The fighter has reached the finish line

The fighter has reached the finish line

The Sukhoi company has fully completed preliminary ground and flight work on the advanced program aviation Frontline Aviation Complex (PAK FA), also known as the 5th generation fighter.

In carrying out the work, all three prototypes were used, on which bench strength tests were carried out, ground tests of fuel systems, etc. On the flight model, 16 flights were performed.

A new Sukhoi combat vehicle 17 June made a demonstration flight, which was supervised by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who visited the LII. Gromov in Zhukovsky near Moscow.

The first airborne attack of the PAK FA (T-50) was made on January 29 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Acceptance tests of the flight model were fully completed at the end of March. On April 8, on the An-124 Ruslan military transport aircraft of the Russian Air Force, the first flight sample of the PAK FA, as well as the integrated ground stand, where equipment and systems for the flight test program are tested, are delivered to the Sukhoi design bureau in Zhukovsky.

To complete the creation of the 5 generation fighter, 30 billion more rubles are required.

At the first stage (starting with 2016 of the year), the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation plans to purchase at least 50 of such machines, which at a price should be cheaper in 2,5-3 times than their foreign counterparts.
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  1. dred
    26 December 2011 20: 22
    As soon as possible, pendos would choke on their poison.
  2. Artemka
    26 December 2011 20: 24
    As soon as possible, Pakfu was put into mass production.