Ukrainian epilogue

Ukrainian epilogueUntil the very last moment, hope did not leave me that a miracle would happen. That there is at least one Ukrainians, who will notice the “mirror” I exhibited, and will be able to expand the discussion in this particular direction. And thus - and I will refute. Every time when I noticed in the mail the familiar name of a clever Ukrainian, I thought - here at last. Now Pan Eggplant, or Jacks, in the end, pats me on the shoulder, and with a conspiratorial squint will laugh: "And what, Artyom, you put a good deal on our side! It must be admitted that we have enough morons who disgrace the Ukrainian nation frankly racist statements, those that are worn like fools with a Mongolian katsap, genetic Russian slavery, and other such nonsense. But this is foam, it’s still a unit and frankly marginal minority! Why is it so broadly generalized? Yes, a parody you are not bad, but you clearly far with prevalence of such attitudes in the Ukrainian discourse In actual fact it is not so .... "- well, etc.

Alas, the miracle did not happen. Moreover, the Ukrainians who went to the bait did not find anything better than to once again serve as an illustration of the theses expressed in the text. And everything that was said by them turned out to be nothing more than a detailed exposition of the concept "fool himself." The same Valetov even tried to be correct, postponing his handful - and thanks to that, as they say. All the others rushed together to talk about "yes, it is you, Russians, slaves - that’s just read Leusenko or something." That is, the Ukrainians did not even make an attempt to negotiate. They turned out to be incapable of even a hint of self-irony and critical perception of reality.

My last note uv. Kornev defined as the "final verdict" Ukrainians. But in fact, the final verdict was made by the Ukrainians themselves - by their own reaction to the article. And they themselves and sentenced - hopeless. What can be self-irony in the totalitarian model of thinking? Of course, none. Only bestial seriousness. Any attempt to look at oneself from the side (and self-irony is precisely this) is fraught with a catastrophic collapse of a chimeric, artificial worldview based on purely and exclusively propaganda templates. Pull one of those out of the structure - and that’s it - and the structure itself will prove to be unviable, a pile of stupidity on bad things, and bad things on meanness. Undoubtedly, in this form, no self-reflection is impossible in principle.

Take the same “mirror”. Recognizing its presence, Ukrainians would inevitably have to admit the stupidity of their own constructions. If the declaration of an entire nation as the bearer of slave psychology is too much, then what then is the argument about the genetic, hereditary predisposition to slavery of another nation - Russian? If the cultural and ideological aspect in this sense is indecent and politically incorrect, then how can one define the concept expressed by Ukrainians - eugenic, essentially racist in nature - but savagery and barbarism? Yes and historical the conditioning of both radical points of view will also have to be compared. And then - oops - it suddenly turns out that Lobov’s “trolling” has much more justification under it than the racist ravings about Russians uttered seriously by Ukrainians - nonsense, under which the recognized history redraws (there are a lot of illustrations in the comments). And if nonsense is recognized as nonsense, then what is Ukrainian Russophobia based on then? Yes, nothing - it hangs in the air, and looks like silly infantile insults at the sandbox level.

This five-year-old child, retelling the cartoon, can tell that "the girl was first a man, and then came to an uninhabited island, and became an Indian." An adult for such a "retelling" in a decent society will be a chandelier. Therefore, Ukrainians are forced to exist in this very childish maximalism, not retreating from dogma an iota - step-left-step-right-shooting. Even worse than the shooting - the collapse of the formed picture of the world. Hence the childish, uterine, bestial earnestness in upholding one's own mythology, no matter how flawed it may be.

Well, the bestial seriousness is known for what is going on - bestial cruelty. Over the past six months, the Ukrainians showed quite well: cutting off their heads, pouring water on people in the cold, burning, putting people on their knees, firing at cities with civilians. And at the same time rejoicing in what is happening - there are fewer “colorado females” in the world, but what a blessing!

At the same time whom they kill and whose death they rejoice? Russians? - that in the paradigm of their thinking it would be at least logical? - by no means. Ukrainians kill and rejoice in death - their own compatriots. The same Ukrainians, like themselves, but "defectives" who do not share their own mythology one hundred percent. "Skhidnyakov" -Ukrainians, "spoiled" Russian. Ukrainians alone this is enough to justify and even encourage murder. Well, and as a reason for accusations of "betrayal" - and even more so.

Similar, by the way, after moving to Russia, I personally heard out a lot. To say that it somehow touches me - I will not say - to react to the crazy stupid. And Ukrainians are crazy. Only not because of natural causes, the madness here is a cultural and ideological plan. And this can only be viewed with great sorrow, pitying the unfortunate, for they do not know what they are doing. Actually, it was not they, but the parasitic "organism" that stuck to the carrier, and dictates to him what to do and what to say - like in Heinlein's famous novel, alien creatures enslaved earthlings, sticking to their spines. And worst of all, just like in this novel, it is possible to kill the creatures only with the carriers themselves, alas. The only difference is that these two creatures are now. And it is in Ukraine that the Jupiterians are from Pluto — they are two chimeric ideologies — and not the Ukrainians themselves.

