Western trap of grandmaster Putin


Western accusations against Putin traditionally lie in the fact that he served in the KGB. And therefore he is a cruel, immoral person and so on. Putin is accused of everything. However, no one has ever blamed Putin for lack of intelligence.

Any accusations against this person only emphasize his ability for rapid analytical thinking, his ability to instantly make clear and verified political and economic decisions.

Western media often compare this ability of Putin with the ability of a grand master conducting a public simul at a blitz tournament in chess. The recent events in the US and Western economies as a whole allow us to conclude that in this part of Putin’s personality assessment, the Western media are absolutely right.

Despite numerous triumphant reports in the style of Fox News and CNN, today the economy of the West, led by the United States, is in the trap of Putin. Opportunities for liberation from which no one in the West sees and cannot find. And the stronger the West is trying to break free from this trap, the more hopeless its position becomes.

What is the truly tragic position of the West and the USA in which they found themselves? And why all the Western media and leading Western economists are silent about this, as the most important military secret? Let's try to understand the essence of the economic events taking place right now from the point of view of the economy, leaving as far as possible outside the discussion of any nuances of morality, ethics and geopolitics.

So, after realizing their failure in Ukraine, the West, led by the United States, set a goal to destroy the Russian economy by lowering oil prices and, accordingly, gas — as the main budget-forming sources of Russia's export earnings and the main sources of replenishing Russian gold reserves. It should be noted here that the main failure of the West in Ukraine is not at all military or political. And in the actual refusal of Putin to finance this western project of Ukraine at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation. What makes this project of the West a priori non-viable in the near and inevitable future.

Last time, under Reagan, similar actions by the West to reduce oil prices led to the success and collapse of the USSR. But story not repeated. This time for the West, everything is different. What Putin answered to the West seems to be both chess and judo at the same time. Where the forces expended by the enemy to attack, is used against him, but with minimal expenditure of his own forces and means of the defender. Putin’s real policy is not public. Therefore, the real policy of Putin to a greater degree is always directed not so much at effectiveness, as at efficiency.

Very few people understand what Putin is doing at the moment. And almost no one understands what he will do in the future.

It may seem strange, but right now Putin is selling Russian oil and gas only for physical gold.

Putin does not shout about it to the whole world in the style of intrusive advertising. And he, of course, still accepts US dollars as an intermediate means of payment. But he immediately changes all those USD from the sale of oil and gas to physical gold!

To understand this, it is enough to look at the dynamics of growth of gold in the structure of the gold reserves of Russia and compare these data with the currency earnings of the Russian Federation from the sale of oil and gas over the same period.

Western trap of grandmaster Putin

In total, the central banks of all countries of the world purchased 2014 tons of precious metal in the third quarter of 93. This was 15's fourth consecutive quarter of net purchases of gold by central banks. Of the 93 tonnes of gold purchases by central banks around the world during this period, the tremendous volume of purchases in 55 tonnes comes from Russia.

Not so long ago, British scientists successfully came to the same conclusion, which, a few years ago was published in the Conclusion of the US Geological Survey. Namely: Europe will not be able to survive without energy supplies from Russia. What is translated from English to any other language in the world means: “The world cannot survive if we deduct supplies of oil and gas from Russia from the global balance of energy supply”.

Thus, the entire Western world built on the hegemony of the petrodollar was in a catastrophic situation. In which the West cannot survive without oil and gas supplies from Russia, and Russia is now ready to sell its oil and gas to the West only in exchange for physical gold! The piquancy of the situation prevailing in Putin’s party is that the mechanism for selling Russian energy to the West only for gold is now working, regardless of whether the West agrees to pay for Russian oil and gas with its artificially cheaper gold or not.

Because Russia, having at its disposal regular receipts of dollars from the sale of oil and gas, in any case will be able to buy gold for them. At current gold prices, suppressed by hook or by crook by the West itself.

That is, at those prices of gold, which were artificially and carefully lowered by the Fed and ESF by several times, against the artificially inflated with the help of market manipulations, the purchasing power of the US dollar. Interesting fact: The suppression of gold prices by a special department of the US Government - ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund), in order to stabilize the US dollar, was elevated to the United States in the rank of the Law.

In the financial world, the postulate that gold is an antidollar is accepted as an axiom.

- In 1971, US President Richard Nixon closed the “golden window”, stopping the free exchange of dollars for gold, guaranteed by the US in the NUMX in Bretton Wood.

- In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin opened this “golden window”, not paying attention to what they think and say about this in Washington.

It is now that the West is spending a lot of its forces and funds to suppress the prices of gold and oil. So that, on the one hand, distort the existing economic reality in favor of the US dollar. On the other hand, in order to destroy the economy of Russia, which refuses to play the role of a submissive vassal of the West.

Right now, such assets as gold and oil look proportionally weakened and excessively undervalued against the US dollar. What is the result of colossal economic efforts on the part of the West?

And right now Putin is selling Russian energy resources in exchange for these artificially fortified dollars by the efforts of the West. For which he immediately buys gold - artificially low in price against the US dollar through the efforts of the West itself!

There is one more interesting moment in Putin’s party. This is Russian uranium. Due to the supply of which in USA every sixth light is working. And which Russia is selling the US for dollars too.

Thus, in exchange for Russian oil, gas and uranium, the West pays Russia with US dollars, the purchasing power of which is artificially inflated against oil and gold, through the efforts of the West itself. But Putin uses these US dollars only in order to withdraw physical gold from the West in exchange for it, at artificially lowered by the West as gold prices expressed in US dollars.

This truly brilliant economic combination of Putin puts the West, led by the United States, in the position of a snake, aggressively and devoutly devouring its own tail.

The idea of ​​this economic gold trap for the West, most likely, originally did not belong to Putin himself. Most likely this was the idea of ​​Putin’s economic advisor, Academician Glazyev. Otherwise, why, it would seem, the state official Glazyev, who was not involved in the business, along with many Russian businessmen, was included by Washington personally in the sanctions lists of the West? The idea of ​​the economist Academician Glazyev was brilliantly realized by Putin, having previously obtained full support from his colleague from China, Xi Jinping.

Of particular interest in this context is the November statement by the First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Xenia Yudaeva. Which stressed that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation may use gold from its reserves to pay for imports, if necessary. Obviously, in the conditions of sanctions from the Western world, this statement is addressed to the countries of the BRICS and especially to China. For China, Russia's willingness to pay for goods with western gold turns out to be very welcome. And here's why: as stated in one of the previous materials,

China has recently announced that it is ceasing to increase its gold reserves, denominated in US dollars. If we take into account the constantly growing trade balance deficit between the US and China (the current difference is five times in favor of China), this statement translated from a financial language reads as follows: "China stops selling its goods for dollars." The world's media have chosen not to notice this grandiose event in the latest monetary history. And the question is not at all that China literally refuses to sell their goods for US dollars. China, of course, will still accept US dollars as an intermediate means of payment for its goods. But, having accepted the dollars, China will immediately get rid of them and replace the dollars in the structure of its gold reserves with something else. Otherwise, the statement made by the monetary authorities of the PRC is meaningless: "We are ceasing to increase our gold reserves, denominated in US dollars." That is, China will no longer buy for the proceeds from trade with any countries dollars - treasures - US government bonds, as they have done all the time earlier.

Thus, China will replace all dollars that it will receive for its goods not only from the United States, but also in general from any countries of the world with something else, in order “not to increase its gold reserves denominated in US dollars”. And here the most interesting question arises: what exactly will China replace all of its own, resulting from trade, dollars? What kind of currency or asset? Analysis of the current monetary policy of the PRC shows that, most likely, the dollars coming from trade, or a significant part of them, China will quietly replace and de facto replace it with Gold.

In this aspect, the solitaire of Russian-Chinese relations is extremely successful for both Moscow and Beijing. Russia buys goods from China directly for gold at its current prices. And China buys Russian energy for gold at its current prices. At this Russian-Chinese holiday of life there is a place for everything: both Chinese goods, Russian energy resources, and gold - as a means of mutual settlements. There is no place on this celebration of life for only one person, the US dollar. And this is not surprising. Because the US dollar is neither a Chinese product, nor a Russian energy resource. It is only an interim financial instrument of mutual settlements - an unnecessary intermediary. And it is accepted to exclude unnecessary intermediaries from the scheme of interaction of two independent business partners.

It should be noted separately that the world market for physical gold is negligible in relation to the world market for physical supply of oil. Moreover, the world physical gold market is microscopic in relation to the aggregate world markets for the physical supply of oil, gas, uranium and goods.

The emphasis on the phrase “physical gold” was made because in exchange for its physical, rather than paper, energy resources, Russia now withdraws gold from the West, but only in the form of its physical, not paper, supply. The same is done by China, withdrawing from the West, at current artificially low prices, it is real physical gold — as a means of paying for physical supplies to the West, its real goods.

The hopes of the West that Russia and China will accept as payment for their energy resources and goods of various kinds of shitcoin or so-called. "Paper gold", too, did not materialize. Russia and China, as a final means of payment, are interested only in gold and only as a physical metal.

For reference: turnover in the paper gold market, only in the form of gold futures, is estimated at about 360 billion US dollars per month. But only on 280 million US dollars per month is the physical supply of gold. What constitutes at the auction of paper gold, against physical gold, is the ratio of 1000 to 1.

By applying the mechanism of actively withdrawing from the market one financial asset artificially lowered by the West (gold), in exchange for another financial asset artificially inflated by the West (US dollars), Putin thereby included a countdown for the global hegemony of the petrodollar. Thus, Putin confounded the West in the absence of any positive economic outlook. The West can spend as much as it wants on artificially increasing the purchasing power of the dollar, lowering oil prices and artificially lowering the purchasing power of gold. The problem of the West is only that the reserves of physical gold at the disposal of the West are not unlimited. Therefore, the more the West depreciates oil and gold against the US dollar, the more rapidly it loses the declining Gold from its far from infinite reserves. In this economic combination brilliantly played by Putin, physical gold from the reserves of the West is rapidly flowing to Russia, China, Brazil, Kazakhstan and India - to the BRICS countries. With such a rate of decline in reserves of physical gold as it is now, the West simply does not have time to do anything against Putin’s Russia until the collapse of the entire Western construction of the petrodollar world. In chess, the situation in which Putin put the West at the head of the United States is called "Time Tact."

The Western world has never faced such economic events and phenomena that are happening right now. The USSR, in the face of falling oil prices, was rapidly selling gold. Russia, in the face of falling oil prices, is rapidly buying gold. Thus, Russia creates a real threat to the existence of the American model of petrodollar world domination.

The main principle of the model of the petrodollar world, which allows Western countries led by the United States to live at the expense of labor and resources of other countries and peoples, is based on the role of the national currency of the United States dominating the MIF (world currency system). The role of the US dollar in MIF is that it is the ultimate means of payment. This means that the national currency of the United States in the structure of the AIM is the final asset of accumulation, which does not make sense to change to any other asset. What the BRICS countries, led by Russia and China, are now doing is actually changing the role and status of the US dollar in the global monetary system. From the final means of payment and the asset of accumulation, the national currency of the United States, by joint actions of Moscow and Beijing, is transformed only into a kind of intermediate means of payment. Intended only to exchange this intermediate means of payment for another, and indeed the final financial asset - gold. Thereby, the US dollar actually loses its role as an ultimate means of payment and an asset of accumulation, yielding both of these roles to another generally accepted, denational and depoliticized monetary asset, gold.

Traditionally, the West used two ways to eliminate the threats to the hegemony of the petrodollar model of the world and the exorbitant privileges that flow from it to the West.

One of these methods is color revolutions. The second method, which is usually used by the West, if the first method does not work, is military aggression and bombardment.

But in the case of Russia, both of these methods turn out to be either impossible or unacceptable for the West.

Because, firstly, the population of Russia, unlike the population of many other countries, stubbornly does not want to exchange their freedom and the future of their children for Western sausage, which can be obtained right now. This is becoming evident from Putin’s record high ratings, regularly published by leading rating agencies in the West. The personal friendship between Washington’s protégé and Senator McCain played a very negative role for him and Washington. Having learned about this fact from the media, 98% of the population of Russia now perceive Navalny only as a vassal of Washington and a traitor to Russia's national interests. Therefore, Western professionals, who think with realities, have not even dreamed about any color revolution in Russia.

