The Pentagon continues to practice expansion

The Pentagon continues to practice expansion

High-ranking officials of the types of the US Armed Forces recently reported to parliamentarians on the state of combat readiness of the troops entrusted to them and on the prospects for its further increase in conditions of a substantial reduction in the military budget in the near and distant future. On their characteristics of modern military formations and on measures for their further reform 10 April this year. military leaders told members of the Armed Forces Committee of the House of Representatives (CELP) of the US Congress.

In particular, the legislators were informed that reducing the allocations to the military department would not only lead to the need to reduce the size of the Armed Forces and close a number of programs for the development and procurement of weapons and military equipment, but also create significant difficulties in maintaining the military capabilities of the military forces in a balanced state and to the extent and with the required level of efficiency to solve the tasks of ensuring the national security of America in the conditions of constant change and high uncertainty of military threats.


First Deputy Commander of the Ground Forces (originally, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Ground Forces) who are called Army in accordance with Pentagon terminology, General John Campbell stressed that at present all types of the US Armed Forces perform their functions under extremely difficult and dangerous conditions. The continued growth of instability in the Middle East, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the numerous threats to America from hostile non-state associations and world terrorism, as well as a reduction in allocations for military construction, extremely complicate their ability to solve the challenges.

Today, more than 66 thousand troops of the Ground Forces, National Guard and reserve of the Ground Forces, 32 thousand of which operate in Afghanistan take part in resolving conflicts in various regions of the planet. In addition, about 85 thousand representatives of this type of US Armed Forces are located in areas of forward deployment in 150 countries of the world. At the same time, the army command is confident that the military contingents of the Ground Forces consist of highly trained and armed with the latest technology specialists, ready and able to perform all the tasks assigned to them.

Modern ground forces, as the general noted, must be able and ready for rapid deployment, conduct of operations and ensure their actions in order to win a decisive victory in any conditions of a complex confrontation with state and non-state formations. At the present stage, Campbell explained to parliamentarians, the combat readiness of troops is assessed in two dimensions: at the level of the type of Armed Forces as a whole and at the level of combat units. The combat readiness of the US Army includes maintaining the components of their infrastructure in a condition that allows them to ensure the operation of field formations and the implementation of all measures to provide the troops with everything they need to solve their combat missions. The combat readiness of the Ground Forces units includes the provision of the necessary number of personnel of combat units, training and training of specialists, their equipment with the most modern means of warfare, as well as military weapons. The balanced ratio of all these components will allow the military contingents to implement their combat capabilities in the shortest possible time and most effectively.

In 2013, the military budget sequestration and unforeseen expenses on the conduct of hostilities in Afghanistan led to a certain drop in the combat readiness of the US Army, including its National Guard and reserve. The general said it will take some time to restore the required level of combat readiness of the troops. At the same time, further adherence to the practice of annual automatic reduction of military allocations without appropriate coordination with the leadership of the Ground Forces may lead to a decrease in the level of combat readiness of troops. A large army, not professionally trained and lacking the necessary weapons, is a very conditional force. It is much less effective than small, but well-trained and armed with the latest technology troops. But at the same time, a too substantial reduction in the number of military formations may lead to the fact that the United States will not have troops capable of solving strategic tasks and ensuring the containment of likely adversaries. If, the general stressed, the US Army leadership would be required to reduce the number of active troops to 2019 thousand by the end of 420, and the National Guard and reserve to 315 and 185 thousand, respectively, then the Ground forces will simply not be able to fulfill all the requirements formulated published in early January 2012, a strategic defense guide (SRO), entitled “Maintaining Global Superiority: Priorities for the Defense of the 21st Century”.

Currently, the risk of further reducing the combat readiness of the SV is still quite high. The White House and Congress have suspended sequestration in the current and future financial years. This made it possible for the Ground Forces Command in recent months to begin implementing a plan to increase the combat readiness of the troops. However, a significant reduction in military allocations in the 2015 fiscal year and the possible introduction of sequestration rules in the 2016 fiscal year may lead to a rapid erosion of the CB. Stable and predictable funding is required to solve operational tasks and fulfill SRO requirements.

The simultaneous waging of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan forced the US Army to move from solving purely training tasks to real combat operations and to direct struggle against the regular troops of the opposing states, with independent armed formations and with cells of insurgents and militants. This allowed the fighters and commanders to constantly improve their professional skills. The 2013 sequestration of the year significantly reduced the ability to prepare troops for action in real-life conditions. However, if Congress decides to resume its operation in 2016 and in subsequent years, the level of professional skills of military personnel and the combat readiness of troops will be significantly reduced.

