Smerch and Grad are modernized by the French system SIGMA

Smerch and Grad are modernized by the French system SIGMA
The Russian Ministry of Defense and the French company Sagem Defense Securite (SAFRAN group of companies) will discuss possible purchases of the SIGMA 2010 fire control system (FCS) for the modernization of the Russian artillery и missile multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), an official representative of the French company reported.

At the Eurosatory 2010 arms exhibition held in France in June, the First Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Vladimir Popovkin invited representatives of Sagem to negotiations in Moscow and announced the interest of the Russian defense department in acquiring SIGMA 30 navigation and guidance systems, primarily for the modernization of the Smerch and Grad MLRS.

“We are ready to offer Russia the SIGMA 30 system for the modernization of Russian artillery and salvo systems. Equipping this system with Russian military equipment increases its efficiency several times, ”the agency’s source said.

He recalled that now Sagem supplies these systems to practically the entire range of Russian export weapon products, including SIGMA 95 for the Sukhoi company. In addition, the French company is upgrading Indian equipment purchased earlier in Russia, including multiple rocket launchers. At the same time, all French artillery and analogues of the Russian Smerches and Gradov have already been re-equipped with the new SIGMA 30 system. The same system is equipped with the MLRS of Germany and Italy. The combat vehicles of Norway and Sweden are being modernized, said a representative of the French company.

“The need for newer navigation and guidance systems is dictated by the fact that, to date, the range of upgraded Grad MLRSs has increased from 40 to 50-60 km. Accordingly, the fire control system should be modernized, namely, the accuracy and speed of aiming at the target should be improved, ”said a Sagem representative, RIA reports.News».

According to him, the SIGMA 30 system developed in 1995 on high-precision gyro-laser technology has a weight of 20 kg against 50 on the old system, guidance time is 5 minutes against 15, shooting accuracy with 0,9 against 2, time to failure 20 thousand hours vs 5 thousand

The forum “Technologies in mechanical engineering-2010” (TBM-2010) will be held in Zhukovsky near Moscow from June to July 30.
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  1. kesa1111
    12 November 2011 09: 00
    Well, if you don’t have one ... well, at least there is money.
  2. +1
    3 July 2012 16: 43
    Cooperation with France will only benefit. New technologies are always good.