What nationalism is Medvedev going to fight with?

What nationalism is Medvedev going to fight with?

During the presidency of Bush Jr., whose intellect became the talk of the town of the whole world, I was amazed at the behavior of President Putin: the constant statements about personal friendship, the increased press media of this issue seemed incompatible with the behavior of a sane person. To call oneself a friend of a frank fool, to allow others to do it, meant public recognition of equality with him, though in behavior this looked more like frank creepy. But horseradish radish is not sweeter, since a friend turned out to be a fool, it is necessary to share a heavy burden with him. True, strange metamorphosis took place: Bush is an alcoholic with astonishing geographical cretinism, Vladimir Vladimirovich is his friend and his dog, and the foolish population of Russia is before the creation of an American missile defense system in Europe. A sort of spitting on top of an older friend, missed down and unnoticed (well, only by age) younger friend.

But not much time passed, and I realized that Bush is a scarlet flower, compared to the current leader of Russia, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. Unfortunately, I will have to dwell in more detail on the mournous achievements of citizen Medvedev, so that I would not be accused of “insulting the majesty”. But since we are talking about the dignity of my homeland, I have to separate it from the fact that now, due to some kind of misunderstanding, it takes the chair of the president of Russia.

At the beginning of his presidency, Mr Medvedev traveled around Russia and repeated his favorite phrase “without this we cannot move on.” He uttered the phrase anywhere and for whatever reason, but Russia did not move forward from this spell. I was amazed at the completely stupid aplomb with which he uttered it on issues in which he obviously did not understand anything. For example, traveling around the country's universities, he demanded that the rectors convert libraries into electronic form, without presenting any means of this translation, no valuation, or technical needs. Well, I paused and forgot, the most important thing was noted in the novation speeches. But the sediment remained unpleasant. Not less than what remained after the modestly “Affordable Housing” program, for which the noble innovator was responsible, modestly collapsed into oblivion. There, however, the result was clear in advance, so the masses didn’t feed their hopes, unless they were completely tele-teleported zombies.

But all this was the beginning of inglorious and frankly speaking unintelligent activity of the president. Modest, but loud performances with light bulbs, the transition to the energy-efficient light bulbs, was extremely stupid against the background of the complete absence of its own technical base, cost and unsolved problem of disposal. And even the formidable indication of the abandonment of 100 watt lamps to a certain number was beautifully circumvented by the production of lamps labeled 95 watts. A brilliant response to a brainless statement.

Then there were shortened time zones, which by their death caused unhealthy laughter in Russian society, still having gray matter in their heads. Medvedev's misunderstanding of such a simple thing as the time of sunrise and sunset, broke on the stone conviction of “Caesar” about the undoubted increase in controllability of remote territories. There is a clear attempt to transfer responsibility for their own inability to cope with the management of natural forces, just quietly breathed spirit under the laughter of the population. What are the successes of this event now unknown to anyone. Yes, and where they come from?

Behavior already beginning to enter into the taste of the presidential share of Dmitry Anatolyevich more and more forced to doubt his mental abilities. Loud statements or quietly descended on the brakes of shame, or shivering their delusional. When loud statements about the need to respect democracy, citizen Medvedev literally the next day informs us that it’s not at all terrible to sacrifice this very democracy for the sake of such a holy cause as total control and violation of individual rights by forcing the introduction of a universal e-card and even enormous costs around the country. He is not embarrassed by nothing, to the extent that his favorite all-European model for democratic role models, has refused everywhere from such an odious awusay. Dmitry Anatolyevich had a very strange demeanor of behavior, he was becoming a typical demonic personality, a sort of antidemiurge. He realizes all the efforts of destruction fully, the positive ones are clearly not given to him. And he has a strictly caste approach, to whom are pies and buns, and to whom are bruises and bumps. Say the population a fine in 1000p for ticketless travel, (and they are said to be criminally liable), and a business is a fine for economic crimes. With such a standard, hundreds of drowned people in Bulgaria can easily be written off according to the economic path with the imposition of an insignificant penalty. Yes, the times of the Lame Horse gave a sad experience on the mountain. For merry fellows and lovers of cruises, and not Duma steamboat owners.

