7 Gorbachev's fatal mistakes

"The moor has done his work; the moor can leave." 25 December 1991 of the year Mikhail Gorbachev resigned from the powers of the President of the USSR "for reasons of principle". The next day, the USSR officially ceased to exist.

7 Gorbachev's fatal mistakes

1. Gorbachev's plan

We remembered glasnost, lines, acceleration, endless party plenary sessions and meetings, songs of Viktor Tsoi and free television, blood in Tbilisi, Dushanbe, Yerevan and the Baltic republics, the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and Tanks in Moscow. But we do not remember anything that would tell us: Gorbachev and his entourage, in addition to numerous high-profile slogans, had a concrete plan, they knew very well what they were doing and why. We heard whether someone likes them or not, about the “Putin plan”, “the Marshall plan”, “the new Roosevelt course”, and even “500 days of Yavlinsky” - but we never heard about the “Gorbachev plan”, at least for in order to retroactively find errors in it. Was he at all?

2. Anti-alcohol campaign

There is still no consensus on the advisability of an anti-alcohol campaign, even among experts. But there are things that can be considered an axiom: all the advantages of the campaign, such as increasing the birth rate, worked in the long run, and all the disadvantages hit the country here and now. In the middle of 80, the USSR was no longer ready for the loss of 10-12% of tax revenues to the budget. In numerous queues for alcohol and so low prestige of the leadership fell very low. And, finally, the main thing - to look at what is happening in the country with sober eyes for many of its citizens was simply unbearable.

3. Yakovlev and Ligachev

The role of the Communist Party in the life of the country was interpreted as "leading and directing." Political monopoly demanded, if not unity of opinion in the apparatus, then at least unity of action of the apparatus. Under Gorbachev, the most important, ideological department of the CPSU Central Committee split into two groups: one was personified by a conservative gravitating to Stalinist views, Yegor Ligachev, and the other by radical liberal Alexander Yakovlev. The power system of checks and balances working in the “peace time” proved to be fatal during the period of large-scale reforms. The country has reached the point of absurdity - in the morning the liberal wing of the party allowed something, in the evening the conservative tried to ban the same thing. Now it’s clear: unfamiliar with the principles of the democratic press, the Soviet country would have survived the program “Sight” and the revelatory stripes of “Moscow News”, In the same way she would have survived the temporary tightening of nuts, but there is no acute conflict of freedom and lack of freedom, simultaneous permissions and prohibitions. Gorbachev could not, and perhaps did not want to reconcile the warring party groups and develop a common program of action in the crisis period.

4. Yeltsin

By the time Perestroika began, none of the Soviet politicians had any experience of a public struggle for power. This partly justifies Gorbachev’s grand miscalculation against Boris Yeltsin. When the future first president of Russia straddled the populist wave and began to rapidly "score points", Gorbachev and his circle were not ready for this. The awkward blackening publications in the party press (which few people believed already), ugly picks at the Plenary Sessions of the Supreme Council, the general “phi” which the Soviet power pointedly expressed to Yeltsin did not prevent, and greatly helped him to become a national hero in the shortest possible time. On the shoulders of this people, Yeltsin very soon and will carry the Soviet Union to drink an outrageous amount of vodka on its ruins.

5. Gorby and Raisa

Russia is a country with deep authoritarian traditions. All reforms, regardless of their price (usually it is in the hundreds of thousands of Russian lives), are implemented only by charismatic leaders: Ivan the Terrible, Peter 1, Catherine the Great, Stalin. Gorbachev tried to disrupt the unchanged course of Russian stories. He began Perestroika, not having broad popular support. One gets the impression that at a certain moment his image abroad began to worry him more than within the country. Gorbachev was disliked for indistinct public appearances, for his wife, too lady, unlike ordinary Soviet women, for indecision and much more. Along with the fall of Gorbachev’s rating, which he couldn’t strengthen, the hopes of the people of the country for the success of economic, social and political transformations fell. In such cases, the Russians say: "Not according to Senka hat."

6. Abroad will help us

The suspicious naivety of Gorbachev and part of the party elite in relation to Western countries is surprising. The fact that with great difficulty, then with blood, was conquered by the military imperialism of previous generations of Russians, was squandered in a few years. In addition to the global strategic miscalculation - a powerful, sovereign Russia is not needed by anyone (even among Russians, there is no consensus now whether Russians themselves need it, and especially the West), Gorbachev made a lot of tactical mistakes. Assume that the unification of the FRG and the GDR was inevitable, but why, when we still had a strong influence on the Germans, and the Russian divisions were stationed in Berlin, we did not insist, but the Germans would agree to include in the treaty a clause prohibiting Germany from entering military and political blocs in the future? The whole contemporary problem of NATO expansion to the East is the essence, the thoughtlessness of the Gorbachev era. After all, under the same conditions, we could “release” the countries of Eastern Europe - while maintaining our influence there and not allowing the deployment of Anglo-Saxon military bases. The Black Sea Fleet, the Russian Crimea is all; even with the worst possible course of events, Gorbachev did not do what he could, had to save for Russia.

7. Neoliberalism

Privatization, reduction of state intervention in the economy, curtailment of social programs - with the coming to power in the Anglo-Saxon countries Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, neoliberalism has become the leading practical direction in the global economy. In the United States and Great Britain, neoliberal reforms bore tangible rewards. Russia is a country of extremes, we have traditionally completely denied the Western experience for a long time, and then we begin to rapidly and feverishly copy “the most progressive tendencies”. Having no experience of capitalism at all, we suddenly took the most modern form of it as a model and model. After all, it seems, and a no-brainer: the problems of the British and American economies of 80-s are not close to the difficulties of the Soviet economy of those years. But it was under Gorbachev that the neoliberal economic core began to form in the country's leadership. It is known: "Hurry up - make people laugh." In the twentieth century, Russia at least twice tragically hurried: first build socialism in an agrarian country, then advanced capitalism in the Soviet empire. As a result, one part of the country hatefully hates all Soviet and socialist, although the whole of Western Europe has been building more or less socialism in recent years. The other part is all liberal and capitalistic, although no one has abolished the absolute values ​​of personal freedom, private property and civil rights. The only point of social consensus in Russia was running in place or stagnation, and then suddenly again, without sorting out the roads, we would run somewhere so that there would be no Russians left. Gorbachev had a historic chance to change everything. He missed it.

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  1. +136
    23 February 2015 14: 55
    The most fatal mistake of Gorbachev is that he was born into the world!
    Here the article is not necessary to read.
    1. +33
      23 February 2015 15: 08
      The main mistake - took the post of Secretary General
      1. avt
        23 February 2015 15: 32
        Quote: Gans1234
        The main mistake - took the post of Secretary General

        Quote: Nayhas
        .. There would be no Gorbachev, Andropov would have put Shevarnadze or someone else.

        No. Gorbachev, aka Mishka Karman, aka Mishka Wallet, did not make ANY mistake. Fulfilled everything that was ordered. ,, The Chekists gave free rein to the scammers, having their own tambourine interest. Off-topic, only ykry left Debaltseve, so the dimes got 33 for $. I can handle it. wassat
        1. -1
          23 February 2015 16: 44
          Quote: avt
          Chekists gave free rein to scammers, having their tambourine interest

          and now they’re using it, as I believe people from the special services should be prohibited from holding senior posts, because they are not completely independent, because they have served the interests of the authorities all their lives
          1. bombardir
            23 February 2015 17: 21
            Quote: saag
            immigrants from the special services should be banned from holding senior official posts, because they are not completely independent, because they have served the interests of the authorities all their lives
            First of all, they worked abroad, the probability of recruitment of which is many times higher.
            1. +14
              23 February 2015 17: 52
              Putin-Chekist. taught in the KGB, that’s all.
              the interests of power were served by the party control department.
              1. bombardir
                23 February 2015 19: 54
                Quote: saidmoh
                Putin Chekist
                Putin is the president of the Russian Federation, calling himself a liberal, refusing to revise privatization and expanding the privatization list, declaring that Russia will remain a liberal market economy, and regularly kicking the USSR (as I understand it - the very homeland, which is all)

                taught in the KGB, the motherland is everything
                Can you confirm with documents?

                And what about this - http://www.agentura.ru/dossier/russia/traitors?

                And with this - "I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Armed Forces, I take the oath and solemnly swear to be an honest, brave, disciplined, vigilant warrior, to strictly keep military and state secrets, to unquestioningly carry out all military regulations and orders of commanders and chiefs.
                I swear to conscientiously study military affairs, to protect military and national property in every possible way and to be loyal to my People, my Soviet Homeland and the Soviet Government until the last breath.
                I am always ready, by order of the Soviet Government, to defend my Motherland — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and, as a soldier of the Armed Forces, I swear to defend it courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, without sparing my blood and life itself to achieve complete victory over the enemies .
                If I break this solemn oath of mine, then let the harsh punishment of the Soviet law, the universal hatred and contempt of the working people befall me. "?

                Where is the Soviet Motherland now, and which of those who did not fulfill their oath "to the last breath to be devoted to their People, their Soviet Motherland and the Soviet Government" suffered punishment, hatred and contempt?
                1. NNV
                  23 February 2015 20: 29
                  And what about Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Kozyrev, Shevarnadze, etc. etc. the people do not despise, and the punishment overtakes them deprives them of a calm old age.
                  1. bombardir
                    23 February 2015 20: 51
                    Quote: NNV
                    punishment overtakes them deprives a calm old age.
                    Restless old men ...)))

                    If the hatred and contempt of the workers may still bother someone, then the punishment that should go ahead of hatred and contempt does not hurry to comprehend anyone - the same Gorbachev is quite kindly treated by the Russian leadership.

                    Yes, and the oath applies primarily to military personnel and KGB officers who were at that time during execution.
                  2. +6
                    23 February 2015 21: 26
                    Quote: NNV
                    , and the punishment overtakes them deprives them of a calm old age.

