Third kingdom kingdom


"Dictators have become quite popular these days, and perhaps not much time will pass, and we will need our own in England."
Edward VIII,

In conversation with Prussian Prince Louis Ferdinand 13 July 1933 of the year

Start off history remarks by the rector of the Canterbury Cathedral, Hewlett Johnson, about the Second World War and the freedom of England and Russia, who decide "in this great battle." The archbishop of this cathedral was William Temple, a member of the team of Professor at the London School of Economics, the historian Arnold Toynbee, the permanent head of Chatham House or the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The structure appeared during the same Paris conference on the initiative of Secretary Robert Cecil Lionel Curtis and Lord Alfred Milner, who was mentioned in his diary by the head of the French military mission under the tsar General Headquarters Maurice Janin in April 1917, noting that the February Revolution "was led by the British and specifically Lord Milner and Sir Buchanan. ”

The Royal Institute of International Relations was a representative organization of the Round Table created by the Rothschilds and was of the same age as the American Institute of International Relations, in which Isaiah Bowman and Nikalas Speakman, who predicted in 1938 the year, dealt with issues of a united Europe: “If only the dream of a European confederation does not become a reality, it can easily turn out that in fifty years China, India, the USA and the USSR will be the four world powers. ” In the middle of 20, Toynbee travels to the United States to the Dulles brothers and former US Chief of Staff Tusker Bliss. Together they form the idea of ​​how United Europe absorbs 25 sovereign states. The formation of a united European Union both in Great Britain and in Germany was engaged in, let's say - the pro-fascist regimes.

"... Almost the first model of the European Union was the Third Reich, in fact, Hitler created the European Union, it must be admitted ..."
And Fursov,
Radio Mayak "On the world elites and those who rule the world" 30.08.2012

In the Third Reich, the whole Central European Economic Council (CEE) worked on the unification of Europe through the “peaceful penetration” of German industry, the main sponsors of which were IG Farben, Krupp AG, the German Association of Mechanical Engineering and the influential Imperial Association of German Industry and others. A significant role was assigned to Karl Kotz and Herman Abs, representatives of Dresdner Bank and Deutsche Bank. Even before Hitler headed the imperial office, the CES, with the support of the Foreign Ministry, conducted secret talks with Benito Mussolini about dividing the spheres of economic influence in Europe, in which Italy withdrew South-Eastern Europe and Serbia, and Germany received Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Romania .

By the middle of 30, the idea of ​​uniting Europe is becoming so popular among the British establishment that the leader of the Labor Party, Clement Attlee, at the congress in 1934, said: "We deliberately set loyalty to world order above loyalty to our own country." The leader of the British fascists, Baronet Oswald Mosley, whose health was so well cared for by the British justice that he released the last from prison because of the “suggested fear” of rheumatism, became a supporter of the unification of Europe. In his book "We will live tomorrow," the founder of the British Union of Fascists wrote: "... Europe will perish without the united effective leadership of the great powers." Of interest are the financial sources of the organization Oswald Mosley, who at the end of 1936, in an interview with Il Giornale d'Italia, did not hide the fact that "he receives support from British industrialists." After leaving the British Union of Fascists in 1937, Alexander Mills argued that among his financial sources, in addition to the 12 Coal Use Council, was the British company Imperial Chemical Industries, which was essentially a division of IG Farben since 1932. In addition, according to the Special Police Department, the BSF treasurer made regular visits to Geneva to collect money, where in December 1934 the first world fascist congress was held, which brought together delegates from Britain, Ireland, France, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Greece, Austria, Romania, Lithuania, Italy, Portugal, Spain.

At that time, fascist ideas gained such popularity in England that the British Fascist Party, the Fascist League, the Fascist movement, the Kensington Fascist Party, the Yorkshire Fascists, the National Fascists were created. In England, the Great Council of British Fascists existed and was active, a member of which John Baker-White found "in the person of Mr. Himmler ... a charming owner of the house, a very efficient police chief." In 1934, the writer Georg Schott in the book “X. S. Chamberlain, the seer of the Third Reich "wrote:" The German people, do not forget, and always remember that this "foreigner" Chamberlain called the "alien" Adolf Hitler your Führer. "

The founder of the Imperial Fascist League Arnold Liz in 1935, long before the "crystal night", spoke in favor of "solving the Jewish problem with the help of" death chambers "," he also became the author of the "Madagascar solution." However, the decision of the “Jewish question” among the British fascists was ambiguous: if in 1933, their leader and close friend of A. Hitler, Oswald Mosley, was guided by the Italian fascists, who, as noted in April 1933 in the Blackshet newspaper, “ managed to avoid conflict with the Jews ... ". On his occasion, the Daily Telegraph in the 30 September issue assured that at the London conference of the fascists 29 in September 1933 was read: “As you probably know, the grandfather of Lady Cynthia Mosley was Jewish and was called Levi Leiter. It is also well known that someone Cohn, a Jew, funds the organization of Sir Oswald Mosley. In England, anti-Semitism is a critical point in the fascist movement. And Sir Oswald Mosley has categorically ordered all members of the organization, many of whom are committed anti-Semites, to completely abandon the anti-Semitic position. ”

However, in October 1934, through the mouth of one of the leaders of the British Union of Fascists, Albert Hall, it was publicly stated that the Union is adopting anti-Semitism, and all Jews are excluded from its membership. According to one of the leaders of the political intelligence department of the British Foreign Ministry, Bruce Lockhart, in July 1933, the heir to the British throne, Edward VIII, said: "We should not interfere in the internal affairs of Germany, either in relation to the Jewish question, or in relation to anything else."

“State power is personified by a narrow oligarchic group — the National Socialist Order, its council and its leader. This hierarchy gives power to successive leaders of the order on the principle of "the king is dead, long live the king!".

Henry Ernst “Hitler over Europe?”, 1936

Soon, on the historical horizon of the Third Reich, the “appointed king” of the New European Order will really loom! This fact belongs to the little-known thanks to two persons: in the spring of 1945 of the year in the south of Germany, occupied by American troops, an employee of the British intelligence MI-5 Anthony Blunt and the royal librarian Owen Morshed appeared. They reached Friedrichshof’s castle of Prince Philip of Hesse, whose owner was taken into custody as a prominent figure in the Nazi regime, and demanded access to the castle’s owner’s personal papers, claiming that they were property of the British royal family. Not wanting to delve into the subtleties of the royal genealogy, and the landgraves of Hesse-Kassel were really related to the British monarchs, the American officer refused to visitors. Then Blunt and Morshed returned to the castle under cover of night and entered it secretly. They quickly found the papers, put them in two boxes and immediately left the Friedrichshof. A week later, the documents were delivered to Windsor Castle, after which no one else saw them. But not so long ago there was a book about Edward VIII, written by Martin Allen (Martin Allen). In it, he in particular claimed that he had helped the Nazis to occupy France, passing them secret information. Although he used archival documents when writing, the Royal Prosecutor’s Office immediately joined in and quickly determined that Allen had falsified all of them. However, in connection with the state of health of the historian, it was decided not to prosecute him.

"... the notorious freedom of the English press, about which they shout so loudly and obsessively abroad and which is expressed in almost complete non-interference in its area of ​​administrative and police authorities, is in fact a fiction, because it is constrained by the threat of repression"

Baron Raoul de Rennes "The secret meaning of current and future events"

In the case of Martin Allen, some English historians tried to resent, recalling that Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David or, in short, Edward VIII made his debut as a pro-Nazi candidate in the summer of 1935, in the Queen’s Throne Room, where addressing former soldiers and officers The Legion urged them to forget forever the enmity generated by the Great War between Britain and Germany. Then those present rose from their seats and made a stormy ovation to the prince; The British flag peacefully coexisted with the swastika flag. The flags continued to coexist and subsequently, with 1940 - 1945, developing over the Channel Islands - British territory occupied by the Wehrmacht. A portrait of the crowned heir will coexist with the portrait of Reimsführer SS Himmler in the office of John Emery, a recruiter of British volunteers to serve the Third Reich. True, in the Third Reich, his father, Leopold Emery, was credited with "Jewish ties" by the minister for the affairs of the colonies and British India. In 1944, members of the British Volunteer Corps ("Legion of St. George") will become part of the Waffen-SS, and their emblems will have a dead head and all three lions of the British coat of arms - under the flag of "Union Jack" with its crowning swastika.

