The internal situation in Syria. Will Assad and the Syrian army resist in the implementation of the "Libyan scenario?"


The situation around Syria is a run-in scenario - “wave” after “wave” beat Damascus. The US authorities have introduced new sanctions against Damascus, they have expanded the list of Syrian officials, which extended the US economic sanctions. About this on Tuesday, 30 August, reported Agence France-Presse. The new US sanctions touched the Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem, advisor to the Syrian president Butain Shaaban and Syrian ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali. All assets in US banks must be frozen. In addition, US citizens were forbidden to maintain any business relationship with these individuals. Washington believes that such actions will help increase the pressure on Damascus.

Earlier, in May, the United States imposed sanctions against President Bashar Assad himself and several other high-ranking Syrian officials. 10 in August the largest Syrian bank Commercial Bank of Syria, as well as telecommunications company Syriatel, fell under the scope of US economic sanctions. That is, in fact, the United States is already waging a financial and economic war against Syria, undermining its stability through the economic sphere. It is clear that from the deterioration of the situation in the economy, the discontent of the population will increase even more.

Internal situation

The Syrian leadership was thinking about reforming the country, even before the Arab unrest, as early as 2005, at the congress of the ruling Baath Party, the government announced its decision to start reforms: to adopt a law on media freedom, to allow the formation of opposition parties, to make adjustments to the electoral law , to do the reform of the national economy, first of all - to demonopolize the huge oligarchic enterprises. But the words remained on paper.

The situation changed only after the country began to "shake." The authorities began frantically trying to carry out reforms, while simultaneously suppressing opposition speeches and militant attacks. It is clear that success in this situation is very difficult to achieve. Too strong players on a global scale are interested in the collapse of Syria, its complete destabilization. Many political analysts believe that the fall of the Assad regime is inevitable. Syria will be dismembered on the territory of the Alawite, the Kurds, the Sunnis and, possibly, the Druze.

Syria is a presidential republic. Its feature is a strictly hierarchical system, in which all power is concentrated in the hands of Bashar al-Assad and the top leadership of the ruling party. The Asad family rules Syria for the second generation. In the 2000 year, when Hafez al-Asad died, who ruled the state with an iron hand the previous three decades (since 1970, when he committed a coup to seize power), the young Bashar al-Assad came to power in England. Initially, the country was to be headed by the eldest son of Hafez, Basil al-Assad, but he died in a car accident in 1994. The arrival of Bashar al-Assad to power Syrians promised the beginning of reforms.

The internal situation in Syria. Will Assad and the Syrian army resist in the implementation of the "Libyan scenario?"

Hafez Asad.

Syria is a multiparty country; all Syrian parties were required to declare their support for the leading Arab Socialist Renaissance Party’s course - PASV (Ba'ath). Deputies of parliament (250 people) are elected by direct vote for 4-year terms. All the parties led to the Syrian parliament headed by the Baath (there are seven of them in Syria) form the National Progressive Front of the Syrian state. The president, as a rule, is at the same time the general secretary of the Ba'ath party, and it is the Ba'athists who nominate him for a popular referendum. In the previous nationwide referendum, Bashar Asad received 93% votes. Syrian President is elected for 7 years, the number of terms in office is not limited. In the hands of the president of the state is concentrated control over the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government.

The judicial system of the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) is an interesting synthesis of Islamic, Ottoman and French judicial traditions. So the basis of the legislation of the SAR is, according to the constitution, Islamic law, although the actual legislation of the country is based on the Napoleonic Code. The country's constitutional court, which is the highest judicial body, consists of 5 judges, one of whom is the head of the country of Syria, and the other four are appointed by the president himself. Therefore, various Western non-governmental organizations have repeatedly accused Damascus of the absence of a fair and independent judicial system. And also in the absence of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and other freedoms.

Since 1963, a state of emergency has been in place in the SAR, increasing the powers of the authorities, it was only recently canceled due to recent events. Authorities, law enforcement agencies exercised tight control over society.

A significant part of the SAR economy is concentrated in the hands of just about 7% of the population. Among them are the Alawites, they are the country's military and state elite, they also control most of the economy. Before the commencement of the unrest, the average salary in Syria was approximately in 200-300 dollars (which is close to the salaries in poor Russian provinces). In general, since the SAR is not very lucky with natural resources, people are not rich.

One of the big mistakes that the Syrian regime made a few years ago was the choice of the wrong way of reforming the economy, Damascus went the neoliberal way. ATS lives at the expense of oil production (public sector), industry and agriculture. The most developed Syrian industries are oil production, oil refining, electric power, gas production, phosphate mining, food, textile, chemical (production of fertilizers, various plastics), electrical engineering. Most of the national economy, which is privately owned (small farms on its own or leased land), is focused on the agricultural sector. However, the most fertile lands (between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers) over the past decade have yielded relatively small yields due to droughts. As a result, farms are ruined, declining. And the authorities, having listened to the advice of experts of the neoliberal economic model (they studied in the West), began to reduce subsidies for agriculture for the purchase of fuel, the necessary equipment for the needs of land reclamation, etc.

