Unity of patriotism and cosmopolitanism

Unity of patriotism and cosmopolitanism

Recently, the problem of patriotism, genuine and sincere love for their country and their people is increasingly becoming the subject of heated debate in the pages of print and electronic media, has been repeatedly discussed in the studio of numerous television programs and talk shows.

Particularly acute questions of patriotism are on the agenda in connection with the current Ukrainian crisis and the tough position that Russia has taken in relation to the anti-Russian and Russophobic policies of the Kiev authorities, as well as a completely inadequate reaction to the actions of Moscow from the countries of the so-called democratic West, resorted to completely incomprehensible, legally and morally unreasonable sanctions, including against high-ranking government officials (officials). In such a situation, the question of whether Russian citizens should continue to favor the idea of ​​universal values ​​and the formation of a society of patriots of the world or restrict the concept of “patriotism” only to their own country is becoming increasingly acute.

In this regard, it seems necessary and expedient to more thoroughly study the very essence of such phenomena as patriotism and cosmopolitanism, which will eventually allow more competently and effectively to conduct state-oriented domestic and foreign policy, as well as to engage in the patriotic education of Russian youth.


Patriotism is love for the motherland and for its people, the desire to serve their interests, as well as faith in the fatherland and in its future. For this, a real patriot lives with him and for him. Fatherland he honors as a sacred object of love. A patriot loves fatherland with conscious love, not blind feeling.

At the same time, patriotism includes feelings, emotions, life position, image and lifestyle, as well as the practice of serving the Fatherland. It should be emphasized that patriotism is not something ephemeral and intangible - it fully justifies itself in practice in business participation in the formulation and implementation of military policy.

The content of patriotic consciousness and patriotic actions of peoples depends on the structure of states, their domestic and foreign policies, on the nature and goals of wars, on relations with other nations and states. Patriotism of peoples, states occupies an important place in all spheres of their life and is a permanent means of military policy in peacetime and wartime. The carriers of patriotic consciousness, patriotic actions are the authorities at all levels, peoples and national armed forces.

As for Russia, the practical expression of patriotism is the moral and psychological readiness of the population to repel a possible external aggression. Military service is an honorable duty and a patriotic duty of citizens of the Russian Federation, and a patriot warrior is a reliable defender of Russia with high human, political, moral, military, professional and moral qualities.

At the same time, genuine patriots of Russia condemn such negative and directly damaging phenomena as false patriotism and hurray-patriotism. And even more so true patriotism can in no way be combined with nationalism, xenophobia and so-called selfish patriotism.

The carriers of hurray-patriotism are always looking for the causes of their own mistakes and failures on the side (a vivid example of this is the actions of the current Kiev authorities, who do not notice mistakes, and all the "misfortunes of Ukraine" are usually attributed to "the hand of Moscow"). Ura-patriotism soothes, relaxes, leads to the fact that the state incorrectly determines its place and role in the world community, and ultimately can lead to self-isolation and a negative attitude towards other peoples. The patriots of Russia are proud of their fatherland and their people, but they understand that pride cannot encourage isolation and isolation. It should be emphasized that false patriotic sentiments among different social groups can have a negative impact on political leadership.

Patriotism as a universal value was formed in the framework of nations, states and turned into a kind of closed unity. This went on for centuries, but it could not go on forever. Patriotism as a worldview and practical actions of peoples, however, does not fully ensure the military security of the state in the context of globalization and new challenges and threats. It seems that today is the time for the formation of a patriotic consciousness at the global level.

Distribution weapons mass destruction, the real possibility of nuclear wars, as well as the already existing and possible armed conflicts and wars of all types and scale, as well as intensified international terrorism pose a real and very high threat to the military security of the entire world community, pose a threat to the very survival of mankind as such.

Moreover, new challenges and military and non-military threats that have arisen lately, cause patriotic anxiety to all mankind, the answer to which should be the global patriotic movement for its survival.

The threat to the survival of mankind requires that Russians go beyond patriotism beyond the national level. From the point of view of the idea of ​​patriotism, the task of protecting Russia from external aggressions, it seems, should already be viewed through the prism of the survival of all humanity as a whole. Simply put, the patriotism of Russians should be consistent with the goals of humanity.

Patriotism presupposes a clear position on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and possible nuclear wars. Patriotism demands that the citizens of Russia make a feasible contribution to the survival of the world community. Only patriots of Russia or patriots of other states alone cannot withstand all challenges and threats that have a global scale. Only a united world community can resist them. That is why it can be argued that today is the time to form a society of patriots of the world community.


The problem of patriotism today can no longer be considered outside global problems. Global problems cannot be solved by themselves. Therefore, the Russians should make a feasible contribution to their decision. However, as well as citizens, patriots of other countries.

