Our money. Are they ours?

At present, there is a situation when Russia and its citizens are largely deprived of their freedom of money circulation and operations. It is not clear to citizens why the refinancing rate is growing in Russia, but it is falling all over the world? It is not clear why suddenly the ruble exchange rate falls to the dollar and when will it end? Let's see.

Let's start with the first: the refinancing rate, which the Central Bank has once again raised. What is the reason and how is it formed? In this regard, we must explain that the discount rate (refinancing rate) of the Central Bank cannot be lower than the LIBOR rate (0,5-6,5%) plus insurance costs and the franchise cost (?) For using the ruble as currency (this is also plus 2-4% ). Moreover, this rate is the profit of 2's founders of the megaregulator of the monetary system of Russia: the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (or rather, the Central Bank of Russia, of which 50% is the income of the Central Bank of Russia (not a resident of the Russian Federation!), And 50% is the income another founder - the government of the Russian Federation (and only from 2006!).

It is somehow strange: the government prefers to receive several tens of billions of rubles from this rate than several tens of trillions in taxes from economic growth, if we lower this rate to the level of the same Fed and ECB! (0-0,5%). A reasonable question - why? Because the Russian Federation does not have its own currency, the ruble is the property of a non-resident - the Central Bank of Russia OJSC! The ruble as currency is the government and citizens of the Russian Federation are using the franchise! Accordingly, the maximum total amount of ruble money supply М2 in the Russian Federation, which may be in circulation, is not tied to the total amount of balances (assets) of residents of the Russian Federation, but actually to the size of the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as the owner and manager of the monetary unit and the only megaregulator of banking -financial system of the Russian Federation (!), it is defined by it as the size of its gold and foreign currency assets multiplied by the value of the dual-currency basket determined by it, and, the reverse (aggregate) ruble mass about М3 (М4 in the Russian Federation is not considered and not used at all! It is given to the Fed to print dollars!) is determined by the Central Bank on the basis of its own and all currency assets of residents of the Russian Federation, and the Russian government has almost no direct influence on the money supply. as exchange rates and their cost corridors are actually established by Central Bank, based on agreements with its co-owner, the US Federal Reserve, and Central Bank LLC (founders: 50% - Central Bank of Russia and 50% - the Russian government), headed by Ms. Nabiullina - this is, in fact, the governing liabilities company, only executes and controls these agreements. Although there are nuances: when the government urgently needs money, for example, to the Crimea, the defense industry, the social sphere, the bridges to the Crimea, disasters in the housing and public utilities sector and other unplanned expenses, they turn to the Central Bank, and that one slightly lets the ruble go, and for 1 dollar-euro prints and no longer issues 30-40, but 40-50 rubles, that's all, “market and inflation, you know!”

Alignment, where 1 $ = 1 rub. or, as now, 45 rubles, or it will be equal to 1000000 rubles, for a central bank without a difference, the number of rubles will always be equal to the number of available dollars. The RUB / currency rate for the Central Bank as a branch of the Fed is a political instrument of pressure on the Russian authorities!

By the way, in Ukraine, one of the goals of the “Maidan Revolution” (maybe the main one?) Was to change the status of the National Bank of Ukraine! And Poroshenko has already introduced a bill to the parliament. “Quietly” the same persons as always (the Fed and K) will create the next private central bank and privatize the national currency - the hryvnia! And there they don’t care, if they fail to create an anti-Russian outpost, you can “drain” the “dill”, why are they, the beggars, needed? Looking for their assets as the basis of additional. dollar / euro issue!

In our country, the “young democratic” Gorbachev-Gaidar-Chubais spill through criminal collusion with foreign countries and supranational institutions during the 1991-1996 period were artificially created and other conditions for the impossibility of conducting full-fledged financial and economic activities. Evil tongues claim that the country's long-term assets were transferred to the US Federal Reserve Board of Directors for 49 years (how to find out if part of the state archive for 1993-1996 was destroyed?) As the basis for additional emission of the US dollar! Moreover, for the economy of the Russian Federation an external source of money emission was determined - from currency, and not from the balances of residents.

Just until everyone was busy privatizing land, enterprises, oil and gas, the privatization of the ruble and the entire financial system of the country went unnoticed, a private holding company was established with the participation of the US Federal Reserve System - Central Bank of the Russian Federation! And all this is in violation of the rights of Russian citizens, according to the existing (even if “painted by the Americans”) Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 71, starting with paragraph “d”). So, the creation of a privately held Central Bank of the Russian Federation, not a resident of the Russian Federation, the privatization of the ruble and, accordingly, the linking of the money supply to the assets of the Central Bank (through Basel and secret agreements with the Fed) practically deprived our country of monetary freedom, and the lack of sufficient money made impossible the full development of the country's economy, which is forced to operate with the cumulative balance of residents of the Russian Federation, which, naturally, is several orders of magnitude more!

Russia is still in these terrible conditions. What could be the growth of the economy and commodity GDP, when residents of the Russian Federation are forced to constantly underestimate the value of their assets, when banks in the Russian Federation are just a mutual loan fund. How to develop the economy, if collateral is not enough for bank borrowings, when full insurance is impossible, when it is impossible to conduct any profitable and “transparent” economic activity! And this is simply because there is not enough money for a normal financial and economic situation in Russia, there should be at least 10 in a normal economy, and 100 is better in times better! Otherwise, how can you invest or plan for 5-10-20-30 years, if the country does not have its own money, and there is only enough existing money to ensure their annual turnover, based on the gold assets of the owner, and no more?

The Russian Federation is obliged to comply with the “Jamaican agreements” and the subsequent “Basel protocols” (1, 2, 3 ...) on the security of the 1 category of bank turnover in an amount not lower than 4-12% (up to 16!%). It is from these conditions that the practice has emerged, when a lot of money for a long term is taken by residents abroad in foreign currency, providing the cost of this debt for multiple issuance of the same currency, at least 1 to 10! Every dollar-euro occupied by Russian residents generates this money at least 10 times more! And they are all at the disposal of those who print them!

In the world, the so-called “developed states” (G7) at least have a money supply tied to the turnover of the book value of all the assets of their residents - M4, and even taking into account the leverage established by the same Basel protocols - from 1 to 4 to 1 to 50 and more, depending on their quality and status, which is just necessary for financing new business entities. That is, in a normal economy, money is always many times more than balance sheet assets! And when they, issuers of reserve currencies, “suddenly” do not have enough money to stimulate their economies, “social package” to their citizens, to the “orange revolutions”, another “war of liberation”, to buy foreign resources, to bribe foreign rulers, etc., they conclude long-term agreements on “currency swaps” (they fix exchange currencies between reserve currencies for a year or more), and then they print as much money as they want, some of which are transferred to each other to maintain the overall balance.

For example: just recently the ECB printed 500 billion euros and changed 100 of them to the Fed for the same printed dollars. And order! Everyone is happy, the paper has endured everything, but what about the “free currency market”? How did the mass of unsecured money react? Why, after all, they set the rules, issuers of reserve currencies! And how many times did this happen? Lots of! During the period of the “acute phase of the crisis” (2008-2010), tens of trillions of such “candy wrappers” were thrown in, despite the fact that global GDP is only about 80 trillions of dollars!

And what about the rest of the world, other countries? How are they with their currency? Are they too awkward? No, everything is fair here, according to Basel! All the rest should and determine the size of the money supply of their currencies only on the size of the accumulated currency earnings and gold and currency assets! And nothing else, or there will be a “financial crisis!” Or ... a “color revolution”! So it turns out that “a couple of guys” actually “throws their money over the world” and makes a profit from the fact that the rest of the world uses them, well, and if, where, in their opinion, there is an excess of money, then measures are taken in an instant for “ rehabilitation of surplus. "

All controls over the world economy and finances are in the hands of megaregulators - the US Federal Reserve and its associated Cartel (global union of private central banks), where all the central banks of all countries of the world, where they exist, to some extent participate. They have at their disposal an unprecedented “crisis package”: inflation, wars, revolutions, political crises, show business, the media, stock exchanges, rating agencies, terrorism, art, “demand” in the consumption market, and so on. When you need to get rid of “extra” money, suddenly something happens: “stock indices jump,” as if on cue, prices drop sharply or rise on stock exchanges, public unrest begins, “environmentalists” protest, a new super-duper epidemic arises and other It is time to understand and accept: a market economy that “regulates” itself or something there does not exist; it, this free economy, ceased to exist in 1907-1910, causing a crisis of overproduction! Since then, much has changed.

After the secret conference in Paris in 1904, at which it was decided to create a secret center for global governance and a single global financial system in the G48 format. This was the beginning of the emergence of its various elements in the form of various congresses, the League of Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the UN, UNICEF and others, and first of all, of course, the creation of the private Fed of the USA in 1910 and the transfer of the functions of the Central Bank in 1913. and the US currency issuer.

After that, everything in the world began to change rapidly, wars and revolutions were organized, after which in the “liberated from tyranny” countries the same central banks arose, in which the interests of the same owners were present, they began to “make friends” and entered into an alliance of central banks. As a result, today all the regulatory levers of global finance and economy are in fact not in the hands of governments, but of central banks united by common interests and co-owners. Yes, in some of the securities there are state interests of the governments of their countries, but the rest is the interests of 368 families or about 147 "super-super" corporations connected with each other, which during the 1904-1938 period. created a hidden system of global regulation of the world economy and finance that is controlled, starting wars and creating crises, imposing values ​​alien to humanity, at the same time maintaining the illusion of a “free financial market” and the existence of a “free market economy”.

One of the Rothschilds said: "Give me the opportunity to print money, and I will not care what laws you pass!"

The current world order is subject only to their interests, and the governments of countries play only the role that they have been entrusted to. After all, today the basis of the money issue is debts from not always existing material values. It is they who give birth to the money supply, which is used by mankind, directing including the very tiny part to the sphere of its own development: education, health care, culture and so on. So it turns out that a person as the main creative force in the current system has only the secondary function of the consumer, although without a person nothing has value and value, everything material is dead and insignificant until a person comes and is not interested.

The current global parasitic financial and economic system is based on loan interest, the union of private securities and the exploitation of the whole world by a narrow group of interconnected clan families. They invented and built a global financial and economic system based on the “absolute importance of money,” although money is only a derivative of barter. The system is initially flawed, its “ceremonial facade” in the form of a “Western way of life” and free market values ​​”is used as bait“ for fragile minds ”for the ultimate enslavement of the rest of humanity. And they are already close to their goal - the creation of an official unified world government, one element of which has a single currency in some form (through long-term currency swaps) already exists, quite a bit is left - to put pressure on Europe into the Atlantic Trade Union, to “break” and divided into "principality" of Russia, probably, these are one of the last serious obstacles to the transformation of humanity into slaves programmed for obedience and "proper consumption"!

