Kremlin on the sleeping volcano

Kremlin on the sleeping volcano

Sociologists from the Levada Center made another measurement of the degree of protest sentiment in Russian society.

Judging by the results of their survey, respondents still prefer the external factor in explaining socio-economic problems and are not going to help the geopolitical competitors of the Russian Federation to rock our state boat. So, all 8% of respondents expressed willingness to participate in rallies and other protests under political slogans. The economic motivation to go out on the street is a bit stronger - approximately 12% of respondents are ready to oppose a fall in the standard of living and in defense of their economic rights. True, the very possibility of holding actions with socio-economic requirements does not exclude 17% (the high potential of the protest events with a pronounced political color is seen as 12%).

One way or another, as the researchers emphasize, this is one of the lowest figures in recent years. However, not everyone agrees with such a tract, seeing an element of the so-called “result” that lulls power and public with such results. “Formative sociology”. In particular, State Duma Deputy Vladimir Kashin, who heads the All-Russian Protest Action Headquarters, claims that the Russian ruling elite has no reason for complacency. According to this organization, Russia, if the emerging trend continues, may soon be covered by the “ninth wave” of mass protests. The parliamentarian draws attention to the fact that if last year 277 passed various kinds of actions in the country (strikes, hunger strikes, blocking access roads), then in just 9 months of the current restless year the number of such excesses reached 300.

Among the most resonant mass protests can be noted protests against mass cuts in the capital of the Russian car industry city of Togliatti. In the Irkutsk region, the salaries of metallurgists and workers of the Baikal pulp and paper mill demand an increase. In Moscow and Ufa, doctors regularly go out into the street, dissatisfied with the “optimization” of the sector of budgetary medical institutions, wage cuts and layoffs. Residents of Astrakhan, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and the Rostov region are protesting against a sharp increase in tariffs for utility services.

Of course, it can be argued that the rampant "marsh" or "Pikalevo" passions are still far away. However, the relative calm may be pre-storm. What is eloquently shown by the fading economic growth, the almost shock devaluation of the ruble and other economic processes, the negative dynamics of which indicate that Russia faces a serious test of strength.

The answer to the question of readiness to take part in protest rallies is not always indicative, said Sergey Vasiltsov, director of the Center for the Study of Russian Political Culture.

- Therefore, I am not sure that this kind of sociology accurately reflects the mood of the masses. On the other hand, our people generally have less interest in politics as such. This is due to the fact that the political instruments existing in Russia practically do not work. Since the decision making process is vertical. To intervene and somehow correct it from the outside is almost impossible. Citizens feel this, hence the low interest in speeches of this kind and in general to participate in political life.

"SP": - It would seem that if the system tools to influence power do not work, and the economic situation worsens, this should spur protest activity. Maybe the experience of Ukraine, where the “Maidan” orgy continues, has a sobering effect?

- In Ukraine, a slightly different political culture and structure of the political space. By and large, Russians do not have a passion for protest activity. A couple of years ago, as we remember, a “marsh” wave of discontent rolled over, but it quickly subsided. I do not think that the Ukrainian events influenced the cooling of interest in mass protests. I repeat, it has not been particularly visible before.

Yes, in the course of the “marshland” process a structure emerged that called itself the opposition. On the other hand, what is 50 thousand people for a city with 15 million population? And in the province there was silence. We must pay tribute to the media, which have done everything possible to present it almost as the only form of opposition.

“SP”: - Why is the level of protest activity almost higher in economically more prosperous societies than in Russia? Suffice it to recall the recent riots in Ferguson, swept across the United States. Or quite “fresh” orgy of street elements in Brussels.

- In these countries, a completely different structure of the political space. In Russia, protest actions and other mass protests are organized (or rather, they are trying to do this) by political parties. In the West, such actions (strikes, rallies, etc.) are organized by trade unions. In our country, trade unions are independent only on paper; they act as part of the system. In fact, these are only organizations that collect social tax, which is mainly spent on the maintenance of the structure itself.

"SP": - But modern trade unions in the West are not the same as they were in the twentieth century, when the "factor of the USSR" worked, where an unprecedentedly high level of protection of workers' rights was achieved.

- However, traditions are preserved. Moreover, in the countries of Mediterranean culture, trade unions are associated with the left movement. In Italy, Greece or Portugal, trade unions can take millions to the streets.

"SP": - 300 shares for 9 months of the current year amid worsening economic situation - is it a lot or a little?

“For a country where 146 has millions of people, 300 shares, by Western standards, is a six-month“ norm ”of a million-plus city. What we have is a very small indicator. By analogy with Europe, protest activity in Russia should be measured by thousands of speeches.

"SP": - What plays the role of a deterrent?

- People do not believe in politics, hence the low protest activity. The previous period of economic stabilization and the strengthening of the financial position of citizens in the “zero” years also work to reduce it.

"SP": - In theory, the more difficult should be perceived current difficulties. Or in conditions of economic depression, people are more concerned about the problems of survival, not thinking about politics?

- As Lenin wrote, raising people to protest on a nationwide scale is a long and difficult job. It’s not necessary to wait that the street will rise spontaneously - the situation is not so critical.

"SP": - How likely is a "Maidan" scenario in Russia?

- It should already hurt the head of those who are in power. It's time to finally decide what policy they are pursuing. Either this is a nationally oriented course, or we continue to “be friends” with the whole world, no matter how he spits our physiognomy. In the second case, it remains only to wait until another dirty trick is thrown from abroad. Our authorities scare a lot with the possibility of the “Maidan” scenario, but they do very little to prevent it. As a significant part of the ruling elite propagated a course toward the West, it continues to do this. There is no adequate response to new challenges. I am surprised at the frivolity of some people who have real levers in their hands. Endless self-comforting and explanatory conversations with Western "partners" about how bad it is to offend Russia will hardly stop the latter.

"SP": - How long can a society be in a state of mobilization in conditions of confrontation with the West?

- Uniting the nation around an external threat is a traditional tool that is used not only by the Russian elites. But it would be much better if the sanctions and the associated reduction in imports were not used as a way to write off our leadership’s miscalculations to “force majeure circumstances”, but to reject an insolvent raw-material economic model. It is necessary to raise the economy and, above all, the sphere of real production. Now is the best time to move from talk to business. If our authorities are engaged in the restoration of Russia's economic sovereignty, this will be the best response to Western sanctions.

Vladimir Khomyakov, co-chairman of the People’s Cathedral movement, noted that the results of the Levada Center poll are confirmed by the well-known theory of passionality of Lev Gumilyov.

