Eurofascism. Why is it reborn through 69 years after Victory?

Eurofascism. Why is it reborn through 69 years after Victory?The events taking place in Ukraine are guided by the evil spirit of Nazism and fascism, which, it would seem, has long been weathered after the Great Patriotic War. But after 70 years, he again "came out of the bottle", frightening not only the symbolism and rhetoric of Hitler's henchmen, but also the obsessive "drag nah osten". The Americans again uncorked this bottle of the genie of war: just like 76 years ago in Munich, they blessed Hitler with the British and French to start a campaign to the East, today in Kiev they are hard at setting Yarosh, Tyagnibok and other Ukrainian Nazis to war with Russia. The question arises: why do they do this in the third millennium? And why is Europe united in the European Union participating in this kindling of a new war, which seems to have completely bounced off historical memory of the tragedy of World War II?

To answer these questions, it is necessary to give the correct definitions of occurring phenomena. To do this, it is necessary to highlight their key components, based on facts. Facts are known to all: President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign the Association Agreement with the EU, after which the US and its NATO allies physically removed him from power, staging a violent coup d'état in Kiev and bringing the government to them illegitimate (hereinafter - junta ). The fact that the purpose of this aggression is the adoption of this agreement is evidenced by its sudden signing by the EU leaders with the junta a month after it seizes power. It was signed, according to them (the document with signatures has not yet been published! - SG), was the political part of this agreement, according to which Ukraine undertakes to follow EU foreign and defense policy, to participate, under the leadership of the European Union, in resolving regional civil and armed conflicts . After that, the adoption of the entire agreement becomes a technical issue.

In essence, what happened means forcibly subordinating Ukraine to the European Union - in other words, euro-occupation. EU leaders who obsessively teach us law-abiding and principles of the rule of law, flouting all norms of law, sign an illegitimate agreement with an illegitimate government. Yanukovych was overthrown because he refused to sign it.

But his refusal is explained not only by substantive considerations, but also by the fact that he did not have the legal right to do this, since this agreement contradicts the Ukrainian Constitution, which does not provide for the transfer of the sovereign rights of the state to another party.

According to the Ukrainian Constitution, to sign an international agreement that contradicts it, you first need to change the Constitution. The junta set by the EU leaders ignored this demand. From this it follows that the US and the EU organized the overthrow of the legitimate authority of Ukraine in order to deprive it of political independence. In the next step, they will impose on Ukraine the trade and economic policy they need by signing the economic part of the Agreement. And, although, unlike the occupation of Ukraine in 1941, the current eurococcupation is taking place without the invasion of foreign troops, its coercive nature is not in doubt. Just as the fascists deprived the population of Ukraine-occupied all civil rights, the current junta and the United States and the EU behind it treat opponents of European integration as criminals, indiscriminately accusing them of separatism and terrorism, throwing them into jails and simply shooting the hands of Nazi militants.

As long as President Yanukovych agreed to sign an agreement on the association of Ukraine with the European Union, he was courting himself in every way and praising high-ranking officials and politicians of the EU. But as soon as he refused, the American agents of influence (directly the American authorities in the person of the US ambassador, deputy head of the US State Department, secret service officers), together with European politicians, immediately began to persecute him, at the same time extolling his political opponents. They also provided massive information, political and financial assistance to Euromaidan, making it a springboard for the coup d'état. Many protest actions, including criminal attacks on law enforcement officers, the seizure of administrative buildings, accompanied by the killings and beatings of many people, were supported, organized and planned with the participation of the American Embassy, ​​European officials and politicians who not only "interfered" in the internal affairs of Ukraine, but waged aggression against her with the hands of the Nazi militants they had grown.

The use of Nazis and religious fanatics in the interests of undermining political stability in various regions of the world is a favorite way of American intelligence services, which they practice against Russia in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, and now in Eastern Europe. The Eastern Partnership program, initiated by them with the Poles and European officials, was initially aimed against Russia in order to detach the former Soviet republics from it. This separation should be legally secured by the creation of associations of these states with the EU, for the political justification of which Russophobia and the mythology about the European choice were injected. The latter is artificially contrasted with Eurasian integration, which is falsely presented by Western politicians and the media as the restoration of the USSR.

In none of the former Soviet republics, the Eastern Partnership program was unsuccessful. Belarus has already made its choice by creating a Union State with Russia. The same applies to Kazakhstan, which formed the Customs Union with Russia and Belarus. Armenia and Kyrgyzstan have decided to join it. Gagauzia refused to accept Russophobia as the basis of the Moldovan policy, holding a referendum on the same and calling into question the legitimacy of the European choice of Chisinau. The only republic that made a relatively legitimate decision to establish an association with the EU - Georgia - paid for the European choice with its leadership of a part of the territory inhabited by those who disagree to live under the Euro-occupation by citizens. The same scenario is being imposed on Ukraine today - the loss of a part of the territory with citizens who do not accept the European choice of their leadership.

Forcing Ukraine to associate with the EU is mixed up on Russophobia as a reaction of the wounded Ukrainian public consciousness to the decision of the Crimeans to reunite with Russia. Since the majority of Ukrainians still do not share themselves with Russia, they are imposed on the perception of this episode as the aggression of Russia, which annexed a part of their territory. Brzezinski spoke about this threat, arguing about the Finlandization of Ukraine in order to anesthetize the brain of our political elite during the American operation to cut off Ukraine from historical Russia. Under this anesthesia, we are charged with guilt for the mythical oppression of the Ukrainian people, and the latter with hate in Russia, with which he allegedly fought for Little and New Russia.

The current anti-Russian hysteria of the Ukrainian media, striking with its frantic Russophobia, seems only to a superficial observer as a spontaneous reaction to the Crimean drama. In fact, this is evidence of the transition of the war against Russia into the open phase. For two decades, we have been condescending to the manifestations of Ukrainian Nazism, not attaching importance to it due to the lack of objective premises for it. However, their absence was fully compensated by the consistent incitement of hatred of Russia by sponsoring the activities of numerous nationalist organizations. At the same time, the inconsistency of the ideology of the latter with historical reality does not in any way confuse their Fuhrer, who for a small fee of sponsors from NATO member countries indiscriminately draw the image of the enemy from Russia. Since, taking into account the common history, language and culture (Kiev is the mother of Russian cities, the Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the main shrine of the Orthodox world, and the Kiev Mohyla Academy is the place where the Russian language is formed), this looks inconclusive, a frenzied lie is used to beat the tragic episodes of a common history (revolution and civil war, famine) as the arbitrariness of the Russian authorities. Russophobia, based on Nazism, becomes the basis of Ukrainian national identity.