As for the second, traditional way for the West - direct military aggression, then Russia is certainly not Yugoslavia, not Iraq and not Libya. With any non-nuclear military operation against Russia, on the territory of Russia itself, the West, led by the United States, is doomed to a crushing defeat. And the generals at the Pentagon, who exercise the real leadership of the NATO forces, understand this well. Similarly, a nuclear war against Russia is unpromising, including the concept of the so-called. "Preventive disarming nuclear strike". NATO simply does not have the technical ability to deliver such a blow that could completely disarm Russia's nuclear potential in all its many manifestations. A retaliatory massive nuclear strike against the enemy or a pool of opponents will be inevitable in this case. And its total capacity will be enough for the survivors to envy the dead. That is, the exchange of nuclear strikes with a country like Russia is not, in principle, a solution to the impending problem of the collapse of the petrodollar world. This is, at best, the final chord and the last point in the history of its existence. In the worst case, this is a nuclear winter and the cessation of the existence of all life on the planet, with the exception of bacteria mutated under the influence of radiation.

In the Western economic establishment, they see and well understand the essence of the occurring phenomena.

Leading Western economists are certainly aware of the depth of the tragedy and hopelessness of the situation in which the Western world found itself, having fallen into Putin’s economic golden trap. After all, since the time of the Bretton Woods Agreements, the golden rule is well known to all: "Whoever has the most gold sets the rules." But about this in the West, everyone is silent. They are silent because no one knows how to find a way out of this situation.

And because if we explain to the western public all the details of the ongoing economic catastrophe, then this public will begin to ask the most terrible questions for the supporters of the petrodollar world.

That will sound like this:

- How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?

“And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West has run out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods?”

In the West today no one can answer these seemingly simple questions.

And this is called Shah and Math, gentlemen. Game over.
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  1. +62
    28 November 2014 06: 39
    Western accusations of Putin have traditionally been that he served in the KGB.

    So what.

    Gribaskuyte was an agent of the KGB ... so in the west she is a beacon of democracy .... no one reproaches her for this.

    The only difference is who these people serve.
    1. mmk
      28 November 2014 06: 46
      Compare some kind of Griboedov with the great combinator))))
      It's not that he is a KGB player, but that he is like a bone in their throat for a very long time.
      Recall only the presidency of Medvedev, so immediately the war with Georgia, and now they are sitting quietly.
      1. +160
        28 November 2014 08: 08
        I’m laughing at you guys laughing It is clear that the first lines of most articles are enough, but not in this case winked
        It’s not about the West-Putin ethnicity, it’s about a clean economy. That the Kama Sutra is resting at the moment ... The West doesn’t even envisage the pose in which the BRICS (including Putin) poses laughing
        1. Erg
          28 November 2014 08: 59
          That's for sure. Volodya planted a tree. You don’t have to dig a bone every day to see how it grows there. The tree will be what you need hi
          1. zzz
            28 November 2014 09: 52
            The idea of ​​this economic golden trap for the West most likely originally did not belong to Putin himself. Most likely it was the idea of ​​Putin's Advisor on economic issues - Academician Glazyev. Otherwise, why, it would seem, the government official Glazyev, who was not involved in business, along with many Russian businessmen, was personally included by Washington in the sanctions lists of the West? The idea of ​​economist Academician Glazyev was brilliantly realized by Putin, having previously secured the full support of his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

            Honestly, I was always angry with Putin for not putting Glazyev as head of the government, and now I understand, probably, deliberately keeps him in the background.
          2. -4
            28 November 2014 12: 07
            That's for sure. Volodya planted a tree.

            ... I will allow myself a clarification: "... I PLANTED a" tree "!
            I even thought that maybe THIS is the true war, or rather, the true hostilities? Actions that would make the maneuvers of the Western political establishment unnecessary and empty attempts to demonize Russia and Putin? And maintaining the "status quo" on political positions such as "Novorossiya", "Ukraine", "exclusivity of the amerskoy nation" and others, and there are those key topics that will be addressed in the "Hour" big "P" ("big" P "- you can understand in different ways, it all depends on who you relate to - Putin or p ... wasps - it will still be correct wink ) So to speak, the Atlantists will soon have their own "Nuerberg"!
          3. +3
            28 November 2014 17: 16
            buying up gold, it is worth remembering that sooner or later there will be those who want to "take away and divide" .....
            So, strengthening the defense is the first task of our state .....
        2. +12
          28 November 2014 10: 04
          BRICS, unfortunately, is so far a more declarative community. Yes, there is, yes, they are discussing something. But there’s nothing even close to the EU’s economic union, so far. And if it does, we will be there at the second level, no more. Because we lag behind the Chinese too much in all aspects of the economy and finance, except for some military technologies. But their Chinese will either buy or copy successfully from us, albeit a little worse.
          Until we change the ideology of the formation of the elite and there is a serious level of its responsibility before the country for its actions, there will be no sense. Let's only trade oil and gas and whine about missed opportunities at the highest levels. Why plin, managers receive prohibitive salaries? I'm not talking about dividends, I'm talking about salaries. Why does the concept of "golden parachute" exist at all?
          Why are finances falling apart, while the leadership of the central bank is still at work, and Nabiulina is still trying to tell us about some kind of targeting? Why did it take 15 years to understand that offshore companies are evil and for THIS it is necessary to "kill" managers and owners of offshore business.
          1. +7
            28 November 2014 10: 07
            I beg your pardon for the emotions, but I already have a brain rupture from the discrepancy between the excellent external and "power" policy and degenerate internal, financial, economic and migration policies. Why haven't they taken up drugs in full until now - extremely tough? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!!!!
            1. Erg
              1 December 2014 08: 38
              The drug market is controlled by the government (London City, Vatican, Washington). This is a serious source of income, which allows, moreover, to regulate the population, and less to this population to think about government policies. What about us ... A few years ago, at my old place of residence, they were selling drugs at my entrance. How many n called the police ... nope. Did not help. So we put up with it
          2. Erg
            1 December 2014 01: 05
            It turns out that Russia has a debt (to the FRS, I understand). Which one of you borrowed money? So I did not borrow either. So who did it and for what? Who needs a soldering iron? And nm here "nasdak dipped", the dollar on the interbank market ... ". Charlatans. Traitors am
        3. +10
          28 November 2014 11: 12
          Quote: domokl
          , it’s about a clean economy. The fact that at the moment the Kama Sutra is resting ... The West doesn’t even plan for the position in which the BRICS (including Putin) puts

          I agree. Kalinichenko wrote everything reasonably, especially since he was able to competently and reasonably answer critics of his position, in particular, a critical article appeared in the newspaper "Vzglyad" - Alexey Vyazovsky, vice president of the company "Golden Mint House"
          Russia will not be able to abandon dollars and euros in reserves
          In response to this criticism, a new article by Kalinichenko in the continuation of this topic
          Response to criticism of the article "THE WESTERN KAPKAN OF GRANDMASTER PUTIN", published in the newspaper "Vzglyad"
          The article is again very informative, everything is stated in a simple language with facts and links to sources. In general, the trend is such that Russia is gradually getting rid of US Treasury debt bonds.
          Russia got rid of 20% of US government bonds. That is, before buying Treasury for $ 3,5 billion in August, Russia sold Treasury for almost $ 50 billion, a few months earlier. And the Central Bank bought 55 tons of gold for the 3rd quarter of 2014,

          Putin is building up gold reserves. I still haven’t reached Stalin, but I have already surpassed Nicholas II
        4. +2
          28 November 2014 12: 30
          Quote: domokl
          Such a posture as the BRICS (including Putin) puts the West there is not even provided for

          ... as it’s not foreseen, then?
          hungry barefoot with a knapsack behind his back and outstretched hand :))))))))))
          Oh yes ... with full candy wrappers in your pocket;))))))))))))))))
        5. WKS
          28 November 2014 13: 55
          laughing[/ quote ->
          Quote: domokl
          It’s not about the West-Putin ethnicity, it’s about a clean economy. That the Kama Sutra is resting at the moment ... The West doesn’t even envisage the pose in which the BRICS (including Putin) poses laughing[/ quote
          By the outward signs of this posture is not yet visible, even Frau Merkel even she suddenly got into a mess. And in general, if what is written in the article is true, then the West would long ago have licked all the erosions of both Beijing and Moscow. And on the issues of Ukraine, I would languidly close my eyes. But judging by the fierce propaganda aggression, something is apparently not as smooth as it is written in the article.
          1. willigutt
            28 November 2014 23: 55
            Kaoi lick! These are the Anglo-Saxons, they simply won’t give up the won positions, they cannot be flexible and soft, since their only invention, the dollar is based on military force, then the manifestation of softness will mean weakness, and this is defeat.
        6. +3
          28 November 2014 14: 30
          Quote: domokl
          I’m laughing at you guys laughing It is clear that the first lines of most articles are enough, but not in this case winked
          It’s not about the West-Putin ethnicity, it’s about a clean economy. That the Kama Sutra is resting at the moment ... The West doesn’t even envisage the pose in which the BRICS (including Putin) poses laughing

          God forgive me! for mention in sua. but, God forbid, God grant that it was so! ...
        7. +2
          28 November 2014 16: 19
          At first he agreed, then he looked at how much gold one had.
          Russia 1169.4 tons
          US over 8000 tons
          The question is how much is enough to buy gold?
          In general, I think the time reserve even in the USA is more than solid. Unless, of course, Germany, France and others like it, do not demand their gold back. But they will not require it. So for now, we'll see.
          1. picca2
            28 November 2014 17: 03
            80.000 tons, but all of them ?????
          2. picca2
            28 November 2014 17: 08
            And who generally thought ....
            Fort Knox in Kentucky (4500 t), the American Mint in Denver (1400 t), West Point (1700 t) and the basements of the Federal Reserve Bank in Manhattan (400 t) are used as storage facilities. The last full stock audit was conducted in 1953.

            In addition to its gold, gold reserves of some 60 other states are partially or fully stored in the United States. The volume of these reserves is not published in the press. The United States avoids a real audit of these and its stocks, which is the source of various theories.

            And there is a theory of the connection of gold - with aliens ...
          3. +1
            28 November 2014 21: 05
            France has already received its gold back in the days of de Gaulle.
          4. +1
            29 November 2014 14: 23
            In fact, Germany already demanded to return their gold.
            The United States refused to issue. They even refused to audit the stock of Germany! This scandal ran through the press.

            The question is, do they even have this declared gold?
        8. 0
          28 November 2014 20: 25
          it is not in the Kama Sutra, but we have it. called "low bow pose" ..)))
        9. 0
          28 November 2014 22: 19
          at the moment, the Kama Sutra is resting ... The West doesn’t even plan for the position in which the BRICS (including Putin) puts

          If a person had a tail, the Kama Sutra was twice as thick. So - the pose that the West puts in - from the second, unwritten part! laughing
        10. 0
          29 November 2014 21: 26
          Quote: domokl
          It is clear that the first lines of most articles are enough, but not in this case

          Well, there is no special wisdom here. No.
          Simply, before the United States and the West represented 80% of the global economy, and now 45%.
          And the BRICS countries, led by the PRC, have already bypassed the Big Seven a bit.
          Amers with satellites will have to calm down ambitions, goods and finances are where to get without them.
          And gold, currency swaps, etc. only technical means of avoiding the dollar, which is too inflated on various speculations, derivatives, futures, which, however, does not detract from the importance of these funds at the moment.
        11. 0
          29 November 2014 22: 19
          beautifully said, "damn it")))))))))
        12. 0
          30 November 2014 14: 01
          Quote: domokl
          It’s not about the West-Putin ethnicity, it’s about a clean economy. That the Kama Sutra is resting at the moment ... The West doesn’t even envisage the pose in which the BRICS (including Putin) poses

          good laughing lol you can’t say better !!!
        13. xan
          30 November 2014 16: 31
          Quote: domokl
          The West doesn’t even envision such a pose in which the BRICS (including Putin) puts laughing

          This is certainly great, but what about the answers to these questions?
          That will sound like this:

          - How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?

          “And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West runs out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods?”

          We will stop selling oil and gas, because they run out of gold - this is complete nonsense. We will sell oil and gas as long as we need their products and technologies.
          The article explains only a small tactical operation in a big war.
        14. 0
          1 December 2014 13: 30
          I agree with every word. I subscribe. I will only add that I personally am very impressed by Putin's STYLE ... Quietly, without fuss, without threats, but very consistently. Bravo! )))
      2. +2
        28 November 2014 09: 26
        So quiet that you can hear guns firing in Ukraine.
      3. 0
        30 November 2014 17: 17
        Of course I like the article, but for us everything is described very sweetly. Well, well, wait and see.
    2. +11
      28 November 2014 07: 28
      And also "one grandmother said" that Russia and China are going to ask the US for their gold. Like, you don't have it. It is believed that they really have much less of it than it should be. It is no coincidence that they send Germany with an audit of their own gold in plain text (German gold is kept by the Americans if anything). Prove you are.

