The keys to the world are in the hands of Russia

The keys to the world are in the hands of RussiaRenowned Italian political journalist Giulietto Chiesa answers questions from the weekly Zavtra newspaper

"Tomorrow": Mr. Chiesa, do Western Europeans understand the processes taking place outside Europe - for example, in Ukraine? Is there enough information to figure out?

Giulietto Chiesa: Europeans have no reliable information about the Ukrainian crisis. Practically all the channels, I judge through the Italian channels, and everywhere in Europe more or less all the same, they simply give a lie. In their interpretation, supposedly everything happens because Russia occupied Ukraine. And Ukraine wants to be independent, free to become a member of the European Union. Russia, however, is hindering, therefore it is to blame; Putin is to blame; he is a dictator. Everything is in this spirit.

And how can you understand something, even if nobody knows the composition of nationalities within Ukraine? I have Internet TV, the Pandora TV channel, on which I gave a few comments a day because I was the only alternative information source in Italy. And there I said that in the Donbass Russian people are defending themselves from the fascist regime created in Kiev. And several fellow journalists attacked me through the media: “Ah! Mr. Chiesa, a mercenary, admitted that Russia occupied Ukraine because he said that the Russian people in Ukraine are defending themselves. And what are the Russians doing in Ukraine?” That is, even journalists covering this topic do not know that about 10 of millions of Ukrainian citizens are Russian by nationality. They, their ancestors always lived there. There is a complete systematic distortion of reality. And when it is difficult to completely shut up, as about the tragedy in Odessa, they give information that is impossible to understand. "There was a clash. There was a fire. People died. We must investigate."

It is unclear to whom, and who clash. How many victims? And this information has no alternative, so people do not know the true picture. I have the impression that even the leaders do not know. No, this is not just an impression.

"Tomorrow": Country leaders?

Giulietto Chiesa: Yes, leaders. They read the same newspapers, watch the same TV and do not have the slightest idea of ​​what is going on. Therefore, decisions are made at the level of ignorance.

Even progressive people, honest, open to different opinions, are not aware. I talked to a group of politicians - three deputies of the Italian parliament and two senators. Listening to my presentation of the situation, they were amazed: "It can not be! It can not be!".

But I still argue with the facts. These people were not opposed to Russia, they have no bias. Just ignorance! This Deputies They vote, make decisions! I spoke with five. And the others? Depressing picture. Those who control the media, can do anything to the development went according to their script.

"Tomorrow": It turns out that the fourth power dictates how to behave the first power?

Giulietto Chiesa: Yes, it dictates the first, second, to the authorities.

My Facebook resource is popular. It is visited by more than 100 thousands of people. But this is not television. People go on Facebook, watch 2-3 minutes - not for long. This is evident in the attendance of materials. If I write comments in 3 or 10 lines, then within a couple of hours up to 60 thousands of readers. But if the article where the point of view is expounded is analyzed, the number of readers is reduced by half.

"Tomorrow": But at the protest action against the actions of Kiev in the east of Ukraine, of which you were the initiator, the Ukrainian embassy in Rome had quite a few people.

Giulietto Chiesa: It was about 350 people I gathered through Facebook, through the "Pandora TV." Paradoxically, there were several Russian TV channels, take this action, but not a single Italian.

However, the effect was large. I received dozens of invitations from various civil society organizations to come and explain what is happening in reality. But to respond to these invitations can not. It is an unequal struggle. All channels every day the same thing written show. And I'm alone.

"Tomorrow": To understand the danger of fascism in Ukraine, you need to better understand stories or in modern times?

Giulietto Chiesa: History and modernity are closely related. For many years, and I do know there is a preparation of Russophobia. And not only in Ukraine. This is not done in one day. This requires not only the domination of the media, but also in education, training, selection of teaching programs, and so dalee.Naprimer, our government did everything to convince if the winner in the Second World War was the United States. More instilled: Stalin and Hitler are equal, they are dictators, totalitarian society built. This campaign of lies and misinformation continues and gives fruit.

What is happening in Ukraine is the result of long-term training of young people. Tens of thousands of young people participated in the events. So, it acted strongly and for a long time. This is the formation of a new generation. The same was in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, as I wrote in the book "The Latvian candidate, or the Unknown Adventures of a non-citizen in Europe." Several chapters of the book are devoted to describing how leaders were prepared for these states. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the leaders of the three Baltic republics, Poland, and Bulgaria and Romania were trained in the United States. And not only prepared, but also chosen with the help of America. These were the children of the Nazis, educated in the American spirit, but the remaining Nazis. Take Mr. Yushchenko, whose wife Kateryna Chumachenko was the creator of the Ukrainian information center in Chicago. We are now in a phase where American “democracy” literally puts Nazism in Europe.

"Tomorrow": For what purpose?

Giulietto Chiesa: In order to break the resistance of the Europeans. Now is not the moment to be too complimentary with respect to the Europeans, but, nevertheless, Europe is not America. It is impossible to finally colonize Russia, and Europe cannot be colonized completely, because it is a different civilization. We have a very long history. They - the Anglo-Saxons, the Americans - a very short story. All the years after the Second World War, they tried spiritually, organizationally and economically to colonize Europe. Does not work. Until the end does not work. Of course, they advanced, captured quite a large part of the minds. But democratic experience, the experience of civil society in Europe exists. You can't cross it out of life for one generation, you need three, four, five. And this time has not yet passed.

What do Americans want now? To continue indefinitely its dominance. But since this is a difficult business in conditions of at least relative democracy, they simply use the worst European experience to weaken the opportunity to defend democratic Europe. Nazism is a very suitable tool, it will mine, plant a bomb under the European structures. And this is Nazism (we see this in the Baltic republics), built by the hands of Americans. And now it is being done in Ukraine, in Poland. "Right sektor" - this is the Polish brainchild, was born in Poland, and then was exported to Ukraine, Ukraine had freedom! UNA-UNSO, Bandera! But the "Right Sector" is Nazism in the truest sense.

"Tomorrow": What is modern Nazism? What do Americans want: racial superiority?

Giulietto Chiesa: No, for the Americans, it does not matter. This is important for those people in Europe who have been brought up in this spirit. But it triggered two overlapping trends: it is anti-communism and antirusizm, Russophobia. This can be seen in Ukraine: anti-communism and antirusizm, Russophobia operate simultaneously. I myself, as a communist, a correspondent in the days of the USSR in Moscow, is still getting a lot of abusive emails. They say you're a friend of Putin, because you're a Communist. Although Russia had not the Communists in power.

When I step on the television, I hear, even from colleagues, from the opponents: you are a Communist, are you from Moscow. They do not even know how to write such things, and say it with conviction and sincerity. They were convinced. It is intertwined with fantasy, myths. And it replicated.

"Tomorrow": It means that they have stagnation, a stop in development. And with the freedom of the alleged words just unfreedom.

Giulietto Chiesa: There is no longer any freedom of speech and information. There was a certain moment when freedom of speech was a reality. After the appearance of television, it disappeared. Immediately it was not noticeable, but now it is visible. We have a censorship in the literal sense of the word, which acts under the guise of freedom of speech.

I will quote the remarkable Marxist philosopher Guy Deborah, his book "The Society of the Performance", which contains prophetic things. He predicted at the beginning of 70's, when television was far from being the same as today, it was the beginning of the information age: the Society of the Performance - the truth - is part of the lie, and the lie is part of the truth. "

And the freedom of speech in such conditions has only one equivalent - manipulation. Freedom of speech? Yes, it seems that you are free, but lies and truth are connected. And a person, if he is not a professional, cannot compare one with the other, separate one from the other. He perceives everything together. People are so zombie.

This is characteristic of the mass consciousness in the West. It is a virtual society. And in this virtual society lives a billion people.

"Tomorrow": Parallels are drawn between the events in Spain in the thirties and the current war in the South-East. Will progressive-minded citizens from different countries come as volunteers?

Giulietto Chiesa: There is a dangerous situation, if it continues, it is difficult to predict what will happen next. Because NATO is rattling weapons and already ready to intervene. They can go for it. These are irresponsible people full of fanatics. Mr. Obama is a small man, a fanatic. And he, by the way, does not really affect the events. At the head of all are the secret services. You should not expect reasonable solutions from them.

These people are dangerous and need to behave sensibly, we must exploit their weaknesses. But in any case, do not count on a good move on their part. If they were zdravomyslyaschi, they would not have created this crisis. They own hands all staged. It is not an accident, not a bug, it's a purposeful deliberate attack on Russia.

What they did not know the situation that has developed between the Eastern and Western Ukraine? Knew. The Ambassador of Ukraine did not know? He knew well. A Polish Prime Minister did not know? I Knew. They did everything systematically, consistently and consciously, everything was orderly.