The ATS government, instead of supporting agriculture and industrial modernization, has invested in the non-manufacturing sector. They supported the development of the banking, financial sector, various kinds of insurance companies, the service sector, and the like “office” business. Banks began to cash in on “affordable” loans to the financially illiterate population (one scenario with Russia 90-s). As a result, many Syrians went bankrupt, the gap between the rich and the poor from these reforms has only grown. By 2005, unemployment rose to 20%, among young people to 30%. In addition, the recruitment assistance program for young professionals was eliminated. Previously, the authorities were obliged to provide a graduate of a higher education institution with a job for 5 years so that he could get the necessary experience, then he could already choose whether to stay or find a new place. Now the problem of finding a job must deal with the graduate himself.

It should be noted that there are many educated people in the SAR, since The state has introduced compulsory free secondary education. In the country 4 university, in addition, a large number of Syrian citizens receive higher education abroad, mainly - in Russia and in France. In universities, the system is approximately the same as we have - there are free budget places for those who have passed the exams in schools as excellent, the rest of the young people can receive education for a fee.

The economic problems of the population are exacerbated by national and religious conflicts. Syria, like most countries of the world, is multinational and multi-religious. The main religion, as well as throughout the Middle East - Islam. At the same time, the majority of the SAR population is Sunni. The elite of the state is mainly from among the Alawites. There is a Shiite diaspora; approximately 5% of the population of Syria profess Christianity - both Orthodox (more than half) and Catholicism. Christians are in good relations with the authorities, but in the case of the Islamists coming to power, they will have to find a new homeland. The premise of the conflict is obvious - with the Sunni majority (the majority of the poor and the unemployed), all important (i.e., money) posts are occupied by Alawites. There is also a religious reason for the irritation of the Sunnis, many Sunni theologians (for example, from Saudi Arabia) do not consider Alawites as Muslims at all. This is a kind of order, which has in its ideology Islamic, Christian and Gnostic roots. Therefore, there is a question whether the army will be a reliable support for Assad, in the event of a conflict with NATO or Turkey. Already, there are reports of battles by government units with deserters. The Sunnis began to flee the army. Although, of course, the core of the army, its elite units, the country's special services will be loyal to the regimes - they are staffed with Alawite.

In the field of national relations, the same is not complete calm, although the vast majority of the population are Arabs - up to 90%. The most unstable minority are Kurds, approximately 9%. They live in the northern regions of the country, there are communities of Kurds in all major cities. There are Armenian communities in Damascus, Aleppo, Circassians, and Turkmen. The Kurds were an oppressed minority, many of them refugees from Turkey and Iraq, who did not have the right to Syrian citizenship. Currently, Damascus made concessions - part of the Kurds received Syrian passports, others expecting to receive them soon.

Who supports the destabilization of Syria?

When the unrest began in the Arab countries - the events in Tunisia and Egypt, almost all experts believed that this wave would not cover Syria. The Assad regime was considered one of the most stable and popular in the Middle East. The opposition was almost invisible. Its activation was possible only with strong support from the outside. So according to the Syrian authorities, militant groups attacking the police, army, government agencies receive weapon and ammunition from abroad. Already during the "peaceful protests" hundreds of police and military were killed. In addition, militant units skillfully use a certain tactic of action — a strike, a withdrawal to populous quarters, the army responds with punitive actions, civilians are dying, discontent grows. The weapon, according to Damascus, comes from Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan.

But the worst situation is in the information field, here Damascus loses outright. Western media, diplomats, politicians, and even the media of hostile Arab countries, can inflate any conflict to universal proportions. After the start of unrest in the Arab world, three satellite channels were aimed at Syria, their centers are located abroad and Damascus cannot block them. Some broadcasts from the territory of the UAE, the second from England, the third, according to Damascus, works in the United States ("People's Syria"). Representatives of the Syrian authorities themselves admit: "We are losing the information war." Great damage is done through the Internet, although it is limited in Syria. Syria has blocked access to Facebook, YouTube and Blogspot, as well as sites of Kurdish and Islamist movements. According to President Bashar Assad, this was done because the Syrian people have not yet reached the free Internet.

Among the sponsors of the Syrian opposition is Israel, which is vitally interested in the fall of the Syrian regime. Damascus supports the Palestinian autonomy, and the problem of the Golan Heights has not been resolved. Also among the opponents of Syria - the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United States and the EU. The motives of all are different, but the goal is the same - the elimination of the Assad regime. So, Ankara wants to solve the territorial dispute over Alexandrettsky Sanjak, to prevent the creation of a new education of Kurds (like Iraqi Kurdistan), under the scenario of the collapse of Syria. For the United States, the collapse of Syria is part of a plan to "modernize" the entire Middle East and the Islamic world.