                    Why? They spit on us! The humpbacked p.r.u.d.o.s. has been eating deliciously and sleeping sweetly all his life. Don’t worry about him, he’ll catch a cold at our funeral.
                2. +10
                  23 February 2015 21: 32
                  There was no order of the Soviet Government to defend my homeland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. That's the problem.
                  And the "gorbach" under such a regime, where, with a wave of the secretary general's hand, vineyards are cut down throughout the country, quite calmly, instead of an anti-alcohol decree, could change the Constitution. Since the "new community - the Soviet people" has already been announced, the next step is logical - the abolition of the republican communist parties, the abolition of the union republics, a complete rejection of the national-territorial structure of the state and the transition to the administrative-district principle. And it would have been swallowed in 1985! a historic chance to make the country truly united and indivisible.
                  And now, even in the current Russian Federation, this national bomb has remained.
                3. +9
                  23 February 2015 23: 17
                  Dear scorer! It is certainly so, you set out the text of the military oath of the USSR!
                  If Gorbachev became president of the USSR, then Yeltsin was made president of Russia! He didn’t climb onto the armored car himself, they planted him there and joyfully rejoiced with delight! And our people, to whom the brain was washed, did this! The situation was practically no different from the Ukrainian Maidan! You can, of course, seek, and even find, the guilty, shout that we were deceived, but we must not only eat in our heads!
                  You can scold, praise Putin, anything you like, but he did the most important thing, he gave our people hope that this country would rise!
                  And I really hope that the color, black and white or any other revolution will be destroyed in the bud and qualitatively! My deepest opinion is that any revolution is the use by a group of scum (Sometimes Utopian idealists) of the power of the masses to seize power! All seas of blood on this planet spilled under the slogan of the struggle for freedom and a brighter future!
            2. +3
              23 February 2015 18: 01
              Quote: bombardir
              Quote: saag
              immigrants from the special services should be banned from holding senior official posts, because they are not completely independent, because they have served the interests of the authorities all their lives
              First of all, they worked abroad, the probability of recruitment of which is many times higher.

              Quote: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putin_Vladimir_Vladimirovich

              In 1985-1990 he worked in the GDR. He served in the territorial intelligence in Dresden
              No, I don’t mean anything and nobody, just quote. But who and what did the above-mentioned comrades mean?
            3. 0
              23 February 2015 20: 06
              First of all, they worked abroad, the probability of recruitment of which is many times higher.
              And you are Kissinger, Brezhinsky or Soros is hanging around there, recruit and inappropriately across the ocean behind them.
              1. bombardir
                23 February 2015 21: 03
                Quote: sovetskyturist
                And you are Kissinger, Brezhinsky or Soros is hanging around there, recruit and inappropriately across the ocean behind them.
                Understood nothing...

                "Recruit" is for the SVR and the president.

                The listed persons never held the highest state posts (Soros is generally a private person)
            4. +8
              23 February 2015 20: 06
              There is such a beautiful legend. When the Fritz began to break the Berlin wall, a special scum rushed to the residence of the Stasi, and others to the residence of the KGB. Putin stechkin went out, went down the porch and said: I and my comrades are armed and we will shoot at everyone until the last bullet, who will try to penetrate our territory. He turned and went. Fritz trampled, turned and went too ...
              And here is another example: a hereditary Chekist and Litvinenko with shoulder straps and a cap. Have you seen the footage of Litvinenko's interrogation of the detainee, which was filmed by his colleague? All the "cases" that Litvinenko conducted fell apart because testimony was rigged, material evidence wandered from various unrelated cases, and so on.
              Dad Litvinenko, also a KGB colonel, dumped in Italy, regularly peeing opus against in the Russian Federation. And when they stopped printing and paying, all in snot requested in Russia, can not live without it. Another example? -Korkunov. Former colonel of the SVR, special in geyrop, especially in Switzerland. He stole money on the post of governor of Perm and dumped in France, engaged in grapes and proudly declared in the internet that he was happy not to see a single Russian.
              Or here is Papa Dudkin, also a KGB colonel, engaged in countering NATO.
              Perestroika, became a deputy. I went to the courses at Yale University in the states, and now with my son and oral fighters against corruption, prst, ёёёё .... In the new year, I made myself a present, I bought a house in Youngton.
              I’ll tear Putin apart, yo ... prst. hi
              1. bombardir
                23 February 2015 21: 22
                Quote: Balu
                There is such a beautiful legend
                There is a legend (and in 3 versions), but there are no facts confirming it - as well as any information about the riots in Dresden.
                But there are logical inconsistencies, such as the trunk of a slurred system and the escaped head of the residency (when, where, which boss) - there are.

                And here’s another example: a hereditary security officer with Litvinenko’s epaulettes and cap
                Another example? -Korkunov.
                Or here is Papa Dudkin, also a KGB colonel, engaged in countering NATO.
                These are examples of what?

                I'll tear Putin apart
                Do not abuse. Happy holiday.
              2. +5
                24 February 2015 00: 30
                Yeah, and thousands more honest and highly professional officers of the KGB, GRU, MO, many of whom gave their lives .... Hurley interfere with all kinds of freaks! And from our incorruptibles, who are not immigrants from the special services, such as Bori and Misha, grace directly descended on Russia!
          2. 0
            23 February 2015 17: 51
            Putin-Chekist. taught in the KGB, that’s all.
            the interests of power were served by the party control department.
            1. +4
              23 February 2015 18: 21
              Quote: saidmoh
              Putin-Chekist. taught in the KGB, that’s all.

              Yes, yes, Putin is a Chekist, he worked in the KGB, which was called the vanguard of the party, and Putin took and put the party card on the table, ah, how bad it is for a "correct" Chekist
            2. +2
              23 February 2015 20: 17
              According to this Chekist, Chubais’s cooperation with the CIA was a courageous act. Putin not only does not condemn Chubais for betrayal, but on the contrary justifies it.
              1. -1
                23 February 2015 20: 25
                According to this Chekist, Chubais’s cooperation with the CIA was a courageous act.

                Red for Pu - his sidekick in the board, and therefore untouchable. One has only to take Red by the gills, and Pu himself will not sit in the chair. Either they ask to vacate the throne for another, or accidentally "eat the fungi." wink
                1. 0
                  23 February 2015 23: 38
                  Quote: July
                  Red for Pu is his sidekick on the board, and therefore untouchable.

                  Where did such details, knowledge, experience come from?
                  1. -2
                    24 February 2015 01: 22
                    Where did such details, knowledge, experience come from?

                    I live a long time, see something, know something. Actually, this is not a secret for anyone (only for you if). wink
              2. +3
                23 February 2015 20: 34
                assam4, it is very easy to judge when little informed. It’s like in that parable about the blind and the elephant. hi
              3. +1
                23 February 2015 20: 40
                Quote: assam4
                According to this Chekist, Chubais’s cooperation with the CIA was a courageous act. Putin not only does not condemn Chubais for betrayal, but on the contrary justifies it.

                ))) Chubais brought him to the Kremlin. He will never say anything against Chubais.

                Oh yes, Chubais was connected with the CIA. An interesting thing)) and who is Putin connected with then?))))
                logic burst !!
                1. +3
                  23 February 2015 20: 52
                  Abramovich brought him to EBN, although the birch swore that it was he who brought him.
                  I remember the reaction of the GDP to the proposal of the GDP expressed to the journalists by the birch to help him. Fear Danians who bear fruit, said the GDP to a question about this before reporters.
                2. -1
                  24 February 2015 01: 26
                  Oh yes, Chubais was connected with the CIA. An interesting thing)) and who then is Putin connected with?)))) The logic burst !!

                  But Pu was tied to the EBNovskoy hevra, which was shoved by the natron. Accordingly, with the CIA through them. Logic did not burst. laughing
                  How else from the "Stasi" to the riches? wink
              4. +2
                23 February 2015 21: 06
                Here you just need to remember - many argue that it was Chubais who recommended Putin to the post of Deputy Presidential Executive in 1996, and to the post of Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration in 1997.
                Therefore, Chubais will not die: Putin does not give up.
                Despite the fact that I really do not like the presence of Chubais in power structures, this perfectly characterizes Putin as a person!
            3. +1
              23 February 2015 20: 36
              Quote: saidmoh
              Putin-Chekist. taught in the KGB, that’s all.
              the interests of power were served by the party control department.

              The KGB was a state in a state. Without the knowledge of the KGB, the Brokeback could not become the Secretary General. It’s time to understand this.

              And yet, have you forgotten the slogan? "The KGB is the vanguard of the party !!"
              1. +4
                23 February 2015 20: 56
                Gorbach is Andropov's mistake. "Look at the Politburo, old trees, there is no undergrowth," the humpback smeared. So old man Andropov fell for it. Gromyko's influence was decisive, but how humpbacked about it: I called him and said, if you want to work with me, vote for me.
                And I remember the words of Gromyko in his last interview with A. Karaulov a few days before his death: ... if I tell the truth, it will all blow ... and turned away. hi
          3. 0
            23 February 2015 20: 01
            immigrants from special services should be banned from holding senior official posts
            In most so-called democracies, most leaders, including and private firms, people from the special-purpose mugs who believe in fairy tales about equality are not there. They only help us push gangsters and naive fools into power, and they do business with their beloved specialists.
          4. hlahtih
            23 February 2015 20: 49
            Here the hobby was served by the authorities, and who more specifically? Not Gorbachev, for sure, and not the dead man Andropov, that means there is also a secret power, to find them, but no, it’s not given to us by the Sirs, so we will squeeze articles without knowing 95% of the truth.
        2. WKS
          23 February 2015 22: 41
          Gorbachev had a historic chance to change everything. He missed him.