I constantly ask myself and the rest of the question: why is this done in February 2014? Ukraine was already in their hands. They could wait a year, new elections, Yanukovych would have been thrown out, they would have put Poroshenko, Chop-who would have wanted, and put it. They had power structures in their hands, all the levers: the Ministry of Defense, secret services. So why now? Why such a rush?

Apparently, they are in a hurry. Apparently, in America, the situation is absolutely restless, a crisis, especially a financial one. A financial crisis is an explosive ball that can flare up at any time. I am convinced that the situation is much more serious than it looks. The United States is in very poor condition. They say they are growing, but this is not true. Growing through the production of artificial money, which is not supported by anything.

Debt Americans too large. The crisis of America and the West in general is growing. And Washington would like to carry out the operation, which simultaneously hit in Russia and Europe. If embroil Russia and Europe, that will be fully and finally into the American camp.

It turns out - it does not work. I have an opinion that will not work. But the Americans still played all-in. I think they will continue to play. Therefore, the situation is very, very serious. This is not a regional crisis, it is a crisis that was created artificially against Russia in order to hit Russia and especially emphasize it - in order to hit Putin personally. They think that if Putin is removed, they will have their hands free to act within Russia, using the "fifth column" and others.

It is necessary to monitor whether the operation that Putin is leading will turn out to show the Europeans that it is not in their interest to behave this way. Is there such a possibility? Yes, because if you look closely, it is not Europe that made such a decision. It was only a part of Europe - Poland and the three Baltic states with the help of Germany. But with the help of Mrs. Merkel, because many people are unhappy with such actions. Entrepreneurs are unhappy. And the same is in Italy and other countries. For example, no one consulted with Italy, Greece, Spain. So it was not Europe that decided. And a kind of cooperation within Europe: America plus a part of Europe. Therefore, an attempt to explain that not everything goes as it should, makes sense. And can bring results. I hope that it will be like that. But a lot depends on the behavior of American leaders.

"Tomorrow": Is the Russian so-called elite an ally of Putin and the state, or is it an opponent of Putin and the state, because it is connected to Wall Street and depends on them?

Giulietto Chiesa: In part, these people depend on the West, they have money kept in banks there. But this situation is dual: the capital is there, at the same time it is in grave danger. If you choose a dollar as your only coin, you may be in a difficult position.

"Tomorrow": Like in Cyprus.

Giulietto Chiesa: Exactly. And perhaps much worse. There are those who are aware of this.

All I see is the rebirth of the Russian spirit. It happens! Crimea was a wave, emotions, but this is a very deep factor. The wave moved to the South-East.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian Ukraine took it as normal. I'll remember that there were many Russian, who applauded this event. Independence! And look what a difference right now. For the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union the Russian people felt their identity wherever they are.

After the coup, the wave went: Crimea, eastern and south-eastern Ukraine, then Russia as a whole.

I think this is a turn. Unexpected for Americans and, maybe, unexpected for oligarchic structure in Russia. Now they are in a completely different situation than, for example, at the end of 2013 of the year. And we must take into account the current unforeseen situation, rebuild thinking. Russia's retreat is over. For the first time in the last 30 years, Russia is beginning to realize that it cannot retreat any further, that it is Russia. And Putin understood that.

"Tomorrow": How do you explain this? After all, in recent years, the media have been in the hands of the liberals, they have corroded the Russian spirit, they have zombied people, they say, it is a shame to be Russian, we are guilty before the whole world for all the sins of humanity. And now there is a revival. How did this happen?

Giulietto Chiesa: Sense of danger. This attack from the very beginning was against the Russians. It is against the Russians. This is probably even a mistake of these figures. After all, their first decision is to ban the Russian language. So clear, openly announced! And people at that moment feel in danger. And self-organized to defend themselves. This is the only new factor that can essentially influence international relations.

Unfortunately, there is no voice of Russia in the West. This is the weak point: the point of view of Russia in the West does not exist, it is not represented.

"Tomorrow": Are there currently any international standards that would not have been violated? We see not even double standards, but international arbitrariness and the absolute correctness of the strong.

Giulietto Chiesa: Yes, there was scrapping all political norms. We are in a phase of demolition. It is not yet consciously by many, but the situation is such that all the rules have been violated, the rules are broken.

And I understand the behavior of Putin and Lavrov, that they behave as if the rules still exist. This is the right behavior. This is the only way to control the situation, otherwise there will be war soon. They are provoked constantly. Russia replies: Convene the UN Security Council, even if it’s clear that they will repeat the same things there. But steps of this kind are necessary anyway.

But the attack against Putin? Sanctions against all around him? This is unprecedented! Even indecent how attackers behave.

The basics of security are all broken too. After what happens, European security does not exist. And if European security does not exist, then there is no longer any global security.

In Europe, this is not realized. Because they think: we are good, we do not do anything bad. But what happens? Ukraine was captured by NATO, and soon Ukraine will be in NATO. Without Donbas or with Donbas, but there will be. After that - security in Europe is over. Therefore, we need new thinking. But in Italy, no one is aware of the new situation. As if the previous one continues. We need to create a new system of international relations.

"Tomorrow": But who will articulate? Americans cannot openly write: everything we do is right. And everything that our opponents do is wrong. And it turns out that way. Who will write and accept the rules if the only emperor is America? She would not consult with anyone.

Giulietto Chiesa: During Maidan Russia completely absent. And suddenly!

I was a pessimist and stay. But the American empire is dying, this is my theory: they are in a position where it is impossible to return to the previous situation in the old balance of power. There are already giants that will not be dependent on the United States. China is China. And Russia, in a certain sense, is also Russia. Identity is not lost by it.

China will never lose its identity at all. He became a capitalist country, but a powerful culture, powerful traditions, powerful language. This is another continent, another planet. Therefore, it is impossible to return to the past situation. Americans live by the illusion that they can dominate even in these conditions. But this is war. Of course, they are the most armed, and they know it. It seems that the tops of America believe that they can destroy everyone else. This is a crazy idea. This means the third world war.

This is the balance of the situation. Americans are losing real power in the world. They are no longer an empire. Not in the future can lose power, and not the empire. But they have a lot of money, albeit artificial, to unleash a world war. How much their aspirations go to the end - I can not say.

"Tomorrow": And they do not allow that this war can spread to their continent?

Giulietto Chiesa: They do not think about it. Therein lies the greatest danger. It is intertwined with their opinion and belief that they have a mission of liberation. At that millions believe. Even Mr. Bush, US president, believed in it! He said the morning I was talking to God.

"Tomorrow": How much more does the world of wars unleashed by America need in order to understand what its true goals are, that the Americans will not stop in their insane actions?

Giulietto Chiesa: The world in a certain sense has already begun to see clearly. Not in Europe yet. Signs of manifestation of reality - in Latin America. This is serious - the whole continent. China, India, South Africa and other states that today are not fully defined.

Part of the world order knows that America is very dangerous. But that's only part of it. And in Europe, the Americans while keeping political control. The political, not social. Social control, they lose. A political and, of course, the military, hold. NATO's position is very strong there.

I am convinced that withdrawing from NATO is a preliminary step to avoid war. And this my platform is gaining points. The audience is expanding, and there is a group of deputies of the Italian parliament who are starting to speak in this spirit. I'm working on it now. I want an opposition to appear within the parliament, which would say: we want to be neutral, outside NATO, like Austria. Austrian situation in Europe: independence, sovereignty and neutrality.

"Tomorrow": You have decided to become a member of the Izborsk club. Why?

Giulietto Chiesa: Because I think: Russia today is a fundamental pillar to preserve world peace. If Russia withstands this attack, for all of us it will be a salvation, no doubt. I say this not because I am pro-Russian, no, I am pro-European. It's very simple: I want to live. And he said it on TV: I want to live. My son and your children must live. For this you need to avoid war. Russia is a pillar of peace preservation fundamental, although not the only one.

And further. Russia and Europe have common interests. This is an objective fact. Russia is not an enemy, Russia is an ally of all humanity for survival. Russia has all the resources to open the way for the transition period to a different way of life throughout the world. For this 30-40 years is necessary. Europe needs Russia. Americans can neither protect us nor provide resources, which, by the way, are less and less. Considering sensibly, after weighing all the arguments, you yourself can come to the conclusion that this is so. But it is necessary to expand the audience to explain all this.

Recently in the city of Parma, I spoke at the Lyceum in front 17-18-year old students. I spoke 3 hours. And these guys have understood me perfectly. It was an optimistic call. I spoke openly: it will be difficult. But I say to you all that you can to protect themselves. The response was so positive that I was surprised. So this young audiences should be expanded. They just have zero information. They tabula rasa. But they are not stupid, they feel the situation. They feel that their fathers were in the best position.