If the Assad regime collapses, then radical Islamists will most of all benefit themselves — and, above all, the Muslim Brotherhood movement. It is believed that as a result of a successful change of power, the most likely scenario is the seizure of power by the moderate wing of this organization. It should be noted that the movement "Brothers Muslims" had previously been under the great influence of the Americans, and some analysts believe that America has not lost control over this organization even now. But an even worse scenario, for Christians, Alawites of Syria, for Israel, would be the seizure of power by the radical wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. There is also the famous "al-Qaeda", also associated with Washington and London.

Also in Damascus are afraid of the collapse of the country; if Syria can be plunged into a civil war, the disintegration of the country into several parts becomes very likely.

Will Assad and the Syrian army resist under the "Libyan scenario?"

Apparently, Bashar Assad learned the lessons of Tunisia and Egypt well, and he will not give up. The scenario of escaping from the country and going into the “underground” is unlikely. Doubtful and statements that once the Syrian army is much stronger than the Libyan, NATO will not climb into Syria. The army of Iraq, or Yugoslavia, was also strong, but that did not save them.

In this regard, several factors must be considered. The West and its Middle Eastern allies do not have to destroy the army of Syria, militarily. It is enough to decompose it, split it, these processes are already running. War is the last stage, an integrated approach of the West. In Egypt and Tunisia, it was possible to shift the regimes without war. As in the USSR, other countries of the social bloc. The most important thing here is not the number of weapons and their performance characteristics, but the will of the country's leadership and command of the army. If there is a will, like Gaddafi, there will be resistance. Therefore, if the leadership of the army refuses to resist, the Assad regime will immediately collapse.

Apparently, the leadership of the army, the Alawites, decided to stand up to the stop. Otherwise, there is a high probability of genocide, or at least tough discrimination. Islamic radicals are already threatening the death of Assad, demanding his execution. This is indicated by the fact. With the law enforcement forces, the army severely suppresses all the actions of the opposition forces.

Here is the classic script:

- The army, police, special services suppress the riots of the local "fifth column", drive troops of militants.

- Information pressure on Syria is growing, even Iran and Russia have demanded reforms from Damascus. All new sanctions are being introduced. Assad and his entourage turn into a "rogue". Here is the last news on topic: August 31, human rights organization Amnesty International read out a report on the death and torture of prisoners in the SAR. According to the material, since March 2011, when mass opposition speeches began in Syria, at least 88 people died in the country's prisons. According to the human rights organization, earlier mortality among prisoners in ATS prisons did not exceed 5 people annually.

According to an investigation by human rights defenders Amnesty International, which was conducted jointly with relatives of the victims and independent experts, inmates in Syrian prisons were tortured. Traces of beatings and blows with a whip were found on the bodies of the dead, bones were broken in many bodies. The report of the organization states that many of those killed were burned with cigarettes on their torso and face, and were also tortured with electricity. All the dead were detained for participating or on suspicion of participating in opposition actions. There are no women among the dead, but there are several children, the youngest of whom were 13 years old.

- Military advisers continue to penetrate into the territory of Syria, military instructors, of course, smuggling weapons and ammunition. As a significant event - the emergence of "snipers", killing law enforcement officers; it is clear that the political opposition has nowhere to take the "professional shooters." In different regions of Syria, according to the Libyan scenario, armed gangs initiate unrest, violence and looting, trying to create a bridgehead of the Benghazi type. The army conducts "antiterrorist operations", in the course of which non-involved persons perish, and the discontent of the population increases.

- The work of the special services to split the Syrian elite is intensifying - disloyal generals and officials are processed, who are dissatisfied with B. Assad for one reason or another. It is clear that their “Vlasovs” are everywhere, they were in the Great Patriotic War, were in Iraq, are in Libya, will be found in Syria. The main task of the West is to force at the right moment to go over to the side of the “insurgent people” of several figures with their supporters. This will be called "civil war."

“When the flames of a“ civil war ”are kindled in Syria, special forces may be more actively involved. And the Assad regime, its army will be branded as "war criminals", "enemies of the human race."

- If it does not come out to dump Assad by the forces of “rebels” and the actions of “snipers” and other saboteurs, a “limited” military operation will be conducted. Perhaps, the necessary resolution will be dragged through the UN Security Council. And maybe they will not, the UN is already fiction. NATO and the United States actually already act in the style of Hitler's 30's. Here different scenarios are possible - the participation of Israel, Turkey, or their indirect assistance.

Assad has very little time left - soon the air-naval group against Libya will be free. Syria’s air defense will not stand against it, there is too much gap in technology, in military experience. But there will be no outside help. Now is not the time of the war in Korea or Vietnam, the USSR is not, and China is different. The current RF and PRC will not go into direct conflict until they are openly attacked.

After the suppression of air defense and the Syrian air force bases, Turkey is likely to enter the battle, it will create a "demilitarized zone" in the north of Syria, having decided for itself the problem of the Syrian Kurds. She will support her from the air aviation NATO, and there are its own air forces. The assistance to the “rebellious people” will be strengthened - instructors, sabotage units, weapons, ammunition, constant attacks on Damascus ...

