Under Peter, Westernization became irreversible.

Under Peter, Westernization became irreversible.

28 January (8 February) 1725 of the year, 290 years ago, died the last Tsar of All Russia and the first emperor of Russia, Peter I Alekseevich. With the reign of Peter begins a new, imperial, period of our stories. Peter Alekseevich restored the position of Russia in the Baltic States, showed the need for the return of the Northern Black Sea region and access to the Persian Gulf and India through the Caspian Sea (1722 — 1723 Persian campaign) and Central Asia, although he did not have time to complete this work. Tsar Peter carried out fundamental military reforms, finally creating a regular army and navy.

However, it is impossible to associate the name of Peter only with positive reforms. Peter “cut a window” to Europe and began a large-scale modernization of Russia in the European fashion, the westernization of the nobility (“elite”). This led to the division of the Russian people into two "people" - peasant Russia with the special world of the Old Believers and the Westernized "elite" who saw the best and "light of enlightenment" only in Europe. This split eventually became the main prerequisite for the 1917 disaster.

Petr Alekseevich Romanov was born on May 30 (June 9) 1672 in Moscow in the family of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (reigned in 1645-1676) and his second wife Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina. The death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich led to the accession of his eldest son Fedor Alekseevich (from Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna, nee Miloslavskaya) and to the seizure of power by the Miloslavsky family. Peter's mother and her relatives, the Naryshkins, were relegated to the background, which became the cause of elite conflict. The village of Preobrazhenskoye, near Moscow, became the residence of Queen Natalia. This conflict predetermined the worldview of the future king. Peter did not receive a basic education that befits the future king of education, and in search of a different way of life, he made friends with foreigners, whom he began to trust more than his subjects.

27 April (7 May) 1682 of the year died painful Tsar Fedor Alekseevich. According to custom, the next son of Tsar Alexei and Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna, Ivan, was to receive the throne. But he was painful, incapable of ruling the country. According to some information, even the weak-minded, that, perhaps, this statement was the libel of the Naryshkins, who fought for power. With the support of Patriarch Joachim Naryshkins and their supporters proclaimed Tsar Peter. The Miloslavskys organized a rebellion of the archers. Some supporters of Peter were killed or fled. As a result, the eldest Ivan was recognized as the first king, and the younger Peter — the second. And Tsarevna Sophia Alekseevna became regent due to the early childhood of her brothers. Tsarina Natalia and Peter fell into disgrace and left the court.

Thus, the young and fragile Peter, before becoming the sovereign ruler, went a long way of intrigue, deception, conspiracy and insurrection. This became the basis for his negative character traits - hot temper, distrust, suspicion towards others, and general distrust towards the old Russian world. The fear experienced in childhood led to the development of "epileptic" (epileptic seizures). Peter became extremely cautious, trying to figure out his steps forward and anticipate impending dangers, and tried to control literally everything. Palace intrigues had a negative impact on his education. Peter received a poor basic education, and subsequently he had to compensate for this with rich practice.

Being out of work, Peter became interested in military, naval, artillery and fortification business. He personally tried to penetrate into all the details, study all the features of the studied specialties, was interested in science, which eventually made the young king a skilled practitioner and professional in his field. That was his positive side. Peter wanted to introduce Russia to the advanced achievements of European science, technology and military affairs.

Peter the carpenter. Soviet graphic and illustrator Dementy Shmarinov

Not surprisingly, in such circumstances, Peter made a bid for foreigners. The German settlement, which was located not far from his palace in Preobrazhensky, became a home for Peter. His entourage included Franz Lefort, Patrick Gordon, Theodor von Sommer, Franz Timmerman, Carsten Brandt, and others. They created "amusing regiments" - Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky, which in the future became a real fighting force, bombardir company, where Peter was just a scorer , fortifications were built, exercises were held, etc. It is clear that foreigners used this to strengthen their influence on Petra. It is possible that among them were "agents of influence" of foreign powers, it was commonplace then, and now. In addition, Lefort planted his mistress, Anna Mons, the daughter of a German artisan, under Peter. The sovereign fell in love with a foreigner so much that he banished his legitimate wife Eudoxia to a monastery and even wanted to marry the Kukui queen (named after the German settlement, Kukuyu). However, the frivolous lady missed the chance to become a Russian queen. She cheated on the king when Peter found out about this, Mons was disgraced. Unfortunately, this did not improve the tastes of the king. Peter became interested in the former servant Martha Skavronskaya, who until then had been a litter of Sheremetev and Menshikov, and eventually became the Russian Empress Catherine I.

Communicating with foreigners, Peter gradually took over their lifestyle. Peter lit a German pipe, began to attend parties with dancing and drinking, free relations with Mons destroyed his family. One of the consequences of this was the discord in relations with his son, Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, the sons of Evdokia Lopukhina. This eventually led to a personal tragedy - the cause of Tsarevich Alexei. Another negative consequence of a already global nature is the spread of the Western way of life among the nobility, and the general population (especially urban), including smoking, wider use of alcohol, the appearance of categories of women freed from the old morality, etc. The layering of the Western way of life on the ruling, the privileged strata of the population, with the preservation of patriarchal traditions among the masses of the people, led to the disorganization of Russian life and way of life. Part of the “elite” began to parasitize on the people, perceiving its parasitism as “innate elitism” “chosenness”.

Many people smile at shaving beards and dressing noblemen in European clothes. However, this is not the main thing. The king-reformer encroached on the foundations of being of the Russian civilization, its cultural code. Russian tried to perekovat in the European way. Western culture literally with an iron fist and whip was driven into Russia. The massacre of the archers, with the personal participation of Tsar Peter I, became a symbol of the crucified Russian culture and faith.

"Morning Streltsy penalty." Painting V.I. Surikov

Queen Sophia and her entourage made a number of mistakes, which ultimately led to the strengthening of the position of the Naryshkins. Therefore, Sofia's attempt to finally seize power in the 1689 year led to her defeat. Sophia was imprisoned in a monastery. Tsar Ivan V remained a senior king until his death in 1696, although he had no real power. Power passed into the hands of people who rallied around Queen Natalia Kirillovna. Peter initially showed indifference to state affairs. The rules are his mother and her government. Only after his mother died in 1694, Peter became the sovereign ruler.

