McCain hinted that the Russian Federation can comprehend the fate of Libya

McCain hinted that the Russian Federation can comprehend the fate of Libya
Western “democratizing scumbags” are now threatening Russia and China

While the US and its Western allies in the NATO bloc, who passionately entered the street rampage criminal rage, methodically pursue the regime of Muammar Gaddafi (while mockingly raping not only Libyan sovereignty, but also remnants of the post-war international law system), prominent representatives of the American establishment decided to drop the last appearance of “reboot” decencies and in direct text make it clear to the Russian “partners” that they are greatly mistaken if they expect to insure themselves against repeating the Libyan scenario by permanent foreign policy concessions and faint-hearted adaptation to the American "general line of the party and government."

The honorable mission to send a “black mark” to the Russian elites was assumed by the former US presidential candidate, and in combination the honored Russophobe and Washington neocon John McCain. According to him, the events in Libya should be a warning to the Russian leadership. “Bashar Asad is the next (for Gaddafi. - Approx. KM.RU) ... Even places like China, Russia ... Everything is very restless there. People want freedom. It is precisely the freedom of the people of Libya that has reached, "- a bit confused, but on the whole, quite unequivocally (in the style of a black advertising parody:" How do you still prohibit holding gay parades? Then we fly to you on the bombers! ") Arizona in an interview with Fox News, the Libyan triumph of Western “democratizers” (which, by the way, contrary to the White House’s desire to give what was desired, is far from an accomplished fact).

Of course, the endlessly cynical wording about “freedom” that supposedly “reached the people of Libya” (essentially a victim of armed intervention by the coalition of the Western powers) deserves to be included in the annals stories along with the classic fascist epistolary "netlenkami" like arbeit macht frei at the gates of concentration camps. In theory, such a loud and persistent "alarm bell" (sometimes turning into a full-fledged bell alarm) should be awakened by the Russian leadership, who until recently was in a half-nap reboot. However, given that the statement of Senator McCain, who acts as the mouthpiece of the "collective unconscious" of the American political class (the official Obama administration still can not afford to voice such overt threats to the global nuclear and economic "heavyweights", which are Russia and China ), this is not the first precedent of this kind; certain doubts on this score still exist.

Recall that back in February, immediately “hot on the heels” of the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, absolutely loyal to the United States (which once again underlines Washington’s inclination to get rid of his “sons of sons” at the right time) without any sentiments . "I do not think that all these events (revolutions in North Africa. - Approx. KM.RU) are limited to the Middle East ... This wind of change is blowing and spreading, and if I were Vladimir Putin, I would have been a little less self-confident while in the Kremlin with his clique from the KGB, ”the failed resident of the White House with columns at Washington, Pennsylvania Avenue, 1600 said in an interview with CBS. "And I would feel less secure (after the revolutions in the Middle East), relaxing at the resort where President Hu and several other people control China and decide the fate of 1,3 billion people in this country," the ex-candidate ominously pointedly hinted. for the presidency.

As we can see, the “mentally contused” high-ranking American veteran of the Cold War was already not particularly embarrassed by the expressions. And the use of popular propaganda clichés of the "KGB" (long ago, by the way, nonexistent) or the "Kremlin" as a symbolic embodiment of a wiped-up American political technology blistering about the "evil empire" (note the overseas gentlemen of Russophobes: Vladimir Putin has been moving from the Kremlin to the house for several years government on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment), shows that for political hawks like John McCain, the Cold War, if it ever ends, it will be only after the world’s political map t finally erased the name "Russia".

However, given the extremely restrained reaction of the Russian side to the almost undisguised diplomatic “hitting”, such excesses should be considered logical. A spokesman for the prime minister in response to such a shameless attack instead of the expected rhetorically “symmetrical response” did not come up with anything better than conciliating in front of the verbal aggressor, noting that “we have great respect for the senator, his rich experience, but in this the case, of course, is regrettable as he followed the example of emotional incompetent assessments ... ”, etc. etc. The “missed” later by Russia in the UN Security Council, the notoriously memorable Libyan resolution 1973, which made possible the international legitimacy of the NATO aggression against Libya, also shows that the Russian leadership still chooses the “ostrich position”, preferring to evade joining a tough clinch at the expense of appease the "humanitarian interventionists" and surrender to them their geopolitical allies in the Arab world. In this sense, it seems hardly to be surprised at the appearance of all-new insulting invectives addressed to the Russian Federation and its “top command level” by Western politicians, whom Moscow itself gives a taste for permissiveness.

Another loud application of the American leader for the implementation of the “color scenario” in Russia like the Arab revolutions in an interview with KM.RU was commented by Leonid Ivashov, President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems:

- The American elite (that the Republicans, that the Democrats) is absolutely united in the opinion that all the regimes in the world need to be changed to pro-American, without disdaining at the same time by any means, up to armed intervention. And encouraging them to similar forms of fascist aggression against sovereign states is that so-called. the international community is silent, and no one by and large does not object.

In this situation, international law simply stops working. The UN Security Council is developing in a direction that, figuratively speaking, can be described as a structure resembling an “international criminal grouping”, which, by issuing sanctions, does not prevent aggression, but encourages it. NATO actively intervenes in the Libyan events: the aerial bombardment, special forces, and marines - they all act on one of the warring parties. This is an international robbery and full-scale aggression. At the same time, the Security Council is silent, like China and Russia.

Therefore, McCain orients the American elite, and at the same time warns the entire international community: guys, we will do what we want. See what's happening in Syria today. These events repeat the Libyan scenario. There is an impact of forces from the outside - militants were launched into the country through the Turkish border. weapons in the hands and financed this operation. And all this was done almost openly. And then Bashar Assad prohibits the use of weapons, but, nevertheless, someone deliberately shoots oppositionists and policemen. And today the United States is already declaring that Bashar Asad should be biased. Although for the sake of justice, the fact that Russia refuses to vote for the Syrian resolution suggests that Moscow has nevertheless learned certain lessons. Our silence on Libya immediately lowered the geopolitical status of the Russian Federation to several levels. That is, we once again confirmed that we are following in the wake of aggressive American policy. The same was demonstrated by Europe and China.