      In connection with the article, it seems like everything is growing together.
      1. +4
        28 November 2014 07: 47
        The mistake at the very beginning is
        The US-led West set itself the goal of destroying Russia's economy by lowering oil prices

        Yesterday's OPEC meeting proved that Africa’s oil producers are removing the United States as a competitor. Yes, all players will suffer in one way or another, but the game is against the United States.
        1. +5
          28 November 2014 08: 52
          Quote: afire
          Yes, all players will suffer in one way or another, but the game is against the United States.

          I agree ... But the sum doesn’t change from the change of terms ... It’s essentially not important for us which of the spiders in the bank, called OPEC, which one will gobbled up ... OPEC wants to stay with its scheme, jump off the butterflies (even to the detriment of its own ecology) along the way we spoil, complicate life. While the economy is tied to the petrodollar, do not wait for good. I’m an economist like a guan bullet. But it seems that the prospects are clear (it is clear that Glazyev had a hand in this topic). My only question is: to what bottom will we swim in the petrodollar scheme? Isn’t it time to change the starpom on our submarine?
        2. 0
          28 November 2014 08: 59
          It seems to be so, but the US seems to have a lot more pulp.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            28 November 2014 09: 48
            What's the point? The mousetrap has already slammed shut. Everything! The bomb has already exploded.
        3. mihasik
          28 November 2014 10: 21
          Quote: afire
          Yesterday's OPEC meeting proved that Africa’s oil producers are removing the United States as a competitor. Yes, all players will suffer in one way or another, but the game is against the United States.

          And I do not understand this game against the United States. Well, they will strangle shale American oil now, so what? As soon as oil prices rise again and the cost of production is justified, they will again produce it. And what's the trick?
          1. +2
            28 November 2014 13: 38
            When a company producing shale oil and gas goes bankrupt, then to start over again, we need new money, time and resources, and a lot of everyone. In the United States, relatively small companies are engaged in this business, so it will be difficult for them to recover and it will take a lot of time.
          2. The comment was deleted.
        4. The comment was deleted.
        5. +2
          28 November 2014 12: 13
          A couple of weeks ago I explained the reason for the fall in oil prices.
          All countries participating in the oil market comply with the so-called "budget rule".
          Simply put, the whole difference between the market price of oil and the price set by the market administrator is returned as a kickback to the market administrator. Rollback is made by purchasing the US Federal Reserve debt.
          If Russia was selling oil at $ 100 a barrel, then in reality the Central Bank's gold reserves received conditionally 60, and at 40 we followed the budget rule. If we refused to comply with the "budget rule", then the market administrator does everything possible to bring down the price at least to the market price (otherwise we get super profits).
          If we do not comply with the "budget rule", then our income, at least, has not decreased.
          But the option of increasing the ruble mass in the turnover of our economy is very traditionally liberal. Speaking in our way - through w-opa. Through exchange rates.
          Although the cheap ruble (underestimated) puts some restrictions on the export of capital. It becomes unprofitable to export capital this way (through direct conversion on the Russian market)
          Of course, no one thinks about their citizens in such a situation.
      2. +3
        28 November 2014 08: 58
        Not very fused. 53 tons of gold is just a couple of billion bucks in a few years. under the gold and foreign currency reserves of Russia, about 500 billion. The question is: how many years should it take to significantly exchange dollars for gold?
        1. +11
          28 November 2014 11: 24
          The article has many words that hide the truth and destroy the whole picture. The situation is approximately as follows. There is a decrease in all dressers (oil, gas, metals). At the same time, the cost of the buck is overestimated (artificially). But the cost of gold mining in rubles does not change much. Selling oil for expensive dollars - we get significant amounts in rubles that are redirected to gold mining. We actually get gold at a reduced price. In addition, if earlier the export of gold was profitable, now there is none and all gold is bought up by the Central Bank (for rubles !!!)
          1. Jovanny
            28 November 2014 11: 33
            So for sure +1
          2. +1
            28 November 2014 13: 08
            Quote: D-Master
            all gold is bought up by the Central Bank (for rubles !!!)

            Well, the Russian Federation does not produce much gold - somewhere around 200 tons per year. A large part goes to industrial production - electronics and more ...
            1. +3
              28 November 2014 14: 49
              Russia can mine much more gold, I know because I worked with gold. The problem is the obstinacy of the security forces and the monopoly of large mining companies. At the beginning of the Soviet period, gold was mined by both large artels and private traders, but everything went to the cash desks of the state reception. Much of the merit of this gold in the industrialization of that period. Today in Russia, even for suspicion of illegal mining, the soul is taken out and turned inside out. And the huge mountains of dump rocks, where the maintenance is not profitable for large companies, and for a hard worker, a good annual income is possible, are overgrown and washed out. In Soviet times, with transparency and poor security of borders, gold flowed to China. In the 80s - 90s, illegal gold was crushed by the Ingush. Now they have again achieved tight control. The siloviki cry that they will not be able to track and store, and the companies are waiting for a great technological insight when they will be able to take everything out of their own workings. Recently one "Moscow guest" stopped by and asked for help in finding several tenants and door closers, but they were gone. And those who are retired or died, in those days the practice with mercury was widely used, it is very harmful. And the gold itself glows like Chernobyl. Expensive oil killed small and medium-sized artels. Specialists, not drivers and bulldozer drivers, but those who worked specifically with gold scattered in all directions. I would have given the go-ahead for a private wash-bye, honestly, I would have dropped everything and gone to the taiga for a couple of seasons. And for a house, and for a dozen years of normal life was enough. The most masculine job is to wash gold. And again in artels it is tricky ... to work uncle, God forbid.
        2. +1
          28 November 2014 12: 59
          Quote: onega67
          how many years should it take to significantly change the bucks for gold?

          simple arithmetic works here -
          China has more 7tys. tons
          Russia - 1,1tys tons
          But, it’s kind of official ... actually they say, everything is a bit wrong. According to unofficial rumors, China has more than 10 thousand tons ...

          3,14ndos have 8tys.tons - on paper, but nobody knows how many are real.

          Just about the time will come when the Russian Federation and China will publish real data on their gold (with a guided tour) and ask the United States to do the same ...

          They say this will happen soon, at G20 Putin on behalf of BRICS presented an ultimatum to the USA - within 1,5 months (to NG2015) to abandon the monopoly on the IMF ...
      3. 0
        28 November 2014 08: 58
        Germany is an occupied country, and does not have the right to physical gold, only futures (empty pieces of paper) well, it still has the right to kiss the big boss in the queue. not when the Germans did not see their gold.
        1. +2
          28 November 2014 12: 07
          not when the Germans will not see their gold

          Duc it Americans already da-a-avno anonymously ..., they do not even notice these EU-s microbes, an empty place.
          Russia is scary! The weight category is the same ..., you can get it in zhp (with your foot, with all your strength)
      4. 0
        30 November 2014 14: 59
        And, really, is there German gold in stock? As it was said in the media, the Germans only expressed a desire to find out about their gold, but the Yankees immediately turned them off, sent them in a veiled, polite form. And the "barak-taiga" immediately called, , Frau "and everyone shut up.
    3. +2
      28 November 2014 08: 30
      Profession GDP defend the homeland. No need to make a monster from the KGB and the FSB.
      Although he was also a lieutenant colonel with uniform and a cap. When Birch and Engles reduced his content, he began to blackmail the birch and to deceive the Engles, giving them Internet information as operational. He collected files on 15 thousand representatives of the Russian diaspora in Yedong and negotiated with former colleagues to return to their homeland.
      On the eve of the GDP visit to Europe, Litvinenko was cleaned up and poisoned like a rat over gas contracts. As a result, the demonstrations of earlings in ebropia during a visit to GDP. Birch or angles poisoned is not the point, it could be done by the tsrul. It is unclear why they killed a US citizen Politkovskaya in the same period. Indeed, in Chechnya she could not take a step without a platoon of FSB guards, they protected her from provocations so that nothing would happen.
      1. willigutt
        29 November 2014 00: 17
        Sacred sacrifice.
    4. +3
      28 November 2014 10: 16
      He will never see the West on his knees.
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. The comment was deleted.
    7. +1
      28 November 2014 10: 23
      It is difficult to judge a lot or a little 53 tons of gold. There is never too much gold by definition. Thus, Russia annually produces its own gold about 230 - 250 tons on average. Not all of it goes to ZR. China's gold reserve, for example, in 2013 is more than 1700 tons (Russia, respectively, has about a thousand). One thing is good that Russia and China are "dropping" the US dollar.
    8. Denis fj
      28 November 2014 13: 55
      On November 30, Switzerland will host a national referendum on the adoption of the law, according to which the Central Bank will be required to keep at least 20% of its reserves in gold.
      Given the current price of yellow metal and the Swiss franc, in order to achieve the target volumes of gold reserves, the bank will have to buy up to 1,5 thousand tons of gold, or, as economists say, half of its volume mined in the world over the year. For the country, this means a triple increase in gold reserves, which will cost the bank 66 billion francs (69 billion dollars). Therefore, the adoption of the law on the minimum level of gold reserves of the Swiss National Bank will significantly affect gold prices and complicate the regulation of monetary policy, analysts at HSBC Bank say.

      In this regard, the purchase of gold by Russia is an extremely pragmatic step.

      Now Russia, China and Azerbaijan are actively buying gold on the world market, the Netherlands is hoping to regain its gold reserve
    9. Denis fj
      28 November 2014 14: 02
      According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Russia's gold reserves have grown significantly over the past five months. By this indicator, the Russian Federation has already overtaken China and Switzerland. Gold reserves of Russia at the end of August amounted to 1112,5 tons. Since January, it has increased by 77 tons, that is, increased by 7% in seven months. The share of gold in the country's foreign exchange reserves increased from 8,3% to 9,8%.

      Note that even during the May Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, President Vladimir Putin told reporters that "it is important to accumulate gold and foreign exchange reserves in a rational and safe way."

      Most experts believe that Russia will continue to buy gold, as it is worried about the dollar and the euro due to sanctions. In addition, amid increasing debt obligations of leading Western economies, primarily the United States, the Kremlin is trying to reduce financial risks by investing in gold.

      There are forecasts that by the end of the year the Central Bank will acquire another 200 tons of this precious metal, since the share of gold in Russian gold and foreign exchange reserves is still relatively small - 70% of Russia's foreign exchange reserves are in dollars and euros.

      “The first thing that makes the“ golden ”strategy reasonable is the increasing political risks associated with sanctions in the financial sector,” said Alexander Apokin, an expert at the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting. "Gold in this sense is more impersonal and has a much higher universal value than bank accounts."

      “Secondly, with the American economy entering the trajectory of existing growth, we can very well see inflation rise, which will skyrocket at the moment the US government starts financing its debt obligations, and the money that the Fed introduced into the economy begins to spin through transmission mechanism in the form of loans. A natural defense against this can be either withdrawal to other currencies with lower inflation (such as the euro) or the purchase of gold, ”the expert of the NSN explains.

      “In addition, there is a third type of risk. This is a decrease in the role of the dollar as a world currency for international payments and the key global reserve currency. Of course, in the coming decades, the realization of these risks should not be expected. But in the logic of switching to national currencies in pair calculations, which China is actively promoting now, it seems reasonable to transfer part of the assets either to national currencies or to another asset, whose role is now very suitable for gold, since its price is now relatively low, ”notes Alexander Apokin.

      “As for the increase in Russia’s volumes, I would not say that our gold reserve is reaching some new heights. The fact that we have moved one or two positions has not substantially changed the situation, but the trend is right, ”concluded the expert at the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting.

      Note that the gold reserves of Russia varied depending on the political situation and the ruler of the country. So, at the end of 1917, the gold reserve of the Russian Empire was 1100 tons of gold.

      After the revolution, the gold reserve began to melt rapidly and in 1923 fell to 400 tons. By 1928, the treasury was almost empty - only 150 tons of gold.

      But during the reign of Stalin, by the beginning of World War II, the state treasury already had 2 tons of gold. Subsequently, the gold reserves of the USSR melted again with each new ruler. Khrushchev left behind 800 tons. After Brezhnev, only 1600 tons of gold remained in the treasury.
    10. +4
      28 November 2014 15: 16
      Brilliant article! Our country marching in collusion smile
      1. +1
        28 November 2014 19: 38
        Hello fellow countryman! We are also recorded in the BRICS.
        You will not find this in our media. And about the purchase of military equipment is a taboo topic. But Marchenko and Kelimbetov talked about this (ex and current head of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan). talked about the "outcome" of growing. companies from Western stock exchanges to Asia. Hong Kong, Shanghai, etc.
        I once discussed with Atalef on gold. He's talking about evergreen. And I told him about how Western bankers strive to control the movement of gold not casually. And about the thrown Germans and about Chinese tungsten and about the fact that in the west. banks physical you can’t buy gold - they will give a receipt. But exporting abroad is not realistic.
        And ours are buying gold in the middle of nowhere - they must have discussed everything, 100%. Since, according to some reports, we had about ... 70 tons of this gold.
    11. +1
      28 November 2014 17: 32
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Western accusations of Putin have traditionally been that he served in the KGB.

