European suicide

Multimillion-dollar migration from Asia and Africa to European countries calls into question the very survival of European nations in the quite foreseeable future. The problem is aggravated by the fact that extremely high birth rates in the families of Asian and African migrants coexist with the constantly declining birth rate among Europeans proper, the level of which no longer even allows them to reproduce the current population of European countries. Against this background, in European countries, over the past few decades completely affected by the cult of consumption and “life for pleasure”, such phenomena as the legalization of same-sex marriage or the Childe Fries - “free from children” are growing.

Naturally, the latter phenomena by no means contribute to an increase in the birth rate and, alas, are far from an isolated character. The number of both childe fries and homosexuals of both sexes in Europe is increasing exponentially, and more likely not due to some innate characteristics of people embarking on the path of same-sex love or childlessness, but rather because of targeted propaganda carried out by the media and government organizations, responsible for family, youth, educational policy.

Of course, that modern society has a greater degree of freedom in terms of choosing a model of family relations, tolerates unmarried, childless people and even the same homosexuals. However, tolerance must still have certain limits. One thing is not to interfere in the privacy of adult self-sufficient people who are themselves responsible for their life choices, and another thing is to allow such deviations as adoptions of children in homosexual families, official propaganda of homosexuality in the media, constant underlining the “normality” of homosexual relations.

The destruction of traditional values ​​in European countries led to the gradual leveling of family values ​​and family relations. Women no longer want to marry and give birth, men also do not strive for family relationships and more and more often look at the representatives not of the opposite, but of their own sex. The way of life of the sexes is unified and sex differences seem to be erased, since men and women work in the same jobs, even dress in approximately the same style. But at the same time, men and women are increasingly moving away from each other. The misanthropy, misogyny and delusions of hatred are widely spread, approved in numerous television programs, on countless sites and pages on social networks. Against this background, same-sex relationships are beginning to be perceived by many European men and women as more harmonious, acceptable to them and deprived of those obligations and tensions that take place in the traditional model of relationships. This myth is also actively supported and broadcast by the media and popular culture in general.

In modern Europe, and in Russia too, criminal punishment for homosexuality has long been abolished, which means complete freedom of personal choice for adults who have decided to take this path. Many people of art, culture, business, science, even politicians, openly declare their homosexual orientation, which has little effect on their popularity in society. That is, it would seem that there is no ground for ranting on the topic of persecution of homosexuals. But no - the complexes, developing against the background of low self-esteem compared to the majority, make themselves felt and homosexuals continue to consider themselves humiliated and insulted even in these "greenhouse" conditions. Gay parades are held in European cities, in schools - lessons of sex education and tolerance, in which children are hammered in that homosexuality is just as normal sexual orientation. Now in many countries, the adoption of children by homosexual couples is already authorized. What this means in reality - and this means creating a "Komsomol" and "pioneers" for homosexuals, constantly replenishing their communities at the expense of growing new homosexuals - it’s no secret that many children raised in homosexual "families" will adopt sexual patterns "Parents."

By the way, about the concept of "parents." In many European countries, this concept is no longer identical to the figures of the father and mother. Indeed, in homosexual families there can be no father and mother - there are only two partners of the same sex. And these partners, instead of recognizing childlessness as a natural consequence of their entry into the path of same-sex love, by the way condemned by most world religions, try to equalize themselves not only in legal rights, but also in the semantic field with the parents of traditional families. For this, a monstrous operation was invented to replace the concepts of “mother” and “father” in legal documents with the concepts of “parent one” and “parent two”.

The hypocrisy of the situation is that a normal person should understand the consequences of his life choices. You chose the path of theft - recognize that the place is a prison for you (even hardened criminals understand and admit this). Chose the path of alcoholism - do not be surprised by a hangover, future health problems. The same is true in the case of homosexual relationships. Entering the path of same-sex relationships, you need to understand that childlessness is redemption for same-sex relationship. Children cannot be conceived in a same-sex couple. Only a bond between a man and a woman is capable of generating a new life. That is why in the Russian family code the family is defined as the union of a man and a woman, and not abstract “partners one and two, three, four”.

Thus, the very line on the adoption of children in same-sex couples and the substitution of the concepts of “father” and “mother” by certain “parents one and two” is flawed, going against the most common sense, not to mention the thousand-year tradition of family life.

No less important is the specificity of upbringing the younger generations in same-sex couples. First of all, in such couples, children are unlikely to be immune from sexual harassment. Opponents from among advocates of homosexuality may argue - in traditional families, cases of violence against children by relatives are also frequent. But in same-sex couples, such cases will be much more numerous if the children are of the same sex as the “parents”.

An interesting nuance is the perception of children brought up in same-sex "couples" in the surrounding society. Fortunately, heterosexuals are even more in a Europe with a blemish. And if not to talk about the elite stratum of society - show business, highly paid intelligentsia, in the basic social section of the population there is still a rather cool attitude towards same-sex unions. In particular, if we talk about the proletarian environment, about the social lows, where there are plenty of migrants from the same African and Asian countries. Thus, the legislative resolution of the adoption of children by same-sex couples is also a mine, laid under the personal safety of innocent boys and girls. If adult homosexuals chose their own path and were responsible for their behavior, then the children they adopt may face peer violence, a contemptuous attitude, get a lot of complexes and even go for suicide only because some adult homosexuals wanted to adopt or adopt , and the social protection authorities met gay couples. But adherents of same-sex love do not envisage this scenario - is this not one more evidence of their inherent selfishness and focus on satisfying their own whim?

In itself, the massification of homosexuality in modern Europe became possible only thanks to the massive propaganda used by the media, the scientific community, cultural and art workers, politicians, and businessmen. Modern European reality - the constant advertising of the gay community.

European suicide

In most European cities, gay parades are regularly held, aimed in reality not at protecting the rights of gays who are not threatened in modern Europe, but at promoting “normality” of homosexuality as a sexual orientation. In fact, gay parades are advertisements for gay communities. Young Europeans are shown the world of same-sex relationships as a kind of kingdom of love and friendship, carefree joy and bright colors. When representatives of the LGBT community demand a gay parade in Moscow or St. Petersburg, this should be understood only as an attempt to spread the propaganda of homosexuality in the Russian social space.

