Great war


From this article, I do not just "tie" with the Ukrainian topic in this blog, but as far as possible I distance myself from it as from extremely topical, hot, and therefore very distracting from much more serious problems today. Fortunately, the situation is somewhat discharged and allows. "The Great War" is the main article in the series of articles "The Great War, Real Confrontation?" aimed at identifying and identifying some factors that are extremely important for understanding the events taking place in Ukraine as well. Factors - controllers, for some reason insufficiently appreciated or completely invisible behind the rapid pace of events, often too emotionally loaded, which sometimes causes serious errors in their assessment.

Just want to warn readers - this is not a situational analysis! And the analysis of precisely the governing factors, the engines of all visible actions, is both this article and those that follow in the cycle. Therefore, there is no need to wait for statements like: today is good - hurray we won ... bad - everything is gone. That is, all that is most demanded by the public!
Well, if the interest has not disappeared - go ahead!

Of course, a war in which people die, and even more so a war on the threshold of one's own home, is an extremely important topic. But, we must understand that in this world, there is nothing meaningless and groundless! And this means that if there is a war, then for it, firstly, there are all the conditions, and secondly, someone needs it. And in our time, it is a mistake to believe that the roots of problems that feed this soil in a confluence of circumstances! If only because the global society has already accumulated quite a lot of experience to assess and understand such mechanisms, as well as created an extremely serious scientific potential for organizing such work, sufficient to exclude the factors of "stupidity" and randomness from the analysis of such global trends. ...

So, already in the first article of the series, I will outline two very important factors, and so that as you read, no questions arise - "why is he?" to begin with, I will give, as an example, several events that are stunningly significant for understanding the processes taking place in the world, which happened literally one after another, not so long ago. The first is a composite one, expressed by the very significant successes of Russian foreign policy in Latin America and on the BRICS. Second, a civilian passenger airliner was shot down in the sky over Donbass. Third, the militia of the southeast began to actively pressurize immediately after the crash of the liner, at least with the last bit of strength, but in all positions. The operation of the troops of the Ukrainian junta reached an unprecedented scale and brutality. Fourth - a systematic increase in sanctions pressure on Russia at the suggestion of the United States! Fifth, a gradual decrease in the degree of perception of the "Boeing" theme, in parallel with the almost imperceptible change from the smoothness of the rhetoric of the Ukrainian information asset to a more loyal to reality, against the background of a sharply falling potential of the Ukrainian armed forces and the victories of the Donbass militia. Sixth, and most important (!) - in the Donbass, shackled by a truce, not very obvious processes of clarifying the relationship between the forces characterized by only one significant obvious difference - adherence to revolutionary or conservative rhetoric are underway !!

Let me note that this is just a chain of events that slightly reveals the relationship between movements of different levels of globality and their common logic. And in fact, these events are so emotionally loaded that the connection between them, although extremely obvious, rather distracts from the correct interpretation of the actions of the governing forces. But, let me remind you - this is not the topic of the article, but only an example that will help the author to guide the reader to the right thought. Yes, Ukraine is in this cycle, and this is worth remembering - just an episode, an example!

Probably it is not worth reminding once again what is already clear - there is no separate war somewhere in Ukraine! There is a global war, a war not even between states for world domination, but a war of systems. In which, on one side there is Russia with allies, including geographically unrelated ones, on the other - the United States with the same. And just one of the fronts of this war is, too often seen as a separate event, the battle for Novorossiya! And here I would like to once and for all dot the "and" firmly identify the etymology of this problem, and involve my friends in discussing it from the standpoint of existing realities, and not from the generally accepted, emotional point of view. Although, to be honest, it is almost impossible to restrain emotions at times, especially when it comes to the lives of people, many people, Russian people, the suffering and death of children, women and the elderly ...
But we must try!