As for Syria, this is the very case when there is simply no place to go below. Because then they will simply stop dealing with us. I once said to Mr. Solana, the NATO Secretary General, that it would be easier for me to negotiate with an American colonel than with you, because if you agree on a secondary issue with you, you will still look into the mouth of the Americans if they approve this arrangement. The same thing is now thought in the world and in relation to Russia. Why talk to Moscow — then it is better to bow to Washington and accept its terms, or even begin to negotiate directly with America. And nothing depends on Russia. We saw how, on the threshold of our elections, the treacherous position of Russian foreign policy was perceived.

True, regarding Libya, there was a split in the position of the president and the prime minister. Although I do not exclude that it was just played such a "tandem performance", when one bows to America, and the other allegedly objects. It turns out quite balanced Russian position. The same is about Syria. But I am not sure that Moscow will be able to fully maintain this line of political support for Syria (which the Syrian people are very hopeful of). I have a feeling that our elite has no confidence. When she thinks about her future, many hands are shaking. The example of Milosevic, Saddam, Gaddafi and Mubarak, as they say, is in front of everyone. That is why some politicians are guided by Gorbachev and Yeltsin, that is, those who all sold and acted on orders from Washington and the world financial authorities. This is an example of how you can survive if you act according to the principle “give everything and do not resist.”

McCain warns the power-oligarchic elite: everyone who resists American dictatorship will be punished. As they say, guys, draw conclusions - when we come, meet us with flowers. It is no secret that Libya and Syria are among our last allies in the Maghreb and in the Middle East. And Yugoslavia was kicked out as a historical ally of our country, and Iraq sympathized with us. Please note that the United States mainly deals with socialist and secular regimes historically associated with the USSR and Russia, without touching its own Arab autocratic satellites. They beat us the last points on which we could rely in the world.
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  1. +5
    25 August 2011 11: 00
    It’s a pity the Vietnamese didn’t finish this Makane.
    That's it! Now the threats have gone, the 5th column is rejoicing, the West has unleashed a war that he wants to throw at us. Like Hitler, he started small, and then he took up large countries.
  2. +8
    25 August 2011 11: 13
    Mr. McCain should visit a psychoanalyst. Such a development is currently impossible in Russia (I emphasize the word YET). Yes, and it is unlikely that European colleagues will venture into our hinterland together as "peacekeepers" from the US Marine Corps. In Europe, they should (in theory) remember how the last time it all ended. It may not work.

    But the behavior of our rulers is somewhat alarming. It’s very easy for us to drain our former allies. You know, Yugoslavia is one thing, and Syria, Libya, Iran is quite another. I think there are two big differences. In Libya, here's a misfire, as in Afghanistan. When the whole PEOPLE (I will emphasize again), not the country, but the people of the country, are against the forcible democratization of themselves, then the effect may not be the same as the democrats hoped for overseas. And it may happen that the Jamahiri "lack of freedom" turns out to be sweeter than the transatlantic "freedom". Again, blood. What can only be regretted.

    The third world is already underway. It is a fact, and there is no escape from it. Let me draw an analogy between the Anschlussians of Austria and Czechoslovakia Hitler in the 30-40 years of the last century. Many differences between these operations and the work of the United States and Europe in Yugoslavia and, say, Iran? The essence is the same, only the bloody dictator Hitler obviously managed a much smaller number of victims. Which, of course, is a minus in his direction, since he enforced a totalitarian regime, and the United States enforced freedom and democracy. That is a greater number of victims, of course, justified. And those who do not want to democratize and become free ... Well, welcome to The Hague. Everything is ready there. We are waiting, so to speak.

    Bad one. In the conditions of the redistribution of the world that has begun, we have no allies. Unlike World War II. And from those that were very easy to refuse. But it was added willing to dance on the grave unequivocally. The law of the jungle is simple: today you have merged, tomorrow you will be merged.

