Once again about M.N. Efimov

Once again about M.N. Efimov

Early August morning, together with a familiar engineer, Mikhail Nikiforovich Efimov left the house and headed for the city. At the boulevard, they were suddenly stopped by a White Guard patrol and demanded documents. The naval officer, scrolling through the passports, threw to the engineer: “You are free. And you, Mr. Efimov, come with me. ”

He was led down the stairs to the port. There, at dawn, the Denikin destroyer under the command of the captain of the 2 rank of Kislovskiy, which burst into Odessa, moored. “What to do with it?” The officer who accompanied Efimov asked Kislovsky. “Shoot!” Was the captain’s response.

Efimov was put on a boat and taken to the center of the bay. “I give a chance for salvation,” suggested the officer commanding the boat. “If you swim to shore, I won’t shoot.” “I will try,” agreed Efimov and, having estimated a decent distance to the coast, he added. - Although there is little chance. But I believe your promise. ” They untied his hands, and he threw himself into the sea. Some moments were under water, but barely emerged, a shot rang out. Then he was not yet 38-mi years.

So, according to an eyewitness, he told about the last minutes of the life of the first aviator of Russia, VG Sokolov, who after the death of the pilot handed over his documents.

Efimov was loved by millions of viewers, he was admired in Russia, France, Italy, Hungary, he was idolized by those who watched bold flights in the blue sky. He was called the king aviation, the flying god. "Name M.N. Efimova inscribed in history aeronautics in large letters, - enthusiastically wrote the journal "Ballooning". - Not only in time he is the first Russian aviator, he is the first in the sense that he is the most popular in Russia, and in that he is best known abroad, and in that he is the most experienced of all the already numerous Russian flyers. He has the art of flying to the extent that it is available to natural talent. And this aviator talent he certainly has. Therefore, he moved immediately, and therefore flies with the same success. With his amazing beauty, courage and duration of flights abroad and now in Russia, he acquired the name of the first in Russia and the third in the world aviator ”.

Efimov was born in Smolensk region 1 November 1881 of the year. The family lived very modestly. In search of a better life, they moved to Odessa, where the adopted son of Efimov Sr. Polievkt lived. His father, a retired non-commissioned officer, went to the locksmith at the port workshops, Michael began to study at the railway technical school.

At this time, Odessa youth passionately fond of motorcycles. This passion of the young Efimov did not pass. Together with other countrymen, he participates in competitions, wins prizes, awards. In 1908 and 1909, Mikhail becomes the champion of Russia in motorcycling.

And yet it pulls to the emerging aviation. At first it rises on a glider designed by engineer A. Tsatskin from Odessa. All the free time from work, and Michael at this time worked as an electrician at the telegraph office of the Odessa branch of the South-Western Railway, he spends it in the hangar where the glider stands, then on the field, preparing the device for flight. But he does not dare to master the airplane, to learn the flying art. Then turned up an opportunity.

Odessa banker Baron I.F. Ksidias decided to buy an airplane to organize commercial flights in Russian cities. But this required a pilot. He offered already known aviator Sergey Utochkin. However, the conditions were so enslaving that Sergei Isaevich refused. Then Ksidias turned to Efimov. He knew nothing about the refusal of the contract of his fellow countryman and agreed.

The contract was hard. Ksidias paid for Efimov’s studies at the Henri Farman Flight School in France at 30000 Franks, and Mikhail was obliged to show flights for pay in various Russian cities for three years. Yefimov signed the contract and left for France.

It was not easy for the Russian guy Farman. "At school, they only taught flying, but I had to go to the rest myself. How can I do it when I don’t know a word in French? I figured it out with the plane - I had already assembled the glider, but the engine, the heart of the airplane "It was not easy for me. The motor" Gnome "is rotative, complex. At school, no one shows anything, I don’t know how to ask anything - just to cry,” wrote Mikhail.