“In order to protect those who would suffer from the disclosure of information, or their descendants ... some of the most important documents ... relating to British fascism, were classified. [...] There were rumors that fires were burning in the “16 M” section, whole heaps of cases related to respected individuals and their role in 1939 / 1940 events were being destroyed. [...] Oglaske was given only a few names, and these cases, mainly concerned the deceased in the Bose. To protect the reputation of respected representatives of the British establishment, those who tried to negotiate with Hitler, access to archival data was denied. [...] In the post-war period, the British government also refused to publish documents related to the activities of this organization. It turned out that access to information about the "Club of the Right" was closed not only in London - at the request of the British side, the relevant documents were also removed from the state archives in Washington. "

Manuel Sarkisyans "English roots of German fascism"

In 1936, the king of Great Britain, Edward VIII, abdicated the throne for the sake of an American Mrs. Simpson. Forty-eight hours after the official abdication as the gate belonging to Eugene von Rothschild of Ensfeld Castle, located in the vicinity of Vienna, they opened wide and missed the black limousine, with Eugene's old friends Edward and Mrs. Simpson. At the request of the Rothschilds, the village council elected the duke the honorary head of Ensfeld, taking upon himself the cost of maintaining the ex-monarch, who had become the duke of Windsor. The long-standing ties of the British crown with the institution of court factors continued with grandfather Edward VIII, who was close friends with a major financier and head of the Jewish colonization society, Ernest Kassel.

A year later, in October 1937, the duke and duchess of Windsor set off to visit Nazi Germany. At the Berlin railway station Friedrichstrasse, they were met, among other officials: Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and the leader of the German Labor Front, Robert Ley, a former employee of Farben IG. Rudolf Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Jalmar Schacht and Josef Goebbels and their wives gathered for an evening reception at his house. In April 1941, FBI officials will report to their boss, Edgar Hoover, that Wallis Simpson had intimate relations with Joachim von Ribbentrop. Simpson was generally a rather strange person, both in intimate relationships and in other personal aspects. Therefore, it is somehow doubtful that Edward VIII renounced the British crown for its sake, and not for the sake of something more. It’s not for nothing that British diplomat Neville Henderson confessed to Hitler that Britain wants to leave the overseas territory behind her, and Germany is given freedom of action in Europe: “Germany is destined to rule over Europe ... England and Germany should establish close relations ... and rule the world” .

“Only in alliance with England, covering our rear, could we start a new great German campaign. Our right to this would be no less justified than the right of our ancestors. [...] No sacrifice should have seemed too great to win the favor of England. We had to abandon the colonies and the positions of the maritime state and thereby save the British industry from the need to compete with us. "

Adolf Hitler "Mein Kampf"

But you need to pay attention to the second part of the plan, in which the creation of a united “Middle Europe” was only the first step. 3 May 1941, Edgar Hoover sent a memo to Roosevelt’s secretary, Major General Watson, in which he said: “... there is information about the Duke of Windsor Agreement being concluded, the essence of which is: after the German victory, Hermann Goering will help Hitler with the help of the army and raise the English throne Duke of Windsor. It is reported that information about the Duke comes from his personal friend Allen McIntosh, who organized the pleasure program of the noble couple during their recent stay in Miami. ”

In addition, it is known that Hitler quite openly discussed the restoration of the Duke of Windsor on the throne in the event of the occupation of Great Britain. So maybe it is for this reason that the Bank of England and Lord Montague Norman so condoned the project called "Adolf Hitler"? And Eugene von Rothschild's old friend, Edward VIII, as governor of the Bahamas, had only to wait for the prize in the form of the “third empire” - the “New European Order”. What should this order be? In February, 1941, Edward VIII will give an interview to journalist Fulton Auersler, in which he says: “Whatever happens, our planet will inevitably establish a new order ... It must rely on the police power ... This time, new social justice will prevail together with the world” .

Oswald Mosley, “my good friend,” as Mussolini called him, had a similar vision to fascism as the Italian dictator: “Fascism is not trying to reconcile the contradictions neither in a single person, nor in a state. The fascist state is a business enterprise. ” In his "Open Letter to the Representatives of the Business World," Mosley promises, "In a corporate state, your enterprises will remain with you," and in the book "Greater England" adds that "making profits will not only be allowed, it will be encouraged." In order to ensure “profit-making”, a dictatorship was assumed as the ideal polity. In 1934, an associate of Oswald Mosley, Hives Joyce published a book with the indicative title "Dictatorship": "... under fascism, freedom of speech will not be allowed ... Now there is too much freedom, the only ones newswhich will be printed, will reflect the position of the state ". The BSF leader wrote directly about the establishment of the dictatorship in his work “Black Shred Policy”, and the “black shirts” came to power by organizing a youth protest, as he himself suggests in this book: “to achieve the goal, our movement must represent an organized uprising of the youth”. In short, nothing is new under the moon.

Germany had almost no chance of winning the war from the USSR due to lack of resources, as A. Fursov noted in an interview with “History of Eurasia and the World System”: “the outcome of the war was decided in the first three months, despite all the defeats, Hitler had two or three months to win, and if he didn’t win in the first two or three months, then he could play for a draw, but in the 43 year, the possibilities for a draw also went away. ” Since 1943, as part of the research center under the roof of the “imperial industrial group”, the closest pupil and follower of the sociologist Franz Oppenheimer - Ludwig Erhard, the future German chancellor and author of the “economic miracle” of Germany, worked on the economic reform that will be needed after the Nazi regime collapsed. who considered: “A formed society is not a model that can function only in the shell of a nation state. It can also be expressed in the picture of a united Europe. ”

The implementation of "Middle Europe" was continued by the anti-Hitler coalition, but still not without the participation of IG Farben affiliated structures. The relative of one of the founders of IG - Karl Bosch was Robert Bosch, during 1942-43 the co-owner of the same name concern "Robert Bosch" and the representative of the anti-Hitler coalition - Karl Goerdeler presented to the already mentioned "Swedish banking and industrial king" Jacob Wallenberg an updated version of the creation of the European Union ( EU), where "the colonies of European states will become pan-European colonies." According to Karl Goerdeler’s project, England was free to join or not join the EU, which would be a member of the World Union, including the United States, the Pan American Union, the British Empire, the USSR, China, the Union of Muslim Countries (- the Arab Arc!) And Japan. At the head of the World Union was to be the supreme authority over the world, having a "police aviation". In view of the situation on the front, Goerdeler believed that in the East “fruitful economic cooperation with Bolshevik Russia” could not be developed and, moreover, the goal should be “the gradual drawing of Russia into the European community” - a plan born not without the participation of Britain. According to the memoirs of Yalmar Schacht, it was the English side, which was his creditor, reminded the Reich government: "you cannot have colonies [overseas], but Eastern Europe is in front of you."

Caste blue-eyed

“In the end, no German government in its power of political expansion has never received such support from Britain as the government of Adolf Hitler, and perhaps not one head of the German state idealized England as much as Hitler. The Nazi regime always treated the British Empire as “the elder brother of the Third Reich, linked to Germany by the common tenets of racial superiority”.
Manuel Sarkisyans "English roots of German fascism"

15 September 1938, the Fuhrer of the Third Reich, in an interview with British Prime Minister N. Chamberlain, said that "from his youthful years he had the idea of ​​close German-English cooperation ... The reason why he similarly advocated this friendship is because that he had developed racial ideals since 19 years. ” Under Adolf Hitler, Anglistics developed - the science of English culture and English. 5 November 1937, the year Hitler called the English "the people of the German race, who possesses all of its qualities." In common "Adolf Hitler schools" and higher party schools, study time was redistributed at the expense of all subjects except English. In the British Royal Institute of International Relations in 1938, a report was made on “educating the future leaders of the Nazis”, in which it was noted that the Nazi institutions were in many ways modeled on the British. Joseph Goebbels believed that the “father of our spirit” and “pioneer” of Nazism was Houston Chamberlain, who was put on a par with Count Joseph Arthur de Gobino, who, it must be noted, was not German.
The English tradition of racial theories originates in the works of Lord Monboddo (1714-1799), a graduate of the Scottish University of Edinburgh. Long before Darwin, he was the first to call the anthropoid monkey “the brother of man” and singled out “semi-human races” - “semi-human races”, believing that their morphological structure indicates that they had not yet fully humanized and got stuck on the way from animal to person . At that time, Erasmus Darwin and Georges Buffon paid attention to his views. The beginning was picked up by a physician from the same university as Monboddo - Charles White (1728-1813): “Everyone who made natural history an object of his research had the opportunity to see that all creatures represent a beautiful gradation extending from lower forms to higher. Gradually, ascending, we finally arrive at a white European, who, being the most distant from the animal creature, can therefore be regarded as the best product of the human races. No one will doubt his intellectual superiority. Where will we find, in addition to the European, this beautiful form of the skull, this so vast brain? ”

In confirmation of his theses, White showed that the volume of the skull of the Negroes is smaller, its foot is wider, and the chin comes out strongly ahead, as is observed in most monkeys. And then the notorious professor of political economy at the College of the East India Company, Thomas Malthus, explained the piquant development of the theory of racial inequality, explaining that it is doubtful to introduce “wild” tribes to civilization, since all of them are candidates for exhausted resources, the struggle for which will provide survival is only more successful. Thus, through his efforts, racial theory took the form of opposition.