          Gorbachev had no historical chance, since he did not have the mind capable of creating the necessary and verified strategic goal. And the goal of merging with the West, whispered by RMG and other whispers, was false. The West does not need a merger with Russia; the West needs either a weak Russia or none.
      2. +15
        23 February 2015 16: 59
        Quote: Gans1234
        The main mistake - took the post of Secretary General

        He was not a patriot of his country, he was a henpecked, pathological coward and a liar !.
        There is a lot of information that some decisions were made directly by Raisa Maksimovna, a woman who loves comfort and appreciates the beauty of diamonds.
        1. hlahtih
          23 February 2015 21: 04
          On the day when he was elected or appointed in the hospital ward, a colonel who had known him from childhood was lying with us and he waved his hand and said "Khan to the country, they will tell this to dig a hole in the middle of the road on the asphalt, take a shovel and dig it"
      3. 3axap
        23 February 2015 17: 42
        Quote: Gans1234
        The main mistake - took the post of Secretary General

        I haven’t read and will not read the article. I’m saying right away that I’m not going to take part in the discussion of this character. And I think about him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Here are my grandchildren, according to some photographs and quotes of his speeches, they will try to evaluate his contribution to the history of our Motherland. I saw all this in reality. I, although yesterday was a forgiveness Sunday, I will not forgive him. angry am soldier
        1. +7
          23 February 2015 20: 52
          I agree to 200%. In the language of some mats.
      4. +3
        23 February 2015 23: 34
        Quote: Gans1234
        The main mistake - took the post of Secretary General

        this гиgida didn’t make a single mistake, the goal that the United States set for him, he fulfilled. Everything else is empty demagogy!
        1. 0
          25 February 2015 12: 14
          In 1996, a humpback, speaking at an American college in Turkey, said that his goal was to destroy the CPSU and the USSR, and he was good for it. For this, the macaques from Fashington gave him a medal. yo ... am
    2. -6
      23 February 2015 15: 13
      Quote: SRC P-15
      The most fatal mistake of Gorbachev is that he was born into the world!
      Here the article is not necessary to read.

      What kind of stupidity you wrote ... There would be no Gorbachev, Andropov would have put Shevarnadze or someone else. Gorbachev did not ruin the USSR, the USSR by the time he came to power was already in the process of collapse ... Maybe the process itself would not have been so intense, but maybe vice versa ...
      1. +15
        23 February 2015 16: 19
        Quote: Nayhas
        By the time it came to power, the USSR was already in the process of collapse

        The attempt to create an ideal society, and communism is an ideal that in principle is unattainable, really failed. But this does not at all follow that the country could not calmly survive this while preserving and multiplying all that was. An example is China.
        1. +3
          23 February 2015 17: 12
          Quote: Dart2027
          But this does not at all follow that the country could not calmly survive this while preserving and multiplying all that was. An example is China.
          IMHO still began with Khrushch - then that part of the party bureaucracy was born, whose interests (to appropriate the country's wealth) were expressed by Humpback. Without the broad support of such party apparatchiks, this disastrous policy of Gorby would not have taken place. Unfortunately, the patriotic forces in the Politburo of the Central Committee were in the minority and could not resist the "reformers"
          1. +5
            23 February 2015 17: 49
            Quote: enot73
            IMHO still began with Khrushchev - then that part of the party bureaucracy was born

            And that Khrushchev appeared from Mars, with whom he got his posts and in general managed to survive, he was happy to see everyone
          2. +1
            23 February 2015 18: 56
            Quote: enot73
            then that part of the party bureaucracy was born, the interests of which (to appropriate the wealth of the country) were expressed by Humpbacked

            This is what I mean
            Quote: Dart2027
            communism is an ideal that in principle is unattainable
          3. 0
            23 February 2015 21: 28
            Quote: enot73
            IMHO still began with Khrushchev - then that part of the party bureaucracy was born, the interests of which (to appropriate the wealth of the country) were expressed by Humpbacked.

            The party nomenclature was created by Lenin and Trotsky, Stalin continued its cultivation. It was she who lived happily, ate from the belly, had a rest in the resorts, had cars and chic country houses ... Regardless of the state the country was in. For example, the feast that Zhdanov gave to the representatives of the allies in the besieged Leningrad, struck the latter with their abundance and sophistication, while outside the window people died of hunger for thousands and reached cannibalism ... Did Stalin know about this? Of course, as he knew about Yezhov’s homosexuality, Shcherbakov’s alcoholism and Kalinin’s pedophilia, he knew about everyone. But for him personal vices were not important, the main thing was loyalty.
            The party nomenclature controlled by Stalin manually could have done a lot, but after Stalin’s death, danger disappeared and the nomenclature naturally degenerated ... So Khrushchev had nothing to do with it, well, they wouldn’t let him become Stalin-2 ...
            1. 0
              23 February 2015 22: 11
              Quote: Nayhas
              And that Khrushchev appeared from Mars, with whom he got his posts and in general managed to survive, he was happy to see everyone

              Quote: Nayhas
              The party nomenclature was created by Lenin and Trotsky, Stalin continued its cultivation.
              However, Stalin tried to control the party apparatus and, at the end of his life, made attempts to remove him from managing the economy (for which IMHO paid the price), and under Khrushchev and Brezhnev, the party nomenclature was generally "above the law." By the way, Khrushchev was not thrown off for his outrage. but for an attempt to restrict zealous "party members".
          4. 0
            25 February 2015 12: 19
            There was infa that in the 70s in Gosplan a group of rats started up, which led the matter to collapse, involving the country in unnecessary expenses. Remember the turn of Siberian rivers? Karaulov claimed that it was planned to break through the channel 28 nuclear mines(!!!).
            I remember one retired Airborne Colonel, who told me how his son, having been assigned to this project, how a young honest communist wrote to the Central Committee about the catastrophic consequences if the project is implemented. After which he hid from the KGB for many years.
            Typically, the last one who tried to revive the project was Luzhkov. hi
        2. +1
          23 February 2015 20: 12
          Quote: Dart2027
          An example is China.

          WHAT IN CHINA REMAINED FROM COMMUNIST IDEAS? Nothing! In China, ordinary capitalism, only in power are oligarchs united by a communist origin and, for the species, are also called the CCP ...
          1. 0
            23 February 2015 22: 17
            Quote: Nayhas
            You can draw an analogy with the Leninist NEP, or cite the example of the socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Under socialism there are many ways of development.
          2. +2
            23 February 2015 22: 55
            Quote: Nayhas

            Did you read what I wrote?
            Quote: Dart2027
            The attempt to create an ideal society, and communism is an ideal that in principle is unattainable, really failed.

            There was a lot of good in the USSR, but the very idea of ​​communism requires a change in human nature.
            Quote: Nayhas
            In China, ordinary capitalism

            That's right, but the point is that there were no traitors in power.
      2. +1
        23 February 2015 17: 54
        By the time Gorbachev arrived, Germany had already united; there were conflicts in Armenia, the Baltic states, and so on. What nonsense are you writing, without vision and knowledge.
    3. +26
      23 February 2015 15: 17
      Traitor!!! Even to argue on this subject .. OTHERWISE !!!
      1. +5
        23 February 2015 15: 45
        Quote: Armagedon
        Traitor!!! Even to argue on this subject .. OTHERWISE !!!

        A whole generation of traitors! Everyone should be given chewing gum and jeans for free.
        1. -1
          23 February 2015 16: 51
          Quote: Civil
          A whole generation of traitors! Everyone should be given chewing gum and jeans for free.

          Eka you stuck on them! Feels like not got any jeans or chewing gum when section?
        2. +3
          23 February 2015 17: 17
          Better aspen stake!
    4. Boos
      23 February 2015 15: 20
      Outstripped! And straight, it would be better "miscarriage" was. True, their whole team is "bad guys", Shevardnadza alone was worth ...
    5. -15
      23 February 2015 15: 40
      1. How good it is to blame everything on Gorbach.
      2. All other residents of the USSR, young children were not aware of what was happening.
      3. Until now, they are so dependent that they can’t understand, it’s the adult MUZHILS who are residents of the USSR, YOU are the main perpetrators of everything.
      4. The huge army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs silently watched as the Land of Soviets dies.
      5. In hell, burn for leaving the looted and dismembered state to the new generation.
      6. YOU and only YOU are to blame for what is happening in Ukraine now.
      1. +25
        23 February 2015 16: 03
        5. In hell, burn for leaving the looted and dismembered state to the new generation.
        6. YOU and only YOU are to blame for what is happening in Ukraine now.

        With Everything! Respect to you, you most likely drank an extra stack in honor of the holiday. Who, that he knew, in those days. Who knew such a GIANT! THE USSR! Fall apart! For me it was literally a shock! And where did the collapse of the USSR take place? Where they signed the verdict in Moscow. And the fact that in Moscow they tried to resist does not mean anything! Russia is HUGE! And at that time there was no Internet and mobile phones! Maybe I'm wrong. All the same, the story cannot be changed. And I think that I would be redundant what I could do or could not. IMHO.
        1. +4
          23 February 2015 16: 31
          . All the same, the story cannot be changed. And I think that I would be redundant what I could do or could not. IMHO.

          It is necessary to hold a trial and as a warning to current generations - it is indicative to deprive pensions and privileges so that they know how and for what!
        2. +11
          23 February 2015 18: 08
          when and where in Moscow were attempts to resist the collapse of the union? Moscow is primarily to blame for the collapse. GKChP was for the union, what did Moscow do? prevented the army from acting.
          1. +11
            23 February 2015 21: 20
            I completely agree with you that it is the Muscovites who are to blame for the collapse of the country, it was they who perched EBNa on the "armored car" and the Moscow "onizhedeti" of that time, drunk, climbed onto tanks and under tanks, and now they are presented as heroes. And what would I do in the place of that lieutenant in the tank, if a drunken "miracle" climbed with a "Molotov cocktail", closed the viewing slots !? Yes, I would have got out and shot. And the Muscovites are to blame for this, and the rest of the country simply could not understand and appreciate what was happening. After that, EBNu was made such a PR in the media that everything seemed to be done correctly, and when the people of the country realized that it had happened, it was too late, and there was no antipode to EBNu. The State Committee for Emergency Situations tried but did not suffice ...... a lot of things were not enough, and therefore we have what we have.
            And here they wrote above that the hunchback had nothing to do with it, the USSR was already falling apart, or, as the liberal trade prokhorov declared in the elections, the USSR was bankrupt, all this lies and I don’t want to repeat much about it. And it’s enough to already denigrate and blaspheme the past of the country, but there was a lot of negative, but the contemporaries of that time were to blame for it, but there was also a lot of positive, and there was much more, just trying to erase the people from this memory.
            And those who wed Lenin, Stalin, everything Soviet and the USSR would like to ask - who are the judges? And what have you done for the country, because I am almost sure that more than half of you are cowards and you will not even reprimand the bully with the thought "this is not my business", as you usually see a speck in someone else's eye without noticing the log in yours.
            In addition, RUSSIA will be a great power, and the US State Department will be destroyed!
      2. +10
        23 February 2015 17: 09
        And you are not to blame for the Civil, you are on the side, we are to blame. SO what ???
        1. -14
          23 February 2015 17: 19
          Quote: Starik72
          And you are not to blame for the Civil, you are on the side, we are to blame. SO what ???