The further question will be only how long will Asad last. It is beneficial for us and Iran that it lasts as long as possible. During this period, Russia must strengthen its internal peace, strengthen its defense, and seek allies. It is absolutely clear that after Syria and Iran, the countries of the post-Soviet space and we will be under attack.

Reference. Armed Forces ATS. For the Syrian leadership of the Armed Forces, by virtue of their storieswere a top priority. Israel is considered the main enemy, so between the Golan Heights and Damascus, the Syrian military built 3 lines of defense. Tense relations with Turkey, there is a territorial dispute with Ankara - Syria claims 4700 square meters. km in the Alexandretta area. There is a conflict over water too - the Turks built a hydro-structure in the upper reaches of the Euphrates and the water flow fell. On the territory of Syria, fighters of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) banned in the Turkish state are hiding. The total number of armed forces is 300 thousand people. The basis of the Armed Forces is ground forces, more than 200 thousand people, 3 corps (12 divisions - 3 mechanized divisions, 7 armored divisions, 1 special forces division, 1 Republican Guard division). Plus 13 separate brigades, 10 special forces regiments, 1 separate tank regiment. The armored division includes 2 tank and 1 mechanized brigade. The guards carry out gendarme functions, their main task is to protect the palace of the president and government agencies. The guard is stationed in Damascus. Armed with the three missile brigades of the R-300, 9K52 Luna-M, 9K79 "Point" missiles. The main drawback of the ground forces and the Armed Forces as a whole is outdated weapons, so about half of the tanks are T-54, 55, 62, and T-72 do not reach the level of modern armored vehicles. The basis of other armored vehicles is the obsolete BTR - 40/50/60, BMP-1. But the firepower is impressive: up to 5 thousand tanks, about 5 thousand units of other armored vehicles, 450 self-propelled guns, MLRS - 500 units, up to 2 thousand units of towed howitzers and mortars, more than 2500 ATGMs. In service with the Air Force: approximately 800 aircraft, including training and transport. Their weakness is poor pilot training, a small number of 4th generation aircraft (including the upgraded Mig-29 RFs). Air defense is also outdated: there are short-range air defense systems 9K33 Osa-AK, 9K31 Strela-1, 9K35 Strela-10, medium radius 9K37 Buk, MANPADS and air defense - Strela-3, 9K38 Igla, ZSU-23-4 "Shilka", ZU-23-2 and others. Of the new products: Russian short-range air defense systems "Shell-1S", they were delivered 36 units. There is an order for 8 divisions of Buk M2E air defense systems. HSR: 2 small anti-submarine ships, 4 minesweepers, 3 medium landing ships, 10 missile boats, several patrol boats, no submarines. The number of personnel is 7-8 thousand people. The most modern Syrian high-speed weapons are 2 divisions of the Bastion complex with Yakhont anti-ship missiles, which were supplied by the Russian Federation in 2010.
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  1. LESHA pancake
    1 September 2011 08: 00
    1. Mesniy
      2 September 2011 20: 53
      It is useless to organize a rebuff to common sense
  2. bells
    1 September 2011 08: 14
    We succeed, after Syria, Iran is next in line.
  3. Che
    1 September 2011 08: 30
    At least one of our airborne brigades or Marines, give the Pindos a kick.
    1. +1
      1 September 2011 10: 55
      Something tells me that you yourself do not enter into these same brigades, and you have never snuffed gunpowder.
      Again, you want to put the boys for the sake of incomprehensible what?
      1. Dovmont
        1 September 2011 20: 59
        That's when they take up for us, then you probably will understand for what.
        1. -1
          1 September 2011 22: 28
          Already tried to defend the whole 40th army is not clear what. And then the strategist offers one airborne brigade to "kick the Pindos."
          It is necessary to grow up.
          1. 0
            2 September 2011 12: 14
            What was defended in Afghanistan was clear and understandable right away, the question was in the methods, but again we do not have the information, well, it is not profitable for liberals and crap crap, the "Kremlin elders" did not suffer from dementia, another thing is that they used somewhat outdated methods ... if you want to grow up, ask why and why the Pindos went there (there are specific figures both in the economic, geopolitical and military aspects) climbed into Afghanistan, and are not going to leave ... or do you believe in the fight against terrorism? The reasons are not too different from the Libyan and Iraqi ones. Another thing is that the USSR began to lose the propaganda war, strangely enough, these first defeats began after Stalin's death, and a radical change began in favor of the "free world of neo-colonial powers" began immediately after Khrushchev's stupid revelations, everything else after, in terms of ideological warfare, it was agony ...
            1. -2
              2 September 2011 15: 08
              What is protected in Afghanistan is clear