One of the most popular accusations addressed to me is “while I lived in Ukraine, I sang hosannas, and now I’m throwing mud at me”. I will not speak about any understanding of reality in this case. I’ll just clarify - TO THAT Ukraine, that was, I am now ready to sing the hosanna. This is my homeland, I loved and love, and I will continue to love this country. And yes, I liked her much more than Russia. There I lived much more comfortably and more comfortably than here, in many, many ways. And many Russian realities enrage me today just as much as they did yesterday. And under all that was said by me before, I am quite ready to subscribe today too. One problem - TOY Ukraine is no longer there. Whatever Ukraine as a result of this whole massacre has turned into, it will in any case be something completely different. Alien. What I can not accept in any way. And therefore everything that was said before has nothing to do with today's ugliness.

MY country destroyed. MY people turned into a herd. My past and my life have been taken away from me. And to return to me - simply nowhere. My house burned down - you have to build a new one. This new home may be a hundred times more beautiful than before, but does this mean that the old home was bad? Or does this mean that it was necessary to continue to live in the burnt ruins?

And yes, while I lived in TOY Ukraine - I considered myself a Ukrainian. By the fact that Ukrainians have turned today - no, I do not agree with this abomination. Moreover, it does not matter if the Ukrainian is from which side - from the "tru" of the Ukrainian, or from the side of the "Colorado". I am equally disgusted by both types of madness. Although the "tru" is undoubtedly disgusting - "our" even to the point of frank cannibalism does not fall, nevertheless the "perversity" of the Russians makes itself known. And the presence of Russian volunteers and personnel of the military from Russia makes its own adjustments - “anti-Ukrainians” are not allowed to roam, and to express themselves in all cannibalistic beauty.

By the way, since we are talking about this. Yes, the war in Ukraine is exactly that intra-Ukrainian. External influence is external influence, but the fact remains that two kinds of fanatics cut each other. Whatever interests the Russians would pursue by participating in these events, no matter what brain cockroaches moved them at the same time - Russian World, Novorossia, Russian Land Gathering, Other Russia (without multinational and collective Putin), World Social Justice (military without oligarchs) , etc. - anyway, they still play other people's games, and participate in other people's fights. Their motives can cause respect, they can be annoying or hateful, but all this is not important - it is a foreign war for Russians. Ukrainians themselves engaged in their own destruction, themselves mired in chimeras, and themselves destroyed their country - the country that I loved so much and which would never be. And the fact that they have been pushed for this for years and decades ... So everyone is being pushed. There is always someone who is interested in you to kill or use. But it will happen or not - this is your question, the question of your own survival.

In this connection, I personally learned one very hard lesson from the whole incident - the lesson of personal responsibility. More recently, this expression has not caused me anything but a skeptical smile - they say that we, small ones, and our swarming before the powerful of this world, have this. And only now, for me, who has lost the country and the past, does it become clear to what extent this position was flawed and irresponsible. For many years we, the Ukrainian intelligentsia, turned a blind eye to dangerous trends, considering it a necessary attribute of national loyalty. Blinded by the good things that Ukrainian independence gave us, we refused to notice its vicious wrong side and the threats hidden in it. And only when the wrong side became the main reality, we realized it, were horrified and “saw the light” - realizing that it was our fault as well. In silence. In that they agreed with "excesses" - they say, yes, excesses, but this is an urgent need, even if it is wrong. In that they denied reality - for the sake of momentary mental comfort.

We frowned on the rewriting of history, but we tolerated it - that’s right, Ukraine needs to position itself in the world as a separate reality.

We were wriggled from language intolerance, but we agreed that it would be better, the language is a national building tool, and the tool is extremely effective, and therefore it’s a sin not to use it to assert independence.

We were distorted from the deliberate Russophobia, approved as the official ideology, but even here we did not object - yes, we need to distance ourselves from Russia in order not to dissolve in the cultural and ideological sense, to preserve our political and state autonomy, not to be absorbed by big and strong a neighbor.

We were annoyed by flirting with the United States, we understood the dangers of such games in the underbelly of Europe, we had living examples of the consequences of such games, in the form of Georgia and Poland, but we also reluctantly recognized the correctness of the chosen course - because it is still a chance to break through European indifference may even begin to be taken seriously, and at least through blackmail you will be forced to reckon with Ukraine as a real force, and all of a sudden and you will avoid repeating the mistakes of our neighbors on this path.

And as a result, it is we - allowed to happen what happened.

On the one hand, ethnic Russians like me, in this sense, turned out to be easier - we had a lot to retreat. Those who initially rejected their Russianness - in any sense of the word - nowhere to retreat, they were forced to accept the consequences of the transformations that had occurred, to put on new masks, and to support already new abominations, and new mistakes. Actually, they have nowhere to go, since they themselves took part in bringing the situation to its present state and becoming its hostages. But on the other hand, we, Ukrainian Russian, are many times more complicated. We are faced with the duty to learn the lesson learned and make very hard conclusions. To recognize that much and much depended on us too. And that personal responsibility is not a reason for laughter, but an urgent need. And what if we, having lost one country, and being forced to leave for Russia, and here too, will continue to remain silent and agree - then we will someday lose Russia too - and from here we will have nowhere to run. Therefore, we must not only learn our own bitter lessons, but also pass on to others. Our experience of shame from conciliation should not disappear in vain, and if we see dangerous tendencies here, then we have no right to keep silent about this, no matter how negative the reaction of Russian society now to these our efforts would not follow.

