Price of conscience

27 January 2015, the world celebrated the 70 anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army. He is Auschwitz-Birkenau. Symbol of the crimes of the Third Reich and the inhumanity of Nazism as a system. There was no Vladimir Putin at the ceremony - the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry did not find anything better than to say that President Poroshenko was invited there because the Ukrainians, not the Russians, liberated Auschwitz.

Grzegorz Shetina, however, forgot to clarify that the Ukrainians were in the protection of this concentration camp, and Poroshenko represented precisely those compatriots who fought for Hitler, and not those who defeated him. Otherwise, Kiev would hardly have started a fratricidal war in the southeast, and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, communicating with Chancellor Merkel, would not tell how the Soviet Union “invaded” Ukraine and Germany during the Second World War ...

On this day, Vladimir Putin visited an exposition dedicated to the destruction of Jews by the Nazis, the Holocaust, in the Jewish Museum in Moscow. In Auschwitz, he was already in the spring of 2005, when the heads of the leading states of the world gathered there to pay tribute to the dead prisoners of the death camp. Then relations between Russia, the European Union and the United States were still built on the principles of partnership.

No one could even imagine that the revision of the results of the Second World War and their falsification would go so far. However, today there are no illusions left. In Ukraine, Kiev’s troops, supported by NATO countries, are destroying the civilian population with the full support of the Western media. Sanctions for everything that happens there are being imposed on Russia.

It's time to recall the past - not the one that is described today in Berlin, Kiev and Brussels, but the present. Such as it was in fact in a “civilized” Europe, which to a great extent stands on this past, and not on the myths of tolerance and multiculturalism. European politicians do not like to remember him. Moreover, it deserves that future generations remember what Europe was like and appreciated what sprouted today from those still uprooted roots.

Fighter work

For a start - about the concentration camps. Their system went through several stages. The first was the prewar - 1933 – 1939 years. On the eve of the Second World War the number of prisoners of concentration camps was only 25 thousand. From 1939, they were subordinated to the RSHA. From the beginning of the war to March 1942, the number of concentration camp prisoners rose to 100 thousands. In 1944-m reached a million people. Of these, only five to ten percent were German subjects.

At the end of 1939, concentration camp management in Germany was tasked to create about one hundred concentration camps of all types, including for “internment” and “exchange”. Auschwitz and Goosen (1940 in May), Gross-Rosen (in August) appeared.

Price of conscienceIn 1940, working camps for Jews and non-Jews were created, and transit ones in accordance with the Himmlerian “resettlement” plan. At the beginning of 1942 in Poland - extermination camps. And even in 1944, special camps for Hungarian Jews were created in areas of Austria located near the border with Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

Since 1941, crematoriums have been used in several concentration camps. In the post-war period, concentration camps gained particular fame thanks to sadistic "medical" experiments on prisoners carried out on a massive scale by SS doctors.

In 1938, the SS command introduced regular operation of prisoners in construction companies. In accordance with this, the locations of the Flossenbürg and Mauthausen penal camps, created in the middle of the same 1938, were identified. Profit from prison labor, which amounted to hundreds of millions of Reichsmarks, was one of the main sources of income for the SS. The content of the prisoner, including food and clothing, did not exceed 0,70 Reichsmarks per day. The profit brought during the working day with the duration of 11 – 12 hours was six Reichsmarks. Given the average life span of a prisoner in concentration camps (about 9 months) and the robbery of his corpse, the SS earned on every prisoner an average 1631 Reichmark. This amount does not include the income from the industrial use of corpses and the value of property confiscated before being sent to a concentration camp.

Suppliers of military equipment - "I. G. Farbenindustry, Krupp, Thyssen, Flick, Siemens and other corporations have used concentration camps as a source of cheap labor that could be subjected to unlimited exploitation. Prisoners at these firms accounted for 40 percent of employment.

The camps were guarded mainly by SS “Dead Head” units. In 1944, for one million prisoners, there were 45 thousands of security guards, of whom 35 thousands were actually SS men, and the rest were employees of support units from the population of the occupied countries (Ukrainians, Lithuanians and others).