Globalization is a feature of the modern world, natural, objectivehistorical the process, the tendency of social development, aimed at the formation of a holistic world and the civilizational development of society. Globalization testifies to the universalization of ties and relationships in various spheres of society. It covers politics; economic relations; the movement of goods and labor, culture, as well as all forms of public consciousness, world-wide information communications and population movements. The global process involves peoples of all continents, of all local civilizations. Globalization is developing both at the micro and the macro level.

On the other hand, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that globalization is both a constructive process and a destructive one.

The positive component of globalization brings nations and states closer together, brings local civilizations closer together, ensures the use of the experience of other states in all spheres of life, draws all states into world politics, unifies the global economy and destroys the humanitarian and economic borders of states. Moreover, international laws are gradually becoming a priority in relation to national laws.

In turn, the negative component of globalization divides the world community; isolates those who are not involved in integration processes; creates conditions for the destruction of the culture of peoples and states, and also increases the gap between the rich and the poor. At the same time, the low standard of living of the population pushes many states to the side of world processes, making them unattractive for investment and other attention from more developed and successful countries and transnational groups.

It is unlikely that anyone can doubt the assertion that the 21st century is a century of both expanding contacts and a century of new problems. The reason for this is the all-round convergence of countries, the growing interdependence of states and regions.

Globalization blurs the boundaries between Russia and the world community. Numerous local and regional problems directly or indirectly affect the interests of the entire global community. Russia, like other states, transfers part of its functions, part of its sovereignty to national structures. Therefore, a patriot of Russia can not tear the fate of the state from the fate of the world community.

Mankind should today mark conceptual milestones, comprehend the needs of times and eras; evaluate the present through the prism of the past and the future; identify trends in the development of universal ideas, as well as determine the role and place of all states.

Scientific and technological achievements of states, including Russia, are becoming the achievements of the world community. Through culture, Russians are introduced to world civilization. New means of communication blur the boundaries, information becomes universal. Russia is more and more “introduced” into world history.

New challenges and threats call the patriots of Russia to serve the whole of humanity, and the patriotic consciousness of Russians should be included in the overall development of civilization.

Patriots of Russia should be aware of their belonging not only to the family, nation, country and religion, but also to all of humanity. Must have the ability to answer for the fate of all people.

Russia is obliged to tell the whole world about itself. She has something to give the world community. Its achievements patriots should make the public domain.

Russian patriotism involves an assessment of the international situation, an active response to international events, processes related to the problems of war and peace; participation in the peacekeeping movement; supporting the activities of the UN and various peace agreements, as well as condemning the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the conduct of the so-called aggressive wars.

Participation in peacekeeping operations under the auspices of the UN allows Russia to defend universal human values ​​throughout the world.

New challenges and threats, globalization require more space coverage from patriotism. The formation of the noosphere becomes the most important task of mankind. Patriotism from the social sphere is expanding to the all-encompassing harmony, its relationship with the biosphere.

Against globalization, the narrowness of some representatives of the national patriotism of Russians in time and space is especially visible. Absolutization of only national patriotism can lead Russia to isolation, isolation from the fate of the peoples of the world community. The interests of humanity require expanding the range of Russian patriotism in the consciousness, behavior and actions of people, as well as raise the consciousness of the people to a global level. Russian patriotism should serve not only Russia, but also the world community. The new millennium requires organic interaction, the relationship of Russian patriotism with global patriotism.

Currently, in some countries there are opponents of global patriotism, global problems are beyond their competence, and they are not responsible for them. The views of the opponents of globalization lead them to isolation, to conflicts and wars, create conditions for the development of international terrorism. Selfish patriotism does not allow us to address the pressing problems of all mankind.


Cosmopolitanism as an ideology and practical actions, behavior originated in the ancient period.

Cosmopolitanism is, firstly, the expansion of the idea of ​​the Fatherland to the whole world; secondly, at the basis of cosmopolitanism lies the unity of the human race, and thirdly, the solidarity of the interests of individual peoples and countries as parts of one whole humanity.

The goal of cosmopolitanism: to ensure the survival of decent humanity; eliminate wars, militarism as a way of life of mankind and move to a peaceful way of life; learn to manage scientific and technological progress, weaken and eliminate the destructive component of progress; change the role of people in world history in the “people – government” system, as well as make a major contribution to the formation of a single humanity with its cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. Cosmopolitanism proceeds from the fact that man exists for himself and his descendants, honors the memory of ancestors and uses their historical experience.