So it turns out that Russia is the main obstacle in their plans. Although I am sure: we are still not the only ones who are not fully conquered by them. We, the citizens of Russia, in spite of the “cannibalistic” laws and conditions imposed on the economy imposed on us, manage to survive and strengthen our statehood! Of course, this “their” terribly enrages, so they are doing everything they can, “marsh”, “pink”, “orange”, “shale” revolutions, sanctions and other “Maidan” to stupefy us and enslave to the end, and if it will not work, they are ready for everything, including our complete physical destruction.

The only way for Russia and its citizens to allow the president of Russia to “wriggle out” of this difficult situation with minimal risk of a global war is to organize “national banking” (regional project financing banks) based on the principles of the world’s already existing Shariah banks (refusal and prohibition of loans). percent in any form), for which a new type of asset of the 1 category should be introduced into the financial and economic turnover, a state asset of the first category that is not subject to depreciation - a human capital tal in the form of the monetary value of each person, equal to the value of a certain amount of bank gold. That is, by fixing in the value of gold (at the first stage!) The economic potential of every person, citizen of our (any!) Country!

How? Yes Easy. There is such a thing - the GDP consumed per capita. In Russia, it is 18-19 thousand dollars (in the US - more than 51 thousand. $, And in Qatar and Monaco - more than 120 thousand. $). Multiply it by the average life expectancy in the Russian Federation in 71 a year and we get the potential minimum capitalization of every citizen of the Russian Federation in currency in a lifetime. This is about 1,68-1,70 million dollars, which, in turn, will be equivalent to the value of 41-45 kg of bank gold.

Naturally, this is somehow unfair when compared with the same Qatari and its 300 kg or Liberian (0,6 kg)! This means that in the future it will be necessary to create and use a more objective method of settlement, but this later, in the process of a general restructuring of the entire global financial system. Today, it is necessary to operate with the rational that is, which means that already existing 41-45 kg of the value of banking gold - this is the minimum starting point. Guided by this, the state will be able to create a base for the issue of money and the capital of regional banks for project financing. For example, the "People's Bank of the Ryazan Region" (and so on) with the authorized capital, the size of which is determined by the number of inhabitants of the region multiplied by the value of 41-45 kg of banking gold.

So Russia will get a legal basis for issuing secured money for the economy in an enormous amount (even without nationalizing the Central Bank of the Russian Federation!), While being able to somehow comply with the current financial and economic rules, agreements, and all sorts of “protocols”, creating its own, new mechanism increments, emissions and turnover of money supply, and lay the foundation for a new industrialization of the country and, what is really important, a new global financial system.

So a foundation can be laid for a new world economic order, a smooth transition to which will not be carried out through revolution, crisis and destruction of the existing world financial and economic system, but its step-by-step evolution. Such an approach will allow the use of the economic value of a person as a single emission basis for all currencies of the world and, therefore, to abandon dollars, euros and other reserve currencies, in fact, cutting, not provided with paper and numbers in a computer. At the same time, it will allow to get rid of the political and financial-economic domination of all these US, IMFs, families, clans and other “global backstage”, to move to direct clearing in trade and financial and economic relations between all countries of the world.

Only the creation and introduction into the financial and economic circulation of state human capital as an asset of the 1 category and the activity of people's banks based on it will finally destroy the plans for the enslavement of humanity and make possible a complete transition to a new world order that excludes colonialism and exploitation by developed countries and financial groups in all explicit and hidden forms. The introduction of human capital into circulation will allow us to untie the hands for the new industrialization of our (and any!) Country, the present long-term (5-30 years) financing and the restoration of real sovereignty and economic power of Russia.


1. A decisive initiative from the bottom (from the regions) about people's banking and human capital in the form of an 1 category asset as the basis for issuing money and creating regional project financing banks based on well-established principles and rules used in Sharia banking.

2. To return control to the people and the state over the money and financial system of the country, nationalizing the ruble, OJSC and CBR RF, their components and subsidiaries. Create a State Bank of Russia, the issuer of the country's currency and the regulator of the banking and financial system of the Russian Federation.

3. Denounce all international obligations of Russia limiting its economic, financial rights and agreements on the granting of its rights, assets, etc. for encumbrances, emissions and other actions of someone that impose any restrictions and obligations on the Russian Federation, its assets, liabilities and citizens.

4. Adopt a new Constitution of the Russian Federation, abolishing the priority of international law and other provisions that infringe the rights of the state and its citizens.

5. Establish a state monopoly on banking services.

6. Convert commercial banks into mutual funds and investment funds.

7. Ban the loan interest in any form.

8. To stop on the territory of Russia any turnover of any other currencies except the currency of the Russian Federation, and to prohibit any quotes and transactions with their use.

9. Introduce capital outflow tax, based on 10 years, in the amount of 13% per year, for each amount sent to non-residents, not reimbursed and confirmed by regulators (customs, State Bank) with commodity or other delivery of the “product” during 30 calendar days.

10. Introduce mandatory 100% sale of foreign exchange earnings by exporters to the state.

11. Eliminate all forms and types of currency exchange points. To prohibit any non-exchange currency trading. All operations are only through bank accounts. And in order to eliminate the illegal currency market, introduce a law on the confiscation of currency / rubles in such an exchange, a penalty in 300% for participants and a reward in 30-50% for helping to identify such a transaction.

12. Ban on the territory of the Russian Federation the activities of "offshore" companies and transactions with them, their property in Russia should be nationalized. The property can be returned to the final beneficiaries after paying taxes to the treasury of the Russian Federation for the entire period of receipt of benefits.

13. It is legislatively to establish that on the territory of the Russian Federation only legal entities, more than 51% established by citizens of the Russian Federation, have the right to conduct activities. Are we worse than Arabs or Asians? They have it so much! And thrive! And no one “in the West” “swells” about this!

14. To introduce unconditional material and other full responsibility of the founders and other beneficiaries for the activities of the legal entities established and controlled by them. individuals.

15. To return to “our banners” the old Soviet slogan, defining the main task of the state: “Everything is in the name of a person, all is for the good of the person, the state is responsible for its all-round development!”, Because, through caring for the person and creating conditions for the realization of economic and spiritual potential of every citizen, the power of not only Russia, but of any country, its currency, economy, etc., will be “forged”!

And further. Russia needs support, it alone can’t be mastered, it needs its own monetary, economic and political union, as Stalin conceived at the time, and start with the EEU, CIS, SCO and BRICS! It is necessary that other friendly countries that do not want to be slaves, colonies and appendages support this idea and adopt laws to prohibit loan interest, start domestic and foreign economic operations based on human capital, they must “respond” with their “currency swap , In their national currencies. Nationalize the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, carry out a monetary reform and start the circulation of a “treasury ticket” (a phased replacement of the currency of the Russian Federation), linked not to a basket of currencies, but to the weight of banking gold - like in the USSR, for example, 0,1 gr. for the new ruble of the Russian Federation, or as in weight equivalent, it was adopted in the USSR. (This will allow the Russian Federation to additionally acquire part of the “frozen” assets of the USSR.) And on the basis of this foundation, create a world clearing union and renounce the existence of any reserve currencies!

Of course, the transition to a partial gold standard should not be viewed as a panacea (yes, the "golden fixing" is still in the hands of the "villains", but the cost of gold is very high and not enough, and therefore, it will not be possible to reduce its sale value ), but it is an important step on the path of human evolution. Money needs to return their true purpose as a tool of creation in the hands of all mankind!

We must hurry, today the scenario of economic destruction of Russia, as well as with the USSR, has already been launched, they are trying to destroy its economy with the help of the collapse of oil prices and the ruble exchange rate! Only by the whole world, by common efforts we will achieve the result that is necessary for all the peoples of the world without provoking a global crisis or war. And of course, everyone who has made a contribution to this great cause will write his name in gold letters in history not only Russia, but of all mankind!

PS If the refusal of loan interest in any form, the monopoly of the state on monetary and banking services add an introduction to the circulation of human capital, taking into account the coefficients of its implementation in each country and the transition of all countries to the issue of money on its basis, plus zero interest rates and / or negative deposit rates plus pledged inflation (the theory of constantly and evenly decreasing money), then in the next two to three years it is possible to get rid of the current parasitic financial and economic system we reserve currencies on the basis and building a new, built on the principles of equality, fair, aimed at the development of Man - a new world financial and economic system. It's time to save yourself, the country and the whole world!

Well, about the "life". Today, to fulfill the presidential order for project financing of the economy, it is possible to create and fill up 1-2 conventional project financing banks without the “national banking”, for this you should use the funds of the National Welfare Fund plus unused 7-8 trillion. rub. in the budget, as well as funds received through the creation of a budget deficit, at a level of maximum 10%, provided that all projects where funds will be invested guarantee that they will receive a budget profit not lower than the annual inflation rate, although the law sets a lower limit profits total at 2 / 3 refinancing rate. Simply making a profit that covers inflation guarantees further coverage of the budget deficit.
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  1. +11
    7 November 2014 07: 31
    Well, finally they started talking about it openly!
    Although, no:

    Author messiah

    The beginning of the article is interesting. But the conclusions are strange. A return to socialism behind the Iron Curtain?

    1. +24
      7 November 2014 07: 50
      Chubais on the soap
      And Kudrin and Gref are also on the soap
      Gaidar of Worms feeds
      1. +6
        7 November 2014 08: 06
        Quote: insafufa
        Chubais on the soap
        And Kudrin and Gref are also on the soap

        All three of these have a relation to the Central Bank now? And sending them to soap, how will this help the ruble? Or are you so slogan zafigachili from nothing to do.
        1. +40
          7 November 2014 08: 23
          I don’t understand one thing - there was ONE BANK under the USSR and the huge country somehow completely used only its services.
          I just do not understand - why produce these parasites? Well, what's good from them?
          1. +3
            7 November 2014 08: 53
            Why is the West waging war against us all the time?
            1. +1
              7 November 2014 14: 44
              Rhetorical question. They want to live well. For us, the bill. Liked.
            2. -1
              7 November 2014 16: 05
              Well, in the 90s there was a "thaw" sang Jacksons, Scorpions, filmed a bunch of films about Russians, Americans are friends, almost brothers. This is all because while they were robbing our sheds, we watched American porn, washed down with cola and admired that they were doing well there.
              Well, now everything is changing, less and less of their people remain in power. And how to manage if there is no command? So the problems are fine.
              1. +4
                7 November 2014 16: 17
                Quote: Zhekson
                less and less of their people remain in power.

