Monarchism in the modern consciousness

Monarchism in the modern consciousness

   I have always believed that my views are to some extent a hypertrophied extreme, which does not correspond to reality. Methods and ideas are absolutely unacceptable and unrealizable in this particular period of time in which we happened to live. And this morning I woke up and thought: well, why?

   Why should I make my views ridiculous? The fact took place: yes, I think so, yes, I am so brought up. And what's more, I believe that many people in their hearts hold similar views, but they are shy, afraid, or for some other reason cannot express them. Or even to even think that, well, yes, here they are, ideas, and they are what they are.

   What is our understanding of the so-called? "normal"? On some humane values? Oh, yes ... Throwing my people from one extreme to another more clearly than ever shows that this very people have no core! Think about it! Thousands and thousands of people are so easily taken for granted that they put into their heads only because there was nothing in that head before. This is fertile ground for any seed. The only problem is that the seed that is sown in this head is not at all beneficial. And even more - destructive. I repeat once again: the ridiculous views of my people are caused either by the fact that others simply do not exist, or that they are shy of their existing people.

   Why shy? Branded and discredited words "Slav", "people", "nation", "civilization"? Why fear something? Dropout from the general border of humane, cosmopolitan, global values? And where did these values ​​come from?

   Indeed, where did they come from, these values? Why are they extremely close to individualized Western and even capitalist thinking? Why is it “considered” that Russian is a shame? Why is the concept of united nations rejected in the bud? After all, what is wrong with the empire paradigm itself? But everything is not so. It (the paradigm) does not fully fit into the system of a unipolar world, which is being built by Western civilization. And, yes, I operate with these concepts, do not hesitate to them. Obviously, how much does not oppose this: we are one civilization; Europe, the USA and their friends are different; Japan, China, Taiwan - the third; Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran - the fourth. It is. In order not to warp someone's tender consciousness with the word "civilization", we will use at first another, "mentality". It is so obvious that no one is trying to argue with that, this topic just goes around. They don't speak about her. And this is indisputable.

   As it is indisputable, each of these civilizations pulls a global blanket to its side. And since the modern world does not accept the coarse methods of dragging, completely different methods are used. Namely, "perekovka" under him, imposing their views. Where the placement is successful, a generation of spiritual disabled people grows up. People who feel one with their heart, but are raised differently. It is Ukraine. Namely - its eastern part. People who are driven into the head by the concept of national identity "Ukrainian" (which in fact does not exist, it is an artificial superstructure), but in essence they cannot feel it. Well, people do not distinguish between Ukrainians and Russians, that's all. The passport is like this, but the national identity is different. In the same place where the mounting does not work, a power conflict arises. This is Libya. And Syria. Countries that are officially aware of their identity and in every way oppose to becoming different.

   Everything that I said to the current line has a very surprising property. If you start telling this to a person, you only need to hear the words “civilization,” “people,” “nationality,” and so on, as his consciousness is immediately turned off. He begins to think that all this is not serious. So it is inherent - just do not think about it. But there is another nuance. If most or most of the life is lived according to quasi-values ​​or in conditions of complete absence of the latter, then it is very difficult to switch to an understanding of the new reality. New, but therefore no less natural for man, the heart and soul of our own, Slavic civilization.

   Awareness and acceptance of the concept of "Slav" - this is just the first step. The second is the adoption of a real picture of the world. And here again incredible barriers are set for individual mental work. The concept of "paranoia" comes out. You think that the United States turns the world inside out for yourself - paranoid. Or imbecile. You think that Western values ​​are counterproductive for your life and threaten the survival of the human race (sic!) - paranoid. You think that they are unnatural for your essence - paranoid and also a sociopath to boot. Meanwhile, who would call a more aggressive culture than Western? Here I will be reminded of the Muslim world, and to this I will say - but did not the Arab civilization shoot in response to attempts at its destruction or, to be more precise, sterilization? Have the radical Islamists intensified in response to the imposition of capitalism and individualism as opposed to their peculiar community, accuracy and nationality? And then there can only be one answer: yes, it is a reaction.

