125-mm self-propelled anti-tank gun 2С25 "Octopus-SD"


History create

The 2S25 Sprut-SD self-propelled anti-tank gun was created in the early 90s on an extended (two-roller) base of the BMD-3 airborne combat vehicle by the Volgograd Tractor Plant joint-stock company, and artillery part of it - at the artillery plant No. 9 (Yekaterinburg). Unlike the towed artillery system "Sprut-B", the new self-propelled gun received the name "Sprut-SD" ("self-propelled", "landed").

Originally intended for the Airborne Forces and designed for parachute landing with a crew of the Il-76 military transport aircraft, the gun is now being offered to the marines to provide anti-tank and fire support during landing operations.

One of its first performances took place on May 8, 2001 at tank Prudboy training ground of the North Caucasus Military District for representatives of the Russian security ministries and foreign military-diplomatic corps from 14 foreign countries of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America.


125-mm self-propelled anti-tank gun 2C25 "Sprut-SD" is designed to destroy equipment, including armored, and enemy manpower when operating as part of the units of ground and airborne troops, as well as marines.

Externally, it looks like a regular tank and combines the capabilities of a landing amphibious combat vehicle with a main battle tank. Externally, the Sprut-SD is no different from a regular tank and has no analogues abroad.

The main features

According to experts, the new self-propelled gun is comparable to a tank in appearance and firepower, is characterized by the maneuverability of the airborne BMD-3 and has no analogues abroad. In addition, the Sprut-SD is equipped with a unique hydropneumatic chassis, allowing the combat vehicle to move smoothly and quickly in off-road conditions at a speed of up to 70 km per hour, which significantly improves the conditions for firing on the move.

In addition, the Sprut-SD is able to overcome water obstacles at a speed of afloat to 10 km per hour. This was confirmed by tests in the North Sea, when during a storm before the 3 BM points confidently fired at the designated targets. The machine can parachute from the cargo ships to the water surface and independently returns to the ship. Marked and other qualities in combination with the circular rotation of the tower and the stabilization of weapons in two planes allow you to use the "Sprut-SD" as a light amphibious tank.

Common Device

The BM hull is divided into a control compartment (front), a fighting compartment with a turret (middle part), and a power pack compartment (aft).

In the stowed position, the vehicle commander is to the right of the driver and the gunner to the left. Each crew member has observation devices built into the roof with day and night channels. The commander's combined sight is stabilized in two planes and combined with a laser sight for targeting 125-mm projectiles along the laser beam. The gunner's sight with a laser rangefinder is stabilized in a vertical plane.

125-mm smoothbore gun 2А75 is the main armament of CAU "Sprut-SD". The gun was created on the basis of the 125-mm tank gun 2А46, which is installed on the T-72, T-80 and T-90 tanks. When mounted on a lighter chassis, the gun was equipped with a new type of recoil device that provides a recoil of no more than 700 mm. The smooth-bore gun of high ballistics installed in the fighting compartment is equipped with a computerized fire control system from the commander's and gunner's workplaces, which are functionally interchangeable.

As an auxiliary weapon, the self-propelled gun Sprut-SD is equipped with an 7,62-mm machine gun coupled with a cannon with 2000 ammunition ammunition loaded into one ribbon.

The gun without a muzzle brake is equipped with an ejector and a thermo-insulating jacket. Stabilization in the vertical and horizontal planes allows you to fire 125-mm ammunition separate-cartridge loading. The Sprut-SD can use all types of 125-mm domestic ammunition, including armor-piercing sub-caliber feathered projectiles and tank ATGM. Cannon ammunition (40 125-mm shots, of which 22 is in the automatic loader) may include a laser-guided projectile that targets the target at a distance of up to 4000 m. The gun can fire afloat at waves up to 3 points in the ± 35 sector hail., maximum rate of fire - 7 shots per minute.

Horizontal automatic loader carousel gun mounted behind the turret of the car. It is a set of components and mechanisms - a rotating conveyor with 22 ready for immediate use shots, a chain mechanism for lifting a cassette with a shot, a mechanism for removing shot guns with a catcher, a chain dispenser of a shot from a cassette in a gun, a drive for a case ejection cover and a moving tray, electromechanical the gun stopper at the loading angle, the control unit. The cassettes, with shells and charges placed separately in them, are installed in the conveyor of the automatic loader at an angle equal to the angle of loading of the gun. When loading into the breech of the gun, the projectile is first fed, then the propellant charge in the semi-flammable sleeve case. In case of failure of the automatic loader, it is possible to load the gun manually.

To ensure an increased rollback, the automatic loader has an extended cassette lift frame. The mechanism for trapping and removal of the shot pallets provides the possibility of temporarily blocking the back side of the end part of the breech of the cannon during the passage of the shot pallet. This allows for the subsequent movement of the fired pallet to the cleaning system to blow air into the breech area of ​​the gun and crew jobs using a rotating device. In the lower part of the fighting compartment, an automatic loader conveyor rotating around a vertical axis is installed, allowing crew members to move inside the vehicle from the fighting compartment to the control compartment and back along the hull sides.

