Do you want to destroy the people, consume his language

Alexander Semenovich SHISHKOV, an outstanding statesman and public figure of the nineteenth century, an admiral and state secretary, who faithfully served the four kings, the Minister of Education and the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is the author of priceless works, the significance of which is not really realized until now. One of them is “Slav-Russian Korneslov”, about the moral potential of the Russian language. The chapters from this book we are publishing today.
Speech delivered by the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences in a solemn annual meeting

Yes, multiply, but increase zeal for the Russian word and in the doers, and in the audience!

I worship our language so ancient that its sources are lost in the darkness of time; so in the sounds of her faithful imitator of nature, that, it seems, she herself composed him; so abundant in splitting up thoughts into many of the most subtle differences, and together so important and simple that every person who speaks to them can explain with special, decent title to his own words; so loud and tender together that each trumpet and pipe, one for excitement, the other for touching hearts, can find in it decent sounds for themselves.

And finally, so correct that the observant mind often sees in it an unbroken chain of concepts, one born from another, so that this chain can ascend from the last to its original, very distant link.

The advantage of this correctness, the continuous flow of thoughts, visible in words, is so great that if attentive and hardworking minds would discover and explain the first sources of such a wide-spread sea, knowledge of all languages ​​in general would be illuminated by the light that was previously impenetrable. Light, illuminating in each word, a primitive, a thought that produced it; by light, dispelling the darkness of a false conclusion, as if the words, these expressions of our thoughts, received their meaning from arbitrary to the empty sounds of their attachment of concepts.

Whoever takes the trouble to enter the immeasurable depth of our language, and each word of it will be attributed to the beginning from which it derives, the further it goes, the more clear and undoubted evidence will be found. Not a single language, especially from the newest and European, can in this advantage be equal to ours. Foreign detractors, to find the original thought in the words they use, should resort to our language: it contains the key to explaining and resolving many doubts, which will be in vain in their tongues to search. We ourselves, in many of the words we use, revered as foreign, would see that they are only at the end of foreign language, and by the root our own.

A deep, though very difficult, study of our language in all its space would be of great benefit not only to us, but also to all strangers, baking to achieve clarity in their adverbs, often covered with darkness impenetrable for them. When searching for initial concepts in our language, this darkness would disappear and dissipate from them. For the word human is not to be considered an arbitrary invention by every people, but a common current source from the beginning of its kind, which has been achieved through hearing and memory from the earliest ancestors to the last descendants.

As the human race from its beginning flows like a river, so is the tongue with it. The peoples multiplied, scattered, and in many respects their faces, clothing, customs, customs changed; and languages ​​too. But people did not cease to be the same human race, as well as the language that did not cease to flow with people, did not cease, with all its changes, to be an image of the same language.

Take the word father only in all the globe scattered adverbs. We will see that it, for all its difference, is not a special one, invented by every nation, but the same thing repeated by all.

This conclusion requires great and long-term exercises, searching for a multitude of words, but to be afraid of the works leading to the discovery of light in the signs expressing our thoughts is an unfounded fear that loves more darkness than enlightenment.

The science of language, or better to say, the science of the words that make up the language, encompasses all branches of human thought, from the beginning of their generation to the infinite, always, however, with the mind of the intended spread. Such a science must be the first person worthy of man; for without it he cannot know the reasons why he went from concept to concept, cannot know the source from which his thoughts flow.

If, when raising a young man, it is required that he know what the dress he is wearing is made of; hat that he puts on his head; cheese that is eaten; then how should she not know where the word he says comes from?

It is impossible not to be surprised that the science of eloquence, the graceful mind of human fun and entertainment, was brought into the rules and flourished at all times. Meanwhile, as its foundation, the science of language, has always remained in darkness and obscurity. No one, or very few, dared to enter her mysterious dens, and, one might say, did not penetrate further than the first at the gates of her limits.

The reasons for this are obvious and not easy to overcome.

- The newest languages, which have taken the place of the ancients, having lost primitive words and using only their branches, can no longer be true guidebooks to their beginnings.

- All the ancient languages, except for Slavic, have become dead, or little known, and although modern scholars are trying to acquire knowledge of them, but their number is small, and information in a foreign language can not be so extensive.

- From the depths of antiquity, the flowing ducts often, being interrupted, lose their trail, and great efforts of mind and thought are required to find it.

“The hope of doing this work with due diligence cannot flatter a person because his century is short and the expected fruits can ripen as otherwise as a long-term exercise for many scholars.

- The science of language, although closely connected with the science of eloquence or in general literature, is very different with it. The first one delves into the origin of words, searches for connections of one concept with another, in order to establish grammatical rules on precise and clear principles and to compile a vocabulary, the only showing language in all its order and structure. The second is content only with approved skills in words, trying to compose them in a manner pleasing to the mind and hearing, without any concern for their original meaning and origin.

The first seeks its own light in the tongues of all ages and nations; the second does not extend its investigations beyond the present.

Poem teaches the mind to shine, to rattle, to look for fictions, ornaments. On the contrary, the mind, practicing in the study of language, seeks in it clarity, sure signs, evidence for the discovery of its hidden beginnings, always lost in the darkness of change, but without finding which, it ceases to be the fruit of creatures gifted by the mind, flowing from ancient times to their river.

The language with its purity and correctness will receive strength and tenderness. The court of the dignity of the essays will be the court of the mind and knowledge, and not the sense of ignorance or the venom of evil. Our language is excellent, rich, loud, strong, profound. It is only necessary to know the price for him, to penetrate into the composition and the power of words, and then make sure that not his other languages, but he can educate them. This ancient, original language remains always the teacher, the instructor of that meager, to whom he told his roots for breeding a new garden from them.

With our language, penetrating into it deeper, we can, without borrowing the roots from others, plant and plant the most magnificent helicopters.

The monarchs generous to the Russian Academy offer hope that, over time, the successes of hardworking minds led by the lightness of reason will open sources rich in our language, they will remove the crust from its diamond in many places and show light to the world.

Do you want to destroy the people, consume his language

We go to the high tower; remove the roof from the houses and see what happens in them. Where to begin? With education. Is there at least one, except the poorest, in which our children would not be raised by the French? This habit has increased and intensified so much that one must already be a hero in order to defeat prejudice and not follow the general course of things! Try to say that our language, science, arts, crafts, and even mores are harmed by the rule adopted by the misfortune of all.

Angry and reckless eyes will scratch you. Those who are softer and smarter will begin to prove to you: “Do not you say something empty? When is it better to study a foreign language if not in childishness itself? The child will playfully learn to first speak, then read, then write, and how the French language is needed is necessary (notice this expression), and finally it will be written as smoothly as if it were born in Paris. ” In this very thought his dominion over us and our slavery lies.

What is the purpose of true enlightenment and reason for learning foreign languages? In order to acquire knowledge. But then all languages ​​are needed. In Greek, they wrote Plato, Homer, Demosthenes; in Latin Virginia, Cicero, Horace; in Italian Danta, Petrarch; in English, Milton, Shakespeare.

Why can we be without these languages, but we need French? It is clear that we do not think about the benefits of languages: otherwise, why should we all others, and even our own, be so despised before the French, that we can hardly understand them, but in French, if we don’t speak it as natural as we are, we are ashamed of the world seem?

Therefore, we are not learning according to reason and not for good; what is this other than slavery?

They will say: yes, it is therefore necessary because it has become common, and is used throughout Europe. I regret Europe, but I regret Russia even more. For this, maybe, Europe and drinks a bitter cup, that before weapons French, has already been defeated by their language. Read the translation from French History the new French court ”: it describes how their ministers, dining with their prince Ludwig, talked about ways to eradicate England. The universal use of French, said one of them, Portalis, is the first foundation of all the ties that France has in Europe. Have England speak French as well as in other parts of England. Try, he continued, to exterminate the national language in the state, and then the people themselves. May the young English be immediately sent to France and taught the same French language; lest they speak otherwise than in French, at home and in society, in the family and at a party: that all decrees, reports, decisions and treaties be written in French - and then England will be our slave.

Here is the reasoning of one of their statesmen, and it is very fair. If Frederick the latter did not despise his own language; if every country used to retain its national pride, then the French revolution would be terrible only in its corner. Their supposed philosophers would not turn so many heads, the French would not walk from kingdom to kingdom.

What does this mean if not from the common language of their diffusion, which subdued our minds to their minds?

But we will leave other European lands and return to our Fatherland. Thanks to holy faith, Russia is not yet so.

However, the French language is preferred by us to everyone else, not to draw knowledge from it, but in order to chat on it. What consequences come from that? Those who know the grammar of their natural language well know not a lot of time to learn to read in a foreign language. On the contrary, in order to speak to them as one’s natural nature, it is necessary from the very infancy to be constantly engaged in it. This will prevent you from knowing your own language, of course, not the one you have learned on the street, but the one in which the word of God is preached in sacred temples, and what we find in books from Nestor to Lomonosov, from Igor's Song to Derzhavin. This will take you away from many information that is relevant to Russia. You, maybe, will learn a lot of superfluous about the French post houses and about the Parisian theaters, walks and lanes, but you will not know a lot of much needed about your Fatherland. You will sacrifice all this for pure pronunciation of French.

Look: your little son is better and more likely to learn, otherwise he does not speak like with everyone and everywhere in French: with the teacher, with you, with mother, with brother, with sister, with madame, with guests, at home, on the street , in the carriage, at the table, while playing, teaching and going to bed.

I do not know in what language he prays to God, perhaps not in any. Starting from four or five years of being in the hands of the French, he teaches his tongue to the pure reprimand of their speeches, his hearing to the art of drawing up their expressions, and his mind to the sound and meaning of their words. Do not you think that the habit, and especially from the very young years of it, has begun, has no power over our heart, mind, taste and soul?

In the tenth year, he already recited the Rasinovs and Cornelius poems by heart, but he hadn’t read a single Russian writer yet, Psalter, Nestor, Chety-Mein and never saw the eye. In the thirteenth year, he was already beginning to argue with his teacher, which of them would tell more pleasant words to fashionistas and actresses. Between the fifteenth and the eleventh year he is already a deep philosopher. He speaks about enlightenment, which, in his opinion, does not consist in the fact that the farmer knows how to plow, judge to judge, merchant to trade, shoemaker to sew boots. No, but the fact is that they all know how to comb, dress and read French prose and poetry. He never thinks about the immortality of the soul, but believes in the immortality of the body, because it is healthy and eats against ten. Often he judges moral things, and most of all he extols liberty, which, according to his concepts, consists in not considering anything sacred, in obeying anything but his passions. In the twentieth or twenty-fifth year, after your death, he becomes the heir of your estate.

Oh, if you could get out of a coffin through a dozen years and look at it! You would see that it is extracted from the earth with a sweat shed by ten thousand hands, wealth lavishes two-three or five foreigners who cheat on it. You would see in him a huge library of all kinds of French books, decorated with rich portraits of Helvetius and Dideroth.

And your portrait and your spouse, do not be angry, brought to the attic, and are brought only when you have to laugh, how you were dressed were strange. You would find out that he never was not only at your grave, but also in the church where you are buried, or better to say, in no one. You would see that he is above his grandmother, a little breathing, laughing and telling her: "Luker'ya Fedorovna, say something about old times." You would see that he is not capable of being a warrior, a judge, a friend, a husband, a father, a host, or a guest. You would see ...

After all this, would you be comforted by the fact that he is good, red and fluent in French?