Within the framework of this article, there is no need to expose the objective absurdity of the hysterical Russophobia of the Ukrainian Nazis, it is more important to establish the reason for their revival in the 21st century. To do this, we must remember that this "Ukrainian Nazism" is an artificial product of the eternal enemies of the Russian world. Ukrainian Nazism cultivated from abroad has always been oriented against the Russians, against Moscow. Initially, Poland, which considered Ukraine to be its “borderland” and lined up its power vertical to control it. Then Austria-Hungary, which for a long time invested a lot of money in the promotion of Ukrainian separatism. During the Nazi occupation on this basis, Bandera and policemen showed up, who helped the German fascists in establishing their order in Ukraine, including punitive actions and stealing the population into slavery. And now their modern followers are doing the same thing - under the leadership of American instructors, militants from the Bandera-based "Right Sector" carry out a punitive operation against the residents of Donbass, help the junta staged by the Americans to "clean up" the cities of Ukraine from the supporters of integration with Russia, pro-american anti-russian order.

Obviously, without the consistent support of the US and the EU, neither a coup d'etat, nor the present existence of the Kiev junta would be possible. Unfortunately, "history teaches that it does not teach anything." This is a misfortune for Europe, which has repeatedly encountered the proto-fascist model of power, which was formed in Ukraine. This is a symbiosis of the Nazis and the big bourgeoisie. It was this symbiosis that gave rise to Hitler, who was supported by the big German bourgeoisie, tempted by the possibility of making money on state orders and militarization of the economy under the guise of national-socialist rhetoric. And not only German, but also American, and European. Almost all European countries and the United States cooperated with the Hitler regime.

Few people understood that after the flare processions the Auschwitz furnaces would appear, and tens of millions of people would die in the flames of world war. Now the same thing is happening in Kiev, only instead of "Heil Hitler!" shout "Glory to the heroes!", the main feat of which is the execution of defenseless Jews in Babi Yar. At the same time, the Ukrainian oligarchs, including the leaders of Jewish organizations, finance the anti-Semites and the Nazis of the right sector, which constitute the power base of the current Ukrainian government. Maidan sponsors have forgotten that in the symbiosis of the Nazis and the big bourgeoisie, the Nazis always crush the liberal businessmen. The latter have to either become Nazis themselves or leave the country. This is already happening in Ukraine: the oligarchs who remain there compete with the Fuhrer of the right sector in Russophobic and anti-Moskal rhetoric, as well as in appropriating the property of the former Nazi sponsors who escaped to Moscow.

The current Kiev rulers are counting on the "roof" of their American and European patrons, daily taking their oath to fight the Russian "occupation" until the last Moskal. They clearly underestimate the dangers of the Nazis, who seriously consider themselves to be the "highest race", and all others, including the businessmen who sponsor them, to be "nonhumans" against whom any form of violence can be applied. Therefore, in the symbiosis of the Nazis and the big bourgeoisie, the Nazis always win, and the bourgeoisie is always then forced to submit or emigrate. There is no doubt that if Bandera is not stopped by force, then the Nazi regime in Ukraine will develop, expand, penetrate deeper and deeper. Doubt remains with regard to the European choice of Ukraine, which is increasingly giving in to the fascist spirit of eighty years ago.

Of course, modern Euro-fascism is very different from its German, Italian or Spanish versions of the last century. European national states are a thing of the past, having entered the European Union and submitted to European bureaucracy. The latter became the leading political force in Europe, easily suppressing claims to the sovereignty of European states. This force is not in the army, but in a monopoly on the issuance of money, the mass media and the regulation of trade, which are carried out by the European bureaucracy in the interests of large European capital. In all conflicts with the national states of the last decade, the European bureaucracy invariably emerged victorious, imposing its technical governments and its policies on European nations. The latter is based on the consistent denial of all national traditions, ranging from the norms of Christian morality and ending with sausage products.

Universal asexual and unprincipled Europolitics little resemble the possessed Fuhrer of the Third Reich. What they have in common is only a manic confidence in their own right and readiness to force people to obey. Although the forms of this coercion have become much softer in modern eurofascists, the methodology remains harsh. It does not tolerate dissent and permits the use of force up to the physical extermination of those who disagree with the policies of Brussels. Of course, the thousands who died in the struggle for planting "European values" in Yugoslavia, Georgia, Moldova, and now in Ukraine can not be compared with the millions of victims of the German fascist invaders in World War II. But who counted indirect human losses - from the spread of homosexuality and drug addiction, the ruin of national industries, the degradation of culture? Whole European nations are disappearing today in the crucible of European integration.

Fascism in Italian fascio means union, union. In the modern sense, it is an association without preserving the identity of integrable objects: people, social groups, countries. The current Euro-fascists are striving to destroy not only national economic and cultural differences, but also the individual diversity of people, including gender and age differentiation. At the same time, the aggressiveness with which the euro-fascists are fighting to expand their space sometimes reminds the paranoia of the Nazis, who are anxious to conquer living space for the Aryan superman. Suffice it to recall the hysteria of European politicians on the Maidan and in the Ukrainian media. They justified the crimes of the supporters of European integration and indiscriminately accused those who disagree with the European choice of Ukraine in full accordance with the Goebbels methodology, which proceeded from the principle: the more monstrous the lies, the more it resembles the truth.

The main engine of modern Euro-fascism is the European bureaucracy, directed from Washington. The United States strongly supports the expansion of the EU and NATO to the East, regarding them as the most important components of their global empire. US control over the EU is carried out through supranational institutions that have subjugated the national EU member states. Deprived of sovereignty in the field of economic, financial, foreign and defense policy, they are subject to the directives of the European Commission, which are adopted under strict US pressure.

In essence, the EU is a bureaucratic empire that formats its economic space in the interests of US-European capital under US control. Like any empire, it seeks to expand, the instrument of which is to draw the neighboring countries into association with the EU and transfer their sovereignty to the European Commission. To coerce these countries into becoming a colony of the EU, they use the ideology of fear of external threat, in which the American-controlled media draws the image of an aggressive and hostile Russia. Under this pretext, immediately after the collapse of the USSR, the EU and NATO occupied Eastern European countries, organizing a war in the Balkans. The next victims of European fascism were the Baltic republics, forced to join the Russophobic Nazis. Then, Euro-fascism overwhelmed Georgia, in which the Nazis, led by the United States, launched a civil war. Today, the Georgian experience is used by the Eur-fascists in Ukraine in order to force it to associate with the EU as a controlled territory and a springboard for an offensive against Russia.