      So what.

      Never mind. It’s even very good; fools did not work in the KGB, especially in intelligence ...
    12. 0
      28 November 2014 19: 51
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      “And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West has run out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods?”

      And who said that the West pays for them in gold ??? He pays for it with green pieces of paper, and with no security at all! A real scam of a global scale! Article in general brood of a mare siva!
      1. 0
        30 November 2014 21: 15
        nycsson (2) "who said that the West pays for them in gold ??? He pays for it with green bills, and not backed by anything!"

        So have we switched to gold for raw materials or not? And when will we try?
    13. 0
      29 November 2014 01: 24
      And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West runs out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods? ”

      In the West today no one can answer these seemingly simple questions.

      And this is called Shah and Math, gentlemen. Game over.

      Not over. If everything were so simple ...
      The dollar has long been untied from the gold equivalent, as everyone knows.
      So what is he provided with? What is the reason for using it as a world reserve currency?
      The dollar is backed up by the strength of the American and NATO armies.
      In fact, the United States has long been bankrupt, but bankrupt is very well armed. They know they owe everyone. But they are not going to give it away. And all their creditors are aware of this. "Give away" the states with their military and economic support. Therefore, since the beginning of the 20th century, they have conducted 225 military campaigns around the world. Estessno in their own interests and in the interests of their European vassals.
      The withdrawal of part of the gold reserves from the EU and the USA is not a panacea for the destruction of the petrodollar, as a world reserve currency. This is one of the package of measures adopted at the BRICS summits.
      The dollar is still resisting, but it is not long left to be a reserve world currency request
    14. 0
      29 November 2014 03: 02
      Yes, Russia is lucky that a man like Putin came to politics. that his goals and the goals of the prosperity of the state coincide. And thank God. And if some savage in the West does not like it, this is his problem So that "VVP" would look back at him. !!!!
    15. +1
      29 November 2014 13: 15
      great article, but here's how to understand one point: "Therefore, the more the West depreciates oil and gold against the US dollar, the faster it loses the depreciating Gold"
      it turns out oil and gold fall synchronously ?? and if oil falls and gold remains the same? then we will not be able to redeem gold so quickly, it turns out this is not a mat
    16. 0
      29 November 2014 19: 30
      article bold minus. Not only does it contain a bouquet of substitution of concepts, the reader is also consciously led to a false conclusion. In short, claims:
      1. Monetary policy and trade balance are two completely different things.
      2.We not only sell, but also actively buy. It is incorrect to consider this separately.
      3. Above, it was correctly noted that gold is not very suitable as a working asset in the economy.
      4. Besides gold, there are a bunch of other resource markets.
      The Russian Federation is too small to seriously affect their totality.
  2. +16
    28 November 2014 06: 43
    The Western world has never faced such economic events and phenomena that are happening right now. The USSR, in the face of falling oil prices, was rapidly selling gold. Russia, in the face of falling oil prices, is rapidly buying gold. Thus, Russia creates a real threat to the existence of the American model of petrodollar world domination.

    In the USSR, the economy served the military-industrial complex, in RUSSIA a completely different picture .... I can’t understand everywhere oil is now sold for $ 80 and gasoline in Russia is growing in value ..... in my opinion, it doesn’t smell like a market economy .. ..the question is what kind of economy is in RUSSIA ... WHAT A HE HE HE MODEL?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +7
      28 November 2014 07: 20
      Incorrect comparison of the ruble and dollar prices. If we recalculate the price of gasoline in dollars, we see that it has fallen. When translating the oil price into rubles, we get an almost stable price.
      1. +5
        28 November 2014 09: 52
        Thank you, dear! smile They eliminated the need to explain common truths) And then we have people, for the most part, after some grandma’s whispers, they buy up buckwheat in tons, what kind of gasoline and petrodollars are there)))
    3. +11
      28 November 2014 07: 23
      Quote: The same LYOKHA

      Oligarchic arbitrariness. Owing to the overwhelmed owners of oil companies, in view of the enormous financial losses associated with the fall in oil prices, they thought that they began to earn much less than before, and they want to show off (villas, yachts, cars, umm ... elite * lyady) , like before. And this can only be done through higher gas prices.

      In this regard, there is a proposal to massively refuse not from gasoline itself, but from a specific supplier (say Lukoil), and buy fuel at any other gas station within a year. If there are enough initiative people (ten million car owners), then in a year "Lukyol" will lose so much money that the desire to greyhound will disappear.
      1. +3
        28 November 2014 08: 34
        Lukoil is only a brand at gas stations. Gas stations are owned by private entrepreneurs. So only they will suffer. Oil producers' policies will not change such "actions"
      2. 0
        28 November 2014 13: 04
        In fact, all these supposedly "different" companies are just a kind of "departments" of the "general ministry (<for the fuel and energy complex>)". What do you think, if all consumers "refuse" to buy Lukoil gasoline, its prices will "freeze" by themselves (although the same Ros-, Tat- or Bash-Neft will continue to grow as before)?
      3. +1
        28 November 2014 13: 52
        On this occasion, there is a proposal to massively refuse not from gasoline itself, but from a specific supplier
        For your information, 1% of taxes are included in the cost of 65 liter of gasoline, the remaining 35% is profit and cost. wink
    4. Jovanny
      28 November 2014 11: 36
      because the gas market is free, it equals global prices, pan-European. If the ruble weakens, and this happens when oil falls, then the price of gasoline in rubles certainly grows and we get expensive gasoline at low oil.
      Well, of course there are cartel conspiracies for gasoline on food, we have it developed.
      Let's buy less gasoline and expensive products.
    5. +1
      28 November 2014 12: 57
      Quote: The same LYOKHA

      State-monopoly - this is in the sense that the state as an apparatus of control (coercion) serves the interests of monopolies (natural and not very). But not the people, of course.
    6. 0
      29 November 2014 13: 21
      perhaps the dollar is getting more expensive, if gasoline is bought from abroad, then it is bought for dollars, and we sell raw materials for cheap
  3. +4
    28 November 2014 06: 46
    Yes, at the last OPEC meeting, the Saudis again dumped the price of oil. sad

    And gold, it always did not lose its relevance in the economy of any country. hi
  4. +4
    28 November 2014 06: 47
    Quote: The same LYOKHA
    I can’t understand everywhere oil is now sold for $ 80

    Yesterday was 71
  5. -1
    28 November 2014 06: 49
    Quote: mmk
    Compare some kind of Griboedov with the great combinator))))

    But what about ... smile ALPHA MALE good against Lithuanian lapdog No. .... it's clear who the fighter is here.
    1. +3
      28 November 2014 11: 15
      Betting on gold is the right strategic decision.
  6. +2
    28 November 2014 06: 51
  7. +21
    28 November 2014 06: 51
    the article is optimistic, although we really scream at the sites, not knowing the damn thing about the Big Game that is happening now .. what
    1. +1
      28 November 2014 07: 59
      The usual thing. Panas fight at the lackeys forelocks crack.
      1. +4
        28 November 2014 08: 56
        Quote: coolvoldik
        coolvoldik Today, 07: 59 ↑ New
        The usual thing. Panas fight at the lackeys forelocks crack.

        In the spring, you need to open a plot for a cortophane ... Eight years the grass grew .... Yes, put a couple of greenhouses ... To buy a piece of gold ...
        1. 0
          28 November 2014 13: 07
          Soon, the storage of currency and precious metals by the population will again be a criminal article (since everyone dreams that GDP will become like I.V. Stalin)
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +4
      28 November 2014 08: 29
      Quote: Andrey Yurievich
      the article is optimistic, although we really scream at the sites, not knowing the damn thing about the Big Game that is happening now .. what

      Probably we will never know the details.
      But the main thing is that we win!
    4. The comment was deleted.
  8. comrad74
    28 November 2014 06: 51
    How HE is great and brilliant! Already the tears are welling up, when I see the price of gasoline. Or is it also HP only against us.
    1. 0
      28 November 2014 14: 00
      comrad74 , well, if you are such a beggar, so hand over your foreign car to scrap metal, even though you buy bread and don’t cry, there will also be hemp in your garden.
      And something I did not notice any particular increase in gas prices, no more than in other years, although no less.
      PS. Actually, the price of gasoline should not change depending on oil prices on world markets, because we sell oil, not buy, the costs are the same, taxes and fees are the same. All changes in oil prices affect only the state budget.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. mishkent
      28 November 2014 18: 02
      And they come to me when I'm standing in traffic for hours ...
  9. +21
    28 November 2014 06: 53
    I liked the article, it’s chewed well. Once again proves that geopolitics is a complex and delicate matter. Wait and see what happens next.
  10. -8
    28 November 2014 06: 56
    A lot of fiction, but we must strive for this. The author, apparently, bought a coin for a rainy day, but it stands still. A plus.
  11. +8
    28 November 2014 06: 56
    It’s still a long way to the mat, here the author overdid it, but the mats on our economic liberal policy, I think the people are already accumulating ...
  12. +4
    28 November 2014 06: 56
    Quote: comrad74
    Already the tears are welling up, when I see the price of gasoline.

    There is an opinion that this is all what the oligarchs are to blame.

    Although from my small bell tower it seems that the state can not afford to reduce taxes on this product.
  13. +4
    28 November 2014 06: 59
    Do not forget that a too low oil price is not very beneficial to the United States, because shale mining is becoming unprofitable. The US goal in Ukraine was to sever Europe’s relations with Russia and redirect the European market to itself. And Europe, as an obedient child, began to impose sanctions, while suffering billions in losses.
  14. their
    28 November 2014 07: 03
    So far, only the game of the grandmaster of the West is felt, the dollar - 48r, oil - 72 $. What they want and do with our economy. Maybe in some long-term perspective the gold lying in the warehouses will be needed, but so far nothing can be bought for gold, the ruble / dollar is needed.
    1. their
      28 November 2014 14: 03
      Cons on command set on top? Arguing ... The dollar is already 49.50, oil 71. Is Grandmaster Putin attacking? Why are central bankers still working there? This is called economic terrorism.

      Propaganda articles do not add much money in your pocket. You are engaged in cap-hatreds, and pink glasses probably prevent you from looking at reality.
      1. andruha70
        29 November 2014 02: 50
        Cons on command set on top? Arguing ... The dollar is already 49.50, oil 71. Is Grandmaster Putin attacking? Why are central bankers still working there? This is called economic terrorism.
        I didn’t set cons, but I’ll try to argue ... at the beginning of the year - oil $ 100 rate 32 total 3200 now - oil 70 rate 50 total 3500 fellow the budget is made up in rubles, the Ministry of Finance rejoices lol and you said correctly - This is called economic terrorism. but this is terrorism - on the other hand. but that’s why the government didn’t figure out this possibility, and the fact that the burden of budget execution (and the high ruble to the dollar exchange rate, this is an increase in prices for almost everything, but the salary is at the same level) will fall on the ordinary Russian - this is a topic for another article . my IMHO feel
  15. +5
    28 November 2014 07: 06
    "- How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?"
    But under the contracts, the currency of paying for gas and oil is still not gold. The author is clearly pulling the condom ... on the elephant. IMHO
  16. +3
    28 November 2014 07: 14
    Not everything is so simple ... Besides, you shouldn't consider your opponent stupid, it will already be a mistake. If the pressure on the price of gold in the world is prolonged, then the availability of their gold reserves will not be so significant. Besides, "State Department." already went to such a step as better war than declare bankruptcy. If the created state. Depot operation enemy number 1 ISIS will not spin up, then the military-industrial complex will be in stagnation, of course, you can still force NATO countries to buy the products of the US military-industrial complex, but one cannot exclude the option of a small war, where this war will unfold. I can say for sure the Third World War will definitely not be, no one will be able to pull this kind of global "adventure" now, its cost (no matter how cynical it may sound) will not be compared with WWII.
  17. +3
    28 November 2014 07: 21
    An interesting option. In principle, theoretically this is possible, if, of course, gold is freely traded on the exchange. Because if this is not the case, then there is no mechanism for buying gold for dollars in commodity quantities either. If the exchange trade in gold is conducted, then the West, in order to prevent a rise in the price of gold, is forced to throw it on the exchange, where it is bought up. The only question is, why does the West have a low gold price?
    1. +4
      28 November 2014 13: 11
      Quote: alicante11
      Why does the West have a low gold price?

