The future is socialism

That is how the participants of the First International Congress of Advanced Science

The ideas of socialism in the world did not die, and, adapting to the new realities of the 21st century, attract supporters, expanding their social base. The participants of the forum in Mexico stated that the existing social relations do not correspond to the new stage of the technological development of mankind and this gives rise to deep contradictions. A way out of this crisis can only be the formation of a new post-capitalist society.

From 28 April to 3 in May, the First International Congress of Advanced Science (The First International Congress of Advanced Science) was held in Mexico, devoted to the study of the prospects for human development in the 21st century. In its course, prominent scientists from different countries exchanged the results of their research on the prospects for the social development of society, taking into account the latest achievements of modern science and technology.

The congress was attended by scientists from eight countries: Mexico, Venezuela, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Cuba, China and Norway. Russia was represented at this event by the author of this article. Each of the speakers was given up to 30 minutes for the actual performance, followed by a 15 – 30 minute discussion. The reports were held in the native language of the speaker with the translation into English and Spanish - the main languages ​​of the congress.

Organizationally and materially, this event was supported by a number of leading scientific centers of the world, including Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico (Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana - UAM), Autonomous University of Pueblo, Center for the Economy of Shanghai (CESS), Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE). , Working University of Mexico, Center for Economic and Social Development and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). Participants of the event were taken in the Congress of the State of Mexico, located in the city of Toluca de Lerdo.

The congress proceeded in three stages. The first - the main, worked at the Autonomous University of Pueblo. Here in the historic conference hall of the university for two days held the main part of the event. All participants took the floor and the final resolution was adopted. The second phase, lasting one day, took place in Mexico City, at the Workers' University of Mexico. Here, before the leaders of the labor movement and the trade unions of the country, the congress participants spoke on applied problems of the prospects for the social development of modern society, the specifics of the modern geopolitical and political situation in the world. Of particular interest was the presentation by the representative of our country on the situation in Ukraine, on the position and role of Russia, the United States and other EU countries in the Ukrainian crisis. During the third stage, a meeting was held in the Congress of the State of Mexico, in the city of Toluca de Lerdo, with deputies and leaders of the left parties of Mexico. During their speeches, the participants focused on the discussion of the geopolitical and political situation in the world. At the same time, again, the Ukrainian topic was of great interest.

Entertaining performances

Among the most interesting posts is a series of speeches by a fairly representative delegation from China. This is primarily a report by the head of the delegation, Dr. Cheng Enfu, on the importance of democracy for the evolution of humanity. In it, he argues that in the post-industrial era, without the broad involvement of the masses in practical politics, the progressive development of mankind is impossible. This is determined, in his opinion, by the fact that the social construction of modernity is so difficult that it is practically impossible to ensure effective management of this process without the participation of all segments of the population.

The future is socialism

Interesting was the presentation of Professor Yaomei Jin, in which he examined the differences and similarities between market and socialism with Chinese characteristics. He showed the significance for the Chinese phenomenon of the combination of planned and market approaches in the country's economy, the importance for the successful development of China of a high level of government influence in a market economy.

The report of Professor Haokin Ding (Xiaoqin Ding) on ​​the problems of corporate social responsibility in the comparison of public and private enterprises in China caused great interest.

The representative of Brazil, Dr. Ronaldo Gomes Carmona (Ronaldo Gomes Carmona) from the University of São Paulo made a very interesting report "Brazilian geopolitical project in the XXI century." In it, he analyzed in detail the modern geopolitics of the United States in the zone of South America and the South Atlantic in historical retrospective, as well as changes in the geopolitical balance of power in Europe and Asia. He particularly emphasized the importance of BRICS as a community of leaders of the leading non-Western civilization centers of the world. Against this background, he substantiated the geopolitical strategy of Brazil in the first half of the XNUMXst century. He identified three areas as the main priorities of this strategy: eastern, northeastern and northern.

Efforts in the eastern direction are focused on the development of relations with the countries of West Africa in order to form on this basis a South Atlantic zone of Brazilian influence. Actions in the north-eastern direction consist in developing relations with the BRICS countries, in particular with Russia. The northern direction of the application of the geopolitical efforts of Brazil is to develop allied relations with the countries of the Caribbean, primarily with Venezuela and Cuba, in order to curb US activity in the South American direction.

In general, Dr. Ronaldo Gomez Carmona outlined the priorities of the military-technical policy of Brazil in connection with the geopolitical project outlined, highlighting the development of the Navy, which in the medium term must adopt new nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers.

The presentation of Venezuelan ex-minister of economics in the government of Hugo Chávez Filippo Perez Marti (Felipe Prez Marti) “Opportunities and limits of development strategies - socialism in Latin America: the experience of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela” dedicated to a detailed analysis of the economic problems of modern Venezuela and their causes was extremely interesting. . In his opinion, there are objectively serious economic difficulties in the country that cause mass demonstrations of the population. Their roots lie in the imbalance of the price export-import policy, and not in the social transformations that Hugo Chavez carried out.

The problem of relating the person and Robot, their role and place in the future were devoted to two reports "Darwin's dilemma: a trap between the "third chimpanzee" and the robot. Who will rule on the blue planet? Drs. Juan Carlos Olgun and Heinz Dieterich of the University of Mexico and "A World Without Workers: Will Robots Replace Labor?" Dr. Guillermo Lezama, rector of the Working University of Mexico City. Based on the analysis of promising technologies in the field of robotics, the speakers raise the problem of the boundaries of progress in this area, a clearer definition of the role and place of robots and robotic systems in society, focusing, in particular, on the danger of creating military robots with high levels of autonomy and the level of artificial intelligence. intelligence, self-learning ability. At the same time, scientists emphasized that the latest achievements of modern technology pose a serious threat to the survival of mankind if they become an instrument of a narrow group of people who use them for their own selfish interests. They say that without the strict and comprehensive control of society over the use of the latest technologies, the further progress of mankind is impossible. This, in turn, is feasible only under the condition of real democracy in a different, post-capitalist society.

Two reports were devoted to the philosophical problems of modern social construction - a report by Professor Zhen Li about the features of modern Chinese political philosophy, as well as a presentation by a Russian representative on the problem of philosophical and ideological understanding of human development, who expressed the opinion: a key condition for successful development civilization is the development of an ideological system effective in the 21st century, capable of leading the world onto the path of progressive and devastating onfliktnogo development.

The representative of Russia drew the attention of the congress participants to the following: one of the main reasons for the current situation is that the very fact of humanity’s transition to the information age negates the absolutization of the economy in society and makes it necessary to revise the philosophical foundations of civilization. Today, it can be stated that from a philosophical point of view, humanity still remains at the beginning of the 20th century, relying on vulgar materialism in its natural-scientific worldview.