Nevertheless, the success of the Russian guy is amazing. Henri Farman and his brother Maurice do not like the intelligent and persistent student. Michael flies with Henri, deserves his praise. “Good,” Farman increasingly assesses the success of his beloved student, “good!”

Russian pilots N. Popov and M. Efimov on training in France

At the end of December 1909, Efimov performed his first independent flight. He said the following about this event: “The newly-released airplane was first inspected and tested by Farman himself, who made a three-mile journey on it. I did not believe that I would make an independent flight that day. But my teacher believed, and suddenly, after the test, he told me: “Sit down!” I sat on the airplane, waiting for Farman to sit with me as before. But, to my amazement, he bounced off the device to the side, let others know to stand aside and shouted to me: “Let me go!” I became agitated, but at the same time I restrained myself, concentrated, grabbed the steering wheel and raised my left hand, giving it a signal release the airplane. Having run 30 meters, I soared steeply up to a height of ten meters. In the first minutes I was confused by the fast movements of an airplane flying at a speed of 70 versts per hour. On the first lap I did not have time to get used to the apparatus and tried mainly to maintain balance. But after a few minutes I was already quite oriented and then continued to fly with confidence. And so I spent forty-five minutes in the air. The motor worked fine, but it was very cold. "

In the second half of January, 1910 was graduated at the Farman Flight School. Under the terms of the examinations, Mikhail rises three times to 30 meters with the wind 10 m / s. He spent a total of that day in the air 1 an hour 30 minutes. Efimov became the first Russian citizen to receive a diploma of a pilot and 35 in the world.

Then there were new flights. The magazine “Sport and Science” wrote about this: “M.N. Efimov, the first pilot-pilot of the Odessa Aeroclub, made a whole series of brilliant flights on the Shalonsky field in France. The most outstanding is one of his last flights. When he climbed more than two hundred meters and flew at that height over an hour over trees and forests. ”

Michael’s success is so striking to Farman that he orders him to train four French officers, he trusts the test of his airplane. At this time, among the designers and firms, there was a fierce struggle for primacy on the ground, in the air - for records and victories. And Efimov joined in this struggle. First with the help of Farman. Henri decided to break the record set by Orville Wright for the duration of the flight with the passenger. He entrusts this responsible task to Efimov. On a cold, dank afternoon on January 31, 1910, M.N. Efimov with the publisher of the magazine "Sport and Science" Embrose on board took off.

“We fly at speeds of 60 kilometers per hour,” Ambros wrote. - I get tired of looking ahead, I start to glance around: here is a fatal wood in the middle of the field, which killed young aviators. We go around it in a wide circle. Suddenly, because of him, Antoinette takes off. This does not like Efimov. Steering is driving, and we go higher. Efimov must circle above the field. We fly to the adjacent field, where the shooting is carried out. I strained my eyes, the commissars warningly hung a lantern on a pole, and in front of him, oh joy, a red flag was developing, - Wright's record does not exist! According to the condition, I give Efimov three strokes flat on the neck with all my strength. Efimov nods his head, I understand, now he is a world record holder. ”

The pilot and his passenger were in the air 1 for an hour and for 50 minutes, covering 115 kilometers during this time. The Odessa public, members of the local flying club, who closely followed Efimov’s success in France, were looking forward to seeing the flights of their countryman in his native Odessa. Newspapers were interested: will Efimov's flights take place and how soon? What does the leadership of the Odessa Aero Club think about this? Michael send letters to France with an offer to return.

In February, 1910, in the name of the new president of the Odessa Aero Club A.A. Anatry, Mikhail Nikiforovich sent a telegram. “The need has tormented me since childhood,” he wrote with pain. - Came to France. It was hard and painful for me: I did not have a single franc. I suffered, I thought: if I fly, they will appreciate it. I ask Ksidias to give the sick father 50 rubles, gives 25. I broke off, I ask for an advance 200 rubles, gives 200 francs (and this is 2,5 times less than 200 rubles). My father died without money, and without money I set a world record with a passenger. Who will appreciate our art! Here, my dear students paid for me, thanks to them. It hurts and shame on me, the first Russian aviator. Received an offer to go to Argentina. Earn - all pay Ksidias. If the contract is not destroyed, I will not see Russia soon. Please excuse me. ”

Anatra replied: “Everything will be settled. Leave immediately. ” Efimov sent the airplane on a steamer and himself went by train to Odessa.