So, what is the Novorossiysk front, the hottest one, on which, in connection with the latest events, the most significant clear threats to Russia are brewing, and, paradoxically, the prospects for the most significant of the obvious victories are emerging? The first thing that is important to understand here is that this is not the front on which Russia is waging a war for the Russian world and the future of its citizens, of which they sometimes try to convince us and very successfully, it should be noted. This is a front artificially created at our side with the help of a whole series of measures of influence on the masses and provocations, as an effective mechanism for putting pressure on Russia in the most painful way, ranging from the destabilization of the domestic political and economic situation, and up to the complete discrediting of Russian positions in the world, and even before being drawn into a full-scale war. And I must say that everything here was so prepared, so thoughtfully multi-pass and filigree, and most importantly - very well in advance that, alas, Russia has practically no success on this front! And I affirm this in spite of the patriotic upsurge that Ukrainian themes evoke in our society, especially in the light of recent events! Since any direct (!) Actions that can be taken by Russia here, so far and further, almost without exception, even with the best intentions motivated, in the end will only lead to a worsening of the situation. This is a kind of zugzwang, which is logical to assume, because since Russia has not created this front of struggle in its underbelly, then victories on it with any results will not bring it any real success except for the return of positions lost on it, and even then - at what cost? .. And it is here that the answer to the question becomes obvious - why does Russia practically not fight on it ?!

And it’s not at war, it’s true. It really is! It doesn't seem like it! And this is not a cunning political maneuver when Putin declares that he does not stimulate the processes taking place there and is as far away as possible from direct contacts with the forces of popular resistance. This is exactly what should be understood without any guesswork, paraphrasing and interpretations. Since Vladimir Putin is the president of Russia! And it is Russia, its integrity, sovereignty and well-being, peace and safety of its citizens, in the first place - with no alternative, should be the object of his concern!

But, of course, Russia, since they are already at war here, cannot but offer resistance, and with all available indirect actions it does it. This is what is usually perceived by all interested observers as active participation. Active, but somehow ineffective and too cautious, occasionally causing waves of criticism against the Russian president from the patriotic public, and Russia's "partners", even prompted to come up with and launch a new and extremely funny term "hybrid war". But everyone who wants to understand the logic of events must first realize that this is not what the battle is about and where victories are especially important! All the main confrontation takes place in completely different spheres, and in them our offensive is developing, and only victory there can alleviate the situation here in this painful point of Russia, which is like a wound on the body, every time as soon as another success occurs on the main front, begin to poke with redoubled fury, realizing what pain they cause! That is precisely the victories on those other fronts, and sometimes it happens that concessions ... actually lead to some shifts on the Ukrainian question, which are sometimes mistakenly perceived as victories in it.

And in the very first article, it will be relevant to answer the question that, without an idea of ​​the global picture, is capable of confusing anyone - "does Russia have real allies in this war?" And at the same time to illuminate this very picture a little.

The most common argument that there are none, especially in Europe, is based on the understanding that Europe is economically tied to the United States and its Fed is too strong. And who in such a situation will turn out to be "the very woodpecker" who will put an end to profits from such a partnership? .. But I must say that there is one factor of a much more global plan that can cross out motivation with profit, it is a matter of survival! Let me explain - the whole essence of the hottest confrontations in the world today, in the problems of the modern economic system based on the US dollar. Any economist dealing with issues of this magnitude, analyzing at the system level, will say that she is fundamentally sick and there are no simple recipes for her cure! What is needed is a fundamental change - a change in the foundations! And the only guaranteed effective rescue operation is the smooth abandonment of the dollar, which has created all the wealth existing in the world, and is capable of destroying them in the blink of an eye today. And so, if for the United States this is certain death, since it destroys the basis of the country's well-being "which, in fact, is the number one goal for Russia, which has no other opportunity to protect itself in the current situation with an unequal confrontation according to the rules of the opponent and on his board," then for all the rest, under certain conditions, it becomes the only chance to save at least something by establishing parallel trading opportunities. But the biggest danger in this is that it is the progress of the process of abandoning the dollar that brings it closer and closer to its collapse, and the logical collapse of the US economy as a result of this, will destroy the entire system of trade that exists today, in which they play a very important, even key role. And of course, in such a situation, the world is divided into two camps: those who understand the inevitability and prepare, and those who are afraid of drastic changes and prefer to prolong their prosperity longer. But, as the process of refusal has already been launched and is gaining momentum, those who would like to wait out form an increasingly clear understanding that they will not be able to sit out, and they must either be actively involved in the process, or resist it, literally fighting for their peace of mind, not sparing anything, since the cost of defeat in this battle is simply exorbitant! Therefore, the world, even in its European part, today consists of two camps, and not one united by mutually beneficial trade. And by the way, it is in this confrontation that allies and opponents divide in a completely different way, as is traditionally believed! And many friends, in fact, are not friends at all !! But more on that in subsequent articles.