                Where did they go?
                Surnames in power are the same, physiognomy is the same ...
          2. -1
            7 November 2014 09: 33
            Quote: Baikal
            I don’t understand one thing - there was ONE BANK under the USSR and the huge country somehow completely used only its services.

            And this is the bank that then threw the whole country wassat
          3. 225chay
            7 November 2014 13: 55
            Quote: Baikal
            I don’t understand one thing - there was ONE BANK under the USSR and the huge country somehow completely used only its services.
            I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND - why produce these parasites? Well, what's good from them?

            ++ 10000
            The most interesting thing is that everyone understands this ... including managers. And puff themselves in all the holes
          4. +2
            7 November 2014 14: 02
            Type, there must be a choice, competition ... Money turned into a commodity, and not the equivalent of labor.
          5. +4
            7 November 2014 14: 42
            Quote: Baikal
            I don’t understand one thing - there was ONE BANK under the USSR and the huge country somehow completely used only its services.
            I just do not understand - why produce these parasites? Well, what's good from them?

            Nothing for you.
            But bankers have their children
          6. +1
            7 November 2014 15: 24
            clearly, the article says it is an instrument (banks) for taking profit from our country and forwarding it (profit) to the USA.
          7. Userpic
            7 November 2014 15: 59
            Quote: Baikal
            under the USSR there was ONE BANK and the huge country somehow completely used only its services
            There was no financial market in the Union - money was not made from money, but issued for the production of goods, serving solely as the equivalent of value.

            why produce these parasites? Well, what's good from them?
            For you - nothing, but for some comrades, this situation allows you to strain income for overconsumption.

          8. +2
            7 November 2014 16: 11
            In the USSR, the bank was not alone. It seems to be one for the agricultural sector, another for industry, and a third for the population (savings banks). But there were no private banks. As well as the need for a large number of them.
            IMHO, no matter how many banks, it is important on what principles and how the banking system works.
          9. -1
            7 November 2014 17: 11
            Quote: Baikal
            I don’t understand one thing - there was ONE BANK under the USSR and the huge country somehow completely used only its services.

            Well, you personally, how did you use the services of the Bank of the USSR?
          10. 0
            7 November 2014 17: 22
            Ah steal?
        2. +6
          7 November 2014 08: 41
          This trinity is young pid ... for past merits it is necessary not just to soap, but to quarter
          1. +2
            7 November 2014 10: 37
            GREAT !!!
        3. +9
          7 November 2014 08: 41
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          ubysa on soap
          And Kudrin and Gref are also on the soap

          All three of these have a relation to the Central Bank now? And sending them to soap, how will this help the ruble? Or are you so slogan zafigachili from nothing to do.

          It is necessary to nationalize the Central Bank if we want to live in an independent state and conduct an independent economic policy.
          Well, Chubais, Kudrin and Gref are not "for soap" for a real term in prison. Kudrin, at least for the stabilization fund. Eh dreams, dreams ...
          1. +2
            7 November 2014 08: 47
            Of course, I’d like to put them all in the soap, but for the stub fund and the national welfare fund, you can at least measure a little
            1. +1
              7 November 2014 14: 44
              Quote: insafufa
              Of course, I’d like to put them all in the soap, but for the stub fund and the national welfare fund, you can at least measure a little

              you can also "knock off" ... a little ... for example, letting these defendants not on soap, but on petroleum jelly ...
          2. +7
            7 November 2014 11: 43
            It is necessary to nationalize the Central Bank if we want to live in an independent state and conduct an independent economic policy.
            Then it is necessary to nationalize the whole country as a whole, and not its individual fragments. wink
            1. +7
              7 November 2014 12: 45
              Quote: Gomunkul
              when it is necessary to nationalize the whole country as a whole, and not its individual fragments.

              It would be nice, but with what you need to start. Why not with the Central Bank?
              1. +3
                7 November 2014 13: 47
                Then it is necessary to start with the manufacturing sector - natural monopolies, strategic sectors and life support, including retail chains. And do not forget Gosplan and GosSnab. And then the State Bank.
                1. +1
                  7 November 2014 16: 00
                  Quote: OldWiser
                  Then it is necessary to start with the manufacturing sector - natural monopolies, strategic sectors and life support, including retail chains. And do not forget Gosplan and GosSnab. And then the State Bank

                  The fact of the matter is that the State Bank is needed in the first place, everything will follow it.
                2. +1
                  7 November 2014 22: 32
                  bank, telephone, telegraph. (classics of the genre)
                3. The comment was deleted.
          3. The comment was deleted.
        4. +1
          7 November 2014 08: 52
          Have a complete relationship.
      2. +3
        7 November 2014 14: 31
        And where is Nabibulin, in the taiga, a forest?
        1. +1
          7 November 2014 16: 02
          Quote: spiriolla-xnumx
          And where is Nabibulin, in the taiga, a forest?

          Yes, no, you can milkmaid to the farm, also useful.
          She is harmless - as instructed, she spoke.
    2. +14
      7 November 2014 07: 51
      They have been talking about this for at least several years now ... The same Delyagin on Radio KP will soon shout with a shout ... But, unfortunately, "things are still there" (c) crying ... I really want to believe that only for now hi ...
      After all, financial independence is extremely important for any state, and for today's Russia it is more relevant than ever before ... Otherwise, the pro-American "Central Bank of Russia" under the vigilant "leadership" of the mediocre Nabiullina wassat , previously already overwhelmed everything she touched negative will accelerate inflation so that it will be worse for Russia than any American sanctions am ...
      1. +1
        7 November 2014 08: 28
        For the manufacturing sector, deflation is worse than hyperinflation. The article also proposes measures to stimulate industrial capital due to strict state restrictions on commercial and financial capital. Although the methods are all - again the same - monetary.
    3. +1
      7 November 2014 07: 56
      I totally agree.
      I am not at all strong in economics, but the article is just insane, with all the "people's banks" and bans on currency exchange.
      1. +11
        7 November 2014 07: 59
        Chubais on the soap
        And Kudrin and Gref are also on the soap
        Gaidar of Worms feeds

        No need for soap, it will turn out bad soap ... but to feed Gaidar worms to feed, and the whole Caudle - just right !!!
      2. +1
        7 November 2014 08: 31
        "People's banks" are a way to accumulate funds from the people "under-pillow stash"; and the ban on currency circulation is the implementation of the state monopoly on its circulation.
        "Citizens! Hand over the currency" (c) Mikhail Bulgakov
      3. +14
        7 November 2014 09: 11
        And what's the craziness? Loans are at 20%, the average profitability of production - 9,5%. How to develop? Central Bank policy kills industry. Only Moscow speculators thrive.
      4. +6
        7 November 2014 10: 57
        Quote: vladmetro
        I'm not strong at all in economics, but the article is just crazy
        Do not climb strong! They explained to you in a simple way that money is not only a means of payment but also an instrument of world politics. Moreover, all the levers of this instrument are in the United States. OJSC "Central Bank of the Russian Federation" is not the property of the state of Russia with all the ensuing consequences. Economically, we turned out to be a US colony. Putin ay need to change something!
        1. +1
          7 November 2014 13: 14
          The legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the assertion that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a bust however):

          Article 1. The status, objectives, functions and powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

          The functions and powers stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law are performed by the Bank of Russia independently of other federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.
          The Bank of Russia is a legal entity. The Bank of Russia has a seal with the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name.
          The central authorities of the Bank of Russia are located in Moscow.

          Article 2. The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property. In accordance with the goals and in the manner established by this Federal Law, the Bank of Russia exercises authority to possess, use and dispose of the property of the Bank of Russia, including the Bank of Russia gold and currency reserves. Withdrawal and encumbrance of obligations of the specified property without the consent of the Bank of Russia are not allowed, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
          The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia - for the obligations of the state, if they have not assumed such obligations or unless otherwise provided by federal laws.
          The Bank of Russia carries out its expenses from its own income.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      5. The comment was deleted.
    4. +7
      7 November 2014 08: 11
      The Iron Curtain was made from the “other” side, not ours.
    5. -4
      7 November 2014 08: 23
      Quote: MainBeam
      A return to socialism behind the Iron Curtain?

      Rather, even to slavery - otherwise the thesis about "capitalization of each person" and cannot be interpreted.
      1. +4
        7 November 2014 08: 45
        Quote: OldWiser
        Rather, even to slavery - otherwise the thesis about "capitalization of each person" and cannot be interpreted.

        And even without this, everything is slowly moving to the likeness of slavery.
    6. +1
      7 November 2014 08: 29
      Quote: MainBeam
      Well, finally they started talking about it openly!

      It is difficult to understand this gathering is not a professional.
      It would be nice to read various opinions on this topic.
    7. The comment was deleted.
    8. +1
      7 November 2014 08: 51
      And what was wrong with that?
    9. GRF
      7 November 2014 08: 52
      They scolded the concepts ... But in socialism there is nothing wrong. And the iron curtain from debauchery ... Personally, I do not mind ...
      And do not forget that the curtain originally lowered the west and not us.
    10. +7
      7 November 2014 09: 22
      It is necessary to change the financial system in the country, the system tied to the US Federal Reserve, otherwise there will be no sense.
    11. The comment was deleted.
    12. 0
      7 November 2014 09: 26
      The answer is simple - refuse to bind to the dual-currency basket.
      and the rejection of the existence of any reserve currencies!
      Remember what was written in chervonets, 25,50,100
      -supported by gold, etc .... look ...
      What now?

      here is the gist of the whole article.
      this is not a return to the USSR.
      Refusal from the imposed financial and economic policy. But it is hard.
      Our president is trying to do this. You yourself see how they fell upon him.
      1. +5
        7 November 2014 16: 12
        Quote: UralChel
        Refusal from the imposed financial and economic policy. But it is hard.

        Tell me, what kind of financial policy can a state have with colonial laws and a colonial administration?
        Quote: UralChel
        Our president is trying to do this. You yourself see how they fell upon him.

