Guards missile cruiser "Varyag"

A detachment of Pacific Fleet ships led by a guardsman rocket On June 4, the cruiser Varyag left Vladivostok for a friendly visit to the American port of San Francisco.

Guards missile cruiser "Varyag"


1164.1 "Chervona Ukraine" missile cruiser (after 21 December 1995 of the year - "Varyag")

31 July 1979 of the year laid down at the plant named after 61 of the Communard in Nikolaev (serial number 2010) and 5 of November 1982 was credited to the lists of the Navy ships,
28 August 1983 of the year launched, 25 December 1989 of the year commissioned, and 28 February 1990 of the year included in the KTOF.
Displacement: full 11 530, standard 9 500 t; length 192 m, width 20.8 m.
The power plant 2 - M70 x 10000 hp, 4 - M8KF x 27500 hp; travel speed: maximum 32.5,
economic 18 knots; cruising range economical 8070 miles

Armament: 16x1 PUU SCRC Vulkan (16 missiles), 8X1 PU Launcher X-mine Fortr (64 rocket),
2x2 IS ZaK Osa (40 missiles), 1x2 130-mm A-218 and 6x6 30-mm AK-630 guns, 2X5 533-mm TA,
2х12 RBU-6000 (144 RGB-60), 1 Ka-25ts helicopter. Crew 610 man.
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  1. 0
    19 December 2013 17: 06
    Good photos, there are even sincere ones. I especially liked the first, and the second an excellent Russian sailor.