Fire control system includes a gunner's sighting system (night and day sights with vertical stabilization of the field of view, a digital ballistic computer, a laser rangefinder); a combined commander's sight with a day/night sight function with a laser rangefinder and a stabilized field of view in two planes, as well as a device for aiming at the target of controlled missiles 9K119M complex; a set of sensors for automatic input of corrections taking into account atmospheric parameters, charge temperature, barrel wear and curvature, etc.

A computerized fire control system from the commander’s workplace provides observation of the terrain with a stabilized field of view, target search and target designation using the optical system of the commanding scope; combining in the commander's sight the functions of launching and controlling a rocket with aimed fire with artillery shells; duplication of the ballistic computing device of the gunner’s instrument complex; autonomous switching on and control of pointing drives and gun automatic loading; operational transfer of control of the complex from the gunner to the commander and vice versa.

Power point and the undercarriage has a lot in common with the BMD-3, the base of which was used in the development of the Sprut-SD, SAU 2C25. The multi-fuel diesel engine 2В06-2С installed on it with a maximum power of 510 kW is interlocked with hydro-mechanical transmission, hydro-volumetric rotation mechanism and power take-off for two jet propulsion units. The automatic gearbox has five forward gears and the same number of reverse gears.

Individual, hydropneumatic, with the ground clearance changeable from the driver’s seat (for 6-7 from 190 to 590 mm), the chassis suspension provides high throughput and smoothness. The chassis on each side includes seven single-pitch rubberized track rollers, four supporting rollers, a drive wheel at the rear and a guide wheel at the front. There is a hydraulic tensioning mechanism for steel, double-row, lanterning gears of caterpillars with a rubber-metal hinge, which can be equipped with asphalt shoes.

When making marches up to 500 km, the car can drive on a highway with a maximum speed of up to 68 km / h, on dry dirt roads - at an average speed of 45 km / h.

Two water jet propulsion allow the movement of the ACS 2C25 on water at speeds up to 10 km / h. To increase the buoyancy of the machine, the road wheels with closed air chambers and powerful water pumps are installed, pumping water out of the hull. The car has good seaworthiness and can effectively operate afloat, including to conduct aimed fire in the forward sector of shelling in 70 degrees, with agitation in the 3 score.

In addition to this, the standard equipment of the machine includes a system of protection against weapons mass destruction and a set of night vision devices.

The self-propelled gun "Sprut-SD" can be transported by BTA aircraft and amphibious ships, parachuted parachuted with the crew inside the vehicle and without any obstacles to overcome water obstacles.


The armies of many countries of the world have recently paid particular attention to lightly armored combat vehicles as the basis of rapid reaction forces. The fight against international terrorism and the conduct of peacekeeping operations in areas of local conflict have demanded the creation of highly mobile and functionally flexible "combat systems of the future."

In this regard, according to foreign experts, it is Russia that has the greatest opportunities in the field of creating lightly armored airborne equipment. The armed forces of the Russian Federation are already equipped with effective samples of light (up to 18 tons), highly passable, airborne armored vehicles capable of performing tasks autonomously, apart from the main forces and rear units, as well as in any conditions (including in remote and remote areas, in mountainous areas in the desert and on the coast).

In addition, according to experts, this class of combat vehicles has significant export potential. These machines can be used as the basis for equipping the mobile component of the armed forces and special services of any state.

The validity of this opinion confirms the ACS "Sprut-SD". After its demonstration at the site, many military attaches recognized that it excels all existing foreign counterparts in combat and operational capabilities. So, no car in the world can be used in the mountains at an altitude of up to 4000 meters, change ground clearance at 400 mm, swim at sea to 3 points, go and land from the water on the landing ship and parachute with the crew.

Representatives of the armed forces of the Republic of Korea, India and other countries showed great interest in the self-propelled artillery installation 2C25 “Sprut-SD”.

Impact Force - Fire Octopus
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  1. dred
    27 December 2011 19: 20
    Do Octopus in Perm?
    1. Vers
      25 January 2015 10: 13
      The article writes like this:

      History of creation

      Self-propelled anti-tank gun 2С25 "Sprut-SD" was created in the early 90-s. on the extended (two rollers) base of the BMD-3 airborne combat vehicle by the Volgograd Tractor Plant Joint-Stock Company, and the artillery unit to it - at the N9 artillery plant (Yekaterinburg). In contrast to the Sprut-B towed artillery system, the new ACS was given the name Sprut-SD (self-propelled, landed).

      Not Perm on the go bully
  2. 9991
    16 March 2012 20: 21
    Excellent tool. It is a pity Ukraine did not get it.
    1. +1
      19 August 2014 20: 51
      Zapadentsy 3.14 dorasy.
  3. The comment was deleted.
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