The consequence of this is that the economic view of the entire vital activity of civilization dominates in ideological systems. It is the ideological base for the establishment of the power of transnational financial clans, the notorious finintern, over the world. This makes it necessary to address the main question of philosophy: what comes first - matter or spirit. Rejecting the vulgar understanding of the spirit, as soon as some non-material element of being, representing a separate entity from matter, should probably be recognized that spirituality in a natural-scientific understanding is the informational aspect of the universe. From this follows the only possible correct answer to the basic question of philosophy - matter and spirit are inseparable, forming closely interrelated, integral and mutually determining aspects of each material object.

Thus, recognition of only substance and field as matter is the vulgarization of materialism as a philosophical position, the time has come to give it up, recognizing the inseparable unity of spiritual and material. The breakthrough of humanity in the information age makes it a pressing necessity, without which moving forward becomes impossible. The recognition of this fact has far-reaching consequences. In the ideological sphere, this is primarily a rejection of a primitive economic approach.

There is one way - socialism of the XXI century

In general, the participants of the First International Congress of Advanced Science stated (this is reflected in its final resolution) that humanity is entering a new era of its development related to the transition to a new technological mode. The existing social relations do not correspond to the new stage of the technological development of the world. They give rise to deep contradictions that have shaped the modern civilization crisis that has engulfed all spheres of human activity. Its resolution is possible only through the formation of a new post-capitalist society. The basis of the new social construction should be a new world view, based on an understanding of the unity of the spiritual, informational and material foundations of the universe. The primary task of the world advanced scientific community is the development of the structure and principles of functioning of a new post-capitalist society.

In the speeches and discussions on the sidelines, it was repeatedly noted that the previously developed ideological systems are no longer fully capable of ensuring this. This was due to the fact that the current systems of views, claiming to be an ideology, focus mainly on the detailed elaboration of the issue of power formation, limiting at best the elaboration of the concept of economic development, which is clearly not enough for a full-fledged ideological planning of the development of society.

The opinion was expressed: the most important condition for the progressive development of society is the correctly chosen criterion base of the quality of social life activity. It was noted that modern approaches are based on the concepts of profit and profit, and the meaning of the development of society as a whole and its subsystems (up to the individual) is reduced to achieving maximum profit. This approach focuses economic and any other activity on maximizing profits, but not on the growth of socially useful product. That is, the goal of the development of society is not to achieve the maximum degree of development of each individual person and society as a whole, but to extract the greatest profits at all levels of the organization of society at times to the detriment of objective socially significant interests. And this entails the imbalance of the entire system of social production. Actually, the well-known crises of capitalism are such an imbalance.

Therefore, the highest criterion of the effectiveness of any production at any level of its hierarchy should be its compliance with the needs of society. And the efficiency of social production as a whole should be assessed by the degree of compliance of the nomenclature and the volume of needs with the nomenclature and the volume of production of all kinds of products. In this sense, such criteria as profit, profit or profitability are purely private and local, auxiliary character and cannot be used as the main ones, as is the case today. Then the meaning of the development of society will be reduced not to the race for profit, but to the elimination of the arising natural imbalances, allowing the development of a truly crisis-free society. That is, the goal of the development of society is not to extract the greatest profit, but to achieve the maximum degree of development of society as a whole.

According to many participants of the congress, the principle of the priority of the interests of systems in relation to their elements should be the basis for social construction in the 21st century. Its essence lies in the fact that the interests of development and life support of the higher subsystems of society are priorities over the lower ones. In particular, the interests of society should be prioritized in relation to the individual. This principle follows directly from the systemic vision of social development.

Interesting ideas were put forward with regard to the change in the structure of powers of the executive power system. It was noted that the possibility of creating authoritarian regimes and other forms of hidden elimination of the people from power in any country is connected with the presence of personnel powers at the organs and officials of the executive power, when the leader becomes the ruler of his subordinates. Thanks to this, it is possible to create power clans usurping power in countries.

Therefore, among the most important principles of building a society management system, the principle of separation of personnel and organizational powers in the executive branch was emphasized, consisting in the fact that the bodies and individual officials performing organizational functions should be deprived of the right to perform personnel changes in their subordinate structures. These powers must be transferred to self-government bodies or special personnel bodies that bear personal (collective) responsibility for the quality of the staff. That is, in fact, with such an approach, the competence of the executive branch is reduced to the organization of the company's activities aimed at achieving the goals formulated by it.

At the end of the congress, it was decided to create a World Advanced Research Group (World Advansed Research Group). Previously, its main support research centers are supposed to be located in Mexico, China, Germany and Russia. However, in general, it is planned that this should be a virtual network structure that brings together a voluntary community of researchers who freely share the results of their research. The aim of its activities is proclaimed the development of a model of sustainable democratic development of world civilization, free from need and exploitation. To do this, today, experts from various fields of science are involved in this work: political economy, mathematics, complexity theory, information theory, biology, network theory, political and military sciences. Thus, it can be stated that the ideas of socialism in the world have not died. Adapting to the new realities of the 21st century, they attract supporters and expand their social base.
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  1. mad
    28 May 2014 18: 14
    Nothing is new under the sun, the world is moving in a spiral.
    1. +25
      28 May 2014 18: 35
      Here Stalin, I think he spoke on the topic .. Well, I’ll speak on my own. I have something to compare with .... We need to change the system (or rather, find a "golden mean")
      1. Maksim...
        28 May 2014 18: 51
        Under Stalin, there was, it seems, market socialism. And pure socialism lost the struggle to capitalism in all areas.
        1. vovan1949
          28 May 2014 19: 42
          One must carefully read the classics of Marxism - Leninism. They talked about this even more than a century ago. And T. More even 500 years ago said: The main evil on earth is private property.
          1. vovan1949
            28 May 2014 19: 47
            I will add that in the early 90s a similar meeting of scientists took place, and they came to the conclusion that the capitalist path of development would lead humanity "to nowhere." All our media, except for the Pravda newspaper, kept silent about this. We started building capitalism.
            1. Maksim...
              28 May 2014 19: 53
              that the capitalist path of development will lead humanity "to nowhere"

              Did you talk about this with the Americans?
              1. +4
                28 May 2014 20: 23
                Do you actually live in USA for a long time?
                Once you can draw such conclusions about their life.
                I’m in Russia, I live in a village, and my uncle is a cousin in Seattle.
                It is possible to compare.
                1. Maksim...
                  28 May 2014 20: 35
                  Judging by the fact that they have the most powerful economy, army, the largest number of allies / partners / vassals (emphasize the necessary), that there was a powerful outflow of scientists, etc. etc., then they are not going to "nowhere" yet.
                  PS funny! A friend of mine in Seattle has a godmother smile .
                  1. +1
                    28 May 2014 20: 41
                    You want another funny fact: my uncle's daughter graduated from law school at the University of Seattle at the expense of the US government - Uncle 3500 had a salary before taxes, of course he could not pay for tuition.
                    After graduation, Lena married a policeman, he is a Mexican by nationality, a US citizen.
                    And then they went to MEXICO smile
                    They live there normally, they keep their business.