All in the same Edinburgh, Charles Darwin's teacher in a private anatomical school - Robert Knox, explained that history teaches that hybrid races never and never achieved a final advantage, “just like outbred packs of yard dogs, they always eke out an evolutionary biological strap rogue "i.e. one must observe racial purity in order to restrain that racial opposition. The book of his student truly is called: "The origin of species by natural selection, or the preservation of favorable races in the struggle for life."

“... the mixing of very different races can lead to the appearance of types that are lower compared to both the original races. Everyone is sure that the result of mixing is exactly in all cases. ”
Chairman of the Eugenic Society Leonard Darwin,
from a letter to the participants of the Imperial Conference 1923 of the year

Charles Darwin came from a family of hereditary masons: grandfather Erasmus Darwin was the master of the united masonic lodge, father Robert Darwin head of several lodges in England. Darwin's teachings were spread with the financial support of the Great Masonic Lodge of England. But there is a version that Charles did not write his famous book, because he did not have sufficient knowledge and abilities, besides, he suffered from Aspegger syndrome. A substantial part of Darwin’s work belongs to his friend, a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the President of the Royal Society of London, biologist Thomas Huxley (Huxley), eight years before Darwin published the book “Zoological Evidence on the Situation of Man in Nature”. Thomas Huxley (Huxley) came from the family of the head of the bank George and Rachel Huxley (Huxley), and among other things he was an employee of the British special services. Thanks to his public position, public opinion was created that a genuine Darwinist must necessarily be a social Darwinist.

In 1890, his sensational work “The Aryan Question and the Prehistoric Man” was published. According to Huxley, one can confidently say that the primordial, ancient forms of Aryan dialects originated in the Neolithic, in the territories around the North and Baltic Seas, and they were carried by a tall man with a long skull, blond hair and blue eyes. Darwin’s followers were among the first to begin to confirm these points in their writings: the differences between the races are of evolutionary origin, they can be clearly traced from ancient times and have direct analogies with the animal kingdom. Therefore, the races of people, from the point of view of the zoological classification, are identical with the breeds of animals.

“One of the most important signs distinguishing one race from another is the shape of the skull ... Along with the shape of the skull, perhaps the most important sign is the location of the jaws .... The higher the race, the less its jaws protrude. ... Hair color is important in determining race. The white race is clearly divided into three varieties. ”
Professor of Assyriology, University of Oxford,
Archibald Henry Says "Races of the Old Testament" 1925

Thomas's protege, who became under his patronage a professor at the Royal College of Surgery, Sir William Henry Flower created a version of racial classification based on the dominant signs of the color of hair, eyes and skin. The idea of ​​classifying people was developed by colleague at the institute. Sir William Turner developed his own version based on the “sacral index” (“sacral index”) of upright walking: it equals 72 in the gorilla, 98 in the Australian aborigines; Europeans have 112. Next, the President of the Anthropological Society and the head of the Anthropological Institute, Briston ethnologist John Biddow introduced the “index of negrescence” to calculate on the scale of measurements the genetic distance of various races from the European Caucasians, which in this case were taken as the reference value. John Biddou analyzed the exhibits of portrait galleries of aristocratic families, revealing that the percentage of dolichocephals with blond hair and eyes is much higher than among the lower classes, in which the intellectual elite apparently completely disappointed.

Thus, the "racial theory" was determined with the external parameters of the new aristocratic breed, which was to be bred. The others were apparently waiting for an unenviable fate that worked for grants from the Rockefeller Foundation, a professor in Manchester, and a member of the Royal Society, Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, as a result of their research, “began to treat such an abstract humanitarian concept as“ humanity ”. So in the midst of intellectual English establishment a racial theory took shape, which would later be written off strictly on Hitler's institutions.
Practical application of racology will give cousin of Charles Darwin on the maternal line, Francis Galton, who became the father of eugenics, introducing applied principles into the practice of social Darwinism: "There is no reason to assume that the removal of people with higher-level mental talent will lead to the formation of a sterile or weak race ... which galaxy whether we could create geniuses. The weak nations of the world must inevitably give way to the more noble types (varieties) of humanity. ” Galton was extremely negative about Christianity and put forward the theory that people can be selected like animals. In 1883, he coined the word “eugenics” (from Greek “eu” “good” + “genes” - “born”). For the practical application of his theory, he developed various tools and techniques for measuring the intelligence and parts of the human body.

Galton's first anthropometric laboratory was opened at the International Healthcare Exhibition in Kensington in 1884; in the shortest possible time, this procedure was voluntarily passed by 10 to 000 people, paying for it for three pence each. Getting started in fashion and soon in other major cities were founded similar institutions, which began practical activities.

This biometric program Galton completed theoretical constructs about the need for selective licensed reproduction. Long before the German “Lebensborn”, in 1910, there was already a network of social workers in Britain who decided to sterilize and select children from families. A notable fact is that Elizabeth Edwards noticed in the book Anthropology and Photography. 1860-1920 ”circumstance: the famous“ Kodak ”succeeded only at the expense of orders from the government, which required equipment capable of detecting racial color differences: eye color and the like, for special biometric card files, while the portrait photo continued to exist in black and white and after the middle of the last century. This fact, by the way, makes you think about the appointment of modern biometric passports, which naturally serve strictly for the prevention of terrorism. "Eastman Kodak" had a joint venture with Odin-Werke, Hitler's economic adviser Wilhelm Keppler, who produced photographic film. Keppler, apparently with the money earned, funded Himmler's research.

Galton was of the opinion that the poor are not victims of circumstances, but simply stand at a lower level of biological development. In the book "Hereditary Genius" (Hereditary Genius 1869), Galton suggests that the system of marriages by calculation between men of aristocratic origin and noble women will allow in the end to "bring out" a qualitatively different people. English economist and sociologist Benjamin developed a conclusion in his book “Social Evolution”: “One should expect that the thought of inexpediency to leave vast areas of the globe - precisely: tropical countries, not to exploit their natural wealth - will arise with greater and greater force ; provide them with the unsatisfactory management of the local native population, who is at a very low level of public consciousness. " According to Manuel Sarkisyants, this idea, with minor changes, was adopted by Hitler's ideologue Alfred Rosenberg.

Galton was knighted and received honorary degrees from Cambridge and Oxford universities. His most popular ideas were US President Theodore Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, economist and Maynard Keynes, and science fiction writer Herbert Wells.

“In those days I thought about the Aryans in the spirit of Hitler. The more I learn about him, the more I become convinced that his way of thinking is a copy of my thinking of a thirteen-year-old boy from 1879, but in his case - a thought reinforced by a megaphone and embodied. I do not remember from which books in my head came the first images of the great Aryans who roamed the plains of central Europe, settled east, west, north and south ... in ecstasy they settled scores with the Jews ... I met people in the most responsible posts, for example, L. S Amery (LS Amery), Winston Churchill, George Trevelyan, C.F.J. Masterman (CFG Masterman), whose imagination was fed by the same images ... "
HG Wells "The Experience of Autobiography"

Liberal Fascism

“This subject originally arose as a supranational octopus, only his head rested in safe England, while tentacles rummaged throughout Europe and far beyond its borders; Octopus was not only supranational, but also secret, and moreover triple - both as finances, whose elements are mystery, and as special services, also operating in the shadows, and as secret societies. The facade was the "British monarchy", which the new subject constantly limited ... ". A. Fursov "De Conspiratione: Capitalism as a conspiracy"

Mr. Wells was not just a fantasy, he was another protege of Thomas Huxley (Huxley), being the son of a gardener and a maid, Herbert received a scholarship of the London Department of Education in the Pedagogical College in London for 1884, and Thomas was his mentor Huxley, he brought the future famous writer with the first publisher - Pall Mall Gazette. Thomas Huxley coined the term "agnosticism" and among other things, introduced Wells into the Metaphysical Society, of which Arthur Balfour was the Lord Chairman of the Privy Council. Next, the list of closed societies, which entered the famous science fiction just expanded. Between 1902 and 1908 for years, meetings of the elite club Coefficients were organized monthly at the St. Ermin’s London hotel.

"In 1899, the British fought a war with Cecil Rhodes ... to wrest control of the vast gold riches of Transvaal in South Africa from the Boers ... High Commissioner of the Cape Colony in South Africa Alfred Milner was a close partner of Lord Rothschild and Cecil Rhodes, both of whom belonged to a secret group calling itself the "Society of the elect." ... "N. M. Rothschild and Co. in London secretly financed Rhodes, Milner and South African military occasions. ... Rhodes, Milner and the elite circle of empire strategists founded a secret society in 1910 ... They called their group the Round Table, and also published their magazine with the same name. ” William F. Engdahl “The Gods of Money. Wall Street and the Death of the American Century "

The party at St. Hermin was the oldest member of a powerful family in England, Arthur Balfour's cousin — Lord Robert Cecil, Lord Alfred Milner — Commissioner in South Africa, who was at the base of the Round Table and head of the London School of Economics, father of geopolitics, Major General Karl Haushofer, who stood behind Hitler when he wrote Mein Kampf and brought up Hitler's personal secretary, Rudolf Hess. Hess's English flight was planned by Haushofer, who played the role of a liaison between Hess and Carl Burckhardt, President of the International Red Cross in Switzerland.

