Liberators. Cavalrymen

Liberators. CavalrymenIn June 1944, the Red Army was preparing for the battle for Belarus. The troops advanced at night to the lines of the future offensive. Together with tanks the cavalry corps also went ahead. Despite the fact that the "age of motors" was advancing in the army, cavalry corps still remained in the Red Army. They were used in conjunction with tank units, motorized infantry and aviation.

For the cavalry units, the concept of "impassable terrain" was practically absent, they broke through to the rear of the enemy and operated on his communications. So the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps of General Nikolai Oslikovsky, which was part of the mechanized cavalry group of the 3rd Belorussian Front, moved 150-200 km forward in five days of the breakthrough. The actions of this group did not allow the retreating German troops to restore the front. Soviet cavalrymen proved that they are still irreplaceable and can operate effectively in the conditions of modern war. If tank armies were the sword of the Red Army, then cavalry was a sharp and long saber.

The cavalrymen of the Red Army, the Cossacks of General Dovator will share their memories of the combat days of their military service. They will talk about the intricacies of training cavalrymen: how to stay in the saddle with weapons in hands, how to handle horses correctly, how to chop with a saber. The saber was the main melee weapon among the cavalrymen, but the "Maxim" machine gun was still the main firearm.

In 1943, the cavalry played an important role in the battle for the Caucasus, in the Battle of Kursk and in the liberation of the Left Bank Ukraine. They were irreplaceable during the fighting in the Carpathians.

This series also tells about the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

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  1. VasyaPupkin
    12 July 2013 14: 19
    Yeah, with drafts on tanks
    1. Kassandra
      21 March 2015 08: 08
      with RPG ... with horse-drawn cavalry, or pack. for them, the scourge was not tanks but aviation. it’s difficult to hide a horse during an air raid, but you can ride off a tank.
  2. +3
    12 July 2013 14: 29
    The article is short, but true. Only a plus.
    I will not sign - A. Isaev explained this topic very clearly in the book "Ten Myths about the Second World War". It is especially useful to read it for those who are still "enchanted" with "rotten jokes" from the history of "smart Heinz".
  3. +1
    25 October 2014 11: 42
    Courageous people!