          He was young at that time, but your bestiality was fully aware.
          1. +6
            23 February 2015 17: 43
            Quote: Civil
            He was young at that time, but your bestiality was fully aware.

            Am dm am

            What have you been, remained so ,,,,,, (C)
            Composer (music)
            Dunaevsky Isaac
            Author of the text (words)
            Volpin Mikhail, Isakovsky Mikhail
            1. -4
              23 February 2015 17: 51
              Quote: lelikas
              Quote: Civil
              He was young at that time, but your bestiality was fully aware.

              Am dm am

              What have you been, remained so ,,,,,, (C)
              Composer (music)
              Dunaevsky Isaac
              Author of the text (words)
              Volpin Mikhail, Isakovsky Mikhail
              1. 0
                23 February 2015 18: 35
                Yes, easy - about whips or about 101 kilometers?
          2. +1
            23 February 2015 18: 10
            young where were you at 91? on the street or in the telly?
            1. +3
              23 February 2015 21: 00
              young where were you at 91? on the street or in the telly?
              In the manger, my tights got dirty! laughing
      3. +6
        23 February 2015 18: 06
        however, you are a complete person without a brain. were you then no one could ever have imagined a division of the union. Now can you imagine Russia to voluntarily divide into regions or republics approximately within the borders of federal districts (as liberals and oligarchs wanted after 1998)? like you. not knowing the story, to blame for what is happening in Ukraine
        1. +3
          23 February 2015 21: 17
          no one could ever have imagined a division of the union.
          But what are you trying to explain, it’s clear that comrade, overgrown ... Tell me two years ago that such a gimmick would turn around in Ukraine, you would look at him as a mentally ill ... and this with the modern development of the media and communications . And what can we say about 91m. Although, if I don’t blame, I feel ashamed for being exposed to the infection of liberalism ... But there is an excuse recourse was young and stupid fool , with age has passed.

          Someone I broke up ...

          drinks Happy holiday men !!!!!!!!!
          1. 0
            25 February 2015 12: 26
            In 1989 The Institute of Social Problems under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR published a forecast of what will happen after the abolition of the leading role of the CPSU: the growth of organized crime, interethnic conflicts, the strengthening of national elites, separatism, etc. The rest you know, saw, see ... hi
      4. +14
        23 February 2015 18: 24
        Quote: Civil
        Until now, they are so dependent that they can’t understand, it’s the adult MUZHILS who are residents of the USSR, YOU are the main culprits in everything.

        Where were you, "nurses", when the gold reserve of the USSR was exported and decreased from 1985 to 1991 from 2500 to 240 tons, (not otherwise than the dependents stole it), when the country's GDP went from + 2,8% to -11% ( and again the dependents did not want to work only because this humpbacked baldness systematically destroyed the planned economy, stopped factories, cut down vineyards, etc.), when the external debt rose from 31,3 billion to 71,3 billion (it was the dependents who got into the IMF's debts to buy Judas a quiet old age in Germany) when the ruble rate against the dollar rose from 0,64 rubles to 90 rubles, is it not with the suggestion of your spotted idol such an impressive "progress"?
        Quote: Civil
        In hell, burn for leaving the looted and dismembered state to the new generation.
        Yes ... already ... Yarosh and he nervously smokes .. Eat as tightly and often as possible ....
    6. +7
      23 February 2015 16: 14
      One person does not solve anything, we still will not know the whole truth soon, but not one person betrayed, and I have a version that the humpback himself did not fully understand this, although this is only a version ... minus tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue
      The worst thing is that our people do not learn from the Ustoria, there were slogans down with the CPSU, give democracy, now they are not satisfied with democracy, but the trick is different, all this plays into the hands of our "partners".
      1. +15
        23 February 2015 16: 33
        However, this did not begin with this. The Soviet Union began to die immediately after the death of Stalin. Then this apostate and schismatic Khrushchev seized power and began to destroy the sprouts of a new life. With the first blow, he destroyed the nascent gold ruble and the non-dollar zone of world trade. After that, the Soviet Union was already doomed.
        1. +4
          23 February 2015 17: 11
          Basarev! I AGREE TO YOU FOR ALL 1000%.
        2. +3
          23 February 2015 17: 51
          Quote: Basarev
          Then this apostate and schismatic Khrushchev seized power and began to destroy the sprouts of a new life.

          And how do you think this same schismatic and apostate could even survive under Stalin?
          1. +4
            23 February 2015 18: 31
            Khokhlov’s trick and deceit has no borders, power in his hands is worse than all ammunition, repression was still insufficient.
          2. 0
            23 February 2015 18: 31
            Khokhlov’s trick and deceit has no borders, power in his hands is worse than all ammunition, repression was still insufficient.
          3. +2
            23 February 2015 18: 58
            Quote: saag
            under Stalin, stay alive

            Stalin was a man, not an oracle.
          4. 0
            24 February 2015 09: 46
            He stuck out for statistics because of the natural worker-peasant origin and danced well - that's how the pea jester survived ...
        3. 0
          23 February 2015 18: 16
          Khrushchev was not alone. then beetles too.
          1. 0
            23 February 2015 18: 38
            Read the story,.
          2. The comment was deleted.
        4. +11
          23 February 2015 21: 01
          Quote: Basarev
          The Soviet Union began to die immediately after the death of Stalin.
          A mine was already laid in the Soviet Union during its creation, when instead of a single country, for the sake of politics, Russia was formatted into republics, in particular, not only legalizing Khokhlyak separatism, separating Ukraine from Russia, but also transferring to the Ukrainians part of the territories, as well as the same Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, the USSR was a great blessing for Russia, for all mankind. Today at the rally, Vladimir Volfovich pushed speeches, as always, the communists are to blame for everything, stay the tsar, the empire ... Nicholas II himself cowardly abdicated the throne, at the most crucial moment, and in this he is the same Gorbachev that he gave up power in 1991 drunkards from Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Before the First World War, Russia scored loans from the West, got into debt bondage, which dragged it into the Entente. Not to fight, to sit out, not for that England and France were dragging us into an alliance. Here everything is just as natural, and if there were no communists, our democratic "friends" would mold from Russia under Kerensky what they molded under Yeltsin. If the communists got Russia after the First World War and the Civil War, with poverty, illiteracy and homelessness, then Yeltsin, Gaidar and Chubais got a nuclear superpower. Never capitalists and landowners, if Russia remained bourgeois after 1917, would not have built such a superpower, but would have ruined it, destroyed it. Why did the USSR die, then why did the tsarist empire die, for the new superpower. We have all the "vaccinations", we are stronger than the West, we have something to compare with, and we already know what we want. There is a higher meaning in everything, the USSR died, but the idea did not die, and even common sense itself. The West itself is pushing Russia towards a renewed socialism, without which we cannot survive, create a counterbalance to the power pole of capitalism, or revive a superpower and a multipolar world.
      2. Viktor Kudinov
        23 February 2015 16: 50
        It is necessary that the burden of the past does not interfere with going into the future! It makes no sense today to stigmatize our former tsars from Ivan the Terrible to Gorbachev, and to regret the "lost profit". Neither they nor the past will give us back what we have lost. Today we need to think about our future, and today to invest in this future as much as possible. Moreover, absolutely not hoping that Comrade Putin will do it for the whole country! hi
        1. demon13051980
          23 February 2015 17: 18
          Quote: Victor Kudinov
          It is necessary that the burden of the past does not interfere with the future!
          Here I can’t help but recall the motto of Radio Star: Remember the Past! We believe in the future!
      3. 0
        25 February 2015 12: 30
        The humpbacked puppeteer was Yakovlev, recruited with Kulagin during an internship at Columbia University in the late 50s. When Kryuchkov and daddy came to the hunchback, the humpback: once, once ... For the last time he advised Yakovlev to show it to himself.
        What is characteristic, Yakovlev, being the main ideologist, left the Communist Party on the eve of the State Emergency Committee in the evening. am
    7. +5
      23 February 2015 17: 00
      Yes, you bastard and a traitor ... but the article is for sure - it is not necessary to read.
    8. The comment was deleted.
    9. +4
      23 February 2015 18: 56
      Indeed, the most important mistake is Gorbachev himself. Sheer mistake.
      1. 0
        24 February 2015 09: 52
        The appointment ("election") of Gorbach as general secretary is a consequence of Andropov's idea of ​​convergence (the Soviet nomenklatura elite with the Western shadow government). Convergence failed (remember the South Korean Boeing and Reagan's "evil empire"?), And Gorbach covered up the policy of capitulation to the Anglo-Saxons and the restoration of capitalism in the USSR.
    10. +1
      23 February 2015 19: 11
      This is not his mistake, but his parents.
    11. The comment was deleted.
    12. +5
      23 February 2015 19: 20
      Gorbachev was born of the party elite, who stole money with the inability to spend it. And what was Gorbachev’s chance? He left, but the thieves remained.
    13. 0
      23 February 2015 19: 46
      This is his mother’s fatal mistake.
    14. +4
      23 February 2015 19: 52
      Quote: СРЦ П-15
      Here the article is not necessary to read.
      + + + + +

      This article should be published in 30 years - for the new generation, but he was too disgusted for us.
    15. +1
      23 February 2015 20: 13
      Directly and to the root !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    16. +1
      23 February 2015 20: 33
      Quote: СРЦ П-15
      The most fatal mistake of Gorbachev is that he was born into the world!
      Here the article is not necessary to read.