                    Question: Why did not a young girl with a law degree go to work in Seattle, but instead left for Mexico? New American dream? smile
                  2. +1
                    28 May 2014 20: 45
                    And about the economy - you can argue with whom it is the most powerful: the United States or China. The army - yes, more precisely, the fleet and aviation. There has been no outflow of scientists in the United States for a long time, especially since the Chinese no longer send students there.
                    About the standard of living - everything is like ours, everyone has different ways.
                    There are wealthy, there are beggars.
                    Do you want to - watch movies by Michael Moore type SICKO (Health)
                    1. Maksim...
                      28 May 2014 22: 22
                      from the USA or from China.

                      So far, the United States. I don’t really believe that the Americans will just give their place to the Chinese. The Chinese economy is in dire need of markets. And she herself is a state. capitalist.
                      Army - yes, more precisely, the fleet and aviation

                      So competent interaction of the military branches is the basis of success. China has powerful ground forces, but backward aircraft.
                      The outflow of scientists in the United States has long been gone

                      So I wrote: "was".
                      About the standard of living - everything is like ours, everyone has different ways.
                      There are wealthy, there are beggars.

                      Ummm ... But GDP and GNP per capita, no?
                      PS Initially, it was said about "going nowhere" America.
                      1. sleepy
                        29 May 2014 01: 50
                        Quote: Maxim ...
                        "Um ... And GDP and GNP per capita, no?
                        PS Initially it was said about "going nowhere" America.

                        America’s main commodity, on which it earns the most money, is not machinery and cars, but paper dollars, which they have flooded the whole world. The USA has an unenviable future.
                        In the coming years, they will experience such an economic crisis,
                        that the crisis of 1929 will seem to them a paradise. Today, the issue of dollars has reached an inconceivable and critical value.
                        The American financial system is an unprecedented scam,
                        abruptly Russian GKO. Soon they will lower the dollar.

                        As for the situation in the stock market, the situation here is very simple. The stock market is not an objective indicator of economic development. The weather in this market is done by those who are able to manage this market. And who is capable of this?
                        Those who are able to calmly print dollars from the air.
                        THEY can always raise or lower this market. At ANY value, since money has no material basis. After all, they print dollars as much as they need.

                        And more about America.
                      2. Maksim...
                        29 May 2014 11: 51
                        Eh, how much I already hear that the USA is about to collapse, their economy is a soap bubble and it is about to burst ...
                      3. sleepy
                        29 May 2014 02: 49
                        Quote: Maxim ...
                        "PS Initially it was said about" going nowhere "America."

                        Jews went to a rally in the United States, where is America heading?

                        Israeli media say the event was held in the United States at the request of Israeli rabbis.
                      4. +1
                        29 May 2014 06: 46
                        Do you think America needs markets?
                        And by the way, in America, in your beloved, as in Europe, the level will soon seriously fall, and with their aggressive population it will lead to a complete asshole in these countries. For half a century of their freebie ends.
                        Well, or these once again arrange a world war, with the most dubious consequences.
                      5. Maksim...
                        29 May 2014 11: 53
                        First: it is customary to communicate with strangers using "you".
                        Secondly: she is not my favorite.
                        Thirdly: I repeat, the stories that the US is about to end soon.
                  3. Thunderbolt
                    28 May 2014 21: 42
                    Quote: Maxim ...
                    Judging by the fact that they have the most powerful economy, army, the largest number of allies / partners / vassals (emphasize the necessary), that there was a powerful outflow of scientists, etc. etc., then they are not going to "nowhere" yet.
                    PS funny! A friend of mine in Seattle has a godmother smile .

                    You say it somewhere in Damascus !!! Or our boys from the factory, honest hard workers! Liberast fucking !!
                    1. Maksim...
                      28 May 2014 22: 10
                      Liberast fucking !!

                      You would be more careful with expressions. Maybe I’m wrong, but I didn’t insult anyone.
                      PS For your information - a centrist.
                      1. 0
                        29 May 2014 07: 34
                        I am willing to bet quite a substantial sum that all of us sitting on this forum will see the collapse of the "great" USA. I think this will happen within 20 years maximum.
                        And this despite the fact that in Hollywood films they have everything perfect))))
                      2. Thunderbolt
                        29 May 2014 22: 14
                        Quote: qwert
                        And this despite the fact that in Hollywood films they have everything perfect))))

                        Yes, they even collapse everything in films, everything is on fire, usually New York is the first)))
                  4. +3
                    28 May 2014 22: 35
                    Recently I was visiting the Americans, I did not see anything special. Zhrachka, portions are large but not tasty, semi-finished products generally suck. Prices by our standards do not say which is cheaper. But it is felt that the country is a trader, they know how to do it. I also liked the attitude to work, I watched how the road workers work, it is also worth learning how to better remember how our country worked before the collapse of the USSR.
                    That damn thing was in January, and now it just dawned on me when I wrote these lines, the emotional picture there is the same as we had in the Union, of course with its own nuances, but on the whole ..... This only says that people are the same everywhere, but those who spoil the picture are those who still can’t get drunk with a ball.
                    1. +1
                      29 May 2014 07: 37
                      Well, if you are not a black man and / or gay, then you will work properly. The decline in unemployment in the US has not yet been observed.
                  5. sleepy
                    29 May 2014 01: 44
                    Quote: Maxim ...
                    "Judging by the fact that they have the most powerful economy, army, the largest number of allies / partners / vassals (emphasize necessary), there was a powerful outflow of scientists, etc., etc.,
                    then "nowhere" they are not going to ... ".

                    Of course, they are so good. By ourselves.
                    "Debtors Prisons In The US Are Rapidly Filling With People Who Can't Pay Bills"
                    ho-cant-pay-bills /

                    "Although the United States formally abandoned debt prisons back in the 1830s, more than a third of states allow people to be thrown into jail for such simple debts as credit cards, late payments on auto loans, and even for doctors and hospitals! In Illinois, for example, debt collection Retailer agencies regularly use the courts to throw debtors into prisons, because where collection agencies (legal retailers) can't reach you,
                    the courts will get it. In addition, many states prescribe different amounts of fines for people who have committed various crimes and just misdemeanors such as speeding. Don't pay on time - you'll be thrown into jail! Some states have "poverty fees" that include late payment penalties, interest and interest
                    for non-payment from people who are unable to pay ... "
              2. Thunderbolt
                28 May 2014 21: 46
                Imagine talking, and normal Americans generally agree with this! But with shl.yukha from the ghetto and financial tycoons of Manhattan, I will not talk, but comrade "Kalashnikov" !!!!
          2. sleepy
            29 May 2014 01: 32
            Quote: vovan1949
            "We must carefully read the classics ... And T. More 500 years ago said:
            The main evil on earth is private property. "

            There are other classics.

