Skobelev as a leader

Skobelev as a leaderRiddles in Russian stories a lot. Often they were hampered by unraveling political engagement. But if we discard the usual patterns - many mysterious phenomena suddenly become natural ...

This feeling came to me even when I was re-reading various biographies of Skobelev. Yes, the "White General", a man of amazing courage, a talented commander. Born in 1843, both grandfather and father are generals. He first entered the University of St. Petersburg (1861), a month later he was fired due to his participation in stud. unrest Entered Junker, in 1863-m produced in cornets. He graduated from the course at the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff. Then transferred to the East, more precisely, to the South. In 1873-76 distinguished himself in Khiva and other expeditions. By the way, while on vacation, I first went to France, but after learning about the Spanish civil war, I spent several months in partisan detachments of the so-called. Carlists - supporters of the overthrown king Charles. Then ... everyone knows: the Russian-Turkish war, Skobelev's stay on it at first almost as a volunteer; his brilliant actions at any level, forcing him to give him the appropriate post - and to lead many unique operations. Desperately eager to seize Constantinople-Istanbul, which was strongly discouraged by the command - and then it was simply forbidden. Still, at the conclusion of peace, he went to Istanbul incognito, in civilian clothes (remember this oddity). Then ... Then the service - and again the brilliant expedition is not the East - I mean the South; capture of the famous Geok-Tepe, swearing in the Russian Tsar of many Turkmen (1880 - the beginning of 1881). But then it’s more interesting in the political sense: various statements on international topics, lobbying (if I may say so) only the then Franco-Russian Union, a trip to France, speaking there on various political topics - from supporting the said union to Panslavism ( that the Russian autocracy, of course, was not encouraged), returning to Russia, getting vtyk from the new tsar - Alexander III - and leaving for a new place of service - to Mogilev. A solemn meeting in Mogilev by a local priest, a trip to Moscow, a pan-Slavic speech at a gala dinner, and then death in the arms of a professional. It seems that the heart could not stand ...

It would seem - to the best of a peculiar biography, if not without adventurism - but without any special inclinations. Lobbying Franco-Russian Union? But all the same, Russia had to come to him. But for some reason, Skobelev was followed by the steady fame of the “general-from-pronunciamento” - that is, from the military coup. Why? Well, yes, he had sharp political remarks. But who of the prominent military does not sin this?

Well, and if all the same to accept the theory of the path to power and see from these positions?

First of all, I must say: the most difficult question for those who are coming to power is the question of its legality. In Russia at that time, the power of the king was consecrated by the church - and for most people this was the highest sanction. In addition to the official point of view, people knew that the tsar himself was not a completely ordinary person; he possesses amazing abilities, for he is from the royal family. Therefore, the government looked unshakable - no matter how much the intelligentsia resented it. In addition, even for people who think broadly enough, the transition to a new type of government is not so simple. It is one thing - to drink power over a glass of tea - maybe for the cause. The other is to be ready to submit to a new type of power - not God-given, as before, but elected by ordinary people ...

Yes, then the revolution won, breaking everything and everyone, including religion. But pronuncimento is the opposite of revolution. No breaking the psyche, "devastation is not on the streets, but in the head." Held at the top of the one who has the right to power. He can win with bayonets - but he can only rely on traditional law. Examples are the upheavals of the 18th century in Russia, successful and unsuccessful; Guards could do anything - but on the throne was supposed to be "legitimate." Therefore, the claimant to power must declare his right to it - very archaic.

And if now from this position we look at the eccentricities and vaults of the great commander described a hundred times over, we will see that they fit into some scheme. Stay in Spain, have partisans carlists? From now on, he was told that he was ... the Russian brother of the Spanish king! And she did not stay within Spain. At least she knew you. Ive Nemirovich-Danchenko (yes, a relative of the famous theatrical figure - and a strong journalist who is well acquainted with Skobelev and who was next to him during the Russian-Turkish war). Well, and what one journalist knows, very many people know. This is, of course, a legend. But also a step that leads to the right to power.