Modernization of US military equipment is one of the most important factors in ensuring the combat readiness of their units, but a decrease in allocations has led to a change in the approaches of the command to the implementation of many programs. Strategic installations of the Army for the modernization of armaments provide for the effective use of limited resources to ensure the fulfillment of requirements for troops in the near future and the planning of long-term investments in ensuring the combat capabilities of troops in the future. Financial constraints forced the Ministry of Army (AI) to focus on the implementation of research and development programs and invest in the modernization of existing weapons and military equipment systems. However, the 2016 sequestration of the year will lead to a significant reduction in allocations for the modernization of armaments and will adversely affect the implementation of most army programs. The timing of the implementation of programs for acquiring large-scale weapons and military equipment will have to be increased, which will have a very negative impact on the enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the near and distant future.

The provision of a decent standard of living for military personnel, civilian personnel and their family members, who in the last 12 years have sacrificed many things and contributed to the creation of SVs capable of countering a wide range of emerging threats, remains a priority for US Army Command. Although the army command will continue to implement all measures in this direction, their effectiveness in the conditions of forced reduction of personnel, reduction of funds for equipping and training troops, as well as the maintenance and development of infrastructure will inevitably affect the effectiveness of the implementation of life support programs for military personnel and civilians.

The reduction in the number of civilian personnel will occur in parallel with the reduction of military formations. It is possible that the leadership of AI and will be able to retain in its ranks most of the civilian personnel. However, forced unpaid leave, freezing wage growth and a reduction in the amount of additional payments will lead to the fact that the most trained specialists will start to leave in civilian industries. And this also has a very negative impact on the combat readiness of the SV.

At present, as General Campbell has stated, the highest priority in the construction of the Ground Forces is the creation of military contingents with the necessary capabilities for rapid deployment in critical situations, while reducing the number of troops and ensuring that the requirements for their ability to counter emerging threats at the level of world standards are met. At the same time, the leadership of the army, he said, requires the full support of the Congress in carrying out measures to reduce forces and resources and provide adequate and predictable funding for all measures to ensure the maintenance of combat readiness of troops at the required level. If this is not done, the threat to the safety of American soldiers and officers will increase significantly and the ability of the troops to counter potential opponents will be greatly undermined.

The general stressed that the combat readiness of the Ground Forces units in Afghanistan remains one of the most important areas of implementation of the military budget of this type of US Armed Forces. These contingents will continue to receive the bulk of the appropriations from the basic budget of AI and from funds allocated for operations abroad. To maintain highly qualified specialists in Afghanistan and other foreign theaters, they continue to constantly support their professional training opportunities for military personnel at combat training centers.

For the current year, it is planned to conduct six exercises aimed at developing the military personnel's professional skills in solving the tasks of providing military assistance to the armies of friendly countries. Campbell said that today the Army is extremely important to assist lawmakers in obtaining the funds necessary for conducting operations outside the United States.

Currently, Afghanistan has an weapons and military equipment base, the total cost of which is about 15,5 billion dollars. In the United States, it is planned to return material parts worth 10,2 billion dollars, and the remaining weapons and military equipment in the amount of approximately 5 billion dollars are planned to be sold to armies of foreign countries.

Army experts estimate that more than 6 billion dollars will be needed to restore worn-out weapons and military equipment, therefore, AI asked parliamentarians to ensure the allocation of these funds for at least three years after the last sample of weapons and military equipment is removed from Afghanistan’s territory, since it is essential to maintain required level of combat readiness of SV.

At the moment, the command of the Ground Forces has only a limited number of combat-ready brigades staffed with trained personnel and the necessary weapons. The number of such units in the 2014 – 15 financial years should increase. During this period, the IA intends to fulfill all the requirements of the SRO and its commitments to military commands, which for the last two years have not received the required human and technical resources.

Currently, the U.S. Army is implementing a strategy in accordance with which only 20% of the combat units of the troops will undergo joint training necessary to ensure their full readiness for solving strategic tasks. The remaining 80% of military units will have a slightly reduced level of combat readiness. The combat readiness of mechanized units and subunits and the army will be maintained at the required level aviationto be used in case of need to carry out unforeseen actions on a limited scale.

The army leadership attaches paramount importance to the training of commanders of military units at all levels. The unpredictable nature of future complex and highly dangerous conflicts requires that they are able not only to direct units in the conduct of hostilities, but also to professionally understand the operational and strategic environment, including its socio-economic, cultural and religious aspects.

In the 2015 fiscal year, it is planned to train 8,9 thousand active officers, 7,5 thousand warrant officers and 6,1 thousand sergeants. In the same year, 150 civilian personnel from senior positions should also receive the necessary training.

Much attention is being paid in the NE to maintaining the combat readiness of troops deployed in the Asia-Pacific region. Seven of the ten largest armies in the world are located on this theater. The number of US military units is the largest in the region and is 80 thousand people. In South Korea, 19,5 service thousands of military personnel NE.

In 2015 – 2017 financial years, the size of the Army, which today is 980 thousand, will be increased to 450 thousand. By the end of this period, the National Guard and reserve components will consist of 335 and 195 thousand troops, respectively.