Habit and the prevailing opinion are so strong, a person is taken into such a bondage, that he is against the convictions of his mind, forcibly, as if by a magnet, is drawn into a whirlwind of general prejudice.

We multiply by the fact that your foreign tutors, mentors, friends, and craftsmen are incessant in their inventions, tricks, and inventions all these things nourish us, support and reinforce.

Meanwhile, they lead us not to glory, but to the opposite side. We can talk about where they lead us, from what they brought us to.

Slavic is an ancient, indigenous, important, magnificent language of ours, in which the manners, deeds and laws of our ancestors are committed, on which the church service, faith and preaching of the word of God are based, this language is abandoned and despicable.

What comes out of this? Theophanes, St. George's sermons, which would have to remain immortal, thunder in later offspring and be schools of Russian eloquence, just like the Greeks and Romans had the words Demosthenes and Cicero, not only had many and rich publications, like others lands with less of their writers is done.

How many people in Russia read Voltaire, Cornelia, Racine? Million or so. And how many people read Lomonosov, Kantemir, Sumarokov? The first one is read by another thousand or two people, and the last two are unlikely and you can score a hundred.

Will there be a writer, where nobody reads careful and long-term works? Not! There is no thought in anyone to undertake something solid, important. There we will not find hardworking people who, before they finish their work, read a thousand others about the writers, draw the best of them, and agree with their reasoning with their reasoning. Only temporary hunters will be shown writing, small essays of which do not require any exercises in science or knowledge of the language. About them you can verse Sumarokov say that they "When they are born, then they die."

Under such circumstances, our language will increasingly be buried in oblivion, literature will deteriorate and fall. But without language and literature can science spread? Could there be enlightenment? Can art and handicrafts flourish even? Not! Without language, science is vague, the laws are gloomy, art is ridiculous, handicraft is rude, and in one word: all without a view, without an image, without a soul. Language and sloveness are needed not for some sciences, laws and arts. Every craft, handicraft and craft their own light illuminated from them borrow from their perfection.

His tongue falls because someone else prefers to him. With the fall of the native language, the invention is silent, they do not grow in any kind of art. Meanwhile, other nations use this and do not cease by various means to turn our attention away from themselves and turn it to their tricks.

One hundred years ago we began to learn from foreigners. Well, are our successes great? What are the fruits of them collected? Maybe they will say: land expansion, victories, conquests! But they didn’t teach us that. Without natural courage and love for the Fatherland, we would not have won the Poltava victory. Not! This is not their instruction fruit. In this they would rather learn than teach us if they could. I think they would give dearly that our soldiers would have not an Orthodox soul, not a Russian heart, not a copper chest.

One hundred years not one year. It is time for us to become skillful in such a long time. But meanwhile, foreigners educate and teach us everything. Our houses, temples, buildings they build; they dress and shoe us, our wives, sons and daughters. Without them, we would not have been able to hang the curtains, arrange the chairs, nor the cap, or the caftan, nor put on our boots. Our children stand erect, bow, dance, ride, look at the lorgnette, they teach the same. Orchestras and theaters amuse them as they are. At least Russian cooks prepare dishes in our kitchens? No, and they do the same!

Has nature endowed foreigners with superior mind and abilities? Is she their mother, and we stepmother? Who would think this! Does he who does not know the Russian people, savvy, at all capable.

Where a foreign language is used more preferably than its own, where other people's books are read more than their own, there, with the silence of literature, everything fades.

When we focus our attention on one of the two gardens, then the mind, hearing, sight, and taste stick to it, from which the other will undergo. Be patient, do not stop planting, cleaning, breeding, multiplying the good, exterminating the bad: you will see that it will spread out over time and be great.

The people are the same as the garden. Do not turn your eyes away from his works; love first the imperfection of them, prefer yours to someone else, indulge in it ambition, revive jealousy, instill in it self-respect. Then the natural talent will find myself writing, will begin to grow, rise, become more skillful and finally reach perfection. But as long as national pride does not arise in us, loving our own merits, until then we will only watch how foreigners do. His mind will remain void, the spirit is unpredictable, an eye impermeable, hands unskilled.

Foreigners often favor us with the names des barbares (barbarians), des esclaves (slaves).

They lie, but we give them a reason. Can he have respect for me, who teaches me, clothes me, removes me, or, better to say, robs me, and without whose leadership I cannot step, I cannot take a step?

Having overthrown the yoke of an alien language and upbringing, you need to say to them: “How? We barbarians, our age is famous for manners and weapons; and you, not the barbarians, with the horrors of their revolution, took away the glory from hell itself. How? We, the esklaws, obey God's chosen supreme authority; and you, not esklavy, after the hellish liberty that raised your murderous hands on old men and babies, finally crawling, when they forced you to obey with a stick! How? We, the unenlightened, honor the faith, the only source of virtues, the only bridle of passion, and you, the enlightened ones, trampled upon it and the very being of God, not by the wonders of the world he created, but by definitions of Robesperovs! How? Having a radical, ancient, rich language, we will prefer to it your meager, an adverb composed of different languages! ”

This is how it should answer, but not think: “Where are we chasing after you! You and men speak French! You know how to make caps, impale them on your heads, and clean flowers to flowers. For the sake of Paris, do not back away from us! Be always our teachers, decorators, shoemakers, connoisseurs, even when your compatriots go to burn and destroy us! ”

If our opinion about them will always be like this, then we will postpone the care of our own sciences, arts, crafts. We begin to store gold and pay them for all that we ourselves cannot do. We will not gain fame, but we will live the money.
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  1. Lech from our city
    12 October 2013 07: 55
    Has nature endowed foreigners with superior mind and abilities? Is she their mother, and we stepmother? Who would think this! Does he who does not know the Russian people, savvy, at all capable.
    Golden words - I always believe in the talent of my people (despite the fact that all sorts of crooks and liberals)
    How many scientists, poets, writers, engineers did not count.
    And this heritage should not go into the sand - you need to preserve and increase all the positive things that our ancestors left for us, I hope so.
    1. +16
      12 October 2013 09: 55
      First of all, a person SHOULD know perfectly his native language. Of course, it is desirable to know foreign languages, and the more the better.
      1. +25
        12 October 2013 10: 25
        Quote: xetai9977
        First of all, a person SHOULD know perfectly his native language. Of course, it is desirable to know foreign languages, and the more the better.

        I completely agree. It is especially jarring when you read the comments of members of the forum with the Russian flag with "increased literacy" and comments from members of the forum from other countries, but written by people educated in the USSR ... There is some kind of dibilization of the population, and what is being imposed from above: educational reform, USE, paid universities ... However, the rulers do not need a competent people.
        And what is most surprising is when in the speech of migrant workers talking to each other, after two or three words in their own language, our Russian mate "sounds" wassat They seem to have it, like many Russians use it to link words. Unforgettable: "Under the threat of a fine, the construction site was forbidden to swear and the construction site stopped ..." wassat
        1. +17
          12 October 2013 11: 51
          “The Russians make bad slaves.”
          - Why not?
          “All because of their fucking tongue.”
          - Language determines the way of thinking. Now, if the language is simple - the construction of sentences in it is possible only in one specific way (like the English, or the Germans), then the thinking of a person with such a language is simple, straightforward. You say to such a person: "Take the stone and you will receive a coin." - and he carries, receives a coin, and no questions. Or there is a sign - "Right turn is prohibited", and it simply would not even occur to him to consider the hypothetical possibility of turning right. For Russians, the phrase can be constructed in any way. Though "There is a glass on the table", even though "A glass is on the table", even though "There is a glass on the table". That is, their language is multivariate, multidimensional. Hence, their way of thinking is multivariate, multidimensional. It allows for the possibility of the simultaneous existence of various (and, moreover, unlimited) options for the development of events. Hanging sign "Right turn is prohibited" ... for the Russian this sign does not cancel the possibility of considering the option of turning right. And be sure, if he really needs it, he will turn. Or you say to him: "Take the stone and get a coin." So he will immediately start thinking: "Why one coin?", "Why are these stones needed?", "How to take a stone home and get a coin?", "Why carry stones at all?" For him, all options are possible. And in order for a Russian to perform a SIMPLE, mechanical work with high quality, without question, a lot of effort is needed. And all the same, the result will be temporary.
          - It turns out that the Russians are useless for us and even represent a danger?
          - Yes. In order to make them biorobots, you need to change their language, make it primitive. But this is a challenge for centuries. And now, in order to remove the threat from their side, weaken, deprive them of their development, there are other ways to influence. Mostly using their character, which again is determined by their language. But more about that next time.
          1. kavkaz8888
            12 October 2013 14: 16
            -I have a question. Is your text your own or a quote? If a quote, tell me where. Thank you in advance.
            1. +6
              12 October 2013 15: 24
              Quote: kavkaz8888
              -I have a question. Is your text your own or a quote? If a quote, tell me where. Thank you in advance

              - Most likely, copy-paste, no offense to Ivanov (apologies to him). But I would also like to read it in full. By the way, all Eurasian languages ​​"sin" with such multidimensionality, Kazakh (as a subspecies of the Turkic language) is also multidimensional and multidimensional - and the same fact, event or situation can be described by a large number of options ... But in Russian, the multivariate language is especially pronounced , Russian mate is incomparable, he simply has no competitors ...
              But here
              Quote: seasoned
              And what is most surprising is when in the speech of migrant workers talking to each other, after two or three words in their own language, our Russian mate "sounds"

              - so this only confirms that the Russian language is greatly enhanced by swearing. In addition, the mat healthy colors speech with emotions, allows you to more accurately and succinctly express these emotions. And the most important thing is that Russian mat allows you to learn such a complex language with such a complex word formation as Russian is, in a very short period. I, an aul 10-year-old boy, only having arrived in Alma-Ata, began to master the great and mighty in this way. At first, I had only one verb for almost all the verbs ("why are you LIE?" Russian language.
              By the way, in a couple of years, Kazakhstan is switching to Latin.
              And yet - I would also read what Ivan Ivanov brought.
              1. +6
                12 October 2013 17: 38
                Quote: aksakal
                Quote: kavkaz8888
                -I have a question. Is your text your own or a quote? If a quote, tell me where. Thank you in advance

                - Most likely, copy-paste, no offense to Ivanov (apology to him). But I would also like to read in full.

                As far as the search allowed, this is N. Starikov - "The Murder of Paul I - the Maltese Trail"
            2. +2
              12 October 2013 15: 44
              Unfortunately, I don’t remember where I got it from ...
          2. Aydar
            12 October 2013 18: 19
            Do you know German well enough to say it is "straightforward"? German is no less rich and imaginative than any other language, by the way, like English, and your reasoning about their "straightforwardness" is primarily evidence of your own limited and straightforward thinking. Remind you of the classics of German or English literature? Have you read, for example, Der Schloss by Franz Kafka, or, for example, at least Ivangoe W. Scott in the language of the authors, in order to assert that you have scribbled above?
            1. +13
              12 October 2013 18: 48
              Quote: Aydar
              Do you know German well enough to say it is "straightforward"?

              Probably, the construction of the sentence was meant. In English, for example, the subject is necessarily in the first place, the predicate in the second, and then all the other members of the sentence. Occasionally, the circumstance of time can be put forward. This is in Russian, we can express ourselves as you like:
              I went to the cinema yesterday
              I went to the cinema yesterday
              Yesterday I went to the cinema
              I went to the cinema yesterday.
              It is this "free construction" of the phrase, as well as the polysemy of our words, that causes difficulties for foreigners. In general, all languages ​​are rich and beautiful in their own way. The more you learn, the more you understand it hi
            2. +4
              12 October 2013 18: 56
              subject-predicate-minor members of a sentence - in English only this order of words in a sentence is possible, and no more.
              In German, the reverse word order is also allowed, where the predicate changes places with the subject.