Further. Russian-Turkish war. We will not talk about the commanding art of the White General - it is not about him now. What made him so in Constantinople-Istanbul? And why did the king not let him enter there with victory? For a time, it was believed that resolute protests of England were to blame. But the despatches of Ambassador Shuvalov in England were read a long time ago, and it turns out that England did not object to the temporary occupation of Istanbul — she only demanded to leave then. It is known: it is better to take a lot more - then it is easier to claim compensation for yourself. Why was Istanbul not busy? What scared Alexander II? And the main thing is different: why was his father, Nicholas I, so afraid of this very Constantinople-Istanbul, speaking to Lord Seymour (before the Crimean War), who spoke like this: Russia will cease to be by itself Constantinople’s occupation? What kind of magical place is this?

And then another knot is tied. The enormous role of the late Slavophilism in general, and I. S. Aksakov in particular, in promoting the “Bulgarian question,” in the initiation of society to defend the Bulgarians, is well known. In fact, this war was waged against the wishes of the Russian upper echelons, but under the pressure of society, both intellectual and part of the merchant's. But the proclamation of the Slavophiles (and many others who followed them) the liberation of the Bulgarians was not the only goal. Another idea was promoted. And this idea is the taking of Constantinople. Moreover, the Slavophils unleashed this idea long since - almost from the formation of their circle - from the 1840's. That is, they encouraged society to that which feared both Nicholas I and Alexander II. Why?

We will try to explain. The second Rome was (or should have been) a model for the Third. But the emperors in Constantinople were the heirs of not principally dynastic Western kings or Russian tsars — but Roman emperors. That is, officially, people who can rule not because of their generosity, but because the Senate handed them the pro-consular empires for the tranquility of the country, finding them anywhere. In short, promoted. And this information quietly went to the people. Thus, in between, a large number of biographies of the pious emperor Justinian were printed, for example, and it was mentioned that he went to the throne at the suggestion of Uncle Justin, who reached the throne from ordinary soldiers. Got it. And it was quite understandable to the Russian people - because in Russia they had served up a great deal - and could not but generate puzzled questions: if in the Russian Empire you can be promoted to the first minister, then why not the emperor? Justin has served, and nothing, and the church has blessed ...

But there was another fact - the legendary, but able to be stronger than the real. In all sorts of painfully useful tales of the devastation of Constantinople by godless Agarians, seasoned with a horse’s dose of oil, there was often a legend that when the Turks broke into the city, service was in the St. Sophia Cathedral (which is now a museum) - and the priest was about to start Communion - but escaping from the conquerors, miraculously went straight into the wall with a bowl. And as if when the day of the liberation of Constantinople from the Turks comes, a miracle will happen; the priest will come out of the wall - and will receive communion ... of the future Emperor ... This legend walked literally everywhere - in many different forms, for very different layers ... Apollo Mikey even wrote poems ...

And now the question is: who, according to legend, could the priest commune first of all?

And now it is clear why Skobelev rushed there?

And now it is clear why the king did not let him go there?

And it is clear now what Nikolai I was afraid of?

And also - why and why did the Slavophiles in general, and I. S. Aksakov in particular, and in particular, strive for? And then - romance, romance ... Cross on St. Sophia ...
And here - for the liberation of Bulgaria was the liberation of Russia. The external war could solve the internal problems of Russia - and what problems - the problems of the change of power!

Constantinople in general, and St. Sophia in particular, is a possible source for the approval in Russia of an alternative authority, while as legitimate as the power of the Romanovs. Without a revolution in the brain. Would go a new legend - that this priest communed White General. So, the legend - as well as the fact that Skobelev allegedly brother of the Spanish king. But the application for power is - and huge. Especially since Mikhail Dmitrievich visited Istanbul - albeit incognito.
Who would have prevented at the right moment to put the necessary legend?