   And what about our civilization? She is still sleeping. More precisely, she is in a coma. More precisely, in an artificial coma. This hypoglycemic coma is the result of persistent destructive work on identity. Not considered to be a Slav. Anyone - Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, but not a Slav. And if the Arab world reacts sharply to the challenges of Westernism, then the Slavic is forcibly put to sleep and is still not self-aware. He is very close to awakening, but he will not wake up at all. From the last forces, cracking at the seams, the paradigm of shame is set on what should be proud of.

   Meanwhile, nothing more natural than the commonality of the Slavic peoples for the soul of the Slav exists. But thanks to (in a bad sense) high conscientiousness, which, in this case, works to the detriment, it becomes possible to influence this conscience, to inculcate some sort of small national complexes.

   And even more than that, there is no more acceptable state structure than an empire. Yes Yes. Highly taken, is not it? But at the root of the essence, in the very depths of the heart of every Slav, this thought is still sitting. Why, and not just a thought, but a real hope. The same hope sits in my soul.

   Now about my country. Take the golden principle of Occam's razor, which consists in not complicating the obvious truths, and project it into reality. Two nations in one country. And even more than that, two irreconcilable civilizations. Individualism, in this case, reflected in the desire to create a small nation-state; and collectivism, seeing nothing better than a large general (within the framework of Russia and Belarus) state. There are no bad and good. There are only opposing, irreconcilable parties, which, for some reason, are unnatural in the territory of my state, someone always tries to knit with white threads. Will it work out? Until recently, it worked. Will such an activity succeed when the world cracks? No, since this is where one of the fault lines passes.

   No one wants war. Including I would not want her. Why, only war is therefore called the “last argument of kings”, that there is no other method left. All my history We were looking for these methods, but we did not find them. One of the warring parties does not want to put up with the existence of the second.

   And now we will re-read and think about it again. I wrote the obvious things! But it is customary to complicate things. The reforms and changes that need to be carried out in society are so global, and even magnified by the eyes of fear, that it is much easier to leave everything as it is. People's, universal comfort zone, expressed by each individual individual, is to not talk about it.

   And I think so. And I want so. And many want the same. We are many, we are scattered over a vast land, we even doubt the existence of each other, but we exist.

   This is just the first part. The second would have to answer the question "what to do?" But the second part will not be. I do not know what to do yet. Act on circumstances. To love your homeland, to feel your identity, affection, duty to your land, to your people, and to love it. And if you live by these principles, the essence of his word someday say. In the people of Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa and the Crimea, with which they put into their heads the fact that they are “titushki”, “bydlo”, “nonpatriotic” and generally Untermensch, she, essentially, woke up after all. Yes, and so woke up that now this angry bull and do not stop, perhaps. Even it is not necessary to warm up the performances of the memorable Mishiko. It warms up.

   Well that's all. All you need to say today. I'm afraid a lot of things will happen in the near future. I'm afraid and getting ready. Oh, how I wish that this did not happen, but otherwise, in any way. Do not find us understanding, and that's it. We wait. Just ... You do not need to hide it and, especially, to be afraid. This is a reason for pride.

   With an understanding of reality, there will come an understanding of what barriers we have incarnated into one people. This is pride. Patriotism is not a shame. Patriotism is the same natural component of a healthy organism, as is the ability to think critically. And because ... Because you just need to live differently. After all, it is no longer possible to live with the understanding and the recognition that it has been put to sleep for so long.
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  1. jjj
    13 May 2014 13: 37
    This same Occam razor and walk on the material. To enhance clarity
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      13 May 2014 18: 11
      If you look at what a thuja hell dough they spend every 4-5 years for the next presidential election
      and for the best result, the presidential team as a rule, one term is not enough,
      and time for the result is comparable to the active life of one generation

      then the monarchy as a way of governance in itself suggests itself,
      now it would be better for the good of society

      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        15 May 2014 01: 15
        and then the society shakes from left to right ideas like r * a lot in the hole
        from election to election
  2. +11
    13 May 2014 13: 41
  3. Unknown
    13 May 2014 13: 47
    I’ll scatter another nonsense about the monarchists: WE ARE NOT NAZIS, NOT FASCIS, AND DO NOT COMRADE WITH THEM ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF ONE WITH ... TAKE THE IMPERIAL FLAG AND DISPLAY IT, IT DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING. !
    1. +11
      13 May 2014 14: 13
      Quote: Unknown