              Who understands? We were told fairy tales about international debt in the textbook. And about the fact that if not for us, then Pakistanis would immediately appear in Afghanistan. So what? Would that make the empire feel bad? But we put in thousands of soldiers, spent billions on building socialism in the feudal system. It would be better to build a road to Magadam with this money. And then we asked ourselves: "Why is this all?" And now, after so much time, I still don't understand why! And I don't give a damn about the Americans in Afghanistan, they themselves get in trouble, let them clean up. By the way, if you don't know, then Huseynovich is going to withdraw troops from there.
              I wonder how young Stalinists manage to drag him into everything without a reason. What does he have to do with Afghanistan? Would we win with him?
              1. 0
                2 September 2011 15: 58
                Something I do not catch your logic .... To whom and who told some fairy tales? Have you been there and listened? I personally was ...
                Tales are being told to you now and you believe in them ... But in order
                If you do not know, then yes there was a question under whose influence Afghanistan will be, whether it will be friendly or hostile, the following conclusion follows - if it is hostile, then we have a hostile Muslim country on the southern border directly opposite the Soviet Muslim republics (what would come of this, see the modern the history of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, a state that would suddenly become a friend of Afghanistan instead of us would receive an advantageous springboard in all respects (all polygons starting with Kapustin Yar, Balkhash, Baikonur and Semipalatinsk "would be shot by means of control, allowing you to take parameters from any tested equipment at the manufacturer's design bureau , medium-range missiles would shoot the Soviet Union across (as they are now shooting at Russia from Afghanistan) the exit of this power to a very interesting point in the world, I would say convenient from the point of view of the same missiles, here you have Iran, India, China and oil in the Persian Gulf By the way, there is oil in Afghanistan That is, the gas is not of a very good quality, but the deposits of rare earth metals, niobium, iron ore, copper, gold bring Afghanistan to the first place in the world in terms of reserves ... to justify their incapacity and venality. And the United States will not voluntarily leave Afghanistan ... they settled there for a long time So I repeat, we do not know on the basis of what facts the decision was made to send troops to Afghanistan, all who are now telling us about this are people of the third and fourth plan and liberals like Gorbachev those who lies to please their masters, they constantly lied about the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact and about Katyn and about Afghanistan and the fact that the USSR could not be reformed .. They lie now ... and you are listening
                1. -2
                  2 September 2011 18: 52
                  The political officer told me tales, and now you are trying.
                  Was Afghanistan friendly when we were there? Of course not. The troops of the puppet government practically did not control the territory, but in practice they collaborated with the spirits.
                  The polygons you mentioned were "under fire" even without Afghanistan.
                  Please specify the source of information on the availability of hydrocarbon reserves in Afghanistan, and even more so first place for gold and other rare earth metals. Very interesting. You do not confuse with Alaska? Even assuming that gold and oil are not measured there, it is not possible to establish production either according to the geographical position of the country or the goodwill of the local population. No Western company will take such a risk.
                  Gorbachev broke a lot of firewood, but he was absolutely right when he sent our troops out of Afghanistan. Our losses: Total - 15 031 people. Sanitary losses - almost 54 thousand injured, shell-shocked, injured; 416 thousand sick do not justify the goals you mentioned.

                  In 2014, NATO will leave Afghanistan. They will have to fulfill election promises.
                  Leave the Molotov-Ribentrop Pact and Khatyn alone is another topic.
                  1. 0
                    2 September 2011 20: 06
                    Well, let's start with the fact that I do not justify the entry of troops into Afghanistan, if you read carefully, I just referred that we will never know why this is the first solution to the problem. The second as regards minerals, believe me, at the end of the 80s I worked with our geologists in Afghanistan and I know what I’m talking about, the first link you got is As for landfills, again the conversation didn’t go about shooting and taking parameters of the equipment under test, it’s one thing to shoot from Pakistan and quite another from Afghanistan, in a previous post I specially emphasized for you that the parameters would be taken at the level of our design bureaus. And now from Afghanistan the entire industrial region of the Urals and Siberia is covered by MEDIUM-RANGE missiles - this is a different level than ICBMs, a different level of accuracy, a different level is needed for missile defense
                    As for the local population, I agree here our advisers and the general strategy, with the "feasible" help of the democratic West, did the impossible, turned the situation to the opposite; with the ongoing reforms, and the introduction of troops just warmed up the situation. As for the loss, I agree the war is bad, the war is bad, but it exists and the information from your page is somewhat overstated, but it does not matter. I can only say that if we decided to send troops, then it was necessary to set goals and fulfill them, which, especially with the coming to power of Mr. Gorbachev, was not traced, and in the east, indecision is perceived as weakness ... hence the losses, but add the eternal Russian carelessness ... believe me I myself am on this list, of course, not in irrecoverable losses
                    Let's live until 2014 ... this is one thing and believe the United States will remain in Afghanistan until a strong China or India or Russia appears and, of course, with the help of the Afghan people, show them the door. You know there is such a trick for these Western guys "to leave to stay" in Africa in some countries you will not achieve anything in the local authorities, but you should find, for example, the French military and everything is immediately decided and the country is independent ..... As for history I'll correct it, I didn't mean Khatyn but Katyn
                    1. -2
                      2 September 2011 23: 12
                      For your information: Gold on our planet is only about 165 000 metric tons, it's just a cube the size of 20x20x20 meters.
                      And here is a list of producer countries:
                      Afghanistan does not appear anywhere, not only as a world producer of gold, but also as a country "deposits of rare earth metals, niobium, iron ore, copper, gold lead Afghanistan to first place in the world by reserves ".
                      Oil in Afghanistan, like a cat, cried (production of zero point zero), gas as much as 30 million cubic meters per year. Germany makes more gas out of trash.

