Sergey Glazyev: How to win the war

Sergey Glazyev: How to win the warAlong with the Ukrainian hotbed of stirring up the world chaotic war, the United States continues to support armed conflicts in Syria and Iraq, destabilize the situation in the Middle East, prepare for the Taliban and Islamic militants to invade Central Asia, design color revolutions in Russia and other Eurasian integration countries, and organize coups in the out of control Latin American countries.

The United States is pushing the objective laws of global economic and political dynamics described above into world war. Their understanding allows us to predict military-political activity for the next decade.

1. Forecast of a cyclical exacerbation of the military threat

An analysis of long cycles of economic and political dynamics shows that the most likely period of major regional military conflicts involving the US and its satellites against Russia is 2015 – 2018. This is the period when the new technological order emerges from the phase of childbirth into the phase of growth, when its technological trajectory is being completed and the economy based on it is being modernized. It was during this period that technological change entailed changes in the structure of international relations.

Countries that had previously embarked on the wave of growth of a new technological order acquire a competitive advantage in the world market and begin to crowd the former leaders, who have to make great efforts to get out of the crisis of capital over-accumulation in outdated production and technological structures.

The above-described struggle between new and old leaders of economic and technological development for dominance in the world market, which leads to an increase in international tension and provokes military-political conflicts that have so far led to world wars, unfolds. It is this period that begins now, which will last until 2020 – 2022, when the structure of the new technological order is finally formed and the world economy will enter a phase of sustainable growth based on it.

The Ukrainian crisis began a year earlier than the forecast estimate of the time when the escalation of military-political tensions began. If Yanukovych had signed an agreement on the establishment of an association with the EU, it would have begun one and a half years later - at the time of the next presidential election.

By this time, the mechanisms envisaged by the EU for managing the economic, foreign and defense policies of Ukraine on the part of the EU would have earned. The Ukrainian-Polish-Lithuanian battalions that are being formed now would be created and deployed on the borders with Russia. I would go through the development of procedures for joint actions of the European and Ukrainian armed forces in the settlement of armed regional conflicts.

Although the agreement provides for Ukraine’s commitment to act in these conflicts under the leadership of the EU, as well as to follow its foreign and defense policy, it is clear that NATO will be engaged in the actual organization of military operations under the leadership of Washington.

There is no doubt that at the time of the presidential election in the spring of 2015, the same technologies of replacing Yanukovych as a protege of the USA would have been applied as during the coup d'état this winter. Only a change of power would pass in a relatively legitimate way, which would exclude the intervention of Russia.

The Americans would also form a government and power structures of Ukraine from their agents, which would direct them to join NATO and oust the Black Sea fleet Russia from the Crimea. Russia would not be confronted by Nazi gangs, but by quite legitimate Ukrainian-European military contingents, relying on the entire military power of NATO.

A legitimate Ukrainian government sent by the United States would break cooperation with Russia in the defense industry, conduct an equally frantic anti-Russian campaign in the media and force Ukrainization of the South-East of Ukraine.

According to forecasts of long cycles of political activity, the peak of international military-political conflicts is in the 2016 – 2018 years.

If it were not for the disruption of Ukraine in the political crisis, by that time it was completely under the control of NATO and would conduct an anti-Russian policy with blocking the work of the Black Sea Fleet and provoking inter-ethnic conflicts in Crimea with the aim of destroying pro-Russian public organizations and clearing the south-eastern regions from Russian influence .

Russia would be in a much worse position than it is now, after reunification with the Crimea and the establishment of the Nazi regime in Kiev, whose illegitimacy and criminal actions condemn Ukraine to disaster and collapse.

Of course, the socio-economic catastrophe that has gripped Ukraine and the growth of chaos in this territory does not meet the goals of Russia, which is vitally interested in a prosperous and successfully developing Ukraine, which is part of the Russian world and is inextricably linked with Russia technologically, economically and spiritually.

The catastrophic scenario could have been avoided if Yanukovych had not been led by American and European emissaries, had defended the state from the Nazi insurgency and had not allowed a coup d'état. However, for the United States this would be tantamount to a defeat in the long anti-Russian campaign that they conducted in Ukraine throughout the post-Soviet period.

Therefore, they did everything possible, using all their political, informational and financial resources to organize a coup and transfer power over Ukraine to their protégés. For this adventure, the United States risks paying with its ideological and political leadership if Russia conducts a competent and decisive defense of itself and peace from the American policy of unleashing a world chaotic war.

With 2017 in the United States will begin a new election cycle, which, apparently, will be implicated in Russophobia as the ideological basis of the World War they fueled. However, by this time, the crisis state of the American financial system may manifest itself in budget cuts, dollar depreciation and a noticeable deterioration in the standard of living of the population.

US external aggression may choke in the Middle East, fail in Afghanistan and Iraq. The pressure of internal problems and crises in foreign policy, on the one hand, will provoke an increase in the aggressiveness of the American leadership, and, on the other hand, will weaken its position.

As Pantin argues, in the case of intellectual, economic and military mobilization, Russia has a chance not to lose in the 2015 – 2018 conflicts, since the United States and its satellites will not be ready for open aggression.

According to the same forecasts, the most dangerous period for Russia will come at the beginning of the 2020-s, when the technological re-equipment of developed countries and China will begin, and the USA and other Western countries will come out of the 2008 – 2018 depression. and make a new technological leap.

It was in the period 2021 – 2025. Russia may again fall behind technologically and economically, which will devalue its defense potential and sharply strengthen internal social and interethnic conflicts, as happened with the USSR in the late 1980s.

American analysts from the CIA and other departments directly rely on the collapse of Russia from the inside after 2020 due to internal social and interethnic conflicts initiated from outside. The appointment by the new US ambassador to Russia of the most famous organizer of the “color revolutions” and coup in the post-Soviet space, John Tefft, also testifies to this.

The most dangerous for Russia are interethnic conflicts, which will be artificially ignited from the outside and inside, using social inequality, inequality between regions and economic problems.

To this end, the United States has consistently cultivated its “fifth column” among the Russian political, business and intellectual elites, singling out for these purposes, by some estimates, up to 10 billion dollars a year.

To avoid this most negative scenario leading to the collapse of the country, a systemic domestic and foreign policy is needed to strengthen national security, ensure economic independence, increase international competitiveness and advance development of the national economy, mobilize society and modernize the military-industrial complex.

By 2017, when the US begins to openly and on all fronts to threaten Russia, the Russian army must have modern and effective weapons, Russian society must be united and confident in its abilities, the Russian intellectual elite will own the achievements of the new technological order, the economy will be the wave of growth of a new technological structure, and Russian diplomacy - to organize a broad anti-war coalition of countries capable of coordinated action to stop American aggression.

We have already mentioned above the need to create a broad international coalition of countries not interested in starting a new world war. Such a coalition is needed not only to prevent it, but also to win it, if war proves to be inevitable.

2. Anti-War International Coalition

The anti-war international coalition might include:

- European countries that are drawn into the war against Russia against their national interests;

- the BRICS countries, whose economic growth can be torpedoed by the US-organized destabilization;

- Korea, the countries of Indochina, which are not interested in the deterioration of relations with Russia;

- The countries of the Middle East, for which a world war would mean an escalation of their own regional conflicts;

- The Latin American countries of the Bolivarian Alliance, for whom the unwinding of a new world war brings the threat of a direct US invasion;

- developing countries G77 - heirs of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries - traditionally opposed to wars for a just world order.

As a motive for creating such a coalition, the threat of a global chaotic war unleashing the United States should be put forward for all its participants.

An important condition for the successful creation of such a coalition is to deprive the United States of a monopoly on ideological dominance by consistently exposing the inhuman consequences of their interventions by their soldiers in the mass killings of civilians and the devastating results of American henchmen in various countries.
It is necessary to destroy the image of American infallibility, demonstrating the cynicism and deception of American leaders, the disastrous consequences of their policy of double standards, the incompetence and ignorance of American officials and politicians.

Religious organizations that oppose the imposition of the cult of permissiveness and depravity, undermining family and other human values, could become powerful allies in the creation of an anti-war coalition.

They would help coalition members to work out and propose to the world a new unifying ideology that proceeds from the restoration of the unshakable moral constraints of human arbitrariness.

A constructive role could be played by international humanitarian and anti-fascist organizations. An ally could be the world scientific and expert community, acting from the standpoint of sustainable development and generating development projects uniting humanity.

The actions of the anti-war coalition should be aimed not only at exposing and destroying the political domination of the United States, but, above all, at undermining the American military-political power based on the emission of the dollar as a world currency.

In the case of continuing aggressive US actions to incite a world war, they should include abandoning the use of the dollar in mutual trade and dollar instruments for the placement of foreign exchange reserves.

The anti-war coalition should have its own positive program for organizing the global financial and economic architecture on the principles of mutual benefit, justice and respect for national sovereignty.

We have already mentioned above the necessary measures for financial stabilization, more efficient regulation of the financial market, banking, financial and investment institutions, stimulating the growth of the new technological order and progressive structural changes, the formation of the corresponding new institutions. They must eliminate the fundamental causes of the global crisis, among which the most important are:

- the lack of control over the issue of world reserve currencies, leading to the abuse of issuers of a monopoly position in their own interests at the price of growing imbalances and destructive tendencies in the global financial and economic system;

- the inability of existing mechanisms for regulating the operations of banking and financial institutions to provide protection against excessive risks and the emergence of financial bubbles;

- the exhaustion of the growth limits of the dominant technological order and the lack of conditions for the formation of a new one, including a lack of investment for the widespread introduction of clusters of its basic technology components.

3. Anti-crisis program of the anti-war coalition

The anti-war coalition should come up with a positive program of measures to overcome the global crisis by eliminating its causes and creating stable conditions for the functioning of the world financial market and international monetary exchange on a mutually beneficial basis, developing international production cooperation, and world trade in goods and technologies.

These conditions should allow the national monetary authorities to organize loans for the development of new technological way of production and modernization of the economy based on it, stimulating innovation and business activity in promising areas of economic growth.

To do this, countries issuing world reserve currencies should ensure their sustainability by complying with certain restrictions on the size of public debt and the deficit of payment and trade balances.

In addition, they should comply with the appropriately established requirements for the transparency of the mechanisms used to ensure the emission of their currencies, and to allow them to freely exchange for all the assets traded in their territory.

An important requirement for issuers of world reserve currencies should be compliance with the rules of fair competition and non-discriminatory access to their financial markets. At the same time, other countries that comply with similar restrictions should be provided with the possibility of using their national currencies as a tool for foreign trade and monetary exchange, including their use as reserve by other partner countries.

It is advisable to introduce a classification of national currencies that claim to be global or regional reserve currencies, by category, depending on their compliance with certain requirements.

Simultaneously with the introduction of requirements for issuers of world reserve currencies, it is necessary to tighten control over the movement of capital in order to prevent speculative attacks that destabilize the world and national monetary and financial systems.

To do this, coalition countries need to ban transactions of their residents with offshore zones, as well as not allow banks and corporations established with the participation of offshore residents to refinance schemes. It is also advisable to introduce restrictions on the use in international payments of currencies whose issuers do not comply with the established requirements.

To determine the requirements for issuers of world reserve currencies and monitor their compliance, it is necessary to carry out a thorough reform of international financial institutions in order to ensure equitable representation of the participating countries according to an objective criterion from the set of signs of the relative weight of each of them in world production, trade, finance, natural potential and population .

According to the same criterion, a basket of currencies can be formed for the release of a new SDR, in relation to which the rates of all national currencies, including world reserve ones, can be determined. At the initial stage, currencies of those countries of the coalition, which will agree to undertake obligations to comply with the established requirements, can enter this basket.

The implementation of such large-scale reforms requires appropriate legal and institutional support. This can be done by giving the coalition decisions the status of international obligations of countries interested in their implementation, as well as relying on UN institutions and authorized international organizations.

To stimulate the global spread of socially significant advances in technology, it is necessary to deploy an international system of strategic planning for global socio-economic development, including the development of long-term forecasts of scientific and technological development, identifying prospects for the development of the world economy, regional associations and large countries, identifying ways to overcome existing imbalances, including gaps in the level of development of advanced and underdeveloped countries, as well as selection of priority directions of development and indicative plans of activities of international organizations.

The US and the G7 countries are likely to reject the proposals for reforming the global monetary and financial system described above without discussion, since their implementation will undermine their monopoly right to the uncontrolled emission of world currencies. The current mode of sharing the results and factors of economic activity between developing and developed countries of the latter is quite satisfactory.

As shown by the policy pursued by the United States, they prefer to instigate a chaotic world war to protect their dominant position in terms of justice, mutual benefit and respect for sovereignty. Therefore, in order to be effective and efficient, the anti-war coalition must have sufficient defenses to repel American aggression and attempts at military-political destabilization anywhere in the world.