            Jefferson argued: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of dollars, then first through inflation and then deflation, the banks and corporations that grow around such a Central Bank will take property from people as long as their children not to wake up homeless in the land that their fathers conquered. "
            (Ralph Epperson's book The Invisible Hand, chap. 12).

            Lincoln warned the American people about the financial oligarchy, which he called the "power of money." He wrote:
            "The power of money plunders the country in times of peace and conspiracies in difficult times. It is more despotic than the monarchy, more arrogant,
            rather than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy.
            I foresee the onset of the crisis in the near future, which
            makes me tremble for the security of my country.
            Corporations have come to the throne, an era of corruption is approaching, and the power of money in the country will seek to prolong its dominance, influencing the prejudices of the people until the wealth is gathered in the hands of a few and the republic is not destroyed. " ).

        2. Sinara70
          28 May 2014 23: 31
          with the HEAD you have a bad ....... Apparently !!!!
        3. Sinara70
          28 May 2014 23: 31
          with the HEAD you have a bad ....... Apparently !!!!
        4. sleepy
          29 May 2014 01: 24
          Quote: Maxim
          “Under Stalin there was, it seems, market socialism.
          And pure socialism has lost the fight to capitalism in all spheres. "

          The Soviet Union was not a victim of any economic problems,
          he became a victim of betrayal by the leadership of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev consistently dismantled the USSR and CMEA.

          Because when they say that the Soviet economy was inefficient,
          and she had no chance, depended on the sale of oil ...
          In 1984, the share of revenues from the sale of oil abroad amounted to only 4% of the GDP of the Soviet Union.
          Even during the period of so-called stagnation, the country's development went faster,
          than the development of the capitalist world.
          So, for 1981-85. USSR GDP grew by 20%, the USA - by 14%,
          France and Italy - by 8%, Germany - by 6% ...
          In 1985, there were many problems, as in any year of the 70 that the USSR existed, but nothing catastrophic was observed in the economy, there was growth.
          The catastrophe was created in the following 4 years: the anti-alcohol campaign of 1985 (minus 20 billion rubles), the laws “On individual labor activity” (1986), “On the legalization of individual forms of activity” (1987),
          “On Cooperation in the USSR” (1988), “On Leasing” (1989) and decisions of the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers
          “On the expansion of foreign economic activity of the Komsomol” and “On the promotion of the economic activities of the Komsomol” (1988).

          In China, the economy was significantly less developed than in the Soviet Union,
          and China is developing. When liberals say that the Soviet Union was doomed, it means that China is doomed, so there will be no China, then China is already breaking up.
          That is, it is a denial of reality.

          Stepan Sulakshin. "Treason."
          "In the book - a study of a famous Russian politician and scientist, the state of the real mechanism of state governance in Russia in the 90s is studied. Persons and clans are shown, the roles, interests and motives of the actions of the actual leader and leadership of the country are revealed. The loss of state sovereignty of Russia is proved. planned, global and purposeful for the implementation of national security, national interests of the United States and its satellite countries, the mechanism of ruling Russia from abroad ... ".
        5. 0
          29 May 2014 06: 40
          This is where in yours was pure socialism and when?
        6. 0
          29 May 2014 06: 41
          Explain where in yours was pure socialism and when? Otherwise it turns out that you are talking nonsense
      2. Sinara70
        28 May 2014 23: 30
        RIGHTS ... !!!!
        1000 TIMES !!!!!
      3. Sinara70
        28 May 2014 23: 30
        RIGHTS ... !!!!
        1000 TIMES !!!!!
    2. +5
      28 May 2014 18: 43
      Hmm ... Sorry for this wonderful time, you won’t have to, I don’t need YOU !!! Everything is in a spiral ... Fascism ALSO? You just need to turn to the person ... And not to the BABLE !!!
      1. sleepy
        29 May 2014 02: 16
        At a session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on July 3, 2009, European lawmakers adopted a resolution that equates Stalinism and Nazism. This resolution calls for the celebration of August 23 as the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Nazi and Stalinist Regimes.

        When I. Stalin said his famous phrase "As socialism is built and the approach to communism, the class struggle will intensify" -
        he did not mean the kulaks, not the classes that left, he meant the danger of the existing nomenclature becoming a class of oligarchs.
        And he looked into the water.

        Under socialism, the layer that wanted to consume more
        what they are entitled to by status and sought to achieve this goal,
        not caring about the rest.
      2. 0
        29 May 2014 07: 39
        Tell it to Abramovich and Chubais))))))))))))))))))))))
    3. The comment was deleted.
  2. +3
    28 May 2014 18: 15
    Read Efremov, that same Ivan Antonovich - all the answers have been known for half a century!
    1. +2
      28 May 2014 18: 29
      He also has a ban on individual means of communication (mobile phones) because of their harmful radiation to human health ("Andromeda Nebula")
      1. +2
        28 May 2014 18: 44
        In his future, I would refuse a mobile phone and a personal car without the slightest regret (they also did not use his love)!
    2. +2
      28 May 2014 19: 33
      Not Efremov, but Belyaev. The same, Alexander Romanovich.
      1. +1
        28 May 2014 19: 46
        Belyaev is the ideologist of the struggle for the future (or even against the past), Efremov is the ideologist of building the future ... But BOTH are useful! ..
        1. sleepy
          29 May 2014 02: 26
          A. Belyaev - "The Lord of the World".
          I. Efremov - "Hour of the Bull".

          The night is dark and full of horrors, the power of evil spirits and black shamanism (Satanism) - this is the hour of the bull.

          About the book "Hour of the Bull".
          Tormans was colonized by earthlings at the beginning of the World Reunion Era, when a part of earthlings, who were not reconciled to global social transformations and the transition to communism on Earth, left the planet on the first primitive starships. The colonization of Tormans repeated the settlement of America by Europeans. Initially, it was a planet rich in natural resources, but by the time of the arrival of the “Dark Flame” either scarce cultivated fields or dry steppes became a typical landscape.

