Wikileaks: Poroshenko spoke as an informant for the American ambassador in Kiev

Another sensational information leak shared a site with its readers WikiLeaks. This time we are talking about the past "achievements" of a person who calls himself the legitimate Ukrainian president, namely, Petro Poroshenko. The material describes the events of the year 2006, when Poroshenko was a people's deputy.

Wikileaks: Poroshenko spoke as an informant for the American ambassador in Kiev

According to WikiLeaks, Petro Poroshenko at that time acted as the main informant of the then US Ambassador John Herbst on consultations on the formation of a new cabinet of ministers in Ukraine. The documents say that Herbst and his superiors in the US State Department double-checked the information provided to them by Mr. Poroshenko, since they did not fully trust the deputy. The main suspicion regarding Poroshenko, which concerned the Americans in the spring of 2006, is considered to be Petro Poroshenko's involvement in the preparation of the political elimination of Oleksandr Turchynov with the simultaneous weakening of the position of Yulia Tymoshenko. Turchynov at that time was one of the deputies of the "gas princess".

From the document (translation RT):

During the April 28 meeting with the ambassador, Our Ukraine’s insider, Petro Poroshenko, denied that he was behind the recent decision by Prosecutor General Oleksandr Medvedko to issue a warrant for the arrest of Tymoshenko’s deputy Oleksandr Turchynov. Poroshenko protested, saying that he had no motive to put pressure on Turchinov. During the meeting, Poroshenko also shared the details of his conversation with Yulia Tymoshenko the day before, where she offered to create the government of her party and Our Ukraine, but then abandoned the idea. Poroshenko complained that Tymoshenko could not be trusted, stressing that she was not frank and principled.

The completion of the telegram:

As in many cases when we hear about motivations, goals, characters, etc. “The other side” in the majority coalition negotiations, Poroshenko’s statement about his sworn enemy Tymoshenko and his protest with a statement of innocence about the steps of the Prosecutor General’s Office against Tymoshenko’s deputy Turchinov should be perceived with great skepticism, even more than in other cases.

The reason for the distrust of information from Poroshenko for the Americans was the suspicion of the people's deputy in relations with the "Party of Regions".
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  1. +11
    12 June 2014 09: 12
    Who would doubt that!
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +16
      12 June 2014 09: 24
      Squealer ... I have no words simply! There is no Ukraine anymore ...
      1. +8
        12 June 2014 09: 27
        Quote: MIKHAN
        Squealer ... I have no words just!

        Moreover, OLD, HONORED...
      2. +2
        12 June 2014 10: 09
        This is how covert operations end. Don't forget about the screams: "Revolution, Maidan", etc.
      3. 0
        12 June 2014 15: 12
        And you thought, what kind of beautiful eyes are he? Americans made him the prezik of Ukraine? It was clear that he was their man.
      4. +4
        12 June 2014 15: 40
        Quote: MIKHAN
        There is no Ukraine anymore ...

        And IT WASN’T!

        UN statement: There are no states of Ukraine and ... never was!