        Don't wishful thinking. the president only stands guard over the clan-oligarchic interests. The Russian oligarchy (the suburban in this sense behaves more modestly and respects its masters) once thought that it suddenly burst out of the mud into the "world bourgeois elite." to which the Rothschilds and Morgana only slightly clicked her on the nose, but I can also give a serious kick so that they know their place. This is the essence of the whole performance on the redistribution of markets, finances and resources!
        There is only one scenario: in the conditions of so-called stability, milking Russia and the former republics in order to survive the next capitalist crisis at the expense of them. And here a small war, in a limited territory (the territory is limited by the Minsk agreement) is very appropriate for the bourgeoisie, because It brings them a huge income, and on the other hand, the hardships and deprivations of the warring parties shows that the power to change from one side to the other would be as bad as in the outskirts! Wolves are full, this is definitely! But by definition, the bourgeoisie cannot think of the People!
    13. +5
      7 November 2014 09: 30
      We are being organized without any socialism now. is it really incomprehensible?
    14. +5
      7 November 2014 10: 59
      Than so, better for the "iron curtain"
    15. 0
      7 November 2014 11: 59
      Quote: MainBeam
      Well, finally they started talking about it openly!
      Although, no:

      Author messiah

      Oh, how drawn to Fedorov. Isn't he a case of "Messiah"? He has been talking about this for a long time.
      1. +3
        7 November 2014 14: 45
        Thank you that my opinion worries you. As for gentlemen: Fedorov, Glazyev and Delyagin, unfortunately, they confine themselves to statements, criticism and proposals of a general nature and "letting off steam", simply to nationalize the Central Bank and no fundamental changes, no complex alternative. Understand, simply banal "improvement" of the existing system cannot be done, it will destroy us sooner or later. I am talking about the implementation of a new world financial concept of building economic relations, without parasitism and parasites of any scale, and the main value of this system is man! its economic potential is the basis of money and power of the economy of any state! And there is no other way! ..... at the expense of socialism .... what is bad about the Swedish model, if you remove the "homosexual"? We are talking about a "social" state focused on the development of its citizens! By the way, did you know that by the year 70 Comrade Stalin was planning a 4-day working week? and mandatory add. education for all?
    16. +4
      7 November 2014 12: 13
      Quote: MainBeam
      But the conclusions are strange. A return to socialism behind the Iron Curtain?

      What's wrong with socialism? What do you mean by the "Iron Curtain"?
      And to whom and what part of the body was crushed, in due time, during its lowering? What was your stradinia personally saying that you are swinging like a bogeyman?
    17. The comment was deleted.
    18. +3
      7 November 2014 13: 49
      The author of the article plus is real. We remove a couple of zeros from the notes and collapse the dollar! The Bank of Russia must be nationalized first. And remove from the coins a mutant with wings down and without a king in his head. Something like this hi Enough to endure pi * ndosovsky frankly - arrogant mockery of the Great people!
    19. +3
      7 November 2014 14: 37
      Why is socialism bad for you? Although, if you exist as parasitism on the body of the proletariat, then the question is superfluous. Yes, socialism also has some shortcomings, which, however, can be easily corrected. But only if you do not give the improvement of this social structure to one or another "elite", read parasites, and improve our society with the whole world.
      The iron curtain is also a medal with two sides. And not all of them are negative. In any case, from the west (lo) ny "values", which we have now gorged on our nostrils, the iron curtain protected remarkably. But this device is indiscriminate, and therefore imperfect. The Iron Curtain should not be on the border, but in the minds of Russians, protecting our society from parasitic consciousness and anti-human theories from the inside
    20. +2
      7 November 2014 14: 41
      Quote: MainBeam
      The beginning of the article is interesting. But the conclusions are strange. A return to socialism behind the Iron Curtain?

      You just need to evaluate the real marketable products and human capital.
      Green is overrated 2 times.
      This is beneficial to the raw materials industry, not at all to the producers, and not at all beneficial to the population.
      Socialism is good.
      The iron curtain set the west, and the east wall of the Berlin because food in West Berlin was much more expensive. The Berlin zapadentsy raked out all the food in our sector and resold it further.
      Food cards in the USSR were canceled before England
    21. +2
      7 November 2014 15: 05
      Well, where is it about socialism and the Iron Curtain, on the contrary, calls for the integration of all interested countries. This is how everything is distorted, and this is just about prohibiting loan interest. Here is what the gentlemen from the world government write, what is now and what will happen if they win: “The current issue of money does not correspond to the general need at all, and therefore cannot satisfy all the needs of workers.
      The issue of money should be consistent with population growth, and children must also be considered as their consumers from the day they are born.
      Revision of the issue is a significant issue for the whole world.
      You know that the golden currency was the ruin for the states that accepted it, because it could not satisfy the consumption of money, especially
      that we have withdrawn gold from use as much as possible.
      We must have introduced the currency of the value of labor, whether it is paper or wood. We will issue money at normal
      the needs of each subject, adding its number with each person born, diminishing it with each deceased. "---- Conclusion, a sensible idea should be intercepted for your own benefit, and they should be drowned in their own invented crap from unsecured candy wrappers.
    22. 0
      7 November 2014 16: 19
      you can read here more detailed information about the battle for the Central Bank http://polit-inform.ru/showObject/objID/189
    23. -1
      7 November 2014 17: 09
      Let's start with the first: the refinancing rate, which the Central Bank once again raised. What is the reason and how is it formed? In this regard, it must be explained that the discount rate (refinancing rate) of the Central Bank cannot be lower than the LIBOR rate (0,5-6,5%) plus insurance costs and the franchise cost (?) For using the ruble as a currency (this is another plus 2-4%)

      After reading this --- further you can not read.
      A set of words . not related to reality, intended for only one.
      To whitewash power and try to prove that it has nothing to do with it.
      Article minus. not just bullshit, but even worse.
  2. +12
    7 November 2014 07: 43
    8. Stop any turnover of any other currencies on the territory of Russia, except for the currency of the Russian Federation, and prohibit any quotes and transactions with their use.
    It would not be bad, not very bad. Only our money bags need it? winked
    1. +1
      7 November 2014 08: 29
      Well, about any turnover and any transactions - this is, after all, overkill. All the same, for example, when going to "look" in the same Europe, a certain amount of cash is needed. But to sharply limit the maximum size of a transaction with cash currency is yes.
      1. +3
        7 November 2014 14: 34
        Quote: Warlock_r
        Well, about any turnover and any transactions - this is, after all, overkill. All the same, for example, when going to "look" in the same Europe, a certain amount of cash is needed. But to sharply limit the maximum size of a transaction with cash currency is yes.

        - that’s what all kinds of prohibitions come to your mind right away? You can’t directly forbid - you won’t calmly save? But it doesn’t occur to him to make it so that he would come with the ruble — and how did the locals know that you would pay with the ruble, so they begin to cuddle and faithfully look into your eyes? What would sound like synonyms - that ruble, that with pure gold - is one and the same. I understand that you already have a pattern of woodenness about your ruble that does not break. It's hard for you - on the one hand, the dollar is hateful, on the other - the wooden ruble. Where should the poor Russian go? Instead of a tree, fill the ruble with gold and high-class Russian goods - and the Russian will not need to chase the currency to travel to Europe. He will go there perfectly with rubles. Only with the mind to bring the ruble to mind. Deny - it's easier. Forbidden - and it seems like the problem is solved. But it will not be solved, a monstrous shadow currency market will develop, which will then be criminalized and get hemorrhagic in one place! First make the ruble a ruble, not a dollar derivative, as it is now, then break the convertibility of the ruble to begin with in friendly countries, and then in neutral ... Fill it with gold. And to begin to produce not only raw materials - although at first, raw materials will also work fine as a ruble filling. But at first, and in the next, you still need to provide your ruble with good goods. There is a lot of work, much more than a ban, but the effect will be different. Laziness ahead of the Russian was born))))
        1. +1
          7 November 2014 14: 46
          So that's the ambush that at this stage it is easier to limit and prohibit. To
          Quote: aksakal
          the locals have learned that you will pay with the ruble, so they begin to fawn and faithfully look into the eyes
          you must first make respect the ruble here in our country. And only then, far from immediately, they will begin to respect him in the rest of the world.
          And now our ruble is not respected in our country: wooden, one ruble (instead of a thousand), prices in stores (fortunately only in some) in cu and dollars with euros, etc. When was the last time they paid a penny?
          So it turns out that you have to start small.
          1. +3
            7 November 2014 14: 56
            Quote: Warlock_r
            only in some) in cu and dollars with euros, etc. When was the last time they paid a penny? So it turns out that you have to start small

            - the ban is not small. There was some kind of bitcoin, in fact a fake, appeared - and then the people became interested. And there are no prohibition measures there. With the ruble exactly the same. To start with the issuance of a special ruble that is not amenable to inflation, and the state will guarantee this - that’s how it will be written in capital letters on that ruble. But how to prevent inflation to implement financiers. Tolley indexing him every year to conduct, roofing felts to secure gold and other salable goods, or all together - there are measures. Already people will begin to look narrowly - here on expenses in ordinary rubles, but on savings - here we put these rubles in a capsule. Further more. That’s what it is to start small - for starters, help people ensure the safety of their earnings.
            1. 0
              10 November 2014 09: 48
              Quote: aksakal
              in fact, a fake appeared - and then the people became interested. And there are no prohibition measures there.

              Because the people are interested in that there are no prohibitive measures. And so, in fact, bitcoin
              Quote: aksakal
              essentially a fake
              , i.e. unsecured currency. A kind of "MMM" on a global scale.

              Quote: aksakal
              With the ruble exactly the same.

              No, not the same. The ruble, after all, is provided with gold reserves, a dual-currency basket, etc. An uncontrolled issue of unsecured currency is fraught (see the United States, for which the government debt already has more GDP). The only nuance is that the USA at the moment can afford such an external debt (for now, gentlemen / comrades, for now), but a normal state cannot.

              Quote: aksakal
              But how to prevent inflation to implement financiers.

              But with this we have just problems. Because those financiers who are professionals, they don't get into politics and earn their caviar with butter by other methods. And those at the helm are not financiers, but from the series "What do you know about economics? I heard ...".

              Quote: aksakal
              Already people will begin to look narrowly - here on expenses in ordinary rubles, but on savings - here we put these rubles in a capsule.