      Unfortunately, the imperial flag begins to be associated with marginalized groups of nationalists who during the swamp naturally merged with liberals in ecstasy, as was the case during the 1917 revolutions.
  4. -5
    13 May 2014 13: 56
    Monarchism is the atavism of human society, fortunately it has ceased to be aggressive. Therefore, it currently exists. Mankind has different perspectives ahead.
    1. Old Cynic
      13 May 2014 14: 35
      Justify NICK - issue perspective!!!
      Go ahead, what awaits us there? What is the most progressive system there? AND???
      1. +1
        13 May 2014 16: 00
        Perhaps a new policy tool will be referenda. Anyone who puts this tool at the service of their interests will be the biggest gain. This sounds somewhat unpleasant for our ear, but if you give the exact Greek synonym, then this is ochlocracy.
    2. +1
      13 May 2014 15: 42
      A giant, of course, but not thoughts but peremptory)). Dear Giant of thought, I would like to learn more about other prospects ..? I have such a feeling, this is not even a guess or a thought, but the feeling that you are familiar with dialectics. So, I won't say that everyone is obliged to accept it, but I repeat, it seems to me that the same monarchism is hidden behind other prospects, but at a higher stage of development, including the technological one. There is such a property in a person - to associate himself with the object of his activity and his attention. This was the case for monarchical dynasties until a certain time. The monarch associated himself with the empire and subjects, and subjects with the anointed of God. And even a national idea was not required to maintain this connection and unity of the empire, its controllability and vitality. I do not think that anyone in the empire was greatly oppressed by this state of affairs. But when these connections began somewhere artificially, not without outside help, but where and because of the personal mistakes of the monarch who did not fully understand the whole mechanism of interaction between the monarch and the empire of his subjects, aggravated by the lack of appropriate tools, they began to be disrupted, the empire collapsed. Now a different level of political technologies, other possibilities for managing all social processes, different tools and other possibilities in the system, which could be called "neo-monarchical". This is not an imposition, just an attempt to speculate about the possible future of countries that will be disappointed in the dying forms of "Western democracy". This is no longer the rule of the people, which means that the word "democracy" has ceased to correspond to the meaning originally put into it. "Substitution of concepts", this is what is happening now when imposing the so-called. democracy - what's in the west, what's here, what's in Ukraine. ProVangoval?)))
  5. +7
    13 May 2014 13: 59
    VERY strong article, Author, thanks! hi
    1. +8
      13 May 2014 14: 55
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      VERY strong article, Author, thanks! hi

      And may the soul of everyone who reads the article accept what was in the soul of the author who wrote it! There will be a Slavic Union under the Imperial Banner! There is no other way to prosperity and success. For Western civilization, there is only a "code of laws for spiders in a bank".
    2. ElektriK123
      13 May 2014 16: 17
      Gentlemen, I did not expect to meet like-minded people on the site!)
  6. +12
    13 May 2014 14: 01
    That was before: - "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland"
    later: "For the Motherland, for Stalin"
    AND NOW????
    An idea is needed ...
    1. +2
      13 May 2014 15: 07
      It's not the first year I've been saying why the triad "Order, Justice, Traditions" is bad
      1. +2
        13 May 2014 15: 45
        Quote: Gardamir
        what is bad about the triad "Order, justice, tradition"

        These are goals, in order to go to them you need a leader. Or at least the image of a leader (now this is the image of Stalin as an ideal ruler). Indeed, even faith in God needs to be reinforced with real images: in paganism these were idols, in Christianity - icons. hi
    2. +3
      13 May 2014 15: 20
      I would somewhat transform-For Faith, Fatherland and Tsar. In that order.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. Hon
      13 May 2014 15: 22
      Quote: Black and White
      An idea is needed ...

      Don't you think the idea sounds like a toast?
  7. +2
    13 May 2014 14: 09
    "The last argument of the kings", dear author, is artillery, which was written on the French cannons "ultima ratio regum".
  8. Unknown
    13 May 2014 14: 20
    Unfortunately, the imperial flag begins to be associated with marginalized nationalist groups

    I’m afraid that not even nationalists, but Hitler’s DOGS.
  9. +1
    13 May 2014 14: 21
    It’s not clear what’s what, I probably read inattentively, I’m to blame myself, I put a plus to the authorsmile
  10. Old Cynic
    13 May 2014 14: 32
    To the author - the deepest respect !!!
    And for the article, and for the raised idea.
    In my opinion, the idea of ​​the monarchy is that ONE is responsible for everything. Why is grandfather Stalin not a monarch? And he executed and had mercy ... And he loved and traxed, forgive, Lord, my sinful Soul ...
    So what? He is compared with Pidar I. What remains of Peter? The only Fleet - and that Catherine the Great rebuilt from scratch! And from Pidapcko, the first zemstvo innovations, Russia was still sick for a long time with blood.
    Here is a respected Yellow white asks: AND NOW? An idea is needed ...

