Reform with obscure consequences

Reform with obscure consequences

29 January 2013, less than three months after being appointed, new Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu reported to Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin a plan for a radical transformation of the armament repair system, military and special equipment (VVST) by completely abandoning the Ministry of Defense RF repair enterprises and their transfer to the defense industry. The rapidity with which the 70 system that successfully existed for years, for 70 days, was unexpectedly declared a burden to be eliminated, caused many puzzled questions.


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited, among other things, the Soviet structure of the Ministry of Defense, which was formed on the basis of the experience of military operations of the Great Patriotic War and subsequent conflicts. This structure included, among other things, a large number of enterprises specialized exclusively in the repair of military equipment and armaments and included in the staff of the main departments, such as GRAU, GABTU, etc. Their directors had military ranks and received orders from the military command, they directly descended the plan and released budget funding.

Why today the Ministry of Defense needs its own specialized repair enterprises, if according to newfangled trends the manufacturer should be engaged in repair? The thing is that the manufacturer and the repairman have completely different tasks, and accordingly - different configuration of the production base, different economic interests. Especially in market conditions. Own repair enterprises of the Ministry of Defense are needed for several reasons.

Firstly, the Ministry of Defense is the main agency responsible for the task of protecting the interests of the state. To accomplish this task, he was allocated human resources and technical means. Constantly keeping these forces and means under their unified control and management for the most efficient use is one of the main needs of the ministry: all IATS put into operation by industry, in this case, throughout the life cycle, are within the Ministry of Defense’s sphere of control and do not depend on what interdepartmental inconsistencies. In other words, by sending the equipment to your own repair company, you can really ensure its timely return to service in the shortest possible time.

Secondly, the military department, as the owner and user of the adopted AMST, is most interested in receiving the maximum return from them throughout the life cycle, minimizing downtime. It was the presence of our own enterprises that made it possible to organize any control over the depth, timing and quality of repairs.

Thirdly, the presence of its own enterprises allowed the Ministry of Defense to carry out repairs in close proximity to the locations of equipment without additional time and financial costs for transportation. In contrast to manufacturing enterprises, located, as befits a strategic object, in the rear, all enterprises of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation were distributed throughout the country in relation to the location of districts, armies and divisions with the possibility of interchangeability and safety net in part of the tasks.

Fourthly, repair enterprises of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are universal, specializing in the repair of equipment from different manufacturers. As a result, instead of several manufacturers opening their own repair department in one place, one multi-military factory coped with the tasks.

Fifth, the repair of the VVST was a single well thought-out system that developed in accordance with the development plans of the Armed Forces themselves. The Ministry of Defense had a direct opportunity to carry out its technical policy at its own factories, it was itself deciding where and when to re-equip the facilities, where and how to create a new production.

Sixth, the entire departmental repair system of the VVST was subordinated to the fulfillment of the main task - the maximum satisfaction of the needs of troops in the repair of equipment. Administrative powers in relation to their own repair enterprises allowed the military department to also carry out obviously unprofitable, but vital works.

Seventh, the Defense Ministry’s own enterprises were the bridge that connected industry and troops during all periods of the latter’s activity, in particular, outside the permanent deployment sites. Defense industry enterprises are not designed and not adapted to provide for the repair of equipment during exercises, when deployed during a threatened period, during combat operations. These tasks were performed by enterprises of the Ministry of Defense, which accompanied the movement of troops with their own mobile brigades capable of carrying out up to partial overhaul in the field.

The experience of combat operations shows that in the first days of the war, the output of weapons and equipment down to 40%. However, of these, within a day up to 80% was restored precisely due to small and medium repairs carried out at repair facilities in the field. The troops themselves are unable to make such repairs.


You have to agree that the above arguments in favor of maintaining the own repair enterprises of the Ministry of Defense are very weighty, but the minister still decides to completely abandon the old system. What is the matter?

And the thing is in the nuances and stories issue.

Everyone remembers the campaign to reform the Armed Forces. The task was entrusted to Anatoly Serdyukov, but he performed it in the only way available to him, the main know-how of which was reduced to the notorious privatization - the incorporation of repair enterprises of the Ministry of Defense and their inclusion in the Oboronservis holding.

This solution made it possible to immediately kill several birds with one stone:

- enterprises became “private”, left the Ministry of Defense structure, as a result of which the number of their employees was no longer counted as part of it;

- since enterprises were withdrawn from state financing and transferred to receive funds through the struggle for state orders and orders from third-party customers, this allowed to formally reduce the amount of expenses for the maintenance of the Ministry of Defense;

- the transition of the Ministry of Defense to the category of the sole shareholder opened up additional opportunities for financial maneuvering for programs in relation to the enterprises themselves, especially in terms of using profits in the interests of developing the production base.

Prior to the reform of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the repair enterprises were its main technical resource for the operational support of the return to the field of equipment throughout the entire period of its operation. It was planned that during the corporatization this function will remain unchanged. However, the team of the former Minister of Defense provided the opposite result.

On the one hand, enterprises transferred to the commercial terms of financing were deprived of guaranteed state order and were forced to fight for contracts of the Ministry of Defense on a par with other state and private enterprises. On the other hand, the main criterion for the success of enterprises was not meeting the needs of troops for repairs, but making a profit.

Driven by considerations of commercial expediency, formally remaining in the ownership of the Ministry of Defense, but deprived of "tight" leadership by the military, enterprises began to refuse to repair "unfavorable" positions in the nomenclature of troop requirements, to avoid investing in the creation of promising stocks of material and financial resources, to concentrate efforts on obtaining only expensive orders, save on the creation and equipment of mobile teams, etc.

The main task of the joint-stock repair enterprises united into a holding company - the receipt of commercial profits - came into conflict with the interests of their owner, the Ministry of Defense.

The military department is not interested in making a profit in a pure form, because in the end it simply transfers it to the budget, but is interested in the efficient repair of VVST in order to maximize its use during the period of operation. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense, which formally owns enterprises, but separated from direct management of them by two intermediate levels of governing structures and deprived of the ability to influence their work quickly and conduct their own technical policy, has lost its perception of these enterprises as its own technical resource. between them and third-party organizations and it became erroneous to qualify repair of the VVST as a “function not inherent to the MoD” and to be transferred to the defense yshlennosti.


How does the defense ministry plan to repair the VVST, abandoning its own enterprises? In this case, applied overseas "magic wand" - "life cycle contracts."

The idea of ​​abandoning repair of the VVST as a function uncharacteristic of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation has long been actively promoted by some industrial concerns lobbying the concept of “supporting the full life cycle” copied from the West and its subconcept of “life cycle contracts” copied from the West. According to this concept, enterprises-producers should not only play a leading role in handling their samples of AME at all stages of development, delivery and disposal, but also maintain them in working condition during the period of operation in the armed forces.

The logical system that existed earlier, in which at the main stage of the life cycle of the ATT - the operation stage - the end user represented by the Ministry of Defense acted as the main manager of equipment on all issues, including keeping it on alert and returning to the operational system, is replaced by another one. Now the industry, which once put the equipment into operation, periodically and again withdraws it from the military department for repair, and then transfers it back. In other words, VVST, intended for use by the military department during the established period of operation, repeatedly change their departmental affiliation. At the same time, by transferring the equipment for carrying out an already average repair to third-party industrial enterprises, the Ministry of Defense loses access to its equipment and does not have any leverage over them, except for contractual ones. At the enterprises, however, commercial priorities, the composition of the owners and financial condition may change, and the AMS may suddenly turn into the subject of securing third-party lawsuits.

On the contrary, the system that previously existed and operates today at JSC “Spetsremont”, in which the Russian Defense Ministry has direct control over enterprises in the form of both a budget customer and a commercial owner, provides for the AMS to be under the jurisdiction of a single department throughout the entire period of operation, from armament prior to disposal for disposal. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has the ability to fully control production priorities and the financial health of its own enterprises, to carry out the necessary financial interventions quickly and without any additional approvals, flexibly using funds received by their own enterprises in the form of profits.

The manufacturer’s enterprises at this stage have been created and exist to carry out a completely different task - the creation and putting into service of new types of VVST. The entire production base, the methodology and the concept of the core business are based on such a priority purpose, repair is not a priority, and this leads to a significant cost of repairs. For some samples and types of repair, the cost of work performed on the basis of the manufacturer exceeds the cost of the same work at specialized repair companies of the Ministry of Defense 2,5 – 3 times.

