

When Ivan returned to his unit from a short vacation, which he earned for decorating the Lenin's room, it turned out: while he was engaged in drawing, while he was resting at home, the promised place of the “secretary” in the headquarters at first turned out to be occupied. A young soldier was assigned to this position, who was taken directly from the military registration and enlistment office, so that he would be engaged in secret work for all two full years of his service. The authorities reasoned correctly by doing this, since Ivan had to serve a little over a year - only he would get in the course of the matter, and then the demobilisation crept up. It's a shame, of course, that the sergeant’s post swam away, but nothing can be done. So Ivan remained out of work.

It was then that Major Zinin, Chief of Staff, summoned him to him and announced to him, inserting his famous word-parasite - “gender” into his speech, where it was necessary and where it was not necessary:

- We, the floor, you decided to assign a parachute, you will, the floor, parachutes stacked.

Ivan did not lose his speechlessness from such an unexpected statement:

- How - to lay? What are parachutes? I'm far from this, and I have no idea how, what and where to pack, comrade major!

- Nothing, the other day will come, the floor, the Lithuanian - a parachutist, a master of sports, sex, jumping, here you are, the floor, along with him you will be laying, the floor, parachutes. You will study. And the eldest, the floor, you are appointed. Got it? Go, floor, take the object.

The parachute turned out to be a one-story building of gray silicate brick, which was located fifty meters from the parking of the aircraft. It had several rooms: a small entrance hall; a large hall with a long table in the center for packing parachutes and with cabinets for storing them around the perimeter of the room; room with eight beds, where he will now spend the night Ivan. Usually the sleeping quarters were used during the exercise for the rest of the crews, where they were awaiting orders from the command to depart, which was extremely rare.

In total, Ivan received a farm of nearly a hundred parachutes. All of them were rescue and intended for crew members and passengers.

Ivan and his assistant were supposed to deliver the parachutes to the crews and collect them after the flights. Keep order in the rooms and periodically re-lay and dry parachutes. The latter, during storage and operation, are clumped together, stick together, especially among crew members, whose parachute also serves as a seat cushion. And such a parachute stuck together from sweat under load, without repacking, may not open up at the crucial moment and then Ivan will not be good ... In short, a responsible position!

A few days later, the Lithuanian Gintas Gruždis arrived. There is nothing military in him, the guy of medium height, he was not in the training, the uniform is hanging by a bag, with glasses, because of which he thundered into the army. He jumped for the Lithuanian national parachuting team and for this he was freed from the service, but suddenly his eyesight deteriorated at Gintas and for this reason he was expelled from the national team, and if so, he immediately raked into the army. The guy brought up, erudite, however, very modest, timid some. But it's all young at first so frightened. Ivan quickly became friends with Gruzdis. From communication with him it turned out that the Lithuanian is married - they had a wedding just before leaving for the army. What was the need for this, Ivan did not understand.

The fame of the "outstanding decorator" has stepped far beyond the "piece of wood." Some elections were approaching again, and Ivan was attracted to the garrison Officers' Club to help club artists in designing visual agitation.

He had to write on a large plywood shield that such and such a date, such a month of this year, elections would be held in such a body and write the slogan “All for elections!” From below.

The size of the shield is known, so first of all it is necessary to draw a sketch on a reduced scale, select fonts and place words and numbers on the sketch so that it looks nice and then it becomes clear to you what size you will have text on the original (the dimensions on the sketch need to be multiplied on scale).

This stage of work really liked Ivan, because he was the most creative. The enlarged sketch was transferred to the paper, in which the stencil was then cut.

In the club, Ivan’s attention was immediately chained to one gorgeous woman, and this was not surprising, given the deprivation of soldiers by the female sex. She was a little over thirty, and she was very pretty.

But the most surprising thing was that this woman also honored Ivan with her attention, even though he was a simple soldier, and there were plenty of people like him.

“I probably liked her,” Ivan thought, “since she is looking at me.”

From a conversation with a woman, he found out that her name is Inna Vitalevna, and she leads a local initiative. It was pleasant to talk with her, and Ivan Inna responded to the jokes with a perky laugh. Ivan respectful of her, given her age and the importance of the work in which she was engaged. When he worked in the workshop, her sonorous voice constantly came to his ears: then she led the choir, showed to whom and how to sing, then music sounded from the stage, rhythmic knocks of dancing feet were heard and her remarks were heard. He sometimes, from the wings, watched her work. Everything she did was easy, playful, fun, with a laugh. She devoted herself entirely to her beloved work. Ivan felt ever-increasing sympathy for Inna, and when, standing behind the curtain, sometimes he caught his peek at her sparkling brown eyes, he felt somewhere within himself an impulse of extraordinary happy excitement.