At this time, a description of the future will come out from Wells' pen, where "crowds of black, brown and yellow nations that do not meet the requirements of efficiency" must "give way": "Their fate is extinction and disappearance." After all, in the end, “the world is not a charitable institution”, so: “the only reasonable and logical solution for the lower race is to destroy it”. In his “Appearance of the Future”, black shirt-wearing war veterans impose a single world government on the masses, the historian, looking from the future, realizes that the “air dictatorship” originates in Mussolini’s fascism. “Much of what Welles invented and described found a real incarnation in Nazi Germany,” said Orwell in the 1941 year.

Since 1921, Wells will be involved in the activities of another closed club - the futurological society Kibbo Kift. Inspired by Aldous Huxley for writing the novel “Oh, a new, brave world ...”, Wells, together with “effective men” and “utopians”, he developed a strategy for the future subordination of sovereign nations to a supranational government - with his army, fleet, Air Force and a monopoly on modern weapons.
"In 30, socialist intellectual Herbert Wells called for the creation of 'liberal fascism,' which he represented as a totalitarian state under the control of a powerful group of benevolent experts." Ronald Bailey "Liberation Biology".

In his speech at Oxford, in 1932, Wells said that "Progressives must become" liberal fascists "and" enlightened Nazis ", having introduced another term familiar to our country in their own skin -" liberal fascism. "" I want to see liberal fascists, enlightened Nazis, "Wells spoke out.

In 1930, his four-volume work entitled The Science of Life was published. The second part, which was written in collaboration with Julian Huxley and his own son, is devoted to cosmogony and the “theological” analysis of the old faith, which is already unconvincing, unfounded and insincere, and the concept of New World Religion should be Thomas Huxley’s Social Darwinism. A lot of details were brought down to the reader, with one purpose - to substantiate the social orientation of eugenics and birth control in order to develop a higher race. Wells died without completing the third part devoted to the Science of Labor and Enlightenment - a study of "economic and social organization, viewed as the problem of the use of extra energy by a person to serve the species." In this part, Wells was going to describe what he understood by the term “New World Order” which he coined and popularized: the elimination of national governments and absolute birth control. The representative of the program was supposed to be the “Oxford Group” of the likely employee of the British special services - Frank Backman. In 1921, he will lead the organization of the Moral Rearmament, which will be created during the Washington International Arms Control Conference, where England was represented by Herbert Wells and Arthur Balfour. Frank Backman not only met with the chief esotericist of the Third Reich, Himmler, but the latter, together with Rudolf Hess, will become members of the Moral Rearmament Society.

And although Wells didn’t finish the “Life Sciences” section concerning the social structure, some things are clear from his fantastic story “The Time Machine”. In the future, which he saw, "man was divided into two different species," it was the two-story humanity of "day and night races" in the literal sense: "graceful children of the Upper World" - "Eloi" and underground "Morlocks".

“... in the artificial underground world, there was work necessary for the welfare of the day race? ... In the end, on the earth's surface only the Owners will have to remain, enjoying in life exclusively pleasures and beauty, and all the Poor will be underground - workers who have adapted to the underground working conditions . And once, finding themselves there, they, no doubt, will have to pay Imbalanced tribute for the ventilation of their dwellings. If they refuse it, they will die of hunger or suffocate. Disapproved or rebellious die out. Little by little, at the equilibrium of such an order of things, the survivors of the Poor will be as happy in their own way as the inhabitants of the Upper World. ” HG Wells Time Machine

In his study of the English roots of German fascism, M. Sarkisyants notes that “it was precisely in England that society not least hoped that fascism would protect the owners from the threat of the poor, would make” an individual [of the lower classes] recognize the supremacy of the state ”, Will force to recognize the“ community of fellows by race ”, and will finally consolidate the system of subordination and find new means to strengthen the old - to keep the poor in their place” - and further: “it was“ socialism ”as“ pr the threshold of the separation of a new race of masters from a race of beasts ”. After all, "the current masses are a preliminary form of the very same breed of people that Hitler called degenerated." So that the fantastic Morlocks do not seem to be a pointless fantasy, it suffices to recall the fiefdom of Heinrich Himmler’s member of the Moral Rearmament society. In February 1944 of the year he received a telegram from Goering containing such lines: “I would like to ask you to send at my disposal as many prisoners from concentration camps as possible ... The measures for the transfer of production to the ground became absolutely obligatory”. At the underground plant in Peenemünde, the work shift lasted 18 hours, neat piles of corpses were stored at the end of the working day, since the prisoners of war kept this pace for two to three months.

"Fascism, which until now represented a poorly disguised blend of all sorts of difficult to combine patches and debris of corporatism, caesarism, bonapartism, monarchism, military dictatorship and even theocraticism (in Catholic countries), finally found its impeccably corresponding fundamental form of the state - oligarchic despotism ". Henry Ernst "Hitler vs. the USSR", 1936

Since 1911, the First International Eugenic Congress worked in London, it was prepared by a native of German Jews, Gustav Shpiller, who at the same time worked for Kaiser intelligence. The 500 meeting of the members of the elite Eugenic Society in 1912 was chaired by the son of Charles Darwin, and the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill, was the Vice-President of the Eugenic Congress. Lectures on eugenics were given by his closest friend, Churchill's permanent adviser Frederick Lindemann (future), Lord Lord Cherwell. Despite the declared doctrine of racial purity, Lindemann himself had an extremely mixed background: he was born in Germany, into an American family of wealthy bankers, studied in Scotland and was Jewish. In his lectures, Lindemann believed that the differences between people are obvious and should be strengthened with the help of science: "The ability to experience suffering and ambition can be removed from the lower racial and class parts of the spectrum ...". His hands provoked a famine in India in the summer of 1943, when the viceroy of India, in connection with the difficult food situation, requested 500 tons of wheat, which could be delivered from Australia. However, Lindemann persuaded Churchill not to provide transport for India’s food supply. As a result, the food reserves of Great Britain increased to 1943 million tons in 18,5, and hunger broke out in the British colonies in the Indian Ocean and Africa, which claimed the lives of at least three million people.

Four years later, after the Eugenic Congress, the League of the Association of Free Nations appeared. It was organized by the head of the English branch of the Fabian society of science fiction, Herbert Wells, with the support of two members of the influential Round Table organization - Frank Mason Lionel Curtis and Lord Edward Gray, and the British Foreign Minister A. Balfour and the Rothschild family were also members. Close to the Fabian circles was the student of Z. Freud - Emma Goldman, she is also the mentor of Margaret Sanger - mistress, according to the American presenter Alex Jones, HG Wells, and the founder of the "Birth Control League", the consultant of which was Ernst Rudin, the author of Hitler's system medical eugenics programs. He was a native of Switzerland and from 1925 to 1928 served as a professor in Basel, studying psychiatry and heredity.

Thus, the Darwinian theory, voluntarily or unwittingly, served as the rationale for the expansion strategy enshrined in the 22 article of the League of Nations Statute: “The following principles apply to colonies and territories ... that are inhabited by peoples who are not yet able to govern themselves in particularly difficult conditions of the modern world ... to carry out this principle is to entrust the guardianship of these nations to the advanced nations. ” The leader of the British fascists, Oswald Mosley, planned to use the League of Nations as a tool by which "in international affairs, as in internal affairs, the principle of power should be established", where "small nations will receive effective representation in this mechanism" in order ... ... peacefully and rationally discuss the distribution of raw materials and markets. ”

The League of Nations was a product of the Treaty of Versailles and was the first supranational structure, which, however, did not include the United States, despite the fact that they themselves proposed its creation. Republican leader Henry Cabot Lodge Sr. called it a “disfigured experiment, started with a noble goal, but tainted by backstage deals.”

The Versailles Treaty, including governed the reparations of Germany, of which 23% constituting 149 million 760 thousand dollars were received by the United Kingdom, which was obliged to transfer 138 million dollars to the United States from the amount received to repay the 4 billion for the maintenance of the First World 600 billion. . dollars. The request of the Minister of Finance and Lloyd George to reconsider the conditions of payments did not find understanding from the American financial department and Woodrow Wilson. In addition, in August 1921, the United States concluded an agreement with Germany identical to Versailles, but without articles about the League of Nations, whose structure deprived countries of financial sovereignty.

