov, Russian; Delafarb, a Jew; Tsitkin, a Jew; Rozkirovich, a Jew; G. Sverdlov, Jew; Bizensky, Jew; Blumkin, a Jew; Alexandrovich, a Jew; Model, Jew; Ruthenberg, a Jew; Pines, a Jew; Sachs, a Jew; J. Goldin, a Jew; Halperstein, a Jew; Knigissen, a Jew; Lateis, Latvian (and is not Latsis a Jew?); Dayball, Latvian; Saysun, Armenian; Dakenen, Latvian; Libert, Jew; Vogel, German; Sour, Latvian; Shilken-kus, a Jew; Janson, Latvian; Hayfis, a Jew. Total - 36 people, of which: 1 German, 1 Armenian, 1 Russian, 8 Latvians and 24 Jews and 1 semi-Jew.

      This is how the "International" was, and this was the "Russian" revolution ... "- the author bitterly complains.

      But before trusting the anti-adviser Wilton, it was worth looking into the directory and looking at the real composition of the Cheka:
    7. +1
      4 March 2015 12: 42
      "Lubyanka. Bodies of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD-NKGB-MGB-MVD-KGB. 1917-1991. Directory. Compiled by A.I. Kokurin, N.V. Petrov. International Democracy Fund, Moscow. Yale University Press, USA . Publishing House Mainland, Moscow. 2003. "

      The structure of the Cheka for 1.01.1918. (p. 188) (in fact, the first composition)
      Chairman - Dzerzhinsky Felix Edmundovich - Pole
      Members of the Cheka: Averin Vasily Kuzmich - Great Russian
      Evseev Dmitry Gavrilovich - Great Russian
      Zhidelev Nikolay Andreevich - Great Russian
      Ksenofontov Ivan Ksenofontovich - Great Russian
      Menzhinsky Vyacheslav Rudolfovich - Pole
      Peters Yakov Khristoforovich - Latvian
      Peterson Karl Andreevich - Latvian
      Smirnov Alexander Petrovich - Great Russian
      Trifonov Valentin Andreevich - Great Russian (from the Cossacks)
      Yakovlev K.A. - Great Russian

      Result: 7 Russians, 2 Poles, 2 Latvians

      The structure of the Cheka at 1.01.1921 (p. 188-189)
      Chairman - Dzerzhinsky Felix Edmundovich - Pole
      Deputy Chairman - Ksenofontov Ivan Ksenofontovich - Great Russian
      Secretary before Cheka - Gerson V.L. - Jew (?)
      Special Division under the Presidium of the Cheka - Belenky Abram Yakovlevich - Jew
      The next unit at the Presidium of the Cheka - Feldman Vladimir Dmitrievich - Great Russian (from Russified Germans or Jews, recognized memo in the memo directory)
      Business Management - Yagoda Henry (Enoch) Grigorievich (Gershenovich) - Jew
      Communication Service - Svidersky Stanislav Ieronimovich - (?)
      Chest unit of the Cheka - Stashevsky (Hirschfeld) Arthur Karlovich - Jew
      Management of the houses of the Cheka - Pimanov P.M. - Russian
      Administrative and organizational management - Apeter Ivan Andreevich - (?)
      Economic Management - Nikolay Vasilievich Krylenko - Great Russian
      Secret operational management - Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menzhinsky - Pole
      Registration and Statistics Office - Rocen Jan Petrovich - (?)
      Special Department - Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menzhinsky - Pole
      Secret Department - Samsonov Timofey Petrovich - Great Russian
      Special Department - Bokiy Gleb Ivanovich - Little Russia
      Foreign department - Davtyan Yakov Khristoforovich - Armenian
      Transport department - Blagonravov Georgy Ivanovich - Great Russian
      Part of the supply of clothing allowance - Nikolaev Nikolaev Nikolaevich - Great Russia
      Supervisory Commission of the General Manager of the Cheka - Shpigelglas Sergey Mikhailovich - Jew

      Result: out of 19 Russians - 8 (42%), Jews - 5 (26%), 2 Poles, Armenian, 3 unidentified.
      1. Pervusha Isaev
        4 March 2015 12: 55
        Quote: vladkavkaz
        Zhidelev Nikolay Andreevich - Great Russian

        I like this one ...
      2. +3
        4 March 2015 14: 37
        Quote: vladkavkaz
        , 3 unidentified.

        Aliens or what? laughing
        1. +4
          4 March 2015 16: 02
          Ascetic (1
          There are no data, if you want to be considered Martians, consider, just do not descend to the level of a Nazi, who considers the surname Zhidelev Jewish. This fact has the simplest explanation, the author of such a pearl, Pervusha Isaev, a dense ignoramus, the etymology of the surname is as follows - "The surname Zhidelev is formed from the nickname Zhidel , which goes back to the vernacular word “zhidel”, which means “slurry, completely liquid substance, mass (about food, drinks).” Most likely, such a nickname indicated such traits of a person's character as weakness, instability in views, inconstancy. It is also possible that the nickname Gidel could have received a fat, obese person, or one who lived in a swampy area.

          In the Tver and Pskov dialects, the word "Jews" is widespread, i.e. "Autumn, low, cloudy clouds." In this case, it can be assumed that a sad, gloomy, anxious person, or a child born in bad weather, could get the nickname Gidel. Zhidel, eventually got the surname Zhidelev. "
          Have more questions?
          The age-old surname of Pskov, the first woman became Jewish ... it will go far, not noticing that in this case, his surname is "The basis of the surname Isaev was the church name Isaiah or Isaac. The surname Isaev comes from the male name Isai, which is probably the colloquial form of the baptismal name Isaiah, which is translated from the Hebrew language as "the salvation of the Lord."

          In the 1th century BC there lived a prophet, a zealous advocate of the Yahweh religion and a denouncer of idolatry, the author of 33-36 and 39-XNUMX chapters of the Old Testament book, bearing the name Isaiah.

          According to another version, the name Isaiah is a variant of another baptismal name - Isaac (translated from Hebrew - “laughing”).

          It should be noted that the surname Isaev may also have an Erzyan origin, since the name Isai was common among the Erzya. So, in documents from 1796, Philip Isaev was mentioned, who went to Petersburg with a complaint about the actions of the authorities.

          In addition, it cannot be ruled out that the surname Isaev has Turkic roots. Isay is one of the dialectal variants of the Turkic male name Isanbai, which goes back to two bases. The first of them, Isan, means "alive, healthy, prosperous" "
          So who in this case is the First-Person, a fan of Muslims, or the Old Testament?
          1. +1
            4 March 2015 22: 59
            Quote: vladkavkaz
            There is no data, you want to consider it Martians, consider it, just don’t go down to the level of the Nazi, who considers Zhidelev to be Jewish.

            Yes, for God's sake. Just do not quote any crap about an unidentified nationality .. unidentified there are only corpses and in tsarist Russia in general in metrics it was customary to write down people by class / for example Cossacks / and religion. In particular, the Jews belonged to the Jews or the latter were not subject to the rule of settling. The Bolsheviks, for obvious reasons, changed the class and religious division to a national one and until the beginning of the 30s pursued a policy of rooting2 peoples. This is how “Ukrainians” appeared in particular. As the results of the first Soviet census showed, there were too many believers in a socialist country. Therefore, in the next census, the column "religion" was replaced by the column "nationality", thus suggesting that religiously defined communities should be replaced by ethnic ones. Therefore, everyone who lived on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR was recorded as Ukrainians ...

            Why Lenin considered the introduction of the column "nationality" for party comrades justified, it can be seen from his creative heritage. In particular, in pre-revolutionary work “On the national pride of the Great Russians” future leader, emphasizing “The role of the Great Russian proletariat as the main engine of the communist revolution”insisted on “The long-term education of workers in the spirit of complete national equality and fraternity”On
            “Full equality and the right to self-determination all nations oppressed by the Great Russians

            And so here is all the INJURED nations by the Russian Great Russians ...
            In other words, the column “nationality” was of paramount importance for non-indigenous peoples, “Muzzled” by the tsarist regime. Hence, in fact, the Bolsheviks established the People's Commissariat for Nationalities in 1917
            Now guess three times which of the peoples of the Russian Empire was the most muzzled, oppressed and powerless?
            Yes, in principle, Jewish ideologists themselves constantly insist that throughout the entire period of Soviet power, the policy of state anti-Semitism was pursued no more and no less ... Yes, and now in Russia fascism and anti-Semitism flourishes ... So say liberal opposition and dissidents who are almost 100 pr. for some reason are Jews ...
            1. -2
              4 March 2015 23: 23
              Ascetic (1)
              Why are you all this banging here?
              What is the difference between HISTORY and Hysteria on historical topics?
              The historian studies History, in relation to that time and the conditions that existed at that time and in that place, the Hysterical, using the aftertaste, extrapolates his aftertaste to the occurring lines when events try to replace HISTORY with the help of cognition. Do you understand this?
              What did you grab onto the phrase Great Britain?
              And what does the rest have to do with it?

              An attempt to bring you to the answer so alcove-supposedly the most oppressed are the Jews, and therefore everything was done as if in favor of the Jews?
              You yourself are not funny from such an interpretation of what was said?
              The fact that all these Jewish, mostly liberal talkers are weaving, as regards the supposedly anti-Semitism in RUSSIA, I absolutely do not give a damn about their cries, I personally DO NOT MUST be a Judophile.
              And to impose this on me, or, for example, on the Facebook resource, any mention of a Jew, who seems insulting to him, is punishable by a ban, the choice of whom I love, whom I respect, and who I am absolutely neutral, is my business.

              So stop doing so-called liquidophobia, do not disgrace yourself, nor the Russians, you have found excuse, you have found the culprits ...
              And what are we ourselves worth, what are we worth within ourselves?
              Who himself, of his own free will, in 90 listened to the whole Shenderovich camarilla and piled himself on his neck? Alyosha Kerensky or what?