Peter was more interested in military affairs and foreign policy. Peter I decided, instead of the campaigns to the Crimea that were undertaken during the reign of Sophia, to capture the powerful Turkish fortress of Azov at the mouth of the Don. This allowed the creation of a military flotillaestablish control over the Sea of ​​Azov and opened up opportunities for continued expansion in the Northern Black Sea region. The first campaign of 1695 ended in failure. The second campaign of 1696 was better organized, the Turkish fortress was blocked not only from land, but also from the sea, depriving external support, which led to victory. During this campaign, Peter as soon as possible created a military flotilla. In the summer of 1699, the first large Russian ship “Fortress” took the Russian ambassador Emelyan Ukraintsev to Constantinople for peace talks.

Fragment of a diorama The capture of the Turkish fortress by the Azov troops of Peter I in 1696, Arseny Chernyshov

Peter wanted to continue the war with Turkey and achieve a full-fledged exit to the Black Sea, but the geopolitical situation did not contribute to such a war (the European powers were preparing for a fight for the Spanish inheritance). As part of the Great Embassy 1697-1698. Petr Alekseevich visited a number of European countries, conducting negotiations and studying the military-technical and scientific achievements of Europe. For service and work in Russia, several hundred specialists were recruited. The massive recruitment of foreign specialists, including military mercenaries, continued. In the course of this embassy, ​​Peter saw that it was possible to return the lands previously belonging to Russia and in the sphere of its influence in the Baltic. There is a reorientation of the foreign policy of the Russian state from the south to the north.

Moscow begins preparations for a war with Sweden to return to the Baltic Sea. Sweden at that time was a real empire that turned the Baltic into a “Swedish lake” with first-class land and sea forces. For a war with such a strong enemy, allies were required. In 1699, the anti-Swedish Northern Union was created, which included Russia, Denmark, Rzeczpospolita and Saxony (the Saxon ruler Augustus II was also the Polish king). Thus began the Great Northern War, which will last for twenty one years.

The Russian Tsar-Reformer Peter I and the Swedish King Warrior Charles XII, who dreams of repeating the exploits of Alexander the Great, became the main characters of this war. As Peter himself said: "Brother Carl still dreams of being Alexander, but I am not Darius." At the same time, Peter himself was closer to Julius Caesar. The beginning of the war was unsuccessful for the Northern Union. The Swedish warrior king brought Denmark out of the war with a lightning strike and forced August II to retreat from Riga. The battle of Narva ended for the Russian army with a heavy defeat. I must say, Peter's hopes for foreigners in this battle did not justify themselves. The army commander, Duke de Croas, with his headquarters, also consisting of foreigners, surrendered to Charles XII before the decisive moment of the battle. At the same time, the Russian guard stood to death and retained the honor of Russia.

However, after this, the Swedish king Karl XII made a strategic mistake. Considering that the Russian state is no longer recovering, he turned his wrath on the Saxon Elector, pursuing him throughout the territory of the Commonwealth and in Saxony. This made it possible for Peter to restore the army and the artillery park, to carry out a radical transformation to create modern armed forces and a military-industrial complex. In the armed forces, national cadres began to crowd out foreign mercenaries. The Russian forces, in the absence of Charles and the battle core of his army, began to crowd the Swedes in the Baltic, seizing one position after another. Russian troops recaptured the mouth of the Neva and founded Petersburg in the 1703 year. In 1704, Russia controlled almost the entire territory of Ingermanlandia (Izhora land), Russian troops took Dorpat (Yuriev) and Narva. At the same time, Peter continued to support his Saxon ally with money and troops, delaying the war in Poland. In the end, Karl was able to force Augustus to conclude a peace agreement with Sweden. Russia was left alone, without allies.

As a result, when Karl realized his mistake and turned against Russia, trying to organize a campaign against Moscow, Peter had already “worked on the mistakes” and was ready for a new decisive battle. Karl’s attempt to create a broad coalition against Russia with the participation of Turkey, the Crimea, the Zaporizhia and Ukrainian Cossacks, led by the traitor Mazepa, failed. Turkey did not enter the war, and there were few traitors in the Ukraine, mostly Cossack officers and a handful of deceived Cossacks.

Both sides conducted sighting battles. In the summer of 1708, Mr. Karl won the battle of Golovchin over Russian troops under the command of General Repnin. In the autumn of 1708, in a battle near the village of the Forest troops of Peter I, they defeated the corps of Levengaupt, which was moving from Riga to join the army of Charles. 27 June (8 July) 1709, in the general battle of Poltava, the Russian army crushed the Swedes. The remnants of the Swedish army capitulated near Perevolochna. Charles XII himself managed to cross the Dnieper and fled into the possession of the Ottoman Empire.

However, this was not the end of the war. Karl wanted to pit Russia with Turkey, get the support of England, and also hoped for a powerful Swedish fleet. In addition, powerful fortresses remained in the Baltics. Peter restored the Northern Union and the fighting continued. During the 1710 campaign, Russian troops occupied the main Swedish fortresses in the Baltic States. Russia fully occupied Estland and Livonia. In 1711, the opponents of Russia were able to incite the Ottoman Empire on it. Prut campaign of Peter was poorly prepared, and nearly ended in a military disaster. The situation was saved by the heroism of the Russian troops. But Peter had to abandon Azov, the fleet on the Black Sea and other conquests in the south.

The Northern War, due to Peter's fascination with German affairs, the slowness of the allies who linked Russia, and the intervention of England, which supported Sweden and the Swedish "war party", was delayed. Russia consistently strengthened the fleet and launched an offensive in Finland. In 26 — 27 July 1714, in the Battle of Gangutsk, the Russian fleet won its first major victory at sea. In the 1718 year, during the campaign for Norway, Karl was killed. The warrior king found his premature and dramatic death either from a stray bullet of the enemy, or as a result of a shot in the back. A conspiracy had matured in the country, as Carl wanted to end the unpromising war with Russia. As a result, the war still lasted until 1721. Only the complete exhaustion of Sweden and the appearance of the Russian fleet on the Swedish coast, with the landing of assault forces on the coast, destroying the country's infrastructure, forced Stockholm to capitulate. 30 August (10 September) 1721 between the Russian Federation and Sweden was concluded Nishtadt peace. Russia has returned to the Baltic Sea, Izhora land, part of Karelia, Estland and Livonia. Russia received the status of a great European power, declaring itself an empire.