And it will be undoubtedly negative for the most part - the Russians are now as deaf and blind to internal threats, as we were blind and deaf at one time. And any attempt to show the seamy side of reality will cause them quite understandable response aggression. But we have no right to give in to this pressure either, at least out of a sense of gratitude to the new Motherland, which has accepted us. That same gratitude, in the absence of which we will be blamed for our efforts, believing that we are obliged to merge with the surrounding background, and not to shine. We might be glad, but - we have no such happy opportunity anymore. We will simply have to say extremely unpleasant things to the Russian ear. Just to know that our conscience is clear, and that we at least here and now have done everything we could in order not to repeat our mistakes of yesterday. Because our experience gave us too much pain so that we could ignore it. We were too expensive to understand that something also depended on us - at least in the sense that we did not feel like a scum, but a person.

Yes, of course, not everyone will speak, and not immediately - but there are quite a few of us like that. Someone just does not realize what happened, and will blame anyone except himself - this is a completely natural reaction, and it can be excused. Someone will break under the retaliatory pressure, and will soon shut up - and this is also more than understandable. Someone will stand up to the pressure, but embittered - alas, this will clearly be one of the most likely scenarios. But this is our cross, in one form or another, each of us must carry it. How will in my case - I do not know. And I will not think too - time will tell, "I'm trembling creature" or a man. So far, I have a stage of "exhalation" - calm down, settle down, stop, think. Which will be expressed in the continuation of the "Notes of the Migrant" - for sure there will be many more. (In due course now not too, therefore updates hardly will be too frequent, but - will be mandatory.)

* * *
Epilogue usually puts everything in its place. After reading the text above, I understand that the epilogue came out very bad and muddled, and so I did not set anything anywhere. But here it is already there. I needed to formulate it - for myself - and thereby put a fat point at the end of my past life. Ukraine will no longer be in it - and this is a fact. And in this journal Ukraine will not be either - an epilogue for that and an epilogue to complete the longest book. Yes, maybe from time to time I won’t be able to resist a cue for one reason or another - to renounce a pointless matter here, you cannot program yourself. But in general, this journal after the “exhalation” will be about something else - whether I like it or not.

Debts need to be returned. And now I feel extremely obliged. And to myself. And to all those wonderful people I met lately. And just ... fate, or something. Which, even though the raveness of the rare ones, gave me a chance to understand a little more in this life than I was able to understand in principle.
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  1. +2
    17 November 2014 14: 50
    It remains only to regret the author.
    1. +11
      17 November 2014 15: 16
      I dare to ask the GIANT, regret what for? What lost your homeland, where was born and raised?
      1. +3
        17 November 2014 18: 48
        but He didn’t lose her ... He left her ...
        1. +6
          17 November 2014 19: 25
          Quote: Azazel
          but He didn’t lose her ... He left her ...

          he is fighting for her
        2. 0
          18 November 2014 09: 55
          Quote: Azazel
          He didn’t lose her ... He left her
          When abandoned or betrayed, they don't write that way. What did you see "threw"? The article does not attract PR. It looks like I lost it.
    2. +30
      17 November 2014 15: 29
      Life article, why it’s a sin to hide, we all always loved Ukraine, but that Ukraine with dumplings, a warm sea and hot girls ... and now there is only compassion ... God grant that everything returns to normal ...
      1. WKS
        17 November 2014 15: 59
        I liked the term "Ukrainians".
        1. +6
          17 November 2014 18: 50
          This is a long-standing term, it was not invented by the author, but by Vasily Shulgin, a white emigrant.
          1. 0
            17 November 2014 22: 47
            By the way, it is still very relevant.
      2. 0
        17 November 2014 22: 40
        [media = http: //]
        I have the same thing, only I'm Ukrainian, Russian wife. And a week ago, the "fruit of love" of the Russian-Ukrainian Isabella was born.
        At the family level, we never engaged in political strife. We even met for the first time in Simferopol.
        We live in Odessa and there were no problems with the fact that she was not Russian.
    3. +6
      17 November 2014 16: 37
      Quote: Giant thought
      It remains only to regret the author.

      One must pity the whole world, which, having lost the USSR, is bloody "playing" with a fragment of its collapse and "pulling" its neck to the world block.
    4. Denis fj
      17 November 2014 17: 37
      Well, in general, ... that Ukraine died for me in the spring laughing