              Toothlessness, weakness, an attempt to find the image of the enemy outside, justifying their own stupidity, never led anyone to anything good, and cave nationalism, at all, brought one country to utter defeat, the second is about to fall apart into pieces because of carriers of cave self-awareness of nationalism in Bandera form and the search for enemies around, except for the realization that they themselves are to blame for
              comes out ..
              And finally, using quotes, try not to tear the pieces that suit you so much, but to UNDERSTAND the written, and not interpret in a way that suits you.
              What was written and why a little lower.
            2. +1
              4 March 2015 23: 25
              Are we, Great Russian conscious proletarians, alien to a sense of national pride? Of course not! We love our language and our homeland, we are working most of all to raise its working masses (i.e. 9/10 of its population) to the conscious life of democrats and socialists. We are most painful to see and feel what kind of violence, oppression and bullying our beautiful homeland is subjected to the royal executioners, nobles and capitalists. We are proud that these violence were repulsed from our midst, among the Great Russians, that this midst put forward Radishchev, the Decembrists, revolutionaries of the 70s, that the Great Russian working class created in 1905 a powerful revolutionary party of the masses, that the Great Russian peasant began at the same time becoming a democrat, he began to overthrow the priest and the landowner.

              We remember how half a century ago the Great Russian democrat Chernyshevsky, giving his life to the cause of the revolution, said: “a miserable nation, a nation of slaves, from top to bottom are all slaves” 2. Outspoken and hidden Great Russian slaves (slaves in relation to the tsarist monarchy) do not like recall these words. And, in our opinion, these were words of true love for the motherland, love longing due to the lack of revolution among the masses of the Great Russian population. Then she was gone. Now it is not enough, but it already exists. We are full of feelings of national pride, for the Great Russian nation also created a revolutionary class, also proved that it can give mankind great examples of the struggle for freedom and socialism, and not just great pogroms, rows of gallows, dungeons, great hunger strikes and great servility to priests, kings, landowners and capitalists.

              We are full of feelings of national pride, and that is why we especially hate our slave past (when the landowners nobles led men to war to strangle the freedom of Hungary, Poland, Persia, China) and our slave present, when the same landowners, hastened by the capitalists, lead us to war ”to strangle Poland and Ukraine, to crush the democratic movement in Persia and China, to strengthen the gang of the Romanovs, Bobrinsky, Purishkevichs, which dishonors our Great Russian national dignity. No one is guilty if he was born a slave; but a slave who not only eschews the pursuit of his freedom, but justifies and embellishes his slavery (for example, calls the strangulation of Poland, Ukraine, etc. “protection of the fatherland” of the Great Russians), such a slave is a lawful feeling of indignation, contempt and loathing and boor.
              V. LENIN, article On the national pride of the Great Russians.
            3. 0
              4 March 2015 23: 25
              It may be objected to us that besides tsarism and under its wing another historical force, Great Russian capitalism, has arisen and gained strength, which is doing progressive work, centralizing economically and uniting vast areas. But such an objection does not justify, but even more strongly blames, our chauvinist socialists, who should be called Tsarist-Purishkevich socialists (as Marx called the Lassalian people royal-Prussian socialists) 4. Let us even admit that history will solve the question in favor of Great Russian great-power capitalism against a hundred and one small nation. This is not impossible, for the whole history of capital is a history of violence and robbery, blood and dirt. And we are not at all supporters of small nations; we are, other things being equal, for centralization and against the philistine ideal of federal relations. However, even in this case, firstly, it is not our business, it is not the business of the democrats (not to mention the socialists) to help Romanov-Bobrinsky-Purishkevich strangle Ukraine, etc. Bismarck made a progressive historical work in his own way, in the manner of Junkers. but the “Marxist,” who on this basis would have thought to justify Bismarck’s socialist aid, would be good! And Bismarck helped economic development by uniting fragmented Germans who were oppressed by other peoples. And the economic prosperity and rapid development of Great Russia requires the liberation of the country from the violence of the Great Russians over other nations - this difference is forgotten by our fans of true Russian almost-Bismarcks.

              Secondly, if history solves the issue in favor of Great-Russian great-power capitalism, then it follows that the socialist role of the Great-Russian proletariat will be all the more great as the main engine of the communist revolution generated by capitalism. And for the revolution of the proletariat, a long education of workers in the spirit of complete national equality and fraternity is necessary. Therefore, from the point of view of interests precisely. of the Great Russian proletariat, a long upbringing of the masses is necessary in the sense of the most resolute, consistent, bold, revolutionary upholding of full equality and the right of self-determination of all nations oppressed by the Great Russians. The interest (not slavishly understood) of the national pride of the Great Russians coincides with the socialist interest of the Great Russian (and all other) proletarians. Our model will remain Marx, who, having lived for decades in England, has become half English and demanded the freedom and national independence of Ireland in the interests of the socialist movement of the English workers.

              Our homegrown socialist chauvinists, Plekhanov and so on. and so on, in the last and presumptive case that we considered, they will turn out to be traitors not only to their homeland, a free and democratic Great Russia, but also traitors to the proletarian fraternity of all the peoples of Russia, i.e., the cause of socialism.

              Social Democrat No. 35,
    8. +3
      4 March 2015 12: 43

      - On October 1, 1921, 49991 people worked in the Cheka. According to their ethnic composition, there were 38 Russians (648%), 77 Jews (4%), 563 Latvians, 9 Ukrainians, 1770 Poles, 1 Germans, 559 Lithuanians, 886 Estonians, 315 Armenians. Persons of other nationalities, there were 186 people or 152 percent.

      - The Cheka College consisted of 13 people, 3 of them Russian (M.S. Kedrov, I.K. Ksenofontov and V.N. Mantsev), three Jews (S.A. Messing, N.S. Unshlikht, G.G. . Berry), two Latvians (M. Ya. Latsis, Ya. X. Peters), two Poles (F.E. Dzerzhinsky, V.R. Menzhinsky), one Ukrainian (G.I. Bokiy), one Belarusian (F .D. Bear), one Armenian (V.A. Avanesov).

      - The middle and top management of the central office of the OGPU as of November 15.11.1923, 54: 57 Russians (15%), 16 Jews (12%), 10 Latvians, 4 Poles, and persons of other nationalities - XNUMX.

      - As of May 1, 1924, 2 employees worked in the central office. Of these, 402 Russians (1670%) Russians, 70 (208%) Latvians, 9 (204%) Jews, 8 Poles, 90 Belarusians, 80, Ukrainians.

      - By the spring of 1937, the national composition of local state security organs, i.e. without the Main Directorate, it consisted of: 15 670 Russians - 65%, 3489 Ukrainians and Belarusians - 14,6%, 1776 Jews - 7,4%, etc.

      - In 1940, the national composition of the central apparatus of the NKVD consisted of: 3073 Russians - 84%, Ukrainians and Belarusians 267 - 7,25%, Jews 189 - 5%, etc.
    9. +3
      4 March 2015 12: 44

      Separately, it is worth noting the data of obvious crooks and manipulators, either based almost on nothing but their own sick imagination, or vilely manipulated and perverted (for example, among Jewish characters, some are invented, some are summed up over time, and Russians are crossed out on the contrary):
      Jewish fascism in Russia - historical facts of 1917-2005 -
      "The Secret Forces Behind the Revolution", London 1929, Viscount de Popsin

      As a conclusion, we can say that despite the fact that there were plenty of Jews in the highest organs of Soviet power and the Central Committee of the party, especially in the first years after the revolution, their influence on political processes in the country can not be called decisive. The October Revolution is the RUSSIAN revolution!
    10. +2
      4 March 2015 12: 45
      From this, by the way, we can conclude that the activity of the Jews was at that time in almost all political directions, and not only among the Bolsheviks. Even among the Black Hundreds, ardent supporters of autocracy and opponents of revolutions, there were enough Jews. The founder of the Black Hundreds and the editor of its main newspaper "Moskovskie vedomosti" was the Jew V.A. Greenmouth. Other Jews also played an important role in the leadership, in particular, a close associate of P.A. Stolypina I. Ya. Gurland. About I. Ya. Gurlyanda, the son of the chief rabbi of the Poltava province, "Jewish Encyclopedia" wrote in 1910: "Gurlyand is pursuing the idea of ​​complete unification of Jews with the beginnings of Russian statehood, without at all giving up their religious and national aspirations."
      The February revolution, which ended the autocracy and overthrew the tsar, was organized in addition to his entourage, mainly by the Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and Cadets (liberals). And among them there were more Jews than the Bolsheviks.

      “Among the three hundred main actors of the political theater of Russia in 1917, 43 were“ persons of Jewish nationality. ”By party affiliation, they were divided as follows: Mensheviks (of various kinds) - 20, Bolsheviks - 11, Socialist-Revolutionaries - 6 (right - 4, left - 2) , 3 - anarchists and cadets. Only five participated in Jewish national organizations. 37 reacted negatively to the October Revolution, 16 were its active participants. The fate of the people after the revolution was mostly unhappy: about half (21) were shot, killed by terrorists, or died in custody, 13 died in exile. " "Political figures of Russia: 1917" (M., 1993). -

      So, dear Jewish-eaters, there would probably be much more Jews in the Russian government if the "whites" (Mensheviks, Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries and other supporters of the February Revolution, the Provisional Government and the Constituent Assembly), who were time the ONLY alternative to Soviet power.
    11. +4
      4 March 2015 16: 10
      Great review. He said a hundred times, until there is a revision and re-evaluation of the 2 revolutions of 1917 as the Anti-Russian project, and the ensuing events as the Genocide of the Russian people, Russia will not move anywhere and will not break through, will wander in circles among substitute and false concepts.
      1. -1
        4 March 2015 16: 26
        Does your head hurt, from such a broad and no doubt brilliant idea, about October, as an "anti-Russian" project?
        February, undoubtedly unleashed by Belykh Civil, with the involvement of interventionists, is undoubtedly the Anti-Russian project in full — PROVE your words, otherwise they are just fluttering air with a fair portion of mercaptan.
        Just like the fully anti-Russian project, the campaign of a united Europe, with the entire White Guard staff joining Krasnov, Shkuro and others with Hitler, there is an absolutely anti-Russian project.
        Do not create false concepts and do not replace History with your FALSE.
        By the way, an adorer of the theory of a conspiracy against the Russians, that there is a VICTORY and by whom it was achieved. Solve the rebus, I will honor how you will get out ...
    12. -2
      4 March 2015 18: 40
      That’s the whole answer, who made the revolution in 1917 ....
    13. 0
      4 March 2015 18: 45
      Quote: Lefty
      Central Committee of the CPSU of the Bolsheviks (all Jews): In the first place, and this is important, Trotsky (Bronstein) is on the list. In second place is Lenin (Ulyanov. At least a Jew by mother Blank).

