Ethnic crime - a threat to the national security of Russia and other countries

One of the most serious problems of the modern world in general and in Russia in particular is the growth of crime, which is closely related not only to the socio-economic conditions of life in specific countries and regions, but also to migration processes. Of course, migration, especially uncontrolled and illegal, is fueling the rise in crime. Being a consequence of globalization processes, mass migration of the population brings not only positive consequences in the form of filling out “empty” positions on labor markets or solving demographic problems, but also a lot of negative trends. Moreover, the latter, according to a number of researchers and public figures, are able to outweigh the positive effects of migration processes.

The increase in crime is one of the primary consequences of migration and is primarily due to the social, psychological and sociocultural characteristics of the migrant environment. First, the majority of migrants are young (or relatively young) able-bodied men aged 18-40 years, who, on the one hand, are not deprived of a certain desire to improve their well-being (just went to other countries and regions in search of work, “Better share”), but on the other hand, most of them do not have a high level of education and qualifications, or are forced to work outside their specialty. In the receiving society, migrants initially occupy the lowest level of the social hierarchy, and the extent to which they can satisfy their ambitions and improve their status depends above all on the improvement of their material well-being. Secondly, a significant proportion of migrants arrive in host countries from economically more backward and fundamentally different states and regions culturally.

Thus, in the modern world, the main vectors of migration processes are observed from East to West and from South to North. Migrants come to Europe from countries in Asia and Africa, very often coming from traditional societies, the very way of life of which brings with it cardinal differences from the way of life in the host countries of European culture. As for the Russian Federation, there is about the same picture. Although the main sources of migration are the former Soviet republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, we must not forget that in these countries whole generations of citizens have grown up who practically do not speak Russian, are not familiar with the customs and way of life of the Russian and, more broadly, Europeanized population . Naturally, upon the arrival of migrants into the territory of the Russian Federation, a number of problems arise in the sphere of their social and, not less important, cultural adaptation to the living conditions in a foreign country. Of course, the majority of migrants are good and law-abiding people, however, it is not a discovery that some migrants take the path of criminal activities, both street and domestic crime, and the creation of organized criminal communities that control entire areas of criminal business.

Unfortunately, some attempts to adjust the state policy in the field of migration management are undertaken by the country's authorities only in recent years. So, from January 1 2015, migrants entering Russia will have to undergo testing for knowledge of the Russian language, stories and the foundations of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The measure is certainly necessary and interesting, especially if reliable protection against corruption is created. However, the question of measures to counter the crime of migrants, as well as people from migrant backgrounds who have received Russian citizenship, remains open. Scientists - sociologists and criminologists, and specialists - practitioners from Russian law enforcement agencies pay attention to him.

In recent years, there have been many discussions about whether there is “ethnic crime” or “crime has no nationality”. Moreover, it is significant that, as a rule, the second point of view is defended, besides the leaders of migrant organizations and national diasporas, or public figures, human rights activists, or journalists of the liberal media, or politically engaged sociologists. The first point of view, in turn, is confirmed not only in the speeches and interviews of high-ranking law enforcement officers, but also in the works of Russian scientists. And not only domestic ones - both the modern sociologists and criminologists, and the classics of world criminology, wrote a lot about the fact of the influence of the national mentality, certain traditions and customs on the possible criminal behavior of a person or groups of individuals.

Italian criminologists about crime factors

In this context, the conclusions drawn by the representatives of the Italian School of Criminology in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries are especially interesting to us. Immediately, we note that the Italian School of Criminology does not have any single concept, therefore we understand the totality of the views of philosophers, sociologists and criminologists who lived and worked on the territory of modern Italy and studied, first of all, Italian society. Probably the most famous among them is Cesare Lombroso with his famous anthropological concept. In the Soviet period of national history, the ideas of Lombroso (“Lombrosianism”) were severely criticized as racist and anti-scientific. Indeed, in some places, Lombroso, as they say, “went too far” when he spoke of the total propensity to commit crimes of representatives of certain races or nationalities and, moreover, physiological types. But, we must pay tribute to him, it was Lombroso who was one of the first in European criminology who thought about the influence of ethnic factors on the criminal behavior of an individual.

Another famous Italian sociologist Filippo Turatti, the former and one of the leaders of the socialist party in the country, on the contrary, in the spirit of Marxist philosophy, concluded that crime in modern society is determined by social factors. First of all, this is class inequality and social polarization of society. Representatives of the oppressed classes are much more prone to committing crimes, because they are pushed to their plight by the economic situation, as well as by a number of other factors, including the inability to get a full-fledged education, low cultural level, and the lack of appropriate education.

Economic factors influencing the criminal behavior of an individual were promoted to paramount positions by another sociologist and criminologist Napoleon Colaianni. According to Kolayanni, poverty is the most important source of crime. The deterioration of the economic situation determines the growth of criminal behavior at both personal and social levels. Of particular importance, in this case, has a social polarization of society. When the incomes of one part of the population many times exceed the incomes of the other part of the population, serious social contradictions arise. The lower classes of society, who do not have the opportunity to live at a high level, nevertheless want to secure at least some material well-being for themselves, and therefore they embark on the criminal path.

Finally, the Enrico Ferri put forward his own concept, including classifying the main causes of criminal behavior. To some extent, this concept was a compromise between anthropological and social concepts, as Ferri allowed the possibility of three causes of criminal behavior of an individual - individual, physical and social. Each criminal has the influence of natural characteristics - gender, race, age, individual characteristics - character, worldview, mental development and social characteristics - position in society, profession, level of education. Unlike Lombroso, who, paying attention to ethnic factors in the formation of criminal behavior, stopped in more detail just on racial and anthropological features, E. Ferry tried to sum up a solid empirical basis for his calculations. So, he turned to the study of the contemporary Italian mafia. It is known that the latter was the most powerful in the southern regions of Italy. First of all - on the island of Sicily and in Calabria.

Accordingly, it was necessary to explain why precisely the representatives of a certain subethnos of the Italian nation turned out to be most inclined towards organized crime, the formation of mafia communities. Enrique Ferri concluded that this specific behavior of the inhabitants of southern Italy is explained by the influence that the traditions of the peoples of the North African region located across the Mediterranean Sea had on the region for centuries. The spread of murders on the island of Sicily Ferri directly deduced from this influence, while emphasizing that the crime rate in those regions of southern Italy in which the Greek component was stronger, was significantly lower (Ferry E. Criminal sociology. M., 1908).