Gangut battle, engraving of Mauritius Baku

Petr Alekseevich had a strategic mindset, he understood that Russia should go south and east. The country had to get access to strategic communications and points that allow to control the situation on most of the planet. Russia could not stay away from the Great Game. Russians continued to move east. Peter understood the meaning of the North. One of the great undertakings of Tsar Peter I was the scientific study of the geography of the Russian state and adjacent territories, instrumental surveys and the compilation of "master maps". After the annexation of Kamchatka to Russia, at the direction of Tsar Peter Alekseevich, a maritime communication was established on the boats between Okhotsk and the western coast of Kamchatka. On his orders, the expedition of Vitus Bering was sent to the Far East, which was to find an isthmus or strait between Asia and North America, and then descend along the coast of North America to the south. Peter planned to establish Russian colonies in America.

An expedition was sent to Central Asia in order to persuade the local rulers to apply for Russian citizenship and scout the way to India. True, the Russian detachment was killed. But it is obvious that if Peter had not died in 1725, Russia would continue to move south. The early death of Peter stopped the accession of Central Asia until the XIX century. Peter also had a plan to conquer Madagascar to create a base in the Indian Ocean and establish relations with the Mughal Empire in India. In Madagascar, there was a pirate state that sought the protection of a European power. The first expedition, in the year 1723, sent two frigates from Reval, which ended in failure due to poor preparation. The ships were not ready for a long expedition. Peter, however, did not give up his intention and was preparing a new expedition. However, after the death of the first Russian emperor on the African campaign put an end. The new rulers of Russia no longer possessed strategic thinking; they were no longer occupied by intrigue, the struggle for power, money, holidays, and other entertainment.

In 1722 Peter organized the Persian campaign. Russian troops captured Derbent, the western shore of the Caspian Sea with the fortresses of Baku, Rasht and Astrabad. The Persian state was forced to cede Russia to Derbent, Baku and the provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran and Astrabad. Turkey also recognized this conquest. It was a big success. However, after the death of Peter, all Russian efforts went down the drain. Russia will have to return to this region at the beginning of the XIX century and pay with new big blood (Russian-Persian war 1804 — 1813).

A whole layer of the history of Russia was connected by Peter’s military, state, socio-economic and cultural transformations. Tsar Peter finally gave the Russian army a regular character, introduced recruiting service, created a navy. The church was finally subordinated to the state. After the death of the patriarch Adrian, the new patriarch was not allowed to elect. He was replaced by the Patriarchal Locum tenens, and in 1721, the Spiritual Collegium or the Holy Synod was created. This was the second terrible blow to the Orthodox Church, after the split of Nikon. After that, Christianity in Russia assumed a formal, state-official character. Vera replaced formalism (with the exception of individual exceptions, such as Seraphim of Sarov). The church has become part of the state apparatus.

Peter conducted a series of government reforms. Orders were replaced at the board. The most important of them were the Military Collegium, Foreign Affairs and the Admiralty. Established Government Senate. The country was divided into 8 provinces. Peter in 1722, issued a decree on the order of succession, by which the monarch himself could choose an heir. Peter carried out a monetary reform, as a result of which not the money, but the penny became the main monetary unit. The most important financial event was the introduction of the poll tax. Peter, in search of new sources of financing (there was a war, money was needed for conversions and large-scale construction), introduced a monopoly on certain goods, new indirect taxes and all sorts of fees. Measures were taken to develop industry and commerce.

"Poltava" - the first battleship of the Baltic Fleet

Due to a number of transformations, legal registration of the estate rights and obligations of each category of the Russian population took place. The classical serfdom was almost completely formed. Peter made great efforts to develop the education system. In 1700, a school of mathematical and navigation sciences appeared in Moscow. Later, artillery, engineering and medical schools in Moscow, an engineering school and a maritime academy in St. Petersburg were opened. The first mountain schools appeared. For the development of mass education in the provincial cities, digital schools were created, for the training of soldiers' children - garrison schools, for the training of priests - theological schools. In 1705, the first gymnasium was opened. The nobility and the clergy were required to get an education. Peter planned to introduce compulsory education for the urban population and create an all-class primary school. After his death, the creation of a network of schools has ceased. However, Peter was able to lay the foundation for the development of education in Russia. After his death, the Academy of Sciences was opened. In general, it is difficult to find the area of ​​life of then-Russia, which would not be affected by the reforms and activities of the energetic king.

Peter's reforms (ban on beards and traditional clothing). G. Fon Urlaub

Petr Alekseevich was not the first Westerner in Russia. The Westernizers were Boris Godunov and Lzhedmitry I, and indeed almost all of the first Romanovs, slowly making the turn of Russian civilization to the West. The turn to the West was carried out by Queen Sophia and her favorite Vasily Golitsyn, who was an ardent Westernizer, and also (according to S. Solovyov), who was in special relations with the Jesuits. However, it was under Peter that the westernization of Russia became irreversible. Russian history entered the European direction, from which it was possible to escape only with the great blood of the 1917 disaster of the year. In 1991, the creeping westernization that has been going on since Khrushchev’s time has taken up again. And now Russia is once again at the "broken trough" open to the West, liberal Russia, which was ready to fulfill the role of an "energy power" - a raw materials appendage, while retaining some internal autonomy. People are beginning to understand that the West does not need any Russia - not a monarchist, with the nobility for which the first language is German, French or English, neither socialist nor democratic “energy power”.

The masters of the West have long established a strategic goal - the destruction of the Russian people, the main geopolitical opponent, the Western project being built by "New Babylon" and consistently go to the solution of this problem. Current events are only links of a long chain of a thousand-year confrontation between West and East.

Stay away, sir, this is my place. Boris Olshansky

You should not blame Peter for all sins. He was not an absolutely negative figure in the history of Russia. The king broke a lot of wood, but did a lot for the benefit of a great power, he was not a traitor, he had a strategic vision. In the late period of his reign, Peter gradually began to correct mistakes, relied on national cadres and apparently could bring Russia still a lot of benefits. Therefore, his death is suspicious, it is possible that he was eliminated ...