- According to the ideas of our great compatriot, passionate people in any society of the order of 5-7%. And both in a positive and in a negative sense of the word. In our case, one part of the owners of excess internal energy wants to save the state, and the other to destroy it. All the others are neither. The situation does not depend on how many people want to go out tomorrow (by the way, 8% and 12% are quite a lot). This number is always about the same. It is much more important how the “swamp”, consisting of pragmatists, who are only interested in their own pockets, will react to this. The focus of their actions will depend solely on the nature of the changed circumstances.

Let's recall the textbook situation - the February 1917 revolution of the year. It would seem that just a couple of months before February, there were no prerequisites for the emergence of a revolutionary situation: neither riots, nor a wave of strikes.

"SP": - And what, I'm sorry, the war with Germany?

- The most interesting thing is that the Russian Empire won in this war. Within half a year, we would have squeezed Germany, having received a huge indemnity from it, plus the Black Sea straits. The world war dragged on for an extra year solely because of Russia's withdrawal from it. Nonetheless, workers in defense enterprises, who had been called up for military service, adjoined to unrest in St. Petersburg. Plus spare shelves that did not want to go to the front and were just mad about the adrenaline rush.

Lenin literally one month before the February Revolution gathered in the emigration young social democrats and admitted that he sees no prospects in terms of the development of a revolutionary situation. He even said that during his life there would most likely be no revolution. However, after a short time, the February revolution as an intra-elite coup (change of elites), disguised as something nationwide with the help of street activity, occurred in Russia. In order to give it legitimacy in the eyes of the people. Just yesterday, people sang "God save the Tsar!", And in February they were shouting "Down with autocracy!"

Something similar happened quite recently in Ukraine. In this case, the role of an object for channeling protest energy was chosen not by Nikolay Romanov, but by Viktor Yanukovych. It should be said that this was a really worthless president. Not to mention the fact that thievish and self-satisfied. By and large, he was not loved either in the east of Ukraine or in the west. The East woke up a bit when semi-literate Bandera thugs descended from the Carpathian Mountains appeared on the Independence Square instead of Kiev intellectuals.

"SP": - Is it possible in Russia to repeat a similar trick?

- I would not be deceived about our stability. The results of the given opinion poll more or less reflect reality. But this is today's reality, the situation may change dramatically in a month or two. I'm not talking about the year. One of the weak points of the ruling team is the topic of Novorossia, in relation to which the Kremlin occupies a completely vague position. This causes discontent on the part of a huge number of people. Starting from patriotic citizens, ending with refugees who have nowhere to return, taxpayers (at whose expense they have to feed the refugees) and militia that fought. They just "stuck a knife in the back." All of these groups can be used by the payers of the “Maidan” coup.

The second scenario is associated with the activation of the Islamists in the Central Asian states. Under the guise of migrant workers, they will penetrate into our territory. Not to mention the fact that in one Syria several thousand immigrants from the Russian Federation are fighting, who were ideologically processed in Salafi schools. These guys will be here as soon as conflicts on an interethnic basis begin with their transformation into interfaith, which is generally terrible.

"SP": - What is the importance of the economic factor?

- In the event of a sharp deterioration in the economy, which will be quite easy to organize, the mass dismissal of our guest workers will begin. I very much doubt that they will go back to Tajikistan. Caught with no business, many of them will replenish criminal gangs. Summarizing: the revolutionary situation in Russia can be organized literally within a few months. The logic is simple - to create a mess, and then blame Putin personally for him, which will allow a group of elites to accomplish a apical coup. Say, it is necessary to get rid of the "guarantor", and everything will be fine.

But well, of course, will not, and will only get worse. Everything finally goes downhill. No matter how you treat Putin, but today it is the only center of consolidation in Russia, which is really bad. Because when the center is one, the interested parties are automatically tempted to put it somewhere. If there is a solid team, a strong successor, then there is no point in hunting for one person. That is why, frankly, I worry about the president.

Again, I am a pessimist and I think that the next Smoot in Russia can be easily organized. Moreover, the events in Ukraine are a prelude to an attempt to rock the Russian state boat. Understand, in itself "Square" is not needed by anyone. “Svidomye” guys, who were forced to sharply dislike “Muscovites”, do not understand that the West perceives them as a geopolitical “cannon fodder” on the fronts of the war with Russia. Nobody will ever accept into the civilized western community of savages from Maidan. They are needed only to fight with us - in Ukraine, a hotbed of instability is created with subsequent transfer to the territory of the Russian Federation.

"SP": - Putin, apparently, is aware of such a danger and is trying to hold a so-called. “Nationalization of elites”, but it does this somehow inconsistently and carefully.

- In this half-heartedness there is a big danger - counter-elites are irritated, retaining their poisonous teeth. The “fifth column” was slightly battered, not completely destroyed. Putin’s decisive policy, which brought him a high rating, began after Washington drew up the Magnitsky list. It could include anyone from the closest and not so close to the president. It was a typical blackmail of the Russian elites - turn in Putin and you will be left alone. Another version of blackmail — if you don’t want to be a person on the list — help remove Putin. By the way, such goal setting was officially announced (!). When our president was faced with a choice of "or-or", he began to fight comprador groups in the elite.

However, now Vladimir Putin, having taken a number of strong steps, began to slip. What causes the desire to sit on two chairs on the principle of "and ours, and yours," without making any sudden movements, we see the example of Yanukovych. Sooner or later, the president will have to make the final choice, as long as it is not too late. It is clear that it is difficult for a person who worked in the team of the great liberal Comrade Sobchak to break with those who brought him to Moscow in due time. Putin has moved away from this group, but he is in no hurry to finally break up and play all-in.

For example, Stalin did not care what people think of him in Europe or the Soviet nomenclature. He enjoyed sufficient support among the broad strata, which made him inviolable. But this must be resolved. I am not an adviser to Putin in this regard - such a choice is made once and then you have to go all the way. Understanding that there will be a huge number of people willing to destroy it. But if Putin takes such a step, he will receive colossal popular support. He now needs to create social support structures. This is something that he has not and never has. Stop hoping for the alleged “consensus of elites” who will surrender the president at the first opportunity. Again, remember Ukraine. Why did Maidan win here? Because Americans spent their $ 5 billion not on bribing oligarchs, but on working with grass-roots non-profit organizations that were created for Western grants in large quantities.