Medvedev's wild statements about the need for further privatization can not but alarm anyone. No one has yet cited positive examples of this privatization. No one cited statistics of successful or ruined enterprises, and the country is increasingly sinking in technical degradation. It would seem that the link to the face, the privatization of defective owners who are unable to manage even the toilet bowl handle, leads the country to technical degradation and death, but this does not bother the reformer. The upcoming privatization of the world-famous Lightning, where instead of rockets they bake cakes, causes an aversion to Medvedev, but he is seen very little and worry about the consequences of idiotic decisions and the opinion of the people.

It was a small digression, but I will continue the thought.

Then it got worse. The young reformer (young in the sense of not age, but the performance of official duties) swung higher. I will skip some preliminary actions in this process, and I will immediately get to the point - the Unified State Exam and the Bologna system. Despite the warnings of experts about the destructiveness of the venture, the system was introduced forcibly, under the slogan “we eliminate corruption in universities”, but in fact a campaign against tutoring was launched in the press. It turns out to be just someone else's ruble, earned by the hard work of tutoring on training in the mass of already stupid young people to the state of a qualified entrant, did not give rest to the reformer. Terrible statements about the bribery of the Likhodeans in the selection committees were confirmed by indisputable, although separately extended facts. But economically, the amount of bribes of individuals could not be equal to the earnings of the mass of tutors, so the slogan “Down with Corruption” applied to the latter. For intelligent people it became obvious that the problem of the destruction of qualified university professors was being solved. It was too clear to see through.

The result was not slow. The Caucasian regions massively achieved the highest results in the Unified State Examination and the tanned children of the mountains filled the universities instead of the pale-faced “losers”. The level of mental development and school preparation of fresh honors pupils was such that thunder rolled throughout the country. Moreover, unlike the natural thunder, he had a bad nationalist taint. The main initiator of the process was impossible to get out of the results, but he had already begun to fully mature to the state of Bonapartism and publicly stated “yes, corruption has moved to a level lower in schools, it has become wider, but there is no return to the old system”.

It was obviously bogus! Against the background of a complete failure to spit on everyone’s faces and to take absolutely no decisions to change the situation, it looked utterly stupid. It would have been so if it were not for the same notorious smell from Caucasian entrants. Cases of the inadequacy of their behavior, not to mention the initial preparation, filled many pages of the press.

Thus, the next stage of manhood was recorded, not that stupidity, or something worse in the development of the character of a reforming president.

The next significant milestone for society was the idea of ​​renaming the police to the police. Here, Dmitry Anatolyevich did not condescend at all to explaining to society, he simply said that this would change the essence of the work and increase the responsibility. That certification will pass the best and they will be rewarded with the highest new rates of money. The cretinism of throwing out the budget billions to the wind was evident to the last homeless person who fell into the hands of the police, but not to citizen Medvedev. His proud posture of awareness of his own importance at foreign receptions in Russia and abroad (in a figurative sense, in nature, she is very far from Napoleon) was ridiculously combined with the lack of intelligence on his brow. It is not surprising that the idea did not just fail, but with a bang and a stench it broke with events in different parts of the country, in Kuschevskaya, Zelenokumsk, Sagra. Did citizen Medvedev repent of his wrongdoings? Maybe he punished people who disgraced his “good” presidential name? After all, he publicly vowed to remove the governors after the fires, to bring order to the new police, and instead, he actually drove the only deserving officer out of the army. And no one heard from him an apology to this officer, who showed courage in a difficult moment. Considering that the decision to liquidate the fire forces was made with the direct participation of Medvedev, there was a question about his suitability and responsibility for making ill-considered decisions. But who will put the questions? As the character said the film is known as “he is a monument!”. Himself infallible.

So the process of renaming Millie to Polly was not developed in the form of responsibility for scoundrels, through whose fault blood was shed. And it was already a landmark!

Clearly incurred a repressive stink against the common Russian population, against the background of forgiveness of the frank fascism of the Caucasian republics. Here, the question of Medudyev’s fussiness clearly shifted to the plane of the Russian genocide with the help of the lawlessness of Caucasian banditry.

Another very dirty deal was the creation of the NCFD. It is not clear what constitutional status new territorial districts have in general, their creation raises many questions and misunderstandings. Let's say the thesis of increasing the country's controllability with the help of plenipotentiaries enters into conflict with the fragmentation of the army into 4 independent units. Forgive anyone, it is clear to the fool that in the army the one-on-one was introduced not in vain, but the single fist is stronger than the spreading five.