But if in the 2016 fiscal year the sequestration requirements for cost reduction will be renewed, the NE will have to reduce the number of troops to 420 thousand people. At the same time, the personnel of the National Guard will be reduced to 315 thousand troops, and the reserve - to 185 thousand people. In such a development of the situation, as General Campbell announced, the military contingents of the Ground Forces will simply not be able to ensure the fulfillment of all the provisions of the SRO.

As a result of the establishment of rigid financial ceilings, the army command had to suspend the implementation of four weapons acquisition programs, including Ground Combat Vehicle (BMP) and reconnaissance-attack helicopters (Armed Aerial Scout). In the near future, it is planned to completely close the four programs of development and procurement of weapons and military equipment, 30 - to revise and 50 - to postpone to a later date of implementation.


Admiral Mark Ferguson, First Deputy Commander of the Naval Forces (Deputy Chief of the Marine Operations), and General John Paxton, Assistant Commander of the International Maritime Commission, introduced the plans for the further development of the Naval Forces (Navy) and the Marine Corps (ILC) of the CWPR members.

Allocations for operations and logistics support of the fleet, the spokesman for the Navy, allow professionally trained, properly equipped and combat-ready units of the Navy to operate in all regions of the world. Although the US Armed Forces in Afghanistan are winding down and troops are returning to the continent, operational commands continue to make demands on the presence of naval contingents in all theaters.

The financial resources allocated by the Navy this year allowed the fleet to increase its efficiency and readiness and, to a certain extent, solve the problems that arose in the past year due to insufficient funds. Next year, the Navy will be requested to allocate funds for the implementation of operational functions and logistic support in the amount of 39,3 billion dollars, which is almost 3,5 billion dollars more than will be spent this year. These funds are necessary for the fleet to solve current tasks, although the risk of non-compliance with certain SRO requirements remains.

When forming a request for the next year, the leadership of the Ministry of Naval Forces highlighted the priority areas of its activities, including the strategic deterrence of the likely adversary in the marine theater of operations; ensuring the forward deployment of forces and means and their maintenance at the level necessary for the quick and effective accomplishment of combat missions; ensuring the combat readiness of forces; maintaining technological superiority in the main areas of asymmetric counteraction to the opponents of the United States and the preservation of the military-industrial base.

Admiral Ferguson stressed that the naval forces will, to the maximum extent possible, maintain their presence in different regions of the world, deploying well-trained and combat-ready units there, and will also ensure the required level of combat readiness of forces not deployed in forward-based areas.

The plans of the Ministry of the Navy for next year include a reduction in the growth rate of wages for naval personnel and preferential payments, the withdrawal from service of one nuclear aircraft carrier, an increase in the timeframe for upgrading a number of ships, the closure of procurement programs for 79 aircraft and 3,5 thousand weapons systems, and modernization of naval bases.

In the 2015 fiscal year, the Navy will need the means necessary to support the operations of the fleet's operational forces, including two carrier strike groups and two amphibious assault groups that will operate in front-line areas. The appropriations requested by the CPA envisage the solution of ten basic tasks formulated in the SRO, however, the implementation of some of them, coupled with countering unforeseen or unexpected threats, can be carried out only to a limited extent.

Next year, the Navy plans to conduct a phased upgrade of 11 URO-type cruisers of the Tikoderog type, which are planned to remain in the fleet's combat strength in the long term. In addition, the presence of the US Navy in advanced areas will be provided with traditional and new means, including multi-purpose high-speed amphibious catamarans and the so-called mobile amphibious platforms.

In accordance with the operational plans of the naval command, each of the ships will be on alert for 45 days, after which the 20 days will be laid up in the ports of registry or temporary basing where the crew will rest and the corresponding preventive measures will be carried out on the ships.

A return to the established sequestration standards in the 2016 fiscal year and beyond will result in the IUD not having the amount of manpower and resources necessary to meet the requirements of an SRO. This approach to the financing of the fleet and its further reduction will lead to the fact that the Navy will not be able to perform its functions in at least four of the ten areas defined in the SRO. The underfunding of the naval forces in the future may lead to a decrease in the combat readiness and professional level of personnel, and the elimination of the consequences of financial decisions taken in the future will cost the federal government very expensive.

General John Paxton, Assistant Commandant of the Corps, told the members of the KVSPP about the directions of reforming the ILC. He noted that currently more than 6,3 thousand KMP officers are operating in Afghanistan. At the same time last year, the Marines took part in more than 200 operations conducted by regional commanders, and acted in conjunction with military units of 50 countries.

The very purpose of the ILC units, which are actually the forces of a flexible response in any crisis situations, implies that they are constantly in a state of full combat readiness. However, if from the financial year 2016 to 2021 the level of appropriations allocated for the maintenance and development of the ILC will constantly decrease, then its command will be forced to transfer part of the units to a lower degree of combat readiness. This will happen because in the face of budget cuts, maintaining a high degree of combat readiness of deployed forces and assets will be carried out by withdrawing the necessary human resources and military equipment from corps contingents who are not directly involved in operational activities.