It was there that they recruited people who were dependent on them. While the Kremlin worked with oligarchs - with Kolomoisky, Akhmetov, hoping to buy their loyalty in exchange for cheap gas. The Americans didn’t bother with this, realizing that the money of the Ukrainian nouveau riche still lay in the West. As a result of the “anti-oligarchic” revolution organized by the USA, not one oligarch suffered in Ukraine. Except for Mr. Yanukovich.
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  1. +28
    13 November 2014 14: 01
    when will the levada center leave the whole structure to rebuild the taiga and the far east?
    Send the echo of Moscow for rough work to our railway workers for the new BAM

    Navalny let the streets sweep 8 hours a day under the supervision of Prokhanov

    It’s not necessary to spread rot or imprison them - all this shobla is swamp, otherwise these dogs will again sit and eat and sleep at our expense, even in prison

    We must stupidly make them work.
    This will be their most sophisticated punishment.
    1. VPO
      13 November 2014 14: 08
      The other day I was in Moscow in the office of a large foreign company. Office clerks about 500 people. There was panic, looked like half-fools. Bucks are running around buying up, they worry about cheese. It seems that they are from another country. The capital, of course, is panicking a little. But in essence, I am for GDP, but it’s high time to drive Medvedev. His piderastic government consists of traitors alone.
      1. +7
        13 November 2014 14: 11
        These, even under the hood, we know what to expect from them, from all sorts of Dvorkovichs, Surkovs.

        And then new ones will come, 50% will buy them again, who will be crushed by compromising - and then it will be a threat - because you can’t keep track of everyone, and the FSB will not have enough bureaucrats for the whole nomenclature. A new bureaucrat will be kind of patriotic - and at the right time, he will insert a knife in the back. And they will always wait for a knife from Dvorkovich and not turn their backs on him, they will carry nonsense with him, and he will hand it over to the embassy.
        And everything will be according to plan.

        Now everyone clearly knows who works for whom, under whom. And they make plans based on these data.

        Keep the enemy closer than your friend (s)
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +1
        13 November 2014 15: 08
        I completely agree:
        "Maidan" bacchanalia, has a sobering effect

        It is time, finally, to decide what kind of policy they are pursuing. Either this is a nationally oriented course, or we continue to “be friends” with the whole world

        rejection of the insolvent commodity economic model. It is necessary to raise the economy and, above all, the sphere of real production. Now is the best time to move from talking to business. If our authorities are engaged in restoring Russia's economic sovereignty, this will be the best response to Western sanctions.

        No matter how you relate to Putin, but today it is the only center of consolidation in Russia, which is actually bad. Because when the center is one, the interested parties automatically have the temptation to put it somewhere. If there is a close-knit team, a strong successor, then it makes no sense to hunt for one person. That's why, frankly, I'm worried about the president.

        Stalin did not care what they think about him in Europe or the Soviet nomenclature. He enjoyed sufficient support among the general public, which made him untouchable. But this must be decided. In this regard, I am not an adviser to Putin - such a choice is made only once and then we must go all the way. Understanding that there will be a huge number of people who want to destroy it. But if Putin takes such a step, he will receive tremendous popular support. He now needs to create community support structures.
      4. +6
        13 November 2014 15: 58
        Bucks are running around buying up for cheese

        Yes, there are also those who are ready to "sell Crimea for moldy cheese" recourse
      5. +5
        13 November 2014 17: 45
        It has long been noticed that Medvedev is a soft and comfortable liberal for the West, there is no sense in him, I do not believe him.
      6. +4
        14 November 2014 02: 18
        Quote: malware
        But in essence, I am for GDP, but it’s time to drive Medvedev long ago

        Duc, they’ve been a sidekick since St. Petersburg times, that is, one field of berries.
        They play the "good-evil cop" and most of them are played.
    2. Natalia
      13 November 2014 14: 10
      I do not remember such a thing that Russia lived in peace and tranquility. There were always nations or individuals who were annoying, trying to destroy, destroy, take away, kill, etc.
      Polovtsy, Pechenegs, Tatars, Mongols, Swedes, Crusaders, Gentry, French, Germans, today Americans are ... ...... not alive. And we will live.

      And daily resistance to these factors for Russia has become a familiar way of life.
      I do not think that with this article someone discovered America. It is clear that there are "well-wishers" and there are many of them. But we have already developed a system, immunity, so to speak. The main thing is to improve it.
      1. +4
        13 November 2014 14: 14
        Yes, there is no country in the world where there are no discontent! I often go to Germany, there is the same thing, offended and offended by the sea!
        1. bda
          13 November 2014 19: 28
          Since the decision-making process is vertical. Intervening and somehow correcting it from the outside is almost impossible. Citizens feel it ...

          According to some indirect signs, in our country this very "decision-making process" sometimes has a completely mysterious character, when not even "ordinary citizens", but people responsible for any serious areas of work learn about the next change in the "general lines "in their area of ​​authority already retroactively - almost from the newspapers. They find out, sit on the fifth point and throw up their hands: "Well, why did we all do this, if now again the command is" To unleash the pelmeni. "
          You can endlessly give excuses like "There are higher considerations that even responsible workers do not need to know!", But ... in general, such a simple and difficult to access phenomenon as "the unity of the people and the government" is based primarily on the fact that the people trust their power , and trust cannot be massively based on blind faith in a "good tsar" - such things do not work with a whole people - for this, the actions of the authorities must be understandable, predictable and in line with those basic values ​​and concepts by which the people live.
          While things in the country are going "as usual", the authorities, if they are not far-sighted, are not particularly concerned about unity with the people, but how serious problems begin, and "external challenges" - then it is often too late to "fraternize with the people".
      2. +1
        13 November 2014 21: 38
        Natalia: I do not remember such a thing that Russia lived in peace and tranquility ...
        Polovtsy, Pechenegs, Tatars, Mongols, Swedes, Crusaders, Gentry, French, Germans, today Americans are ......

        I envy your memory, you are our longevity!
      3. -2
        14 November 2014 00: 01
        Quote: Natalia
        Polovtsy, Pechenegs, Tatars, Mongols, Swedes, Crusaders, Gentry, French, Germans, today Americans are ... ...... not alive. And we will live.

        And how is it with this Rurikovich who killed his son with an ax and killed his net with a staff? Did he get caught? You are a living witness.

        Do not be offended.
      4. 225chay
        14 November 2014 15: 14
        Quote: Natalia
        There were always nations or individuals who were annoying, trying to destroy, destroy, take away, kill, etc.
        Polovtsy, Pechenegs, Tatars, Mongols, Swedes, Crusaders, Gentry, French, Germans, today Americans are ... ...... not alive.