And then more frank and brazen things went. Creating obvious privileges for the Caucasian population in the form of compensations, budget expenditures almost an order of magnitude higher than expenditures on non-Caucasian regions, outright banditry and bribing law enforcement agencies, the behavior of Caucasians in Russian cities, became the norm of impunity. Recall the events in the camp of Don, where punished for attempting to rape a teenage girl and injury to the camp director? The overgrown gangsters not only left with impunity, but also - the height of insolence - the Chechen ombudsman made the wildest statement, threatening to disrupt the Olympics. And what? Where is our reformer fighter? Not a word about extremism and nationalism, as if nothing had happened.

The events clearly demonstrated that Medvedev is not just a stupid president incapable of leading the country, but an independent figure, a person who promotes negative nationalist qualities. Indeed, how is it that, in spite of all the loud statements about the fight against nationalism and extremism, the interethnic situation in the country is becoming more and more heated? It is no longer a separate Chechnya, but the entire Caucasus is blazing and spreading the infection to other regions. The blatant patronage of the law enforcement agencies led to a speech at the Manezh, the essence of which Medvedev rudely isolated. The result of such events as Kondopoga, Manege, and the defenses of the authorities led to Kuschevka and Sagra. Against the background of these super-noticeable rebuffs of the Russian population to Caucasian gangsters, there were many others hidden by the authorities, this is a festival in the Urals, the silence of Zelenokumsk, unpunished beatings, and even the murders of Russian youth.

But Medvedev already emerged from the role of a lame, illiterate duck and uncovered the unchallenged chauvinistic essence in relation to the Russian population: this appeal to the Jewish organization with a proposal to organize the fight against nationalism and the escalation of tension in the Stavropol Territory by creating a university c with a focus on the study of religious dogma Islam is quite obvious) on the basis of the local old-Polish university. Or rather, it turns out that instead of the state university, technological and several colleges. Do we have a surplus of technical specialists and a shortage of religious ones in Staropole and the Caucasus? The result is predetermined; this is the ousting of Russians by Caucasians. And the repression will have various forms: benefits to the Muslim population, covering up the fascist elements, financial injections "in development". Tell me, which university in Russia receives more than a billion subsidies per year? It is unlikely that Moscow University receives such sums, not to mention the Russian province, but there will be a Muslim university remake with an incomprehensible appointment. A billion from the budget, stolen from impoverished Russia in favor of Caucasian "students" -Muslims.

What is it? Obviously, the answer should be sought nearby. Not so long ago, the chairman of the so-called MBHR Brod, made a statement that Moscow needs more mosques. A rather strange statement on behalf of historical whose homeland is in a purely antagonistic position with the Muslim world. Citizen Brod has repeatedly distinguished Russophobic statements and slander against publications that he considers extremist. To a large extent, the Duel newspaper was closed by his slander. Brod’s bureau itself works exclusively for foreign grants, mainly American ones, and then Dmitry Anatolyevich promised to contribute, to allow foreign sponsorship of “non-profit” organizations. You wonder right away, Medvedev brazenly declares “you need to work hard, not ask for money”, but to obscure non-profit organizations of dubious origin, working in the field of “democratic transformations,” he promises 900 million rubles in rubles without batting an eye. And then again! Strange innovations of democracy, where the timid talkers are promised amounts, and the workers of the aircraft plants shish.

A strange connection is traced between the actions of our president. Appeal to a small nationalist organization to fight nationalism. Whose and how? Obviously, not with the hottest Caucasus, since Brod is in favor of building mosques in Moscow, and, of course, not Jewish, which Mr. Gusakov clearly demonstrated in an extremely boorish interview. Thus, we are left with only one “nationalism”, which Shvydkoy called fascism and which Medvedev attacked after the Manege — Russian! And it is the protection of their rights by the Russian population, which obviously does not suit citizen Medvedev. He clearly prefers the wording of Mr. Gusakov regarding the population, the majority of which are still Russian. Why would Medvedev be so bold, if not after the blatant application of the American vice-preze Biden, the famous anti-Russian hawk, about the candidacy of the future president of Russia? Does this mean that he already gave a damn about the very democracy about which he so vehemently enters his stories to us and forgot about the election of a post?