      Have you read the article?
      There the mechanism is clearly spelled out - "cheap resources / goods = expensive dollar"
      Therefore, lowering the price of resources is a stimulation of demand for dollars.
      1. 0
        29 November 2014 02: 48
        Well, it’s only about oil. In principle - it is logical. True, they are spreading their own economy at the same time. So the medicine is not nearly better than the disease.
  18. +1
    28 November 2014 07: 23
    Westerners, they are Yankees and everyone who feeds on them in a rage from Putin, he publicly revealed their cards to the whole world, visually showed who feeds whom, how they earn, and the current situation in the economy is awful, the Yankees once again rocked and stubbornly continue to swing the boat of the global economy, which does not suffer great fluctuations, the wave of the global crisis is already sweeping across the board and those who already have a boat in the boat, but the rescue is the work of the drowning themselves, so Russia jumped out of this boat and swims to try to stay on the water ...
  19. +2
    28 November 2014 07: 23
    Thanks for the article! Two questions 1) where does the west get so much gold from? 2) If Russia and China are buying gold, sooner or later it (gold) will begin to be missed, so some other unit of calculation is needed?
    1. +4
      28 November 2014 09: 03
      There is a lot of gold in the world, only Uzbekistan produces about one hundred tons of gold per year, and it is the 4th or fifth in the world. others mine even more, i.e. Roughly speaking, 6-7 countries mine about 1000 tons of gold per year, so 53 tons, that's a little
      1. Jovanny
        28 November 2014 11: 38
        Yes . but not all of it melts into ingots, a lot of gold is still used for industry and goods for the population, especially in India, so from this 1000 tons, you can subtract 20-30% "for a meal", as they say
      2. 0
        28 November 2014 14: 53
        only Uzbekistan produces about one hundred tons of gold per year, and it is 4 or fifth in the world.

        For information.
        In 2013, gold mining in Russia was ahead of the US in the world ranking and came in third place, amounting to 237.8 tons. In 2012, this figure was 230.1 tons. In turn, in the United States, production decreased by 2 percent, due to lower levels of gold in ore at the plants of Goldstrike and Newmont.
      3. The comment was deleted.
  20. +1
    28 November 2014 07: 24
    The price of gold in such a situation will inevitably rush up. What to buy if the oil price remains low? Is there still an undervalued resource like gold?
    1. +2
      28 November 2014 08: 22
      Quote: Michael m
      The price of gold in such a situation will inevitably rush up. What to buy if the oil price remains low? Is there still an undervalued resource like gold?
      Probably platinum, palladium, uranium, nickel ...
      1. +1
        28 November 2014 13: 14
        Add clean water and long-term agricultural products
        1. MSL
          28 November 2014 14: 34
          Yes, buckwheat, salt, .....
        2. The comment was deleted.
  21. andruha70
    28 November 2014 07: 26
    to the author - big + good relevant and informative article! the only thing I will add - not 55 tons, but 550 must be bought for "green". "green" - it can wither, and gold - it is in Africa - gold wink especially at current prices tongue
  22. 0
    28 November 2014 07: 26
    that is, for a simple citizen, in the long run, gold investment coins are the best investment
  23. +4
    28 November 2014 07: 27
    No sovereign country in which the government is not complete idiots will not give away its physical gold without extreme need, so it was 1000 years ago the same thing now. All that increase in physical gold on the gold and foreign exchange reserves, this is our own gold mined in Russia, which the central bank buys from our producers, which in itself is already excellent. the main holders of physical gold are the United States, "Germany", France, Italy, Switzerland, China, Russia, and even if you have at least $ 100500 trillion, you will not buy these 8000 tons of what is stored in the USA with them, they understand the price of their cut paper.
    1. Jovanny
      28 November 2014 11: 40
      Yes. there is one. But it seems to me there is still a supply of gold from other countries, but of course 90% of the replenishment is of its own mined gold.
    2. 0
      28 November 2014 11: 58
      No sovereign country in which the government will not give complete idiocy to give their physical gold without extreme need,

      And which country with a normal government will stop currency interventions at a time when the native currency is falling? Of course, our Central Bank can be considered abnormal, but maybe there is something that we do not notice and do not take into account? The question here is only one: is physical gold traded on the exchange? If it is being traded, then above I wrote the reason why the Americans are forced to throw it on the exchange.
  24. 0
    28 November 2014 07: 35
    A beautiful picture is looming!
    + article
  25. +1
    28 November 2014 07: 35
    The mattresses will provide themselves with shale oil at ANY cost price - they will simply subsidize its production, they have a printing press for this.
    The idea of ​​exchanging a commodity for gold already led a country like China to disaster in the 19th century. When China started selling tea only for silver, it quickly "pumped" most of the world's silver to itself. The British had to look for a replacement for silver - invented - opium. And in order not to resist, they used military intervention (Opium Wars).
    If we are not satisfied with the new Opium War, then the first part of the plan looks pretty.
  26. +11
    28 November 2014 07: 41
    Article on 5+. Especially: It should be noted separately that the world market of physical gold is negligible in relation to the world market of physical oil supplies. And even more so, the world physical gold market is microscopic in relation to the totality of world markets for the physical supply of oil, gas, uranium and goods.
    I conclude that petrodollars need to be changed to mega projects. Car factories, autobahns, housing, finally. We order a Western import company replacing the factory in dollars and the products, salaries and expenses in rubles for me are so much more efficient. It’s time to introduce a new type of troops for economic sabotage and general economists.
    1. +1
      28 November 2014 13: 18
      You still set the task of reducing the real cost of labor in Russia, then the Western capitalists themselves will resort to you build factories
  27. +2
    28 November 2014 07: 51
    God grant that it would be so. We break through and climbed out of such troubles.
    Nowhere to retreat, Russia is behind us!
  28. Ivanhoe
    28 November 2014 07: 53
    The cost of gasoline on the Russian retail market includes 44,1 percent of various taxes. This is stated in the "Analysis of the issues of pricing in the domestic market of petroleum products", prepared by the Ministry of Energy and published on the website of the department.

    So, if we take into account that the average cost of an AI-92 liter is 22,39 rubles, then this amount includes almost 10 rubles of taxes: 3,42 rubles of value added tax, 3,78 rubles of mineral extraction tax and 2,69 ruble excise tax.

    For diesel fuel, taxes account for 43,1 percent of the final price: excise tax is only 90 kopecks, while mineral extraction tax is 4,25 rubles, and VAT is 2,82 rubles at a price of a liter of fuel at 18,5 rubles.
    1. +1
      28 November 2014 12: 00
      This is where you found such prices somewhere. Just a paradise for a motorist. And then the 95th minimum is 36-25, give it back and not sin, but diesel is even more expensive.
    2. 0
      28 November 2014 12: 40
      and where are the prices? we have the cheapest 92 31 rub per liter ... recourse
  29. +1
    28 November 2014 07: 55
    if the truth is ... that's why the United States ran to bring TECHNOLOGIES back to their native PINATES!
    but we must not forget that THERE ARE ALSO not fools, and people are also ABLE to think ..... BUT TIME WILL SHOW WHAT AND HOW!
  30. +6
    28 November 2014 07: 57
    (And this is called Shah and Mat, gentlemen.)
    That's when I can adequately support my family on my salary, then it will be check and checkmate.
    When I see that the domestic oligarchs keep and invest their profits in Russia, then this will be a checkmate, but for now it’s just ... in!
    1. +8
      28 November 2014 08: 26
      It depends on what you mean by the word "worthy"? If you have 2-3 cars for a family, change household appliances annually, trips once every half a year. Then you do not live in Russia. It is not possible with us - the distances are not the same (I hope you don’t need to tell about the dependence of the cost to the end consumer on the distance between consumer and producer). Climatic conditions also impose a significant burden on the family budget (heating, warm clothes for the season, etc., etc.). Well, and the most important thing is MENTALITY: our people love a lot, but at a cheaper price, and here is the contradiction between WORTHY (in most cases) and I CAN ALLOW. We have too much left from the 90s show-off and many are still not ready to find a compromise in opportunities and desires.

      But the oligarchs-so they are everywhere. Geyropskie and Amerskie began to withdraw their capital in Asia. For them, the concept of homeland is absent in the brain.
      1. +2
        28 November 2014 12: 05
        I put you a plus, but I can’t resist, two cars per family is not always a luxury, and sometimes a necessity, because while the wife carries children to school (in different shifts), they have to go to work by bus, while walking get out of the village 40 minutes to the highway, so you are not on foot :).
        1. +3
          28 November 2014 13: 21
          ordinary Chinese people basically ride bicycles laughing
          1. +1
            29 November 2014 02: 53
            Yeah, you try in Khabarovsk at -30 and with a breeze of 8-10 meters, with the morning assignment to work on the snow-roll on the bike. In principle, it is possible at -50 without a breeze, as under Chita. Guess from three times, without what body parts you will get to work :)? And in the summer, too, there are inconveniences. In a business suit, the bike does not look very good. And the suit goes out of order too. And changing clothes at work is not always where.
  31. +1
    28 November 2014 08: 06
    The West, led by the United States, ended up in Putin's trap. Opportunities for liberation from which in the West does not see and cannot be found by anyone.

    I really wanted it to be. The United States and the EU "huddled" by them are really driving themselves into a corner more and more. As a result, the angle may turn out to be such that it will be possible to get out of it only thanks to a major military conflict. Do they calculate how it might end?
  32. +1
    28 November 2014 08: 08
    Friday positive!
    The results of what is happening now, and of what will only happen, we will never know in the life allotted to us. Great is visible from a distance. So it remains to hope for the insight and instinct of current politicians.
  33. ABV
    28 November 2014 08: 09
    HOORAY! At last! This article bypassed all portals 2 weeks ago, finally reached us .... but why the last in the list of publishers ????????????
    Question to the moderators!
  34. +1
    28 November 2014 08: 13
    The article is good. Gold is better than green paper. But the question is, with low energy prices, where will Russia get the extra dollars to buy gold? When oil cost 140 bucks, then yes, it made sense, but now I'm afraid there simply will not be any money for it.
    1. 0
      28 November 2014 09: 15
      Yes, everything is simpler than a "steamed turnip": the dollar is getting more expensive, but oil is getting cheaper, but recalculate at the ruble-dollar exchange rate and you will see that nothing has changed (and also gold has fallen in price)! This is the answer to your question "where" and from there where did they always take.
  35. +2
    28 November 2014 08: 13
    Western media often compare this ability of Putin with the ability of a grandmaster conducting a public session at the same time at a chess blitz tournament
  36. +3
    28 November 2014 08: 33
    Quote: The same Lech

    In the USSR, the economy served the military-industrial complex, in RUSSIA a completely different picture .... I can’t understand everywhere oil is now sold for $ 80 and gasoline in Russia is growing in value ..... in my opinion, it doesn’t smell like a market economy .. ..the question is what kind of economy is in RUSSIA ... WHAT A HE HE HE MODEL?
    oligarchic. Oligarchs compensate for losses from the sale of oil from our pockets
    1. 0
      28 November 2014 09: 25
      "Algorithm. Fuel Integrator »
      How will the excise policy of the state affect
      tries in the long run? If you take for the base 2010
      year, the excise component in the price of a liter of gasoline at gas stations will be
      grow as follows:
      January 2011 +1,60 rubles / liter relative to 2010;
      January 2012 +3,10 rubles / liter relative to 2010;
      July 2012 +3,00 rubles per liter relative to 2010;
      January 2013 +4,20 rubles / liter relative to 2010;
      January 2014 +5,00 rubles per liter compared to 2010.
      The increase in the excise component in the retail price of a liter of diesel
      fuel may be as follows:
      January 2011 +1,20 rubles / liter relative to 2010;
      January 2012 +2,60 rubles / liter relative to 2010;
      July 2012 +2,60 rubles per liter relative to 2010;
      January 2013 +4,00 rubles / liter relative to 2010;
      January 2014 +4,50 rubles per liter compared to 2010.
      Is it a lot or a little? Given the natural growth of retailers
      prices for four years from an average price of 19 rubles per liter in November 2007
      up to 28 rubles per liter in November 2011, the excise increase in the price of a liter
      in the region of 3 rubles for three years, this is not such a seditious figure.
      And the pre-election social obligations of politicians in
      the coming year should be supported by financial resources
      which are always limited. And excise taxes are a reliable backup
      along with export duties and mineral extraction tax.http: //www.ngv.ru/upload/iblock/535/53524c8312124c39f5d841a8e39aea65.pdf
  37. 0
    28 November 2014 08: 51
    How many times has power changed in 100 years? And the United States has existed for a very long time, as well as the dollar. They are currently preparing for us the enemy in the person of Dill and the Islamists. Of course, they will not attack in the open. But with the wrong hands they do well.
  38. allubomirski
    28 November 2014 08: 54
    And what is the volume of gold reserves in the leading countries of the world?
  39. +9
    28 November 2014 08: 54
    Fuck ... fly! If an article appears tomorrow that aliens are helping Putin, will you also seriously discuss this here? What is your evidence, dear author, in favor of your version? Beautiful graphics from foreign presses? Did one grandmother say? So in the West a lot of things are written about us, and with very convincing graphics and images from outer space, for example, according to the Malaysian Boeing. There we spat, we did not believe. And rightly so. And as such articles appear, pouring oil on our self-esteem, we begin to sing there ode to ourselves. Oh, we are changing the dollars to gold! Hurray! The only question is, what then do we buy the rest: spare parts for foreign equipment, medicines, medical equipment and hundreds more positions. Have you thought about this? The problem is obtained by the author. Provide iron proofs of your version and then - excuse me. In the meantime, all this verbiage and your zrotic fantasies.
    1. 0
      28 November 2014 12: 09
      Fuck ... fly! If an article appears tomorrow that aliens are helping Putin, will you also seriously discuss this here?