For this, it is necessary to expand the format of the CSTO, to involve China, Vietnam, Syria, Cuba, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, to create partnership mechanisms for peace with India, Iran, Venezuela, Brazil, and other countries threatened by American aggression.

With military-political and economic power comparable to NATO, the anti-war coalition could defeat the confrontation imposed by the United States and, regardless of their will, proceed to reform the global financial and monetary system in the interests of sustainable economic development of both the global and all national economies.

In the event that G7 countries refuse to “move over” in the governing bodies of international financial organizations, the anti-war coalition must have enough synergy to create alternative global regulators.

It is possible to initiate the creation of such a coalition on the basis of BRICS, starting with solving the issues of ensuring their economic security, including:

- creation of a universal payment system for the BRICS countries and the issuance of a common BRICS payment card uniting the Chinese UnionPay, the Brazilian ELO, the Indian RuPay, and also the Russian payment systems;

- the creation of an interbank information exchange system independent of the US and the EU, similar to SWIFT;

- transition to the use of its rating agencies.

Russia will have to assume the leading role in creating an anti-war coalition, since it is she who is in the most vulnerable position and without creating such a coalition will not be able to win the world war against her.

If Russia does not create such a coalition, then the anti-Russian coalition that is being formed by the United States can absorb or neutralize potential Russian allies. Thus, the war provoked by the Americans in Europe against Russia may prove beneficial to China.

Following Chinese wisdom about an intelligent monkey waiting for two tigers to complete a fight in the tree, then assign the prey, they can choose a strategy of non-intervention.

The mutual weakening of the US, EU and Russia makes it easier for China to achieve global leadership. Brazil may succumb to US pressure. India - to close in solving their internal problems.

Russia has no less than the United States, historical leadership experience in world politics, necessary for this spiritual authority and sufficient military-technical power. But in order to claim leadership, the Russian public consciousness needs to get rid of the inferiority complex instilled in it by pro-Western media during the Gorbachev perestroika and American domination under the Yeltsin regime.

It is necessary to restore the historical pride of the Russian people for the centuries-old stubborn creation of civilization, which united many nations and cultures and more than once saved Europe and humanity from self-destruction. Return an understanding of the historical continuity of the role of the Russian world in building universal culture, ranging from Kievan Rus, which became the spiritual successor of the Byzantine Empire, to the modern Russian Federation, which is the successor of the USSR and the Russian Empire.

In this context, the Eurasian integration process should be presented as a global project to restore a common development space for centuries lived together, collaborated and enriched each other peoples from Lisbon to Vladivostok and from St. Petersburg to Colombo.

Internal harmonization of the Russian public consciousness is also necessary, excluding its disruption both in Nazism and in cosmopolitanism. First of all, we are talking about the introduction of value systems that strengthen Russia, such as “any nationalism - Russian, Ukrainian, Chechen, Tatar, Jewish ... - is a preliminary form of Nazism”, “where officials cope with their duties, no one - neither among the citizens nor the nations - causes any reasons for protests, ”“ we are to blame for all the harm done to us, first of all, because we are weak and vulnerable, ”and the like.

In addition to the harmonization of interethnic relations, such attitudes will destroy the activities of local agents of foreign influence in Russia, who have succeeded in distorting meanings and changing concepts.

Russia will not be able to organize a repulse of American aggression, if it does not regain the ability for independent development. Despite the terrible destruction of the research and production potential and the degradation of industry, Russia still retains enough intellectual, natural and economic potential for successful development.

But its full use is impossible within the framework of the pro-American economic policy pursued today, which provokes the export of capital and the offshore economy, which limits domestic credit by providing loans to the United States and its NATO allies by placing currency reserves in their bonds.

4. Ensuring the economic security of Russia

The experience of the 2008 crisis of the year revealed the high vulnerability of the Russian economy to the global financial market, which is regulated in ways that discriminate for Russia, including undervaluing credit ratings, making uneven demands on the openness of the domestic market and observing financial constraints, imposing mechanisms of nonequivalent foreign exchange, in which Russia loses about 100 billion dollars.

Including about 60 billion dollars leaving the country in the form of a balance of income from foreign loans and investments, and about 50 billion billion is an illegal capital flight (Figure 9). The accumulated volume of the latter reached 0,5 trillion dollars, which in total with the direct foreign investment of Russian residents is about 1 trillion dollars of exported capital.

Income losses of the budget system due to capital flight amounted to 2012 in 839 billion rubles. (1,3% of GDP). The total loss of the budget system due to the offshore economy, capital flight and other tax evasion operations is estimated at 2012 in the 5 trillion rubles.

A particular threat to national security in the context of growing global instability is the current situation with the registration of property rights to the majority of large Russian non-state corporations and their assets (up to 80%) in offshore zones, where most of the operations with their turnover are carried out. They also account for about 85% of accumulated FDI, both in Russia and from Russia.

The growing issue of unsecured world currencies creates favorable conditions for the absorption of Russian assets transferred to offshore jurisdiction by foreign capital, which threatens the country's economic sovereignty.

The growth of the above threats above critical parameters requires in the shortest possible time to implement the following set of measures to ensure the economic security of Russia in the context of growing global instability. In order to de-offshore and stop the illegal export of capital:

1. Legislatively introduce the concept of a “national company” that satisfies the requirements of: registration, tax residency and core business in Russia, ownership of a controlling stake in Russian residents who have no affiliation with foreign persons and jurisdictions.

Only national companies and resident Russian citizens should be granted access to subsoil and other natural resources, government orders, state programs, state subsidies, loans, concessions, property and real estate management, housing and infrastructure construction, and other savings. strategically important for the state and socially sensitive activities.

2. Oblige the ultimate owners of shares of Russian strategic enterprises to register their ownership rights in Russian registrars, coming out of the offshore shadow.

3. Conclude tax information sharing agreements with offshore companies, denounce existing agreements with them for the avoidance of double taxation, including Cyprus and Luxembourg, which are transit offshore companies. Determine a single list of offshore companies, including those located onshorov.

4. Legislatively prohibit the transfer of assets to offshore jurisdictions with which no agreements on the exchange of tax information on the model of transparency developed by the OECD have been concluded.

5. Introduce requirements for offshore companies owned by Russian residents to comply with Russian legislation to provide information on company participants (shareholders, depositors, beneficiaries), and also to disclose tax information for tax purposes in Russia of all income received from Russian sources under the threat of 30% tax on all transactions with non-cooperative offshore companies.

6. To form a black list of foreign banks participating in dubious financial schemes with Russian companies and banks, attributing operations with them to the category of dubious.

7. Introduce a permitting procedure for offshore operations for Russian companies with state participation.

8. Take a set of measures to reduce tax losses from unauthorized export of capital:

1) VAT refund to exporters only after receipt of export earnings;

2) charging advance VAT payments by authorized banks when importing advances to non-resident suppliers;

3) the introduction of fines for overdue receivables for import contracts, the lack of export earnings, as well as other types of illegal export of capital in the amount of its value.

9. To stop the inclusion in non-operating expenses (reducing taxable profits) of bad debts of non-residents to Russian enterprises. Filing claims against managers for damages to the company and the state in case of such debts.

10. To tighten administrative and criminal liability for the illegal export of capital from the territory of the Member States of the Customs Union, including in the form of pretended foreign trade and credit operations, payment of inflated interest on foreign loans.

11. Introduce taxes on speculative financial transactions and net capital outflow.

In the context of the unfolding global chaotic war, which promises to be long, urgent measures should also be taken to reduce the external dependence and vulnerability of the Russian economy to economic sanctions by the United States and its allies:

- the withdrawal of foreign exchange reserves and savings of state corporations from assets in dollars to gold and currencies of friendly countries;

- transition to payments for the export of hydrocarbons, metals, timber and military equipment, on the one hand, and import of consumer goods, on the other hand, in rubles;

- transition to national currencies in mutual trade in the EAEU, CIS, BRICS, SCO;

- the termination of borrowing of state-controlled corporations abroad, the gradual replacement of their foreign currency loans with ruble loans of state-owned commercial banks at the expense of their targeted refinancing by the Central Bank with a corresponding percentage;

- limiting the provision of guarantees on deposits of citizens in the framework of the deposit insurance system only ruble deposits with a simultaneous increase in the standards of mandatory reserves for deposits in foreign currency;

- a cardinal increase in the effectiveness of currency control, the introduction of advance preliminary notification of capital outflow operations, the establishment of restrictions on the increase in the currency position of commercial banks;

- termination of discrimination of domestic borrowers and issuers to foreign (when calculating indicators of liquidity, capital adequacy, etc. The Central Bank should not consider obligations of non-residents and foreign countries more reliable and liquid than similar obligations of residents and the Russian state);

- the introduction of domestic standards for the activities of rating agencies and the use of ratings exclusively by Russian rating agencies in government regulation;

- imposing restrictions on the volume of off-balance sheet foreign assets and liabilities to non-residents on derivatives of Russian organizations, as well as on investments of Russian enterprises in foreign securities, including government bonds of the United States and other foreign countries with a high budget deficit or government debt;

- Mandatory initial placement of Russian issuers on domestic trading floors;

- the expansion and deepening of Eurasian economic integration.

It is necessary to intensify work on the involvement of our traditional partners in the Eurasian integration process, speed up the signing of an agreement on a free trade zone with Vietnam, and begin appropriate negotiations with India, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and other countries of the Bolivarian Alliance.

“If Russia does not form a coalition around itself, then the US-formed anti-Russian coalition may absorb or neutralize potential Russian allies”

To become the center of Eurasian economic integration and the leader of the anti-war coalition in the context of confrontation with the United States, Russia must become attractive, demonstrating social stability and a decent quality of life for the population, a high scientific, technical and intellectual level, which is impossible without modernization and advanced economic development.
The economic policy required for this should proceed from an understanding of structural changes and prospects for global socio-economic development, as well as identifying national competitive advantages, the activation of which is capable of ensuring steady and rapid growth in production.

5. The strategy of advanced economic development

As was shown above, the global crisis is associated with a change in the long waves of the economic situation. The exit from it is associated with the "storm" of innovations, paving the way for the establishment of a new technological order.

As the flow of capital bubbles remaining after the collapse of financial bubbles of capital flows, a new long wave of economic growth will form.

It is during such periods of global technological change that a “window” of opportunities arises for lagging countries to get ahead and perform an “economic miracle”. For this, a powerful initiating impulse is needed, which allows concentrating the available resources on promising areas for the development of a new technological order and outrun other countries in deploying production and marketing at least part of its key products.

The key idea of ​​the required development strategy is to anticipate the development of basic productions of the new technological order and the speedy release of the Russian economy to the new long wave of growth associated with it. This requires the concentration of resources in the development of the perspective industrial and technological complexes that make it up, which requires the targeted work of the national financial and investment system, including the mechanisms of monetary, fiscal, industrial, and foreign economic policies.

They need to focus on the emergence of the core of a new technological structure and the achievement of the synergistic effect of the formation of new production clusters, which implies the subordination of macroeconomic policies to the priorities of long-term technical and economic development.

The last decade, despite the crisis, the cost of mastering the components of the new way of technology and the scale of their use are growing in advanced countries at a rate of about 35% per year. The steady and rapid growth of the core of the new technological order, consisting of a complex of interconnected nano-, bio- and information-communication technologies, creates the material basis of the new long-wave economic recovery.

It will take another 3-5 years to form the technological trajectories of this rise, following which will drastically change the structure of the modern economy, the composition of leading industries, major corporations and leading countries.

If Russia during this time fails to make a technological breakthrough in mastering basic production of a new technological order, the technological gap from advanced countries will rapidly increase, and the economy will be trapped in the trap of catch-up development, commodity specialization and inequitable foreign exchange even by 20-30 years.

The growing technological gap will undermine the system of national security and the country's defense, will deprive it of the ability to effectively resist the threats of a new world war.

As the experience of technological breakthroughs in new industrial countries, post-war Japan, modern China, and in our country shows, the increase in investment and innovation activity required for this implies an increase in the accumulation rate to 35-40% of GDP.

At the same time, in order to “stay on the ridge” of the current phase of the new wave of economic growth, investments in the development of new technological order production should double each year.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the strategy of advanced development can be implemented in the development of only advanced technologies. In lagging industries, a strategy of dynamic catch-up should be implemented, which implies a wide borrowing of modern technologies abroad and their development with further improvement.

In the processing industries, following this strategy can give a multiple increase in the yield of finished products per unit of raw materials used, which for the woodworking and petrochemical industries is tenfold, for the metallurgical and chemical industries - fivefold, for the agro-industrial complex - threefold.

Thus, the optimal development strategy should combine: a leadership strategy in those areas where the Russian scientific and industrial complex is at the advanced technological level, and a dynamic catch-up strategy in other areas.