Yes, of course, you can say: all this assumptions. But somehow everything fits together too well. And the fact that it was not directly stated, was neither written by Aksakov nor Skobelev, so the perusal was well-established at the Russian post, and there were enough informers. Yes, and evil were Slavophiles. About Valuev we have already spoken. We will see further how Aksakov himself admitted one of his cunning.

And what happened to Skobelev after that, after a victorious war, a very relative reward - and national glory? Next was a complete replay of the kings. And the old - and the new. On the one hand, the service continued. And in the order of this service, the White General was on the maneuvers of the German army. And then - a new brilliant operation - the Akhaltekty expedition. And after it - a trip to Paris. Well, it is clear: as Nekrasov wrote, “If only the Russian goes abroad, send to Palermo, Pisa or Nice — Being in Paris is for him! However, here the “destinies” were just in place. Entente was planned - the Union of heart consent. But Russia reluctantly went to him. The new Tsar Alexander III, who came to the throne after the murdered Alexander II, did not at all want to go into the arms of Republican France. But it was necessary, it was necessary. And, of course, the French, who were preparing a revenge for the lost Franco-Prussian war, were looking for influential allied lobbyists in Russia. Mikhail Dmitrievich, who in no way concealed his sympathies for this rapprochement, turned out to be very helpful to the French ruling circles. France was looking for new and new allies - and the Slavs, to Russia, were among those. In addition, Paris was filled with all sorts of political figures - including immigrant.

Here Skobelev and turned with might and main. Doubt that he went into big politics, could no longer be. Celebrations, dinners, meetings with a wide variety of personalities - and speeches, speeches that are promising, sometimes not without caution, but having critics of the Russian authorities, appeals to students - people from the Balkans - to strengthen Slavic unity ... And trying to meet with the most violent oppositionists - like revolutionary Lavrov or Polish émigrés ... Not always and not everything was possible - others, like Lavrov, did not even want to meet. Polish emigrants turned out to be irreparable - they reduced everything not only to the restoration of Poland (then divided between Germany, Austria and Russia), but not even to the borders of the 1772 of the year - but to the notorious “one way to Mozh” (that is, to Poland from the Baltic to Black Sea). Contacts with them also failed. But there were many forces willing to lead a common unity policy with the White General - and unity against Germany. Skobelev's huge success, besides his battle glory, was helped by something else. Oh, no wonder, no wonder his real name was Kobelev (his grandfather, Ivan Nikitich, by the way, a big fan of hooliganism on erotic topics, deserved the “s”, destroying the shame of his last name). And it's not just that the wife left the White General ...

In the sensual Parisian light and 1880's half-light, beautifully described by Maupassant, Skobelev's figure could not help but have a special effect - especially in women. A talented commander, fantastically brave (his colleagues told a lot about his courage), telling many and many things that they wanted to hear - about the joint struggle with the "Boshes", with a huge, carefully combed beard ("a real Russian bear!"), With rumors about divorce (which then was in Orthodox Russia and in Catholic France was not even a scandal, but a brawler) in which he accepted the blame (that is, he admitted that he had “novels”!) ... Fall and not get up! In short, the success of Parisian Skobelevu was ensured. And that meant - success in the whole of France ...

In a word, Skobelev went into politics. And, most importantly, without any sanction from the top - and the sovereign emperor personally. His return to Russia at the start of 1882 was triumphant; some even drew parallels with Bonaparte’s return from Egypt. As for Alexander III, he frankly was not in himself. Not only because of the fear of the terrorists, he pulled out with the coronation (and stretched out for two years - in 1882-m he still did not formally come to the throne!), So Bonaparte also showed up - the kind that his father was afraid of ... the emperor largely obeyed his former mentor, Pobedonostsev. He encouraged, as he succeeded, the sovereign - and in the end the august sticking to the White General, most of which was held in private, took place. Judging by the passages that came to us, justifying, hypocrisy and generally acting Skobelev desperately. He could do that. In various biographies - and the gene. Knorring, and you. Ive Nemirovich-Danchenko, it was emphasized that Mikhail Dmitrievich did many actions very deliberately, in advance preparing, as if by chance, the resulting dramatic gestures. This is understandable - many military people have this; without some theatricality, it is sometimes difficult to lead people to death. Nemirovich-Danchenko has quite a few examples of such “representations” with the obvious “play” of Skobelev, observed by the author himself. In a word, the matter ended more peacefully than one might have thought — by appointment to Mogilyov. Type - Germany shows her teeth - look over there. But in fact it was, of course, the link.