Currently, about half of the ILC units that are not directly involved in hostilities are in the process of reducing their combat readiness. About 62% of them lack IWT, and 33% do not have enough personnel. This unbalanced development of the ILC cannot be maintained for a long time. Lack of combat readiness of some units of the corps leads to the impossibility of their use in crisis situations and the implementation of operational plans.

Today, the ILC needs continuous funding for the return of weapons and military equipment located outside the United States, bringing stockpiles of weapons into combat-ready state and upgrading forces and assets. Further fulfillment of the sequestration requirements will lead in the near future and in the long term to a drop in the combat readiness of the troops. And training units of the ILC, only half equipped with the necessary means of warfare, is simply impossible.

However, if the number of marines is reduced to 175 thousand people, and the modernization programs of weapons and military equipment and infrastructure of the KMP will be cut, then its troops will be able to restrain the enemy or hit him only in one region and will not be able to act on other theaters.

In order to effectively support the KMP troops at the required level of readiness, complete fulfillment of the corps’s tasks and resolve crisis situations, the KMP command must have highly skilled specialists, take measures to ensure the readiness of each combat unit, ensure that the requirements for the corps’s military personnel are met and infrastructure and carry out weapons upgrades. All these areas are effectively implemented in the ILC, however, the success of achieving the goals and the ability of the corps to perform combat missions will be largely determined by the adequacy of the allocated funds and its financial needs.


General Larry Spencer, First Deputy Commander (Deputy Chief of Staff), reported to the legislators on the status of combat readiness in the Air Force and the actions of their leadership while reducing allocations. He did not inform the legislators of any specific data on reducing the number of troops, replacing aircraft, reviewing development programs and procurement of weapons and military equipment, reducing costs and building plans for the Air Force, but only in the most general terms spoke about the current state of the forces and means assigned. measures to maintain the achieved level of readiness and future actions in this direction.

The general stressed that in the present financial conditions, the leadership of the Air Force was faced with the choice between the need to ensure the combat readiness of aviation units and the implementation of measures to modernize the troops. It decided to maintain the minimum necessary quantity of weapons and military equipment required to solve all current tasks of ensuring US national security and to invest allocated funds in the development of combat capabilities that guarantee the compliance of aviation units and formations with the requirements of modern and future wars. The operational structures of the Air Force and their future successors for the 2023 year and in the long term should be able to perform five main functions, including maintaining superiority in air and space, conducting reconnaissance, observation and recognition, deploying in any part of the earth, delivering global strikes and management of forces and means.

To accomplish the tasks assigned to the Air Force, it is necessary to maintain the combat readiness of the troops, with particular emphasis on the professional training of military personnel. In aviation units and connections, a balance has always been maintained between their capabilities and the ability to perform their functions. The command of the Air Force intends to continue to move steadily in this direction.

Maintaining IWT in a state of operational suitability is a major factor in ensuring the combat readiness of troops. Currently, the Air Force is armed with refueling aircraft, whose average service life has reached 52 years, a significant part of the bombers has been in service for 30 years, and the average age of the fighters is 25 years. If it is not possible to replace or upgrade this technique, the Air Force risks losing its technological superiority. Although the specialists managed to increase the life cycle of aircraft equipment in various ways, the cost of maintaining it in working condition is constantly growing. Therefore, the Air Force needs adequate funding for measures to further improve its fleet.

It was particularly noted that the Air Force pays great attention to the training of pilots and technical staff by increasing the number of training flights and training hours. Today, most of the training program is implemented by training pilots during the conduct of hostilities in foreign theaters, but ending the war in Iraq and withdrawing troops from Afghanistan significantly limits the ability to improve the professional skills of pilots, and additional funds will be required for their training in peacetime.
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  1. +10
    18 May 2014 15: 08
    The American army began to rot, which is why they began to "cleanse" it.
    1. +12
      18 May 2014 15: 17
      How many do not push, but you cannot embrace the immense. Let's hope, soon at Uncle Sema the navel will untie laughing
      1. +8
        18 May 2014 18: 57
        here comes the trillions of domestic debt and the economic and political crisis ... everything is expected ... at an accelerating pace, much will crumble in America, and first of all it will be felt by its army and navy ...
        1. 0
          18 May 2014 20: 16
          Quote: NEXUS
          Here comes the domestic debt of trillions

          You should not hope for a drop in their economy, and as for the domestic debt, they themselves must and at any moment can reset or pay off the debt at the expense of the economies of other states. And not a single country in the world (with the exception of the DPRK) is seriously interested in the collapse of the pyramid (like MMM) on top of which America reigns.
          1. +2
            18 May 2014 21: 56
            excuse me. made mistakes
            Quote: MyVrach
            And not a single country in the world (with the exception of the DPRK) not seriously interested in a collapseи pyramids (like MMM) on top of which America reigns.