The basic values ​​of cosmopolitanism can be characterized as follows: man is the main value on Earth, the measure of all phenomena, processes, events; virtues are non-violence, philanthropy, mutual aid, mercy, generosity, brotherhood of people, hard work, dignified life, responsibility, care for descendants, memory of ancestors; the need to achieve harmony between man and nature; respect in the state for all social groups, representatives of different cultures, nationalities and religions; peace-loving relations between peoples, states, world religions and religious denominations; the harmony between peace-loving policy and ensuring military security; reasonable device states; peaceful space exploration; rendering assistance to the peoples of other states in protecting the population from natural and man-made disasters, as well as the human-saving system of the military security of states and the world community as a whole.

The ideas of cosmopolitanism are widely developed in Russia. So, the carriers of cosmopolitan values ​​were the writers Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolai Gogol; philosophers Nikolai Berdyaev, Nikolai Danilevsky and Vladimir Solovyov; scientists Mikhail Lomonosov, Dmitri Mendeleev, Vladimir Vernadsky, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Alexander Chizhevsky, as well as historians Nikolai Karamzin, Nikolai Kostomarov and Vasily Klyuchevsky.

Alexander Pushkin, in particular, was able to determine the place of Russia in the world, to see its role in Europe and in the world. He pushed the boundaries of the Russian language. The centenary of Pushkin was celebrated in the 35 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. He looked at the outside world through the eyes of the national poet of Russia, penetrated into the culture of other nations, but remained a Russian poet. He wrote to Chaadaev: I would not like to change my fatherland or have a different story; Russia is a country of "global responsiveness", serves the world's interests.

Mikhail Lomonosov was a patriot of Russia and at the same time belonged to all mankind. He had no hatred for foreigners. He admired the genius of Leonard Euler, respected Christian von Wolf and Georg Richmann. Lomonosov reincarnated into the culture of other nations, while remaining a true patriot of Russia, and had the ability to contain the genius of other nations.

The Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky defined such features of the Russians as “world responsiveness, all-human”. The purpose of the Russian person is enormous - voluntary service to humanity. Russians have a highly developed instinct for humanity. Dostoevsky always emphasized that Russian literature is woven into the outside world. The heroes of his books seek to embrace the past, present and future of Russia with a single eye.

The outstanding commander of Russia, the Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov, shortly before his death, said: “As a slave I die for the fatherland and as a cosmopolitan, for the Light.”

Cosmopolitan ideology reflects the past, present and future. It is rationally saturated and emotionally attractive, accessible to intellectuals, professionals and the masses. The ideology of cosmopolitanism is a secular ideology, but all world religions are cosmopolitan to some extent.

Cosmopolitan ideology regulates all spheres of life, is a guide to action, gives recommendations on what measures should be taken to achieve the desired result, to solve certain problems. It forms moral prescriptions and focuses on fair actions.

People in their lives, activities, in their behavior based on the ideas of cosmopolitanism. They participate in just wars (while respecting the norms of international humanitarian law), in the anti-war movement, in the struggle for a nuclear-free world, fighting international terrorism, conquering space, protecting and saving nature, doing charity, participating in the elimination of natural and man-made disasters, and also make efforts to write an objective, true history of states and world history.

Of course, some cosmopolitan ideas are utopian. Their implementation will require a long time and the greatest spiritual efforts of many generations. However, bold utopias in the future may turn out to be quite real. Cosmopolitan ideology is certainly ahead of its time. At the same time, cosmopolitanism does not share the views of anti-utopians, who do not believe that the unity of humanity can be achieved, while preserving cultural, ethnic and religious diversity.


Russian patriotism and cosmopolitan values ​​do not contradict each other, as it may seem at first glance, but, on the contrary, complement and develop each other. Cosmopolitan values ​​improve the actions of patriots, give a more in-depth look at life. Cosmopolitanism allows patriots to evaluate global processes, phenomena, events.

At the same time, the patriots of Russia already use the values ​​of cosmopolitanism in their activities: they show humanity towards other peoples; show respect in their state for all social groups, representatives of other nationalities and religions; master space for peaceful purposes; assist other peoples in natural and man-made disasters; take care of descendants, and also preserve the memory of ancestors. Patriotism as a love of country absorbs love as the universal value of cosmopolitanism.

Russian patriots are involved in political, economic, cultural, and religious integration processes that also use cosmopolitan values. Among patriots there are many who are concerned about the fate of humanity, sincerely respond to disasters, bad weather in other countries and rejoice for scientific discoveries in other states. At the same time, many Russian patriots think about themselves as part of the world community.

With the approval of the patriots, global global structures are gradually being introduced into the economy of the Russian Federation. Russian and earlier Soviet patriotic scientists are honorary members of the academies of science and universities in Europe, Asia and America. Their names are called cities, streets and squares. Outstanding Soviet and Russian commanders and soldiers were erected monuments, busts. Many thousands of patriotic soldiers were buried in other countries that they defended (although lately in some countries the fraternal burial of Soviet soldiers began to be vandalized and desecrated by the radicals and enemies of Russia).