But here began a brilliant political game. If before that there had been any serious doubts that Skobelev had become a politician and even an extraordinary intriguer, then after what happened in Mogilev, there could be no doubt. When arriving in Mahiliou, Skobelev was extremely solemnly greeted by the local priest Senchikovsky. The priest was clearly ahead of his time, because he often served a mass ... in Russian! In fact, he did what he officially authorized - only 80 years later - only the Second Vatican Council. In addition, the priest (Pole) did not hide his pro-Russian orientation. So, he met Skobelev with a solemn mass with Te Deum laudamus singing (“You, God, praise”) - as after the decisive victory that had just been won, although the Crofile victories were like that four years ago, and officially it was like private success . And Skobelev attended the mass in the first place. The historical parallels are clear - Suvorov, when he arrived in Milan, was also at Mass, and he also came under the blessing of the Archbishop of Milan, despite his adherence to Orthodoxy. But…

But here lies a lot. Then Catholicism was very, very much in need of reconciliation with Russia. After all the insane attacks of anti-Russian nature, which reached the point that during the Russian-Turkish war, the pope prayed for the victory of the Turks, it was understood in Rome that in the present world other governments would increasingly oppress Catholicism. And Bismarck’s policy, the so-called Kulturkampf, “the struggle for culture”, which frankly turned the pressure on Catholics, and the frankly anti-Catholic tendencies of the Third Republic in France, and the unification of Italy, deprived the Pope of its Papal Region and drove it into the so-called “The Vatican imprisonment”, and even the excommunication (!) Of the Italian king from the church did not help - all this, as they say, cleared the Vatican heads a little. Against this background, traditionalist Russia, which did not intend, in spite of everything, to put pressure on Catholics and allowed to build churches even Polish exiles 1863 of the year in the places of their exile, looked very attractive. Of course, the curia did not leave — and could not leave — its old ways for the idiol of Russia. But it was clear: the relationship must somehow be adjusted. But how? On the one hand, the oath assurances of both victims and not very Poles that they are de facto preachers of Catholicism from the "schism" - that is, Orthodoxy, and prohibitions in Russia to convert to Catholicism. On the other hand, Russian society, the believing part of which was annoyed by the recent policies of the papacy, and the bishops and archbishops wrote and printed essay after writing, why Latinism is a violation of the patristic tradition, and maybe even just heresy. And the unbelievers repeated the most common words about “obscurantism,” “fanaticism,” and so on — and, as a rule, cited the Catholic inquisition as the most negative example. How can you build relationships?

But this adjustment was necessary and Russia. Firstly, simply because there was no need to quarrel with a powerful church organization, besides, very, to say the least, popular in Polish localities - and then Russia, as is known, owned the so-called. Kingdom of Poland (constantly rebelled). Secondly, the Russian leaders, albeit slowly, and with great effort, but went towards an alliance with France. At the same time, orientation toward conservative-noble circles was inevitable - for it was they who ruled the ball in Russia itself. And those in France were traditionally Catholic - and the endless cries of the Polish gentry that they were the outpost of Catholicism before Orthodoxy, greatly impaired rapprochement. Yes, finally, the general shaft of militant atheism prompted many thinking believers to look for ways of rapprochement, despite confessional discord. This was done with varying degrees of skill - see, for example, some works of Vl. Solovyov. The famous philosopher was clearly looking for ways of drawing closer to Rome. But the enormous inertia of the church elite, and the very inflexible mind of the sovereign (his weak intellect was noted even by outspoken monarchists), on the Russian side, and the same inertia plus universal ambitions, on the part of the papacy, frankly interfered with rapprochement. And suddenly - found! There is a person who is going to this rapprochement through the jail! And what a man - a hero, the idol of the people! Again all threads meet on it. In which case, to whom will emissaries of Rome come? To him. As well as emissaries of Paris. Now it’s easier for the French right to go closer to Russia. And the left too; for Skobelev is not supported by the papal officialdom, but by the church reformer! At the same time, a foothold is thrown out from under the feet of the Poles who want to rebel again: relations with Rome are getting better, they are no longer just an outpost of Catholicism! So much for the removal in the wilderness ...