In modern Europe, attitudes towards homosexuals have long been perhaps the key measure of "civilization." European politicians are trying to spread ideas about the legalization of homosexual marriages to the semi-colonial states under their control, primarily non-Muslim Africa. The Islamic world remains one of the few bastions that resist the assertion of the normality of homosexuality, and so far Europe has to reckon with it. At least with the oil monarchies of the Persian Gulf, which, with their medieval feudal order, remain reliable allies of the United States of America. Speaking of the United States. This country, playing a crucial role in the promotion of consumer values ​​and lifestyles, as well as ranting about “human rights” and “democracy”, imposes the same rules around the world that it does not seek to observe itself. Thus, in the United States in many states the death penalty is in force, homosexual marriages are prohibited, but at the same time, at the level of international relations, the American leadership also supports the rights of sexual minorities and the abolition of the death penalty. It turns out that the American government wishes to other countries what it seeks to prevent in its own country. American society is generally quite conservative in comparison with European ones; in domestic politics, American leaders continue to maintain at least some common sense, unlike European governments, which have completely surrendered to the values ​​of “tolerance”.

Meanwhile, the propaganda of same-sex relations by the American and European media turns out to be aimed primarily at the younger generations. First of all, this is clearly manifested in the same Russia, in the countries of Latin America or Asia. It is precisely the Russian youth who are most susceptible to the promotion of consumer values ​​and moral “degradation”. The increase in the number of homosexuals and lesbians among young people is a natural consequence of targeted propaganda. Before the collapse of the USSR, the same lesbianism was a very uncommon phenomenon. Former ziechki, prostitutes, bohemians, a very limited circle of really born such women. In post-Soviet Russia, the situation has changed beyond recognition. Popularization of lesbianism through mass culture led to the emergence in almost every Russian city of lesbian parties, especially teenagers in terms of composition, which are aimed at involving absolutely normal girls in this environment, who without propaganda might not even suspect their imaginary lesbianism ".

The result of this massive propaganda is the diversion of a significant number of young people and adolescents from assimilating the normal models of sexual relations, which should orient them towards the creation of a traditional child family in the future. The young people who have gone through the school of homosexuality, even if they are “clever” over the years, remain psychologically devastated, needing the help of psychologists. Most of them are not able to return to normal relations, since they simply lack the relevant experience of building heterosexual relationships - from early youth they assimilated only the model of same-sex love.

In the political space of modern Europe, right and left are mixed today. Traditional right-wing radicals like the French National Front are increasingly becoming the natural defenders of the normal "left-wing" values ​​of social justice, the right to work, family, motherhood and childhood.

Socialists and Social Democrats, not to mention all sorts of left-wing Trotskyists and anarchists, are becoming companions of neoliberal European and American elites, who propagandize the values ​​of “human rights”, same-sex love, tolerant attitude to all sorts of social deviations, support floods of their countries by migrants.

- the touching bond of socialists and the LGBT community
So, in France in 2013, it was the socialists who pushed the law on legalization of homosexual marriages and their adoption of children, spitting on the opinion of at least half of the French population, once authoritative in the country of the Catholic Church, many political parties and public organizations. Therefore, the execution of the youth camp of the Norwegian socialists by Andreas Breivik has a certain amount of guilt of all European socialist parties, one way or another connected with the growth of a number of negative phenomena - floods of European countries by migrants, the spread of homosexuality, legalization of same-sex marriages and their adoption of children.

On the other hand, the legalization of same-sex marriage and the mass distribution of homosexuality in European society and in the world as a whole, becomes profitable, first of all, to corporations controlling the corresponding market of services for homosexuals. Today, serving the growing needs of homosexuals brings billions of dollars in profits to corporations, and it’s natural that, like any product, these corporations will advertise their services, also focusing on expanding the market and promoting goods, opening new markets that are still unexplored. huge profits due to the spread of same-sex relationships.

Interestingly, “tolerastov”, as all sorts of agitators jokingly call for “minority rights”, which actually turn out to be “privileges,” both manage to support delusional ideas of adopting children by same-sex couples, and mass migration from Africa and Asia, and following migrants to their customs , even going against the lifestyle of the host society. The basis of this practice is the ideology of multiculturalism, which implies “pluralism of cultures”, the coexistence of many cultural models within one society. The absurdity of multiculturalism becomes obvious even with a superficial glance. Take at least the very possibility of the compatibility of the legalization of same-sex marriage with the adoption of children and mass migration from the traditional societies of African and Asian states. I wonder how the same Pakistanis or Somalis, Pashtuns or Kurds will perceive same-sex couples, and their children - children, brought up in similar pairs? After all, it is far from a secret that the majority of migrants do not intend to integrate culturally into European society and, accordingly, will hardly ever be tolerant of the same adherents of same-sex love.

Loyalty to the customs of migrants, contrary to the traditions of the country - the recipient of migration, generally entails such consequences as the spread of the practice of female circumcision, child marriage, "honor killings", slavery among migrants living in European countries. Very often, Europeans themselves become victims of crimes committed by migrants. Moreover, the latter act not because of some special evil-doing or initial orientation towards the commission of a crime, but because of completely different cultural traditions that do not allow them to adapt to a completely different culturally society.

For example, in Norway, up to 70% of rapes are committed by migrants - Pakistanis and Somalis. Moreover, the perpetrators of crimes themselves absolutely do not see their guilt, because they believe that women were not against sexual intercourse, as they looked accordingly in a short skirt, with flowing hair, and so on. In their justification of the behavior of minorities, advocates of tolerance reach the point of absurdity - in the same Norway, Professor Unni Vikan said that Norwegian women are to blame for being raped by visiting Asian and African migrants, because Norwegians do not want to adapt to the changed living conditions in multicultural society. Obviously, they should also wear a burqa, given the growing percentage of migrants from foreign cultures. Similar statements were repeatedly made by politicians, pundits, journalists of many other countries where multiculturalism has the actual status of a state ideology - first of all, Scandinavian. A paradoxical situation turns out - migrants are allowed to preserve and in every possible way cultivate and emphasize their national and religious identity, while the indigenous population is deprived of its own traditions, becoming a guinea pig for experiments that are monstrous in their content.

Same-sex marriage and the adoption of children in them - one of these experiments, uniquely aimed at reducing the European population. After all, quite recently only a limited part of Europeans could afford same-sex relationships - as a rule, these were people belonging to near-bohemian circles. Today, homosexuality has become a mass phenomenon and even fourteen-year-old adolescents declare themselves homosexuals, because of their age they still have little understanding in the field of sexual relations and sexual behavior. How is this possible? The answer is one - solely due to the relevant policies pursued by European governments and public organizations.