The only function of the camps, officially called "special", was total extermination - first of all Jews. The Nazis informally called them extermination camps. The main elements of these camps were gas chambers and crematoriums. Gas chambers were applied at Chelmno camp in 1941 year. In 1942 – 1943, Jews were killed by gas in the Belzhets, Majdanek, Treblinka and Sobibor camps. In Auschwitz, up to 20 thousands of victims were killed daily.

The deportation of Jews from the rest of Europe to extermination camps began in March – April 1942 and continued until the end of 1944. After the 1943 uprisings in Treblinka and Sobibor, both camps, along with the Belzec camp, were eliminated, the destruction center was relocated to Auschwitz and Stutthof.

The extermination of the Jews in the gas chambers continued until November 1944 and stopped by order of Himmler. At the beginning of 1945, more than 500 of thousands of prisoners on foot made “death marches” on foot, escaping from the advancing Soviet army. This “evacuation” cost 250 lives to thousands of prisoners.

The number of prisoners in the largest concentration camps was as follows: 132 thousands in the Dachau concentration camp (was created in 1933 year) 132), 1933 thousands in Mauthausen (1936), 240 thousands in Stutthof (1937, around 81 thousands of prisoners were killed), 1938 thousands in Bergen-Belsen (164), 1938 thousands in Natzweiler-Struthgof (120), 1939 70), 75 thousands in Gross-Rosen (Rogozhnitsa, 1940, approximately 45 thousands of prisoners were killed), 1940 thousands in Oswiecim-Brzezinka (Auschwitz Bi rkenau, 95, approximately 1940 thousands of prisoners were killed, not counting those killed in the death camp), 125 thousands in Majdanek (1940, approximately 50 thousands were killed, not counting the dead), 405 thousands in Dora (Nordhausen, 1940) ...

More terrible statistics camps of mass destruction. Approximate number of people killed in Chelmno (established in 1941 year) - 360 thousand Belzec (1942) - 600 thousand Brzezinka (Auschwitz-II, 1942) - 3,5 million, Treblinka (1942) - 750 thousand, Sobibor (1942) - 250 thousand , Majdanek (1942) - 200 thousand.

The ghettos created in Eastern Europe, occupied by Germany, represented a kind of concentration camps. Only in Transnistria, transferred to the jurisdiction of the Romanian authorities, the Jews, imprisoned in the ghetto, were not originally planned for mass destruction. The ghetto in Terezín, created at the end of 1941 for Jews from Bohemia and Moravia, and later from Germany and other Western countries, was designed to demonstrate the good treatment of Jews by the German authorities.

Incidentally, in spite of everything, the Jews were building up their intellectual life in the ghetto and even in the death camps. There were educational courses, clubs, performances, exhibitions, performances by actors, writers, children's ensembles. Not only in Terezin, where the Germans encouraged it - parade for high-ranking foreign guests, but also in the concentration camps it was possible to create theaters similar to the “Kacet” S. Feder in Bergen-Belsen. There were even orchestras there - in the largest of them, in Auschwitz there were up to 120 musicians. In Israel, they do not like to play Wagner, because he was often executed during executions ...

About executioners with a sense of duty

As for justice with regard to the executioners - the first trial of those who committed crimes against the civilian population was held on the liberated territory of the USSR, in Krasnodar 14 on July 1943. The second trial in the case of the destruction of civilians and prisoners of war took place in Ukraine, in Kharkov, in December 1943. From the materials of this court the world first learned about the use of gases to exterminate the civilian population. The courts were hot on the trail - there were more than enough witnesses for the crimes. And the war was still in full swing - not to politics.

By the end of the war, politics came into its own. However, at first it was necessary to neutralize Germany to the end - “the division of prey” and the cold war were still ahead. As a result of December 20, 1945 of the Allied governments introduced Law No. 10 of the Control Council on the territory of occupied Germany, which was of particular importance for the continuation of trials of Nazi criminals and the definition of crime against humanity.