    5. 0
      17 November 2014 18: 45
      and why pity Him then ??? He lived in Ukraine, sang in unison with everyone .... moved to Russia - sang in Russian .... one word - a potential traitor !!! like, you see, he is Ukraine more than Russia .... and what the hell then escaped ??? I’d be in my Homeland, and I did everything that would change Her for the better .... but this is NOT HIS occupation .... let others pour blood, put Ukraine on its feet, but then THEY deign to return and say their FE-EEEE .... and in general, Russia has become some sort of a sedimentation tank for the Bad Things of various kinds of injuries .... here and Yanuk ..... all the abomination goes here .....
      1. 0
        17 November 2014 23: 19
        Too many words. If you didn’t take the machine gun by one of the sides, then although he didn’t "bred a stench" after Lenin.
      2. 0
        18 November 2014 08: 40
        so he and Russia do not like ... would roll in GEYROPU
  2. +20
    17 November 2014 14: 54
    "No, what Ukrainians have become today, I do not agree to be this abomination."
    And, aren't you giving up your "roots" and national identity too quickly and easily ?! And what nationality do you consider yourself to be at the present time ?! The Russians also had mistakes and mistakes, but I am RUSSIAN (!), No matter how history and life developed ...
    1. +6
      17 November 2014 15: 40
      Quote: ALABAY45
      And, aren't you giving up your "roots" and national identity too quickly and easily ?!

      This ease illustrates well that Ukrainians with a national identity did not work out in many respects - everything is fine with the Belarusians, the Belarusian clearly distinguishes himself from the Russian, but in no way contrasts and considers the Russian brother, and the Ukrainians have much more than opposing himself Russia doesn’t have anything, although history and culture are generally rich, although common with Russia, and rejecting Russia, they automatically reject their history and culture, have to replace them with something, so they replaced the solid stone foundation with sand, so now the whole national identity collapses, or slides into animal Nazism ...
      1. -1
        17 November 2014 22: 47
        Quote: Albert1988
        This ease illustrates well that Ukrainians with a national identity did not work out in many respects - everything is fine with the Belarusians, the Belarusian clearly distinguishes himself from the Russian, but in no way contrasts and considers the Russian brother, and the Ukrainians have much more than opposing himself Russia has nothing, although history and culture are generally rich, albeit common with Russia, and while rejecting Russia, they automatically reject their history and culture,

        Excuse me, what kind of Ukrainians are we talking about? It’s similar to Belarus for me - I consider the Russian people to be the same branch of the Eastern Slavs and what is there - part of one people. And I do not see any difference, externally and internally, between the Ukrainian, the Belarusian and the Russian.
        I don’t know how you persistently unite all Ukrainians in one comb. Only now it sounds crazy- Ukrainians oppose themselves to Russians ... but where is it anyway like proving in a mirror to prove that you're better? Am I the sweetest in the world?
        You can contrast the behavior, but this is a different topic. Wait Ukraine and the Russian Federation are hostile and the reason is Crimea + Donbass.
        Not Maidan changed me (I still have a negative attitude towards Maidan and Kiev) and Crimea. But my beliefs and the lack of opposition between Russians and Ukrainians have not gone away. So this is a fratricidal war. But it is untied. Kiev and Moscow .. Maidan and the Kremlin, In the Crimea and the Donbass ..
        and 2 sides and each has its own truth. And in the name of this truth, everyone is ready to fight.
        And what is most sad for you is that Ukrainians are also right!
        1. 0
          18 November 2014 08: 49
          Quote: Cristall
          Wait Ukraine and the Russian Federation are hostile and the reason is Crimea + Donbass.
          Not Maidan changed me (I still have a negative attitude towards Maidan and Kiev) and Crimea. But my beliefs and the lack of opposition between Russians and Ukrainians have not gone away. So this is a fratricidal war. But it is untied. Kiev and Moscow .. Maidan and the Kremlin, In the Crimea and the Donbass ..
          and 2 sides and each has its own truth. And in the name of this truth, everyone is ready to fight.
          And what is most sad for you is that Ukrainians are also right!