In relation to the R & D sector, a strategy of advancing commercialization of the results of basic and applied research is advisable. To implement this optimal set of strategies, a comprehensive government policy is needed, including:

- creation of a strategic planning system capable of identifying promising areas of economic growth, as well as directing the activities of state development institutions to their development;

- ensuring the macroeconomic conditions necessary for the rapid growth of the new technological order;

- the formation of mechanisms to stimulate innovation and investment activity, the implementation of projects for the creation and development of production and technological complexes of a new technological order, and the modernization of the economy based on them;

- creating a favorable investment climate and business environment that encourages entrepreneurial activity in the development of new technologies;

- maintaining the necessary conditions for the expanded reproduction of human capital and the development of intellectual potential.

The most bottleneck that impedes the implementation of the strategy of advanced development is the lack of mechanisms for internal long-term cheap credit.

The international and our own historical experience in implementing a successful economic restructuring show the need for a sharp increase in the volume of investments for the timely formation of a new technological order. The main source of funding for this growth of investment is the corresponding expansion of domestic credit (Table 3).

6. Transition to a sovereign monetary policy

At present, due to the weakness of the internal lending mechanisms, the Russian economy cannot develop on its own, following the external demand for raw materials and foreign investors.

For the formation of domestic sources of long-term lending for modernization and development of the economy, a transition to a money supply policy is needed, which is secured by domestic demand for money from the real sector of the economy and the state, as well as national savings, as is done in developed and successfully developing countries.

To ensure expanded reproduction, the Russian economy needs a substantial increase in the level of monetization, expansion of credit and the capacity of the banking system. Emergency measures are needed to stabilize it, which requires an increase in the supply of liquidity and the intensification of the role of the Central Bank as a lender of last resort.

In contrast to the economies of the countries issuing reserve currencies, the main problems in the Russian economy are not caused by an excess of money supply and related financial bubbles, but by chronic undermonetization of the economy, which has been working for a long time due to an acute shortage of loans and investments.

The necessary level of money supply for raising investment and innovation activity should be determined by the demand for money from the real sector of the economy and state development institutions with the regulatory value of the refinancing rate.

At the same time, the transition to inflation targeting should not occur due to the rejection of the implementation of other macroeconomic policy objectives, including the provision of a stable ruble exchange rate, investment growth, production and employment. These goals can be ranked by priority and set in the form of restrictions, achieved through the flexible use of state-owned instruments for regulating the monetary and foreign exchange sphere.

Under current conditions, priority should be given to the growth of production and investments within the limits set on inflation and the ruble exchange rate. To keep inflation within the established limits, a complex system of measures on pricing and pricing, currency and banking regulation, and the development of competition are needed.

Monetary policy instruments should provide adequate money supply for expanded reproduction and sustainable economic development. The objectives of the state monetary policy and activities of the Bank of Russia should include maintaining investment activity at the level necessary to ensure sustainable economic growth with full employment of the working-age population.

An integrated approach to the formation of monetary policy is needed in conjunction with the goals of economic development and the objectives of the budget, industrial and structural policies, based on domestic sources and mechanisms for refinancing credit institutions that are confined to lending to the real economy and investment in priority areas of development.

This can be done by using indirect (refinancing secured by bonds, bills and other obligations of solvent enterprises) and direct (co-financing state programs, providing state guarantees, lending to development institutions, project financing) ways of organizing money supply.

7. Creating institutions and mechanisms for development

The measures described above to create long-term credit institutions for developing production and freeing up innovation from taxation should be supplemented by venture financing institutions for promising, but risky scientific and technical developments, as well as preferential credit methods for innovative and investment projects for developing promising industries.

It is necessary to increase the effectiveness of development institutions, directing their activity to support projects involving domestic leadership in industrial and technological cooperation.

In the conditions of intense international technological competition, it is important to support mainly those projects of international production cooperation in which Russian participants have the opportunity to receive intellectual rent. These are projects that implement either domestic scientific and technical developments or supplement them with the acquisition of licenses for the use of advanced foreign technologies.

Industrial assembly, even with substantial localization of production, does not meet these requirements. And the more they do not correspond to the import of foreign technology, if it is not used as a critically important means of producing domestic products. The use of development institutions funds for the import of foreign end-use equipment should be discontinued, as well as the provision of tax and customs benefits for these purposes.

The organization of the existing research and production potential into competitive structures assumes an active state policy on the cultivation of successful high-tech economic entities.

By themselves, the institutions of market self-organization in an open economy and the lack of competitiveness of the majority of Russian enterprises will not ensure the rise of the Russian manufacturing industry. It is necessary to restore long technological chains of development and production of high technology products.

To this end, on the one hand, it is necessary to reunite technologically related industries that have been torn apart by privatization, and, on the other hand, to stimulate the development of new high-tech companies that have proved their competitiveness.

To solve the first task, the state can use the reassessment of assets, including through the unaccounted for during the privatization of property rights to intellectual and land property. The solution of the second task is achieved through the use of a variety of industrial policy instruments: soft loans, public procurement, research subsidies, etc.

Of particular importance is the creation of a network of domestic engineering companies. After the elimination of most of the design institutes, foreign engineering companies focused on the acquisition of foreign equipment took the place of industrial integrators.

Urgent measures are needed to stimulate the development of engineering companies that own modern technologies for designing and completing industrial facilities, as well as planning the life cycle of complex types of equipment.

The formation of a new technological order takes place through the formation of clusters of technologically related industries, which are formed in the areas of distribution of its key technologies.

The leading role in the coordination of innovation processes in clusters of technologically related industries is played by large companies and business groups. They are system integrators of the innovation process, which takes place at different levels of the innovation system. Becoming large enough to maintain the competition in the number of such companies in all sectors of the economy is a key objective of industrial policy.

A prerequisite for modernizing and improving the competitiveness of large enterprises is a cardinal improvement in the quality of their management. In the context of the transition to a knowledge economy, where human capital becomes the main factor of production, it is advisable to activate the creative potential of employees by implementing modern ways of involving workers in business management.

Along with the owners of capital (owners), it is advisable to include in the system of enterprise management the owners of other types of resources: managerial powers (managers), labor (employees) and knowledge (specialists). For this, it is necessary to adopt the relevant legal norms as soon as possible.

For the formation of competitive corporate structures on the world market with a strong research base, long-term motivations and significant financial resources, it is necessary to ensure a multiple increase in the concentration of resources, the only way of which in current conditions is government participation in the corporate sector.

The required expansion of the high-tech core of the domestic industry today is possible only on the basis of state structures, including state corporations and banks, research and design institutes, technology parks, and other elements of the innovation infrastructure.

All these elements should work as a single scientific, industrial and financial system in accordance with the strategic plans and development programs of the relevant industries and sectors of the economy. This development should be supported by long-term loans, which under current conditions can be provided only by state-owned banks, relying on refinancing from the Central Bank.

The use of the public sector as the basis for the realization of the goals of advanced economic development does not mean crowding out or nationalization of private structures. On the contrary, the economic activity generated by the public sector will stimulate growth in private enterprises. Cooperation with state corporations will provide them with sustainable markets and sources of new technologies, and will expand opportunities for development.

At the same time, the key role of the state in the formation of competitive structures of the high-tech industry determines the relevant requirements for the management of state assets.

In order to ensure successful development of the economy in the current conditions of large-scale structural changes, it is objectively necessary to strengthen the role of the state, including as the owner of strategic assets. This is necessary both for the concentration of resources in key areas of the technological structure, and for the elimination of the technological gap in existing industries.

It is this process that is currently taking place in advanced countries with a developed market economy, against the background of which the line on privatization of assets conducted by the Russian government seems to be untimely.

As was shown above, the current transition from the American to the Asian secular cycle of accumulation is accompanied by a radical revision of relations between the state and business on the basis of social partnership and a harmonious combination of interests, in which the interests of society are dominant.

At the same time, the key role is played by institutions of regulation of private initiative, and not by the ratio of public and private property in the economy, which can vary widely.
The experience of the Asian "tigers" suggests that within the framework of a well-established system of strategic management and public-private partnerships, outstanding results can be achieved with the dominance of both private property ("Japan Incorporated") and the public sector (Chinese market socialism).

8. Consolidation of society

The implementation of the measures for the accelerated development and modernization of the economy described above requires a high consistency of actions and a certain solidarity of the main social groups in order to achieve the established goals. This implies a cardinal decrease in social inequality, which generates antagonistic attitudes and an alienated attitude of citizens towards state policy. For this you need:

- increase of the subsistence minimum to the level of the real value of the basic consumer basket, as well as a revision of its content, taking into account the actual structure of consumption of the population, needs for health, education, etc .;

- raising the minimum wage to the level of the poverty line;

- stimulating the creation of new jobs, promoting the development of small and medium businesses;

- the introduction of a progressive scale of taxation of income, inheritance and luxury goods.

The introduction of a progressive scale on the tax on individuals will allow exemption from taxation of part of the profits of enterprises allocated for investment activities by increasing depreciation to the level of developed countries (60-70% in investment financing). At the same time, it is necessary to legally establish control over the expenditure of depreciation.

Additional reserves for production growth can be provided by changes in value added taxation, which today stimulates the raw material orientation of the economy and reduces its competitiveness.

In order to simplify the tax system, reduce the cost of administering it, reduce tax evasion, and stimulate business and innovation, it is advisable to replace the value-added tax with a simpler sales administration tax (PTS), collected only at the final consumption stage.

The abolition of VAT will free up about one million accountants for production activities, will release the working capital of enterprises to increase production and investment.

The harmonization of the taxation system should be accompanied by the achievement of the parameters for financing the social sphere required for successful social development. Based on the proportions of the use of GDP in developed countries, it is necessary to double spending on health care, as well as an increase in spending on education in GDP by one and a half times.

Taking into account the fact that the state’s share in education expenditures should not fall below 80% and in health care below 65%, total public expenditures on reproduction and improving the quality of human potential should be consistently increased to 20% of GDP with a significant increase in their efficiency.

Along with the increase in government spending on these goals, an improvement in the moral climate in society based on the revival of traditional spiritual values ​​should be a prerequisite for enhancing human potential.

This requires the restoration of the educational tradition in the education system, the moral improvement of the media, and the resolute suppression of the propaganda of immoral norms of behavior, licentiousness, violence and sodomy.

An active and systematic cultural policy of the state is needed for the improvement of public consciousness, the orientation of citizens to creative activity, the upbringing of a creatively active, patriotic and respectable younger generation. At the same time, the very system of state administration itself needs the primary moral recovery.
Low economic growth rates, the unsatisfactory quality of public services and business conditions, the colossal export of capital and the degradation of the country's research and production potential are the result of the poor quality of the public administration system, affected by corruption and incompetence.

The elimination of these vices requires a focused effort in personnel policy and the establishment of standards for the responsibility of both public servants and public authorities for the proper discharge of their duties.

The recruitment system should be based on the principles of the meritocratic approach, recruitment criteria should be clearly established, and customer relations should be minimized. The competitive procedure for filling positions must be accompanied by a public assessment of the performance of employees on a scale of objective indicators.

A direct link should be established between the career advancement of officials and objective indicators of the results of their activities. It is necessary to ensure the political neutrality of the public service.

In order to clean up the civil service from corruption, it is advisable to create a system for controlling the activities of civil servants by civil society institutions, including the right of citizens to demand the resignation of any official for improper performance of their duties.

It is also necessary to introduce the procedure for automatic provision of services requested by natural or legal persons in the event that they declare about the facts of extortion of bribes.

It is necessary to restore the institution of confiscation of property as a type of criminal punishment, as well as establish administrative punishment in the form of disqualification for officials as a measure of responsibility for violation of legislation on the organization of public services.

The mechanism of responsibility for the results of activities should also be established for state bodies, for which purpose a federal law should be adopted with the establishment of a system of indicators of the effectiveness of their activities. It is also advisable to adopt a federal law establishing a system of indicators of the level and quality of life of the population to evaluate the activities of the federal government as a whole.

Systematic implementation of the principle of personal responsibility for objective performance at all levels of government, not only in state structures, but also in the non-state sector, is a necessary condition for the successful implementation of the above proposed system of measures to ensure economic security and sustainable development of Russia. It provides for a manifold increase in the volume of resources allocated for the development and modernization of the economy under state control.

The introduction of effective managerial accountability mechanisms for achieving the goals set is an important condition for effectively managing these resources and implementing an advanced economic development strategy, which is necessary not only for the successful development of Russia, but also for victory in the global chaotic war unfolding against it.
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  1. builder
    26 July 2014 14: 56
    Meaning, such verbiage?
    -to introduce troops to Novorossia, it is possible in Poland itself, there is an option up to LaMansha while constantly demonstrating Yars and nuclear submarines
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. builder
        26 July 2014 15: 02
        Quote: tomket
        Yes, Bonaparte was also normal ..

        Well Duc, only normal people always came to us and raked laughing
    2. +33
      26 July 2014 15: 02
      Quote: builder
      Meaning, that verbiage?

