Kill the dragon

We are not afraid of "cognitive weapon", In his very abundance

The modern phrase “cognitive weapon”, it turns out, is not at all a novelty in the post-Soviet space. And, apparently, in the use of these weapons of mass destruction of consciousness, we are far ahead. Another thing - do we have immunity to it? And if not - where to get it?

The conference at the Academy of Military Sciences noted an increase in the share of so-called soft power in a multi-vector analysis of contemporary threats to Russian security. According to Stepan Sulakshin, Director General of the Center for Scientific Political Thought and Ideology, in the conditions of the ongoing information war, it is necessary to pay special attention to the use of “cognitive weapons” against our country, which means “introducing false scientific theories, paradigms, concepts strategies affecting its government in the direction of weakening the defense of significant national interests ". The use of such weapons, Sulakshin believes, can cause the “index of the country's success” to slide into the area of ​​negative indicators, generating degradation processes inside it.

The principle of the “cognitive weapon”, according to the speaker, is the following: “The introduced false theory affects the national science, relevant scientific schools and generations. Derived from this expert community, the educational circuit, which prepares defective cadres, programmed to misconceptions about the most important management and development paradigms of the country, reproduce generations of undergraduate and graduate students of the corresponding grade. They saturate with dequalification the relevant reference structures of government bodies and decision makers. Accordingly, an erroneous, counterproductive and destructive state management policy arises and the result is the weakening of the country's defense potential. ”

Does this type of weapon really exist? What is the principle of action and the consequences of its application? Let's try to understand these issues from a scientific point of view.

If you follow this approach, there are some remarks on the definition of “cognitive weapons” given by Sulakshin. In particular, when it comes to the introduction of false scientific theories, it seems that the existence of some absolutely true ideas is assumed. But according to modern ideas about science, true scientific theories do not exist; all of them are potentially subject to refutation. Falsifiability is the main defining characteristic that distinguishes scientific theories from non-scientific and pseudoscientific, such as astrology, ufology, various esoteric concepts and so on.

On the criteria of scientific

Scientific theories are certain conventions, agreements for the evaluation of which it is illegal to use the concepts of truth or falsity; here we need completely different criteria: adequacy, practicality, compliance with the Occam principle, and the like.

Kill the dragonFor example, Ptolemy's geocentric ideas about the structure of the cosmos were quite adequate for their time and allowed us to make astronomical calculations with the accuracy necessary for practice. Then the heliocentric theory came to change, in which the center of the cosmos moved to the Sun. Today, the concept of the center of the universe is generally devalued, since its choice is completely arbitrary: any place in space can be considered the starting point of the universe, even the tip of its own nose. The paradox, which cannot be resolved in a three-dimensional coordinate system, is that from any point one and the same picture is observed - the Universe expanding with acceleration in all directions. It is possible that this view of its structure will also be revised over time, like all previous ones. A consistent change of paradigms is inherent not only in cosmology, but also in any other branches of knowledge.

The purpose of scientific theories is to unite a disparate set of facts into a single consistent system. It will have some new properties that allow, firstly, to expand the range of applicability to phenomena and events that were not in the sphere of interests of the previous theory, secondly, to increase the "sensitivity" and allow you to look beyond the threshold of visibility, previously unavailable. In the aggregate, the number of facts recorded by science is increasing. The set of newly discovered phenomena does not always fit into the accepted theoretical scheme, for them it is necessary to invent separate explanations. But it helps only partially. The problem is fundamentally solved in the course of scientific revolutions - the creation of a new, more advanced theory, the elimination of previous postulates and the building of cognitive structures on completely different initial messages. There is no logical consequence between the new and the old paradigm, the same facts in them are explained completely differently.

For example, the theory of relativity does not reject the classical physics of Newton, just Einstein proposed a different view of things, allowing to describe more objects and phenomena from a unified position.

That is, scientific theory is not a panacea for all occasions, but merely a working tool for obtaining new knowledge about objective reality and explaining existing facts. The application of scientific theories to the description of certain phenomena of the surrounding world should lead to the extraction of useful information for the scientist. In order to have such an opportunity, the theory must be realized not as a result of an accidental coincidence of circumstances, but due to the observance of strictly defined procedures, purposeful creation of unique conditions. Falsifiability fills scientific theories with information that makes them really useful in their work.

Various sacred and esoteric teachings tend to the opposite effect - infallibility through maximum versatility. Pseudo-scientific claims cannot be refuted. But nonfalsifiable cannot in any way be a guarantor of truth, if only because the truth acquires meaning only in conjunction with a lie — there is no lie, there is no truth either. Irrefutability leads to uncertainty and makes pseudoscientific theories completely useless in practice, making it impossible to serve as a source of information.

Что есть истина?

The emergence of science was preceded by philosophy, which, in turn, split off from religion as a knowledge of the surrounding reality through rational reasoning. Religion is based on faith. For philosophy and science, obligatory attributes have become evidence and argumentation. Although both religion and philosophy operate with the notion of truth, the meaning that they put into it is different. For religion, this is the correspondence to the Holy Scriptures. In philosophy, truth has a logical meaning.