              And you can tell me as much as you like about the greatness of the English language, but you cannot say ANYTHING in English except as "the glass is on the table". English does not allow for other options. And that's a fact. And speech has a decisive role in human thinking.
              1. 0
                12 October 2013 21: 11
                Quote: Ivan_Ivanov
                And you can tell me as much as you like about the greatness of the English language, but you cannot say ANYTHING except as "the glass is on the table" in English. English does not allow for other options.

                Forgive me, but "about (about whom? About what?) About greatnessи And the rest - it hurts you categorically!
                "the glass is on the table"
                A glass is on the table
                There is a glass on the table. hi
                1. +5
                  12 October 2013 21: 57
                  1. a glass is on the table
                  2. there is a glass on the table

                  When you learn Russian (or any Slavic language), the textbooks immediately say that the word order in the sentence is FREE.
                  When you learn English (German, Italian), then the textbooks immediately say that the word order in the sentence is not free and strictly fixed. In particular for German, it depends on the type of sentence. Particulars that are negotiated separately are allowed.
        2. +10
          12 October 2013 15: 24
          And someone said: this is not a military topic. Killing my tongue, killing me, killing my people - so what? Is this not a military topic? Does she concern me?
        3. Archibald
          12 October 2013 16: 07
          All of us somehow, as always, through the ass - we write about literacy, and the word moronization, through "and".
          1. +8
            12 October 2013 16: 10
            Quote: Archibald
            All of us somehow, as always, through the ass - we write about literacy. and the word moronic, through "and".

            Ueli wassat From me "+" for your attention. Sometimes "bloopers" slip through and I agree with you that they are not allowed in such comments hi
            Leonid, while I try to support every comment on the site that I see. Literate people are needed on a site where illiterate moderators thrive, deprived of their rights for drinking winked
            1. +5
              12 October 2013 16: 56
              And not only "each yours". WE poke the keyboard without understanding the rules of Russian spelling. Once I wrote on the website: It's time to invite REAL teachers of the Russian language to the forum.
            2. Archibald
              12 October 2013 17: 09
              Do not be offended ...
            3. +1
              13 October 2013 21: 37
              Briat scientists from Usatonvili: it’s not used to how you make up your vunti solva, halvon, singing and psaldeny buzvos by sending me some words, the text will be taken into consideration most of all. belay
        4. +7
          12 October 2013 16: 20
          Quote: seasoned
          And what is most surprising is when in the speech of migrant workers talking to each other, after two or three words in their own language, our Russian mate "sounds"

          Back in the seventies I read in the magazine "Around the World" that representatives of one of the lowest "castes" of Japanese society - dock workers, when they sort things out, they switch to Russian swearing, since there are no expressions required for this case in Japanese and other regional languages.
          1. +9
            12 October 2013 16: 23
            Quote: Normal
            Back in the seventies I read in the magazine "Around the World" that representatives of one of the lowest "castes" of Japanese society, dock workers, when they sort things out, switch to Russian swearing, since there are no expressions required for this case in Japanese and other regional languages.

            Bugaga, Vladimir, thanks for the info drinks That's for the sake of this on the site and freeze ...
            In reality, when you learn something new, and not just with what feet the Moder rose with the royal surname wassat here and hang.
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. Uhe
            13 October 2013 15: 17
            Well, mate - this is not only swearing. First of all, it is an ancient language of spells, which is preserved in the Russian language in the form of abuse. Why swearing? And let's compare with the abuse of the same Spaniards. How do they swear? Religious shrines are honored by Mother :) And the Russian mat also became a curse because these ancient and most powerful words of spells became a curse for Christianity that came to Russia and for the Greeks, its guides; They began to fight and forbid them, so they switched to swearing, but they survived.

            So let them Japs. They don’t understand that a mat is far from swearing or not just swearing. But we need to remember the roots of our words. The strength of the Russian language lies in its roots. The essence and meaning of our knowledge is transmitted through them. And the mat here is extremely important. Not for nothing that they try to fight from time to time. Here it is necessary not to fight with the mat itself, but to pronounce these important words in vain :)
        5. +6
          12 October 2013 20: 14
          I fully support you in your comments. I know how to teach the Russian language and literature firsthand, two granddaughters are studying, in grades 8 and 7. It comes to funny when the teacher himself says that he writes essays from the Internet. Almost no dictations, expositions and essays are written in the classroom, and how, for example, they can write essays if they almost never read books. But in addition to studying at school, literate spelling, writing phrases and texts correctly, we learn from the book. Listen to the children’s conversations, read the comments and their correspondence on the Internet - this is terrible! In one simple word, several mistakes are made when writing. And when talking - some words are garbage, such as:, well, another rubbish, mixed with distorted foreign words. And on our site you can immediately recognize a young man who was studying or is currently studying at a Russian school by spelling and punctuation of his comments. Those parents (or grandparents) who are concerned that their children (or grandchildren) can write and speak competently, pay extra hours of instruction and hire tutors. Yes, and our officials sometimes dazzle such a toughie that even stand or fall. And to screw a foreign word into a text or speech, replacing it with a Russian synonym, it is now a TREND (as they say). There is no longer Pushkin's Russian language, but there is some semblance. And how beautiful the Russian language was from the time of Pushkin! You will obey and read out!
          1. 0
            14 October 2013 11: 00
            In one simple word, when writing, several mistakes are made
            Sometimes these are not mistakes, but simply banter.
      2. horizonti
        13 October 2013 15: 47
        Yes, nothing a man should, if it is important for you to know the language perfectly, these are only your personal aspirations, you should not consider this a universal value, people’s forces and time are limited, and you need to direct them only to what is interesting, and not to what the society imposes .
    2. timer
      12 October 2013 18: 59
      Those who don’t remember their past are doomed to defeat in the future. We all need to turn to our glorious past, remember our roots, our native language, and not speak up on the criminal slang mixture (like the roof goes, etc.). I’m sure that this thought should be driven into the head of youth by our means of propaganda and agitation.
  2. Valery Neonov
    12 October 2013 08: 06
    Here are such articles, yes to general education institutions, yes, without fail, and to start from 3 classes! hi
  3. +13
    12 October 2013 08: 10
    But language really affects a person, for example, I have a gypsy friend who has developed this way in my life ... well, there’s an orphanage, then adoption, a communication environment ... the person grew up purely Russian and if you compare it now with pure chavas ... well, it's like earth and sky, the only appearance gives rise to roots.
    1. +6
      12 October 2013 11: 03
      Quote: Bosk
      if now compare it with pure chavas

      In Yekaterinburg, I can take you for a ride through 5 Tsigan villages and you will see how different they are. How civilized are some and how many others "came down from the mountains."
      1. 225chay
        12 October 2013 11: 31
        Quote: Papakiko
        In Yekaterinburg, I can take you for a ride through 5 Tsigan villages and you will see how different they are. How civilized are some and how many others "came down from the mountains."

        and most of them, unfortunately, lead a criminal lifestyle ... by the way, drug trafficking comes to the forefront.
        Although of course sometimes decent)
        1. +1
          12 October 2013 15: 20
          Throughout my life (believe me, many years) I have met only two "decent", as you put it
        2. Uhe
          13 October 2013 15: 23
          In Soviet times, there was a program to radically change the life of Roma so that they would not roam and steal, but lead a sedentary lifestyle, work, etc. It turned out quite. Of course, genetics make themselves felt (thousands of years of such a lifestyle have not been in vain), but they began to integrate into society.

          I mean, if the state wanted to cope with such groups, it would cope. You just need two programs: short-term and long-term. But such questions must be resolved after the solution of the Russian question, which includes questions of our language in the state. level.
      2. +2
        12 October 2013 15: 06
        I can ride you in Yekaterinburg in 5 cyan villages

        I am not going to be a teacher, but also gypsy villages and you with a capital letter. An article about the Russian language by the way.
        1. +5
          12 October 2013 15: 16
          Hello, fellow countryman. It seems that not everyone knows what a gypsy village is like. These are drugs, fake vodka, crimes stipulated by all articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Complete neglect of our laws, our morality, our age-old values
          1. +3
            12 October 2013 15: 57
            I agree with you. And this goes back to Soviet times. So there is no order. Someone in proportion ...
          2. Uhe
            13 October 2013 15: 25
            How are "hardworking migrants" in the same Biryulyovo? ;) That is, it turns out that someone benefits from such ethnic settlements in key centers of Russia?
      3. +1
        12 October 2013 15: 40
        Where are the comparisons? one and sk. others? I was in villages, I saw ... Even people in uniform, vested with power - do not go there
  4. +14
    12 October 2013 08: 10
    That's right, especially if you replace the word French with the Americans. Only now worse. We not only their language, but also holidays, we bring the American culture to our land, but we abandon our own.
    1. +4
      12 October 2013 08: 55
      I agree with you. It's bad that Western culture is being implanted. As an example: "Valentine's Day". And there is nothing wrong with foreign languages. The Russian language is so great that it will swallow and digest any language.
      1. +3
        12 October 2013 11: 15
        Quote: Lyokha79
        As an example: "Valentine's Day"

        On the night of Ivan Kupala, narrowed ones were chosen and wedding ceremonies were performed: jumping over a fire holding hands, exchanging wreaths (a wreath is a symbol of girlhood), searching for a fern flower and swimming in morning dew.
        There is an "Orthodox" day for all lovers - July 8, Day of Peter and Fevronia.
        But both Valentine and Peter with Fevronia are all saints. And what's the difference Orthodox or Catholics.
        Choose which day to celebrate, but have mercy.
        And now get into the liver what is called: It is necessary to postpone the New Year to January 14, because it is so global to plump into strict fasting - this is no construction of churches will save later.
        It is necessary to prohibit the pagan Shrovetide: burning a scarecrow is not Orthodox and violates fire safety.

        With my post I am just hinting at a lot of imbalances "in the culture of the country."
        Is there a country, or is there a culture?
        1. +2
          12 October 2013 16: 28
          Quote: Papakiko
          Quote: Lyokha79
          As an example: "Valentine's Day"

          And now get into the liver what is called: It is necessary to postpone the New Year to January 14, because it is so global to plump into strict fasting - this is no construction of churches will save later.

          Until 1917, Christmas was celebrated. New Year was not considered a holiday. Only after the ban of Christmas was a Christmas tree invented instead of a Christmas tree and a holiday beloved by the people was purposefully shifted to fasting days.
          1. Uhe
            13 October 2013 15: 35
            Yes, of course. Peter 1 brought the New Year with the Christmas tree to Russia on January 1. Before him, the New Year was celebrated in different periods of our history in different months and in different ways - in early March and then in early September. Peter 1 decided to celebrate January 1, decorate a western Christmas tree and so on.

            Russians celebrated New Year the whole history of Russia;) Along with other holidays, including pagan and Christian. Our people are not at all stubborn, as it seems to some, therefore they try to preserve their customs, although altering them under circumstances. The same Christmas is an ancient Slavic holiday, it was only called differently;)
    2. Uhe
      13 October 2013 15: 26
      And what has changed in comparison with the events of, say, the end of the 10th century? Russia is very fond of pulling on someone else’s clothes, and castigating over its own. Because of this, we suffer.
      1. +2
        13 October 2013 18: 34
        Quote: Uhe
        Russia loves to pull on other people's clothes

        In vain so uneducated.
        at first themselves baptized by fire and sword, then themselves beards were chopped, sometimes cut to the very neck.
        Quote: Uhe
        Because of this, we suffer.