In general, judging by the declared positions of Russia’s real allies in this confrontation, it is simply impossible, then by real actions of one nature or another, it is extremely difficult! For example: in Europe today, supporters of dismantling this structure, which did not meet many expectations, are already strong enough and are only gaining weight in the light of everything that is happening, who consider the European Union a stillborn child. So, these forces, in fact, being more likely allies of Russia on a basic basis, since they seek to get rid of the harmful influence of the United States, the creation of the EU and who actually initiated and controlled its activities, are quite interested in forcing anti-Russian hysteria that justifies tough sanctions, as well as in direct lobbying of these , such unproductive measures! Is it a paradox?)) And the logic here is very simple, since it is precisely the sanctions that weaken the economies of the EU's "locomotives" especially effectively, and the retaliatory measures on the part of Russia are capable of not only damaging, but even simply destroying the economies of some of its most troubled members, like all candidates for membership, by the way, which we are seeing today. That, taking into account the sanctions burden already taken on by the leaders, in combination with the growing whining of losers, can simply fundamentally discredit the idea of ​​a union, and upon reaching a certain point, make its preservation banal - impossible under any external motivations. Well, what's not a reason ?? I think it will be important to note here that these aspirations of the US opponents in Europe, up to a certain point, even coincide with the aspirations of the US itself, balancing, literally on the brink of a foul, in its attempts to distance the economies of Russia and Europe as much as possible.

By the way, there are also some tendencies in Europe, which, as you can see, are somewhat incorrectly assessed by pro-Russian activists. For example, in the light of the previous example, the tendencies for the fragmentation of the EU states look completely different! When, so painful for Russia, as for the obvious target of forces inclined to destroy large sovereignties, the topic acquires relevance somewhere out there, then this cannot but cause some gloating! Say - well, here you are, eat it! But! .. All this is wonderful, if you lose sight of the fact that such processes are taking place not just anywhere, anyhow, but within the framework of a large territorial-economic association! And the main condition for them, for the processes, is precisely the preservation of this association. And in its absence, such separatist sentiments completely lose ground, since as a result they will only lead to the emergence of new incapacitated subjects with temporary sovereignty, since in such cases sovereignty is more than a conditional concept! That is why membership in the EU is also a paramount task for them after gaining independence. Well, what then can be motivated by the forces that initiate such processes from outside, quickly gaining the status of a precedent? Well, in my opinion, the answer is obvious enough! - Since the task of preserving a large supranational association, provided that there are self-sufficient entities capable of independently existing within its framework, is somewhat difficult, it is precisely this task that may well be called upon to facilitate this task - the procedure of splitting up sovereignties !! So, personally, I am inclined to assess such processes as the result of the activities of forces striving to preserve the EU in its present form, that is, as incompetent as possible, and as a result controlled by the United States. It’s interesting - who will be the most opposed to the dissolution of the EU - small and incompetent members or large, self-sufficient economies?)) But this was just a deviation from the topic!

So, it is the global economic system that is apparently the main front in this big war, a war not for the future of Russia only, but for the future of the whole world. And this is no exaggeration! And now a battle is going on specifically for Europe - for a serious, motivated ally on this very front.

Of course, Russia, if you approach meticulously, did not create this front either, in the sense that it did not initiate, but simply joined the active actions there, since it was initially directed towards the interesting patriotic forces of our country. Its first outlines, together with the motivation of the opponents, apparently began to appear even when Russia, after the collapse of the USSR, had not yet come to its senses and rather represented itself as a victim, which future opponents were planning to divide among themselves. But a series of events in the late nineties made adjustments to the plans of the "civilized world". - Russia has declared the right to its own sovereignty! That at first, I must say, even somewhat consolidated the West, out of old memory of the fear of the Soviet Union. As a result, the economic front, which had already begun to emerge, lost its shape somewhat. However, thanks to the accumulated problems of the dollar system, for Russia it turned out to be the most appropriate tool for countering the States, which have too much experience and potential in the destruction of statehood by non-military or combined methods, which Russia, which did not form elites relevant in the new conditions of existence, was and still has to resist. there is (!!!) impermissibly difficult. Well, now it is the successes of our country on this front that make the opponents, who are practically unable to resist there, desperately increase pressure on other fronts. And each victory of Russia with the already acquired allies on it automatically adds new allies to it, moreover, each victory or defeat on the Ukrainian front, only responds to the weakening of Russia's positions, due to the specifics of the confrontation there and the effectiveness of information countermeasures from the United States!