In science it is correct to speak not about truth, but about the reliability of results. Reliability assumes not only the consistency of the original theoretical schemes, but also experimental verification. Verifiability - a prerequisite for scientific.

Science explores objects and phenomena of objective reality, only that which exists in space and in time, therefore, is measurable. Thus, verifiability always implies metricity - the possibility of a quantitative presentation of the results of scientific research. Mathematics, the science of spatial forms and quantitative relations, is an invariable companion of scientific calculations.

Falsifiability (which means informational content, negentropy, utility, verifiability, metric, etc.) makes it extremely inconvenient to use scientific theories as a Trojan horse. But all sorts of pseudo-scientific concepts that do not have reliable evidence of their adequacy are quite suitable for the role of “cognitive weapons”. Pseudoscientific theories, mimicking the scientific by using specialized terms, create only the illusion of rationality. Their validity, as a rule, is purely personal in nature. The dissemination of such teachings occurs among amateurs who are inclined to obey authority without question. For adepts it is not required and even a critical understanding of the substantive part is contraindicated. Usually, such teachings are initially declared to be undoubtedly true, and those who do not wish to believe a word are censured, considered intellectually flawed.

The stated reasonings allow to correct the definition of “cognitive weapon”. First, the name of this weapon must be quoted, since it is inherently anti-cognitive. Secondly, instead of the phrase “false scientific” it is more legitimate to write “pseudoscientific”.

These amendments provide an opportunity to identify ways of introducing "cognitive weapons" into the body of the victim. It can be assumed that the action of such weapons will be the most destructive in a social environment where the managerial link makes a decision, guided not by prudence and practical expediency, but by emotions and personal ambitions, that is, where voluntarism, narcissism, passion of all kinds of fashionable trends prevail over sanity. . “Cognitive weapons” are comparable to infectious infections, but acting not in the physical, but in the intellectual environment. As well as viruses, “cognitive infection” is distributed only in favorable conditions.

The penetration of malicious agents occurs in violation of the protective mechanisms of the body. In the state, one of the main bodies that prevent "cognitive infection", according to the same Sulakshin, is science. And in this he is undoubtedly right. Science today is not only the productive force of the state, but also one of the main interpreters of events and phenomena occurring in the world.

Existing societies can be divided into two categories: traditional and industrial. In traditional society, the worldview is formed on the basis of myths, legends and everyday experience. Modern Western culture was formed thanks to science in the sense of science - mining knowledge through experimentation. In a technogenic society, science has a powerful impact on all spheres of life. It is on this influence that pseudoscience is trying to parasitize.

Marxist virus

The Polish science fiction writer and philosopher Stanislav Lem has a story “On the Benefit of the Dragon”. In it the alien civilization of the Abrazians in the basis of the economy put the dragon. No one has ever seen a dragon, but huge funds are allocated for its maintenance. Scientists of Abrazia recognized it as an objective reality and are studying in the departments of general and applied draconistics. The dragon became a national idea, and those who are plotting to end it are immediately punished.

Unbiased look at history Our state, unfortunately, is convincing: the story of Lem is not at all fiction, the replacement of the dragon with Marxism fills the plot with very specific personalities.

In the USSR, the pseudo-scientific myth about the possibility of building communism was perceived for a long time as a realistic goal. Dialectical materialism — essentially an irrational, ideological utopia — was presented as a science. Although it is not difficult to make sure that any significant events were realized contrary to the predictions of the father of Capital. Take, for example, the October Revolution, which marked the supposedly irrevocable transition from capitalism to the construction of a just communist society by the proletariat. According to Karl Marx, the change of socio-economic formations is a natural historical process of the global level, therefore the transition to a classless society is impossible in one country. In reality, the revolution was carried out by an armed coup by a group of conspirators in a single Russia, far from the most developed in the capitalist world. Professional terrorists came to power, not stained biography labor exploits.

Examples of inconsistencies of historical facts with the theoretical views of the German "oracle" can be endless. The destructive processes that have befallen our country at the end of the 20th century, once again showed the inconsistency of diamat. But Marxism penetrated our consciousness very deeply. Historians and economists still continue to use the ideas of the evolution of society on the basis of the correspondence of the productive forces to production relations, to divide history into classless and class (slave, feudal, capitalist, etc.) periods. Alas, in our scientific community, the tradition to evaluate theories by their adequacy to the actually observed processes is still not fully instilled, and draconistics continues to find fertile ground for existence.

Under the circumstances, it is not difficult to get infected with another saving idea. And you should not blame the cunning West for everything, we have plenty of our own sources of infection. What is worth, for example, the idea of ​​creating a disguise system in the Armed Forces that has been actively promoted recently, essentially means reducing the art of deceiving an adversary to performing the prescribed standard procedures. Astonishes the concern of some military scientists regarding the possibility of an alien invasion. Many authorities proudly declare that no one has yet been able to refute their “laws of war”. Fascinated by the dialectical methodology, they are completely unaware that irrefutability does not mean proof at all. The koans of Nostradamus and the revelations of Blavatsky have never been able to disprove as much as the horoscopes from Globa - random coincidences are always possible.

