Dollar and war


The US dollar has been buried many times, but it is still alive. On the eve of the collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary system, the share of the dollar in world currency reserves was approaching 80% (1970g - 77,2%; 1972 g. - 78,6%). Then, after the transition to the Jamaican monetary system, it gradually decreased and in 1995 reached the minimum level of 59,0%. In the wake of financial globalization, the dollar’s ​​position strengthened again (in 1999-2001, its share reached 70-71%), but then a new decline in the share of the dollar in the foreign exchange reserves of the world was observed - to the level below 61% in 2014. However, this is more than the 1995 indicator of the year.

According to the Bank for International Settlements, in April 2010, the share of the dollar in operations in the global foreign exchange market was 84,9%, then in April, 2013, it increased to 87. For comparison: the share of euros for the same period fell from 39,1 to 33,4%. The disproportion between the positions of the dollar in world finances and the positions of the USA in the world economy is striking. The share of the United States in global GDP today is about 20%. China has already surpassed the United States in terms of GDP (based on purchasing power parity), but the share of the yuan in operations in the global foreign exchange market was only 2013% in April 2,2. There is no exact data on the share of yuan in world currency reserves, but expert estimates show that it is not much higher than 1%.

These disproportions are very similar to the global economic panorama of the late XIX - early XX centuries. At that time there was a regrouping of the leaders of the world economy. In the first place in terms of industrial and agricultural products came the United States. For some positions, Germany has come to the second place. And the UK, which for most of the XIX century. had the status of "world workshop", began to roll back to third place in the world. At the same time, the British pound sterling remained the world currency, which served as a reserve and international funds. Here is the structure of world reserves by type of currency on the eve of the First World War, in 1913 (%): pound sterling - 47; French franc - 30; German mark - 16; US dollar - 2; other currencies are 5 (Officer, Lawrence H. Dollar Sterling Gold Points: Exchange Rates, Parity, and Market Behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996). As you can see, the share of the US dollar was extremely small. The disproportion between the level of US economic development and the dollar’s ​​position in the global financial system was about the same as the disproportion between China’s economic development and the yuan.

World bankers who bet on the dollar needed a world war a hundred years ago so that the dollar could take its place under the sun. At the end of 1913, the US Congress, under strong pressure from the "money bags", voted to create the Federal Reserve System, which began to issue the dollar as the US single currency in 1914, and after half a year the world war began. The war changed the balance of power among the leading powers and their currencies. In 1928, the distribution of world currency reserves was as follows (%): pound sterling - 77; US dollar - 21; French franc - 2. (Officer, Lawrence H.). That is, the pound sterling, despite the sharp economic weakening of the UK, not only did not weaken its position, but even strengthened further. The US dollar has increased its share by an order of magnitude compared with 1913 year and confidently took second place. Other competing currencies have faded. In order to finally defeat the British pound, the Fed owners had to prepare and conduct another world war, after which the dollar was equated to gold and became, in fact, the only world currency.

* * *

Formally, the position of the dollar in the world is currently very good, but the main shareholders of the Federal Reserve System can not but be embarrassed by the fact that the disproportion between US GDP and the dollar’s ​​position is increasing. The dollar is becoming more volatile. If desired, several large countries can coordinate their efforts, pool resources, begin dumping dollar reserves and crash the dollar. However, the strength of the Fed owners is that they have always been able to act proactively. And now there are many signs that they are taking practical steps to protect the dollar and, above all, to prepare for a big war. There are several reasons for initiating such a war with the “money owners” (owners of the Fed printing press).

1. The owners of the printing press need to maintain the demand and price for their products. The voluntary “flight for the dollar” in Europe ended more than half a century ago. Rational economic incentives to purchase dollars in the world is not visible. After all, the dollar mass that comes down from the Fed's printing press today is many times larger than anything that is created in the US economy. And the US gold reserves, although the largest in the world (more than 8000 tons), cover only a fraction of a percent of the total mass of "green". One thing remains: to force the "goods" produced by the Federal Reserve to force the world. The only guarantee for the dollar today is the US Armed Forces, whose main function is to maintain the demand for green paper. In the United States, the classic military-industrial complex (MIC) has long been transformed into a military-banking complex (WBC).

After the collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary system, the Jamaican currency system, which is the petrodollar system, took its place, since the dollar was tied to black gold in 1970's (oil began to be traded solely for dollars). Oil is still the foundation of the dollar system. Although America today is almost independent of oil imports, it controls oil-producing countries. The purpose of control is to prevent the transition in the black gold trade to currencies other than the dollar. To this end, Washington resorts to military operations in oil-producing regions, if necessary. First of all, in the Middle East. Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown and brutally murdered only because he first switched from dollars to euros in oil payments, and then planned to switch to a gold dinar.

2. When the US dollar begins to fall, America includes all the levers to strengthen the weakening dollar (operations to destabilize the political situation in different parts of the world; civil and regional wars). Against this background, America, despite its increasing economic degradation, is turning into an artificial “island of stability”. Capitals from all over the world are beginning to rush to America, raising the rate of "green paper". Why does America need a high dollar rate? Answer is easy.

First, the US gets the opportunity for cheap imports, providing domestic consumption. A printing press coupled with an overvalued American currency is an ideal condition for the existence of a parasite state.

Secondly, with the help of the expensive dollar, America (or rather, the owners of the Fed) gets the opportunity to buy cheaply all over the world natural resources, enterprises, real estate, and other assets. The prevailing dollar system will be needed by the Fed owners until the whole world comes under their control.

3. The "owners of money" (the main shareholders of the Fed) may require not only regional but also global destabilization, that is, world war. Such destabilization should lead to mutual destruction or, at least, the weakening of all potential competitors of America. Washington (or rather, the Federal Reserve) needs only a monocentric model of the world. Without a big war, this model is not built. World War will solve many of America’s economic problems that soon threaten to become critical for it.

For example, the US national debt at the end of 2013 of the year was already 104,5%. But in Europe, which has been experiencing a debt crisis for several years, this figure is lower. In euro area countries at the end of 2013, it was equal to 92,6%. No less acute for Washington is the problem of external debt. In August, 2014, the relative level of this debt reached 107% of GDP. Debt servicing has to spend an increasing majority of revenue. Today, in the expenditures of the US budget, interest on government debt is small (about 7%), but the interest rates in the American economy as a result of the quantitative easing program (CS) were purely symbolic. The COP program is being phased out, the costs of servicing the state and all other debts will increase dramatically. In this situation, the ruling circles of the United States certainly recall history a hundred years ago. On the eve of the First World War, America already occupied the first place in the world in industrial production, but at the same time it had a gigantic external debt (first of all, to Great Britain). World War I radically changed the situation. The United States has become the largest net international lender. At the same time, their main war allies, Great Britain and France, became America’s largest debtors. At the end of the Second World War, America concentrated 70% of world gold reserves (without the Soviet Union). This strengthening of the United States and allowed to legalize the position of the dollar as a world currency (the decision of the international conference in Bretton Woods in 1944 year).

In the event that the United States manages to become the sole beneficiary of the Third World War, the problem of its old debts will disappear by itself. Washington will then be able to unilaterally write off the debts of other countries from its balance sheet, arbitrarily determining which countries bear the “blame” for the war. The monetary requirements of the "guilty" countries to America are canceled by definition, this is exactly what the Entente countries did in relation to Germany at the Paris Peace Conference 1919 of the year. Moreover, America as a winner will be able to impose "guilty" on reparations and indemnities. Just as the Entente countries did at the same conference in Paris in 1919.

* * *

The Third World War will be fundamentally different than everything that the world has known so far. It will start without an official announcement. And although we are still not fully aware of this, such a war, most likely, has already begun. With the use of mercenaries (private military companies), relying on the fifth column within individual countries, with the active use of Maidan technologies, connecting media controlled by Washington, announcing economic sanctions, etc. This undeclared war is waged under the banner of combating terrorism, “radical Islamism”, “Russian aggression”, violation of human rights, etc. etc.

In the course of such an undeclared world war, the “owners of money” (shareholders of the Fed) will solve the accumulated problems of the dollar. For example, under the flag of combating terrorism and “dirty money”, the United States may conduct a “monetary reform”. Its essence is simple. The Fed issues new dollars and organizes their exchange for the old "green mass". At the same time, bearers of old dollars must provide reliable evidence of the legality of their origin. Control filters can be so strict that the lion's share of old dollars will not pass the "exam" and turn into garbage. So the problem of the "dollar overhang" will be removed, pressing on Uncle Sam. However, for the United States, this option is not ideal either - the one-time robbery of the whole world may encourage other countries to use their national currencies in international payments, create regional currencies, and completely abandon the dollar.