In the modern world, the influence of social and ethnocultural factors on the growth of crime is difficult to dispute. The phenomenon of "ethnic crime", about which there are numerous disputes, most actively manifests itself in large cities. The social space itself of a modern large city becomes a favorable environment for the manifestation of all forms of criminal behavior. Among the manifestations of this favorable environment in large cities is the emergence of “enclaves” and “ghettos” populated by migrants and social lows. In these "enclaves" youth crime is formed, street gangs are created, which can later be transformed into various manifestations of organized crime.

Archaic, tradition and crime

One of the most important sources of organized crime in the migrant environment is undoubtedly the factor of influence of the specific way of life of traditional societies, which differs from the urbanized way of life of modern European countries, including Russia, that we are used to. First of all, it should be noted that when they find themselves in a new and alien social environment, migrants can demonstrate dramatic changes in the fundamental characteristics of their behavior. First of all, we are talking about the demonstration of criminal and illegal behavior by those people who have never shown criminal inclinations in their homeland. Many countries and regions from which labor migrants arrive differ by an order of magnitude lower level of common crime than host developed societies. This is due to the fact that in traditional societies more informal control over the behavior of its members. To commit a criminal act there simply will not give, and if it is still done, the punishment will become inevitable and will follow not only from law enforcement agencies, but also from the social environment. It is not by chance that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation draws attention to a lower level of common crime in the same North Caucasian republics (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The state of law and order in the Russian Federation and the main results of the activities of internal affairs bodies and internal troops in 2011. Analytical materials. M., 2012. ).

However, getting into a more atomized and devoid of rigid rules of the environment of modern European society, a certain part of the migrants easily “go into all grave”, committing crimes and offenses, and even taking the path of systematic criminal acts in the ranks of organized criminal groups, formed on the basis of ethnic or territorial affiliation. Ethnic criminal groups have their own specifics, largely different from the underworld of the host countries. It is based, in particular, on the peculiarities of the traditional way of life, specifically adapted to modern reality. Under the conditions of modern society, the traditional forms of social organization of many Asian, African, and South European societies prove to be an excellent basis for creating organized criminal societies on their basis and according to their principles. Thus, traditional social organization becomes one of the most important factors influencing ethnicity on crime. First of all, it is tribalism or cronyism, which are the basis of organized crime according to the ethnic principle.

The clan form of organization appears to be the most effective, since the principle of collective responsibility functions within the tribal or clan community, the uniting factor is family ties, they also provide, most often, a position in the criminal hierarchy. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to introduce agents into such structures or place them under any other control of law enforcement agencies, since they function according to the clan principle and it is practically impossible for “outsiders” to penetrate their ranks. The only alternative is the recruitment of representatives of clan communities, but it is also hampered by the kinship between members of the community.

Ethnic crime - a threat to the national security of Russia and other countries

In addition to family ties, the most severe internal discipline that is present in them becomes a serious factor in the clan organization of ethnic criminal communities. The discipline of criminal communities created on the basis of ethnic clans is also formed in the general context of the traditional way of life and the lifestyle of certain ethnic groups. Therefore, such communities are characterized by a developed internal hierarchy, the absolute subordination of lower-level members of the clan community to higher ones. All this is aggravated by the fact that a member of the criminal clan that violates the traditional principles of the organization will be doomed, at best, to expulsion from the clan with all the ensuing consequences. As a rule, organized criminal communities are closely associated with legal business structures - the so-called. "Ethnic business". On the one hand, legal business is a cover for criminal schemes of criminal communities, on the other hand, it uses criminal communities as an argument in resolving conflicts by force, for protection from competitors from other national diasporas or indigenous people.

The criminal behavior of some representatives of migrant communities is largely due to the influence of national traditions, which are not eliminated in countries or regions acting as “donors” of migration flows, but in host societies are considered as manifestations of anti-social and even criminal behavior. In particular, blood revenge, “honor killings”, loyalty to slavery and the slave trade, kidnapping, robbery and robberies in relation to “outsiders” can be attributed to these traditions. This complex of traditions with high criminogenic potential took shape over centuries and even millennia of the existence of some ethnic groups, especially in mountainous areas, which is due to the specificity of survival in harsh natural conditions and environment of foreign ethnic groups.

It should be noted that all the states that included such archaic communities (including the Russian Empire after the accession of the Caucasus and Central Asia), and the clergymen of the main world religions, common in these regions, and the most advanced representatives of ethnic groups fought against these customs and traditions. groups that preserve these traditions. However, up to the present, it is not possible to finally overcome the influence of the archaic in behavioral attitudes and stereotypes of many people from the regions of the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Central Asia and the Middle East. In turn, this situation encompasses not only criminogenic, but also conflictive potential, since the demonstrated behavioral attitudes of some migrants cause a completely understandable rejection of the indigenous population and their own fellow tribesmen, who have a higher cultural level and the ability to adapt to the alien in socio-cultural terms. conditions.

Many traditional societies of the same North Caucasus did not know statehood before the Russian expansion in the region. Accordingly, they did not have a stable idea of ​​the state, state laws, and law-abiding, which are characteristic of statesman states. At the same time, the peculiarities of the historical and cultural development of some North Caucasian peoples, both in the pre-revolutionary, and in the Soviet, and, especially, in the post-Soviet periods, contributed to the conservation of archaic traditions and customs, or their transformation and adaptation to modern conditions, and much more ugly and distorted forms than originally - in the authentic version. The same, when compared with the countries of Western Europe, is characteristic of many migrant communities who migrated to Europe from African states, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

For example, in Somalia, at present, there is virtually no unified and strong state; tribal traditions are viewed as something more important and significant than state laws. Accordingly, people who have come from this community have a non-binding attitude to the execution of state laws. As a result, this leads to disastrous consequences. So, it is known that it is immigrants from a number of Asian and African states who in European countries commit the bulk of rape, most of the street robberies. At one time, Gunnar Larsen, head of the police investigation department of violent crimes of the Norwegian capital, was informed that migrants from the Asian and African state commit 70% rape in the city (A. Kogan Norwegian "adapts" to rape // /norway/assault.html). The negative reaction to these crimes from the outraged local community by representatives of liberal and left-wing political forces is translated as “manifestations of nationalism, racism and even fascism,” although this is, again, only to bring order to the management of migration policy. Moreover, some “hot heads” from among the representatives of the left and liberal public assert that the indigenous people themselves are to blame for the migrants' criminal behavior ... you see, they do not want to adjust their own behavior to the traditions and customs of the “guests”. But such logic seems very strange, if not to say outrageous. Why should the indigenous population have to adapt to visitors, much of whom, moreover, either parasites living on large benefits in the Scandinavian countries, or illegals in general, engaged in questionable activities. Moreover, if the visitors are not satisfied or embarrassed by the behavior of the indigenous population - is it more logical to return to their homeland, where traditions and customs are so sweet to the heart?