      This is not to say verbiage. I agree with many of Glazyev’s ideas. But alas, the GDP prefers to listen to the Chubais, Kudrins and a hedgehog with them ...
      1. builder
        26 July 2014 15: 08
        Quote: Russ69
        This is not to say verbiage.

        If this is not a business plan, then what is it? Excreta? request
        1. +27
          26 July 2014 19: 51
          Have you read the article to the end? Or do not want to strain ... and mother story you do not need? Glazyev is smart, considering issues not only in terms of the number of tanks ... the question is, first and foremost, an economic one. Also, if you read it carefully, it’s also a question of Russian ideology ... it’s at the premiere, it’s time for it to come out of the shadows ...
          1. +4
            26 July 2014 23: 47
            Yeah. And then Medvedev is neither fish nor meat (subjective opinion). Or is he doing everything right, but so ... secretly, that no one notices and does not know?
        2. +3
          26 July 2014 20: 16
          Quote: builder
          Quote: Russ69
          This is not to say verbiage.

          If this is not a business plan, then what is it? Excreta? request

          Advice, change your nickname to "Destroyer", it will be more believable.
        3. -3
          26 July 2014 20: 20
          If this is not a business plan, then what is it? Excreta?
          I beg you not to express yourself, you still remember about effective managers .......
          1. 0
            26 July 2014 23: 48
            I would say right away:
            - I’ll ask you not to express yourself in my house!
            And the effective manager is not Stalin?
      2. Bartolomiu
        26 July 2014 16: 28
        Quote: Russ69
        This is not to say verbiage. I agree with many of Glazyev’s ideas. But alas, the GDP prefers to listen to the Chubais, Kudrins and a hedgehog with them ...

        He does not prefer, he is forced. This is our constitution, the president has minimal influence on financiers in whose midst that same real fifth column lives. Therefore, he recently spoke about the need for economic sovereignty of the country. And this can only be done by changing the constitution. I think slowly preparing the country's population for a referendum on its change.
        1. +11
          26 July 2014 17: 57
          Quote: Bartolomiu
          the president has minimal influence on financiers in whose midst that same real fifth column lives.

          Do you think that ANY financier and bigwig is not compromising? Earn billionth (not in rubles) fortune honestly IMPOSSIBLE!
          And using dirt, you can always make an offer that you can’t refuse. Vaughn Khodorkovsky refused - and where are his billions?
          In our country, in fact, the degree of concentration of power and authority is only slightly inferior to the absolute monarch.
          The only question is that Putin prefers to act too democratically, even to the detriment of the country's interests. Or I'm wrong?
          1. 0
            26 July 2014 19: 47
            Andrey, I’m glad to see you on the site. Have a rest? Speak briefly and essentially, you plus :-)-)
          2. attentive reader
            26 July 2014 20: 11
            you are mistaken and very much, read the powers of the President of the Russian Federation and you will understand that by and large he is the country's chief lawyer
            1. +1
              26 July 2014 23: 36
              Attentive reader excuse me, I interfere - here it is customary to refer to "you", but cursing in a veiled ... be careful ...
              1. 0
                26 July 2014 23: 57
                Why such ceremonies? We are not English aristocrats. Or I'm wrong? Let everyone apply as he wants. After all, even Svyatoslav Igorevich, probably heard about this, said to the enemies: "I'm going to you!"
          3. Caa
            28 July 2014 00: 42
            Do you think that ANY financier and bigwig is not compromising? Earn billionth (not in rubles) fortune honestly IMPOSSIBLE!
            And using dirt, you can always make an offer that you can’t refuse. Vaughn Khodorkovsky refused - and where are his billions?

            Today they scared, and tomorrow he will already be in London, with all his billions! The oligarchs withdraw money through offshore companies - they have tens, if not hundreds of times more than the residual value of their business in their homeland on their foreign accounts and in elite foreign real estate!

            Therefore, first you need to return the capital by any means from abroad, and only then .. (not blackmail, of course, but simply withdraw, if you do not know how to withdraw funds).
        2. +1
          26 July 2014 23: 53
          Not at all. It is unlikely that the Constitution will be changed in the near future. But Chubais and Kudrin do not so much influence economic policy. They therefore left the government because they pursued a pro-Western policy. Their students. Of course they remained, but recent events began to greatly reduce their influence, everyone became aware of the true ugly essence of the West, including its economic component.
      3. +11
        26 July 2014 17: 02
        It’s just scolding America for it and working, it turns out verbiage in power, and Glazyev quite sensibly outlined his own vision of the situation. Yes, he clearly has more information than ours.
        1. +5
          26 July 2014 20: 33
          Quote: varov14
          It’s just scolding America for it and working, it turns out verbiage in power, and Glazyev quite sensibly outlined his own vision of the situation. Yes, he clearly has more information than ours.

          Yes. You understood Sergei Yuryevich correctly. But what makes talented, gifted, wise people different from other mortals is that their "own vision", like an impartial mirror, reflects the real picture of the world. Before criticizing Glazyev, it is worth looking at your life path and comparing what was once expected and what happened. Glazyev HAS (!) A vision of the future ... His concept outlined in the article is worthy of becoming the basis of a strategic plan for the development of the state and the conduct of its foreign policy. Deeply, comprehensively, competently, wisely, finally!
          1. 0
            27 July 2014 00: 05
            I agree. Only one remark. True, genuine analysis is always brief. Brevity is the soul of wit! And S.Yu. Glazyev, who deserves all respect, is too long an argument, although one can agree with everything. The greatest truths are always simple! And S.Yu. Glazyev does not have enough time (and what else?) To find short and understandable words for everyone.
      4. +5
        26 July 2014 17: 51
        Expanded multifaceted program in thesis version. Plus the article: Glazyev surpassed himself!
        1. +1
          26 July 2014 19: 54
          Another plus for you, they’re not right ... the SOFTWARE article .... maybe ... we’ll get rid of Dimon the bad .... excuse me, maybe it really inspired music? Yes
      5. Strezhevsky
        26 July 2014 17: 52
        Quote: Russ69
        Quote: builder
        Meaning, that verbiage?

        This is not to say verbiage. I agree with many of Glazyev’s ideas. But alas, the GDP prefers to listen to the Chubais, Kudrins and a hedgehog with them ...

        Where we ended up listening to Chubais I hope everyone remembers, because Glazyev wink
      6. WKS
        26 July 2014 18: 19
        Quote: Russ69
        But alas, the GDP prefers to listen to the Chubais, Kudrins and a hedgehog with them ...

        In my opinion, he no longer listens to those mentioned by you, Chubais gets to him at best once a year, and Kudrin is generally on his free bread. In general, VVP advisers have a dime a dozen for all tastes. It's not about advice or advisors, but about choosing the right solution. Here is the same Glazyev painted everything for twenty years ahead, as if civilizational processes lend themselves to forecasting. Or, as far as weapons are concerned, humanity has already created weapons, the use of which will destroy all life on the planet. What kind of improvement he politician can assume, even if techies find it difficult. Improvement is possible for conventional weapons, but improvement of nuclear weapons is no longer possible. "Kuzkina's Mother" is an unsurpassed and unnecessary masterpiece. With the current arsenal of nuclear weapons, the United States and Russia can already generally reduce their armies and conventional weapons to the required minimum. If any madman comes to power and starts to inflict nuclear strikes, then it is enough to simply blow up the entire arsenal on its territory and to all of humanity a kirdyk. A modern war between countries possessing nuclear weapons is IMPOSSIBLE, after this war no one will survive. In the modern world, only such a war is possible, which is now taking place between the United States and partially NATO and Russia, this is pouring streams of abuse and reproaches on each other, and clashes in third countries and the forces of these countries. The USSR and the USA fought like this almost immediately after the 2nd World War. China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Nicaragua, Chile, Angola, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. All these American-Soviet wars and do not remember. The USA wants to continue the same now, because it is required by its military-industrial complex, for which war is a mother. And our dear, now private, military-industrial complex wants the same.
        1. +2
          26 July 2014 18: 41
          Quote: wks
          In my opinion, she no longer listens to you, Chubais gets to him at best once a year, and Kudrin in general on free breads.

          The point is not in the names themselves. It’s just that the most liberal course is identified with these people ...
        2. pahom54
          26 July 2014 19: 21
          for WKS
          Honestly, I didn’t understand why you got a minus, so I put you a plus, although I don’t quite agree with you ...
          The wars between the USA and Russia in the form in which they existed under the USSR are no longer relevant, since Russia is not as strong as the USSR, which could easily help both financially, with weapons technology, and expert advisers all of these Koreas, Angola ...
          Despite the fact that the number of nuclear charges accumulated by the United States and Russia (although we have fewer) can, as you say, destroy the whole world several times, however, it seems to me that the Americans act purely in Russian, hoping for a chance (such a pun)? What if they manage to deliver a nuclear strike first, and the nuclear zone-winter will not touch them ...
          Well, what do you propose - to blow up all the nuclear weapons on your territory to destroy everyone - this, sorry, is something abnormal ... Even the Japanese with their codes of bushido, kamikaze and harakiri would hardly have thought of that ...
        3. +3
          26 July 2014 20: 11
          Quote: wks
          nuclear improvement is no longer possible
          Why then? At one time, the United States has already created a "neutron bomb" or "clean bomb", and the creation of nuclear weapons with high destructive power and low residual radiation is exactly what the aggressor country needs to get clean trophies in the form of various natural resources. including drinking water. While Gorbachev was "stirring up" with his unilateral moratoriums on nuclear tests, and after Yeltsin, the United States, presumably, wasted no time. Add to this the clouds of cruise missiles from the United States for a preemptive strike and the possible militarization of space, with the deployment of unmanned shuttle bombers in orbit, the deployment of a global missile defense system. Russia does not need the US resources and its territory, here "dirty" nuclear weapons even have their advantages for us, the main thing is that the readiness to use nuclear weapons against the United States must be declared, which could not be questioned, as well as the inevitability of a strike retaliation for the United States. Here, the revival of railway missile systems, the strengthening of the forces of the submarine fleet, including low-noise diesel missile boats, capable of using cruise missiles or medium-range missiles with nuclear warheads, is an urgent need. It would be nice to embody a theme like "Spiral" in the interests of defense.
          1. 0
            27 July 2014 00: 22
            I agree that nuclear weapons can be further improved. And the point here is not the power of warheads and the methods of their delivery.
        4. 0
          27 July 2014 00: 12
          You and the Americans cannot be measured by one measure, we are completely different, very different in many ways. Our goals are different, even our defense industry
          Quote: wks

          The United States wants to continue the same now, since this is required by its military-industrial complex, for which mother war is native. Yes, and our native, now private, the military-industrial complex wants the same.
      7. VSC
        26 July 2014 19: 55
        To win, you need to change your "head".
      8. +4
        26 July 2014 20: 14
        Quote: Russ69
        Quote: builder
        Meaning, that verbiage?

        This is not to say verbiage. I agree with many of Glazyev’s ideas. But alas, the GDP prefers to listen to the Chubais, Kudrins and a hedgehog with them ...

        Their (liberals) policy is not just not timely, but no longer modern, even backward, they were 40-50 years late with her, if not more.
        They say that there is no need to reinvent the wheel, they say, the West has already invented everything in economics, social studies and government and business management. All of us, except for the stubbornly blind liberals, see the result of their inventions - the world does not crawl out of wars, conflicts and crises, the social stratification throughout the world of capitalism is simply monstrous and is constantly growing, then the future of such a society is very doubtful, if at all, already it is visible even to the naturally blind, but not to liberalists. All of which is puffed up, wrinkles the forehead, puff out their cheeks, "condescendingly" and "meaningfully" smile, trying to make smart faces, but all the same eggs are obtained, but the view from the side. Not wanting to notice reality does not affect reality itself, just as not knowing the laws of nature does not cancel their actions.
        In defiance of the liberals, the article contains a sober assessment of reality, and although not all are indisputable, but at least deserving attempts to implement the proposal. It should be noted that only the comprehensive implementation of the overwhelming majority of the proposals contained in the article can give a positive effect, and not profanity in the form of a languid attempt to selectively implement the single and least painful items for those in power.
        The article and the author are a plus!
        1. 0
          26 July 2014 23: 41

          Great replica! Bravo!
      9. +1
        27 July 2014 00: 18
        I don’t agree, it’s S. Glazyev’s GDP who is listening and listening attentively, but this doesn’t mean that WFP does as S. Glazyev or someone else says. The options for resolving these or those issues are worked out collectively, and the decision is accordingly made and responsibility GDP. As in intelligence, each member of the group can express an opinion, and the decision is made by the commander.
      10. 0
        27 July 2014 02: 35
        Such News: Ukraine is preparing terrorist attacks and the deployment of NATO troops - that’s how the world and Russia live, this turns out politics and economics, but in the yard there is a global crisis and catastrophe.
      11. The comment was deleted.
    3. +22
      26 July 2014 15: 05
      Glazyev's Prime Ministers!
      1. builder
        26 July 2014 15: 11
        Quote: Defender
        Glazyev's Prime Ministers!