              We started. But only the memory of August 1998 is still very vivid in the memory of the people. And the whole backlog laid over the past 10 years, about now, can be destroyed simply in the bud.
    2. 0
      7 November 2014 08: 33
      Exactly - who in the West will sell yachts and football clubs to our oligarchs for rubles? Just like in a joke - about a Russian in a Parisian brothel, when he wanted to pay in rubles fellow
      1. +1
        7 November 2014 15: 00
        Quote: OldWiser
        Exactly - who in the West will sell yachts and football clubs to our oligarchs for rubles? Just like in a joke - about a Russian in a Parisian brothel, when he wanted to pay in rubles fellow

        - they can also sell for rubles - but for this it is necessary to work on the ruble. But here people say - for such work on their currency they can fill their faces, it is necessary to be afraid. This is strange to me - is your currency? Yours. As you want - and you work on it, what you want - that's what you provide ... Who cares what you do over your currency there? And if anyone cares, there are Telaki — the Kungfu brothers Xiao and Tiao, to solve all problems with him))))
  3. +10
    7 November 2014 07: 44
    And what we wanted! Russia, like Ukraine, is 23 years old! We probably have 70% of the power of a thief on a thief ... (although this can only be proved by a court)!
    We do not go to the Maidan, because there is no time and because there are no leaders of the protest movement! Some pronounced podpin..iks or clowns, like Zyuganov, squinting at the sufferer for the people's aspirations!
    Like a hundred years ago, we all hope for a tsar-priest!
    1. Mol
      7 November 2014 21: 39
      Quote: Finches
      We probably have 70% percent in the power of a thief on a thief

      70 percent ?! Yes, you are an incorrigible optimist! laughing
  4. +2
    7 November 2014 07: 49
    Yes, it’s a pity that we are just talking about this, but we can’t do anything alas !!!! request
  5. +7
    7 November 2014 07: 50
    How many authors of articles on a similar topic and opinions on Russia's exit from this situation. I unconditionally agree with one: Russia as a One State is objectionable to the Anglo-Saxons.
    1. +2
      7 November 2014 08: 16
      1. +1
        7 November 2014 08: 42
        X .. to her full height ,,,, AND NOT SIBERIA !!!
    2. +2
      7 November 2014 08: 45
      ... cannot belong to one state? well, don't let two belong - Russia and the Federation ... like "Napoleon" and "Bonaparte" ... no one will immediately understand that they are one and the same ...
    3. 0
      7 November 2014 11: 04
      Quote: name
      One State is objectionable to the Anglo-Saxons.
      But for your freedom these 2% of the population will fight and you are a black monkey (kondaliza rice) will live on palm trees again wassat
    4. The comment was deleted.
  6. +10
    7 November 2014 07: 51
    We must hurry, today we have already launched the scenario of economic destruction of Russia, as well as with the USSR, they are trying to destroy its economy with the help of the collapse of oil prices and the ruble! Only with the whole world, with common efforts, will we achieve the result that all the peoples of the world need, without provoking a global crisis or war. And of course, everyone who has made a feasible contribution to this great cause will write his name in golden letters in the history not only of Russia, but of all mankind!
    It is unlikely that the government does not understand this, it is unlikely that they do not see the necessary measures, which the author listed in 15 points. Why don't they do it? Here another question already arises, to what extent our builders of "liberal capitalism" are free in their actions. Unfortunately, without an orientation towards a socialist base, such decisive actions on the financial independence of Russia are hardly possible, it is difficult to count on this when our moneybags still do not count the ruble as money and keep everything in dollars and euros. Rather, we will have new taxes, and I won’t be surprised if such as the rain tax (as in the cartoon about Cipollino) or the childlessness tax will be transformed into a tax on “carlessness” ... In any case, the impression is that Medvedev's government is concerned with resolving problems based on consequences, not reasons.
    1. +4
      7 November 2014 08: 47
      Quote: Per se.
      Rather, we will have new taxes, and I would not be surprised if such as the rain tax (as in the cartoon about Cipollino) or the childlessness tax is transformed into a tax on "car-free"

      So they, taxes, and so slowly appear. Recently, new "ziplochki" were delivered to the apartments for major repairs.
      1. Mol
        7 November 2014 21: 43
        Quote: anip
        So they, taxes, and so slowly appear.

        You are right - new taxes appear. Only now, little by little.
  7. Old Man Leader
    7 November 2014 07: 51

    Nationalization of the Central Bank is necessary to save Russia
  8. +7
    7 November 2014 07: 53
    Although there are nuances: when the government urgently needs money, for example, to Crimea, the “defense industry”, “social network”, “bridges to the Crimea”, catastrophes in the housing and communal services and other unplanned expenses, they turn to the Central Bank, and he’s “slightly letting go of the ruble”, and for 1 dollar-euro it prints and issues not 30-40, but 40-50 rubles, that's all, “the market and inflation, you know!”

    And so they filled the budget, made it almost without a deficit at a huge cost.
    We are waiting for new taxes on air.
    And the fact that prices are increasing at times is nothing. Russians are used to enduring an idea.
    1. FACKtoREAL
      7 November 2014 08: 25
      We are waiting for new taxes on air.

      Yes please !...
      Chief Tatar has already proposed a tax allowance per liter of gas! -Trial ball with the Kremlin deflection .. am
      1. Mol
        7 November 2014 21: 46
        Quote: FACKtoREAL
        Chief Tatar has already proposed a tax allowance per liter of gasoline

        Deputies supported the increase in excise taxes on gasoline by 1 ruble. http://news.mail.ru/politics/20072042/?frommail=1 This is such a tax maneuver !!! laughing The phrase is what they came up with!
    2. +3
      7 November 2014 08: 48
      Quote: Mikhail M
      Russians are used to enduring an idea.

      Does she have this idea now?
  9. +2
    7 November 2014 08: 02
    where to sign \ subscribe something?
  10. -3
    7 November 2014 08: 03
    for a new redistribution? tired of it.
  11. +5
    7 November 2014 08: 04
    Finally, there was a person who "chewed" the essence and structure of this "institution"! Thank you messiah!
    The question "What to do?" is acute, but about the conclusions, options are possible, of course. One thing is clear: with the dol. Ban Amer’s monopoly on regulating the finances of the world, it is necessary to end!
    1. FACKtoREAL
      7 November 2014 08: 27
      Finally, there was a person who "chewed"

      and I will not go to the meeting with these "chews" ... negative
    2. 0
      7 November 2014 08: 36
      One option is a return to the gold standard, and the Rothschilds, together with China, are preparing for this along the way.
  12. +1
    7 November 2014 08: 05
    The project is of course good, but not marketable, for the implementation of this project it is necessary for our president to turn into a tough dictator who took over the leadership of the country in his own hands as during the war.
    1. +6
      7 November 2014 08: 38
      So the war is already going on (economic and "cold"), and the "liberal" "Darkest" will not go over to the dictatorship.
    2. +1
      7 November 2014 10: 44
      Well, power is in his hands, hi works :-)
  13. +2
    7 November 2014 08: 08
    ..In Soviet difficult times, the State periodically borrowed from the people, in exchange for Government bonds.
    I think that now all Russians would have given (thrown themselves away) for a good idea A lot of money under the guarantees of the President (not the messiah)!
    And I agree that we should talk about this predatory scheme more often and openly. Then the People will quickly begin to understand the intricacies of many banking terms, and Ms. Nabiullina will descend from heaven to earth ...
    1. +5
      7 November 2014 08: 51
      Quote: Tra-ta-ta
      I think that now all Russians would give (chipped) for a good idea

      1. Is there an idea, or what?
      2. Yes, that's fig, let all those who have been in power since 1991, all those who "earned" themselves millions and billions for the same time, let go, I am sure this money will be enough for everything. Or is it weak for them, again the poor must suffer for everything?

      And I agree that we should talk about this predatory scheme more often and openly. Then the People will quickly begin to understand the intricacies of many banking terms, and Ms. Nabiullina will descend from heaven to earth ...

      But who will let her down? The one that:
      guarantees of the President (not the messiah)!

      All these spells and praises, you know-whom, have long been reminiscent of the Maidan race.
      1. +2
        7 November 2014 13: 39
        Quote: anip
        Or they are weak

        Do they need it?
        They are not poorly fed.
        Quote: anip
        should the poor again suffer for everything?

        Otherwise, how?
        You cannot make the rich cry ... laughing
        1. Mol
          7 November 2014 21: 51
          Quote: Wheel
          You cannot make the rich cry ...

          I would like to ... laughing angry
  14. +7
    7 November 2014 08: 14
    Here it is the true "sovereignty", and everything else about independent politics (whoever speaks) is just another blah blah! In short, whoever orders the money ... Something is not in a hurry to restore the real independence of our country, and everything else is only "demarches" allowed by the Western "money bags" to our leadership in order to fool the people and calmly exploit our wealth! Why doesn't the President see this? If so, then he is with them for one thing!
  15. +8
    7 November 2014 08: 26
    All the author’s suggestions are pretty decisive actions, Putin does not suffer from this, therefore everything will remain as it is
  16. +3
    7 November 2014 08: 27
    The article is good for its clear vision of both the problem and its solution. True, there are too many "BUT" and utopianism. On the other hand, Putin showed one dummy to the West, maybe he will get the second. Otherwise, the first Syrian-Ukrainian bullet will look like a bluff. God will help our leadership, and most importantly, courage in the war with our own moneybags.
    1. +5
      7 November 2014 08: 55
      Quote: dejavu
      On the other hand, Putin showed one muzzle to the west, maybe he can get the second.

      Do you still hope so?
    2. +4
      7 November 2014 10: 56
      Quote: dejavu
      God is to help our leadership, and most importantly courage in the war with their own moneybags.

      So the leadership of these same moneybags to power and assigned laughing

      - I’ll ask you not to confuse personal wool with the state!
      - And by the way, I was put in this place in order to guard the state interest "
      movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

      And you say "war with the moneybags"
  17. Quantum
    7 November 2014 08: 28
    Glazyev (the causes of hybrid wars) has been talking about this for a long time, but is he an adviser to the president? Russia has 5 years to remain a raw materials appendage or
    start a breakthrough of the economy as part of the 6th technological evolution.
    1. +5
      7 November 2014 10: 36
      Quote: Quantum
      Russia has 5 years to remain a raw materials appendage or

      Russia does not have 5 years.
  18. +5
    7 November 2014 08: 30
    Under the management of Gref, Nabiulina is now closing cash settlement centers and transferring their functions to Sberbank, the Bank of Russia settlement system is being liquidated and the basis for the full privatization of the ruble is being created. In the rural areas where the RCCs of the Bank of Russia closed, due to lack of cash, they were given Visa and Master cards to an ATM on their way for 300 km or more. The usual practice is that one person with a bunch of cards gets money for the whole village. I don’t understand what Putin is waiting for and the truth is not an independent player
    1. +2
      7 November 2014 08: 57
      Quote: Mviktor
      due to the lack of cash, they were given Visa and Master cards to an ATM on their way, traveling 300 km or more.