And it is precisely on the understanding of all this that I base the assumption that Russia has quite strong allies in Europe ... and not only. And judging by the latest events, their list is only growing as the foresight of the end of the dollar world becomes clearer. And of course, we can assume that Europe is full of stubborn rams ready to crash into a cake for ideological reasons, or for the sake of momentary peace and profit. But, really ... the future belongs to reason, - to reason!

The entire cycle of articles "Great War, Real Confrontation?" Where, in addition to especially interesting aspects of this war itself, additional, visible motivations of the forces that shape geopolitical trends in a world so heterogeneous will be considered! ..
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  1. +3
    14 November 2014 07: 14
    "There is a global war, a war not even between states for world domination, but a war of systems. In which, on one side there is Russia with allies, including those that are not geographically connected, on the other, the United States with the same."

    Russia has allies, to varying degrees of alliance, while the states have countries dependent on them, so to speak, forced allies.
    1. +6
      14 November 2014 07: 33
      The Americans have only one ally - the dollar! Which is slowly but surely dying.
      1. 0
        14 November 2014 07: 51
        Quote: tronin.maxim
        The Americans have only one ally - the dollar! Which is slowly but surely dying.

        And the new composition of Ukraine is happy in the course of spitting on all courses and crises ..))) Pan Ataman (USA) has a gold reserve .. will help .. That's all politics! bully
      2. WKS
        14 November 2014 11: 23
        Quote: tronin.maxim
        The Americans have only one ally - the dollar! Which is slowly but surely dying.

        Judging by the exchanger on the contrary, it feels good so far.
    2. +4
      14 November 2014 09: 12
      I would like to thank and applaud the author, Anatoly Karakulov, for a very deep analysis of all geopolitical processes and global economic ones. I support and agree.

      The Ukrainian crisis is not a separate process itself. This is a cog in a whole chain of events, including Syria. This is a big war for the redistribution of resources.
      USA, excuse me for such a comparison, holds everyone by the balls! No one can openly give up the dollar, from the dependence of their economy. The UN is the legal basis for putting pressure on a country that has imagined it, and the US bases around the world are the body for executing forceful pressure if the sanctions pressure does not work. Practically speaking, all countries do not have economic sovereignty, and if so, then political sovereignty. Russia is now trying to get out of such pressure, as it is the only country that can challenge this way. If it weren't for Russia, Iran, North Korea, and then China would have been strangled long ago. I honestly believe, without any doubt, the United States and Europe would not hesitate to throw a nuclear bomb to China, if necessary, they would bring a legal basis for this, they say they are destroying their own people in the northwest, but they will create a riot there, it hurts their hands there. Wahhabis-Uighurs to take revenge on the Chinese-Han, as the Americans abandoned the "baby" and the "fat man", so they will give their "little ones" to the Chinese, and there is no billion, the number does not matter. And there are still all sorts of diseases, if they think about it quietly. Now many countries need to decide, with a choice - either with America without the risk of collapse, because its end is near, or with Russia, to risk building a new world, to sit out, as the author put it, to fail.
      About diplomacy. Her influence is enormous, the cunning Churchill, like many British diplomats, at one time saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Englishmen, putting the threat aside, bribing one or another, concluding alliances, paying for participation with money instead of blood. smart what to say. And Russia needs to act wisely, if you win this chess game, it may be possible to avoid even greater sacrifices, the shedding of Russian blood in this difficult war. As Confucius believed, the highest skill is to defeat the enemy without weapons.
    3. +4
      14 November 2014 09: 43
      Russia, as a catalyst for the destruction of the American empire, sits on mattresses like a bone in the throat, given the age-old hatred of the Anglo-Saxons for Russia, we can say directly that they will turn all their rage on our Motherland. I think that we will pass all the tests, we would still get rid of the fifth column.
  2. +5
    14 November 2014 07: 18
    Conclusion from the article: all that crap, which calls itself a model of democracy, lingered in this world, and attempts to take over the whole world, oh, delayed!
    1. +1
      14 November 2014 07: 29
      Guard, democracy is in danger. It means to retire the American model of "oil democracy".
  3. +1
    14 November 2014 07: 27
    the forerunner of any military conflict in the world today is, first of all, a change in the existing world order in favor of the United States, the initiators of which are the Yankees themselves ...
  4. +1
    14 November 2014 07: 27
    And in fact, these events are so emotionally loaded that the connection between them, although extremely obvious, rather distracts from the correct interpretation of the actions of the governing forces.

    smile Verified and confirmed facts (and they are the most stubborn thing in the world) allow you to see the correct picture of all events ...
    But it is difficult to find them behind the endless rubble of information ... therefore, first of all, when analyzing, rely on facts and, to some extent, on natural intuition.