One evening, Ivan worked on the manufacture of a stencil, sitting at the table, drawing letters on paper. Club artists Misha and Kolya went to the barracks early - watch an international football match on TV. The rehearsal of amateur performance that evening ended early, and Inna came to Ivan in his workshop and, standing behind him, was interested in his work. At one point, she approached him very close, he felt the intoxicating smell of French perfume and suddenly felt a light touch of her elastic chest ... Passion swept Ivan, he stood up, carefully supporting Inna's precious head, began to shower it with short gentle kisses. He kissed her on the eyes, on the cheeks, on the forehead, and then their lips met and merged into a voluptuous kiss.

Inna suddenly burst out of Ivan’s embrace and, with the words “Now, dear, now,” rushed to the door and, closing her with a bolt, began to take off her clothes. Ivan was taken aback at first and was standing still, shocked by such a sharp turn of events. Fascinated by the charms of the female body opening before him, he, as if recollecting himself, also began hastily to pull off his uniform and underwear. He took off his coat and hung it on the couch in the corner. Inna struck Ivan with the beauty of a mature woman. He had skinny girls before the army, but they couldn’t be put close with Inna, well, just the goddess Venus de Milo, all with her, even her hands!

They lay on the couch. For caresses, he did not notice how Inna was on top. She resolutely took the initiative in her own hands and Ivan did not resist, although before that he usually tried to be a more active partner in love. But suddenly it didn’t matter, Ivan felt about a miracle, he was inside Inna. Their bodies instantly merged into one organism striking with incredible passion, energy and enjoyment. Inna's groans suddenly turned into a cry, and from the inside of a tremendous force Ivana was pierced with an explosion of pleasure, joy and happiness ...

The next day, immediately after breakfast, Ivan, inspired by the impressions of a wonderful meeting, flew into the club. He was in a great mood, he just glowed and glowed! Inna usually appeared at the club somewhere at noon, so, as Ivan did not want this, he could not see her in the morning, but was looking forward to the meeting.

Misha and Kolya were there. They had already had breakfast, as they had breakfast during the first shift.

Watching Ivan’s behavior, Nikolai asked:

- What are you doing today, with a wound, so happy, well, you just sparkle like a polished plaque? With Inka, I suppose?

Ivan didn’t even immediately find what to answer from such an unexpected brazen question. And then Misha further clarified the question:

- Well, what are you vdul her?

It was already a blatant rudeness, so rude to insult bright feelings, so Ivan snapped up:

- Guys, let's not be! This is not your business! Finish pestering stupid questions, otherwise I can be offended and give it to the forehead.

- No need to be offended, Vanya, do not get excited, listen to better what we tell you.

And friends told Ivan about Inna that our lover just instantly descended from heaven to our sinful land.

In short, Inessa, in their story, the woman is very avid to the male sex. Who has ever tried it in the club? She's just kind of insatiable, she constantly needs new victims. A new, nice soldier appeared, she used him.

Ivan was very unpleasant to listen to all this. He did not want to believe in it. Who could imagine such a thing - the beautiful woman turned out to be with a wormhole! And he, naive, experienced some high feelings for her, thought that he was the only one, and there, as it turned out, the entrance yard.

“Br-rr, as if they hit him with a cudgel,” he thought with chagrin, “well, that was, that was, just not to pick up, after all this, some infection!”

- Well, why are you immediately sour, Ivan? - asked Misha. - We, out of good intentions, in a friendly way, wanted to warn you. Yes, you ask anyone here, they will confirm to you. Well, are we wrong?

“No, it's okay, guys, thank you,” Ivan answered quietly, not looking into their eyes.

In the evening, when he was finishing work on the shield, Inna came to him. Ivan at this time through the cut out stencil applied paint inscriptions with a foam pad. He dipped it in paint and tamped. He did not stop his work, so Inna, standing behind him, began to caress his body with his hands, which fell lower and lower.

Inside Ivan all boiled! Two feelings fought in him: on the one hand he was incredibly pleased, but on the other hand he hated her (more than the other). Therefore, trying to be as polite as possible, he said:

- Sorry, Innochka, I'm from head to foot in the paint - I can get dirty, so today, unfortunately, we will hardly succeed in anything, let's do it some other time.