As a result, the powerless mediators, who staged the orgy of palace coups, plundered, strolled and derailed the great projects of the king-reformer, received power. Much of the legacy of the Peter Empire was destroyed. However, thanks to the Russian patriots who began to receive education under Peter, Russia, albeit with mistakes, continued to grow. Degradation finally took up only during the First World War, when liberals, masons, aristocrats, bankers and generals killed the Russian Empire with their own hands.

Bronze Horseman. Etienne Falcone
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  1. Gift
    28 January 2015 07: 22
    A good photo of "The Bronze Horseman" is a monument to a Jew, ordered by a German woman from a French sculptor ... except perhaps a Russian bear, on whose skin the rider sits and the horse on which they ride.
    Westernization became irreversible after the baptism of Vladimir, and it became possible after the death of the Gods in the North from a strike from space in 774 - they turned themselves for 200 years and went to strangers.
    Morality - you need a lot of anti-aircraft guns, otherwise they will skin and saddle.
    1. -15
      28 January 2015 09: 18
      Gift "A good photo of the Bronze Horseman" - a monument to a Jew, by order of a German woman from a French sculptor ... perhaps a Russian bear, on whose skin the rider sits and the horse on which they ride. "
      You would have to treat your head hehe hehe ...
      1. GDP
        28 January 2015 14: 37
        The article says correctly - Peter the First personality is very controversial, has done a lot of important and correct things, but something quite the opposite ...
        In general, I believe Peter's merits outweigh his mistakes.

        But to say that Russia was a barbaric power before his arrival is also impossible.
        The regiments of the European type were not introduced first by Peter1, but if I am not mistaken, Ivan3, he actually created Russia as a state. Regarding fortification and artillery, long before the reforms of Peter the Great, we left Europe far behind.

        We were the first to introduce standards for the caliber of guns, standards for the manufacture of artillery. Compare the European fortress and ours, all the salt is hidden in the details - underground auditory mine chambers, thick, complex walls, gutters for draining resin, roofs for protection against arrows and buckshot. Field window protections, notch lines, walk the city and more ...

        If in Europe literacy was the destiny of a few noblemen and priests, then in Russia they wrote to everyone who was not lazy. Yes, not on parchment leather, but mainly on birch bark, but on the other hand, both merchants and artisans and many others wrote ...

        And Europeans, by the way, considered us barbarians, including because of the wild custom of washing once a week. They themselves washed as a rule twice in their lives, hence the powder, and wigs, perfumes, small dogs and other delights of European fashion ...
        1. +1
          28 January 2015 15: 43
          GDP "Shelves of the European type were introduced first not by Peter1, but if I am not mistaken Ivan3.
          You are not mistaken Ivan3.
          GDP "If in Europe literacy was the lot of a few noblemen and priests, then in Russia all and sundry were writing. Yes, not on parchment skin, but mainly on birch bark, but merchants and artisans and many others also wrote."
          In Novgorod, yes, in other cities I do not know. I do not have such data.
          About the sauna hackneyed.
          But I didn’t write about it. And what could have happened had not been Peter. Look at China.
          1. GDP
            28 January 2015 16: 45
            Regiments of the Foreign Order and the regular army until the time of Peter I

            And yet, Peter 1 did not establish a regular army and regiments of the foreign system ...

            The beginning of the Regular Army was laid down by a decree of October 1 of 1550 on the creation in Moscow and surrounding districts of a "chosen thousand service people." 6 archery regiments were created by 500 people in each. Many historians believe that this period marked the beginning of the creation of a standing army in Russia, and by the end of the 16th century their numbers had increased to about 20 000 ...

            foreign system

            The military men of the soldier system "The doctrine and cunning of the military structure of infantry people." Xnumx

            Subsequently, Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky decided to organize the Russian army according to the Dutch model, which the Swedes adhered to. It was assembled in Novgorod and consisted of 18 000 people. This army was trained by the Belgian Christian Somme. People were trained, in particular, in the military system, as well as in the possession of weapons. The tactics of fighting the cavalry implied a series of pikemen who covered up the musketeers. Therefore, the main weapons of the troops were infantry peaks and squeaked. Field militias, which played an important role in both the Dutch and Russian tactics, the militias were able to build without that. These regiments became the first Russian regiments of a foreign system, but soon Skopin-Shuisky was poisoned, and the army dispersed.

            1631 in Moscow formed the 2 soldier regiment of the foreign system, each with 1600 people. In the middle of the 1632 year, the formation of Reytra and Dragoon regiments began. At the beginning of the Russian-Polish war 1632 — 1634, 10 regiments of the new system were formed, numbering up to 17 000 people.

            During the Russian-Polish war 1654 — 1667, the regiments of the new formation became the main part of the armed forces. Soldier and dragoon regiments were manned from subsistence people for life service. The service was nationwide - a soldier was taken from 100, and later from 20 — 25 households.

            The first hussar companies, and then regiments in Russia appeared in the Smolensk war of the 1632 — 1634 years. In 1673, the hussar regiment was commanded by Colonel Kirill Naryshkin, the grandfather of Peter I.

            Russian hussars

            Russian hussars

            Although of course Peter1 brought the regular army to a whole new level ...
            1. GDP
              28 January 2015 17: 13
              But I didn’t write about it. And what could have happened had not been Peter. Look at China.

              The article is interesting, no doubt.
              But what about comparing Russia and China at that time?
              These are two completely different cultures, but they have only one thing in common - we overtook European civilization at some periods, and lagged behind at some periods ...
              I do not agree that we owe all of our achievements to Europe.
              In many things, we were a cut above, but somewhere weaker and then we learned from them ...
              We lagged significantly behind Europe and were forced to borrow its experience only when our state was subjected to severe shocks:
              Tatar-Mongol yoke
              times of troubles
              October revolution and the first world
              The collapse of the USSR

              And then all the same then quickly caught up ...
              And how many achievements we made ourselves, even in pre-Petrine times ...
              1. +1
                28 January 2015 18: 52
                GDP "But what about comparing Russia and China at that time?"
                The fact that Russia was a great power is the merit of Peter. Were it not we would be like China in the 19th century. And the British would have traded opium here. And they would have waged opium wars against us. That's all. Peter pulled the country out of nowhere and placed it on a par with advanced countries. It is a fact. And China, in its originality, has sat for all these centuries and wasn’t kicked except by the lazy one. From the beginning of the 20th century, it was a divided country. And only the USSR contributed to its unification.
                I am against the fact that Peter would be poured mud. He has more merits for the country than shoals. And who says that we owe everything to Europe? They themselves also borrowed gunpowder from Arabs, etc.)))
                1. GDP
                  29 January 2015 10: 09
                  At the expense of the merits of Peter 1 completely agree.
                  So what if he brought smoking and strong alcohol to Russia. You think, forcing his officials to bite the dead boy in the Kunstkamera with his teeth for wrinkling his nose. Well, yes, he made a thorough cleansing of the Old Believers, finally enslaved the peasants.