8 March 1910 was a real celebration in Odessa. The first Russian aviator demonstrated his skills in front of thousands of people. He took off, made turns, ups and downs, sat down, took off again. The audience rejoiced. As a reward, a brave countryman was presented with a laurel wreath with the inscription: “To the first Russian aviator”.

When the holiday ended, it was necessary to decide the fate of the contract. For his early termination, Ksidias demanded a fine in 15000 rubles! Members of the aeroclub board asked Ksidias to give up the penalty. He rested. His last words: "I agree on 10 thousand rubles."

And here, to the amazement of those present, this shameful bargaining unexpectedly interrupted Efimov. He took out 26 thousand francs and threw Xidias. Overwhelmed by this turn of affairs, everyone froze. “Where did you get that kind of money?” One of his friends asked. “I took Farman,” Mikhail sighed bitterly. “So, he appreciates if he borrowed such a sum.”

But the debt must be returned, and Efimov again goes to France. Before leaving, he sent a grand telegram to Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, who oversees aeronautics in Russia. “Put forward by fate into the ranks of first-class aviators,” he wrote, “I look forward to the moment when, freed from all sorts of contracts and moral obligations towards the company and some individuals who have given me the opportunity to occupy the current position among aviators, I will offer my services my dear motherland. It hurts me to hear that Farman is called to Petersburg for handing over his vehicles and teaching officers aerobatics. Meanwhile, as I, the son of Russia, did the same in France for free. ”

The answer had to wait more than two months. In May, 1910, Efimov received a letter from General Alexander Matveyevich Kovanko, who headed the Aeronautical Committee of Russia. “The war minister,” wrote the general, “suggested that I ask you, under what conditions you could join the military department, mainly for the purpose of training officers of the Russian army.”

Therefore, there, in the capital, still became interested in his proposal. Yefimov was summoned to Petersburg, to the grand duke. The conversation was not so long, but the result pleased him: he will get the position of chief pilot of the aviation school opening in Sevastopol. He was instructed to train officers for the Russian army.

But it will be later, but for now Efimov is forced to "work out" the contract with Henri Farman abroad. He flies to France, Italy, Hungary. In Nice, Efimov wins all four prizes - for the total amount of distances, for speed, for the smallest run-up during takeoff with a passenger and without a passenger. He is ahead of all in the competition for the distance and the duration of the flight at the aviation week in Budapest.

In Italy, in Verona, he is again in prize-winners. And it is no coincidence that newspapers exclaim: “This man is poured out of steel. Neither a strong wind, nor rain stop it. Russia should be proud of its aviator Efimov. ”

In September 1910, the All-Russian Aeronautics Festival took place in St. Petersburg. Naturally, along with other aviators, Efimov also participates in them. He is “in a leather jacket and a gray cap, the kind of very simple. And it was not for nothing that the ambulance officer yesterday did not want to let him go to the hangar, demanded a document and even wrote down his name and title on paper. He is surprisingly mobile. He makes a turn - and suddenly his posture and posture, his shoulders and even his face play, reminds Shalyapin ... ”- testified the Petersburg newspaper.

The weather on the first day of the holiday was gloomy and rainy. Aviators seem to be hesitant to start flying. And the first one rises into the slightly cleared sky of Efimov on “Farman”. His flight - on the accuracy of landing. The result is exactly in a circle. Soon he is again in the sky. Turns, descents, ascents. Then the flight on the racing "Blerio" ...