The shaken financial system of England, according to the act of Robert Peel, from 1844 to the beginning of the First World War on 100% was provided with gold. And this system had its beneficiaries:

“For two centuries now, the Rothschilds and world usurers who joined them have controlled gold reserves and the markets of this metal. And the one who controls the gold market today controls ultimately all financial markets, and hence the markets for non-financial assets and goods. Gold is the “axis” of the global “market economy”.
V. Yu. Katasonov "Capitalism. The history and ideology of the" monetary civilization "

In the years of the First World, the exchange of paper money for gold was suspended, because, due to the needs of the war, the volume of currency in circulation increased from £ 35 million to £ 399 million, and by the year 1920 reached £ 555 million. a lot of gold or control over a large amount of resources, or a completely different monetary system, for example, the Fed. This was the stumbling block that the struggle of Great Britain and the United States caused the failure of the 1927 Geneva conference of the year, now a new world war was only a matter of time. England would have been saved by a new re-take of cards, for the initiation of which she was divided into anti-Nazi and pro-Nazi factions.

“Britain had to“ split up ”, so to speak, to the anti-Nazi and pro-Nazi factions, both of which were part of the same scam ...”
Guido Giacomo Prep “Hitler Inc.”

Anglo-Fascist aggression

“The conservative prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, for example, believed that Hitler could simply be" deployed. " ... Then Hitler could become more intelligent and manageable. Some conservatives were generally very concerned about any limits if Hitler wanted to be fed at the expense of the Soviet Union. One member of parliament from the conservatives put it very openly about this: "Let the glorious little Germany be devoured ... by the red in the East."
Michael Carley "1939. Alliance, which did not take place and the approach of the Second World War"

The leader of the British fascists, Oswald Mosley, considered it necessary to give Germany and Italy the opportunity to carry out military expansion eastward towards the Soviet Union, which he considered the main enemy of civilized humanity. If Chamberlain is the main shareholder of Imperial Chemical Industries, and the British chemical trust financing Oswald Mosley is a member of the Third Reich axial corporation IG Farben, then with this line of British politics, everything is relatively clear. It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the 1930's, Lord Balfour’s statement appeared in the English press: “Will the Germans fight again? I firmly believed that one day either we would let the Germans re-equip or we would arm them ourselves. In the face of the terrible danger from the East, an unarmed Germany would be like a ripe fruit, which is just waiting for the Russians to tear it down. If the Germans could not protect themselves, we would have to defend them. ”

Having come to power, Hitler refuses the joint military schools, organized according to Rapall agreement. In April 1933 of the year, as well as 10 of August and 1 of November 1934 of the year, Anglo-German agreements were signed: on coal, currency, trade, payment, etc., despite the fact that the Anglo-Soviet trade agreement 1930 of the year was denounced. At 70%, German industry depended on export copper supplied by England from South Africa, Canada, Chile, and the Belgian Congo. 50% of nickel consumed by Germany was imported by the Farbenindustrie concern, the remaining 50% was covered by British companies.

After the unilateral decision to break up the military articles of the Versailles Treaty in February 1935, the Anglo-German naval agreement appeared in June, giving Germany the right to the 35% of the tonnage of the navy of Great Britain and an equal submarine fleet. As Ambassador I. Maisky writes: “The official comments left no doubt that the most important motive for concluding such an agreement was Britain’s desire to ensure German domination of the Baltic against the USSR.” Possessing patents in all areas of inventions related to submarines, the English concern Vickers-Armstrongs was directly related to the construction of the German submarine fleet. Underwater mines and charges could only be manufactured with the consent of this company, which owned shares in many German enterprises, including IG Farben. Significant German property was owned by the British firm Babcock and Wilcox, the second largest tire plant in Germany owned by Dunlop Rubber. Shells for naval artillery were supplied by the English Hadfield's Limited. Leather German military flight uniforms were "photographed" with the English, an expert of the Bristol Aeroplane Company, Roy Fedden, inspected plants controlled by Göring. The deliveries of aircraft engines to Germany by British companies Armstrong Siddeley and Rolls-Royce Motor, which has sold the license of one of their engines Bayerische Motorenwerke, begin. In those years, “The Manchester Guardian” encouraged: “The Red Army is in a completely desperate state ... The Soviet Union cannot wage a victorious war ...”.

At the beginning of 1936, the idea of ​​attacking the USSR Hitler voiced Lord Londonderry and Arnold Toynbee: “Germany and Japan could together ... attack the two sides of the Soviet Union and defeat it. Thus, they would free not only the British Empire from an acute threat, but also the existing order, the old Europe from its sworn enemy and, moreover, would secure for themselves the necessary “living space”. Under such conversations, Hitler was carving out the necessary living space in Europe: the obtaining of the Saar coal basin was arranged by Ernst Hanfshtengel and the son of the future Prime Minister Rendell Churchill. At the Nuremberg Tribunal, Yalmar Schacht was indignant: "Before the conclusion of the Munich Pact, Hitler did not even dare to dream of including the Sudetenland into the empire ... And then these fools, Daladier and Chamberlain, all presented him on a golden saucer." The transcript of the conversation between the adviser to the German embassy, ​​T. Kordt, and the British government’s industry adviser H. Wilson explicitly states that "Czechoslovakia is an obstacle to Drang nach Osten." The occupation of Bohemia and Moravia by Germany would have led to a very significant increase in the German military potential. ”

“The present British government as the first post-war cabinet made the search for a compromise with Germany one of the most essential points of its program; therefore, this government in relation to Germany shows such a maximum of understanding as any of the possible combinations of English politicians can show. This government ... came closer to understanding the most essential points of the main demands made by Germany in relation to the removal of the Soviet Union from the decision of the fate of Europe, the removal of the League of Nations in the same sense, the expediency of bilateral negotiations and treaties.
Report of the German Ambassador to the UK G. Dirksen to the German Foreign Ministry 10 June 1938

As Dirksen pointed out in the report: “Chamberlain set an agreement with authoritarian states, in addition to the League of Nations, as the main goal of its activities ...”. September 30 The Hitler-Chamberlain Pact appears:

“We, the German Führer and the Chancellor and the British Prime Minister ... agreed that the issue of Anglo-German relations is of paramount importance for both countries and for Europe. We view the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Maritime Agreement as symbolizing the desire of our two peoples to never again fight each other. We have made a firm decision ... to continue our efforts to eliminate possible sources of disagreement and thus contribute to ensuring peace in Europe. "
Adolf Gitler
Neville Chamberlain

In March, the Federation of British Industry and the German imperial industry group signed an agreement to eliminate “unhealthy competition” and “ensure the closest possible cooperation across the entire industrial system of their countries” in Dusseldorf in March. In the summer, under the pretext of participating in the meeting of the whaling commission, Officer Goering X. Woltat began negotiations with Chamberlain’s adviser G. Wilson and Secretary of Commerce R. Hudson on the division of spheres of influence on a global scale and on the elimination of "deadly competition in common markets." 1939 July 21, the German ambassador in London, von Dirksen, reported that the program discussed by Woltat and Wilson covered the political, military, and economic situations, the non-aggression pact, the non-intervention pact, which included the “delimitation of life spaces between the great powers.” In the summer of 1939, Lloyd George in the French newspaper “So soir” noted that "Neville Chamberlain, Halifax and John Simon do not want any agreement with Russia." 1939 September 3 of the year von Dirksen wrote in his report: “England wants to strengthen and level up with the axis through armaments and the acquisition of allies, but at the same time she wants to try to reach an amicable agreement with Germany through negotiations”.

It is noteworthy that the report was written on the day of the declaration of war in Germany. However, Hitler earlier, in August, noted that "he, like England, is bluffing about the war." General F. Halder noted with his memoirs, noted the words of Hitler, that he "will not be offended if England pretends to be at war." Apparently, the agreements led to the phenomenon, called the “strange war”, when the British expeditionary forces transferred to France from September 1939 to February 1940 simply did nothing. During the invasion of Poland, French troops on the German border totaled 3253 thousand people, 17,5 thousand guns and mortars, 2850 tanks and 1400 aircraft which were opposed by German troops of 915, armed with 8640 mortars and guns, 1359 aircraft and not a single tank. During the 14 days of the war with Poland, German bomber aircraft spent the entire supply of bombs. “Our stocks of equipment were ridiculously insignificant, and we got out of trouble only because there were no fights in the west,” General Jodl admitted, assuming that an offensive would even lead Germany to defeat the so-called “allies.” From September 3 to September 27, the British Air Force dropped 18 million leaflets on the Germans, providing, according to the apt observation of Air Marshal A. Harris, "the needs of the European continent in toilet paper for five long years of war."

“Communication war - revolution was dominated by the Anglo-French politicians expressed and left to themselves about the Soviet Union in the years between the world wars. It cannot be said that this dominant met no resistance; on the contrary, the reader heard the voices of Herriot, Mandel, Churchill, Vansittart, Kollier, and others. But at crucial moments, anti-communism took over ... "
M. Carley "1939. Alliance, which did not take place and the approach of the Second World War"

All this time, Chamberlain insisted that Russia, and not Germany, is a threat to Western civilization, stating in parliament that "he would rather resign than make an alliance with the Soviets." Even more frankly was his personal secretary, Sir Arthur Rucker: "Communism is now a great danger, it is more dangerous than Nazi Germany ...". The failure of the August Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations on collective security in Europe was revealed by the Halifax secretary, explaining that they were "just a ploy ... This government will never agree with anything on Soviet Russia." Their imitation was needed to reduce the growing public pressure, not only Soviet historians, but David Irving in the book “Churchill's War” writes that after the seizure of Austria the British protesters filled the Park-lane chanting: “Chamberlain Must Go!”.