"Tomorrow": I think that the western side is hindering foreign tourism in Russia in an organized and thoughtful way. And not only that there was no economic support due to tourism. But so that people, having arrived, would not see that everything is completely different from the way they draw.

Giulietto Chiesa: Indeed, if they come here, they will find a completely different situation than they draw.

"Tomorrow": And why do you think that the keys to the world are in the hands of Russia? Why do you see the fundamental support of the whole world in Russia?

Giulietto Chiesa: There are times when people react like people. They may be ill, may be psychologically depressed or elevated ... Or feel the danger. I see Russian reflex protection. It `s naturally. They received one blow after another. Since the ideology of the "empire of good" was very strong, they believed that all the talk about the danger of war and aggression from the West was the propaganda of the Soviet Union. The prevailing propaganda that won in their souls was this: everything said during the times of the Soviet Union was wrong. And when Reagan said the evil empire, even the Russians thought their country really was an evil empire.

And now, when there is no Soviet Union, they are still attacking. For what? Then it creates a sense of danger. "We were beaten while we were dangerous. But now we do not represent any danger, but we were again beaten. Why are they against us?"

In Yekaterinburg, I met with young people about what I wrote an article that had a big resonance among my readers in Italy. In this article, I noted that at times the USSR has a certain nostalgia for millions of people. They lost a lot in the spiritual sense, and according to the specific conditions of life in which they found themselves, they could be nostalgic. But the young guys with whom I met, do not feel nostalgia. One girl asked me a direct question: "We were born in modern times, lived all these years in a society that has nothing to do with socialism, but we still do not like it." Why? "

These young spiritually educated in Western spirit, and suddenly they realize that the West does not like them. This puzzled the young Russian.

The guys who invited me are very creative, smart. I asked: who finances you? They say: no, we do everything ourselves. This means that this is a new Russian intelligentsia, an initiative that no longer reflects as a category of nostalgia, but as a category: what kind of world do we live in? This is an open question, they have no answer yet. But the conviction is broken that America is an empire of good. Because they do not feel guilty. Nothing bad has been done. "We were your friends, but we see that they do not love us." And this is scrapping old notions. The question “why we are not loved” is not the answer, but it is scrapping the ideas that there in the West are necessarily good. No, apparently not so good.

"Tomorrow": ... May be wrong in the assessment. And if they do not love us, although we have not done anything bad, maybe we did not like the USSR in the same way, although he did not do anything wrong.

Giulietto Chiesa: Yes exactly. Much depends on Russia now. Actually, the most important thing depends on it - the world.
91 comment
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  1. +52
    9 June 2014 18: 31
    The trouble is that people like him have a very limited audience, and if truth be told, then no.
    Now, if someone on CNN in prime time said this ... But no, the main thing in the news is that the comedian was in a disaster, some film collected so many box offices on the first weekend, and other garbage. And from international - shooting in Pakistan. Ukraine is not even on the list of major news on Google News, at least in the US version.
    1. +25
      9 June 2014 18: 37
      Yes, what is the use of the advantages here? In the West, people need to hear this.
      1. +15
        9 June 2014 19: 59
        Looks like the arctic fox comes to geyropa, they themselves shave their heads in favor of the United States, they are dull before our eyes. Quite right, Vanga predicted everything, they themselves go to this, they don’t see the other end ..
        1. +4
          11 June 2014 09: 32
          Quote: Sterlya


          9 June 2014 19: 59

          ↑ ↓

          Looks like the arctic fox comes to geyropa, they themselves shave their heads in favor of the United States, they are dull before our eyes. Quite right, Vanga predicted everything, they themselves go to this, they don’t see the other end ..

          “Crimea will break away from one coast and grow to the other ...
          Everything will shake in the land of underground burrows and man-made mountains, a lot will collapse in the west and much will rise in the east. And the Sagittarius will come and stand twenty and three years, but what stood twenty and three years will be erased into powder ... ”

          Vanga was right about Crimea, broke away from Ukraine and grew to Russia, now we are waiting for the eruption of a volcano in Yellowstone in the USA, burrows are the metro, mountains are man-made skyscrapers, I think about the USA. Rise in the east, this is the revival of Russia. But about the archer, I don’t know what I had in mind. Any ideas?
          1. +4
            11 June 2014 12: 28
            But about the archer, I don’t know what I had in mind. Any ideas?

            Be Strelkov President of New Russia! Next 23 of the year.
            1. +1
              11 June 2014 12: 51
              Quote: Anthropos
              Be Strelkov President of New Russia! Next 23 of the year.

              And so the GDP will end - in my opinion a good successor, in fact, proved how to love the motherland!
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. tyrus
            11 June 2014 12: 28
            Underground burrows and man-made mountains are mines and heaps of Donbass! A split in Ukraine is inevitable, and that is what will lead to the collapse of all of Europe and the states too! Sagittarius - Strelkov the power of the Russian people came after 23 years of occupation
          4. +2
            11 June 2014 14: 33
            About the volcano Yellowstone, sometimes interesting articles slip through:
            ... "The United States government believes that the Yellowstone super-volcano will begin to erupt within the next ten years. Dr. Jean-Philippe Perrillat of the National Center for Scientific Research in Grenoble, France, confirms that magma is building up and has a maximum ten-year life span!
            The African National Congress (ANC) government in South Africa has received a request from the US that is part of the US disaster relief plan. According to him, South Africa will be paid $ 10 billion a year (about R100 billion) over ten years. Plan for temporary housing for millions of Americans in South Africa if the Yellowstone supervolcano begins to erupt. Countries that will participate in the plan include Brazil, Argentina and Australia ... "
            In conclusion, the authors are ironic about the resettlement of Americans to Ukraine:
            ... "You can relocate 40-50 million to Ukraine and no one will set any conditions. 10 billion, I think for a beggar Nenya will be more than enough, especially in view of recent events, you can not pay at all. True, as far as I am Do you understand that the Americans want to relocate the entire population for 10 billion? I think this is unlikely. Only Australia or Russia can accept such a number of people.
            The conclusion suggests itself that the resettlement will take place only for the elite, the common people will remain to die and later will be declared as a victim of global warming ... "
            But in fact, if it’s obvious, it’s obvious that something has begun, which is not spoken about in plain text, but it is simply impossible for a sensible person not to feel it. We can only speculate about the events, but no one equally knows what is happening now, how scary and what the bets are at stake. The people, as always, are the last to know when everything is already in sight. One cannot but be bothered by the fact that these muddy movers are on the borders of our fraternal states, and how much our governments control the situation.
            Obama appointed Poroshenko as the US governor in Ukraine. Each ministry has appointed a "COMMISSIONER" with the rank of Deputy Minister for European Integration. That is, vigilant Western overseers will strictly watch that all wild native ukrominists do not dare to deviate from the path of tolerance, strictly observing the commandments of loyalty and unquestioning observance of all orders of the West .. This is another country that is finally losing its sovereignty. We call things by their proper names. Poroshenko might rather be glad of a different development of events: go down in history as a conciliator of fraternal peoples, the initiator of the revival of a new strong state. And friendship with Russia is undoubtedly beneficial to him. But his eggs are not iron, especially when in the grip of mattress mats. Ukraine as a country actually ceases to exist and turns into a US colony.
            1. 0
              11 June 2014 21: 19
              It would seem, where are the Jews ?!
          5. +1
            11 June 2014 16: 41
            Quote: Max_Bauder
            Everything will shake in the land of underground burrows and man-made mountains, a lot will collapse in the west and much will rise in the east

            Heaps, drifts, etc. - this is Donbass.
          6. The comment was deleted.
          7. major_26
            11 June 2014 17: 37
            “Crimea will break away from one coast and grow to the other ...
            Everything will shake in the land of underground burrows and man-made mountains, a lot will collapse in the west and much will rise in the east. And the Sagittarius will come and stand twenty and three years, but what stood twenty and three years will be erased into powder ... ”
            It's simple: the land of underground burrows and man-made mountains is Donbass (mines, dumps), Sagittarius - Streltsov, 23 years old - Ukraine exists.
            1. Shur
              11 June 2014 19: 44
              It remains to decrypt in kakai takay powder everything will be erased :)
          8. 0
            12 June 2014 19: 51
            Burrows are mines; man-made mountains are heaps. So it turns out Donbass. And Sagittarius is obviously Sagittarius.
      2. +9
        9 June 2014 22: 08
        Yes, what is the use of the advantages here? It is necessary that in the West people hear this
        to an ordinary American s.r.a.t.t. from a large bell tower to Ukraine and what is happening in it. There is a struggle between the political elites of the Anglo-Saxons and the Russian world, and if we now begin to educate, educate every ordinary American, instill moral and not consumer values ​​in him in order to awaken his conscience and he went out to fight his government for the truth ... shorter than the proceeds from all our minerals there isn’t enough for this, we live in different worlds and I also have deeply pohh whether they hear us in the West or not.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +2
        10 June 2014 00: 44
        cnn is just the beginning. it is a small snowball turning into a big avalanche of truth.
    2. Reasonable, 2,3
      9 June 2014 18: 45
      I agree, in general, no. But in Odessa. When a flammable liquid is poured onto the head, but not on the body, and they set the head on fire, This is absolutely a terrible pain. A person wants to die, but not feel. I got burns. But thank God they’re not like that. Here, even fascism in touch. How these creatures hate people. The international trebunal is under the same control of the Nazis in the United States. So we need to act alone.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. Stalker
        9 June 2014 19: 15
        Here, even fascism is in touch. How these creatures hate people. The international trebunal is under the same control of the Nazis.