On this holiday, Efimov won the first two prizes for flying with the 10 wind in meters per second, all the military department prizes for lifting the largest cargo, the first naval department prize for landing accuracy on the ship’s conventional deck.

A group of flying club members. 2 on the right - M.N. YefimovAfter this holiday, Niva magazine would write: “The famous Efimov showed really miracles of flying on the cumbersome Farman ... He crafted extraordinary intricate kunshchuki: now he fell down, straightening and delaying the descent only at the ground, then he described the eights and loops. He dived, almost immediately took off from the surface of the earth and landed on the earth with an unprecedented accuracy so far. The huge airplane made in his hands the impression of an obedient, light and graceful animal. "

Moreover, Efimov flew at night, as evidenced by the magazine "Aeronautics": "There were very interesting flights of Efimov and Matsievich in complete darkness, and the first even in heavy fog, and Efimov flew with two passengers."

The first Russian pilot, like no one else, understands and realizes the role of young aviation in the modern war. “Here and intelligence - you can see everything from above - roads, forests, rivers, lakes, buildings, groups of people, troops, and targeting artillery at the enemy, and bombing, which you need to learn. Perhaps you can not be afraid of firing, keeping it at a height inaccessible to bullets and shells. You can easily dodge bullets by maneuvering the device. ” And the conclusion: "Who will have better airplanes and more experienced pilots, and that victory will get easier."

He was very happy when his students and himself were invited to participate in the military maneuvers of the St. Petersburg Military District. It was everything: reconnaissance, destruction of enemy balloons, bombing and even air combat. Efimov liked the maneuvers. “All tasks were performed simply, accurately and easily,” he confessed to a metropolitan correspondent. - You can see everything from above, you notice, you come back and inform. Once, examining the enemy forces, I found myself above their heads. I see gunshots aimed at an airplane. I had to take the handle and go into the clouds ... At another time I did not calculate the amount of gasoline, I had to sit between my own and the "enemy" camps. The cavalry jumped up to me and announced that I was in captivity. In general, the maneuvers were extremely successful, they flew at any time, day and night, in calm and with wind, there were no accidents ”.

The moment of separation of the biplane from the ground for control - pilot M.N. Efimov with a passenger

Together with the students of the Sevastopol Aviation School, Efimov flies on the maneuvers of the Kiev Military District and the Black Sea Squadron. For the first time in Russian history fleet the actions of the ships covered the airplanes - guarded the squadron from the air, kept in touch.

And very remarkable results of the maneuvers, which were discussed at a high meeting. “One has to come to the conclusion that with their skill and cordial attitude the pilots have fully proved that aviation has already left the field of simple amusement and is currently a means of combat, which can render invaluable services in capable hands.”

Efimov wants to create your own airplane. Acquainted with various designs of airplanes, engines, reads the special literature. Detailed understanding of the device and the operation of engines. While studying in France for a month in secret from Farman, pretending to be ill, he works as a student in a motor factory where the Gnome engine is manufactured.

He told friends and acquaintances more than once about his dream. Arriving at the Moscow Technical School, he confessed to students: “I will come to Sevastopol, and now I will build the apparatus of my design. Multi-seat, for two or three passengers. I think to make it lighter and stronger than others. There are opportunities for this. Some of the parts can be removed, others - lightened in weight without compromising the strength of the entire apparatus. Of course, a good motor is also necessary. Now, after all, not an airplane flies, but a motor. ”

However, later, having been on the front, Efimov decided to design a two-seat fighter with two 100 hp motors. each. The aircraft must reach speeds of up to 180 km / h and have an armored cabin. Chassis designer brought forward.

Initially, the development of a combat vehicle seemed to be going well. Efimov made a trip to Kiev. There, in the workshops of the Polytechnic Institute, he develops individual components and parts and successfully tests them. And then - a nuisance ... He for matters related to the construction of the aircraft, you need to go to Sevastopol. They do not let him go, they do not prolong the business trip. Leaving without permission is a scandal. “In the wartime! - the authorities are indignant. “Under his tribunal!”