It is important to note at first glance a completely invisible, but essentially critical detail. As part of the active promotion of the Western concept of “supporting the full life cycle”, the corporations developed their own “concepts of organizing the system of technical operation of the VVST”. According to these concepts, the manufacturer with pleasure assumes the maintenance of only the equipment produced and repaired by him, which is under warranty or has a residual post-warranty resource.

The military department is primarily interested in getting the most out of its equipment and minimizing downtime in repair. Photos from the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

All equipment, with or without residual life, but maintainable, while being in service and not repaired by the manufacturer, including numerous products made abroad, is subject to repair by the customer, that is, the Ministry of Defense. According to some information, the amount of such equipment in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation today is already more than 60%, and who will repair it if the Ministry of Defense refuses its enterprises, is an open question.

It should be especially noted that the US model of “maintaining the full life cycle” taken as a model in the United States itself relies on a very rigid and detailed regulative system of relations between the Pentagon and suppliers (failure to comply with the letter of the contract is automatically fraught with sanctions for any of the parties), as well as serious financial capabilities of the US military budget, covering significantly higher costs of using such a system.

In countries where the capabilities of the military budget are not limitless (in particular, in Europe), “life cycle contracts” are made only for those technical positions in which the resource is stable in place and predictability. An example would be mining machines that continuously operate in the same quarry. With regard to equipment that does not have a fixed anchor point and reliably predictable operating time - such as, for example, VVST, - “life cycle contracts”, as a rule, are not concluded because of their economic inexpediency either for the supplier or for the customer.


Blind copying of the Western concept of “maintaining the full life cycle” in its pure form into the Russian reality with its prepayment under contracts and different departmental affiliation of the customer (Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) and the manufacturer will simply lead to the collapse of the VVST repair system in our country.

The predominance of commercial interests over government in the Russian reality, the absence of a mechanism for effectively coercing parties to a contract to fulfill their obligations, substantial departmental disunity, low performing discipline and weak technical and financial equipment of many manufacturers put the operator of VVST - MO RF - in an extremely disadvantageous and disadvantaged position.

Responding fully to the fulfillment of its main task - guaranteed protection of the country, with the introduction of a new concept, the Ministry of Defense can only partially control the situation. The combat readiness of the AMIS, transferred to it and being the main instrument for accomplishing the task, will be under the jurisdiction of a completely different department and will not depend on the wishes and intentions of the ministry itself.

In such a situation, responsibility for the defense of the country will ultimately be eroded: the Defense Ministry will blame industry for everything, and the industry for the Defense Ministry.

Meanwhile, the repair enterprises of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, primarily belonging to the specialized sub-holdings of Oboronservis (Spetsremont, Aircraft Repair and Remvooruzhenie), considered today as an alien body to be rejected, are the link that unites third-party the industry and the military department in matters of maintaining the combat readiness of the AMS and ensures the reasonable full responsibility of the Ministry of Defense to defend the country.

Only on the basis of the merger of repair enterprises of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation it is possible to create our own original Russian combined system of maintaining combat readiness of the VVST at the operational stage, which will take into account our existing realities and combine, on the one hand, the subsystem of “maintaining the full life cycle” for certain types of VVST efficient and capable manufacturers, and on the other hand the existing repair subsystem at departmental enterprises of the Ministry of Defense. To do this, quite a bit is needed - to merge repair enterprises into a single repair holding under the direct control of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation.

A new repair holding could combine all the accumulated experience and saved production capacity and, first of all, return to the system those categories and samples of the AMST that are not covered by the manufacturer’s service: outdated equipment, equipment that has developed a resource, but maintainable and in service , equipment of foreign manufacturers.

In addition to the above-mentioned repair of VVST, in which the combined holding plays a leading role, it can and must participate in the system of "supporting the full life cycle" of producers as a co-performer. At the same time, its enterprises can each enter the system of several manufacturers at once as a multifunctional technical center in those places where the manufacturer does not have or does not plan to create its own centers. Such participation at the level of co-execution will ensure that the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation will be able to continue to effectively maintain the equipment with the help of its own resources and in case of loss of the ability to fulfill obligations on the part of the manufacturer regarding the AMS in a given region.

This aspect is extremely important in assessing the overall picture. If the Russian Defense Ministry's own enterprises, included in the same Spetsremont, continue to be part of the supplier’s full life cycle maintenance system, the military department will be able to control the return of VVST to service through all types of repairs, even if the supplier is declared bankrupt or refuses their contractual obligations for the state defense order.


It must be said that the correct place for the comma in the phrase “execute cannot be pardoned” in relation to repair enterprises in the RF Ministry of Defense was looking for an unexpectedly long time - 18 months. For the last year and a half, there was an active struggle between the “stupid party” parties that had been established inside the department and the “pointed ones”, and the “sentenced” structures offered ammunition to their defenders in the form of projects for reforming the organizational structure or switching to the project management model. Not without "human sacrifice" - only in one subholding for the year 2014 changed four CEOs.

However, the prolonged intrigue was resolved by the Minister of Defense, who at a conference call on 3 June announced a decision on the fundamental reform of Oboronservis and the elimination of "non-core assets". As a result, the creative association Krasnaya Zvezda and the vital holdings of Voentorg, Voentelecom and the United Housing Company are recognized as having the “inherent functions of IOs”.

All repair shops of Spetsremont, Aviaremont and Remvooruzheniye - and such 131 - are recognized as non-core assets. They are transferred to industry or liquidated.

It is noteworthy that, according to Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, the industry agreed to take only 50 enterprises. Why not pick up such a gift: carefully selected the best and most profitable, in one fell swoop removed the competitors who beat down the price for repairs, increased their assets and at once untied their hands in squeezing money out of the state - after all, they are now monopolists! So what if the territorial and universal system of the VVST is completely destroyed, and no one is going to create a new one? So what if monopolies are now sort of responsible for repairing what they had never done before? So what, that will be destroyed many enterprises, including city-forming? The main thing is that someone somewhere was pleased.


How did it happen that a reliable, time-tested system of departmental repairs of the RF Ministry of Defense was reborn as a non-core asset, a practically malignant tumor that should be cut out immediately?

This was the manifestation of the "skill" of military reformers. Acting on a standard raider seizure, individuals who are knowledgeable in these matters skillfully set up unprincipledly mercenary people in key positions in subholdings, blocked financing opportunities for enterprises, did not allow government orders, forcing them to accumulate wage debts, energy carriers and utilities, for years did not accept payment for the bill long performed and accepted work. In the end, they quickly brought a reasonable and efficient system to bankruptcy.

The situation, however, could still be corrected. Why the new leadership of the Ministry of Defense did not go for it? There are a lot of versions. I would like to highlight two of them.

Version one is as follows. In order to rectify the situation, we need people who know, are ill with the interests of the state, ready to work painstakingly to restore the departmental system of VVST repair in order to ensure the fulfillment of the combat mission. Such a new minister was obviously not seen in his team. The deputy minister Ruslan Tsalikov indirectly confirmed this in his interview to a well-known publication. On the question of repair companies, he complained to the correspondent that some of them had not returned the Defense Ministry’s accepted equipment for repair for years. This news! The Ministry of Defense, which is the owner of the repair enterprises, which, in relation to both the enterprises and their management, has absolute power in the framework of the legislation, is not able to get back the equipment transferred to itself. It is like saying - my right hand does not return the money to me, that I put in it with my left. This happens only with a serious mismatch of the head with the limbs - paralysis.

The second version is no less likely, but much more alarming. For its proper understanding, two facts need to be realized: first, the activity of “getting rid of non-core functions and assets” (read, the sale of property of the Ministry of Defense for profit) was started and put on the conveyor by the team of the previous Minister of Defense; and secondly, according to the publicized temporary structure of Oboronservis, there will continue to exist two temporary blocks - an investment one, which will include “residual assets that will soon (attention!) REALIZE” and “enterprises that industry has refused ". In total, these enterprises 81, their fate does not say, but according to available information, the relevant authorities of the Ministry of Defense simply insist on a total sale. It seems that the former minister was removed, but his team remained and stubbornly continued his work.

Is it possible to somehow save the situation now? Sure you may. There are even several options for salvation.

Option one. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu may simply “screw” his own conclusions in the right direction: after all, apparently, the final formal decision has not yet been made, and the power of a true leader is also manifested in being able to recognize and correct their mistakes.

