The arms of Robert Hillberg. Part two

Dear readers! This is the second material in a series of publications on arms, designed by American designer Robert Hillberg (Robert Hillberg). In the first part, I introduced you with a shotgun Liberator (Liberator)Robert Hillberg and the Winchester campaign tried to arm pro-American guerrillas from Southeast Asia.

Эхо холодной the war: Colt Defender (Защитник)

Colt Defender стал логическим развитием концепции многоствольного дробовика, предложенным Робертом Хиллбергом и преемником дробовика Winchester Liberator. Война в Юго-Восточной Азии уже постепенно затухала, но “партизанский дробовик” так и не нашел в ней применения. И на роль “окопной метлы” в руках солдат armies США Winchester Liberator все равно не подошел, несмотря на все модернизации.

But the designer did not despair and continued to look after another large state customer for his ideas. He made a decision: using the accumulated experience, create a new weapon, give it additional properties and offer this universal weapon complex first of all to law enforcement agencies. And there, you see, with a favorable set of circumstances, there will be other customers.

Design documentation development was completed in 1967. When designing the new rifle, Hillberg returned to using the 20-caliber Magnum cartridges in his weapon. He believed that this cartridge allowed the shooter to better control the withdrawal of weapons when firing, that is, to make the weapon more manageable. At the same time, the effectiveness of the fire and the damaging ability remained at a level close to the 12 caliber.

The new weapon looked, to put it mildly, unusual. What can I say: with its appearance it impressed and amazed the imagination! In short, the real defender (Defender).

The arms of Robert Hillberg. Part two

8 (EIGHT !!!) trunks were merged around the central axis. The weapon was equipped borrowed from the Winchester Liberator USM with an open arrangement of a revolver-type trigger and a pistol grip. As in the Winchester Liberator, the block of barrels was fixed motionless to the receiver. As in the Winchester Liberator, the sequence of firing was ensured by the cam mechanism, which changed the position of the drummer and ensured firing from each barrel in turn.
As in the Winchester Liberator, loading weapons occurred by perelamyvaniya block of barrels.

In addition, the Defender was equipped with an additional pistol grip: it was brought forward and placed under the barrel assembly, where the tactical grip is usually mounted. The second pistol grip was supposed to help with instinctive firing or “activate additional functions”.

The length of each barrel was 12 "(30.48 cm), the total weapon length was 17,75 inches (45,08 cm), and it weighed 8,6 pounds (3,9 kg).
The receiver was made of aluminum alloy with steel inserts and was coated with epoxy paint.

In the final version of the weapon was available in four versions.

First performance envisaged a space between the trunks to accommodate the tank with tear gas. It was assumed that the irritant, who was part of the complex, could be used in the liquidation of riots as non-lethal weapons. To use the “non-lethal” properties of this version of the weapon, it was necessary to press the trigger located on the additional pistol grip. In other words, it was like using a grenade launcher.

Second performance It was equipped with a trunk selector. This allowed the shooter to charge barrels with different types of ammunition and choose any of the eight barrels for the next shot. In this I see the similarity with the ability to spin the drum in a revolver: you can use different ammunition in the same drum, and there is an opportunity to choose them according to the situation.

Third performance It was the most "fancy" and absorbed both the properties of non-lethal weapons from the first version, and the ability to select the barrel from the second version. That is, it had a place for a tank with tear gas, and a barrel selector.

Fourth performance It was the simplest: in it the drummer simply turned around a group of trunks and stopped opposite the next one. Opportunities to choose the barrel was not.

Like its progenitor Winchester Liberator, Defender had a semi-automatic rifle rate of fire, but it was incomparably simpler technically. Shotgun was extremely easy to operate and very reliable (affected the presence of trigger revolver type).

Robert Hillberg believed that double-action USM was an ideal solution for use in law enforcement, as it minimized the learning process. Before contacting one of the manufacturers, Hillberg thoroughly tested his “Defender”. The design turned out to be so well thought out that it took only a few minor changes to launch into pre-production.

When Robert Hillberg offered his development to Colt Industries, they showed a very keen interest in Defender. However, before the start of production at Colt insisted on conducting a study to identify potential customers and markets.

Representatives of Colt began to demonstrate the capabilities of a new weapon to a number of departments of various departments, and all those who saw him in the case remained impressed by the simplicity of the Defender’s design, its compactness and firepower. In addition, many found that its appearance has an impressive deterrent effect.

Unfortunately, Defender was born at a time when the United States was in a political and economic crisis. Therefore, the police department sighed, looking with regret at the Defender, but decided to abandon the purchase of new weapons and use what is already in their arsenals.

Despite the interest shown in Defender, marketers from Colt found that given the adverse economic and political situation in the country and in the world, the market for the new weapons would be minimal. And in order to recoup the costs of launching Defender in mass production and make a profit, they recommended to postpone its production “until better times.” But they did not come for the Colt Defender.