It so happened that in order to consolidate control over Britain and the United States freed from the Nazi occupation of Western Europe, it was necessary to demonstrate the same thing that the USSR, in its own territory and in Eastern Europe, is justice. In 12, large-scale processes carried out in the American zone over the Nazis who were primarily responsible for the crimes committed, the 177 cases of Nazi criminals were considered. 12 of them were sentenced to death, 25 - to life imprisonment, the rest - to long prison terms.

However, as a result of the amnesty announced in January 1951 by the High Commissioner of the United States of America in Germany, the majority of those sentenced to imprisonment were released early. The Cold War began: we needed cadres - and who better than the Nazis could fight the “red ones”. The intelligence services, the army, and the government bodies of the Federal Republic of Germany were crammed with Nazis ...

Among the most important processes in the British occupation zone, mention should be made of the court of 17 of September - 17 of November of 1945 of the year over the SS of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. In total, in the occupation zones of Germany, which were controlled by the Western powers, the 1945 cases of Nazi criminals were examined in 1949 – 5025. 806 of them were sentenced to death. However, only in 486 cases the sentence was carried out. That is, even in the case of top-class executioners, whose guilt was fully proven, the likelihood of evasion remained extremely high.

The UN Commission for War Crimes has prepared 80 lists containing 36 529 names. The USA, Great Britain, France, Greece, Holland, Norway, Poland and Yugoslavia conducted 969 processes through which the Nazis 3470 and their most prominent accomplices passed. Death sentences were handed down to 952 defendants. 1905 were sentenced to different prison terms, and 613 was acquitted. Justice for the victims here and did not smell.

In addition, during the post-war period, war criminals' trials were conducted in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Norway and France. Tens of thousands of individuals were brought to trial, mostly local collaborators. There were death sentences, many received different terms of imprisonment, but a considerable number is justified. It was easier to pass such sentences because in many cases there were no witnesses: few people survived punitive actions against the local population, especially Jews and Gypsies.

Crimes against Jews were considered not as part of the Nazi anti-Semitic ideology and genocide policy, but as evidence of the accusation as a whole of actions against peace, laws on the conduct of war and humanity. The only process of war criminals that dealt with the question of the extermination of Jews as the main one was the trial of Eichmann held in Jerusalem in 1961 – 1962.

That is, the crimes of the Third Reich against the Jews, in terms of the courts held in Europe, were nothing special. What can be considered as a compliment to Nazi propaganda, the fruits of which survived the system that generated it. And to a large extent - implemented in the modern European Union in relation to Israel, and more recently to Russia.

However, during the war criminals' trials conducted in the USSR after 1961, the Nazi policy of exterminating the Jews was sometimes mentioned. In all previous trials, the Jews were spoken of only as citizens of the Soviet Union, which was reflected in the memorial inscriptions on the monuments to the victims of mass executions — where such were put at all.

The only lawsuit in the Soviet Union, at which a significant place was occupied by the question of the destruction of the Jews and the participation of Latvian collaborators in it, was held in Riga in October 1965 of the year. Baltic and in the Soviet period stories I tried to demonstrate my special position to the “elder brother” in Moscow - even at the cost of acknowledging the unpleasant historical truth. Whatever Russian can annoy ...

German courts in post-war Germany began to function at the end of 1945. According to a report by the Federal Ministry of Justice in Bonn, the German authorities charged 1945 to 1 on January 1969 of the Nazi criminal with 9401. Of this number, 12 were sentenced to death (all before the year 1949), 98 - to life imprisonment, 6002 - to various terms of imprisonment, justified or not subjected to punishment. In total for this period in Germany the Nazi criminal was brought to responsibility 79 401.

In 1956, the Central Bureau of the Land Justice Ministries was established in West Germany to investigate Nazi crimes. In Austria, several war criminal proceedings were conducted in the 60s, but the sentences handed down by its courts became a real mockery of justice. Fortunately, this country - the birthplace of Adolf Hitler and the cradle of Nazi anti-Semitism - was considered a victim of the Third Reich because of the Anschluss.