Option two is to save at least the remnants of the VVST repair system, which have not been removed by industry, even if not under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense, but in a single organism. According to rumors, Rostekh's general director, Sergey Chemezov, addressed the military department and the Russian government with such a proposal. His corporation is ready to accept into its structure practically all remaining enterprises of the former defense complex of the Ministry of Defense that remain "abandoned", solve problems with debts and form a unique repair holding on their basis.

I want to believe that Sergei Shoigu will make the right decision in favor of the state and will not allow to squander nearly a hundred unique enterprises that have both an extensive production and repair base and a rich, long-term experience for the benefit of the defense capability of the Russian state.
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  1. +21
    29 June 2014 18: 37
    The question is not very simple. The complexity of modern weapons and military equipment has increased by several orders of magnitude. In addition, specialized enterprises often use specific equipment, often unique ... So that one thing is military repair of small arms and a completely different modern ballistic missile or ship. In everything, one must have reasonable expediency ... And in our country, apparently, it is necessary to reasonably combine both the "full life cycle" - for especially complex weapons and military equipment, and the possibility of military repair of less complex samples, but more massive ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +12
      29 June 2014 19: 21
      Quote: svp67
      . The complexity of modern weapons and military equipment has increased by several orders of magnitude. In addition, specialized enterprises often use specific equipment, for often unique ...

      This is precisely the meaning of Shoigu's proposal. Of course, the ankle boots or socks will be put in order, the track links will be changed and the small arms will be repaired as before - under the control of the Ministry of Defense, due to direct subordination and as close as possible - in order to avoid "logistical problems with footcloths." (Not to Chelyabinsk and Ivanovo with trivial problems - . Yes, and in line!) I hope. Otherwise, it again smells of Serdyukovism. - Billions will be "written off" for mending socks.
    4. +8
      29 June 2014 19: 24
      Hmm ... My feeling ... What is DONE to rule out repairs on PAPER ... !!! I think Shoigu analyzed the SITUATION !!! And everything is being done to STRENGTHEN MOBILITY OF ARMED FORCES !!!
      1. 0
        30 June 2014 05: 47
        So what, that the territorial and universal system of the WWIS is completely destroyed, and nobody is going to create a new one?
        So what if the monopolies now seem to be responsible for the repair of what they have never done before?
        So what if many enterprises, including city-forming ones, will be destroyed?
        The main thing is that someone was satisfied somewhere
        (from article)

        This is the main point of the whole problem.
        Reforms are carried out not for the cause and benefit, but for the "stick" of a temporary worker who came to a position that does not correspond to his education, work experience, and who seeks to show the "higher" Chief Commander that he is "in place", that he is a "professional crisis manager" any field: the management of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance, firefighters and rescuers, in any field wherever his "handyman of all trades" is placed, for the sake of one goal of "economic efficiency" and fictitious instant "profit".
        All these temporary workers - "Varangians" forget that the Army does not exist and is built not for the sake of economic efficiency and immediate profit, that the effectiveness of the Army is its constant combat readiness and ability to protect the people and the state from an armed and ruthless external enemy, that only for this it is necessary to direct our efforts and knowledge, using not only professional science for this, but also the experience gained by many decades of practice.
        And if the personality of the leader of the Army does not meet these requirements, he should not be appointed to this position, no matter how "skilled" he is.
    5. +14
      29 June 2014 19: 31
      I do not agree, but the complexity of modern designs has increased by several orders of magnitude. But this does not mean that the complexity of repairs and personnel requirements have increased by the same order of magnitude.
      For instance. Over 30 years, the complexity, productivity and capabilities of computer technology have increased many times. But, my laptop, several times superior to a computer center 30 years ago, can be repaired by an ordinary student, and not by a company of highly educated engineers, so many components are not required ...
      Another example. When demonstrating T-90S tanks in India, our experts simulated engine failure and set up a tank in 4 hours, installing a new one. Now what is being proposed? Drag the tank to Nizhny Tagil.
      1. +6
        29 June 2014 20: 01
        Quote: midashko
        another example. When demonstrating T-90S tanks in India, our experts simulated engine failure and set up a tank in 4 hours, installing a new one. Now what is being proposed? Drag the tank to Nizhny Tagil.
        You mixed everything ... Troop repair, which is carried out in the troops, and replacing the engine, these are the measures that can be carried out by repair units, with repairs, for the development of resources and modernization. Previously, when we had 20 tanks, the factories that carried out such repairs were justified. But now with the declared number of a couple of thousand tanks, what is the point of having SUCH plants? There are many, many things to be considered and counted. Apparently, the replacement of standard components and assemblies should be left in the army, but something more complicated should be entrusted to manufacturers, including solving the issue with them about the availability of repair enterprises - branches in the right places in the country ...
        But, my laptop, several times superior to a computer center 30 years ago, can be repaired by an ordinary student, and not by a company of highly educated engineers, so many components are not required ...
        I agree, but the question is, when the power and capabilities of your computer will cease to suit you, you don’t go to the school student with a request to do something, you turn to a specialist ... why do you decide that the repair, and most importantly the modernization of the military hardware can be entrusted an ordinary student? Specialists need to be trained better than the factory, or rather, the manufacturer company will not do this to anyone, especially since she will be interested in this ...
      2. +5
        29 June 2014 23: 30
        Quote: midashko
        For instance. Over 30 years, the complexity, productivity and capabilities of computer technology have increased many times. But, my laptop, several times superior to a computer center 30 years ago, can repair an ordinary student, ...

        Well, one can not help speaking out rudely and almost to the point of foul! No need to compare the hell with a finger! What does it mean - a student can repair a computer? Replacing the board does not mean repair! I am a service engineer, how these homegrown repairmen got it! Every fool who knows how to hold a screwdriver in his hands considers himself a repairman! And a malfunction for a penny in a couple of minutes turn into a malfunction for a thousand! The same is true in army workshops. Or do you think the whole repair consists in replacing the faulty assembly with a brand new one?
      3. IGS
        30 June 2014 00: 42
        an ordinary schoolboy can repair, and not a company of highly educated engineers, so many components are not required ...
        bravo ... The schoolboy rules you as a user of software and changes the hardware with blocks that are created by professionals for "hot" replacement. And if the video card flies? Are you buying a new one? And by the way, it is maintainable, 99% of the repair consists in replacing a penny element. Those. the block in the system is broken, we change the whole, and the old one goes to the dump laughing... And with such concepts, we begin to talk about the maintainability of modern weapons systems. Many systems for repair require expensive stands. "Schoolboy" will cut off your money, but as a result (and with a laptop, for example, in 80%) you will still have to carry it to the service and pay also for "repairing" the "student". And the same is happening in the army.
        For future advice, how to quickly check a computer technician laughing. Let him quickly list the power of two to at least 10. Enumerate it, you can allow it to the software, but the hardware is better in the service.
        1. 0
          30 June 2014 06: 16
          I think it makes sense to decide. In this case, a "schoolboy" is a military repair unit (unit), which no one (in the Strategic Missile Forces, for example) canceled. "Shkolnik" is intended for troubleshooting according to instructions developed by the manufacturer, replacement of faulty "blocks" with serviceable ones, storage, maintenance of spare parts-G and, in agreement with individual manufacturers, repair of a part of the equipment on site, without sending it to factories. Particularly difficult cases are eliminated with the participation of representatives of factories (trades in the slang), who are always in place.
          All this is within the framework of a lifetime warranty for weapons and military equipment. As I understand it, a "full life cycle" is something like the above.
          According to these concepts, the manufacturer with pleasure takes care of only the equipment manufactured and repaired by him, which is under warranty or has a residual post-warranty resource.

          There is a clear distortion. The auto repair plant in N-ke known to me is repairing everything that has wheels.
      4. +1
        30 June 2014 07: 02
        Quote: midashko
        Now what is being proposed? Drag the tank to Nizhny Tagil.

        Why drag a tank to Nizhniy Tagil to replace the engine - no one suggests that. But I remember how it was in the seventies with the "worked out repair system". A unit from the part deployed in the GDR is sent to clean up in Kazakhstan. Failed car engines are sent for repairs to the GDR, to the Zvezda car repair plant. Is it reasonable?
    6. +4
      29 June 2014 19: 55
      not in the subject, but the news is very important, with consequences I hope! - "In 2014, the program for the restoration of carrier-based fighters Su-33 starts", that is, if you add two and two, you get an aircraft carrier in the future! good
    7. +4
      29 June 2014 20: 18
      Quote: svp67
      The question is not very simple. The complexity of modern weapons and military equipment has increased by several orders of magnitude. In addition, specialized enterprises often use specific equipment, often unique ... So that one thing is military repair of small arms and a completely different modern ballistic missile or ship. In everything, one must have reasonable expediency ... And in our country, apparently, it is necessary to reasonably combine both the "full life cycle" - for especially complex weapons and military equipment, and the possibility of military repair of less complex samples, but more massive ...