The main threat to the implementation of its plans to establish control of the European bureaucracy over the post-Soviet space, the United States considers the Eurasian integration process, successfully developing around the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. To prevent Ukraine from participating in this process, the US and the EU have invested at least 10 billion to create networks of anti-Russian influence. In parallel, relying on the Polish and Baltic Russophobes, as well as on the media controlled by American media tycoons, the United States incited European officials against Russia in order to isolate the former Soviet republics from the Eurasian integration process. The Eastern Partnership program they engendered became a cover for aggression against Russia in the post-Soviet space. This aggression is carried out in the form of coercion of the post-Soviet states to the association with the EU, under which they transfer the sovereign functions of trade and economic, foreign and defense policy of the European Commission.

The meaning of the association agreement with the European Union for Ukraine is to transfer to Brussels the sovereign functions of regulating trade, foreign economic activity, technical regulation, veterinary, sanitary and phytosanitary control, as well as opening the market for European goods. In this agreement, the EU directives are painted on a thousand pages, which Ukraine undertakes to comply with. Each section states that the legislation of Ukraine must be unilaterally brought into line with the requirements of Brussels. At the same time, Ukraine’s obligations to comply with the Brussels directives concern not only the standards in force today, but also future ones, in the development of which Ukraine will not take any part.

Simply put, after the signing of the Agreement, Ukraine becomes a colony of the European Union, blindly submitting to all its requirements. Including those that Ukrainian industry can not perform and which are detrimental to the economy of Ukraine. It fully opens its market for European goods, which leads to an increase in imports of 4 billion dollars and the crowding out of non-competitiveness of Ukrainian industry. It should reach European standards, for which 150 billion euros are required to invest in the modernization of the economy, the sources of which are missing. The calculations made by Ukrainian and Russian economists suggested that after signing the Agreement, Ukraine will face worsening of the already deficient trade and payment balances and, as a result, default.

Thus, the signing of an association agreement would mean an economic disaster for Ukraine. At the same time, the EU would gain a certain benefit in expanding the market for its goods and acquiring depreciated Ukrainian assets. American corporations got shale gas deposits, which they want to supplement with pipeline infrastructure and TVEL market for nuclear power plants. The main goal is geopolitical - after the signing of the Agreement, Ukraine could not have become a member of the Customs Union with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. To achieve this goal, the US and the EU went to commit aggression against Ukraine, organizing an armed seizure of power by their proteges. Blaming Russia for the annexation of the Crimea, they captured the whole of Ukraine by establishing the power of the junta under their control. Its task is to deprive Ukraine of sovereignty and its submission to the EU through the signing of the Association Agreement.

Thus, the catastrophe committed in Ukraine, in fact, can be defined as the aggression of the United States and its NATO allies against Russia. This is a modern version of Euro-fascism, which differs from its previous incarnation of the Second World War, the use of "soft" power with elements of the armed forces when absolutely necessary, and the use of Nazism as a complementary, rather than total ideology. At the same time, the defining feature of Euro-fascism remains - the division of citizens into full-fledged (adhering to the European choice) and inferior, who should not have rights to their opinion and in respect of which everything is permissible, as well as the willingness to use violence and commit crimes against political opponents. It remains only to understand the motives of the moving forces of resuscitation of fascism in Europe, without which it is impossible to develop a plan of resistance and saving the Russian world from yet another threat of Euro-occupation.

In the theory of long-term economic development, the relationship of long-wave conjuncture with fluctuations of military-political tensions is noted. Periodically occurring change in the dominant technological order is mediated by economic depressions, the output of which is stimulated by increasing government spending. The latter are concentrated in the military-industrial complex, since within the framework of the liberal ideology, the strengthening of the role of the state is allowed only for national security purposes. Therefore, in order to substantiate the expediency of the growth of these expenses, military-political tensions are injected and international conflicts are provoked. Actually, this is happening at the present time - the US is trying to resolve the re-accumulated economic, financial and industrial disparities at the expense of other countries by escalating international conflicts in order to write off debts, misappropriate foreign assets and weaken geopolitical competitors. So it was during the Great Depression in the 30 of the last century, which caused the Second World Wave. A similar role was played by the Star Wars doctrine, implemented by the United States in order to get out of the 70 depression.

The US aggression against Ukraine pursues all the goals listed above. First, through economic sanctions, write off your obligations to Russia, which amount to hundreds of billions of dollars. Second, assign the state assets of Ukraine, including the gas transmission system, mineral deposits, gold reserves, the values ​​of art and culture. Third, seize the Ukrainian markets for nuclear fuel, airplanes, energy, etc. that are important for American corporations. Fourth, weaken not only Russia but also the EU, whose economic damage from economic sanctions against Russia is estimated at a trillion dollars. At the same time write off part of their obligations to European countries. Fifth, to draw capital from European countries to itself, stimulating its flight from instability.

Thus, the war in Ukraine for the United States is a business. According to media reports, they have already paid for their expenses for the Maidan and Orange Revolutions, taking Ukrainian treasures out of the plundered Russian and Historical museums, capturing gas deposits and forcing the Ukrainian government to replace Russian TVELs with American ones in Ukrainian NPPs. Additionally, they decided to carry out the task of separating Ukraine from Russia for a long time, turning the former Little Russia into a state hostile to Russia in order to prevent its participation in the Eurasian integration process.

Based on this analysis, there is no doubt about the long-term and consistent nature of American aggression against Russia in Ukraine. They orient their Kiev puppets to increase, not decrease, the escalation of the conflict. At the same time, they incite the Ukrainian military against Russia with the aim of drawing the Russian army into a military conflict against Ukraine. They encourage the Nazis to new fighting. We are dealing with a real war, organized by the United States and its NATO allies. It is led, like 75 years ago, by Euro-Fascists against Russia using specially grown Ukrainian Nazis.