          I fundamentally disagree! Who would have taken the Crimea from Ukraine if the Ukrainians had not slid onto Nazi-nationalist tracks? Did Russians invest billions of dollars to impose nationalist principles on Khokhlam ... ???? Have Russians in Ukraine started a fratricidal war? This is the USA WAR WITH RUSSIA ON THE HANDS OF THE UKRAINIAN people ...
        2. 0
          18 November 2014 10: 40
          Quote: Cristall
          Not Maidan changed me (I still have a negative attitude towards Maidan and Kiev) and Crimea. ... So this is a fratricidal war. But she is untied. Kiev and Moscow
          I saw how Kiev unleashed a war against Moscow. It began with the Chernobyl accident, which they tried to interpret as an act of Moscow's genocide against the Ukrainians, and then together they switched to Stalin and the "Holodomor" (as if fewer Russians died of hunger), in Ukraine, "genetics" massively proliferated, introducing into the public consciousness the story about " genetic predisposition to slavery of "Russians and" the historical right to primogeniture "of Ukrainians, the heroization of Bandera. Economic dependence on Russia intensified the hatred of Ukrainians who yell at gilyak, knives and jump, facilitated the myths about how much the Kremlin used Ukraine and how much it still owes it. The vector is clear: for a quarter of a century, Ukrainians were methodically pumped up with hatred of Russia. Someone succumbed to this more, someone less. The outlook on Ukrainians from Russia changed as a reaction to what was happening in Ukraine: from interest, surprise and regret to irritation, sometimes turning into hatred (with all the trappings of "genetics"), but most people, it seems to me, still treat to Ukrainians with sympathy, separating them from the Ukrainian Nazis and making the United States responsible for fomenting the war. It turns out that the United States is not in business at all ... But how did Moscow unleash the war? By not allowing the massacre in Crimea?
    2. +8
      17 November 2014 15: 56
      So the author does not give up the roots! When he writes "What Ukrainians have become today - no, I do not agree to be this abomination." - precisely claims that the current ideological mainstream in Ukraine has turned Ukrainians into an abomination. And here we must agree. How can one agree with the fact that even patriotic Russians in Russia do not notice a lot of bad things in their country and this is dangerous! I, personally, do not "spit" in the direction of the Russian order, because I believe that it is not appropriate to rock the boat during a storm, especially since the course is correct in general. But maybe we don't see what kind of ideological danger? Should we be more critical? The author warns about the danger. Well done. The style of presentation, however, slightly smacks of "Eurotolerance" ... but it is Russian.
    3. +2
      17 November 2014 18: 19
      The article put a plus, on the whole everything is correct and we need to learn lessons. But the ending of the article is that here "in Russia" they will not be silent and will shout about what?, Maybe they will join the liberals, or some new column? The author did not answer these questions, that you will agree that the questions are amazing.
  3. +2
    17 November 2014 15: 02
    I do not understand what the author wanted to say?
    1. +16
      17 November 2014 15: 15
      In my opinion, he says that if you see a belolentochnik (liberast of different variations) or a person shouting "Russia for Russians!" do not stand aside. Do something, preferably a kick in the ass, it will not be like in Ukraine.
    2. -3
      17 November 2014 15: 26
      Put article minus .... what did the author want to say? cry in the shirt shirt? It has long been clear that the Ukraine project is closing.
    3. 0
      17 November 2014 20: 22
      I do not understand what the author wanted to say?
      ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,
      and the author just wanted to say that he can very clearly see that if nothing is done and not changed, then we will soon be jumping Germans with bulk with office plankton in an embrace
  4. +19
    17 November 2014 15: 05
    Quote: ALABAY45
    "No, what Ukrainians have become today, I do not agree to be this abomination."
    And, aren't you giving up your "roots" and national identity too quickly and easily ?! And what nationality do you consider yourself to be at the present time ?! The Russians also had mistakes and mistakes, but I am RUSSIAN (!), No matter how history and life developed ...

    Dear, do not confuse jam with .... The person correctly formulated everything. He is not giving up his identity, but the "honorary title" of a Ukrainian Nazi. I am glad for you that you feel like RUSSIAN, but do not forget that the Russians never slipped into general fascism and did not flirt with Bydlobanderism. The author is also Russian. Those who do not feel that way are now galloping across the Ruin. And let the funeral bell ring for them.
    1. +3
      17 November 2014 15: 12
      I try not to confuse ... But what about the phrase of the author (who is also (?) Russian): "MY country was destroyed. MY people were turned into a herd. MY past and my life were taken away from me" ... What country are we talking about? !
      1. +5
        17 November 2014 15: 43
        Quote: ALABAY45
        I try not to confuse ... But what about the phrase of the author (who is also (?) Russian): "MY country was destroyed. MY people were turned into a herd. MY past and my life were taken away from me" ... What country are we talking about? !

        So I thought, thought, then I thought, thought, and more))) and now what happens .....
        We at the forum "formally" stand up for Russians living in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania ... where they are oppressed and where they continue to live ... Right? so now let's assume the thought that in Estonia the citizens of this country began to shoot cities and villages with the words that separatists live there who speak and speak the enemy language, and all this on the "wave" we are the ancient Estonians, the destroyers of mammoths and the ancestors of almost all nations ... and blah blah blah...
        so I think the majority of those who left this country will talk about it ...
        I like one episode))) and when I don’t get stuck, I say that to myself)) (video)
        Great thing and she needs to use as often as possible.
        What self-irony can be in a totalitarian model of thinking? Of course not. Only animal seriousness.

        1. 0
          17 November 2014 19: 37
          Well, Plus !!!
    2. +1
      17 November 2014 18: 26
      The author says "there is only one shit left in Ukraine ... either in Kiev or in the Donbass, but I'm white and fluffy, and I'm going to be sad in Russia, where I don't like everything." For one liberal-intellectual we have added.
    3. 0
      17 November 2014 22: 55
      Quote: s30461
      He does not renounce identity, but the "honorary title" Ukrainian Nazi

      Well, judging by the terminology, anyone who is for the country of Ukraine is that honorary fascist?
      Tell me, I'm a fascist? I am Ukrainian, I live in Ukraine (I was only once in the Russian Federation) I love Odessa. I love Crimea a little (more than Lviv)
      but what am I for my small Motherland (USSR_Ukraine) an occasion for you to call such people fascists? I am convinced that with such views you will irreversibly encounter many problems.
      The main problem of the Russian Federation is to understand that when calling an opponent - fascism, this is the path of military conflict (as the Ukrainians call rashism-RF)
      looking at how 2 parties use the same methods of escalating genetic hostility on the basis of fascism - I am deeply against the use of this manual.
      Wake up, you are being used. The author does not write in vain that everything is possible. And hurray patriotism is just as dangerous as national patriotism in Ukraine. Only Ukraine is already fighting for its territories and using it. and judging by the "fascisation of news" about Ukraine, you are also being prepared to kill for an idea ...
      Maybe exactly what the author wants to say on the example of his and his country.
      1. +3
        17 November 2014 23: 05
        Quote: Cristall
        Tell me, I'm a fascist?