The case takes an extremely serious turn. The blessing was intervened by the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich. The court was replaced by seven days of arrest. And - to the front.

Even before being sent to the front, Efimov telegraphs the Grand Duke: an English company became interested in his plane. I agree to build at home. What to do? The Grand Duke reasoned: why should anyone transfer documentation, ordered the drawings to be sent. Delighted that the dream can come true, Efimov sends the drawings to the destination. And Efimov never saw them again. As the water sunk. Subsequently, the researchers, finding in the military history archive (RGVIA) only an explanatory note without drawings, concluded that the project was transferred or sold to allied England.

Russian fighter design Efimova did not appear. As did not appear the original aircraft and dozens of other talented domestic designers-nuggets. And here it is appropriate to recall one very remarkable in a certain sense speech of the Grand Duke, curator of Russian aviation at the opening of the Air Fleet Department. This speech sheds light on the then attitude of the tsarist authorities to the domestic aircraft makers.

“Most of all, the committee should not be carried away by the idea of ​​creating an air fleet in Russia according to the plans of our inventors and certainly from Russian materials,” warns the grand duke. I wonder why not build their own, domestic airplanes and from their own materials? But no. A relative of the king offers to buy only ready-made airplanes from Farman, Bleriot, Voisin. "The committee only needs to take advantage of these results," the prince concludes. No more, no less.

With the beginning of the First World War, Efimov volunteered for the front. Fights as part of the 32-th aviation squad on the Western Front. Conducts reconnaissance, produces bombing on enemy positions. He is desperate, courageous, courageous, receives the George Cross. But he didn’t get along with the arrogant aristocratic authorities, he finally quarreled. And he writes a report with a request to transfer him to another detachment, to his pupil, Captain Berchenko.

Most fully demonstrated his abilities of the first Russian aviator at the front Efimov a little later. The Germans were increasingly using airplanes in combat. Their number at the front was constantly growing. They had to fight with them, so fighter pilots were required.

Called to the front and Michael. Moreover, the order emphasized: “in view of the outstanding abilities of citizen Efimov to control high-speed aircraft, to send him to the 4 fighter squadron”. Here he daily participates in air battles, knocks down enemy airplanes. He was always lucky in flying. Tens and hundreds of ups, landings, steep turns, long flights, descents, air battles - and all is well.

Only once did he have a difficult trial. This was during the aviation week in Budapest. Once he took off, made a circle over the airfield, the second. Rose higher. Felt something wrong with the motor. I tried to plan - the airplane did not obey, began to fall quickly ... Michael came to him in the hospital. Fortunately, he recovered relatively quickly from head and kidney injuries. Even managed to the final competition here in Budapest.

All his short life Efimov, a man purely of the people, pursued his "low" peasant origin. He could not get an officer's rank, although, of course, he deserved, as maybe no other aviators. He is represented to the military rank. The head of the Sevastopol Aviation School wrote up: “Mr. Efimov, represents the largest value for Russian aeronautics and, according to his knowledge of aeronautics on vehicles heavier than air, is quite useful in the school of military aviation. He is interested in military affairs and, in my opinion, will be very useful in wartime. I would rely on M.N. Efimov the rank of lieutenant of the aviation forces. But this time he did not become an officer.

However, it is highlighted. Assessing the special works and services rendered to the imperial All-Russian Aeroclub, the sovereign emperor most of all deigned 10 on April 1911.

As for the next military rank, non-commissioned officer Mikhail Yefimov was awarded only 30 of October 1915 of the year - “for military distinctions he was promoted to ensigns of engineering troops”. The war was still going on, and Yefimov was seconded to the hydroaviation detachment in Sevastopol. There he found his revolution, to which he reacted sympathetically. “Efimov even earlier joined the Bolsheviks. He turned out to be an excellent agitator, led a great propaganda work among pilots and sailors. Everyone loved and respected him. We then flew in operations against various white gangs. Efimov also took part in these hostilities, ”the former naval pilot E.I. Pogossky.