Therefore, in the third undeclared world war, other economic methods can be used. For example, despite the fact that the "green mass" flooded the whole world, the purchasing power of the dollar in commodity markets is quite high. No threat of hyperinflation is visible. Everything is very simple. The lion’s share of all printing press production goes to financial markets. However, there is a way 101 to minimize or even completely eliminate these same financial markets. Then all the "green mass" will rush to the commodity markets. There will be hyperinflation, comparable to the one experienced by the Weimar Republic at the beginning of the 20 of the XX century. At best, the purchasing power of the current dollar will be 1%. Catastrophe? How to look. Indeed, in this case, holders of trillions of dollars around the world will have only one garbage on their hands. Only in China, gold reserves have already exceeded 4 trillion dollars, and the "green paper" accounts for at least 1 / 3. After that, America conducts monetary reform and introduces a new full-weight dollar. About five years ago, the problem of the possibility of such a “monetary reform” was actively discussed, only in place of the new dollar, the monetary unit called “Amero” was predicted. It was assumed that it would be the single currency of the three countries - the United States, Canada and Mexico. The option of replacing the dollar with the Amero may still be reanimated, but it will require very serious security support from Washington.

In any case, there is no reason to expect a reduction in instability in the world. This instability is a manifestation of the weakness of the dollar and the agony of the owners of the Fed printing press. Like a wounded beast, they will fight to the end. If only recently it was said that Washington is implanting "controlled chaos" in the world, now it is already obvious that chaos is becoming uncontrollable. However, the first two world wars did not end the way the bankers who had begun them ended.
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  1. +13
    17 January 2015 18: 59
    So the death of the dollar is long and painful. Let it torment.
    1. Denis fj
      17 January 2015 19: 04
      Quote - "With the help of an expensive dollar, America (or rather, the owners of the Fed) gets the opportunity to buy cheap natural resources, enterprises, real estate, and other assets around the world." - What difference does it make to someone who is not a limited issuer of a currency, how much are assets denominated in this currency? You buy a bundle of firewood from a neighbor for one hundred rubles. He wants two hundred. The question is - if you draw rubles yourself, will you begin to influence the macroeconomic parameters of the village, so that a neighbor would agree to your terms, or will you draw another hundred? One of two things - either the owners of money cannot stop the prices of the assets they are interested in, or they issue money strictly in accordance with certain market parameters - i.e. not out of control. Another, in my opinion, an elementary question arises - why should the owners of money - "natural resources, enterprises, real estate, other assets."? Why would the owners of the most liquid asset, assets be an order of magnitude lower in terms of liquidity? Why do I need a neighbor's forest, if the neighbor will be eager to follow the forest for the rubles I have drawn, and cut firewood and provide me with logs? Turn everyone into slaves? This is how the whole world works with ardent enthusiasm for dollars. Is it profitable to change humanity, which is constantly increasing the degree of exploitation of itself, in pursuit of the goods produced by the "owners of money" for the same thing, but working in the form of slaves? The same natural resources have their current value only at the current level of industrial production, and hence market consumption. This is the secret of capitalism - in order for the capitalist to become relatively richer, the production and trade cycle organized by him must provide the wage worker with a constant absolute growth in material consumption.
      1. +22
        17 January 2015 19: 17
        Yesterday, an unprecedented thing happened on the forex market. In just 20 minutes, the dollar rate collapsed against the Swiss franc immediately by 26 percent. For those who are not in the know, the natural daily fluctuations of major currencies relative to each other rarely exceed one or two percent. Until now, such leaps, and even very rarely, have been subject exclusively to the currencies of developing countries. Even the fall of the ruble in December on the peak day of the 17 number was significantly less.

        It is clear that in yesterday's operation, the franc against the dollar shone with forces that clearly did not fit such a scenario. And here we can only think about who it could be. There are essentially only two options. Either this is the Rothschild’s operation against their traditional opponents from across the ocean, or this is the first manifestation of the independent activity of the Royals, the old European aristocracy, who, until a certain point, claimed to be an independent Player in the Great Game. Arguments can be found in favor of both assumptions. For starters, one more thing. A twenty percent change in the national currency is not just an economy, even if it is just someone else's speculative operation. This is a politician. affecting national interests. And either the operation was fully agreed with the Central Bank of Switzerland, or this is the actual declaration of war, the further development of which we will see in the very near future.

        The Swiss franc has always held a special position in the market. This is the oldest and most traditional refuge currency, into which capital flows from all over the world (primarily European), when the market smells of a thunderstorm. Switzerland has long learned to profit from this. In fact, orders of magnitude more francs are drawn on the market than are required to service the economy of the Alpine Republic.

        1. jjj
          17 January 2015 23: 30
          Quote: a52333
          Yesterday, an unprecedented thing happened on the forex market. In just 20 minutes, the dollar rate collapsed against the Swiss franc immediately by 26 percent.

          The fact is, the franc got rid of the euro and began to independently quote. The euro peg was artificial and disadvantageous for Switzerland
      2. +5
        17 January 2015 20: 32
        Quote: denis fj
        Why do I need a neighbor’s forest if my neighbor draws zeal for the rubles I’ve drawn and will follow the forest and chop wood and provide me with logs? Turn everyone into slaves? So the whole world and so with enthusiasm works for dollars.

        Paranoid passion for power. Power in this case is the possibility of control.

        And there is one more mental disorder, but I, not being a specialist in psychiatry, cannot call him correctly. The essence of the disorder is that a person uncontrollably increases his money. For example, I don’t understand why to have as much money as my dog’s great-great-grandchildren will not be able to spend? The sums are huge and there’s nothing to buy from them. Then why? If you can’t buy anything at 5 kopecks and there is also no product worth 60 billions of Baku - are, from a philosophical point of view, are these amounts equivalent? lol
      3. +2
        17 January 2015 20: 53
        All the same, these "chess players" will answer to people sooner or later !!! And only We can do this, therefore they are so afraid of Russia ...
    2. +26
      17 January 2015 19: 14
      Quote: konvalval
      So the death of the dollar is long and painful. Let it torment.

      We will not suffer, but we. Three times the damned EBN and its financial accomplices put Russia on a dollar needle and in no way are going to get off it. They don’t want to listen to smart people, for them currency speculation is the most important thing.
      1. +19
        17 January 2015 19: 38
        Quote: valokordin
        We will not suffer, but we. T

        All will be tormented.
        Quote: Portoss
        The dollar must die.

        The essence is not the dollar. The essence of the global economic system. The dollar will leave, the yuan will come. things like that not to see the people of happiness in life. what
        1. yur58
          17 January 2015 22: 49
          Quote: baltika-18
          Until the world system changes, all these exchanges, forex and similar things will not be a thing of the past to not see the people of happiness in life.

          The whole problem and horror is that world systems change only as a result of world wars or, in extreme cases, world cataclysms. Just like that, no one gives up power and will fight for it to the end. In this case, almost everyone will suffer (the wild tribes of Australia, Africa and South America will not suffer, and then, if a crazy nuclear missile does not fly to them or they do not kill the whole earth to a hair dryer). This can be traced to changes in state systems. devices in selected countries. They always passed and happen as a result of revolutions. Just somewhere less bloody, somewhere more.
          1. 0
            18 January 2015 04: 33
            It's just that no one has seriously dealt with the dollar yet. Russia also tried to integrate into their vicious system. But this system, like the classic financial pyramids, is designed to benefit only the organizers and owners of this event. China did not support Russia in the collapse of the dollar, probably because they have the largest dollar reserves. And China does not want all of them to disappear with the collapse of the dollar bubble. They have the hope that these reserves can still be properly managed. For example, 50 billion dollars will be allocated to the BRICS bank. They are ready to invest tidy sums in the Shanghai organization. Through these structures, China can give loans in dollars, and then, by some kind of recalculation, tie debtor countries either to a more reliable currency or to some kind of commodity-economic agreement.
      2. +9
        17 January 2015 23: 25
        Quote: valokordin
        Thrice-damned EBN and its financial accomplices put Russia on a dollar needle and are not going to get off it.
        - and here I will, excuse me, correct you. THIS PEOPLE began to call their currency, backed by real goods, the currency of the world's second economy "wooden". Even if this happened with the filing of those whom we now call "liberals", that is, agents of influence of the State Department, this does not in the least diminish the guilt of the people for such a contemptuous disregard for the currency of their own country - for that the people have THOUGHT, so as not to inform the left divorces. After all, not a few despised - ALL PEOPLE despised! I SEEN IT PERSONALLY AND HEARED AT EVERY CORNER! AND BEFORE HYPERINFLATION, when potatoes still cost the same 16 kopecks, YOU WILL NOT PROVE ANYTHING TO ME! Well, he disdained the currency of his homeland - get the currency of the enemy country and live by the rules of the enemy. Now blame one EBNa - no need! Let's adequately atone for our guilt before our own ruble and in general before the Motherland! And such a guilt is redeemed, more precisely, you know it is washed off with a liquid, a very expensive, life-giving liquid. And it will not work in another way, and those who really liked the fact that the ruble is not a currency at all, but a derivative of the dollar will not give it. So get ready. Well, the children already need to be punished - everything related to the Motherland is HOLY, otherwise great punishment awaits. Because of jeans and chewing gum, my generation decided to call the ruble "wooden", run from it like the devil with incense and run after the dollar, my generation is basically already trying to clean it up. Fortunately, it turned out quickly, and this is true, because children are not comme il faut to pay for the stupidity of their fathers.
    3. -14
      17 January 2015 20: 09
      1. The death of the dollar is near, our economy is already the best in the world! And has no analogues!
      2. The United States, the party and the government are to blame for everything! There crystal clear honest and boneless people work! Especially Sechin and Yakunin!
      3. The people of Russia should not work and rest and not deal with their own problems, Putin should do this for them!
      4. If someone tries to arrange a maidan against the Russian oligarchs, we will tire them in their blood!
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. Stalker
        17 January 2015 20: 44
        The death of the dollar is near, our economy is already the best in the world! And has no analogues!