Surprising is the position of European states, which lag behind in the USA, provoking escalation of conflict by their inaction. Who, if not they, should understand that the Nazis can only be stopped by force. The sooner this is done, the fewer the casualties and destruction in Europe. The avalanche of US-organized wars in North Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans and now Ukraine threatens Europe above all, at the expense of which the American economic miracle occurred during the two world wars of the last century. But the Old World will not endure a third war. To prevent it, you need international recognition of US actions as aggression, and the US and EU officials who unleash them - as war criminals. It is important to give a legal definition of this aggression as Euro-fascism and to condemn the actions of European politicians and officials involved in the reanimation of Nazism under the guise of "Eastern Partnership".
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61 comment
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  1. +29
    18 May 2014 07: 03
    Homofascists in the EU and the USA are engaged in propaganda of debauchery and double standards.
    The ancestors of Europeans and Americans are probably turning over in tombs.

    Only when I see this photo I have a desire to quickly flip a page so as not to see it?
    1. +15
      18 May 2014 07: 13
      Quote: obraztsov

      Only when I see this photo I have a desire to quickly flip a page so as not to see it?

      Fedor, no words! Already sick of this geyropa. And what hit us was the fact that we freed Europe from these bids, and no one officially thanked us in honor of the 69th anniversary. Let it be on their conscience, the most important thing is that we remember and honor our grandfathers and great-grandfathers! We won, and they all went to Eurovision! soldier
    2. +10
      18 May 2014 09: 08
      Only when I see this photo, there is a desire to quickly flip through the page so as not to see it? the same f..gya - gag reflex
      1. 0
        19 May 2014 08: 23
        Yes, this is to attract Europeans to read, suddenly they wrote about their favorite Conchita. The article is very informative, I liked it.
    3. +3
      18 May 2014 09: 26
      Quote: obraztsov
      Homofascists in the EU and the USA are engaged in propaganda of debauchery and double standards.
      The ancestors of Europeans and Americans are probably turning over in tombs.

      In truth - so obraztsov! You're right - Conchita is a "masterpiece" they would be surprised. And I am glad to see in Glazyev's article confirmation of my thoughts on the necessary measures of legal (at least informational) counteraction to Western misanthropic policies in the following words: "We need international recognition of US actions as aggression, and US and EU officials unleashing them as war criminals." But I would like to hear from Sergei Yuryevich about measures to suppress the activities of agents of Western influence (special services) in the leadership of Russia. It is no secret that 23 years of inactivity in the CIS was not an accident, or a manifestation of suicidal "humanism." It is no secret that the humiliating, disgusting, wretched talk of "non-interference" during the "Maidan times", when there was no oligophrenic who did not see the US open aggression against Russia using ALL (!) Means, is an encouragement of even greater aggressiveness of the US and NATO! It is no secret that not by a call from Washington, all of a sudden, all the EU governments, all their media acted as a united, extremely hostile front against Russia, but they prepared in advance, carefully, for a long time. I wanted to hear from Mr. Glazyev - in view of his proximity to the "Kremlin": how could this be possible?
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        18 May 2014 10: 37
        damn hare photos of this woman Borodatta poke everywhere, she is sick to see and the same attitude accidentally becomes to the printed material, knocks down the attitude and mood am
      3. +4
        18 May 2014 13: 36
        Quote: 1812 1945
        In truth - so
    4. +4
      18 May 2014 11: 18
      MMMDYA. Natural blyue (in the sense - vomits). negative
      1. +1
        18 May 2014 13: 06
        "Eurofascism. Why is it reviving 69 years after the Victory?" Because 69 is their favorite pose.
    5. kuzia rocker
      18 May 2014 12: 51
      well, people tell me where the toilet paper painted under the American flag is sold; now only she wants to use
      1. 0
        18 May 2014 13: 11
        kuzia rocker
        Do not be afraid that your ..popa, having seen toilet paper in the colors of the American flag, will protest in protest and present you with a harsh ultimatum - remove this nastiness from her nafing, otherwise she cannot vouch for herself ... :)))
        You need to be more careful with your body - if you mock it - it will take revenge brutally. :)))
    6. +1
      18 May 2014 18: 26
      Quote: obraztsov
      Homofascists in the EU and the USA are engaged in propaganda of debauchery and double standards.
      The ancestors of Europeans and Americans are probably turning over in tombs.

      Only when I see this photo I have a desire to quickly flip a page so as not to see it?

      Today on the radio in the car I heard that negotiations are underway with THIS MONSTER about a tour in Russia ... am
  2. +3
    18 May 2014 07: 11
    The question arises: why do they do this in the third millennium?
    But shaw, the west has changed a lot over the past 2000 thousand years? As they killed, they kill, as they rob, they continue to rob. The current is more cunning and insidious.

    The meaning of the association agreement with the European Union for Ukraine is to transfer to Brussels the sovereign functions of trade regulation, foreign economic activity, technical regulation, veterinary, sanitary and phytosanitary control, as well as opening a market for European goods
    Well, something like this ....

    In addition, they solved the task of tearing Ukraine away from Russia long ago, turning the former Little Russia into a state hostile to Russia in order to prevent its participation in the Eurasian integration process.
    Yes, they did not decide nichrome, kirdyk will come to them.
    1. +4
      18 May 2014 10: 08
      Here, for some reason, many people do not understand Shakhnazarov's film "The White Tiger" .. A film about war and peace, a film about the struggle between Good and Evil .. With the surrender of Germany, war, Evil, fascism ("White Tiger") did not disappear - He is there in the fog, beyond the Swamp. HE is ready to appear at any time and again bring Evil to humanity, And He appeared ..
      The final scene hits the Brains ,,. but. can’t reach them .. "In the final scene in a dark office, Hitler makes excuses to a mysterious stranger about the war:
      “But we just found the courage to realize what Europe dreamed about! ... Didn’t we fulfill the hidden dream of every European citizen? They always did not like the Jews! All their lives they were afraid of this gloomy, gloomy country in the East ... I said: just let's solve these two problems, solve them once and for all ... Humanity has become what it is, thanks to the struggle! War is a natural, mundane affair. War is always and everywhere. War has no beginning or end. War is life itself. War is the starting point. ”
      And again, the voice of the fiery daughter of the Spanish people Dolores Ibarruri Gomez “¡No pasarán!” - “They will not pass!”
      No pasarán! - a symbol of the anti-fascist movement ...
      Listen .. Buchenwald bells sound the alarm ..
      .. Buchenwald alarm:
      "People of the world, be three times as good as
      Take care of the world, take care of the world! "
      .. but. something with our memory has become ..
      1. 0
        18 May 2014 21: 02
        A. And I overestimated Fight Club. All the salt is the last frame.
        Thanks to David Fincher.
  3. +14
    18 May 2014 07: 17
    The article is clear, but why once again upload a photo of this "it", disgusting !!!
    1. +3
      18 May 2014 07: 29
      look sick at aunt aunt
    2. +1
      18 May 2014 09: 28
      The same thing - I didn’t start reading from the beginning, so that this miracle would leave the screen!
      18 May 2014 10: 54
      Quote: horoh
      The article is clear, but why once again upload a photo of this "it", disgusting !!!