By the 1971, the Winchester Liberator and Colt Defender were no longer even remembered.

The “Liberator” and “Defender” shotguns, designed by Robert Hillberg, were undoubtedly among the most innovative shotguns created before that time. Such a combination of compactness, reliability, firepower and simplicity that these samples had, for a long time could not boast of other, later developments. They certainly deserved a better fate.

There were also attempts to create something multi-stunning specifically for the cinema. For example, a non-existent weapon (dummy), specially created for the film Few Seconds / Split Second 1992. Images from the film Few Seconds:

Harley Stone (Rutger Hauer) with “Automatic multi barreled shotgun”

Dick Durkin (Neil Duncan) with “Automatic multi barreled shotgun”

Michelle (Kim Cattrall) with “Automatic multi barreled shotgun”

To be continued

Information sources:
21 comment
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  1. avt
    27 June 2014 09: 29
    “Despite the interest shown in Defender, marketers from Colt found that given the unfavorable economic and political situation both in the country and in the world, the sales market for the new weapon would be minimal." ------- And most importantly that ------ ,, Unfortunately, the Defender was born at a time when the United States was in a political and economic crisis. "------ It has nothing to do with it. Of course, it inspires all kind of unit and is quite working, but here in life with such a fool to drag around in search of "specific tasks" for its use seems to be no fools, with a "simple" pump-action it is somehow easier. Well, not everyone can act in films. Article plus, such a normal continuation, good quality.
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 17: 10
      Quote: avt
      in search of "specific tasks"

      In the 1960s, police forces around the world were very keen on the gas grenade theme. And they are much longer than a regular buckshot cartridge, since the pyrotechnic mixture has a lower density than lead. Making a self-loading shotgun that can feed a 20 cm long cardboard tube without breaking is extremely difficult.
      I'll note that the M-203 can't fire the "riot control grenade" made for the M-79. It's just too long to fit.
  2. +4
    27 June 2014 10: 01
    The task of increasing the density of fire was solved by automatic shotguns. So this is a dead end branch of development. For now.
  3. Peacemaker
    27 June 2014 10: 17
    Not enough trunks, judging by the photo inside, four more things can be shoved wink
    1. 0
      27 June 2014 10: 27
      Quote: PeaceMaker
      Not enough trunks, judging by the photo inside, four more things can be shoved wink

      inside were "additional options".
  4. +2
    27 June 2014 10: 21
    Well, in fact, the gun is not such a "fool". Seriously. yes, he looks ugly. however, the length is half a meter. the weight is rather big, really.
    but! take mr-153 - 3.5 kilos and a meter with a tail with the shortest barrel.
    here is a relatively simple scheme. as in the previous article, here is a model that is easy to manufacture, reliable to use. plus a choice of barrel and "additional options". options are a great idea. :-)

    automatic shotguns have not yet been invented. Yes, and this is not a police weapon.
    and the fact that the police now have drum grenade launchers and rubber arrows is a fact.
    not such a dead end. :-)

    I like Hillberg's ideas. they are interesting, lively. this is an attempt not only to add "design", but to make your own.

    Michael, thank you very much for the article. I am delighted!
    1. +3
      27 June 2014 10: 44
      Quote: Bigfoot_Sev
      automatic shotguns have not yet been invented
      1. +2
        27 June 2014 11: 35
        in article 1967. no automatic shotguns yet.
        AA-12 of 1972 of development and since 1980 in production.
        it was written in the context of the "dead-end branch of development".
  5. +3
    27 June 2014 10: 30
    If for air cannons multi-barrel is a completely normal phenomenon due to the very high rate of fire and, as a consequence, the rapid heating of the trunks, then for infantry I see one tendency. The simpler and more elegant the weapon looks, the more it is in demand. It’s like in aviation: an ugly plane will not fly.
  6. +3
    27 June 2014 10: 50
    Colt was offering these shotguns to the wrong people. Negro and Latin American gangs would be delighted with such trunks! It is simple, reliable, quick-fire, and it also looks very cool. The perfect barrel for a driveby.
    1. +6
      27 June 2014 11: 50
      Quote: the47th
      Negro and Latin American gangs would be delighted with such trunks!

      African and Latin American freedom fighters prefer AK.

      The AK image is present in the state symbolism of some countries and organizations:
      - Coat of arms and flag of Mozambique;
      - coat of arms of Zimbabwe;
      - coat of arms of Burkina Faso (from 1984 to 1997 years.);
      - coat of arms of East Timor (with 2007);
      - the emblem of the Hezbollah group.

      The popularity of AK was in the world so high that in Mozambique, for example, the name Kalash became one of the most common names for boys in the late twentieth century.
      Superstitious Africans hoped that with this name the spirit of freedom and the ability to stand up for it would infuse the newborn boy.
      1. +1
        27 June 2014 14: 23
        Quote: Mister X
        African and Latin American freedom fighters prefer AK.