        The death of a buck in 2015 is guaranteed. Help speed up her finale ... good
        1. Leonidych
          18 January 2015 01: 51
          creatively ...
    4. +7
      17 January 2015 20: 16
      I feel great shocks are coming, because we, Indians, Chinese, Brazilians, and indeed all of Latin America, fundamentally disagree with the hegemony of the United States. The latter will in every way resist. It is necessary to introduce the common BRICS currency.
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. Stalker
      17 January 2015 20: 28
      So the death of the dollar is long and painful. Let it torment.

      Vova will not allow the buck of America to parasitize over all the resources of our planet for a long time !!!! good
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +6
        17 January 2015 22: 10
        Quote: Stalker
        So the death of the dollar is long and painful. Let it torment.

        Vova will not allow the buck of America to parasitize over all the resources of our planet for a long time !!!! good

        The Yankees are straight warped.
      3. -8
        18 January 2015 04: 27
        Vova himself bucks licks
    7. The comment was deleted.
    8. +4
      17 January 2015 21: 17
      The dollar has become for most liberals the goal and the meaning of life. If the Ukrainians need a generation to turn their brains, then the dollar "drug addicts" - half a century.
      1. +3
        17 January 2015 21: 21
        Quote: siberalt
        The dollar has become for most liberals the goal and the meaning of life. If the Ukrainians need a generation to turn their brains, then the dollar "drug addicts" - half a century.

        Bring back the WORKS! Enough for every foreign woman to relax, to select a passport!
        1. +1
          17 January 2015 22: 03
          Do not feed these homosexual parasites !!!
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +6
          17 January 2015 22: 47
          Quote: Civil
          Bring back the WORKS! Enough for every foreign woman to relax, to select a passport!
          I have never had a single dollar in my life. And who will tell me that she failed?
          1. -3
            17 January 2015 23: 15
            Quote: fif21
            Quote: Civil
            Bring back the WORKS! Enough for every foreign woman to relax, to select a passport!
            I have never had a single dollar in my life. And who will tell me that she failed?

            And also to take away rubles, get food and clothes for free, a single sample!
            1. +3
              17 January 2015 23: 41
              Quote: Civil
              And also to take away rubles, get food and clothes for free, a single sample!
              Oh i'm afraid wassat Free- uraaaa, freebie !!!!! and rubles in the toilet as a rubbing material? dollars and eureka there same- uraaaa !!! Work inappropriately, there is nothing to earn, uraaaa !!!
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. +2
              17 January 2015 23: 49
              Quote: Civil
              And also to take away rubles, get food and clothes for free, a single sample!
              - what for? Everything is very simple - you need life-giving competition between countries, and therefore currencies. The outbreak of wars can actually be attributed to acts of unfair competition. Which should be rigidly suppressed. And for a long time this requires a supranational all-planetary body, but not the UN - this organization should be thrown out of the fence in the trash. This is the first. Secondly, on the basis of the Soviet past, you can no longer get rid of the stereotype that the ruble is by all means wooden, that Russian goods cannot be of high quality, and so much so that because of the desire to buy these goods the ruble is in demand. I’m disappointing - there are many goods, because of which we in Kazakhstan take the ruble with pleasure. Especially recently in the light of recent events with the exchange rate.
              So there is no need for us here to vparivat that "rejection of the dollar = return to the worst traditions of the USSR." No one is going to return to the USSR in full, it would be nice to return medicine and education, no one is going to give up many useful elements of the market, and make the currency truly sovereign and valuable. In short, you don’t need a dollar for nothing, you will upgrade your ruble better than the dollar, and make the country truly sovereign, but those who interfere or distort according to the principle of “abandoning the dollar = returning to the worst traditions of the USSR” - please distort another subject from yourself in your pants and go to children's sites, they will still believe you, but here they are not so wretched in mind and understand the situation better than you.
            4. 0
              18 January 2015 10: 31
              scared how! I won’t sleep at night! same clothes, horror !! oh ... but I'm not blonde, I do not care! bully
        4. The comment was deleted.
      2. Userpic
        17 January 2015 21: 59
        Quote: siberalt
        The dollar has become for most liberals the purpose and meaning of life

        These are not some mysterious liberals who have turned around on the dollar, but shuffling hats from the "military review".

        The dollar is primarily the equivalent of value (generally recognized, stable and convenient, with its pluses and minuses for the United States and for everyone else), and only secondarily a financial instrument (like any other currency). And it will remain so until either one more self-sufficient state appears, but with an even more voluminous economy (after which the sewed soap will gradually change), or worldwide the economic model will not change.
        1. +3
          18 January 2015 00: 01
          Quote: Userpic
          or the economic model will not change around the world.
          - for this and speech, and that urya-kalki? This is technically so now the liberals are switching to replace the word ""? Why should the commodity that is mined in Russia (and practically everything is mined in Russia) must be sold without fail for the US currency? Why is the yuan bad? You state:
          Quote: Userpic
          or one more self-sufficient state will not appear, but with an even more voluminous economy (after which the awl will gradually change to soap)
          - why is China bad? And in general - in the US 20% of global GDP? and in China, about 18%? That’s the share of currencies should roughly beat with this, or else there is a temptation to parasitize - re-read the SBJ, in general the academician writes ... Is the US dollar convenient for you? Use on health. Yes, by the way, in the territory of the CU this currency will soon be uncomfortable to use this currency, so take measures, for example, change your place of residence.
          1. +2
            18 January 2015 00: 08
            Quote: aksakal
            - For this, and speech, and that urya-kalki?

            This really has nothing to do with it! The whole question is about changing the political and economic formation! everything else is cunning!
          2. Userpic
            18 January 2015 00: 37
            Quote: aksakal
            and that uri-kalki?
            At work, they’ll go on a fuss.

            Why should goods that are mined in Russia be sold without fail for the US currency?
            And who told you what he owes? Sell ​​- who's stopping?
            Moreover, once you thought about it - why bother selling anything abroad?

            Why is the yuan bad?
            the fact that for him something can only be bought in China. )))

            why is china bad?
            The fact that it is not self-sufficient (it will become such only if it grows in Siberia and the Far East), the fact that it does not have a large enough and advanced economy (it can be solved in 20-50 years), and the fact that this change was sewn for soap (I also mention changing the model - so, by the way ...).

            in the US 20% of global GDP? and in China, about 18%? That's the share of currencies should roughly beat with this
            Tell the world community about this - maybe it will agree to trade with you in RMB.

            Use for health
            I’m not lost.

            And now again - Why do you need to sell something abroad?? If you answer himself to this question, it may be that you’ll find out why the dollar is.
        2. +1
          18 January 2015 00: 05
          Quote: Userpic
          or the economic model will not change around the world.

          Wait! And if the economy. model to change in one state, and in a self-sufficient? And do not confuse petrodollars with the US dollar.
          But still +++
          1. Userpic
            18 January 2015 00: 56
            Quote: DRA-88
            And if the economy. model change in one state, and in a self-sufficient
            At present, there are only 3 or 2 such states on the planet that are potentially self-sufficient (RF, PRC), and one is real (USA).
            Under what conditions can a model change occur in the USA, will the states at the time of such a change be a self-sufficient state?

            But if a miracle happens and such a change happens, then this state will simply not be left alone (like the USSR), and in the world there will be a struggle of 2 systems.
            Therefore, before the formation changes around the world, you can’t even dream of a quiet life.

            Do not confuse petrodollars with the US dollar
            Oil Dollars - dollars received as payment for oil sold.