Well, we have some chances in the election to remind him of this.
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  1. Owl
    26 July 2011 09: 31
    enemy, traitor
  2. pokermen
    26 July 2011 09: 38
    They gave the boy a taxi for 4 years, and he played too much.

    By the way, the author about the Russian WoW forgot, based on Russian epics ..... this is from the new
    1. Superduck
      26 July 2011 12: 13
      Yes, I laughed for about a long time. The boy didn’t play enough in his childhood; to see his mother for solfeggio forced him to walk instead of football with the boys in the yard.
  3. dmb
    26 July 2011 10: 14
    To critics of the article. I would like to read the objections. Only not from the series: "And Stalin was the executioner." Actually, nothing new. The current one was brought into the Kremlin by the handle of the previous one, the previous one was introduced by the drunken guarantor of the Constitution and the old Abramich. True, the latter was thrown. Well, that's okay.
  4. +3
    26 July 2011 10: 45
    The author is 100% right. The "innovator" has to leave for a long time. Ordinary people are not satisfied with it!
  5. +3
    26 July 2011 12: 07
    A bunch of inadequate people in power.
    When will it end?
    1. Superduck
      26 July 2011 12: 14
      Power is a reflection of society. Scolding power, we admit our ugliness is unpleasant but useful.
      1. 0
        26 July 2011 12: 22

        What do you want to say by this? That the whole society is so stupid? We don’t choose the power, it chooses itself. Even going to the polls, voting for one candidate, by the method of various scams and frauds, they will still choose the other. So that the words Power is a reflection Society, at least not appropriate!
        I’m sure that either Vova or Dima will again rule in power. The vast majority are against their ideas, but still someone from their cohort will again push Russia. And you say Power - a reflection of society ....
        1. Superduck
          26 July 2011 12: 40
          Max, but in any society of people who draw conclusions based on facts and not on the basis of a TV unit. The fact that they sometimes hang out on one forum in quantity does not mean that there are many of them. The country has a huge army of officials, police, state employees. Someone voted for the bear for the first time, for Putin too. Although everyone knew about him only that he was a protege of Berezovsky and a faithful dog of Yeltsin, and soak in the toilet, AND EVERYTHING! But they voted without exception because there were 2 reasons - it was not EBN and he clearly talked (again not EBN). And now they will give you a man with courageous habits, and the people will say - this is not the Bear.
          Leadership is the curse of Russia, no one even tries to offer either a team or a program, and even if it offers it, nobody cares. The Russian people are not adapted to democracy; they do not need and are not interested in it.
          1. +3
            26 July 2011 12: 52
            Superduck, Once again I repeat. They choose themselves !!! This shitty oligarchy. Tell me who are the most ordinary people for whom the government has done nothing, or the oligarchs who regulate the laws themselves? This oligarchy also supports this regime! But what does society have to do with it, where are ordinary people? Society does not consist of majors alone. They, if not the minority, are in front of an army of poor and poor. As a result of the facts, as you say, I see how I live, what I live for and what rights I have (and we don’t have any mortals in my opinion at all) What facts do you need? TV is naive When the talk is especially what we have achieved something ... and the magic word innovation is inserted, the list can be continued indefinitely.
            1. Superduck
              26 July 2011 13: 29
              You want to say that nothing depends on you?
              In Ukraine, in 2004, too many said so, it turned out that it depends, though the result was not impressive. However, I dare to say that this was not a completely fascist coven on the loot of the CIA, as everyone still believes in Russia, well, of course, the State Department worked there for more information support, but this is not the whole truth. You would know what the guys of Yanukovych arranged in the country (Gleb Pavlovsky seemed to steer). Entire trains and convoys of voting buses travel across the country in every city where bundles of ballots stop pouring. Almost all of the state employees, the army, and the convicts were forced to vote ahead of schedule, the ballot needed to be shown to their immediate superior under threat of reduction, plans for voting were issued to all state institutions, and execution was threatened with dismissal. The whole city is filled with people with cellophane bags of money, just dozens, some are running around companies, some are running around. People in civilian clothes. terrified cops, battered observers, fake or invalid protocols. On the day of the second round, I took my fishing rods from my father, they in the case were semi-rigid, which is universal for a gun and for fishing, with an extension under the butt below shorter. PPS cops grazed me from a kilometer, were afraid to come up and check, then they pointed at the dudes in civilian clothes, they checked, neighing that there were fishing rods, the ice had already begun and asked not to light up with this crap in the city.
              Among my friends who went to Kiev in tents there was no one who went there for the sake of Yushchenko and not to mention that there were no nationalists among them, there were people with tricolors, no one said a bad word. And as a result of all this, Yanukovych takes an advantage of a few percent, and the people here completely tore off the roof. I thought there would be a war ...
              Because Max, you know, AUTHORITY IS AFRAID OF YOU, and it costs a lot. I’m not calling for anything and I’m not trying to advertise your orange here, I just want to say that you can’t do anything once a size over and over again and everyone will be blessed. For every tricky nut there is a bolt with a left-hand thread.
              1. 0
                26 July 2011 14: 57
                Because Max, you know, AUTHORITY IS AFRAID OF YOU, and it costs a lot.