        For the United States, blood and oil are not separable ...
        1. +5
          9 June 2014 19: 40
          He needs to eat bananas
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +2
            10 June 2014 00: 47
            He needs to forget how to eat.
            1. Shur
              11 June 2014 21: 18
              Yes, so that he does not eat at all, this cannibal is black.
        2. Shur
          11 June 2014 19: 47
          With blood they lubricate oil pipes, it’s cheaper.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +2
        10 June 2014 03: 55
        Somewhat off topic. Opened areas of the body were set on fire in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa to cover up gas poisoning. The unfortunate ones have already been agonized.
        As for the article, its message is very true. He rests on the social shift of the European model of relations. Europe is also waking up.
    3. +4
      9 June 2014 18: 50
      Those who manage the media can do anything to get their scenario going.
      Here is the main thesis of the article
      Quote: Nagan
      The trouble is that people like him have a very limited audience, and if truth be told, then no. Well, if someone on CNN said this at prime time ... But no, the main thing in the news is that the comedian was in disaster, some then the film gathered so many box offices on the first weekend, and other garbage.

      That's right, people see only what they want
      1. Our hero
        9 June 2014 19: 23
        In Europe there is a complete zombie of the population. My neighbor was on vacation for 2 weeks in italy. He told all the same about their media and "kind" responses about Russia and "Putin's communists seized Ukraine." fool
        1. +6
          9 June 2014 19: 50
          Hmm ... Against the background of the INFORMATION OUTLOAD ... It pleases only ONE ... Eyes are opened ON THE ACCOUNT OF EUROPEAN DEMOCRACY ... Well, of course, PSAKI ... !!!
        2. Thunderbolt
          9 June 2014 20: 47
          Quote: Our Knight
          In evropp there is a complete zombie of the population. My neighbor was on vacation for 2 weeks in Italy.

          But in Cyprus, they respect and love us very much, in the literal sense of the word ... There is a feeling of a greater brotherhood than in Belarus, not to mention Ukraine ... And the Greeks are spiritually close to us ... We need to negotiate with them, roll in money and Morflot’s base there. Give the Mediterranean Fleet of the Russian Federation!)))
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            11 June 2014 16: 51
            [/ Quote]
            But in Cyprus, they respect and love us very much, in the literal sense of the word ... There is a feeling of a greater brotherhood than in Belarus, not to mention Ukraine ... And the Greeks are spiritually close to us ... We need to negotiate with them, roll in money and Morflot’s base there. Give the Mediterranean Fleet of the Russian Federation!))) [/ Quote]
            A stay in Cyprus is destructive for the mental health of a Russian person. A friend of mine after a relatively short stay in Cyprus forced the GAI officers to push his car, which did not start after the stop due to a striped stick.
        3. +13
          9 June 2014 21: 14
          If only that. My friend stayed in Italy for 3 months for retraining 15 years ago. The company gathered, all the doctors. One Italian lady asks how they live in Russia in winter? A friend replies that, as usual, people go to work and rest. Suddenly this lady, raising her finger (she caught it in a lie), sarcastically asks: "How do you work, do you have snow?" This is by no means a joke, such is their knowledge. Therefore, any, the most disgusting words about Russia will fall on fertile ground. An information blockade has been created around Russia and all Russian. On TV, from where the majority still draws information, there is only negative about Russia. They also have the Internet, but even in order to find the site of a respected author, you need to know that it is. The search engine is unlikely to give it on the first page of the search, and then no one will climb. Calling them zombies is too rude. Just poorly informed people.
          1. Shur
            11 June 2014 21: 20
            Yes, there was only one step left for the zombies, they were not informed at all :)
      2. +2
        9 June 2014 20: 03
        Not true. People are shown that some THINKS NEED FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR CLICK, AND EVERYONE SHOWING IN THEIR HANDS AND UNDER THEIR MANAGEMENT !!! Hence the vector of information
      3. The comment was deleted.
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. +9
      9 June 2014 19: 08
      It’s true, but at the same time it’s great that there are such people, and they are trying to break Euro-American stereotypes. Let slowly, by centimeter, but there is a forward movement. And maybe it will save us from the third world, probably the last, war
    6. +3
      9 June 2014 20: 41
      It annoys me somehow that recently it is customary to sympathize with the right.

      If someone forgot what the right ideology professes:

      1. Classical capitalism and "natural inequality".
      In other words, someone is born into a family of poor drug addicts and dies as a homeless person in 25, while someone, like Abramovich, cuts yachts into the money ... in the 90's.
      And there is no such thing in this, they say, the guy was not lucky, as one redhead said, "he did not fit into the market."

      2. Insurance medicine. That is, you will pay crazy money for health insurance. Or do not hurt.
      By the way, we have already started trying on this practice. 240 thousand - the salary of a deputy, and we collect for children for treatment "by the whole world" ...

      3. Security agencies will not ensure the security of the people, but a handful of the oligarchic elite. Like in the USA. Fortunately, we have Comrade. Putin, and while he is, the oligarchs will not encroach on the redistribution of property.

      4. The ideology of deceived expectations.
      Every day we are invited from the screens of social networks to master classes "how to build a career." They say you are so smart, extraordinary, and all this is stupid, mass, they interfere with your "personality" to develop.
      But if you don’t fit into the market, then you can’t count on indulgence. Either you get into debt or you’ll wallow in a puddle of urine, like somewhere in the station. Trubnaya metro station, they usually sit in the aisles.

      5. Do you want to live like this? Not. Well, why are we promoting all right-wing French nationalists? Marine Le Pen will raise its rating on the topic of anti-EU. If she needs to raise it yet, she will despise Russia too, believe me.
      1. +4
        9 June 2014 21: 43
        Our right ideas are supported only in a moral aspect. Family values, church on holidays, etc. The current right-wingers have great adjustments to their programs; in the economic sphere, they are not very different from left-wing programs. Yes, and the left, in terms of adaptation of programs, do not lag behind. Europe is moving towards the American ideal, the creation of not political parties, but parties of voters. The current Le Pen, unlike his father, abandoned Nazi ideas, and went on to criticize the EU, which attracts ours. In general, the idea of ​​the right - the left is very arbitrary. We always have Hitler painted right-wing, but distract from propaganda. By all indications, he is a left-wing nationalist, and it is not clear whether he is a nationalist. His new world order was followed by something like the EU. Moreover, with the leading role of Germany. The same as now. In the east, everyone is a slave. And now there are other aspirations? But Hitler didn’t take US leadership into account.
        1. +4
          9 June 2014 22: 17
          but take your mind off propaganda

          I am very objective.
          he is a left-wing nationalist, and it is not clear whether he is a nationalist.

          Nationalist and Nazi are two different things.

          Hitler is a right-wing Nazi, for he professed racial inequality. And socialism for him was just a screen for coming and holding power.

          Socialism and communism imply internationalism. Ie racial and national friendship and tolerance. The executioner of millions of people in Europe and Russia could not be left. He's a one-egg dock. they say to him near Verdun a single cheerful French grenade tore off.

          In the east, everyone is a slave.

          By the way, he also recorded aesthetic Frenchmen in subhuman, if forgotten. Well, apparently the testicle could not forgive.
          1. blackberry
            9 June 2014 23: 15
            Quote: Interface
            but take your mind off propaganda

            I am very objective.
            he is a left-wing nationalist, and it is not clear whether he is a nationalist.

            Nationalist and Nazi are two different things.

            Hitler is a right-wing Nazi, for he professed racial inequality. And socialism for him was just a screen for coming and holding power.