            Term coined by Georgetown University professor Ibrahim Owisse in 1973. Owis considered it necessary to create a new term to describe the situation in OPEC countries, which only selling crude oil allowed economically flourishing and investing in the economies of oil consuming countries. wink
            1. +2
              18 January 2015 01: 17
              Quote: Userpic
              Userpic (

              I do not dispute your merits to the fatherland! But

              ..without outside help, we won’t lose heart, we won’t scream at the guard,
              we will not give up our work and we will not be afraid of difficulties. Who's tired, who's scared
              difficulties who lose their heads - let them give way to those who have retained courage
              and hardness. We are not one of those who are afraid of difficulties. That's what the Bolsheviks are, on
              then we got the Lenin hardening, so as not to avoid, but to go towards
              difficulties and overcome them.
              J.V. Stalin. ("XIV Congress of the CPSU (b)" v. 7, page 349.)
              1. Userpic
                18 January 2015 02: 29
                Quote: DRA-88
                I do not dispute your merits to the fatherland!

                without outside help we won’t lose heart, we won’t scream at the guard,
                we will not give up our work and we will not be afraid of difficulties. Who's tired, who's scared
                difficulties who lose their heads - let them give way to those who have retained courage
                and hardness. We are not one of those who are afraid of difficulties. That's what the Bolsheviks are, on
                then we got the Lenin hardening, so as not to avoid, but to go towards
                difficulties and overcome them.
                J.V. Stalin. ("XIV Congress of the CPSU (b)" v. 7, page 349.)
                Fact good

                But we are talking about a situation in which the dollar will lose its value, and this can happen in the two above-mentioned cases - either in the case of a change of currency to it (in this case, only the name of the currency will change, but not the essence of what is happening), or case of a change in formation.
                If the formation changes only in one country, then the value of the dollar will decrease (not completely disappear) only in this country itself, and it will remain throughout the world, which in turn will lead to a confrontation of 2 systems (moreover, if the new system is static, the old one will successfully squeeze it out) and the scientific and technological deficit in a country with a changed formation, which will need a dollar to maintain the status quo and produce alternative technologies (hence the impossibility of completely leveling the dollar in this situation).

                Therefore, changing the formation in one country, it is necessary to achieve a similar change throughout the world.
                1. +1
                  18 January 2015 02: 33
                  Quote: Userpic
                  Therefore, changing the formation, it is necessary to achieve a similar change throughout the world.

                  Nice thing!)
    9. 0
      18 January 2015 00: 03
      maybe I’m mistaken, but the main thing is probably not only to drop the dollar, but to ensure that if something happens, those who are at the origins of the Fed do not create new waste paper and then, with the help of a new tool, the people later bred with old methods
  2. Portoss
    17 January 2015 19: 00
    Carthage must be destroyed! The dollar must die.
    1. +11
      17 January 2015 19: 04
      Not sure about Carthage. And it would be good for the dollar to quickly bend for the sake of a peaceful and calm life for all people.
      1. +6
        17 January 2015 19: 16
        Quote: diz1975
        And it would be good for the dollar to quickly bend for the sake of a peaceful and calm life for all people.

        It would be nice .. But!

        "Washington will then be able to unilaterally write off the debts of other countries from its balance sheet, arbitrarily determining which of the countries bear the 'blame' for the war."

        And now recall the largest lenders of mattresses? Ali you know ... wink
        1. +8
          17 January 2015 20: 15
          And now recall the largest lenders of mattresses? Ali you know ...

          According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, between 5 and 12 on March 2014, the volume of treasury funds held by the US Federal Reserve for foreign and international accounts fell by 104,6 billion dollars - from 2,959 trillion to 2,855 trillion dollars. This is a record decline in the history of these statistics.

          It is not yet known which world central banks got rid of the record volume of government bonds. Nevertheless, a number of analysts clearly see the "trace" of Russia.

          According to the US Department of the Treasury, at the end of 2013, Russia owned US treasuries in the amount of 138,6 billion dollars and occupied the 11 place among foreign lenders of the United States.

          Russia has reduced investments in US Treasury securities by 16% per year, the US Treasury Department said. According to the latest available data for September 2014, Russian investments decreased to 117,7 billion compared to 140,5 billion a year earlier

          TIME ... you need time and do not flog the fever!
          1. +6
            17 January 2015 20: 52
            And what do you write cancels what I wrote ?!
            Or is 8th place not an "indicator"?
            Or is a strategic partner in 1st place no longer a "symptom"?

            Quote: anfil
            Russia reduced investments in US Treasury securities by 16% per year

            I really liked that ...
            16% per year ... until 0% 6 years left!
            And the war is already going on ...
            And what countries turn into over the year, you can clearly see in Ukraine. About what we are actually talking about.
            1. 0
              18 January 2015 04: 59
              If these securities have a maturity date, then it is impossible to dump them at once. Another thing is not to recruit them again.
          2. Userpic
            17 January 2015 21: 26
            Quote: anfil
            Russia has reduced investments in US Treasury securities by 16% per year, the US Treasury Department said. According to the latest available data for September 2014, Russian investments decreased to 117,7 billion compared to 140,5 billion a year earlier

            TIME ... you need time and do not flog the fever!
            Of course, you did not guess to compare these figures with the losses of gold reserves caused by attempts to maintain the ruble exchange rate? )))

            As of January 1, 2014, Russia's international currency reserves amounted to $ 509,595 billion, a year later this amount fell to $ 385,46 billion, according to data published on the regulator’s website.
            Over the month, reserves decreased by 33,42 billion dollars - from 418,88 billion dollars (December 1, 2014) ...

            Russia bought up US $ 600 million in US government securities (17.09.2014/XNUMX/XNUMX)
            1. +4
              18 January 2015 00: 08
              Too many of them were bought right away before 2008 - to cause a crisis (chaos) no weaker than 2008, therefore they fuse bonds slowly so as not to lose on sales.

              No matter how strange it may seem, but right now, Putin is selling Russian oil and gas, only for physical gold.

              Putin does not shout about it to the whole world in the style of intrusive advertising. And of course, he still accepts US dollars as an intermediate means of payment. But right there, he exchanges all these US dollars received from the sale of oil and gas for physical gold!

              To understand this, just look at the growth dynamics of gold in the structure of the gold reserves of Russia and compare these data with the foreign exchange earnings of the Russian Federation coming from the sale of oil and gas for the same period.

              Moreover, in the third quarter, Russia's purchases of physical gold were at unprecedentedly high, record levels. In the third quarter of this year, Russia purchased an incredible amount of gold, in the amount of 55 tons. This is more than it was purchased according to official figures, the Central Banks of all countries of the world combined!
              1. Userpic
                18 January 2015 01: 46
                Quote: anfil
                [b] Too many of them were bought right away before 2008 - to cause a crisis (chaos) no weaker than 2008, so they are melting bonds slowly so as not to lose on sales
                able to describe the nature and mechanism of this hypothetical crisis?

                No matter how strange it may seem, but right now, Putin is selling Russian oil and gas, only for physical gold
                Suppose - evidence of this nonsense is available? smile

                Putin does not shout about it to the whole world in the style of intrusive advertising. And of course, he still accepts US dollars as an intermediate means of payment. But right there, he exchanges all these US dollars received from the sale of oil and gas for physical gold!
                Is Putin coming to you at night and telling all this, or are you fantasizing yourself?

                To understand this, just look at the growth dynamics of gold in the structure of the gold reserves of Russia and compare these data with the foreign exchange earnings of the Russian Federation coming from the sale of oil and gas for the same period.
                A reference to the Central Bank please)))

                Moreover, in the third quarter, Russia's purchases of physical gold were at unprecedentedly high, record levels. In the third quarter of this year, Russia purchased an incredible amount of gold, in the amount of 55 tons. This is more than it was purchased according to official figures, the Central Banks of all countries of the world combined!
                The media will not tell you that.

                Z.Y. Links to official sources, please, otherwise I don’t personally communicate with Putin and therefore I have only this:

                Gold in tons:
                01.01.2014 - 1035.2

                Share of gold in total international reserves in %%
                01.01.2013 - 9.5
                01.01.2014 - 7.8


                ZZ.Y And here you can look at the dynamics of the price of gold - (by the way, it pretty much falls)
          3. 0
            17 January 2015 22: 52
            Quote: anfil
            TIME ... you need time and do not flog the fever!
            Gold words! He who does not throw off the buck in time will become a beggar.
          4. The comment was deleted.
          5. 0
            18 January 2015 02: 13
            Quote: anfil
            The volume of treasuries held by the US Federal Reserve for foreign and international accounts has declined

            it is only a place of storage of government securities, and not about their sale.
            ours changed the place of storage before the imposition of sanctions, in order to protect ourselves from blocking them, that's all. it was about 150 billion shares.
            a sharp sale of such a volume will create panic in the bond market and entail a depreciation of the $ rate (in which the shares and payments on them are designated) with losses of no less than that. this will greatly anger the Americans, but the dollar will not kill, the volume is small. But the Chinese can crank up this number, but not before the United States ceases to be their main market for them.
  3. +2
    17 January 2015 19: 05
    Oh, how much about the "dollar slammed". When the assessment of the full-fledged labor of the individual invested in production in the multitude of workers taken around the world with a single measurement left, then green "candy wrappers" started playing. And if in essence, then what is “uvan fant” equal to? The less labor cost it contains, the stronger it is. Is not it? But this does not apply to the states, and why not? They are masters, and all of them are slaves. Nothing has changed in their 300-year history. The former colonial empire of England, built its spare nest in America, and they live happily ever after.
    It is a pity that on the forum most of the "kill nahrenvsehnaviselitsa"! And how do Ukrainians differ from you and me then?
  4. Denis fj
    17 January 2015 19: 06
    Henry Ford (world-famous American industrialist): The New York Times of March 8 stated the following: “Expose 1925 to the richest Jewish financiers who wage war for their own profits, and wars will be eliminated.”
    1. +4
      17 January 2015 20: 36
      Quote: denis fj
      Henry Ford (world-famous American industrialist): The New York Times of March 8 stated the following: “Expose 1925 to the richest Jewish financiers who wage war for their own profits, and wars will be eliminated.”