Patriots of Russia take an active part in international organizations of the United Nations, UNESCO, IAEA and others, they actively respond to events and processes occurring on all continents (approve, rejoice, condemn, empathize), evaluate them from the standpoint of cosmopolitanism. They think not only on the scale of Russia, but also on the scale of the world community.

The appeal of cosmopolitans to the fate of other nations, to world problems aggravates the feeling of Russian patriots, helps them realize the place of Russia in the world community. This, however, does not mean that due to the use of cosmopolitanism’s values, the patriots of Russia will become less devoted to their country.

The humanity of the patriots of Russia is determined through their attitude to the suffering of the citizens of other states, to the suffering of other nations.

All mankind is threatened by international terrorism. To repel this threat, it is no longer enough that citizens of states are patriots of only their peoples. To combat international terrorism, we need patriots who organically combine the features of the defenders of their states and supporters of the world community. These requirements are fully consistent with the patriots of Russia.

Patriots of Russia also participate in the writing of a single world history that unites all nations, and they are proud of Russia and its contribution to world history.


The interrelation of patriotism and cosmopolitanism embraces military culture. Moreover, the world military culture needs the achievements of the military culture of Russia, which makes it possible to raise the world military culture to a higher level. At the same time, Russian military personnel, who a priori should be patriots of their country, are actively participating in the operations of international armed (peacekeeping) forces within the framework of solving the tasks of the United Nations. Together with cosmopolitans, they are fighting international terrorism. Russian patriots are training officers of other countries who conduct just wars.

Patriots of various states, including Russia, borrow from each other achievements in the development of weapons and military equipment, methods and methods of warfare, military construction, as well as training and education of soldiers. Military science is one, supranational, universal. And the patriots of Russia, of course, make a significant contribution to it. The works of military scientists and theorists are translated into many languages ​​of the world.

The following fact should be especially emphasized: cosmopolitans believe that peace-loving states can and should lead not only just wars, but also domestic wars, designed to stop the aggression of an external opponent. And real, true patriots are actively involved in domestic wars.

It is noteworthy that patriotism and cosmopolitanism are largely united. They originated in the ancient period. Moreover, at the basis of the origin and development of cosmopolitanism lay such phenomena, processes and events as the formation and death of local civilizations and empires; scientific and technical progress; the formation of philosophies; the formation of world religions; mass migration of huge masses of people; slavery and colonization; genocide and inquisition; national liberation movement; numerous wars and revolutions, as well as various social, natural and man-made disasters.

The unity of patriotism and cosmopolitanism has a universal character in its cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. The patriotic consciousness and values ​​of the cosmopolitanism of the peoples of the anti-Hitler coalition played a huge role in the defeat of Nazism and fascism. In the victorious man, the feelings and views of the patriot and the values ​​of cosmopolitanism were simultaneously manifested.

To ensure the survival of humanity from global military and non-military threats is impossible without the unity of the patriots of all states and the universal values ​​of cosmopolitanism. The unity of patriotism and cosmopolitanism is manifested in the harmony of the peace-loving policy of the states and their military security.

At the same time, the achievement of unity of patriotism and cosmopolitanism is possible, despite the fact that the goals, phenomena and processes of cosmopolitanism are wider, larger in space and in time. At the same time, cosmopolitans never sever fundamental ties with the national fatherland. Russians who have not learned to love their fatherland are not capable of loving all of humanity.

Finally, mankind today is increasingly threatened by natural and man-made disasters that can occur on the territory of individual or group of states, as well as cover a whole region and even the entire planet. In this case, cosmopolitans proceed from the fact that it is necessary to unite the efforts of different states, the world community as a whole, in order to combat global catastrophes. It seems that international cooperation in combating catastrophes can become an important direction in world politics in the foreseeable future and will allow us to rally humankind more closely.
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  1. 0
    31 May 2014 14: 09
    The junta shoots at protesters from all guns, Assault rifles, Machine guns, armored personnel carriers 4 Butsyfal, armored personnel carriers 80, grenade launcher!
    1. +5
      31 May 2014 14: 19
      At one time, all these "cosmopolitans" were exiled and shot. Now - well, no, let's patriotism + globalism. That's just = idiocy. Reminds of chewing shit liberals say, "universal human values" guys.

      The rocketman: "I really feel sorry for launching a rocket in the USA, you also understand my Fatherland."

      So, who will fight?
      Who are we going to "globalize" with? Western consumer culture? And she is everywhere in Europe and in Asia! But what about the hackneyed topic about "preserving the culture of the Russian nation"? "Conservative values"?