            What are you confusing people. Nazi Party that brought Hitler to power - National Socialist German working the party was left. Googling at least. At the Nuremberg trials, the ideology of the NSDAP was called one of the main causes of war. The NSDAP ideology was National Socialism, combining various elements of socialism, nationalism, racism, fascism, and anti-Semitism. Although I would not share nationalism and fascism. Different stages of one process.
            1. 0
              11 June 2014 16: 55
              The fact that there are the words socialism and workers did not make it that way))) Even their economy remained the same, there was no nationalization) Hitler twisted calling it socialist capitalism. In fact, the concerns remained the same. He did not touch the oligarchs. Read Goering's letter to one plant director, where he calms him down that socialism and all that is just demagogy and is designed to attract ordinary people, since leftist ideas are popular among them: “Regarding your remark about the socialist labor movement - anti-capitalism, as you put it, I must tell you: do not deceive yourself with the text of our public posters. The end justifies the means. Which party does not lure its electors? Rest assured, dear Mr. Director! If you are afraid for the future, then you will not be better protected anywhere than in our National Socialist Party. Of course, there are phrases "Down with capitalism", etc., but they are necessary: ​​after all, under the banner of "national", as you know, we will not reach the goal. "
            2. Shur
              11 June 2014 21: 32
              Hello. And what did you call this process? Example. Tomorrow you may be accused of family aggression and tyranny, on the grounds that you indicate and control the lives of your children, not only rudely intervene in it and generally behave autocratically. This was invented not only by terminology, but also by the whole state industry in the form of juvenile justice. And now is not far off, when no less knowledgeable nature will present the sizzling evidence of the harmfulness and inadmissibility of the process of family care for children. And of course, this will be condemned, and even condemned sometimes in the West. Everything is relative. And black will be painted white. The way Western, namely Western civilization, interprets the concept of nation and nationality is completely alien to the meaning and essence of these concepts for Russian people. They perverted everything to an abomination.
    7. +2
      9 June 2014 21: 49
      the article is super correct, why they don’t like me in the West, I did something bad to them, and I don’t like them because they kill peaceful people and not only Mr. Ukraine but also in other countries, want to help give money, not bombs and rockets for this I don’t see them, they are corrupt American bedding.
    8. sams
      9 June 2014 21: 57
      Interview of Semyon Semchenko on the Maidan - the head of the "Donbass" battalion in panic
      1. +5
        9 June 2014 22: 57
        One question, why does he answer in Russian? Hero of the nation does not bounce at all on the Move So you can take SEMEON wassat ...
        1. +4
          9 June 2014 23: 43
          And she’s not jumping .... Why? Wished to sow panic?
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +2
          10 June 2014 01: 30
          Quote: ispaniard
          One question, why does he answer in Russian?

          It does not matter. Let him at least in Hebrew indulge. Another thing is important. I did not hear any panic. On the contrary, he is confident in himself and in victory. Unfortunately, the junti army is studying ... and getting stronger.
          and we chewed sneakers ... these had to be cleaned up by the hands of the Ukrainian army back in March. And now, the zoochiki agree with them ....
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +1
            10 June 2014 11: 07
            General, and you will never hear her (panic) in his voice, you have to look for it in your business ... This man calmly put 10 of his punishers in his back, because they fled when Vostok ambushed them. Now Semeon came to Zhukhly Maidan to gather whomever he can in his suicide battalion. Isn't this panic?
    9. 0
      11 June 2014 11: 17
    10. 0
      11 June 2014 21: 17
      The trouble is not in the limited audience, the trouble is that this audience is limited. All the cries of the West about freedom of speech are just cries that have no relation to reality. This will destroy them.
  2. +11
    9 June 2014 18: 37
    it’s a pity that units are adequate in Europe, and they’re heard not even by thousands, but by modest hundreds recourse
  3. +6
    9 June 2014 18: 40
    "These young people are spiritually brought up in the Western spirit, and suddenly they realize that the West does not like them. This is the bewilderment of Russian youth."

    And why love you kids, you are not carriers of ideas, you are just consumers
    1. 0
      9 June 2014 20: 10
      You apparently did not understand, these spoke for Russians in principle (not for youth). And, apparently, not from indifferent, just invited a friend. They want to learn more about the world and people, reactions to Russia. I'm not saying that talking with such people is welcome.
      1. +1
        9 June 2014 20: 12
        well, why for all, it’s just what they say - young, educated in a Western spirit, obviously really want to be like the Western originals, but how do they make a pale impression in these efforts, why love them in this case?
        1. 0
          9 June 2014 21: 08
          Obviously, the keyword is visible to you. Those. your speculation. Of course, not brought up in Soviet times. If we do not love them, then where will they go and what will remain after us. You need to love and educate and not brush it off. In this case, a foreigner is engaged in this, which I welcomed as a friend understands. And in Ukraine, the bad guys were doing it (for us). And we listen to stories, the father is in the militia and the son is a law sector worker. In the end, who they depend on will be just consumers or not just. Or want to say nothing depends on us even in the upbringing of your children.
    2. +4
      9 June 2014 20: 39
      Quote: saag
      And why love you kids, you are not carriers of ideas, you are just consumers

      In theory, it is precisely for this that we should love them. It is such a person who is, from the point of view of the West, ideal. , stupid, for which the value of a person is determined by his bank account (just like in the army - who is older in rank), the person who is proud of the fact that in his entire life he did nothing with his own hands (managers), or one who knows how to count only up to a hundred and reads in syllables (working specialties), in short, one who can perform mechanical treadmill in order to be able to spend. Moreover, he is still liberal, bisexual, tolerant and cosmopolitan. And, most importantly, completely incapable of creativity, his range of interests is limited to the professional field. In short, the ideal ...
      Just those who lament the West’s dislike of themselves and their own kind do not understand how far they are from perfection.
      There’s nothing to love you guys, not all of you still call Raska your homeland, not everyone participated in the game parade. Train.

      And for ideas, precisely for ideas, dear saag hi , we have always been hated in the west. For ideas, for creativity, for originality, for love for one’s land, one’s country, one’s own language.

      The fact that our youth in the West do not like is good. The fact that they are worried and, moreover, upset is bad.
  4. +5
    9 June 2014 18: 41
    So the "asymmetric" responses to the West, promised by the GDP a few years ago, began. I think he still has a lot in his stash. But informationally, Russia, of course, is lagging behind ... the Ministry of Propaganda is needed!
    1. +1
      9 June 2014 20: 15
      It is necessary RT in all European languages ​​!!! And then we will either win without firing a shot or a world massacre will begin faster (for resources), to which, in my opinion, the world is rolling
      1. +1
        9 June 2014 21: 19
        Yes, they do not need RT in all languages. Watch the movie Idiocracy, it’s very clear what exactly they need. A watch RT? it is necessary to think the same, stereotypes, but rather reflexes must already be overcome.
  5. +8
    9 June 2014 18: 43
    In the hands of Russia, not only the keys to the world, but also the red button from the world))
    1. +14
      9 June 2014 18: 54
      Quote: yushch
      but also a red button from the world

      not this one? wink
      1. Stalker
        9 June 2014 19: 22
        Yaytsenyuh also prepared ...
      2. The comment was deleted.
  6. Yaks
    9 June 2014 18: 45
    Russia has only two allies: the army and the navy.
    1. +6
      9 June 2014 19: 03
      Rather, they were in the time of Alexander III. And now the Strategic Missile Forces and a small part of the fleet (specifically, submarines with missiles). Actually only thanks to their existence, the Finnish-Chinese border did not form in the bad memory of the 90s.
      1. +2
        9 June 2014 22: 07
        Quote: Nagan
        Actually, only thanks to their existence, the Finnish-Chinese border did not form in the unkind memory of 90.

        Yes, not even about the Chinese and Chechen separatists who really threatened the country with the torn Gorbachev perestroika. If Russia hadn’t had a nuclear shield, in 90, NATO, the US led, would occupy the country in two counts ...
        Well, at least I had the brains to not get rid of nuclear weapons (there were prerequisites) and maintain the potential ...
    2. +2
      9 June 2014 19: 14
      Quote: yaks
      Russia has only two allies: the army and the navy.

      three - Strategic Missile Forces
      1. 0
        9 June 2014 19: 38
        Useless and completely empty reasoning. An army is ground forces. The army also includes your "Strategic Missile Forces". Sheer illiteracy ...
        1. +1
          9 June 2014 21: 25
          Quote: Алексей_К
          Useless and completely empty reasoning. An army is ground forces. The army also includes your "Strategic Missile Forces". Sheer illiteracy ...