      Did you take this list from Victor Marsden’s book?
      1. +2
        4 March 2015 18: 49
        Captain45 (
        And where else can the anti-Soviet and Russophobia get their dirty little papers, if not from the English newspaper?
        1. -1
          5 March 2015 00: 53
          Anti-Soviet and Russophobia are different categories. About how the Bolsheviks and Slavophiles)))
          1. 0
            5 March 2015 10: 19
            You are mistaken, the SAME.
            An example? Please, Chubais and Koch, at least to an extreme degree of anti-twig and Russophobes in the same form, claiming to let 30 million Russians die .. and so on and so forth, the result of the cemeteries is visible.
            1. 0
              5 March 2015 18: 19
              You're wrong)
              Anti-Soviet are those who are against the Soviet government.
              Russophobes are those who are against all Russian.
              Those. Russian can be anti-Soviet but not Russophobe. Also an ardent communist who hates
              Russian is quite a Soviet Russophobe. You gave an example of Koch about who are suitable for anti-Russophobes, for example, the Orthodox are anti-Soviet and are not Russophobes. And anti-Soviet white officers, they are also Russophobes? And the Latvian arrows on your idea are all Slavophiles?
              You combined white and hot and contrasted it with dark and cold, although there are not 2 but 4 options) Therefore, in the civil war there were more than 2 parties that united with someone against someone and beat the 3rd.
              1. 0
                5 March 2015 18: 40
                Am I mistaken?
                those. Do you agree with these Chubais and Koch, Novodvorskaya and Borova, for example?
                And these who
                And these
                Statements of our liberals about Russia, the peoples of Russia and Russians.

                Alfred Koch: now no one calls him “in any way”, but was a “democrat-reformer” - chairman of the State Property Committee (1996-1997) and in 1997 deputy chairman of the Russian government):
                “I think in order to take away atomic weapons from us, a paratrooper division is enough. One day, land and take all these missiles to hell. ”
                “Nobody needs Russia (laughs), nobody needs Russia (laughs), as you will not understand! I don’t understand what is so special in Russia? ”
                “The people are not adequate to their interests. The people who avidly loved Stalin cannot be considered adequate. ”
                “In order to buy, you need to have money. Russian can not earn anything, so they can not buy anything. "
                “The long-suffering people suffer because of their own fault. Nobody occupied them, nobody conquered them, no one drove them to prison. They knocked on themselves, imprisoned themselves and shot themselves. Therefore, this people is reaping what they have reaped from what they deserve ”...
                BOROVOY (Novodvorskaya's associate, Russian entrepreneur and politician, chief executive officer of the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange):
                “When discussing the issue of infringement of the rights of Russians in the Baltic States, Konstantin Natanovich took an openly misanthropic position of the Nazis, approved the marches of the Essenes in Riga, hiding behind freedom of choice and liberal values. During the discussion, Borovoy accused the country's top leadership of state anti-Semitism and named A. I. Solzhenitsyn as a "Russian fascist".
                during the recording of the TV program "Two against one" "
                Mikhail Khodorkovsky (entrepreneur, public figure, publicist. Currently serving a 14-year sentence in a penal colony in Segezha in Karelia): “... it’s a shame not to steal from such a state”
                “Corruption began with us, and it must end on us”
                “Our attitude towards the authorities?” A few months ago, we considered power a blessing that would not interfere with us entrepreneurs. In this regard, Mikhail Gorbachev was the ideal ruler. At that stage of our development, this was enough. Now that the entrepreneurial class has gained strength and this process can no longer be stopped, our attitude towards the authorities is changing. Neutrality towards us is no longer enough. Implementation of the principle is necessary: ​​the one who pays the one also orders the music ”
                “Have we earned reproaches that we celebrate when the masses are in full? Isn’t our feast ultimately beneficial to the same people? ”
                BUKOVSKY (writer, politician and public figure, neurophysiologist, one of the founders of the dissident movement in the USSR) & Co: Zakayev in an interview with Le Figaro named Bukovsky among those who make up the "London Berezovsky group." “Now, after the death of Sasha (Litvinenko), there are five of us left - too few to destabilize the situation in Russia,” Zakaev added
                “It's time to throw out the concept of“ sphere of Russian influence ”from the political vocabulary.
                Russian troops must withdraw from the North Caucasus "
                1. 0
                  5 March 2015 22: 55
                  So do I deny that Koch and company are radishes! I agree with that!
                  In general, I affirm that Marx has a false teaching, along with capitalism and liberalism.
                  1. 0
                    5 March 2015 23: 15
                    Do you consider yourself smarter than a guide to the example of the CCP?
                    Or the leadership of Western economic circles which are carefully studying capital to this day?
                    Who told you that Marx has a false teaching? Svanidze? Pogorelets Pivovarov?
                    Do you still believe in the ravings of Chubais, Gaidar and the other Yasins and Nechaevs?

                    "" So I really deny that Koch and company are radishes! I agree with this! "- thus denying Marx as a whole, and following the same Lenin, you also deny Stalin, the entire history of Russia in the image of the UNION.
                    So not only that, you deny the LAW for the development of society, which states that inevitably, a higher socio-economic system will inevitably replace the lower, although there may be degradation, an example of Hitler Germany and present-day Ukraine ..
                    You will not deny that slavery was replaced by feudalism, and that in turn was capitalism, which retained the features of previous eras?
                    SLAVES in America, traded almost until the end of the 19th century ..
                    And if this is so, then you will seriously argue that capitalism is the only and irreplaceable form of socio-economic structure of society under any circumstances?
                    Do not you think that it is somewhat naive to think so?
                    You say, but here the UNION collapsed ..

                    Yes, they destroyed it, not least because they missed the appearance of a pack of predators inside society, I remember it was said that in socialism, there are birthmarks of capitalism, so they gave a cancerous tumor that killed the country. It happens.

                    Not in vain in CHINA, there is an institution that deals exclusively with one question, how and why did the FIRST country of socialism fall, how did it happen that the people gave the birthright, for lentil soup, to Chubais and Kokham, Svanidzim and Berezovsky, Khodorkovsky and Ambramovich, other promissory notes ..

                    And then they, they won’t allow it, will be repeated, you can be sure of that, the local Gorbachevs and Yeltsins are regularly crushed in China.
                    BUT what is the growth of CHINA?
                    There is a crisis in the world, everything is stagnating, CHINA is growing at 7%, the advantages of socialism are affecting, smart socialism, with Chinese characteristics and taking into account the defeat of the USSR.
                    1. 0
                      5 March 2015 23: 50
                      Quote: vladkavkaz
                      Who told you that Marx has a false teaching? Svanidze? Pogorelets Pivovarov?
                      Do you still believe in the ravings of Chubais, Gaidar and the other Yasins and Nechaevs?

                      Quote: vladkavkaz
                      "" So I really deny that Koch and company are radishes! I agree with this! "- thus denying Marx as a whole, and following the same Lenin, you also deny Stalin, the entire history of Russia in the image of the UNION.

                      Well, you put a cliche on me!
                      How do I know: I read "Capital", and its criticism
                      As for me delusional theory of the Jew Marx (who lived and died a poor Jew and wrote about what he never had and never used) I did not read.
                      For example, A. Smith presented his theory much more intelligently, and did not deceive the reader, like Marx, who in each new volume promised to prove his theory and did not do so.
                      Further, the ravings of Chubais, Gaidar are a disguise of their theft. Well, it’s so convenient to rob people to the accompaniment of liberalism or class justice, or raising funds to revive the nation or (write any high idea)
                      Further, where did I deny the history of Russia and the Union? Oh, I do not write laudatory praises to Lenin and Trotsky ?! Well, I'm sorry, the history of the war can also be considered from the General Staff and from a frozen trench.
                      By the way, why do you reduce all the wealth of social devices to socialism or capitalism? Marx, of course, ignored other options for building society.)
                      Well, for China ... five years ago, to call an ambulance in one of the provinces of China, you had to pay a bill for the journey from the ambulance to the house. Or another example ... And due to what did China become the first in industry to not consider? The bourgeoisie built enterprises, and by exploiting semi-slave labor they received and are receiving enormous profits - this is some kind of wrong socialism.
    14. 0
      5 March 2015 00: 54
      It used to be a saying: What is revolution based on? On Jewish brains, on Latvian bayonets and on Russian fools ....
  11. +5
    4 March 2015 10: 19
    Divide the period of Soviet power in Russia into two periods - from 1917 to 1929 and the second further. The first period is a purely anti-Russian period, the dominance of persons of Jewish nationality and other nationalities. They carried out a policy of genocide of the Russian people. The second period is a rollback. Stalin put things in order. Most of the perpetrators suffered a deserved punishment. The smelly beetle let go of some of the freaks. This was the beginning of the end of the USSR.
    1. -2
      4 March 2015 11: 48
      Support (4
      In passing, let us recall the conventional wisdom that the royal family was shot by none other than Jews.
      But the doctor of historical sciences Ivan Plotnikov (author of books about Kolchak and the execution of the tsar’s family) gives a completely different scenario: the firing squad consisted of 9 people, including 7 Russians, 1 Latvian and 1 Jew (see I. Plotnikov “On the team of killers of the tsar’s family” and its national composition ”).

      And now let's talk about the tops.
      Yes, the Politburo, which led the uprising in October 1917, consisted of 4 Jews, 2 Russians and 1 Georgian. But what does that mean? Never mind! The formation of this body did not take into account the nationality of one or another member of the Central Committee, but according to a simple formula - the editorial board of the newspaper Pravda (Work Path) + Bubnov + two more people. (see. Protocol No. 25 of the meeting of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) on October 10, 1917).

      And certainly Trotsky and Sokolnikov were chosen not for Jewry, but for organizational skills. Although for nationalists this, apparently, is not the most important thing: albeit, but with pure blood.

      Okay, the revolution happened, and the Council of People's Commissars was created, which became the government body of Soviet Russia. And what's in it?

      According to some "wise men" - SNK was simply hammered by Jews to the eyeballs.
      In fact, the first Council of People's Commissars (October 26, 1917 - January 18, 1918) consisted of 12 Russians, 3 Ukrainians, 1 Georgian, 1 Jew, 1 Pole. The second Council of People's Commissars also does not surprise with anything special: 9 Russians, 3 Ukrainians, 2 Jews, 1 Georgians, 1 from Baltic Germans, 1 Latvian.

      With the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) (later RCP (b)) the situation was somewhat different. Until 1917, the Jewish Central Committee was no more than 10%, i.e. 1-2 people, but on the eve of the October Revolution their share increased to almost 24% (the share of Russians - 42%). In the future, the number of citizens of Jewish appearance in the party's leading body was as follows: in 1918 - 26% (Russians - 40%), in 1919 - 18% (Russians - 40%) and in 1920 - 22% (Russians - 36 %).