      Do not forget to approach the military formations as close as possible, unlike the manufacturer. And the possibility of repair after damage in combat conditions. Warranty repair and technology for recovery after damage in battle are not the same thing.
    8. +2
      29 June 2014 21: 05
      Serdyukov did as much for the army as Yeltsin did for the country, we still cannot disentangle !!
    9. Vita_vko
      30 June 2014 06: 17
      Shoigu is now forced to adapt to the existing conditions.
      And they are as follows: More and more new equipment is entering the troops. There are many problems associated with the cooperation of the timely delivery of components, because some fulfill the state procurement order, while others are responsible for BG, plus retraining of personnel, re-equipment of production, etc. And the main problem is the line between the manufacturer’s supervision and the tasks of current repair (planned or as-is). This serious problem determines the amount of funding that is difficult to predict, especially for new weapons, and therefore the technical readiness of the IWT is reduced due to organizational differences, which is unacceptable in principle.
      Therefore, Shoigu made the only right decision to transfer repair enterprises and on their basis to carry out warranty and post-warranty maintenance of military equipment, thereby freeing up the main production facilities for the speedy re-equipment of the Armed Forces.
  2. +27
    29 June 2014 18: 40
    And what about Shoigu, he did not finish "Academiev", the Military Department at a civilian institute ... The Faculty of Civil Engineering ... What is ordered is what he does. Serdyukovshchina - effective managers do not sleep. Tired of arguing, minus.
    1. +10
      29 June 2014 18: 55
      Why minus, comrade, you're right. I don’t understand many idealists who expect something wise from Shoigu. He has neither experience nor knowledge to correctly pull our army out of shit. Yes, more will and courage are needed.
      1. +17
        29 June 2014 19: 09
        Quote: Mareman Vasilich
        Why minus, comrade, you're right. I don’t understand many idealists who expect something wise from Shoigu. He has neither experience nor knowledge to correctly pull our army out of shit. Yes, more will and courage are needed.

        and the army from "lethargy" did not he raise? and exercises one after another, and recruitment, and new equipment ... ??? I, too, would be for the fact that the Minister of Defense was a career soldier who has gone through several conflicts ... but what we have, we have something better than Stouretkin. hi
        1. +6
          29 June 2014 19: 18
          ... all better than a stool. hi
          - definitely!
          1. +1
            29 June 2014 19: 56
            Quote: klavyr
            ... all better than a stool. hi - definitely!

            There is no need to dramatize the situation with the repair of military technology. As far as I know, the concept has not yet been fully formulated. During the break-in process, weaknesses will be identified. Three years will be spent on revision. No hasty conclusions should be made. Before criticizing, go to the MO website What do you want? It’s been ruined for decades, but to restore what was lost in a year; but it doesn’t happen, especially on such a delicate question. And we need not the previous level, but a technical breakthrough. I have no doubt about the positive outcome. Question of LIFE and death.
            1. 0
              30 June 2014 00: 25
              Practice is the criterion of truth.
        2. +6
          29 June 2014 19: 41
          Quote: Andrey Yurievich
          Quote: Mareman Vasilich
          Why minus, comrade, you're right. I don’t understand many idealists who expect something wise from Shoigu. He has neither experience nor knowledge to correctly pull our army out of shit. Yes, more will and courage are needed.

          and the army from "lethargy" did not he raise? and exercises one after another, and recruitment, and new equipment ... ??? I, too, would be for the fact that the Minister of Defense was a career soldier who has gone through several conflicts ... but what we have, we have something better than Stouretkin. hi

          Shoigu is an excellent organizer, and that means a lot. In the swing, professionals, not quite so to say parquet. They will pull together. soldier
      2. +9
        29 June 2014 20: 49
        I agree that for the Kremlin, core assets are what fills their wallets.
        In general, of course, it is nonsense to put non-professionals on the leadership of the army. I understand when Ustinov was at the head of the Ministry of Defense, but he "grew up" in the military industry, knew the entire structure, understood both the needs of the army and the military industry.
        Well, I do not believe for example that the Yusov army can effectively fight. Like the armies of some European countries, where the ministers are civilian.
        Arguments against"

        - It’s not at all necessary that the Minister of Defense of Russia must be a military man. In a number of countries, women, or men who had nothing to do with the army, generally become defense ministers. The country's defense minister is just a kind of link between the armed forces and the highest authority in the state. For the head of the defense department, it is not necessary to know all the intricacies of military service and military affairs, for this the minister has a lot of deputies, advisers (specialists in his field) and the chief of the General Staff. The main thing for the minister is to express the will of the country's leadership and implement its decisions.

        This is the score of the "experts" from the pen and mouse.
        All the great wars were won precisely by the professional military leadership! If not, what, where, when?
        ONCE AGAIN, the generation of menagers will destroy everything, including the army, these Pepsi boys don’t know a damn thing, they don’t know anything, but ... they manage everything !?
        Well, a person who has not been in the soldier’s or officer’s skin cannot understand the needs of the same soldier in battle, namely, armies were created for war (defense). Everyone should do what he knows how to do professionally, in the army this rule is especially relevant.
        What can I say for a long time, stools are a vivid example.
        Shoigu? Well, the worst of the Kremlin deck, but not the best. If only in allegiance to the Kremlin.
        1. 0
          29 June 2014 22: 13
          Quote: Skif83
          All major wars are won precisely by professional military leadership

          The Minister of Defense and the Commander are two different things. Shoigu is a manager, not a military leader.
          As for the reform, as far as I understood, the army will carry out repairs that do not require factory conditions, and everything related to factory work will go to the military-industrial complex. In my opinion, it is reasonable - what can be done in the field will be done anyway, and no "mobile brigade" will provide factory repairs - one fig will be taken to the shop. A reference to the Soviet experience - I saw with my own eyes the spare parts list, in which it was prescribed to carry Dy200 welded flanges on the ship. How can they be replaced in the field?
      3. 0
        29 June 2014 23: 19
        That's just EXPERIENCE in Shoigu IS! From scratch, he created the Ministry of Emergencies - a flexible, dynamic system that has already proven its viability! Life Academy is sometimes better than the General Staff Academy!
    2. +14
      29 June 2014 19: 05
      Quote: Neighbor
      And what about Shoigu, he did not finish "Academiev", the Military Department at a civilian institute ... The Faculty of Civil Engineering ... What is ordered is what he does. Serdyukovshchina - effective managers do not sleep. Tired of arguing, minus.

      Gynecologist Ursula von der Leyen, 55-year-old mother of seven children, gynecologist became German Minister of Defense wassat by education, this begs the question of who is cooler: a builder or a gynecologist ??? everything was without problems. I vaguely imagine how and where now to deliver the faulty equipment? when you consider that Russian Railways is fighting in three skins! because it will fly a pretty penny! (although no one has canceled the cut of the military budget ...) hi
    3. +12
      29 June 2014 19: 25
      “... How did it happen that the reliable, time-tested system of departmental repair of the RF Ministry of Defense was reborn into a non-core asset, practically a malignant tumor, which should be immediately removed?
      This was the manifestation of the "skill" of military reformers. "

      We are again returning to the system of the current Russian state, where the 20 cohort that has seized power for years has been engaged in the dumping of non-core assets - a system of benefits, housing and public utilities, healthcare, the pension system, state regulation of the economy (with the exception of the oil and gas pipe) and, accordingly, the transfer of core assets into the hands of effective managers.
      Naturally, the Army - the brainchild of the state, left without a parent, in the care of the Board of Trustees, has turned into a certain source of income (outsourcing and other affairs of Serdyukov), having lost targeted funding, followed by the destruction of system connections!

      The destruction of the structure of repair enterprises of the RF Ministry of Defense is one of the links in this chain, including the rear of the RF Armed Forces, military medicine, military missions, VOSO, etc.
      In the State of Russia there is not even a Military Doctrine, therefore, apparently, few people are interested in the fact that the defense industry enterprises are not designed and not adapted to provide repair of equipment when deployed during the threatened period, during the hostilities.