Many European intellectuals are not just talking - they are shouting about the problem of ethnic crime, generated by uncontrolled migration. Suffice it to recall the famous book of the German Tillo Sarratsin "Germany self-destruct", just dedicated to the problem of the negative impact of migration on the social development of modern Germany. French political analyst Roger Goldberg says that Russia, if it does not adjust its migration policy, is awaited by the sad fate of his native France.

Countering ethnic crime

In modern Russia, a paradoxical situation has arisen, when political and public figures, many scientists and journalists say that ethnic crime or migrant crime does not exist, and people of all nationalities commit crimes, but at the same time, law enforcement officers constantly talk about ethnic crime. the bodies on ethnic crime are written articles, including in reputable scientific journals, Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations are defended on legal, social a logical, philosophical, psychological science. Therefore, in this matter, it still makes sense to listen not so much to the biased public as to the professionals - police officers, special services, scientists - researchers of this issue.

In March, 2014, Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Police Major Mikhail Gusakov, stated that ethnic crime accounted for at least 17% of crimes committed in the city (See: M. Falaleev. We don’t need such guests // Russian newspaper. 26.03.2014). To expand the fight against ethnic crime a year ago, in January, 2014, was called upon by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the former head of the Moscow police department Vladimir Kolokoltsev (I. Egorov. Stop and watch. The capital guards reported on the work // Rossiyskaya gazeta. 27.01.2014). Finally, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. called on to repeatedly intensify the fight against ethnic crime and illegal migration. Putin (See, for example: Putin demanded that the Ministry of Internal Affairs intensify the fight against ethnic crime // prestupnostyu-xnumx). It turns out that those political and public figures who deny the existence of ethnic crime, argue with police leaders and with the head of state? It turns out that way.

According to numerous media reports, in the same Moscow CID there is a division focused on work with organized ethnic crime. However, this problem is of national importance. Indeed, not only in Moscow, but also in many large cities and even in rural areas, the problem of ethnic organized crime is becoming more acute. So, the tension of passions in the city of Mineralnye Vody of the Stavropol Territory, connected with an attack on a hospital of a group of several dozen people who had killed a local resident before his death, had not yet subsided. In this incident, operational detentions were carried out, a number of police officers and city commanders lost their positions, however, it seems that such tough measures are being taken only when the “gun shot”, but they should be taken when the “gun hangs on the wall”.

Prevention of ethnic crime in modern Russia primarily involves two main areas of activity - this is increasing control over migration flows and the creation of an effective system of migrants' adaptation to living conditions in Russian society. The development of these two directions and provides, as they say, a “tilled field” for the manifestation of creativity by Russian officials and their scientific consultants. In particular, increasing control over migration flows means real suppression of the possibility of entering into the country of persons suspected of involvement in criminal activities - both in its territory and in other states, introducing a certain educational, age, property, family qualification for persons entering on the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of employment, increasing criminal responsibility for crimes committed in the territory of the Russian Federation followed by life or until temporary denial of the right to enter the country.

As for the adaptation policy in the migration sphere, the most crucial point here is the suppression of the very possibility of the emergence of ethnic enclaves in large Russian cities. Many of the problems of European cities, including those of Paris or Marseille, are related to the fact that real “ghettos” appeared on their territory, populated by immigrants from Asian or African states. For example, in Paris, the Gut d'Or district was nicknamed by the people "small Africa" ​​- here the Senegalese, Congolese and other people from the African continent constitute the main population. In Marseille, about 50% of the population are migrants from North African countries, occupying entire areas of the city, where the police are not at risk of entering except as large and well-armed detachments.

It is not a secret that these urban areas are not only a hotbed of street crime, but also political and religious extremism. It is here that mass riots begin to ripen and begin, usually starting after the police shoot or wound any particularly violent offender. In itself, the compact residence of representatives of migrant diasporas impedes their quick integration into the host society and creates all the prerequisites for the further cultivation of archaic traditions, the creation of closed ethnic entrepreneurial and, accordingly, criminal structures. Therefore, the state should make all possible efforts to ensure that such a compact residence, if it exists, would be under the appropriate control of administrative and law enforcement structures.

Of particular importance for national security is control over the activities of religious and public organizations existing in the migrant environment. There are many examples of how extremist organizations were born among migrants, aid was collected and organizational support was provided to terrorist organizations operating in the migrants' homeland or on a transnational scale. In this situation, administrative and law enforcement agencies should work not with the formal leaders of diasporas and national cultural organizations, much of which does not have any real influence on their fellow tribesmen, but with truly reputable people in the migrant environment. In any case, law enforcement agencies and special services need to intensify work in this area, but this requires the creation of a specific regulatory framework. It turns out a vicious circle - the liberal public, including the media and part of the scientific community, human rights activists, politicians, having a certain influence on legislators and even state power, can block the adoption of real bills aimed at streamlining migration policies and fighting ethnic crime.

However, if tangible progress is not achieved in combating ethnic crime, the risk factors for the national security of the Russian state will only increase. First of all, the phenomenon of the existence of organized crime, which is formed on the ethnic principle, has a destructive and corrupting effect on public order, creates a lot of problems for the state and its population, including migrants themselves, whom their fellow tribesmen organized into gangs , racketeering and robbing. Secondly, the existence of such criminal communities is the “golden bottom” for corruption and the mechanism of corruption of the law enforcement system, the executive, legislative and judicial authorities. Thirdly, it is a colossal threat to destabilize the political situation in the country, because the conflict-prone potential of foreign ethnic communities and networks is enormous - it provokes conflicts of the indigenous and visiting populations, the growth of ultra-nationalist organizations among those and others, and the growing discontent with the weakness of the authorities. or law enforcement system. Finally, a direct threat to the country's national security is also associated with the possibility of the use of ethnic criminal communities by foreign special services and radical extremist and terrorist organizations. However, in the fight against ethnic crime, another nuance is important - the correct presentation of information to the public. It is impossible to provoke nationalist sentiments and to give a reason to identify the fight against crime with the prosecution of any specific ethnic groups.
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  1. +19
    6 January 2015 07: 13
    photos from zoos ... (well, I do not like this monkey ...)
    1. +8
      6 January 2015 07: 27
      Already pulls to pull ...
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +9
          6 January 2015 10: 31
          In September 2013, Ramazanov started a conflict with a girl on the street and struck her three blows in the head.