        And for me, Putin must choose ... And be sure ... It's like everyone can drink in a company with you, and then clean their pockets. Of course he said vulgarly, but to the point ...
        1. +11
          26 July 2014 16: 16
          The team must decide. Putin's head will "burst" if he thinks about everything. I agree that Glazyev is not a weak link and a worthy ally. The only thing missing is the implementers of such programs, such as Shoigu, for example. Russia needs an army of such people; judging by the article, there is a lot of cases.
          1. +5
            26 July 2014 17: 33
            Things are overwhelming, and time is short.

            Glazyev says the matter, because Chubais close to the real economy does not allow it.

            And here the GDP must decide with whom it is, with the "elite" or with the people. Sitting on two chairs is unlikely to work. We with that "elite" will not get along for sure.

            To "clean out" the very "fifth column" (most of which consider themselves "elite"), and the sooner the better, otherwise they will drink blood immeasurably!
          2. +3
            26 July 2014 19: 37
            Quote: Donskoi
            judging by the article, a lot of things.

            In essence, this is a program to reorganize international relations on a new, fair basis. And this cannot but please the USA and K *. Therefore, they will try to make 18 billion dollars allocated by Congress to undermine stability in Russia work the same way as in Ukraine. Objects of encroachment on the million-plus cities, business and cult of the country's elite.
            Only one thing annoys me in an adult way: you can't fail in the defense sector. And this requires science (ay, Chub * Ice - where are the discoveries?), Advanced production and microelectronics (where is our group "A"?) And, of course, cadres! (Livanov? Where are the shifts in the system of professional training?)
            And about finances for all this business - I am silent. Here, apparently, Pu himself will break his leg. It is painfully carefully guarded by the holy of holies heirs to Agosthenes. And you have to break it. Finance is the blood of the economy. And its bucket drink burry ghouls. Under such conditions, it is difficult to develop industry and the whole country.
            The article is powerful. Its sections, with a pencil in hand, need to be studied in order to understand where we are going and what will happen. IMHO.
        2. +2
          26 July 2014 17: 09
          Something about a confident pockets is cleaned in vain, though not their own, but state ones. Although at the current moment I am not opposed to a confident one, although I have not voted for him. Confidence would be slightly larger, although it is increasingly taking doubt that this is a trick, a divorce.
        3. +1
          26 July 2014 20: 25
          Quote: builder
          Quote: Defender
          Glazyev's Prime Ministers!

          And for me, Putin must choose ... And be sure ... It's like everyone can drink in a company with you, and then clean their pockets. Of course he said vulgarly, but to the point ...

          Wow, you’re right, we have everything in personnel policy, the main thing is personal loyalty, and professionalism is secondary (everyone is afraid that they will sit up), hence the results ...
      2. +9
        26 July 2014 16: 45
        The systematic implementation of the principle of personal responsibility for objective performance at all levels of government, not only in state structures, but also in the non-state sector, is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of the above system of measures to ensure economic security and sustainable development of Russia.

        All of the above in the article is like a serious premiere program. It’s difficult to comment in details, too voluminous and serious material.
        I would not even dare to compare the theses and authority of Glazyev with the bleating of the pseudo-Prime Minister Medvedev.
        1. +2
          26 July 2014 19: 26
          Replacing the empty daffodil Medvedev with such a program, personified by Sergei Glazyev, is the first question of national security, and indeed the existence of Russia.
          And then everyone is raving about some kind of "privatization", like Organchik from the city of Foolov.
        2. 0
          26 July 2014 20: 33
          Quote: coolvoldik
          The systematic implementation of the principle of personal responsibility for objective performance at all levels of government, not only in state structures, but also in the non-state sector, is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of the above system of measures to ensure economic security and sustainable development of Russia.

          All of the above in the article is like a serious premiere program. It’s difficult to comment in details, too voluminous and serious material.
          I would not even dare to compare the theses and authority of Glazyev with the bleating of the pseudo-Prime Minister Medvedev.

          Yeah, Medvedev, as they say, jumped above his head, or not on Senka’s hat, alas.
      3. 0
        26 July 2014 20: 19
        Quote: Defender
        Glazyev's Prime Ministers!

        I’m afraid we’ll burn him like that, who will endure the competitor for a long time? request
        1. 0
          26 July 2014 23: 45
          Do you seriously think so? Such articles are simply not published on their own behalf ... an outburst for the study of public opinion ... so that will be, will soon be the prime minister ... and let him .... he won’t accurately translate the clock tongue .
    4. bda
      26 July 2014 15: 13
      Quote: builder
      Meaning, that verbiage?

      It’s just not for primary school age.
      Correctly spelled:
      - "this", not "that";
      - "verbiage", not "verbiage".
      The bottom line: three mistakes in a nutshell!
      Congratulations on leaving for the second year in first grade!
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. builder
        26 July 2014 15: 26
        Quote: bda
        Writes correctlyьcamping:

        A log in the eye?
      3. 0
        26 July 2014 20: 36
        Quote: bda
        Quote: builder
        Meaning, that verbiage?

        It’s just not for primary school age.
        Correctly spelled:
        - "this", not "that";
        - "verbiage", not "verbiage".
        The bottom line: three mistakes in a nutshell!
        Congratulations on leaving for the second year in first grade!

        Do not be so hard on typos, not on the exam, it happens to everyone, but in fact, you're right.
    5. +16
      26 July 2014 15: 40
      Quote: builder
      Meaning, such verbiage?

      Glazyev is a pro in his field; that's who you should try for the role of prime minister, instead of this little boy on the left.
      1. +8
        26 July 2014 16: 49
        Here is this boy on the left and will lower the country into the toilet.
    6. +7
      26 July 2014 15: 52
      Quote: builder
      Meaning, such verbiage?
      -to introduce troops

      Gutary robotic speeches ... lol
      That’s where verbiage, barefaced. Yes
      Idea troops, warrior ...?
      Or didn’t you taste that we had everything reduced, and the farts were not planted at all? Let him now, with .., together with his six generals who wanted cheap Leopards, organize the operation of German training complexes for an entire brigade. And they won’t be able to shoot like that. am
      That is, not quite everything is wasted, but one cannot even dream about "all the way to Poland, there is an option to the English Channel".
      Or do some civilians think that 150 soldiers, half of whom are conscripts, who have not served for a year, are enough for "Poland itself"?
      At present, only the Strategic Missile Forces in the company with naval and air (relatively small) components guarantee us against military defeat.
      1. builder
        26 July 2014 16: 07
        Quote: Alekseev
        Gutary robotic speeches ...

        Well, rather senile crying
        Quote: Alekseev

        Idea troops, warrior ...?
        Sun of Russia you (with a little specialist) probably think a toy?
        Or didn’t you taste that we had everything reduced, and the farts were not planted at all? Let him now, with .., together with his six generals who wanted cheap Leopards, organize the operation of German training complexes for an entire brigade. And they won’t be able to shoot like that

        \ Yeah, all the polymers have come through ... This is for you the slogan, everything is fine and we’ll flatten anyone, it is shown on 08/XNUMX winked
      2. 0
        26 July 2014 17: 21
        I completely trust this comment, although civil, but in my right mind. I simply transfer the situation in industry to the army, well, one cannot be ruined, and the other cannot act. Society is in degradation and prostration, and the army is on the rise, nonsense. God forbid, if at last the understanding comes that it’s enough to crawl, it’s time to get up at least to your knees.
    7. 0
      26 July 2014 19: 33
      Quote: builder
      Meaning, such verbiage?
      -to introduce troops to Novorossia, it is possible in Poland itself, there is an option up to LaMansha while constantly demonstrating Yars and nuclear submarines

      If there is nothing to say on the topic, it is better to simply keep silent, so that later you will not be offended for the "undeserved" disadvantages.
    8. +1
      26 July 2014 19: 38
      Excuse me, how old are you? You are aware of the difference between managing a superpower with real sovereignty and playing Chapaev on a chessboard.
      It's good that you are not Putin, but he is not you.
    9. 0
      26 July 2014 20: 18
      so what are you ernichaesh - usa and europe our enemies were and will be and there is nothing to hide our heads in the sand like an ostrich
  2. +9
    26 July 2014 14: 58
    It was not necessary for Putin to accept Yanukovych, cowards and traitors in Russia, and without him in bulk!
    1. +3
      26 July 2014 15: 04
      It even seems to me that Yanukovych should have been left to the mercy of the crowd, so that our elite would have an understanding of what awaits them in the surrender of national interests to the West.
        26 July 2014 15: 57
        Quote: tomket
        I evenиtsya

        If you wrote the word "seems" correctly, then I would advise you to put the sign of the cross.
      2. MBA78
        26 July 2014 15: 58
        at one time Gorbachev also lost his national interest in the West ... having disarmed, they scammed scoundrels and villains ... they killed so many equipment ... military equipment should not be created in order to frighten or restrain the enemy, but in order to destroy him ... you want to measure the scoundrel cut him in the face as it should
      3. +2
        26 July 2014 16: 39
        It even seems to me that Yanukovych should have been left to the mercy of the crowd, so that our elite would have an understanding of what awaits them in the surrender of national interests to the West.

        Alas, the understanding that they were simply used and allowed to flow comes too late. And then this moment can be spent on foreign denyuzhki and believe their catchwords that in the west they will have heaven on earth, sell only a piece of the homeland, for which you are responsible.
    2. +2
      26 July 2014 15: 22
      Quote: Romaskos
      It was not necessary for Putin to accept Yanukovych, cowards and traitors in Russia, and without him in bulk!

      Most likely, at first they wanted to use it, but for some reason, it broke. And now they keep it just in case, it will come in handy.
      1. 0
        26 July 2014 20: 49
        Quote: mamont5
        Quote: Romaskos
        It was not necessary for Putin to accept Yanukovych, cowards and traitors in Russia, and without him in bulk!

        Most likely, at first they wanted to use it, but for some reason, it broke. And now they keep it just in case, it will come in handy.

        Or, just out of pity.
      2. koshh
        26 July 2014 22: 56
        Quote: mamont5
        And now they keep it just in case, it will come in handy.

        Why just in case? And the money to help the militias from where do you think?
    3. Strezhevsky
      26 July 2014 17: 57
      Quote: Romaskos
      It was not necessary for Putin Yanukovych to accept traitors in Russia and without him in bulk!

      It was necessary for Yanukovych to save the country, and not garbage, to suffer the entire presidential term ....... yes difficult, yes difficult, but the president !!!!!
    4. -1
      26 July 2014 20: 46
      Quote: Romaskos
      It was not necessary for Putin to accept Yanukovych, cowards and traitors in Russia, and without him in bulk!

      Here you are wrong, he did not accept him, but sheltered, do you feel the difference? Generosity and mercy to the fallen are the quality of really strong Husbands (high calm), and not small, but smug upstarts like Obama.
  3. DMB-88
    26 July 2014 14: 58
    "The most dangerous for Russia are interethnic conflicts, which will be artificially inflamed from outside and from within, using social inequality, inequality between regions and economic problems."

    Obviously, the state first of all needs to cope with these differences, which means it needs a new social and national policy !!! which doesn’t seem to be right now ...
    1. 0
      26 July 2014 20: 20
      Quote: DMB-88
      you need to cope with these differences,

      Using nivelira?
    2. 0
      26 July 2014 21: 17
      Quote: DMB-88
      "The most dangerous for Russia are interethnic conflicts, which will be artificially inflamed from outside and from within, using social inequality, inequality between regions and economic problems."

      Obviously, the state first of all needs to cope with these differences, which means it needs a new social and national policy !!! which doesn’t seem to be right now ...

      For example, why continue to inflate Moscow with the construction of the so-called New Moscow, when whole regions, for example, the Far East, are depopulated in our country? Half of the country cannot live in the capital, we are not Luxembourg or something like that. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, money and work are not bad anyway. Enough to stimulate the placement of new business in the capitals (with all due respect to them), on the contrary, we need to raise the periphery (both regional centers and small towns, villages and villages) to the level of at least half of the capital, otherwise it can lead to collapse countries due to internal social contradictions. In my opinion, it is unacceptable for the stability of the country that the regions in per capita income differ by more than one and a half, maximum two times. It is necessary to stimulate not so much the strong, they are already strong and successful, they have enough moral incentives, but the laggards, but the laggards should also have less freedom, primarily in personnel matters. As they used to say under Soviet rule: "If you do not know how, we will teach, if you do not want, we will force."
      1. +1
        27 July 2014 00: 09
        Quote: PENZYAC
        Quote: DMB-88
        "The most dangerous for Russia are interethnic conflicts, which will be artificially inflamed from outside and from within, using social inequality, inequality between regions and economic problems."

        Obviously, the state first of all needs to cope with these differences, which means it needs a new social and national policy !!! which doesn’t seem to be right now ...