    But, really ... the future belongs to reason, - to reason!

    smile The evolution of mankind as an animal species on our planet has one indisputable advantage ... the ability to think logically, which is why it dominates over the natural instincts of the animal world.

    The human mind at the moment has a tendency to mutual self-destruction .... and how would we, on the way to perfection, not burn out in the fire of a NUCLEAR WAR.
    Moreover, I believe that today humanity leads a parasitic lifestyle on the planet EARTH
    consuming its resources without giving it anything in return ..... if nothing is done to restore the planet's biosphere, then we are doomed to extinction.
  5. +4
    14 November 2014 07: 28
    Russia can increase its allies significantly if it abandons its companionship and takes a more firm position on all issues of the world order, bringing all undertakings to the end, without backing away and without stopping on the floor of the road.
  6. 0
    14 November 2014 07: 29
    But, really ... the future belongs to reason, - to reason!

    The words are correct. But who will share this intelligence with Western politicians? That is the question.
  7. -1
    14 November 2014 07: 32
    There is something in this article, individual points straight to the point. The truth can be shorter and more direct, but then the local public will be shocked.
  8. +1
    14 November 2014 07: 33
    In addition to Russia, Europe and the United States, there is also China, India, the Islamic world, which have significant weight in this game and their shirt, which is closer to the body.
  9. 0
    14 November 2014 08: 32
    So, is it inevitable?
  10. Tanechka-clever
    14 November 2014 08: 50
    The article is CORRECT ... only if you read it CORRECT, clearing it from various contradictory husks.
    "... if there is a war, then for it, firstly, there are all the conditions, and secondly, someone needs it ...".
    Therefore, today “... there is no separate war, somewhere in Ukraine! There is a global war, a war not even between states for world domination, but a war of systems ... "
    and Donbass “... this is just a chain of events that slightly reveals the relationship between movements of different levels of globality and their common logic. .... are emotionally loaded, that the connection between them, although extremely obvious, rather distracts from the correct interpretation of the actions of the governing forces ... "

    Donbass today "... this is not the front on which Russia is waging a war for the Russian world and the future of its citizens, of which they sometimes try to convince us and very successfully, it should be noted ..."
    “... This is a front, artificially created at our side ... And I must say that everything here was so prepared, so thoughtfully multi-pass and filigree, and most importantly - very early, that on this front, alas, Russia has practically no success! .. "

    For those who created THIS FRONT - there was a win-win option. Remember the double-edged stick.
    If Russia loses, then a whole piece of Russian land will go under Western control, on which it will slowly but surely continue genocide of the Russian population, but the Jews will not offend. But this will regularly be outraged in the Western media, to speed up the process of destruction of the Russian-speaking population, and then the Ukrainian. And free the land for the settlement of the Jewish people. And believe this fact, if you look closely - the Jews are GLOBALISTS and Israel is not enough for them. Already today, the male and young population of Ukraine is being destroyed on both sides. And on both sides the process of destruction is controlled by Jewish globalists.

    And if Russia is dragged into the war in Donbass, it will undermine its still not strong economy. And then the Russian liberals will hand it over to the arena. And the genocide will continue on the territory of Russia against the Russians as it took place in the 90s.
    “..Because since Russia did not create this front of struggle in its underbelly, then victories on it, with any results, will not bring her any real success .. "
    ".. this is not what the battle is going on and where victories are especially important! .." This is the author's opinion, but I personally do not agree with him. Distracts the author ....

    “..All the main confrontation is taking place in completely different spheres, and in them our offensive is developing .. ... namely victories on those other fronts, ..and concessions ... actually lead to some shifts on the Ukrainian question, which are erroneous are sometimes perceived as victories in it. "

    Well, the AUTHOR is wrong - WRONG ... although there is a very large share of truth in this, but why does he write this way and what is his INTENTION ... we will wait for his next publication.
    And so the author makes the following conclusion "... it is the global economic system that seems to be the main front in this big war." Also to me "the discovery of America .."
    Today monkeys are fighting among themselves for a banana - also an economic war ...
    So read, check, DO NOT TRUST and double-check ...
    1. 0
      14 November 2014 14: 21
      )) Well spread out!
      1. Tanechka-clever
        14 November 2014 20: 59
        Quote: AVAAR
        Well spread out!