                  But he brought potatoes, raised the army to a new level, created a fleet, founded St. Petersburg, won great victories, expanded the territories of our state, contributed to the development of science ...

                  So for state his rule was an undoubted blessing. No wonder Peter is called the Great.
            2. +1
              28 January 2015 17: 28
              GDP "Still, it was not Peter 1 who founded a regular army and regiments of a foreign system ..."
              So nobody argues with that.
              Streltsov was introduced by Ivan the Terrible.
              The first regiments of the foreign system, the grandfather of Peter Tsar Mikhail. In 1631 and ??? No one argued with this.))))
              Before the war they began to recall the regiments of the foreign system. Peter did not create regiments that could assemble, not assemble.
              A regular army. In our understanding. With charters, recruitment kits, staffs, officer training, etc. And the artillery was not strelets where artillerymen are engaged in trade and crafts between wars.))) The army took the form of a constant, regular force. Like the fleet. And indeed the state was modernized. Factories, factories, manufactories. Is all this bad? When the Baltic states separated, we still have Petersburg, built by Peter, and Kaliningrad joined by Stalin.))) That's all Peter's meanings for Russia. If it weren’t for him, this would not have happened.)))
              1. GDP
                29 January 2015 10: 26
                Well, at the expense of artillery - you're in vain. Pushkari in Russia were professionals. The Pushkarsky order, as the central department for managing the state’s artillery and for preparing artillerymen, appeared under Ivan the Terrible for the FIRST TIME in Europe ... When in Europe each gun had its own caliber, we had common standards throughout the state.
                In the 16 century, the "Charter of military cannon and other affairs" appeared.
                Only the auxiliary service of the gun was recruited from the archers, who sowed bread in peacetime, and took weapons to the military, the gunners themselves were engaged exclusively in their business, they were very expensive then.
                True, many foreigners believed that in terms of the theory of artillery work, ours were much inferior to the Europeans before Peter's reforms and fired, albeit accurately, but "by eye".
                1. +1
                  30 January 2015 07: 26
                  = GDP "that in terms of the theory of artillery, ours were much inferior to the Europeans before Peter's reforms and fired, albeit aptly, but" by eye "."
                  This is what I meant. Theoretical training in artillery did not smell.))) If you are not so happy. And not only in artillery. Peter founded educational institutions for the army. In essence, Peter's reforms in military affairs gave a finished look. Everything else was an addition. The reforms of Peter lasted until 1861, and some things until 1917, and some survive to this day.))))
          2. +1
            28 January 2015 23: 54
            GDP "Shelves of the European type were introduced first not by Peter1, but if I am not mistaken Ivan3.
            You are not mistaken Ivan3.
            Yes, not Ivan3 but Aleksei Mikhailovich his father, but this does not change the essence.
      2. +1
        28 January 2015 16: 46
        Quote: Nagaibak
        "A good photo of the Bronze Horseman" - a monument to a Jew

        Eka stabbed you lol I didn’t have to hear anything, but I have never met such stubborn insanity. Cho smoke?
        1. +3
          28 January 2015 17: 16
          Karabanov "Eka stabbed you Well, I have heard everything, but I have never met such stubborn insanity. Cho smoke?"
          Read the caravans carefully. I answered this insanity.
          My phrase "You should heal your head." And about Peter the Jew wrote a gentleman under the nickname Gift. People do not read it and minus me. Although I marked his words with quotation marks, the admins just deleted his writings. That's all. Smoked?
          1. +2
            28 January 2015 19: 45
            Quote: Nagaibak
            People do not read and minus me.