      In general, it's strange, right? After all, the more cash is printed, the less money "weighs" and vice versa. So why is there no cash, and the dollar and euro are rising along with prices?
      1. Mol
        7 November 2014 21: 55
        Quote: anip
        So why is there no cash, and the dollar and the euro are growing along with prices?

        Because it is beneficial to the ruling elite of the Russian Federation.
  19. +5
    7 November 2014 08: 31
    If your article is true, then you don’t need to do anything, it’s all done in violation of the Constitution and without the permission of the people of Russia, to recognize this as illegal and to start working for your country. Put a normal administration there, remove these American-gadar-Chubais-Kudrinsk fosterlings and firmly pursue a policy in the interests of the PEOPLE AND THE RUSSIAN STATE that there are no forces and means, the people will only support the government. Or are you already a member of the founders there ?.
    1. +3
      7 November 2014 14: 14
      Quote: I.P. Stalnov.
      and firmly pursue a policy in the interests of the PEOPLE AND THE STATE OF THE RUSSIAN

      Who is the people?
      We have long had no people, but there is an electorate.
      And you need to remember the electorate only in connection with the elections. Throw a small bone, hang long noodles and forget until the next election.

      The state of Russia is what?
      Is this the "state" that relieves itself of all obligations except defense and feeding the army of officials?
  20. +2
    7 November 2014 08: 34
    a double-edged sword, the review is good, the main thing is long overdue and therefore timely, but the proposals, or rather some of them are debatable, but in general the project repeats the Soviet architecture of the financial system, protecting the national financial system from international interference is good, but for example too closed nothing good will lead ...
  21. -2
    7 November 2014 08: 34
    The article is provocative. The Central Bank and money bags of attacks on their power will not be allowed. They are able to arrange everything in Russia, both default and Maidan, because they are the real power in Russia. The peoples of Russia for them Biomass. So we will exaggerate and will continue to exist.
    1. +2
      7 November 2014 08: 54
      If you are a biomass, then I’m a person, I'd rather kill the oligarchy than live on all fours ..................
    2. +3
      7 November 2014 09: 13
      No need to say. The current government does not even despise its people, because how can grass, sand be despised.
    3. +5
      7 November 2014 11: 16
      Quote: oxotnuk86
      The Central Bank and money bags of attacks on their power will not be allowed.
      Western financiers have already sneered at the Russian rich. How beautifully they were shod in Greece, and in crises their capital shrank. And through the OJSC "Central Bank of the Russian Federation" of our oligarchs, the West has (erotic)
      1. +1
        7 November 2014 13: 16
        The legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the assertion that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a bust however):

        1 Article. The status, objectives, functions and powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

        The functions and powers stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law are performed by the Bank of Russia independently of other federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.
        The Bank of Russia is a legal entity. The Bank of Russia has a seal with the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name.
        The central authorities of the Bank of Russia are located in Moscow.

        Article 2. The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property. In accordance with the goals and in the manner established by this Federal Law, the Bank of Russia exercises authority to possess, use and dispose of the property of the Bank of Russia, including the Bank of Russia gold and currency reserves. Withdrawal and encumbrance of obligations of the specified property without the consent of the Bank of Russia are not allowed, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
        The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia - for the obligations of the state, if they have not assumed such obligations or unless otherwise provided by federal laws.
        The Bank of Russia carries out its expenses from its own income.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    4. The comment was deleted.
  22. +3
    7 November 2014 08: 43
    The article is sensible. Such articles appeared many years ago, in the rubrics about the secret government of the earth, council 13, the plot of the conspiracy, etc. I think our government and the president have their heads on their shoulders and they know the global alignment. Vladimir Putin’s Voldai speech is an example of this. Something is being done in this direction, only quietly, otherwise we will face very serious problems in the economy !!! And our leaders know about it.
  23. +9
    7 November 2014 08: 51
    And no one remembers the Soviet exchange rates? officially - the maximum ruble to $ 0,87; on the "black market" for 1 dollar - 1,87 - 1,90 rubles! Well?...
    In general, one gets the feeling in life that economics is not a science, but a set of methods and techniques for manipulating humanity ...

    And so there is a smell: no one knows that the salary at Izhmash (gunsmiths) has been sharply increased? ... Doesn't he say anything? ...
    And here it is: SEZ in Yelabuga: the director of the kindergarten is American! s / n - from 350 thousand rubles! and the teacher has 5 thousand rubles! ... economic sabotage, however ... here Nabiullina and Chubais are also economic sabotage ...
    1. +7
      7 November 2014 09: 33
      Quote: CONTROL
      In general, one gets the feeling in life that economics is not a science, but a set of methods and techniques for manipulating humanity ...
      Trading on the stock exchanges is not much different in its essence from the rates on the races of the racetrack, but from the rates of currency speculators something, somewhere, rises or falls in the world economies. If the rules of the casino game are science, then yes, capitalist economic games are science, but just as casinos always win, so there will always be those who created this "science" for themselves, in the world economic "casino" of capitalism, first for the good England, now and her overseas miscarriage - the United States. If Russia wants to play according to someone else's rules, and even someone else's, marked, cards (dollars), it is naive to believe that world catals, such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, will let us take the bank.
  24. +1
    7 November 2014 08: 55
    Sorry, dear author. But are you aware that the authorized capital is a security for obligations? Do you propose, if the bank does not have gold, to repay the debts of the bank by people who are an asset that ensures the issuance of money? Or am I missing something? Refusal from the loan interest is good, but what will the bank live on then? How will he pay for the issue of money "provided by the population"? Commission? so this is the hidden interest. In general, I would like to be brief and without water.
  25. FACKtoREAL
    7 November 2014 09: 00
    The article, for all its populist orientation, makes you "scratch a pumpkin" ... what
    Confused by the following statements :
    1.LLC "Central Bank of the Russian Federation", OJSC "Central Bank of the Russian Federation" - peremptory hint of belonging to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to PRIVATE persons ...
    then - a copy of the Articles of Association "JSC Central Bank of the Russian Federation" in the studio! NO? Means - a false statement
    (a copy can be understood in English, German, French, Italian, but in Hebrew they will help ... wink)

    2. For the Russian economy, an external source of money issue was determined - from the currency, and not from the balances of residents.
    The weak Russian economy has integrated into the global economic space, in which the gold standard has been abolished, and you need to play by their rules, or - "Walk Vasya"
    Thanks to THIS, the Russian economy began to come to life and rebuild integrating into the world!
    3. "The golden equivalent of a Russian"..even to COMMENT on this populist Nonsense!

    (to be continued...) tongue
    1. 0
      7 November 2014 13: 18
      The legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the assertion that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is an LLC or OJSC bust however)

      Article 1. The status, objectives, functions and powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

      The functions and powers stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law are performed by the Bank of Russia independently of other federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.
      The Bank of Russia is a legal entity. The Bank of Russia has a seal with the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name.
      The central authorities of the Bank of Russia are located in Moscow.

      Article 2. The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property. In accordance with the goals and in the manner established by this Federal Law, the Bank of Russia exercises authority to possess, use and dispose of the property of the Bank of Russia, including the Bank of Russia gold and currency reserves. Withdrawal and encumbrance of obligations of the specified property without the consent of the Bank of Russia are not allowed, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
      The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia - for the obligations of the state, if they have not assumed such obligations or unless otherwise provided by federal laws.
      The Bank of Russia carries out its expenses from its own income.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  26. +6
    7 November 2014 09: 07
    Friends, read Soviet books, and you will understand a lot. To make confident decisions in the current situation, we need determination, will and courage, loyalty to our Fatherland. What can the current leadership do when it cares more about its money, about the money of oligarchs and bureaucrats. Understand at last, now the vast majority of high-ranking officials are interested in their own pocket and not in the country. But I am against the Maidan. The people themselves must understand this and call the authorities to account, since everyone who wants to destroy the country to please the west can play on this wave.
  27. Erg
    7 November 2014 09: 10
    This is what I think - when will our "businessmen" get drunk on money? How much more do they need not to walk on the bones of their own people? After all, it was they who legalized the fact that the Central Bank does not actually obey the government. He is "in the service" of the Fed. Is there really nothing you can do? Is there a way other than "world revolution"?
  28. +3
    7 November 2014 09: 12
    Yes, it is necessary to adopt a law that only residents of the country with 15 citizenship who are not allowed to and their closest relatives of real estate or property abroad, accounts in foreign banks, etc. are allowed to manage the state and its institutions. to which there were no complaints from internal organs. And they can occupy leadership positions no higher than such and such (deputy pom. Must be determined) if they have not worked out a certain length of service in the specialty.
    That's it ... all the jackalot itself will fall off or finally take up its immediate responsibility - the development of Russia. And then he studied in Cambridge some son of a deputy at state expense and then a development specialist, in his head the wind walks or harmonies, neither his wife nor his children, nor his land, and they put him in office.
    1. Erg
      7 November 2014 09: 25
      we come to the conclusion that "freedom" is a disease that the world elite is spreading throughout the world. With the aim of destroying souls. Well? We tried this freedom ... Enough, in my opinion. True, we saw the true faces of many with her. There are pluses in everything, adnaka ...
  29. 0
    7 November 2014 09: 33
    the author, i.e. the Messiah, ay! Who is the "Central Bank of the Russian Federation" OJSC, of ​​which 50% is the income of the "Central Bank of the Russian Federation" OJSC (not a resident of the Russian Federation!), And 50% is the income of another founder - the Russian government? OGRN, INN in the studio ???

    In the United state. Register of legal there are no such persons. There is a Central Bank of the Russian Federation
    (OGRN 1037700013020), created operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property, as provided for in Article 2 "On the Central Bank".

    the author, with the provisions of clauses 1-clause 15, and want to play "Monopoly"
    1. -1
      7 November 2014 10: 48
      Yes, the author looks like a financial college student who has read a lot of books about conspiracy theories. It just works for the public. After all, it is enough just to make a stuffing that the FRS manages the finances of Russia and the constitution is written by the Americans, so all the "patriots" will kiss him at once. Almost everything that the author wrote has nothing to do with economics. All his points are such nonsense that they are not even subject to any discussion. I would like to remind the author, if there is anything to remind that under the USSR the State Bank also worked with profit. Without profit, no enterprise can exist, even under socialism, even under capitalism.
    2. +2
      7 November 2014 14: 53
      Quote: ZentRos
      The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property, as provided for in Article 2 "On the Central Bank".