      You can discuss, but it is better to refute, if there is anything.
  40. +3
    28 November 2014 08: 55
    Now I'm most interested in: what are the main banking houses of the Western "civilized world" or the shadow government, if you like, keep their assets !? I think that today this is the most important bourgeois secret.
    1. 0
      28 November 2014 13: 27
      Not a secret - all these "assets", so to speak, are purely virtual and are stored in the form of databases on computers. And if all this collapses at once, then a complete kirdyk will come to the financial world order
  41. Tanya
    28 November 2014 09: 06
    Bravo, Dmitry! Heart balm, not an article!
    1. +2
      28 November 2014 09: 25
      Quote: Tanyusha
      Bravo, Dmitry! Heart balm, not an article!
      Yeah feel No matter how it turns out to be Vaseline, before the next "Rotenberg's law" ..
      Russia already, as a result of the Ukrainian crisis and subsequent sanctions, according to the most conservative estimates, has lost 140 billion dollars.
      A real grandmaster, in principle, would not have allowed Maidan himself.
      Once again I’ll write, it’s very bad that EM did not become the head of Russia Primakov ..
      Here he would be like Vovan-pasan, so “brilliantly” he didn’t get involved.
      Robyaty, you have an "enemy at the gates" here, and you continue to sing hosanna to Putin ..
      Oh well..
      1. 0
        28 November 2014 12: 15
        Uh-huh feel No matter how Vaseline turns out to be, before the next "Rotenberg's law" ..

        And what? How did this law not please you? But somehow the arrests of property of Russian residents over the hill suddenly stopped. There, in the West, smart people, aware that Russia itself has so many tails that they will start chopping, they will go out with blood.

        Russia already, as a result of the Ukrainian crisis and subsequent sanctions, according to the most conservative estimates, has lost 140 billion dollars.

        And take the junk, with these speculative unsecured dollars. as the cut paper came, the cut paper left. Zero to zero will always be zero.
      2. +1
        28 November 2014 18: 30
        Quote: Alibekulu
        you have an "enemy at the gate"

        Has it ever been otherwise? "Be afraid of wolves, do not go to the forest!" And about singing, what are your suggestions?
  42. +6
    28 November 2014 09: 10
    IMHO, but no one will set themselves the goal of switching to pure gold payments. As far as I understand, the purpose of this operation is to form the base of an alternative currency and to weaken the oil-dollar as the world's means of payment (taking into account what their private office prints). Here we must take into account the complete lack of information about the actual reserves of gold in the US (and other "cache"), which are owned by the real players. Yet, a hundred years of "milking" all countries by the states cannot pass without a trace.

    But the actions of the PRC and the Russian Federation on the gold market form the opinion that the dollar is not guaranteed by anything but the venality of the top countries and the state military machine. And not everyone likes this.

    And it is far from the fact that the real holders of gold from the clan of the Anglo-Saxons will not decide to "leave" the states with their debts and problems to the will of fate, muddying a civil war in the states themselves. The states are losing their attractiveness as a place of residence for the elites. The withdrawal of production, the shale revolution, the permission of marijuana, same-sex marriages, crowds of lumpen on benefits, emigrants - against the backdrop of pressure on the dollar of public debt - are not the best environment for the development of the country. Moreover, there are no real methods of "treatment". Is that a default wassat .

    Buying gold is not a goal, a means to an end that is not revealed to us. hi
    1. 0
      28 November 2014 13: 32
      Quote: GrBear
      a means to an end that is not revealed to us

      Well, the conspiracy theorists have a version that it is the Rothschilds' plan against the Rockefellers - to accumulate the world gold reserve in China and make it a new world hegemon by returning to the "gold standard" in the form of the "golden yuan"
  43. +2
    28 November 2014 09: 17
    The author writes too optimistically. And, I'm afraid it gives out wishful thinking. 55 tons of gold, compared with 8000 tons that are supposedly kept by the United States a drop in the ocean. Even if 200 tons per year, we get gold in exchange for oil. It takes 40 years to clear American reserves at such a pace. We don’t have time for this.
    True, I do not believe that the price of oil will fall below $ 60 per barrel. But this is possible and such a price can hold for 2-3 years. During this time, we will have to go around the world with outstretched hands.
    So gold is gold, but it is not a panacea.
    1. +2
      28 November 2014 12: 21
      The author writes too optimistically.

      It is possible, but if you provide the ruble / yuan with gold, and not the buck and throw several hundred tons of gold at a time onto the exchange, you can cool the dollar against the ruble / yuan. And, given that the amers have virtually nothing of the declared gold, and the fact that everything is pledged ten times will simply not be repulsed by them. So on so.
  44. +4
    28 November 2014 09: 17
    Those. it turns out that Putin can say how V.I. Chapaev: We did not graduate from academies, did we teach them?
  45. +1
    28 November 2014 09: 21
    It is very uncomfortable for the West to hang while being hung by the balls and, moreover, it hurts, but what did they want the GDP to jump in front of them on "hind legs"! And to hell with you in the anus, soon you gentlemen "partners" will gallop as maydanutye in front of Russia! The wrong time and the wrong people at the head of Russia, and the "partners" should think carefully before imposing sanctions against us, because action is always equal to opposition, and sometimes much stronger (Berlin 1945)!
  46. +3
    28 November 2014 09: 43
    Two questions to the author of the article.
    1. - Is all our gold stored in our country? If it is stored abroad, then it cannot be a matter of pride - you can say goodbye to it in advance. The more complicated the situation in the world, the more fantastic the idea of ​​returning it to domestic storage.
    2.- After reading the article, the question remains - who will accept dollars in exchange for gold and thus contribute to the replenishment of gold reserves? The exchange of gold at a parity of sales within a friendly alliance does not contribute to this. So who should sell the freed dollars in exchange for real gold? We need someone extreme and stupid enough who will regularly add fresh portions of gold to the circulation between the agreed members of the Russia & Partners alliance. But for his own gold, he himself will choose which of the existing alliances to turn to. I think the idea is clear. Or do you think that suckers will be speculators of stock exchanges?
    1. 0
      28 November 2014 12: 18
      Although not the author, I’ll try to answer.

      1. - Is all our gold stored in our country?

      Oddly enough, but yes.

      who will accept dollars in exchange for gold and thus contribute to the replenishment of gold reserves?

      Someone who needs to maintain the dollar against gold. He will be forced to throw gold on the stock exchange, making "gold interventions".
  47. +3
    28 November 2014 09: 48
    Smoothly on paper, but forgot about the ravines. As long as the US has a strong army, nothing threatens this country, speculation with gold is not a way out of economic sanctions against Russia. Prices inside Russia have steadily climbed up, they are printing a bottle of the NWF in order to cover the potential losses of the banking sector and oil companies.
  48. +1
    28 November 2014 10: 05
    Quote: 341712
    Quote: afire
    Yes, all players will suffer in one way or another, but the game is against the United States.

    I agree ... But the sum doesn’t change from the change of terms ... It’s essentially not important for us which of the spiders in the bank, called OPEC, which one will gobbled up ... OPEC wants to stay with its scheme, jump off the butterflies (even to the detriment of its own ecology) along the way we spoil, complicate life. While the economy is tied to the petrodollar, do not wait for good. I’m an economist like a guan bullet. But it seems that the prospects are clear (it is clear that Glazyev had a hand in this topic). My only question is: to what bottom will we swim in the petrodollar scheme? Isn’t it time to change the starpom on our submarine?

    But about the "chief" to the point! it’s time to be puzzled by his work! And about gold - 5 points! They did not want it in rubles and yuan - here in gold!
  49. 0
    28 November 2014 10: 07
    We are waiting for the message of the PRESIDENT, economic policies in connection with the sanctions, in my opinion, will be reflected in full.
  50. pahom54
    28 November 2014 10: 17
    If everything grows together, it will be very cool. In general, on paper (that is, in a review article), everything looks smooth, especially if Glazyev was the author of the project, then this serious husband should be trusted ...
    The question is, how would we NOW withstand this confrontation ... I am more than sure that all these falling oil prices and the depreciation of the ruble cannot last long, there is somewhere a limit for customers who have muddied this foul business, and then, quite perhaps the boomerang strike will be catastrophic ...
    It remains only to believe in this project and wait. Wait, not Nov, if there are pineapples and some kind of mouin in the store ...
    1. +3
      28 November 2014 10: 36
      Quote: pahom54
      If everything grows together, it will be very cool.

      Do not grow together ...
      "Physical" gold is not yet factories, not ports, not jobs, not expensive - it is just gold.
      How will our management dispose of it, for me personally, is a big question.
      Son-a traumatologist, with a salary of 10000 rubles will receive 30000? When?

      I do not have an economic education. Someone explain? Why then do not they stabilize the price of oil. Yesterday, OPEC decided not to cut production (and we hoped, and what did we hope, if everything is so chocolate ???) and prices continue to fall.
      Are Western economists all stupidly stupid people?
      1. pahom54
        28 November 2014 10: 55
        Quote: Chen
        Do not grow together ...
        "Physical" gold is not yet factories, not ports, not jobs, not expensive - it is just gold.

        Honestly, I still, as a naive kid, dream that industry, agriculture, science, medicine, education will revive in Russia ... I myself understand that these are silly and naive dreams, FOR THIS SO I WANT TO!!! Already aching teeth ...
        1. +2
          28 November 2014 12: 51
          very sorry, but I am also very naive, and also dream of the same ... Yes
        2. +2
          30 November 2014 21: 34
          Guys, let's not indulge in naive dreams. They are not that naive and you are not the only one. In the end, you have to work like "Papa Carlo" and then talk about the salary, and this requires specialists in working specialties, we do not have enough of them (where to get it). Labor productivity in production largely depends on a competent organization, even if there is far from new equipment (for example, in metalworking or in the wood processing industry0. I do not understand how a person with a higher medical education can sit on a salary of 10000 rubles, nonsense ??? Correct if wrong.
        3. +1
          1 December 2014 01: 18
          while the country has the current (I do not know who created) vertical of power, while the main thing is not the one who produces (be it a comer or a director), but the one who "helps" production (an official) - your dreams are respected (like mine) UTOPIA .. .how you don’t understand it !!!! we are rubbed in all sorts of crap about the enemies (there are no fewer enemies and they have always been), but this very power is to a greater extent to blame - for which all of us and the place for which we were allotted WORTH (about ... and wait)
      2. 0
        28 November 2014 13: 37
        Quote: Chen
        Are Western economists all stupidly stupid people?

        All paid by the financial elite, therefore, prove the obvious get along
    2. 0
      28 November 2014 12: 49
      as well as bananas and avocados! Well directly not transmitted chagrin !!! laughing
  51. 0
    28 November 2014 10: 25
    Quote: Volka
    Westerners, they are also Yankees and everyone who feeds from them is furious with Putin, he publicly revealed their cards to the whole world, clearly showed who feeds whom, who earns how...