            Okay, do not get excited ... It's incomprehensible just, all in one pile. Then I would have deleted my comment so that they wouldn’t minus it in vain (after all, the opponent to whom he answered was also removed, from that and confusion).
            Corrected, hold +.
            1. +1
              28 January 2015 20: 13
              Karabanov "Okay, don't get excited ... It's incomprehensible, it's all in one pile. Then I would have deleted my comment so that they wouldn’t get a minus in vain (after all, the opponent to whom he was answering was also removed, which is a mess).
              Corrected, hold +.
              Thank you for the plus.))) Sorry for the sharpness.))) I won’t delete anything.))) Less more, less less.))) According to FIG.)))
      3. Pervusha Isaev
        28 January 2015 19: 28
        German Peter's most vile crime is the introduction of SLAVERY in Russia. Serfdom was mentioned even before Peter, but it was most likely a feudal ban on moving peasants from one place to another, as well as a tax on Russian quitrents, property was allowed, while within the inheritance the feudal lord could not impose on a person occupation. Peter introduced compulsory service and fortress to the land, the property of the peasant and the man himself were already the property of the feudal lord, without any rights and opportunities to challenge the crimes of the feudal lord in court.
        Serfdom rejected Russian society for 150 years in relation to European states. How could this be? As it turned out, the king stopped worrying about the DEVELOPMENT of his country and his people. The answer is only one Peter was not Russian, but German and was only interested in the exploitation of the Russian people ...
        1. +1
          28 January 2015 19: 44
          Pervusha Isaev "Serfdom threw Russian society back for 150 years in relation to European states.
          Serfdom is not Peter's invention. As for the European state, you are wrong. It was before him, and lasted in Europe until the beginning of the 19th century. This is from Cyril and Methodius. Everything depended on the country.
          "During the period of developed feudalism, in the 10-15th centuries, some elements of serfdom (prohibition of leaving, hereditary personal subordination to the lord, restriction of civil rights) developed in Western Europe in relation to certain categories of the peasantry in a number of regions (villans of Central England, Remens of Catalonia, French and Southern Italian servos, Central Italian and Northern Italian columns and massarii, South Germanic Leibeigenen). Most of the rural population remained outside serfdom. In the obligations of peasants to their lord, forms of money and rent prevailed. In the 13-15 centuries, the absolute majority of Western European peasants are freed from the norms serfdom In the 16-18 centuries, elements of serfdom disappeared completely in Western Europe.
          In Central and Eastern Europe, serfdom in these centuries turned into the main element of social relations in agriculture. The development of entrepreneurial landowner economy, designed for the production of commodity products, the growth of corvee, political dominance in these countries of the nobility, led to the spread of the "second edition of serfdom" in East Germany, the Baltic States, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary. In East (Zaelb) Germany, serfdom developed after the defeat of the Peasant War (1524-1526) and was fully developed after the Thirty Years War (1618-1648). It took especially severe forms in Mecklenburg, Pomerania, and East Prussia. At the same time, serfdom was spreading in the Czech Republic. In Hungary, serfdom was enshrined in the Code of 1514 (Tripartitum), published after the suppression of the rebellion of Doge Gyorgya (1514). In Poland, serfdom took shape from the middle of the 15th century. Its norms were included in the Petrkov Statute (1496). In Eastern European countries, serfdom spread to the bulk of the peasants. It implied a many-day (up to 6 days a week) corvee, deprivation of the majority of ownership, civil and personal rights by peasants, accompanied by a reduction in peasant plowing or landlessness of part of the peasants and their turning into slaves or temporary land users. In the 17th century, serfdom spread to the Balkan countries captured by the Ottoman Empire. Serfdom was here aimed at ensuring the collection of state taxes.
          The dominance of serfdom in the late Middle Ages held back the development of the productive forces of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The abolition of serfdom took place here in the course of the reforms of the late 18th - 19th centuries: 1781 - in Bohemia, 1785 - in Hungary, 1807 - in Prussia, 1808 - in Bavaria, 1820 - in Mecklenburg. However, survivals of serfdom persisted after these reforms. "
          1. Pervusha Isaev
            28 January 2015 20: 08
            The traditional historical point of view on "serfdom" is familiar to me, but you are not answering me, but retelling the history textbook. The main rule of history THE WINNERS WRITE HISTORY, so whatever the TI traditions say, but they cannot answer questions, for example, a series of articles by Shambarov and other writers of historians passed through the topvo, who noticed that in the 17th century, the state of Russia-Moscow, let's say Alexei Mikhailovich lived richly and prosperously - these are not empty words Shambarov and other historians. Let's say Alexander Kas refer to letters from foreigners and there are many such written sources. But after Peter's "transformations" the Russian people began to live much worse and this is also noticeable, because real slavery to Russia ...
            1. +1
              28 January 2015 20: 15
              Pervusha Isaev "whatever the tradition says."
              Thanks further not interesting. Elves, gnomes ... passed.)))
              1. Pervusha Isaev
                28 January 2015 20: 25
                Quote: Nagaibak
                Thanks further not interesting. Elves, gnomes ... passed.)))

                always please, if you want to study history from TI textbooks, you have long been ripe for understanding all historical issues and you shouldn’t open something further and everything is already open and such as you have long known how the pyramids and the temple of Jupiter were built, how the images of Nazca appeared and as the writings of Homer reached us, you are one of those who believe the word of deceivers and charlatans from history and of those who do not need truth and its search ...
      4. +1
        29 January 2015 22: 23
        what are you minus man?
        this is a response to the first deleted comment
  2. +6
    28 January 2015 08: 59
    Alas, Westernization, especially in recent years, has intensified.
  3. +4
    28 January 2015 09: 12
    "He was not an absolutely negative figure in the history of Russia. The tsar made a lot of mistakes, but he also did a lot for the good of a great power, he was not a traitor, he had a strategic vision. In the later period of his reign, Peter gradually began to correct mistakes, relied on national cadres and apparently, he could have brought Russia many more benefits. Therefore, his death raises suspicions, it is possible that he was eliminated. "
    Well, at least it was not an absolutely negative figure.))) Chego, the author Peter regretted it.)))) As for his death, I personally have no questions - he didn’t spare himself and didn’t spare anyone.))) Do you find a lot of autocrats climbing into cold water save people. Peter was a man of action who did not hide behind the backs of soldiers. What I testify to the bullets that fell into it during the Poltava battle. They hit the cross and the hat.))) If Peter hadn’t been there would have been no Russian Empire. Moscovia would have been in its place.))) In which the British would have climbed and conducted opium wars with us. There is a clear example of what Muscovy would be at the beginning of the 20th century - this is China in its purest form. See what the Westerners did in China, and then scold Peter.
    Among the Turks, when Atatürk came to power, he banned fez, naming pasha, effendi, etc. He pushed the clergy apart from religion. The Turks never for a moment doubt Atatürk and his steps to pull Turkey out of their age-old backwardness.
  4. -5
    28 January 2015 09: 24
    MINUS article ... learn the real HISTORY! PETER-1 did not build PETER ... like many cities!
    A historical lie .... and not the Bolsheviks made a revolution .... They simply betrayed the Tsar simply ... and the Bolsheviks have nothing to do with it!
    http://avega.net/byloe/887-2013-12-28-10-31-19 советую почитать!
    1. +5
      28 January 2015 12: 41
      Nitarius "Article MINUS ... teach the real HISTORY! PETER-1 was not built by PETER ... like many cities!
      A historical lie .... and the Bolsheviks did not make the revolution .... The Tsar was simply betrayed .. and the Bolsheviks have nothing to do with it! "
      Stop smoking! Down with smoking mixes !!! And it's a pity that there are people on the site who consider Peter I to be a Jew.))) Definitely treat the head, treat, treat without ceasing.)))
  5. +7
    28 January 2015 09: 30
    The author is an explicit monarchist. The Russian Empire was not killed in 1917, it was defeated in the imperialist war and collapsed from internal problems, but quickly recovered thanks to Stalin, kicked Europe's ass and stood there with its "boot" for more than 50 years, until a certain "citizen" with a stain on his forehead, he fucked everything vilely and stupidly. And at the same time we were all like drunken heifers, we allowed him to do it. Thank God, there was a man who gradually began to restore the empire, already in a new capacity.
  6. +1
    28 January 2015 09: 55
    Another reprint of old textbooks. They will not allow the people to take a different look at world history. Traditional historians hold on to myths and legends raised by them in absolute terms. Although, in principle, they recognize much of the evidence of both the New Chronology of Nosovsky and Fomenko, and the work of Professor Chudinov. And many others who found colossal contradictions in this dusty version of our history. Boring. negative
    1. +2
      28 January 2015 12: 38
      Archikakh "Another reprint of old textbooks. They will not give the people a different look at world history. Traditional historians cling with their teeth to the myths and legends they have raised to the absolute. Although in principle they recognize much of the evidence and the New Chronology of Nosovsky and Fomenko, and Professor Chudinov. And many others who found colossal contradictions in this dusty version of our history. Boring. "
      Anything is better than pouring mud on your story and sucking out facts for your senile version.))))
    2. 0
      28 January 2015 18: 57
      Dear friend, you need to go back to school, because only schoolchildren can adequately perceive the "works" of Chudinov and Fomenko in history.
      Here you and otfotoshopennoe plaster http://chudinologia.livejournal.com/20550.html?style=mine
      and the latest chronology http://oper.ru/news/read.php?t=1051604869
  7. +4
    28 January 2015 10: 08
    If we can convince our children and show by our example such simple life things as love for the family and the Motherland, we can save our people and our culture. The main thing is not to give up the education of our children into the wrong hands!
  8. +3
    28 January 2015 11: 35
    In my opinion, under Peter happened - modernization!
  9. dmb
    28 January 2015 12: 58
    It is clear that the personality of Peter, as a matter of fact, the personality of any statesman of this magnitude cannot be assessed in two phrases, but if some assessments are already given, it would be nice to know. why the author thinks so. Mr. Samsonov, in his role, does not assert himself with argumentation and assesses the past in accordance with his mentality. And therefore sometimes he writes frank delirium. Well, how else to call it: "Part of the 'elite' began to parasitize on the people, perceiving their parasitism as 'innate elitism', 'chosenness'." Before Peter the Great, the "elite" was doing just that. that she tirelessly cared about the people, and all sorts of Razins and Bolotnikovs were furious with fat. And the article is simply full of such nonsense. What is pleasantly surprising, Samsonov finally learned that the tsar was not overthrown by the Bolsheviks, and at this stage he found out. that October 1917 was a blessing for the country, not an evil. Previously, he has repeatedly argued the opposite.
  10. 0
    28 January 2015 16: 50
    Where only such come from (author of the article). Well, in the comments you can write all kinds of rubbish and banality, and then become field marshals, but posting such rubbish to the general discussion is a bust. to the author - 2, it would be better if you no longer write.
  11. 0
    28 January 2015 17: 55
    Peter the first, this is the first falsifier of the history of Russia. and he brought the main accomplice of this very story, the miller and the Schlozer.