        Yes that's right! Only those who destroyed the country in 17 and they repeated in 91m you modestly forgot to mention.
        And even now they continue their vile work of loosening the parties.
    3. +2
      13 November 2014 14: 37
      The Russian people are wise and cannot be fooled on the chaff.
      1. +1
        14 November 2014 02: 13
        Quote: Giant thought
        The Russian people are wise and cannot be fooled on the chaff.

        Now they don’t carry out on chaff, but breed ... like suckers ...
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. +2
      13 November 2014 16: 28
      Today, the same processes are going on in the world as 80-70 years ago. In those years, the US government actually confiscated gold from its population, forcing it to sell the treasury at a fixed price and thereby beginning its accumulation and preparation for laying the foundation for its future global financial hegemony. The scenario also included the preparation of the 2 (WW) World War II and Hitler's financing, and all this as instruments of global raider capture, which took shape in an unprecedented enrichment and dominance of the USA according to the results of the 2MB, and their result is the Brenton Woods Agreement. Today, the same thing happens - in Ukraine - a war, almost like in the 1936 year in Spain, plus Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan! These gentlemen, at present, say, including the IMF, the Fed, the Bank of England, the Central Bank Union and of course the Rothschilds (who “defiantly” left the gold fixing system in 2003,) who, having their own plan, through China and Asian countries, conduct hidden preparations to a new, no less global robbery, perhaps even by unleashing the 3-th MV!, and all to maintain its world domination or by returning a new "Brenton Wood", or "at worst", by maintaining the current currency "alignment ". Yes, they have contradictions in this, but in essence, this is the struggle of the IMF and Rothschild groups for the right to be at the head of the World Government. By some indications, it seems that the group with the Rothschilds is gaining the upper hand and now the new Brenton will strike and the “gold standard” will return, in the form of the “Golden Yuan” moved by them. (It is quite possible in the coming 1-3 years, after reaching a certain concentration of capital and salable gold. According to some information, only in China 5256 tons of gold have already been collected!) Their goal is to return to the gold standard system, on their terms, to reset their, and “friendly” (G7) debts (the price of gold, as if by “command” will increase 5-10 times! After all, they control the “gold fixing”!), to devalue “strangers” (the rest of the members of G20, BRICS without China) in one monetary and other assets, including through the new world currency, - Golden Yuan. (or something like that).
      For us, virtually the rest of humanity, this “struggle” is not easier, we are for them, that some, others, in any situation, are a victim, future “chip-like slaves”! And all sorts of “alliances and treaties” of V. Putin with China and the Rothschilds are an illusion for the victim, as well as the “alliances” of our “liberals” with the opposite side. If nothing is done, then We again expect to fight in one form or another with the whole world. Despite the obvious success with the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union, we have to admit that it does not have its own independent economic foundation and “fortress walls!”, It’s just a “clearing with a low fence”, the Central Bank - and money - it’s not clear whose, in the “fence "Full of holes! .... What will end is not known, but most likely bad.
      1. +3
        13 November 2014 16: 32
        Russia is obliged to urgently, “quietly” change, and it’s better to adopt the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, finish building statehood, - having demarcated borders, adopted independent legislation, nationalized the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, its assets and structures, turned into the State Bank of the Russian Federation and untied the Ruble from a basket of currencies, transferring To the RF Treasury, the function of the issuer of the national currency, the Ruble, introducing its weight equivalent, as in the USSR, the Soviet ruble, after the monetary reform of 1 of January 1961 of the year, before 1992 of the year, was formally equal to 0,987412 g of gold, the possibility of direct exchange of the ruble st gold did not exist, but it nevertheless provides an international, foreign exchange rate 0.61-0.63 1-cop for Mr. Dole. USA. This is because it implied the currency value of the weight of gold (0,987412 g.) In one ruble, which is being established now, according to the rules of "gold fixing" in London, and the intrinsic value of 1 g. Gold of 999 test, established by the State Bank of the USSR, and the responsibility for reimbursing this value ruble (solvency of the currency), - was provided by all liquid assets of the state. This was recorded in the international and domestic obligations of the USSR and was written about it on banknotes of the USSR. Such a system makes it unnecessary, the accumulation of tens of thousands of tons of gold, but a decent gold reserve, the state still needs, since a large amount of marketable gold, allows you to adjust the value of your currency, affecting the supply and demand of metal in the domestic and foreign markets.
        Only in this way will it be possible to break the vicious circle (or rather the loop on the neck) into which the parasites of the human race dragged us, otherwise blood and tears again, because they don’t count us as people, they always deceive us and don’t keep our word, we need to preempt and build a new one, The “human” system of material and moral values, enough to step on the same rake, does not exist and there is no market, self-regulated system of economic relations! The world economy is manually regulated by the “world backstage” through the G48 (1904) and its heirs, the founders of the Unified World Financial System, created through contracts and rights, through a set of “Mega-Regulators” represented by: The IMF, the World Bank, the UN, the Union of the Central Bank, the media, etc., etc. The economic and financial world order is governed by their current need and morality, or instead, by the presence of someone specific, veiled or not interested. The time has come to define unshakable moral values ​​and not allow anyone to despise or use them for their own purposes.
    6. Denis fj
      13 November 2014 20: 09
      If something happens, it’s spontaneous ... Someone will start and rush ... So far there is no reason for large-scale discontent. If the government keeps the ratio of income / expenses of the population, then there will be nothing. So far, not so bad. But if in reality the majority will start missing only for food, then you just have to light a match ...
      1. +2
        13 November 2014 21: 07
        Quote: denis fj
        But if in reality the majority will start missing only for food, then you just have to light a match ...

        Many in the province live from bread to water ...
        Moscow and Peter I do not take into account ...
      2. 0
        13 November 2014 21: 28
        Quote: Denis fj
        If something happens, then spontaneously ... Someone will start and rush ... There is no reason for large-scale discontent. If the government keeps the ratio of income / expenses of the population, then there will be nothing.