        If a man’s avatar has a female face ... That is, certain thoughts wassat
        Quote: Cristall
        Wake up. You are using

        Well ... how does the Kiev authorities of the inhabitants of Ukraine use (and what?) - there’s no need to think recourse
  5. +12
    17 November 2014 15: 05
    A very double impression of the article ....
    But I do not particularly respect the author ....
    I see the main message: "I am not THEY. I am not like that, I am different. And they are animals (both Kiev and Novorossiya), they kill each other. And I am a poor real Ukrainian now live in a foreign land and suffer from this and remember the former beautiful and beloved homeland. "
    Something does not break a tear ...
  6. -1
    17 November 2014 15: 15
    wassat And I only had enough for the epilogue of the epilogue ... Like for the "king" from the great phrase drinks
  7. +2
    17 November 2014 15: 18
    The author understood little and it is unclear why he went to Russia. He could have pulled himself into American democracy. And cry from there creating the image of a fighter for justice and putting on the tailcoat of a poor dissident so that he might regret it .... But for now ....
  8. +2
    17 November 2014 15: 19
    The author mixed everything into a heap of both Russianness and Ukrainians ... but he tried to express the essence so that de radish radish is not sweeter, but you’ll make a shit out of horseradish, but you don’t have any radish ........... .....
  9. +5
    17 November 2014 15: 21

    Suschevsky Artyom Evgenievich, but how did you write about us and you before ... don’t think so anymore?
  10. 0
    17 November 2014 15: 22
    I wonder what you could love in the former Ukraine? Ukraine without Russia is nothing.
  11. +2
    17 November 2014 15: 23
    It remains only to regret about Ukraine, about people who have lost everything: their property, their homeland, families, friends including the author for some lack of agreement, insult to Ukraine
    1. +1
      17 November 2014 16: 09
      To regret - to help - to the destitute - Yes! And to healthy foreheads crying in a horseradish-vest! Take a shovel, work, take an automatic machine Protect! Your Earth, be the Boss!
  12. +2
    17 November 2014 15: 24
    Russians are now as deaf and blind to internal threats as we were once blind and deaf. And any attempt to show the wrong side of reality will cause them quite understandable retaliatory aggression.
    Don't be afraid, they won't burn. Look around how many bulk Shenderovichs are around. Not very prosperous, but loudly fearful just to get something there. Like "Save - life is in danger!", Like a great chess player. Just do not overdo it in opening your eyes and cleaning your ears. We are not as blind and deaf as you think. Your example showed what the struggle for all good with all bad leads to. You shouldn't ruin your country because of Serdyukov. The logic of circumstances will force this audience to be used in the most effective way - you won't wish it on the enemy. When and how - I think we'll see more.
  13. +1
    17 November 2014 15: 26
    As will be in my case - I do not know. And I won’t begin to guess either - time will tell, "I am trembling" or human... So far, I have a stage of "exhalation" - to calm down, settle down, stop, think. Which will be expressed in the continuation of the "Migrant Notes" - for sure there will be many more.

    And what ... SPIRIT is
    And this is not LITTLE!
    Thought thing is GREAT
    Think brother, just don’t bend over, here Russia ... there’s enough of everything.
  14. +3
    17 November 2014 15: 28
    Top ukromysli "PTN PNKh", "Hto ne skache ..." (c). About the "slaves" still broadcast, themselves earning banal forgiveness ... With the eternal demands "give me a penny"! Give everything: the EU, the USA, your own people! The search for ukropropegandy is a character who gives everything he earned to the junta for a punitive operation in the Donbass. And here's another thing that similar characters post: "The hryvnia is falling, and that's good! Until recently I could buy a certain set of products for $ 100. But NOW! Once the rate has grown, I can buy $ 100 SIGNIFICANTLY MORE! There is a draft for the whole pumpkin .. ...
    1. +1
      17 November 2014 15: 31
      Well, right, before they could buy a bunch of Ukrainian manure that no one needed for $ 100, and now they can buy not just a bunch, but a huge pile of Ukrainian manure for the same money ...
  15. +1
    17 November 2014 15: 30
    I agree with the author that to look at it only with ORIGINAL SORROW, because they do not know what they are doing !!!!!
  16. +2
    17 November 2014 15: 31
    I honestly did not understand anything. what
    1. 0
      17 November 2014 17: 23
      Quote: Kyrgyz
      to be honest

      To be honest ... I even looked in the mirror ... it didn’t become clearer! Yes
      1. +3
        17 November 2014 17: 38
        Quote: Chen
        To be honest ... I even looked in the mirror ... it didn’t become clearer!