    Something has become uncomfortable.
    1. +4
      25 August 2011 14: 45
      It's time to prepare partisan bases
  3. +2
    25 August 2011 11: 16
    Well, while typing, ahead of ...
    Figvam, makes me happy that I am not the only one who thinks so.
  4. +1
    25 August 2011 11: 19
    There are sane people in the country, I give you a bonus.
  5. Crazyzy
    25 August 2011 11: 33
    [indicates that for political hawks such as John McCain, the Cold War, if it ever ends, only after the name “Russia” has been completely erased from the world political map.]
    The great power of the USSR, which occupied 1/6 of the land, has already been erased.
    [McCain warns the power oligarchic elite: all who resist the American dictatorship will be punished. As they say, guys, draw conclusions - when we come, meet us with flowers.]
    Everything that needs to be said about our elite was brilliantly formulated by Zbigniew Brzezinski: "If five hundred billion dollars of the Russian elite are kept in American banks, then you will decide whose elite it is, ours or yours."
  6. Patriot
    25 August 2011 11: 38
    Well, you see, Comrades. Finally, politically, America begins to show a real attitude towards our country. And we all rejoice at RELOADING IN RELATIONS WITH THE USA. Beautifully said. And our medveputy are reducing the army, making friends in Africa, doing all kinds of garbage.
    But it doesn’t seem to you that if it weren’t for the price of oil of $ 110-120, then a penny would be all plans for the army, social security, etc. And by the way, try to imagine what respected liberals can do in a situation if the oil price is $ 35-45, as in 2008-2009, or, even better, 18-20, as when transferring power from the ebn to the gdp?
    So think about what all their achievements are worth. The only merit of the gdp (although, of course, this is not his merit) is that when oil is not expensive. And the funny thing is that at the moment, a country that is not able to feed itself, drink, vow, shoe, protect, it is not clear what it is spending temporary excess profits from selling expensive oil. Instead of building factories and factories and developing the defense industry and the army, the liberals invest in the economy of a potential enemy and put budget money into the wind - development of the North Caucasus, Skolkovo, Chubais nanotechnology, 2018 World Cup, Sochi Olympics.
    Here is dad Lukashenko, this is a man. It is practically independent of the rest of the world. And, it needs Russia, the EU or someone else no more than they are in it. And, at least, he did not and never will have problems with food and essential goods.
  7. Patriot
    25 August 2011 11: 41
    I think that in all events in the North Caucasus amers are involved. Just to destabilize the situation in the Russian Federation. By the way, however, like Turkey. And our medical deputies believe that if they flood the region with money, then everything will be fine. Although, the people themselves risk not seeing this money. By the way, about the beautiful program Development of the North Caucasus in the amount of several trillion rubles ... I myself come from the Caucasus, and I know a little what's what. In the Caucasus, there are calm nations, and there are frostbitten ones. I can’t say anything about everyone, but I have in mind just about the majority. Well, there are two frostbitten Caucasian nations-Chechens and Ingush. The events of recent years, when Russian guys died under shelling and in terrorist acts precisely at the hands of representatives of these two Vainak nations, TOMU CONFIRMATION. These nations can mainly live at the expense of others to steal and kill.
    The guys from Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Ossetians are quite sane, some of them can and do want to work, but they just don’t give them. For, unemployment in the North Caucasus is simply terrifying.
    The same president of Chechnya Kadyrov, now with very good cash flows from Moscow. He and the Medveputin guys are actively cutting budget funds. HERE try to tear it from this money. Yes, he will immediately take up arms and take up his usual Chechen affair - KILL. What he basically did. For the sake of truth, it’s worth noting that he is transforming Chechnya well. But, in addition to Chechnya, there is the rest of the Caucasus, which will never get the money. By the way, no one noticed that in recent years all terrorist attacks, gangs and all the trash have literally bypassed Chechnya. The question is what would it be? Yes, I think that he simply agreed with them, for he is trying to show Moscow that its billions did not go to waste, and that thanks to them he established peace and tranquility in Chechnya.
    1. zczczc
      25 August 2011 11: 50
      That's right, alas.
  8. zczczc
    25 August 2011 11: 52
    Ieh, to shoot this McCain just ... so as not to blather.
    Of course, this will not solve anything in essence, but at least there wouldn’t be a stench b.
  9. Patriot
    25 August 2011 11: 53
    And here, in fact, confirmation of my words.

    The country we lost: Libyan oil no longer shines for Russia
    back forward

    The civil war in Libya seems to have entered its final stage. The regime of Muammar Gaddafi, who ruled the country with an iron hand since 1969, is living out his last days. There are fierce battles in Tripoli, the colonel’s residence is looted, NATO is rubbing his hands pretty, and on the ruins - the complete triumph of democracy.
    However, among the losers is not only the regime of M. Gaddafi. A major geopolitical game (and only the naive now believes that only an internal civil war is going on in Libya) ends again not in Russia's favor. The loss of a long-standing ally in Africa will result in very specific economic damage, and the interests of Russian oil and gas companies will be the first victims.

    Read more:
  10. Patriot
    25 August 2011 12: 00
    Fucking medveput strategists. Damn both yours and ours. Until May-June, our country, represented by Putin, vehemently condemned NATO, and then another gnome-ghoul came out with a reverse policy and shit the phrase: "Gaddafi must leave."
    And, I can’t even imagine how to IMPOSSIBLE conduct your foreign policy and how to manage it in order to ultimately be left without a single partner in the world (with the exception of two or three microbial countries). How it was necessary to work for the good of the MOTHERLAND in order to spoil all the achievements of the USSR in relations between the new Russia and the republics of the former USSR. The situation 080808 in South Ossetia revealed the entire work of our foreign affairs agency. FUUUU. YES and only.
  11. merkawa
    25 August 2011 12: 13
    It remains for him to repeat the fate of MacArthur or who jumped out of their window there fellow
    1. -2
      25 August 2011 22: 47
      Will not, do not expect. Not that setting. Then the USSR was so strong that Russian tanks could actually be in Washington. Or at least rockets.
  12. BOSS
    25 August 2011 12: 15
    Poor McCain))) How terrible you are as I look:) You better worry about your health, bile because of your own bankruptcy, Russophobia and hatred for this world will definitely bother you. I would contact glusman, he might advise a good doctor, Like a schizo, the Frenchman helped, inaudibly, for some reason.
  13. -1
    25 August 2011 12: 36
    This senile is very reminiscent of the saak which was shvili.And God sees, after the earthquake Pindosia has already cracked, some good tornado is expected ahead. Can this old fool wound his withers? And he really got it in Vietnam!
  14. Patriot
    25 August 2011 12: 51
    merkawa, BOSS,

    And why is poor McCain? I do not understand. He has in Russia a pro-American puppet government, which almost completely follows the decrees from Washington and Wall Street.
    But even if these "democratic leaders" show excessive initiative in certain directions, amers will easily replace them. In a good way, this is exactly what (if you read between the lines) and said Joni.

    almost demobil
    I do not think that any more or less serious cataclysm threatens Pindostana. If something happens in the near future, then most likely this event will be of a global scale.
    And, in this situation, Russia will simply not be sick. For, what do you think, where will the peoples of Europe and Asia flood? On our plateau.
    And our borders and the army are joint efforts of ebn, vvp, ladies, chubik and perdyukov, you know what "modern" ones are.
  15. GraFF
    25 August 2011 13: 24
    And what are you actually running into McCain? He, unlike our officials, is a patriot of his country and considers it Great! And he does everything so that this greatness spreads to the whole planet! Where are our patriots? Where are they? All our patriots have accounts in Swiss banks, children in England, property all over the world, except Russia! That's what we need to talk about, and not that he is so bad ... and we should be sad that among our political elite there is no one who would fight for their country like these Americans!
    1. +6
      25 August 2011 14: 53
      And if he was corrupt as our officials, there would have been no talk about him. And the greatness of his country is built on the bones of other countries, that’s all not love for this pindos.
    2. cabin boy
      26 August 2011 02: 24
      You do not know how to read, you just shout "Swiss bank accounts, children in England, property all over the world, except Russia!" McCain himself names those who are fighting for their country, but then your logic fails, because this is not in the manual.
  16. Patriot
    25 August 2011 13: 41