      Talk about the fact that the presence of nuclear weapons removes all problems - in favor of the poor and not understanding the realities of modern warfare and the complex structure of the Army, linked to almost all state organisms.
    4. KIRON
      29 June 2014 19: 35
      And what about Shoigu, he did not finish "Akademiev", the Military Department at the Civil Institute ... the Faculty of Civil Engineering ..That's right, but you don’t remember that Shoigu not only cooled one war, but also raised the most powerful rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the world. You don’t have to run into him. This is the Minister with a ba alsha letter. it was built by the UAE. A separate air squadron. Then his left-handed sidekick Vakil Makhmudov was still alive. My comasco broke up in the 90th, in the spring, near Krasnoyarsk. And in the 98nd, when they built the helicopter landing pad in Cheremshanka-we with Shoigu and Wakil They drank vodka. At night. It was -92 behind the trailer. So somehow.
    5. +3
      29 June 2014 19: 52
      Quote: Neighbor
      And what about Shoigu, he did not finish "Academiev",

      smile that we do not know. In gymnasiums did not study. Mitrich spoke the truth.
      He did not study at the gymnasium. He graduated from the Page Corps.
      1. KIRON
        29 June 2014 20: 54
        Vadim! hi And not Smolny? Even a man steers not weakly. Even in our Rosatom, it is glowing, mother don’t cry. For reference, I went in a new way. After the upgrade I could not go to my place. I buried myself in a new way. Without "academies", it didn’t work. something.
    6. -1
      29 June 2014 22: 29
      Dear Neighbor. And in Russia there are no Academies for graduating the heads of federal Ministries. Military academies mainly train specialists in the military branches (with the possible exception of the VAGS). By your logic, which of them should the Minister of Defense finish? The Academy of Defense is not in nature. Not a single graduate of a specialized academy has the full amount of knowledge that any minister needs to apply in practice. Suppose the Minister of Defense, a graduate of the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport, is poorly and poorly able to evaluate a plan for transforming an arms repair system. A graduate of the Strategic Missile Forces military academy, who has become the Minister of Defense, is far from this topic as we all are. Why am I doing this? Any minister, be it the minister of defense, light industry or agriculture, must first of all have a smart head, professional assistants, the unconditional qualities of a leader and managerial skills. In complex, specific issues, you should always rely on professionals. The minister’s task is to correctly prioritize and evaluate expert opinions. To summarize: a graduate of the Air Force Academy as a defense minister can break firewood, and a civil engineer will have to go to court.
  3. Iero
    29 June 2014 18: 43
    There will be option 3 - the final privatization of the entire repair system. Industry will only take what it can integrate into its assets, the rest will be left to the mercy of civilians. The Defense Ministry is increasingly turning into a structure whose main task is to develop budgets, and not to defend the country. Soon we will come to the point that the former teacher of geography will be the Minister of Defense. The furniture maker was, the foreman is, why the teacher can not?
    1. +4
      29 June 2014 18: 52
      Quote: iero
      Soon we will come to the point that the former teacher of geography will be the Minister of Defense. The furniture maker was, the foreman is, why the teacher can not?
      The thing is, what is understood by the responsibilities of the MO? In Western countries, by and large, the MO is a supply manager, his task is to work in the government, where he must defend the interests of the MO and knock out the appropriate funds, he hardly gets into military matters, this is the prerogative of the real military, in the person of the united headquarters or general staff .. At us, historically, it turned out that the Moscow Region is the second person in the military structure after the tsar’s tsar and he is obligated to make military decisions. So that two ways or our country will go over to the Western system completely and then ...
      Quote: iero
      The furniture maker was, the foreman is, why the teacher can not?
      if only money could be knocked out or we will return to the old system and then of course a military man will be obliged to be on this post, but not the same anyhow, but who has passed the main command and business positions, company commander, regiment, commander of the district ... that is understanding how not only to command and fight, but also how to organize an economy and solve economic issues ...
  4. +4
    29 June 2014 18: 46
    How did it happen that a reliable, time-tested system of departmental repairs of the RF Ministry of Defense was reborn as a non-core asset, a practically malignant tumor that should be cut out immediately?

    Yes, everything is very simple - this system is rotten through and through. When enterprises obey the generals, it turns out gibberish with a criminal bias. Well, for example, how can you imagine at any other enterprise that on a supposedly "repaired" plane it would be possible to put blocks and assemblies from the one that had just come for repair? For the sake of some of their indicators and the timing of the repair, such actions were approved by a willful decision. And I needed it, what kind of repair is it? This "repair" I and the part can do without additional expenditure of budgetary funds.
    This is about aviation. But in our city there is also a factory for the repair of armored vehicles. Last year there was a scandal with a criminal case on the same criteria.
    I always remember how we took new planes from the manufacturer, which in Soviet times were never subordinate to the Moscow Region. There, people literally ran after you on the heels and instantly eliminated all the comments in a very high quality.
    1. s1н7т
      29 June 2014 20: 50
      And I somehow took the technique from the Wünsdorf TRZ in Soviet times. 30 armored personnel carrier. In one ZiP there was no THP for KPVT. He said - like, I do not take laughing . Damn, they’ve even given me too much! laughing Then I got a few of them - there were no operational problems. So everywhere it was different, but I liked the Soviet scheme of repair and restoration. From the grassroots to purely military factories, where everything was clear and decisive - in a good sense of the word.
      As for aviation, there is a distinction, in my opinion, what you CAN do in a power supply, and what - only at the factory, not?
      1. +1
        29 June 2014 22: 36
        Absolutely right! Repair of the undercarriage or glider, light and medium damage to small arms should be done at district plants. Electronics, keep a supply of blocks for scheduled and emergency replacement. Unsuitable to send to the manufacturer, payment of repairs and transportation for repairs and back, at the expense of the factory, if the breakdown is not the fault of the consumer! Then the quality will increase!
    2. +3
      29 June 2014 21: 52
      I completely agree. On duty he visited some repair enterprises. The whole task is to paint, weld. And try not to. You’ll get from the bosses on the head. And at the factory, acceptance was more responsibility. And I did not see the unique equipment at the repair factories, just one old thing.
  5. +2
    29 June 2014 18: 47
    Well, it's like - if the tank was knocked down on the battlefield or the BMP refused, the evacuation and all other actions with the faulty equipment will hang on the civil sucker ????. Failure, or as a short-lived Kaya, the culprit is not the Ministry of Defense of Russia but what is that structure (it is not clear which). By the way, evacuating a tank from the battlefield or two is V.O. Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree. And then I’ll have to give everything to the civilians for grandmas, but honestly I’ll say, Not a single civilian for grandmas will climb into the battle —NEVER,
    1. +4
      29 June 2014 22: 18
      Quote: Signaller
      Failure or how short-lived Kaya - the culprit is not the Ministry of Defense of Russia but what is that structure (it is not clear which)

      A specific manufacturing plant, in which a specific military acceptance.
      Quote: Signaller
      Not a single civilian will get into battle for grandmas

      What are you talking about? Evacuation from the battlefield is the task of the military, and civilians will be repaired only later.
  6. stranik72
    29 June 2014 18: 49
    I agree with the author, the situation with the combat readiness in the RF Armed Forces with the cost of maintenance and repair is close to catastrophic serviceability for some samples does not exceed 25%. But there is no reaction yet. "Business" is satisfied, and serviceability is money, everything will pay, but there will be a lot of problems about it. And so, to restore memory, in the USSR, during the year, not 1 TU-22M3 were repaired, and nuclear submarines were repaired, and much more at the enterprises of the Ministry of Defense.
  7. mazhnikof.Niko
    29 June 2014 18: 51
    S.K.Shoygu, in my opinion, if not the only one of the few who President Vladimir Putin can unconditionally trust. Shoigu is a master! And so he will listen to the opinion of experts and complete the reform - the best for the Russian Army!
      29 June 2014 19: 35
      Quote: mazhnikof.Niko
      trust unconditionally. Shoigu is a master!

      Well, someone will now look askance at Sergei Kuzhugetovich (being of sound mind). Anatoly Eduardovich was also given respect, and one big boss called him the title of "Effective manager" and even secretly awarded him a secret.
    2. s1н7т
      29 June 2014 21: 56
      Quote: mazhnikof.Niko
      Shoigu is a master!