      It is a pity that the plus is at the disposal of one! What a correct and evergreen quote! Only there are fears that you, dear Denis fj admins now, without understanding, (5) draw. ...
    2. Portoss
      18 January 2015 01: 45
      Henry Ford hated the Jews. This has long been known.
  5. Denis fj
    17 January 2015 19: 07
    We are simply obliged to abandon the dollar in external settlements, and promote this idea of ​​"abandoning the dollar" every day, every minute at all forums and international meetings, among all our partners and allies, both in the BRICS and among any of our other partners in international transactions. All international trade must be conducted only in the "language" of national currencies. Stop feeding America !!! Stop giving them a reason for uncontrolled replication of their waste paper !!! We are obliged to drive the dollar into that filthy pit from which it comes, namely, in the USA. The production of dollar paper must again fall within the scope of CONFORMITY of its quantity - the gross product produced by the USA itself. And believe me - the entire American "paradise" will collapse in half a year before your very eyes, and the notorious "American dream" will turn into a dream - to live and work in Russia. This is exactly what it will be, dear Russians. This is what will lead the United States to a very early default and will put this presumptuous swindler country in its place. And it will no longer give them the opportunity to help with their green paper various terrorists, Syrian, Iraqi, Afghani militants, coming out of the Maidan, Russophobes, "Tefft's guests" and all the rest of the world's bastards. It is precisely to drive the dollar back - overseas.
    1. +10
      17 January 2015 19: 22
      and by the way, they will not have the opportunity to spend $ 600 billion on defense, build multi-billion dollar aircraft carriers and gold fighters ......... will begin to think about more everyday and vital things than keeping hundreds of bases abroad
    2. +2
      17 January 2015 20: 43
      ... And believe me - the entire American "paradise" will collapse in half a year before your very eyes, and the notorious "American dream" will turn into a dream - to live and work in Russia.

      I am not less than your dissatisfied with US policy, but I do not want war, remember the president’s speech on Valdai:

      ... Let's not forget, analyzing the current state, the lessons of history. Firstly, a change in the world order (and we see phenomena of precisely this scale today), as a rule, was accompanied, if not by a global war, not by global clashes, then by a chain of intense conflicts of a local nature. And, secondly, world politics is, first of all, economic leadership, issues of war and peace, the humanitarian sphere, including human rights ...

      ..Dear Colleagues! The moment of unipolarity convincingly demonstrated that increasing the dominance of one center of power does not lead to an increase in controllability global processes. On the contrary, such an unstable structure has proved its inability to effectively deal with such genuine threats as regional conflicts, terrorism, drug trafficking, religious fanaticism, chauvinism and neo-Nazism ...

      ... What awaits us if we prefer to live not by the rules, albeit strict and uncomfortable, but completely without rules? Namely, such a scenario is quite real, it cannot be ruled out, given the tensions in the world. A number of forecasts, observing today's trends, can already be made, and, unfortunately, they are not optimistic. If we do not create an intelligible system of mutual obligations and agreements, do not build mechanisms for resolving crisis situations, the signs of world anarchy will inevitably increase...

      It’s not necessary to strive for Russia to become a superpower instead of the USA ... if everything collapses in this crabbing America, it will be all bad.
      It is necessary to try to build a relationship in the world without war on mutually beneficial conditions without war, and this is very difficult.

      PS. from the speech:

      ...Dear Colleagues! In such a situation in the world, it is time to begin to agree on fundamental things. This is extremely important and necessary, it is much better than diverging in different angles, especially since we all face common problems, we are, as they say, in the same boat. And the logical way is the cooperation of countries and societies and the search for collective answers to the multiplying challenges, joint risk management. True, some of our partners for some reason recall this only when it meets their interests ...
    3. +2
      17 January 2015 21: 13
      We already went through this when the best American engineers worked in the USSR! But it didn’t last long, they hit Hitler on us.
    4. +1
      17 January 2015 23: 18
      let's start with ourselves — without relying on the states that should do this — let’s not buy dollars ourselves, and for everyone who has the opportunity to buy, they shouldn’t buy what they should buy. everyone - let's start with ourselves !!!
  6. +5
    17 January 2015 19: 10
    this green piece of paper still spoils everything, as well as its owners. am
    1. +1
      17 January 2015 19: 37
      Green paper, hardly. But its owners can.
  7. +21
    17 January 2015 19: 13
    In fomenting a civil war in Ukraine, the United States and the European Union sought to divert attention from their internal problems and save the rapidly sinking EU ship. In addition, American oil and gas companies are very interested in European energy markets, as well as in resources and pipelines located in Ukraine. The country was a particularly tempting target for the Anglo-American coalition, also because of its strategic location and size. For more than two centuries, the United States and Britain have sought to isolate Russia on the global geopolitical chessboard. Russia's shift to the East Asian economic orbit and close cooperation with China has created a tangible threat on the horizon of the Western powers. The United States is trying to provoke a Russian military invasion of Ukraine, using the Kiev junta as a bait.
    1. Ibrahim Botashev
      17 January 2015 22: 39
      Quote: Mindaugas
      In fomenting a civil war in Ukraine, the United States and the European Union sought to divert attention from their internal problems and save the rapidly sinking EU ship. In addition, American oil and gas companies are very interested in European energy markets, as well as in resources and pipelines located in Ukraine. The country was a particularly tempting target for the Anglo-American coalition, also because of its strategic location and size. For more than two centuries, the United States and Britain have sought to isolate Russia on the global geopolitical chessboard. Russia's shift to the East Asian economic orbit and close cooperation with China has created a tangible threat on the horizon of the Western powers. The United States is trying to provoke a Russian military invasion of Ukraine, using the Kiev junta as a bait.

      Oh, come on, dear comrade, we do not need the whole world under any of our ideology. When the USSR was at the peak of its power, all countries shook hands with us, students came to us, all swore eternal friendship and loyalty, in the union and the proletariat. However, as soon as Russia met its worst time since the time of turmoil and civil war, everyone threw us. Only Serbia, partly Syria, India retained their good attitude towards us. Thus, I became convinced that Russia itself does not need anyone. We do not need to return the USSR in its previous size, we saw how after the collapse many of those "patriots" showed their lousy, but return the territories where Russians live and restore historical justice. We do not need the previous size, these territories and people called the USSR a prison, so let them live in their "paradise" countries. "Russia has only two allies - the army and the navy, they are afraid of our enormity" - Emperor Alexander III, I would add only Serbia and that's it.
  8. +8
    17 January 2015 19: 14
    The fact that a major world conflict is not far off, observers started talking a little more than ten years ago, when the Americans seriously took up the creation of a national missile defense. The world is entering an era, making forecasts for even six months ahead becomes an almost unpromising occupation.
  9. +6
    17 January 2015 19: 14
    HRW: Ukraine must admit its war crimes in the Donbass
    Today, 16: 46
    The non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch, which collects and provides information about violations of human rights, has declared Ukraine’s need to acknowledge its actions. This information was announced by the head of the organization, Roth Kenneth.

    According to a recent statement by the executive director of Human Rights Watch, the Kiev authorities need to admit their mistakes and also confirm the armed attack on the Donbass.

    “The statement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the non-use of Grad installations and cluster bombs does not correspond to reality. Our organization monitors the situation in the east of the country and, believe me, we know the truth. We are an independent organization and do not support any of the conflicting parties, but official Kiev must recognize its action. Indeed, this step is the first on the path to reform, ”commented Roth Kenneth.
  10. 0
    17 January 2015 19: 23
    Quote: Mercenary
    this green piece of paper still spoils everything, as well as its owners. am
    Bravo appreciate and love humor! BUT answer why enta paper everyone loves? Wake anyone at night, buy 1000 dollars for 30 \ dollars. he will thank you!
    1. +6
      17 January 2015 19: 44
      Well, wake me up at night and offer to buy 1000 rubles for 30 rubles, I will also thank you.
      1. +1
        17 January 2015 20: 25
        I won’t even call! Sorry brother!
  11. -16
    17 January 2015 19: 23
    US Armed Forces Today

    You can not read further, another couch conspiracy theorist
    1. +5
      17 January 2015 19: 28
      Correctly, very correctly, the bearer of a yellow flag, who seeks to turn into a rag, is the symbol of national suicide and venality.

      As long as there are people like you, DOLLAR is not in danger.

      Explain why, or due to Svidomo, grunting in horse racing from the couch, you yourself wonder why this is exactly the case and how else?

      Ukrainians will have to pay 5 times more for gas in 2015 - In 2015, gas prices for consumers in Ukraine can grow five times - up to 5430 hryvnias per thousand cubic meters. The corresponding calculation of the cost of gas for the population NAK Naftogaz provided the Ukrainian edition of Read completely...