                      The information about the losses of our troops that I have given is considered "modest". In a study of the Afghan war conducted by officers of the General Staff under the leadership of prof. Valentina Runova, provides an assessment in 26 000 of those who died, including those who died in battle, who died from wounds and diseases, and who died as a result of accidents.
                      Just as the British left Afghanistan, the USSR left, so the United States will leave this country and no further than 2014-2016 of the year.
                2. Mesniy
                  2 September 2011 20: 58
                  Yes, this is not one generation who served in the state army listened
      2. makrus
        3 September 2011 15: 22
        The total portfolio of contracts is estimated at $ 4 billion. After the overthrow of this regime, it will all be stolen. I think the interests of the country should be protected. Otherwise, no one will take us seriously. Sooner or later, the West will have to answer, and it’s better to do so until their tanks are at our borders.
    2. Mesniy
      2 September 2011 20: 56
      Yeah, in Chechnya they tried to illiterate shepherds who, under the Soviets only in the construction battalions, served to kick, they themselves got such pendels ...
  4. Owl
    1 September 2011 09: 27
    the USSR collapse scenario works, remember the 80s and the beginning of the 90s
    1. ballian
      1 September 2011 10: 43
      And where do they fall apart? Arabs live everywhere ..
      For half a year there have been mass riots in Syria that they cannot suppress - this is how this Assad with his codla got it.
      "A significant part of the economy of the SAR is concentrated in the hands of only about 7% of the population. Among them, the Alawites stand out, they are the military and state elite of the country, and they also control most of the economy."
      The Alawites are a Muslim sect to which only 10% of the Syrian population belongs. It is not surprising that this clan, which does not represent 90% of the country's population and has hired everything for itself, wants to throw it off.
      1. jamert
        2 September 2011 16: 47
        The remaining 90 percent is also heterogeneous, neither religiously nor ethnically. There are Christians (both Catholics and Orthodox), Sunnis, Shiites ... Arabs, Bedouins, Druze ... The boiler is so interesting
  5. cVM
    1 September 2011 10: 36
    the article is bullshit, some fanatic wrote and thinks that he will figure it out. Well, of course, how can he know what is beneficial for Israel? Turkey? because Syria is their neighbor and the enemy number 1 of Israel will come mulmani as in Egypt will fight,
    1. ballian
      1 September 2011 10: 59
      Yes, Israel is terribly "profitable" if there are "Muslim brothers" in power, as it is stated here - "... If the Assad regime falls, then the radical Islamists will derive the greatest benefit for themselves."
  6. 0
    1 September 2011 14: 45
    another "bell" for Damascus:

    On Wednesday, August 31, Syria's Attorney General Adnan Bakkour (Adnan Bakkour) announced that he was retiring, according to British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. According to the official, he made this decision after seeing with his own eyes the brutal massacre of security officials of Bashar al-Assad over the opposition in the city of Ham, which became the center of anti-government protests.

    About his resignation Adnan Bakkur said in a video message that appeared on the air of several television channels. Backcour said that 31 July in the city of Ham, 72 people were shot in front of his eyes, who took part in the protest. According to him, among them were many peaceful demonstrators who did not offer resistance.

    Bakkur also said in his appeal that the bodies of 420 killed were buried in city parks, and about 10 thousand more oppositionists are in prisons. According to the attorney general, Assad's men tortured 320 people to death. In addition, he blamed the military for burying dozens of residents of the city of Hama alive when they destroyed their homes with tanks. Adnan Bakkur also named the "criminals" who shot at the peaceful demonstration in the city.

    The Syrian state news agency SANA on the same day published a refutation of the appeal. The agency citing the words of the governor of the city of Hama Anas al-Naem (Anas al-Naem) reported that on August 29 Adnan Bakkur was abducted by terrorists on the way to work. After that, the kidnappers allegedly forced the prosecutor general to resign and lie to the camera.
    1. 0
      5 September 2011 23: 47
      According to the official, he made this decision after he saw with his own eyes the brutal massacre of security officials Bashar al-Assad against the opposition in the city of Hama, which became the center of anti-government protests.