      Is it possible on the basis of these data to say that the Central Committee was dominated by Jews? I don’t think so, but some “wise men” have their own views on these things - they go so far in their thoughts that they accuse the Bolshevik Jews of Zionism. And this despite the fact that the Bolsheviks actively pursued the Zionists, Hebrew culture, etc. Add to this the fact that almost all the Jewish parties (Zionist, bourgeois, social-democratic) did not support the October Revolution, and even condemned it.
      1. +3
        4 March 2015 16: 21
        All this is demagogy with you. When I was still in the Soviet Union, I passed the History of the CPSU. The RSDLP held the first congress together with the Jewish BUND, and dissociated itself from it at the next congress. As they say, comments are unnecessary. And the fact that the newly-minted shepherds recruited adherents from the Russian passionaries, so it happened in history all the time. National passionaries are chopped up under different flags, and the "new elite" considers gesheft. You start to speak.
        1. +1
          5 March 2015 10: 30
          This is your demagogy, regarding your pearl about the BUND. This sharakina office indicated its place immediately, and do not confuse the RSDLP of 1903 and the RSDLP of 17 years.
          More specifically, about your other pearls- "In Lenin's draft, the Bund rightly saw the author's desire to abolish the Bund, which Goldblatt immediately stated:" Comrade Lenin's charter excludes the clauses provided by the Bund ... This will solve the question of whether the Bund should come out of the party. This is what I personally say, and the whole Bund delegation is saying this too. "

          Lieber supported his colleague: “raising the question of the Bund in the organizational charter proposed by Comrade Lenin predetermines the question of the Bund ... We do not want a charter to be adopted by which the Party Central Committee could dissolve the Bund Central Committee at any time or even completely abolish it ". Comrade Lieber could not stand it, and tried to cheat on those who doubted his mental abilities: “Were you, comrades, so naive that you could at least for a moment assume that we would remain in the party when adopting such a charter? What do we voluntarily sign a death sentence for ourselves ?! ”

          “The further history of the Bund is as follows: during the revolution of 1905-1907 the Bund evolved ideologically into the organization of the Mensheviks. This allowed them to enter the RSDLP in April 1906. The moment was a good one - the revolution served as a catalyst for this unification, albeit a formal one. managed to join the RSDLP, retaining its organizational structure.In 1914, in connection with the outbreak of war, the Bund split into “organizations of the Germanophile and Francophilic persuasion.” In 1917 they supported the Provisional Government, the October Revolution was met extremely negatively. As a result, at the beginning of 1920 -XNUMXs, representatives of the Bund either ended up either abroad, or in the Communist Party, or were repressed. "

          Who cares, read

      2. -1
        5 March 2015 01: 12
        The Council of People's Commissars, consisting of 22 two top leaders of the country, included 3 Russians (Lenin, Chicherin, Lunacharsky), 1 Armenian (Protian) and 1 Georgian (Stalin), the remaining 17 people were Jews.
        The MILITARY COMMISSARIAT consisted of 35 Jews, 7 Latvians and 1 Germans, there were no Russians.
        THE COMMISSIONAR OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS consisted of 43 Jews, 10 Latvians, 3 Armenians, 2 Poles, 2 Germans and 2 Russians
        The COMMISSIONAR OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS consisted of 13 Jews, 1 Latvian, 1 German and 1 Russian.
        A COMMISSARIAT OF FINANCE consisted of 24 Jews, 2 Latvians, 1 Poles and 2 Russians.
        JUSTICE COMMISSARIAT consisted of 18 Jews and 1 Armenian, there were no Russians.
        THE BUREAU OF THE FIRST COUNCIL OF WORKERS AND SOLDIER DEPUTIES IN MOSCOW consisted of 19 Jews, 3 Latvians, 1 Armenians, and Russians.
        The CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the 4th RUSSIAN CONGRESS OF WORKERS AND PEASAN DEPUTIES consisted of 33 Jews and 1 Russian - (Lenin).
        Yes, I agree, the Jews are out of work!
  12. +4
    4 March 2015 10: 47
    No, but what exactly is the conversation about? Who destroyed the Russian Empire? When the tsar abdicated the throne, the liberals immediately took power and the orgy began, as it is now in Ukraine. Having destroyed everything that the liberals could successfully annihilate, scattering across the countries of Europe, and at the same time all They looked in surprise at the power lying in the mud and snapped their beak and were still engaged in chatter in the Duma. The army was spread out by order No. 1, the punitive bodies scattered, the outskirts fell off. And the war is also going on. When Lenin took power, it was the level of complexity of megahardcore, a small party, a huge country, "good" neighbors, lack of industry, economic collapse, Pugachevism in the countryside, separatism, anarchism, hunger, lack of armed forces, political competitors ready to cut off their heads, the reputation of a "German spy" and 100500 other factors complicating life. that many of today's sofa experts knew "How it should" and would have coped with everything much better. And still, probably, they would have won the war and nafig nobody They saved the necessary king-father ...
    1. +4
      4 March 2015 11: 20
      Standard Oil
      Talently, briefly, in essence, they expressed precisely the point of view of the talkers from the apologists of the whites and the current sufferers from the liberal camp.
      "I understand that many of today's sofa experts knew" How it should "and would have handled everything much better. And probably they would have won the war and saved the czar-father that nobody needs ..."
      1. +4
        4 March 2015 11: 28
        C'mon ... smile About ten years ago I was the same as some idiots rejoicing for the White Cause, then I just turned on my head a little and put everything in its place.
        1. +1
          4 March 2015 11: 54
          Standard Oil
          On the next branch, to smithereens, the image of the next neo-white-Strelkov is broken ... There was no victory for them a hundred years ago, there will not be even now. They are alien in meanings and tasks, the absolute majority of the working people cannot be an Idea in the country, a cry about the crunch of a French roll, bells and about the fact that they lost the opportunity "Manka and Fenka in the bathhouse, while Vanka is in the field", to have ..
      2. +1
        4 March 2015 11: 28
        Really could win. But the fifth column was then.
        1. 0
          4 March 2015 11: 51
          Quote: Angro Magno
          Really could win. But the fifth column was then.

          It would be only if the Germans did not touch us, any offensive in the slightest degree and everything collapsed, there was no army like the Februaryists, and there was nothing left before Lenin. By the way, if my memory serves me, then the famous Bolshevik and ardent communist Anton Denikin in "Essays on Russian Troubles", in accordance with the party line, accuses Kerensky and the liberals of the collapse of the army.
          1. -1
            4 March 2015 13: 29
            I'm afraid you have not studied enough the history of WWI.
          2. 0
            4 March 2015 13: 29
            I'm afraid you have not studied enough the history of WWI.
        2. dmb
          4 March 2015 11: 53
          So, what is next? Won (although this is not even science fiction). How do you think the results of this victory would affect the position of the working peasants: did the large landowners share the land with them, or would the Ryabushinsky and Mantashevs increase their salaries and reduce their working hours? Go to Usmanov and Yakunin with similar suggestions, and we will be happy to know how your trip ended.
          1. 0
            4 March 2015 19: 59
            Do you want me to cover the topic of victory and the post-war device in one post? Or were these rhetorical questions?
            1. dmb
              4 March 2015 21: 12
              Expand wider who is in the way? Only without the usual arguments like "I believe". You have a great opportunity to dispel my doubts that the fruits of this victory would have gone to the widows of the dead and crippled front-line soldiers, and not to Nika's numerous relatives, Putilov and the Rubinstein banking house, Simanovich, Manusevich-Manuilov and passing, passing, passing through.
              1. +2
                4 March 2015 21: 32
                dmb RU
                Do not you think that now there will be fantasies like our Zlotnikov-Straits, Poland, Finland as part of the Republic of Ingushetia, the victorious imperial regiments occupy Berlin, Vienna and remain there, and the arrogant Saxons with francs, are wiped and silent?
                And of course, there is a hero who, for three years, puts the entire RI industry on new technological tracks, chattering the Puishkevichs, Putilovs and others, investing loot in undoubtedly billions of profit in the future .. the truth about the people in this story will not be discussed, people was silent ...
                1. dmb
                  5 March 2015 09: 25
                  I don’t think, usually in such cases, opponents either interrupt the dialogue or switch to swear words.
                  1. +1
                    5 March 2015 10: 31
                    You were right in the first part of your assumption.)))
                    1. -1
                      5 March 2015 11: 36
                      dmb. vladkavkaz
                      I understand your skepticism and roughly understand your social circle. I can not help but sympathize.
                      If you are really interested, I can share my thoughts. But not within the framework of the post to this article, especially since such a discussion will be of little interest to other visitors.
                      Want to talk at the level of arguments, I propose to designate the desire by letter in PM.
                      But, as you should understand, this will take some time.
                      1. 0
                        5 March 2015 17: 51
                        Angro Magno
                        You have no facts, no arguments, and it’s not interesting to listen to, or rather read rumors, gossip, myths, you have been answered enough, reasoned enough with facts, and you have ... FALSE.
                        If you want to dream that yes, as it were, it’s on the ALTERNATIVE HISTORY website, sometimes interesting tales are written there.
                        However, if there is a desire, drop your vision of the situation by mail, I read what you are based on.
                      2. +1
                        5 March 2015 18: 36
                        Sorry, dear, but you are confusing something.

                        I haven’t said anything concrete on the topic yet, so you cannot know what arguments I’m operating on.
                        For this reason, no one has argued objectively to me and could not object. And even more so, no one objected to the facts. Unless, some posts were deleted while I was not on the site.

                        Perhaps you have discussed this with another person and on a different branch.

                        Or, most likely, this is just a way to get away from discussing an uncomfortable topic with a rough answer.
                        I have often come across a situation where an opponent slides into rudeness. This is not surprising. Rather, it amuses, because it means another virtual scalp above the monitor.