        When was the last time you were at a gas station? in the shop? receipt for housing and communal services when was the last time you received it?
        So far, not so bad.

        while in comparison with other neighbors - yes, but how much is enough?
    7. +4
      14 November 2014 06: 12
      Of course, it can be argued that the revelry of “swamp” or “Pikalevo” passions is still far
      Pay attention to how they distort, 3.14 ... bol, - lumps into one heap the speeches of the marsh liberals, and the hard workers, whose impotent oligarchs brought the plant "to the handle" with their shitty "management" and tried to cover it up.
    8. 0
      15 November 2014 15: 59
      So, too, I also think, why should I feed all kinds of attackers so that they just sit there was once hard labor and confiscation of property. We have no road (automobile) to Moscow-Vladivostok, so let them build it so that it’s not in half a strip but in all 8! with associated infrastructure!
  2. +4
    13 November 2014 14: 04
    Again, Levada collaborators carry out their outreach activities ...
    1. +2
      13 November 2014 14: 15
      This is not the first time they have been trimmed.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +14
    13 November 2014 14: 04
    Well, that begins, according to the principle "a drop wears away a stone ..." All these "Levads" - with their polls, must be taken very critically ... And it's time to take real steps for greater consolidation of society. To keep the ruble, prices for gasoline and foodstuffs, to bring Serdyukov and Vasilyeva to justice, and more openness, I would be glad if the President spoke in the media at least once a month explaining the situation and what we are preparing for ... -patriots "there are many, and their main argument is" we will throw our hats ", but not when there is no serious enemy. You should always explain everything to people, as openly as possible ...
    1. +3
      13 November 2014 15: 27
      And as he explains that Taburetkin is not planting, Chubais is still heading the country behind the scenes, and there are many questions that the white and fluffy have no answers to.
      1. +2
        13 November 2014 19: 34
        Quote: Tambov Wolf
        Yes, there are many questions to which the white and fluffy have no answers.

        Oh well _
        One can ask so many questions that 100 wise men will not answer.

        But in fact, only the great shaman Anunah knows all the answers!
  4. +7
    13 November 2014 14: 04
    Somehow like this...
  5. +5
    13 November 2014 14: 06
    As a significant part of the ruling elites promoted a course to the West, it continues to do so.

    But it was high time to think about it.
  6. +2
    13 November 2014 14: 07
    Levada Center - State Department mouthpiece
  7. +4
    13 November 2014 14: 09
    Gotta make them work stupidly

    I fully agree only with the addition PHYSICALLY
  8. +5
    13 November 2014 14: 10
    The cunning brother about the February revolution. Like, the protest movement itself organized, and on you, threw the king, the will of the people. For some reason, he is silent about the fact of the total betrayal of the elite, as well as about the influence of England on the February speeches.
  9. +8
    13 November 2014 14: 12
    I remember the "elections" in 1996! There, every week on NTV through the mouth of Kiselev (he now broadcasts in Ukraine) the results of the opinion polls were announced, with disappointing conclusions about the chances of the young Russian "democracy". But every week the number of EBN supporters increased, reaching the desired result for the "elections". Like, the people saw their sight. Since then, for me, sociology is not a science, but a section of political technologies.
  10. +2
    13 November 2014 14: 12
    To be honest, the whole world is sitting on a volcano thanks to the "light elves" and it is not a fact that we will explode first, although the "light elves" try their best, they can turn out to be successful and the Yellowstone volcano will wake up in front of them both literally and figuratively ...
    1. +3
      13 November 2014 14: 23
      Unfortunately, little really depends on the people now. But, gently friendship with the liberal thieves ’elite, which the majority of the population rightly hates, the GDP itself ignites the volcano. Why? Unclear. If he is afraid of them, then he has assembled a bad team - he is to blame. There have always been more intelligent and honest patriots in Russia than corrupt bastards.
      1. +2
        13 November 2014 14: 40
        There have always been more intelligent and honest patriots in Russia than corrupt bastards.

        One bastard selling can do so many troubles ....
        It is necessary as in China, all Chubaisiks, Serdyukovikov, etc. mold to the wall and revealing !!!
    2. The comment was deleted.
  11. +3
    13 November 2014 14: 14
    Responsibly inform: in Vladivostok, everything is calm. No protest movements are planned. Twelfth Vova arrived in the region, will distribute tasks to local. We will monitor how these little cheeks are executive.
    1. +1
      13 November 2014 14: 20
      Nice to have there. Oh! More equal and new to you! Bridges of course made smart
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      13 November 2014 14: 27
      We connected Magilev Vladivostok with Moscow, through all the major cities - in general, it would have been great ...
    4. +1
      13 November 2014 14: 27
      To connect Vladivostok with Moscow with a Muggle, through all the major cities - it would be great in general, from 0 to 19 hours and you are anywhere in Russia ...
  12. +5
    13 November 2014 14: 32
    All these blevocenters, ordered crap. They don’t have to respect themselves, listen, but the bear government must be persecuted. Unlike the Yankees, Russia cannot afford to have a low-cold leadership, it’s unprofitable for the people. hi
  13. +7
    13 November 2014 14: 37
    In late November, it is planned to speak out against the closure of hospitals and the reduction of medical staff in Moscow.
    Of the slightly more than 60 hospitals, more than 30 are expected to be "optimized". So let's see how people are ready to defend their interests.
    And polls are polls ...
    1. VAF
      13 November 2014 15: 17
      Quote: Normal
      And polls are polls ...

      , but in the end ... at least in our R.O. - the inventory cost and the rate ... if the cost is more than 1 (that is, a 500-room "khrushchob", then 000 already have, plus 2% of the inventory value ..... here we have arrived) .Yes .. I forgot .. "serf rent" - the abolition of the 1-year term under the tax-free right for the sale of real estate, and instead an increase of up to 500 years and with an increase in the tax rate to 0.15%.
      Well, how not to "shout" .. "Glory ......" wassat And I "missed" something in the article or ... "did not see" ..... what else do they want to introduce a new municipal fee for waste disposal, with an increase in the cost of general utility tariffs by 10-15% (despite the fact that it no one will dispose of otherwise than it is happening today, simply due to the lack of appropriate factories), increase the price of gasoline (approximately by 3-5 rubles per liter, freeing oil workers from taxes in foreign economic activity with a simultaneous increase in excise taxes on gasoline, expand the tax base when real estate transactions (they promised the cadastral value and only 0.1% of it, i.e. an increase of only 5-6 times
      1. +1
        13 November 2014 23: 43
        about 7 years, are you for people buying apartments in 2-3-5 units and selling them without tax in 3 years? I don’t - this is a normal trade, so let them pay taxes
        0,15% of 1,5 lyamov? So it’s 1000 more than now, I’ll say more - in the countryside there may even be a decrease (albeit small) -if local authorities do not want to raise to 0,3 (unfortunately this is in their power)
        Do not hysteria, please ....
    2. 0
      13 November 2014 15: 20
      Over the past three years, 8 new clinics have been introduced in the city, and by 2017 it is planned to open another 30 clinics. An example of implementing a program to expand the network of outpatient facilities is the construction of new adult and children's clinics in the Levoberezhniy district.
      The construction of a new adult clinic for 750 visits began in March 2013. To date, the nine-story building has completed the bulk of the construction and installation of equipment. The clinic delivered 142 units of modern medical equipment worth 50,4 million rubles. The available equipment will make it possible to organize the provision of not only primary, but also advisory medical care.
      In addition, in order to improve medical care for children, an extension to the children's polyclinic No. 133 is under construction. It will be an independent building with an area of ​​five thousand square meters for 150 visits per shift.
  14. +5
    13 November 2014 15: 13
    the president will have to make the final choice

    Putin will put in jail some oligarch who does not respect him ... who will not return his fountain pen ... this will be a "great success" in the fight against corruption.