                Crap it! Oh, what are you talking about? She lied to us, this power. If the authorities were afraid, she wouldn’t deal with such chaos! Think again about what is written !!! And really, nothing depends on us .If you said these words in the 50-70s, I would be ridiculed. And now these words, whatever one may say, are relevant. And it’s a pity ...
                1. Superduck
                  26 July 2011 16: 13
                  Not Max, afraid, but any power, if not frostbitten, keeps balance, this is the art of rule. As long as she has loot, then you are right, people are bought for this loot and he has a normal life, even if his fuck .. t, the main thing is to be full.
                  There he buried his grandfather in the fall in the Belgorod region, in his village. There is no work in the village at all, all the land was taken by the latifundists, before there were some gebists from Luzhkov. Chichas I do not know who did not ask. We bought good imported equipment and now 30 people serve 5th part of the lands of the Belgorod region. And where are the rest? Someone younger than the police, customs, and others, who are more lazy - drinking black stump is clear. But at the same time, roads are very good for the village, it is conceivable, in a village where almost no pedestrian paving slabs work normally, piccadilly damn ... Everyone has good pensions, our (Ukrainian) pensioners would cry with envy when they find out how much my grandfather had a pension. But the people for Putin and, in general, the authorities were ready to tear anyone off for a year, because the state provided them with a job of what no, well-fed life. And that's all, no longer needed.
        2. Superduck
          26 July 2011 12: 48
          And yes, I want to say that society is stupid, and you thought that everyone knows where America is on the map and read analytics on the threats to Russia? Yes, 80% of the population do not care!
          1. 0
            26 July 2011 13: 26
            Superduck, People know one thing, what is good to live in abundance and not in poverty, or to eat verbal illusions from the lips of the government, and not where America is.
            1. Superduck
              26 July 2011 14: 07
              Illusions Max, this is an expensive and valuable commodity.
              1. 0
                26 July 2011 15: 08
                You won’t be fed and rich. This is how Gorbachev waved his hands, and as a result, the USSR was shamed ... angry
                1. Superduck
                  26 July 2011 15: 18
                  Quote: Max79
                  They will not be fed and rich.

                  You are not, society will be. Look, Vova is traveling by tank, in winter he will shut off gas to Ukraine, take a picture against the background of the red button, make a couple of tough statements to the United States and Medvedev, and that’s all, and there’s no need for any manipulations. Russia has already missed the charismatic leader, they won’t give you alternatives, and there’s no need for any manipulations with the ballots.
                  And here she is the illusion of the next rising from her knees, and the people will be fed up with it.
                  1. +1
                    26 July 2011 16: 06
                    Society is all people, including me, who are part of a given state. Now I think you won’t surprise anyone with empty promises except as a grandmother or grandfather. People have become smarter and people see who and what is doing for the country, but choose a travel leader cannot. Because, as a word has no, and elections ... this is for show ... in front of foreign observers. Do you think in this fucking "popular front" someone believes? Yes, hell there! Except Vova and his handful of associates.
                    Some illusionists are their mother! wassatRussia missed the real, firm leader who does not hang liberal liberal vermicelli on his ears !!!
                    1. petor41
                      26 July 2011 16: 11
                      Elections are generally if you think about it just a lottery! How can you choose a president from a handful of people completely unknown to you that you know only by hearsay and have never seen them live! Who they are, what they are and where they come from is not known for certain!
                    2. Superduck
                      26 July 2011 16: 23
                      Quote: Max79
                      Do you think someone believes in this fucking "popular front"? Yes, hell! Except for Vova and his handful of associates.