In the conclusions of the West German and especially the Austrian courts, there is a tendency to mitigate the punishment or to justify the criminals on the grounds that they acted on the basis of an “erroneous understanding of a sense of duty.” Genocide as a manifestation of duty (!) Is perhaps the most accurate description of what constituted the Holocaust from the German or Austrian point of view.

Nazi war criminals can be divided into two main groups: those who instigated crimes, worked out plans and gave orders, and the perpetrators invested with varying degrees of power and initiative. The first group consists of hundreds of people. The second is hundreds of thousands. Its composition should also include those who collaborated with the Germans in the occupied territories: Romanians, Ukrainians, Croats, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Moldovans, Russians, and many others. These people not only carried out orders, but on their own initiative killed hundreds of thousands of Jews.

Nazism reserves

Tens of thousands of collaborators did not suffer any punishment and lived a century in their homeland or found refuge in Latin America, Arab countries, Turkey, Iran, Australia, Canada, the United States and so on. Characteristically, it was not until the beginning of July 2008 that the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which was engaged in the search for Nazi criminals, stated that he was able to go on the trail of Aribert Haim, known under the nickname Dr. Death: there were reports that he was hiding in the south of Chile - in Patagonia. For information that can help find it, a 495 award of thousands of dollars was announced. In 2008, he topped the list of most wanted Nazi criminals. During World War II, Heim worked as a doctor at the Mauthausen concentration camp. He is guilty of the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of prisoners. In 1945, Khaima was arrested by the Americans, but later released. In 1962, he was supposed to appear before a German court, but managed to escape.

A typical fate ... Similarly, Ivan Demyanyuk - Ivan the Terrible, whom the modern Israeli court did not want to convict, instead of justice for the victims trying to comply with Western jurisprudence theories for criminals, escaped deserved punishment.

In the post-war decades, the likelihood of finding someone from the executioners in a state that allows them to be judged became scanty. The more likely it is that the witnesses who would have supported the charges after the war could be found and their words would convince the courts who were not inclined to pass accusatory verdicts even in those times when the blood of the victims had not yet dried at the hands of the murderers.

As they say in the popular domestic television game: "Attention, the question." How much is justice? Not in general, theoretical - here everyone understands that it is priceless, but in relation to specific people? The same Jews after the Holocaust? The answer is zero. In the sense of nothing, it is not worth it. And not worth it. Compared to the life of their executioners - respectable members of society, each of which will have children and grandchildren, neighbors and colleagues, not to mention the lawyers.

It was not by chance that in January, 2015, the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Israeli office, Ephraim Zuroff, accused the Baltic republics, Ukraine, and Hungary of silencing the Nazi crimes and revising history. The question of whether someone other than the residents of Israel and Russia noticed this statement can be considered rhetorical ...
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  1. +29
    14 February 2015 06: 44
    It never occurred to anyone that a review of the results of World War II and their falsification would go so far. However, today there are no illusions left. (from article)