    Until the authorities proceed to revise the results of the predatory grabbing of the 90s, there will be no positive changes.
    And this is unlikely to happen during our lifetime ...
    Bees will not give their honey to anyone!
    1. +1
      13 November 2014 18: 11
      What do you mean by reviewing the results of predatory privatization?
      1. +1
        14 November 2014 00: 25
        Terms for revising privatization results:
        a) effective modern development of the privatized enterprise.
        b) own funds invested by the owner (s) in the development of the enterprise.
        Fulfillment of these points may exempt an enterprise from participating in a privatization review.
        It is necessary:
        1. Create a government commission to review the results of privatization.
        2. Establish a list of such enterprises and organizations (former state property).
        3. Announce a tender to review the results of the privatization of large and medium-sized enterprises and organizations.
        4. Discarding extreme sentences from "leave everything as is" to "take it all", choose a few real and effective offers.
        5. The Commission grants State Duma deputies the right to vote on each motion.
        5. Put the proposals chosen by the Duma to a popular vote.
        6. Conduct a legislative decision on the voting results.
        7. Comply with the law.
        1. +1
          14 November 2014 00: 36
          That is, the Chile version of the model of President Allende? !!
          Good you however ....
    2. +2
      13 November 2014 21: 15
      Quote: kunstkammer
      Bees will not give their honey to anyone!

      Beekeepers will have to withdraw!
    3. +2
      13 November 2014 23: 53
      no-no-no, we'd better look from here to Ukraine, they also started on the Maidan beautifully - "War for the oligarchs", etc.
      Or you'd better spend it in Germany, there, too, are all "exceptionally honest and decent people" (c)
      The scandal with the "flying coffins" of the 70s recall (how the valiant Ministry of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany purchased flightless aircraft)
      Do not climb to us in Russia, remember Bismarck ......
  15. -1
    13 November 2014 15: 22
    Quote: Vasily Vankov
    However, now Vladimir Putin, having taken a number of strong steps, began to slip.

    The author’s master is not happy that he can write and publish his work, and not, at best, be in public works?
    Longing for the crown of the martyr and, like, persecution of dissidents in the middle of the second half of the last century?
    Dear author, take a look at Ukraine, it may light up that it is waiting for the fifth column if the nuts start to twist.
    37th do not get off!
  16. +3
    13 November 2014 15: 28
    It’s time to prepare for expropriation, it’s just that the S-ki don’t want to give back the loot
  17. +1
    13 November 2014 17: 22
    I am for Putin, but I am against Medvedev.
  18. +1
    13 November 2014 17: 29
    I don’t know who the Levada Center works for, but it’s clearly not in Russia's interests.
    As for the expectation of great upheavals and mass protests of the people, in the near future they should not be expected.
    Disadvantages and discontent have always been and will be in abundance.
    Basically, the protests are purely clanish in nature, affecting not all the people, but certain groups of them. Miners, doctors, motorists, burned-out depositors, offended by courts and local authorities, etc.
    While the whole nation is not shaking from such a policy pursued by the state. And there is no organizing force for general protest.
    Plus, we now have in our heads an external enemy, because of which all our troubles are scored. And from this, somehow it’s calmer at heart. We have already defeated the 17th capitalists and bourgeoisie, the 30 pests, the 40s fascists, the 50-80s imperialists, etc.
    Therefore, we see the light at the end of the tunnel. We defeat the external enemy and then heal well.
    But will we heal well? That is the question. I want to believe that yes. But in this life?
    We like in a song - But basically everything is fine, a beautiful marquise ....
  19. +2
    13 November 2014 17: 32
    Crimea, and especially Donbass, made us different. As they say, we will not be the same. And this is the beginning of the end of all this riffraff that ruined Russia ...
  20. 0
    13 November 2014 17: 53
    Quote: s-t Petrov
    Navalny let the streets sweep 8 hours a day under the supervision of Prokhanov

    No, good Prokhanov, I would invite Strelkova, he has experience in the compulsory treatment of Svidomo and Euro-Maidan.
  21. +1
    13 November 2014 18: 29
    Quote: valentina-makanalina
    I don’t know who the Levada Center works for, but it’s clearly not in Russia's interests.

    Well, those times! The Levada Center, in fact, was created exclusively as a commercial project. After the removal of VTsIOM, the entrepreneurial Mr. Levada organized an office called VTsIOM-A (incidentally, and, of course, illegally, taking with him a long-term database of opinion polls ) The name, due to 100% plagiarism, soon had to be changed, but no one, of course, turned off commercial activity. And then - a long trace from, to put it mildly, not very plausible sociological studies. But in the dark past of the Levada Center, you can wander for a very long time. One thing is not in doubt - the Levada Center is an extremely unscrupulous “analyst” looking at everything through a “monetary prism”. They have something to raise someone’s ratings, what to lower - all one, if only they would pay more money. And since our opposition has no other chance to increase its ratings (not real useful things, in fact) and lower the ratings of Putin and United Russia, they actively use the services of the most corrupt analytical center in Russia.
  22. leond
    13 November 2014 19: 06
    The author’s naivety is surprising, this is probably a national trait: the king is good, but only corrupt boyars. Putin is a pragmatist, that is, he acts on the principle: live yourself and let others live. It was his pragmatism, when he headed the department of foreign economic activity in the government of Sobchak, that allowed him not only to make a good capitalist, but also to share profits with Sobchak, which is why he recommended him to the presidential administration. The wolf of a wolf does not bite. Therefore, it is naive to hope that Putin will fight with his corrupt environment. It is also naive to hope that mass demonstrations of dissatisfied citizens will take place in Russia. Both the media and the Internet are under the hood of the special services. And in the case of certain excesses, the perpetrators will be deprived of the opportunity to engage in their profession, as has already happened. Under the current regime, Russia will slowly and steadily degrade when the technological, social, military lag becomes critical, then either a change of elites occurs or Russia is absorbed by more developed countries.
    1. 0
      13 November 2014 19: 42
      Quote: leond
      The wolf of a wolf does not bite.