      This mistake completely falls on his parents. Could do with an abortion in the end))))

      but I’ll honestly say that he was born, that means God ordered him to be born !!

      the main thing is that in a 280 millionth country it never occurred to anyone to just shoot him in the crowd)))

      he was a cool swindler, worse than Kashpirovsky))))
    17. +1
      23 February 2015 21: 44
      The question is, why remember the suicide Gorbachev ??? even though he is still alive, but he buried himself for being alive !!! They don’t remember from such a good word, but it’s not customary to speak badly in the Orthodox tradition!
    18. 0
      23 February 2015 21: 56
      Make a fool pray to God ...
    19. The comment was deleted.
    20. Stalker
      23 February 2015 22: 07
      The most fatal mistake of Gorbachev is that he was born into the world!

      He has 2 errors. Born in vain and lives a long time .... am
      1. The comment was deleted.
    21. +1
      23 February 2015 22: 44
      Unfortunately, by the 80s we already had enough of such labeled ones, so it would be naive to think that if it weren't for this creature, another would not appear. The top of the country had completely decomposed by this time. On my own I wish this creature a painful death, although I am not a bloodthirsty person, but I wish it. As well as many other figures of "perestroika" and the formation of the country on the path of liberal capitalism.
    22. +1
      23 February 2015 22: 55
      [quote = СРЦ П-15] Gorbachev’s most fatal mistake is that he was born into the world!
      Here the article is not necessary to read. [/

      This is not just a mistake, it is a tragedy of the great people of a great country!

      And the worst thing is that one mistake was replaced by another!
      I generally thought in 90 that we kirdyk!
      What we stupidly sell wholesale and retail!
    23. 0
      23 February 2015 23: 45
      And no one read.
  2. +34
    23 February 2015 14: 56
    There is no Gorbachev 7 fatal mistakes, there is a fatal 1 error, this is Gorbachev himself!
    1. +18
      23 February 2015 15: 00
      What Gorbachev has done for a long time will need to be corrected. According to the idea, this is not a mistake, but a purposeful paid action for the collapse of the country. That is why he is the first dove of the world, Obama the second.
      1. +5
        23 February 2015 15: 05
        Quote: Moment
        That is why he is the first dove of the world, Obama the second.

        In, in and how much they DID THAT ...
      2. +4
        23 February 2015 15: 05
        Actually, if to speak seriously, then Gorbachev is a screen. It all started much earlier:

        1. 0
          23 February 2015 16: 13
          The author of the material in his lecture does not mention the role of the Emergency Committee and to which part of the matrix belonged to the persons included in the Emergency Committee. hi
          1. +2
            23 February 2015 18: 19
            Quote: Gomunkul
            The author of the material in his lecture does not mention the role of the Emergency Committee and to which part of the matrix belonged to the persons included in the Emergency Committee. hi

            The author probably wants to live laughing
  3. +4
    23 February 2015 14: 56
    7 Gorbachev's fatal mistakes
    For me, the error is ONE and that NATURE, well, why did he BORN into the world?
  4. 0
    23 February 2015 14: 59
    There is only one mistake, but very significant - he was born.
  5. +4
    23 February 2015 15: 00
    Why does the article talk about some mistakes of Gorbachev, when it is clear to everyone that he was a traitor and did everything consciously? There is no excuse for the traitor!
  6. +1
    23 February 2015 15: 00
    Yeah ... and before that, Gorbachev was in charge of agriculture ... so it all started much earlier.
  7. act
    23 February 2015 15: 01
    There will be much fewer mistakes when the mechanism of responsibility for the power entrusted to you by the people is implemented. Then there will be fewer people willing to "try on a hat"!
    1. bombardir
      23 February 2015 17: 39
      Quote: agis
      Mistakes will be much less when the mechanism of responsibility for power is implemented
      Such a mechanism was implemented until the 53rd year.

      Nowadays, the country's leadership calls this mechanism "massive violations of the law" (from 01:40 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJyHqvK2HaA#t=114), and the requirement for oneself-beloved to be responsible for the current policy equates to extremism - http://www.pskov.aif.ru/society/education/745790
  8. +2
    23 February 2015 15: 02
    The error is that he was born. The only one.
    1. 0
      23 February 2015 23: 45
      Quote: atamankko
      The error is that he was born. The only one.

      It would not be a hunchback, would have found another! The enemy is not hunchback with Yelshin, the enemy is there ... somewhere!
  9. +4
    23 February 2015 15: 03
    No mistakes, there is a betrayal of the interests of the country.
  10. +3
    23 February 2015 15: 05
    The best German ... am
  11. +3
    23 February 2015 15: 07
    Stop justifying Gorbachev! stop Less article for acquitting a traitor negative
  12. +3
    23 February 2015 15: 08
    And so it will quietly survive without trial, and even cleverly from time to time in the media. And it would be necessary ...
  13. +3
    23 February 2015 15: 08
    A short-sighted person, no politician who suddenly gained power. Gorbachev. A story of shame. It would be necessary to judge him ...
  14. +7
    23 February 2015 15: 10
    The end of the USSR was predetermined back in 1953, when Stalin died and Beria was killed. When the partocracy led by Khrushchev took over. The country was still pulling forward, but had already gone astray. There were also successes - the army, space, sports, industry, but the system itself failed. And then there are billions of dollars in infusions into communist movements around the world, "fraternal" (read - free) help to everyone and everything, the beginning of theft, Soviet corruption and complete impunity at the top. Even the debriefing of flights in Uzbekistan and neighboring republics in the mid-80s gave nothing. Afghanistan, although it showed that the Soviet Army can still fight, highlighted so many problems that it was decided to close it. Error? Controversial. But also a factor.
    So Gorbachev only hastened the inevitable end, he did not give a damn about the last chance to save something in 1991. Damn him forever! But the time has not yet learned to return. So we live in a fragment of the empire, collect crumbs of past power and try to withstand the most powerful enemy - transnational industrial and financial corporations, which have gigantic funds and a NATO bloc led by the United States as a striking force.
    How much is left for us? Ah cuckoo? What about them? ..
    1. +1
      23 February 2015 15: 21
      Quote: erased
      And then there are billions of dollars injected into communist movements around the world.

      Come on, Stalin also did not spare money for them, how much money was spent on one Kim Il Sung ... and they bought coffee for Berliners not for rubles ...
      Quote: erased
      When the partocracy led by Khrushchev prevailed.

      After Mao, China also rules the partyocracy, but somehow the result was different ...
      It is clear that the USSR could exist only within the framework of the Stalinist system, but this system could not give birth to a second Stalin because he was destroyed in the bud.
      1. 0
        23 February 2015 18: 34
        Do not know the story why write your thoughts here? in recent years, Stalin wanted to make absolutely stable power, without dictatorship - the party of Khrushchev, the executive Malenkov, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the KGB Beria, the army of Bulganin
  15. +4
    23 February 2015 15: 12
    There are only two errors - the first one that he was born at all and the second one that he got into his wrong seat in the wrong sleigh .... He would have plowed a tractor operator with a combine operator .... there was more sense to people
    1. +1
      23 February 2015 16: 47
      I agree with you. It is not clear why he was chosen by the Secretary General; probably, the members of the Central Committee had some kind of views on him. But Gorbachev is not a politician, no matter how they talk about him. the chair is not for him. This is another reminder of what random people in politics can do. Unfortunately.
  16. +2
    23 February 2015 15: 13
    Gorbachev is "JUDAS", and it is impossible to use non-censorship words on the forum, but it was necessary to do whatever one wanted.
  17. +1
    23 February 2015 15: 13
    What to regret now. I thought for a long time that it would be with Russia if she had not become the USSR at one time. How would we meet Hitler, with what forces? Hunchback collapsed the USSR, or rather helped to break up, Yeltsin finished off. On the other hand, Putin has now come and Russia is reborn in a new guise. It is possible that the USSR would collapse under its own weight at the most inopportune moment and we would not be ready for today's events. All that did not kill us made us stronger.
  18. +7
    23 February 2015 15: 14
    Yes there were no mistakes!
    Gorbachev did everything right - as a traitor and enemy of the Russian people. His goal was the collapse of the USSR and he achieved this, though not alone, but as the head of state he was the leader of the work ...
    The state security organs made a mistake when they did not stop the betrayal at the top.
    1. 0
      24 February 2015 09: 59
      State security was brought under party control under Khrushchev, so the subordinate structure of bodies could not overcome
      betrayal at the top
  19. +12
    23 February 2015 15: 14
    There would be no Gorbi, would there be any Vasily Pupkin or Zaza Kargishvili. It’s good to talk now, and then you couldn’t listen to the foreign radio, not like having the Internet. But I'm not talking about that ....
    Any ruler of that era is an extortion of the CPSU, and that’s it. By definition, he could not be another. The same Yeltsin immediately profiled Crimea - although with the collapse of the USSR there was a REAL opportunity to return him to the Russian Federation.
  20. +1
    23 February 2015 15: 15
    Just about him:
    "Oh, and the bastard was your father, a puppy. I would have put him in a noose and dead ..." (c)
  21. +3
    23 February 2015 15: 16
    “Not a hat for Senka”

    Yes. This is the most accurate definition. Its intellectual ceiling is the director of the state farm. Therefore, there are no errors.
  22. +6
    23 February 2015 15: 17
    Someone wants to cover up the betrayal with a mistake. They want to redraw the history of the USSR. Gentlemen will not come out! Gorbachev must answer for treason.
  23. +4
    23 February 2015 15: 18
    The mystery of the century. Just ... or recruited? I see no other options.
  24. +5
    23 February 2015 15: 20
    The author is naive, a carefully developed plan is evident. The only question is whether Gorbachev was used blindly? This is quite acceptable, given his collective farm intelligence "Misha with the Order." This one will dance a polka-butterfly for the praise of Thatcher, and not only for the praise ... And why is he sitting in Germany, we are waiting for him here, at the Lubyanka.
    1. +6
      23 February 2015 19: 26
      But it seems to me that there can be no doubt. Bred into the dark. It is enough to recall how much effort he spent on changing the legislation for himself in order to ensure himself in power at least until 2000. The Supreme Council bent over not childishly. Those. expected to be in power for a long time. He built summer houses.