She understood everything. What colors can interfere with love passion! Inna looked at Ivan with sadness and resentment, her eyes sparkled with tears. She said softly:

- Well, then forgive me for interrupting. - And flew out of the workshop.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have believed these goats?” Thought Ivan.

But the feeling inside him said that the guys did not lie. Yes, and in his short life he had to deal with the like.

Ivan remembered how, once in a study, he, along with his friend, cadet Slavka Vlasov, being in dress, came to change two of his platoon comrades at the checkpoint. So they told them with great enthusiasm and joy that they had just left one pretty young lady who they both took turns to share.

“She,” they say, “promised to come again, so you do not get lost, guys!”

For Ivan it was at the same time very wild, disgusting and at the same time interesting. He was tormented by the question: what is pushing a young girl to such a low behavior?

And the girl, indeed, turned out to be very pretty, about seventeen or eighteen. She had finely curly, slightly reddish hair and cannabis on her nose and cheeks, long eyelashes, and large gray eyes.

- Well, what, Slav, will you? - Ivan asked jokingly.

Slavka flatly refused. And Ivan decided to talk with Lenka, that was the name of this girlfriend. At first, he wanted to find out how she came to such a life.

Lena frankly said that from the previous stream she had a boyfriend, that they had love. But, having finished the training, he left and forgot it. At the same time, this cadet awakened in her an indomitable, inhuman passion and desire, with which she still can not cope.

“My legs,” he says, “themselves, besides my will, carry me every evening to the entrance hall.”

Ivan tried to convince her that it was immoral, unsafe, he was telling something about high love. Lenka agreed with everything:

“I,” he says, “I understand everything, but I cannot do anything.”

The car signaled, and Slavka went outside to open the entrance gate. And then Ivan noticed that Lenka strokes his thigh, gradually moving his hand to his crotch.

The psycho covered him, it became insulting that all his educational work went down the drain! He took the fallen hand by the door and with the words:

- Come on, you fucking friend, away from here! - Pushed the slut out.

“Yes, there is a certain analogy between Lenka and Inna. The only difference is in age, Ivan thought, let us hope that not all women are like that. ”

The next morning, the authorities took over the work done by the artist. Ivan, along with Misha and Kolya, hung the shield at the entrance to the Officers' House, after which Private Belov departed to the location of his parachute. With Inna Vitalievna he never met.

…Spring came. Snow fell. Birds are singing. Ivan and Gintas organized the birch sap collection. In the trunks of the birch trees, they made holes with a knife, and under them wire was used to wind glass jars. The juice dripped from the hole into the container. They drank and enjoyed - lovely! True, the juice was not sweet, not like the store is selling, but still very pleasant.

Together with spring, some bright feelings and mood awakened in Ivan — even write verses and sing songs! But Gintas something sour, saddened, depressed.

“I miss my wife,” he says.

I felt sorry for my friend Ivan, and he decided to help him. We have a smart phone that works well when you need to come up with something illegal. The Lithuanian would never have thought of this, they have a different mindset.

- Gene, would you like to go home? - asked sly Ivan.

“You ask me what I want,” Gintautas replied sadly, “but who will let me go, and I still need to plow and plow before the holiday.”

- And if you want, I will teach you how to go home?

And Ivan revealed to his friend a plan for his secret operation.

“First of all,” he began, “you need to be in a dismissal in Maysk to call your wife from the call center and tell her to give you a telegram about her arrival to you on a date, but she did not come.” In no case do not write about it in the letter, as the mail is opened, and all the details of this operation will be immediately known to the authorities. After receiving the telegram, you go with her to the foreman, and he organizes a three-day vacation for you, which is usually given when relatives arrive. Then you put him a bubble. Farther. You, let's say on Friday, were given such a short-term vacation and you go to Maysk. My friend Vovka Vasilenko lives there, who served us and quit in the fall. I have his phone number and address. Beforehand we call up to him, you go to Vovka, throw off your “parade” from him, change into a “citizen” and go straight to the station. You go to Vilnius for five hours by train, and you're at home! There you will be almost half the Friday, Saturday and half-resurrection. You will spend two nights with your beautiful little wife, but what a night is there, you have a full day at your disposal. So during this time you will take your soul to the fullest, taste, so to speak, all the delights of civilian life, see your relatives and friends. Back the same way, through Vovka, and in part. Got it?