Patriotic dragon

Above, attention was already focused on the fact that the lack of a principled possibility of refutation is a clear sign of unscientific nature. The non-falsifiability of the “laws of war” deprives them of information content and makes them completely useless for practical purposes. Of course, you can flaunt the knowledge of “infallible truths” by demonstrating your scholarship, but it is not possible to use them to get a tangible result, unless you accept mountains of written paper or defend another thesis for those. Many authoritative theorists seriously believe that the main purpose of military science is to put forward futuristic hypotheses. According to their understanding, there is military practice, and there is science, which composes recommendations for the troops, which subsequently form the basis of the governing documents. As a result of such a dialectic interaction between futuristic theory and real practice, the commander, when performing his task, finds himself in a situation where he has to think one thing, say another, and do the third.

The passion to generate eternal laws is peculiar not only to military science. An even greater degree of lawmaking is inherent in various kinds of theories on personnel management or, as is now fashionable to be expressed, on management. If, for example, in physics, the formulation of a law is a significant event in the life of science, therefore, as a rule, everyone bears the name of his creator, then in management theory, laws are composed by whole blocks, are given out to the top in lists, and in the sense of authorship they are all orphans ". Why are there laws, so minute distraction. “Scientists-managers” in no way make one “discovery” after another, not paying attention at all to the fact that their statements, to put it mildly, do not correspond to the fundamentals of modern natural science.

It seems that some domestic management schools exist in a parallel world and compete with science fiction in originality. So, in one of the textbooks on public administration recommended for universities, an amazing anatomical discovery is made. It turns out that management is something located between the consciousness of a person and his activity. In another textbook, apparently written by a great connoisseur of physics, management is defined as a social phenomenon, distinguished by independence from space and time. And in the monograph “Fundamentals of Management”, the author overtakes philosophical insight - the mechanism of management is described as a link between theory and practice.

The impact of such theories on consciousness is fully consistent with the definition of "cognitive weapons." It is difficult to guess what the leaders who have mastered this kind of managerial knowledge will be capable of. Although one can be sure: the proposals formulated on the principle “a clear algorithm of actions and standardized means are a concrete result” are unlikely to be of interest. Much more attractive dragon. The behavior of the dragon is unpredictable, appetites are not limited by anything. Naturally, only the elect have the sacred knowledge of how to appease the dragon. For these purposes, you can request funds, the amount of which is limited only by the client’s willingness to part with a certain amount of money in order to avoid the potential threat suggested to him. Can not be intimidated - you can play for greed. Possessing a certain oratorical skill, it is not difficult to convince the average man in the reality of a bright, colorful, attractive mythical creature. The psychology of the average person is a willingness to believe in the miracle of instant enrichment rather than the need for daily hard work with a fixed result. Financial pyramids such as MMM, lotteries, loans to repay loans are a good example.

We wanted the best

Dialectics is convenient for the universal opportunity to explain anything in a science-like language. This was successfully used by Hegel, proving that the number of planets in the solar system should be exactly seven, according to the number known at that time. That the Prussian monarchy is the most perfect polity to be imagined. And for Marx, the dialectic allowed to exist comfortably, industrially by writing (as a rule, in collaboration with the financially secure friend Engels) prose of political and economic content. Bolsheviks - to justify the legality of the seizure and retention of power.

In the second half of the last century, naive romantics, who sincerely believed in the truth of Marxist-Leninist scriptures, came to the leadership of the USSR. After that, as a result of making ineffective management decisions, the collapse of the state became inevitable, turned out to be a matter of time. "Well-wishers" could only play up the whims of self-confident amateurs. The activities of our leaders of that time are aptly characterized by the phrase: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” The habit of the authorities to act at the behest of the heart without a clear understanding of what real consequences this can lead to has survived even after the abandonment of the communist ideology, right up to the beginning of the 21st century.

Perhaps, in a traditional society, sincerity, good nature, compassion may be considered optimal traits of the ruler’s character, but in the post-industrial world they are clearly not enough. In addition to human qualities, there must be other, strictly pragmatic requirements for a modern leader: rationality, prudence, a sense of proportion. In the decision-making process, relying only on intuition, chance and trust has become an unaffordable luxury. Too high a price has to be paid for mistakes made even from the best of intentions.

Vaccine for civilization

The technogenic world offers its inhabitants a variety of amenities. But everything has a downside. Man with the help of science was able to command the forces of nature. At the same time, by building around him an artificial world, he deprives himself of the natural principle and limitations in force in his natural habitat. Civilization requires a certain fee for the ability to plan the results of its activities, to anticipate the occurrence of events, to control the processes underway. The crisis around the events in Ukraine once again convinces: the country has no friends; at best, interstate relations can count on partnerships. The behavior of players in the international arena is primarily motivated by selfish interests and their own benefit. In conditions when the sales markets are distributed and the resources consumed are limited, there is no reason to rely on sincerity and immediacy in the relationship between their own kind. Good or bad, a rhetorical question. This is a reality that a statesman must learn in the decision-making process.