The commander of the French Air Force in Syria, General J. Junot, considered that the outcome of a future war would be decided in the Caucasus, not on the Western Front "and already in September, immediately after the signing of the Soviet-German non-aggression agreement, the French General Staff proposed bombing the Soviet oil fields. The situation of the USSR was complicated by 30 on November 1939 of the year, with the beginning of the Soviet-Finnish war, to which England and France sought to join. Back in March, Chamberlain wrote: “I have no faith in the ability of Russia to carry out an effective offensive,” the British military attaches in the USSR, which seemed to them easy prey, adhered to the same opinion.

“From the very beginning of 1939, the Soviet government tried to conclude an agreement with Finland to ensure the safety of Leningrad and improve the situation on the Baltic Sea. The Finnish border was only twenty miles from the city, well within the reach of long-range guns. The Finnish government ... stubbornly did not agree to the Soviet demands for the exchange of territories adjacent to Leningrad, to much less attractive along its eastern border. The situation at the negotiations on these issues was completely tense, after the Finns mobilized their army in October 1939 and expressed complete disregard for the demands of Moscow. Molotov interpreted these acts as a provocation, and even some officials of the British Foreign Office found the behavior of the Finns "defiant"
M. Carley "1939. Alliance, which did not take place and the approach of the Second World War"

Later, the English historian E. Hughes would write: “... the expeditions to Finland are beyond a reasonable analysis. Provocation of war with Soviet Russia by England and France at a time when they were already in a war with Germany seems to be a product of an insane asylum, ”and at that time, if Sweden had not refused to let their troops pass through its territory, France and England would have been embroiled in the war against the Soviet Union, which was planned to be taken "into ticks" by a simultaneous blow from the south:

“However, this strange war against Hitler Germany was accompanied by no strange military preparations against the Soviet Union. In the Middle East, under the command of General Weygun, a large Anglo-French army was formed, intended to attack the Soviet lands. There were sent all the new and new transports of weapons, which the Allied armies in Europe lacked, fresh troops. Weygun’s headquarters frantically developed a capture plan with the help of Turkey from the Soviet Caucasus. In Europe in February 1940, the Allied Military Council, meeting in Versailles, hastily decided to send the Anglo-French expeditionary force to Finland for war against the Soviet Union. ”
D. Kraminov "The Truth About the Second Front"

October 31 The British Minister of Supply 1939 prepared a document for the foreign minister stressing the “vulnerability of Soviet oil sources - Baku, Maikop and Grozny”: “If Russia’s oil fields are destroyed ... Russia will lose not only Russia, but any Russian ally who hopes get it from this country. " 24 January 1940, the Chief of the General Staff of Great Britain, General E. Ironside, presented a memorandum “Main War Strategy” to the military office, where he stated: “In my opinion, we can provide effective assistance to Finland only if we attack Russia with as many as possible directions and, most importantly, we will strike at Baku, the oil production area, in order to cause a serious state crisis in Russia, ”at the same time the British embassy in Moscow reported to London that“ an action in the Caucasus can tavit Russia to its knees in no time. " Iranian Defense Minister A. Nahjavan expressed "a willingness to donate half of the bomber aircraft of Iran for the destruction or damage of Baku." On March 8, the English Chiefs of Staff Committee presented to the government a report entitled “Consequences of hostilities against Russia in 1940.” Canadian historian M. Carly admits that “Soviet oil meant little to Germany”, and therefore the destruction of Soviet oil sources could not be directed against Germany. The reasons for 30 March at a meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR said V. Molotov: “The hostile acts against the Soviet Union on the part of England and France are not explained by the USSR’s trade with Germany, but by the fact that the Anglo-French ruling circles failed to make calculations the war against Germany ... ". Moreover, the memoirs of the Greek Prime Minister, General Metaxas, contain information about the “Southern Plan”, which involves Turkey and Greece in the war with the USSR.

“German Consulate, Geneva, January 8 1940 K # 62.
... England intends to strike a sudden blow not only on Russian oil areas, but will also try to simultaneously deprive Germany of its Romanian oil sources in the Balkans. An agent in France reports that the British are planning to contact the people of Trotsky in Russia through the Trotsky group in France and try to organize a coup against Stalin. These coup attempts should be viewed as being in close connection with the intention of the British to take Russian oil sources into their hands. ”

Despite the signing of 12 in March of the 1940 of the Soviet-Finnish peace treaty, after which the reason for attacking the USSR in order to stop the aggression against the “small peace-loving state” became insolvent, in March, British aviation reconnoitered the areas of Batumi and Poti where the refineries were located. The first bombardment of Baku was scheduled for May 30.

However, 13 in May, the Wehrmacht generals switched from a “sit war” (Sitzkrieg) to a “lightning” (Blitzkrieg), General Kleist’s tank group forced the Maas River to rush to the English Channel, being near him on the night of May 20. The “allies” were not saved even by the warning of the attack, timely delivered by Admiral Canaris to them. May 22 German tanks were at a distance 15 km from Dunkirk, the only major port on the coast, the capture of which would have departed the retreating British and French troops evacuation, but 24 May Hitler gave his mysterious stop order (Halt Befehl), surprisingly, but it was preceded by a similar order from the commander of the British expeditionary forces, John Standish Gort. Thanks to these orders, from the 1 million 300 who fell into the entourage, thousands of Englishmen were able to evacuate about 370 thousands of mostly British military personnel. The French commander-in-chief, Weygand, stated: "Three quarters, if not four-fifths of our most modern weapons were captured." In October, Ribbentrop faked Stalin's 1940: “... the Soviet oil center in Baku and the oil port in Batumi would undoubtedly have become a victim of British attempts this year if the defeat of France and the expulsion of the British army from Europe would not break the English spirit of attack as such and would not put a sudden end to all these frauds. " So it turns out that it was the Germans who stopped the French-British aggression against the USSR. To understand how literally a year later German tanks turned out to be near Moscow, it was necessary to return to the fateful 1937 year.

WWII wick

“I will only note that by investing in Germany, thus solving their economic problems and at the same time preparing it for a fight with the USSR, the American capital, first of all the Rockefellers, continued their struggle against the Rothschilds, preparing the weakening and undermining of their brainchild - the British Empire. One of the main goals of the United States, the Rockefellers in World War II, was the dismantling of the British Empire. Rockefeller people frankly spoke about this, the same Alain Dulles "
A.I. Fursov "Psychohistorical War"

To understand how German tanks still turned out to be under Moscow, it is necessary to return to the fateful 1937 year. Despite the fact that 23 in May 1937, the founder of the clan and Standard Oil, John Rockefeller, “compromise and mutual flirting between the Rothschilds and the USSR in 1933-1937, ended in 1937. The completion signal was the coming to power in November 1937 g ., in England, the right-wing government of Chamberlain, ”writes K. Kolontayev, a researcher at the Department of History of the Great Patriotic War. A reflection of this is the fact that in the same year the Soviet ruble is tied tightly to the US dollar, creating a sphere of mutual interest of the USSR and the USA, that is, the country's leadership has chosen the dollar standard instead of the gold one, and the American elite instead of the British one has been chosen.

In 1937, Grigori Yakovlevich Sokolnikov was sentenced to 10 years or, in fact, Girsh Yankelevich Brilliant, who was the People's Commissar of the USSR for Finance, introduced 25% security of the ruble in gold and perceived the Soviet economy as part of the world economy, who later worked in London as envoy. In the same year, the process started with the light hand of R. Conquest, an employee of the British Foreign Office, called the “Great Terror”, during which, for example, Marshal M. Tukhachevsky was shot, just a year before returning from London from the funeral of King George V According to a member of the French resistance, French intelligence officer Pierre de Vilmare: "Mikhail Tukhachevsky, the supreme commander after Stalin, incited a conspiracy to overthrow the dictator." By the way, being in German captivity Tukhachevsky was not only initiated in the “Order of the Polar”, but also met Charles de Gaulle, the conversation about the intelligence links of which are still ahead.
But the main event for understanding the situation occurred in Germany:

“The new provision on German banks, which appeared in 1937, eliminated ... the independence of the state bank and eliminated the authority of the Basel International Bank to manage the internal affairs of German banks. ... all restrictions imposed on the issuing bank in the provision of state loans were lifted only by the law on state banks issued on June 15 of the year 1939. ”
Retired Finance Minister Lutz Earl Schwerin von Krosigk
“How was the Second World War funded?”