    look at the brass horseman and turn on your brains!
    with what is the Russian king in Roman toga, bareback in the skin, and with a short sword (gladius) on his left side? and is it at the end of the 18th century?
    no, men, there is clearly something wrong with the story!
    1. erg
      28 January 2015 18: 14
      You are not familiar with such a thing as allegory? A very widespread thing in art. In Arkhangelsk there is a monument to Lomonosov, where he is depicted in Roman toga. In general, the author does not understand what he writes about. To write at the beginning of the article that the last tsar of all Russia has died is stupid. This title was worn before and after Peter. Under Peter, another emperor simply added, which did not cancel other titles, such as the Grand Duke (for the inhabitants of Finland, all Russian emperors were princes, for they lived in the Principality of Finland. Address to the tsar, for the inhabitants of Finland - Your Highness) (the same title that appeared before the title king), king.
      1. 0
        28 January 2015 18: 56
        erg "Are you not familiar with such a concept as allegory? A very widespread thing in art. There is a monument to Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk, where he is depicted in a Roman toga."
        About the allegory you don’t understand ... they).)) Devils of what have come to light.))) There are Tartarians, and they’re argued like we’re drumming. One to one.
        1. 0
          28 January 2015 19: 50
          so enlighten us (the Tartarians) in your expression, a photo of the monument to Lomonosov in toga in the studio. in addition to clothes, there is even evidence that in Europe at the end of the 18th century they spoke Russian and wrote Latin
          1. 0
            28 January 2015 20: 19
            gameover_65] that in Europe at the end of the 18th century they spoke Russian and wrote in Latin. "
            Hehehe)))) But nothing at all?))) You type in Yandex a photo of the monument to Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk and that’s all.)))
            1. 0
              28 January 2015 22: 36
              interesting, but what does Charles XI memorial mean?
              1. 0
                28 January 2015 22: 57
                1. 0
                  28 January 2015 23: 01
                  enrage de beat!
                  guys turn on the brain!
                2. The comment was deleted.
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. 0
                29 January 2015 08: 55
                gameover_65 "Interesting, but what does the memorial for Charles XI say?"
                Did you hold this funeral in your hands? My experience with alternatives suggests that they are engaged in falsification of the evidence base.
                Tell me better about the assault of Constantinople by Russian troops in 1600 by Russian troops. It is interesting to listen.)))
                1. 0
                  29 January 2015 11: 25

                  I understand that this may be fake, but just study this question.

                  Tell us better about the assault of Constantinople by Russian troops in 1600 by Russian troops

                  have no idea what you're talking about
                  1. 0
                    29 January 2015 14: 21
                    Pay attention, there are such words:

                    Prince and sovereign.
                    1. +1
                      29 January 2015 22: 43
                      I also saw this photo.
                      and where are the rest of these documents or papers? or is there only one such document preserved?
                      I haven’t seen anything like it again
                      1. 0
                        30 January 2015 07: 37
                        Misha "I saw this picture too.
                        and where are the rest of these documents or papers? or is there only one such document preserved?
                        I've never seen anything like it again. "
                        They still didn’t manage to make a bang, but they soon rivet. And about the Russian-speaking Swedes. And about the Ukrainian-speaking pharaohs and Belarusian-speaking emperors of Qin.)))
                  2. 0
                    30 January 2015 07: 34
                    gameover_65 "have no idea what you are talking about.
                    Here, your brother couldn’t count up to you.))) Why soar because of fakes?))) And my question about Constantinople did not arise from scratch, your alternative colleagues convinced me of this and gave links similar to yours.))) So here ... Your newfangled current has arisen on a lie and on which joints not a lot, even in modern history. Even on the example of events in the Donbass in the future, tantrums will have a lot of interpretations.))) But, the main events will not be taken into doubt basically.)) Except Ukraine. The main events are being questioned.))) Your apologists have been lying, stamping new facts, coming up with a new chronology. Throw you to engage in nonsense and spend your time on garbage.
  12. +1
    28 January 2015 17: 57
    Quote: Nitarius
    MINUS article ... learn the real HISTORY! PETER-1 did not build PETER ... like many cities!
    A historical lie .... and not the Bolsheviks made a revolution .... They simply betrayed the Tsar simply ... and the Bolsheviks have nothing to do with it!
    http://avega.net/byloe/887-2013-12-28-10-31-19 советую почитать!