- Got it, but something is somehow scary.

“And you are not the drift, who recognizes you in the“ citizen ”,” Ivan reassured him. - Eh, if my hometown would be just as close, so I would have done such an operation a long time ago. Five hours to go - this is not for you two days to telepath, like me. Just stay modest, do not attract attention. Like a spy. Bracket?

Gintas did everything according to a different plan. These Balts, if we took up the work, then perform it clearly, carefully and scrupulously.

Next weekend, Ivan was left alone in his parachute. But he did not have to miss.

With their friend Romka Dorosh, they decided to organize a parachute party. Roman promised to bring two familiar girls from the military camp. The fact that Gintas left was even on hand, and this non-drinking faithful husband could ruin the whole party.

The beginning of the event was scheduled for Saturday at ten hours thirty minutes in the evening - this is after the evening check and hang up. A bottle of good Bulgarian Tamyanka wine for girls was bought in advance. Alcohol from the anti-icing system of aircraft, Ivan was full. The aircraft technicians merged it from the aircraft and secretly handed it over to Ivan for parachute. Then, when they went home, they took away, naturally, the ebb of a hundred grams to him - one hundred and fifty. Ivan himself drank a little, so he had accumulated grams of six hundred or seven hundred of this not very pleasant alcohol-containing liquid - in diluted form, under the snack, it will go. In the garrison grocery store, they bought a Krakowska smoked sausage mug, a jar of squash caviar, canned gobies in tomato sauce, a couple of bottles of lemonade, sweets, biscuits, bread, a couple of packs of expensive BT cigarettes. So everything was prepared for the table. Modestly, of course, like a soldier, but where to go.

Rebound exactly at twenty-two zero-zero. After waiting fifteen minutes after the release, Romka should pick up two girlfriends walking along the road and quietly deliver them to the parachute.

Ivan, in turn, must meet and hide them there, because somewhere in twenty-three zero-zero the duty officer on a part comes to him with a check. He will hide them, naturally, not under beds and not in closets. Ivan has a secret room for this purpose - a non-working shower room. No one knows about it. The shower door is obstructed by a huge parachute closet. When you move him away and enter the room, then two left-side showers are located on the right and left, and between them there is a wide aisle, in which Ivan set the table with stools.

It seems everything is thought out, everything is provided, there should not be any failures. But the risk still remains, any unrecorded trifle, any surprise, can spoil everything. Well, if they catch it, firstly, it’s the lip that’s shining, and, secondly, they’ll trample Ivan’s parachute, and then you’ll rub off the oil from the airplane hoods with a kerosene with a simple mechanic! Horror! But, as they say, who does not risk ... By the appointed time, Ivan laid the table and began to wait with emotion for Romka and the girls.

They arrived clearly on schedule. The girls were beautiful. One, who was called Lyuda, was of medium height, fair-haired, with big blue eyes, she studied at a trade college. Another, a little higher, Galya, a brunette, brown-eyed, worked at a television factory, something there was soldered, she was going to enter the polytechnic.

- Where are you such great shots tore off? - Ivan whispered asked Romka.

“Places need to be known, then I'll tell you,” Roman whispered in response.

Ivan in all the rooms of the parachute and above the entrance turned off the lights in advance so that no one from the street could see how they turn on girls.

In the shower in the wall above the table under the ceiling was a small narrow window. In order not to attract attention from the outside, in the shower Ivan decided not to turn on the light either, he set the light on the table and lit a candle. Because of this, the room created such a cozy, conducive to communication, romantic atmosphere ...

- Why did you put a candle? - asked Romka.

“To disguise, so that there’s no light in the window from the street,” Ivan answered.

- Yes, you disguised yourself great - we are walking along the path behind the parachute, I look, and against the background of the black wall and the sky, in the window, some strange, dim, red light flickers, as if something is burning, and this, it turns out such a disguise, everything is clear ...

Ivan, after these words, rushed to close the window with a piece of tarpaulin.

“It's good that Romka noticed this,” thought Ivan, “otherwise they would have fallen, for the officer on duty would follow the same path. See something burning, fire! Let's look for where it burns, and there, oops, the table is set ... This is precisely such a difficult to account for trifle, because of which you can fly. ”

The girls brought with them a jar of pickles and two homemade pies: one with cabbage and an egg; the other with meat and rice. So it turned out a chic table in military terms.