          Strategic Missile Forces - a type of armed forces, the same as the SV, Navy, and others, at least we were taught at the military department in the 1980s. Maybe since then they were reassigned by the SV, and in my distant past I overslept the news?
        2. -2
          9 June 2014 21: 35
          Without ... literate don't like being called without ... literate.
        3. +1
          9 June 2014 23: 48
          What are you carrying? Strategic Rocket Forces is a separate branch of the armed forces, or rather, an independent branch of the armed forces. The man wrote everything correctly ...
          And also an "officer of the Soviet Union" judging by some comments ... Even I know such a primitive, although I already served in the ARF.
          For example, both my grandfathers call themselves officers of the Soviet Army, as do my uncle.
          Is it not in your fantasies that you served in the ranks of the SA?
    3. Our hero
      9 June 2014 19: 27
      A Strategic Missile Forces, and the Air Force ??? Isn't that friends? Strategic Rocket Forces is generally the best sidekick !!! Swat brother defender !!!
      1. -3
        9 June 2014 19: 38
        Useless and completely empty reasoning. An army is ground forces. The army also includes your "Strategic Missile Forces". Sheer illiteracy ...
  7. +4
    9 June 2014 18: 45
    It was necessary for a long time to come up with a way to bring information to the western layman. Here we always lose catastrophically. The bourgeois, unlike us, perfectly understood the importance of presenting information (some "voices" were worth what), and they use it splendidly to this day. But it would be possible to come up with something that would lead an ordinary man in the street, a constant international quiz with big cash prizes, informational shows, but you never know ...
    1. 0
      9 June 2014 19: 41
      Well, the high-tech bourgeoisie cannot bring their TV channels and radio stations to the Russians, what do you want from Russia. We have not yet surpassed Amerikosov in radio electronics.
      1. 0
        9 June 2014 23: 49
        Are you by any chance a bot?
  8. +6
    9 June 2014 18: 45
    And it would seem that the 21st century, the Internet, satellite TV, information without borders. But no, ah ...
    1. Our hero
      9 June 2014 19: 31
      Satellite TV is the 5th satellite power. And the Internet .... Go to YouTube and see how much they blocked from Ukraine. In Italy, on YouTube it’s impossible to watch videos of the DNI and LC ... They are being blocked ... And you are the 21st century ....
  9. +9
    9 June 2014 18: 46
    And what is there to be surprised. I recently spoke with a Pole at work, so he said in all seriousness that in Russia all enterprises are state-owned. A man with a university degree. Their brains are simply washed away by propaganda.
  10. +3
    9 June 2014 18: 52
    It’s rare in Europe to meet an adequate person soldier
    1. +1
      9 June 2014 19: 34
      Quote: Private S
      It’s rare in Europe to meet an adequate person

      Tell us in more detail, how is it in Europe? I haven’t been there for a year and a half, is it still not adequate? It used to be not like that, and they didn't talk about politics at all, more about life ...
  11. +8
    9 June 2014 18: 53
    Quote: Nagan
    The trouble is that people like him have a very limited audience, and if truth be told, then no.
    Now, if someone on CNN in prime time said this ... But no, the main thing in the news is that the comedian was in a disaster, some film collected so many box offices on the first weekend, and other garbage. And from international - shooting in Pakistan. Ukraine is not even on the list of major news on Google News, at least in the US version.

    I will add that people in the West, and especially America, are extremely indifferent. They are not touched by anything that does not concern them. A mosquito raid on their smelly town will beat all the ratings, and blood and death far from them is Hollywood.
  12. +1
    9 June 2014 18: 57
    Lying is the weapon of imperialism, in the fight against the truth, all means are good.
  13. +10
    9 June 2014 18: 58
    And when Reagan said - the empire of evil, even the Russians thought that their country really was an empire of evil.
    I always thought that America is an evil empire!
    And our country is unusual, and for some reason the higher powers have been chosen for all kinds of trials! And she came out of different ups and downs, always renewed and strong!
  14. P-38
    9 June 2014 18: 58
    The article - the answer to the question why Putin does not send troops to Little Russia. There is too much at stake. And on the other side - the owners of atomic weapons, who have fallen into hysterics, have lost their sense of self-preservation, self-esteem and human appearance. Putin is dealing with madmen. With the riotous ones who keep their fingers on the start button. Lord strengthen him
  15. +2
    9 June 2014 18: 58
    Stop losing informational fights. Buy several newspapers, magazines, television channels at the state level and hammer at least truthful news to the Papuans of Europe. They on Euronews speak nonsense and we listen.
    1. P-38
      9 June 2014 19: 01
      It is not so simple and so fast. It takes time, which is not now
    2. 0
      9 June 2014 19: 44
      Although you can buy all of America until Congress gives permission to work for Russian enterprises, no one can work.
  16. +5
    9 June 2014 19: 03
    For us, even if we are Communists, even shit-blowers and even nationalists, destined to fight for survival with Europe and fecal amers, we will be constantly persecuted, not allowed to develop economically and politically, forget we have no brothers in Europe and CIS countries, but there is economic dependence on our resources and therefore we must develop independently
  17. +9
    9 June 2014 19: 03
    The ingenious little man, I thought, there are none in the EU. It is good that Europeans already realize that America is colonizing them.
  18. +4
    9 June 2014 19: 05
    Most Western politicians really do not even have the slightest idea about Ukraine and the events in it. Facial expressions and emptiness in the eyes of Obama and Ferguson only confirm the idea that these people are trying to decide the fate of other people without knowing that they are creating historical lawlessness. The lessons of the 2-th World Western political elite have either forgotten, or remember and consciously cultivate the revival of Nazism. In the latter case, it is time for Russia to begin the 2-th Operation for Forcing Peace. The first, in 2008, the West, yelling, swallowed. Swallows the Second.
  19. Vlad Gore
    9 June 2014 19: 05
    This is not a regional crisis, this is a crisis that was created artificially against Russia in order to hit Russia and, I would like to emphasize, to hit Putin personally. They think that if Putin is removed, they will have their hands free to operate inside Russia, using the "fifth column" and others.
    And that is said by the European. That is, he perfectly understands what is happening. But our nits are liberal and can’t live a day so that the GDP doesn’t spill mud. And this is at that moment when the consolidation of the entire Russian society is necessary in front of an external threat.
  20. +10
    9 June 2014 19: 10
    Giulietto Chiesa: "A lot now depends on Russia. Actually, the most important thing depends on it - peace."
    Correctly and strongly said.
  21. +2
    9 June 2014 19: 11
    Well, if we are talking about *** an information war, then the situation must be rectified by the means in which Russia is traditionally strong!
    1. 0
      11 June 2014 11: 37
      scatter leaflets with strategic missiles?
    2. The comment was deleted.
  22. Vita_vko
    9 June 2014 19: 13
    Let's say that influencing media holdings and investing huge amounts of money in the development of TV is expensive for Russian business and even for the state. But what is the problem with organizing Russian radio channels in other countries, for example, as an entertaining "Russian radio", you can do something more informational, so that people can receive information at first hand! For example "Voice of Russia" as an alternative to "Voice of America" ​​and preferably, of course, on the normal VHF band. And then, for example, even in Kazakhstan, a weak signal "Russian radio" is in the band between two powerful signals of local broadcasting channels and to listen to it without interference you need an expensive high-quality receiver. And I am 100% sure that it was not without British and American advisers. Because, in order for people to listen to the information, it must be accessible and understandable, 90% of the audience depends on it and of course in their native language. Then the same deputy, being in the car or on vacation, will intuitively understand that having heard another lodge about Russia, you need to listen to what is being said in Russia itself on this topic. Thus, it is possible to arrange polemics and refute the outright misinformation that the Europeans are stuffed with. All these seemingly small punctures ultimately lead to an increase in hatred and misunderstanding of Russia and the entire post-Soviet world order. As a result, we are slowly and surely sliding into a large-scale war.
    1. +1
      9 June 2014 19: 49
      Have you seen imported radios with VHF or HF ranges of such power that they at least hear something? First, find them with Westerners, then figure out how to convey the truth to them.
  23. +1
    9 June 2014 19: 15
    Quote: Reasonable, 2,3
    I agree, in general, no. But in Odessa. When a flammable liquid is poured onto the head, but not on the body, and they set the head on fire, This is absolutely a terrible pain. A person wants to die, but not feel. I got burns. But thank God they’re not like that. Here, even fascism in touch. How these creatures hate people. The international trebunal is under the same control of the Nazis in the United States. So we need to act alone.