                        As for the gracious permission to drop my vision to you in the mail, I will say this: Do not bother reading my FANTASIES. Do not waste your precious time. It can be held much more interestingly.
                      3. 0
                        5 March 2015 19: 52
                        Angro Magno
                        You at least read the commentary to the end, and the scalp, I myself, pin anyone else on the computer.
                        However, if there is a desire, drop your vision of the situation by mail, I read what you are based on.
                      4. 0
                        5 March 2015 23: 41
                        For you, the desire to drop something was completely lost. Snob, talking with strangers through the lip, categorically do not perceive.
                      5. The comment was deleted.
                      6. The comment was deleted.
                      7. dmb
                        5 March 2015 19: 42
                        With pleasure I will get acquainted. That's just why you think this will be of little interest to the rest. In my opinion more than. By the way, this is the case when readers, even by voting, will appreciate the persuasiveness of the positions of each of us.
                      8. 0
                        5 March 2015 23: 52
                        DMB, apparently, you received a better education in childhood than your friend.
                        Here I will share with you with pleasure. But this will not be an article, but part of a study on another topic.
                        Theoretically, this could be a fairly large publication. Maybe I'll do it. But she needs a very significant time, this is firstly. And secondly, if for me it will be quite significant work, then for 99% of the readers of the site - the source material, one of the ten read in a day. It is difficult to count on a constructive discussion.
                        In general, I’ll take a few days to prepare, then I'll throw it in PM.
                      9. dmb
                        6 March 2015 08: 22
                        I would rather see this in the form of an article for general discussion, although the correctness of the conclusions is not always confirmed by quantity. And I received education just in Soviet times.
                      10. 0
                        6 March 2015 16: 57
                        Quote: Angro Magno
                        Theoretically, this could be a fairly large publication. Maybe I'll do it. But she needs a very significant time, this is firstly. And secondly, if for me it will be quite significant work, then for 99% of the readers of the site - the source material, one of the ten read in a day. It is difficult to count on a constructive discussion.

                        Yes, my friend, you are a classic liberal. "Throw pearls in front of pigs? They won't understand, bydlo-sir!" Personally, I understand your words.
                      11. The comment was deleted.
                    2. The comment was deleted.
                    3. 0
                      5 March 2015 17: 48
                      You need to understand that the minus is the rejection of the development of the topic?
                    4. The comment was deleted.
          2. The comment was deleted.
      3. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      4 March 2015 11: 51
      Quote: Standard Oil
      Having collapsed everything that the liberals were able to successfully annihilate, having scattered across the countries of Europe, and at the same time everyone was surprised to look at the power lying in the mud and with their beaks clicked and still engaged in boltology in the Duma.

      The whole joke is that the Provisional Government itself, by its own actions, prepared those who overthrew it. The key point is Kornilov’s speech, when the VP, having no forces loyal to him, was forced to seek help from the Soviets and the Red Guard (thereby, which they had tried to disperse in July with armed force).

      In general, of course, the temporary workers were masters of management - during the six months of the reign to bring the situation to the point that the authorities simply had nothing to stop one division moving to the capital. And then ask for help not just to the "opposition", but to illegal armed groups parties that also dream of overthrowing the VP. laughing
      1. 0
        4 March 2015 11: 57
        The whole joke is that the Provisional Government itself, by its own actions, prepared those who overthrew it. The key point is Kornilov’s speech

        And suddenly, oh horror, Kornilov marks in Bonaparte ...
  13. +5
    4 March 2015 11: 36
    Persons of Jewish nationality have been at the head of all anti-state institutions in all of Europe and in Russia since the end of the 18th century .... Be silent and shut up the Zionist ...
    1. +1
      4 March 2015 11: 51
      Prop (
      Is that all that is capable of?
      And what are the brains given, gurgling is unnecessary, passing off as some "brilliant" muesli .. ugh, thoughts?
      So refute what was said, argue if you can, but if there isn’t enough pull, then shut up my dear, no one forces you to show the whole degree ... so to speak of limitations in the matter under consideration ..
  14. +1
    4 March 2015 12: 08
    The author is well done. I often argue with supporters of delirium about the Bolsheviks-traitors. Unfortunately, these people are siblings of Svidomo maydauns by the level of logical thinking.
    1. -1
      4 March 2015 12: 14
      Excellent, clear wording.))))
      1. 0
        4 March 2015 12: 38
        Ahahahahahaaaaa !!!!!!
        Minusator, can you show what you are hiding in the dusk?
        Well, what kind of helplessness in argumentation, factology ?? Well, umishchu some minusters to do nowhere ...
        Long time ago I didn’t laugh like reading some pearls of some people sitting in the dusk ..
        1. Pervusha Isaev
          4 March 2015 13: 03

          1. -1
            4 March 2015 16: 05
            I promised you, in response to your pearls, to find the FACT, Why don’t you belong to the Russians?
            Read and don't make excuses, HAHAAAAHHHAAA
            "The basis of the surname Isaev was the church name Isaiah or Isaac. The surname Isaev comes from the male name Isaiah, which is probably the colloquial form of the baptismal name Isaiah. Translated from the Hebrew language, it means" the salvation of the Lord. "

            In the 1th century BC there lived a prophet, a zealous advocate of the Yahweh religion and a denouncer of idolatry, the author of 33-36 and 39-XNUMX chapters of the Old Testament book, bearing the name Isaiah.

            According to another version, the name Isaiah is a variant of another baptismal name - Isaac (translated from Hebrew - “laughing”).

            It should be noted that the surname Isaev may also have an Erzyan origin, since the name Isai was common among the Erzya. So, in documents from 1796, Philip Isaev was mentioned, who went to Petersburg with a complaint about the actions of the authorities.

            In addition, it cannot be ruled out that the surname Isaev has Turkic roots. Isay is one of the dialectal variants of the Turkic male name Isanbai, which goes back to two bases. The first of them, Isan, means "alive, healthy, prosperous" "
            So it’s like that, a little man trying to calculate Russianness by the shape of a skull and nose, you’re turning out to be doubtful ... It turns out that everything is completely different from what you imagine, everything is significant, on the one hand it’s more complicated, on the other hand it’s easier, LIE, not necessary.
            1. Pervusha Isaev
              4 March 2015 16: 39
              Quote: vladkavkaz
              The surname Isaev comes from the masculine name Isaiah, which is probably the colloquial form of the baptismal name Isaiah. Translated from the Hebrew language, it means "the salvation of the Lord."

              is it you Jews sang about Isaev? The history of the Russian people of the isolagan and people like you continue to drive the pseudo-scientific blizzard about the fact that the Jews are white and fluffy and are not guilty of anything, and Samsonov claims that the whole thing is the decomposition of the aristocracy and no one sees the obvious facts that between the Jewish financial clans and European and American aristocracy have the most direct connection, the Rothschilds have long been related to the Windsor, which is especially clearly seen in the Queen of Victoria and the rest of the European dynasties, which can be seen in old family portraits from the 18th century.
              As for Pervushi Isaev, this is a RUSSIAN MASTER WEAPONSER who lived in the early 17th century and made the first revolver in the world. Hardly his Jewish name, why on earth?
              affairs-first-hand-isae /
              1. +3
                4 March 2015 17: 02
                Pervusha Isaev
                Don’t make excuses, don’t be worth it, but I’m telling you specifically, expose your real photo and surname, and I, in accordance with your own speculations, will derive your genealogy from Onan and Jacob, would you like?

                You have to pay for everything in this world, even for carelessly, through thoughtlessness, through carelessness and malice, ignorance of what is said and written.
                Samsonov is absolutely right when he claims that the aristocracy of the Russian Empire has ceased to meet the conditions, place, time and ability to be the ruling class in the country, precisely for the country.
                BAD when you do not know who was the main financial wallet of the Romanov family.

                Read and don’t say that you don’t understand what is written here, expert ...

                Well, this is for you to snack, like another MYTH, only in the opposite direction, figure out who and why is lying .http: //
                ancev_romanovykh_evreev_golshtejn_stavlennikov_germanii / 24-1-0-269
  15. +4
    4 March 2015 12: 44
    Quote: Author Samsonov Alexander
    The myth that the Bolsheviks destroyed tsarist Russia.

    Quote: dvg79
    .I often argue with supporters of delirium about the Bolsheviks-traitors

    Well, of course, it’s not the Bolshevik commissars, not the Red Guards, not the revolutionary soldiers and sailors, not the workers and peasants who forced Nicholas II to recant — OF course they WERE NOT IN THIS CAR.


    1."The working class of different countries and its representatives in parliaments must ... strive by all means to ensure that use the economic and political crisis caused by the war to arouse the masses and accelerate the fall of capitalist class domination ” ("Proletariat" No. 17, October 20 1907 years, p. 6).
    2. "Außerordentlicher Internationaler Sozialistenkongreß zu Basel am 24. und 25. November 1912. " Berlin, 1912, S. 23, 26
    In the event of an imperialist war, the manifesto recommended that the socialists use the economic and political crisis caused by the war to fight for the socialist revolution.

    3. The manifesto WAR AND RUSSIAN SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, November 1 of the 1914 of the year in the form of an editorial in No. 33 of the Central Authority of the RSDLP - the Social-Democrat newspaper
    "The Social Democracy first of all has the duty to reveal this true meaning of war and mercilessly expose lies, sophisms and "patriotic" phrasesdistributed by the ruling classes, landlords and the bourgeoisie, in defense of the war. "

    "And for this noble goal, the" advanced "," democratic "nations are helping the wild tsarism to stifle Poland, Ukraine, etc. even more, to crush the revolution in Russia even more."
    1. +1
      4 March 2015 12: 44
      4. Complete Works of V. I. Lenin, volume 26, pp. 287-291. Article "On the defeat of their government in the imperialist war" (July 25, 1915)

      "The revolutionary class in a reactionary war cannot but wish defeat for its government. This is an axiom ... Revolutionary actions during the war against their governmentundoubtedly undeniable mean not only the desire to defeat him, but in fact and the promotion of such a defeat."

      «Transformation of modern imperialist war into a civil war there is the only correct proletarian slogan, indicated by the experience of the Commune, outlined by the Basel (1912) resolution and arising from all the conditions of the imperialist war between highly developed bourgeois countries. "

      / I recall the analogues from the “Russian spies” Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, the German theorists K. Marx and F. Engels, analogous to Kaiser and the German Empire ....

      About the Bolshevik agitators on the fronts, on the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets, we all remember perfectly and described all of these in the literature of the USSR of those times.
      As a result of their (b) actions):
      -army = decomposition
      navy = decomposition
      -Germans captured the Baltic states, part of Ukraine, approached Petrograd.
      And the emperor’s abdication is a consequence of the collapse in the country, the army, the navy and the suspicious shortage of bread ONLY IN PETROGRAD.
      Quote: Author Samsonov Alexander
      noble, highly educated and well-off people
      by such castling they tried to save the Country (and of course itself) from disaster.
      About the Constitution, Reforms, Law Nicholas and Co. Taldychili since 1903 year.
      The Bolsheviks took advantage of ("Peace to the Soldiers", "Factories for the Workers", "Land for the Peasants") and seized power in the capital. We know what it led to.