        We suffer from the desire to make the world a better, honestly, better, kinder.
  5. essenger
    12 October 2013 08: 32
    The commies also wanted to destroy my people in this way, fortunately they did not succeed.
    1. +11
      12 October 2013 09: 32
      Quote: Essenger
      The commies also wanted to destroy my people in such a way

      True? Apparently it was not necessary to teach you, either in schools or in universities. Yes, and scientists do not need you. It would be better to remain illiterate and backward.
      1. essenger
        12 October 2013 09: 36
        Quote: Egoza


        Quote: Egoza
        Apparently it was not necessary to teach you, either in schools or in universities.

        both in school and in universities, I studied in Kazakh) Russian is a foreign language for me, after I mastered)))

        Quote: Egoza
        It would be better to remain illiterate and backward.

        Thank you, competent and modern you are ours))))))))))))))
        1. +9
          12 October 2013 12: 14
          Quote: Essenger
          both in school and in universities, I studied in Kazakh) Russian is a foreign language for me, after I mastered)))

          How amazing! Didn't they build and open schools and universities for you? And did you study in your native language? so how did they "destroy" it? belay
          1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +4
          12 October 2013 13: 17
          Quote: Essenger

          both in school and in universities, I studied in Kazakh) Russian is a foreign language for me, after I mastered)))

          Look at the leisure date of the foundation of your university, and the subject of the dispute will disappear
          by itself! And yet, I will tell you a little physiological secret - Kazakh
          men ONLY in the 50s of the 20th century learned from Russians the natural for
          civilized people habit - STANDING to meet a small need (i.e. rose
          from the knees). If you do not believe me, ask the older generation!
          1. kavkaz8888
            12 October 2013 15: 07
            And not only Kazakh. The elders told me for this.
            And here is the present. zyalt. Afghanistan, travel notes, day 1. This is the center of Kabul.

            We pay attention to what two are doing in the foreground.
            1. 0
              12 October 2013 16: 31
              Every nation has the right to help on their knees if they really want it. The Russian language has nothing to do with it.
          2. Aydar
            12 October 2013 19: 46
            Let me ask you, Kazakhs, as nomadic people, wore pants, Indians and Muslims wear grandmothers (hoodies) like that. Since you can see a great specialist in toiletry subtleties, can you please tell me if it is convenient to take off your pants and if Kazakhs took off your pants before squatting to cast? For example, I read that yes, Kazakhs and Polovtsy urinated on horseback, but solely for the purpose of being able to control the situation from the horse and not become a victim, in addition to the pants, in addition to the belt, there were leather laces that you would be tormented to untie and tie to crouch out of need.
        3. +2
          12 October 2013 21: 13
          and you will probably go to South Korea to finish your studies in Korean! not commies, you would study in a yurt, cook a shurpa!
          1. Kazakh
            13 October 2013 13: 07
            Yeah, and by the way, sitting in a yurt, I would have learned much more than being in CeSeSeR.
          2. essenger
            13 October 2013 15: 33
            Quote: Alesha
            now you’ll probably go to South Korea to learn Korean!

            Na-fig me Korean?))))))

            Quote: Alesha
            not commies, you would study in a yurt, cook shurpa!

            laughing I can cook and so I can))))) And what about the commies?
        4. Kazakh
          13 October 2013 13: 06
          Yes, what problems !!! You Russian always please, B.L.
      2. Algor73
        12 October 2013 11: 36
        Every people has the right to a national language. In the USSR, the Russian language was the language of interethnic communication. TG Shevchenko wrote "... І learn someone else's, і don’t fuss about your own ...", that is, "And teach someone else's, but don’t forget your own" - aptly said. And the problem of languages ​​became one of the impetus for the collapse of the Union. Loving your language does not mean disrespecting the other. This is a very deep problem, so you are in vain, Egoza.
        1. +12
          12 October 2013 12: 22
          Quote: Algor73
          Love your language does not mean disrespect another. This is a very deep problem, so you should not be so, Fidget.

          Wrong, dear! For me, my native language is Russian, but I studied Ukrainian at a regular secondary Russian school in Kiev, and now I know him better than today's children who are forced to study in a language that is foreign to them. Just as a teacher, I believe that you need to learn in your Native language. Then the knowledge is really acquired, and there is no two-way translation in the child’s mind (translate the teacher’s native question, write the answer in your native, translate it into Ukrainian ...)
          And in this case, I am outraged by the attitude towards the USSR and the communists in particular. It was under the USSR that the backward peoples of the Russian Empire began to develop. It was the "commies" who opened schools, universities, eliminated illiteracy. And to spit in the direction of those people - just rudeness.
          1. +2
            12 October 2013 16: 12
            Quote: Egoza
            It was during the USSR that the backward peoples of the Russian Empire began to develop. Exactly

            - respected, about the word "backward" - Churchill, recognizing the merits of Stalin, said that "he took Russia from the SOKHI, and left it with a NUCLEAR bomb." Does the word "plow" as a symbol of technological development mean anything to you? If we talk about cultural development, then we already had a bunch of writers and educators, back in the century before last, Abai is simply the most famous of them. The Georgians had a bunch of them, I generally keep quiet about the Uzbeks and their "fancy" cities like Bukhara. Explain about the "LACK" peoples, who do you mean?
            If you want to say something good about the communists, then I prefer to talk about the communists in the person of Stalin, and the original “communists” like Zalkind, Bela Kun, Goloschekin, Trotsky, Sverdlov (ksati, the latter two have completely different surnames, guess what?) I do not inspire any sympathy and I am not going to speak positively about such "communists"! am
            By the way, if anything, the results of the "work" of Bela Kun and Zalkind in Crimea are visible in good weather at the bottom, do not be lazy, go and see, it is not far from you, maybe then the "communists" will cause less sympathy for you.
            And yet - the original authors of the "communist idea", two friends from Germany - rare Russophobes, what else to look for!
            It jars her from her insult to the "communists", you see.
            1. +7
              12 October 2013 17: 47
              Quote: aksakal
              If we talk about cultural development, then we already had a bunch of writers and educators, back in the century before last, Abai is simply the most famous of them. The Georgians had a bunch of them, I generally keep quiet about the Uzbeks and their "fancy" cities like Bukhara. Explain about the "LACK" peoples, who do you mean?

              I do not argue! Every nation has outstanding personalities. In particular, the same Abay!
              "Abai Kunanbayuly was born in the Chingiz intermountains of the Semipalatinsk district of the West Siberian governor-general (since 1845, the Semipalatinsk region) in the family of the big bai Kunanbai Oskenbaev (Uskenbaev) of the Tobykty clan from the Kazakh tribe Argyn. The family of Abay grandfather also belonged to the local nobility great-grandfather (Irgizbay) dominated their family as rulers and biys.
              The home-teaching at the mullah, begun in childhood, was continued at the madrassah of the mullah Akhmet-Riza in Semipalatinsk, where Arabic, Persian and other oriental languages ​​were taught. At the same time attended a Russian school. By the end of his five-year studies, he began to write poetry, first attributing their authorship to his friend Kokpay Dzhantasov. From 13 years, father Kunanbay begins to accustom Abai to the activities of the head of the clan. At the age of 28 years, Abay departs from her, completely engaged in self-education, but only by the 40 years he creates his first adult poems. A significant event for Abay was his communication with political exiles E.P. Michaelis, N. Dolgopolov, S. Gross.
              The formation of Abay's worldview was influenced by poets and scholars of the East, who adhered to humanistic ideas (Firdousi, Alisher Navoi, Nizami, Fizuli, Ibn Sina and others), as well as works of Russian classics, and through them European literature in general. He translated Krylov, Lermontov, Pushkin, Goethe and Byron.
              The story of the poem "Karagy tunde tau kalkyp" ("Mountains slumber in the dark night"), which has become a folk song, is characteristic. Goethe wrote "Wanderers Nachtlied" ("Night Song of a Wanderer"), Lermontov translated it into Russian ("Mountain peaks sleep in the darkness of the night ..."), and after another half a century Abai Kunanbayev transmitted its content in Kazakh. "
              Magnificent constructions in Bukhara amaze the imagination of all architects of the world.
              But the fact of the matter is that these were the few who received education. "Backward" (including Russians, Little Russians and others) are primarily illiterate, overwhelmed by hard work, powerless (especially women). Regarding I.V. Stalin - so I myself am a Stalinist, like my whole family, so here you are by ... However, it should be remembered that he also left the ranks of the communists, whom you, dear, do not respect. laughing
              1. +6
                12 October 2013 18: 25
                Quote: Egoza
                You are past ... However, it should be remembered that he also left the ranks of the Communists, whom you, dear, do not respect

                - Thank you, Egoza. About the communists, those ordinary communists, like my mother, who worked in the Party Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (and in general, the most important in the line of the Party in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was the head of the Political Department) and rejected all the "tempting" offers of the OBKHSS employees who had been screwed up by the Party through the line "can we your Will we give our son a present ?, just detained speculators, they found the latest Adidas models and Montana jeans during a search! " I clearly separate them from those "communists" whom I listed in the previous post.
                Regarding the backwardness - in the Eurasian space in the cultural and humanitarian terms, all the peoples were approximately at the same level, in the scientific and technical terms, Russia was ahead of all other countries in Eurasia, but there is one very big BUT !!! The scientific and technological development of Russia was very FOCAL. Let me explain what "focal" means. This is when there are hotbeds of science and technology AT THE WORLD level, but these hotbeds are so small that it DOES NOT HAVE ANY impact on the country's gross product, on the structure of the country's economy, and even DOES NOT HAVE ANY impact on the daily life of the people! Unlike NON-FOCUS, as in Europe. Now examples are cars. Russia in the automotive industry has not lagged behind, Russo-Balt appeared very in its time and was a modern product. BUT! A little later, half of Europe was cut into cars, and in Russia ... And what about Russia? And in Russia - "plow". About flying machines - that are planes, that vehicles are lighter than air. Again Russia is very timely. Mozhaisky, Sikorsky ... And again, a little later, half of Europe is already flying through Atalantika, not seeing any miracle in this, even the Germans have already burned Zeppelin. And what about Russia? and 99,9% had no idea about "eroplanes". Again - "SOKHA". And only the frantic efforts of Stalin personally, expressed in special target programs such as "Osoaviakhim", "Komsomolets on AEROPLAN!" made it possible to make aviation non-fired! Given this state of affairs, it is quite possible to consider that all of Eurasia, all countries without exception, later united in the USSR, absolutely everything, approached the landmark 1917 LAGGER. And under Stalin, the whole of Eurasia began to develop rapidly.
                By the way, with the collapse of the USSR, Russia also returned to FOCUS scientific and technological development. That is, there are centers operating at the global level. "Sukhoi", "MiG", "Irkut", "Tactical missile weapons", "Progress", "Rubin", Arseniev, "Perm motors", Izhevsk and Tula mechanics ... You can still enumerate, but all this is again OCHAGI , which even back in the XNUMXs had a very tiny impact on the country's GDP, on its structure, on the daily way of life of people ... And I really hope, and that's why I've been here for three years, that someday it will cease to be FOCAL and become NON-FOCAL ! Yes it will come true!
                1. 0
                  12 October 2013 21: 25
                  You "aksakal" cannot list all the hearths! But in 1913, when Russia was the third economy in the world, the Kazakhs grazed sheep and could not read!
                  1. +2
                    12 October 2013 22: 54
                    Quote: Alesha
                    You "aksakal" cannot list all the hearths! But in 1913, when Russia was the third economy in the world, the Kazakhs grazed sheep and could not read!