    It would be better if he revealed to the people how many oligarchs feed in the country and why the people should tighten their belts, and not these same oligarchs?
  52. -6
    28 November 2014 10: 34
    A one-digit "fake". The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not belong to the Russian Federation. This is a private shop, half of which is owned by the US Federal Reserve. So the article is bullshit. Don't waste your time on her.
  53. +1
    28 November 2014 10: 43
    Maybe I don’t understand something, we sell oil for gold and then put this gold in a jar, but you can’t just not sell oil and save it for a rainy day as a reserve, its reserves are not endless and there will come times when the price of oil will be much more expensive than today . By selling cheap oil now for cheap gold, we are incurring colossal losses and the result is cheap, in the end, the light did not fall like a wedge on gold, because there are other valuable metals, for example, platinum, or lithium, for which the price has not fallen as much as for gold.
    1. 0
      28 November 2014 14: 42
      Agreement, my friend, agreement.
  54. 0
    28 November 2014 10: 46
    if it’s real, it’s very beautiful...I’m tired of this virtual economy...For a physical product, a physical price must be paid, not a virtual one...
  55. explorer
    28 November 2014 10: 56
    Question from my grayness: hi
    you pump oil at $80 (and print $$$)
    OPEC reduces it to $60-70, which makes it difficult to buy with printed ones and stop downloading. A?
  56. +1
    28 November 2014 11: 13
    The results of the grandmaster's 15 years of play are obvious. Take a break from TV and the computer, go outside, go shopping, it would be nice to take a tour of an industrial enterprise or farm. Think about what you are wearing and where everything around you was made. Now put two and two together. Good luck.
  57. Jovanny
    28 November 2014 11: 21
    All this is good, of course, but here it is somewhat absolute. No. 1 USA has 8 tons of gold and is in first place, No. 133,5 Russia has 7 tons and is in 851,5th place in the world in physical gold reserves. In addition, there are other countries such as:
    No. 2 Germany - 3 tons
    No. 3 Italy - 2 tons
    No. 4 France - 2 tons
    No. 6 Switzerland - 1040,1 tons
    No. 8 Japan - 765,2 tons
    No. 9 Netherlands - 612,5 tons
    And all these countries are not in our camp, that is, our purchases of gold for them are not a mosquito bite, but not a critical blow either.
    In addition, Germany, the Netherlands and most likely other holders of gold physically store it in the United States. We all remember how Germany simply tried to count and check its gold reserves in the United States, and the latter simply did not let them in and refused to allow the German authorities to do so. Recently, the Netherlands also raised the question of returning their gold from US vaults, but their appeal remained in the air. That is, in fact, the United States is not going to return their physical gold to European countries, which, as I understand it, has been stored there since the Second World War.
    This way the US has enough gold to pay for oil. And that will be enough for 20-30 years for sure. Here our oil fell by 30% in just 3-4 months and already there is a great “katuraj”, “karachun”. In general, God give us strength. The strategy is correct, but there is not much strength and resources. I hope for the best, but there’s no point in engaging in hat-teasing. While we are in the red from the financials. war.
  58. 0
    28 November 2014 11: 28
    Quote: fomkin
    The results of the grandmaster's 15 years of play are obvious. Take a break from TV and the computer, go outside, go shopping, it would be nice to take a tour of an industrial enterprise or farm. Think about what you are wearing and where everything around you was made. Now put two and two together. Good luck.

    Do you mean the 90s and now? We compared, added up, you are right, it’s actually a miracle that the country was able to survive and is developing thanks to the current government (by the way, in the 90s, not everyone had a computer, to put it mildly)
    1. Jovanny
      28 November 2014 11: 45
      In the cities, people don’t live in poverty, everyone drives these cars, apartments sell like pie, but in the outback it’s hard, of course.
  59. 0
    28 November 2014 11: 34
    It’s good that Putin has Glazyev as his assistants....
  60. 0
    28 November 2014 11: 50
    We'll see, we shouldn't jump so high for joy just yet. The ruble is getting cheaper and we are not so self-sufficient that we don’t have to worry about this, especially since the implementation of the “import substitution program” is not particularly noticeable, so far there are only declarations as always. Also depressing is the inexorable rise in prices for goods and housing and communal services, the constant rise in fuel prices, while there is no increase in the income of the population, let’s add high interest rates on loans that do not contribute to economic development. Moreover, as luck would have it, the main source of the country’s wealth is becoming cheaper before our eyes. And silence... The President demands the implementation of his May decrees, the development of road infrastructure and other projects and plans. And in response there was silence...
    Optimism is very good, but it must be based on something. And most importantly, where is the implementation of loud statements?
    1. -1
      28 November 2014 14: 40
      Moscow was not built in a day.
    2. 0
      30 November 2014 18: 33
      So, everything should be like in a fairy tale? Razz-and the import substitution program has been completed and exceeded. Razz-and everything else is like clockwork...
  61. -1
    28 November 2014 11: 54
    Something else confuses me. Namely, what V.V. Putin is doing is correct, but somehow there is no support from the government, that is, from the ministers, but some incomprehensible babble is heard. The same applies to the Duma and its deputies. I haven't heard any clear statements from them. Therefore, an opinion is emerging as to whether they will not redeem the West’s disposition towards themselves with V.V. Putin’s head. Somehow there is no team play, everything is on the shoulders of V.V. Putin. It’s probably time for both the Government and deputies to stop keeping figs in their pockets.
    And in general, in my opinion, a certain balance has developed in the world and the question is where it will swing. It is not yet known whose cup will win. I really hope that ours will win.
  62. 0
    28 November 2014 12: 03
    Putin served in the KGB, for some this fact is a minus, but for many in the country, this is a definite plus.
  63. 0
    28 November 2014 12: 32
    Teeth can be inserted...
  64. +1
    28 November 2014 12: 39
    I read the feed (with interest), and I don’t understand.. either the commentators don’t read what they’re commenting at all.. or it’s just so painful..

    From a final means of payment and an asset of accumulation, the national currency of the United States, through the joint actions of Moscow and Beijing, turns into only some kind of intermediate means of payment. Intended only to exchange this intermediate means of payment for another, and indeed final, financial asset - gold. Thus, the US dollar is actually deprived of its role as a final means of payment and an asset of accumulation, yielding both of these roles to another generally recognized, denationalized and depoliticized monetary asset - gold.

    That's what this article is about. And if it works out (which is not a fact, by the way), this will be a real pitchfork in the side of our stars and stripes neighbors on the planet.

    And in the comments - “well, industry is not being developed for us, education is not being developed for us, the dollar is not being stabilized for us.”

    Ugh .. am
  65. +1
    28 November 2014 12: 52
    Hmm, cool. And if you fantasize a little - S.Sh.P. They printed a ton of unsecured paper (green). They have wasted their gold reserves and the reserves of OTHER countries (they have repeatedly written about the lack of gold reserves, for example, of Germany, stored in the states). And Russia buys gold. For more than 1500 years, a currency that has not changed (it seems that during the Macedonian era gold became more expensive than silver, sorry if I’m wrong). And the states artificially reduce the price of gold, it is profitable for us to buy it for now if there is a far-reaching plan (yes, yes, Putin’s cunning plan wink ). What will happen when payments switch to gold? And all countries that gave gold reserves to the states for temporary storage can ask for it back. A fiat dollar will become cheaper than the paper it is printed on.
  66. +1
    28 November 2014 12: 56
    Quote: onega67
    Not very fused. 53 tons of gold is just a couple of billion bucks in a few years. under the gold and foreign currency reserves of Russia, about 500 billion. The question is: how many years should it take to significantly exchange dollars for gold?

    Considering that investments in American bonds decreased in one successful operation from 180 billion to 115 billion at the beginning of this year, not so much. The main thing is to play successfully, as we can see it’s working out so far. It turns out that they work with reserves separately from current foreign exchange earnings, i.e. GDP works on all fronts against the dollar, and it has allies.
  67. 0
    28 November 2014 13: 22
    In this situation, it would be nice to demand your stabilization fund with that AURUM of ours, which is stored in Fort Knox until better times, back to its rightful place - in the Gokhran or whatever it is called now... Otherwise it seems that these The Americans took advantage of the money and this gold a long time ago and spent, if not all, then quite a large part...
  68. 0
    28 November 2014 13: 32
    Another article in the series - sleep well, residents of Baghdad. There is a natural chaos in the country, so what? Nothing. Everything is calm in Baghdad. For no reason at all, prices for domestic products have gone up - sleep peacefully. Okay for imports, but for ours? Laws are passed to make chickens laugh about pigeons and bees. And the fact that the country is On the verge of war, sleep peacefully, the inhabitants of Baghdad. The liberal wing has completely seized power in the government, they do what they want, the above-mentioned articles appear, illiterate in the sense of economics and arithmetic, with an appeal - everything is wonderful with us. The budget is made based on one hundred bucks per barrel, and he already 72. How can we understand everything, if not sabotage and sabotage? Are the people of Baghdad sleeping peacefully again? Even people not connected with politics and economics have questions. The guarantor is silent, like a fish on the sand, the liberals are dancing on bones, the West is spitting in the face, mongrels like Lithuania have been called, Novorossiya is being shelled “peacefully”, the oligarchy with the Surkovs and their ilk They share with the kickback the Poroshenkos and Yaytsenyukhs. They already want to sequester money for purchases for the army and navy, otherwise it’s not Senka’s idea to have such power. Bottom line, sleep peacefully residents of Baghdad, everything is wonderful with us.
  69. +3
    28 November 2014 14: 00
    Well, how many times can one repeat that “the West’s actions to reduce oil prices led to the success and collapse of the USSR” - a liberal myth that is easily refuted by looking at the statistics of the USSR and the world for that period. Real losses from lower oil prices on the Western market were less than 0,5% of the USSR's GDP! Don’t be lazy, look at the statistics yourself, don’t believe Western myths.
    Although, perhaps they themselves fell into the trap of their myth.
  70. Vovan - prison
    28 November 2014 14: 06
    Why rub mud here?! Calm down guys! It's not evening yet! Let’s live there and we’ll see how things end with this movement for gold!!! wink
  71. their
    28 November 2014 14: 13
    An economic catastrophe is already happening in Russia before your eyes. Dollar 50, oil 71. Loss of $150 billion per quarter.

    Checkmate has already been achieved, but not by Putin. We will eat up the “cunning plan” in the form of gold when the dollar is at 150 and oil at 20.
    1. +1
      28 November 2014 15: 40
      Quote: sus
      An economic catastrophe is already happening in Russia before your eyes. Dollar 50, oil 71. Loss of $150 billion per quarter.

      Checkmate has already been achieved, but not by Putin. We will eat up the “cunning plan” in the form of gold when the dollar is at 150 and oil at 20.

      This economic catastrophe has been repeated every autumn for half a century. Oil storage facilities are full, the price and demand for oil is falling.
      Why do we care about the dollar? This is the US currency and the US problem; in Russia, dollars are not used for payments in the domestic market, and soon they will not be used in the foreign market either.
      God gives each person (and state) problems that he himself can solve, and if the problem is beyond his power, then it is not his problem.
  72. -1
    28 November 2014 14: 18
    Information for consideration:
    2013 - gold produced in Russia - 254,2 tons. The Central Bank of Russia purchased 80 tons.
    January-August 2014 - gold produced in Russia - 183,855 tons. As of November 1, 2014, the Central Bank of Russia purchased 150 tons.

    Everyone will draw their own conclusions, but the fact is that Russia does not even buy all the gold that is produced in the country.
    Simply no one buys gold - prices are low and no one hesitates to buy cheap, and Moscow and Astana are ahead of everyone.
    Author, what does Putin have to do with it?
    1. 0
      28 November 2014 14: 34
      Where does the information come from? If it’s not too much trouble, please send me the link.
      1. 0
        28 November 2014 14: 53
        Quote: Aibolit64
        Where does the information come from? If it’s not too much trouble, please send me the link.

        Here is the purchase of the Central Bank of Russia http://ru.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idRUKCN0J210220141118
        Here is the production in 2014 http://quote.rbc.ru/news/fond/2014/10/03/34228064.html
        Here is the production in 2013 http://zolotodb.ru/news/10922
  73. Vovan - prison
    28 November 2014 14: 25
    No, well, in real life, we’ll live there and we’ll see, but now why are there extra muddy bazaars?! None of us are aware of all the plans that our president has! So all that remains is to wait!
  74. +4
    28 November 2014 14: 31
    Until 1949, the state's wealth was equivalent to the reserves of precious metals and precious stones in its vaults. Under such security, states received loans and investments, and gold, without leaving safes and vaults, was a guarantee of solvency.
    In 1949, taking advantage of the global devastation, the United States, having grown fat on the grief and blood of others, imposed its dollar as a unit of payment on the entire world, except the USSR.
    In 1991, the enemies of the USSR and Russia betrayed their Fatherland and dragged the country into a dirty dollar cesspool.
    Let's hope that Russia and the World will finally throw off the Western yoke and become free.
  75. 0
    28 November 2014 14: 32
    I was pleased with the article, a huge plus for the author. Everything is laid out on the shelves, all the accents are placed. In fact, it turns out that a mine has been laid under the economic well-being of the West, with a clockwork mechanism, the mechanism has already been started and only Russia has the key to this clock.
  76. +2
    28 November 2014 15: 02
    An article to the point and with meaningful conclusions. Putin played a game, and as it turned out, Crimea was only the beginning of it... But something tells me that this game is far from being played, because changing the poles of power is a bloody and slow process. The West is trying to fight and calculate Putin, but...apparently Psaki’s syndrome is not only contagious, it is taking on the features of an epidemic in Western political circles
  77. 0
    28 November 2014 15: 09
    And right now Putin is selling Russian energy resources in exchange for these US dollars artificially strengthened by the efforts of the West. For which he immediately buys gold
    This entire system would work with 100% efficiency if Russia did not buy anything in the world except gold. Yes
  78. +3
    28 November 2014 15: 29
    Quote: sds87
    Quote: Volka
    Westerners, they are also Yankees and everyone who feeds from them is furious with Putin, he publicly revealed their cards to the whole world, clearly showed who feeds whom, who earns how...