          Sorry for the girl of course immensely ....
          This guy ... yes RAMAZANOV ... still answer for his crime, if not before a people's court, then before GOD for sure.

          Separately, I want to say my indignation to such prosecutors and judges who freed the villain from punishment, because they themselves thus become accomplices of such criminals.

          Further, I must remind such officials that if, in their person, the LAW becomes a place of justice, then the right to judge and execute the sentence is taken into their own hands by CITIZENS (relatives, friends, relatives, etc.) and no threat of punishment will stop them from to sweep.
        2. Drunya
          6 January 2015 12: 39
          Quote: Nnn51
          Interestingly, Russian special forces officers are blowers?

          woodpecker you fool
        3. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            6 January 2015 16: 48
            Dear minuser, if there is anything to object to - write.
            Anonymous minus shots show only the weakness of the opponent, who is not able to argue his opposite position. crying
            1. +1
              6 January 2015 17: 46
              Dear minuser, if there is anything to object to - write

              Do not pay attention to it ...

              the main thing is your attitude to all this, if you are not indifferent to the death of a girl, it already deserves respect.

              Injustice is most often observed in our world, but this does not mean that evil will not be punished, my life experience has given me the opportunity to understand that the punishment for bad deeds does not occur immediately
              and always unexpected when you are not waiting for him.
    2. +4
      6 January 2015 07: 52
      You have to be more tolerant: not a monkey, but a nigga. laughing
      1. +1
        7 January 2015 14: 45
        for the present time - an apfindostanets
      2. 0
        9 January 2015 03: 17
        you're darned))
    3. +18
      6 January 2015 09: 24
      In my opinion, the experience of the Soviet Union is very helpful.

      When the British, French, then Americans and other powers in their colonies were engaged in purely robbing new lands, and considered the indigenous people non-humans, tried to live separately from them, and those in their ghettos, the Russians conquered the Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia tried to draw their inhabitants into they didn’t alienate their culture and civilization from them, in the context of their mentality, they introduced literacy (absolutely all segments of the population began to write and read in the Soviet era, though in Russian smile but of course it was not forbidden to develop their own languages, to conduct ceremonies according to the ritual of their ancestors, the Russians built new houses, roads, including railways, cities to build, medicine, universities, science began to develop, in general, thanks to the Russians, all the conquered peoples passed quickly from the Middle Ages (before the Russians used bows and arrows, a firearm was rare) in socialism and communism, conducted an industrial revolution. In this regard, Russians should be aware of their great role in uniting many peoples on the basis of their civilization.
      After the collapse of the Union, many, let's say, Soviet peoples, including in Russia, began to "withdraw into themselves" again, the cultural connection between people, social, began to penetrate, all sorts of currents from the West began to penetrate (cosmopolitanism, gays, Goths, Satanists, rappers, rockers, all sorts of subcultures) and the East (the Saudis and their Wahhabism), who only did what they alienated the peoples from each other, they began to focus not on what they are similar but on how they differ. As a result, old wounds began to hurt, ethnic crimes. Moreover, no one takes good from their culture, but tries to return to the radical old currents, there are Nazism, Pan-Slavism, and Pan-Turkism, as well as Pan-Islamism, based on the Wakhab trend, its danger is that it is absolutely intolerant, the Muslims of this trend are not they will not live not only with Catholics, Buddhists, atheists, Orthodox, absolutely will not tolerate their churches, next to them, but they also hate other Muslims, both Shiites and others, secular as residents of Turkey or Syria. Their whole policy is to conquer the whole world, establishing a caliphate in it, regardless of children, women, old people, who do not agree with the eagle, the Japanese did about the same in Nanjing in 1937, so then in their opinion there will be universal happiness. Something I went a little deeper smile Vobschem guys so that this does not need to be united by a common idea, the idea of ​​humanity and friendship of peoples, let's see not our differences, but to see what we are like and spread it to others. hi
      All soviet unite! drinks
      1. +1
        6 January 2015 16: 53
        Quote: Max_Bauder
        In my opinion, the experience of the Soviet Union is very helpful.

        When the British, French, then Americans and other powers in their colonies were engaged in purely robbing new lands, and considered the indigenous people non-humans, tried to live separately from them, and those in their ghettos, the Russians conquered the Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia tried to draw their inhabitants into they didn’t alienate their culture and civilization from them, in the context of their mentality, they introduced literacy (absolutely all segments of the population began to write and read in the Soviet era, though in Russian smile but of course it was not forbidden to develop their own languages, to conduct ceremonies according to the ritual of their ancestors, the Russians built new houses, roads, including railways, cities to build, medicine, universities, science began to develop, in general, thanks to the Russians, all the conquered peoples passed quickly from the Middle Ages (before the Russians used bows and arrows, a firearm was rare) in socialism and communism, conducted an industrial revolution. In this regard, Russians should be aware of their great role in uniting many peoples on the basis of their civilization.
        After the collapse of the Union, many, let's say, Soviet peoples, including in Russia, began to "withdraw into themselves" again, the cultural connection between people, social, began to penetrate, all sorts of currents from the West began to penetrate (cosmopolitanism, gays, Goths, Satanists, rappers, rockers, all sorts of subcultures) and the East (the Saudis and their Wahhabism), who only did what they alienated the peoples from each other, they began to focus not on what they are similar but on how they differ. As a result, old wounds began to hurt, ethnic crimes. Moreover, no one takes good from their culture, but tries to return to the radical old currents, there are Nazism, Pan-Slavism, and Pan-Turkism, as well as Pan-Islamism, based on the Wakhab trend, its danger is that it is absolutely intolerant, the Muslims of this trend are not they will not live not only with Catholics, Buddhists, atheists, Orthodox, absolutely will not tolerate their churches, next to them, but they also hate other Muslims, both Shiites and others, secular as residents of Turkey or Syria. Their whole policy is to conquer the whole world, establishing a caliphate in it, regardless of children, women, old people, who do not agree with the eagle, the Japanese did about the same in Nanjing in 1937, so then in their opinion there will be universal happiness. Something I went a little deeper smile Vobschem guys so that this does not need to be united by a common idea, the idea of ​​humanity and friendship of peoples, let's see not our differences, but to see what we are like and spread it to others. hi
        All soviet unite! drinks

        I fully share your point of view, that's right! drinks
        1. 0
          8 January 2015 00: 25
          Somewhere something like that !!!!!!!!!!
  2. +6
    6 January 2015 07: 24
    Many European intellectuals do not just speak - they shout about the problem of ethnic crime caused by uncontrolled migration.