            And not a single country in the world (with the exception of the DPRK) is seriously interested in the collapse of the pyramid (like MMM) on top of which America reigns.
            1. +7
              18 May 2014 22: 47
              Quote: MyVrach
              excuse me. made mistakes
              Quote: MyVrach
              And not a single country in the world (with the exception of the DPRK) not seriously interested in a collapseи pyramids (like MMM) on top of which America reigns.

              And not a single country in the world (with the exception of the DPRK) is seriously interested in the collapse of the pyramid (like MMM) on top of which America reigns.

              You are mistaken, dear ... Putin makes it clear that the main players in the political ring have not needed a unipolar world for a long time ... I did not talk about the collapse of the fast and fast US economy ... I think this will be a slow, but unforgiving process. the question is, if there is a plan for the collapse of Russia, why cannot there be a plan for the collapse of America?
              1. cros
                18 May 2014 23: 56
                The USA is a powerful market for the goods of many countries of the world; the collapse of such a market is unnecessary for them. IF CHINA can take most of these goods, the dollar may depreciate too many of them. However, the US is not likely to sleep. Kros
      2. avg
        18 May 2014 22: 48
        It is necessary to develop a concept to strangle them with superior forces at their numerous bases, preventing them from turning around. And then these guys are used to attack when they decide, preparing their operations for six months or more. Yes
    2. +5
      18 May 2014 15: 20
      Quote: nikrandel
      The American army began to rot, that's why they began to "cleanse" it

      Yes, there are such nucleations that it makes no sense to clean. Here to see the penultimate stage. So everyone in the medical closed madhouse has a strict regime.
    3. +3
      18 May 2014 15: 36
      Yes, she, I can’t call her an army, does not rot, there is nothing to rot. some show off. Hollywood is one word.
    4. Salamander
      18 May 2014 15: 55
      The Americans were expanding, expanding, but not expanding.
      1. +2
        19 May 2014 02: 40
        Not in the subject but for thought! And where is the support !!
    5. +7
      18 May 2014 16: 57
      Quote: nikrandel
      The American army began to rot, which is why they began to "cleanse" it.

      The army is primarily people, and it decomposes when servicemen behave like chantrap, plump, the personnel behave in the literal sense as they want, relieve themselves, etc. like in Lithuania, but in a combat situation they’ll get scared without a plane’s suspension.
    6. The comment was deleted.
  2. +15
    18 May 2014 15: 09
    minus not to the author but to the Merikaats, from the principle ... and nevermind to us their preparations, you can’t prepare the spirit, and with that we were strong and will be! in our 60-65 years old men are eager for battle, but what about them? I am not a urapatriot, but I’m sure it will be a butch! soldier
    1. Sinri
      18 May 2014 15: 20
      "minus not to the author but to the Merikaats, from the principle ..."
      But this already reminds of "No censor" ...
      1. Sinri
        18 May 2014 16: 07
        Come on, come on. Minus me completely, prove that I'm right. laughing
    2. +6
      18 May 2014 22: 09
      Guys yes, they are eager for battle. But how are our youth? You won’t drive her into the army either. It is necessary to completely change youth policy, to take the best of Soviet times, to cultivate patriotism, loyalty to the motherland, and not to the overseas golden calf. At the moment, almost none of this exists. Youth is degrading spiritually. it is necessary to correct this situation as soon as possible. And we all must do this, each in his own family, house, district, city or village, otherwise a paragraph in the country.
      1. ar-ren
        19 May 2014 05: 11
        Quote: provlad1
        foster patriotism, loyalty to the homeland

        And then they will see the video below, and all the upbringing is ashes. Alas! :(
      2. ar-ren
        19 May 2014 05: 11
        Quote: provlad1
        foster patriotism, loyalty to the homeland

        And then they will see the video below, and all the upbringing is ashes. Alas! :(
        1. 0
          19 May 2014 20: 11
          Quote: ar-ren
          Quote: provlad1
          foster patriotism, loyalty to the homeland

          And then they will see the video below, and all the upbringing is ashes. Alas! :(