                    - hotbeds can be numerous, but if their share in GDP is 0,001%, i.e. a value tending to zero, that is, in fact - a small-scale production of experimental samples, even at the world level, this does not mean anything, it does not in any way characterize the state as developed, since it cannot help the state with ANYTHING, nor in any situations such as war, nor will it simply help to build up the economy or raise the standard of living of its citizens! That is, apart from some ephemeral pride "for oneself and one's scientific and technical development," it brings nothing. Well, how could the submachine gun designed by Fedorov, which was great for that time, and produced in such a limited series that only gunsmiths know about it, in the First World War? Yes, nothing! We fought with the good old "mosinka".
                    Only in the 30s did these centers become a mass phenomenon, which immediately affected the face of the USSR.
                    So with
                    Quote: Alesha
                    you cannot list all the centers!

                    you are past.
                    Quote: Alesha
                    about in 1913 when Russia was the third world economy, Kazakhs grazed sheep, and did not know how to read!
                    - stereotype. Most were illiterate, but there was also its own elite, mainly based in Semey and the Semei volost, there was some kind of industry, mainly copper smelters. By the way, all this was included in the GDP of the Russian Empire, about which you report that it was the third economy in the world. At the same time, exactly the same proportion of Russian peasants (in percentage terms, of course) also could not read and could only handle a plow - this is a consequence of the famous reform of 1895, when it was decided that "cook's children have nothing to do at the university." I understand, the break in the template, it's so nice to know that we're here, wow, "everyone was dragged into civilization" and all the rest - how to put it mildly? I understand, a cold shower, but try to find in yourself some talents and skills that would allow you to be proud of yourself, and not be proud in return of the merits of your ancestors, in which there is not a single drop of your participation, and which, to put it mildly, are strong distorted.
            2. 0
              12 October 2013 21: 17
              there were Uzbeks, Avicenna was, but there was no country Kazakhstan!
            3. Kazakh
              13 October 2013 13: 09
              Aksakal - and they, the Russians, will anyway give a drink. Well, what can I say? Russian they are Russian.
          2. +1
            12 October 2013 21: 15
            Dear Fidget !!! I can only applaud! all to the point!
    2. +7
      12 October 2013 10: 30
      Quote: Essenger
      The commies also wanted to destroy my people in this way, fortunately they did not succeed.

      I understand everything, but let's argue logically: were there textbooks in the Kazakh language at the initial time of the formation of the USSR? Education is possible only if a person speaks the language and writing. Many foreigners come to Russia and first study Russian for 1-2 years, and then get higher education in their specialty.
      Remember how many books in the days of the USSR were published in national languages, and these were adventures, science fiction, historical novels. I remember how I "licked my lips" in Dumas in Ukrainian, but I couldn't get it in Russian ...
      Now in Ukraine they are trying to translate scientific words into Ukrainian. A joke and only, the Ukrainians themselves are laughing at these attempts.
      1. +6
        12 October 2013 12: 30
        Quote: seasoned
        Now in Ukraine they are trying to translate scientific words into Ukrainian. A joke and only, the Ukrainians themselves are laughing at these attempts.

        Most importantly, Russians in Ukraine SHOULD send their children to Ukrainian schools, because: 1. there are few Russian schools, 2. Russian classes try not to open, 3. Many fear that children will then not be able to enter a university, because in universities training is ONLY IN UKRAINIAN (and such that it's a pity the classic Ukrainian). Well, except that in the Crimea, you can still get "higher" in Russian.
        1. Algor73
          12 October 2013 19: 51
          Again you touched the pissed. Probably there are also Ukrainian schools in Russia? And how many? In Ukraine, the state language is Ukrainian, so what is the point? Only on condition that Ukraine will again be a union republic, and the Russian language will be the language of interethnic communication, only then will everything come back. The transition period is the most difficult. But what to do? It’s not the same country to change ... But this is not the main thing. The problem of language worries us, those who lived and studied under the USSR. Born on the eve of the 90th do not notice this problem, for them it is not a problem.
          1. +2
            12 October 2013 21: 06
            Quote: Algor73
            The problem of language excites us, those who lived and studied under the USSR. Those born on the eve of 90 do not notice this problem, for them it is not a problem.

            You are absolutely right! It’s just very painful to see and hear how POOR the speech has become! ”The ears fade from the surzhik! And about the grammar, "corrected" according to the principle "if only if not in Russian" - meter, coat - WELL, WHY DO YOU DONATE THE PEOPLE? am
          2. +1
            12 October 2013 22: 36
            There are no Ukrainian schools in Russia! In Russia, there are not even Ukrainian classes! In Russia there is not a single statement from the population about the opening of at least Ukrainian language courses! In Russia, no one will forcefully drive students into Ukrainian classes and schools. Well, there are no people in Russia who want to learn the Ukrainian language, much less study in the Ukrainian language. That is why there are no Ukrainian schools.
      2. +2
        12 October 2013 16: 34
        Quote: seasoned
        Now in Ukraine they are trying to translate scientific words into Ukrainian. A joke and only, the Ukrainians themselves are laughing at these attempts.

        And I remember watching "Chapaev" and "Seventeen Moments of Spring" in the Azerbaijani language in the army. Comedy and nothing else.
        - Natar-sa, Petka?
        - Yakshi, Vasil-Ivanovich ..

        And in Mongolia "Borman-aha", "Hitler-aha"
        1. +3
          12 October 2013 17: 05
          Quote: Normal
          And I remember watching "Chapaev" and "Seventeen Moments of Spring" in the Azerbaijani language in the army. Comedy and nothing else.
          - Natar-sa, Petka?
          - Yakshi, Vasil-Ivanovich ..

          wassat but still remember the words that)))
          1. +1
            12 October 2013 19: 10
            Quote: lonely
            but still remember the words that)))

            And how do you forget this?
            Alma povidlasi, Mebelsa ... And the taste of Shamkhor chocolate (confectionery) brandy, local, real agdam and churek is not from a store, but from a private bakery, which is yellow on a fault ... Oh! ...
            Not repeated.
            Not repeating.
            It doesn’t happen again when ...
            1. +1
              12 October 2013 21: 19
              that we were just young, and the carrot was sweeter!
            2. +2
              12 October 2013 22: 58
              wink Well, it’s bad that it doesn’t repeat for you, but for me everything is a common occurrence.
              except agdam of course !.
              1. +1
                13 October 2013 19: 28
                Quote: lonely
                well it’s bad that doesn’t repeat for you

                I remember, on a mountain exit, when without officers climbed to the top of the highest mountain, they dreamed; I wish I could return here in civilian life, without weapons ...
                Quote: lonely
                for you it doesn’t repeat itself, but for me everything is a common occurrence.

                So that's the whole buzz that does not repeat. I remember only the good ...
                Quote: lonely
                except agdam of course !.

                Nap-go, my friend, nap-go. Chet-gtovsky pg-giyatnaya thing. wink
                Really only shamkhor cognac? belay laughing
                1. +1
                  13 October 2013 23: 00
                  Aghdam is occupied, the winery is destroyed like the whole region. Only the Shamkhor cognac is satisfied ((alas
    3. +4
      12 October 2013 14: 15
      Quote: Essenger
      The commies also wanted to destroy my people in this way, fortunately they did not succeed.
      Yes, your people even had no alphabet if not for the Russians. You didn’t even know how to write before our arrival. Look at how many cyrillic letters you have? And so here you have a gift. You are ungrateful, but you demand respect.
      1. essenger
        13 October 2013 10: 20
        Quote: Mechanic
        Yes, your people even had no alphabet if not for the Russians.

        Have a snack or something)))) That’s why you enter into a discussion if you don’t know about us?

        Quote: Mechanic
        You are ungrateful, but you demand respect.

        I somehow violet to your respect))) I stated a fact, but the fact is that the Communists tried to destroy my people.
    4. kavkaz8888
      12 October 2013 14: 52
      Is that how they destroyed you?
      1. essenger
        13 October 2013 15: 30
        Caucasus8888 lol
    5. Uhe
      13 October 2013 15: 39
      The "Communies" defended your people, gave it statehood, a lot of lands, endowed it with writing and structured speech, endowed it with culture, that is, gave it a meaning for existence in the modern world;)
      1. essenger
        13 October 2013 17: 54
        Quote: Uhe
        The "Communies" defended your people, gave it statehood, a lot of lands, endowed it with writing and structured speech, endowed it with culture, that is, gave it a meaning for existence in the modern world;)

        Have a bite or something))))) laughing
        1. erg
          13 October 2013 18: 54
          I do not want to upset you, but back in the Khrushchev era, China claimed its rights to the Kazakh lands (or at least part of the land). You know how Khrushchev paid off - he closed his eyes to what the Chinese were doing in Tibet. And if China raises this problem again? What will you do?
          1. essenger
            13 October 2013 18: 56
            Quote: erg
            You know how Khrushchev paid off - he closed his eyes to what the Chinese were doing in Tibet. And if China raises this problem again? What will you do?

            We close our eyes to what the Chinese are doing in eastern Turkestan.
            1. erg
              13 October 2013 19: 43
              This is unlikely to impress them. This territory has long been part of China. And when they made claims to us, Tibet was not yet a part of China. Then the principle worked - we are you, you are us. We allowed them to seize Tibet, they abandoned their claims. And now there’s nothing to speculate on. And the military power of China is higher than any state in the post-Soviet space.
  6. Alikovo
    12 October 2013 08: 55
    Now in schools purposefully introduce foreign languages: English, French, German, Italian.
    At the school where the nephew is studying, they gave a choice of one of three languages ​​(the first three languages) to study
    a year later they began to learn English, German without fail. 2 foreign languages ​​on Tuesdays and Fridays, cutting down the number of lessons of the Chuvash language and literature (before, there were 2 lessons per week, now one at a time).
  7. +6
    12 October 2013 09: 28
    Do you want to destroy the people, consume his language
    I do not say that my people are being destroyed, but my native language is gradually leaving. I have nowhere to use it except in the circle of loved ones to use. If a team or company has at least one Russian, then everyone speaks Russian because even if he understands something, he himself will not recognize this and will not utter a word in the local language. Is it humiliating for them? Not to mention the authorities and other institutions.
    1. +8
      12 October 2013 13: 51
      Quote: bairat
      Do you want to destroy the people, consume his language
      I do not say that my people are being destroyed, but my native language is gradually leaving. I have nowhere to use it except in the circle of loved ones to use. If a team or company has at least one Russian, then everyone speaks Russian because even if he understands something, he himself will not recognize this and will not utter a word in the local language. Is it humiliating for them? Not to mention the authorities and other institutions.

      accurately described the situation of 80 years in Kazakhstan. Now the situation is slowly changing, but the described situation remains when we switch to Russian. Moving to Russian, we seem to respect the only Russian that he doesn’t feel impaired, but on the part of the Russian, it’s as if not respecting, living here sometimes not all his life to learn another language even at the everyday level.
    2. +9
      12 October 2013 14: 08
      Quote: bairat
      Do you want to destroy the people, consume his language
      I do not say that my people are being destroyed, but my native language is gradually leaving. I have nowhere to use it except in the circle of loved ones to use. If a team or company has at least one Russian, then everyone speaks Russian because even if he understands something, he himself will not recognize this and will not utter a word in the local language. Is it humiliating for them? Not to mention the authorities and other institutions.