    Yes it is .... all this is clearly visible on the corresponding video sites ....

    Russia is no exception ... when you start collecting information on this topic from various sources, you can clearly see that this process of ethnicizing crime directly depends on the number of labor migrants who come (often bringing their families).

    Sometimes completely wild things happen that are not related to our native mentality .... however, according to the logic of actions, all criminals, regardless of nation, are the same.
    I agree that it is impossible to link such issues with the attitude to any nation ... but in this case the strict principle of the inevitability of the PUNISHMENT of the offender must act .... hehe and our police sometimes look nowhere when a crowd of raging emigrants from famous republics creates chaos. ... the same goes for the spoiled children of the leaders of the republics.
    1. padonok.71
      6 January 2015 09: 24
      I would add that neither sometimes, but always - everything is cohesive! And the matter is not only in our policemen. If any Peps would know that only with a hint of a threat can the camp be quietly used and the judge or the commission (in the subsequent analysis) would not give it up, you would agree that the life of such violent macaques would be harder.
  3. +4
    6 January 2015 07: 44
    I completely agree: "However, in the fight against ethnic crime, one more nuance is important - the correct presentation of information to society. You cannot provoke nationalist sentiments and give a reason to equate the fight against crime with the persecution of any specific ethnic groups of the population."

    In addition, someone commits the remaining 83% of crimes.
    Here is a thought for discussion: A migrant robs and kills strangers, and a non-migrant - his ...
      6 January 2015 08: 47
      Quote: tasha
      In addition, someone commits the remaining 83% of crimes.
      Here is a thought for discussion: A migrant robs and kills strangers, and a non-migrant - his ..

      If you eliminate 17%, then only 83% will remain.
  4. +3
    6 January 2015 07: 52
    Here is a video with a rather interesting and plausible scenario of stirring up unrest in Russia by the hands of "gastrobeiters".
  5. +23
    6 January 2015 08: 26
    "... one of the first in European criminology to think about the influence of ethnic factors on the criminal behavior of a person ..."
    In my opinion, there are no ethnic factors. Man must remain human. And, having arrived in another country, he must respect its history and traditions. And if he is moral, then the color of the skin and nationality have no influence on this. Plus, the chanting of noble bandits everywhere and everywhere - television, movies, books. Well, you get what you have. And the law enforcement agencies turn a blind eye to everything. What, they don't know all this cuisine. They also know and have a good idea of ​​it. After the next command "face" by "agreement of the parties" they give a couple of three representatives to the slaughter, and again everything falls into place until "special order"
    1. +2
      6 January 2015 19: 24
      In the very hole! The problem needs to be solved in a complex way, to split up the "diasporas", to promote their values, and the "tit for tat" principle for the irreconcilable.
  6. one
    6 January 2015 08: 27
    First, I think it is necessary to strangle crime in the ranks of those denounced by the authorities.
    and only then will there be a productive struggle not only with ethnic crime, but with all sorts of different.
    what is missing? not enough upside factor!
    if more is given, then demand must be greater!
    for example, if the crime is committed by a simple citizen, the coefficient is 1,
    if convicted by the executive branch or working in law enforcement agencies - automatically multiply the term by upk by 3!
    and if the criminal serves the people in the legislative branch, then by 5!
    For "guests" the terms are the same as at their home with a 2-fold increase.
    By the way, in Uzbekistan there are practically no thefts; it is not profitable to steal, then they can sit for a long time, and they can shoot for drugs!
    it is also mandatory to return to the UPK and make extensive use of this - confiscation of property. that is, to minimize the benefits of crime!
    it is also necessary to revive the forced labor for the development of the northern regions that have not yet been developed, the laying of roads, mining, etc.
    also, for repeat offenders who do not want to live according to the laws of society, to revive the institution of exile to places remote from the bulk of society.
    and the main thing in the fight against crime is the desire of society to fight crime! but the hopes of citizens for the authorities, that they are capable of and has a desire to protect them melt year after year, from here and the desire to protect themselves at least from violent crimes. more and more requirements for the legalization of weapons. What is most interesting, the majority of those opposed to this, as a rule, already have a registered, legal weapon (!), or those who are ready for violent crimes against citizens. there is also a layer of so-called - "frightened", with the psychology "if nothing happened."
    and only very few of those who believe that it is necessary to put power in such conditions so that it (the government) has a desire to protect citizens.
    and the main thing in any business is the desire to do it !!!
  7. +4
    6 January 2015 08: 35
    Andrey Yurievich (2) SU Today, 07: 13 New
    photos from zoos ... (well, I do not like this monkey ...)

    And the muzzles are harsh ... And when they get to the police station, they begin to "sing". laughing
  8. +2
    6 January 2015 08: 38
    Ethnic organized crime is the result of the existing political and economic system. This system breeds and propagates crime. Under the USSR, organized crime was crushed, especially ethnic, and began to revive under Mechen when ITD began.
  9. +9
    6 January 2015 08: 41
    If Stalin was not stupid (and this is confirmed), then the resettlement of friendly peoples HAS MEANING. It had results and reasons. If this was done, then not just like that, but because it was impossible not to DO. Any serious event is held when it is VERY necessary, and never for fun.

    If you do not follow the example of a competent leader of that time today, then tomorrow you will either have to rake it up at an accelerated pace, or continue to ignore it until the "friendship of peoples" kills one of the relatives.