Is it possible to abandon the fruits of civilization? If there is no desire to share the fate of the Indians of North America or the aborigines of Australia, then anti-scientism is not an option. Can science solve all the pressing problems of modern civilization? The answer is also negative. Science is only a part of human culture, and it is unable to replace philosophy, art, religion, politics ...

Special attention is paid to the intellectual quirk inherited from Soviet times: the transcendental relationship between science and philosophy - understanding of the latter as the science of all sciences, super-science. For many educated on the belief that the Marxist-Leninist teaching is “omnipotent because it is true”, it still remains a revelation that science (in the sense of science) and philosophy are two different spheres of human activity, although they have some common features. Both science and philosophy suffer from a lack of understanding of this circumstance. Science lacking scientific criteria is quickly replaced by various pseudoscientific theories. Attempts to give philosophy pragmatic features degenerate it into empty sophistry. As a result, the civilization code of society becomes very susceptible to the effects of “cognitive infection”, easily gives in to the personal charm of the next guru and begins to perceive the illusory ideas as really achievable.

Understanding the causes of the disease allows us to propose specific measures to develop a prescription for a vaccine against “cognitive weapons.” The formula of the drug is quite simple - the development of science, education and the formation of a world view based on the latest achievements, the ability to identify and expose pseudoscientific ideas.
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  1. +5
    4 October 2014 14: 07
    Worldview article. Commenting is superficially difficult. A thorough analysis is needed.
    For me, the physical picture of the world is closer, which allows us to understand the nature of the fundamental laws of nature. Currently, the scientific heritage of the English school of science needs to be rethought. This is Maxwell’s electrodynamics and even Newton’s classical mechanics. I am silent about modern theories. Everything there needs to be revised.
    1. nvv
      4 October 2014 14: 24
      Quote: RESEARCHER
      Worldview article. Commenting is superficially difficult. A thorough analysis is needed.
      For me, the physical picture of the world is closer, which allows us to understand the nature of the fundamental laws of nature. Currently, the scientific heritage of the English school of science needs to be rethought. This is Maxwell’s electrodynamics and even Newton’s classical mechanics. I am silent about modern theories. Everything there needs to be revised.

      Sorry, but read the article, analyze in a few seconds ........ You have exceptional abilities. Bravo! I return to reading. Alas, I am not such a genius. Or were you in an ambush?
      1. +2
        4 October 2014 14: 31
        Do not worry. I just got lucky with the topic. I’ve been doing this all my life.
        1. nvv
          4 October 2014 14: 48
          Got it. Went on to digest further hi
          1. +2
            4 October 2014 17: 23
            Quote: nvv
            Got it. Went on to digest further
            there is a lot of water, and article p is manipulation of public opinion. Petrov speaks about this better and more clearly!
        2. 0
          4 October 2014 16: 11
          For me, the physical picture of the world is closer, which allows us to understand the nature of the fundamental laws of nature. Currently, the scientific heritage of the English school of science needs to be rethought.

          Good. And how do you feel about the paradigm of Veinik?
      2. 0
        5 October 2014 03: 42
        Yes, I read it, to the best of my stupidity - I analyzed ... a super-intelligent nonsense ... for whom did the author write? For the academic council, which also does not understand anything, but protects and assigns candidate of medical sciences? Bullshit, must be expressed shorter and clearer. IMHO. An article is thrice minus, rubbish, not an article. To the RESEARCHER for extreme boring - and this, if not mistaken, HIS article is also a minus. So here. Hold me for the ignoramus, I will survive.
    2. +2
      4 October 2014 14: 45
      Newton's laws are a product of inventions at a certain point in time. Rethink? The theory of relativity proves the absence of the so-called "gravity" (like any other), explaining by space-time curvatures. The unified field theory (understandable only to the late Loginov) makes a number of provisions of the theory of relativity very vague. String theory? Oswald Spengler in his "Decline of Europe" not only analyzes and clarifies the inevitability of the degradation of the European development of civilization, but also very convincingly says that there is NO TRUTH, everything is relative. True, his works indicate that (at that time) E = mc squared is the only truth, but when was it? In 1918 ... Is it worth revising the fruits of the efforts of a creature who broke all the rules? Those RULES that were given more than 2000 years ago in the form of the Bible and other things? The creature that turned EVERYTHING, based on the inverted one, arranged a mutual massacre? If the whole Earth exists for DAY, then a two-legged creature exists in these days for 2 seconds. What is harmonious in existence? Only different theories, understandable to him alone, giving reasons to destroy their own kind - a stupid belief that everything will pass without consequences. After 5 seconds there will be no traces, and after 10 seconds there will be something else.
      1. nvv
        4 October 2014 14: 52
        This world was shrouded in deep darkness, “Let there be light” - and here Newton appeared.
        But Satan did not wait long for a revenge, Einstein came and everything became as before
      2. -2
        4 October 2014 14: 52
        Newton's laws are conclusions based on certain physical models. They are very primitive and do not reflect the basic essence, and it is the mechanisms of interaction of compacted matter in the form of matter, and discharged matter in the form of a physical vacuum or ether (whoever likes it).
        1. nvv
          4 October 2014 15: 24
          .... Sorry, I can not do otherwise, but the whole point is
        2. +3
          4 October 2014 19: 26
          Ether? In 1887, two people, Michelson and Morley, conducted an experiment repeated in 1960 at Columbia University by Charles Townes. Not a trace of Ether was found. This hypostasis (ether) may be pleasant. In Estonia, the villagers use it. But a certain intangible substance called ether does not exist. As well as "physical vacuum". In addition to the above - "Do your job, putting at least a little reasonable sense in it. In no case should you indulge the street with its ever-changing whims and remember the universal human conditions of good and evil." This is Goethe. Competence is the most valuable and, unfortunately, less and less common property. And it's not EG's fault - you have to do your job! And on Saturdays too.
          1. +2
            5 October 2014 01: 19
            Victor. It is harmful for you to read scientific literature, because not everything that is generally accepted is true. And you adhere to the official point of view and do not try to resolve the contradictions existing in it.
        3. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      4 October 2014 15: 11
      Quote: RESEARCHER
      Worldview article. Commenting is superficially difficult. A thorough analysis is needed.