        Jun 01, 2:53
        3797 17


        On April 7, 2014, the 8th UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made a stunning statement, which was banned from distribution in the Ukrainian media and the Internet. The issue of the conflict between the two states was put on the agenda of the UN Security Council. As a result, they came to this conclusion: Ukraine has not registered its borders since December 25, 1991. At the UN, the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state were not drawn and registered. For this reason, it can be considered that there have not been and cannot be any offenses by Russia in relation to Ukraine. According to the CIS treaty, the territory of Ukraine is the administrative district of the USSR. Thus, one cannot blame anyone for separatism and forcibly changing the integrity of the borders of Ukraine. Under international law, the country simply does not have an officially approved border. To solve this problem, Ukraine must complete the demarcation of borders with neighboring states with the obligatory consent of the border states, including Russia. It is required to document everything and sign agreements with all neighboring states. The European Union expressed a great desire to help Ukraine in such an important issue and decided to provide technical assistance. But will Russia sign a border treaty with Ukraine? Of course not! Despite this, demarcation work was urgently started. Two groups of qualified experts are working on the designation of the border line on the ground and are engaged in reconciling the facts with the available maps. Based on the fact that Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (confirmed by the decisions of international courts on disputes over the property of the former USSR abroad), the territory in which the republic is now located Ukraine within the borders of the USSR (Little Russia and New Russia), is the property of Russia. And no one has the right now to dispose of the specified territory without the consent of Russia, the legal right holder of the specified territory. In essence, now it is enough for Russia only to make a statement about this and declare the indicated territory the territory of Russia, warning, inter alia, that everything that happens on the indicated territory is an internal affair of Russia. Any interference will be considered as actions against Russia. As a result, you can cancel the election results on May 25, and then do everything as the people want. According to the Budapest memorandum and other treaties, Russia cannot have obligations, since there are no borders. There is (and was not) a state of Ukraine.
    3. +5
      12 June 2014 09: 29
      Politics in the state of Ukraine died 20 years ago.
      Remained only a showdown for power, without rules, laws and justice!
      This division between asocial personalities who have no conscience whatsoever, who think not about the good of their homeland, but about the conformity of their actions with the demands of the puppeteers.
    4. 0
      12 June 2014 09: 56
      No, he is not an informer, he just reported laughing
      1. +1
        12 June 2014 10: 36
        Six mattress
      2. 0
        12 June 2014 13: 37
        reporter .. I guess he also wears uniforms in the evening in front of a mirror, legate the New Roman Empire ...
      3. 0
        12 June 2014 17: 54
        SEXOT! for us in childhood, this was the most terrible insult ...
    5. WKS
      12 June 2014 10: 07
      Erysipelas of a typical snitch.
    6. 0
      12 June 2014 10: 12
      STATOVSKY Puppet is still clever ... !!! CATTLE !!! NO WORDS ... Damn !!!
  2. Death to the Nazis
    12 June 2014 09: 12
    Invalid photo in the article. am
    1. MBA78
      12 June 2014 11: 37
      no, now I don’t
      1. nvv
        12 June 2014 12: 49
        Death to the Nazis, you have morning, and having night in the yard, didn’t you think how I would fall asleep? I have not used it for a long time, but now I’ll pump it up .... Brrrr ....
  3. Vlad Gore
    12 June 2014 09: 12
    All converge. Judah was elected president. And as you know, every nation deserves its president. lol
    1. UFO
      12 June 2014 09: 15
      Snitches become "presidents"! About times, about mores! wassat
      To the gallows bitch! am
      1. +4
        12 June 2014 09: 51
        yes, something inexplicable is going on in dill, one is working with a woodpecker, the other with a rooster, 8% of the population votes for a rooster, where it is seen
  4. +9
    12 June 2014 09: 13
    Now he is an informant of Mr. President himself! Career jumped above the roof!
  5. +10
    12 June 2014 09: 14
    Snitch Pigwhat ... Originals ... She apparently grunted her reports Yes .
  6. +4
    12 June 2014 09: 17
    Not an informant, but an agent of influence, a puppet.
    Quote: Jovanni
    Now he is an informant of Mr. President himself! Career jumped above the roof!
    1. 0
      12 June 2014 17: 56
      Well, that's why "HIS EXCELLENCE"! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Scum!
  7. +6
    12 June 2014 09: 19
    Agent American President of Ukraine. Stalin must be turned over in his grave, seeing what he did to the country.
    1. +3
      12 June 2014 09: 37
      Moreover, the second in a row. The first was Yushchenko. am
  8. 0
    12 June 2014 09: 19
    Quote: Neighbor
    Poroshenko acted as an informant of the American ambassador in Kiev