      Europe gave birth to the night
      Not a son, not a daughter! laughing fellow wassat
      Or so:
      The Queen gave birth to the night.
      Bottom of the son, top daughter.
      Not a boy, not a girl.
      A bearded finish! wassat laughing fellow
      1. 0
        18 May 2014 14: 42
        The queen gave birth to the night
        Net son, gross daughter. laughing
  4. +3
    18 May 2014 07: 28
    but the government completely controlled by them (hereinafter - the junta)

    We are 100% sure - what is manageable?
    They even have nothing to eat the army.
  5. VADEL
    18 May 2014 07: 32
    The author of the article is Aquarius, and the article that the water is very wet. recourse request
    PS The photo is definitely not Glazyev bully
  6. +6
    18 May 2014 07: 33
    Nothing, the time will come, we will give them an identity. In order not to confuse the fifth column on the stake, and the sixth on the gallows, you will immediately see the difference. And from the muzzle THIS is solid emetic instincts am
    1. +5
      18 May 2014 12: 09
      Nothing, the time will come, we will give them an identity. In order not to confuse the fifth column on the stake, and the sixth on the gallows, you will immediately see the difference
  7. Polarfox
    18 May 2014 08: 03
    My God, how much can you decorate articles with photographs of this person? I am indifferent to such deviations, I do not blame them, but I do not intend to defend them either. Just tell me, someone - what does the moral cripple have to do with political issues? Let's already separate the flies from the cutlets.

    According to the article. Verbose, long and by no means new. I have nothing against the author, in principle, correctly. But why these long periods of philosophies, when all this can be placed in 80 lines?

    PS I didn’t minus, I don’t like to put minuses at all. However, plus, in my opinion, there are no special reasons.
  8. +2
    18 May 2014 08: 10
    Surprising is the position of European states, which are lagging behind the USA, provoking an escalation of the conflict with their inaction

    The author may be surprised, but I am not at all. Europeans wanted to sneeze in Ukraine, they have enough of their own problems, but for the Americans it is generally the African tribe "mumbo-jumbo", which by definition is not capable of anything ...
  9. +1
    18 May 2014 08: 12
    Quote: Fish Inspection
    In order not to confuse the fifth column to the stake, and the sixth to the gallows, you will immediately see the difference.

    This should be done as soon as possible, otherwise we will die ordinary people for whom the Motherland is not an easily pronounced word, and all of which our life consists of. And even the concept of the word Russia wants to destroy the scum from the fifth and sixth columns.
    1. POCC
      18 May 2014 21: 54
      5 and 6 columns enough to clatter with them then there will be a lot of blood they need to be removed they are garbage on our land need to be cleaned soldier
  10. +8
    18 May 2014 08: 13
    For war with the enemy, all means are good. Who has forgotten, I can recall that the day after the end of the war in Europe, the British immediately plan to strike at the Soviet units together with ... the remnants of the German army!
    They always wage war, and they have only one adversary, Russians! It's time to figure it out. Anyone else who retains the ability to think and analyze will understand that any phrase due to the Bug about the world is pure lies. All actions of the West are the destruction of Russians. And for this, all means are good. ALL. Both economic and cultural. I’m silent about politics and the military-industrial complex.
    Therefore, it’s time to get used to the hypocrisy of the West and take fascist sentiments in the fight against us for granted. And one way out is to fight by all available means, for any relaxation will be a nail in the lid of our coffin. And you do not need to be afraid of any sanctions there, you need to consider the so-called fifth column. Because all of today's revolutions are due to internal opponents of the government. Come on, still ideological, but the vast majority are sales. Joseph Vissarionovich fought with such a simple - felling. Only a consolidated society can withstand external threats. And for such a society to arise, we need to understand that for the West we are enemy No. 1. Everything else about peace and human rights is a lie.
    That’s why fascism proudly strides in Ukraine (and in Geyrope), because it is a weapon in the fight against the enemy, that is, us.
    He who has ears, let him hear, he who has eyes - let him see.
    This is just my opinion, which may not coincide with the opinion of others ...
    1. +2
      18 May 2014 08: 50
      BOMBER. I agree, but we must remember that the Anglo-Saxons have an ancient tradition - once every 100 years, to gather all of Europe / their competitors / together and throw them in Russia for lyuli in order to improve their affairs and weaken their competitors
    2. 0
      18 May 2014 08: 50
      BOMBER. I agree, but we must remember that the Anglo-Saxons have an ancient tradition - once every 100 years, to gather all of Europe / their competitors / together and throw them in Russia for lyuli in order to improve their affairs and weaken their competitors
      1. +3
        18 May 2014 11: 02
        Quote: bomber jacket
        it must be remembered that the Anglo-Saxons have an ancient tradition - once every 100 years, to gather all of Europe / their competitors / together and throw them at Russia