    Of course I agree. But, when you praise him as a person, you think more like a citizen of Pindostana. And, we are, as they say, on the other side of the barricades. And, so McCain and the entire US government are certainly well done. Such a country has been destroyed from the inside. And, after that, they also presented us with such clowns, shorts, and destroyers. If I were a US citizen in such a situation, I would certainly be proud of what they did to a potential enemy, whom I and all of America have been scared for 40-50 years.
    1. GraFF
      25 August 2011 15: 24
      I don’t praise him ... he didn’t do anything good for my Motherland ... I say that you can criticize states, Republicans, Democrats as much as you want, that they want the whole world to do with their sixes ... but they do it is for the sake of their country ... And our officials hummed on their country, spat on their allies ... thanks to our political and economic elite, we don’t have a single faithful ally! if it were not for gas and oil, on which our neighbors depend, they would have sent us long ago.

      As for his words ... what can Russia do? There is no army, for the most part, do everything for everyone (elections are an example), officials have long walked under a star-striped ... We do not have a single political leader who could unite the whole country, there is no national idea that could unite all nationalities, modern Russia has nothing to be proud of ... we can’t even launch a satellite into space ... Therefore, modern Russia is an ear on clay feet, will soon collapse ... There is only a great history and a long future if nothing is done.

      The meaning of my words is that it is time for the people not to say which Pindos are bad, but about how it happened that Russia was in a complete asshole and how to get out of this asshole.
    25 August 2011 14: 54
    Quote: Patriot
    GraFF I certainly agree. But, when you praise him as a person, you think more like a citizen of Pindostana. And, we are, as they say, on the other side of the barricades. And, so McCain and the entire US government are certainly well done. Such a country has been destroyed from the inside. And, after that, they also presented us with such clowns, shorts, and destroyers. If I were a US citizen in such a situation, I would certainly be proud of what they did with a potential enemy, which scared me and all of America for 40-50 years

    The enemy must be respected and "revalued" smile
    Quote: Banshee
    But the behavior of our rulers is somewhat alarming. It’s very easy for us to drain our former allies. You know, Yugoslavia is one thing, and Syria, Libya, Iran is quite another. I think there are two big differences. In Libya, here's a misfire, as in Afghanistan. When the whole PEOPLE (I will emphasize again), not the country, but the people of the country, are against the forcible democratization of themselves, then the effect may not be the same as the democrats hoped for overseas. And it may happen that the Jamahiri "lack of freedom" turns out to be sweeter than the transatlantic "freedom". Again, blood. What can only be regretted.

    Do not have 100 rubles, and have 100 friends.
    The United States has always had both, (or rather, it had no friends, but licking).
    The Soviet Union also had both. Now pendosia is eating up its last friends, and a huge amount of our money is spent on cutting to officials and other "elite"
    1. Svyatoslav
      25 August 2011 15: 04
      The USA has licking friends, and they want to have the whole world. That's what McCain wanted to say.
  18. 0
    25 August 2011 15: 07
    Thanks to the author for the material. Given the current military resources of the Russian Federation, potential, infrastructure, I think that we are screwed up and fall apart if it suddenly comes to a direct confrontation. It’s another matter that we are Russians, not Libyans or Iranians, and the Yankees cannot bend us anyway
    1. zczczc
      25 August 2011 15: 21
      If we stop eating tons of beer

  19. Patriot
    25 August 2011 15: 18
    "" ".... Another thing is that we are Russians, not Libyans or Iranians, the Yankees still cannot bend us" ""

    Oh, my friend.
    Yes, you (that is, us) are already so bent that there is no where else. And, the next step is already buoying according to the Libyan scenario.
  20. +11
    25 August 2011 16: 00
    Patriot, you are a young man, but in this aspect I will allow myself to disagree.

    Yes, we bought our top on the vine. Yes, our country is pumped through pipes and driven to Europe. Yes, our young people mostly dream of working somewhere abroad, for green or colored ones.

    It seems to me that the Libyan scenario will not work YET. For the time being, it is still normally on its feet (I translate - it is frostbitten and strong in spirit so much that it can pick up the AK and think with its help about the benefits of the Motherland) a generation labeled "Made in USSR" It’s another question if we don’t force it, but wait 15-20 years until we ourselves turn into junk, suitable only for throwing a grenade under a tank. Bl%, so let's rush!

    And if everything goes so fast ... Well, let's freaks with orange flags. We will show.
    I certainly will not tell you for the whole of Russia, it is still big. But for myself - why not? I am 39 years old, a normal almost healthy person, with a higher military education, fired from the army due to a contusion, which he did not get in a drunken brawl. I'm not the only one. We remember the USSR, we understand how the Motherland differs from the state in which you live. Yes, we are going to our companies, we are also kosterim government, states. But in general, we are well aware that all this can roll here. And it is necessary (I would not want to, yes) to take a weapon.

    We are not calling anyone to anything, well, they will sew him extremism at once. It's just that every normal person in our environment understands that a moment may come when there will be no choice. When you are cornered, sold three times and betrayed by your rulers, when there is already a ready candidate for the "savior of Russia" - then everyone will understand that it is time to take up arms.
    1. -1
      25 August 2011 22: 51
      I am made in the USSR. And I’m trying to educate my boys ... not so sovietly ... as people. Although for some it’s funny.
      And if you try to do the same, then there will be someone to pick up the old piece of iron 7.62
      1. zczczc
        25 August 2011 22: 54
        This is not funny, this is correct. Only one must understand that it is not about the term "Soviet", it is about honesty and the ability to protect one's land from dishonest ones.
    2. cattle
      26 August 2011 11: 04
      I agree, unfortunately, people who were brought up in the USSR, who were taught to love their homeland and respect other peoples, think so. Our principles "don't shoot in the back", "don't hit someone lying down," and many others. Pindos imposed on the young, our generation as ..., I don't even know what to call ... and the self-sacrifice of our front-line soldiers has already been fouled, one Matrosov is taken. But the modern - lick the upper and nasri on the lower - is embodied as a necessity. I strongly doubt that in the event of an attack from outside, our youth will repeat the deeds of our ancestors sad.... tsuka, I'm not a communist but I will vote for them
  21. -1
    25 August 2011 16: 01
    Patriot, you are a young man, but in this aspect I will allow myself to disagree.