      And lit up on the lack of strategic thinking. At each step they suggested a single move without revealing strategic goals. And the sequence of such steps led to a dead end from which there was no way out.

      The technology seems to be simple now. At first he proposed to introduce mutual settlements in CMEA in hard currency. Nobody had any currency. Trade within the CMEA has stopped. Then it turned out that it is easier to earn hard currency in the West. And the CMEA collapsed. CMEA is gone, the Warsaw Pact is no longer needed. The VD was gone, the European countries no longer needed the USSR. He was left alone. Then follow the same pattern. They introduced settlements in hard currency between the republics. It quickly became clear that it was easier to “earn money” by wagging its tail in front of the West. And the USSR ceased to exist. A very efficient circuit with no "reverse" capability.

      There is a very good book by Anatoly Utkin "Treason of the General Secretary; Flight from Europe". For those interested in this issue, I highly recommend it.
  25. caligans
    23 February 2015 15: 20
    One mistake, his birth into the world! Everything else is the consequences arising from this error!
  26. +8
    23 February 2015 15: 21
    I agree with the article. And for the destruction of the HOMELAND among the 300 million people, for industry and agriculture that turned out to be destroyed, for tens of millions of people they took away the homes, work, land and lives of millions of people, the troubles that came to the families of millions of people, Gorbachev and Yeltsin should be declared the most big criminals in the WORLD. They are worse than Hitler dozens of times. I’ll explain why. Hitler (labored) for his people, and these brothers, for the destruction of his people. And so that he would never be able to be reborn. Stalin and Beria worked for the good of their people, but they were slandered. And of these two Vampires and Traitors of their people they made almost the most good and great rulers of RUSSIA. It is necessary to declare them the biggest ENEMIES and TRAITORS of the USSR and RUSSIA. soldier
  27. +2
    23 February 2015 15: 23
    Gorbachev pretends to be like "I'm not guilty, he came himself" am
  28. +4
    23 February 2015 15: 24
    Yes, not seven, but only one. Try to repent, Judas!
  29. +2
    23 February 2015 15: 25
    Who set minuses to people? Gorbachev’s followers? Do not insult an adequate public!
  30. +3
    23 February 2015 15: 29
    The whole term of the reign of this ... is one big mistake. I do not recall a single reasonable decision or innovation in those years.
  31. +4
    23 February 2015 15: 30
    These are not mistakes, but deliberate and paid treason
  32. +4
    23 February 2015 15: 31
    Although it’s a sin, especially during Lent, I hate Gorbachev with all the fibers of his soul and body — you bastard betrayed the country and people, the bastard set off the conveyor of interethnic conflicts in which thousands of people died and this creature was given the Nobel Peace Prize! God forgive me!
  33. +3
    23 February 2015 15: 36
    Mistakes? !! Systematic actions!
  34. -7
    23 February 2015 15: 36
    In principle, everything happened as it should have happened to the peoples inhabiting the Soviet Union. It was predetermined from the Universe. It is good that this section happened on time. If it happened later, now there would be chaos with military operations between peoples. Now almost everything and it became clear who it was worth. so everyone who was in power are pawns in a cool project called .... Earth in the experiment of the UNIVERSE,
  35. +4
    23 February 2015 15: 41
    Generation of the system. "Caught in the stream" of the Soviet nomenclature system. By and large a worthless person. He is indebted to Raisa. Without her, he would never have risen. It is especially offensive for the collapse of the union and the withdrawal of troops from Europe. If it hadn't been, everything would have come off differently now. America still occupies Germany.
  36. +3
    23 February 2015 15: 48
    No wonder he was given the Nobel Prize - for the collapse of the USSR!
  37. +3
    23 February 2015 15: 50
    I have not read the article, but I will express my opinion. The collapse of the Soviet system of development of our country occurred due to individuals, but it could not be otherwise. Because, without going into details, the communist system completely denied religion. The result was leaderism, the dependence of the whole state on cockroaches in the heads of rulers. In addition, hypocrisy, a lie, a thirst for gaining power from the top elite cannot be controlled by executions alone, although impunity is a disease of modern Russia and is unacceptable.
  38. +5
    23 February 2015 15: 53
    This is not a mistake. This is a crime, a betrayal for which he must answer.
  39. +2
    23 February 2015 15: 55
    The fool has no mistakes, this is his sense of life. When will God pick him up? zadolbal his contented mug.
  40. +7
    23 February 2015 15: 59
    The hunchback is a traitor and there is no need to justify him. He should hang on Russian aspen. The author is again a liberoid.
  41. +5
    23 February 2015 16: 03
    A trio of Bears, Rajka, Perestroika is rushing across the country ... Such a country was pissed off, bastard. All previous leaders of the USSR had their advantages and disadvantages, but not one of them was a traitor to their state.
  42. -8
    23 February 2015 16: 04
    Gorbachev and the Politburo were forced to change something, otherwise the USSR would either turn into North Korea with the subsequent bloody revolution, or fall apart. For the same reason, the Communist Party of China was forced to follow the path proposed by Deng Xiaoping, for then China was also on the verge of collapse. The trouble is that the Chinese succeeded, but we do not. And the point here is not only the near and ambitious Gorbachev who did not want to listen to anyone but ourselves, but also that we ourselves are used to parasitism on the body of the state and therefore we need a leader who is obliged to feed and drink us for free and for whom you can blame all the troubles (we ourselves, as you know, are never to blame). We are one of those who kisses the whip that hits us and spits in the outstretched hand. Gorbachev gave us a chance to become free, and we, fearing freedom, preferred strength and weaving.
  43. +2
    23 February 2015 16: 05
    7 fatal mistakes of Gorbachev (good title of the article), but his birth is already a mistake !!!
  44. +5
    23 February 2015 16: 08
    His biggest mistake, unlike the Chinese, is that he began with "democratization and transparency." And a LOT of DERMOCRATS and many-voiced bastards got out, for whom it was for happiness to throw mud at everything Soviet. The rabble of Sobchaks like him gave birth to the drunkard-struggle, which finally merged the USSR, and then RUSSIA. And they somehow forgot that the economy needs to be raised! And to this day she is in the pen, plundered and miserable. But we are proud of the unthinkable amount of thieves' bastards on the Forbes lists. All this is sad and insulting for POWER!
  45. +4
    23 February 2015 16: 09
    The party relied on the young communist, it’s bad that he was a moron unable to solve state affairs. How much this perestroika brought troubles to all countries cannot be counted.
  46. +5
    23 February 2015 16: 09
    About what mistakes speech-betrayal
  47. +1
    23 February 2015 16: 13
    So he himself is a mistake of nature. Article minus. Would you like to wash a black male?
  48. +5
    23 February 2015 16: 14
    traitors are not born traitors become.
  49. +7
    23 February 2015 16: 19
    Tagged traitor, let him burn in hell!
  50. +5
    23 February 2015 16: 20
    Every time I am surprised at such notes.
    And every time I think why they are generally written, appear.
    Like some kind of program.
    No, no, let it show itself.
    Divert attention?
    Does not look like it.
    Such articles carry nothing but soreness.
    To kill time, as I am now, by stuffing these lines and not do more important things.
    And after all, the author knows perfectly well that the meaning of the article will fit into one phrase: "Gorbachev is a traitor."
  51. +4
    23 February 2015 16: 21
    My dear guys! EVEN WITHOUT reading this article, just one word “Gorbachev” begins to turn everything in your soul. How long can you remember this “Comrade”!!?? It's time for him to get Raisa...
  52. Djoe
    23 February 2015 16: 28
    He had to be tried for the collapse of the union, so that others would not dare to commit such a tragedy.
  53. +1
    23 February 2015 16: 34
    Again, the neoliberals, with the help of Andrei Kovalev, are trying to convince us that neoliberalism is socialism, and Russia was just in a hurry to put these ideas into practice. I would like to ask him a question not about Britain and the USA, their policy of financial parasitism is clear to everyone, but about other countries involved in this process. How are these countries doing in the area of ​​well-being, for example Greece.....etc, etc
  54. +1
    23 February 2015 16: 36
    How can one live with so many curses that poured out on the head of this son of a dog (not a smart assistant to a rural machine operator), another person would have burned with shame long ago, but this scum is of no use, and continues to meddle in politics, still giving advice, like in Russia manage.
  55. The comment was deleted.
  56. +1
    23 February 2015 16: 46
    I didn't even read it. There is no point in trying to whitewash a surname, thanks to whose incapacity millions of people have become unhappy, especially on the holiday of military people who believe that their Motherland will not abandon them after carrying out the order!
  57. sazhka4
    23 February 2015 17: 02
    “Tagged” is in itself a mistake of Nature. That's why everyone else does.
  58. +2
    23 February 2015 17: 06
    7. Neoliberalism
  59. +2
    23 February 2015 17: 11
    Gorby was not mistaken; he did everything consciously. And he himself was a bastard from birth, and Raisa was the same.
  60. +3
    23 February 2015 17: 26
    I disagree with the author of the article. Hunchback did not commit mistakes, but crimes! And for this he was not punished, but received an Ig Nobel Prize!
    1. 0
      23 February 2015 18: 05
      Absolutely right - these are not mistakes, these are deliberate criminal actions!!!
  61. ZAM
    23 February 2015 17: 27
    Why do PR for this spotted Judas by remembering him from time to time? He died (read died) when he renounced the people who are still disentangling themselves, su................................. ............................ There are a lot of words in the Russian language, which it deserves, but the rules of VO do not allow you to say everything...
  62. wanderer
    23 February 2015 17: 29
    Who are Gorbachev, Yeltsin... I don’t even want to write about them, and it’s disgusting.
    I'll say one thing - The past cannot be changed, but the future is in our hands.
    1. 0
      23 February 2015 19: 01
      But you need to remember.
  63. -2
    23 February 2015 17: 38
    A quarter of a century later, it is becoming increasingly clear that not only Gorbachev (and not so much Gorbachev) is to blame for the largest geopolitical defeat - the liquidation of the USSR, as the main factor in the opposition to Anglo-Saxon world hegemony. The system of one-party leadership itself collapsed, which could not even ensure its own preservation - and this in the presence of the most powerful system in the world of total control over everything! It is amazing how in the highest echelons of power there were people who absolutely did not correspond to even the elementary concepts of literacy and culture - and, despite this, they became leaders of the “world communist movement.” At all stages of the development of our society, the only principle remained inviolable - the cult of the IMPORTANT - be it the Tsar, the Secretary General, the President - or whoever else! It is the lack of alternative to power that is the main reason for our defeats in recent decades. On the other hand, consistency and purposefulness of domestic and foreign policy presupposes the stability of power over an acceptable time period (at least the life of one generation).
  64. 0
    23 February 2015 17: 41
    There is no Russian land for Judas Gorbachev!!! am
  65. 0
    23 February 2015 17: 47
    in fact, I come to the conclusion: execute the guilty and others...
    and this will only be beneficial...