          The population explosion, as well as a number of socio-economic problems (the need for a large number of low-skilled labor with general overpopulation and lack of resources) led to extraordinary measures to control the population: the inhabitants of the planet are divided into two classes - "kzhi" (short-lived) and "ji ”(Long-liver), separation occurs in childhood based on test results. The first do not receive education, work only physically and are obliged to die in the Temple of Tender Death at the onset of 25 Earth years. They are a source of a rapidly replenishing workforce that does not place the burden of health care or pension on society (most die healthy). The second are scientists, technicians, people of art who are valuable for their knowledge and talents. In society, antagonism between classes exists and is artificially maintained, “ji” and “kzhi” despise and hate each other, they are divided and even speak differently. The management of the society is carried out by the "serpentine" dignitaries.
          Representatives of this layer have the maximum possible material wealth in Tormansian society.
          1. 0
            29 May 2014 09: 46
            Our world ... In moral and sociopsychological terms, the correspondence is absolute!
  3. +4
    28 May 2014 18: 20
    Here - "... In particular, the interests of society should be prioritized in relation to the individual. This principle directly follows from the systemic vision of social development."
    It was then that when the priority of the individual took over and the USSR perished, roughly speaking, shopkeeping got the upper hand. Can such a hypothetical question as current capitalism in the Russian Federation transform into a new type of socialism?
    1. 120352
      28 May 2014 19: 48
      saag (1)
      And let me ask you, dear, WHAT / WHAT does society consist of? I will answer: FROM PERSONALITIES. And if so, then for the possession of value, society needs that, first of all, the person has value. If the value of an individual approaches zero, the value of society approaches zero. This idea is more than three thousand years old. It is believed that its author is Heraclitus, better known to us by the phrase: "You cannot enter the same river twice. And you are not the same and the roar is not the same." So, at the top of a normal society is a person with his own interests, needs, values. But these interests, needs, values ​​should be solidarized and should not enter into antagonistic contradictions with the interests, needs and values ​​of other individuals. This is precisely the primary condition for the emergence and development of society. Otherwise, if the society in the hierarchy of values ​​is above the individual, the personality is suppressed by the society and deprived of opportunities for free development, which impoverishes the society.
      The place and role of the state in this case is well described by many thinkers, in particular by Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau. The latter has an accessible work on this topic "On the Social Contract".
      Ideally, the nature of public administration is determined by social needs, which are based on the needs of the individual. In our country, unfortunately, the state turned out to be above society, which gives rise to it at a certain stage of its development, and this is totalitarian governance. And in the conditions of a one-party system, the state placed above the individual and society automatically becomes a fascist, which in Italian means a bunch, a bunch. So there is fascism (not to be confused with Nazism. These are two different things).
      Shopkeeping, as you say, and a person’s priority are completely different things. Among personalities there are not only shopkeepers.
      The model of government and social order can be agreed. Today, many capitalist monarchies have developed social programs, i.e. develop as socialist. In these countries, free education and health care. The income of a person is taken into account by state structures in solving his housing problems.
      In order for Russia to become truly socialist, aimed at solving the problems of each individual person, it is first necessary to introduce such a financial system as in these states. This is a progressive income tax, this is the established maximum difference between the income of the "boss" and the "subordinate", these are fixed prices for socially important goods and services. This is the creation of conditions that make corruption and theft unprofitable. This is a normal legal system.
      1. +1
        29 May 2014 07: 11
        when the personal begins to prevail, then society becomes loose stratified, for each individual has his own, a vivid example of the state of the current Russian Federation
      2. 0
        29 May 2014 07: 47
        If Chubais or Abromovich said this, I would understand ... And even if Posner said this with his 50000USD monthly salary .....
        By the way, free education, health care and so on and so forth is not care about the personality in the USSR.
        And now how does the state care about individuals ???? Collecting money for surgery for a child with SMS? Or that interests of such great personalities as Galkin, Zverev, Svetlakov and other clowns? For some reason, it is they who can afford palaces, and not for example the creators of the PAKFs or test pilots ...
        So, somehow with the value of personality in our country is not right. It seems that those people are not valued, therefore the principle itself is not true.
      3. dmb
        29 May 2014 08: 59
        I agree with you, perhaps, only in one thing, the society consists not only of shopkeepers. However, when the latter's ideology prevails, Hitler comes to power. In Germany at that time there were many personalities (and not only among the communists), but ignoramuses won, in the shortest possible time they made animals out of the kind Michels and Hans, who loved Heine and Beethoven. By the way, the shopkeepers were also promised full and, most importantly, quick satisfaction of their needs, True, at the expense of all kinds of Slavs and other subhumans, but these are trifles. I hope you will not deny that the fascists and the Nazis were the product of capitalism (judging by the text, you are an educated person, and you do not need proof). And here is your thesis about "socialist monarchies", where all nations prosper under the "blessed scepter". It would be nice to back up with specific examples. Usually in such cases Scandinavians are remembered, i.e. states where the king is the usual "wedding general", i.e. they are no longer monarchies in the classical sense. Comparing Russia with them is simply ridiculous. None of these states, including neutral Sweden, is actually pursuing an independent policy, and does not have the need for huge defense spending. If you can name at least a short-term Soviet period. whenever our country needs it, I will be grateful. You say you cannot enter the river twice. Into the river, yes, but building a society thanks to which social benefits appeared in monarchies is quite possible. Shish the capitalists would have bestowed these benefits if the USSR were not an example for them and their fellow citizens. By the way, how are you going to implement the theses of your last paragraph in modern realities?
    2. +2
      28 May 2014 19: 50
      That is why the West is screaming about the value of the individual personality, its "rights" and "freedoms" and complete irresponsibility to society.
      That is the right of perverts to participate in the gay parade and, in general, to hold it, which contradicts the rights of ordinary normal people not to see this monstrous action.
  4. +8
    28 May 2014 18: 22
    Well, yes, yes ...
  5. +4
    28 May 2014 18: 25
    "Anatolle" Wasserman, just like that, mentioned the inevitability of socialism as a planned economy. He connected this with the development of computer technology, which in the near future will be able to predict with absolute accuracy the meaning and consequences of certain actions, including calculating the demand for goods ...
    1. +2
      28 May 2014 18: 34
      And both are right - only it will not be soon. The process is painful, with many bends, old and new mistakes, with all sorts of floundering

      Who lives, sees
      I disagree with Anatole in one - not in 20 years, as he declared
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        28 May 2014 19: 14
        these eggheads will do anything
        if only not to invent a matyu with a motor
        or immediately an endless pan with borsch No.
        1. +1
          28 May 2014 19: 52
          This is exactly what they will invent laughing
    2. 0
      28 May 2014 19: 51
      There is such a techno-opera "The Legend of the Unfulfilled Future". There is also socialism with machine planning.
      Opera is good! (IMHO)
  6. +6
    28 May 2014 18: 25
    The future is socialism
    That is how the participants of the First International Congress of Advanced Science

    So the majority of LABOR BACKGROUND considers, and I completely agree with this.
  7. +1
    28 May 2014 18: 26
    I'd love to listen to the opinion of respected scientists, how could it happen that in the 21st century
    Nazis came to power in a European country?
    1. wax
      28 May 2014 18: 46
      The answer is on the surface - the capitalist economic system constantly reproduces social tensions between workers and owners of capital. When the more rabid representatives of capital or their rabid protégés come to power, the contradictions inherent in the capitalist system grow to be resolved by military means. The Nazis are a product of the capsystem and are recruited from the most active representatives of the middle class and lumpen, who have not yet degraded to a bestial state, because among these strata there are the largest number of dissatisfied with their position - some because they cannot get rich and climb the social ladder, others - because they have no means of subsistence at all. And this will be the case in the 22nd century, if civilization is still preserved on capitalist foundations. To liquidate this coming apocalypse is possible only by eliminating the very way of making money from owning capital, i.e. carrying out social transformations on the socialist type (but taking into account the nonviability of the former, so-called real socialism). Unfortunately, it was precisely from real socialism that one could move forward more successfully. Having restored capitalism (especially in its worst version), Gorby and EBN with the apologists of modern "democracy" doomed humanity to even more bloody sacrifices than it was at the beginning of the 20th century, and the Nazis will be executioners to serve the greed of capital ...
    2. Thunderbolt
      28 May 2014 21: 47
      Quote: falcon
      I'd love to listen to the opinion of respected scientists, how could it happen that in the 21st century
      Nazis came to power in a European country?