    Yes, we bought our top on the vine. Yes, our country is pumped through pipes and driven to Europe. Yes, our young people mostly dream of working somewhere abroad, for green or colored ones.

    It seems to me that the Libyan scenario will not work YET. For the time being, it is still normally on its feet (I translate - it is frostbitten and strong in spirit so much that it can pick up the AK and think with its help about the benefits of the Motherland) a generation labeled "Made in USSR" It’s another question if we don’t force it, but wait 15-20 years until we ourselves turn into junk, suitable only for throwing a grenade under a tank. Bl%, so let's rush!

    And if everything goes so fast ... Well, let's freaks with orange flags. We will show.
    I certainly will not tell you for the whole of Russia, it is still big. But for myself - why not? I am 39 years old, a normal almost healthy person, with a higher military education, fired from the army due to a contusion, which he did not get in a drunken brawl. I'm not the only one. We remember the USSR, we understand how the Motherland differs from the state in which you live. Yes, we are going to our companies, we are also kosterim government, states. But in general, we are well aware that all this can roll here. And it is necessary (I would not want to, yes) to take a weapon.

    We are not calling anyone to anything, well, they will sew him extremism at once. It's just that every normal person in our environment understands that a moment may come when there will be no choice. When you are cornered, sold three times and betrayed by your rulers, when there is already a ready candidate for the "savior of Russia" - then everyone will understand that it is time to take up arms.
  22. -1
    25 August 2011 16: 04
    Quote: GraFF
    I don’t praise him ... he didn’t do anything good for my Motherland ... I say that you can criticize states, Republicans, Democrats as much as you want, that they want the whole world to do with their sixes ... but they do it is for the sake of their country ... And our officials hummed on their country, spat on their allies ... thanks to our political and economic elite, we don’t have a single faithful ally! if it were not for gas and oil, on which our neighbors depend, they would have sent us long ago.

    There is little to add to this. The bottom line is not that the neighbor lives better, so he needs to let the red rooster, but still to fix his own life.
    1. alnikar
      25 August 2011 17: 39
      I agree, first I need to put myself in order.

      Let's start with the idea ??
  23. +4
    25 August 2011 16: 38
    The dollar is losing its former power, so the US urgently needs a war, but not on its own continent. And they take concrete steps to start this war. With the consequences of recent events in the Middle East, Europe and Russia will be the first to face.
  24. 0
    25 August 2011 17: 22
    Something everyone, terribly tense because of McCain, as long as Russia has the Strategic Missile Forces, no one in a "firm mind" will come to us. (USA and Europe are not like idiots).
    1. Daniil
      26 August 2011 00: 16
      do you seriously think we have something? Yes, of course, there are a couple of "poplars and S-300 systems ... ... and everything else is window dressing !!! We have all this only to sell abroad or to improve on a parade. If only America would like us destroy, she would.
      1. +3
        26 August 2011 01: 40
        The given moment is in the forces of the strategic nuclear forces, there are about 600 deployed carriers with 1550 warheads, do you seriously think that this is not enough?
  25. mitrich
    25 August 2011 17: 23
    In American slang, this McCain is called "lame duck", but in our opinion - USED HONDON. The main page in his life is being shot down on a Skyhawk in Vietnam, after which he knocks on his comrades in misfortune for 5 years in a row. After the captivity, thanks to the influential pope, this part of his biography was declared a "feat", and the Vietnamese documents in this regard were falsified.
    So you should not waste your nerves and eloquence on this elderly and surviving chauvinist.
    1. His
      27 August 2011 12: 28
      The old senile this mackain, retired would have thumped with bushes. All the presidents were not friends with them; Reagan is an example of this.
  26. Patriot
    25 August 2011 17: 26

    If I were you, I would have thought that within the framework of the modern concept of conducting combat operations, no one would have ever let the whole tank up to a tank with a grenade. Distances have already increased greatly.
  27. -1
    25 August 2011 17: 26
    and that McCain - we have already rolled out the Kyrgyz counter !!!! Already survived and microbes began to kick us.
  28. mitrich
    25 August 2011 17: 42
    frankly speaking, I don’t give a damn about Kyrgyzstan and the Kirghiz and the fact that they rolled out there. As rolled out, and roll back. I seriously consider discussing the claims of some kind of apricot below my dignity.
    In my virtual future Russian Empire, an equal place for the Kyrgyz does not exist. So, back masseurs on the banks of Issyk-Kul and saiga beaters for entertaining white hosts wink ...
    1. Ivan35
      25 August 2011 20: 33
      Do not spit in the well!
      1. mitrich
        25 August 2011 20: 57
        Something I doubt that you are IVAN ... Open face, unifier ... Although I know: 20 years in the army, 3 wars, all of me deserved.
        1. Ivan35
          26 August 2011 18: 51
          Yes, I confess - I am not a purebred Russian - my grandmother is a dude - she brought me up in respect for small nations. Therefore, I wish the revival of Great Russia - where there is no place for such narrowly nationalistic statements !!
      2. mitrich
        25 August 2011 21: 21
        accustomed to slandering with slogans alone. And I really do not care for the Kyrgyz. I do not see any sense from them and I do not intend to cuddle with them. You in your Central Asia haven’t agreed on anything for 20 years, and you’re always nodding at Russia. Dot.
      3. Ivan35
        26 August 2011 17: 28
        I apologize to the readers of the site - yesterday there simply was no time to give my opinion in full - I had to give half of the famous proverb on the run.
        Nevertheless - this proverb reflects my opinion - Well tell me - Well, how can such statements contribute to the revival of Russia as a great empire?
        I quote: "I don't give a damn about Kyrgyzstan and the Kyrgyz" "there is no equal place for the Kyrgyz. So, back masseurs on the shores of Issyk-Kul and saiga beaters for entertaining white owners" "And I really don't give a fuck about the Kirghiz"
        After all, the Internet is also the media - and the field of information warfare - and such statements are beneficial only to our enemies. They will push away from us - Russians - not only the Kyrgyz (God with him with the Kyrgyz is really not the most important problem now), but also their kindred peoples - and Tatars and Kazakhs and Bashkirs, and Altai all peoples and Tuvans and Yakuts, probably even!