        Russia also has a tradition: Each time after such throws, we come to them and explain how wrong they were. One trouble, they do not learn anything.
    3. Erg
      18 May 2014 09: 50
      Basically agree with you. I’ll add a little from myself. What is happening now in Ukraine (Euro - American activity) is just a fragment of global politics. To understand a particular one you need to see a general plan. Not without it. I recall the words of the head of the Old Believers Diy Patera Alexander. So he said that only truth will save the world. We are now taking a certain position on Ukraine, like we are talking about the truth about the "plans of the imperialists." But ... To tell not the whole truth is also a lie. To fight the untruth, you yourself need to be crystal clear. But with this we have problems. If from far away. The revolution of 17 years is a coup d'etat carried out by the Fed, with the goal of destroying Russia and profit, respectively. Lenin and Trotsky performers. Bloody Sunday 1905 is the same Maidan with snipers provocateurs. About the atrocities of the Reds in villages and cities in general is soaked, and this is millions of lives. Second World War. "Rockefellers and Baruchs" finance Hitler (as now Maidan). The Americans and the British sell steel and equipment to the Germans, being both our allies, and send us caravans of assistance on lend-lease (by the way, everything was insured). During the bombing of German cities, Ford factories, which made tanks for Hitler, were surprisingly untouched. Okay. It has long been. Now now. Flight of the states to the moon. Any person who understands at least something in technology will understand that this is complete nonsense (I’ll tell you that no university with an aerospace bias considers the flight of states to the Moon, because Nothing to learn). We still have no such technologies on earth, let alone 1969. However, this great lie is taking place, moreover, it was approved by the government of the USSR. Ask why? Look. In 1972 (if not confusing) the embargo on the supply of energy of the USSR to Europe was lifted. For the first time after the Second World War, the American president (Nixon) flies into the union. America begins to sell us wheat at prices half that of the domestic market. Do not forget that there is a cold war. About the Olympics in Moscow - in the final, we unconditionally won this right against Los Angeles ... What thoughts do not appear? 1975 Apollo Union. What a friendship (I’m already silent that the Americans did not have their own joints of the full-time bloc, but this is a separate laugh). Now on. What is it with AIDS? Gone? That the "incidence" is not growing? Or are homosexuals transferred? Just another business project scooped itself. And this lie was supported by the Americans, Europe and ours. The same is with bird, pig, goat and other flu. The same with Golikovsky arbidol, with other projects, the miracle of drugs. The terrorists. Every child already knows that the towers were blown up by the Yankees themselves. Have you heard anything from our government on this subject? So do I. Invented by Bin Laden, the Boston attack, the bombings of houses in Moscow, etc. etc. Why am I all this. I mean that the world is ruled by a lie. Any president is brought to power by certain circles who have their own interests. Honesty is not held in high esteem there. Therefore, it is not possible in modern politics to take a step without affecting anyone's interests (often those who brought you to power). That is why, without knowing this "kitchen", it is impossible to see the logic in the actions of the parties. I hope you will forgive me if I made a mistake in the details. The point is that we will not conquer lies if we ourselves are not honest. Can we ...
  11. +2
    18 May 2014 08: 14
    It seems that it is SOMETHING, in the photo, it was created and paid so that the layman did not go into politics, but resented or admired or simply discussed THIS. Distract people from events in the world.
    1. 0
      18 May 2014 08: 58
      Right. In addition to bread and entertainment, people do not need anything else.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    18 May 2014 08: 14
    US over-accumulated economic, financial and industrial imbalances are trying to solve at the expense of other countries by escalating international conflicts in order to write off debts, misappropriation of other people's assets and weaken geopolitical competitors. Author Sergey Glazyev

    The goal of the vrazhin: dismemberment of ErEf so that there is never a Russian superethnos.
  13. +4
    18 May 2014 08: 16
    Looking at the picture, I understand why the Inquisition was in Europe and was not in Russia, and I regret that the Inquisition turned off its activities so early ...
  14. 0
    18 May 2014 08: 39
    Damn ... guys I look at this photo and it becomes scary ...... scary because I think that a
    then she has a smile .... ahhh doesn't he? no IT! smile is beautiful (if not a beard)))))))))) Karoche face pd0rizatsii Europop on foto..Blin homosexual if there is need vylazit at night, in their bars taverns there, like vampires only at night. Let there sting anyone they want in their bars, normal people didn’t see them during the day ....
  15. parus2nik
    18 May 2014 08: 42
    But he didn’t die ... fascism ... in 1945, on May 9, he was brought to a stroke ... it seemed to have died ... But those who gave birth to him went out ... and spread all over the world ..
    1. +3
      18 May 2014 12: 27
      It’s necessary to extinguish them!
      1. MBA78
        19 May 2014 10: 07
        or send to the west let them fight there ...
  16. Grenz
    18 May 2014 09: 01
    The author is surprised at the position of European states.
    In my opinion, it’s not surprising.
    Over the past decades, the European countries have been integrated in the Eastern countries. In normal language, the economic and political occupation by Germany of countries previously conquered by it. Of course, under the leadership of the United States. Merkel for instructions to Obama, as a monthly salary. And so that all democratic twists and turns do not interfere with this strategy, real fascism is being revived. Europe will swallow Ukrainian fascists - that's it! Wait in all countries - the fascists will go to power in columns.
    And then the pan-European OR - Heil !!! become one. And the goal is one - "Drang nach Osten!"
    That is why Russia wants to weaken even before the attack. Otherwise, you can get it on the teeth. And it is very painful and in Europe it is still remembered.
  17. +1
    18 May 2014 09: 01
    It seems to me that patriotism, if allowed to take its course, will lead to nationalism. Any stick is always two-edged is an axiom.
  18. +1
    18 May 2014 09: 15
    Fascism by itself cannot die. As long as there are people, firms, countries ready to commit any crimes for the sake of profits, foreign territories, fattening the "golden billion", fascism will be in full demand, financed and protected from extinction. The parasitic economies of the West cannot effectively solve their problems without it. In our time, it can, at best, be driven deep underground. But this is also a very difficult task.
  19. +5
    18 May 2014 09: 19
    There is a war of the West with Russia, an attempt to undermine power by any possible means - this is Ukraine, and geyparady, and Nemtsov and comrades, and much more. And we need to survive and WIN!
  20. +2
    18 May 2014 09: 23
    Fascism grows out of poverty. First you need to plunder the budget and destroy the economy of the state. Then you need to find an external enemy and blame him for all the troubles. Everyone is happy, and the money has been stolen, and the people are properly processed, in addition, someone's order is fulfilled. that they are special, much better than others, but live worse than they deserve. Who is to blame for this, you yourself have to guess. On this, the creation of the basic conditions for the emergence of fascist ideology can be considered complete and proceed directly to the creation of assault brigades. Riots cover up thefts in huge After a new redistribution of property has taken place, the militants disappear from the streets, this is already unnecessary waste material. State institutions - the police, the courts, the prosecutor's office are restored. A frustratingly monotonous scenario. And financed from one source.
    1. Gloria45
      18 May 2014 14: 13

      Italy segodnia. Manifestaziya protiv ukrainskogo fashizma, protiv NATO i za Rossiyu
  21. 0
    18 May 2014 09: 29
    Quote: A1L9E4K9S
    And the scum from the fifth and sixth columns want to destroy even the concept of the word Russia.