      Doesn't stop you from reading _
      “Don’t shout:“ Wolves! ”” Farley Mowet _
      a book by a Canadian writer (English Farley Mowat) dedicated to observations of wolves in Canada.
    2. 0
      14 November 2014 10: 56
      Quote: leond
      allowed him not only to put together a good capitalist, but also to share profits with Sobchak, so he recommended him to the presidential administration. The wolf of a wolf does not bite.

      You can recall the past as much as you like. But in THIS SPECIFIC CASE, I prefer to believe that people change - this time! And the second: if a person had a Goal that can only be reached with the help of corrupt elites - he could accept the game by the rules in force. But having reached the Goal, he began to act more and more in his own way, which is confirmed by the Recent History!
      Another thing is that "one is not a warrior in the field," and now people on whom the President can rely on are slowly being dragged "upward". only it happens slowly - and the situation requires speed and determination now.
      PS And you, by the way, what - were Sobchak's treasurer? Where so invincible confidence in the sharing ?! I didn’t look into his pockets .. lol
  23. 0
    13 November 2014 19: 18
    well ..
    Cheerful situevina. If the Russian Federation also wobbles after Ukraine, then it will be bad.
    Although the vertical power of GDP will not give up.
    1. 0
      13 November 2014 21: 35
      Quote: Cristall
      well ..
      Cheerful situevina. If the Russian Federation also wobbles after Ukraine, then it will be bad.
      Although the vertical power of GDP will not give up.

      Well, this is how to look, because from the other side you can’t control (as an example, Kennedy and a couple of politicians of a lower rank (of countries)).
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      13 November 2014 21: 37
      Quote: Cristall
      If the Russian Federation also wobbles after Ukraine, then it will be bad.

      Will gaily !
      In Ukraine, they found the extreme in the face of the Russian Federation, when in the Russian Federation there will be a question about finding the extreme, I think they will not look too far!
      1. +2
        14 November 2014 00: 05
        And there will be no extreme, as in the old anecdote "Yes, there is no longer your America !!!!"
        In general, the last 200 years of history show that Russia is such a country that is absolutely unpredictable, and where it will be carried, God forbid, even God I fear will not predict.
        And about something that will be sick all having a hangover in a Russian feast is 100%.
        Paris, Berlin-took, the Baltic states from Poland in general from under Russia was not visible, did not reach London (unfortunately) - and all for 200 years!
        1. +1
          14 November 2014 10: 46
          Quote: your1970
          to London did not reach

          So this .. what there was no need, like ..
          1. 0
            14 November 2014 16: 00
            Quote: avia1991
            So this .. there was no need, like ..

            Till ! wink
            And now, instead of LondOn, they slip Washington. Tricks arrogant saxons.
        2. -1
          14 November 2014 15: 57
          Quote: your1970
          And there will be no extreme, as in the old anecdote "Yes, there is no longer your America !!!!"

          The extreme is always there!
          Not the first time, just in a store, on the street, on the bus, I hear what people in Ukraine need?
          This is when completely tolerant coverage by our media of events in Ukraine, and what if they really cover events there?
          Although whoever doesn’t have acquaintances there, otherwise relatives from whom there are completely intolerant mothers, such as you snickering in the Russian Federation! Warm, light and do not bite flies!
          Tell me the truth?
          Now a new trend, the dollar and Ukraine!
  24. 0
    13 November 2014 23: 10
    In the medium term, nothing will happen (the Levada Center plays into the hands of the "swamps"), I know they called me ....
  25. 0
    13 November 2014 23: 35
    And about 5-6 years ago no one was on strike at all, what stocks? what rallies did not hear.
    And why did they suddenly go on strike - no one is planting particularly violent
    And why they don’t plant it - they think that everything is under control

    I have already said, but I repeat - after the Ukrainian vaccination, no matter how much money our enemies pour into the organization of the uprisings, nothing will happen. They’ll cut the money, the people will not go anywhere even in the last cowards. A freebie ends, in order to somehow live, you need to stupidly work with your hands, not your tongue.
  26. +1
    14 November 2014 01: 36
    For example, theStalin did not care what they think of him in Europe or Soviet nomenclature. He enjoyed sufficient support among the general public, which made him untouchable. But this must be decided. In this regard, I am not an adviser to Putin - such a choice is made only once, and then we must go all the way. Understanding that there will be a huge number of people who want to destroy it. But if Putin takes such a step, he will receive tremendous popular support.
    So a similar question torments me all the time: WHY does Putin in no way want to rely on the people? Fears? Or doesn’t trust? .. Our goals, it seems, are the same ..
    1. +1
      14 November 2014 09: 38
      What kind of people do you think Putin should rely on?
      1. 0
        14 November 2014 10: 38
        Quote: tasha
        What kind of people do you think Putin should rely on?

        On that very one, sir, whom we, including, represent! So far, reliance is on officials of Edrosia and the oligarchs. And this people will support the President as long as it will be economically profitable for them ..
        1. 0
          14 November 2014 10: 58
          Your adequacy, dear avia1991, I have no doubt. I’m not always sure of myself. Do you trust me like that?

          At a friend of my stairwell next door to Mary Davy Christ believes .. Does she also?
          1. 0
            14 November 2014 12: 20
            Quote: tasha
            I’m not always sure of myself. Do you trust me like that?

            That is, you do not trust yourself? wassat In that case, I will urge the President to lean on the Russian people, except for you (due to self-rejection) and your friend’s neighbor. Though.. what It is possible that she associates Putin with one of the archangels of Ms. Marie, and then her support is provided. wink
            1. 0
              14 November 2014 14: 47
              Where is it written that I do not trust myself? I’m not sure of my own adequacy, but these are completely different things.

              You see, there are only two of us and already problems with understanding. So next time you call on the President (how do you call him, with a summons or incantations like "Putin come ..."?), Then keep in mind that people are all different ...
              1. -1
                14 November 2014 18: 12
                Quote: tasha
                keep in mind that people are all different ...

                You would not think better - then you would be able to avoid stupid "conversation". They would say bluntly: "I am against Putin's policy, I do not like him, and I am not going to support him!" Everything is simple and straightforward, right? Moreover, this is your right, in the conditions of our AWESOME democratic society.
                Quote: tasha
                I’m not always sure of myself. Do you trust me like that?