    Glory to the heroes!
  10. +9
    6 January 2015 09: 05
    I believe that it’s 5-10 years and first in Europe, then we will begin a serious increase in nationalism with all the consequences, if nothing changes in the national and migration policies of our countries, the consequences can be very disastrous. Maybe it's time for those in power to think about this and stop oppressing the titular nations in their own home ?! I normally relate to representatives of different nationalities, but only until they pose a threat to mine, and this threat becomes more and more tangible, unfortunately.
    1. +2
      7 January 2015 00: 02
      We have previously worked in Russia principle.
      Everyone lives in their small homeland, on a visit to others, to help on a rotational basis, please go home.
      Conflict minimum, maximum benefit.
    2. +1
      7 January 2015 15: 07
      I believe that it will begin much earlier. Already begins. In Europe, a full policy of multiculturalism has already taken a sip. Tolerance is from the word patience, and patience comes to an end.
      1. +2
        7 January 2015 16: 43
        Perhaps earlier, but it seems to me that Europe will take the first step, which will untie the hands of our leadership and eliminate the charges of Nazism, because the stigma itself will already be in the cannon until then the rise of the Russian national consciousness and the natural right to protect its national interests will be severely blocked by our own power structures, if nothing radically changes in domestic national politics.

        But you can not bring to all this. We have been living quite and peacefully for centuries with the Finno-Ugric peoples, with the Tatars, Yakuts, Chukchi, Kalmyks, etc., but we can now more or less in a good way pacify some especially presumptuous Diasporas and put them in their place, reduce migration flows many times - to allow entry only to highly qualified specialists and for any offense deportation without the right to return, I would suggest abolishing the national republics, as I consider them to be delayed-action mines in the territory of our Motherland, to introduce norms for which in any state. bodies, in any subjects, at all levels, the ethnic composition of officials will consist of at least 84% of Russians / Slavs (according to the census), and further representatives of other nationalities in the same proportions ... in general, the list of measures is very long (I'm sure that it was worked out by competent authorities repeatedly), but with political will is quite feasible. It is better now to tighten the nuts and let the Russians feel at last in their home as full-fledged masters than to go to extremes.

        No matter how anyone relates to Israel and the Jews, their policy to protect Jews, their honor and dignity, their national interests, I personally respect. Why do not we take their experience into service? I will cite several facts from one article about Israel.

        “Israel’s Cabinet recently passed a law on Israel’s status as a Jewish nation state, changing the wording of Israel’s Basic Laws (replacing the constitution) from“ Israel is a democratic Jewish state ”to“ Israel is a Jewish state. ”What does this mean? It means that in circulation with non-Jewish populations (eg Arabs), Jewish national interests become more important than democratic principles and human rights. "

        (small addition from me) I exaggerate, of course, but any Arab who looks askance at an ordinary Jew risks paying a lot for it, yes, that there is a "sidelong glance", even the thought of him or the assumption of the same Jew that someone thought something bad about him will lead to harsh forceful consequences. And no Europe screams like a victim about the bad and aggressive state of Israel. This decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the "Promised Land" can be fully used to defend their nat. interests in a dispute with any liberals and other tolerant evil spirits.
        1. 0
          7 January 2015 17: 04
          I exaggerate, of course, but any Arab who looks askance at an ordinary Jew risks paying a lot for it, yes, that there is a "sidelong glance", even the thought of him or the assumption of the same Jew that someone thought something bad about him will lead to harsh forceful consequences.

          It's easier called - 4 REICH.
          And the Jews automatically become in this state - NEW ARIANS.
          You generally understand that now you are promoting a state of one nationality, in other words, Nazism fool
          1. +2
            7 January 2015 17: 22
            And you read carefully and to the end, the post below - continued and you will understand everything. And yes, I do not advocate anything (until the abolition of the anti-Russian article under number 282), I quote excerpts from one material. By the way, take the advice from the same article ... Do you oppose the Jewish national state, its domestic policy? Are you against the Jews ?! You are by no means a “fascist”, “anti-Semite” and “hitlerite”!?!
            1. +1
              7 January 2015 18: 24
              Do you oppose the Jewish national state, its domestic policy?

              Yes, I am opposed to the creation of the state of Israel, in which the Jews will occupy the same position as Hitler’s ARIANS in the 3rd Reich.
              Are you against the Jews ?! You are by no means a “fascist”, “anti-Semite” and “hitlerite”!?!

              No, I'm an internationalist.
      2. +1
        7 January 2015 16: 43
        "Firstly, no one will ever dare to accuse Jews of Nazism, Fascism, or even nationalism (just remember that the word Holocaust and the liberal calms down). Therefore, referring to the Jewish experience, you automatically protect yourself from criticism and get the full moral right to call the Jews criticizing Jewish laws fascists, Nazis, Hitlerists, etc. Does the Jewish national state not like? Yes, grandfathers fought with people like you, grandmothers helped!

        Secondly, there are only 75% of Jews in Israel, and they are divided into Sephardim and Ashkenazi, representing, if we speak in their minds, two different peoples, roughly like Russians and Poles. At the same time, the main national minority - the Arabs - accounts for 20% of the population, which makes it possible to speak of Israel as a real multinational state. There are 83-84% of Russians in Russia, our people are surprisingly monolithic throughout the entire space from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka, and the main national minority - the Tatars - gives only 4%, which does not allow us to speak of the presence in the country of any other numerous nation other than Russians ... We are significantly more mono-national than Israel and generally one of the most mono-national countries in the world. "

        Such a national composition of the country does not prevent Jews from defending their interests. Why can't we exercise this right at home ?!

        "Thirdly, Israel in its present form has existed for less than half a century, and one cannot say that the Jews are building a nation state here according to some ancient law. No. Palestine was invaded by the Zionist settlers as a result of an organized campaign of colonization, a series of wars and uprisings, as well as mass deportations of the Arab population. Therefore, the argument "but we have indigenous peoples here, they can't ..." does not work - is it possible and necessary, or are you a fascist and against Jews? Moreover, the law on the national Jewish state has been adopted primarily to tame the Arabs trying to pump rights. "We cannot offend the indigenous peoples" - you know, this is what Israel is doing! "

        There are "fourths" and "eighths", but the message is already very large.