      Yes, you quit! He was in the Ministry of Emergencies, maybe he was a holder, but in the Moscow Region there are a lot of devices for holding the microphone, believe me! laughing Damn, with the Internet you will find out how many fools in Russia!
  8. +10
    29 June 2014 18: 55
    I categorically disagree with the decision to transfer repair enterprises from the subordination and ownership of the Ministry of Defense to the defense industry. He worked for 22 years at such an enterprise. Firstly, we had a DIRECT connection with the fleet for which we worked. We knew what he needed and quickly completed orders. Manufacturers were contacted only in case of problems with warranty products. Believe me, repairmen are much better specialists than manufacturers. They delivered a product tested at the factory and that’s it. And during operation, there are malfunctions that need to be fixed ON THE SITE. While you wait for the team from the factory, or a specialist, time is running out, which may not be enough at a critical moment. I respect S.K. Shoigu, but this decision is wrong.
    1. +1
      29 June 2014 22: 23
      Quote: sever.56
      They delivered the product tested at the factory and that's it

      What is it like? On any ship, there is a set of working drawings that spells out what and where to put. Any deviation from them without coordination with the design bureau is strictly prohibited. In place, you can replace the gasket in the flange connection or put a new hose connection from spare parts - everything else is the factory.
      1. 0
        29 June 2014 23: 15
        And this is so! We give the product, in our case a torpedo, after checking all the parameters, with a list in the product passport for each check, to the fleet. The boat goes on combat duty. After returning, again, if necessary, all checks are completed. In the event of a malfunction, either medium or major repairs are made. Imagine the cost of one transportation. Again, a waste of time. And, most importantly, even though I repeat, there are no specialists at the plant who can quickly fix malfunctions after operation in real conditions. As for flanges and other things, I’ll say one thing - not only representatives of manufacturers, but also designers and developers came to us, repairmen. They listened to our advice, because they understood, we know how the product behaves in real conditions.
        1. 0
          30 June 2014 05: 55
          Quote: sever.56
          either medium or overhaul

          Was this repair done "on the knee" or in the shop?
          Quote: sever.56
          They listened to our advice.

          I do not argue, but nevertheless serious repair in the field is impossible.
  9. kowalski
    29 June 2014 19: 01
    "Well, it's like - if a tank was knocked out on the battlefield or an infantry fighting vehicle refused, then evacuation and all other actions with faulty equipment - will we hang on a civil sucker ????
    I completely agree! In a real combat situation, will we look for a "service organization" ?! Maybe, in accordance with 44-FZ, we will hold a tender, we will conduct tenders, we will connect the antimonopoly committee ?! An army canteen with busty civilian cooks is one thing (on occasion, a soldier will open a can of canned meat in combat conditions with a knife, eat biscuits with young healthy teeth with packaging), but what are we going to do with the equipment ?! We are not overdoing it with the introduction of "business" technologies into the army process ?! Serdyukovshchina smacks of ...
    1. s1н7т
      29 June 2014 22: 02
      Quote: kowalski
      It smells like Serdyukovschina ...

      I would say that Seryukovism under Shoigu did not go away, just took other PR forms.
    2. 0
      30 June 2014 07: 22
      Quote: kowalski
      In a real combat situation, will we look for a "service organization" ?!

      But was the conversation about the abolition of field repair shops?
  10. +3
    29 June 2014 19: 02
    It is necessary to separate the flies from cutlets, from the battlefield they must and must evacuate the wrecked equipment of the re-battles, and ordinary plants transferred to martial law should repair the wrecked equipment in the rear, for not fulfilling the repair deadlines, ask according to the laws of war.
  11. +2
    29 June 2014 19: 09
    I agree only in ONE! to update the SYSTEM - it must be destroyed before the BASE!
    you know how many GENERALS-without a HEAD stay!
    ONLY for merits to the FATHERLAND- he gives them SIMPLY-SELF-SELF-RELEASE!
  12. +1
    29 June 2014 19: 13
    Big money is at stake, and under any ministers there were people who could make that money by circling everyone around their finger.
  13. Stypor23
    29 June 2014 19: 24
    Quote: Nitarius
    I agree only in ONE! to update the SYSTEM - it must be destroyed before the BASE!
    you know how many GENERALS-without a HEAD stay!
    ONLY for merits to the FATHERLAND- he gives them SIMPLY-SELF-SELF-RELEASE!

    Generals with such a complex probably
    1. +1
      29 June 2014 20: 11
      Be careful, this is not an army general, but the captain of the traffic police.
      1. +5
        29 June 2014 20: 34
        If they have such captains, then what are the generals? laughing
      2. Stypor23
        30 June 2014 02: 26
        I see that the conversation was about the fact that the lured generals have a physical form like this young man with three letters on his back.
  14. +1
    29 June 2014 19: 31
    Quote: 1812 1945
    Billions will be "written off" for mending socks.

    Unfortunately, we are talking about REPAIR OF ARMS, MILITARY and SPECIAL EQUIPMENT!
  15. +10
    29 June 2014 19: 33
    The first thing that needs to be hammered into the heads of the reformers and their inspirers is the realization that defense spending is always forced deliberate and planned losses of the state. In part, they can only be reimbursed due to the supply of WWIS abroad. Any other profit-making at enterprises engaged in the production and repair of only VVST by changing ownership forms is an open road to theft and abuse. The purpose of the creation and functioning of such enterprises, as the author rightly noted, should not be profit-making, but the satisfaction of the needs of the Armed Forces, regardless of whether it is unprofitable or not. (How and at the expense of whom can profit from production, for example, torpedoes, be obtained? Only by reducing the budget financing of other industries, for example, cartridges.)
    Second, there are differences between repairs and repairs. And one size fits all ("non-core assets") should not be leveled.
    And thirdly. How do you like the second?
    You just need to turn on the head, and not the lackey desire to guess the desire of an unknown boss. Do what you need to strengthen your defenses according to your conscience, and be what happens. Then everything will work out.
    I fully share and support the position of the author.
  16. +8
    29 June 2014 19: 40
    Based on my experience at the Kotoroye enterprise (SZTM), I can say that this is a gross mistake by Shoigu against the background of his effective other actions. MY factory, which I was proud of, was engaged in the production of instruments for the Navy and the merchant fleet. The best personnel of machine tools and the factory itself, given to traders under the offices. The precision mechanics factory was the best for the qualification of machine operators and scaffolds in our city of Yekaterinburg.
  17. -1
    29 June 2014 19: 43
    Well, wait for anything good with such rear services !!!! shoot all !!! and *
  18. +1
    29 June 2014 20: 18
    I know these repair plants. 95th year, Vozzhaevka station, KDVO. A month and a half stuck there. Hard workers, on Monday came to work for lunch - got drunk. On Friday afternoon, the workers disappeared from work like the Chinese infantry in the taiga. They had bonuses like my three lieutenant salaries. I explained to these "experts" what the fuel injection advance angle is.
    1. +2
      29 June 2014 20: 36
      No! In those days, hard workers worked almost without a salary, hoping for a state that was sold to the Yeltsin States.
  19. +2
    29 June 2014 20: 26
    Reform with obscure consequences

    The consequences will be exactly the same as in ENERGY.
    Under the USSR there were POWERFUL SPECIALIZED installation, repair and adjustment enterprises at the USSR MINENERGO, with all the necessary infrastructure, material and technical base, experienced engineering and technical specialists and highly qualified workers, in this connection were factories and enterprises that met the needs of the energy sector. There were STABLE PRICES for the volume of work and STABLE PRICES for all materials and equipment, adjusted for district coefficients. Everything was CLEAR and CLEAR!
    And now ... all the specialized enterprises have been dispersed, invented TENDERS for the implementation of the robot, for the purchase of materials, and these tenders are "won" by those organizations that will put the most in the customer's pocket, and it seems that CUSTOMERS care about this most of all, and not the QUALITY OF WORKS OR MATERIALS.
    And the prices for the performance of the same work, and the prices for materials and equipment, and the timing of the work, sometimes so different that you can only wonder, as if sucked out of the "finger".
    With such a "reform" the industry can finally be driven "INTO THE CORNER".
  20. -1
    29 June 2014 20: 34
    Quote: Mareman Vasilich
    expecting something wise from Shoigu. He has neither experience nor knowledge to correctly pull our army out of shit.