      You are not right.
      The Tatar language in Russia occupies an honorable 2 place after Russian, paperwork is conducted in the Tatar language, books, magazines, newspapers are published, there are radio and television channels, there are Tatar schools and universities, many products have information in Tatar.
      So, in principle, the Tatars can do without the Russian language, but is it worth it?
      There are over 100 nationalities in Russia. Is it worth it to Russian, Tatar, Udmurt, etc. to learn 100 languages? Isn’t it easier for everyone to learn one language native to 85% of the population and communicate with all 100 peoples in it.
      1. +1
        12 October 2013 19: 03
        Are you ready to sacrifice your native language so that everyone would learn the native language for 85% of the world's population?
        1. -1
          12 October 2013 21: 27
          said nonsense!
        2. erg
          13 October 2013 19: 02
          But don’t sacrifice anything. If you live in a multinational state - know your native language and language, or one of the languages ​​that are recognized in this state for the state. This is the only alternative at the moment.
  8. +2
    12 October 2013 09: 36
    Quote: bairat
    even if he understands something, he himself will not admit it and will not utter a word in the local language.

    Maybe people are just ashamed of their pronunciation. And a lot depends on education. If the rule was laid in families - "you have come to live with this people - you need to know this language, respecting the people" - there would be no embarrassment.
    1. +4
      12 October 2013 13: 57
      Quote: Egoza
      Quote: bairat
      even if he understands something, he himself will not admit it and will not utter a word in the local language.

      Maybe people are just ashamed of their pronunciation. And a lot depends on education. If the rule was laid in families - "you have come to live with this people - you need to know this language, respecting the people" - there would be no embarrassment.

      at the expense of attitudes in the family, you definitely noticed that the parents don’t tell their children that it’s important for them and that they respect the people you live with, or maybe they say why do you need to know anyway then we’ll move to Russia - learn English, it’s definitely useful for you wink
      1. +3
        13 October 2013 20: 38
        Quote: Semurg
        at the expense of installations in the family you just noticed
        Let me give you the following example: In our village there was a family of distant relatives. The granddaughter was brought up in the Kazakh language in principle. The use of the Russian language in everyday communication in the family was minimized as much as possible. And everything was fine until the girl began to communicate with the "outside world". And our "street language" is Russian .. And the granddaughter switched to Russian. To the demands of the elders to speak Kazakh, she answered: "I can't" sad . I understood, but I spoke Russian .. It was in the middle of the 90's.
        We have a total Russian-speaking environment in the north of Kazakhstan, in the Kostanay region. But, already gradually, "quietly" the Kazakh language conducts a kind of "reconquista". And in the future, he will take his rightful place.
        A similar situation, as far as I know, is in Ukraine and Tatarstan ..
        1. +4
          13 October 2013 22: 09
          I have a granddaughter up to 4 years old who lived in the aul only knew Kazakh; now I have studied Russian with us in the kindergarten for 2 years; I’m a Kazakh-speaking Russian-speaking wife sometimes slows down but speaks to us in two languages; God will master English; her cousin daughter of her niece from London a month ago after studying the grandchildren returned and the English granddaughter teaches the granddaughter English. all languages ​​are needed all languages ​​are important.
          1. +2
            14 October 2013 11: 37
            I’ll give another example, but the opposite.
            A correspondence student, Russian by nationality, told. It was in the city of Lisakovsk, in the Kostanay region. It is still a "Russian city" (Russians are about 70%). Since there is a widespread lack of kindergartens, I sent my daughter to a Kazakh-speaking group. After a while, the parents were "slightly shocked". My daughter began to "babble" in the Kazakh language, recite Kazakh children's poems. I read Kazakh fairy tales to my father, in Kazakh language .. belay
            Now, a "Kazakh-speaking environment" is being formed, which causes some discomfort among the Russian population. And many Russians, if possible, send their children to study at Russian universities with the prospect of gaining a foothold in the Russian Federation. And themselves, if the opportunity arises, they would not mind.
            Fortunately, Kostanay is more "tied" to the Ural region and Siberia than even to other regions of Kazakhstan. (By the way, it was always funny to hear about Kazakhs - Central Asians. According to Kostanays, probably more correct - South Urals or Siberians recourse )
            And about Chelyabinsk we can say that "there are half our people."
  9. +2
    12 October 2013 09: 37
    Human language, a symbol of knowledge.
    Continuous improvement of the lexicon leads to a departure from the source, but expands the depth of knowledge.
    Read "The Word about Igor's Host", so some words cannot be understood without an interpreter. Even the very name "word" makes you wonder why about Igor's regiment, and not the usual Igor's regiment.
    Texts in the ancient Slavic, Old Russian presentation of the Bible are generally not readable without prior preparation.
    Is it good or not? This is just a given.
    The author of the article is a contemporary of imitating everything French, which is not good, just like the modern fawning over English.
    The main thing is to learn languages, but not to lose the roots of linguistic communication of their ancestors.
  10. +3
    12 October 2013 09: 49
    and there’s nothing to add. How many years have passed, and relevance is not lost
  11. zavesa01
    12 October 2013 09: 55
    There is no reason for the people of a strong state to learn foreign languages. Dependent states need to know the language of the strong because they are interested in the patronage of the latter. For some reason, it never occurred to anyone to study the language of the Maori tribes. So draw conclusions.
    1. essenger
      12 October 2013 10: 00
      Quote: zavesa01
      There is no reason for the people of a strong state to learn foreign languages.

      I agree, so everyone is learning English and Chinese.
      I chose English)))
  12. +3
    12 October 2013 10: 05
    Thank you for the good article you need, once again revealing how much in this corrupt world!
  13. alexeyal
    12 October 2013 10: 30
    Cities of Russia for the Russian language at the Olympics.
    1. +2
      12 October 2013 13: 22
      good + Pleased !!!
      1. 0
        12 October 2013 23: 01
        and what pleased you? that there are only 9! person? goes the rest of the drum?
        1. 0
          13 October 2013 20: 22
          and what pleased you?

          there are people who express their disagreement in real life ... and not in the internet, on the forums ....

          goes the rest of the drum?

          so are you among the rest
  14. +8
    12 October 2013 10: 32
    What language is there - even the holidays are many strangers: now 15 has been actively celebrating Valentine's Day, Halloween, and some even (attention!) And purely American Thanksgiving. And New Year’s more and more often we see not Santa Claus, but Santa Claus with deers ...
    1. fklj
      12 October 2013 11: 15
      In a cultural society - Santa Claus, the rest is a claus with deers.
      1. 225chay
        12 October 2013 11: 35
        Quote: fklj
        In a cultural society - Santa Claus, the rest is a claus with deers.

        Right! They are deers who are in friendship with claus ...
    2. Uhe
      13 October 2013 15: 55
      Well, different clothes are trying to pull on our Frost. Well, for example, a certain Saint Nicholas, although Frost is the Slavic spirit of frost, severe and fair. This is to say that the current situation is far from new and is a consequence of more ancient steps;) These same Chinese have long been ill with this disease, and we cannot do anything for some reason, so we are gladly pushing someone else's, instead of being proud his own, but change only outwardly according to the requirement of the time, remaining ancient inside, relying on the covenants and customs of his ancestors.
  15. fklj
    12 October 2013 11: 09
    Each of us is the guardian of Russian culture. To the battle.
    1. +10
      12 October 2013 12: 25
      Quote: fklj
      To the battle.

      Announcement - (mirror of our time).
      Who robbed my car - so that God would give him stomach cancer, three heart attacks and his hands to dry. The radio tape recorder played the mourning march of 24 hours a day. And the money went only for treatment: to protect your home with three cars: - 01, 02, 03. Damn you !!! Amen (s)
      Colorfully, emotionally and even without a mat! laughing
      (With everyone's weekend)
      1. +4
        12 October 2013 12: 33
        Quote: Egoza

        Elena, I bow before your sense of humor hi love
        1. +1
          12 October 2013 17: 07
          mdyaya !! curse she is a master. a real professional!
          1. +6
            12 October 2013 18: 55
            Quote: lonely
            curse she is a master. a real professional!

            Wrong, dear! I removed this announcement from the door of the entrance and sent it to the editorial office of a newspaper. Printed! And my creative thought would not work like that! laughing
            1. +1
              12 October 2013 23: 04
              I think after such "wishes" the thief fell to pieces right in the middle of the road))
  16. +7
    12 October 2013 11: 31
    In no country in the world is the native language being destroyed so openly and barbarously as in Russia. Yes, foreigners generally cherish their language like the apple of their eye. And we have? Recently I went to the Kursk railway station. And what. The announcers, with some fright, duplicate all messages in English. At all railway stations, on platforms, names are duplicated in English. And the subway map? And the road signs? We are in the occupation. Or in connection with the Olympic Games in Sochi (sorry, in "soih'e-hios'e" - so it seems that the emblem of the Olympics is read "in a mirror" now) does everyone have a roof? But who exactly? I would like to know by name who gives instructions on, for the time being, the dubbing of Russian names in English. I think that with this mockery of the Russian language, of the etymology of Russian words, Russian grammar and punctuation, we must end. And the sooner we realize that paid "common people", conceived in the civil service or in the media, are simply mocking us, the better.
    1. +3
      12 October 2013 13: 27
      for that, Fursenko and the Lebanese education ministers are appointed. everything we have is one to one, only many still believe in a person who promises a lot.
    2. +2
      12 October 2013 19: 08
      I do not agree with you. Resting in Badaihe (resort in China), did not experience any difficulties. ALL pointers were in three languages: Chinese, English and ... Russian. And the Chinese absolutely did not bother with this.
  17. +4
    12 October 2013 11: 40
    Quote: 1536
    . And we have? I recently visited the Kursk station. And what. Announcers with some fright duplicate all the messages in English. At all railway stations, on platforms, names are duplicated in English. What about the metro scheme? What about road signs? We are in occupation.

    Indeed, I never thought about it, and they duplicate it with us. and in France and Germany, Sweden and Turkey, the Czech Republic and Slovenia --- well, where else have I been - Holland. Belgium Switzerland . Luxembourg, Ukraine laughing , Bulgaria, (States and Canada I do not take), Norway. Italy ---- I would have understood if I had duplicated Chinese (it is spoken the most in the world), and then English. wassat
    1. fklj
      12 October 2013 11: 43
      It is necessary to make the Latin language (Latin) international, so that no one would be offended. They say it is easier to learn than English.
      1. +1
        12 October 2013 15: 46
        Quote: fklj
        It is necessary to make the Latin language (Latin) international, so that no one would be offended. They say it is easier to learn than English.

        The Latin language of 1500 years refers to dead languages, is used in science and the Catholic religion, does not apply to languages ​​that are easy to learn.
        As students of this language say: Lingua latina non penis canina.
        In order not to offend anyone, you should make Esperanto the international language.
        Esperanto is intended to serve as a universal international language, the second (after the native) for each educated person. Using neutral (non-ethnic) and easy to learn language could bring interlanguage contacts to a qualitatively new level. In addition, Esperanto has a great pedagogical (propaedeutic) value, that is, it significantly facilitates the subsequent study of other languages.
        1. 0
          12 October 2013 23: 14
          Quote: Corsair5912
          In order not to offend anyone, you should make Esperanto the international language.
          - I agree, that's where the dog rummaged. After all, if you think about it, the root of all conflicts licks into a rivalry to spread its influence, mainly - CULTURAL influence, including the influence of language.