It turns out that the White General brilliantly played the intrigue, well known in management circles. When the “chief” is unable or unwilling to solve the accumulated issues, some third party may take decisions, which have the power of something, but he pushes the matter - and slowly pulls the whole control over himself, becoming irreplaceable.

How could Skobelev show such uncommon knowledge of not only political, but also ecclesiastical situation? Both before and after the conversation with Alexander III, he consulted with Aksakov — and that Sergey Sergeevich knew perfectly well that in the world church world. In addition, Ivan Sergeyevich himself openly played along with Skobelev - he suddenly began to play for a union with France with might and main. Slavophilism was a movement for Slavic in general and Russian in particular originality - and, as such, during its birth in 1840-ies fiercely denied French culture as interfering with Russian culture to speak with its language - and, finally, as generating revolution. And then suddenly love to the grave! Why is that? Only one thing: two serious politicians are intriguing ...

And another line - perhaps the most significant at that time. Aksakov violently pushed through the idea of ​​convening the so-called. Zemsky Sobor - a college of elected representatives from all classes. The idea could have been a success and at first was taken even quite well at the top - for it was just such a council that in 1613 consolidated the ascension of the Romanovs to the throne. In conditions when the emperor was afraid to be crowned, such “approval” could deceive many monarchists. The question was only whether it would be only an “endorsement” - or also a parliament, which inevitably limits the absolute power of the crown? Aksakov swore that he had not, that such a council had historically only given advice to the first two Romanovs. The liberals screamed furiously: what kind of a cathedral, what kind of antiquated is it? We want only the French parliament, but at worst - English. Which, of course, met with bayonets tops. Yy Liberals, as well as Democrats, could not understand that they could advise differently - and in a different tone, especially when there is such a commander next to it.

And one thing was necessary in this situation - a tribune with the right of public appeal to the king! But no, the "left" should certainly submit the Western Parliament. Naturally, the masses wanted to sneeze at this — the same masses who looked into Skobelev’s mouth ...

Aksakov, in despair of such stupidity, could not resist - and wrote in one of his letters to a friend about the liberals: "When I point to" autocracy and self-government ", they do not understand that this is the crown of the liberal desires of society - the basis is valid for of any kind of representation, if necessary. ”Oh, often we have to say“ stupid ”about our progressives ...

In the meantime - everything went on as usual, despite the attacks and the conservatives on the right, and the fools on the left. The idea of ​​the cathedral strongly exaggerated. But Skobelev kept everything in his hands, arranged his speeches on the so-called. dinner parties. A circle of two hundred (!) Officers had already formed, sworn to go after Skobelev everywhere — to live and die with him. No comments.

And suddenly ... everything broke off. The tragic June of 1882. Night from 25 to 26. Well, it is clear: where much is kept on one person - much can break off. But this is an inevitable disadvantage of this project, the project of the Leader. Shogun Duce. And everything broke off in a silly way ...

Allegedly, Skobelev's heart could not stand the comfort of a high-flying professional. Well, it happens. But for some reason it was “there” just when everything was ready. Moreover, a number of poisons, paralyzing the muscles of the heart, and today is not easy to detect. Only this is not the style of, say, the Russian authorities - she did not like to beat successful commanders. Yes, and Alexander III did not like cunning.

Then who? Germany? Especially since Skobelev openly pushed the Entente. Moreover, this person was subject to Germany. But then before the war was still far away. In short, there is no direct reason for suspicion.