      How do you combine a liberal and a conservative? Right to left? Not. but how then can a patriot be combined with cosmopolitan?
      The author wrote incoherent stupidity. "-"
      1. +2
        31 May 2014 15: 48
        What are you ?! Love the Russians for these demagogues who, apart from dirt and negativity, saw nothing from them-FOR WHAT?
        It’s the same as forcing yourself to love Conchita wurst.
      2. 0
        31 May 2014 17: 42
        The rocket scientist's motto: "Our goal is cosmopolitanism!"
  2. +5
    31 May 2014 14: 15
    Cosmopolitanism and patriotism are two opposing concepts .. You don’t need to brainwash cosmopolitans and stick on ..! I would have spoken purely patriotically but alas ..)))) Here is one of them and what this can lead to ..,
  3. dmitrij.blyuz
    31 May 2014 14: 17
    This is also the patriotism of thinking people.
    1. -1
      31 May 2014 14: 55
      Quote: dmitrij.blyuz
      patriotism of thinking people
      The author replaced the expression "intelligent people" with the word "cosmopolitanism". Opponents of such a replacement appeal to the fight against rootless cosmopolitans. But Yuri Kirshin, as I understand it, does not call to love rootless cosmopolitans who feel good where they are well fed, although he does not favor hurray-patriots, for whom his shit does not stink at all, and even smells against everything foreign. A citizen of the world puts above all the moral truth common to all mankind, but his action is directed at his neighbors, like Christ's (cosmopolitanism and the fulfillment of the prophets). This seems to be the point of the article.
      1. 0
        1 June 2014 03: 54
        Quote: Stanislav
        This seems to be the point of the article.

        The meaning of the article is simple)).
        To prepare the ground for using the military power of the reviving Power in the interests of its enemies)).
        Let's look at some of the suggestions in this article.
        ... the patriotism of Russians should be consistent with the goals of humanity.
        Well, that’s all clear. It is a pity that the goals of humanity are not determined by the Russians)).
        ... Russia, like other states, transfers part of its functions, part of its sovereignty to NATIONAL structures.
        This, of course, is a little mistake. It must be - NADNATIONAL)). But what a delicious little eyelid!
        The patriotism of Russians should serve not only Russia, but also the world community. ... The views of the opponents of globalization lead them to isolation, to conflicts and wars, create the conditions for the development of international terrorism.
        And here in more detail! How can our views (of opponents of globalization) lead to "isolation, conflict and wars"? So there is someone who isolates, conflicts and fights? Is he ALREADY there? Can't NOT EAT?))
        ... cosmopolitans believe that peace-loving states can and should wage not only just wars, but also domestic wars, designed to stop the aggression of an external enemy.
        The division of wars into JUST and DOMESTIC is interesting here.

        In general, the article is an Anglo-Saxon chewing gum prepared according to recipes and with the money of relevant NGOs. But it is precisely these key definitions that the non-living will hammer us now.
        1. 0
          1 June 2014 07: 23
          Quote: ctepx
          the goals of humanity are not determined by Russians
          If goal determination does not mean a majority vote for a US resolution in a quasi-democratic bargain, then I would argue the opposite. It is Russia that is now charting the vector of the goal of mankind, which for several decades stumbled into a dead end with no goal at all.
          Quote: ctepx
          But what a delicious little glass!
          Just do not use Freudianism to sew the secret interests of the very nation to the author! smile
          Quote: ctepx
          How can our views (of opponents of globalization) lead to "isolation, conflict and wars"?
          Very simple. Globalization is a fact and a process at the same time. Smart leads fate, and fool drags, as the ancients said. Either we integrate into the world community as an independent pole of attraction for other peoples and countries (as was the case with the EEC), or we are assimilated, digested, and ... recourse As happened since the appearance of Hunchback.
          Quote: ctepx
          So is there someone who isolates, conflicts, and fights?
          hi Good morning! This is part of the mechanism of the globalization process. But in globalization, new opportunities are opening up; Internet is not the only one. Can you imagine a water ball attraction? Let it be a model of globalization. The process has no goals, only free people have goals. If there are two or more subjects in a large water ball, and their goals and directions of movement are different, then they begin to look for ways to correct the movement and pull the mass in the desired direction. And for this it’s not enough to be a patriot, that is, to have your own direction of movement, you must also be a cosmopolitan in order to determine the goal not like the Americans do today, but to understand how you can change the vector so that EVERYONE (this is cosmopolitanism) got better. That is, it is for active participants in globalization, and those who are against globalization are sitting and waiting for them tovartwists in this ball. laughing
          1. 0
            1 June 2014 07: 49
            Quote: Stanislav
            several decades stomped at a standstill with no purpose at all.
            I cross out "treading a dead end completely without purpose". Moved for the purposes of the creators of the" Golden Lard "program." Non-Golden Lards "wake up, however, they pass from the assimilation mode to the integration mode, and the main thing in the ball is weight creative energy of the masses (C).
          2. 0
            1 June 2014 14: 35
            Quote: Stanislav
            Quote: CTEPX
            So is there someone who isolates, conflicts, and fights?