    Well, I would not shout about the "REAL" story, following the link that you provided very muddy information, the authors of that article sowed a grain of doubt everywhere, and apparently forgot to add real facts ... Take a fresco of some European artist for the truth? Excuse me
    1. 0
      30 January 2015 07: 39
      dimatskiy "Well, I would not shout about a" REAL "story, the link that you gave very muddy information, the authors of that article sowed a grain of doubt everywhere, and apparently forgot to add real facts ... Take a fresco of some European artist for the truth? Excuse me . "
      And so they have it in everything. Do not be surprised. But what can we expect from people who have problems with the traditional history?))) It is better to be a traditionalist in everything than an alternative specialist.)))) Agree.)))
  13. 0
    28 January 2015 18: 04
    The Old Believers appeared before Peter and did not create two nations, otherwise one might think before Peter there was nobility (boyars).
  14. RSU
    28 January 2015 18: 28
    The harm that Peter 1 did to Russia and especially to its people was no less than good. And for how many Germans he brought to Russia and began to relate to him with all sorts of lousy royal courts of Europe a separate merci. By the end of the 18th century, there were no more people of Russian blood in the Romanovs' house.
    1. 0
      28 January 2015 18: 58
      dimatskiy "By the end of the 18th century, there were no people of Russian blood in the Romanovs' house."
      You might think this is of great importance.))) Better look at the map of the Russian Empire. How many Germans fought on the Russian throne of the earth.
    2. 0
      28 January 2015 21: 20
      Are you a nationalist ??? Sorry, but you have to honestly look at things. And at the time of the accession to the throne of Peter, Europe was much ahead of Russia in its development, and Peter was primarily interested in technical innovations, which does him honor.
  15. +1
    28 January 2015 20: 46
    The degradation finally took up only during the First World War, when liberals, Masons, aristocrats, bankers and generals killed the Russian Empire with their own hands. \\\\\\\
    History repeated itself in the 91st.
    1. 0
      28 January 2015 21: 17
      Degradation did not begin during the WWII, but 80 years earlier.
  16. 0
    28 January 2015 20: 52
    And mixed in the article! Minus article. It's a pity you can’t have a fat minus.
  17. +2
    28 January 2015 23: 16
    Here again, from the series, what would happen if it were not for Peter 1, if not for Nikolai 2, if not for Stalin. Persons of a historical scale? Undoubtedly. But here, at the end of the article, the true problems, traitors, Masons, champions of Western patterns are indicated.
    And now? Look at school, tracing paper from American films. Show business, even Russian film companies write English names in Russian letters! Fine?
    For more than 300 years this struggle has been going on, communism and that one from Germany has come! West again. At what stage and how to eradicate this evil?
    In order for the official to carry out his duties for a salary, the general would not build cottages with the help of soldiers, the baker would not interfere with the powder in the flour, so that he would boil.
    1. 0
      29 January 2015 09: 16
      So you come up, there is an opportunity wink
  18. 0
    28 January 2015 23: 58
    a mistake, we also bought the lands that we seized during the Northern War from the Swedes under the terms of a peace treaty. complete nonsense of the "genius" king.
  19. +1
    29 January 2015 09: 13
    Quote: Nitarius
    MINUS article ... learn the real HISTORY! PETER-1 did not build PETER ... like many cities!
    A historical lie .... and not the Bolsheviks made a revolution .... They simply betrayed the Tsar simply ... and the Bolsheviks have nothing to do with it!
    http://avega.net/byloe/887-2013-12-28-10-31-19 советую почитать!

    Well, I would not shout about the "REAL" story, following the link that you provided very muddy information, the authors of that article sowed a grain of doubt everywhere, and apparently forgot to add real facts ... Take a fresco of some European artist for the truth? Excuse me
    Quote: tundra
    The degradation finally took up only during the First World War, when liberals, Masons, aristocrats, bankers and generals killed the Russian Empire with their own hands. \\\\\\\
    History repeated itself in the 91st.

    History always repeats itself, only this does not teach people anything, the same mistakes are made
  20. 0
    29 January 2015 20: 08
    Article minus, this is a peep 05 and 06 columns.
    Peter! - this.
    The destructive and gross and bloody version of the modernization (modernization) of the Russian state by the otter ruling elite tired of Byzantine madness. The Germanization of the tatar ruling elite was their way to Europe from Russia and Russia (the correct name of the Russian state). And I also want to quote the words of yet another Russophobe-Khrushchev N. S. “You can’t wash the black bloody cable to whiteness and respect”, there was too much stupidity and blood on it (Petra!).
    1. 0
      29 January 2015 22: 47
      would you at least bring some counter-arguments. And then some unfounded accusation turned out
      1. 0
        30 January 2015 07: 45
        = Misha "you would at least bring some counter-argumentation. And then some unfounded accusation turned out."
        They like ukram ... it is not necessary!
    2. +1
      30 January 2015 07: 44
      Knyazural "Article minus, this is the squeak of 05 and 06 columns.
      Peter! - this.
      A destructive and cruel and bloody version of the modernization (modernization) of the Russian state by the otatar ruling elite tired of Byzantine madness. The Germanization of the otatar ruling elite was their path to Europe from Russia and Russia (the correct name for the Russian state). And also I want to quote here the words of another Russophobe - Khrushchev N. S. "You cannot wash a black bloody cable to white and respect", there was too much stupidity and blood on it (Petra!). "
      Knyazyural You re-read something for some reason, without completing your studies in the school curriculum. And what are 05 and 06 columns? 0,5 - I know it's half a liter. But 0,6 - did not see.)))
  21. -1
    31 January 2015 09: 29
    Peter was the same reformer - a murderer like Stalin, only the scale is more modest