    It would be better if he revealed to the people how many oligarchs feed in the country and why the people should tighten their belts, and not these same oligarchs?

    What, they invented a means for losing weight? Why are people starting to tighten their belts?
    I hope the oligarchs start losing weight soon.
    It’s not difficult to count the oligarchs, they are all visible, that’s why they are oligarchs.
    But who causes traffic jams, clogs yards and playgrounds with cars? Oligarchs too?
  79. 0
    28 November 2014 15: 56
    “The West, led by the United States, has set itself the goal of destroying the Russian economy by reducing prices for oil and, accordingly, gas, as the main budget-forming sources of Russia’s export earnings.”
    Funny. This is probably why Barack flew to Saudi Arabia and negotiated there to stop the fall in oil prices. In this case, the United States has nothing to do with the fall in oil prices; moreover, with their shale programs, it is like death for them. So, I don’t agree here.
    But I agree that Volodka is smarter than Barack. But it looks like it's a simple matter. The times of the great have passed and today it is difficult to find anything above mediocrity among world leaders....
  80. +1
    28 November 2014 16: 37
    Putin is the greatest politician of our time. I think that we have not yet fully appreciated his services to the Motherland, and to the whole world. I am sure that in the future (God willing, very distant) we will erect more monuments to him than to Stalin and Lenin combined. In the meantime, “reign to harm your enemies,” “reign to our glory.”
    1. +1
      28 November 2014 18: 28
      Quote: potjen
      we will build monuments for him

      Why waste time on trifles? Definitely canonized!
  81. 0
    28 November 2014 16: 37
    Quote: Talker
    Maybe in 10 years we will learn to spend our reserves wisely?

    Agree. It’s stupid to sell oil when you can sell the finished product from it, which will be much more profitable. It’s also stupid to sell wood and then buy products made from it in the West in three roads. Hence the impression is created in the West that the Russians are stupid and cannot produce a finished product from their raw materials, which, firstly, will cost more, and secondly, will create jobs, and therefore increase the living standards of the people of Russia. And in general, it’s stupid to buy in the West what we can produce ourselves. If it weren’t for the sanctions, the stupid government would still be buying apples, tomatoes, etc. from the West, which, in principle, grow well here too. Billions for something that we can grow and produce ourselves, isn’t this a betrayal?
  82. Troll
    28 November 2014 16: 53
    Good article. It's time for the planet to wake up from these green rags. This is a crazy business - you receive raw materials, products, all sorts of goods, and pay with the finished products of the printing press.
  83. 0
    28 November 2014 16: 55
    It’s not for nothing that Navalny’s last name is Navalny...
    He fell and fell and fell.
    Revealed patriotism in Russian people from within. Now, together with Gudkov, he will dance sooooooooooo...
    Good article...
    About the fact that the United States should collect its belongings from everywhere, discussing how it can live on its candy wrapper dollar, and without the bootblacks that were the European countries, dancing on their hind legs to the tune of yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
  84. The comment was deleted.
  85. -2
    28 November 2014 17: 18
    After reading the article I come to the conclusion - THINGS IN RUSSIA ARE SHARP! Even if the press began to publish OBVIOUSLY FAKES and fabrications that do not correspond to reality... then this is... well, very bad... I will not list the nonsense written in the article - there is no point, because there is NOT A SINGLE thought corresponding to reality, perhaps with the exception of ONE:
    Very few people understand what Putin is doing at the moment. And almost no one understands what he will do in the future.

    I would like to add that Putin himself DOES NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT HE IS DOING AT THIS MOMENT. And Putin himself does not understand what he will do next... Why? Because he is INCOMPETENT even in intelligence matters, not to mention other areas, and most importantly, DOES NOT STUDY! After being in power for so many years, IS THERE ANYTHING YOU COULD LEARN? And here everything is like water off a duck's back! The essence of Putin is that HE DOES NOT KNOW ANYTHING, LEARNS NOTHING, AND DOES NOTHING... EXCEPT CHAT...
    1. +1
      28 November 2014 18: 37
      Quote: I think so

      Apparently you have nothing to do with Russia. That's what you're imagining. Come visit and we'll give you food and water.
  86. +3
    28 November 2014 17: 30
    We need to look at the picture of gold and oil together. It won't work separately.
    Today there was already an article about the dynamics of oil prices. And from these dynamics it was clear that oil prices began to rise after 1998, and to grow above the cost (average cost of 68 dollars) from about 2001.
    The shale boom began during this period, as the increased price of oil contributed to positive income from shale production. This explains the long-term inflated price of oil.
    At the moment, when OSHA has not entirely pleasant relations with many oil exporting countries, including the United Arab Emirates, there is no need for an extra player in this market, and the price of oil has gone down.
    Again, if we take the price chart of oil prices, then the average price of oil is about 67-68 dollars, therefore, this price can be taken as the average lower threshold.
    But let's return to gold. It’s no secret that many states store part of their gold, and many almost all of it, in OSHA vaults, for example Germany.
    They store and store, well done, but...... everyone at the moment knows that a certain amount of German gold is stored in OSHA, it seems to be there and everyone knows about it. Accordingly, Germany's balance sheet is calculated taking this gold into account. The question is, what will happen if the world finds out that Germany does not have this gold, since the custodian of this gold, OSHA, sold it?
    And the picture that turns out is the following: Germany’s balance sheet falls exactly on the gold that “was there, but floated away.” Germany's claims to OSHA, give back our gold, are met with the answer: We don't know anything, what kind of gold? (exaggerating). How can Germany get its gold from OSHA? No way.
    Will he appeal to the world community? So almost this entire community keeps gold, all or partly, with the one to whom they want to make a claim. Therefore, the public is faced with a choice: Stand up for Germany and bring down its balance sheet, or remain silent, but with a “positive” balance.
    As already mentioned in this article, at the moment there is a tendency to trade anything, but for gold. Whether we have China, or all the BRICS countries will join in, but gold is gradually flowing from the basements of OSHA to the basements of our states.
    For now, the West can still at the very least hide its dependence on gold in OSHA, but when the moment comes when it will no longer have a choice. This is where the big drumming begins. And this drum boom won’t have to wait that long.
    Bottom line: oil fell in price, but did not fall below the minimum threshold for normal production. At the same time, it fell far below the profitability threshold for its oil shale production. OSHA has a choice between extracting shale oil and gas at high prices or buying cheap oil for gold. I assume that both options are not beneficial for them in any case.
    In this case, all that remains is to wait and be thoughtfully silent, and as our recent history shows, we know how to remain thoughtfully silent. For it is said: Silence is golden.
  87. -1
    28 November 2014 17: 50
    The article is about nothing. And the main thing in it lies right on the surface)) sells for dollars and immediately buys up...)))
    The dollar is here to stay.

    And if you buy high technologies... those that have never existed in BRICS, but you don’t have dollars or they are many times smaller than they were (due to falling oil and gas prices). Getting gold from the bins of the Motherland, bought by back-breaking labor for dollars...))?

    Well, maybe there is some kind of grandmaster's plan in this. But so far everything doesn’t look very optimistic.

    Theoretically, exchange rates in Russia can be set at any rate right now, because the woodenness of the ruble has not gone away since the collapse of the USSR. But this is “Juche” in the near future, as it were... and there are no other options.

    Practically - course establish now, in order to maintain the same level of funding for what they promised (state employees, hospitals, roads) and continue to promise (apparently due to inertia).

    But in reality, the ruble becomes a colored candy wrapper, surprisingly quickly and much faster than American cut paper.

    This is sad (s)
  88. Tribuns
    28 November 2014 18: 59
    Unfortunately, in Russia, Western liberals have destroyed and have not restored to this day the former power of industry; science and education, which were previously first-class, have been driven into poverty; the scientific, technical and production personnel created over the years have been lost, in their place a layer of small resellers and traders has emerged. Western “junk”... And our country, in its essence, is now a raw material appendage of the West and China... Of course, more than twenty years after the collapse of the USSR we have “wasted” in vain... And in the current conditions, the option of “change "the hegemon of the dollar for physical gold" Russia, by and large, has nothing to oppose... It is also obvious that given the sharp confrontation between Russia and the West, which seeks to force our country into submission with sanctions and remove Putin from power, it is simply necessary to remove liberals from managing the country's economy... Otherwise, the situation in Russia will develop according to the Western scenario...
  89. 0
    28 November 2014 20: 45
    Replacing dollars with “physical gold” is beneficial when gold is “aged” within the country. And there are such opportunities.
    Only its cost should be very low, that is, crowds of “prisoners” are needed and all the management should be subject to firing squad and replaceable... this has already been tested, it works.
    And “immediately buying up the dollars received from the sale of oil...” is a pointless idea. You will never be able to buy everything.
    Germany, if I’m not mistaken, has 3000 tons of gold, that is, the Americans (the main part) and the British (a smaller part) have it in storage, so to speak. I don’t doubt for a second that this is an ordinary scam. The Germans will never get it back.

    But for Russia to buy up to at least 3 thousand - the purchase price has not yet grown. There is nothing to offer others except raw materials, which are falling in price today, unfortunately. There are also weapons. But in general, the added value of Russian goods bought in the world is extremely low, except for weapons, and weapons are not a mass item, not every state can afford, let alone an individual. This is not selling Mercedes-Toyotas-Fords or smartphones or software.
    This is where the root is, and not in some mythical golden traps of Putin.

    P.S. And I’m also very interested: How many melted down Jewish dentures are in the German gold reserve?
  90. -2
    28 November 2014 22: 59
    He himself fell into this trap.
  91. 0
    28 November 2014 23: 04
    A week ago I read this article on nstarikov.ru
  92. usinsk 71
    28 November 2014 23: 42
    but our president is still cool in all directions... and has already washed many gentlemen to zero.
  93. 0
    28 November 2014 23: 56
    everything is fine, but the Russian Federation does not buy Western gold, but what is mined in Russia itself, i.e. this is a restriction on the export of precious metals.
  94. LLIpaM
    29 November 2014 02: 02
    The article and the comments below are all optimists. Open your eyes people and look at the truth...
  95. 0
    29 November 2014 08: 41
    Good article and a plus for the author.
  96. +1
    29 November 2014 09: 09
    I didn’t understand anything - the dollar is growing and prices in our stores are following the dollar - in my opinion, it’s a mate for us and not for the Obamas
  97. 0
    29 November 2014 09: 10
    He is a grandmaster and a grandmaster in Africa. It’s as if there is no war, but there is no shortage of patriotism and pride for the country. Not a very common combination. Born under Khrushchev, raised under Brezhnev, I live in the era of Putin. I consider myself lucky.
  98. +1
    29 November 2014 09: 55
    There is an alternative logical idea: by printing greens in unlimited quantities and at the same time bringing down the world price of gold, the Americans have secured the best conditions for the deal and are quietly buying gold in huge quantities, without producing or selling anything. I believe this is what is actually happening. And here we are: - I give you my pies, you give me your pancakes...
  99. Montesquieu
    29 November 2014 10: 24
    Dear Sirs. My comment will sound dissonant in the harmonious mood of the public, but still. Take an interest in the ratio of monetary gold and dollars-euro-drawing rights (IMF) in the structure of gold and foreign exchange reserves of Russia (gold makes up 15% of gold and foreign exchange reserves) And compare with the structure of gold and foreign exchange reserves of Western countries (at least 50% of gold in the structure of gold and foreign exchange reserves)...And Mr. Ivashov ( a very respected and thoughtful person IMHO) recently burst out with a very interesting article about the balance of power between Russia and NATO. It will be interesting to read. The main enemy is “underestimating the enemy.” The material, IMHO, smells more like propaganda than reality.
  100. 0
    29 November 2014 12: 43
    Informative article! However!