American wars are rising by leaps and bounds

Experts of the American research organization Project National Priorities (National Priorities Project - NPP) told their fellow citizens that the White House’s total spending on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at this stage had reached an astronomical figure and exceeded 1,05 trillion. dollars, of which 747,3 billion went to Iraq, and the remaining 299 were spent in Afghanistan.
The experts of this highly reputable think tank of overseas egg heads, which was created in 1983 in the city of Northampton, pc. Massachusetts, constantly assessing federal spending on US national security, as well as reviewing the impact of White House policy in this area on protecting their compatriots from external and internal threats to their security in the near and distant future.
In regularly published reviews titled “Cost of War”, Project’s specialists presented their calculations, which showed that the American taxpayers put American taxpayers out of their pockets on the wars that the Pentagon started in Afghanistan and Iraq in October 2001 and in March significantly more dollars than they spent on all the military actions taken by Washington outside its oceans since World War II and which the White House continues to carry out at the present time.
Some time before the NPP experts made an analysis on their website on the Internet, experts from the Congressional Research Service presented their own estimates of Washington’s spending on world wars. According to their data, the White House spent only 253 billion dollars for the First World War. But further the prices for the military actions of the Pentagon's troops swiftly jumped upwards. The fight against the Nazis (in 2008 prices of the year) cost overseas politicians and taxpayers in 4,1 trillion. dollars. On operations in Korea, they had to lay out 320 billion. The Vietnamese power etude of the Pentagon cost the Americans already 686 billion.
According to NPP experts, a trillion dollars spent would be enough to pay 21 million US police officers over the course of a year, or this amount could be spent on training at US colleges 19 million young Americans over 10 years.
Unlike the former owner of the chair of the Oval Office of George W. Bush, the current US President Barack Obama is deeply convinced that the leading line in the fight against world terrorism is not so much ancient Babylon, in which America allegedly achieved ultimate success and destroyed the militants, as Afghanistan. It is there, in the deep conviction of the head of the White House, that the main centers of the spread of global terror are located, which must be completely destroyed in order for this contagion to cease to strike the world. At the beginning of last year, the president signed a decree, according to which the number of American troops in this region should be increased by several tens of thousands of people and by the middle of this year to make 102 thousand troops. Congress has allocated Obama 33 billion to implement this task.
By the winter of this year, on the battlefields of Babylon, where the United States launched its last war in the spring of 2003, only 43 thousand American soldiers and officers will remain. Under an agreement that was signed by the leadership of the United States and Iraq in November 2008 of the year, all of the US military must leave this country by the end of 2011 of the year.
Since February of this year, every month the troops stay in Afghanistan has cost the US treasury 6,7 billion dollars. Baghdad has been somewhat cheaper - the Pentagon was spending 5,5 billion on it. But prices continue to rise. According to American military experts, by September 30 of this year, i.e. by the end of the 2010 fiscal year, the US will spend about 105 billion dollars on military operations in Afghanistan. But Iraq will spend almost two times less - 66 billion. In the 2011 fiscal year, which will start 1 of October of this year, the US military will spend 117 billion on Kabul, but the cost of Baghdad will decrease even more and amount to only 46 billion. Total costs for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2001 to 2010 are shown in the figure.
According to the latest report published by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) at the end of last year, the Pentagon’s costs for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the global war on terror could increase by another one trillion dollars in the coming 9 years. The volume of these expenses, according to experts, will be determined by the number of military contingents that the White House intends to keep on the territory of these countries.
True, almost three years ago, in his speech to members of the budget committee, CBO Director Peter Orszag gave a somewhat darker estimate of the future costs of the Defense Department of America. According to him, the total US budget spending on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the global fight against terrorism before 2017, could amount to 2,4 trillion. Doll.
The BUK experts assessed the costs of US military operations in these countries, considering two scenarios. One of them envisaged a significant reduction in the Pentagon’s military contingents and the adoption by Washington of the decision on the gradual withdrawal of troops from these hot spots. According to experts, in this case, both wars could have cost America’s taxpayers from 1,2 to 1,7 trillion. Doll.

Comparative schedule of US spending on military operations in the Middle East.
The second scenario, on the contrary, assumed that the White House administration would continue to increase the number of American troops in these two theaters of hostilities. A similar course of events, according to CBO analysts, should result in excessive spending on waging war and fighting global terrorism in the amount of 705 billion. In this case, experts note, every American, including infants, will have to pay extra to 2017. lay out on the budget table of the Pentagon 8 thousand dollars.
In their assessments, the BUK experts took into account the costs not only of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. They also considered the costs of fighting militants in other regions, diplomatic actions of the US State Department, as well as medical care, compensation to veterans of these wars, and allowances to the families of the dead servicemen.
NWO specialists also estimated the expenses of the US Department of Defense for military construction proper. According to their calculations, from the 2011 to the 2028 year of the Pentagon, given the current level of its budget requests, on average, 573 billion dollars per year will be spent. True, in this amount, the experts did not include the costs of conducting military operations by American troops abroad. Thus, according to analysts, the taxpayers of America will have to lay out 10,3 trillion for the maintenance of their army and its equipment with modern weapons at military bases in the United States. Doll.
The given average annual Pentagon expenses by 7% exceed the appropriations allocated by the US Department of Defense for equipping and maintaining territorial troops in the current fiscal year. At the same time, these calculations did not include the costs of maintaining and equipping military units of the military department in foreign countries and conducting military operations there. According to CBO analysts, if, when considering the US military budget, to take into account unplanned expenses of the Ministry of Defense, then the average annual amount of its expenditures up to 2028 will be 632 billion dollars, which is 18% more than the appropriations allocated to American military in the 2010 fiscal year. But in 2028, the Pentagon’s average expenditure on the maintenance and equipping of troops in the US alone is 670 billion.
According to the experts of the American Congressional Budget Office, in the period from 2013 to 2028, about 35% of unplanned expenses of the Pentagon will be spending on military operations outside the United States. But, as noted by one of the experts of the Russian General Staff in an interview with NVO, these costs are unlikely to be paid off. After all, hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars, which American analysts are talking about, are spent not on fighting the notorious global terrorism, but on the introduction of the Western model of social structure in these countries. However, their population has a completely different mentality, and lives in essence, according to medieval ideas and norms, in accordance with Islamic dogma, which in no way complies with the principles that the Europeans and Americans are trying to bring. Therefore, all expenses simply go nowhere.