        And here freedom fighters? I was talking about street gangs.
        1. +2
          27 June 2014 15: 56
          Quote: the47th
          And here freedom fighters? I was talking about street gangs.

          It hurts bulky stuff.
          I think that the bandos also preferred something more compact: AK, AR, or the traditional single-barreled shotgun.
          1. +2
            27 June 2014 20: 31
            Something like that ...

  7. +4
    27 June 2014 12: 08
    The weapon is really very unusual, and it is written well. good
    But he noticed one absurdity:
    8 (EIGHT !!!) 12-inch trunks

    Most likely, Mikhail, you mean the trunks of the 12 caliber, do not consider it criticism, perhaps this is a translation cost. hi
    1. Tyumen
      27 June 2014 12: 18
      Apparently, this is the length of the trunks. 12 inches - 30 cm with copecks.
      Total - 45cm, sort of like that.
    2. +5
      27 June 2014 13: 17
      Quote: Bongo
      Most likely Michael, you meant 12 th caliber

      The weapon is designed for 20-caliber Magnum cartridges, and the length of each barrel was 12 "(30.48 cm).
      This is not the difficulty of translation, and not enough clear presentation of the data.
      I shalturil slightly ...
      1. +4
        27 June 2014 14: 39
        Quote: Mister X
        The weapon is designed for 20-caliber Magnum cartridges, and the length of each barrel was 12 "(30.48 cm).

        All the same, the trunks are a bit short, the 20th Manum, if I am not mistaken, contains about 32 g of a shot charge. With this barrel length, the effective firing range will be very modest.
        1. +1
          28 June 2014 16: 35
          Quote: Bongo
          With such a barrel length effective range will be very modest.


          I agree, but only if it were about accurate shooting at significant distances and the task was to kill outright.

          I think that hunting and police shotguns have different tasks.
          For some reason, I see the relationship between the effect expected from the Colt Defender and the effect
          obtained by the defending side after the installation of anti-personnel mines.
          Remember the article “Bullet mine” from 20 in April 2013 (Author Yuri Veremeev).
          In the “Mining Economics” section, the author refers to the American concept of “humanizing weapons” and
          the calculations of American economists, who assert that it is much more profitable to maim enemy soldiers,
          not kill them.
          Here and the psychological aspect, and economic.

          It is possible that the “group of experts” considered that there are enough arguments to suppress the riots at the Defender:
          - Awesome factor (appearance);
          - Warning shots in the air;
          - A jet of gas irritant from the built-in cylinder;
          Ate the above measures do not have the desired effect - shooting at the squares, small fraction from a long distance, so that the fraction at the end of the day caused bruises.
          All this, in theory, should have been enough to break and demoralize the first rows, and then - the calculation of the spread of emotions on the back rows (crowd effect).

          And to knock out the hinges or lay in the emphasis on the spot of the criminal can be from a shotgun with a short barrel using the cartridges with a canister.
          1. +2
            29 June 2014 15: 42
            Quote: Mister X
            I agree, but only if it were about accurate shooting at significant distances and the task was to kill outright.

            "Accuracy" of shooting with a shotgun is generally a relative concept.
            Regarding the barrel length, I judge from my experience of shooting from various shotguns, including the TOZ-106 20 caliber. The barrel length of the latter is just about 300-mm. The characteristics of this weapon are more than mediocre.
            In terms of shotguns-weapons of "security forces", in my opinion, "pumps" and semiautomatic devices are optimal. "Protector" is very uncomfortable in everyday wear, and cleaning it is certainly a real torment.
            1. +1
              29 June 2014 15: 52
              Quote: Bongo
              "Protector" is very uncomfortable in everyday wear, and cleaning it is certainly a real torment.

              Maybe that's why he did not interest anyone, but the crisis has nothing to do with it?
              It is a pleasure to exchange opinions with a person who gives reasonable arguments and does not translate the conversation towards clarifying relationships and personal insults.
              I want to slightly open the curtain and whisper that the designer did not calm down on this and his achievements found application in his next model.
              What could it be?
              A little patience!
              Продолжение следует ...
              1. +3
                29 June 2014 15: 57
                Quote: Mister X
                It is a pleasure to exchange opinions with a person who gives reasonable arguments and does not translate the conversation towards clarifying relationships and personal insults.

                Thank you Michael! wink The ability and desire to communicate constructively is something that many visitors to this site lack.
                Quote: Mister X
                A little patience! To be continued ...

                Well, wait. I am sure the next publication on this subject will be no less interesting.
  8. 0
    27 June 2014 12: 21
    Reminded the movie "Cyborg" laughing
  9. +4
    27 June 2014 12: 53
    Hmm, the 4th barrel was clear and understandable, but a gun with the dimensions of a sewer pipe, this is a perversion. You will be tortured to equip it, and it is not a fact that it was fundamentally cheaper than a conventional "pump". If you get rid of it, then it's better like this:

    (DP12 - 2's barrel pump)
  10. The comment was deleted.