    And that it was really difficult to foresee.
    The falsification of the history of the war began with the leadership of the USSR, in the person of Khrushchev's maize, mixed with mud and demolished all the monuments to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin, the pride of the war was renamed the heroic Stalingrad into the faceless Volgograd, acquitted, forgiven and released from the camps of traitors, Bandera.
    At the time of the already marked by Judas Gorbachev, troops were withdrawn in disgrace from Eastern Europe, the Europe from which the war began, although the same USA still hold occupation troops in the defeated countries: Germany and Japan, betrayed their allies in organizing the Warsaw Pact, surrendering to the enemies their allies, betraying them, and abandoning their Victory, denigrating the Red Army, making films like "Penal Battalion", "Stalingrad" (Bondarchuk), etc. falsification of war.
    Even their own school textbooks were copied to please the West, belittling the Victory of the USSR, reducing the description of the war to 2-3 pages of the textbook, where there are no heroes of the war, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, descriptions of the true causes of the difficult first years of the war.
    And why are we now surprised? The USSR, Russia began this falsification, and now we must correct all this.
    1. -3
      14 February 2015 08: 43
      Exactly. You have to start with yourself, and not blame others!
    2. Karbofast
      14 February 2015 09: 56
      We must dig deeper and find out for one, on whose money and by whose order all this bacchanalia continues to this day. And to whom it is beneficial, it can be seen as on a clear day.
    3. +6
      14 February 2015 11: 27
      Ha, even more: in the 90s one of my children brought a history textbook and I almost choked on tea when I read in the chapter about the beginning of World War II, which led to its beginning, attention: “the aggressive policies of Hitler and Stalin ... with the connivance of other world powers. "
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. wot
      14 February 2015 14: 16
      ha-history began to be harassed long before the USSR, until now there is at least no decent version of the history of Russia since ancient times, so the West does not have any experience with this issue, and there are always enough traitors
    6. +6
      14 February 2015 15: 44
      Quote: vladimirZ
      The falsification of the history of the war began with the leadership of the USSR, in the person of Khrushchev's maize, mixed with mud and demolished all the monuments to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin, the pride of the war was renamed the heroic Stalingrad into the faceless Volgograd, acquitted, forgiven and released from the camps of traitors, Bandera.

      The main thing is not to sprinkle ash on your head, but to clearly, confidently and constantly adhere to your position on this issue. As Churkin, Lavrov and others do today.
      Criticize Filmed Films based on the events of the Great Patriotic War - a thankless job. "... Don't shoot the pianist, he plays as best he can ..". And the topic of penal battles was discussed on the forum more than once.
      I can ask a counter question - "What film dedicated to the Great Patriotic War can and should be considered a standard?"

      It is no accident that in January 2015, the head of the Israeli representative office of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Efraim Zuroff, accused the leadership of the Baltic republics, Ukraine and Hungary of suppressing Nazi crimes and revising history.

      In these memorable days, when the civilized world remembered the victims tortured in Nazi concentration camps, the English TV channel "Yesterday" (the channel specializes in History) showed a documentary about the search work of Nazi criminals by Simon Wiesenthal. Those. there are many people in the world who think with their heads, not with their stomachs. Unfortunately, the last came to power in Ukraine, because of which half of Europe suffers, people are dying. By the way, I talked about this the day before with the old Norwegian pilot. And once again I was convinced that there are more adequate people in Europe. But the situation in the Baltic states makes it clear that there is a monstrous abyss from understanding ordinary people to normalizing relations.
      1. +6
        14 February 2015 16: 49
        Quote: stalkerwalker
        To criticize films based on the events of the Great Patriotic War is a thankless task. "... Don't shoot the pianist, he plays as best he can ..".

        It’s better to shoot some, at least out of sympathy for the viewer. am
    7. +5
      14 February 2015 19: 16
      My coach taught me: "The enemy is just as strong - how weak you yourself are!"
      Ideology is also concerned.
      Regarding the events of January 27, 2015, the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army.
      If not for the presence of Ivanov, then the company would have gathered one! Exchange of experience and only. You see, so in a year they will open it again. This year we already tested it - they locked up journalists and a descendant of prisoners from Italy (sort of like by mistake)))) ...
    8. +3
      14 February 2015 20: 49
      It was not the USSR that began the falsification, but individual odious party leaders in embroidered shirts, who seized power and were trying to retain this power at any cost, belittling the role of the Soviet people and their leader Stalin in Victory. And the fighters of the "Tashkent" front actively supported this policy, receiving a "thaw" as an incentive. The tragedy of the Soviet people was that they still believed the authorities, which betrayed them, without a twinge of conscience, using the generally correct principle "if only there was no war", distorting its meaning. In Russia, this filthy tradition was creatively developed during the EBN, actively denigrating the Soviet period and pursuing an active policy of de-Stalinization, but in fact, total and indiscriminate criticism of the achievements of Soviet power, belittling the role of the Soviet people in history and even the saint - the role of the USSR during the War. The current rulers, in principle, support this very policy, at least in terms of de-Stalinization. However, "Ivans, not remembering kinship" is a typical position for all Russian rulers - Rurik, Romanov and other tsars, rulers of bourgeois Russia and the Soviet Union, and today's Russia as well. I would like to believe that the ruling elite will finally understand a simple truth - those who do not respect their history will end up in its garbage dump, regardless of all the merits and achievements
    9. +1
      14 February 2015 22: 58
      Quote: vladimirZ
      And why are we now surprised? The USSR, Russia began this falsification, and now we must correct all this.