Even in the same adolescent environment, homosexuality begins to spread thanks to appropriate sex education lessons in schools, ongoing propaganda about the normality of homosexual relations, focusing in the press and on school lessons on the protection of the rights of “teenagers - homosexuals”. Moreover, in recent years, the propaganda of homosexuality begins to embrace the most innocent ages of children - up to the pupils of preschool institutions. Naturally, no homosexuality among kindergarteners or junior schoolchildren is out of the question - any attempt to explain to them that there is homosexuality and that it is the norm are the most disgusting forms of propaganda aimed at bringing up children by homosexuals, in the vast majority of cases despite them real nature.

The economic development of European countries during the twentieth century led to the fact that the family already began to lose their positions, since women got the opportunity to work, no longer depend on men economically. Urbanization has violated the traditions of the family as an economic unit of society. It would seem, on the contrary, in such a social situation it is necessary to develop and implement policies aimed at strengthening the family, at cultivating family values ​​among the younger generations of Europeans. However, we see nothing of the kind. Against this background, the propaganda of homosexuality instead of the propaganda of family relations and childbirth really looks like a “time bomb” laid down for European societies. The question arises - who and for what?

Today, at the forefront of the notorious “European values” is laid individualism, human rights as individuals. Of course, this is important, but not so much as to squeeze out the rights of society and overshadow public interests. Man is a social being, and while living in society, he must correlate his interests with the interests of society as a whole. This implies, among other things, concern for procreation, for obtaining a profession useful to society, for self-realization by bringing benefits to society. In pre-revolutionary Russia, then — it was collectivist values ​​that prevailed in the Soviet state. The interests of society and the state were considered as priorities, and their service seemed to be the highest value and worthy way for each person, whether it be a peasant commune or a nobleman - an officer of the Russian army, a Soviet worker or a military man. It is this collectivist orientation of the Russian and Soviet societies that explain the numerous military, labor feats, scientific and cultural innovations that took place in stories our country.

In modern Europe, the public is replaced by the individual. But in reality, this substitution turns against individuality as such. A person who does not leave behind any cultural or political heritage, or just physical descendants, disappears completely. If the person who continued the race is remembered by at least the grandchildren, or even the great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, then Childe Fries dooms himself to extinction. Especially considering the fact that the overwhelming majority of representatives of the Childe free communities, adherents of same-sex love and other similar deviations, are by their nature not creators, but consumers - and therefore they create genuine spiritual values, not to mention military exploits or political deeds are practically excluded. That is, this path of childlessness, the absence of offspring turns into a way of death, and death, deprived of heroism, death, condemning leaving to dust, to obscurity.

The assertion of same-sex relationships inevitably leads to the crisis of self-identification of a person who is experiencing more and more problems in understanding the surrounding reality, primarily in the area of ​​building personal, sexual and family relationships. Sex roles in the modern world are transformed and mixed. Many people in modern Europe are no longer able to answer the question of what is your gender. In homosexual couples, adopted children are unlikely to be able to answer the question of what gender your parents are, respectively, and they themselves will also experience problems with gender identification. It turns out that the genetic connection between generations is gradually disappearing - homosexual unions do not have consanguinity and, accordingly, the fundamental roles of the father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, nephew and other relatives disappear. The society is being atomized and the person turns into “living for himself”, that is - into consuming and “smoking the sky”, devoid of any cultural soil.

The individual values ​​of “life for oneself” are perfectly combined with consumerism and, therefore, benefit global corporations that control the production of countless consumer goods. On the other hand, it is obvious that the cultivation of homosexual relations, the flood of European countries by migrants from alien sociocultural and ethno-confessional states of Asia and Africa are the essence of a single order, part of some diabolical plan unknown to us to exterminate the European population and destroy European culture itself.

Once the Roman Empire disappeared, with its decaying indigenous population and the barbarians flooding Rome. This situation is reproduced in modern Europe. Danes and Swedes, the Dutch and the French march in gay parades in “fighting roosters” dresses, while Algerians and Senegalese, Turks and Kurds, Pakistanis and Indians occupy positions in the armed forces, police, security agencies, put under control all small business, first of all in the strategically important areas of food supply, transportation of the population. While maintaining the existing order of things, and it is unlikely to be changed, the social space of modern Europe is waiting for the inevitable transformation beyond recognition. After some time, there will be a mixture of nations and adverbs that have lost their own cultures and have not created new ones, but working people and are consuming the glory of world capital.

The international oligarchs, whose god is the Golden Taurus, and their nationality are bank accounts, have long harbored thoughts about minimizing the European population, most of which is expensive and can be replaced by cheap and easily manipulated immigrants from third world countries. Moreover, in Asia and Africa population growth continues and there will be no shortage of labor resources.

Before our eyes, Europe is committing suicide and, moreover, is trying to engage the entire core world in this suicidal process. But suicide in this case has obvious instigators - first of all, that same global financial elite, acting through politicians under its control, scientists, entrepreneurs, showmen, and the United States, which is a reliable tool in its hands. In any case, the values ​​that most European countries are currently oriented at and which, as yet, in our eyes look at least deviant, can in no way be spread in Russia. The process of their planting, which began as early as the end of the 1980-s, and was carried out until recently without any obstacles, should be stopped. At present, certain steps have already been taken towards preventing planting on the Russian land of alien “cultural” values. However, any coming to power in the country of liberal forces oriented toward the West and hating the traditional Russian principle will also mean the inevitable beginning of undermining the sociocultural foundations of Russian society.
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  1. wunno
    21 August 2014 09: 09
    They leaked a database of data about us all! close access to your data as long as possible (find yourself and click close access), there are your photos, addresses, phone numbers, copies of your passport and other documents! Here -
    1. The comment was deleted.
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +19
    21 August 2014 09: 28
    I would like to see a gay parade with us on May 28, say, or on August 2. Why not? I think they would be easily explained what is good and what is bad.
    1. +54
      21 August 2014 11: 00
      The author is absolutely right. Even now, a big wave of patriotism in Russia, I believe, comes not from those who live in "modernly educated" Moscow and St. Petersburg, but from those who live in other cities, who have not managed to become infected with Western values, who keep the old Russian way of life in their families, where there was no place even to think about homosexuality or lesbianism, where they thought only about work, where drunkenness was only among those who completely despaired in the difficult dashing 90s, when the oligarchs betrayed everyone and came to power. Patriotism is mainly brought up in army families, although who did not serve in Soviet times ?! there are no such people, which means that everyone was brought up correctly.