        For example, why continue to inflate Moscow with the construction of the so-called New Moscow, when whole regions, for example, the Far East, are depopulated in our country? Half of the country cannot live in the capital, we are not Luxembourg or something like that. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, money and work are not bad anyway. Enough to stimulate the placement of new business in the capitals (with all due respect to them), on the contrary, we need to raise the periphery (both regional centers and small towns, villages and villages) to the level of at least half of the capital, otherwise it can lead to collapse countries due to internal social contradictions. In my opinion, it is unacceptable for the stability of the country that the regions in per capita income differ by more than one and a half, maximum two times. It is necessary to stimulate not so much the strong, they are already strong and successful, they have enough moral incentives, but the laggards, but the laggards should also have less freedom, primarily in personnel matters. As they used to say under Soviet rule: "If you do not know how, we will teach, if you do not want, we will force."

        I agree absolutely. I am a native Muscovite. I visit the regions - incomes are several times lower, prices are quite Moscow ... Muscovites are not very popular in the country ... in vain, I will take responsibility for myself and be responsible for everyone - dy, we are fast and impudent, we / Muscovites / have a different rhythm of life .... but why blame us? So our leaders made a mistake - from the Union to the present time ... on the periphery, however, there are also troubles of their own - and it is not necessary la-la ... as for the general standard of living - of course, for me and my local fellow countrymen - ashamed ... for a higher standard of living in comparison with the level of a working person in the Russian Federation. But! I ask you not to think, none of us / native Muscovites who did not "come in large numbers" NEVER treated with disdain, in short .... read Gilyarovsky and Orlov, if you don't believe ... but Moscow is Moscow ... personally, I would have long I would live in the Vladimir province, I have a good house ... what a hell of a city to me ... but will I earn so much there? Therefore, all your dissatisfaction - turn not to us, Muscovites, but to the authorities ... that builds and builds meaningless areas, that builds unnecessary roads and junctions, instead of creating jobs throughout the country, investing in the regions, instead of moving the capital from Moscow - somewhere else ... even to Uryuponsk, even in Nadym ... we are purple, I want to live in a quiet and green, provincial city, which Moscow has been for the last 300 years .. . forgive me if anyone hurt ...
  4. +8
    26 July 2014 15: 00
    an interview with two students on RTR. Who do you like, Napoleon or Bonaparte? First student: Napoleon! Second student: -Yes, Bonaparte was also normal .....
    1. +1
      26 July 2014 15: 11
      : -Yes, Bonaparte was also normal .....

      Is this a joke like that ?!
      1. +4
        26 July 2014 15: 25
        This is a RTR cut from an interview with students, today in the transfer of Mikhalkov. Zhukov has no middle name, the square root of a hundred is not extracted and other nonsense and consequences of the exam.
        1. +2
          26 July 2014 15: 59
          And someone needs to sweep the streets ...
      2. +1
        26 July 2014 17: 31
        This is our education.
    2. 0
      26 July 2014 21: 28
      Quote: tomket
      an interview with two students on RTR. Who do you like, Napoleon or Bonaparte? First student: Napoleon! Second student: -Yes, Bonaparte was also normal .....

      But the "Bologna System", in a gay European manner, they say, we are in trend. Effective managers are monkeys and parrots. They don't have their own mind (only one cunning ... ost), they want to live with strangers. It is not for nothing that the people say: "There is no mind - consider a cripple."
  5. +3
    26 July 2014 15: 02
    It is good if the advice to the president of Russia is fully implemented.
    1. +5
      26 July 2014 15: 52
      Blessed is he who believes
      1. 0
        26 July 2014 21: 33
        Quote: halg
        Blessed is he who believes

        So, you want to believe! If you don’t believe anyone or anything, how to live then? Man is not cattle; without faith he cannot. hi
        1. +1
          27 July 2014 00: 11
          There is no real Russian idea .. alas!
  6. bda
    26 July 2014 15: 09
    To avoid this most negative scenario leading to the collapse of the country, a systematic internal and external policy of strengthening national security is needed ...
    the Russian army must have modern and effective weapons, Russian society - to be united and self-confident,

    To do this, we need a socio-ethnic core - a significant part of the people, united by itself and able to unite almost the whole society around itself (it is impossible to unite everything by definition - there will always be renegades).
    And the power must conduct business in accordance with the basic values ​​of this "core", and not try to sit on all the chairs at once, trying to please "both ours and yours" - otherwise we will come to troubled times, as, unfortunately, it has already happened: power - by itself, and the people by themselves.
    1. 0
      26 July 2014 20: 22
      Quote: bda
      And the power is obliged

      That's right, an example is more effective than a threat.
  7. +3
    26 July 2014 15: 15
    This should be posted on the Twitter page of D. Medvedev and his "friendly" team oriented towards the Western model of the economy.
    There is another option, but it is even more fantastic. "Agree" with amerskoy supervolcano, about a local eruption - so for the sebe. So that the volcano would relieve tension and clear the planet of an abscess called the USA! recourse
    1. 0
      26 July 2014 17: 38
      The second option is better, but with the "winter" one must not be mistaken, and the first will disappear right away - the employer will not be.
  8. LLIpaM
    26 July 2014 15: 42
    Nice, informative and sensible article from Glazyev. All points are in the interests of the Russian state, except like 4, 5 and 8. I say this because it seems that for the last 10 years our government has done the opposite, and without fulfilling these three points, the other five for our country will be practically meaningless. Until the word "State" becomes synonymous with the word "People", and not, as now, means a circle of friends of oligarchs, then all domestic policy in the country will continue to follow the current negative principle, and as you know, foreign policy in the absence or in the presence of a destructive domestic politics does not make sense, because support because of the "hillock" will never mean anything if it is not inside your country among your people.
  9. +7
    26 July 2014 15: 43
    "- raising the living wage to the level of the real cost of the basic consumer basket, as well as revising its content, taking into account the actual structure of population consumption, needs for health, education, etc .;" From year to year, they "increase" by 200-300 rubles and shout that they have significantly raised under the auspices of concern for the health of the population and the reduction of social tension.
    "- raising the minimum wage to the level of the poverty line;" and who will calculate and how? Once again snickering bureaucrats? How is the average salary displayed? Z. p. director at 1000 kilo c.p. cleaning lady in the amount of 6 kilos. what

    "- stimulating the creation of new jobs, promoting the development of small and medium-sized businesses;" yes they will create in the private sector of the economy. As a result, wages. rubles 15 and in the conditions of the collapse of our economy and with interruptions at some enterprises they pay as in 90% of the% and when the next is not clear. Yes, yes it is the collapse. It is good for them to shout about prosperity and power from the rostrum, but in reality? The newly opened factories are engaged in the manufacture of goods that are not in demand with an interrogative quality, just to invest a penny and get a ten. It is fashionable to trade (a person as a parasite always wants to eat and dress), to build shopping and entertainment complexes and nightclubs. At the same time, where are the clubs and sports clubs for the younger generation? They were replaced by the Internet and dibiloid cartoons of the square-type type. And even if there are sections and circles, then visiting them is oh, how expensive. request

    "- the introduction of a progressive scale of taxation of income, inheritance and luxury goods." Already about this they shake the air for 5-7 years and as in Krylov's fable: but things are still there.

    Regarding new developments and innovations. They spend 35% on innovation. And who saw the really necessary developments of Skolkovo and ba-nanotechnology? They shout that they developed a domestic operational system no worse than Windows, and where is it? And how many corporations still pay for installing Windows on new computers? And how much of this 35% of the money went into Chubais’s comrade’s pocket? The Accounts Chamber finds theft and misuse over and over again. It transfers the data to the TFR and that they will put the deputy chairman of the appointed one, and real performers laugh at everyone.
    And they all say, and we all listen and hope for a bright future.
    1. -2
      26 July 2014 20: 31
      Nothing so tiled. Very popularly. Special
      Quote: Angara
      "- under the auspices of caring for the health of the population and reducing social tension.
      What's next? Glazyev suggests. Is there a constructiveness in your text? I see a resentment at the failed life due to the fault of "snickering bureaucrats". "It's just gypsies for a knife. We are for a glass - and that's the end of it" - take it on your chest, cry. Why bang long posts.
  10. +2
    26 July 2014 15: 47
    Today our "friends", "partners" and "colleagues" again imposed sanctions, finally bowing under the USA. It was already clear to anyone that they sneezed at us from a high bell tower and we needed to do the same a long time ago. What we hear in response. the bleating of our Foreign Ministry something about terrorists who supposedly may be. Yes, all morons in the world know that terrorists are being prepared by the United States. One of our Foreign Ministry does not. Now spitting towards Russia is flying from all directions, even from such gnomes as Estonia and And what is our answer? Yes, no, neither in the case of economics, nor in the case of politics, nor in the event of hostilities, one plaintive bleating of rams going to the slaughter. I wonder how long such disgusting will continue. to put at the head of the country not the silent and idlers, but such people as Shoigu, who start from scratch and always bring the matter to the end and are not tied to oligarchs and others like them.
  11. +5
    26 July 2014 15: 53
    Glazyev is well done, he writes everything correctly, only for the implementation of his project it is necessary to break the current financial and political elite through the knee, and who will do it? The tops themselves will chop, funny. And all need to work hard like damned. Then maybe by 2020 something will turn out.
  12. 0
    26 July 2014 15: 54
    Hmm .... only a few people on the network wondered "why did we hear Glazyev last time when he wrote that they are doing a common cause in Surkov." It is known - Surkov is suspected of fascist orientation and the drain of Novorossiya. And look - Glazyev again appeared all over the Runet.
    Probably a coincidence.
    Or, nevertheless, brains are powdered so as not to merge Novorossia with so much washing?
    By the way, you don’t need to be an iksperd - with all the courage of the Novorossians, the junta was left with only an hour and a half throw on an armored personnel carrier to cut Lugansk from Donetsk and divide New Russia into boilers.
    Yes, I'm an alarmist. Yes, I curse those who drain our anti-fascist brothers. And you keep on wearing pink glasses and sing the mantra about "America-wants-to-incite us"
  13. +3
    26 July 2014 15: 57
    Golden words in the article, only why did Sberbank refuse to publish the income of its head, and the head of Gazprom buys a tablet for 115000000 (one hundred and fifteen million) rubles? He took an example at least from the Minister of Education or something, his tablet cost only 20 million.
    1. pahom54
      26 July 2014 19: 10
      for Klim2011
      Without any joke, I ask the question - where do these prices come from and what kind of tablets are these ???
      It can be seen that I was completely medved in my den ...
  14. 0
    26 July 2014 16: 11
    Or maybe begin to destroy America from the inside? They are killing people all over the world, why should they be spared?
  15. NUR
    26 July 2014 16: 29
    Everything is in your hands, who prevents you from starting to act, people are waiting for you to begin to translate everything that has been said into reality. A new generation of sellers and consumers has grown. We must begin to act otherwise everything will be sad.
  16. +4
    26 July 2014 16: 30
    ... more correct:
    1. +3
      26 July 2014 16: 43
      Already returned: a thief on a thief and a thief chases.
      1. +2
        26 July 2014 17: 30
        Yes, anonymous people like to minus, but not really include their heads. I meant domestic policy and not foreign. And let the anonymous entot better express everything he thinks, and not cowardly hiding behind the monitor minus just like that. Well, this "patriot" liked the bombastic syllable, he was inspired, and then they lowered him to the ground and said take off the blue or pink ones (who you like) and look around. And inside everything returns to square one!
      2. +3
        26 July 2014 18: 58
        Quote: Angara
        thief on thief and thief chases.