            Good morning! This is part of the mechanism of the globalization process. But globalization opens up new opportunities

            You are talking about globalization, but about "thoughts" in the article)).
            Article gan.donistaya, i.e. there will be no children)).
            In fact, one should tell about the confrontation in the matter of cosmopolitanism of the Aryans and Atlanteans (in today's reality - Russians and Anglo-Saxons), and only then, about theoretical calculations)).
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +3
    31 May 2014 14: 22
    With the approval of patriots, global global structures are gradually being introduced into the economy of the Russian Federation.

    C approval PATRIOTS !!!
    RZHUNIMAGU !!! laughing laughing laughing
  6. +11
    31 May 2014 14: 27
    I sit, drink beer and try to understand what did the author want to say? Only one concept of patriotism (according to the author) killed me on the spot, then even more - an attempt to cross two concepts, patriotism and cosmopolitanism, which, in my opinion, cannot even stand side by side. Maybe something I misunderstand, or the concepts of patriotism with the author are different? Yes, he goes through the woods! IMHO. hi
    1. 0
      31 May 2014 14: 40
      I join. Love for the Motherland does not contradict love for people. This is obvious to any normal person. And, that's what kind of animals these NERUSSIAN "patriotism" and "cosmopolitanism" are - only the goblin :) and knows.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +3
      31 May 2014 14: 47
      Quote: major071
      Maybe something I misunderstand, or the concepts of patriotism with the author are different? Yes, he goes through the woods! IMHO.

      True, Major! This article is a check ..))) hi
      1. +9
        31 May 2014 15: 07
        Check me late, I was born in the USSR and raised in the USSR. My concepts of patriotism are different from modern liberals. A person cannot be half patriotic. Or or. IMHO.
        Meehan, hi! hi
        1. +3
          31 May 2014 15: 23
          Quote: major071
          I was born in the USSR and raised in the USSR. My concepts of patriotism are different from modern liberals.

          Here, I am the same :-)
          1. +7
            31 May 2014 16: 19
            You know, but the concept of patriotism has already gone somewhere, and not only among the younger generation, but also among us, born in the USSR. Many of my friends of the same age beat their chests with the words: I can’t fight myself yet, but I will support the Russians in Ukraine, even with money. It so happened that over the past two months, our volunteers have passed through me on the way to Ukraine (my and not only initiative). They seem to have everything of their own (equipment, etc.), but it was necessary to provide food and tickets. When referring to our "patriots" I realized that patriotism is one thing, and money is another. Of the 50 thousand of our wooden ones I spent, exactly 1890 rubles came from them. Here are the things. Most likely there will be another group from Kazakhstan, when I don’t know, but it will definitely be, if anyone has the opportunity to help financially (in any amount), then write in a personal, everything is only there or by email. the address: [email protected] Thanks in advance! hi
    31 May 2014 14: 28
    Patriotism is a great feeling. But many politicians use this to their advantage. Unfortunately for themselves, this ends in disastrousness.
  8. +3
    31 May 2014 14: 43
    "Patriotism is love for the homeland and for your people, the desire to serve their interests, ..."
    Ugum-s, but this is the thing, at the present time, ministry and protection of interests is aimed primarily at private capital, i.e. protection of the interests of not the whole nation, but of a certain group of people in power and close to it, awareness of this fact somehow turns off the very concept of patriotism. While the state will be private capitalist, and not popular, what kind of patriotism can we talk about?
  9. +3
    31 May 2014 14: 43
    A patriot will never betray his homeland, a cosmopolitan will betray, like two fingers on asphalt, and from a philosophical point of view they are one, as an expression of the unity and struggle of opposites. And the difference in them is like light and darkness.
    1. 0
      31 May 2014 19: 30
      Quote: Thought Giant
      A patriot will never betray his homeland, a cosmopolitan will betray, like two fingers on asphalt,
      Independent patriots of Ukraine, who rushed to the southeast, to punish the Colorado separatists, betray their homeland by believing that most of their compatriots are Putin's cattle, thereby contributing to the split of the country and the falling of the rest of "their" part into a rigid economic dependence on the West. A cosmopolitan is an internationalist and an anti-fascist. Soldiers-internationalists went at will to Spain because they wanted to defend their homeland? No. For the truth and against fascism. Were the anti-fascist Germans patriots? Yes. But at the same time, they helped the enemies of their army. There is always truth behind true patriotism. I am for Russia because the truth is behind Russia. If the power in the country of the United States was seized by the Nazis, the hurray-patriot betrays the fatherland and demands sanctions, and the one who puts the truth above demands the resignation of Obama and supports us, like the patriots in Poland and Germany today.
      Quote: Giant thought
      cosmopolitan - betray
      Bezrodorny = unpatriotic.
      1. 0
        1 June 2014 08: 09
        Quote: Stanislav
        For the truth and against fascism
  10. +1
    31 May 2014 15: 04
    Quote: Giant thought
    A patriot will never betray his homeland, a cosmopolitan will betray, like two fingers on asphalt, and from a philosophical point of view they are one, as an expression of the unity and struggle of opposites. And the difference in them is like light and darkness.