      Excuse me, are you sure about this? In 1976, a neighbor from Poland arrived, was on a trip, she brought books about Birkenau, Auschwitz 2 and other satellites of this camp. What is the fiction? Read the memories of our prisoners, what is your falsification?
    10. 0
      15 February 2015 14: 33
      I would like to add "Bastards" to whom Vladimir Menshov refused to present the prize.
      Here is what actually happened and not as our liberals shot in the film:
  2. +4
    14 February 2015 06: 53
    The Angles, Germans, Franks, and the word is not like that. Some synonyms - consciousness, remorse, good faith, remorse.
    Conscience, as such, is not.
  3. +12
    14 February 2015 07: 04
    vladimirZ (2)
    When we ourselves, indulge the talkers, when we ourselves, hanging our ears, listen to the myths and tales of so-called historians, such as Rezun, Sokolov, Solonin and K., we ourselves are participants in the falsification of History.

    When on May 9, on the Red Square, in Moscow, a Parade is held on which the Mausoleum is draped, and the names of the head of the country who broke the ridge of Nazi Germany are hushed up from the rostrum in speeches dedicated to the Victory, we ourselves participate in the hoax.

    When we hang our ears, with aspiration and feigned horror, we repeat the lies about the millions of victims of the Gulag, millions of those shot in the same place, and in the end we get the delights of the MEMORIAL, where the burials of the 12th century are shown as "victims of the NKVD", and we accept the place of massacre of the captured Poles shot by the Germans at face value, WE ourselves indulge in the FALSIFICATIONS of our country's history.

    And for now, we all will not perceive the History of our country as the GREAT History of OUR country, in all its manifestations, and we will be hostage to the talkers and tantrums from History, such as the recent pogorelits who burned as Herostratus, the country's largest scientific library. -hiding documents shedding light on recent affairs, disgusting affairs, black affairs, affairs leading the country to disaster 90, for whatever you call it, the Russian Empire, the USSR, it was all historical Russia, in its historically developed, geopolitical dimensions ..
    1. 0
      14 February 2015 11: 28
      Quote: vladkavkaz
      and the place of reprisal against captured Poles shot by the Germans is taken at face value,

      Poles were shot for the cause and not the Germans, but ours. Say thank you "gorby" for giving Poland all the archives, especially the protocols of interrogations of these warriors (who were all awarded with awards for the campaign of 20 years), which the Poles immediately classified for 50 years, because if they are published, not that Katyn will be destroyed, all tourists will be beaten.
      And according to the article, most concentration camps in Poland at the time of World War II already existed (it was necessary somewhere to contain 200 Red Army soldiers) ...
      but in general Europe needs to know ...
      1. +5
        14 February 2015 12: 27
        The Germans shot the Poles. Do not repeat stupid things, but rather ask a question.
        1. -1
          14 February 2015 14: 29
          Quote: asiat_61
          Do not repeat nonsense, but rather ask a question.

          Can you tell me the NKVD-KGB archives, where did you find out that they were definitely Germans?
          Quote: Sma11
          Are you so sure about this? Papa Mueller would be glad you

          I express my personal opinion, and the fascist bonzes and their hypothetical opinion of me on the drum.
          1. +2
            14 February 2015 17: 25
            Well then be interested
            1. +3
              14 February 2015 19: 55
              Quote: Sma11
              Well then be interested

              I, unlike you, do not need it, I know the reasons.
              and again, I’m interested in your data from the NKVD-KGB ???