Communicating with friends was very nice and interesting. But they spoke in a low voice and did not laugh out loud - they observed conspiracy - and this was something mysterious and unusual. The danger of being detected only exacerbated feelings.

From minute to minute, the duty officer was expected to arrive in parts, so Ivan did not drink, so that he could smell anything by smell.

The party was already in full swing, the Mayak radio station played pop melodies, when suddenly the front door bell rang and even earlier than expected.

Ivan ordered everyone to observe utter silence, took the playing transistor with him, to silence random sounds from the shower room, went out into the large hall, pushed the wardrobe and went to open the door to the person on duty. Romka said that Prapor Vasilevich, a good peasant, is on duty today, he also dragged alcohol to Ivan for storage. So there should be no problems.

But when Ivan opened the door, his heart almost stopped in horror — he saw in the doorway, not Prapor Vasilevich, but the chief engineer of the part of Major Kovalev!

"What a surprise! All caught! How did you find out? What to do? ”- a whirlwind of thoughts instantly swept through the head of a confused soldier.

- What are you so scared? Maybe invite me to visit me? Asked the major.

“To visit? - Ivan thought, - he knows for sure that I have guests, therefore he begs for it - this is how he mocks. ”

- Of course, come on, comrade major, - not giving a look, nevertheless, Ivan said cheerfully, - I was just waiting for Vasilevich, he was on duty today, so he was surprised when he saw you instead.

“We'll talk more about Vasilevich,” the major said, entering the hallway.

They passed through the hall into the sleeping room.

- I'll sit here with you, will you find something to drink? - the major was stunned by the question, piercing Ivan in the eyes.

And worrying thoughts came up again in fear in my head: “Ah, so he came, found out that I had stolen alcohol from the airplanes and decided to check if I said no drink - it will turn everything up and find it anyway. Well, Vasilevich will come - that’s the whole criminal group in you. Cleverly conceived! "

“There is some alcohol, Comrade Major,” Ivan replied, hanging his head.

- Well, if there is, so drag, let's drink! - waving like a bitter hand, ordered the major.

“Never mind,” thought Ivan, “to drink with the chief engineer of the unit is something new. Well, with the foreman, somehow it was the case, once he drank after he was dragged to his house. But drinking with a senior officer, with one of the chief commanders in the unit, is generally something from the realm of fantasy! Something's not clean! ”

Ivan ran after the bottle, closing the door to the sleeping room behind him.

He pushed the wardrobe back and saw the eyes of the frightened Romka. He asked:

- What happened? Where're you gone?

“Listen, you have to rush out of here urgently,” Ivan began chattering, “Kovalev, the chief engineer, came.

- Chief Engineer? - Romka's eyes were filled with tennis balls in horror.

- Yes, yes, the chief engineer, - continued Ivan, - he, you see, learned about alcohol and wants to make a confrontation with Vasilevich. You urgently need to slip away, but you can imagine what will happen if you are also covered here.

Ivan grabbed a bottle of alcohol, a couple of cucumbers, half a loaf of bread and went to the exit from the shower, followed by Roman and girlfriend.

Ivan came out from behind the closet, looked around, and gave a sign to Roman. He slipped out from behind the cabinet and blew it away like a wind. But then I heard the creaking opening of the bedroom door, the girls did not have time to go out, and Ivan, with the words in a whisper: "I will be soon," pushed them closet back into the shower closet.

- What are you moving cabinets for, what for so long? Asked the major who had appeared in the doorway.

“Yes, I’ve got some spirits hidden here, I'm going now, comrade major,” Ivan replied.

They sat down on a bed, next to Ivan he set a stool, covered it with a newspaper, laid out a snack and a drink. Poured.

“Eh, Belov,” said the major, somehow sad, “Do you know, Belov, what I came for?”

“No, I do not know, Comrade Major,” the private said cautiously.

- I left home, Belov. I can't do this anymore! Let's drink. Well, her, in the bath!

They drank without choking, eating cucumber and bread.

Ivan was silent, not knowing what to say, what it was about, on what topic.

And the engineer continued:

- You just do not talk to anyone, I tell you a secret, Belov, I need to pour out my soul to someone. Do you understand? Not everyone can.

- Yes, I am the grave, Comrade Major.

“My wife and I lived,” the officer continued, “everything was fine, two children, you know, no problems. And suddenly she got involved with this initiative in the club, and away we go. It seemed to have changed it, everything broke, damn it, it fell off like a brake ...