        Do not steal, nobody forces you to steal.
        Or are you on the principle: "There are thieves around, only I am an honest person"? Usually this is the reasoning of people who consider anyone who has at least a ruble more as a thief.
  17. +1
    26 July 2014 16: 33
    When is the next message from the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly expected? Let’s see what comes of this article in Glazyev’s article. In the light of the foregoing, what is happening now in Ukraine is the arrangement of the future theater. The United States purposefully and persistently leads the world to a world war. And they wanted to spit on all our calls for honesty and decency in international relations. They can only be stopped by the realization of unconditional and immediate destruction in the event of a direct armed conflict. I think that they will nevertheless make the main bet on an attempt to ruin Russia from within, to crush it. Therefore, it is urgent to get rid of national traitors in power and strengthen our main allies - the Army and Navy!
  18. -7
    26 July 2014 16: 38
    Are you crazy for? This is a complete paranoid nationalist with a manic bias. If you do not understand, then he proposes to put the states in cancer and hopes that they will suss at the same time. This is the surest and fastest path to nuclear war. It is necessary to act finer, without unnecessary haste and forcibly forcing events. IMHO, such issues for 5-10 years are not resolved in any way and trying to solve them in such a limited time is the road laid out by good intentions.
  19. +2
    26 July 2014 16: 40
    Put the author in charge of the government and move from words to deeds!
    1. +2
      26 July 2014 16: 55
      58 years old, did you get excited? These are just his ideas for raising his image. The majority of "people's choices", having taken on themselves an unbearable burden of caring for the people and the state, are talking in vain from the rostrum and on the air. Or they adopt laws that are undesirable to the people, and while the people are in a stupor and comprehend these laws, they do something nasty or a pension reform, or a tax increase, or something else, but all these measures are directed with one goal and this goal is quite tangible - further poverty. What about education? Why do we need engineers? we will write out from behind the hillock, and we do not need educated people to manage a herd of sheep more easily, and not people who can listen and analyze in order to accept or not accept what they have heard.
  20. +1
    26 July 2014 16: 40
    "In order to simplify the tax system, reduce the cost of its administration, reduce tax evasion, stimulate business and innovation, it is advisable to replace the value-added tax with a simpler-to-administer sales tax (Sales Tax), levied only at the final consumption stage." What is it like??? Profit + VAT = 0 (20% + 18%), and then how much tax will they make ~ 50-60%? then it will be expedient for the state! laughing
    "The abolition of VAT will free up about a million accountants for production activities, free up working capital of enterprises to increase production and investments." And excuse me to ask, but what to do with accountants then? For fertilizers? what Or retrain? Then at whose expense? request Probably, as always at his own expense. Then, let’s give other fucking spinheads as well: economists, planners, financiers, treasurers, and generally all to the devil who is connected with money. The light of communism flashed through us. Money will not be needed. wassat
    Now about revising the results of the privatization of related industries (or whatever I don't remember) a good screen for raiding. And my question is why many enterprises are strategically important and city-forming (an example of ZMZ) were in private hands and most of them collapsed. Why haven't you reviewed the results before? What does the state government favor? request
    Some questions and questions. And what does this have to do with a small part of the questions and misunderstandings that most Russians are interested in.
    And the black hole called the Pension Fund? Pensioners over the hill work all their lives, and in retirement they rest abroad, and what is more, not bad. And here you are like Papa Carlo, and the state says: the good fellow has fulfilled his duty, and now it's time to "rest", we have a little lying around in our pocket, very little ... what are rich, don't blame me. feel
    And in general I read the article and the questions there was a large number of entom grief specialist economist. am
  21. +3
    26 July 2014 17: 19
    Quote: Russ69
    But alas, the GDP prefers to listen to the Chubais, Kudrins and a hedgehog with them ...

    Unfortunately, the GDP, in the spirit of its policy of appeasement, "let's live together" avoids "sharp movements", but life, the international situation inexorably presents a choice - to continue the course of pro-Western libes ... no matter how much it hides behind optimistic verbiage, demagoguery instead of real development, leads Russia to lagging behind and leaving the race for leadership with all the tragic consequences (the country's GDP is steadily tending to zero, the country has been sitting and is sitting on a raw material needle, including on a national basis .....) or change the course, the need for which is said by Glazyev and other economists and politicians - STATE GOVERNMENTS, and this will require changing the entire libes ... command that is driving today, because it is not able to carry out the new course and will not be! Will the GDP have enough determination for THIS and will the statesmen be able to unite and offer the country a program and a TEAM, ready to carry out this program in the face of fierce resistance both within the country (libes ... they will not give up their positions so easily) and from outside! One thing is clear - it CANNOT continue this way!
    1. 0
      26 July 2014 19: 15
      Quote: Goldmitro
      Unfortunately, VVP, in the spirit of its policy of appeasement, "let's live together"

      And where did you get the idea that Putin should act only in your interests?
      You are not alone in Russia, there are plenty of people here.
      And the left ideology is shared by a minority of the population. The mood in this forum has never been an indicator.
      Even if we consider Fair Russia as left (which is very, very conditional), it is still the left electorate in Russia, it is less than a third of the population.
      Society is ideologically split. Putin is forced to maneuver between different forces. To take the side of one of them means to finally split the society. Here, few people think about it, everyone believes that only they should be reckoned with, and the rest - to the nail, they are the "fifth column", and not citizens. But Putin is not an Internet chatterbox, he is a politician. And he must take into account the mood of those who voted for him. And even those who did not vote.
  22. 0
    26 July 2014 17: 27
    We must believe and help - Victory will be for the Truth!
  23. +2
    26 July 2014 17: 33
    Strength in unity of word and deed! Strength in a government that defends the interests of its country. Strength in a strong army and navy. The strength is in the security organs that cleanse the country of hidden enemies and spies. The strength is in our people, those who defended and returned Crimea, who work for the good of their country! So win !!!
  24. +7
    26 July 2014 17: 37
    I liked this one ..))) laughing
  25. +2
    26 July 2014 17: 43
    I wonder what kind of next technological mode, on the basis of what?

    "... According to the same forecasts, the most dangerous period for Russia will come in the early 2020s, when the technological rearmament of developed countries and China will begin, and the United States and other Western countries will emerge from the depression of 2008–2018 and make a new technological leap. ...

    It was during the period 2021–2025. Russia may again lag sharply behind in technological and economic terms, which will devalue its defense potential and sharply increase internal social and interethnic conflicts, as happened with the USSR in the late 1980s. "

    Do not go to a fortuneteller, because the money will go to the show again - in 2018 there will be a pathetic, costly event - the 2018 World Cup in football, production and technology in the consumer society does not bother, everyone is looking for where to buy ready-made
  26. +3
    26 July 2014 17: 52
    Quote: Bartolomiu
    Quote: Russ69
    This is not to say verbiage. I agree with many of Glazyev’s ideas. But alas, the GDP prefers to listen to the Chubais, Kudrins and a hedgehog with them ...

    He does not prefer, he is forced. This is our constitution, the president has minimal influence on financiers in whose midst that same real fifth column lives. Therefore, he recently spoke about the need for economic sovereignty of the country. And this can only be done by changing the constitution. I think slowly preparing the country's population for a referendum on its change.

    So what to prepare. Ready for a long time.
  27. oskotr
    26 July 2014 18: 00
    With all hands for what Glazyev says. But for whom does he say this, for Putin? It's like throwing pearls before ... First, Putin needs to remove the fifth column from the control, and then get out by himself. And what, I would live in my palaces or in Europe, or in general wherever I wanted. Only to the Kremlin do not let him in for a cannon shot, idiot.
  28. +2
    26 July 2014 18: 24
    However, a great future awaits us. And the position of the writer is appropriate. A completely normal program is how to release the intestines from the mattress and not lose yours. For twenty years they danced on the bones of the USSR, that suddenly, with a wave of a magic wand, will industry revive, rise a research institute, and increase the level of education? You have to work.
  29. The comment was deleted.
  30. pahom54
    26 July 2014 18: 54
    Glazyev is a pretty smart guy ...
    In this article, he touches on very important things on a global scale, which one way or another. but they will still affect Russia.
    The brief meaning of this article can be seen in this: "For its adventure, the United States risks paying with its ideological and political leadership, if Russia conducts competent and decisive defense of itself and the world from the American policy of unleashing a world chaotic war".
    Plus, the consolidation of the peoples of Russia, that is, the civil society of Russia ...
    In general, as many say, I completely agree with this: the United States must quack ...
  31. +3
    26 July 2014 19: 03
    Ready new head of the Russian government, followed by the presidency! Bravo!
  32. 0
    26 July 2014 19: 35
    There will not be a second Treptof Park in Europe; there will be one large Arlington cemetery!
  33. +2
    26 July 2014 19: 40
    Glaev writes everything correctly, only it was necessary to do it all yesterday. But we still have the squalor of the prime minister and things are still there, and the end and the edge are not visible. And apparently we were already late, based on the article.
  34. 0
    26 July 2014 20: 09
    Here is also Joseph Vissarionovich thinking how to live on, everything repeats the blot in a blot. Will the current have the will and strength?
  35. 0
    26 July 2014 20: 32
    Glazyev did not digest when he was part of the CPSU.
    I don’t like that he “just changes his political convictions,” because he is no longer a communist.
    But in the article, these measures are supported almost completely.
    Alas, no results so far. Hope so far.
  36. +4
    26 July 2014 20: 35
    Dear Comrade Medvedev D.A.! This article is a very well-formulated program with an indication of internal and external threats, and options for countering them.
    Do you still use your iPhone? Look, Vladimir Vladimirovich can put Glazyev in your place. It is necessary to raise the processing sector, and not to come up with resettlement programs from single-industry towns. There are vacant areas, and a scarce labor force (not guest workers), and funds to use not for resettlement, but for the creation of new industries. Import substitution is a source of funds and the possibility of selling products of newly formed industries. Tax incentives for this, one of the mechanisms to reduce the cost of production. The remoteness of many settlements does not matter - the selection of a suitable production, for example, electronic components, will solve logistical problems in many respects. Well, and Russia has a lot more for economic and technological growth. In the meantime, entire factories are being demolished for offices, warehouses and shopping centers, the "fifth column" will also grow. Such a pensioner (and this is the most active part of the electorate) walks past his native plant, and there are a bunch of foreign cars and shops with offices that are personally useless to him. Who is he for in the next elections? For anyone who condemns such phenomena, and PROMISES to stop the outrage and restore it as it was. If Kasparov or Nemtsov promises, he will vote for them. What do you then Comrade. Will Putin say?
    And note, Glazyev did not write about the Oligarchs. A strong economy is a strong social and interethnic policy.
  37. 0
    26 July 2014 21: 31
    The measures described above to create long-term credit institutions for developing production and freeing up innovation from taxation should be supplemented by venture financing institutions for promising, but risky scientific and technical developments, as well as preferential credit methods for innovative and investment projects for developing promising industries.

    Cleverly - very cleverly written !!! If Comrade Stalin had been alive, he would hardly have understood a lot of everything that was spilled and smeared over the ears in this article !!! And most likely he would say something like: "Comrade Glazyev - you need to explain your thoughts simply and clearly - in the form of clear theses that are understandable to all citizens - from the general secretary to the janitor ..."
    The more you read articles on economics, the more you realize how great the post-war economic breakthrough of the USSR was - in 1945 we had a destroyed country and in 1957 we technologically overtook the first power in the world and were the first to fly into space !!! And this is, of course, the merit of the Soviet people and of Comrade Stalin personally - who organized a well-functioning system of government !!! It was Comrade Stalin who created in the USSR a unique system in which everyone worked for the country - both satisfied and dissatisfied and even former enemies (Germans) ... Someone will say that it was an inhumane system - but then he must also answer the question "How exactly could the post-war USSR quickly catch up economically and technologically with the first powers of the planet? "
    And modern politicians for the period between 1991 and 2014 all stomp around without knowing where to go, what to build and what they are fighting for and, as a result, get very mediocre results ...
    1. Marisat
      26 July 2014 23: 36
      It was Comrade Stalin who created in the USSR a unique system in which everyone worked for the country - both satisfied and dissatisfied and even former enemies (Germans) ... Someone will say that it was an inhumane system - but then he must also answer the question "How exactly could the post-war USSR quickly catch up economically and technologically with the first powers of the planet? "
      It is very, very bad that Comrade Stalin would not understand anything in this article, even if new terms were removed.
      For in the village until the 70s there was absolutely subsistence farming. Our country did not have a coordinated plan for economic development, for these puffed-up leaders and overfulfilment do not need anyone to do full debelism.
      The independence of foreign policy is one thing, and complete economic illiteracy and confidence in their own infallibility contributed to a big dope in its decisions.
      1. +1
        27 July 2014 07: 24
        Quote: Marisat
        The independence of foreign policy is one thing, and complete economic illiteracy and confidence in their own infallibility contributed to a big dope in its decisions.

        God, what terry idiocy !!! Dope in his decisions ??? And about the quality goods in Soviet stores, you dear probably forgot? Have you forgotten about the lack of chemistry in the products? Have you forgotten about the cheap and most importantly stable food prices? And about a penny ride and a communal apartment? And what about apartments for young professionals?
        And about the fact that in the post-war years the country began a real boom in the development of science and the flourishing of culture?

        The planned economy had many of its drawbacks - but it was the planned economy and tight management of administrative resources that allowed the USSR to quickly recover and gain momentum in the post-war period ...
        In the USSR, unlike modern Russia, planes or missiles did not crash every week - since control was established and strict responsibility for poor-quality work in any sector of the economy !!!

        And in modern Russia and in other post-Soviet countries - it has been the same thing for 25 years ... We speak and write beautifully, we live by the principle - until the thunder strikes - the pop does not cross, and then all are to blame together and no one specifically !!!
  38. volgro
    26 July 2014 22: 02
    Normal report. Look at Malinetskiy and you’ll understand everything.
  39. Oleg amos
    26 July 2014 22: 28
    Guys, there is an opportunity to raise Odessa.
    They are ready even tomorrow, but ...
    Able to keep the defense no more than two days, in the city there are a huge number of law-enforcement officers and fans.
    Crimea can help!
    Guys who are from the Crimea?
  40. 0
    26 July 2014 23: 18
    Be patient. The collapse is inevitable. But not Russia. And just the opposite.
  41. koshh
    26 July 2014 23: 18
    All the same, the GDP knows whom to take as advisors. The article is sensible, although some points, it seems to me, are from the "wishlist" area. But if these "Wishlist" still go into the realm of reality, then for our future I will be almost calm.
  42. LCA
    26 July 2014 23: 30
    To understand the article Glazyev - additional material:

    On the site BER (Login) - Books (chronological.) - p. 46.