        Further explain?
  17. Kryl
    17 November 2014 15: 35
    A man in years ... He had a homeland ... And how quickly he found his "homeland" in Ukraine in his time
  18. +2
    17 November 2014 15: 50
    This Ukrainian Russian, by its own admission, PRO.RAL has its own country, and now in Russia, he sees if he can not be silent, he will teach us what and how to do. I do not trust such a minus.
  19. 0
    17 November 2014 15: 53
    Tales of Reflecting Cold. Itam govno, and in Russia too. I didn’t understand there, now I live here and I don’t understand either. Vane. Bukof is many - it makes no sense.
  20. +2
    17 November 2014 15: 54
    after the heading "In Russia" appeared on all Ukrainian news agencies, websites and feeds (.. well, of those that I visit), along with the headings "In the world" and "In Ukraine"), I realized that there is no truth in Ukraine there can be no question. Generally. For them, "maydanutyh" - Russia is an outlet, everything is bad about it, you cannot write anything, any absurdity ...
  21. +3
    17 November 2014 15: 57
    a lot of them are spiritually seeking themselves. right now they will expose how in Russia everything will not be able to keep silent badly in the mouth stinks. the intilicent that you. how he gave me in Ukraine was comfortable. it became uncomfortable to run to Russia. take an automatic machine go fight. a bunch of zapadentsev cancer put you uncomfortable. there are no more unkind words. vulnerable soul keyboard.
  22. zol1
    17 November 2014 15: 59
  23. arch_kate3
    17 November 2014 16: 21
    And yet, to better understand what happened, we have little information: there is no clear understanding of what peoples and in what percentage terms they inhabit present-day Ukraine; there is no understanding of the consequences of the impact of Chernobyl radiation on the population; there is no information about the owners of the main assets of Ukraine and their plans for the future in this country with this people ... But the intelligentsia never decided anything, remember the year 1917 and the five-year civil war with us. The only thing that is true in this article and it is clear is the responsibility of everyone for their position in life.
  24. tihon.agafjev
    17 November 2014 16: 33
    Artyom, unfortunately, a significant part of the Ukrainians turned out to be "stoned" by Banderlog propaganda. This is the main disease of the nation and not only in Galicia.
  25. -6
    17 November 2014 16: 33
    ) in short - "beat the Ukrainians, save Russia !!"
  26. +1
    17 November 2014 16: 52
    to understand what is there:

    here is a link to the HUMOR section on one of the less common online publications:

    there is not a single joke not related to "k.ats.apami" ...

    Yes. DO NOT even go into the CULTURE section, I’ve never eaten so much shit-s-s ... and I don’t advise you.
  27. +1
    17 November 2014 16: 54
    ... the vulnerable soul of the keyboard. + 100 !!!
  28. +3
    17 November 2014 17: 08
    A man apparently grieves over the past times when a little Ukrainians could:

    - "We frowned at rewriting history, but we endured it - it must be so, Ukraine needs to position itself in the world as a separate reality";
    - "We twisted from linguistic intolerance, but agreed - it will be better this way, language is a tool for national building, and an extremely effective tool, and therefore it is a sin not to use it to assert independence";
    - "We were annoyed by the flirting with the United States, we perfectly understood the dangers of such games in the underbelly of Europe";
    - "And as a result, it was us - we allowed to happen what happened" ...