        I am convinced that such "narrow-minded" nationalism is not good for the Russian people

        What - we will build a "small Russia for the Russians" within the Moscow region!

        I am sure that this is only at hand to the external enemies of Russia — and we have plenty of them!

        I am sure that the salvation of us Russians only in Great Russia - we must restore the power and borders of even tsarist Russia, even the USSR so as not to become slaves to pendosy and the world behind the scenes - and for this we must conduct the right policy even with regard to the same Kyrgyz - even if they are not accepted while in our reviving alliance - but at least we need to drive out the Pendos base from there - we need to develop our bases there - we must aggressively impose our values ​​on OUR CULTURE on them - and not push them away!
        The same McCain and the Pindos are much more cunning - they then attract allies with the dollar and culture and hamburgers and everything
  29. -1
    25 August 2011 18: 43
    McCain is not far from the truth. Russia has no allies, and those that only partners sleep and see our territories as theirs. If you walk along the perimeter of our borders, then everywhere you can stumble on claims from neighbors. But this can still be endured. But inside the country, tension is really growing. The low salaries of a simple worker amid the well-being of all the unproductive bureaucratic people annoy people. The police lieutenant will receive 30 thousand, and with all the premiums 45. What is this grace for people who could not find themselves in work? And there are a great many of them. I’m not talking about pensions. Give 30 to 50% of your pension for housing and communal services. You can’t afford the medicine in pharmacies. There is not enough money to insert a seal. Young families are not able to buy housing, at the same time both are working. There are no kindergartens. The products are not all Russian. The village is dead. There is much more to be said. The senator is wrong in the only thing. We don’t need any democracy. Let us live the only life normally. And who will rule me personally is all the same.
  30. mitrich
    25 August 2011 18: 50
    Glory to the Communist Party!
  31. 916-th
    25 August 2011 19: 53
    Mitrich, ek you skidded. Well, right in the spirit of the same McCain. Russian Empire = USA?
  32. mitrich
    25 August 2011 20: 05
    916 th,
    Well, why stand on ceremony? I "owed" so much to the former "brothers" that at least stand, at least fall. Some are out of place. Moreover, I have already written once about my benevolent attitude towards empires such as the Victorian. Visit modern India - and you will also catch fire ... KazaKov, by the way, I did not offend, you are my dear Almaty resident ...
    Or are you a proletarian internationalist?
    PS I am the Russian McCain, but not yet shot down. And he did not write denunciations to anyone.
  33. atheist
    25 August 2011 20: 38
    there won’t be a revolution, there’s nobody to fight, and whoever is on the side of the government, + you can hire an army of mercenaries from China (in our country there are military units in which migrants serve to obtain citizenship legally and quickly), we have enough money,
    personally, I will be either for the government (if it will be the same as in Libya), or in neutrality (I do not want to kill my own)
  34. borkovn
    25 August 2011 21: 04
    McCain is telling the truth AGAIN. Look, Russia is supporting such ugly regimes as Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, North Korea. Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you everything about you. Isn't that right?
    1. zczczc
      25 August 2011 21: 18
      Where are you from, darling?
    2. 0
      25 August 2011 22: 57
      And what ugly regimes does the USA support? It's just that the United States is replacing our "ugly regimes" with its "ugly regimes," all business. And the screeching on the topic of freedom-democracy - it is screeching, and there is a sense in it, like in a pig's screeching. For other sheep pigs.
      1. zczczc
        25 August 2011 23: 22
        Do not mix all in two heaps with the same name. The USA lives off at the expense of the rest of the world, pounds with its own dollar, takes resources from the weak, digs for us all its life - this is ugliness. Those who are you with the USA are ugly regimes.

        And what is Cuba, for example, an ugly regime? Did they bomb someone? Did you arrange an economic blockade for someone? Did you carry out sabotage in foreign territory? I guess the cry of a liberal: "But they squeezed the freedom of their people!" So I'll tell you what:

        I am changing Putin’s freedom to control the oceans!
        This is freedom!
  35. 916-th
    25 August 2011 21: 17
    ABOUT KAZAKаx and kazаHah
    My mother is a Don Cossack, my father is a Kuban Cossack, myself from the Volga. If you choose between internationalists and chauvinists, then I, perhaps, belong to the first. Probably because he lived with the Union more than many.

    Chauvinism, like pregnancy, cannot be halved. If there is a feeling of neglect of the Kyrgyz or the Baltic states, then it will spread to other neighbors.
    1. mitrich
      25 August 2011 21: 23
      I have it. Here I am so crazy ...
      1. Marat
        25 August 2011 22: 09
        You're right! About the disease
    2. zczczc
      25 August 2011 21: 39
      916th, and say such a thing - here you go in transport and see a beautiful girl / woman (depending on how old you are) a very distant kind from you. Could you be with her?