    I agree..! And I want to add the notion of patriotism implies love not only for the homeland as such, but also for its past and future culture .. the so-called national identity! Cosmopolitan is such a common thing (the so-called golden billion) and who we all strive for this we all know and now confront as much as we can again .. hi
  11. +1
    31 May 2014 15: 04
    Patriotism in a man is raised by his mother and father from his birth, and if a child has grown up as a traitor to his people and country, it is necessary to change the education system, and God forbid according to the Ukrainian method ...
    31 May 2014 15: 26
    Anyone who does not understand: the Patriot is Sailors, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Pushkin ..........
    Cosmopolit is Bandera, Vlasov, the current fifth column ...........
  13. +2
    31 May 2014 15: 33
    Why is still the organization belonging to the assassin Kolomoisky located in the territory of Crimea is not nationalized ????
    It seems that the misadventures of children exported from Donetsk and besieged Slavyansk do not end there. Initially, they planned to plan the children at the Artek MDC, but later the plans changed and the buses went to the Foros sanatorium.
    On Friday afternoon, six buses with children, accompanied by a traffic police car, drove up to the boarding house. According to eyewitnesses, the leadership of the sanatorium said that children from Donetsk and Slavyansk can’t enter the territory because in the contract with the Crimean authorities, the check-in starts on June 2.
    The owners of the sanatorium from Kiev categorically refused to negotiate and forbade the launch of children, despite the fact that 550 places in the sanatorium were reserved for children. Representatives of the police arrived at the Foros sanatorium, but they failed to influence the situation.

    Currently, the Crimean authorities are deciding on the transfer of children to one of the other Sevastopol sanatoriums.

    All this could be attributed to bureaucratic delays, but there is a detail that may possibly present everything in a different light: the controlling stake in Foros sanatorium belongs to Privat group Igor Kolomoysky, the current governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region, an accomplice of the Kiev junta and the enemy of Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics.
  14. +2
    31 May 2014 15: 39
    An interesting trend is observed in the Donetsk People's Republic, which is poorly covered by the media. Foreign citizens are arriving in the DPR, trying to form international brigades by analogy with the Spanish inter-brigades. These brigades fought against the Nazis on the side of the Republicans in the civil war that went on in Spain in 1936-1938 of the last century. At that difficult time for Spain, the inter-brigades opposed the Spanish nationalists, dominated by General Francisco Franco. The Nazi General was supported by Germany, where Adolf Hitler already dominated, and fascist Italy, led by Benito Mussolini.
    In general, the analogy is obvious.
    At present, volunteers from European countries are arriving to help the army of the Donetsk People’s Republic, who, speaking the language of diplomacy, do not share the point of view of the current illegitimate government, and more straightforwardly, these volunteers from EU member states who consider genocide the actions of the Kiev junta on east of Ukraine. These volunteers are convinced that the junta is non-self-sufficient and obeys orders from the US State Department and NATO, otherwise how else can one explain the extermination of their own people?

    Just the other day, information on Polish Eurasians who arrived in the Donetsk People’s Republic passed through official channels. Bartosh Becker, group coordinator, political student, met with DNR leader Denis Pushilin and expressed his point of view in support of the south-east of Ukraine.

    “I do not represent the Polish pro-Atlantic government,” Becker said. - I represent the free Polish people who are against the fact that there were bases of NATO terrorists in Poland.

    According to him, there are people in Poland who are trying to talk about the situation and the facts that filter the Polish media. “There is an asymmetry in the stories about Ukraine, and we are trying to destroy it,” says Becker.


    However, coverage of events was only a prelude. Later it became known that in Donetsk, citizens of the Polish People’s Republic are actively trying to form inter-brigades in order to fight against the Kiev junta on the side of the DPR army (pictured).


    Quite naturally - not all Europeans like the so-called “European values” and even more so - American ones. It is currently impossible to create an absolute information vacuum. Yes, you can make a picture of the “bandits” from the DPR, but after more convincing evidence that the actions of the junta are exclusively punitive in nature, the real state of affairs becomes obvious. In addition, in the EU, at the top, they know the true face of the junta and its subordinates. So, Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right National Front in France, described the supporters of the current illegitimate government as follows: “Uncultured and wild crowds of drug addicts, homeless people and prostitutes, hungry for blood” ...