In our opinion, one more trace remained unnoticed here. Polish. For this person was called ... Wanda! Typical Polish name. But it was from under the Polish emigration, which positioned itself as an outpost of Catholicism, having kicked out Skobelev's support ...

With the death of Skobelev, many things collapsed. The possibility of Russia has collapsed, freeing others, finally to free themselves. The possibility that a brilliant commander (not without a trace of adventurism) would serve for the benefit of the people not only on the battlefield, collapsed. The main thing has collapsed - the opportunity to reform the system, without encroaching on the spiritual foundations.

And the monarchy ... The monarchy did not give up anything. And she did not see that, without giving anything to the upcoming new, she was driving herself to a dead end. And Port Arthur, Tsushima, and 1905 were ahead - and 1917 ...
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  1. -5
    5 September 2014 18: 18
    Skobelev could not be the leader, because in the Republic of Ingushetia the leader of the Romanovs could become a leader and then inherited the throne
    1. 0
      5 September 2014 18: 48
      Apparently interfered with many.
    2. +2
      5 September 2014 19: 03
      Quote: saag
      Skobelev could not be the leader, because in the Republic of Ingushetia the leader of the Romanovs could become a leader and then inherited the throne

      A leader is not necessarily an emperor. Skobelev was a leader for many, for his officers, for example, which the author mentions. In addition, according to the author, Skobelev did not pretend to the throne, apparently, Aksakov suggested that Skobelev would be a kind of gray cardinal under the tsar. That is, in his understanding, there is a king who reigns, and there is someone, the same Skobelev, who actually makes management decisions, or actively influences the adoption of such decisions.
      1. 0
        5 September 2014 19: 57
        Quote: Nick
        A leader is not necessarily an emperor.

        The leader is always alone, and the emperor is the anointed of God, anyone who dares to outshine him will be immediately eliminated, as if he had encroached on the person of the august house
    3. +6
      5 September 2014 19: 09
      Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev The legendary "White" general and future hero of the Fatherland, the favorite of Russian aristocrats and nobles, ordinary peasants and the army of pre-revolutionary Russia.
      His death was experienced as a nationwide grief. On the wreath from the Academy of the General Staff, the inscription was silvering: "To the hero Mikhail Dmitrievich SKOBELYOV - commander SUVOROV equal." Peasants 20 versts in their hands carried the coffin of Mikhail Dmitrievich to Spassky, the Skobelev family estate. There he was buried in a church next to his father and mother. In 1912, in Moscow, on Tverskaya Square, Skobelev was erected a popular monument with folk money, but in 1918 it was demolished according to the decree “On Removing the Monuments of Tsars and Their Servants and Drafting Monuments of the Russian Socialist Revolution”
      Russian soldiers called Skobelev "White General", and in Central Asia and the Balkans - "Ak-Pasha"; his mention thrilled Asian enemies and Turkish Janissaries. Ordinary Russian soldiers treated him with respect and reverence. The staff officers did not like, envious of his successes, whispering behind him that he was a poser who deliberately flaunted his courage, contempt for danger and death. Nemirovich-Danchenko wrote: “He knew that he was leading to death, and without hesitation he did not send, but led along. The first bullet - him, the first meeting with the enemy was his. The case requires sacrifice, and once the necessity of this matter had been decided, he would not back down from any victims. ”

      He understood Slavophilism not as a return to the old ideals of pre-Petrine Rus, but only as a service exclusively to his people. RUSSIA FOR RUSSIANS, Slavs for the Slavs ... "That's what he repeated everywhere."
      He died under very strange circumstances in the Moscow hotel Dussaud. Officially registered "heart failure". But rumors circulated around the Mother See: some suggested that Bismarck’s agents had poisoned him, others thought it was political murder, and others saw this as a love affair. And until now, the mystery of his death remains a mystery behind seven seals.
      1. +2
        5 September 2014 19: 34
        Quote: nils
        the inscription: "To the hero Mikhail Dmitrievich SKOBELYOV - commander SUVOROV equal".