The fact is that immediately after coming to power in 1933, Hitler transferred 121 a ton of gold somewhere, and in 1935, only 794 tons of gold reserves remained in 56 in Germany, all the time gold continued to go to an unknown recipient. In 1996, two gold bars with the label of Hitler's Germany were found in Bank of England, it was unknown that London was the addressee, but from 1937 the powers of the Bank for International Settlements were terminated, at the helm of which: Member of the League of Nations Finance Committee and Director of the Bank Sir Otto Niemeyer of England (Otto Niemeyer), and also the Governor of the Bank of England Sir Montagu Norman.

The consequences of such a move were not slow to affect the following year, when Maurice Bavaux made the first unsuccessful attempt on the Fuhrer, while Georg Elzer began preparations for the second, also unsuccessfully carried out in the autumn of 1939.

“In recent months, there has been an unprecedented, feverish, consistency activity of the three main driving forces — the Jews, the Communist International and nationalist groups in individual countries — aimed at destroying Germany by unleashing a war against it from the global coalition before it can recover its position as a world power; these forces have not acted for a long time with such consistency and fever as in recent months. ”
from the report of the German ambassador to the UK G. Dirksen to the German Foreign Ministry 10 June 1938

Dirksen reported on the events that unfolded amid the annexation of Czechoslovakia: “... the Anschluss of Austria profoundly affected the political faith of the British. Old phrases about the right to the existence of small nations, about democracy, about the League of Nations, about the armored fist of militarism came to life again ... the political decision to hinder, even at the cost of war, further attempts to change the balance of power on the continent without prior agreement with England. This decision was first made during the Czech crisis ... ".

20 March 1939, Colonel Grand creates a department MI (R), the purpose of which is reflected in a document written by Colonel Holland: “Capturing Bohemia and Slovakia ... for the first time opens up the possibility of an alternative defense, that is, an alternative to organized resistance. This defensive tactic, which is now to be developed, must be based on the experience we have gained in India, Iraq, Ireland and Russia, i.e. effective combination of tactical methods of partisans and an IRA. "

The colonel did not disclose what kind of experience he had in relation to Russia. In this context, attention should be paid to the case of the English concern Metropolitan-Vickers, which served as the sole supplier of equipment for power plants in the USSR. By the nature of the failure of elements leading to systematic accidents 1931 – 1932. the sabotage group consisting of engineers of Metropolitan-Vickers was revealed at large power plants: “All our espionage operations in the USSR were conducted under the guidance of Intelligence Service, through its agent S. S. Richards, who is the managing director of Metropolitan-Vikkers Elektral Export Company Limited - confessed to the testimony of the chief installation engineer L.Ch.Tornton. These confessions in the courtroom were listened to by Reuters correspondent Ian Fleming, the future creator of the image of James Bond. Real prototypes were unlucky, counterintelligence found that the “Commission on Russian Trade Affairs” was formed in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of England, bringing together all intelligence work in the USSR in three sections: military, political and informational, which consisted of representatives of “Metropolitan-” Vickers ”,“ Vickers Ltd. ”,“ English Electric C ° ”,“ Babcock and Wilcox ”. The lawsuit was a law banning Soviet imports to the UK 1933 of the year. The failure apparently did not stop zeal in the special operations line:

"The British plans for the disruption of the oil supply of Germany and Russia from Geneva secretly report:
... the British side will attempt to mobilize the Trotsky group, that is, the Fourth International, and in some way transfer it to Russia. Agents in Paris report that Trotsky, with the help of the British, will have to return to Russia to organize a coup against Stalin. To what extent these plans can be implemented, it is difficult to judge [34] from here (from Geneva).
Berlin, January 17 1940
Lixus "

Returning to the Anglo-German confrontation: the annexations of the countries were accompanied by the annexations of the gold and currency reserves of these countries. Of the offices that inspired the alter ego of the anti-Nazi committee, which, according to historian D. Irving, were located in Prague, London and Vienna, only London remained after the Anschluss of Austria and the annexation of Czechoslovakia. During the farewell dinner at Ribbentrop, whom Churchill “whispered” hopefully: “I hope England and Germany will keep their friendship,” but Chamberlain awaited with reverence when the Churchill couple left him and the German foreign minister alone to continue the conversation. The division of the English elite is on the face, as Chamberlain's assistant, Kirkpatrick recalled, who arrived in Hess preferred not to negotiate with the British Prime Minister: "Churchill and his staff are not people with whom the Führer could negotiate."

The 1938 year is a turning point in relation to Hitler, although the Czech assets of the Rothschilds were immediately transferred to British jurisdiction, control of the Czechoslovak gold reserves was lost. From this point of view, an attempt at the urgent introduction of Polish troops into Czechoslovakia takes on a different meaning. October 1 1938 representative of the USSR in Czechoslovakia S. Aleksandrovsky telegraphed to the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the USSR: “Poland is preparing ... an attack with the aim of occupying the Cieszyn region with force. Preparations are under way to place responsibility on Czechoslovakia as the attacking side. ... In the middle of the night of 12 on the night of September 30, the Polish envoy ... handed over a note that ultimately imposes the following requirements. Give in ... three zones, the first of which must be transferred within 24 hours, the second in the next 24 hours, the third in 6 days. ... despite the fact that in the Munich agreement, Hitler signed the decision to give three months to settle the issue ... if the Czech-Polish agreement is not reached. "

“1. The Government of the Republic of Poland states that, thanks to its position, it paralyzed the possibility of the intervention of the Soviets in the Czech question in the widest sense. ...

3. We consider the Czechoslovak Republic to be artificial education, ... not meeting the actual needs and sound rights of the peoples of Central Europe. ... We treat favorably the idea of ​​a common border with Hungary, bearing in mind that the geographical location of H [ekho] -s [Lovatskaya] Republic was correctly viewed as a bridge for Russia. ... the Western powers may try to stick to the old concept of Czechoslovakia with partial concessions in favor of Germany. 19 of this month, we objected to such a resolution of the issue. We set our local requirements in a categorical form. ... from [his] m [month] we will have in the southern part of Silesia significant military forces ”[24]
from a letter from Polish Foreign Minister Y. Beck to Polish Ambassador to Germany Y. Lipsky 19 September 1938

It is likely that it is appropriate to retreat about the fate of Poland, the English researcher William MacKenzie described the situation as follows: “These were rather emotions than politics ... The Russians had a clear idea of ​​this atmosphere and understood: to achieve cooperation on such conditions is absolutely impossible ". Therefore, despite the fact that since January 1934 between Germany and Poland, there was a non-aggression pact, the result of Polish policy was the need to form the Polish government in London, in parallel with which the Second Intelligence Service created the Army Craiova. Germany’s attack on the USSR temporarily removed the contradiction between the financial centers and, according to Mackenzie, the “secret army” created ... did not seek active hostilities that would probably suit the allies more ”.

In fact, as in the case of the opening of the second front, since June 1941, the partisan army meant for London primarily the exploitation of the idea of ​​a partisan army, the driving force of which was played out "blindly." General Sikorsky, who prepared the document in which he continued to insist on opening the Second Front in Europe, unexpectedly crashed in a plane crash. This is another death, the investigation of which is classified for the next fifty years, which, as Russian Foreign Minister S. Lavrov noted on this occasion, "raises certain questions." According to the book of Douglas Gregory “Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller. Recruiting conversations ”, the Germans listened to a telephone conversation between the United States and England, from which it became clear that Vladislov Sikorsky killed Winston Churchill in agreement with Roosevelt. "... They killed General Sikorsky on the plane, and then deftly shot down the plane - no witnesses, no trace," commented Stalin on the disaster.

As a result, the only merit of the Home Army was the Warsaw Uprising, which was militarily directed against the Germans, politically against the USSR, that is, it was an attempt to seize influence in the liberated Polish territory. Mackenzie states that “after the defeat in Warsaw, the Craiova Army remained inactive, and one thing sounded persistently in its orders: to disperse quietly and hide weapon with the approach of the Soviet troops. " He also believes that the Ludow Army, created by the Communist Party of Poland in 1943, was “a tool to deter the“ London government ”. The question was resolved through the United States, where Stalin explained to Hopkins: "... the British conservatives do not want Poland friendly towards the Soviet Union," and the latter assured him that "neither the American government nor the people of the United States have a similar intention." Thus, with the silent neutrality of the United States in Lublin, the Polish Committee for National Liberation was created, December 31 1944, which became the Provisional Government of the Polish Republic.

The fact is that in the described period the Soviet ruble is still pegged to the dollar, which determined who is an ally to whom. If the Report to the Minister of War, published by General Marshall, published immediately after the war, transparently criticizes the position of the political leadership of England and the British military command in Europe, the study of Ralph Ingersoll openly accuses the “ally” of ignoring obligations towards the Soviet Union and the United States.