      A guy is first of all a man, a warrior and a defender, and then a family man and so on. The girl is first of all a mother, mistress of home comfort and warmth, and then a careerist, a gossip, and so on. Even in the army, most of the guys in Russia, in Kazakhstan are rural guys who don’t mow, who do not care about liberal, pacifist, and other excusable ideas planted by the West that harm the state.

      Although I am not Russian by nationality and Christian by faith. But I am convinced that the roots of Russian identity lie at the heart of the Orthodox Church, do not depart from it, it’s not that Catholic Christianity from Europe that sold indulgence, and thereby forgiveness of sins for grandmas, it’s the spirit of the Russians. In it lie the beliefs of the ancient Slavs. Your ancestors fought in the fields in the name of faith. It is in blood, and not the notorious morality, that keeps you from the sodomistic fall. This is good that the Russian people can unite, and Orthodoxy has always been virtuously tolerant of other religions, otherwise so many different peoples would not have lived in great Russia, and our faith and statehood would not have survived in us, the former Soviet republics.
      1. Nil
        21 August 2014 12: 15
        Well said. Taking off my hat.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. rodevaan
          21 August 2014 14: 38
          - Yes, laughter with laughter, and something, as they say, to the top with fur. My friend was in Paris - I went into the subway and immediately got out - not a single white mug. You never know, he says, they look at me at the entrance as a goal, the police will not even budge, if that :))) Berlin - 60% are no longer Germans, Marseille - 70-80% are no longer French. Rotterdam, Amsterdam - 50% are no longer Dutch. Any European team - how many indigenous people do you have there?

          Hats off gentlemen churbeki!
          You are breaking up and assimilating the West, without firing a shot :))
          1. 0
            21 August 2014 17: 46
            of the krassava geyropa, and even the savior:: The European Commission allocated 4 million euros to promote Polish apples in the markets of ... China and India.

            This is an outright mockery of Warsaw politicians. China is the largest producer and exporter of apples on our planet. laughing
            It was even funnier with India. Although India does import apples (from China), this country is not a member of the WTO. The Indian government has recently imposed a barrage duty on apple imports. The size of the fee is 50% of the cost of apples :(
      2. 0
        21 August 2014 15: 10
        Max_Bauder ++++++++++++++++ There is simply nothing to add! Thank! hi
      3. +1
        21 August 2014 15: 43
        Quote: Max_Bauder
        Although I am not Russian by nationality and Christian by faith.

        but in the manner of thought is Russian. Those. universal values, such as Family, Homeland, Faith, The truth is perceived and interpreted by you absolutely identically with the Russian mentality.
      4. rodevaan
        21 August 2014 16: 45
        Quote: Max_Bauder
        Although I am not Russian by nationality and Christian by faith. But convinced

        - The main thing is that with your soul you think like a Russian, that you express your thoughts in Russian and the mentality is Russian. And this is the most important thing. Others look like Russians and have Russian roots and surnames, but they have turned into Ivanov, who do not remember their kinship, and worship "Western values", pouring mud on their country and their people.
      5. 0
        23 August 2014 14: 26
        You’re very mistaken, I’ve been living in a small town in the Tula region for 5 months (I’ve lived a quarter of my life there before), and I can say that outside large cities, everyone doesn’t give a damn about Ukraine and the Russian Federation itself, the most important thing their business and what to have fun - the rest is sideways ... It’s in the cities that the workers have nothing but a few walls and a tarantass + 14 days of vacation, and that’s where it all ends, so they kind of boil like juicers with patriotism ...
    2. +2
      21 August 2014 11: 00
      Geyropa is close to degeneration, both moral and demographic. Gay (homosexuality manifests itself not only in sexual relations), he is not a completely normal person in ordinary life. Well, the fact that they do not "work out" children is not even discussed. So the question arises, who benefits from the moral and demographic degradation of Europe, and in the future these plans will spread to Russia. Beneficial only to mattress mats. It was from them that "democratic values" and "general tolerance" came from. So they are trying to concoct a unipolar world again, where they want to rule alone.
    3. +10
      21 August 2014 12: 08
      Quote: vicdoc63
      I would like to see a gay parade

      in Lipetsk about a year and a half ago, two (2) organisms, one pidryulka and one "activist", came to one of the squares. so that they were not nailed right there, the guards were 30 policemen. and a hundred people came to "spit in the face". As a result, the "activist" quickly disappeared, the pidryulka was kicked a little, little. the policemen did not particularly climb, apparently silently supporting the supporters of traditional values. so these "ideas" in Russia, thank God, do not take root and will not take root.
    4. +6
      21 August 2014 14: 15
      that's just those two gandons that put the cons article and it is necessary to parade :)
      And about not take root ... Do not tell. All youth series show how to tolerate fagots. Including at school (TV series Fizruk).
      Zadolbali liberal and tolerance programs, series and films. Cigarettes in films means now the picture is blotted out and fagots for show. And what to do hz. one hope for the President
      1. +2
        21 August 2014 15: 14
        Quote: winkiller
        Including at school (TV series Fizruk).

        don't look disgusting in the evenings ...
    5. cat 1970
      21 August 2014 14: 28
      Yesterday I received a warning for a note on this topic. Therefore, I just want to note that in my city a zhP Parade is not possible, otherwise the city residents will take on rubber gloves (so as not to get dirty) to clean up.
    6. +2
      21 August 2014 17: 17
      Quote: vicdoc63
      I would like to see a gay parade with us on May 28 or August 2

      May 28, 2011 tried ... didn't work. A lot of people came, some in a green cap, some in a blue or black beret, and some in leather jackets with chains. But the valiant militia tied all the participants in the "parade", they didn't even have time to unfold the placards. The brass knuckles were not useful to me that day ...
      1. +1
        21 August 2014 18: 59
        The first permitted gay pride parade in St. Petersburg July 27, 2014, 14:15
        A little less than a hundred people took part in the public event on the Field of Mars, the safety of which was provided by about 200 riot police and several dozen police officers.
        Gays chanted the slogan: Homophobia, the shame of St. Petersburg. Some participants, of course, were a little battered. But the fact is that the event was allowed.
  4. calocha
    21 August 2014 09: 28
    Europe - A time bomb! When the critical mass reaches its maximum, all these Negro Arabs will make a night of long knives and tolerant blood will flow .. along the bridges, gays will begin to search for the fifth corner, in short, it will become EVERYTHING!
    1. +9
      21 August 2014 10: 44
      By the way, recently there was news on RT that the most popular name among newborns in Britain was the name Mohammed.