    Apparently they will agree with payment for gas, and so that the southern stream continues construction, then the hands will be more or less untied, there may be actions.
  24. +3
    9 June 2014 19: 19
    The West, having driven itself into a cage with its servile policy, and having closed the door behind itself, believes that it has isolated Russia. Well, well, an interesting position, but here it is versatile. Winter, they say, will be terribly cold. wink laughing laughing laughing
  25. cosmonaut
    9 June 2014 19: 20
    God help us to survive!
    1. +2
      9 June 2014 19: 32
      And what, someone was going to fall. Only the poor in spirit and people without faith can fall. But this is not about RUSSIA. Even young people are beginning to slowly move away from "Western democratic" anesthesia. I will not argue, perhaps not all, but "the ice has already broken," as they say.
      That we first found ourselves in an information war? Remember 08.08.08. Remember that those who were born in the 60s were stranded in the West about the USSR. We survived after all !!! And we will continue to stand and squeeze the western rot, and we will not forget about our "fifth column". And the fact that they do not represent anything about us either geographically or historically is their problem. Let the "pugs" bark, the caravan goes on.
  26. +5
    9 June 2014 19: 35
    Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, made a stunning discovery, the dissemination of which in the Ukrainian media and on Internet resources was immediately prohibited. We are talking about a conflict between two states, Russia and Ukraine, which was put on the agenda of the UN Security Council. It turned out the following: Ukraine has not registered its borders since December 1991. In other words, the borders of Ukraine, as a sovereign state, were not declared and registered with the UN. Consequently, there were no offenses against Ukraine by Russia, and cannot be in principle. In accordance with the CIS treaty, Ukraine is the administrative district of the USSR. Therefore, it is impossible to blame anyone for separatism or forcibly changing the integrity of the borders of the state of Ukraine.
    To cope with this problem, Ukraine needs to carry out demarcation work, and it is imperative to coordinate it with neighboring countries. The European Union has already agreed and expressed a desire to provide technical assistance.
    Now, the most interesting thing: will Russia go towards Ukraine in this difficult situation? ..
    Nevertheless, the demarcation was started, at present two groups of qualified specialists are working on solving the problem, marking the border on the ground and comparing the facts with maps. Despite all the efforts of the Kiev junta of its patrons, Russia can only make a statement and declare Ukraine its territory, since Ukraine was formerly part of the USSR, and Russia is the legal successor of the Soviet Union. And everything that happens in Ukraine is the internal affair of the Russian Federation, any attempt to intervene can be regarded as aggression against Russia. Of course, the results of the May 25 elections can be canceled and Petro Poroshenko is still just a “chocolate hare”.
    There is no sovereign state of Ukraine.
    1. 0
      10 June 2014 02: 32
      Quote: Thought Giant
      Petro Poroshenko is still just a "chocolate hare."

      No way. He will become a corpse.
  27. +2
    9 June 2014 19: 46
    All right said
  28. Valentine77 64
    9 June 2014 19: 49
    In my opinion, Europe will soon "explode from within". The spread of liberalism, the flow of migrants from Africa, unnaturals, etc. And sane people still remained in Europe. The "Empire of Good" controls the political and military elite of Europe. Laws are passed by order because of the Atlantic.
    All this will soon cause a very strong social explosion. It is worth looking at the results of the elections to the European Parliament and understand who the normal European citizen wants to see at the helm
  29. waisson
    9 June 2014 20: 04
    -------------- hi
    1. Nikita_Pilot
      11 June 2014 07: 37
      Again conspiracy theories, and so on ... You will lose your mind so soon. hi
  30. waisson
    9 June 2014 20: 06
    -------------- hi
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. waisson
    9 June 2014 20: 08
    -------------- hi
    1. -5
      9 June 2014 20: 15
      This hope of the world is not yet visible .. The prestige of Russia, as the hope of peace on earth, is falling every hour !!!
    2. The comment was deleted.
  33. waisson
    9 June 2014 20: 09
    ------------ hi
  34. 0
    9 June 2014 20: 12
    Quote: waisson
    -------------- hi

    he himself understood what he said, they were already completely overwhelmed and the whole world hawala this shit
  35. waisson
    9 June 2014 20: 13
    --------------------- laughing
  36. -5
    9 June 2014 20: 14
    Putin- The life and death of many people in Donetsk depends on you .. Only you can, with your strength, the strength of the Russian army, end this GENOCIDE !!! Why are you silent and don’t move your fingers ..))) Although I spoke a lot in the beginning, about helping Russia to people in the east of Ukraine !! And now, WHAT DID THOSE THEM TO DIE? Do not make the citizens of Russia who see their relatives die in you disappointed in you, and we do nothing to save them !!!
  37. waisson
    9 June 2014 20: 15
    --------------- hi
  38. waisson
    9 June 2014 20: 16
    --------------------------- hi
  39. waisson
    9 June 2014 20: 18
    -------------------- hi
  40. waisson
    9 June 2014 20: 19
    -------------------- hi
  41. waisson
    9 June 2014 20: 21
    ---------------- hi
  42. +2
    9 June 2014 20: 28
    Europe is a stupid herd with three chewing, grasping, shaving reflexes. Over the years under the boot of the Americans, they are used to thinking and deciding for them. Who can I explain to? I’m generally silent about Amers. A bright representative is Psaki. But if, in our understanding, it’s absolute stupidity, what about the lower classes? I had to communicate with the British. Self-doubt is simply hypertrophied, they still think (and sincerely) that England is a great empire and the world revolves around it. But one morally killed me when he said that Georgia is Russia. So I could not explain to him what is what.
    Whoever has been there should understand that the ruminant animal doesn’t care about the world, the main thing is a warm stall and a full trough.
  43. +12
    9 June 2014 20: 38
    The article is just like a balm for the soul. Thank! It must be spread on the ground! God bless this seed in a field of lies!
  44. +8
    9 June 2014 20: 40
    Giulietto Chiesa is a wise Italian, not indifferent to Russia. And his assessments of political alignment are adequate. I wish him success in the political education of stagnant Europeans. Thank him for the moral support of Russia.
  45. +2
    9 June 2014 20: 41
    Test material! Everything is laid out on the shelves. In addition, from a European perspective. Of course, it is hardly believed that the leadership of European countries, and Obama too, are not aware of the real situation in Ukraine, as the Italian claims. It is impossible to manage a situation without giving up all the information on it. It is impossible for the same reason to influence the formation of public opinion. Perhaps this is the only thing with which I disagree with this Italian. It is positive that in Europe there are sane people.
  46. +4
    9 June 2014 21: 27
    The fact that the geyropa is slipping into some kind of cesspool is good. Anyway, falling to the bottom, these vassals of America will see that the truth is on the side of Russia. But later they will understand ...
  47. 0
    9 June 2014 21: 35
    Quote: TUNISIA
    , this is a deliberate thoughtful attack on Russia.

    What they did not know the situation that has developed between the Eastern and Western Ukraine? Knew. The Ambassador of Ukraine did not know? He knew well. A Polish Prime Minister did not know? I Knew. They did everything systematically, consistently and consciously, everything was orderly.

    Not even a sophisticated person understands everything. Everything is directed against Russia. When will these ghouls calm down?
    Quote: TUNISIA
    Russia today is a fundamental pillar to maintain world peace. If Russia withstands this attack, for all of us it will be a salvation, no doubt. I say this not because I am pro-Russian, no, I am pro-European. Everything is very simple: I want to live. And he said it on the air: I want to live. My son and your children must live. To do this, avoid war. Russia is a pillar of peace preservation fundamental, although not the only one.

    Again, Russia will save the world. And again she will not hear not just words of gratitude for this, there will not even be respect, as always
    1. 0
      9 June 2014 23: 26
      Strange: quotes from the text of the article, but it is written that from me ...
  48. +2
    9 June 2014 21: 43
    "the usa is growing by producing artificial money that is not backed by anything."

    "A lot depends on Russia now. Actually, the most important thing depends on it - peace."