When the Germans occupied Sevastopol, Yefimov was arrested, accusing "of the murder of officers by Bolshevik sailors," and put in prison. The Red Army liberated, but the invaders threatened the city again. I had to go to my native Odessa, where his tragic death overtook him.

Anisimov V. Russian fly // Aviation and cosmonautics. 2010. No.06. C. 4.
Demin A. Aviakonstruktor or ... deserter? // Wings of the Motherland. 2002. No.02. C. 6-8.
Koroleva E.V. The first among the first / Gribanov S.V., Koroleva E.V. // Pilots of His Majesty. Sat articles. M .: ZAO Tsentrpoligraf, 2007. C. 4-7, 48, 72-102.
Krikunenko A. Shooting in the Odessa Bay // Wings of the Motherland. 1999. No.12. C. 28-30.
Nakhapetov V.N., Tishchenko V.Yu. Flying through the century. Essays on the history of the plant "Odessaviaremservis." Kharkov: Maidan, 2005. C. 14-18.
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  1. +3
    17 February 2015 08: 31
    In the early 70s, a wonderful and fairly complete book about M. Efimov, 200 pages, was published. It was called, it seems, "On a par with the eagles" and similar.
    It is important that at that time those who still knew all the first Russian pilots alive and created our Soviet aviation were still alive.
    It was there that he was our first pilot with a European diploma.
    Officially, it was believed that the first pilot in the world was the captain of the 1st rank Mozhaisky, who took off on the plane designed by him and built with a steam (!) Engine. But 25 years earlier than the American Wright brothers, who are considered the first pilots in the world ._
    Even the Red Banner Air Force Engineering Academy in Leningrad (LKVVIA) was named after Mozhaisky (now this name remains, the academy became rocket and space under Khrushchev), although any aviator knows that Mozhaisky's plane was "disabled".
    It must be thought, purely chronologically, that Efimov was the first Russian pilot in general.
    Let a little later, but our pilots = the best in the world!
    The article is good, such people should not be forgotten.
    1. +3
      17 February 2015 11: 30
      Regarding the primacy, in principle, to argue is useless, and most importantly. there's no point.
      But flying in the most difficult conditions is a real merit.
      M.N. Efimov is one of the most talented pilots in the world.
      And in Russia he became the first and best marine pilot.
  2. +2
    17 February 2015 08: 50
    Quote: RoTTor
    Let a little later, but our pilots = the best in the world!

    If at that time France was an aviation leader in all respects, and Efimov surprised and admired them, then definitely.

    As for Mozhaisky, in my opinion, everything is not so clear. Yes, at one time (besides Gorbi it was, therefore, there is already reason for doubt), the model was purged in a wind tunnel and concluded that the plane could not fly (not fly, but fly). However, how much the model corresponded to the Mozhaisky project is a question. They blew a model with a wing without covering the upper surface, because judging by some drawings it didn’t seem to be there, but from other drawings it seemed to be. Only one model was blown, but two were needed. To be honest.
  3. +3
    17 February 2015 10: 06
    The original car could be obtained by Efimov and most likely would have flown, and how! But the very characteristic speech of the Grand Duke speaks for itself. One of the reasons that ruined monarchical Russia is the venality and money-grubbing of a crowned house. An informative article that preserves the memory of one of the outstanding sons of the Fatherland!
  4. +1
    17 February 2015 11: 57
    The article is wonderful, it is an example of how our liberals and democrats destroy Russian aviation and buy planes abroad, as the grand duke did in his time. And I also spit in the face of the television minders Pravdyuk and his company for praising the White Guards who shot the GREAT RUSSIAN AVIATOR.
  5. ZIS
    17 February 2015 19: 16
    But right now, all white such noble shaw can lie.