    Nobody demands from the leader of such a level to know and be able to EVERYTHING. He has only one duty and of a completely different sense, namely, to find and place competent professional assistants in appropriate positions each in his own direction.
    1. s1н7т
      29 June 2014 22: 07
      Yeah, found and arranged! laughing But still they will do what they say from the Kremlin. And if possible - to steal in billions, they’ll put them for millions. And why the hell did the country's defenses? Like Shoigu, I guess.
  21. wef
    29 June 2014 20: 36
    Quote: Andrey Yurievich
    There are many, many things to be considered and counted. Apparently, the replacement of standard components and assemblies should be left in the army, and something more complicated should be entrusted to the manufacturers, including solving the issue with them about the availability of repair enterprises - branches in the right places in the country ...

    I agree, replacement of components and assemblies. to leave current repairs in the army. Indeed, even after repairs carried out in the factory, the equipment must be adjusted, the devices must be adjusted. Not all, but many systems that require this during operation. After all, repair battalions existed in the Second World War, and existed later. In Afghanistan rem. companies and battalions "darned" the equipment on the spot.
    We already lose specialists in the troops, in industry.
    Yes, modern technology, yes, the achievement of scientific progress, but they are expensive and sometimes repairs can consist in banal soldering of the contact. And what, take to the factory?
    Another thing is thorough repair, re-equipment, reconstruction of thorough. facilities. It is necessary to make specialized enterprises, manufacturing plants.
    Of course, repairs in the troops gave and makes it possible to warm hands. But that's another story.
    1. s1н7т
      30 June 2014 21: 27
      Quote: wef
      Of course, repairs in the troops gave and makes it possible to warm hands. But that's another story.

      Handed over and accepted BTT from overhaul with TRZ. Who and where he warmed his hands, did not understand? Sorry, nonsense, in my opinion.
  22. vasilysan
    29 June 2014 20: 47
    Please support the sites of New Russia:

    News portal of the South-East

    The first video portal of New Russia
  23. +1
    29 June 2014 20: 58
    Colleagues, nothing Western takes root on our soil. After the "Western experiment" destroys the material base, sends the craftsmen "from God" to retirement, and goes completely bankrupt, we begin to return to our roots. It has already happened - not, once, not twice. the notorious "outsourcing" disabled the socialist mat. base - and we do not have another - and forced to introduce repair units into the structure of enterprises. It would be silly - the outsourcing company should make a profit, and not at all ensure the technical serviceability of the former base company. Plus "kickbacks".
    And as for Shoigu (what a typical Russian surname is like Rabinovich, Dudaev, etc.), look:
    And having looked - tell me - why is it better than Chubais?
  24. +3
    29 June 2014 20: 59
    Brothers, there is ONE QUESTION ??? And if WAR, God forbid, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled guns, in the event of failure for any reason WHERE TO CARRY TO REPAIR ???? If the repair plant is evacuated, for example, to the rear, what should I do? ??? As far as I remember, in the Great Patriotic War in Leningrad, Stalingrad, tanks went to the front directly from the shops directly in these cities !!! But how is it now, and that the troops don’t need to study the materiel?!? We’ve fused the fuse for repair. AND ARRIDITY !!!
  25. +1
    29 June 2014 22: 12
    If the state allocated me money for the repair of my own apartment, for materials, for the salary of my beloved, then this repair would be enough for me for life.
  26. 0
    29 June 2014 22: 14
    Quote: Stypor23
    Quote: Nitarius
    I agree only in ONE! to update the SYSTEM - it must be destroyed before the BASE!
    you know how many GENERALS-without a HEAD stay!
    ONLY for merits to the FATHERLAND- he gives them SIMPLY-SELF-SELF-RELEASE!

    Generals with such a complex probably

    Photoshop, probably?!? laughing
  27. 0
    29 June 2014 22: 33
    I can't say anything about the repair of army or aviation equipment. But about the fleet I know the problem from the inside out (surface ships). There was a dark joke in the Navy at one time: if you want to ruin a ship, put it in for repair. So it practically was. I see the following reasons for this: 1. The qualifications of workers in repair enterprises are noticeably lower than those of manufacturers. 2. Plants - manufacturers В and ВТ have incomparably better tooling and technological equipment, more qualified design and technological support. 3. At shipyards, the quality of the work performed is controlled by the quality control department, which with all the giblets are subordinate to the management of the enterprise, while at manufacturing plants there are military missions, which is far from the same thing. 4. To ensure ship repair, there are special management structures, which, in fact, are scrolling through large budget funds, specialized military organizations compose all repair documentation (remanufacturing, etc.), which in fact are obtained by empty pieces of paper, while the manufacturer works according to design documentation ... As a result, the repair of ships is delayed for many years and it turns out to be of low quality. You can also give a bunch of comparisons of those and other enterprises, and all of them will not be in favor of military re-enterprises. And as examples: the newest destroyer "Sovremenny", after being deployed in the SRZ-35 in Murmansk, died in Bose and was decommissioned from the fleet. And vice versa, the "Pylky" and "Zharkiy" ICRs that have undergone repair and modernization within the walls of the Severnaya Verf Shipyard in St. Petersburg have served for a long time. As a summary, I think that Defense Minister Shoigu made the right decision, and the arguments of the author of the article are not convincing. Of course, the fleets should have a certain repair base, but only for emergency and not large-scale repair work using onshore spare parts. Scheduled ship repairs are cheaper, faster and better quality should be carried out at the manufacturing plants.
    1. s1н7т
      30 June 2014 21: 16
      Quote: okroshka79
      I think that Minister of Defense Shoigu made the right decision

      If this "decision" concerned only the fleet, then I would not mind, because I have nothing to do with him. But taking the BRM across the country for maintenance is nonsense! District (group) TRZ coped with this perfectly!
    2. Fin
      30 June 2014 23: 07
      Quote: okroshka79
      And as examples: the newest destroyer "Sovremenny", after being deployed in the SRZ-35 in Murmansk, died in Bose and was decommissioned from the fleet. And vice versa, the "Pylky" and "Zharkiy" ICRs that have undergone repair and modernization within the walls of the Severnaya Verf Shipyard in St. Petersburg have served for a long time.

      If you served on surface ships, you should know why the destroyers are not releasing far. The problem is the extremely unsuccessful and capricious power plants, and they are ruined by 90% of the entire series. And BOD and SKR with a gas turbine plant have been running and are still running. And current repairs were carried out and they are also being carried out at 35 shipyard.
  28. +2
    29 June 2014 22: 42
    I completely agree with the author of the article. Shoigu show-off. After taking office, the first thing he changed was his uniform. The military has an omen, if the Defense Ministry began its activity with the uniform, then nothing sensible can be expected from such a minister. Probably nowhere to put money in the Ministry of Defense. So far, one window dressing: introduced tank biathlon for all military branches, even for aviation. Aviadarts invented, invent a bicycle under a different name. But there are types of troop training tested by life and combat training courses, ending with various exercises ranging from battalion to district. Now the reformers got to the repair of military equipment, it is clear that it is necessary to restore order, but for some reason such reforms lead to a decrease in the country's defense capability. The principle is old - they wanted the best, but it turned out as always.
  29. +6
    29 June 2014 23: 13
    Lord comrades. judging by the comments, most do not even have an idea about rembases. It is understandable. I will explain. During my service I repeatedly sent my Su-shki to secondary repair at a repair shop, there they also sent separate equipment (LD), PCB boards for repair. Himself more than once went to take aircraft and equipment. And everything worked perfectly and was being repaired (engine replacement is carried out in the fuel-electric power supply). And at our airport there was a rembase for MiGs. Now imagine how you will drive Sushka to Komsomolsk (well, this is still possible), and Kashki to Arsenyev on Dalniy. Repair will become gold. And in general, as long as the MO will not be led by a personnel officer, there will be no order and sense, a continuous mess and unsanitary conditions.
    1. s1н7т
      30 June 2014 21: 24
      Quote: basmach
      while the MO will not be led by a personnel officer