      Now for sure, you will groan, but DOLLAR provide ....
    2. +4
      17 January 2015 19: 54
      Quote: Okeyoo
      You can not read further, another couch conspiracy theorist

      But what is the dollar secured for, comrade couch economist?
      1. 0
        17 January 2015 20: 04
        in the modern world, the value of a currency is determined only by the demand for it, and the demand for a currency, in turn, is determined, among other things, by the number of goods and services that can be bought for this currency. It was possible to speak about "backing" the currency in those days when the so-called "gold standard" existed. Then the currency had to be exactly backed by gold, that is, had to be exchanged for a certain amount of gold at the request of the owner of the currency. For example, on the basis of the well-known Bretton Woods agreement, which established the so-called "gold and foreign exchange standard", the dollar was to be exchanged for gold based on the price of $ 35 per troy ounce. In other words, the dollar was supposed to be "provided" with gold content at the rate of $ 35 per troy ounce, but in the 70s the Brenton Woods system ordered a long life and was replaced by the Jamaican system, which balances the supply and demand of currencies through free trade by them

        This document (page 2, table 1) lists the goods that American manufacturers sold to their consumers and the amount of proceeds for these goods. This table shows that in 2011, American manufacturers shipped goods worth almost $ 5,357,731 million.
        I emphasize that these products that have been sold, that is, products that are still produced but not yet sold, are not taken into account in these statistics. What does it mean? And this means that in order to buy this product someone needed $ 5,357,731 million. That is, the demand for dollars in 2011 amounted to 5,357,731 million or, to put it another way, the dollar is "provided" with goods for at least 5,357,731 million. Is it a lot or a little? For comparison, according to the International Monetary Fund, China's GDP in 2010 was equal to 5,878.257 million dollars
        1. +3
          17 January 2015 20: 55
          Cool, let them sell their goods for whatever they want. These booklets do not explain the use of the dollar as a backup system. China also produces a lot of goods, but no one trades in RMB. Till.

          And I’ll even put a plus for your faith in America.
        2. +1
          18 January 2015 11: 11
          Is the service considered a product? Is a security considered a commodity? me for general development recourse
  12. +1
    17 January 2015 19: 25
    But what difference does it make to someone who is, nothing is a limited issuer of a currency, how much are assets denominated in this currency? You buy a bundle of firewood from a neighbor for one hundred rubles. He wants two hundred. The question is - if you yourself draw rubles, will you begin to influence the macroeconomic parameters of the village, so that a neighbor would agree to your terms, or will you draw another hundred? One of two things - either the owners of money cannot stop the prices of the assets they are interested in, or they issue money strictly in accordance with certain market parameters, i.e. not out of control. Another, in my opinion, an elementary question arises - why should the owners of money - "natural resources, enterprises, real estate, other assets."? Why would the owners of the most liquid asset, assets be an order of magnitude lower in terms of liquidity? Why do I need a neighbor's forest, if the neighbor will be eager to follow the forest for the rubles drawn by me and to cut firewood and provide me with logs? Turn everyone into slaves? This is how the whole world works with ardent enthusiasm for dollars.

    The only question is trust in this very dollar. And if suddenly, it, this very trust will fall at least partially, and we see only the first symptoms of it, the owners of the money will need to print a lot more money, if at all someone will need them.
    And you always want to eat (grain, firewood, coal, cotton, oil, etc.) i.e. real assets will always be significant.
  13. +1
    17 January 2015 19: 26
    We pass in the calculations for national currencies. Let the dollar only work in the United States.
  14. +7
    17 January 2015 19: 26
    Undermining the dollar is already underway. And BRICS, or rather, the bank that this organization created, is one of the elements of this plan. This will not happen by an eye. And the mattress has already begun the war, but in spite of the terrible power of the coordinated offensive, it did not achieve much success.
  15. +1
    17 January 2015 19: 28

    The Third World War will be fundamentally different than everything that the world has known so far. It will start without an official announcement. And although we are still not fully aware of this, such a war, most likely, has already begun. With the use of mercenaries (private military companies), relying on the fifth column within individual countries, with the active use of Maidan technologies, connecting media controlled by Washington, announcing economic sanctions, etc. This undeclared war is waged under the banner of combating terrorism, “radical Islamism”, “Russian aggression”, violation of human rights, etc. etc.
    I repeat once again. Russia has been fighting for a year now. We get used to the citizens. The war in the Donbass is a war not only of the Russians of Ukraine, but also of the Russians of Russia. Land in the Donbass - the original territory of Russia. Ancient Crimea, ancient Siberia, ancient Far East.

    Well, but the buck, not the goal, but the means. This is the means and wrest from ... the hands of the enemy)
  16. +1
    17 January 2015 19: 30
    the dollar will sink into oblivion only after the complete collapse of the united states - and this, alas, we will have to wait a dozen more years, because for the death of america we need either a natural local catastrophe on the american continent, or the collapse of the united states as a result of a civil or offensive - a certain state against the united states war. So far, there are no prerequisites for preparing for such a war on the horizon. And we cannot answer for nature — it will in the foreseeable future throw out in one form or another its righteous anger in the United States.
    1. 0
      17 January 2015 20: 39
      Quote: sv68
      the dollar will sink into oblivion only after the complete collapse of the united states - and this, alas, we will have to wait a dozen more years, because for the death of america we need either a natural local catastrophe on the american continent, or the collapse of the united states as a result of a civil or offensive - a certain state against the united states war. So far, there are no prerequisites for preparing for such a war on the horizon. And we cannot answer for nature — it will in the foreseeable future throw out in one form or another its righteous anger in the United States.

      For some reason, hope for nature doesn’t leave me, intuition tells me, it won’t let me down, especially mattress mattresses do not like nature.
  17. +4
    17 January 2015 19: 39
    I would also like to draw attention to this aspect.
    Personally, I have no doubts about, to put it mildly, cunning, deception in the numbers of GDP growth, the US economy. They poured money on the fire ... / This year, they will act in the EU by the same method.
    And the "popuasy" (the rest of the world) will pay, as before, our standard of living ...
    Now the question is: what% of GDP growth gives according to their method of calculation convenient for them, the issue
    loans to other states, etc.?
    Many already understand: their most exported product is the dollar !!!
    And you won’t take .. !! - Then we go to you! To those who do not hear the command, do as we want. To do this, we have an army and navy ...
  18. act
    17 January 2015 19: 43
    We need to get away from dollar dependence, today the Russian Federation is the holder of US Treasury bonds in the amount of about $ 130 billion. The transition to mutual settlement in the national currency will weaken the dollar and the printing press will not help them. External debt of the states as of 11.11.2014/17,9285/XNUMX - $ XNUMX trillion.
    1. +3
      17 January 2015 19: 45
      Quote: agis
      We need to get away from dollar dependence, today the Russian Federation is the holder of US Treasury bonds in the amount of about $ 130 billion. The transition to mutual settlement in the national currency will weaken the dollar and the printing press will not help them. External debt of the states as of 11.11.2014/17,9285/XNUMX - $ XNUMX trillion.

      so how much do 130 billion from 17 trillion? 1% (even less) and how will it undermine America?
      1. +2
        17 January 2015 20: 54
        Any capital is basically only visibility-lack of demand reduces the rate. And it grows debts. Moreover, insecurity grows. For a dollar of debt-five kopecks. In this scenario, not even default, the economy and regime collapse completely, collapse into individual states. The bubble will burst from lack of demand
  19. kelevra
    17 January 2015 19: 47
    There is nothing eternal! Especially dirty piece of paper!
  20. Aspirin
    17 January 2015 19: 47
    According to the Bank for International Settlements, in April 2010 the share of the dollar in operations on the world currency market was 84,9%, then in April 2013 it increased to 87. For comparison: the share of the euro over the same period fell from 39,1 to 33,4 ,XNUMX%

    I'm just a pill. But in my opinion 84.9+39.1=124%; 87+33.4=120.4% No.

    Or am I misunderstanding something in these your ekonomiHah? wassat
    1. +2
      17 January 2015 20: 43
      Quote: Aspirin
      I'm just a pill. But in my opinion 84.9 + 39.1 = 124%; 87 + 33.4 = 120.4% no

      Or am I misunderstanding something in these your ekonomiHah? wassat

      I also noticed.
      1. 0
        17 January 2015 21: 38
        It means that the transaction was between the euro and the dollar, while the transaction is protected on both currencies.
        1. Aspirin
          17 January 2015 22: 49
          In this case, this indicates that the volume of transactions between the dollar and the euro Is falling.
          And very seriously.
  21. +1
    17 January 2015 19: 51
    Bucks is just the equivalent of the value of something. Until we find another measure of value, he will be alive unfortunately. The world, sadly, doesn’t really like to change anything because of inertness and complexity. Only something very painful can bring the financial world back into the process of changing payments for material values. hi
  22. Userpic
    17 January 2015 19: 55
    How did I get the mantra "we must get away from the dollar - blah blah blah" ...