    In the course of the author, the captain is obvious or does he think that he discovered America?
  9. +7
    12 June 2014 09: 20
    Yes, they all sold out there for a long time. I'm talking about politicians
  10. +5
    12 June 2014 09: 23
    There was no doubt that the proteges of the Americans came to power, or rather, the agents of Fashington !!!!
  11. +1
    12 June 2014 09: 23
    You should protect yourself from burns (that is, protect exposed areas of skin from the effects of phosphorus fire; they take a very long time to heal and hurt like crazy) 2. You should also protect your respiratory system - when phosphorus burns, it is far from carbon monoxide that is released... A gauze bandage will not save you, a respirator will protect you by about 50%, a gas mask (GP-7V, for example, or a regular "hamster") with the right filter will protect you. 3. You should also protect your eyesight - the impact on them is fatal and can lead to blindness. Sealed glasses, such as those from a wetsuit, are suitable for this, but it is worth considering that plastic quickly melts at high temperatures, so it is better to use a gas mask with glass lenses, rubber will last longer than plastic. 4. If you find yourself in the impact zone, take shelter in a room that has little chance of catching fire (concrete buildings without the use of wood or other flammable structures in construction. DO NOT CLIMB INTO BASEMENTS, the fire may well block the exit, enough toxic substances will accumulate in the lowland and you will simply suffocate. You can only go underground in a shelter that has an exit in an unfilled area. 5. And after the impact, immediately get out of the affected area. Immediately. 6. Do not approach the epicenter, do not look at the explosion - the combustion temperature of phosphorus is 1200C, this is an instant melting of everything on you, including skin, and in the epicenter area - body ignition. 7. Stay away from strategic objects and crowded places - they may well be hit. 8. The blast is well carried by air over long distances. Protect your respiratory system along the entire path to a protective structure or evacuation site, have a lot of replacement filters for the gas mask (if possible find) 9. Do not under any circumstances come into contact with copper sulfate (copper sulfate) and calcium carbonate (chalk, there is a lot of it in the vicinity of Slavyanskaya). The interaction of these substances with white phosphorus will cause repeated acid burns.

    There is evidence that this weapon (with the content of white phosphorus) is being used and will be used against the civilian population of Donbass. Perhaps a massacre is being prepared for the near future.
    It is necessary to monitor whether foreign journalists and officials supporting Kiev are being withdrawn from the war zone, if they are being withdrawn, it will begin soon.
    1. nvv
      12 June 2014 12: 39
      All about the bombing. Lugansk
  12. +3
    12 June 2014 09: 23
    In Ukraine, you simply won’t break into power if he weren’t an agent of the State Department, who would allow him to go to power. If in Russia we saw a CIA agent ruling the country and leading it to collapse, then God himself ordered in Ukraine.
  13. +2
    12 June 2014 09: 23
    To the pitchfork of this citizen, to the pitchfork negative
  14. +6
    12 June 2014 09: 23
    something less and less dill on the forums write that they have become free. And sour cries of glory to Ukraine sound half the voice and without enthusiasm. Come winter soon.
  15. +7
    12 June 2014 09: 24
    MOSCOW, June 12 - RIA News. Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko, as the head of the Unified Energy Systems of Ukraine (UESU) company, may have collaborated with crime boss Semyon Mogilevich, according to WikiLeaks.

    The US ambassador in Kiev, sent to Washington on April 14, 2006, said that Tymoshenko could have been linked to organized crime in Ukraine. The US Embassy points to the Ukrainian Truth news site, which reported the illegal liquidation of information about Mogilevich in the materials of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) by then associates of Tymoshenko Alexander Turchinov and Andrey Kozhemyakin.

    “An article of March 16, citing sources in the SBU, said that the information could have been deleted, as it contained evidence of illegal interception of telephone conversations of Tymoshenko’s competitors, such as Petro Poroshenko, and / or evidence of shadow transactions between Mogilevich and Tymoshenko, when she headed the EECU in the mid and late 1990s, ”says WikiLeaks.