      The main enemy of the Nazis is the communist / socialist, there are no communists, there are Nazis. Everything is simple ...
  8. +2
    28 May 2014 18: 34
    Socialism? Only not Gorbachevsky with a "human" face laughing
    1. +1
      28 May 2014 20: 50
      Nda ... He confused his face with. Here we are still getting out of it ...
  9. 0
    28 May 2014 18: 40
    Socialism is just what every state strives for, because it is free and high-quality medicine, education, leisure, guaranteed jobs, stable and decent earnings, pensions and benefits for which you can not only exist, scholarships for students, free housing.
    But, most importantly, as soon as an idea arises in some sore head, having this, go to a higher stage - Communism, all THIS collapses. For Communism is a utopia in which the people are for the sake of the state. And rational SOCIALISM is the future in which the state is for the sake of the people.
    1. +3
      28 May 2014 18: 48
      Socialism provides for the obligatory pursuit of personal self-improvement ... begins with each.
      Sk: save yourself - thousands will be saved around!
    2. vovan1949
      28 May 2014 19: 57
      Well, that's how - once after socialism communism will have to come, as the highest stage of socialism. But this is still very far away. And where did you get the idea that this is utopia? Have you heard on TV?
      1. 0
        28 May 2014 20: 03
        No, not on TV at all, I have been waiting for him in the USSR for a long time ... Something is missing from him.
        1. Thunderbolt
          28 May 2014 21: 49
          Quote: figter
          No, not on TV at all, I have been waiting for him in the USSR for a long time ... Something is missing from him.

          Patience was not enough for you to see, you destroyed the country without waiting.
        2. +1
          29 May 2014 07: 51
          Thanks to Gorbachev and Yakovlev.

          By the way, I didn’t wait for communism, I considered it a utopia, but at the same time I was happy living in socialism.
  10. felix34
    28 May 2014 18: 55
    GRANDFATHER. Somehow Brazilian or Mexican versions of socialism do not appeal to me. These are not the countries from which Russia needs to learn. It is a pity that there were no Swedes. But their version of the arrangement of the SOCIAL life of their citizens could be largely borrowed. Under our "socialism" he lived the lion's share of his life. So to those who are under forty, I could tell something about him and about his gradual degradation over the years. They wanted to make a fairy tale come true, but something did not go well. They didn't understand something. Now we also do not yet sufficiently understand what is happening.
  11. +3
    28 May 2014 18: 59
    The article is helpful. And who was the representative from Russia? Is Zyuganov himself in his destiny?
    If Novorossia is not "crushed", socialism will start from there. Not for that blood is shed, that would build a new society with "honest" oligarchs. Is this why Russia is silent?
    1. +1
      28 May 2014 19: 28
      Quote: siberalt
      Does Russia keep silent?

      This assumption also has the right to life.
    2. +1
      29 May 2014 07: 52
      New Russia just announced the socialist slogans. But the government does not need such topics either in Russia or Ukraine ...
  12. +4
    28 May 2014 19: 08
    Thus, recognition of only substance and field as matter is the vulgarization of materialism as a philosophical position, the time has come to give it up, recognizing the inseparable unity of spiritual and material. The breakthrough of humanity in the information age makes it a pressing necessity, without which moving forward becomes impossible. The recognition of this fact has far-reaching consequences. In the ideological sphere, this is primarily a rejection of a primitive economic approach.

    What sheer anti-scientific nonsense! This has nothing to do with the definition of matter. Spirituality is just one of the many qualities of a small part of the organic world. Talking about a certain "recognition of a fact" is a substitution of personal wishes for the scientific approach to the study of nature. There are no "facts". It is a pity that the desire to find ways of a new development of the world in the direction of social justice is led by people with a weak fundamental education. The observed phenomena are fully (COMPLETELY, not partially!) Explained in terms of particles and fields. That is why there is a theory - the Standard Model, which for many years is high time to study at school, and not at a university. This theory is not complete. And experiments point to a deeper theory beyond the Standard Model. But NOT ONE experiment indicates that "spirituality" is a measurable part of the material world. And to say otherwise is to lead science back to futile attempts to impose metaphysical views where they do not and will never have a place.
    Today I’ll read the article carefully to the end. And if I meet such mistakes again, I will certainly fight openly with them.
    1. sleepy
      29 May 2014 02: 40
      Quote: nstarinsky
      "... But NOT ONE experiment indicates that" spirituality "is a measurable part of the material world. And to assert the opposite means to lead science back to useless attempts to impose metaphysical views where they do not and will never have a place ... "

      Something was experimentally measured and fixed.
      One Russian scientist discovered a way to photograph hallucinations.
      Unfortunately, he began to ask unnecessary questions, for example -
      "Why do hallucinations disappear in a shielded room?"

      Krokhalev touched a fine line, having crossed which a person falls into another area of ​​life. Having proved the materiality of thought, he violated not only the classical postulates of science, but also became a dissident.
      When Krokhalev's works were published in Germany, the USA, England, Italy, Bulgaria, he could not get permission to travel to scientific congresses in other countries ...
      The materiality of thought is not just photographs and images on film,
      it is a force by which much can be accomplished.
      Material thought is a weapon and power ...
      1. 0
        29 May 2014 06: 52
        Something was experimentally measured and fixed.