      Gee! Shoigu is a real career "officer" of the Yeltsin team laughing And there will be no order in the Ministry of Defense until the country understands what it needs - capitalism, into which we are not allowed, or socialism, which everyone has forgotten. Because in each case - its own requirements for military doctrine, for personnel, for technology. And we hang between the ruined old and the stolen new.
  30. 0
    29 June 2014 23: 23
    The question is very important and complex, it cannot have an unambiguous solution. All types of troops have their own characteristics, different types of equipment. Sorry, but the repair of KAMAZ and Poplar are completely different things, the first tens of thousands, the second units! The necessary combat readiness of the weapon systems is also different: or two dozen T-72s broke. or one S-300 division.
    All the problems described in the article + arose after the country adopted the so-called "democracy". In the days of the USSR, strengthening combat readiness was a state task, but now this task is divided into performing this task (Ministry of Defense, President) and making a profit, the faster and the more the better.
    By the way, do not interfere in one heap the system of restoration of the military hardware and military system and the so-called corruption component, let's not compare the work of an engineer and a policeman. They have different jobs.
    The article is a big plus, a serious issue that needs to be discussed is discussed, and here it is necessary to hear the views of all parties and different specialists. It is unfortunate that the Moscow Region does not hold open discussions on sensitive issues: we may not even know the conclusions and decisions (military secret). Like the military and the representatives of the military-industrial complex are limited by official and corporate boundaries, therefore, such a discussion is needed.
  31. Volkhov
    30 June 2014 01: 09
    This reform is a military trick. Now there is a war that the Russian Federation is losing, and the task of all the innovations is to transfer the country and the army to the enemy in such a confused state that for years he would re-establish work and could not use it for its intended purpose. This gives management time to flush and hide the loot.
    For example, Ukraine has just been handed over to the enemy and there they are forced to urgently change laws, restore the army, rinse the brains of the population, and Yanukovych with the loot bye-bye ... And if the enemy received Ukraine with a 700-thousand-strong group of the Soviet Army in good condition, then Yanukovych was would be caught even on Baikal and "permission to enter troops" would be impossible. So everything is the same, the scorched earth tactics, Serdyukov and others are burning their stables like Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - so that the Germans do not get it.
  32. +1
    30 June 2014 01: 39
    I will express my delitant opinion.
    In general, all these re-pipeings with corporatization have one purpose - to withdraw profits from the state’s pocket into your own pocket, roughly speaking, if an enterprise worked and did not incur a loss (went to zero), let’s say the Moscow remodel, then for MO this is acceptable, when this enterprise transfers to a private trader several ways are possible:
    - he begins to optimize it (and there’s nothing much to optimize, it doesn’t work out very well to save on the salaries of watchmen and storekeepers) and closes the enterprise (the experience of civilian repair factories confirms this), or draws a profit coefficient on the result of his activity, the value of which depends on the amount of rollback, accordingly save MO will not be able to.
  33. Cpa
    30 June 2014 01: 39
    With such a structure, the war will become even closer, because the military-industrial complex will want to warm its hands on it.
  34. -1
    30 June 2014 03: 04
    It seems that all the reforms in Russia were conceived correctly, but as it comes to business, everything turns out according to Chernomyrdin !!! Refused to repair, and then the abyss.
  35. +1
    30 June 2014 03: 06
    The article did not see the whole truth ... the facts are stated from a certain angle ...

    I can draw attention to the fact that over the years of perestroika and Yeltsin's lawlessness, the repair enterprises of the Moscow Region have degraded ... have become the personal business of their directors / colonels and those who oversaw the repairs in the departments and services of the Ministry of Defense ... I've seen enough of this at car repair plants within the city of Moscow (St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk ... and others.) mainly engaged in repairing foreign cars for money (equipped on a budget) ... aircraft repair plants overpriced repair estimates with the approval of the commander in chief ... plants engaged in repairing air defense systems of various profiles anything but the main task ... and so on and so forth ...

    There is something to do with this ... and there are no right answers here yet ...
  36. Freeway
    30 June 2014 06: 49
    Well, how "reforms" are being carried out in Russia - everyone already knows ... and if we count five planes a year as "rearmament", then there is no doubt: another scam of the government elite, "to earn" loot, not sickly 20 trillion)) I feel 20 mu year "will reform"))
    1. -2
      30 June 2014 07: 07
      Quote: Freeway
      .. and if we count five aircraft a year as "rearmament",

      Troll went to the site?
  37. 0
    30 June 2014 07: 11
    We, the older generation, are going into oblivion. We are now 70 years old or more. We loved our country and cherished it as we could. Now it’s your turn to youth! Either you profuche or save if you mature. We leave all areas. We were sent to miniscule pensions, taking away the right to work and ruining our factories. They simply betrayed us. Production, new ideas, loyalty to the country, selflessness, the ability to work for the sake of ideas, the desire for newness and interest in technology, the ability to see the enemy of Russia. What can you do? Hatred of nationalism us in the blood! Yeltsin deceived us and this is our misfortune and crime. We will never forgive ourselves for this. Do not be gullible! Here is our wish to the young! Think and act! Russia always has many enemies. You will be able to protect it free and prosperous. USA our eternal enemy! Not when we will not be friends with them, because the most inveterate villains advance to the political arena in the states.
  38. -1
    30 June 2014 07: 30
    I recall 41 years ... photographs of abandoned equipment, just because they could not make repairs on the spot.
    After all, then the same implied delivery to the unit, and then to the manufacturer.
    Now, not only repairs, but also any work on modernization of equipment that could be done nearby will become gold only because of transportation for thousands of kilometers.
  39. +1
    30 June 2014 07: 43
    Most of the comments can be characterized as follows - "I heard a ringing, but I don't know where it is." We are talking about repair PLANTS, not field workshops. Nobody will force to send equipment to the factory to replace the engine or even the fuse, as some here were indignant. Agree, a complex or major overhaul will be better done by the manufacturer, and the military-industrial complex enterprises will not be left without a load and money.
    1. Cpa
      30 June 2014 11: 56
      If there is a repair under the warranty period, the commander will make repairs in his own workshop?
    2. +1
      30 June 2014 20: 07
      The point is not where it is better and cheaper, the point is that when repairing equipment, the ability to do it is maintained, i.e. production resources, personnel, equipment, logistics, warehouses, etc., in a word, SYSTEM, which will be in demand in case of something.
      And inspections of enterprises should be carried out periodically on the basis of approved estimates, delivered metals, ACTs, etc.
    3. 0
      1 July 2014 08: 11
      A field workshop is a field workshop, not everything can be done in it ... calculate the cost of transporting a tank for modernization from Kamchatka or the Far East to the Urals and vice versa, the cost of transportation may exceed the cost of work.
      As Sergei75 correctly noted, factories are the so-called mobilization resource ... in case there is an armored train on the siding.
      Carry out an audit and put things in order ... make modernization ... and what prevents the provision of services to other state organizations for maintenance of equipment.
  40. vadimiys
    30 June 2014 07: 59
    shortly speaking! He is the Tuvin who destroyed the FIRE PROTECTION. HERE and the turn of the armed forces has come !!!!
  41. 0
    30 June 2014 20: 01
    Quote: Mareman Vasilich
    Why minus, comrade, you're right. I don’t understand many idealists who expect something wise from Shoigu. He has neither experience nor knowledge to correctly pull our army out of shit. Yes, more will and courage are needed.

    Shoigu may or may not have enough experience and knowledge, but his entourage has all this. The leader has the main task to create a team, a team, next to him, competent and knowledgeable about their business and not licking.
  42. +1
    30 June 2014 20: 16
    Quote: Strashila
    I recall 41 years ... photographs of abandoned equipment, just because they could not make repairs on the spot.
    After all, then the same implied delivery to the unit, and then to the manufacturer.

    How do you know that then delivery was meant to the factory, and not to the workshops. And where to get a tractor, crane, train with platforms for delivery. Where is that part or manufacturer where repairs can be made.
    In modern wars, there are also many "photographs of abandoned equipment", then it is useless for you to write ...
    1. 0
      1 July 2014 08: 17
      "And where to get a tractor, a crane, a train with platforms for delivery." ... this question had to be resolved in order to take it to the workshops first ... you asked it yourself.
      not all workshops had a staff of specialists able to solve all problems.
  43. 0
    2 July 2014 15: 21
    Conversation about the competence of Shoigu. 2 comments get "- 1"
    Nobody demands from the leader of such a level to know and be able to EVERYTHING. He has only one duty and of a completely different sense, namely, to find and place competent professional assistants in appropriate positions each in his own direction.

    Any minister, be it the minister of defense, light industry or agriculture, must first of all have a smart head, professional assistants, the unconditional qualities of a leader and managerial skills. In complex, specific issues, you should always rely on professionals. The minister’s task is to properly prioritize and evaluate expert opinions.

    What kindergarten are you from, putting cons? Did you not like the words "must be, first of all, a smart head"? If you do not have it, these are your problems ... If you think that the Minister should have a different head, go to Kashchenko, dear ones! If you don't accept Shoigu specifically, then take his place and DO at least something ...! Who will let you go there ...