      And you do not know that the authorized capital of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is only 3 billion rubles?
      And the property includes buildings, office equipment, rags of cleaners and so on ....
  30. 0
    7 November 2014 09: 33
    Hard article, the first time you can’t figure it out. The author must have hatched the idea for a single year. Comments about the iron curtain, etc. I consider it not constructive, in my opinion there is no other way to get rid of a foreign organism in the body of Russia. Or we feed that guy and leave for food. Or we take everything, but we decide for ourselves what to do with it. Only there will be no unanimous agreement, everything is intertwined.
  31. pahom54
    7 November 2014 09: 38
    But I did not understand this:

    "and the franchise value (?) for using the ruble as a currency (this is another 2-4% plus) "...

    A franchise is the right to use a brand, roughly speaking, work under the brand name ... So, the Central Bank admits that it works "under the roof" of the US Federal Financial System? !!! (although it really is) ...
    And how to understand "using the ruble as a currency" ??? Who should we pay for using this ruble in our internal payments ???
    1. +3
      7 November 2014 11: 30
      Quote: pahom54
      Who should we pay for using this ruble in our internal calculations ???
      But tell me, to whom and for what it took billions of dollars in Russia? Who bought up dollars for rubles within 2 months? Why is there so much free rubles in Russia that they spend not on economic development but on speculation in the foreign exchange market?
      1. pahom54
        7 November 2014 12: 52
        Quote: fif21
        And tell me

        Excuse me, are you sure this question is for sure to me ???
        If I tell you the truth (at least, what I think) - that’s how they can put me in prison ... I’m not Serdyukov-Nemtsov-Kasyanov;
        1. 0
          7 November 2014 15: 40
          Quote: pahom54
          lowly ...
          nizya so nizyaya what
        2. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  32. +2
    7 November 2014 09: 41
    Article on the case. and there are proposals, but to agree whether or not everyone is a private matter. I can’t understand one. why they spit on Gaidar, he is no longer there. But the one on whom the welfare of the whole country depends, why does nothing?
  33. +5
    7 November 2014 09: 58
    How long will our leaders guide us with promises about the revitalization of our economy?
    Recent events have clearly shown that our economy is entirely dependent on prices for the oil and gas we supply.
    After the collapse of the USSR, our leaders did not create any successful industry and agriculture competing with the West. And now they will compensate for their inability to rule the country at the expense of the people, introducing ever new taxes and removing old privileges and social benefits.
    Keep your pockets, citizens - we live in a thieves state.
  34. +7
    7 November 2014 10: 42
    Yesterday, a news release on TVC ... In Ukraine, there is a terrible economic crisis, the euro exchange rate has grown by 30% since the beginning of the year ... goods in stores are becoming more expensive ... Social programs are decreasing ... I sit ... scratching my head ... Today the euro is being traded at 60 rubles ... I bought a video card for a computer for 7000 rubles, today it is already 11000! In Moscow, hospitals are being closed, but they called it "optimization", the same thing is happening in my region, the government is dreaming of abolishing maternity capital (in my opinion, the only really excellent and working program) .... Question - who is in crisis? They have a Maidan, they have a punitive operation, they have no "national property", they have stupid politicians and economists ... And we have what ????
    1. +7
      7 November 2014 11: 13
      Quote: Dr.Serg
      Question - who is in crisis? They have a Maidan, they have a punitive operation, they have no "national property", they have stupid politicians and economists ... And we have what ????

      we all have a crisis. This is the same space. For the sake of this, everything was conceived. They started from Ukraine, threw it to the Russian Federation (well, obviously the Russian Federation could not be aloof from Ukraine)
      and now we live.
      Well, the news that "the neighbor is bad" on both sides of the border is comforting and at the same time distracting from our governments.
      There is no difference from that border ... the only difference is on the TV ..
  35. 0
    7 November 2014 11: 33
    yes of course in the drain of these bastards stupid Americans
  36. Dmitriy1975
    7 November 2014 11: 51
    So much for the Maidan in Moscow, and the bourgeois from Washington will be full if they don’t play this card, if the buck grows another 2 rubles, our pensioners in the outback will starve to death and believe it is not a joke or a thickening of colors, but now think whether Crimea is worth the life of our pensioners? No, it’s not worth it, Crimea-Russia and no doubt here but the GDP did not calculate such a turn of events and believe December 2014 = August 1998
  37. BB14
    7 November 2014 12: 20
    Quote: Mviktor
    I don’t understand what Putin is waiting for and the truth is not an independent player

    The player is completely independent, at least it doesn’t depend on you or me, just really in 15 years he hasn’t realized which team he plays for ??? It is enough to recall where he came from ...
    1. -2
      7 November 2014 18: 12
      Quote: BB14
      It is enough to recall where he came from ...

      The KGB did not like spies and informers, of which of them?
  38. -1
    7 November 2014 12: 51
    Quote: Dmitriy1975
    So much for the Maidan in Moscow, and the bourgeois from Washington will be full if they don’t play this card, if the buck grows another 2 rubles, our pensioners in the outback will starve to death and believe it is not a joke or a thickening of colors, but now think whether Crimea is worth the life of our pensioners? No, it’s not worth it, Crimea-Russia and no doubt here but the GDP did not calculate such a turn of events and believe December 2014 = August 1998

    Tell me, where does the bucks and senior citizens in the outback? They retire that they buy abroad, but give out here? Do not sow controversy in loud phrases. For products manufactured in Russia, the price is not so high that they can’t cope. All Maidan starts from the bottom and play on their grievances !!!
    1. +2
      7 November 2014 16: 42
      As soon as the prices stop growing from the euro-dollar rate, I will be the first to start spitting on currency from a high roof! Prices for our products do not rise ??? Who told you this ?? Today I bought domestic apples for 90 rubles a kilogram .. and this is autumn .. and there is still winter and spring ahead ... What gadget did you write your post from? From a cell phone? Tablet? computer? .. and all this is bought for that very despicable currency! Tomorrow this equipment will cost even more! Pensioners - drug addicted people - tomorrow these drugs will cost more and more ... And we have all the victorious reports on TV ... Today I learned that our hospital will be "optimized" since January, but will be reduced in Russian ... and what? are we all good and fine ???
  39. +1
    7 November 2014 13: 09
    As we hooting ourselves destroyed the USSR, we probably forgot. Not that they were forgotten, but simply in this part a memory failure. Otherwise, they would have understood that in 1991 all those liable for military service became voluntary oath-criminals. We refused to take the oath for the sake of Western life and betrayed the country. Now we are a colony. Whatever! Any of our leaders will have to take us out of this voluntary yoke for a long time and probably not always successfully. Moreover, there is already a part of the population that does not hesitate to directly call to remain in slavery for the sake of satiety. We will not scold the GDP. He is at least trying to do something and he really needs support. But not for those who are ready to break their oath again for another well-fed dream, but those who are ready to get together for the sake of Russia. And the Central Bank is just a tool in the hands of our colonialists and, as before, will solve problems at the expense of the population. To do this, we have a thought, so that we think that this is what we wanted. We do not choose those who are for their homeland, but those who are for a single country for leadership with an incomprehensible contrivance, if only there would be no war. And we won’t be asked whether she should be or not. It has always been like this when a people chooses at the direction of those who then hide behind the name of the people. Happy former all of you, LORD!
  40. +2
    7 November 2014 13: 09
    We are waiting for the president’s appeal to the Federal Assembly.
    I think that in this appeal, the bloc of Gaidar-Kudrin liberal economists will finally be transferred to the status of "wreckers of the sovereign" after which it will be systematically and finally squeezed out of the government.
    And by the way - all with the holiday "Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution"
  41. -1
    7 November 2014 13: 16
    Centerbank is not a public company. at the very beginning, the original message is incorrect and makes all other conclusions nonsense. he is a legal entity, however, the legal status is not assigned to him at all. Moreover, his activities are not aimed at making a profit.
    The Central Bank, in fact, is a public authority that performs one of the exclusive federal functions.
    He is the assignee of the State Bank of the RSFSR established in 1921. there is no Central Bank OJSC. it is a myth.
    1. 0
      7 November 2014 13: 19
      The legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the assertion that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is an LLC or OJSC bust however)

      Article 1. The status, objectives, functions and powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

      The functions and powers stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law are performed by the Bank of Russia independently of other federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.
      The Bank of Russia is a legal entity. The Bank of Russia has a seal with the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name.
      The central authorities of the Bank of Russia are located in Moscow.

      Article 2. The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property. In accordance with the goals and in the manner established by this Federal Law, the Bank of Russia exercises authority to possess, use and dispose of the property of the Bank of Russia, including the Bank of Russia gold and currency reserves. Withdrawal and encumbrance of obligations of the specified property without the consent of the Bank of Russia are not allowed, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
      The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia - for the obligations of the state, if they have not assumed such obligations or unless otherwise provided by federal laws.
      The Bank of Russia carries out its expenses from its own income.
      1. Erg
        7 November 2014 13: 36
        If all this "Chinese letter" is translated into Russian, we get the phrase - the Central Bank does not obey Russia. And he wanted to spit on the needs of the country. hi
        1. -1
          7 November 2014 13: 46
          read not Chinese literacy, but the Constitution and Federal laws. and everything will fall into place. Central Bank is accountable to the Federal Assembly.
          1. Erg
            7 November 2014 14: 11
            Then ask about the procedure for removing the head of the Central Bank. There is such a possibility under "certain circumstances". Only these "circumstances" are not possible in principle. The Central Bank is not subordinate to anyone in Russia. Practically
            About "accountability". A non-speaking term. Gorbachev was also "accountable", and the order was carried out by overseas hi
          2. +4
            7 November 2014 15: 31
            The Central Bank of the Russian Federation OJSC is not a resident of the Russian Federation, its activities are regulated by legislation adopted in New York, USA, it is the owner and holder of the monetary unit - Ruble and foreign currency assets received from the USSR and transferred to it by the Government of the Russian Federation for organizing financial and economic activities and bank turnover and money issue. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the interests of the Central Bank OJSC are represented by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation LLC, (50% of the Central Bank and 50% of the government) - a liability management company, with it a council has been set up to optimize financial and economic relations in the monetary sphere. Sberbank of the Russian Federation, co-founded by OJSC Central Bank and 9 by individuals and is a resident of the canton of Geneva, emu owns all assets in the Russian Federation and abroad. In the Russian Federation, a subsidiary kupravlyayuschaya company headed by Gref operates. she, in turn, established Central Russian, Moscow and other Security Councils, which parasitize on the assets of the population .... that's something like this ....
            1. 0
              7 November 2014 17: 23
              Messiah, something like this is not the answer!

              in Russia there is a legal entity, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, it is also the Bank of Russia, tin 7702235133, the authorized capital of which is federal, that is, state property, so that it would be even more clear this bank belongs to the state.