        And if you liked it - WHAT A MINUS ... winked
        1. 0
          18 November 2014 17: 09
          I can’t put no pluses or minuses! Has not commented yet))
      2. The comment was deleted.
  11. +2
    14 November 2014 11: 43
    There are many words in the article, the meaning is not entirely obvious - juggling with dialectics - "the war front is not where you see it", "victories on the Ukrainian front are not victories on the global front" and finally, "the further, the more we will have allies who look like opponents. " All-over lace and embroidery. And if it is simpler, "in the workers 'and peasants' way"?
    1. 0
      14 November 2014 14: 15
      )) It is possible and on the workers 'and peasants' way!
      Only in this way it will be difficult for me to connect eight articles of the cycle with a general meaning!)
  12. Starmos
    14 November 2014 12: 22
    Quote: Max_Bauder
    As Confucius believed, the highest skill is to defeat the enemy without weapons.

    Well, let's say, not Confucius, and not "unarmed". "The Art of Fighting Without Fighting" is one of the episodes of the movie "Enter the Dragon" with Bruce Lee, an allusion to a Chinese legend about a certain master of wushu.
    As for the article itself, the impression from what you read is ambiguous. Was it too complicated a picture drawn by a respected author? And I wonder where it is, so suddenly fascism has disappeared, what's in Ukraine, what's in the EU? Or is he, too, part of the cunning policy of the unexpectedly cunningly disguised "friends" of Russia?
  13. PSKR-916
    14 November 2014 12: 33
    And of course, we can assume that Europe is full of stubborn rams ready to crash into a cake for ideological reasons, or for the sake of momentary peace and profit.

    I don’t know - I don’t know ... How to correlate with this definition the Anglo-Saxons with their eternal hatred of everything foreign, the Rothschild-Morgan-Rockefellers with irrepressible and far from momentary, but age-old selfishness
  14. +2
    14 November 2014 12: 48
    Alteration of the original letter of the Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan.

    Letter from Barack Obama.

    I, the 44th President, the son of Barak Sr. an extraordinary black knight in a white house, an invincible warrior, an unrelenting guardian of the dollar, a king of an exceptional nation, a disappointment of the American people, a great defender of democracy - I command you, Russia, to surrender to me voluntarily without any resistance and me by your resistance in Syria, Ukraine and the whole world do not make you worry. "
    American President Barack Hussein Obama.

    Russia's response.
    You are an American shaitan, a damned devil's brother and comrade, and Lucifer's own secretary! What the hell are you a knight if you don't kill a hedgehog with the bare back of your body? Damn high ... em, and your army is devouring. You will not, you son, have the sons of Russia under you, we are not afraid of your troops, we will fight with you with "Bulava" and "Yarsami". You are a Washington cook, White House talker, Kenyan braggart, Great Britain goat.b, European Union swineherd, Australian kangaroo, executioner of Saddam and Gaddafi, and the whole west pri..rock, and for our President - the grandson of the viper himself and our fucking hook. Pig face, horse, butcher's dog, unbaptized forehead. That's how the Russians answer you, worthless! You are not good enough for the slaves of European shepherds! We are not afraid of your sanctions, we broke Napoleon and Hitler and we will break your back. The Russian people are united, therefore invincible! We have a thousand-year history, and our day is the same as yours, and for that kiss us in the ass!
  15. 0
    14 November 2014 13: 16
    There is one moment in the history with Ukraine that for some reason is deliberately missed - China very seriously "entered" from the south with its "New Great Silk Road" project, and this contradicted our interests and the interests of Europe, and even more so of America. And in the beginning there were agreements on the division of "zones" of influence, which were then "rolled".

    And the second is my personal opinion that we clearly underestimate the interest of the Britons, who have found themselves on the sidelines of Europe, and they have no equal in manipulation yet ...
  16. 0
    14 November 2014 14: 00
    Probably it is not worth reminding once again what is already clear - there is no separate war somewhere in Ukraine! There is a global war, a war not even between states for world domination, but a war of systems.

  17. 0
    14 November 2014 14: 48
    The attack on the dollar is already underway all over the world. If I'm not mistaken already, Canada and China have signed an agreement on mutual settlements for a transaction in national currencies. The only thing they are not going to do is quickly bring down the US economy and the dollar. Otherwise, it will be bad not only for the states. I think that everyone will do it gradually. Ours already have a system of international settlements almost ready to replace SWIFT.
    This is in case Russia suddenly decides to disconnect from SWIFT. Although you can disconnect yourself.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"