          Ha! Where did you dig this antiquity?
          Still, "100 days before the order" and "Do once" I remembered .....
          And the repression of 1937 - 38 years would have dragged ....
          Have you bitten Novodvorskaya?
  3. +7
    18 May 2014 15: 15
    ... gentlemen! The same is not mange pa sis jour .... We are poor gentlemen, we are poor. A logical question arises, but what about DARPA? And with those many millions of appropriations for all kinds of miracles, the wunder of waffles and super bullets (which are only in the form of prototypes).
  4. +12
    18 May 2014 15: 16
    As soon as the troupes go in star-striped bags, their entire ambition will quickly disappear, worthy to die, this is not for them.
    1. +14
      18 May 2014 16: 00
      Quote: lexx2038
      As soon as the troupes go in star-striped bags, their entire ambition will quickly disappear,
      Yeah, Americans like to fight for money, they don't like to die for money. You can die for an idea, for something lofty and extremely dear to you, for your Motherland, home, family, for your "friends." It is difficult for a Marine to explain how poor Afghans with a 19th century screw-cutter threaten a nuclear superpower ... Therefore, everyone there values ​​their skin and bank account, so as not to return to their USA as those who won back their ZOLDATEN.
    2. +9
      18 May 2014 18: 17
      It’s worthy to die ... This is the prerogative of people whose purpose in life is love, whoever lives where you live winked Where are the graves of your relatives ... ancestors ... And they go to you in your house .... AND THEIR prerogative is to KILL and never know WHAT ... !!! ??? am
      1. +5
        18 May 2014 18: 39
        They have incomprehensions WHY in World War II they threw a grenade under the tank.
      2. Palych9999
        18 May 2014 19: 00
        Cool photo montage and slogan!
      3. Palych9999
        18 May 2014 19: 00
        Cool photo montage and slogan!
    3. +7
      18 May 2014 19: 57
      It’s worthy to die ... This is the prerogative of people whose purpose in life is love, whoever lives where you live winked Where are the graves of your relatives ... ancestors ... And they go to you in your house .... AND THEIR prerogative is to KILL and never know WHAT ... !!! ??? am
  5. Vlad Gore
    18 May 2014 15: 20
    Who are we to be afraid of? These or something. laughing
    1. Erg
      18 May 2014 15: 43
      Again this bl..stvo
      1. +7
        18 May 2014 16: 53
        How do you not feel sick ???
    2. +4
      18 May 2014 20: 23
      This one will fight for his love. And when he dies, a spouse will go for him. Then about it they will remove the blockbuster, and a bunch of Oscars in all categories. Well, surgeons will then earn well on suturing torn American asses love .
    3. The comment was deleted.
  6. +7
    18 May 2014 15: 21
    In addition, about 85 thousand representatives of this type of US Armed Forces are located in front-line areas in 150 countries of the world.
    Not frail are their areas. It’s time to screw them already!
    1. +6
      18 May 2014 16: 48
      Quote: Thompson
      Not frail their areas

      Especially EuroPRO. Everything according to the "Anaconda Loop". And then they are surprised that no one likes them.
  7. Vlad Gore
    18 May 2014 15: 22
    And these "warriors" prepared diapers? We’re not nannies. We will not huff and clatter. angry
  8. +7
    18 May 2014 15: 26
    And what else should they profess, pacifism? No, the wolf will not eat grass.
    1. +7
      18 May 2014 16: 54
      Quote: Jovanni
      And what else should they profess, pacifism? No, the wolf will not eat grass.

      But their propaganda machine is filled in every way, that the bases bring peace and democracy in the host country, give new jobs, increase trade and so on.
  9. +5
    18 May 2014 15: 30
    The aggressiveness of the mattress covers remained at the same level, but the possibilities diminished, and fidgeting begins. Mattress mattresses will not fight with us, they are afraid of us, and in a direct clash of army units they have generally scanty chances to win because of the low morale of the personnel of their army.
  10. +1
    18 May 2014 15: 32
    there is a nuclear weapon, and shut up the rest, we’ll just put the whole world on a raw-material needle and begin to mock, then everyone will wash with bloody snot for their sins.
  11. +12
    18 May 2014 15: 39
    Who will come to us with a sword ..... laughing get poplar seedlings and more! Assortment rich !!!
  12. +5
    18 May 2014 15: 42
    Maybe we offended someone in vain, dropped 15 megatons, and now the earth is burning and melting where Washington was once !!! laughing laughing laughing
  13. +10
    18 May 2014 15: 51
    Bruce Willis is old, Rambo too. on whom America will lean. ,,,,, ... ?????????
    1. +1
      18 May 2014 15: 58
      they now have different heroes! In Europe there is a sausage and in the states there are sausages in any way, they are a hotbed of homosexuals! laughing
    2. +5
      18 May 2014 15: 59
      Quote: v245721
      Bruce Willis is old, Rambo too. on whom America will lean. ,,,,, ... ?????????