Ivan from these words again became ill. He understood who it was about, Inna Vitalevna, whom he ... Well, in general, some well-wisher obviously told the major about Ivan’s connection with Inna, and she, it turns out, Kovalev’s wife is a nightmare!

Ivan poured diluted nasty warm alcohol into cups, and his hand shook as if he was holding not a bottle, but a jackhammer.

“After all, this is the husband who came to understand me, that's how I got involved,” Ivan thought, what kind of evening did it turn out when you were exposed all the time ... ”

Drank again.

The engineer continued to pour out his soul, and Ivan waited in horror for what it would all end with, when, finally, it would be about him.

“Can you imagine, Belov,” said the major, many have already told me (with these words, Ivan's pulse has reached a high level) that she’s in the club with everyone. Can you imagine? What is it? Rabies uterus? Disease? I dont know. Should I divorce? And where to put the children? Well, she would have had a lover, alone, I somehow, somehow, would endure. And so - a shame! I do not know what to do. Let's pour.

“So,” thought Ivan, pouring out, “after all, it’s not with me that he came to understand. And the fact that I, too, was with her, he, apparently, does not know. Well, thank God!"

The shiver in the hand with the bottle immediately diminished noticeably.

Before they had a drink, they rang the doorbell.

“This is Vasilevich,” said Ivan.

- Listen, Belov, he should not see me here. Got it? Hide somewhere.

Ivan decided to take a chance:

- I have one place here, comrade major, just promise that what you see there will remain between us. You trusted me, and I trust you.

- Okay, come on fast.

Ivan led the engineer to the cabinet, pushed him away and pushed the major into the shower with the words:

- Meet the girls.

Pushing in the closet, he went to open Vasilevich.

“Why haven't you opened it so long?” The prapor asked.

- Yes, I fell asleep, waiting for you.

“And I stayed in the headquarters,” answered Vasilevich, looking around.

Going into the bedroom, seeing a stool with a drink, he looked inquiringly at Ivan:

- What is it?

- Yes, I was waiting for you, comrade ensign, I thought we would drink a hundred grams, but did not wait, took a little and fell asleep. Do you pour?

- No no. I'm in the performance, I'm sorry. And here you are, let's finish. Go to sleep. Got it?

- Yes sir!

Ivan led the attendant to the exit and closed the door.

- Phew, he carried, he thought, - it’s good that Vasilevich is on duty today, otherwise he would have gotten it all over his ears.

While Ivan was engaged in Vasilevich, the engineer had already managed to establish contact with the girls. Especially he was attracted by brunette Tick. Now there was no one to be afraid of, the wardrobe was pushed aside and in the dark room, they danced to the music from the transistor.

The major got drunk, cheered up and forgot about all his problems. He and Galya quickly somehow stuck together. They were already dancing, they were kissing with might and main, and then he took her to the sleeping room altogether.

Lena was a girl more stringent rules. Ivan told her jokes, all sorts of funny stories and she, listening to his jokes, laughed merrily.

- Do you want to jump with a parachute? - asked Ivan Lena, - now I will show you how this is done.

He took out a parachute from the closet, took it in his hands, climbed with him on a stool and jumped with this life-saving tool on the floor.

“Did you see how I just, before your eyes, made a parachute jump?” Now it's your turn.

Lena, laughing loudly, did the same.

- Now you can safely tell everyone that jumped with a parachute.

“And more than once,” Lena echoed Ivan, again climbing the stool.

They were very good and fun. He kissed her only once - goodbye.

They all broke up somewhere in the morning. The engineer volunteered to conduct girlfriends - they were on the way to the officers' houses. And before that, he took Ivan aside and said:

- You, Belov, rescued me great, otherwise I was ready to lay hands on myself, so it was bad for me. Thank you.

Shaking hands with Ivan, he added:

- But you are not really carried away. Got it?

- Got it, Comrade Major. This is the first and the last time, - Ivan assured him, and he himself thought: “Klin wedge it out with a wedge - the surest way! Major helped! "

Then, at the meeting, the chief engineer always pointedly winked at Private Belov and smiled mysteriously, which caused genuine interest and terrible suspicions from the political officer, Major Kukharenko.