Its own, closed game of London has its own logical explanation, as E.N. N., an employee of the press bureau of the English embassy in Lisbon, wrote. Dzelepi: “before the capitulation of France, Chamberlain and his foreign minister, Lord Halifax (the two initiators of the Munich Agreement) were ready to accept Hitler’s proposals for peace with England, made with the mediation of Mussolini. Negotiations took place in Rome, and everything was essentially predetermined, ”but the“ strange war ”stopped this process.

When, according to the memoirs of the American ambassador, Joseph Kennedy, Neville Chamberlain, asserted that “America and world Jewry were forced to fight England,” he looked too closely at the situation. The London Gold Standard Club was formed around the Rothschild clan, which was built on kinship ties, and it was he, and not the mythical “world Jewry,” who was interested in protecting British assets, before facing the loss of which they found themselves after Dunkirk:

“... All departments and offices of the“ IG ”should present their ideas in connection with common problems related to the upcoming peace treaty. ... For the time being, these proposals should be prepared for each of the countries in this order: a) France, b) Belgium, c) Holland, d) Norway, e) Denmark, f) Poland, g) protectorate, h) England and empire. Proposals relating to other countries should be prepared in such a way that information about the property belonging to the enemy, drawn from the data of the Department of Economic Research (WWII), was tested by the trade departments. ”
von Schnitzler; Frank Fale;

from the minutes of the meeting “IG Farben” from 29 June 1940

There was no real threat of Operation Sea Lion, the superiority of the British fleet over the German in battleships and battle cruisers - 7 to 1 in aircraft carriers - 7 to 0, in cruisers and destroyers - 10 in 1, there were a catastrophic lack of resources to change Germany.
In 1939, they tried to control it by capturing key metal supplies from Sweden, which gave Germany 60% iron and half of the ore. Three quarters of Sweden’s exports to 1933-1936 went to Germany. Deliveries went through the Norwegian port of Narvik, which was connected by a railway line with Swedish iron ore deposits, which made it a strategically important object [54]. How important can be judged from the memoirs of the general adviser for special issues in the Imperial Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaftsministerium) of the SS brigadeführer Hans Karl: “in the planning of the use of raw materials, the“ leading raw material ”was iron. All other types of raw materials ... were planned depending on the amount of iron ... Therefore, the distribution of iron reserves stood during the war at the center of all economic planning. "

"Winston Churchill from the beginning of the war, becoming the first Lord of the Admiralty, reiterated the need to occupy Narvik even at the cost of violating Norway’s sovereignty. Surrender of Narvik suggests that in the then British government, or more precisely in the governing elite, forces were more powerful than the prime minister and these forces were interested in the continuation of the war and its development from the war against Germany into the world war. "
d / f "History of Russia. XX century. What war was Stalin preparing for? ”

16 December 1939, Churchill proposed to occupy Norway and Sweden, not paying attention to the signed agreements: “Our conscience is the supreme judge. We are fighting to restore the rule of law and protect the freedom of small countries ... We have the right - moreover, God commands us - to temporarily reject the conditional provisions of the laws, to strengthen and restore that we seek. Small countries should not tie our hands when we fight for their rights and freedoms. In the hour of formidable danger, the letter of the law must not be allowed to stand in the way of those who are called upon to protect and implement it. ” The letter of the law crossed, occupying Iceland, which is part of the Danish kingdom. Despite the protests of the territorial government of Iceland, British troops entered the Danish territory, a year later replaced by American ones. More Iceland has not returned to Denmark. 12 April 1940, as a result of Operation Valentine, British forces occupied the Danish Faroe Islands. 9 April 1940, the German troops entered Denmark.

Churchill also essentially provoked the introduction of German troops in Norway. 7 May 1940 in the House of Commons held hearings on the situation in this country, the gold reserve of which was hastily evacuated, as it should be in the UK, USA and Canada. Northern operations led to the fact that the German command, having lost several destroyers, had already prepared an order to abandon the port of Narvik; moreover, on May 28, allied and Norwegian troops under the leadership of General Mekesi took the port and pressed the Hitler garrison to the Swedish border. However, even 8 May, despite the fact that Chamberlain receives the necessary vote of confidence, bypassing the established procedure George VI appoints Churchill as prime minister, he is the initiator of what “might be right after mastering Narvik to leave him”, after What the command of the Allies secretly from the Norwegians began to evacuate the troops.

“Until the very last minute,” the book says about the war in Norway, “the Norwegians pinned all their hopes on the help of England, which was all the time mentioned in radio broadcasts from London ... But when the evacuation of the British from Norway became a fact, the Norwegians perceived it as hard hit. ” Why England, having practically achieved control over the port that is strategically important for the entire German economy, again presented it to Hitler incomprehensibly. Apparently the new agreements changed the alignment of forces and therefore the details of the meetings in the English government in May-July 1940 of the year are closed to this day, as well as Churchill's personality, to which history reacted very graciously, because he himself wrote it. Churchill was engaged in provocation of world war, which was supposed to help the British financial club to stay afloat, whose affairs were getting worse.

The position of the Anglo-French in the Dunkirk region was complicated by the surrender of Belgium, signed by Leopold III in May 1940. The Belgian government emigrated to Paris and from there to London. Unlike the Queen of the Netherlands, Wilhelmina or King of Norway Haakon VII, Leopold III remained in Brussels, for which he was later not immediately returned the right to the throne.

The fact that all the heads of the occupied territories chose the place of emigration for London illustrates the control of European elites to the gold standard club. The governments of Czechoslovakia, Greece, Poland, Yugoslavia were not only located in London, but since November 1941 had agreed to create a single post-war bloc, and Greece and Yugoslavia additionally created the Balkan Union, whose sovereignty or independence was a big question:

“The royal government in exile was formed after the 27 March 1941 putsch and two weeks later left the country, fully under the control and maintenance of the British. The British had a low opinion of Yugoslav politicians ... forming a government of their own. The Yugoslav emigrant government was on the verge of what the Anglo-Saxons themselves define as "puppet government."
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  1. +2
    21 June 2014 11: 57
    All this was constantly hiding from the Russian people. And as the fried rooster began to peck in the ass, truthful documents began to appear immediately, which prove how they hated RUSSIA at all times.
    1. +1
      22 June 2014 11: 01
      The West is an enemy, and this is clear not only from this article, but also from historical experience, from the attitude of the West towards Russia! It is necessary to stop flirting and playing giveaways, Western society is a womb that swallows everything, it is a three-headed snake, and Russia has been able to handle snakes for centuries ... they just chopped their heads!
    2. 0
      22 June 2014 21: 01
      All these documents were previously available for those wishing to delve into the topic. You were not interested, you didn’t know
  2. 0
    21 June 2014 12: 13
    Nothing new ... the goal of all "European unions" at all times, the destruction of Russia
  3. +1
    21 June 2014 12: 42
    The Anglo-Saxons have been spreading rot on Russia since the "Reformation". And they will not stop until either they themselves die or they kill us. There is no third. angry
  4. 0
    21 June 2014 13: 35
    In all such theories, it is assumed that the highest race is the inventors of these theories themselves.

    But you can use their theories and vice versa, showing them themselves as a race, incapable of functioning, plumbing into wars, crises requiring a world government, because they are not able to control themselves.
  5. -1
    22 June 2014 12: 49
    Sucked from a finger x..nya.
    Well, there were Nazis in Britain. So there were also communists, what to take, democracy.
    The truth is how the British treated them best of all. Wodehouse showed in Jeeves and Worcester - both those and other hysterical clowns :-)))
    And ... you can talk a lot about Britons, but only they fought with the German Nazis from the first to the last day of the second world ...
      22 June 2014 20: 17
      Quote: cdrt
      And ... you can talk a lot about Britons, but only they fought with the German Nazis from the first to the last day of the second world ...

      Less mat, more thoughts, preferably smart.
      Why did the lemongrass develop the Unthinkable plan? 1,5 million German prisoners of war who surrendered to them without disbanding were kept in readiness to use against us?
      1. 0
        24 June 2014 01: 21
        Quote: cdrt
        And ... you can talk a lot about Britons, but only they fought with the German Nazis from the first to the last day of the second world ...

        Less mat, more thoughts, preferably smart.
        Why did the lemongrass develop the Unthinkable plan? 1,5 million German prisoners of war who surrendered to them without disbanding were kept in readiness to use against us?

        How is the fact of planning a war with the USSR related, what is the holy duty of any government of the WB and the USA, the fact of using German prisoners of war with Nazism?
        Nelson, I remember I was ready to sink the entire Baltic Fleet of the Republic of Ingushetia 130 years before the advent of Nazism.
        Do you really think that anyone who wanted to fight against the USSR or RI was a Nazi? :-)))
    22 June 2014 20: 37
    I liked the article, the material is of high quality. I won't say about H. Wells and fascism, that I had read about the "Fabian society" before, but it was served under the sauce of socialism. So far I have read it fluently, but I downloaded the link, I will read it more carefully later. The article is an unconditional plus.
  7. 0
    22 June 2014 20: 47
    Good article, but the topic is not fully disclosed.