      The article is controversial, with some interesting points, the author discussing the discord himself generates it. Do not confuse the science of the material world and the spiritual, the eternal philosophical question of the primacy and priority of these concepts, although these worlds are in interaction with each other, they obey different laws and generalize one thing, using the criteria of another world, it’s still to compare a manometer with a vacuum, also it seems, but not that. A man lives in the material world and cannot go beyond the limits of his known laws or fundamental laws; the spiritual world is unlimited. The material world is unique and not eternal, the spiritual is multifaceted and infinite ... A person can come up with a lot of worlds and ideologies, but you always want to eat ...
      Z.Y. Communism is not so bad, we just haven’t grown up mentally and spiritually, so the first attempt to build a materially just world has failed, but there are NO other alternatives to the only right and lasting world! As for Lenin and Stalin, that would be to build a house ... they cut down wood, chips fly and Putin fly, only on a global scale ...
      1. nvv
        4 October 2014 15: 29
        ............. For some reason I am allowed to insert a video. Probably a day off.
    4. +1
      4 October 2014 16: 55
      Well, finally I waited for the first minuser after two and a half hours after my comment. A earnest request to all the minusers. PRESENT AND PERSONALIZE OPEN PLEASE. At the same time send me a list of your scientific papers. And then somehow in Jewish your criticism looks.
      1. nvv
        4 October 2014 17: 22
        Researcher, God sees I didn’t minus you. And minuses without explanation, I agree, this is in Hebrew.
        1. +1
          4 October 2014 17: 26
          I wasn’t thinking about you at all. I swear. And thanks for the video.
          1. nvv
            4 October 2014 17: 33
            Thank-I give ......... sorry can be pathetic, otherwise I can not
    5. 0
      4 October 2014 17: 00
      Quote: RESEARCHER
      Currently, the scientific heritage of the English school of science needs to be rethought. This is Maxwell’s electrodynamics and even Newton’s classical mechanics. I am silent about modern theories. Everything there needs to be revised.

      "Shouldn't we aim at William ours at Shakespeare?" (C) "Beware of the car"
      1. 0
        4 October 2014 17: 22
        Thanks for the invitation. Wave without me. And I’m better on a bike. And I advise you to get acquainted with the work first: Nikolaev G.V. "Modern electrodynamics and the reasons for its paradoxicality. Prospects for the construction of consistent electrodynamics. Theories, experiments, paradoxes". Tomsk 2003
    6. +3
      4 October 2014 17: 51
      No need to analyze what cannot be analyzed, enough, waking up every morning to sort out the ten commandments in the mind! Here are the most normal guidelines for everyone to understand and understand! For an ordinary citizen, the set of state laws will not be kept in mind! And the Ten Commandments, just right, are simple and intelligible, and for all occasions !!!
    4 October 2014 14: 25
    In the USSR, the pseudoscientific myth about the possibility of building communism has long been perceived as a real attainable goal.