      I noticed that no matter how beautiful and slim an alien woman is, I would never be able to do anything with her. Is it nationalism or what? Father from the Don Cossacks, Old Believers.
  36. 916-th
    25 August 2011 21: 27
    Nitsche, Mitrich, Pindos, I feel that will make us all unite and forget about our sores. It's worth it to kick their ass.
    1. Marat
      25 August 2011 22: 28
      Thank you countryman for the right position! It is not a matter of poor Kyrgyz people, but of the position of the majority of Russians, a people capable of reconstituting the Empire anew.
      And if there are peoples in which spit, do not spit, you will not spoil anything - they are massively affected by the anti-Russian "also disease" (probably Georgians, Balts, Westerners, etc.), then there are those who should not be repulsed!

      I repeat once again - I am a patriot of Russia even in the form in which it is. But I also want the revival of Greater Russia - where the fraternal peoples can together resist both the pendos and the Chinese and not pay this damn tribute to the USA, etc.

      Let the Kirghiz not be taken now to the CU and CES, and so on because of poverty - let them not even be taken into an alliance - but why should the Russians and the Kirghiz be pitted against each other? Where is the benefit to the Russians?
      1. zczczc
        25 August 2011 23: 26
        The Kyrgyz did very ugly with Manas. They have a prostrated position, and it’s so stupid and stupid that it’s ridiculous to say - as a girl choosing between two boys finds idiotic excuses for one of them, these words were found to leave Pindos in Manas, but they took the dough from us before not bad.

        And with prostitutes, as you know, they don’t stand on ceremony. Translated into the diplomatic language, they are not taken into a serious matter, but they are also used.

        I add - this applies to the then leadership of Kyrgyzstan, but the shadow, of course, falls on the people. Just like us, they thought badly of us while looking at Yeltsin’s plane casting on the landing gear.
        1. Ivan35
          26 August 2011 18: 40
          Dear zczczc!
          I despise the leadership of this country. I myself suffered from the Central Asians - but not from the Kyrgyz and not from the Kazakhs.
          I completely agree that the Pindos base adds guilt to the government of this country - two-faced - sucking both us and the pendos - but there is a moment and agreement between the pendos and Moscow traitors
          And I agree that the shadow falls on the people
          I will only remain in my opinion - if we arouse hatred of the Russians among them - the last Russian will be even worse there - and this yesterday's republic of the USSR will go to slavery to the Pindos! or to the Chinese!
          But these are not the worst people in relation to us - they are not the Balts and not Georgians and not even Tajiks - we have a good groundwork there - in the riots everywhere homemade posters were hung - people - "We are with Russia !!"
          So let’s use it - we will set up military bases - we will drive out pendosy - we will bring the elite bought by Gazprom to the board - we will introduce our Russian culture (which has not been forgotten there) and not pendosovskaya on fertile ground !!

          And the fact that there is no need to stand on ceremony with prostitutes in the leadership is not even a dispute
        2. nnnnnnnnn
          26 August 2011 19: 51
          At preliminary negotiations on the Gansi airbase or Manas airport or, as it is now, a NATO transit point in Bishkek. In Moscow, the Kyrgyz side held consultations with the leadership of the Russian Federation, at which the Russian side reacted positively to the US initiative to use Manas airport as a base for the anti-terrorist operation "Enduring Freedom" in Afghanistan, if you remember Uzbekistan and Tajikistan also provided their territory. Russia and Kazakhstan have provided their airspace for US and NATO aircraft. Also, representatives of 54 states, including representatives of Russia, were at the US Central Command, Florida, McDill Air Base.
          So, nothing the Kirghiz did for nothing; everything was done with the consent of the CSTO member countries and then the SCO.
  37. mitrich
    25 August 2011 21: 35
    You know, 916th, don’t get me wrong, but for some reason I’m less afraid of Pindos than Kirghiz ... We will somehow deal with Pindos by exchanging vigorous charges (three times over my shoulder), and with the Kirghiz ... Continue I won’t; I do not want to talk to myself about the 282nd Criminal Code.
  38. 0
    25 August 2011 21: 52
    And I support Mitrich. Not completely, of course. But in such serious issues (that is, conflicts) they will be the "weak link". If a battle is fought, then every representative of another people, not related to Russia and its direct enemy, will say "This is not my war." This is, for example, like Italians, Spaniards and Romanians on the side of Germany in the Great Patriotic War (there are still those warriors). They will only weigh down the main forces.
  39. mitrich
    25 August 2011 22: 29
    I'll tell you what, MARAT. I can even add "respected", keeping in mind your contractual past (if memory serves).
    I and my RUSSIAN friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and others in my whole life have NOT CUT a single Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Turkmen, or Tajik; did not expel a single representative of the above nationalities from the dwellings, they themselves settled in them; not raped a single girl or woman; did not SELL these individuals a single gram of heroin or other dope; they did not bully or insult the appearance, impudent behavior, dances and other things of the same Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Tajiks.
    Now think - WHY am I writing this to you ...
    So it’s unlikely that you are a fellow countryman to me.
    1. -2
      25 August 2011 23: 00
      And did not arrange "Muslim marches".

      All right
      1. Ivan35
        26 August 2011 18: 48
        Yes, Marat is not campaigning for Muslim marches !!

        Islamists are enemies of us - Russians - and if they win here I will immediately return to Russia

        And they are the same enemies to Marat - to the Kazakh - therefore they are arming themselves and strengthening the alliance with Russia

        I am sure that the horrors that would occur primarily in the Caucasus and also in Tajikistan would not be repeated - we must revive the strong Russian Empire - and attract small peoples and re-educate them - and not insult and set up against ourselves - which is beneficial again to the same pendos !
    2. nnnnnnnnn
      26 August 2011 19: 40
      Comrade Mitrich or whatever you like, McCain is betting on people like you. just like you, when you see "proud Caucasians" humiliating your compatriots on the street, you pretend that you don't see anything, and in general your house is on the edge, but you try to say something with your false patriotism in the comments. Thank God there are only a few people like you in Russia, and I hope I'm not mistaken.
      1. mitrich
        28 August 2011 00: 28
        yesterday threw a representative of one of such peoples from a cafe. And just for harassing the weaker sex. This is a word.
        In general: how can you blame without seeing and not knowing a person? So I can definitely ASSUME that you:
        -did not serve in the army;
        -not fought;
        -Do not lose friends;
        -did not live in the same Central Asia during the period 1991-2000.
        So stop wagging your tongue.
    3. Marat
      26 August 2011 21: 10
      No, Mr. Mitrich - I don't know why you are writing this to me. Perhaps you had some kind of personal misfortune (I don’t know) - but I cannot give up my convictions about the need to revive the common union state and I fully agree with the authors who talk about this. I also think it is right to spread these ideas. I also think that your provocative statements about the fact that the Kirghiz are like slaves for the "white masters" are harmful and that they "give a shit", etc.