    And don’t talk! Purposefully want to demolish the current state structure!
    Directly "Narodnaya Volya-Decembrists" of the XXI century. They are clans, not revolutionaries!
    They would ask those artists and musicians who also did not like the USSR and they went abroad. But still come back! Without shouting and ceremonial reports, we went, lived, worked and realized that it wasn’t ours, someone else’s was better at home!
  22. 0
    18 May 2014 10: 08
    He began to delve into the article and could not go further than 3 sentences, it became disgusting to read their shit frankly. And looking at the face of Signor Pedrillo. Sick of such a Europe and their pi.dorov. From them only the destruction of all the foundations of human existence. They do not belong among people, they are lepers, their place in the pi. Dorsky leper colony.
  23. 0
    18 May 2014 10: 11
    Sharks got hungry, many wanted to eat such a fatty piece as Ukraine, but a small intestine, indigestion is guaranteed ...
  24. ECT
    18 May 2014 10: 22
    Another verbiage of the so-called expert. Sometimes it seems that people write only something to write.
  25. Gloria45
    18 May 2014 10: 56
    The facts are known to everyone: Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign the Association Agreement with the EU, after which the United States and its NATO allies physically removed him from power

    est 'nad chem podumat'
  26. +1
    18 May 2014 11: 04
    There is one more important point - RESTUTION. Nobody, and those who rode on the Maidan and in other places and shouted that “Ukraine is Europe”, did not think about Restitution. What it is?
    Restitution - the return of "illegally nationalized" property to its current owners or their heirs. “Property restitution” is a mandatory process when joining the European Union.
    I wonder if Ukrainians know what property restitution is. Hardly.
    That is, those property that was nationalized after 1917 (and this is considered illegal from the point of view of the EU) will come .... the owners. From the USA, Canada and other "civilized countries". And, how much land there, in the West of Ukraine, belonged to the Polish owners and was nationalized in 1939! And the lands of Hungarians and Romanians, nationalized in 1940 - 1945.
    Earth. Building. And if your house belonged to someone? Multi-family? What is the price to go to Europe? For it stood on the Maidan? So much Ukrainians want to join the European Union that they are ready to lose everything that they have? Nobody spoke about this to “peaceful protesters”. And now he doesn’t speak. Because it lies to the citizens of Ukraine. What they are told is that we’ll break up the separatist terrorists, the West will punish Russia and take us to Europe. Details ”spoil this carefully created myth.
    But in the Baltic countries all this happened. The restitution process here was massive. Those who owned them before 1940 of the year claimed their rights to many lands, buildings and enterprises of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Or their heirs.
    Despite the fact that most of these old / new owners arrived from abroad and took it to themselves in accordance with the new laws. According to the decisions of the courts, people were evicted from their homes, and land was taken from them. Everything is according to the law.
    But the people of Ukraine, confident that they will be accepted to Europe, try not to think about these issues.
    But cheese always lies in the mousetrap.
  27. I know
    18 May 2014 11: 05
    And the "old men" Marx and Lenin are right! The class struggle does not disappear anywhere, but sometimes takes on other forms! That war is a continuation of economic policy is probably already clear to everyone!
  28. VSC
    18 May 2014 11: 09
    All these bullshit wars. It’s just another redistribution of spheres of influence between those who sit at the helm (and not in power). Everything rests only on an increase in equity. And fools can run around with weapons, shout slogans, kill each other. People change your mind! What and for whom are you shedding blood? For the sake of those who need people only as service personnel?
  29. 0
    18 May 2014 11: 14
    Europe seems to be hoping to sit out and get something else from the Ukrainian war! They think that neo-fascism will only step east! negative
  30. 0
    18 May 2014 11: 16
    Fascism in any form of its manifestation is evil! And evil must be destroyed, otherwise it will destroy us all.
  31. 0
    18 May 2014 11: 34
    "The US aggression against Ukraine pursues all of the above goals. Firstly, through economic sanctions, write off its obligations to Russia, which amount to hundreds of billions of dollars. Secondly, to appropriate state assets of Ukraine, including the gas transportation system, mineral deposits, gold reserves, values ​​of art and culture.Thirdly, to seize the Ukrainian markets of nuclear fuel, aircraft, energy carriers, which are important for American corporations.Fourth, to weaken not only Russia, but also the EU, whose economy damage from economic sanctions against Russia is estimated at a trillion dollars . At the same time, write off part of our obligations to European states. Fifthly, to draw capital from European states, stimulating its flight from instability. "

    So isn't it time for all the states of the world to unite against this world gendarme and parasite and drive him into his proper place "by the bucket."
  32. 0
    18 May 2014 11: 37
    I can’t surprise anything in European politics ... in the area of ​​dislike of Russia.

    Sometimes it seems that if Hitler triumphantly ended the war with Russia ... he would be forgiven for everything ... any atrocities would be justified.
      18 May 2014 11: 49
      Quote: silberwolf88
      I can’t surprise anything in European politics ... in the area of ​​dislike of Russia.

      Sometimes it seems that if Hitler triumphantly ended the war with Russia ... he would be forgiven for everything ... any atrocities would be justified.

      So it would be with Hitler. A new era is coming, an era of new world powers. The USA and the West are dying, who will take their place? Russia, China and India? I think only they will not do.
      In India, nationalists came to power, this threatens an internal conflict, primarily religious. Also, relations with China and Pakistan are likely to worsen. In India, a new chapter has already opened, in China it has opened under Den Xiaoping, Who will open a new chapter in the history of Russia? Putin No, he does what every person should have done, burdened with a sense of duty to the country. After his departure, either in 2018 or in 2024, what will happen then? That's the question. With the advent of George W. Bush in the United States, a new chapter began called decline, what will happen after the collapse? Death? Or squeezing the level of influence of power to the size of the North American continent with the strengthening of anti-American policies on the part of Latin America. Horseradish future.
  33. +1
    18 May 2014 11: 46
    One of the components of the revival of fascism is that people who passed through this Hell, unfortunately, go to another world, Peace be upon them!
    Those who remember their stories, the same remains less and less (unfortunately, but this is life).
    Young people, like us at one time, absorb with their young brain what they see and hear, what they are told when they ask.
    One example is the demolition of WWII monuments. 20 years ago they could not do this. The veterans were alive and full of strength. Today there are almost no one to protest.
    The same thing happens with the proclamation of ideas of nationalism. Their young people are not told to anyone that this is fascism! And they say that this is a "fight for freedom."
    And on television, praise of violence and murder in the form of modern films and series! Young people are not protected from Nazi propaganda and do not receive an explanation why this is not true but evil!
  34. +1
    18 May 2014 11: 55
    Looking at this fuck ... lo want to take akm and wet the water to water these western gundos !!!
  35. 0
    18 May 2014 11: 59
    Quote: Nikoha.2010
    Quote: obraztsov

    Only when I see this photo I have a desire to quickly flip a page so as not to see it?