              Here is the situation for you ...
              Your father-grandfather participated in the Polish campaign of Gon-don Tukhachevsky and disappeared in Polish camps (and the Poles have not yet announced the lists), and now you have the opportunity to take revenge (if you are not Christ, you will understand me), and when captured western regions of Poland, the Germans give you responsible officers (awarded a medal for the 20th year) and youngsters, those who studied with your father - grandfather in horse attacks, starved, did medical experiments?
              You Sma11 You think that it came from Germany with Mengele, so I will disappoint you, experiments on people began even by the Austro-Hungarians, and then the Poles.
              my great-grandfather told me a lot about life in captivity among the Poles ...
              1. -2
                14 February 2015 20: 10
                And one more thing, do not you think the 50 to 1 exchange is normal ... you still remember the capture of Warsaw when the Red Army stood tens of kilometers and did not intervene ... all this is revenge for Pilsudski.
                1. 0
                  15 February 2015 08: 34
                  So you Dear whole site look hi
      2. +1
        14 February 2015 13: 00
        Poles were shot for the cause and not the Germans, but ours.

        Are you so sure about this? Papa Mueller would be glad you good
      3. +1
        14 February 2015 16: 54
        Put a plus, but only for the video.
  4. +1
    14 February 2015 07: 09
    conscience is the inheritance of Russian people.
  5. +1
    14 February 2015 07: 21
    In the post-war decades, the likelihood of finding someone from the executioners in a state that allows them to be judged became scanty. The more likely it is that the witnesses who would have supported the charges after the war could be found and their words would convince the courts who were not inclined to pass accusatory verdicts even in those times when the blood of the victims had not yet dried at the hands of the murderers.
    You do not need to look for them, poke your finger and you will fall into the killer. Only a blind man does not see what is happening in the world. The article has filled Askomin, it is necessary to act, not to reason.
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. Camille_73
    14 February 2015 08: 27
    the theme of the Holocaust cannot be touched !!!
      14 February 2015 10: 53
      was there a holocaust?
    2. The comment was deleted.
  8. +1
    14 February 2015 08: 37
    Israel is now no worse than that military Germany - they also kill, they also capture, they also terrorize
  9. +2
    14 February 2015 08: 54
    Those who signed the Minsk conspiracy have no conscience! And now they argue that they say do not worry, it will not be executed. And what is the Treaty then and why does Mr. President piss it off !!! Do not respect yourself - respect Russia !!!
    1. LMaksim
      14 February 2015 09: 30
      This is the lot of politicians. They are trying to resolve the conflict by peaceful means. Good, bad, but trying. As a pain reliever when the tooth aches. But when they give up, the medicine does not help, a radical force comes - the military and the aching tooth are removed. In our case, the disease, with the assistance of the United States, is progressing and may result in a more global conflict. Do you see how the State Department covers ukrov? "Ukraine is fulfilling the Minsk agreements ..." to take this lady to Donetsk, for example, to hold her for a couple of days under shelling, until her hair is gray.
  10. +2
    14 February 2015 10: 29
    real genocide and no one in the geyropa does not tell the children. But they talk about the horrors of the Soviet regime ... I just read an article where the author mournes Dresden, the innocent victims of the Allied aviation. Here in Auschwitz, victims of that night were killed in numbers by day
  11. +2
    14 February 2015 11: 49
    Tens of thousands of collaborators did not suffer any punishment and lived a century in their homeland or found refuge in Latin America, Arab countries,

    And now, dozens of collaborators in Russia are calmly, not afraid of criminal liability (although they are shouting about the onset of 37 years), nor the wrath of ordinary citizens (it’s only in their favor - the West will pay more) muddy their country and, without a twinge of conscience, justify war crimes. And each of them has a corridor to retreat to the west.
    1. +3
      14 February 2015 12: 11
      Unfortunately, you are wrong. Collaborationists in Russia are not tens, but tens of thousands. It is enough to study social networks - how many young and not so young idiots come out from the Probander positions, demand to organize a kind of Maidan in Russia, curse the existing system and admire the actions of the right sector. It is high time to introduce appropriate legal measures in relation to such "citizens".
      1. +2
        14 February 2015 13: 46
        I am talking about ideological ones. And the main part is the so-called scum, which consists of dubious and hostile youth. The costs of education are almost 20-odd years old.
    2. rodevaan
      14 February 2015 13: 52
      Quote: rotmistr60