    Well, I found the construction of communism in the USSR ...
    as well as the fact that when "By the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet. Mine" they decided to make Easter Sunday a WORKING day in order to ... "BLA-BLA-BLA", then a ditty appeared among the people ..
    "Thanks to the Party-dear for the care and affection ... We took away the day off -obosr @ whether Easter!"
    Exactly, as now the leaders of the country are running around with Orthodoxy, baptizing their foreheads - yesterday's ideological communists-chekists ... For the people, then in the bulk - almost "violet" you baptize the forehead or do circumcision, the main thing is to "truncate a bunch!" (stability and "confidence in the future" is needed!)
    1. +2
      4 October 2014 14: 33
      But don’t tell me, the people care. Let many believe that they do not sincerely go to church, it is on their conscience. Now imagine that on TV, instead of the church, unshaven personalities walk with each other.
  3. 0
    4 October 2014 14: 25
    The article is large, but the meaning is: "pi **** OWL on knives! Well figuratively, of course.
  4. Vlom
    4 October 2014 14: 28
    verbose abstruse crap - in the name of the take-off of self-esteem of the afterlife.
    Practical benefits for READERS - 0 point 0. Samopiar.
  5. +3
    4 October 2014 14: 29
    Dialectics is convenient with a universal opportunity to explain anything with a science-like language

    Turn on REN TV and a complete separation of the brain - it is guaranteed. It is not known how the theories taken explain everything at all. Here, damn it, dialectics ..
    1. +1
      4 October 2014 14: 51
      This is true. In Kashchenko, do not tear patients from REN TV!
  6. +2
    4 October 2014 14: 34
    Confidence are those who lie, because they themselves give rise to it, either from ignorance. Truth, as a law of nature, always requires evidence, the lack of which gives rise to doubts. Faith is a hypothesis about what is happening, with a lack of evidence of truth. The sages give faith to fools, only as a stepping stone to the truth, for for the latter, all truth is incredibly complex.
  7. +3
    4 October 2014 14: 47
    The spread of such teachings takes place among amateurs who tend to obey unquestioningly authority.

    In my opinion, this is the key thesis of the article: the modern education system, which most clearly manifests itself in the Unified State Exam with its tests, completely discourages students from thinking for themselves. I am convinced that in 15-20 years the country will more than absorb the consequences of the activities of the current "education reformers".
  8. +1
    4 October 2014 14: 50
    So much verbiage, to state the obvious, formulated in the last paragraph! Bravo!
  9. +1
    4 October 2014 15: 00
    Quote: nvv
    This world was shrouded in deep darkness, “Let there be light” - and here Newton appeared.
    But Satan did not wait long for a revenge, Einstein came and everything became as before

    I read this epigraph to the popular science book on the theory of relativity in the late 60s of the last century, when I was in seventh grade.
  10. +1
    4 October 2014 15: 20
    I am sitting writing a conclusion, sometimes it becomes boring. I went into VO, read, realized that the brain was disconnected. A clear sign that it is not digesting. Apparently not my topic. The author did not write for us, in the sense, not for VO. The minimum that I understood from this article that a cognitive weapon is the launching of false views into the masses. It would be interesting to read how it works. Yes, simpler and more fun.
  11. 0
    4 October 2014 15: 28
    Very helpful article. Understanding the mistakes of the past, the threats of the present, the prospects for the future will help to save and strengthen Russia.
  12. 0
    4 October 2014 16: 00
    And it’s impossible to explain to the audience easier. If for a long time a person says that he is a sheep or a sheep, then this miracle will begin to bleat.
    4 October 2014 16: 44
    In reality, the revolution was carried out by an armed coup by a group of conspirators in a single Russia, far from the most developed in the capitalist world. Came to power professional terroristsnot tarnished biography labor feats. Author Sergey Fomov

    Shit! It turns out that the "capitalist ministers" were actually terrorists:
    - Prince G.E. Lvov, P.N. Milyukov, A.F. Kerensky, N.V. Nekrasov, A.I. Konovalov, Professor A.A. Manuilov, former rector of Moscow University), A.I. Guchkov, A.I. Shingarev, M.I. Tereshchenko, Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod V.N. Lvov, I.V. Godnev. (List of the first Provisional Government).
    1. 0
      4 October 2014 19: 42
      Why don’t you cook up for the sake of self-promotion!
  14. +2
    4 October 2014 17: 07
    Quote: bubla5
    And it’s impossible to explain to the audience easier. If for a long time a person says that he is a sheep or a sheep, then this miracle will begin to bleat.

    The author of the article is a level 80 demagogue and cannot explain more simply, since he himself is not at odds with the Russian language, from Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. You can hide the poverty or inferiority of thought behind beautiful tinsel of obscure phrases and semi-scientific terms, but this does not change the meaning and value of the article. The author’s arguments about the truth and about Newton’s laws are especially touching.

    In short, for the boys, this batan wants to say that we are all a herd of unlearned, and he is Dartanyan.
  15. +1
    4 October 2014 17: 33
    ... the Illuminati have spoiled a lot in the history of civilization ... and continue to do so!
    Science is not developing now - it is not moving at all, all "discoveries" are made according to the "Lego" principle: to mold from standard pieces what no one has sculpted yet; hence - "British scientists have proven ..."
    this is how the work on cold nuclear fusion and work on the creation of artificial intelligence (computers capable of creativity, of independent thinking) were ruined, Lysenko in general was an ob.s.s.r.a.l. and (and in my trees, bred according to his theory, grow and bear fruit in the garden, Michurin worked like this, then "renounced" ...) ...
    yes a lot of things! As a result, medicine is marking time, there is a growth and accumulation of genetic failures in the human genome (and other living organisms, probably ...). what is it? looks like a delusional alien conspiracy ... and, most likely, behind this all is a simple and primitive human greed and lust for power! ! "predatory people" according to Didenko ... another genotype ...
  16. +1
    4 October 2014 17: 54
    Here are my scientific research
    But some things are not clear. What is the virus of Marxism worse than the virus of liberalism. Or every ideology is inhuman, for it is a virus that destroys the body.
    And why is the technogenic method of controlling the elements better than the natural way?
  17. +2
    4 October 2014 18: 10
    Competently, such articles brain untrained man dirty.
    The separation of philosophy and science — I have forgotten a lot, but in the course of philosophy, science passes as part of it, as one of the ways of knowing the world.