      This is how a normal person will now react to the slogan "The defeat of Rossi in the fight against the United States and the EEC in the Ukrainian crisis", even if everything is furnished with "good" wishes ("Peace and warmth (no need to master the military unit in the North) to soldiers of the RF Armed Forces", "Gazprom to office plankton", "State Duma to Zyuganov and the Communists", "Land on Rublevka for farmers" etc)?
      1. +1
        4 March 2015 16: 08
        This is a long attempt to justify WHAT? FEBRUARY and the treachery of the emperor Nicholas II by the Februaryists? So what have you proved?
        Is MYTH another, for the most obvious appearance, about a sealed wagon?
        Available documents and memoirs exhaustively clarify the background of this episode.

        Firstly, the trip through Germany was caused by the refusal of the Entente countries to request Russian revolutionary emigrants to provide travel to Russia through their territory. Secondly, the initiator of the use of the German route was not V.I. Lenin, but Yu.Martov. Thirdly, the trip was funded entirely by political emigrants themselves, and Lenin was even forced to borrow money for this trip. 8 Fourth, Parvus was not an intermediary in the negotiations on the passage of Russian political emigrants through Germany, but from the mediation of Karl Moor and Robert Grimm, Suspiciously suspecting German agents of them, the emigrants refused, having given negotiations to Fritz Platten. 9 When Parvus tried to meet with Lenin in Stockholm, he categorically refused this meeting. 10 Fourth, the statement that Lenin was given the opportunity to the time of this trip to campaign among the Russian prisoners of war in Germany is an unconfirmed absolute fiction. Fifthly, the emigrants who traveled through Germany made no political commitments, except for one thing - to agitate for the admission of German internees from Russia to Germany, who were equal in number of emigrants who traveled through Germany. And the initiative in this undertaking came from the political emigrants themselves, since Lenin categorically refused to go simply with the permission of the Berlin government.11

        Thus, nothing compromising V.I. Lenin in the use of the German route is not found. It is not surprising that the hype raised by political opponents of the Social Democrats in April 1917, although it caused some temporary damage to the reputation of the Bolsheviks, very quickly subsided, faced with facts presented during an open and public investigation.

        A sufficiently complete report on these events was presented on April 4, 1917 at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet (the next day Lenin's report was published in newspapers), and Lenin received approval from the Executive Committee of his actions. 12 The route used by Lenin was then repeated by two more groups Russian political emigrants organized by the Zurich Committee for the Evacuation of Russian Emigrants.
        1. +1
          4 March 2015 16: 51
          Quote: vladkavkaz
          This is a long attempt to justify WHAT?

          1.No "excuse" - no, I have nothing to justify
          2.No what is not "long", these are the basics, school and institute, which I learned and will remember all my life.
          THIS IS CALLED A BETTERNESS OF OUR COUNTRY, silently, taking advantage of weakness, to ruin, seize, conclude a SEPARATE WORLD WITH an OCCUPIOR, take advantage of the lull and cleanse opponents
          Quote: vladkavkaz
          treachery by the February emperor Nicholas II?

          maybe the "Februaryists" (I wouldn't call them that) tried to SAVE THE COUNTRY / MOTHERLAND?
          Quote: vladkavkaz
          sealed wagon?

          I DIDN'T SPEAK about the "car" at all. But I can, and not only about it.
          Here I am confused by 2 things (of course, more, newspapers, weapons, etc. I will leave behind the scenes)
          1. Logivi village in the north of France, Paris (Beaune St., Marie-Roz Street 4, etc.) in the same place, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, etc. Travel and symposiums, holidays and parties.
          ??? What shisha ???
          TELL HOW HAPPENED, at the same time, the idol of the masses Karl Marx? Incidentally, Zhink was not from the poor, and he himself was not from a family of unemployed.
          2. Warring Europe, how you can drive through it "unnoticed"
          “Ilyich lost his dream from the moment when the news of the revolution came, and at night the most incredible plans were made,
          Quote: vladkavkaz
          Thus, nothing compromising V.I. Lenin in using the German route is not found.

          27 March from Switzerland together with Lenin and Krupskaya 30 political emigrants left, including 19 Bolsheviks, 6 Bundists, as well as Mensheviks, anarchists and members of others petty-bourgeois parties. There were children with adults. Emigrants rode in a special carriage in which three of the four doors were sealed. One of the compartments was occupied by two German officers. Relations with officers and the outside world could lead only F. Platten.
          1. +1
            4 March 2015 17: 23
            This is called a stupid attempt to rewrite history, for the sake of the current government, the exact same thing as the one that was occupied by a certain professor Zubov, who was expelled from Moscow State University for just such an interpretation of history, by the way, who was expelled now, by the same Pogorets Pivovarov, well, every little thing talkers thinner, Svanidza, who were catastrophically defeated in the transfer of the Court of History, mlechiny and others ..
            In one of my comments to you, read the answer given, all your writings, a set of filkin letters, no more.
            1. +1
              4 March 2015 17: 56
              Quote: vladkavkaz
              This is called a stupid attempt,

              Do you want to insult me? In vain.
              Quote: vladkavkaz
              rewrite history for the sake of the current government

              V.I. Lenin. Full composition of writings. - 5 ed. - M.: Publishing house of political literature, 1967. Tom 26. "The defeat of his government in the imperialist war. 1915 g. ". Page 286-291

              "Russia's defeat in the First World War as a political necessity and a way of "turning the imperialist war into a civil war"
              VERY SIMILAR TO:
              The Russian Liberation Movement under the leadership of A. A. Vlasov stood in position defeat of the "Stalinist government" in the war of the USSR with Nazi Germany, as a necessary condition for creating a new, free Russia/ Andreeva Ekaterina General Vlasov and the Russian Liberation Movement = Vlasov and the Russian Liberation Movement. - 1. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. - 370 p /

              1 March 1917 year ORDER of the Petrosoviet

              The Council of Workers and Soldiers Deputies decided:

              1) In all mouths etc. and on the ships of the navy - immediately select committees from elected representatives from the lower ranks of the above rf.

              2) off topic

              3) In all of his political speeches, HF reports to the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies and its committees.

              4) The orders of the military commission of the State Duma should be executed only in those cases when they do not contradict the orders and resolutions of the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies.

              5) All kinds of weapons, such as rifles, machine guns, armored vehicles, etc., must be at the disposal and control company and battalion committees and in no case be issued to officers, even according to their requirements.

              6)off topic

              7) off topic

              Petrograd Soviet
              Workers and Soldiers Deputies.

              Quote: vladkavkaz
              Professor Zubov, expelled from Moscow State University

              I didn’t read, I’m more on primary sources
              Quote: vladkavkaz
              You in one of my comments, read the answer given, all your scribble, set filkin letters,no more.

              Quote: opus
              Do you want to insult me? In vain.

              I haven’t seen anything new from you, except for the fact that Zyuganov’s (and other Co.) manipulations of facts
      2. +3
        4 March 2015 16: 10
        The interim government, having begun the investigation, collected 21 volumes of investigative materials. The newly appeared and zealous persecutor of the Bolsheviks D.A. Volkogonov, who carefully studied these cases in the hope of finding evidence incriminating the Bolsheviks, was forced to admit: “The investigation tried to create a version of the direct bribery of Lenin and his associates by the German intelligence services. Judging by the materials we have, this is unlikely. ”16

        As for the calculations of the Ganetsky firm, made through the Stockholm Nia Banken and passed through E.M.Sumenson, the investigation did not find any evidence of Sumenson's connection with the Bolsheviks. An analysis of all 66 commercial telegrams intercepted by the counterintelligence department of the General Directorate of the Russian General Staff showed that they do not provide any evidence of the transfer of money from Stockholm to Russia. Money always went only in the opposite direction.17 The bourgeois press in July 1917 excitedly painted the sums passing through Sumenson’s accounts, keeping silent about this delicate piquant circumstance: all these sums were transferred not from Sweden to Russia, but from Russia to Sweden, not from Stockholm's Nia Banken, and into it. Then it would be more logical to accuse Lenin of bribing the German General Staff!

        It was not possible to find a trace of the “German millions” in the financial documents of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party of the pre-October period. 18

        When the Provisional Government took a closer look at the movement of money from abroad to Russia, it turned out that foreign governments did provide financial assistance to Russian political parties. But only it was not the Bolsheviks, supposedly financed by Germany, but the government party - the Right Socialist-Revolutionaries, funded through the Breshko-Breshkovskaya by the American Red Cross mission.19
        1. +3
          4 March 2015 16: 58
          Quote: vladkavkaz
          “The investigation was trying to create a version of the direct bribery of Lenin and his associates by the German intelligence services. This, judging by the materials we have, is unlikely. ”

          The intelligence department of III-b of the Kaiser General Staff didn’t WORK SO FAST.
          And about "not found" ...
          - the firm "Singer", "Kunst and Albers" and others. numerous commercial and industrial firms and societies in which the German capital participated.
          -In Petrograd there was a group led by an officer of the German General Staff Z. Gay, who lived under the guise of a representative of one of the telegraph agencies. In the area of ​​the Warsaw Military District, a group worked under the leadership of the German consul Count Lerchenfeld. An experienced intelligence officer C. Walter was involved in organizing espionage in Siberia. The Austrian consul Goering, who had close ties with German intelligence, headed the intelligence center in southern Russia. A similar mission in the Caucasus was carried out by the German consul in Tiflis, Count Schulenburg.

          German intelligence acted against Russia from consulates and embassies of other countries - Holland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA, Argentina, Canada, Mexico and China.
          - With the money of the Deutsche Bank, economic studies of the Northern Urals, the Emba oil region, the mouth of the Amur, Arkhangelsk and Vologda provinces, Kamchatka, East Transbaikalia, etc.
          Colonel of the Separate Gendarmes Corps S. Myasoedov
          -Management of gunpowder factories and engineers in the same place
          - etc

          NOTHING FOUND, then
        2. 0
          4 March 2015 17: 05
          Minusator, get out of the dusk, I will not offend.