          The use of Esperanto may be the factor that eliminates this unnecessary rivalry.
          Although I don’t know.
      2. 0
        12 October 2013 20: 44
        Quote: fklj
        It is necessary to make the Latin language (Latin) international, so that no one would be offended. They say it is easier to learn than English.

        generally there is a language called 'Esperanto. already tried to do
    2. +3
      12 October 2013 12: 01
      Dear, I spoke out not for those who travel in Russia, but who live in it permanently.
  18. +6
    12 October 2013 12: 09
    After reading the article, I thought about what scale and mind people were on the highest state
    posts in the Russian Empire! "Not like the current tribe. Heroes .." And now, more and more-
    Fursenki, Lebanon. Petty thoughts, fussy actions .. So we have what we have.
    1. fklj
      12 October 2013 12: 46
      And now, more and more Fursenki, Lebanon. Small thoughts, fussy actions ..

      Only filtered there, 100% g .... leaks out. The selection is tough, bestial!
      1. +3
        12 October 2013 13: 29
        Petty thoughts, fussy actions.

        not so small - since the consequences are huge
  19. +6
    12 October 2013 13: 21
    The language in an ordinary school, it should be exactly Russian, and with us !? English or German, and Tatar, a lot, in my opinion a lot. And why there is no possibility of choosing preferences for the Mother tongue to the detriment of foreign ones. why should students learn the languages ​​of powers hostile to us, what do they teach Russian in Britain or in the states? Why are such rules created for the whole country that it’s necessary to drive the language of powers alien to us from school? Result - in the country, signs on residential buildings in Russian / English, public transport stops are announced in 3 languages ​​(Russian / Tat / English) why? Will the invited delegations take the bus? suddenly.
    People are preparing for something, is it not for the liberators to come with an English-speaking voice, or is it convenient for them to navigate?
    Learning a language inevitably opens up to the culture and traditions of native speakers: I watch and celebrate the holidays, St. Valentine, Halloween, 25 December Christmas begin to celebrate ?! Matches? the longer I live the less I believe in coincidence!
    Deciding on the direction you need to start with the kindergarten and school, this is true, but having eradicated Western languages ​​from its program, you can leave them as an introduction if anyone decides to study in depth.
    Look how young people started to write on the forums, mistakes were made by mistake and this is no longer the Albanian dialect - errors from the field of LITERACY LITERACY.
    Thanks. Something struck, sorry if off topic posted.
  20. Yarosvet
    12 October 2013 13: 52
  21. +3
    12 October 2013 14: 34
    Quote: bairat
    Do you want to destroy the people, consume his language
    I do not say that my people are being destroyed, but my native language is gradually leaving. I have nowhere to use it except in the circle of loved ones to use.

    But, for example, in the UK that became a byword for naturalization under their 1981 law, possession of Welsh, along with English or Scottish, is a sufficient condition for meeting the criterion of knowledge of the language. The Welsh and Scottish languages ​​are generally accepted and the majority of the population knows them. This is natural, because these are the languages ​​of the inhabitants of this country. But it would never occur to anyone in the United Kingdom to put the Russian language as a prerequisite for entering work, to university, and to decorate suburban railway platforms or the London Underground circuit with inscriptions in Russian. And I would gladly probably see on the Moscow metro scheme, instead of the English interlinear, under the name of the stations, their names are Tatar. After all, we live in the Russian Federation, and not in some Wales!
  22. rereture
    12 October 2013 15: 22
    People, or maybe it's not at all bad together with their native Russian language, to know also English? Is it really bad that metro schemes are signed for foreign tourists? Just most of you are paranoid. If parents speak Russian, then the children will speak Russian.

    What annoys me personally is that when I get out of the subway, it is not Russian speech that meets me, but the speech of people from the Caucasian regions and Asian republics.
  23. Ruslan_F38
    12 October 2013 15: 47
    Language is the history of the people. Language is the way of civilization and culture ... Therefore, the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle exercise from nothing to do, but an urgent need.
    Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

    There is no doubt that the desire to dazzle Russian speech with foreign words without need, without sufficient reason, is contrary to common sense and common taste; but it harms not the Russian language and not Russian literature, but only those who are obsessed with it.
    To use a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it means to offend common sense and common taste.
    Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

    Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  24. +1
    12 October 2013 16: 02
    Quote: 1536
    The Welsh and Scottish languages ​​are generally accepted and the majority of the population knows them.

    Where does this information come from?
    So is it "generally accepted"?
    As far as I know, just over 1% of the UK population speaks Welsh. And the Scottish dialect, even in Scotland itself, is known to less than half the population.
    With the same success, the Yakut language can be called "generally accepted in Russia."
  25. +2
    12 October 2013 18: 03
    but I still, most of all I love the poem of Lermontov Haji Abrek. And then Mtsyri. with all that, I have never been to the Caucasus, and probably never will, unfortunately.
  26. +1
    12 October 2013 20: 45
    Do you want to destroy the people, consume his language

    Gold words! You read them and understand what Russia is doing with small peoples. There are no schools in Russia where instruction is conducted in the native language, only in Russian. And after that there was a total misunderstanding, "why are the Tatars performing there, what do they dislike?" And they just want to remain Tatars, retaining their language ...
  27. +1
    12 October 2013 21: 08
    Once I read a study by an Israeli scientist. He conducted research on the relationship of language and technology development. He came to the conclusion that there are only two scientific schools in the world that move technological progress and science, these are Russian and English. If some people want to isolate themselves from these languages, then this linguistic isolation will inevitably lead to technological degradation of the state’s economy.
    I think this is due to the fact that in Russian and English there are a lot of words that have an ambiguous interpretation, which inevitably leads to the development of imagination and abstract thinking in people who can think in these languages.
  28. Vladimir 9322
    12 October 2013 21: 15
    Russia rests on three pillars: the idea of ​​justice, Pushkin and the Russian language. An attempt to attack in any form one of the three can be regarded as an act of aggression on the foundations of Russian civilization and state martial law.
  29. +4
    12 October 2013 21: 59
    Quote: scientist
    Once I read a study by an Israeli scientist. He conducted research on the relationship of language and technology development. He came to the conclusion that there are only two scientific schools in the world that move technological progress and science, these are Russian and English. If some people want to isolate themselves from these languages, then this linguistic isolation will inevitably lead to technological degradation of the state’s economy.

    By the way, I also read about Israel somewhere. So they found out that the children of our former Soviet Union Jews study better and understand and develop better. As it turned out, they know Russian and therefore they are doing better. And there it seems like they want to look at the Russian and take a note of it. (Maybe something was wrong, but the meaning is approximately the same).
  30. +1
    12 October 2013 22: 02
    Hello everyone!

    Thanks a lot to the author of the article. good And even more pleased with the reviews of members of the forum and their good quotes from GREAT figures of Russia.

    Our Russian (for me the language of communication and education), we all need to cherish and cherish. And if gradually, we replace all the "alien" words with the original RUSSIAN, then we will be able to call serious and responsible leaders according to the old and with respect "MANAGER" good and for reformers and corrupt officials, we will be able to leave a new precise spitting term "manager / swindler in Russian". angry

    And many ambiguities will suddenly clear up.

    And the teachers of the mother tongue and literature, except for the teachers, were always parents and in many respects our grandfathers and grandmothers gave us the richness of the language, for which we all thank them very much and that our kind words came to heaven to them.
  31. +2
    12 October 2013 22: 22
    Article plus !!! And I am proud that I am Russian and I do not consider myself special, but consider myself a part of nature. the universe and the whole world. I don’t care who is of what nationality. MAIN RESPECT !!! I WRITE UNDER THE SHAFE, but I will not REFUSE from words and sober !!!! Motherland is above all !!!
  32. +4
    13 October 2013 04: 24
    Quote: Lyokha79
    The Russian language is so large that it swallows and digests any language.

    Yaroslav Smelyakov
    At your poor cradle
    still barely audible at first
    Ryazan women sang
    dropping words like pearls.

    Under the tavern dim lamp
    on the table a wooden ponic
    at the full pristine cup,
    like a wounded falcon, coachman.

    You walked on broken hooves
    burned in the fires of the Old Believers,
    washed in tubs and troughs,
    a cricket on a waxed wax stove.

    You sitting on the porch
    turning his face to the sunset,
    took the ring from Koltsov,
    Kurbsky took the ring.

    You, our great-grandfathers, are in captivity,
    powdering your face with flour,
    at the mill Russian ground
    visiting Tatar language.

    You took a little German
    even more could
    so that they are not alone
    the scientific importance of the earth.

    You smelling pretty sheepskin
    and grandfather sharp kvask,
    was written and a black splinter
    and a white swan feather.

    You are above price and price -
    in the year forty-first, then
    was written in the German dungeon
    on weak lime with a nail.

    The lords and those disappeared
    instantly and for sure
    when by chance encroached
    to the Russian essence of the language.

    1. +3
      13 October 2013 04: 38
      Hi hi Insomnia tortured?
      1. +4
        13 October 2013 04: 52
        Hi Ruslan! hi No. Just yesterday it was cut off at 20-00 ... So neither light, nor dawn rose ...
        1. +1
          13 October 2013 05: 03
          Quote: retired
          No. Just yesterday cut off at 20-00 ..

          They remembered school youth, drank a lot and quickly wink It happens laughing
          1. +4
            13 October 2013 05: 07
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            drank a lot and fast

            and as in childhood, they ate a candy stolen secretly from my grandmother wassat drinks
            1. +1
              13 October 2013 05: 15
              Quote: Ruslan67
              and how in childhood they ate candy

              Oh, you lived richly there, we ate dry pasta. There was nothing to cook on the basement. wassat
              1. +3
                13 October 2013 05: 23
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                we ate dry pasta. There was nothing to cook on the basement

                Is it not fate to prepare in advance? laughing We took this issue seriously, for example, my mother washed a glass and put it in her bag: you never know how much soda you want, but there is no glass in the machine request or is he dirty laughing
                1. +1
                  13 October 2013 05: 32
                  Quote: Ruslan67
                  Oh, for example, my mother washed a glass and put it in her bag:

                  Mom didn’t put a bubble in your bag wassat
                  Quote: Ruslan67
                  Is it not fate to prepare in advance?

                  No, it was 14-15 years old, the first glass and a complete lack of experience laughing Yes, and the snack was not the main thing, the main thing is that they got it, brought it and the rest is not important
                  1. +2
                    13 October 2013 05: 38
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    Mom didn’t put a bubble in your bag

                    No But Esso laid a thermos with vodka for winter fishing without opening that would not cool down wassat
            2. +4
              13 October 2013 05: 17
              Quote: Ruslan67
              secretly stolen candy from grandmother
              You offend dear! We didn't work on trifles. At least - a can of stew or a piece of bacon with bread. On kraynyak- "Breakfast of a tourist" For our dads always said: "If you really drink, have a good snack!" ...
              1. +2
                13 October 2013 05: 24
                Quote: retired
                For our dads always said: "If you really drink, eat well!"

                And here’s a toast, -for dad drinks bully
          2. +4
            13 October 2013 05: 10
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            drank a lot

            If only, if ... With longing for this case, it was chopped off ... And at school we drank port (the choice was good ...) and apple at 90 kop. Really sometimes fast (after training). But after that they also fled to school!
            1. +3
              13 October 2013 05: 11
              Quote: retired
              But after that they also fled to school!