      Z.Y. Churchill, go, in the coffin the propeller spins laughing
      1. rodevaan
        21 August 2014 16: 48
        Quote: Wiruz
        By the way, recently there was news on RT that the most popular name among newborns in Britain was the name Mohammed.

        Z.Y. Churchill, go, in the coffin the propeller spins laughing

        - Why is there Churchill. I can imagine how Hitler sweated over there!
    2. +3
      21 August 2014 12: 25
      By the way, Putin could still tighten what thread laws and amendments should be made against the Pidorogian elements, and we will not only support this, but also the majority of sober-minded Europeans. Like new sanctions for liberals, tightening relations with pink fagots. For them it will be another sanction, and for us fighters for the natural structure of the world.
      1. +2
        21 August 2014 15: 51
        we can do this ourselves. His attitude to queers and lesbians. a very very small percentage of people really is born not "in your body." They can be understood. Everything else is a perversion !!!
        My wife had a girlfriend - everything seems to be fine. There is a child, husband. And then suddenly this monster leaves his husband, takes his daughter and begins to live with a woman !!! And blaming the villain for everything.
        We stopped talking right away. Now we don’t even say hello.
    3. rodevaan
      21 August 2014 16: 47
      Quote: calocha
      Europe - A time bomb! When the critical mass reaches its maximum, all these Negro Arabs will make a night of long knives and tolerant blood will flow .. along the bridges, gays will begin to search for the fifth corner, in short, it will become EVERYTHING!

      - But everything goes to this. And this scenario is by no means impossible!
  5. +15
    21 August 2014 09: 28
    it’s time to completely turn away from Europe ... we are not the European people and we don’t have to look into their mouths ... but to return the death penalty for one
    1. +4
      21 August 2014 11: 20
      The death penalty is needed, but with one amendment - a suicide bomber immediately becomes an organ donor! Though small, but still they will benefit.
      1. +3
        21 August 2014 12: 10
        Quote: kingnothing
        The death penalty is needed, but with one amendment - a suicide bomber immediately becomes an organ donor! Though small, but still they will benefit.

        Well, fuck them together with their bodies. and then someone else will get a normal rectum transplant ... wink
    2. +4
      21 August 2014 12: 19
      Quote: PalSanych
      we are not European people and we don’t have to look into their mouths ... but to return the death penalty for one

      Everything is right - this is our Slavic civilization and our Russian people with their traditions and culture, which included other cultures of other nationalities and supplemented and enriched our Russian mentality.
      Fagots have no place in nature where procreation comes from the union of two opposites (unipolar magnets are torn away).
      It’s time for people in Europe to reflect on the fact that they have not only rights, but also obligations to future generations and nature in general.
      1. rodevaan
        22 August 2014 07: 44
        Quote: Irokez
        Everything is right - this is our Slavic civilization and our Russian people with their traditions and culture, which included other cultures of other nationalities and supplemented and enriched our Russian mentality.

        - I absolutely agree! we have nothing in common with zapadoids! Russia is a separate nation and a separate civilization. And we have completely different values ​​in honor, in genes, in the mind, in the soul. Not the cult of dough and a full stomach, but justice, collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, human relations. And it is precisely these values ​​that we need to continue to instill in the young generation, without exchanging for a Western one-day junk.
  6. +4
    21 August 2014 09: 29
    Migration laws need to be strengthened and anti-pedral propaganda pumped up .... and we will be covered by Pedol's fever.
  7. +4
    21 August 2014 09: 37
    In a simplified version, when translated from medical, tolerance is the body's inability to resist infection.
  8. +8
    21 August 2014 09: 37
    Such a long article about pido - sah is simply disgusting to read.
    1. Wladimir71
      21 August 2014 14: 39
      You need to know the enemy at the "point"
  9. +6
    21 August 2014 09: 50
    Quote: Uncle
    Such a long article about pido - sah is simply disgusting to read.

    After reading the monitor, it is better to wipe it with an alcohol cloth .....
  10. RUSLAT
    21 August 2014 09: 54
    Europeans expected Asians and Africans to be cheap labor and provide more income to the oligarchies. But they could not think that the newcomers had come not to work, but to live at the expense of the EU. In the same way, now it is planned to "import" cheap labor from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The Moldovans have already been thrown on a large scale, they will no longer go. But the Slavs for some reason do not go, to raise the economy of Europe, what an irresponsibility ...
  11. +5
    21 August 2014 09: 57
    It seemed like the science fiction writer Vadim Panov was right about the caliphates in Europe. To this goes. I won’t be surprised if in a couple of years Notre Dame is converted into a mosque. And Europe will tolerantly watch as white Europeans get their heads cut off, white women pedal in bulk and wrapped in paranja. Maybe, really, what for this Europe. Let them get out of the ass where they climbed.
  12. +1
    21 August 2014 10: 09
    Gay on a Euro collective farm is a carte blanche for a young man when applying for a good job while promoting his job. Try to fire an employee who doesn’t do a damn thing, but at the same time declares that he is an active gay, he won’t be able to peck. Here are lazy Europeans and use it.
  13. +12
    21 August 2014 10: 10
    The ingenuity of European "syphilizers" and the ability to adopt European fashion from our "creative" class are striking. Consider the plot: no fiction. Suppose a meeting of pundits took place somewhere in Europe, at which they found out that restraining defecation is harmful to health (which, in general, we can agree with). Immediately throughout Europe, a movement of defecators spreads, organizing public acts of defecation on the streets. In order not to offend the feelings of ordinary people, the Council of Europe allocates funds for the maintenance of a staff of cleaners of defecation products, which is very quickly filled with volunteers from Ukraine. The US State Department is creating a support department for Russian defectors at the embassy in Moscow. In our creative environment, discussions begin. Finally, two Moscow students defecate on Red Square near the Mausoleum. They are dragged to jail. The next day, foreign newspapers are full of headlines like "Two brave Moscow students performed an act of defecation under Putin's windows, we will save the victims a tyrant." The European public is indignant. Russia is expelled from the Council of Europe and sanctions are imposed - defense enterprises flourish because of NATO orders. As they say, only business (in the city outside) - nothing personal.
    1. +8
      21 August 2014 12: 17
      Quote: mikh-korsakov
      Suppose somewhere in Europe there was a meeting of pundits at which it was found that deterring bowel movements is unhealthy (which you can actually agree with). Immediately across Europe, a movement of defecators is unfolding, staging public acts of defecation on the streets.