                Here, by the way, this is not about adequacy, but about the lack of self-confidence - that is, about distrust own thoughts and actions.
                As for the root cause of our dialogue, we are talking about a historical example of Comrade. Stalin. And in those conditions, you would just have to choose: either you fully support your President - or go to support the economy in Kolyma (at best). Here, in modern democratic conditions, you have a choice, and it’s enough for you not to get into a conversation when there is a call to the people: do not consider yourself a people - your right! But do not lead others astray. Because in this case you turn from an indifferent bystander into an enemy ..
                I don’t really hope for understanding - say yourself that understanding is a problem hi
                1. -1
                  14 November 2014 20: 00
                  Well, Christmas trees, sticks .. Since you are so serious, and have not regretted the letters - you must answer.

                  Personally, you expressed bewilderment, why is it V.V. Putin does not rely on the people. I am trying to convey to you the idea that people are different. I refer you to the film by Mikhail Romm "Ordinary Fascism". There is a paragraph about the possessed one, I do not remember literally, but something like this: "I promised big business to squeeze small business, I promised small business to squeeze big business." And so on and so on .. Are you waiting for this or what?
                  Excuse me, what fright did you decide that our people are a certain monolithic mass, a crowd insane?
                  You yourself wrote: "The support goes to the officials of Edrosia and the oligarchs. And this people will support the President as long as it is profitable for them economically ..", i.e. Are they no longer a people for you? And what about the army, police, doctors, scientists, teachers? This is also not a people, or what? Personally, I think that the authority of V.V. Putin with the same military is now more than high.
                  And please, do not distort and do not attribute to me it is not clear what thoughts ...
                  1. 0
                    15 November 2014 10: 59
                    Quote: tasha
                    "Big business promised to squeeze small, small business promised to squeeze big." And so on and so on .. Are you waiting for this or what?

                    It has nothing to do with it. "Big business" and "Oligarchs" are completely different concepts. There is a big business in the acronym OJSC, where the state is the main shareholder, there are large entrepreneurs who do not get involved in politics, but if necessary, they are ready to "strain themselves" (like the same Abramovich, who, by the way, in Chukotka only does not glorify deaf-blind and dumb) - and there are "lads" like Kalomoisky (we naturally have enough of them).
                    Quote: tasha
                    people are different.

                    You are wasting your time trying to explain this to me - I personally understand this a priori. Moreover, I will surprise you with the saying that I do not think that the people
                    Quote: tasha
                    some monolithic mass
                    , and even more so
                    Quote: tasha
                    crowd insane?

                    And EVERYONE has his own opinion - that the essence of his inalienable right.
                    Quote: tasha
                    they are no longer people for you?

                    United Russia officials are not a people for me. Most of the local "princelings", as a rule, are members of the United Russia. What they do in the government, and how they "take care" of the people's needs, I know quite well. And to call them "representatives of the people", sorry, the language does not turn. And here is further in your text
                    Quote: tasha
                    army, police, doctors, scientists, teachers
                    - these are, overwhelmingly, normal, adequate people, like workers, farmers, peasants, housing and communal services workers, shop assistants, drivers, builders, etc. AND EVERYONE has the right to an opinion. But taking into account the fact that everyone’s opinion is now leaning towards a common one, regarding the President’s support, it makes sense to say that it would not hurt the President to rely on this people anymore - to be stronger, and to have, moreover, more opportunities for signified people do. Reliance on the existing vertical of power entails more negative consequences, both for the well-being of the people and for the development of the country!
                    So is my idea clearer? hi
                    Well, the last:
                    Quote: tasha
                    please do not distort and do not attribute to me it is not clear what thoughts ...
                    I will NOT do this with pleasure, if you express your own thoughts as intelligibly as in the last comment Yes, and without undue sarcasm, such as
                    How do you call him, a summons or incantations like "Putin come ..."?
                    1. 0
                      15 November 2014 18: 53
                      I tell you about Thomas, you tell me about Yeryoma ...
                      Reading and understanding does not always mean the same thing.

                      Far more intelligible. It’s just that if you cling to one idea-thought, then for some reason hold on to it ... In the sense, within the framework of this thought, you reason.
                      I wish you success in this ...

                      And, by the way, I do not expect an answer from you, SUDAR ...
  27. +2
    14 November 2014 06: 06
    These polls, such polls! For instance. Go to the geyklub (please don’t swear, I’m hypothetically) and ask if they support same-sex marriages and with the same question to the biker party. The answers will be DIAMETRALLY opposite!
  28. +1
    14 November 2014 06: 36
    Quote: malware
    The other day I was in Moscow in the office of a large foreign company. Office clerks about 500 people. There was panic, looked like half-fools. Bucks are running around buying up, they worry about cheese. It seems that they are from another country. The capital, of course, is panicking a little. But in essence, I am for GDP, but it’s high time to drive Medvedev. His piderastic government consists of traitors alone.

    I agree to 100% bear time to drive the Bear good they had a strange conversation with a black man ... both smiled so sweetly at each other .. negative
    1. 0
      14 November 2014 07: 45
      Quote: press attache
      they had a strange conversation with a black man.

      It so happened that I have an association with the word Negro, I have quite definite ones, and see for yourself what a Negro

      And this, you really call a spade a spade, and Mr. r e p it.
    2. -1
      14 November 2014 10: 41
      Quote: press attache
      both were smiling so sweetly at each other ..

      Very well noticed! At the summit in Beijing, Obamkin kept an impenetrable expression on his face. And then it blossomed! .. It seems that the Aifonchik came there to receive a control center from the "chief". Or maybe he brought him a new "apple" toy? ..
  29. +1
    14 November 2014 10: 20
    Among the most resonant mass protests, protests against mass cuts in the capital of the Russian automobile industry, Togliatti, can be noted.Well ... the "All-Russian headquarters of protest actions" should take the drug "not3,14zdin" with the whole composition!
    Until recently, I lived in Togliatti. All the protests finally came down to the fact that a dozen people went to the VAZ skyscraper ... half an hour I stayed at 3,14 and dispersed. And even then ... this speech did not concern the POLICY of the state, but the reduction of working personnel by the plant management!
  30. +2
    14 November 2014 18: 34
    A lot of clever things have been written, I hope "not the last people" read VO. (All +)
    16 November 2014 19: 16
    Who did Levada interview on the site? Is it? It’s time for Levada to do winter camps in Magadan with the whole crowd. It’s time!