    ... and for that they all got away with it. And I, the Ukrainian Intelligents, do not regret these times, I regret the children burned in the houses in the hands of their parents, I regret the pleas for the salvation of those who were killed by the laughing Odessa t.a.r.r.i, I regret the old people who they beat the fascists and saw them again on their land and in their own children ...
  29. Ivan 63
    17 November 2014 17: 49
    "In the garden of an elder, in Kiev, uncle" - it seems to be called Russian, but logic does not pull the Ukrainians. Article is rubbish.
  30. +3
    17 November 2014 18: 00
    I’m not surprised at anything ((, even in the winter of that year, he wrote that they would cut each other, not the Nosterdamus, it’s just Ukrainians, and WHO FROM you gentlemen would name at least one positive side of their nature, their state, their presidents ...
    Egocentrism raised to a degree, they are for ALL of us..but they all set up a trick and the most filthy that because of them all 3i world can begin ...
    Traitors, defectors and prostitutes!
    This is my personal opinion and experience, I am ready to answer for all that has been said
  31. leond
    17 November 2014 18: 20
    At first I wanted to feel sorry for the man: he felt good in Ukraine, and he did everything to make him feel good, but then suddenly everything changed dramatically, and he felt bad in Ukraine. And he decided to go to Russia to make him feel good, but it turned out that it wasn’t so easy, he had to adapt, but, thank God, he knows how to do it and will try to make him feel good here. And to speak and write that. what is required of him here he knows how.
    I do not really like journalists. From the meetings with them I still have the conviction that these people are superficial, often corrupt, ready to give out any lie as a penny, prone to denunciation. But despite this belief, there is some truth in this note that requires reflection.
  32. Shuev
    17 November 2014 20: 11
    Much more similarities
  33. 0
    17 November 2014 20: 37
    so many words were written by the author, but he couldn’t fit the point in small ways. So what did he write about, is it clearer?
  34. 0
    17 November 2014 20: 56
    It seemed to me that the author had not figured out who he was and why he was living. The head has the same hash as most of his fellow countrymen!
  35. +1
    17 November 2014 21: 34
    In many ways I agree with the author that Ukraine used to be better, calmer, more tolerant, one could say with self-irony that I’m from Hohland, laugh with friends from the Russian Federation and forget ... The main thing is that most Ukrainians were poking around in the earth and worked at small factories calmly and did not soar that world politics was carried out without their "exclusive" participation.
    Honestly now I'm ashamed of my nationality Ukrainian in the passport, but in the brain x ... knows. To be called Russian, supposedly mother and father were born in Russia, the language does not turn, I don’t know geography, laws, HISTORY I don’t know what kind of Russian I can be !!! It turns out I am, I live at the same address, but my country is no longer there. There are no friends with whom I went to the first grade, there are seemingly similar "jumping", the answer to the question "how did you come to this?" NO and this is the saddest thing. And most importantly, there is no certainty that I myself have not degraded, albeit partially to the level of imbitil !!!
    And one more, probably important, why not in the east? I don’t understand everyone’s idea as a blueprint for fascism, Russia is a FRIEND !!! And they run in small groups and squabble .... I remember the dialogue from the movie "Inhabited Island":
    -And why from the ordinary militias hide the true purpose of the emitters?
    - It’s just that some in the headquarters of the resistance want to use them in the old way, but for other purposes.
    -What others? ...
  36. 0
    17 November 2014 21: 56
    The article is a minus, because this "passionate" with his readiness to "pay off the debts of Russia", with that mess in his head after what happened in "Ridnaya Nenka", is hardly able to adequately perceive our realities. Everything will be assessed through the prism of events in Ukraine. Therefore, it is better for him to live at least a certain time, look around, understand, and then position himself as "not a trembling creature." And then you go, "got through." There it was supposed to "penetrate", here it is easier for "rEvolutionErom" to feel, in our "totalitarian" system ... We have our own "passionaries" ..
  37. The comment was deleted.
  38. 0
    17 November 2014 22: 18
    A real intellectual will never say: "I am an intellectual." And the author is an ordinary clever man who is somewhat puffed up to show his exceptional wisdom, but it turns out that it turns out.
    Well, how can an intelligent person write: "national building"? (!) Maybe the liberals will tell the liberals what, for example, NOPOCRACY or DEMOVLASTY?
    Or, since a Ukrainian citizen wrote that it’s bad there - urgently in circulation?
  39. 0
    17 November 2014 22: 55 sneaked up unnoticed, what's next!
  40. +1
    17 November 2014 23: 12
    Someone observant noticed: "I used to think that a Ukrainian is still a nationality, then - that a profession, now I see that a Ukrainian is a diagnosis ..."
    1. 0
      17 November 2014 23: 54
      the father had three sons: Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian! and then you can continue at your discretion ......
  41. 0
    17 November 2014 23: 29
    One "minus" article - mine. After I read: "... from the" true "Ukrainian, or from the" Colorado "side. Both types of madness are disgusting to me," I understood - that's enough for me. To equate murderers, punishers with those who simply defend their home ?!
  42. +1
    18 November 2014 00: 18
    Yes, it writes interestingly, we did wrong, we did poorly, I’m completely tired, I’ll go to live in another country. And there I will do wrong again, I will do badly, I will find myself another country! It’s time to start the service of fixing such comrades!
  43. +1
    18 November 2014 06: 32
    This is what dependency leads to. It turns out that you need to do something yourself, even if you have a healthy team (s).
  44. 0
    18 November 2014 07: 39
    Quote: Azazel
    but He didn’t lose her ... He left her ...

    and sell the "new home" with giblets as soon as possible! I don't believe them ... now they have exhausted their confidence in themselves ... completely .. stop
  45. 0
    18 November 2014 10: 41
    [quote = Stanislav] [quote = Cristall] It was not the Maidan that changed me (I still have a negative attitude towards the Maidan and Kiev) but Crimea. ... So this is a fratricidal war. But it is unleashed. Kiev and Moscow [/ quote] How Kiev unleashed a war against Moscow, I saw. It began with the Chernobyl accident, which they tried to interpret as an act of Moscow's genocide against the Ukrainians, and then together they switched to Stalin and the "Holodomor" (as if fewer Russians died of hunger), in Ukraine, "genetics" massively proliferated, introducing into the public consciousness the story about " genetic predisposition to slavery of "Russians and" the historical right to primogeniture "of Ukrainians, the heroization of Bandera. Economic dependence on Russia intensified the hatred of Ukrainians who yell at gilyak, knives and jump, facilitated the myths about how much the Kremlin used Ukraine and how much it still owes it. The vector is clear: for a quarter of a century, Ukrainians were methodically pumped up with hatred of Russia. Someone succumbed to this more, someone less. The outlook on Ukrainians from Russia has changed as a reaction to what is happening in Ukraine: from interest, surprise and regret to irritation, sometimes turning into hatred (with all the trappings of "genetics"), but most people, it seems to me, still treat to the Ukrainians with sympathy, separating them from the Ukrainian Nazis and making the United States responsible for the situation. It turns out that the United States is not in business at all ... But how did Moscow unleash the war? By not allowing the massacre in Crimea?
    1. 0
      18 November 2014 11: 30
      Chevoit crawled out a second time
    2. The comment was deleted.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"