      I wonder how much he got crazy?
  7. 0
    1 September 2011 14: 54
    Well, I don’t know how beneficial Turkey collapse of Syria. You can get such a bomb near by. Turkey’s reaction will be very interesting if it gets really hot.
  8. +6
    1 September 2011 16: 01
    Unfortunately, Algeria will be added to the victims of NATO, except Syria, who will be the first to be hit, time will tell.
  9. Ivanych
    1 September 2011 17: 50
    Interestingly on the list, Russia under which number?
    1. Dovmont
      1 September 2011 21: 05
      The Russian Satanist bastard will not be able to swallow Russia in one swallow, they will crush it into smaller pieces. The first stage - the collapse of the USSR - we have already passed. This will be followed by the separation from Russia of the Caucasus, the Muslim Volga region, etc.
      1. Ivan35
        1 September 2011 22: 12
        Everything is correct - and will still interfere with the integration of Russia with Belarus and Kazakhstan. The first bombings of the terrorist attacks in both republics have already thundered - where this had not been observed before - a call from pendos - they warn
    2. Mesniy
      2 September 2011 21: 01
      ON life under 13
  10. rise
    2 September 2011 04: 56
    Personally, I don’t give a damn about the collapse of the Russian Federation, I was damned tired of feeding all kinds of cop faces and the power of bandits in the Far East region who don’t do anything reasonable, they just screw people on. It’s easier to work with the Japanese and Koreans on equal terms and with their leadership than with our bandits.
    1. raf
      2 September 2011 06: 43
      do you happen to be a relative of Condoleezza Rice?
      1. rise
        2 September 2011 08: 43
        And so it will be and what a fig I defend with arms in my hands the interests of bureaucrats and bandits.
        Name at least one benefit that an ordinary person receives from natural resources mined in the Russian Federation.
        1. Ivan35
          2 September 2011 17: 20
          I understand your indignation at the unjust system in Russia now. I just ask you to continue your thoughts further - bureaucrat oligarchs and bandits are a consequence of the collapse of the Union and direct agents and accomplices of imperialism

          Today's lawlessness that outrages you and the further fragmentation of Russia or the weakening of the state is ALL ON ONE SIDE!

          If you are against this, then on the other side - Gangsters and Bribe-takers in Prison, to nationalize the oligarchs, to achieve a fair distribution of benefits from natural resources, but this is all possible only with the STRENGTHENING of the STATE and the weakening of bandits and oligarchs

          With the collapse of Russia, ordinary citizens will suffer even more! Bandits and oligarchs will become "local princelings" who sell our natural resources for bribes (like in Africa) - we will return to the Middle Ages - for the joy and profit of the bosses of Wall Street -

          Yes - and now there are moments of this - but it is necessary

          1 Do not rock the state in! No revolution and performance! No support for the pendos in this - Support the authorities and our oligarchs in strengthening our own state

          2. Strengthen the country - create a new Union

          3. Vote for the Communist Party to put pressure on the power of the oligarchs and change the distribution of income to strengthen the country and social spending
          1. Mesniy
            2 September 2011 21: 06
            No, the Soviets fell apart because in it they treated people like a serf cattle, and Russia would fall apart because in it the power was seized by the former commies, repainted as democrats.
  11. raf
    2 September 2011 06: 42
    rise are you by any chance not a relative of Condoleezza Rice?
  12. 0
    2 September 2011 08: 56
    NATO doesn’t even have a special need to use military force, enough information technology, bribing people to arrange a Sabbath, riots, and then everything will go on by itself, from Assad, for the most part, the illiterate people themselves will leave nothing.
    But this will not work with Russia. Only if in some other scenario.
    1. SAVA
      4 September 2011 01: 26
      Russia has its own scenario, you are right. First, young strong guys "worked" with the help of false "authorities" raised by "cops", involved by hook or by crook in various organized crime groups (actually making them enemies of their own people), then pushed them with their heads and they actively they shot each other (is not the scenario of "Arab springs"?), the rest were forced to "cops" to earn stars for shoulder straps, "imprisoned". At the same time, the drug dealers, the police, poisoned the people with drugs and now continue to engage in this "business". As a result, the bulk of the future defenders of the Motherland - DESTROYED. And to replace them in every city, all kinds of diasporas were formed (which, again, are "cops" and "cover"), they became the base for their fellow countrymen, who rampage in Russia, finishing off the remnants of brave and strong people. SOMEONE TO FIGHT !!!!
      1. 0
        5 September 2011 23: 52
        At the same time, the drug dealers, the police, poisoned the people with drugs and now continue to engage in this "business".

        I don’t understand something, someone is forcing someone to use drugs? Let me poison you like that, since there are no brains. Parsley is already recognized as a drug. And you need to put the pushers against the wall on a par with rapists, murderers and bureaucrats ...
        1. SAVA
          6 September 2011 00: 12
  13. +3
    2 September 2011 09: 06
    rise, if you are read across the ocean, then it’s a balm for wounds. You know, in Ukraine in 41 very many people thought so, rejoicing at the arrival of the Germans. And they were slightly disappointed with the true state of affairs.