        There are sincere delusions, and there is false science. And I, as a physicist, will always assert that the so-called "materiality of thought", and even more so any "experimental evidence" of this, is the highest stage of ignorance.
        After watching the video at the specified link, I felt sorry for all those who watch this crap. It is enough to hear the words "genius scientist", as it becomes clear for whom this anti-scientific "sensation" was made. Russian TV is full of this insanity. And insanity grows stronger. Real science is much more interesting and exciting than this TV concoction. The media figures who make such programs do not bother to take an interest in scientific methods or delve into the essence of scientific discoveries. Education in Russia has been retreating on many fronts for many years. However, not only in Russia, to be fair. In short, although this is not the place for this debate, you have not convinced me at all. On the contrary, they even strengthened them in their views.
        1. 0
          29 May 2014 07: 55
          I don’t get into an argument. But I’ll say ... The world did not know such a spiritual society as it was in the USSR and probably will no longer recognize it. Denying religion, the Communists introduced the masses and educated the people precisely on the basis of Christian morality.
          How they could, a mystery, but they could ....
  13. +2
    28 May 2014 19: 08
    Socialism, the most progressive system of all known on earth existed in our civilization, because it is oriented especially in the social sphere to human needs.
  14. +1
    28 May 2014 19: 11
    “In the ideological sphere, this is primarily a rejection of the primitive economic approach.” - And, finally, enough to rewrite history.
  15. -2
    28 May 2014 19: 23
    Dreaming is not harmful ... But it seems for the Russians for a long time discouraged from the very word socialism. And now we need to think about how to set up the current system of capitalism in Russia to combine the interests of different groups of the population and meet their needs. After all, we have the concept of "Swedish socialism". People in Sweden began to live as under socialism, although they have a capitalist economic system. It is difficult for Russia, but it is a way out for us to solve everything without revolutions, blood and violence.
    1. vovan1949
      28 May 2014 20: 08
      "And now we need to think about how to put the current system of capitalism in Russia to combine the interests of different groups of the population and satisfy their needs."

      For a quarter of a century we have been building capitalism - as a result, we have the country we have. We were turned into a 3rd grade country. But the US was catching up. And take any period of 25 years from 1917 to 1990. And look what a giant leap in the development of the country was. Not a single country in the world has developed this way, especially since we endured two destructive wars.
      1. 0
        29 May 2014 00: 46
        Quote: vovan1949
        . But the US was catching up.

        That's it. We are catching up with everything! But we must not jump up, but jump over!
    2. 0
      29 May 2014 08: 00
      Who was recaptured from? The oligarchs? The middle class? Do Azerbaijani guests in the country's markets? About Sweden, it was relevant in 90. They did not get capitalist socialism. Yes, and he can’t work out. Well, if of course you believe that our oligarchs suddenly decide that having 80% of all the country's values ​​is not fair, and that it is nevertheless necessary to return to the people of the country, what belongs to them ... But, here it is there is a naive utopia .....................
  16. VSC
    28 May 2014 19: 24
    I do not know what the future is for, but in the present, we are only the IMF's raw material base. And jerk in any direction, without permission, will not be allowed.
  17. buser
    28 May 2014 19: 25
    only familiar with Soviet socialism. Not the worst system in human history.
  18. 0
    28 May 2014 19: 32
    Grandfather Lenin wrote about all this for a long time. Imperialism is the last stage of capitalism: the ruler of the country (call him whatever you want, president, tsar ...) is borrowing from bankers. Naturally, at some point, the debt goes off scale and the ruler gets involved in a war with neighbors to pay off the debt in order to pay off the new territory with the new territory. And if the neighbors are stronger, then the debt is written off (the dead have nothing). The most interesting thing will begin when the whole world is conquered by one ruler (and by one banker, respectively): then Martians put dollars on dollars or what?
  19. +2
    28 May 2014 19: 37
    All this will be possible as soon as everyone in this world realizes two simple truths:
    1. There are no pockets in the coffin.
    2. Dollars, euros, rubles, yuan, even gold - are in demand only on one of the immeasurable number of planets in this universe.

    But for this, man himself must change. And since people in their mass are lazy, greedy and envious - it will take a couple of centuries, no less.
    1. 0
      28 May 2014 19: 43
      If not millennia !!! Alas...
  20. felix34
    28 May 2014 19: 42
    GRANDFATHER. Who's calling out there: Stop rewriting history! Yes, at all times and in all countries she corresponded and continues to correspond. And it will be rewritten until the rulers, their vassals and saints, "scientists" historians who study history from the stories and tales of their predecessors, politicians, general secretaries, all sorts of writers, vain talkers, PR people, and the like, stop writing it. have nothing to do with the exact sciences and do not know how to handle them. In fact, no one has ever dealt with history seriously as with a real EXACT SCIENCE. Only those who have deep knowledge of the exact sciences, ESPECIALLY PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY, and a colossal amount of accumulated historical facts based on natural phenomena that have actually occurred, have the right to study history and write it, after serious physical and mathematical research, discussions and checks. In my opinion, it is already clear to many well-informed people that the entire history of rational mankind is distorted and distorted. This is especially true of the ANCIENT HISTORY OF RUSSIA - RUSSIA!
    1. sleepy
      29 May 2014 02: 31
      "Conversation with a historian.
      In the process, I, like many other people, have to communicate with historians, ask their opinions on certain issues, listen to answers or comments. So that people do not have to step on the same rake every time, I decided to make an extract from such disputes, to collect, so to speak,
      in one quintessence of wisdom and argumentation of historical science,
      so that anyone can get acquainted with her in one place,
      without wasting time on long searches. "
  21. 0
    28 May 2014 19: 45
    The more complex the society, the more internal connections it has, the more difficult it is to manage it, and the more likely it will be managed by the whole society, and not by the top.
    Societies where few rule inevitably leave the stage of history.
  22. skaarjj
    28 May 2014 19: 48 - Вассерман о социализме- уже давно кстати человек это говорил. с тех пор я даже капитал перечитал.. рекомендую к просмотру
  23. +2
    28 May 2014 20: 24
    The idea of ​​building a society of justice and real equality ... a society where a person is socially protected ... will always be attractive.
    This is a real alternative to what we see in the developed industrial countries of Europe and in the USA ...

    The only thing to remember ... this society should be built with a high level of upbringing of the individual ... sincere acceptance of the ideas of social justice and the desire for work and self-development.
  24. +1
    28 May 2014 20: 49
    Well so. The stump is clear. Capitalism is built on competition and personal gain. And progress is much faster if you solve problems together and share your research.

    The problem is only in people. It often happens that in order to improve one’s position it’s easier to make a fool of another than to do something new.
  25. 0
    28 May 2014 20: 50
    having become disillusioned with capitalism as a system of suppressing the personality and colonization of objectionable countries, a person will try to build socialism and even common planet communism-humanity will constantly be a recently existing state of affairs and a change in economic piety also often involves a crushing of the political system as such
  26. Thunderbolt
    28 May 2014 21: 55
    For socialism, the future is a fact!
  27. +3
    28 May 2014 21: 59
    Socialism cannot simply be declared, and it will come. To do this, we need a social order — society and the economy must be prepared to switch to this model of economic management, and this process must have an economic justification.
  28. +1
    28 May 2014 22: 01
    The article is extremely timely.
    I remember the words of V.I. Lenin, the meaning is as follows: "The people who have learned freedom can not be defeated."
    Socialism - freedom in the main - from poverty, inequality of property, education inequality, access to medicine ...
    Socialism cannot solve all problems and forever. We were convinced of this in 1991 and 1993.
    Ukraine is late in development.
    After all, there was also a left sector on the Maidan. People seethed against the oligarchy, social inequality ...
    DPR and LPR are people's republics. And the first appearances of the southeast in general were full of banners of the Communists.
    And if then someone called to unite again in the USSR, the vast majority of the inhabitants of Ukraine would support ...