    Yulia Tymoshenko served as Prime Minister of Ukraine from February to September 2005 and from December 2007 to March 2010. In 2004, she and Yushchenko co-chaired the Power of the People coalition, which led the Orange Revolution. In October 2011, she was sentenced to seven years in prison in a case of abuse of power when concluding gas contracts with the Russian Federation in 2009. In February 2014, the Verkhovna Rada released Tymoshenko.
    Businessman Semyon Mogilevich (known as Sergey Schneider) is included by the FBI in the list of “most wanted criminals”. According to the American intelligence agency, Mogilevich was involved in more than 40 cases of racketeering, various types of fraud, money laundering and other economic crimes in several countries of the world. In April last year, Foreign Policy magazine included him in the list of the most influential people in the world.
  16. +4
    12 June 2014 09: 25
    In short, ArchiKo.z.ё.l the country is a solid brown ka..shka.
    He likes to sit on two chairs and between the buns the stake may come in.
  17. -1
    12 June 2014 09: 26
    article about nothing. it would be better to throw in a rumor that the "candy prince" is a Kremlin spy, this can be discussed, and so ...
  18. +1
    12 June 2014 09: 30
    therefore, there is only one way that pin-dos can not cope with the EU to close the pipe zaz and forever. then they will agree to the southern stream and remove themselves from Ukraine
    1. +2
      12 June 2014 09: 33
      Our gut is thin!
  19. irat
    12 June 2014 09: 32
    What's this? Nazi salute?
    1. 0
      12 June 2014 10: 27
      perhaps because of laziness even laziness waved his hand. Raised half and tired.
  20. +3
    12 June 2014 09: 36
    Ukrainians do not want to be brothers to the Russian people, x. with him, then they will be slaves! the joke is that they are happy about it. Imbitsy, Ukrainians have no future!
  21. Matroskin 18
    12 June 2014 09: 36
    Good ruler! I am ready to "knock" anyone, cooperate with anyone, just to climb higher and steal more! Well, he got in: the people don't care about him, the "owners" don't trust him, the politicians are just enemies, there is no real power in their hands, the country is a complete mess! But he achieved the main goal - you can steal even more !!!
  22. Peter 65
    12 June 2014 09: 39
    the first thing that needs to be done in Ukraine is to change the anthem, otherwise they’re asking all the time whether Ukraine has died or not yet. I would suggest that the fatherland is famous and hereinafter
  23. Fast
    12 June 2014 09: 39
    If he did not stop the killing of children, women on the day of the inauguration, he went to the famous letter. Conversation is over.
  24. +2
    12 June 2014 09: 39
    "Porokh" is a purely American creature, no one is hiding it. Gas negotiations show that their strategy is determined in Washington, Brussels has no influence on the crests. Europe will have its share of "Porokh"
  25. +3
    12 June 2014 09: 41
    So I would not have been an informant, the "American people" would not have elected him! Yes
  26. +1
    12 June 2014 09: 42
    Ah yes Poroshenko, oh yes son of a bitch!
  27. +1
    12 June 2014 09: 44
    And such a corrupt bitch Ukrainians elected themselves as president. And how is he different from the previous one? It feels like they don't learn anything.
  28. +1
    12 June 2014 09: 44
    "... The reason for the lack of confidence in the information from Poroshenko for the Americans was the people's deputy's suspicions of ties with the Party of Regions ..." - a feeling that in the majority, many politicians in Ukraine are trying to work on two fronts and, if one is defeated, immediately defect to the side the winner, just me or someone else noticed it.
  29. VSC
    12 June 2014 09: 44
    Do not touch Poroshenko, he is first of all an OLIGARCH, which means that he is an inviolable person and a friend of the Russian government.
    1. 0
      12 June 2014 13: 37
      Quote: VSK
      Do not touch Poroshenko, he is, first of all, OLIGARCH,

      How is that?
      1. 0
        12 June 2014 19: 52
        Well, if Poroshenko is not an oligarch, then I’m a parrot on Flint’s shoulder! fool
  30. +1
    12 June 2014 09: 45
    How nice it would be if Poroshenko pushed his forehead against Turchinov, really the experts on this part were transferred to Russia.
  31. +1
    12 June 2014 09: 47
    Petya the drummer, who would doubt it. bully
  32. 0
    12 June 2014 09: 54
    Allow me to transfer here the words of the poetess:
    June 6, 2014 - Natalia Sollogub

    There is no place for traitors here or there.

    There is no place for traitors either here or there:
    dangle between heaven and earth.
    Unbeknownst to them the ringing of the gospel,
    moreover, Christ's love.

    They are slaves, hostages of pride,
    trampled conscience, honor a long time ago,
    as well as the faith of the ancestors, their shrine, -
    and the world endlessly repeats one thing:

    We - Ukrainians, from an unknown planet,
    captured by Russia for a thousand years,
    captive air, sky, stars, winds,
    earth, moon, and sun, and dawn ...

    Such crazy nonsense we hear today
    as if not a country - a complete madhouse.
    Under their influence, the world is huge inflated,
    screams, quarrels and routs are everywhere.

    Run away from them as soon as possible,
    who longs for peace, coziness,
    but Ukrainians, they treat them more generously:
    from morning to night they peck their beaks ...