    Already, tired of writing, Russia has EVERYTHING to be an Empire of Good, strong, powerful, strong in all respects: military and economic, peaceful and good.
  49. -2
    9 June 2014 22: 38
    . The retreat of Russia is over. For the first time in the last 30 years, Russia is beginning to realize that it cannot retreat further, that it is Russia. And Putin understood that.
    Yes, not quite everything as we would like. Having said A in Crimea, we did not want to speak B in the East of Ukraine. It’s not necessary to attach them to Russia, but we simply have to stop the slaughter (by introducing peacekeeping forces, put everyone apart and try to provoke a terrible allergy to the use of troops against civilians in dill) But as always, the golden calf overpowered morality. And we, instead of a tough stance, are aching about the prevention of violence, although this violence itself can be stopped in a few days. And now we are listening to how an incomprehensible type from Africa gives us a month to disarm the DPR of the LPR. I thought that nevertheless, Russia (the authorities) still had a stronger will.
  50. +1
    9 June 2014 22: 49
    Yes, the race is all about the fact that EU leaders do not know or do not understand the situation in Ukraine! After taking office (!), Each of them gets access to the summarized and generalized analytics from a combination of special services, info / intelligence, and a summary of events lies with everyone next to the toilet in the morning.
    The fact of the matter is that this is all an impudent attack on Russia through the misfortune of Ukraine, where there are traitors, temporary beneficiaries according to the situation, depending on the roles played. I will never believe that Yatsenyuk is so ram - foreign speechwriters write all his remarks to him, he just plays a role, receiving money, protection and the possibility of a desident’s blah blah blah in the future.
    And so on ...))) on the back it is not convenient to print
  51. +1
    9 June 2014 22: 52
    Putin betrayed the southeast of Ukraine for the sake of money for gas. But we are Donetsk, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and other cities. Putin is not all of Russia
  52. DPN
    9 June 2014 23: 04
    If Russia is a self-sufficient country and has a very large area and natural resources, hence the envy, which England has expressed more than once. This is the reason why Russia is not loved by the other world. Therefore, no matter what handouts Russia gives. At the moment, it is gas to Europe that will not make Russia happy. In the capitalist world they are afraid of the strong and arrogant example of the United States, basically they do whatever they want. Russia will be able to put the United States in its place only if it can show them “KUZKI’S MOTHER; near the borders of the USA. N.S. Khrushchev did this by forcing the Americans to run around in gas masks and hide in shelters. The result was that they lived in peace until the arrival of the scoundrels Gorbachev and Yeltsin Now we are reaping the fruits of these two rulers. So, the keys to the world are in the hands of STRONG RUSSIA, no one will take the other into account, otherwise they will only beat.
  53. +1
    9 June 2014 23: 04
    The article is very sound, it’s a pity that Chiesa is already 74 years old, more than respectable age.
    It is necessary to support people with a similar vision of the world financially and organizationally. It is advisable to support not directly from our government agencies, but through businessmen or non-profit foundations. So that activists have the opportunity to hold seminars, meetings, organize journalistic awards, etc. They promote an objective point of view on what is happening in the world.
    Most likely, these thoughts will remain on paper, because knowing the approach of those in power, they want to see two rubles in profit for the invested ruble today. But I have no particular desire to work for the future.
  54. skifo
    9 June 2014 23: 18
    Well done man - he speaks his mind!
  55. 4gre
    10 June 2014 01: 02
    Here it is, real freedom in Russian! The National Search of all the inhabitants of our state walks freely on the Internet. You just look at This is outrageous! Personally, I found complete, and most importantly, reliable information, also on relatives.
  56. EsTaF
    10 June 2014 01: 48
    A girl shoots an arrow at a portrait of US President Barack Obama on International Children's Day. Looks like Chinese)))
  57. 0
    10 June 2014 02: 57
    Why doesn’t Russia at least make its own TV channel in Italy and put Chiesa in charge of it?
  58. 0
    10 June 2014 06: 19
    Once again, after the Yankees, Mother Russia will have to clean up the territory... bully
  59. 0
    10 June 2014 06: 41
    Quote: Sergey Sitnikov
    And instead of taking a tough position, we whine about preventing violence, although we can stop this very violence in a few days. And now we listen to how an incomprehensible guy from Africa gives us a month so that we can disarm the DPR and LPR. I thought that Russia (the authorities) still had a stronger will.

    What kind of “hard position” and “power” are we talking about? Putin alone and “power” are different concepts, or rather, physical and spiritual embodiments. He alone is not able to demolish this “fifth column” - something more than just the presidency is required here. Many here and not only here curse (and stuff like that) Ukrainians. Let them be Westerners or from any other part of Ukraine. Doesn't matter. Do you think it’s only they who were zombified by pro-Western propaganda and therefore went to kill Russians? Look at yourself, but not through TV. What is our central media not telling us? The most important? And this is that there is not a civil war going on in Ukraine, but the United States, as the main elite of the Anglo-Saxons, just like centuries ago, went on an open armed campaign against the Russian nation. And soon similar events, I am quite sure, will take place on Russian territory. And what, Ukraine is the same Rus', there are the same WE, RUSSIANS. So the order was given to wipe cities off the face of the earth, preferably together with the people. And the “authorities” in Kyiv are exactly the same “fifth column” tied for generations to come. They no longer have a choice. There are also families and children there (even if you don’t even take capital into account). Now think about it - how can we survive if, from the point of view of the law, we are outside the law? Urgently change the constitution, or rather, nationalize it. Enough already to provide for the Khodorkovskys, Chubaiss, etc. Eliminate most media outlets or nationalize them too. We cannot do without an urgent referendum. People, open your eyes!!! War has come to OUR HOME!!!!!!
  60. 0
    10 June 2014 06: 46
    And they do not allow that this war can spread to their continent?
    Of course not! If such a thought had even fleetingly wandered into their empty heads, they would have already pressed their tails and huddled in the corners...
    And Europe is beginning to sense that things are starting to smell fried, they are slowly beginning to see the light, and are already whining...
  61. 0
    10 June 2014 07: 06
    This means that they have stagnation, a stop in development. And with supposed freedom of speech there is precisely no freedom

    This is exactly a psychotic child who is used to everything being his way, but at the same time angry, stupid, selfish, envious
  62. +1
    10 June 2014 07: 53
    Giulietto Chiesa is a sane politician with authority in Italy, a wonderful polemicist, and also speaks excellent Russian. However, in reality, he now has no platform, no access to the media, he is simply kept silent. A paradox arises: many more people hear about him in Russia than in his homeland in Italy.
  63. 0
    10 June 2014 08: 35
    Quote: andj61
    Giulietto Chiesa is a sane politician with authority in Italy, a wonderful polemicist, and also speaks excellent Russian. However, in reality, he now has no platform, no access to the media, he is simply kept silent. A paradox arises: many more people hear about him in Russia than in his homeland in Italy.

    If only there were more such politicians, authoritative not only in Italy, but throughout the EU, the situation in the information field would change for the better for us.
  64. timur73
    10 June 2014 10: 55
    Chieso is great, I wish he had more followers.
  65. Gexzloy
    10 June 2014 12: 59
    After Crimea, trust in Russia has been undermined, so the victim is believed more.
  66. 0
    11 June 2014 09: 00
    It’s somehow strange that these politicians are getting information there - from the media. Well, just like children! Is there no intelligence there? Or is everything given to the almighty)) Americans?
  67. Wolland
    11 June 2014 11: 05
    Soon he will be killed like everyone else, spluttering and thinking that money solves everything....... alas.... Sashko is a witness to this.
  68. Ulyan
    11 June 2014 11: 45
    Russia.... ! One against all, it's a shame...!? But as always !!
  69. argon
    11 June 2014 12: 20
    Quote: Thunderbolt
    Quote: Our Knight
    In evropp there is a complete zombie of the population. My neighbor was on vacation for 2 weeks in Italy.

    But in Cyprus, they respect and love us very much, in the literal sense of the word ... There is a feeling of a greater brotherhood than in Belarus, not to mention Ukraine ... And the Greeks are spiritually close to us ... We need to negotiate with them, roll in money and Morflot’s base there. Give the Mediterranean Fleet of the Russian Federation!)))

    They “love” Russians in Cyprus for the money that ended up there, and it’s clear to everyone why. Offshores, however.
  70. 0
    11 June 2014 15: 00
    We need to show this smart Italian on TV Russain Today
    The audience is not that big, but still...
  71. 0
    11 June 2014 21: 50
    no no no guys, of course it’s disgusting to talk about losses in civilian life, I believe that losses will be repaid to adversaries as it should be, sin came to earth, and its roots are in Volyn and Golichin, there is SLAVIC shame,
    Russians have the right, they are fucking crazy about a week without war - CRIMEA IS IN THE PROS,
    SO WHAT DO CITIZENS THINK, the Marseillaise is our everything
  72. 0
    11 June 2014 22: 09
    Moreover, consider our entire command staff - Moldovans, Ukrainians and citizens from Ufa, they love Masha from France,\p.s. ENTIRE EUROPE HATES AMERS, the Russians left and the sextants remained and forced them to kill, the fighters are in a state of shock
  73. 0
    12 June 2014 11: 10
    Quote: sams
    Interview of Semyon Semchenko on the Maidan - the head of the "Donbass" battalion in panic

    And Senya will get it to the fullest. There's not long to wait.
  74. 0
    12 June 2014 15: 06
    The keys to the world are in the hands of Russia
    . This is for sure, and we are not Pinocchio, we will not give you the keys.
  75. 0
    12 June 2014 15: 14
    Yeah, Russia is always the extreme...
  76. Arzamas
    12 June 2014 18: 51
    How nice it is to read the thoughts of smart people!
  77. 0
    13 June 2014 00: 33
    Chiesa - well done!!! to the front page and more often, there are people who understand in Europe