    But ...
    There were no theoretical conclusions about the collapse of the USSR ...
    And this means that the mistakes of the people's power are not realized and the antidote is not developed against the meanness of personal property happiness.
    It is a pity that the classics of communism did not theoretically consider today's political conditions.

    But, given the acceleration of time and the contraction of planetary proportions, we can confidently say that social justice and a nation-wide mechanism for solving social problems will be in demand in the very near future.

    Forward! To the victory of communism!
  29. sxn278619
    28 May 2014 22: 42
    Bullshit is all this.
    Practice is the criterion of truth.
    The planned economy has lost.
    The market will soon lose.
    Who's next7
    We will find out about this in 30 years.
  30. +2
    28 May 2014 22: 56
    Quote: sxn278619
    Bullshit is all this.
    Practice is the criterion of truth.
    The planned economy has lost.
    The market will soon lose.
    Who's next7
    We will find out about this in 30 years.

    Not nonsense, but envy of Chinese planned successes ...
  31. DPN
    28 May 2014 23: 48
    Quote: Maxim ...
    . And pure socialism lost the struggle to capitalism in all areas.

    All right, he lost because SOCIALISM appeared ahead of time, because man could not overcome the bestial instincts in himself. Everyone wanted to become rich, and for the most part they became poor predators.
  32. +1
    29 May 2014 00: 03
    In the 90s, universities in political economy and TGP stopped studying even briefly the "capital" of Marx and the works of Lenin, they studied some utopias, and after 2000 he received a second education, they remembered that there are such works and there is not little value in them, so the 90s gave us more and the loss of the quality of education!
  33. +3
    29 May 2014 00: 43
    Learning Marxism at one time was quite useful. This gave a solid base. The system through which EVERYTHING around the economy and partially politics received its explanation. Even what is happening in today's world. But, judging by the material proposed to us, the conference did not say a word about the modern stage of capitalism in the bright light of Marxist theory. Some vague hints that the supposedly appeared Internet are revolutionizing the situation and we should be ready for it, as young pioneers. The main thesis of the ideology of the USSR at one time was a statement about the inevitable and imminent (!) Death of the bourgeoisie. They say their bloody methods have been exhausted even more bloody exploitation of the proletariat. And therefore, we already ordered a lid for them ... Scientifically, we decoded it like this. Capitalism, as a system of exploitation of the working man, is no longer able to receive superprofits. Since this bourgeois hard worker now demands more and more economic influence. We were struck by the standard of living of the middle class of the United States and the West as a whole. We were drooling and ditching a large country on this soil. By burying alive the idea of ​​communism.
    Everything seemed to indicate exactly this. The middle class had almost constant jobs, wages were high, there were fewer crises, and they set out on the moon first. It seems that the big monopolies could no longer tear off three skins, since the army of lawyers and trade unions vigilantly looked after prosperity. The impression was that capitalism had indeed achieved a "human face". Working time has reached some minimum satisfactory level. Insurance paid for medicine. The vacation was guaranteed. Everything is the end of black exploitation. This means that capitalism will soon end.
    But in the new century something happened about which the bearded Marx warned. Operation intensified. How? And so. If in a single bourgeois country it is no longer possible to arrange a human juicer, then this must be done in another country. The era of GLOBALIZATION has come. And capitalism has embarked on a new round of the same spiral: long work shifts in third countries, lack of insurance, shortest vacations. The massive new SUPER PROFIT continues! And it becomes even more TOP ... Capturing new markets, hiding income in offshore (which is still an ugly English word!) - all this suggests that capitalism has adapted to a new time. And the king is very dressed! The wars that go one after another feed the runway of everyone and everything. Money must make money! Morality? What is the moral?
    Therefore, it does not inspire me with a single drop of optimism on the article itself, nor its conclusions.
  34. Demon0n
    29 May 2014 02: 48
    The future belongs to a system of social filters, and not a social contract (whatever it may be) that will not be respected, even by an insignificant part of society. Now the filter system is closer to natural and, at the moment, almost does not fail (a completely different question is that the existing system, in my opinion, does not suit the majority).
    It is high time for us to understand and accept that any system created by man can be broken by him. What happened to all the systems that mankind has come up with throughout its history.
  35. +1
    29 May 2014 05: 47
    Dear But what a mess in the heads and comments.
    All together we study the materiel (at least at the level of the article Socialism in the encyclopedias

    "The basis of the new social construction should be a new worldview based on the understanding of the unity of the spiritual, informational and material foundations of the universe." - what's new here. Have already passed.

    And, for example, in China there is almost no pension.
  36. 0
    29 May 2014 08: 57
    Industrial growth in Russia is stalling. The owners of enterprises can not cope. It is necessary to connect the people, labor collectives. Without the initiative of those who work, there will not be a good result.
    We need to think about how to make workers not indifferent performers, but accomplices or even owners in enterprises.
    I propose a law according to which, for example, 50% of the shares of each enterprise should belong to those who work on it. I came to work - you have a share, quit - it will be received by another, the one who came to your place cannot be sold, transferred, given, the share is as if attached to the workplace. This is not a transition to what was in the USSR, but it will allow the employees of the enterprise to consider themselves owners, along with the main owners. The profit of the enterprise will be distributed among the shareholders and everyone will be interested in increasing this profit. At the same time, the role of the labor collective will rise, each employee will be protected from the arbitrariness of the owner, interested in the results, initiative will be raised. Now we work for the owner who will receive profit, and we receive a salary that depends more on the owner than on the profit made. People become cogs, work from now to now. They do not participate in decision making. Many well-known enterprises practice the corporatization of workers on the initiative of the owners, i.e. there is already an understanding of the role of those who work. But it is better to formalize this legislatively. To begin with, to conduct an experiment in some enterprises in order to identify all the pros and cons.
    1. +1
      29 May 2014 13: 18
      Dear vovan50.

      Let us give each new employee a metal badge with the inscription: "Factory partner" instead of the action. And the person is pleased and motivation hoo. (This is so, to misbehave.)

      You didn’t write about the action quite correctly. I am sending you to the Internet. We learn materiel.

      Now seriously. The interests of employees, in the first place, must be defended by a real union. Not those fat uncles who have been sitting in their classrooms since Soviet times, but the real, working union. He, in my opinion, should seek to ensure that the wage of a worker is not lower than the industry average, for example. This is the time.
      And two. A good owner increases the payroll rate and so is formed as a certain percentage of profit.