    People, turn on MosK for 5 minutes, and answer yourself 2 questions:
    1 what makes the Russian Federation trade for dollars?
    2 what will change if the Russian Federation ceases to trade for dollars?

    Answers on the surface, and without any senility conspiracy theories)))
    1. +5
      17 January 2015 20: 08
      Quote: Userpic
      People, turn on MosK for 5 minutes, and answer yourself 2 questions:
      1 what makes the Russian Federation trade for dollars?
      2 what will change if the Russian Federation ceases to trade for dollars?

      Answers on the surface, and without any senility conspiracy theories)))

      1. Nothing.
      2. Nothing.
      1. +1
        17 January 2015 21: 12
        Quote: anip
        1. Nothing.
        2. Nothing.

        I answer the same way!
        1. -1
          18 January 2015 04: 32
          Quote: anip
          1. Nothing.
          2. Nothing.

          Well, of course, gentlemen, they are still economists, the answer would be correct if the ruble was freely printed and also cost nothing :) then it would be the equivalent of the dollar

          if you are not free to print your currency, then you simply do not have it
          and if they’re free, and then print it, you need to put it somewhere, in order to print more
          is it really familiar ?! :)
  23. +4
    17 January 2015 20: 07
    Unfortunately, the enemy is far from stupid: they thoughtfully build a classic financial pyramid on a global scale, and according to the laws of the pyramids, when they are destroyed, the lower parts are the first to suffer, i.e. we are with you, the upper ones start losing later. But this must be understood in conjunction with another regularity: the level of losses is proportional to the height, i.e. the lower classes (including you and me) lose earlier, but less, i.e. when the pyramid is destroyed, we survive, but the tops begin to lose later, but more, i.e. the top of the pyramid loses everything, i.e. dies in every sense. A.V.Suvorov taught that every soldier should know (and understand in today's conditions of development) his maneuver, i.e. those who are behind the destruction of the pyramid must clearly realize that they will be the first to suffer losses, and only understanding this and accordingly the willingness to correctly assess the resulting losses and the willingness to sacrifice something and endure for the sake of victory should be clear in our brains. Translating at the moment, we lose from sanctions, but we survive, they continue to confront (if we, like Medvedev and Co., do not ski backwards), they begin to collapse and we must bring this process to a state of irreversibility and until then endure, endure and endure. Thank God, comrade Beria created our nuclear missile shield, so for the most part you and I will not have to die physically (they cannot decide on the open hot phase of the war), we just have to endure it. God give us strength and a strong-willed leader, so as not to surrender at the most unnecessary moment. We shall not die of hunger - the rest is from the evil one.
  24. 0
    17 January 2015 20: 14
    Quote: baltika-18
    The dollar must die.
    Together with amerikoses.
  25. 0
    17 January 2015 20: 16
    Quote: Alexander 2
    Well, wake me up at night and offer to buy 1000 rubles for 30 rubles, I will also thank you.
    Nobody will say that, believe me, and you know it!
  26. tramp81
    17 January 2015 20: 17
    Quote: reut.sib
    Quote: Mercenary
    this green piece of paper still spoils everything, as well as its owners. am
    Bravo appreciate and love humor! BUT answer why enta paper everyone loves? Wake anyone at night, buy 1000 dollars for 30 \ dollars. he will thank you!

    I never had dollars, all my life I have been holding money in rubles on a Sberbank account and I don’t take loans - I’m alive - I’m not complaining!
  27. Tribuns
    17 January 2015 20: 22
    The conclusions of Valentin Kasatonov have already prompted the leadership of Russia and China to get rid of the "surplus stock of green candy wrappers", to transfer trade in yuan and rubles, think over plans for the gold backing of national currencies, the introduction of reserve currencies into the world circulation, such as the Hong Kong dollar, and other protective measures ...
    And the author is right that greedy, parasitic at the expense of other US countries will completely (economic and military measures, up to unleashing a global conflict) protect their parasitic incomes ...
  28. +2
    17 January 2015 20: 39
    You can not read further, another couch conspiracy theorist

    The author of this article, unlike you, is not some kind of couch conspiracy theorist, but a very respected person. Doctor of Economics, professor, lecturer at the Department of International Finance, MGIMO .. Something like this .. And I personally always watch his video with great interest and discover a lot of new and interesting things in the world of economics and finance ..
    1. Userpic
      17 January 2015 21: 40
      Quote: igorek4515
      The author of this article is very respected.
      This does not mean that he cannot lie.

      I discover a lot of new and interesting things in the world of economics and finance ..
      If you want to discover and understand the external side of the existing economic model - read the relevant educational literature (the same economics), if you want to understand its essence - read Marx, Lenin and Stalin.
      1. 0
        17 January 2015 22: 44
        Just not economics)))) Political economy and UTB say the exact opposite. And, since I'm not a liberal, Smith and Ricardo are closer to me)))) At least a harmonious theory. And in economics, capitalism is the last stage in the development of mankind)))))
        1. Userpic
          18 January 2015 02: 01
          Quote: Kunar
          Political economy and UTB say the exact opposite
          This should be read if there is a desire to understand the external side of the existing model.

          And in economics, capitalism is the last stage of human development
          And in order to understand why it is not so best to read Lenin)))
  29. +1
    17 January 2015 20: 39
    Everyone is worried about the triplex ruble-dollar-euro, everyone already understands everything, speculation, fraud is going on, and our oligarchy has all its accumulations in foreign currency. At the right time, they will throw off the currency in order to be even richer when it happens is unknown, because there is no longer a planned economy))). What is recommended, well, if you are a patriot of our Motherland, use the ruble as usual Russians. The rich must be soul, not greedy! And if someone forbade the legislative circulation of the dollar and other currencies in Russia, then this would not bother us at all, because you need to relax in Russia, buy real estate in Russia, drive our cars (for officials too), and not wander around the "trash" of Egypt and others. I believe that if you have dollars, then you support the US economy! True, in Moscow the majority of the population operates in dollars, but the majority of Moscow residents, unfortunately, are not the best representatives of our Motherland!
    1. +1
      17 January 2015 22: 10
      Quote: air wolf
      True, in Moscow the majority of the population operates in dollars, but in fact the majority of Moscow residents, unfortunately, are not the best representatives
      Most of the residents of Moscow are not Muscovites, to be exact.
      And Moscow has long been "not Russia" - it is Geyropa. I sympathize with the few NORMAL citizens who have to exist in this .... No matter how much money they earn per minute, I won’t envy anyone!
  30. 0
    17 January 2015 20: 40
    Quote: Zoldat_A
    Paranoid passion for power. Power in this case is the possibility of control.

    hi good
  31. +2
    17 January 2015 20: 41
    And I personally am very glad that such a respected person decided to publish his article on this site .. And so to speak, he will join our society .. I’m sure he can still tell us a lot of interesting things about the backstage of the global financial system ..
  32. +3
    17 January 2015 20: 45
    Quote: sv68
    the dollar will sink into oblivion only after the complete collapse of the united states - and this, alas, we will have to wait a dozen more years, because for the death of america we need either a natural local catastrophe on the american continent, or the collapse of the united states as a result of a civil or offensive - a certain state against the united states war. So far, there are no prerequisites for preparing for such a war on the horizon. And we cannot answer for nature — it will in the foreseeable future throw out in one form or another its righteous anger in the United States.

    On the contrary, as soon as the dollar sinks into oblivion, the United States will collapse. With the abandonment of the dollar in the calculations of other countries, the standard of living in Americos will begin to decline. Riots will begin. Some states will begin to leave the United States and this process cannot be stopped, possibly until complete disintegration. The main thing to start. When other countries realize how much more profitable it is without a dollar, the process will begin like an avalanche and the dollar will burst. Here, the main thing is to be away so that it would not splatter.
    PS And, perhaps, we will take Alaska for debts.
  33. +2
    17 January 2015 20: 50
    Here the buck will collapse and everyone will return again to real precious metal money and Papa Carlo will pay 5 gold for training Pinocchio.
    And in order to buy a new closet, he will take Karabas-Barabas a wheelbarrow of sparkling "Soldo".
    (Duremar's nightmare) lol
  34. +1
    17 January 2015 21: 09
    Quote: anip
    Quote: Userpic
    People, turn on MosK for 5 minutes, and answer yourself 2 questions:
    1 what makes the Russian Federation trade for dollars?
    2 what will change if the Russian Federation ceases to trade for dollars?

    Answers on the surface, and without any senility conspiracy theories)))

    1. Nothing.
    2. Nothing.

    But nifiga, if a country does not feed its army, then it feeds a stranger, here, too, feed your economy and everything will be normal.
    1. Userpic
      17 January 2015 21: 49
      Quote: Jurassic
      if a country does not feed its army, then it feeds a stranger, here, too, feed its economy and everything will be normal.