    If the junta does not stop punitive actions in the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, very soon thin streams of volunteers who make their way across the border to become members of the DPR and LPR armies will become full-fledged rivers of international brigades. So, in Hungary, there is already a set of volunteers for the war for the freedom of New Russia. The photo below was shot in Hungary, where the first detachments are just being formed to be sent to Donetsk. Hungarians are recognized as serious fighters, specialists are fighting in just small groups. So the punitive forces of the Kiev junta need to prepare for bloody battles.
    31 May 2014 16: 17
    Great is that patriot.
    Who will fall for the motherland.
    But that one is not worse.
    Who goes to the fields to plow.
  16. +2
    31 May 2014 16: 35
    Well, I don't know ... Is Pushkin a cosmopolitan? Read carefully "Poltava", "Journey to Arzrum". Lomonosov? "... and the Russian land to give birth to the quick-witted Newtons (Newtons)!" All of the above are Russian patriots, whose legacy is recognized and accepted by the whole world.
    But our homegrown ones ... It turns me inside out when some pimple "broadcasts" - "This country ... In this country ..."
    Change the country, you bastard!
  17. +2
    31 May 2014 16: 42
    Somewhere already about universal values ​​they spoke recently, and, remembered, gayvision !!! laughing But in general, what is good for the Russian is death to the German !!!
  18. 0
    31 May 2014 18: 29
    F. M. Dostoevsky. "Pushkin's speech" ("Diary of a writer", 1880):

    To become a real Russian, to become completely Russian, maybe, and that means only (in the end, emphasize this) to become the brother of all people, all man, if you want.
  19. +1
    31 May 2014 19: 07
    Unity of patriotism and cosmopolitanism

    As our classic A.S. Pushkin said
    It’s not possible to harness one cart
    Horse and quivering doe.
    I inadvertently forgot:
    Now I pay a madness tribute ...

    From the poem "Poltava", by the way, the words of Mazepa.
  20. 0
    31 May 2014 19: 38
    The author needs to understand the concepts of nationalism and Nazism. Read a good source about the nationalist V.V. Shulgin. Patriot is always a nationalist and even more an internationalist.
  21. Demon0n
    31 May 2014 20: 54
    Patriotism is practically incompatible with cosmopolitanism by definition. The desire to serve their country, in the vast majority of cases, is contrary to the interests of other countries. Simply put, you can not simultaneously serve the ideas of devotion to the 2nd and more hostile parties (this is already called otherwise ...)
    Moment number 2: cosmopolitanism is not the only concept capable of "taking care of humanity" (in theory, cosmopolitanism leads to the degradation of society, since conflict is a necessary condition for evolution).
    Globalism is also not a spherical horse in a vacuum. It can be implemented on the basis of different and conflicting concepts. The current variant, based on transnational capital, is rather "ugly" in its final evolution (despite its proximity to what can be called natural). There are no conditions for the implementation of other concepts (and will not appear very soon).
    1. 0
      1 June 2014 08: 40
      Quote: Demon0n
      cosmopolitanism leads to the degradation of society, because conflict is a necessary condition for evolution
      How is the word "cosmopolitan" (Greek. citizen of the world) prevents a person from taking care of the welfare and security of his country, friends, family? Can you translate it as "antipatriot"? .. "pacifist"? No, obstacles to conflict with other cosmopolitans who have their own goals, principles, concepts and projects. There is no obstacle to prefer the principles, ideals and values ​​of your people closer and more suitable for all mankind than the principles, ideals and values ​​of the "golden" cosmopolitan competitor.
      Cosmopolitanism is misunderstood as the opposite of patriotism. Cosmopolitanism does not exclude love for the native country and the native people; he gives only the highest standard for assessing that the true public good is in accordance with universal interests
      (Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron) Maybe someone Zionism will send me a link to the Bi ...
  22. 0
    1 June 2014 09: 22
    How can you think of Russia as a world power without being cosmopolitans, that is the mystery ... Although, there is an option - answering strictly symmetrically (ie, imitating) the gilded Americanos - "the whole world to dust." Putin, I believe, does differently: his answers create not only alternative threats to liberal democratizers who want to "free everyone" (from conscience, honor and property), build everyone and use everyone, giving cookies to the most executive, but also alternative opportunities for growth and development for conservatives, those who value tradition and don't want to get their cookie in liberal paradise. How can you attract the bulk of the very traditionalist population of the earth to your side (BRICS, for example), launch integration processes, changing the vector of globalization, without being a cosmopolitan?

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"