    Our world, though fallen, will sober up,
    will wash off ukrov – zombies whitewashed:
    and puts the evil one on the neck ...
    And the bells will ring in the morning:

    Awaken the memory of the unforgettable ancestors,
    will return to the glorious family, to the words
    to sacred affairs - divinely inspired,
    and to the true Orthodox churches.
  33. +1
    12 June 2014 10: 00
    Quote: MIKHAN
    Squealer ... I have no words simply! There is no Ukraine anymore ...

    It seems to me, a Cossack mishandled ... Snooker snitch ... negative
  34. +2
    12 June 2014 10: 00
    Not surprisingly .. Gorbachev was bought for 1 piece of Baku rubles, and the advisers from the State Department and the SSU worked for Borka the drunkards without hiding. So that the snitch is in principle acceptable to them. Probably not for long negative
  35. +5
    12 June 2014 10: 02
    It will be all the more offensive for him to die when the State Department’s hand, which he licked, will throw his fat carcass to an angry crowd. negative
  36. +2
    12 June 2014 10: 06
    Quote: UFO
    Snitches become "presidents"! About times, about mores! wassat
    To the gallows bitch! am
    Squealer, yes esche what. They did not pay attention when they communicate with their owners, they look into their eyes with devoted dog eyes, asking whether I have reported everything to you, and how to bark further.
  37. 0
    12 June 2014 10: 07
    Solid dirt ...
  38. 0
    12 June 2014 10: 23
    here’s your grandmother and St. George’s Day !!!
  39. 0
    12 June 2014 10: 48
    The entire government of Ukraine works west. In exchange for this they promised a beautiful life beyond the hill. Naive, because they can deceive.
  40. komrad.klim
    12 June 2014 10: 54
    Quote: redka
    The entire government of Ukraine works west. In exchange for this they promised a beautiful life beyond the hill. Naive, because they can deceive.

    Can ?????????????????????
    Do not make me laugh!!!!
    Cheat ...
  41. 0
    12 June 2014 11: 20
    In ukropia, those who held certain posts under Yushchenko and Yanukovych are now in power. That is, they were at the helm of the country one way or another. And nothing has changed for ordinary citizens: the oligarchs have now been officially seated on the thrones in the regions. Maidanites, is this what you fought for? So that the oligarchs can now officially milk the people? Of course, I understand that this is how it happens in the West, but at least there they are not so brazen in terms of robbing the people and do not occupy high government posts, but lobby their own interests. In general, ukropia is now Europe, only in a slightly distorted form (they overdid it in Europeanization). The authorities now have to force citizens into same-sex marriages and ukranina will be Europe
  42. 0
    12 June 2014 11: 21
    There are no random people in the junta ... everyone passed the test for loyalty to the US State Department.
  43. +2
    12 June 2014 11: 41
    PARASA is a pure whore. He worked under Kuchma — betrayed him, worked under Yushchenko — betrayed him, worked under Yanukovych — also betrayed him.
    1. 0
      12 June 2014 15: 59
      this is the middle brother of Panikovsky, then if he obeys at the same time in Kiev, he tied up
  44. 0
    12 June 2014 12: 23
    "The thief sits on the thief and drives the thief away." They (the so-called Ukrainian establishment) are now reminiscent of a gang of thugs that went "to work" in anticipation of a fat jackpot. Each with his own cockroaches in his head, ambitious plans, criminal past and with compromising evidence against each other. As a result, those who are not killed themselves will still be "grabbed". “A thief should be in prison!” - G. Zheglov.
  45. +1
    12 June 2014 12: 53
    this woodpecker gringo will be thrown into the trash if the opportunity arises and they won't remember that they bought something like that
  46. 0
    12 June 2014 13: 39
    For some reason, not surprisingly.
  47. 0
    12 June 2014 15: 09
    He was a goat - he remained a jackal.
  48. 0
    12 June 2014 15: 37
    The day is not far off when America will become a freelance regional power. Well, maybe one more generation we will survive and that's it. Oh, and the line is built to mock them. How can you recklessly root with them.
  49. 0
    12 June 2014 16: 28
    Americans They only place their own people and recognize them. It would be strange if Waltzman were not their man.
  50. 0
    12 June 2014 17: 24
    Indeed, there’s nothing to be surprised at. The entire ruling elite of Ukraine has been bought up in the bud ((