    nothing personal...
  66. 0
    23 February 2015 17: 48
    It all started with the iron lady and most likely with the cowardice of Gorby. and ended with the collapse of the Great Power, which kept half the world fed and dry (depending on politics). Grateful descendants of Gorbachev will not bring flowers to your grave. The redivision of the world began thanks to him and continues to this day. In general, how purely humanly should one be ashamed of what one has done, shoot yourself and do a manly thing.
  67. The comment was deleted.
  68. 0
    23 February 2015 17: 59
    Gorbachev is a killer of civilians! He needs to be put in jail!
  69. 0
    23 February 2015 18: 09
    Weak and controversial article. I put a minus. There are too few arguments and analysis for such conclusions. Everything is superficial. There are still not enough deep motives and facts. They are either closed or not yet known to us.
  70. 0
    23 February 2015 18: 12
    It's probably Us! CHILDREN OF THE USSR, We believed, We are the Remnants of the Great COUNTRY, Who basically opposes, according to statistics, the fascists of the USA, Gerops, dill, in DONBASS. that alcohol-EBN, damn him, at all times and his seed, damn him, AMEN! It is We who are holding back the advance of the trotter dogs against Rus'! We are each nothing, but we are RUSSIA. There is NO GREAT LEADER OF THE TIME OF TROUBLES among us, but within us there is Rus', Ancient, Indestructible, not yet, Rus', not understandable, especially to them, our enemies, but even among our Internet children, I feel the UNBREAKING WILL of RUSSIA, FREEDOM -OR DEATH!
    The time will simply come for everyone, or rather it has come, to remain who in the history of the country of RUSSIA?!!!
    I personally don’t give a fuck... their historical...
    But what are we, brothers and sisters, waiting for?????????? From them?
    Social justice, denied from the beginning, read GDP. The main profit is created by the seller-speculator-broker. Not working!!!! What could happen next...? This is freedom??????????
    Not Nemtsov, not others like them, are not an alternative.. the current American layer, where is the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, we drink vodka COMRADES!??
    WHAT is everything great, bye?
    Especially in NEW RUSSIA - the furious, bright, contradiction of the RUSSIAN WORLD and the Western serpentine two-faced language??????? am
  71. ZORKA76
    23 February 2015 18: 52
    Quote: SRC P-15
    The most fatal mistake of Gorbachev is that he was born into the world!
    Here the article is not necessary to read.

    It's not his fault.
  72. bombardir
    23 February 2015 19: 10
    1. Gorbachev's plan ||| Was he there at all?
    "... A group of true, and not imaginary, reformers developed (orally, of course) the following plan: with the authority of Lenin to strike at Stalin, at Stalinism. And then, if successful, Plekhanov and Social Democracy to strike at Lenin, liberalism and "moral socialism" " - on revolutionism in general.
    A new round of exposure of the “cult of Stalin’s personality” has begun. But not with an emotional cry, as Khrushchev did, but with a clear subtext: not only Stalin is a criminal, but the system itself is criminal...
    ...The Soviet totalitarian regime could only be destroyed through glasnost and totalitarian party discipline, while hiding behind the interests of improving socialism.
    Looking back, I can proudly say that the cunning but very simple tactic - the mechanisms of totalitarianism against the system of totalitarianism - worked.
    For example, my works and speeches in 1987-1988, and partly in 1989, were densely stuffed with quotes from Marx and especially from Lenin.
    In order to radically change social life, in my opinion, it is necessary to concentrate all activities in areas that can determine the departure of communism and give a qualitatively new look to society. I symbolically call these directions the “Seven Ds”: Deparasitation; Demilitarization; Denationalization; Decollectivization; Demonopolization; Deindustrialization; Deanarchization" - From the preface by A.N. Yakovlev to the "Black Book of Communism"

    Wage growth outpacing production growth; anti-alcohol company; opening of foreign markets without prior equalization of prices; simultaneous closure for preventive maintenance of enterprises covering an entire market segment in the region; permission at the end of 86 for “individual labor activity” - all of the above leads to a commodity shortage, the growth of the shadow economy and growing dissatisfaction with the system.

    Frank advertising of the Western standard of living (with silencing of the negative) in the media against the backdrop of dissatisfaction with the system caused by artificially created shortages; emotional statements about the effectiveness of a private owner...

    Preferences for the West, and non-binding gentlemen's agreements for the West - all so that when people's property is seized, the West doesn't end up in a mess (a mess, and possibly a civil war in a nuclear power), and out of fear they don't launch a preemptive strike... .

    Isn't this the plan?

    2. Anti-alcohol campaign ||| all the advantages of the campaign, such as increasing the birth rate
    Just as the current increase in the birth rate is an echo of the birth rate surge of 80-89, so the surge of the 80s is an echo of the surge of 48-63.

    3. Yakovlev and Ligachev ||| crisis action program
    It worked out quite well, which resulted in a purposefully created crisis.

    4. Yeltsin ||| Gorbachev's grandiose miscalculation regarding Boris Yeltsin
    So what is the miscalculation if the class interests of the new bourgeoisie are fully realized?

    5 Gorby and Raisa ||| with deep authoritarian traditions. Gorbachev tried to violate
    In which place?

    6. Abroad will help us ||| was obliged to save for Russia
    Is the author pathologically naive, or is he pretending?

    7. Neoliberalism ||| reforms have brought tangible results
    It's no secret who exactly.

    although the absolute values ​​of personal freedom, private property and civil rights have not been canceled
    No one has established the absolute value of private property, and freedom cannot be absolute by definition.

    Stupid and poorly structured (hodgepodge) article.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  73. +3
    23 February 2015 19: 16
    I was transferred to work in Moscow in 1979, while Brezhnev was still alive. They checked for a year, they even checked the presence of my father’s grave at the Bogoslovskoye cemetery (he died on December 27, 1941). They checked and made sure that for me there is nothing more sacred than the Motherland. By this time I was already a Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Chief Designer of many weapons and military equipment that had been put into service. He was awarded a number of orders, State Laureate. USSR Prize. I had a good friend - L.N. Zaikov. (I met him when he was Director at Leninets). I worked as the head of the Main Directorate of one of the Defense Ministries. Then G.V. is transferred to Moscow. Romanova, then L.N. Zaikova. They are members of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, but I sometimes meet with them for work. I understood my place. True, for my foreign business trips (I had to travel often on business), G.V. gave guarantee of my devotion. Romanov. That's how it was supposed to be. I’ll omit the unnecessary stuff, and I’ll quote the words of my comrade L,N, Zaikov: “Gorbachev was processed and pursued someone else’s policy in our country. After the death of Brezhnev, G.V. Romanov should have been elected General Secretary. But the members of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee were processed and Gromyko and Shevardnadze voted for Gorbachev." That was the end of it. Then everyone obeyed the decisions made. The country fell apart, we did not follow the path of the Resource-Innovative Economy, we lost allies, the army collapsed, etc. God forbid, if V.V. Putin will correct what these enemies of our country did and destroyed so many lives, I have the honor.
  74. +1
    23 February 2015 19: 25
    Quote: midshipman
    God forbid, if V.V. Putin will correct what these enemies of our country did and destroyed so many lives, I have the honor.

    Putin "will correct what the enemies of our country have done"? Are you drunk or just out of your mind? Who put Putin on the throne? Aren't they the same enemies? He is blood from the blood and flesh from the flesh of these very enemies and will never think about either the country or the people. Kings act only in their own interests and in the interests of their class. Axiom.
  75. wow
    23 February 2015 19: 30
    The first and only mistake of the “marked one” is that he, a scoundrel, was born into the light of God!
  76. The comment was deleted.
  77. +1
    23 February 2015 19: 42
    For me he (G.) is a traitor! Destroyed a great country!
  78. 0
    23 February 2015 19: 56
    “Introducing a clause into the unification treaty prohibiting Germany from joining military-political blocs in the future?” Nonsense, they would have been deceived anyway as soon as the troops were withdrawn. Another thing is that he will receive reparations from Germany for losses in the war, which are now uselessly remembered. And funds for their placement in the USSR. And at that time there was a weighty argument - the Group of Soviet Forces. Until we get it completely, do not withdraw troops. Then they would immediately find money and chip in with the USA.
  79. +1
    23 February 2015 19: 58
    Gorbachev is the destroyer of the USSR, on the conscience of this war criminal-traitor millions of human destinies were distorted and destroyed! Gorbachev is a traitor because he destroyed the Great Country. The anti-NATO bloc of the Warsaw Pact collapsed. The newest weapons were cut into scrap metal. Gave secret information to the Americans. The vineyards were destroyed. Gave it to the state. property for plunder - which Yeltsin successfully completed after him.... I am convinced that from the beginning of the eighties (with Andropov) a group of people who were CIA agents managed to get into the top leadership of the USSR. They were also closely associated with Western non-governmental organizations. These people, acting consciously and with evil intent, destroyed a Great Country...
    1. bombardir
      23 February 2015 21: 47
      Quote: Mindaugas
      I am convinced that since the early eighties (with Andropov) a group of people who were CIA agents managed to get into the top leadership of the USSR
      Yes, it was Andropov who promoted Gorbachev, but the CIA was nowhere in sight.