      only the madonna and the clown ... laughing
      1. +2
        18 May 2014 18: 45
        Well, Schwartz with a log.
      2. +2
        18 May 2014 20: 22
        did not guess on Angelina Jolie
    3. 0
      19 May 2014 12: 18
      In the fourth "nut" he drove to Chernobyl. Now, with health trouble!
    4. The comment was deleted.
  14. +5
    18 May 2014 15: 57
    I'd like to hear one morning that the aliens decided to help the planet free itself from the world gendarme and at the same time sank all its fleets in all parts of the world! That would be a holiday!
  15. +7
    18 May 2014 16: 08
    Expansion - increase, expansion (in the territorial sense). "The Pentagon continues to profess expansion" .... To her God, a "weird" headline for an opus about the state and prospects of the US Armed Forces. And what then, according to the author, the Pentagon should "profess", maybe Krishnaism (imagine: Pentagon "workers" with palm twigs and bells and singing "krishna, krishna, hare, hare"), etc. and so on .... in general, the bright ideas of pacifism are spread, that would be all happy (they wrote articles of praise). It would be nice for our Defense Ministry, headed by Mr. Shoigu, to begin "professing" this very "expansion", all the more since there are more than convincing reasons for starting a "confession", more than, however ...
    1. +7
      18 May 2014 17: 05
      Quote: sub307
      can you imagine: the Pentagon "workers" with palm branches and bells are walking and singing ... in general, the bright ideas of pacifism are spreading ...

      and also unselfishly sow democracy (mlyn!)
  16. +4
    18 May 2014 16: 27
    The Pentagon goes around the ears of taxpayers about a constant military threat, and they gladly unfasten the loot - if only their consumer swamp would not stir up. Truly, citizens worthy of their government.
  17. +14
    18 May 2014 16: 31
    he always did it! it’s just too often our eyes are too busy !!
  18. +6
    18 May 2014 16: 57
    Quote from the article: "The Continuous Growth of Instability in the Middle East,"

    They themselves created this instability in the Middle East, now they have created it in Ukraine, they want to create instability and in Iran, it does not work out fortunately!
  19. +4
    18 May 2014 17: 06
    The time will come when the free stolen dollars will end / the printing press will stop. I think China will help / here will be "REFORM" !!!, its own army will "finish" America.
    1. Mih
      18 May 2014 22: 27
      China will help

      It won’t help - the Chinese are the coolest dollar holders. drinks
  20. 0
    18 May 2014 17: 22
    here is a video of how our planes exposed the protection of their invincible aircraft carriers
    1. Mih
      18 May 2014 23: 00
      The Poles are completely bad at head, as they expose themselves as targets. lol
  21. +3
    18 May 2014 17: 26
    Article title does not match the content. In fact, this is a report on the state and needs of the USS Armed Forces for tomorrow. So it was necessary to call the opus "The Pentagon asks for money to support the pants."
    On business. The Navy plans to repair and modernize 11 Ticonderogs in the near future. Apparently the cruisers will be required as part of the AMG. One AVU is written off. Not a word about the submarine forces and NSNF, naval aviation. Apparently they have a complete "O * kay!" and there will be no order adjustments. And all the stinkiness is only due to the fact that it is becoming more and more costly to maintain a staff of "democratizers" in foreign territories. And the presence (according to their concepts) must be ensured, otherwise the allies will crawl out of the bridle, which good will be destroyed by NATO to please its European aspirations.
    And then there and China in the Asia-Pacific region is climbing into the lead ... In the Middle East, it is nagging ... Well, there is absolutely no living from these problems.
    "Sadly, give a little something to drink, or something."
  22. +3
    18 May 2014 17: 34
    Poor, poor America, there are only threats around it, but not simple ones, such as threatening to threaten America, there are more and more threats to America’s vital interests, and every day there are more and more threats, and the army is becoming smaller and smaller. and the enemies do not sleep, they come and go, and the senate does not give money, where to go poor, apparently the time has come to order a place in the cemetery of world history, there was the country of America and did not.
    1. Mih
      18 May 2014 23: 17
      Yes, poor America, that is - the United States, saving democracy around the world, runs the risk of being left without pants, but in green training.
      And you, gentlemen, are ironic about poor America - it is a sin to laugh at sick people. tongue
  23. VADEL
    18 May 2014 17: 49
    Quote: shelva
    The Pentagon goes around the ears of taxpayers about a constant military threat, and they gladly unfasten the loot - if only their consumer swamp would not stir up. Truly, citizens worthy of their government.