... Exactly at the appointed time, strictly according to the "plan", came from the "leave" Gintas. He just glowed with happiness and was infinitely grateful to Ivan for helping him to see his wife. They sat in a parachute until late at night over a bottle of brandy, which brought Lithuanian. Gintas excitedly, with all the details, painted on Ivan his adventures, he felt like a hero who managed, risking his life, to accomplish the feat and at the same time stay alive! He got drunk and said everything, spoke, not letting the interlocutor insert words, and this allowed Ivan to briefly, without going into details, tell about the party in the parachute, without mentioning, of course, about the chief engineer. When they had all drunk and were already lying on their beds, Ivan said to Gintas:

- Today, I will not say anything to you, and tomorrow, when you sober up, I will reveal to you my new grand plan. And now let's go to sleep. Good night.

The next morning, Ivan introduced his intrigued friend to the plan of his new operation.

He started:
“Tell me, Gintas, do you want to see your beloved wife soon?”

- Of course I want to! But after all now I will not be given such a three-day vacation soon ...

- And you do not need any leave, - Ivan objected, - I have a brilliant idea - we will settle it, your Olga, here in a parachute, behind the closet, in the shower. Got it?

“You're crazy, it's a dangerous civilian man at a secret airbase,” Gintas said.

- There is a risk, I will not hide it, but you took a chance and visited home, my plan worked. And now it will work if we keep conspiracy. Just what - wife for the closet! Got it?
- Got it ...

“The most important thing is to spend it imperceptibly on the airfield from the checkpoint,” Ivan continued to set out his grandiose plan. - There in the town, from the gate of the checkpoint, three roads go: one to the left - to the officers' houses, the other straight - to the barracks, the third to the right - to the airfield, to us. But the appearance of a woman on the right road may cause suspicion, but the left and central streets are looped around, and members of the families of military personnel often walk along them. The civilians do not check documents at the checkpoint, since many residents of the town study or work in Maysk, in the morning they go to the city, and return in the evening. Therefore, your wife should definitely come in the evening, mingle with the crowd arrived on the bus and confidently walk with them through the checkpoint, not stopping, as if she lives here, and then move along the middle road to the end, where, in the bushes, you will be her to wait. From there you follow the path through the forest, under the cover of darkness, trees and bushes, you safely arrive at our vault of parachutes. That's the whole plan. What's so complicated? - Ivan finished with pride for himself.

“Yes, everything seems simple, but somehow scary,” Gintas replied.

- Well, okay, you still think, decide, and now let's quickly, we need to run to the barracks to build.

It took Gintautas a few days to think it over, then he finally decided and got in touch with his wife. Somewhere in a week she already was with us, Olenka, beauty! From the last trip back home, Gintas brought a hot plate, a griddle and a saucepan. Olga brought food with her and began to cook us wonderful homemade lunches and dinners! We could now enjoy scrambled eggs and fried potatoes - fantastic! One bed was dragged into the shower room, and the newlyweds there, in solitude, spent their beautiful nights to the envy of Ivan. At the slightest danger, Olga was hidden behind a cupboard and only the aroma of rich soup could arouse suspicion. But the guys said that they themselves were preparing.

So ten days flew by. And all this time, in the very heart of the secret air base, the wife of a simple soldier Gintas Gruždys lived, like at home. She cooked dinners, washed floors, washed clothes, petted with her husband. Had the command and the Specialists found out! ..
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  1. +24
    13 October 2014 09: 37
    It seems to me that on this site there is no place for works of art about erotic army everyday life.
    1. +15
      13 October 2014 12: 09
      Quote: umah
      It seems to me that on this site there is no place for works of art about erotic army everyday life.

      Of course, only heroic works on our site laughing
    2. +21
      13 October 2014 12: 13
      You probably have white angel wings in a dry cleaner, and a halo on a recharge?

      And I really liked the story, thanks to the author and let him write further.
    3. +11
      13 October 2014 13: 24
      Quote: umah
      It seems to me that on this site there is no place for works of art about erotic army everyday life.

      Please look at the name of the section in which the story is placed -

      Still have questions?

      And if you need other topicsthen just look other sections of this site.
      What is the problem then?