      From the picture: Gorbachev does not have such a medal (he has 2 medals of freedom), and the medal for victory in the Cold War is a commemorative award of the US National Guard. The medal can be purchased, without the right to wear, by members of the United States Armed Forces and civilian employees of the federal government who have an official certificate of service during the Cold War period (1946-1991). Has no official status.
  80. 0
    23 February 2015 20: 02
    Quote: Vladimir D
    The trouble is that the Chinese succeeded, but we didn’t.

    Going first is always dangerous and difficult, you can go nowhere.
    Quote: Vladimir D
    Gorbachev gave us a chance to become free, but we, fearing freedom, preferred force and the whip.

    You have not confused freedom with permissiveness. And where is freedom in Geyrop? If freedom is its own thing, then we don’t fucking need it. What other freedom is there if there are American bases?
  81. 0
    23 February 2015 20: 05
    Quote: bombardir
    And with this - "I'm always ready by order of the Soviet Government to defend my homeland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ... "?

    Where is the Soviet Motherland now, and which of those who did not fulfill their oath "to the last breath to be devoted to their People, their Soviet Motherland and the Soviet Government" suffered punishment, hatred and contempt?

    The oath must not only be crammed, but also read (at least sometimes). The army cannot start a war of its own accord. This was also written down in the Oath. There was no “order from the Soviet Government” to come to the defense of the USSR. The Union quickly collapsed and the Oath lost its legal force.
    1. bombardir
      23 February 2015 21: 38
      Quote: July
      There was no "order of the Soviet Government"
      The Soviet Government in 91 was represented by the State Emergency Committee.

      The Union quickly collapsed and the Oath lost its legal force.
      The oath was valid until February 93.
  82. +1
    23 February 2015 20: 10
    Quote: Balu
    I’ll tear Putin apart, yo ... prst. hi

    And when will the people judge him for betrayal and collaboration with the enemies of the Motherland? wink
  83. +1
    23 February 2015 20: 24
    Gorbachev was completely unsuited to the position he took. But he is a product of the power structure that led the USSR - the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks - the CPSU and is quite successful for that very structure, since he took the most important place. This structure itself turned out to be vicious. How did it start? Yes, from another insolvent structure of the Russian Empire - the Tsar-Father, a holy klutz who screwed up his country, not without outside help, of course.
    Only now everything is in the past. Should there be some conclusion for the future? And the conclusion is that everything should not be built on one person. A system must be built that creates and educates personnel in the context of not only patriotism, but also economic development, such a quantity that covers the needs and gives a choice.
  84. Tribuns
    23 February 2015 20: 25
    Every time Gorbachev’s name is mentioned in the media, my soul becomes painful and I think: “And such a reptile lives in our Motherland!”
    The hatred of Russians for the tagged cosmopolitan Gorbi, who betrayed his Motherland and, together with the power-hungry chronicler Yeltsin, destroyed the USSR, has no boundaries and goes beyond all conceivable limits...
    And neither time nor the exhortations of the Western “democratic” media will change this overwhelming hatred of the inhabitants of Russia for this “Judushka Golovlev”!
  85. +1
    23 February 2015 20: 37
    “Like a witch on a broom, Raika rushes across the country, and behind her is Tsarevich Mikhail Sergeich” - this is an excerpt from a rhyme known at that time...
  86. 0
    23 February 2015 20: 48
    Let's say it straight - Gorbachev was scammed like a SUCK!
    Loshara was put in charge of a huge country.
    But every cloud has a silver lining! We will no longer trust the USA and the EU.
    And if they push it, we’ll wipe out the brazenly fascist nation from the face of the Earth; Russia has experience.
  87. 0
    23 February 2015 20: 55
    Quote: agis
    when will the mechanism of responsibility for power be implemented

    This is a task of tasks. If it is solved, then a society will be built that will be led by decent and honest people. A thief, mediocrity then cannot get into power and cannot exist in power.
  88. 0
    23 February 2015 21: 00
    On December 25, 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as President of the USSR “for reasons of principle”
    Well, nevermind! The President is simply obliged if he is the President, no, not so - if he is the PRESIDENT! put everyone in the right position. What are the fundamental considerations? Here's the GDP PRESIDENT and he has the same thoughts. If you are against it, don't be offended. And it is right!
  89. 677
    23 February 2015 21: 21
    There is no need to write articles about him because everything has been clear with him for a long time. How to treat a person who caused more damage to the country than the Great Patriotic War? And also pay attention to who received the Nobil Peace Prize: Gorbachev, Obama, and now they are discussing that it should be awarded to Merkel. An excellent company has been chosen. They should be awarded with a gallows on Red Square. Sorry for the emotions.
  90. 0
    23 February 2015 22: 55
    What was won with great difficulty, sweat and blood by the military imperialism of previous generations of Russians was squandered in a matter of years
    I wonder what the author understands by “military imperialism” of the Russians, and is he actually familiar with the definition of “imperialism”?
  91. +1
    23 February 2015 23: 34
    The author writes:
    “In the XNUMXth century, Russia was in a tragic hurry at least twice: first to build socialism in an agricultural country, then to build advanced capitalism in the Soviet Empire.”
    The same song again! They carried out collectivization and industrialization, defeated the fascists, built socialism, managed to make an atomic bomb, created a socialist camp, flew into space, destroyed the colonial system!!! And now the great achievements of the USSR are compared with this petty little phrase with our criminal-oligarchic-capitalist affairs. In the early 20s, revolutionary movements in Europe foundered. The expectation of bread from Russia and cars from Europe did not materialize. It was about the survival of Russia. Trotsky - throw Russia into the furnace of the world revolution. Stalin - to build socialism in a single country. Whites - to defeat this with the help of Europe and divide it into parts under the control of civilized European states.
    Both Lenin and Stalin did their best. There were mistakes, but it was impossible without them. Khrushchev completely screwed up.
    For more details, go to eot.su There is a lot of material, it’s not easy, but you need to learn it. Otherwise, Russia will be dismantled using the same method that was used to dismantle the USSR.
  92. +1
    23 February 2015 23: 36
    I am sure that his main mistake was that he “got into” politics, if you don’t take into account the one who was born!
  93. vex
    24 February 2015 01: 07
    Did the author make a mistake or decide to mislead readers? I'm talking about this phrase -
    "We remember glasnost, ... blood in Tbilisi, Dushanbe, Yerevan "
    Where did he see blood in Yerevan? Who killed anyone there in the last two centuries after joining Russia (the collapse of the Russian Empire does not count)? Confused with Sumgait, Kirovabad and Baku, where in 1988 and 1990. killed, burned, raped civilians? I would like to hear the author's opinion.
    1. +1
      24 February 2015 01: 10
      Quote: vex
      Where did he see blood in Yerevan?

      The events at Zvartnots airport mean nothing to you?
      1. vex
        24 February 2015 01: 55
        I read about this because I had not heard about the incident before. There, one (1) Armenian was killed by an employee of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, who was filming with a movie camera the dispersal of the strike by troops and the Internal Troops. (No one was punished for this murder) Of course, it’s a pity for the guy and his relatives, but to call this a bloodshed in a city where there were no ethnic or other strife is at least an exaggeration, don’t you think?
  94. 0
    24 February 2015 01: 33
    E.A. FEDOROV answers all your questions. Just type “eafedorov” into the search engine. You yourself will understand whether RUSSIA will survive, and what each of us needs to do for this. The fate of Novorussia, and RUSSIA is in your hands..... Not be indifferent........
  95. Papabear
    24 February 2015 02: 20
    I am always amazed by such articles and the reactions to them. One of the post-USSR myths says: “Gorbachev is to blame for the collapse of the USSR.” It’s like the crisis of ’98 - “Kiriyenko is to blame for everything.” They gave the people a hot water bottle, and they tore it up like crazy, without really thinking about it. And they forgot about the fact that the country lived according to the principles “There is no god except the CPSU, and the Secretary General is its prophet.” As well as the fact that one vote did not decide anything, and that they did not produce competitive products (except for the military) - and so they will eat or wear them, inventions were not introduced, there were few beautiful, wearable and reliable things, and one of the main words for the Soviet people was " get it." Oh, yes, this did not apply to all sorts of closed incubators, all sorts of military camps, party, Komsomol distributors and simple birch trees. And where did the country’s money go, where did the KGB look, why did no one answer - there seem to be no answers to these questions. As if. But in fact there is. All of the above structures were actively preparing for collapse and made a fuss about everything. And the people were given a "hot water bottle" - Gorbachev, here you go, bastards, tear it up, and don't think about us, and in the meantime we will be the owners of factories, newspapers, ships, we will grab the only worthy thing - the oil industry, and then the curve of life will lead
  96. Papabear
    24 February 2015 02: 39
    I forgot to add - nothing really new has appeared in almost two and a half decades, and if it did appear, it was not worth these years. Or it was unreasonably expensive. Well, of course, you need to take more, kickbacks, sell someone else’s, do nothing and maybe it will blow away. And raise a worthy replacement for yourself, but there is no shortage of hypocrites lining up at the feeding trough, of course, “Russia will rule the world,” you can’t do without clear boys, you can shout for the right words...
  97. 0
    24 February 2015 04: 16
    One of my friends said: “To choose what you need, you must first try everything” (with my additions). Oh dao-dao, how far you are from me. And yet, you need to know what situation to apply. I have little experience in politics, so I cannot say whether Gorbachev was right or wrong. Moreover, there is a whole system that needs to be studied, with an accuracy of one infinite (some kind of mathematics). Happy belated holiday to everyone and may everyone be in “shape” (in combat readiness).)))
  98. 0
    24 February 2015 08: 06
    Seven stages of the plan to collapse the union, you probably wanted to say ??????
    What are the mistakes here? Not a single mistake - the plan worked 100%
  99. 0
    24 February 2015 12: 45
    Quote: OldWiser
    State security was brought under party control under Khrushchev

    State Security (VChK) was placed under party control on December 20, 1917.