    The taxpayer pays with a credit card. Trillion debts are the richest country. Truly nonsense.
  24. +1
    18 May 2014 18: 44
    Americans only from around the corner can, or in the back. In fair fight, they are completely nonexistent. Remember Vietnam.
  25. The comment was deleted.
  26. belagor
    18 May 2014 18: 56
    The dollar pyramid should collapse in a relatively short time period. It will be impossible to maintain such an army on it, so they will try to use it to the maximum. Perhaps unleash a large-scale war.
  27. vazat
    18 May 2014 18: 58
    The United States has two enemies - the Capitol and the Pentagon. I know a few Americans. Honestly, they don’t have any idea what is happening in the world. For them, the main thing is that they personally live well. The rest can be evaluated and discussed. In my opinion, hopelessly lost people.
  28. +2
    18 May 2014 19: 11
    In short, while they are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, little money is needed to train pilots. But in peacetime ....
  29. +6
    18 May 2014 19: 22
    The US Army can have many advantages, high performance, combat readiness ... But it only has one huge problem, which is unlikely to be solved soon. Moral problem. This army in recent decades has not freed anyone or anything. None of the current US military has ever fought for their homeland. The army of interventionists doesn’t sound very honorable. Little honor.
    1. Mih
      18 May 2014 23: 29
      This army has never won anything since the Gulf of Pigs in Cuba. Amer Pekhi is generally a shame for any army, but the United States is proud of them. fellow
      The United States can’t do anything at all even with HONDURAS who has a working class. Well, I just cry for the foot soldiers .. recourse
      1. 0
        19 May 2014 02: 03
        And the "tempest in a teapot"? Saddam was even hanged, radishes.
  30. +2
    18 May 2014 19: 25
    no, why only from around the corner? shelling of hours 5-6 at least, and then armored vehicles forward. only with shells problems arise. Porstite a battalion of "rear support" is more expensive to deliver than shells, but according to the standard "schedule it should be" .but if you believe an expert from PMC: it is more difficult to fight the Russians than with others!
  31. +1
    18 May 2014 19: 27
    The hour of reckoning is coming !!! You can’t pour blood streams with impunity ... in the name of any ideas !!! Recoil will be all the same.
  32. +1
    18 May 2014 19: 57
    but should we erase this damned pentogram? it hurts too much shit to pour out of this infernal pentagon. It’s time to start not to confess the pentagon but to confess its many sins and bloody crimes. everlasting
  33. Arh
    18 May 2014 20: 09
    We don’t need us !!!
  34. +1
    18 May 2014 20: 10
    America never resorted to violence. Except when she is stronger.
    I want to believe that soon these cases will be less, then even less, then more.
    Somehow I remember Obama talking about the exclusivity of the Americans. Maybe, therefore, it is worth excluding them from the world community?
  35. +3
    18 May 2014 20: 25
    They have no future! You cannot build a decent army relying on homosexuals, scum of all stripes, just stupid self-righteous degenerates. With such a gang, one can only successfully rob and rape the whole world. (which they are doing successfully so far). But this is until you run into a worthy rebuff. These "peacekeepers" are not ready to die for a just cause. So they have no future!
    1. 0
      19 May 2014 00: 34
      The words "just cause" had to be put in quotation marks - they have no right things.

      PS I didn’t set a minus, I put a plus.
  36. +1
    18 May 2014 21: 20
    If we do not deprive America of the dollar as a world currency, it will be difficult. They are building everything by pumping resources from around the world through petrodollar. The only option is to introduce a gold standard instead of oil.
  37. Ivan 63
    18 May 2014 21: 41
    Well, what can I say, America is a rich country and I think it will be enough for their fools to declare their continent a "zone of national interests".
  38. Repty
    18 May 2014 22: 36
    Quote: Army1
    Army1 (3) Today, 16:57 PM ↑ New
    Quote: nikrandel
    The American army began to rot, which is why they began to "cleanse" it.
    The army is primarily people, and it decomposes when servicemen behave like chantrap, plump, the personnel behave in the literal sense as they want, relieve themselves, etc. like in Lithuania, but in a combat situation they’ll get scared without a plane’s suspension.

    The army, like a fish, rots from the head. When sawing such a loot, not one of the generals has an idea about training soldiers and junior command personnel. Hence the booze, and the need (when it is celebrated), and chantrap, etc. But by and large, when the army has no goal, tady and It is necessary, as we do, to do something (paint the grass). Well, something like this...
  39. sazhka4
    18 May 2014 23: 03
    The first of the planned rallies in the framework of the American Spring campaign took place in Washington, and the protesters took to the streets under the slogans “Arrest Obama!” and “Obama lost!” The main demands of the demonstrators are the resignation of Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Harry Reid and other key American politicians and the closure of all US military bases abroad.http: // 5/18 / 687264.html
  40. +1
    19 May 2014 00: 05
    An extremely interesting opinion from Vladislav Shurygin.
    Especially about the F-35 and hypersonic threats that could threaten our strategic nuclear forces.

    1. 0
      19 May 2014 04: 09
      To minimize the importance of enemy technologies ...... FRAVE, but it is necessary to strive for the maximum possibilities ... development of their technologies, with a view to the prospect of 5-6 generations of equipment and its modernization. hi
  41. 0
    19 May 2014 00: 17
    US mattresses need to start the correction with themselves. First of all, from the return in the calculations to 1969, when they were still paying with paperlessly, but with gold, too. Little by little, self-respect will return the rest of the world's population. 200 years ago, they were still respected on the globe. And then such monstrous mutations went. And then their fault has already become mountains heavier before humanity and mother nature
  42. +2
    19 May 2014 02: 05

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"