    The fact of the matter is that we are not allowed to accept ideas coming "from the people"! If we, in the country of Russians, have the slogan "Russian means sober!, by the decision of some moron dressed in a judicial mantle, is recognized as extremist, then what more can I talk about?
    The maggot again entered the political arena under the name Kristina Potupchik; all kinds of metastases like Sobchak, Makarevich, Svanidze, Mikhalkov, Novodvorskaya do not stop broadcasting widely ...

    What idea of ​​monarchism can we talk about when embezzlers and traitors continue to occupy state and highest duties in industry? Who is responsible for this? The modern monarch Putin? Yes, he is not responsible for anything !!! Chubais has been stealing all his life - and he continues to steal. Already in the billions. And our Dmitrushko-Debilushko (the president of all Skolkovo, nano-Dimon, "Pathetic"), continues to broadcast that these are all temporary difficulties ... His grandmother was swept through the gate !!! Under grandfather Stalin, both he and his nominees would, at best, cut the forest naked ... And he holds the post of chairman (just like that - with a small letter!) ...
    1. Old Cynic
      13 May 2014 15: 08
      Once again I will say, not hoping for an answer: "Minus - explain yourself! What really injected into the eyes?
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. Hon
      13 May 2014 15: 16
      Why do you not Boris Tsar?
        13 May 2014 16: 50
        Quote: Hon
        Why do you not Boris Tsar?

        But the Tsar is not real! Live to take demons!
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. Hon
          13 May 2014 16: 52
          But the Tsar is not real! Live to take demons!

          And there is no guarantee that the king will be good.
      2. +2
        13 May 2014 17: 18
        This is not a king, this is a conceited idiot.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. Hon
          13 May 2014 17: 22
          Quote: JACTUS RECTUS
          This is not a king

          And imagine if there was, now the children would steer his country, although now they are taxing (not the kids, but some of his entourage)
          1. +1
            13 May 2014 17: 30
            I answered your hypothesis below, only there as an example of Peter 3.
    4. -1
      13 May 2014 15: 52
      Quote: Old Cynic
      The modern monarch Putin? Yes, he’s not responsible for anything !!!

      Yes, all this is understandable. But Stalin also robbed at one time, but then he changed his mind as they say. Vova now has a historical chance to change his mind; the people against the background of the confrontation with the West have forgiven him a lot.
      Another question, will you change your mind?
      1. Old Cynic
        13 May 2014 16: 29
        And here, dear, as they say, "the ways of the Lord are inscrutable" ...
        It is human nature to change over time and under the pressure of Life.
        But something I do not observe positive progress. There are a lot of conversations. But the real things ...
        Example: how many times did it say before May 9 about providing war veterans with a separate living space? Every year! And the GDP said, and the MDA ... And the cart, as they say, is still there. Well, yes, of course, these are not grandiose construction projects, there is not much to be rolled back. It’s easier to wait until the veterans themselves rest in God ...

        How many stories were there about how veterans in barracks were spending their time? Who sat down for not following the presidential decree?
        The government has implemented less than half of Putin’s decrees at the beginning of May. Who incurred personal responsibility?
        Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich uttered the most ingenious phrase: "Every accident has a surname, name and patronymic" ... This is so, to the afterword ...
        1. 0
          13 May 2014 18: 35
          Quote: Old Cynic
          Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich uttered the most ingenious phrase: "Every accident has a surname, name and patronymic" ... This is so, to the afterword ...