      I will surprise you, but for a little in geyrops for a long time already ....
      1. +1
        21 August 2014 22: 17
        Quote: RBLip
        I will surprise you, but for a little in geyrops for a long time already ....

        These funny things they already want to ban - gender discrimination (a woman cannot jump)
  14. +6
    21 August 2014 10: 21
    And this abomination actively climbed into Russia. And even now the so-called "universal values" are climbing. All the same, the Iron Curtain was something good.
  15. +6
    21 August 2014 10: 33
    Having laid out any problem of modern society on the shelves at the very bottom, we will see money.
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. Squares
    21 August 2014 11: 01
    Quote: PalSanych
    it’s time to completely turn away from Europe ... we are not the European people and we don’t have to look into their mouths ... but to return the death penalty for one

    We don’t have our own medicines, we don’t have our own equipment, we don’t have our own airplanes, we buy trains, we buy ships, we don’t have our own tissues, we don’t have enough products, it’s a parody. And in the rest of the beautiful marquise. all is well, all is ho-ro-sho. Can first raise the industry than send everyone?
    1. +2
      21 August 2014 12: 22
      Quote: Squares
      Quote: PalSanych
      it’s time to completely turn away from Europe ... we are not the European people and we don’t have to look into their mouths ... but to return the death penalty for one

      We don’t have our own medicines, we don’t have our own equipment, we don’t have our own airplanes, we buy trains, we buy ships, we don’t have our own tissues, we don’t have enough products, it’s a parody. And in the rest of the beautiful marquise. all is well, all is ho-ro-sho. Can first raise the industry than send everyone?

      There are medicines, there are planes, there are trains, there are tissues, there are enough products, cars are better every year. Industry in the 90s was undermined, of course, very much ... But it is recovering at a good pace. So you don’t distort ...
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      21 August 2014 12: 53
      That’s all that isn’t - it’s a gain. The most important thing is that there are no agitators like you. And the rest will be, but without you and without a **** **** in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. +2
      21 August 2014 12: 54
      P [i]
      Quote: Squares
      We don’t have our own medicines, we don’t have our own equipment, we don’t have our own airplanes, we buy trains, we buy ships, we don’t have our own tissues, we don’t have enough products, it’s a parody. And in the rest of the beautiful marquise. all is well, all is ho-ro-sho. Can first raise the industry than send everyone?

      Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Send first and then develop industry. By virtue of a simple law of a market economy: it is easier and cheaper to buy ready-made than to develop your own. But when the ready-made is not given, our Russian "Russians do not give up" turns on and, I agree, medicines appear through the knee and further on your list. Yes, a certain number of office workers will be retrained, smart ones will become engineers. Foolish ones will scream how bad things are. By the way, about medicines. I am a type 2 diabetic and recently switched from a French drug to a domestic one and - nothing - sugar 5,8, which is what I wish for you.
    5. +1
      21 August 2014 18: 49
      Quote: Squares
      Can first raise the industry than send everyone?

      But the Chinese have a joke on this subject:
      - Why is there such a population growth in China and so much progress in the economy?
      - Yes, because neither there, nor there they have no buggers.
      I think this is partly true.
      There were very few pederasts in the USSR and there was OWN science, education, medicine, and the auto industry was far from the worst in the world, and missile planes were generally unsurpassed ... But give buggers to Mercedes, Fuigra and Martini.
  18. +6
    21 August 2014 11: 02
    Great article, thanks.
  19. +2
    21 August 2014 11: 20
    In the near future, only insignificant islands of a prosperous life will remain in Europe, and at the core it will be a sad territory.
  20. 0
    21 August 2014 11: 27
    So here, if you want to be civilized - turn the backside. Fagots in Europe are good, so they need to be fused there.
  21. 3vs
    21 August 2014 11: 29
    Just an abomination.
    At the time we ourselves begin to build the "iron curtain" against this infection!
  22. +7
    21 August 2014 11: 40
    So about ...
  23. +2
    21 August 2014 12: 15
    Everything has long been rolling towards this. Old Europe is living out her days in that elitist state. In a few years, this cheap rabsilah will begin to swing rights, and then no one can cope with them, and everyone will become hostages of that very tolerance and that minority in which Europeans will find themselves. No wonder they are increasingly saying that they need a leader as our president. This once again says that we are going the right way.
    1. Uriah Mushroom
      21 August 2014 12: 36
      Well, maybe, if the EU agrees with GDP, it will not refuse to accept patronage of the unfortunate old woman. As the president of Eurrossia ... And then the grandmother is old, she’s completely bad on her head, that’s why they offend anyone. Either the Americans, the Macaws, or the Sodomites ...
  24. wladimir
    21 August 2014 12: 25
    In modern Europe, yes and in Russia Also, the criminal punishment for homosexuality has long been abolished, which implies complete freedom of personal choice for adults who decide to take this path. Many art, culture, business, science, even political figures openly declare their homosexual orientation, which has little effect on their popularity in society.
    it’s time to stop it and impose punishments, or how Europe will rot. Enough of us and blue spruce in the Kremlin, and not just blue
  25. daladin
    21 August 2014 12: 27
    Europe die!
  26. Uriah Mushroom
    21 August 2014 12: 30
    Quote: Evgeniy-111
    In a simplified version, when translated from medical, tolerance is the body's inability to resist infection.