      And now, dozens of collaborators in Russia are calmly, not afraid of criminal liability (although they are shouting about the onset of 37 years), nor the wrath of ordinary citizens (it’s only in their favor - the West will pay more) muddy their country and, without a twinge of conscience, justify war crimes. And each of them has a corridor to retreat to the west.

      “Yes, and to hell with them all!” But there will be less garbage in the country! Russia needs decent citizens, and not a herd of sub-Western supporters. Let them scratch to the west where they belong.
  12. +2
    14 February 2015 13: 04
    President Petro Poroshenko was invited there because Auschwitz was liberated by Ukrainians, not Russians.

    Poroshenko is the representative of those Ukrainians who did not liberate Auschwitz but stood there on the watchtowers and served as punishers ... The disgusting exhibition of Polish "cartoonists" in Estonia, the heroization of fascism, the revision of the results of WW2 suggest that a symbiosis of the new Reich is being created near our borders in the form of a belt of openly fascist Russophobic states of the Baltic states, Poland and Ukraine.
    I would just like to remind the Poles themselves, the guys with the "ancient Ukrainians" are not on your way, they will never give you Lviv.

    1. +3
      14 February 2015 13: 18
      The first trial of persons who committed crimes against the civilian population was held on the liberated territory of the USSR, in Krasnodar, on July 14, 1943

      The story told by the woman was repeated in Odessa, where the ideological descendants of these nonhumans, like during the war, burned their compatriots.
  13. +5
    14 February 2015 13: 04
    If you forgot the history of the war and shot it with a pistol, you will soon receive a shell from the future with nuclear filling.
  14. village
    14 February 2015 13: 30
    what can be the conscience of these earplugs !!!)))
  15. +4
    14 February 2015 14: 07
    27.01.2015/XNUMX/XNUMX, Auschwitz.
    Jews: We were in this camp. This is our holiday.
    Poles: We gave out the Gestapo Jews. This is our holiday.
    Germans: We kept Jews here. This is our holiday.
    Ukrainians: Our Bandera were overseers. This is our holiday.
    Russians: And we?
    All in chorus: And you came without an invitation and ruined everything !!
  16. +3
    14 February 2015 15: 43
    Quote: PSih2097
    Can you tell me the NKVD-KGB archives, where did you find out that they were definitely Germans?

    “A special commission to establish and investigate the circumstances of the shooting of Polish prisoners of war by the Nazi invaders in the Katyn Forest” or abbreviated as “the Burdenko commission” (by the name of its leader). In the course of her work, the corpses remaining in the ground were subjected to exhumation, relevant examinations and investigative measures were carried out. The result of the work of the Burdenko commission was a report that incorporated convincing evidence of the Germans' involvement in the execution of Polish officers in Katyn in the autumn of 1941.
  17. +2
    14 February 2015 18: 42
    No wonder. Fascism gave rise to the Anglo-Saxons. Are they going to kill their brainchild to the end. I will reveal the secret - communism, also their brainchild, but which has gone out of their control. Therefore, they love obedient fascists and hate communists. And Schetyna ...... well, just another Anglo-Saxon howled. An ideological fighter for green papers.
  18. +2
    14 February 2015 18: 54
    the Germans launched Buchenwald in the second round for refugees. And the Poles remembered how they burned the Jews under German control and also decided to revive Auschwitz for dill
  19. +4
    14 February 2015 20: 45
    Conscience? Yes, they have no conscience, no and never will.
    It’s even funny, we all hope that she is, but not her. There are only selfish interests.
    And about the conscience ... (we have it, and sometimes it bothers us, because we are looking for the truth and hope that others, too, but not) do not have it, they put it in a prison of illusions and propaganda.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"