      Thanks to the author.
      Smiled. )))
      Still a couple of shovels of specific Army humor to add - it would be very strange.
    4. +3
      13 October 2014 13: 25
      What only happens in life, and in any situation, our soldier will always try to have a stash, of course, not to the detriment of others.
    5. +2
      14 October 2014 08: 05
      Well, what can't you think of to share your talent if there is no recognition in certain circles. In principle, any of us who served in the Army for 20-25 years, could share even more "twisted" stories!
  2. +2
    13 October 2014 09: 52
    Better "erotic" than "pornographic" ...
    (in the course of what in the army "erotica" differs from "pornography"? .. :))
    1. 0
      13 October 2014 11: 13
      It would be interesting to know
  3. 0
    13 October 2014 11: 15
    In general, the work is not bad, I read it in a binge, although it’s a little off topic on this site.
    1. +4
      13 October 2014 16: 50
      Quote: sychovseroga
      although a little off topic on this site.

      Sergey - Soldier's bike is located in the section SOLDIER BIKES Site Military Review.
      Where is the "off topic" then?
      1. +3
        22 October 2014 23: 35
        Alex, I don’t understand our comrades either. The army is LIFE with its charms that open from the most unexpected sides.
        Thanks to the author.
  4. 0
    13 October 2014 11: 21
    Cautionary tale wink . Immediately, and my service is remembered ... ehh.
  5. +4
    13 October 2014 12: 47
    As if AIDS-INFO had read.
  6. 0
    13 October 2014 13: 14
    Amazing close by
    But it is forbidden! soldier
  7. 0
    13 October 2014 13: 41
    Yes, the whole story is straightforward. I did not expect ... I thought some kind of joke, with such details.
  8. +2
    13 October 2014 13: 46
    There should be no familiar relations between the rank and file and the bosses. Now, after the service, 20 years later, my subordinates and I are on friendly terms, and before that there were no thoughts. Complete decomposition. From unwillingness to pull the strap with everyone, to drunkenness and debauchery in part.
  9. +1
    13 October 2014 14: 37
    Place on "Cadet Bigler".
  10. +2
    13 October 2014 14: 47
    That is not the topic of the site, I do not agree. In the section "Soldier's Tales", the story is quite appropriate. Of course, the story is closer in style to a work of fiction than to a memoir, but I believe that it is based on real events. There was so much in the Soviet Army ...
    That the soldier went to the "self-propelled" to his wife on the train - I quite believe.
    I served in one of the large cities of Siberia, and once a sergeant was sent to us in "exile" from near St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, he has a wife, dad-mom, so the fathers-commanders punished him for something, separating, as they believed, from his wife. The trick turned out to be more than 4 thousand km to dad and mom, but half an hour to the father-in-law with the mother-in-law by a trolley bus! Incl. The "punished" from time to time visited his wife .. Unofficially.
  11. dmb
    13 October 2014 14: 55
    Urrah. Now to talk about the high moral standards that distinguish our people from Western villains, their intolerance for abusiveness, and the desire of the people to high Orthodox ideals, and the site easily turns into a yellow tabloid leaflet.
  12. 0
    13 October 2014 17: 27
    Oh, good :-) Author, come on again
  13. +1
    13 October 2014 17: 53
    Quote: Dragon-y
    Better "erotic" than "pornographic" ...
    (in the course of what in the army "erotica" differs from "pornography"? .. :))

    The fact that eroticism makes you worry, and pornography to participate?)))
  14. 0
    13 October 2014 18: 32
    Funny, although specific humor.
  15. 0
    13 October 2014 19: 25
    good story, heartfelt ...
  16. +4
    13 October 2014 20: 54
    Thanks for the good reviews. There are many more stories, but without porn. Maybe someone doesn’t like it, but nonetheless it was a true story.
    1. +1
      13 October 2014 23: 19
      Quote: viclik50
      There are many more stories, but without porn.

      Good luck, Victor.
  17. Dmitry24r
    14 October 2014 10: 46
    honestly, he smiled even when he read between the lines! wink oh, this wit ...))
  18. Greendragon1864
    14 October 2014 18: 39
    something new
  19. +1
    14 October 2014 22: 21
    What only happens in life. Who served in the army does not laugh at the circus! smile
  20. +1
    2 November 2014 12: 45
    smiled very seriously! which only in life does not happen! laughing
  21. +1
    20 November 2014 21: 41
    Normal boys))) Normally served))))) To whom, I smiled))))
  22. 0
    31 January 2015 21: 18
    Well, actually it’s army everyday life, I constantly had to drive virgins from the checkpoint, but in general, they have no sex there, but we still have!
  23. Hedgehog in sour cream
    April 15 2015 09: 15
    I understand that someone has a bottle in the nest, so that his wife ...)) good

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