        Perhaps the best assessment of the importance of Skobelev for Russia in general, and for all Slavs in particular, was given after his death by foreign newspapers hostile to Mikhail Dmitrievich. The Borsen Courier, by the way, printed the following: “Well, this one is not dangerous now ... Let the Pan-Slavists and Russian Slavs cry at Skobelev's grave. As for us, we honestly admit that we are pleased with the death of a zealous enemy. We do not feel any feeling of regret. A man died who was really capable of making every effort to apply the word to the deed. "
        In place of the Skobelev monument, a monument to Yuri Dolgorukov is now installed.
      5 September 2014 19: 19
      Quote: saag
      Skobelev could not be a leader, because in RI the leader of the Romanovs could become a leader

      Not the XNUMXth century tea, but the "enlightened" XNUMXth century, it would have been possible to change something for someone else, but the kagal decided otherwise.
    5. +1
      5 September 2014 20: 05
      Skobelev could be a leader. And he was. And in the Russian Empire - the person known as Catherine II did not have direct rights, but ascended the throne. According to the facts cited in this article, Skobelev had even greater rights ...
      1. 0
        5 September 2014 21: 06
        Thank you, an interesting look at the White General.
        However, one can not stop at the confrontation between Russia and England in Central Asia. And from the number of Skobelev disappeared records of the conduct of military companies in the region. And the General’s archive was stolen from the estate. While in Asia, Mikhail Dmitrievich paid great attention to the possibility of a campaign in India.
      2. +2
        5 September 2014 21: 15
        Quote: mervino2007
        Skobelev could be a leader. And he was. And in the Russian Empire - the person known as Catherine II did not have direct rights, but ascended the throne. According to the facts cited in this article, Skobelev had even greater rights ...

        Catherine ascended the throne, firstly, first as the guardian of her son Pavel, and secondly, because her husband "abdicated" in her favor, and thirdly, because the guards who participated in the coup decided so. That she, that her husband - they were foreigners, and Russian society took the change of power quite calmly: outwardly everything fit into the decree of Peter 1 on succession to the throne.
        But Skobelev had no rights in this regard. Military genius and military success could in no way replace the sacred meaning of the royal power. Skobelev was disliked by others - by his very existence he made the Slavophil part of society so strong that in Europe they seriously feared that these views would be accepted by the ruling house, which inevitably led to a clash with the leading European powers. And if we take into account the mood of society, the thirst for revenge after the outwardly lost Crimean War - in fact, it can be considered World War No. 0, as well as the euphoria after the victory over Turkey, as well as the strong personality of Skobelev himself - the imperial family's adoption of the direction of Russian expansion under pressure Slavophiles headed by Skobelev does not look so utopian. France, Germany, Austria-Hungary were not interested in this, and for the most part the imperial family itself. However, the criminological version of Skobelev's death was already given out in his novel "The Death of Achilles" by Akunin.
  2. igor.oldtiger
    5 September 2014 19: 14
    He is Brusilov of his time! He did not stand on ceremony!
  3. +2
    5 September 2014 19: 23
    Why is the crowd worth the people?
    What does he expect in silence?
    What is the grief, what is the perplexity?
    Not a fortress fell, not a battle lost
    - Skobelev fell! not gone
    That power that was worse
    Enemy of a dozen fortresses ...
    The strength that the warriors
    It reminded us of fabulous.

    Poet Jacob Polonsky

    And yet - on June 18, 1887, a project was approved for the construction of a new city called New Margilan. Since 1907, renamed Skobelev, and since 1924 it is called Ferghana.
  4. 0
    5 September 2014 21: 22
    - The plot is famously twisted!
    -Therefore, not a faithful servant of the kings, but in the thoughts of secret - a usurper ?! Orrer! Orrer! (voice of Edward Radzinsky)
  5. 0
    1 July 2015 12: 19
    The BEST Squadron of all time!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"