          Well, surely, huddled in the gloom, a bunch of frantic myth-makers, will pass in a wild tantrum, NOT WRITTEN written?
          Argue, defend your position, in FACTS, with arguments, and do not arrange quiet hysteria in the dusk.
          1. +1
            4 March 2015 17: 19
            Quote: vladkavkaz
            Minusator, get out of the dusk, I will not offend.

            It's not me (or else suddenly such a "mischievous" thought will arise)

            I give you a "+" (two), Schaub compensate
            I always have such "opponents" of pigs
      3. +1
        5 March 2015 10: 45
        Quote: opus
        About the Bolshevik agitators on the fronts, on the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets, we all remember perfectly and described all of these in the literature of the USSR of those times.

        The key phrase - in the literature of the USSR. You, comrade, fell into the bait of Bolshevik propaganda, according to which party invented a steam locomotive (C).

        If we turn to the primary sources, it suddenly turns out that for the leadership of the Bolshevik party, February was an absolute surprise. The party not only did not take an active part in the overthrow of the emperor - it turned out to be absolutely unprepared for such a change in the situation.
        Quote: opus
        As a result of their (b) actions):
        -army = decomposition
        navy = decomposition
        -Germans captured the Baltic states, part of Ukraine, approached Petrograd.

        A good country and army, which was decomposed by 20 people.

        By the way, about the army - can you tell me when Chkheidze and Kerensky became members of the Bolshevik party? And then it was the Executive Committee of the Petrosoviet that began the organized collapse of the army structure and discipline with its Order No. 1 (and Kerensky also actively promoted it through the Provisional Government). At the same time, out of 17 members of the Executive Committee of the Bolsheviks, there was EMNIP, only two.
        Quote: opus
        by such castling they tried to save the Country (and of course itself) from disaster.

        That is, the imperial power was the cause of the disaster?
        Not the collapse of the transport network (10 serviceable locomotives out of 000 available and 20 serviceable wagons out of 000 available - despite the fact that about 166 thousand steam locomotives and 000-590 thousand wagons were required)?
        Not the degradation of the officer corps ("chemical" warrant officers and officers of short courses)?
        The army is not lagging behind in equipping arms and ammunition (the problem with machine guns - Tula has reached the production ceiling, the problem with artillery systems larger than 3 ", the problem with cartridges and shells over 3", a complete ambush with aircraft).
        Not that the country's mobpotential "showed the bottom"?
        Which of these can be corrected by overthrowing Nicky?
        The front and the country keep their word of honor - cards have already been introduced, the surplus-appraisal begins. And precisely at this moment, for the salvation of Russia, of course, it is imperative to arrange a revolution.
  16. +2
    4 March 2015 12: 47
    Both parts of this article have not proved to me the involvement of the Bolsheviks in the collapse of the Empire what. The article put a minus.
    1. 0
      4 March 2015 12: 50
      So you need to sometimes make your head THINK and understand what is written, and not just put a sandwich there.
      1. +3
        4 March 2015 13: 22
        Quote: vladkavkaz
        So you need to sometimes make your head THINK and understand what is written, and not just put a sandwich there.

        Vlad, judging by the way you like to be rude and humiliate those who disagree with you, I suspect that if you and others like you come to power, then you will definitely not find free pillars !!! If you’re so smart, then prove to me that the Bolsheviks were not involved, and do not engage in idle talk!
        1. +4
          4 March 2015 13: 27
          Quote: Serg65
          Both parts of this article have not proved to me the involvement of the Bolsheviks in the collapse of the Empire what. The article put a minus.

          In general, it’s a strange question, because the Russian empire was destroyed by the Februaryists, that is, liberals and all kinds of democrats, it was in February, and the Bolsheviks seized power in October, you will not argue that October is later than February. And the Russian empire did not exist then, it’s it’s also a fact. And what then is not clear to you?
          1. +3
            4 March 2015 13: 40
            Quote: Standard Oil
            you will not argue that October is later than February. And the Russian Empire did not exist then, it is also a fact. And what then is not clear to you?

            Boris, of course I will not argue, this is already obvious. But ... what about the Bolshevik agitators in the army? How to understand the issues addressed at the 2, 3, 4, 5 congresses of the RSDLP? A bunch of questions! At the same time, Boris, I have lived for half a century, saw during this time a bunch of slogans, and the often changing line of the party, and the strange behavior of many communists, I want to say right away that I am not a supporter of liberalism, white, right, left movements. If they clearly explain to me that white is white and I don’t have any questions, I’ll be happy to say, you guys are right !!!
            1. +2
              4 March 2015 13: 55
              No, the Bolsheviks were certainly engaged in agitation and other mischief, but you must admit that, compared to the scale of srach in the higher echelons of both the government and the tsar's family, the Bolsheviks were just schoolchildren. There were such spiders that Lenin did not stand out among them, just spiders devoured each other, and Lenin came, raised a crown from mud and put it on. All Kerensky, Milyukov, Guchkov and so. they did all the dirty work for Lenin. Do not forget the factor of the British, French and German intelligence, which also did their job, and how they rejoiced at the February Revolution, the Paleolog almost jumped out of happiness. Because Paleolog, the British ambassador I do not remember his last name was definitely not communist Colonel House there. All these factors piled on the country and threw it, the Bolsheviks were simply those who did at least something after February, when the Russian Empire was no longer there, but some kind of Republic.
              1. +5
                4 March 2015 14: 06
                Standard Oil Boris, article not about the February revolution, but about the role of the Bolsheviks! The fact that the Russian Empire is thoroughly saturated with liberalism, I will not even argue! But the article leads to the fact that Comrade Lenin in 17 jumped out of the box with the words ... hello, I am a Bolshevik Lenin, in what is happening now I have nothing to do with and I will lead you to a brighter future! Please answer me who financed the 2, 3, 5 congresses of the RSDLP held in London, who financed Lenin's stay with a company in Bern and Geneva, who financed the revolution of the 1905 year, what is the role of the Bolsheviks in the bloody Sunday ??? ??
                1. +2
                  4 March 2015 15: 07
                  Quote: Serg65
                  Standard Oil Boris, article not about the February revolution, but about the role of the Bolsheviks! The fact that the Russian Empire is thoroughly saturated with liberalism, I will not even argue! But the article leads to the fact that Comrade Lenin in 17 jumped out of the box with the words ... hello, I am a Bolshevik Lenin, in what is happening now I have nothing to do with and I will lead you to a brighter future! Please answer me who financed the 2, 3, 5 congresses of the RSDLP held in London, who financed Lenin's stay with a company in Bern and Geneva, who financed the revolution of the 1905 year, what is the role of the Bolsheviks in the bloody Sunday ??? ??

                  Woe to the vanquished. The loser will always be to blame the story will be written by the winners they have the opportunity to do so and their role will be greatly exaggerated. And they will write a legend about an armored car and a log. The slogan was at that time "all power to the soviets" although in the soviets the leading role was not with the Bolsheviks, but with the Socialist-Revolutionaries.
                2. +4
                  4 March 2015 19: 24
                  Quote: Serg65
                  What is the role of the Bolsheviks in the bloody Sunday ?????

                  Well, I will not say for the Bolsheviks, but about the priest Gapon (secret agent of the secret police), that he urged the workers to go to the tsar, and his friend Pinkhus Rutenberg, a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, heard. And also about the militants of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, who were walking with weapons in the columns of the demonstrators, read in the "Notes of the Gendarme" by General Spiridovich.
                3. The comment was deleted.
            2. +3
              4 March 2015 16: 15
              take this booklet and find the answer yourself, WHO decomposed the ARMY, FRONT and COUNTRY.
              You will be very unpleasantly surprised at what Denikin writes.
              1. +1
                4 March 2015 17: 35
                Quote: vladkavkaz
                take this booklet and find the answer yourself, WHO decomposed the ARMY, FRONT and COUNTRY.

                Why so hard?
                There is nothing "like" there "Essays on Russian Troubles" on 25 pages with the title "Bolshevik coup" was published in the USSR in 1926

                Moreover, Ksenia Chizh (Denikina) writes

                Read entertaining novels:

                L. Sobolev. "Overhaul", first saw the light in 1932 on the pages
                magazine "Lokaf" * - now "Banner". In 1933 came out as a separate edition
                Pikul V.S. Moonsund.
                member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP, Bolshevik Ya.S. Ganetsky (Furstenberg), with the approval of Lenin, head of the German banking office in Stockholm.
                excerpt from the story of M.V. Fofanova:
                "On Saturday, October 14, Eino Rahya came late in the evening. He brought with him a soldier's traveling chest, filled to the very top with brand new ten-ruble bills. At the bottom of the chest lay a lot of packs of Swedish kronor ..." And they received both in rubles and in foreign currency. From April to November 1917, the Bolshevik leaders received several hundred thousand rubles from the cash desk of the Central Committee on receipt, not counting foreign currency. "
                A. V. Kolchak was familiar with the Bolshevik propaganda not by hearsay

                Arriving from Stockholm to Haparanda, Lenin manages (without any twinges of conscience) to receive Swedish kronor as an allowance from 300 from ... the Russian consul of the Russian government that he hates. Upon arrival in Petrograd, he appeals to the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet with a request to issue him 472 rubles. 45 cop., Allegedly borrowed by him for an extra charge for a group of immigrants ...
                1. +2
                  4 March 2015 17: 49
                  opus (2
                  Once again, to the FIRST SOURCE, dear, to DENIKIN and his assessment, WHO is to blame for the collapse of the ARMY AND FRONT, and not fiction.
                  1. +2
                    4 March 2015 18: 10
                    Quote: vladkavkaz
                    Once again, to the ORIGINAL

                    vladkavkaz Repeat.
                    1. about your "primary source" - I wrote who, what when, there is NOTHING THERE, since it was published under the SOVIET POWER in 1926
           source from Kolchak (read it in its entirety)

                    Especially with "Yatami", not overworked porridge.
                    and from the most B, And, Lenin
                    3. Read Essen

                    and the rest, next to Nicholas II, is Admiral N.O. Essen (Fifth on the left is A.V. Kolchak).
                    they wrote a lot about how many fleet officers were killed, how the Bolsheviks sabotaged the fighting of the Baltic and Black Sea fleets
                    1. +1
                      4 March 2015 18: 30
                      opus (2
                      Essen's opuses, and even in the editorial board of cocaine Kolchak, are of little interest to me.
                      I care little about the interpretation of Essen, remembering that the rebellion in Kronstadt provoked the Socialist-Revolutionaries, but was suppressed, but by the Bolsheviks.