    46. ​​VP of the USSR
    Resolving the problems of national relations in line with the Concept of Public Security.

    On the liquidation of the system of exploitation of "man by man" in a multinational society.
    January 07, 2011 - September 30, 2012

    The USSR will be reborn. It will be reborn in the purity of the embodied ideals of Justice. And it will become the greatest country in the world because Justice is attractive, and God's Providence is inevitable ...

    1. Opinions of the government on national relations
    in post-Soviet Russia and reality.
    2. Nations, diasporas, individuals, multinational culture -
    multinational society.
    2.1. Stalin's definition of the term "nation."
    2.2. Stalin's definition of a nation and social reality:
    nations, peoples, regional civilizations.
    2.3. The formation of national cultures and the formation of interethnic borders.
    2.4. Interethnic Wars and the Post-War Regime
    in a sense of "peaceful coexistence."
    2.5. Diasporas as a social phenomenon, education and relationship options
    with host societies and homeland.
    2.6. The moral and psychological background of national relations.
    3. The Soviet past, the Soviet heritage and attitude to them.
    3.1. The anti-Soviet-anti-Russian myth of the West and the historical and political reality of the USSR and post-Soviet Russia.
    3.2. On the elimination of the exploitation of "man by man."
    3.3. National relations in the USSR: theory and practice.
    3.3.1. Bolshevik national politics.
    based on the interpretation of "Marxism" in the Stalin era.
    3.3.2. National relations in the USSR: practice and results after the collapse of the USSR.
    4. Historically real internacism and the attitude towards it in society.
    5. “LGBT” community and internacism.
    6. Culture and personality.
    7. Explanation to section 6: For some of those who read the work of the USSR Supreme Council but do not accept.
    8. Trends: "gravity" and their management.
    8.1. Where does that come from.
    8.2. What does the homeland begin with? - bless the woman
    and help her become a Woman and a Mother ...
    8.3. What can I do alone?
    1. Generation by individuals of the collective psyche (egregors)
    and the interaction of personality and egregors.
    2. Family in the system of life values ​​of 16-17-year-olds,
    living in a metropolis.
  43. LCA
    26 July 2014 23: 31
    On the site BER (Login) - Books (chronological.) - p. 18.

    VP of the USSR
    18. To understanding the macroeconomics of the state and the world.
    (Thematic Expanded Edition 2009)

    Table of Contents:

    Foreword: On the ratio of “economics for clerks” and “economics for owners”.

    1. Introduction to the issue.

    2. On the macro and microeconomics: subject - in a businesslike way.

    2.1. Control parameters of macroeconomics and macro level management tasks.

    2.2. The purpose of the credit and financial system and the perversion of its functions.

    2.3. What is what in the credit and financial system. Credit and financial system as a means of production and distribution management.

    2.4. Exchange rates: relative and absolute.

    3. The right of ownership.

    4. Practice is the criterion of truth: economic “science” in the service of the concept of enslavement of mankind.

    5. The starting points of socially useful economic science.


    All possible and currently known economic theories are divided into two classes:

    - The former describe the economy of society, implying the need to answer the question “how can private entrepreneurs get their pockets in legal ways” (“economy for clerks”).

    - The second ones describe the economy of society, implying the use of economic relations in society as a means of achieving some other goals that are non-economic in nature (“an economy for the owners”).

    Existing financial and economic education courses more or less in line with economic reality describe what is called “economics for clerks” above. All courses called “Macroeconomics”, which, it seems, should describe “economics for very large hosts,” are full of nonsense, similar to claims that eclipses of the sun occur as a result of an attack on the luminary of the dragon, which should be driven away by striking drums, basins and pots. As a result of this, all courses called “Macroeconomics” form perverted ideas about what is referred to above as “economics for very large hosts”.

    Readers are invited to attend a thematically expanded version of the work of the USSR Supreme Council “On Understanding the Macroeconomics of the State and the World”. At present, this is the only work we know in the genre of popular science literature, which shows the inconsistency of the historically established economic “science” and sets out the starting points of socially useful economic science designed to ensure the welfare of all who work honestly.
  44. LCA
    26 July 2014 23: 36
    On the site BER (Login) - Books (chronological.) - p. 37.

    VP of the USSR
    37. The psychological aspect of the history and prospects of the current global civilization.
    June 7 - 29, 2005


    1. The crisis of supranational governance.

    2. Inadequacy of biblical supranational authority.

    3. Comprehensive alternative.

    3.1. The historical dominant of Russian civilization.

    3.2. What the Russian language code says.

    3.3. East European Plain: “secret” evidence.

    3.4. The compact-communal nature of residence and the unity of culture of different communities.

    3.5. Intercommunal relations and the Russian spirit.

    3.6. Great Russia, the original.

    3.7. Transformation of Russia through a centuries-old crisis.

    The prediction of the magician Oleg “prophetic” and its ancient strategic strategic political historical meaning.



    1. Categories of a fairly general management theory.

    2. Processes in super-systems: flow possibilities.

    2.1. The concept of super systems.

    2.2. Development potential development.

    2.3. Autosynchronization of processes in supersystems.

    2.4. Collective Intelligence in Super Systems.

    2.5. Internal control conflicts in a supersystem.

    2.6. The principle of complementarity of information and conceptually indefinite management as a special type of conflict of administrations.

    2.7. Restoring control of the supersystem as a whole.

    2.8. Mutually nested supersystems with virtual structure.

    3. The method of dynamic programming as an algorithmic expression of a fairly general control theory.

    God's Predestination - a matrix (Measure) of possible states of the world - a multivariate scenario of the Universe being predetermined from Above.

    Predestination (predestination) is a multivariate scenario (in this case, it means that only God knows how it really will be (for example, in quantum physics - the behavior of a particle (Heisenberg's uncertainty principle).

    A sense of proportion - a sense of God's Predestination of the existence of the World (true morality) allows us to foresee this. What will actually happen; or if morality is far from righteousness - it will not allow to foresee it. What will happen in reality.
    1. 0
      27 July 2014 19: 49
      Addition more extended article.

      Report of Sergey Glazyev on the state of affairs in the Russian economy and the conflict with Ukraine

      Sergey Glazyev: How not to lose in the war


      ... None of the questions proclaimed by the leaders of the warring parties, for the solution of which they resort to violence, can not be solved in this way and can not be solved. Therefore, it is not for this that a war is unleashed. Ideologically, it is fermented on Nazism - the propaganda of the Kiev junta inspires public consciousness with hatred of opponents. Animal analogies are used in relation to them, they are denied the right to express their position under pain of beating and arrest, they are allowed to be burned alive and ordered to kill by Ukrainian servicemen. The leaders of the Kiev regime publicly call for the mass killings of Ukrainian citizens of Donbass who disagree with them ...

      ... Our own and international historical experience convincingly shows that Nazism can only be stopped by force. The Nazis do not understand another language. And this is not surprising - the differentiation of people's rights on a national basis is incompatible with the principles of law. If the Nazis refuse the rights of citizens of other nationalities, the latter do not have to hope for their protection by legal methods. They can defend them only by means of power resistance ...
  45. 0
    26 July 2014 23: 57
    Well, if the presidential adviser so often talks about giving up the dollar, then the whole dance is yet to come ...
    Looks like there, at the very top, a lot of things are happening and being done, they are thought and arranged, which we have no idea about.
    Oh, a credible and competent plan outlined Glazyev in the article. The course of the country can be said.
  46. 0
    27 July 2014 00: 37
    Quote: MooH
    Are you crazy for? This is a complete paranoid nationalist with a manic bias. If you do not understand, then he proposes to put the states in cancer and hopes that they will suss at the same time. This is the surest and fastest path to nuclear war. It is necessary to act finer, without unnecessary haste and forcibly forcing events. IMHO, such issues for 5-10 years are not resolved in any way and trying to solve them in such a limited time is the road laid out by good intentions.

    Never mind a vision! Glazyev is paranoid, you won’t even dream about it at night after taking the weed! You have to be more tolerant, more tolerant, and not rush with unproven words.
    In one you are right, it is necessary to act finer, I would say, more elegant!
  47. Papabear
    27 July 2014 00: 46
    Good article, program. The work of a large institute for several years, even of teams of like-minded groups. Unfortunately, there is one problem - there is no one to work with. There are no teams, from the slogan "Russia forward!" ("Glory to Ukraine" is immediately remembered) teams will not appear, there will be no literacy, no understanding of what needs to be done and in what situation - too. Groups of jingoistic patriots do not count, this is not an army of generals, the rest just don't care ... or they crave money, fame, recognition and succumb to the corresponding weaknesses. Unfortunately, the program is a dream, and unrealizable, and if it is marketing, then in 20-30 years it will be possible only to prepare mail for the implementation of this program.
    No one to work with
  48. 0
    27 July 2014 00: 48
    Quote: Starley from the South
    Why such ceremonies? We are not English aristocrats. Or I'm wrong? Let everyone apply as he wants. After all, even Svyatoslav Igorevich, probably heard about this, said to the enemies: "I'm going to you!"

    You may not be an English aristocrat ... I, thank God, also, but by origin and by type of work - I do not tolerate rudeness ... and this is not empty talk ... relaxation in the small, it is known, leads to unpleasant consequences, let's respect each other ...
  49. Russophile
    27 July 2014 00: 50
    It seems that war really cannot be avoided. They were always afraid and will be afraid of Great Russia, therefore they always attack first. We are calmly preparing for the Great Victory! We will not stand for the price!
  50. +1
    27 July 2014 01: 05
    I also do not agree with Glazyev in everything, but this is a politician hawk demanded by time.
  51. 0
    27 July 2014 03: 52
    everything will be as UNCLE VOVA will rule... and he rules correctly.. good
  52. VICTOR-61
    27 July 2014 08: 20
    Glazyev - performs well - has a lot of smart ideas
  53. 0
    27 July 2014 14: 53
    When will Glazyev finally form and lead the People's Government? Downism got to the liver!
  54. Pentarhist
    27 July 2014 16: 54
    I have already written a lot on this issue. To summarize:
    In general, you need to stay as far away from this bath of news as possible.
    1) Katya Ustyuzhaninova is sitting in Libya - their volunteer
    2) Berezhnaya was wounded in the jaw in Syria - their volunteer
    3) In Syria, everything was done to prevent me from being rescued from militant captivity; lies were spread that I was doing well and, as an option. that I am not in captivity, but in cahoots with bandits. It was my “guilty” that I caught the gang plagiarizing. Where they are constantly caught during these two to three years.
    4) In Syria they wrote denunciations against Russian journalists. Including me, Steshin and Kots, etc.
    5) In Syria, their driver was shot dead by a sniper. They accused me and Lev Vershinin of murder :)) Then they shut up.
    6) In Kyiv, a volunteer was beaten and kidnapped.
    7) In Mariupol (if I’m not confusing the city), a kid who volunteered for them was kidnapped and beaten.
    8) The gang didn’t say a word about it. that Olga Kulygina, who worked for them, has been in captivity for almost 2 months.
    9) The story with Ksyusha Skoda smells very bad and I immediately said that Ksyusha is alive and that this has something to do with her disappearance. There is an opinion that Ksyusha was surrendered by SOMEONE OF THEIR OWN.
    10) Now this is the story.

    And how can you work with them? They don't pay, they don't name the reporter, with rare exceptions, if something happens, the person is simply DROWN.
  55. LCA
    27 July 2014 22: 39
    Throughout its entire observable history, Russia has systematically violated the main law that ensures the economic security of society (in all senses of this term), as well as all aspects of social security derived from economic:

    The priority is not the production of goods for consumption and the achievement of a positive foreign trade balance, but the reproduction of production capacities sufficient for the needs and safety of society (in all senses) based on the latest achievements of fundamental science embodied in technology, technology and in the organization of social processes.

    Moreover, I.V. Stalin formulated this economic law in direct form in 1952 as follows:

    “Is there a basic economic law of socialism? Yes there is. What are the essential features and requirements of this law? The essential features and requirements of the basic economic law of socialism could be formulated in approximately the following way:

    ensuring maximum satisfaction of the constantly growing material and cultural needs of the entire society through the continuous growth and improvement of socialist production on the basis of higher technology” (“Economic problems of socialism in the USSR”).

    Stalin: ““ The main thing in this definition is “to ensure maximum satisfaction ... of the needs of the WHOLE society”.

    Production is shown here as a MEANS for achieving this main goal - meeting needs. ”

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"