    Yes, even an HIV-infected person does not completely lose his immunity, in fact, tolerance is a condition of a corpse ...
    I think everyone with eyes can see the state of Europe. We ourselves must do everything possible, make every effort, but not allow the penetration of zombies from the west, to us, in Holy Russia!
  27. +2
    21 August 2014 12: 43
    Thank God, Russia is not talking about the legalization of unnatural marriages.
    but about the fact that Europe was flooded with blacks and Asians - do not gloat, we have Tajiks in Moscow, etc. already make up almost half the population. you go out into the street - some cross-eyed faces around. do not think that these problems do not concern us.
  28. 0
    21 August 2014 13: 16
    The propaganda of homosexuality is not just growing, it is becoming aggressive. And then there's permission for adoption by same-sex couples. All this unambiguously leads to the degradation and destruction of society. One gets the impression that all this orgy is skillfully conducted from behind the curtains, and a lot of money is spent on promoting a new way of life.
    But who cares? Why should society (or a single group of individuals) spend money on slow suicide? After all, together with society, they will perish.
    Society is taking under surveillance people who have tried to commit suicide? Everyone understands that these people are sick, so they are monitored and treated. Maybe the same approach should be applied to gays and lesbians? Admit they are sick and start compulsory treatment? And the most effective way of treatment, I believe, would be to change the public opinion - who likes to feel like a sick outcast.
  29. 0
    21 August 2014 13: 19
    In the photo there is such a specific cock, I would have shot it without hesitation for a second! Well, do your quiet cocking business, so why provoke people?
    1. 0
      21 August 2014 13: 39
      also a child behind ...
  30. wanderer_032
    21 August 2014 13: 29
    La ... la ... la. Blah blah blah.
    The wind is blowing, the caravan is coming. I do not understand why we are happy? What walking people do in the EU, a bunch of NATO politicians from the US?
    By the way, many people in Europe are normal and are aware of where they are trying to drive them and actively counteract this. Remember rallies against homosexual marriages, or rallies against homosexuals to adopt children. There really came to the pogroms. In France, Germany and other countries. Even in the Netherlands, ordinary people are not happy that their country was turned into a hotbed of homosexuals, drug trafficking and a widespread brothel.
    Moreover, in Germany there was a rally (I watched the video) where normal Germans do not approve of the policies of their authorities and respectfully speak about our president, supporting his actions on his foreign policy in Russia.
    These are the people we need to support (at least morally), and not put everyone on the same level and laugh at them as you go ... otam.
    If we help them again, at least morally, we will live next door to normal people, and not who vote for any transvestites at Eurovision.
    1. +1
      21 August 2014 14: 35
      Residents of Europe are not difficult teenagers to pat on the head and persuade them how to live. However, they regularly vote for the politicians you mentioned. In the same way, women of Ukraine who complain that their children are poorly fed in the army do not cause emotion. None of them said, even in a whisper, that their offspring commit crimes by killing women and children from a safe distance.
    2. rodevaan
      22 August 2014 08: 41
      Quote: wanderer_032

      If we help them again, at least morally, we will live next door to normal people, and not who vote for any transvestites at Eurovision.

      “Comrade, are you tired of the fact that Russia always helps everyone and always pulls everyone out of the corrugation at too high a price?” And then she also becomes guilty of everything, seeing only black ingratitude and outright cave Russophobia in her address! But I’m tired of this to death! I'm tired of the fact that we always save our enemies from the Mongols, from Napoleon and Hitler, from drugs and from the total dominance of democracy.
      Personally, I don’t give a damn about the hostility of Geyrostan and the West in general, and how quickly they all degenerate there - we just, excuse me, it only makes it easier! I’ll call a spade a spade. They openly rejoice and openly flow bile, savoring and clapping their hands when they talk about the extinction or decline in the birth rate of the Russian nation - my nation. Look at their freaking media - So why should I for these freaks who frankly wish me and my people, my country of death - why should I groan and gasp about them? Yes, let them turn black and ogomoshchinyatsya to a vigorous mother - and the faster the better! And for me and for my country it will only be better that this primordial and sworn Russophobian nursery, called the West, will cease to exist in its classical form.
      I have said everything.
  31. olega211
    21 August 2014 13: 38
    Full mess. This dick is just turning me on. Let them do it at home, not on the streets. I’ll see you ... right away with the children. Europe already understands that it has rotted from top to bottom.
  32. aleks290899
    21 August 2014 13: 49
    If you destroy the gays, then the world will breathe calmly.
    1. +3
      21 August 2014 16: 11
      In Europe, gays will be destroyed by Muslims. I think about 20 years and many European countries will not be in the form as it is now, and there the gay mentality will be erased by gays of Muslim mentality. Mix with the earth. So gays are the grave diggers of Europe and themselves too. The carrion .. And we must protect society from this carrion. And in our country we need to adopt a law on state. service. That would be gay gay on state. there was no service. A mentally ill person cannot work in state institutions. Doctors and police should deal with a sick person if they begin to demonstrate and propagate perversion.
      1. rodevaan
        22 August 2014 08: 26
        - In addition to gays, Muslims will willingly reduce the number of livestock and simple infidels. I think they won’t make much difference.
  33. 0
    21 August 2014 14: 13
    Geyropa play out, tolerasty, damn it.
  34. Wladimir71
    21 August 2014 14: 37
    Tolerance and multiculturalism is a new type of weapon of mass destruction.
  35. +3
    21 August 2014 14: 54
    See who benefits? States, world government. How to resist? Recall Zadornov: "We will long persuade a foreigner that we are a country of idiots, and then we will give him in the face when he agrees!" The West wants to make us a "country of idiots" when it realizes that in open confrontation we have no equal! (See Myths about the History of Russia). Remember where the consumer society is leading; not to believe the singers and singers, the tales of their sweet life, to create a children's organization like a pioneer! Down with totalitarian sects (I do not miss the opportunity to read the notation to Jehovah's Witnesses that they are America's henchmen) !!! The state should control at least the 1st TV channel, praise people of labor and military heroes like "News from the Fields", etc. The country should live well, not scary!
    1. rodevaan
      22 August 2014 08: 25
      - Straight back to the USSR :)
      Shta daragia shine, Panimash? Have you eaten panimash of democracy? drowned in the bast of gay life? Didn’t like it under capitalism?
  36. Squares
    21 August 2014 15: 20
    Quote: Roman1970
    Quote: Squares
    Quote: PalSanych
    it’s time to completely turn away from Europe ... we are not the European people and we don’t have to look into their mouths ... but to return the death penalty for one

    We don’t have our own medicines, we don’t have our own equipment, we don’t have our own airplanes, we buy trains, we buy ships, we don’t have our own tissues, we don’t have enough products, it’s a parody. And in the rest of the beautiful marquise. all is well, all is ho-ro-sho. Can first raise the industry than send everyone?