                      The papers found during his arrest on the train contained a clipping from the Shanghai Newspaper dated October 11, 1919. It was an article entitled “Hired Patriotism”, signed by the pseudonym V.K. “Mr. Kolchak,” it said, “ / 233 / by foreign intervention made from admirals to the rulers of Russia. It was no longer a secret to the point that in the foreign press that was interested in the Russian issue, on the one hand, information was provided on the cost of this “case”, and on the other, considerations about whether it was time to hire any other person for it. .. "
                      I am more interested in the activities of Trotsky, who purposefully destroying the fleet, despite the urgent need for a new government to preserve it.

                      And Kolchak, as a polar explorer, yes, deservedly, as a "supreme ruler" -NIKCHEM'S bloody mediocrity, which naturally ended the path of Judas, who raised her sword against the PEOPLE, in the hole.

                      DELIVERED to those whom he served, here is the irony and reminder to YOU, first of all, than those who do not serve their Fatherland finish, even under the guise of alleged care for him.

                      In general, I’m not much interested in your screams today, about some Bely, as saviors of Russia — a HISTORY a lady such that once she has done it, has no turn back — the WHITE lost because they did not go after the WHITE PEOPLE.
                      Who cares what the kolchaks finished, it's here
                    2. +3
                      4 March 2015 19: 30
                      Quote: opus
                      Admiral N.O. Essen sits next to Nicholas II (Fifth on the left is A.V. Kolchak).
                      they wrote a lot about how many fleet officers were killed, how the Bolsheviks sabotaged the fighting of the Baltic and Black Sea fleets

                      Dear, well, Kolchak, okay, he was shot in the 1920 and, by the way, not the Bolsheviks, but according to the decree of the Executive Committee of Centrosiberia, where there were mainly Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries. Maybe he managed to write before the execution. But N.O. Essen, Essen , what could he write about the murders of officers by the Bolsheviks? He died of pneumonia in 1915! Before the revolution, at least the February, at least the October revolution was two years old. You completely bent.
                    3. +1
                      5 March 2015 11: 00
                      Quote: opus
                      3. Read Essen
                      and the rest, next to Nicholas II, is Admiral N.O. Essen (Fifth on the left is A.V. Kolchak).
                      they wrote a lot about how many fleet officers were killed, how the Bolsheviks sabotaged the fighting of the Baltic and Black Sea fleets

                      Ahem ... and what did Nikolai Ottovich, who died in 1915, write about the killings of officers in 1917?

                      And what does the Bolsheviks have to do with Kronstadt in February-March 1917? There was not an organized performance, but another classic "sailor riot" - an enlarged version of "Potemkin". Even fellow officers recalled a lot of "good" things about the same Viren.

                      About the real role of the Bolsheviks in the Baltic Fleet speaks at least the fact that they had until October agree with a central bolt.
            3. +1
              5 March 2015 10: 49
              Quote: Serg65
              But ... what about the Bolshevik agitators in the army? How to understand the issues addressed at the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th congresses of the RSDLP?

              The number of the Bolshevik party at the beginning of 1917 was 20. Of these, in the Empire was, God forbid, 000/2. The country and army that such a handful have ruined is good.
        2. 0
          4 March 2015 16: 13
          Judging by how you are used to LIHT, distorting and asserting any nonsense that is not related to the topic of the question considered in the article, my constant statement of the fact about the head and the sandwich is very, very accurate.

          The data I have cited in this thread is more than enough, for your part there is one empty set of gossip, myths and rumors, along with hysterical ones, just as they say in training manuals, screaming that they offend you.

          Know how to accept defeat. ON LIES, nothing good has ever come out.
          1. +2
            5 March 2015 07: 00
            Quote: vladkavkaz
            The data I have cited in this thread is more than enough, for your part there is one empty set of gossip, myths and rumors, along with hysterical ones, just as they say in training manuals, screaming that they offend you.

            laughing Buddy what data? Apart from slogans and mudslinging, I did not see any data. I never received an answer from you on what means Ulyanov (Lenin) lived with his family in Switzerland, what money Iskra was published with, who paid for the trip to London, accommodation, meals for 342 delegates of the 5th Congress of the RSDLP, who paid rent of premises, who paid for Trotsky's accommodation in New York, who paid for Comrade Lenin's travel with a company from Switzerland to Russia in March 17, why did the Soviet government pay reparations to Kaiser's Germany ???? Just answer, WHO ?? All your arguments are the writings of people either engaged or interested in this issue, and the payment document is completely indifferent to the political orientation of the client. And so, WHO ???
            1. +1
              6 March 2015 17: 06
              Quote: Serg65
              how much money was used to publish Iskra,

              With the money of Savva Morozov, as well as the fees of M. Gorky, by the way, Gorky persuaded Morozov to give money to the Bolsheviks for the newspaper, and partly from the ex. Just do not drag Tiflis and "bloody Kobu" here. with money from this ex, Kamo was burnt at the first exchange, for which he was in the psycho-department of the Moabit prison.
    2. +1
      4 March 2015 23: 38
      Quote: Serg65
      Both parts of this article have not proved to me the involvement of the Bolsheviks in the collapse of the Empire what. The article put a minus.

      Learn, study and study!
      By the way, I, too, minus you put ea ignorance of the subject
      1. +3
        5 March 2015 07: 06
        Quote: ZVEROBOY
        Learn, study and study!
        By the way, I, too, minus you put ea ignorance of the subject

        what Learn what ?? Dear ZVEROBOY, when you still walked under the table on foot, I had a handbook of "History of the CPSU" and since the 9th grade I passed the Lenin test, and as a Komsomol organizer of a training company, later as a Komsomol organizer of the ship he studied the materials of the regular congresses of the CPSU and did him reports .... so what to learn dear ???
  17. +2
    4 March 2015 15: 01
    Quote: Serg65
    Quote: Standard Oil
    you will not argue that October is later than February. And the Russian Empire did not exist then, it is also a fact. And what then is not clear to you?

    Boris, of course I will not argue, this is already obvious. But ... what about the Bolshevik agitators in the army? How to understand the issues addressed at the 2, 3, 4, 5 congresses of the RSDLP? A bunch of questions! At the same time, Boris, I have lived for half a century, saw during this time a bunch of slogans, and the often changing line of the party, and the strange behavior of many communists, I want to say right away that I am not a supporter of liberalism, white, right, left movements. If they clearly explain to me that white is white and I don’t have any questions, I’ll be happy to say, you guys are right !!!

    The agitator in the army during the war is a tribunal and execution.
  18. +1
    4 March 2015 16: 34
    Well done, he shut up everyone, convinced him, imposed his point of view (from the books that he read) and gives out as allegedly some facts .... smile Keep it up!
    1. 0
      4 March 2015 17: 08
      Did the engine grab a fist of friendship again?
      So read at least something, and not just the ravings of the brewers, Svanidze.Mlechins. Radzinsky and other Welton ..
      You are not in a position to challenge a single argument of mine, so why hysteria, go quietly to the sofa and sniff there unhappily, am I not claiming your sofa?
  19. +1
    4 March 2015 17: 24
    Where do I go to Svanidze, Radzinsky, etc ... ... I just read some S.S. Tatishcheva, S.S. Oldenburg, which you probably have not heard of. But I’m not even going to challenge the arguments, because I don’t see them in your answers, but only beautifully written fiction from my head! You had to go to writers - there would be no price !!!
    1. +2
      4 March 2015 17: 38
      There is no need to justify your thoughtlessness, citing as a basis those who you mentioned. Each answer, argument, and you DO NOT have them.
      Oldenburg, who wrote that the Bloody Sunday of the MIF ... uh, the greatest expert ... didn’t even argue about hunting. He did not forget to mention in his writings the outstanding role of Madame Kneszinskaya in Nicholas and his uncle’s bed? At the same time, about the unclean expenses navy.yuna feeding a ballerina?

      As an argument, give the opinion of the writer Bunin, with his gossip from a diary offended by the loss of estates. It will be completely historical and hysterical.
      And equally, Solzhenitsyn’s opinion, from the opus of which, his own gink, removes some completely irresponsible places.

      And lastly, what I read and how much you do not know, and therefore your outburst of stupidity, addressed to me, again has no basis besides your dishonesty in the dispute.
  20. +3
    4 March 2015 17: 48
    Beautifully able to insult in illiteracy and stupidity .... I am delighted! There is something to learn)))
    1. 0
      4 March 2015 17: 51
      YaMZ-238 RU Today, 17:24
      Where am I to Svanidze, Radzinsky, etc ... I just read some S.S. Tatishcheva, S.S. Oldenburg, which you probably have not heard of. And I'm not even going to challenge the arguments, because I don't see them in your answers, but only beautifully written inventions from my head! You had to go to the writers - there would be no price !!! "

      YOUR scribble? How to evaluate it? THERE IS SO and evaluate how I rated it.
  21. +4
    4 March 2015 18: 24
    the emperor was betrayed, but he himself is to blame for this - he ruled absolutely mediocre. There are already books by many people and no matter how we treat the authors of these books, they QUOTE many famous people of that era and quotes are simply destructive in relation to Emperor Nicholas II. Neither the top, nor the bottom wanted the current sovereign, only the top hoped that we would quickly put someone of our own and everything would calm down, everything would be the same - they were "noble" but the people plow the land for them and the "gray cattle". Well, the lower classes, sensing freedom and anarchy, then remembered all the age-old humiliations to the nobility, and then the Bolsheviks appeared and raised the power lying under their feet in a very simple way. Land for peasants, factories for workers, and one of the main slogans is the end of the war. That's all that the people needed at that moment, clearly clearly understandable, and not the mythical "Great Russia and not an inch of native land")
    The emperor himself is to blame, he brought the country to a hilt, and Lenin did not even dream of a revolution, sitting in Switzerland in 17th year, his (Lenin's) statements about the possibility of a revolution in Russia are well known - he absolutely did not believe in it, but it happened and was smart man just raised power from the earth)
    1. +2
      4 March 2015 18: 38
      barbiturate (4
      Thank you, it is very true.
      Unfortunately, some have not just blinders on their eyes and ear plugs in their ears, but also a complete misunderstanding of those events.
  22. 0
    4 March 2015 20: 31
    In this dispute, I support VLADKAVKAZ. I don’t think. What’s important here is who writes more. It’s probably right to consider whose truth was closer to the people. The result is known.
    1. 0
      4 March 2015 20: 52
      Thanks for appreciating my modest efforts.

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