    Dialectical materialism - essentially an irrational, ideological utopia - was presented as a science.
    This is generally a complete heresy. Dialectical materialism is essentially one of the philosophical views on the universe. Like idealism, etc., etc.
    The "author" grabbing various facts to justify his personal wretched "philosophy", as well as attacks on poor Marxists and the traditional spitting on the history of Russia, makes this "eccentric" want to repress am

    But why pull such a UG on VO, for this there are many other sites. "Matzo Ear", "MK", ​​Radio "Liberty" ... And it will be easier for aftor there, everyone is like that hi
    1. +1
      5 October 2014 17: 09
      The rigid coupling of diamat with Marxism, as well as the subsequent defamation of diamat, also puzzled me. Diamat is a fundamental theoretical concept (and one of several), and Marxism is a pure "butt", a kind of "exploitation guide" of the human society developed at the end of the 19th century, moreover with an economic bias. It's like criticizing the classic computer topology and at the same time scolding the latest Windows bugs. However, the author used this, as I understand it, as an "example" or "question to the studio" in the general topic of "cognitive weapons". Therefore, I will not criticize an unsuccessfully constructed example. Not the point. But the example with "management theories" is quite worthy, because in everyday life I constantly see how the company's management is over and over again inflamed with the desire to charge money for the first, second, and so endlessly - the "rake" of the management of the next "model". This is a good example of a "dragon". Moreover, the new result, like the previous one, in most cases is provided by employees who are not affected by the "new brilliant" system, but acting (as indicated by the author) according to the method "analysis of a specific situation - algorithm - resources - result". According to the results of the second option: in the case of an acceptable result, the "caught on the bait" leadership continues to believe in the operation of the "ingenious system", or in case of failure "no one is to blame, or the staff is bad." This is a great example of a cognitive weapon in a single "small unit". But "on a global scale", it is difficult to guess in advance what the theoretical "pig" planted on the opponent will be like. It may well happen that the planner is mistaken, and after a certain period the "wrong" theory turns out to be correct and progresses for the good of the one who was "misled". Or push on a really progressive "side branch". The struggle between concepts and intended results is a matter of the future. By the way, until the end of the verdict, Marxism did not receive it as a "dead-end option." It's too early to judge by fruits, besides, the assessment of "fruits" is still, oh, how controversial. There is a kind of "counterplay on counterplay against reconnaissance game". Trial and error is the lot of humanity.
  18. Papabear
    4 October 2014 20: 09
    Quote: ZuboreZ
    But why on VO pull such a UG

    Do you need only a flag and a drum?
  19. +3
    4 October 2014 20: 21
    In the USSR, the pseudo-scientific myth about the possibility of building communism has long been perceived as a real attainable goal. - there’s no reason to read further. The author is a liberalist! am
  20. +2
    4 October 2014 22: 15
    Mostly water, but about the attack of extraterrestrial civilizations, I understand that while serving as a guidance officer of the Air Defense Forces, he signed one interesting order behind 00 zeros, what would be invented about a UFO !! Probably the commander-in-chief of the USSR Air Defense is idio ... together with a picture of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, he watched an interesting program with his participation, and when the commander of our nuclear submarine testified how some kind of crap was flying over his boat in the Pacific Ocean, which he saw with his own eyes, it was probably the same !! in the KGB of the USSR, an event called, if I am not mistaken, "Grid" was called, the same was probably idio ... it was developed !! Well, bother with the story of our cosmanaut Savitskaya as in the GDR during exercises to meet our planes that flew !!
    1. 0
      5 October 2014 04: 37
      Bullshit flew above the ground
      Silver metal ...
      A lot has become today
      Unidentified bullshit!
  21. +2
    4 October 2014 22: 38
    So somehow Weller's worldview is closer to me. Of course, it raises more questions than explains a lot, the tendency as a whole seems to be correct to me: we are all a product and transformative force of nature, going our own ornate path from the initial chaos of the Big Bang to the preparation of knowledge, skills and resources for the next Big Bang, so as not to get stuck in eternity in the form of a scattered non-interacting cosmic gas. But this is big, and so, in our current little things, there are many interesting observations and conclusions ("All About Life", "Cassandra")
  22. +2
    4 October 2014 22: 53
    1) the author is not familiar with religious studies, he should read at least Eliade. Religion has its own verification system with experience.