    Frankly, slaves and sixes are always needed. The whole question is only in the price. And, from the experience of the same Japanese, I am sure that in the event of the collapse of the Russian Federation, you will not work with them on an equal footing. In the best case, you will be a Russian macaque in the service of Great Japan, which has restored the original sovereignty on "their" lands. So do not flatter yourself too much. Read the story better, you see, reality will take its toll.
    1. rise
      2 September 2011 09: 43
      It’s good to argue at someone else’s expense, I’ll take an interest in how you earn your daily bread, I personally had to work 2 jobs in sweat and blood, serving electronics in all kinds of pedo-glamor cars. having honestly and dignifiedly earn money having higher education in the field of electronics is not able under the current state.
      You personally were Japan, Korea, China. better under their sovereignty than under the sovereignty of local cattle.
      1. +4
        2 September 2011 10: 04
        rise I can only notice, understanding all your global difficulties — they are the only ones that no one else has, all your reasoning is not new. This was what the Russian intelligentsia reasoned at the beginning of the 20th century (if you do not remember under Tsar Nicholas II). There is a name for this way of thinking and state of mind, I will not announce intentionally. I’ll just say there are words, and most importantly, people who think differently and act ... there are fewer of them and believe their life at all times has been more difficult. And your whinemaker has the permission to pack and go ahead - the world is large, there are many places where a decent salary and a well-fed life, only this must be achieved as well as a decent life in Russia, the latter is more difficult and dangerous ...
        1. rise
          2 September 2011 10: 22
          Going back to history, I note that what feats the silverfish didn’t go to live didn’t get any easier. You are rightly talking about abroad, I would have stepped long ago, but the children were detained.
          1. +3
            2 September 2011 12: 02
            We are not talking about "non-silver", we are talking about people of honor and duty, patriots of their country, oddly enough they are and have the right to exist along with you.
  14. +1
    2 September 2011 09: 14
    With regards to Syria ... It’s worth not just fighting for Syria. Of course, there is no need to send personnel, but urgently need help with weapons. Otherwise, the real region for Russia will be lost. Plus, everything in the southern regions (including ours in Voronezh) has always been inhabited by many ethnic Syrians. Well, they learn a lot. I don’t presume to predict their attitude to this issue, but since we are on this list, to have several tens (or maybe hundreds) of thousands of negative people under the roof (we hoped for you and you left us), which skillfully warm up ... You can not continue?
  15. +1
    2 September 2011 09: 17
    In Syria, everything will be the same as in Iraq and Libya ... until the Arabs understand what kind of thing ..... they got it all will end. And Russia will lose a base point in the Mediterranean.
    And we can already draw certain conclusions: Russia itself, with the help of greedy shape-shifters Gorbachev and Yeltsin and the "good" Western powers, was driven out in terms of geopolitical position around the time of the beginning of the reign of Peter I. The situation in the economy is different, but not much. For example, no matter how patriots twitched, the point is that the T-1 tank occupies only 90th place in the rating of the world's combat vehicles, there is. Well, you cannot endlessly improve and modernize a car of the early 10s, and besides, it is not the best At a time when completely new cars are being created
    1. Sanzyro
      2 September 2011 21: 32
      Do you voice the opinions of the people who made this rating? And who would doubt that they will not give our tank prize places! It is quite natural - who publishes the ratings and dances ... And where have you seen "absolutely new cars" ?? At least there would be enough of these, and it is unlikely ...
  16. 0
    2 September 2011 09: 31
    Jarserge, to hell with it, with a rating ... Rating is a very conditional thing, it depends directly on who composed it. Not cars win, people win.
    1. 0
      2 September 2011 09: 43
      Banshee. I agree, they win, but at what cost? And most importantly, there are all the possibilities and was hurt ...
      From my own experience I know how and at what cost in the old junk of the 50s to defeat the enemy in a novye of the late 80's
      1. 0
        2 September 2011 10: 25
        Yes, the question of price is the main question. I fully agree with you. I wouldn’t like to fill up with corpses.
  17. 0
    2 September 2011 12: 57
    What other "FIVE THOUSAND TANKS", the author did not confuse anything ??? However, in terms of the aggregate "firepower" of Syria, there is still something to oppose to the North Atlantic Alliance. However, all this power must still be disposed of wisely. In a situation where from the first minutes you lose the information war, no tanks will help.
    1. 0
      2 September 2011 13: 30
      Officially in Syria: 2000-2250 T-54 / 55, 1000 T-62 and its upgrades, 1500-1700 T-72 and T-72M, so everything is correct to 5 thousand.
      It is clear that, as in all aircraft, some of them are not capable.
  18. Sanzyro
    2 September 2011 21: 45
    And what do these tanks give Syria ?? How the unit is fighting, everyone has seen. Where they do not win, they will buy it.
    1. ballian
      7 September 2011 09: 52
      "Syria is a multi-party country; all Syrian parties had to declare their support for the course of the leading Arab Socialist Renaissance Party - PASV (Baath)."
      Those who read this phrase will understand everything - and this is in all seriousness :))