  35. Ivan 63
    17 January 2015 21: 16
    Or maybe it's easier not only not to trade with amers, but not to have any, even diplomatic relations? Let them find themselves behind the "iron curtain"
  36. +1
    17 January 2015 21: 23
    All this is good, only the dollar itself will not fail! Well Jamaican is discrediting
    system, they’ll come up with some more ... Many characters in the world are interested in the dollar and price
    on him! Moreover, not all of them are Americans!
    The dollar can only be brought down. This requires a community of states and organizations,
    possessing huge gold and foreign exchange reserves, desire and will. Must be formed
    an alternative currency system that starts when the dollar crashes, and the system is reliable,
    and credible with current dollar users! What, if something happens, countries
    easily jumped from a crumbling dollar system to a new one ...
    Are there any candidates for such an adventure? wink
  37. +2
    17 January 2015 21: 27
    One hundred years ago, the world bankers who bet on the dollar needed a world war so that the dollar could take its place in the sun. - That's who it was necessary to hang up after Nuremberg. But still to come.
  38. Valentine77 64
    17 January 2015 22: 01
    The dollar is the dollar. Fresh data from Slavyansk:
    "Even in Slavyanka they made lists for further mobilization, all except pensioners were included ..."
  39. +1
    17 January 2015 22: 04
    Such destabilization should lead to the mutual annihilation or, at least, weakening of all potential competitors of America. Washington (or rather, the Federal Reserve) needs an exclusively monocentric model of the world. Without a big war, this model cannot be built. World War II will solve many of America’s economic problems, which in the near future threaten to become critical for her.

    Damn, why do they in no way admit the idea of ​​the guaranteed destruction of the United States itself in such a war ?! Do they really consider themselves "the chosen ones" ?!
    Even the wild boar has a self-preservation instinct .. these seem to be even dumber than M. Zadornov said request
  40. 0
    17 January 2015 22: 56
    The US dollar has been buried many times, but it is still alive. But this is an objective reality, which grandfather LENIN spoke about. If you recall Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), then the rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated. Is funny But sad! If we consider the community of officers and ex as an amorphous mass, willing to swallow and digest any information that corresponds to its assimilation within the framework of previously accepted concepts, then this is the real state of minds that determine the state of military thought. A community that does not accept criticism is dead. Is it worth it to strain to stir? The experience of recent wars in which Russia participated, says that it is useless. hi
  41. miraculous
    17 January 2015 22: 58
    In April 2010, the share of the dollar in operations on the world currency market was 84,9%, then in April 2013 it increased to 87. For comparison: the share of the euro over the same period fell from 39,1 to 33,4%.

    84,9 + 39,1 = 124% something I don’t understand how is it ?????
  42. +3
    17 January 2015 23: 04
    Explain the good phrase to people. According to the Bank for International Settlements, in April 2010 the share of the dollar in operations on the world currency market was 84,9%, then in April 2013 it rose to 87. For comparison: the share of the euro fell over the same period from 39,1 to 33,4%. (87 + 33,4 = 120,4% for two currencies in international settlements) HOW DO THEY MOTHER THINK THEM ?? !!! Economists
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  43. +2
    17 January 2015 23: 23
    Everything is not so clear ...
    The dollar is being hit from all sides: the Swiss franc has recently distinguished itself, oil stubbornly does not want to drop below 50. And we can make our modest contribution - only a premature collapse of the dollar can prevent the war, which can provoke a systematic increase in the ruble exchange rate for at least six months. And the growth of our stock market.
    1. 0
      17 January 2015 23: 48
      Changes in the Russian stock market are under the strict control of the United States. And the helpers are chugging inside.
  44. 0
    17 January 2015 23: 31
    Off topic. The Poles are filming videos, watching the militia shoot down the tower.
  45. +1
    17 January 2015 23: 39
    Good article. True, everything is somewhat simplified and the main problem is circumvented.
    87% of world settlements are made through the US dollar. And the US is issuing non-cash dollars in the right quantities.
    If roughly, they threw a lot into the market - the dollar fell in price. Dali was a little impressed. And this is the problem: As long as the United States knows the "course for tomorrow", they will be able to afford to build planes for billions of dollars apiece.
  46. 0
    17 January 2015 23: 43
    Get rid of dollar dependence, make the ruble convertible. Raw materials are sold exclusively for the national currency, which should be pegged to gold. There are attempts by the Russian government, but as Husseinovich tells us: "... it will cost a lot."
  47. The comment was deleted.
  48. 0
    18 January 2015 00: 45
    Yes mazafaka for this dollar, well, for what we need it. I personally do not care, potato, Piggy, chickens, cucumbers, etc. I have, and this dirty green-black piece of paper is useless to me.
  49. 0
    18 January 2015 01: 26
    Quote: konvalval
    So the death of the dollar is long and painful. Let it torment.

    the whole world will be tormented with the dollar. And there is no paper in the world that floats in the same amount of blood. To destroy the dollar and its owners, more than one million people will die. (THIS AND ARTIFICIAL EPIDEMICS, AND WARS, AND TURNOVER AND SANCTIONS AND USE CLIMATE WEAPONS) ... The author is right, the war is on! Only I think that in the 45 the Great Patriotic War did not end, because fascism was not defeated, it just changed the sign, and many of the top ranks of the Third Reich went to the service of the American cantor. And of course Do not forget who created nuclear weapons for the United States. USA is QUARTERS REICH! And it is a fact that can not be ignored.
  50. +1
    18 January 2015 01: 27
    In the event that the United States manages to become the sole beneficiary of World War III, the problem of its old debts will disappear by itself. Washington will then be able to unilaterally write off the debts of other countries from its balance sheet, arbitrarily determining which countries bear the “blame” for the war. The monetary claims of the “guilty” countries against America are annulled by definition; this is exactly what the Entente countries did in relation to Germany at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. Moreover, America, as a winner, will be able to impose “guilty” reparations and indemnities. Like the Entente countries did at the same conference in Paris in 1919.

    The United States must still be able to become the sole beneficiary of World War III. And for this, it still needs to be won.

    I'm not talking about extreme cases - a nuclear conflict, "everything is gone", kirdyk to everyone at once and everywhere. Let's assume a non-nuclear conflict. Suppose, on the territory of Europe (but what about? The Germans-French will not be able to sit out - they will answer for everything!). Are we being scared by the American military budget? So the whole of Europe worked for Hitler, but nothing was crushed. America does not have the main thing that win wars - the Russian Soldier, who is stronger than steel, more unpretentious than a camel. Because he ALWAYS, throughout history, fights not for the profits of TNK, but for the Fatherland. And where is the homeland of the Americans? Where is it warm. They don't fight for it.

    The result of the war is a destroyed Europe, a huge mass of refugees to Siberia, the collapse of the US financial system.

    Hitler at one time was not smart enough to come to an agreement with Stalin and divide the whole world. Itself, everything to itself, "I"! America does not teach history. Rather, he teaches, but only the one that she composes. The result of the 1-th world was the USSR. World War II - Tsar bomb and Gagarin. World War III will be the end for the USA.
    1. 0
      18 January 2015 20: 56
      The result of the 1st World War was the USSR. World War II - Tsar bomb and Gagarin. World War III will be the end for the USA. fellow

      What was the outcome of the 1st World War - the collapse of the Russian Empire, inspired ... (I do not want to say). Second? Tsar bomb? This is a diagnosis. The third world is the end of civilization. hi
  51. Leonidych
    18 January 2015 01: 54
    we need to sew new Victory banners! and we will always find Reichstag domes on which to erect them.....
  52. 0
    18 January 2015 04: 10
    As it is accurately said, the PARASITE state is what America is all about.
  53. 0
    18 January 2015 07: 20
    The very concept of competition in any sense of the word slows down the development of Society and the State. The rest of its “brainchildren”, including the concept of currency, which has long lost its original meaning and has also become a commodity. With competition, any type of activity turns into a commodity. As long as this is and will be. Nothing will fundamentally change. Utopia, of course.
  54. -1
    18 January 2015 08: 56
    One can expect anything from the united states of America, parasitic in the bosom of all states.
    Their democracy is based on weaning, enslavement and destruction.
  55. 0
    18 January 2015 08: 59
    Does the math in the article use 146%? What I mean is that 84%+39%+2.2%+...=146%?
  56. 0
    18 January 2015 16: 01
    In any case, one cannot count on an easing of instability in the world. This instability is a manifestation of the weakness of the dollar and the agony of the owners of the Fed printing press. Like a wounded beast they will fight to the end.

    All statements by Western “leaders” that Russia is driven into a corner fall miserably, because they themselves find themselves in the very corner that they have driven themselves into. The USA is like a drug addict (vampire) who has begun a terrible withdrawal, and who simply vitally needs a new, increased dose (victim), and he doesn’t care at what cost he gets it. He will have to kill, he will kill, including his own mother, not to mention his allies. The EU should think twice about this before they are completely devoured, but the process has already begun.
  57. EmelianSemenov
    18 January 2015 17: 59
    Quote: konvalval
    So the death of the dollar is long and painful. Let it torment.

    This will happen very abruptly, and everyone will wake up as if in the morning, everything will collapse like dominoes.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"