                      Yes, here the floor of the forum for Vova is ready to break, and not stupid people, not for the front, but for a specific person. It's enough. The front is simply an illusion of mass character and which is no organization.
  6. petor41
    26 July 2011 14: 45
    I think Putin Medvedev specifically brought to power that the people would see what would happen if they did not elect him for the 3rd and 4th term! wink Although I’m not a fan of Putin and in general an opponent of United Russia, I have to pay tribute to him when there was little stability, and under Medvedev you don’t know what will happen tomorrow, what else he will reform this time!
    1. Superduck
      26 July 2011 15: 00
      But at the same time, stability too, in fact, they are not reforming anything, everything is in its place, well, the police were renamed, nothing has changed
      1. petor41
        26 July 2011 15: 12
        Much has changed! Especially in the field of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies! I personally feel it every day! There is a mess in the troops, which was not there before! They create military police, disperse them, or create new ones again! The states of military bodies are either cutting back, expanding, or replacing military posts with civilian ones, then again they are changing the other way around! In law enforcement the same thing! Now all investigators in different departments are sitting on their suitcases because they don’t know whether they will drive everyone into a single investigative committee or leave the investigation separately for each body! Yesterday for economic crimes detained today can no longer do this! Such uncertainty is terrible! No one really knows what will happen tomorrow, many rumors are amazed by this, including baseless ones and negatively affect the state of employees!
        1. petor41
          26 July 2011 15: 53
          It seems to me that Medvedev really does it all on Putin’s orders, so that the people on this wave would choose him again for 3 terms! One person cannot do so many unpopular things based solely on his own considerations! Indeed, his every decision and opinion is directly opposite to the public one and he knows about it for sure and again does it, especially for his love!
          1. Superduck
            26 July 2011 16: 14
            Well, correcting the mistakes of predecessors will distract people from problems for half a term at least.
            1. petor41
              26 July 2011 16: 22
              Yes, for 10 years of the upcoming reign, it’s not that the mistakes of the predecessor to correct the world order can be changed!
  7. svvaulsh
    26 July 2011 15: 00
    Ah yes the author! Ah well done! All laid out on the shelves!
  8. Pinocchio
    26 July 2011 16: 53
    Now it has become obvious that there is a systematic preparation for an internal war. External threats, and there are plenty of them, go to the secondary plan. Power is strengthened from within. Interethnic relations are seriously heating up. Leadership in practice supports Caucasian nationalist aspirations. There are plenty of examples. Kremlin tribute to the Caucasus temporarily delayed military clashes between nations. It will again be difficult for the army to take part in internal conflicts. Civil war may not be an illusion, but a reality. But the Kremlin continues to strengthen the Caucasus in a military aspect, especially Chechnya.
  9. Oleg
    26 July 2011 19: 55
    Guys from Russia, is there anyone who confirms the thesis about 95 Watt bulbs?
  10. +1
    26 July 2011 21: 46
    Yes, a proverb, measure seven times once you will scrub, it's not about him !!!!!
  11. Marat
    27 July 2011 00: 17
    Large state-owned national companies were created anew (nationalized) in Russia (Rosoboronexport Rosatomprom Gazprom Rosneft, etc.) Along with strengthening the country and assembling the dispersed regions, this was an achievement of the authorities. Thanks to these companies, the budget was filled and a stub fund was formed (again, the same Starikov can be read) A huge part of the national wealth returned to the hands of the state. People now listen with fear to Medvedev's orders to privatize large state-owned companies. I can't believe there will be a "rollback" in the 90s!
  12. 0
    27 July 2011 00: 26
    What nationalism is Medvedev going to fight with?

    Of course, he intends to fight with the Russian (Slavic), therefore he lives in Asia with the Caucasus, in an amount comparable to his native republics, and when you are rude or worse, he will threaten you with a finger and call him an extremist, an instigator of interethnic, interreligious ( underline) discord, etc. It seems that our government decided to wean something before the election that it (the government) will be remembered for centuries.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"