    Fedor, no words! Already sick of this geyropa. And what hit us was the fact that we freed Europe from these bids, and no one officially thanked us in honor of the 69th anniversary. Let it be on their conscience, the most important thing is that we remember and honor our grandfathers and great-grandfathers! We won, and they all went to Eurovision! soldier

    If our ancestors could have suggested such a thing, they would have passed not only through Europe but also through the ocean!
  36. 0
    18 May 2014 12: 06
    looking at this creature, I still can’t believe that it is alive and it’s not Photoshop wassat negative beeeee
  37. 0
    18 May 2014 12: 21
    mankind has fallen so low that it no longer understands where it has slipped. And there is no way out of this moral pit.
  38. 0
    18 May 2014 12: 27
    Thus, the war in Ukraine for the United States is a business

    Sergei Glazyev perfectly chewed everything up. There is also a great article on this topic. Who cares -
  39. Bashkaus
    18 May 2014 12: 54
    Dear site administration, I beg you to stop attaching a photo of this bearded creature to all the news in the subject and without it!
    Of course, I understand everything, it’s painful, many are indignant, but my word of honor is AGAINST !!!
  40. 0
    18 May 2014 13: 05
    Quote: Bashkaus
    Dear site administration, I beg you to stop attaching a photo of this bearded creature to all the news in the subject and without it!
    Of course, I understand everything, it’s painful, many are indignant, but my word of honor is AGAINST !!!

    Well, I disgustedly agree .. But only such creatures appear suddenly abruptly .. (and we didn’t know ..?) Look, think and analyze .. Otherwise, we’ll wake up and instead of Putin such a miracle will officially sit in the Kremlin .. (and he’ll grab the pitchfork already late) These are the things .. You need to know the infection in person .. destroy it later!
  41. +1
    18 May 2014 13: 41
    Well done Glazyev. Everything is clearly painted. Now we also have to consistently resist US aggression against the whole world. And Svidomo, who are so eager for their Europe, it would be nice to read and learn this. Maybe some hot heads would have sobered up.

    "Dear, do you still want to go to Europe? The EU beckons you? Then read and do not show off!"

    Namely, do not show off, because the Europeans will not give you a couple of decades to swing, they will come immediately and seriously demand theirs!
    Do the inhabitants of Ukraine know what Restitution is?

    This is the name of the article by Nikolai Starikov.

    Kiev self-appointed power does not even rest on bayonets. She rests on emotions. Maidan was made on emotions. On the emotions of young fooled people drove to the National Guard. They threw Molotov cocktails on emotions in Odessa.

    Emotions that drive people to hatred and violence - this is the support of the current junta. The image of the enemy, which the Ukrainian media diligently sculpt from Russia.

    The “European choice” turned out to be bloody. It all started with emotions too. Remember - "Yanukovych stole a dream." It is unlikely that this dream, which began to be realized immediately after his departure, was the Civil War. But it turned out that way.

    Why? Because emotions always escalate for specific purposes. And this goal is the manipulation of people and their attitude to what is happening. In fact, no one was planning to accept Ukraine into the EU either yesterday, today, or tomorrow. Neither under Yushchenko, nor under Yanukovych, nor under Tymoshenko-Poroshenko.

    Do the inhabitants of Ukraine know what Restitution is?

    Why should I ask this question: because no one who rode on the Maidan and elsewhere and shouted that "Ukraine is Europe" did not think about Restitution.

    What it is?

    Restitution - the return of "illegally nationalized" property to its current owners or their heirs. “Property restitution” is a mandatory process when joining the European Union.

    I wonder if Ukrainians know what property restitution is. Hardly.

    That is, those property that was nationalized after 1917 (and this is considered illegal from the point of view of the EU) will come .... the owners. From the USA, Canada and other "civilized countries". And, how much land there, in the West of Ukraine, belonged to the Polish owners and was nationalized in 1939! And the lands of Hungarians and Romanians, nationalized in 1940 - 1945.

    Land. Building. And if your house belonged to someone? Multi-family? What is the price to Europe? For it stood on the Maidan? So much Ukrainians want to join the European Union, are they ready to lose everything that they have? Nobody spoke about this to “peaceful protesters”. And now he doesn’t speak. Because it lies to the citizens of Ukraine. What they are told is that we’ll break up the separatist terrorists, the West will punish Russia and take us to Europe.

    "Details" spoil this carefully crafted myth.

    But in the Baltic countries all this happened. The restitution process here was massive. Those who owned them before 1940 of the year claimed their rights to many lands, buildings and enterprises of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Or their heirs.

    Despite the fact that most of these old / new owners arrived from abroad and took it to themselves in accordance with the new laws. According to the decisions of the courts, people were evicted from their homes, and land was taken from them. Everything is according to the law.

    But the people of Ukraine, confident that they will be accepted to Europe, try not to think about these issues.

    But cheese always lies in the mousetrap.

    Beautiful, alluring and supposedly free ...
  42. Vlad Gore
    18 May 2014 14: 57
    Every time Russia came to the capital of the aggressor, be it Paris or Berlin, sooner or later Russia left there. And she did it voluntarily. I think we shouldn't do that anymore. And having come once again to the capital of the aggressor, one must stay there forever. The "civilized" peoples of Europe cannot live long without war. They need supervision. And there is no better candidate than Russia. good
  43. Manul49
    18 May 2014 16: 46
    Quote: VNP1958PVN
    Europe seems to be hoping to sit out and get something else from the Ukrainian war! They think that neo-fascism will only step east! negative

    So the story is forgotten. All this has already happened, and we know how it ended.
  44. 0
    19 May 2014 01: 33
    The fact that the purpose of this aggression is the adoption of this agreement is evidenced by its sudden signing by EU leaders with the junta a month after it seized power.

    The signing of only the political part is a bone thrown by Europe. States, through their proteges, will also throw the European Union. Vipiv cream will lick a glass.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"