              You are writing about a certain Central Bank that raised the refinancing rate, which sets the exchange rates, and which belongs to either the Central Bank of the Russian Federation OJSC (non-resident), or the Central Bank of the Russian Federation LLC and through them the US Federal Reserve System.

              I asked what kind of bank it belongs to, whether the Central Bank of the Russian Federation OJSC (non-resident), or the Central Bank of the Russian Federation LLC and through them the US Federal Reserve System. He asked to disclose to the people his TIN or OGRN. Well, what would the country borrow its heroes.

              I ask this because in Russia there is one Central Bank of the Russian Federation (tin 7702235133), it belongs to the state, it sets the refinancing rate and exchange rates. other legal entities with this name in the territory of the Russian Federation are not registered. My source is the Federal Law On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and the Unified Register of Legal Entities (www.nalog.ru).

              Torn by curiosity. Waiting for an answer, briefly, only the TIN or BIN of this bank? do not clog the answer with words
              1. -1
                8 November 2014 02: 59
                Central Bank of Russia OJSC - non-resident of the Russian Federation! What registration? Contact the Chamber of Commerce in New York, but it’s better to get a court order and receive its (CB) registration documents there. And the legal form of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the Bank of Russia, LLC, 3 statutory billion rubles, Founders Government of the Russian Federation and foreign structure
                1. +1
                  8 November 2014 10: 33
                  I'm patstalom smile ! Dear Messiah, you are the Big Trickster!

                  What New York, what court order, if you are too lazy to study the primary sources, well, go at least to the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, or at worst to Wikipedia. Then write articles on several pages.

                  You are pushing this bullshit with such persistence about the Fed, about the New York Chamber of Commerce, a court order, that is, you know what it is like in the USA, that there is a suspicion that you yourself are the US RESIDENT.

                  PEOPLE, everyone who has read this article, or at least its beginning, in Russia there is one Central Bank tin 7702235133, you can verify this by going to the website www.nalog.ru in the electronic service Business risks check yourself and the counterparty.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. Erg
              7 November 2014 22: 52
              I would say so too, if I could ... Thank you. Here many will not throw off their rose-colored glasses, and everyone is trying to clothe the situation in "abstruse linguistic forms." And I say - you don't have to be Beethoven to understand music. And so everything is visible.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. Erg
      7 November 2014 13: 32
      The task of all central banks in the world is to pump out excess dollars (the machine is working) and return them to the states for "disposal". Unfortunately, I am not strong in finance to correctly express myself on the topic. But it's hard not to notice that the central bank of the Russian Federation does not work for Russia
  42. +1
    7 November 2014 13: 52
    Again, the list of jobs for government figures, we can hardly influence this, without the same "Maidan", no matter how bitter to admit, no one from the authorities will listen to us. Better that way than with a new division. It makes sense with a visible tendency "just in case" to stock up on demanded property, which can then be exchanged for "banal" feeding.
    It is possible to hope that everything will not "fall into tartars", but it is not worth expecting "everything will be fine", "a new leader will appear" ...
    1. Erg
      7 November 2014 14: 13
      Reasonable. But I do not think that there is reason to be discouraged. Not time yet hi
  43. -2
    7 November 2014 14: 55
    laughing "... founders of 50% of the OJSC "Central Bank of the Russian Federation" and 50% of the Government of the Russian Federation ..."
    although "... the Bank of Russia is a legal entity. The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property ... "

    request Why does the author hang noodles on our ears?
  44. +1
    7 November 2014 14: 56
    A good video about what the Central Bank really is.
    1. Erg
      7 November 2014 23: 11
      A good educational program for clever people, leading here tons of financial laws. Well, God be with them. I know one thing: here we take a lard of rubles, build a comfortable village (500 houses), infrastructure, buy cows, birds, sheep, in the end. We conclude contracts with employees that in 5-10 years, housing will be transferred to ownership. Strength provides demography. A high level of technology - high profits and salaries, respectively. So why not do it? By such methods, the entire Rosseyushka can be raised. Have you watched a movie? Then, I think, they understood - why ...
  45. -3
    7 November 2014 15: 12
    stop "... the refinancing rate, which was once again raised by the Central Bank ..."

    Very simple and very clear to everyone. Refinancing rate - how much the company owes minimum earn to work at zero! Those. for a year, a company in the Russian Federation must increase its money by at least 9%, otherwise it is actually unprofitable.

    The main contribution to the growth of the refinancing rate is made by inflation. Therefore, the rate is always more than inflation!
    request Why does the author hang noodles on our ears?
    1. +3
      7 November 2014 16: 14
      Quote: SmileSimple
      The main contribution to the growth of the refinancing rate is made by inflation. Therefore, the rate is always more than inflation!

      You didn’t get the cart with the horse?
      Someone in Europe refinancing rate of 0,25%, and inflation of 2%.
      About yusatyh generally need to be silent with their negative rate. laughing hi
      1. +4
        7 November 2014 16: 53
        I won’t say for the whole of Europe .. but in Germany, deflation ... and in Russian, a 1-2 percent reduction in prices ... I was there recently .. at the car dealership licked from their credit rates. 0.2 percent per annum caused terrible envy ..!
      2. -1
        7 November 2014 17: 06
        No, I didn’t mix it up.
        When, after the war, the economies of Europe developed according to common sense, they wrote laws by which loans to banks and then loans to companies were tied to their refinancing rate.
        Now both Europe and the USA need to stimulate the economy, and laws have been written for a long time and ... therefore they lower the refinancing rate without looking at inflation.
        Of course, their actions are not correct in terms of an honest economy and fair competition. Only the USA and Europe always do anything for their own benefit.
        1. Erg
          7 November 2014 23: 27
          In a normal society, banks are needed to promote its development. But this is normal. In our country, the bank is the main brake on the economy. And a generator of inflation. Think - the bank gives at 20 percent. What to give, if definitely money? The answer is to print new ones. I have a friend (a simple clerk at the bank) for the annual award calmly overpowered the car. And there are quarters ... So don’t be smart here.
      3. The comment was deleted.
  46. -2
    7 November 2014 15: 21
    stop "... the government prefers to receive several tens of billions of rubles from this rate than several tens of trillions in taxes from economic growth, if you reduce this rate to the level of the same Fed and the ECB! (0-0,5%)... ... "

    the main task for the Central Bank this year ---> reducing inflation ---> reducing the refinancing rate ---> reducing %% on loans So Putin and the government are working in the right direction, trying to reduce inflation. Another thing is that so far they are not coping with this task.

    By the way, under the law 75% of Central Bank revenues go to the budget of the Russian Federation
    request Why does the author hang noodles on our ears?
    1. +1
      7 November 2014 15: 49
      The author does not hang noodles from 100% of the income of the Central Bank of Russia LLC, (founders of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 50% and 50% of the Government of the Russian Federation) - 25% non-taxable income of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and 75% of the budget revenue of the Russian Federation, of which 50% of the income of the Russian government and 25% income of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, so what's the trick?
      1. 0
        7 November 2014 17: 10
        please link to an official document confirming that
        "... the founders of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are 50% and 50% Government of the Russian Federation ..."
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +1
        8 November 2014 20: 25
        I am always wary of all kinds of bankers ...

        But, I would also like to know where you can see the constituent document of the Central Bank of Russia, where it would be written according to yours.

        Because I join
        please link to an official document confirming that
        "... the founders of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are 50% and 50% Government of the Russian Federation ..."

        By the way, as with "Article 2. The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property."who else can be the founder of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation?
      4. The comment was deleted.
  47. GDV
    7 November 2014 16: 26
    Respect and respect for the author are competent, but the conclusion is the same, we were raped in the 90s, we still rake Amer’s bookmarks to which we ourselves have subscribed.
    I completely agree that enemies of the people have settled in the Ministry of Finance, do we have patriots of financiers?
    Or he could make these patriots, of the same liberals — my company foreman was a beast, he would teach them to love their homeland for a couple of days to re-educate him.
    1. Erg
      7 November 2014 23: 32
      My will - the general would give hi How much I write - well, how much more do they need? When at least something human wakes up in them
  48. +1
    7 November 2014 18: 22
    The Central Bank should be Russian unequivocally, otherwise the economy should not be boosted and all talk about the Greatness of Russia should be started from your wallet, and not come up with new requisitions for the people to replenish the budget and someone's pocket.
  49. 0
    8 November 2014 02: 06
    The disposition of our money besides ourselves is criminality and banditry !!
    Central Bank policy contributes to the robbery of the population. Are they for the sake of the FRS (or our authorities, anyway) are acting so criminally? Why, with all the cataclysms in the world, are thieves' hands in the pockets of Russians in the first place? The rest of the currencies should "fall" before the ruble, but not vice versa! When the ruble falls, the Central Bank will go to torture chambers!
    8 November 2014 03: 07
    Well done author! I almost completely support it! The more people are imbued with a full understanding of HOW THE WAY THE ECONOMIC MODEL OF A FAIR, HARMONIOUS SOCIETY SHOULD LOOK, the more likely it is that REAL TRANSFORMATIONS in the completely rotten state organism of today's Russia will BEGIN! Life does not give us a lot of time to choose ... There is still an opportunity to make changes "with little blood" ... but dragging out decisive actions to free the country from financial slavery (for a start ...) is very dangerous for Russia, not only considering international situation, but primarily because it gives the strategic initiative to our enemies, both external and, especially, internal ... It is very important to clearly understand that those who came to power "on blood" (remember 1991 and especially in 1993, when Satanists seized power in the country ...) - they ... just won't leave ... The laws of social physics (well-studied) work here. So here you have to be ready for everything ... But on our side is the fact that conditions (in all senses) on the planet have radically changed ... Now the "dark" do not have the protection that was before (Jehovah was removed from the earth, since about 2000, there are no 7 Kumars on the planet, most of their accomplices have been neutralized ... the fate of Ponokteon will soon be decided ...). Therefore, we have good prospects ... No one can stop the DAY WHICH MUST COME!
  51. +2
    8 November 2014 10: 35
    The author with such persistence pushes this bullshit about the Fed, about the New York Chamber of Commerce, the court order, that is, he knows that it’s like in the USA, that a suspicion arises that he is a RESIDENT of the USA.

    PEOPLE, everyone who has read this article, or at least its beginning, in Russia there is one Central Bank, inn 7702235133 and it belongs to the state, you can verify this by going to the website www.nalog.ru in the electronic service, check yourself and the counterparty.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"