        PS I do not call for an absolute copying of the actions of Israel, but there is something to ponder.
        1. Death Nik1
          7 January 2015 19: 32
          Rarog with a padded jacket - breaking my pattern ....
          1. 0
            7 January 2015 19: 45
            I don’t know if it’s bad for you or not, smile but I just share my opinion with others, using for this both my own thoughts and the article I liked about the state of affairs in the field of nationalities in the state of Israel.
  11. padonok.71
    6 January 2015 09: 15
    And why are there no photographs of the Caucasian "figures"? Denim tights, red macasinos with striped golfs, "ala muahamad" beards, pneuma. That's where the zoo is.
    But all over our bureaucrats like these macaques, if you look at the migration policy of our state, they are generally crazy about these "Italians".
    Although niggas with latinos are the same certainly fun!
  12. -1
    6 January 2015 09: 16
    The photo with the "boys" in the boat is a shot from the movie "Captain Phillips".
    1. +1
      6 January 2015 09: 54
      Right Yes, and generally written does not exist. Truth?
  13. +2
    6 January 2015 09: 26
    The main reason for the development of crime is not the ability of the state to conduct the right economic policy, but how can you fight if the state itself creates the environment and the ability to act without punishment and all analysts are not interested in specialists, most importantly money
    1. +1
      7 January 2015 02: 56
      Crime is one thing, and when it’s just biting with these comrades, then none of the Russians will ever come up for you even in the Russian microdistrict itself. You have to rely only on yourself. This does not concern migrants at all. It is about gypsies in the first place.
  14. polkownik1
    6 January 2015 11: 14
    I think the question should be looked at more broadly. Above. Everyone is fighting uncontrolled migration and ethnic crime in their own countries, in their countries suffering from this scourge. At the same time, theorists say: "There they have poverty, unemployment, weak state institutions, so they run ..." This is not true! "There they have", first of all, corruption, clannishness, lack of education and, most importantly, monstrous laziness! And we, those who have opened the gates for migrant flows, directly contribute to this. “There,” with our help, the motivation for progress disappears. What for ? I arrived in Moscow (Paris, etc.) - and here it is, everything is ready! What to do ? Slam the gate hard! Let, in the end, follow the path that the civilized peoples have traveled. Help? Yes. Teach? Something is possible. Is it for a long time? Yes. But otherwise, we will not, but they will "pull" us up to their level. Moreover, with their birth rate ...
    1. +1
      6 January 2015 14: 30
      Hard, dear "polkownik1". Anyway, plus. +++++ good
      Have you read "It is difficult to be God" by the Strugatskys, fellow citizens? Here it is ... Not everyone can take on the functions of progress. And to be compassionate at the expense of others is bestiality. IMHO hi
  15. +6
    6 January 2015 11: 47
    Yes, not ethnic criminality is a threat to security, but the import of cheap, disenfranchised labor into the country on a massive scale. This action itself is intended not to pay a fair price for the labor and enrichment of employers. Agree the goal is unconstitutional and immoral in principle. This policy is aimed at making money at any cost, including betraying the interests of the peoples who, by the way, have founded this or that state for their own security. But this policy is also directed against labor migrants at the same time, because they are put in the position of slaves. As a result, there will first be a conflict between the indigenous population and migrants, and then all together will smash the "heroes of the occasion." So you will have to answer anyway!
  16. +1
    6 January 2015 11: 55
    We will definitely support the performances of the oppressed sections of society in the USA and Europe!
    Shame on the hypocritical Western democracy, which sets its powerful police apparatus on freedom-loving Negro and Arab youth (armed only with knives and small pistols).
  17. Drunya
    6 January 2015 12: 55
    It's hard to fight them, but I think the SPECIALISTS have the opportunity to lead and direct them in the "right" direction.
    I do not know as an option "thieves in law 2.0"
  18. CRP
    6 January 2015 12: 57
    Russian nationalism outgrew Central Asian, black, Latin and others. There are tendencies in the revival of the Empire, and it is Russian nationalism that is the driving force. In this Phoenix, a smart, strong, and in some places already a wise generation matures. The Russian Phoenix learned not to destroy ties with other peoples, but to be a regulator of interethnic relations. Remember the Cold War, it was thanks to the force that no one pressed the button, the forces were approximately equal. Therefore, it is necessary to create parity and Russian nationalism - the key to the quiet existence of the other peoples of our Power. I do not call for nationalism, moreover, I do not quite and not always share the theses, being peaceful. It is only a little deeper to consider the problem and not to use reaction stamps and clichés. All good, all love in our Russia!
  19. +5
    6 January 2015 14: 50
    Russian legislators, as always, are 15 years late and are preoccupied with the idea of ​​disarming hunters. They do not walk on the streets at all, but drive their official cars. The "eternal" and well-paid position of a judge has led to the fact that this judge is completely dependent on his own a benefactor and can be manipulated like a puppet. Tough and transparent migration laws are needed to put things in order in this area of ​​activity. This should also be facilitated by a clear policy towards the former Soviet republics, which is the source of all evil. Shusyukanie, fights, concessions from political The same Lukashenka openly supports the pro-fascist Kiev regime and declares his readiness to support them with the supply of dual-use equipment, and what did these endless concessions lead to?
  20. +12
    6 January 2015 16: 07
    I read something like an analytical report by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on crime in the Moscow Region. Conclusions - the largest number of grave and especially grave crimes are committed by Uzbeks and Tajiks. I want to give one example: a drunk Tajik janitor raped and killed an underage Muscovite girl in a park near a residential high-rise building .. The girl's screams were heard by many residents, but no one came to help. But I want to focus on something else ..... Soon after the murder, Tajik janitors havetily left the area. Journalists inquired about the reason and it turned out that Tajiks They scrambled, expecting an anti-Tajik pogrom on the part of the Russians! How so? Because they would have done exactly that if they had "offended" any of the Tajiks in Tajikistan !!! Of course, there was no pogrom! In addition: China also has its own "chuchmeki": Indians and, it seems, Burmese (they are ready to "work hard" even for less "money" than the Chinese). Indians and Burmese behave - "quieter than water, lower than grass"! And then journalists inquired about the reasons for such "humble obedience" ...... And the Chinese explained that if migrants commit any serious crime in the area, then in the area all the dwellings where migrants live will be burned along with their residents! The moral of this story is at your discretion.
  21. +1
    6 January 2015 17: 19
    The author burns !!! This number of smart words per sq. Cm. text has not been dumped for a long time! The author broke his nails, but the conclusion that the mudak must answer before the law, even if it is a Chechen taboo-medak, hesitated to do! The author is "not good"! ... And the "Risky FACTOR" in his hand! The path of the scribe is thorny ...
  22. +2
    6 January 2015 18: 06
    Just everything and everyone should live in his house. To trade, exchange dance groups, handicrafts, go on a visit, help each other, but everyone lives at home, then there will be friendship. And in all other cases when cultures collide, conflict is almost always inevitable. After all, everyone considers his own way of life as a model, thoughtlessly transferring it to any territory and the less this culture, the more aggressive its representative.
  23. -1
    6 January 2015 19: 50
    Soon the scattered people will be squandered by drunkenness and drugs, and in their place brothers from Central Asia will come. However, it’s not very pity, the Slavs in Russia have long been gone, only scattered.
    1. +1
      6 January 2015 19: 55
      Did you come here to set a record for flying to the ban? have a chance to install
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. -1
        6 January 2015 19: 58
        Is it true that it hurts?
        1. 0
          6 January 2015 20: 03
          Man, you are at odds with the Russian language.
          1. -2
            6 January 2015 20: 15
            Nothing to complain about besides my grammatical mistakes?
            1. +2
              6 January 2015 20: 17
              Quote: dishistin
              Nothing to complain about except