              Stakanovites minors laughing
              1. +1
                13 October 2013 05: 20
                Quote: Ruslan67
                Stakanovites minors

                Not Ruslan, we then considered 12 year olds for youngsters laughing
                1. +2
                  13 October 2013 05: 25
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  we then considered 12 year olds for youngsters

                  And we didn’t even count them. what Especially since drinks they became around twice as many belay
                  1. +1
                    13 October 2013 05: 36
                    Quote: Ruslan67
                    Especially since

                    There were two pillars, so I decided to ride a motorcycle between them laughing
                    From the story of a participant in an accident in 2000 in the village of Kamenushka, Prim.Krai wassat
              2. +3
                13 October 2013 05: 22
                Quote: Ruslan67
                good I feel Ruslan you fell to the source again! And we have a rare day could not do without porteshchka feel And when we went to the forest or fishing (and we went there often. Still, the taiga was around), then we could not do without vodka ...
                1. +2
                  13 October 2013 05: 27
                  Quote: retired
                  you fell to the source again!

                  I would say, sucked whole body lol
            2. +1
              13 October 2013 05: 19
              Quote: retired
              ..With longing for this case, it was cut off.

              what have you got there, the administration announced a dry law and closed all the stores belay
              I will sell the moonshine still, the bargaining is pertinent winked
              1. +2
                13 October 2013 05: 24
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                I will sell the moonshine still, the bargaining is pertinent

                Is a trial batch of the finished product included? laughing
                1. +2
                  13 October 2013 05: 30
                  Quote: Ruslan67
                  Is a trial batch of the finished product included?

                  I will inform you in writing about the results of the tasting feel ...
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  I will sell the moonshine still, the bargaining is pertinent
                  Start ...
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  Administration announced prohibition and closed all stores?
                  No. Wife closed access to the benefits of civilization am ... And, most importantly, after all, I have a canister with confectionery brandy (5l.), But the pancake was so badly hidden ... To get it, it’s necessary to dissolve half the loggia. Harvest fucking!
                  1. +2
                    13 October 2013 05: 35
                    Quote: retired
                    I will inform you in writing about the results of the tasting ...

                    Here again, I'm a stranger at this celebration of life crying
                    Quote: retired
                    Harvest fucking!

                    Horseradish conspirator! You’d put a deeper one on the mezzanine so that you could later explain to your wife what bolt you would need your great-grandmother’s favorite boots at 3 a.m. fool
                    1. +2
                      13 October 2013 05: 57
                      Quote: Ruslan67
                      Horseradish conspirator! You’d put a deeper one on the mezzanine so that you could later explain to your wife what bolt you would need your great-grandmother’s favorite boots at 3 a.m.
                      goodgood Well, not everyone has the talent of a conspirator ... I did not foresee such complications. Arrived from kmndrvki schast to the loggia. And there...crying Harvest in general brought without me. And so it was unsuccessfully stored ...
                      1. +1
                        13 October 2013 06: 01
                        Quote: retired
                        Harvest in general brought without me. And so it was unsuccessfully stored ...

                        Take comfort in the fact that by the spring it will end good probably.. what to the nearest sad
                  2. +3
                    13 October 2013 05: 49
                    Quote: retired
                    Wife closed access to the benefits of civilization

                    Oh, it smells of divorce laughing
                    Quote: retired
                    ... And, most importantly, because I have a canister with confectionery brandy (5l.)

                    People live recourse
                    Quote: retired
                    .To get it, it’s half the loggia to stir up

                    Yes, for this I would not only harvest, but the whole loggia dismantled in FIG. wassat
                    1. +3
                      13 October 2013 05: 51
                      Quote: Alexander Romanov
                      Oh, it smells of divorce

                      Well, if an amazing nearby BUT it is forbidden request am laughing
                2. +1
                  13 October 2013 05: 44
                  Quote: Ruslan67
                  Is a trial batch of the finished product included?

                  And then wink
                  1. +2
                    13 October 2013 05: 45
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    And then

                    Then, please, me too, as they wassat
                    1. +2
                      13 October 2013 06: 03
                      Quote: Ruslan67
                      Then, please, me too, as they
                      That's it ... Beware of the devil! am
                      1. +3
                        13 October 2013 06: 06
                        Quote: retired
                        That's it ... Beware of the devil!

                        Again the green-tailed will whine -Where Greenpeace looks crying belay laughing All guys I'm temporarily retiring hi
                      2. +2
                        13 October 2013 06: 15
                        Quote: Ruslan67
                        All guys I'm temporarily retiring

                        Slippers to give? FOR A WHILE!!
  33. Asan Ata
    13 October 2013 09: 58
    I want to understand one thing: it’s not the pros and cons, it’s the truth.
    It turns out interestingly. In the 19th century, the author was concerned about the decline in interest in the Russian language. Probably, this is before 1812, presumably. Napoleon radically changed the situation, Russian, as the most important element of culture, returned to the nobility (commoners did not forget him). And does anyone understand and know the difference between the remake, in which we are speaking, and the Russian language until the 17-18th century? Why does no one raise the question - why, by the way, and by whose whim, did the language change quite seriously, who did it, what changed, and, most importantly, how did it affect the culture? After all, mind you, the authors mentioned in the note, except Lomonosov, are unknown. And where did the authors of the 16th, 17th, 18th centuries go? But doesn’t it seem to you that this remake has robbed the people of their originality, that the extermination of the Turkic footprint in Russian, the Swedish suffixes and German roots made the language different, you became different as a result of this, and the cosmopolitanism of the Russian people became the guiding light of traitors and Judas? A favorite of Russian literature, Alexander Pushkin, whose work, by the way, I adore, during his lifetime was little known to the public, in 1848 Leo Tolstoy, reading Onegin, called it "the most boring" work, and only in 1961, at a historical moment for all of Russia, the Russian tsar demanded to glorify the masters of the Russian word, and only this year were the first enthusiastic materials on Pushkin's work published? What am I talking about? The modern Russian language is a product of the adaptation of the Russian people to Europe, oddly enough. The people have lost their old native, Asian language, thereby removed from the Eurasian culture, considering themselves a European people. “Europe is turned to America, Russia to Europe, so where are we looking in Europe?” - something like this Berdyaev said. Today Russia is also torn apart by two tendencies: Eurocentrism and Eurasianism. So decide who you are: gay Europe or old native Eurasia.
    1. +1
      13 October 2013 18: 10
      Asan Ata KZ Today, 09:58 AM New

      I want to understand one thing: it’s not the pros and cons, it’s the truth.
      It turns out interestingly. In the 19th century, the author was concerned about the decline in interest in the Russian language. Probably, this is before 1812, presumably. Napoleon radically changed the situation, Russian, as the most important element of culture, returned to the nobility (commoners did not forget him). And does anyone understand and know the difference between the remake, in which we are speaking, and the Russian language until the 17-18th century? Why does no one raise the question - why, by the way, and by whose whim, did the language change quite seriously, who did it, what changed, and, most importantly, how did it affect the culture? Indeed, mind you, the authors mentioned in the note, except Lomonosov, are unknown ....

      Hello Asan-Ata!

      Do you mind if I turn to YOU?

      Well-noticed detail ?! Yes, what we know and speak, it is a NEW Russian, and the old - by-bye. Although in any village there is a local dialect from grandfathers and grandmothers, it will be a fount of LIVING folk Russian language. good

      Since the memory of the people is long and it does not depend on the decrees of the king and the decrees of the Central Committee ...
      1. Asan Ata
        14 October 2013 01: 44
        At the beginning of Soviet power in Central Asia, some smart guy appointed the Andijan dialect of the Uzbek language as the state Uzbek. Since then, it has been difficult for us Kazakhs to understand them, because Andijan is practically Tajik. Thus, in one fell swoop they broke the historical connection of one people, which were Uzbeks and Kazakhs. Of course, this was politically motivated: here is an example of "linguistic" manipulation. Today's Uzbeks now consider this dialect to be native. Let us recall that Peter 1 was at the origins of the linguistic and alphabetical transformation, and he was a pro-Westerner, and apparently believed that this alliance was more important and more promising than an alliance with Asia. The current Russian for these centuries is the flesh of the flesh of the Russian people, but, like the Uzbek, it is a remake. So the question arose: who would benefit from creating a new Russian and why? Where are the works of literature of the 16-18 centuries? For me, a Kazakh, the Europe-Asia motivation is obvious. And perhaps this is what led to the eternal antipathy of Asia and Europe within the borders of Russia. Maybe it was then that all the civil wars of Russia were laid?
        As for you - for God's sake. hi
  34. D_L
    13 October 2013 10: 24
    Good and timely article. Language is one of the foundations of a nation.
  35. +2
    13 October 2013 11: 03
    Everyone knows about the history of the emergence of different languages ​​- the Tower of Babel and the subsequent curse. Someone considers this a legend, someone believes. But the facts show that as soon as a language begins to develop due to borrowings and rapprochement with other languages, a cultural and technological breakthrough begins immediately. So it was with the Russian language. When at various historical stages of borrowing German, French and English words not only enriched the language, but also allowed to significantly accelerate the development of science and culture.
    Attempts at linguistic self-isolation will inevitably lead to degradation of culture, and will inhibit science and technology.
    1. Asan Ata
      13 October 2013 17: 25
      It is known that languages ​​"do" for the sake of politics. And modern Russian also underwent changes not naturally, but artificially, otherwise we would have observed a smooth transition of works of literature from Old Russian to modern, say, during the 17-19 centuries. So the natural transformation argument is groundless.
  36. +1
    13 October 2013 14: 52
    Quote: Normal
    Quote: seasoned
    And what is most surprising is when in the speech of migrant workers talking to each other, after two or three words in their own language, our Russian mate "sounds"

    Back in the seventies I read in the magazine "Around the World" that representatives of one of the lowest "castes" of Japanese society - dock workers, when they sort things out, they switch to Russian swearing, since there are no expressions required for this case in Japanese and other regional languages.

    A couple of years ago, I watched a Hindu dispute with an African in Lisbon. We started in Portuguese, switched to our native dialects as the passions grew, in the final of the scene switched to Russian mat. After a couple of epithets sounded from both sides, they abruptly subsided, looking at each other with caution. The quarrel calmed down at the moment, opponents moved to a cafe and began to remember who and where he studied in the USSR and what were the times hi
  37. +2
    13 October 2013 17: 01
    From 5 years, my grandson's parents stuffed him with English. Without a foreign, they say you won’t be successful. I think about it a lot. Yes, you need to know foreign languages. I like it when our Foreign Minister Lavrov speaks with the Americans in their language (and those are not belmes, they don’t know languages ​​other than their own). But all the same, from this angulation it is somehow uncomfortable in the soul.
  38. Asan Ata
    13 October 2013 17: 21
    That's right: stuffing a child with a foreign language, you doom him to the eternal use of this language as knowledge. There are also tips sending schoolchildren to study for a cordon for years. So what to expect? Zakordony and becomes his homeland.
  39. erg
    13 October 2013 19: 12
    I want to add the statement of one Russian - the Soviet thinker (and scientist, writer). It is not quite on the topic, but fits into the general concept of the article and its discussion. Those who have brains will understand.
    “The beautiful is the support of the soul of the people. Having broken it, breaking it, scattering it, we break the foundations that make people fight and give life for the Motherland ... And not only the most beautiful, but also the sight of his reproach strengthens the soul of the people ... But only if the people who created the beauty of his land, accumulated beautiful, understands what he lost "
  40. +1
    13 October 2013 19: 17
    Somewhat off topic, but could not resist smile I don’t know if I’m breaking something or not, but I’ll post a link.