    2) the author is not familiar with the difference between Marxism и Leninism and all the same to teach the world that the revolution in Ingushetia took place according to a scenario unforeseen by diamatics. Let him smoke at least a "textbook on the History of the CPSU", for him at this stage of his education this is just right

    3) the author is not at all familiar with any modern Western social science - society has always and everywhere been ruled and ruled myth system because myth is a stereotype of thinking. And in society there is always a need for a stereotypical reaction to stereotypical situations
  23. 0
    5 October 2014 00: 04
    Newton's laws are conclusions based on certain physical models. They are very primitive and do not reflect the basic essence, and it is the mechanisms of interaction of compacted matter in the form of matter, and discharged matter in the form of a physical vacuum or ether (whoever likes it).

    Minus for an attempt to legalize pseudoscientific concepts, such as "physical vacuum or ether", "compacted matter". Are you by any chance a member of RANS? So you still agree to the absence of isotropy of space, and for this you can get a candelabrum on the head.
    1. 0
      5 October 2014 10: 50
      I am not a member of any official scientific and pseudoscientific structures. And I see that you are an Honorary Member of the British Academy of Sciences, but I won’t minus you for all my dislike of the Anglo-Saxons. And in general, in my opinion it is useless. You and I simply have a different paradigm or system of views on physical reality. But I can load your brain with some tasks. I am sure that this is beyond your scientific baggage.
  24. 0
    5 October 2014 10: 04 Интересный материал пришел на страничку в фейсбуке. Это как раз о том, как обрабатываются мозги.
  25. 0
    5 October 2014 12: 20
    And I see that you are an Honorary Member of the British Academy of Sciences, but I won’t minus you for all my dislike of the Anglo-Saxons.

    I am not even European. And what does the Yankees have to do with it? Or do you think that Russia has its own laws of physics, in England, its own, in Asia, its own, not prohibited by religion?
    1. 0
      5 October 2014 17: 29
      The fact of the matter is that the laws are the same, but they can be interpreted and explained in different ways, as well as in various ways. And the tasks of physics itself, as a science, are seen by many differently. Some try to understand and explain physical processes and phenomena. Others are content only with their mathematical description and use. That is the whole difference. And this style of autocracy in science began to be established just at the time of I. Newton. And one more tip for the future. Quoting passages of text deprives this text of context and allows you to distort its meaning exactly the opposite.
  26. bald
    5 October 2014 22: 42
    OUTPUT; the author of the article did not express a single sound thought. Everything is at the level of blah blah blah. - The positive impact on the modern world of the so-called. cognitive ideas. (Agree, for example, without the idea of ​​the need for a humane attitude towards each other and all living things, we all would have cut each other long ago.) In other words, your thought deeply embedded in the article: "to hell with ideas, long live bestiality" is flawed, vicious. From her and rushing insanity. In fact, humanity, putting forward and trying to implement ideas, develops in time and space, that is, it lives. It is another matter which of the ideas will win, which will outweigh - this is the question. Or the idea of ​​the personal exclusivity of its individual members, or the idea of ​​the need to preserve the existing world, to recreate the lost, caring attitude towards it. The further meaning of man's stay on Earth also depends on this. And in vain did the author take up arms against the Bolsheviks - the idea of ​​creating a society of social justice was sound, but the execution and the result are deplorable. But this is only due to the unpreparedness of society for this idea. Indeed, in the end, the state perished due to degeneration, envy, greed, self-interest of power structures and not a bad idea. What's going on now? Same. Only if earlier we fed Africa and Asia, now all funds go to America and Europe. Russia essentially does not get anything .- The authorities are still the same, too, the same.
  27. 0
    6 October 2014 07: 33
    The fact of the matter is that the laws are the same, but they can be interpreted and explained in different ways, as well as in various ways. And the tasks of physics itself, as a science, are seen by many differently. Some try to understand and explain physical processes and phenomena. Others are content only with their mathematical description and use. That is the whole difference. And this style of autocracy in science began to be established just at the time of I. Newton. And one more tip for the future. Quoting passages of text deprives this text of context and allows you to distort its meaning exactly the opposite.

    Style, sorry, what's in science? Do you have your own interpretation of the laws of classical mechanics? Can you summarize, clean, so neighing? What school did you graduate from besides high school?
    1. 0
      6 October 2014 22: 14
      Where did you get so much arrogant arrogance from? Now I will not expound. With your level of education, you still do not understand anything. Now you have dropped your reputation as a decent person so low that you are unlikely to restore it. As for my education, then you still have to lag behind it, as before Beijing with cancer.
  28. 0
    8 October 2014 12: 04
    Where did you get so much arrogant arrogance from? Now I will not expound. With your level of education, you still do not understand anything. Now you have dropped your reputation as a decent person so low that you are unlikely to restore it. As for my education, then you still have to lag behind it, as before Beijing with cancer.

    And do not you walk, sir, on foot erotic journey, since you have not been trained in science and culture at school, so at least you will catch up with sports.
    1. 0
      8 October 2014 17: 46
      An interesting conversation is obtained. I would not mind to meet in order to get a couple of lessons.