    There are medicines, there are planes, there are trains, there are tissues, there are enough products, cars are better every year. Industry in the 90s was undermined, of course, very much ... But it is recovering at a good pace. So you don’t distort ...

    You are an optimist, but this is far from reality. Do you have airplanes? Are you talking about TU 154? On which plane did you personally make your last flight (we won’t talk about an Al-Russian superjet) There are parades, and you probably don’t know what we are buying tankers. And we buy Mistral from the ... great sea power of France. Modern, high-speed trains like Sapsan are not us either. And these cattle trucks that we have ... You haven’t been to Europe. And domestic cars .. forgive me, we’ll train in Japanese. Enough of this bravado worthless. We must adopt the best, and not sit on the oil. Without a pipe, we will be worse than Ukraine in economics.
  37. ledyvasilisa
    21 August 2014 15: 42
    Their nationality is not "bank accounts", but quite specific to themselves, like their god Yahweh.
  38. 0
    21 August 2014 15: 46
    Quote: Squares
    Can first raise the industry than send everyone?

    The faster we send everyone, and Europe in the first place, the faster we will raise both industry and the entire economy.
  39. +3
    21 August 2014 16: 40
    For someone, everything is going according to plan .... sad
    1. The comment was deleted.
  40. rodevaan
    21 August 2014 16: 42
    However, any coming to power in the country of liberal forces oriented toward the West and hating the traditional Russian beginning will also mean the inevitable beginning of undermining the sociocultural foundations of Russian society.

    - I will add - Not only the undermining of the foundations and foundations of Russian and Russian society, but also the destruction of the Russian, Russian people and the country in general.
  41. +2
    21 August 2014 16: 48
    There is no need to stop the geyropets from sinking into the abyss of debauchery and they will destroy themselves in the near future. Our main task is not to fall into this garbage pit ourselves. To do this, strict laws must be adopted to prevent the spread of this infection. And so that the geyropa would not be indignant, BB should hold referendums on all anti-pid laws. Then for the sake of excuse will be, like, I’m for two hands, but the people are reviving, and this is an infringement of democracy, so to speak. And anyway, who like geyparady, let them go to their gays in theirs gay..opu.
  42. 0
    21 August 2014 17: 01
    It may not be the most pleasant thing to read an article on this topic, but you need to know the enemy by sight. And the enemy is really serious and dangerous. Do not underestimate it. Moreover, he will advance on all fronts. Wherever there is a weak spot.
    It is necessary to increase the value of traditional family relationships, ways of life and traditions to an unprecedented height. The younger generation should just live in it and feel it on an intuitive level. Faith, Fatherland, family - these are the priorities.
    And Europe is steadily advancing towards its demise. Soon there will not be not only defenders of the homeland, fighters, but simply just adequate and healthy people mentally. Beautiful Europe, unfortunately, has no future.
    And for Russia it needs to be provided, because The United States will not disappear and it remains to prove the right to life.
  43. +1
    21 August 2014 17: 32
    That you all life with such feathers went to .ope Gad!
  44. 0
    21 August 2014 18: 07
    belay belay belay

    Utter nonsense !!! what is this for? what the?

    And for women, they’ll come up with something like that ?? some kind of transdean!
    1. Dovmont
      22 August 2014 08: 18
      And for women, they’ll come up with something like that ?? some kind of transdean!
      In Germany, standing letters for feminists have long been produced.
  45. 0
    21 August 2014 18: 25
    Yes, damn it, culture ...
  46. mimo crock
    21 August 2014 18: 56
    Quote: PalSanych
    and for one and the death penalty to return

    Dues, oprichnina, monarchy, boyars?

    Yes, yes, a European woman rots and rots, it’s about to fall apart and in general we are the best, users write on IBM-PC compatible equipment running OS from the USA, drive imported cars, talk on cell phones, it’s known what standard, they prefer to treat teeth in a normal clinic with, again, it is clear whose equipment ... Russia, go!
  47. 0
    21 August 2014 20: 42
    Breivik-handsomeWhat !!!! Freedom to Anders Breivik !!!! Give White Renaissance !!!
  48. Justas
    21 August 2014 22: 13
    We have no less problems. The health of the nation and the ability to survive determines the state of morality. And in Russia, is this all right? Millions of abandoned children, abandoned lands, total theft of sovereign people, not a single Russian brand that could be proud of (except for the military industry) and the state of education and medicine? We have no less migrants (go on the subway) unless the fagots march
  49. 0
    21 August 2014 22: 17
    In the Netherlands, they allowed to fuck in parks, with one condition not to scatter condoms, it’s fine for that, and they forbidden to walk dogs without habits like a dog without a leash spoils everything that it sees, thereby causing inconvenience to other visitors laughing
  50. +1
    21 August 2014 22: 47
    All this will end with the fact that the fate of Gommora will befall the geyropu. And the remaining adequate people will be saved from us.
  51. 0
    21 August 2014 22: 52
    Something like that feel
  52. INF
    21 August 2014 23: 29
    Soon in Europe there will be parades of straight people, 100 people each, and around them there will be thousands of angry homosexuals.
  53. INF
    21 August 2014 23: 32
    Quote: bionik
    In the Netherlands, they allowed to fuck in parks, with one condition not to scatter condoms, it’s fine for that, and they forbidden to walk dogs without habits like a dog without a leash spoils everything that it sees, thereby causing inconvenience to other visitors laughing

    The stump is clear, just imagine, you’re rubbing shoulders with a girl in the park, and here he’s shitting next to you without a leash, but this is a disgrace!!!

    No, no, but imagine that soon in Europe, not too far away, it will be like this, you’re hanging out with a girl in the square, and then Bobby runs up and joins in, and everyone’s like, oh, hoo! ))

    No no, you mean you're with a guy and here's Bobby...... ))
  54. mimo crock
    22 August 2014 00: 42
    While users here are training in five-minute hatred of sodomites, the most zealous fighters for morality go on vacation to these, God forgive me, Holland and teach their children vice in the universities there, not to mention the faculties of Orthodoxy in Mythology. Doublethink among the masses.
    1. 0
      22 August 2014 08: 38
      Yes, everyone understands perfectly well what these “fighters for morality” are, but the personalities of these “fighters” do not negate the fact that the spread of such deviations must be fought.