      Even if they are not accepted so far in the CU and CES, etc. - but these are really not hostile to the Russians masses - they are not Balts and Georgians, insulting them you really harm the Russians and Russia - pushing away the peoples native to the Kyrgyz - Kazakh Tatars, Bashkirs, Tuvans and all Altai peoples - we all consider the Kyrgyz people to be brothers like the Russians

      As for the "countryman" - you convincingly proved to me that you are clearly not a fellow countryman - I consider malodova and 916th, Ivan35 and nnnnnnn, and all Russians not affected by the virus of ethnic hatred after the collapse of the Soviet Union - most of them are sure

      I’m actually writing this not for you and not hoping to convince you - but in order to clarify my position to website visitors - the pluses are also not important to me - like Ivan35, it is important for me to convey my opinion
      1. +2
        29 August 2011 09: 58
        That's right, Marat meant one of the features of Russia - we are a multinational country and we need to understand that expressions offensive to any national minority are unacceptable. Turn away from us 180 nationalities living among us, turn away fraternal peoples living nearby and ... rejoice America? In Libya, they made bets on the fragmentation of the tribes and apparently won. Divide and rule! Do not get fooled by provocations!
  40. mitrich
    25 August 2011 22: 42
    And they instructed the minuses, taking out their malice ... Brothers were found.
  41. SMERSH
    25 August 2011 23: 05
    Let him come, I personally will take 2 Adams with me to the next world with 2 crews!
  42. -1
    26 August 2011 07: 31
    Quote: Patriot
    If I were you, I would have thought that within the framework of the modern concept of conducting combat operations, no one would have ever let the whole tank up to a tank with a grenade. Distances have already increased greatly.

    C'mon ... they won't let me ... I, of course, figuratively said about grenades, I will manage with an RPG, if that. Look at the chronicle of Grozny, how much technology is left on the streets. And in my town there are no super-wide avenues and straights. So everything is fine, do not let - we get.
  43. 0
    26 August 2011 13: 48
    I think that preparations for the 2012 elections in the states have begun ...
  44. mitrich
    26 August 2011 17: 38
    Well done, IVAN35,
    you pick up a lot of feints from your comment.
    1. Ivan35
      26 August 2011 17: 58
      I didn’t want to enter into a personal skirmish with you - but I’ll say that these toy pluses are not important for me minuses - But I have PERSONAL SERIOUS REASONS to wish and contribute to the REVIVAL OF GREAT RUSSIA - I honestly admit that my relatives suffered in this perestroika
      I do not want to be a man of one and a half grades in Kazakhstan - but GREAT!
      And the only way is the revival of the EMPIRE!
      How can I contribute to this!

      I consider all comments sowing strife between the peoples of the future Union hostile !! I also do not like articles of anti-Ukrainian content - and anti-Belarusian, etc.
      When we Russians understand - that we will become strong only by uniting the empire !?
      1. 0
        26 August 2011 18: 04
        That's right, Ivan35. To think and speak differently than pouring water on the Amer mill. We now have many nationalist groups feeding on the money of the State Department. Let's not play along with the enemy. But Amer has already agreed with Libya.
        1. Ivan35
          26 August 2011 18: 30
          I am grateful for the support of Solodov! And 916 mu thanks for the position! and others - I’m sure that Great Russia will be reborn with people like you!
  45. -1
    26 August 2011 17: 56
    Russian can not be a nationalist. History has shown this. Many countries themselves joined us. Who needs to become a vassal of the one who hates and despises him.
    There is such a woman - Alena Arshavina, she offers to allocate part of the land for Russian lands, and live there with a Russian enclave. Do you like it? If not, learn to respect neighbors (Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, etc.). Nationalism is a manifestation of a cornered nation, as in Germany, after the 1-th world soil was fertile for Nazism.
    We have many ethnic groups that you consider to be Rosiyans, but stand next to the Yakut - will you consider it equal with you? We, what, as amers, we will divide all into red-faced and white-faced?
    What is the difference between the same Yakut and the Kirghiz for you? Probably no
    And there shouldn’t be any, but it’s not between them and you either.
    The government also often substitutes us, this is a game in which all the trump cards are good, this is not a reason for everyone to kick the Russians. So it is with the Kyrgyz.
  46. nnnnnnnnn
    26 August 2011 19: 56
    While Russia is sitting on a dollar needle, there will be nothing, and when it gains courage like Chavez, then wait for Manezh and other things.
    1. Marat
      26 August 2011 21: 18
      A very correct comment - Nikolai Starikov also has this - the pendos will play out ethnic hatred as soon as we announce the departure from the dollar and stop "paying tribute"
  47. mitrich
    27 August 2011 12: 22
    Yes, a Russian nationalist. I was born with this, I live and die too.
    I would like people to say in the framework of the aforementioned srach, whose opinion I value highly - VIKTOR, SOKERIN, FILIN, VIBELUGIN, VARNAGA, 916th and others, the opinions of those who persecuted me do not interest me.
    With respect to all.
  48. mitrich
    27 August 2011 12: 45
    And UHALUS came under the distribution. All for the fact that I did not begin to shake my tongue in vain, but wrote a few words of TRUTH.
  49. Maksim
    26 October 2011 13: 55
    again this clown mccain is a rotten mayonnaise, frankly tired of all the time muttering and muttering, he needs to listen to his grandmothers in the bazaar

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"