              You have to find fault with your dad - for not being protected
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. The comment was deleted.
          2. The comment was deleted.
            1. +1
              6 January 2015 20: 40
              Quote: dishistin
              Nothing to complain about besides my grammatical mistakes?
              Well, for example, to the poster of the SS troops that you have on your "avatar".
              1. +1
                6 January 2015 21: 04
                Seems to be a success for him. good One less creature am
  24. The comment was deleted.
  25. +1
    7 January 2015 01: 29
    They do not go to a strange monastery with their own charter. This has long been known. We had a rather funny incident. Not very young, but not poor entrepreneur got herself an assistant, a young Tajik, then began to cohabit with him (civil marriage, you know) and finally got ready to marry him. He was delighted (such money!) And was going to marry her in the mosque. She came to her senses only after the gentle groom gave her before the wedding ... "burka" (a deaf burqa), boasting about it to her friends.
  26. 0
    7 January 2015 13: 45
    crime has no nationality! this is probably only in liberal minds.
    you look at the names of thieves in law. how many Russians are there?

    Europe and the United States suffer the same idea.
    bending over from national crime, they say that crime has no nationality. )))
  27. +1
    7 January 2015 15: 54
    Masked unknowns opened fire from automatic weapons at the editors of the infamous Charlie Hebdo magazine. Several magazine employees managed to hide on the roof of the building

    The victims of the shooting in the building of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris were already 12 people, reports France Presse referring to the prosecutor’s office.

    Earlier, the creators of Charlie Hebdo repeatedly printed caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad on their pages, which aroused the outrage of believers. In 2006, Charlie Hebdo reprinted the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that appeared in the Danish edition of Jyllands-Posten. In 2012, in the midst of riots over the film "Innocence of Muslims," ​​the publication published a new series of cartoons.

    It is worth considering who could have arranged such a thing. What does the so-called tolerance lead to?
  28. Beiderlei
    7 January 2015 15: 59
    This is a quote from a rostat:
    Every fifth resident of Russia (30,7 million people as of January 1, 2010) is of retirement age. The number of children and adolescents under 16 years of age is 7,9 million, or 25,6% less than those over working age. The preponderance of older people occurs in 62 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the largest: in the Tula region and St. Petersburg - 2 times, Ryazan and Voronezh regions - 1,9 times, Tambov, Leningrad, Ivanovo, Penza, Pskov, Yaroslavl regions, Moscow - 1,8 times.
    The population aged 0-15 years for 18 years (1990-2007) was declining. In 2008, due to an increase in the number of births, the size of this age group increased slightly - by 44 thousand, or 0,2%, in 2009 - by 313 thousand or 1,4%.
    The lowest proportion of children aged 0-15 years in the total population is observed in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 13,0-12,9% (in Russia as a whole - 16,1%).
    The working-age population, compared with the beginning of 2009, decreased by 0,9 million or 1,0% (in 2008 by 0,4 million or 0,5%) and amounted to the beginning of 2010. 88,4 million people. The demographic burden increased to 606 people per 1000 working-age population (in 2009, 590, respectively), including load of children - 259 (253), and people of retirement age - 347 (337).
    The main problems of the demographic development of Russia remain high mortality from external causes and diseases of the circulatory system. A major influence on this is alcohol abuse. From causes directly related to alcohol (alcoholic cardiomyopathy, accidental alcohol poisoning, alcoholic liver disease, chronic alcoholism, alcoholic psychoses, degeneration of the nervous system caused by alcohol, chronic pancreatitis of alcoholic etiology) 2009 thousand men and 50,5 died in 18,1. XNUMX thousand women. However, its effect on mortality from other causes is significantly higher. Excessive alcohol consumption is most obviously associated with high mortality from external causes of death, but the connection is also traced when it comes to premature mortality from many diseases in the etiology of which the exogenous component is artificially enhanced.
  29. +1
    7 January 2015 18: 52
    So you deny the people of Israel self-defense? Do you wish them dead? Still, it looks like fascism and anti-Semitism on your part. Ah ah ah.

    Well jokes jokes ...

    No, I'm an internationalist.

    You will be "peace-loving" immigrants who do not care deeply about your tolerance and "we are all brothers" (not of their kind, not of their religion ... there are plenty of videos on the Internet about the actions of ISIS in such cases) before the execution. God forbid, of course. Believe me, I do not wish you evil in any way, I just want to bring you one simple truth - Russians have the right to protect their interests, their lives and dignity in their own country, a country that our ancestors built with their blood and then, and gave They clearly do not have their lives so that foreigners who do not respect our culture, faith and history kill, rob and rape their descendants! This is a defensive reaction to a threat from the outside, nothing more.
    1. +1
      7 January 2015 20: 34
      Have your ancestors been killed and raped by Jews and Buddhists? Shouted "Moses Akbar" and "Buddha Akbar" at the same time? Horror! (Just kidding, of course).
      1. 0
        7 January 2015 20: 44
        Thank God I am by blood from the Cossacks - passionaries of the Russian People, to be even more precise from the Orenburg Cossacks, but they simply did not give offense to themselves. feel
  30. Viktor Kudinov
    8 January 2015 06: 51
    It would seem that dogs are domesticated animals for a long time, and how many people die from them - the owners, their children, strangers! And how many public organizations are fighting to ensure that dangerous dogs are not destroyed! And here are people who simply aim to kill others! There is any reason for the murder - not of that faith, not of that skin, he didn’t look like that, he didn’t give a smoke, etc. And after all, a mass of politicians, social activists, lawyers, etc. are standing guard over their deadly interest! As a result, terror is expanding and flourishing. hi

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"