          Right. But I, personal opinion, still a little started to hope for improvement (in the light of recent events). Man is only alive by hope. As the saying goes - the war will show the plan. hi
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. Hon
        13 May 2014 16: 51
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        Vova is now a historical chance to change his mind

        Vova has long held on to foreign policy. This is his main advantage, here he is really a grandmaster. But the internal one is lame for a long time, and now there are no prerequisites for changes.
        1. 0
          13 May 2014 18: 40
          Quote: Hon
          But the inner one is lame for a long time, and now there are no prerequisites for changes.

          There are prerequisites, albeit very weak. request Maybe sanctions will still force our powers that be to expand economic expansion within the country? At least I hope so.
  11. +3
    13 May 2014 14: 36
    Hurray for the Tsar! Give Autocracy! And this is without irony. The advantages of the Russian Kingdom for me became obvious 15 years ago. When I mentally juxtaposed our royal power, an interesting thing turned out. It turned out that we lived and live all the time, namely, with the STATE (Secretary General, President - because of the "shyness" of the authorities), and attempts to obscure the people with materialism-communism or market-democracy do not lead to anything. The author is right, they are trying to force us to "be ashamed" of our nature, they are dragging us into an empty useless dispute: are we the East or the West? RUS = NORTH (Not Europe or Asia, but the Arctic, our roots are in it), for this reason alone, geopolitically, we are an original civilization with our own traditions and cultural values.
    1. Old Cynic
      13 May 2014 14: 39
      In other words - You give PERSONAL responsibility for the deed during the reign!

      And then, on the contrary, under YOBN-ut the law was adopted on non-jurisdiction for acts at the head of state ...
      1. +1
        13 May 2014 15: 26
        It would be necessary to cancel. Until DAM retired
        1. Old Cynic
          13 May 2014 15: 44
          And de not only DAM, but also GDP!
      2. 0
        14 May 2014 21: 43
        Democratic monarchism is the equal responsibility before the law of any member of the society from the peasant and the worker to the monarch or president with the prime minister! And vice versa!
  12. -2
    13 May 2014 14: 37
    that's just about the monarchy in the article there are practically no arguments.
    for the monarchy has the right to exist along with democracy and other ways of organizing society.
  13. +3
    13 May 2014 14: 46
    It seems to me that the author of corleone2626, like most graphomania enthusiasts, completely in vain contrasts his subjective impressions of the world with an objective environment in it wink
    my views are somewhat hypertrophied extreme, not true

    Well, with the first part - I see. And otkel Do you know the parameters of the second - objective reality?
    Why is it "considered" that Russian is a shame?

    Who is considered? In my social circle, work, hobbies, etc. - that doesn't count. And if this is not in "my world", I have the right to believe that this does not exist at all in reality? If not, why does the author have such a right. Is he a theurgist or does he work in a federal sociological structure?
    It is not customary to consider yourself a Slav. Anyone - a Ukrainian, a Belarusian, a Russian, but not a Slav ... From all my strength, cracking at the seams, paradigm of shame something to be proud of.

    What anger would be called by name everyone who instills this paradigm of shame in order to illustrate a process that I do not see.
    there is no more acceptable state structure than an empire. Yes Yes. High took, is not it?

    No, that's fine. A huge number of people live with such ideas and consider them normal.
    I, including wife, friends.
    1. 0
      13 May 2014 15: 30
      Excuse me. I will add.
      Quote: BigRiver
      Why is it "considered" that Russian is a shame?

      Show me someone who thinks so. I'd like to talk "tete-na-tete". Find out how much (in the sense of lope it is worth) to be ashamed? ABOUT what will get up so that you are not ashamed? And will the "national pride of the Great Russians" be worth?
      If they are very ashamed, then let them wander where others do not care about their nationality!
  14. +3
    13 May 2014 14: 55
    The last representative of the Russian monarchy, Mr. Romanov, was not the most successful ruler and the overwhelming masses overthrew him with great joy and all sorts of classes participated in this. Maybe let's not rush with the monarchies?
    1. +2
      13 May 2014 15: 04
      Quote: Good cat
      The last representative of the Russian monarchy, Mr. Romanov

      Quote: Good cat
      Maybe let's not rush with the monarchies?

      he is the last representative of the Romanov dynasty, but not the last monarch in Russian statehood
    2. +2
      13 May 2014 15: 12
      But Putin is dying, and what shall we do? This same mess will begin! Immediately all the presidents will want to become! And the Germans and Zhirinovsky and Medvedev and the woman Lera! There is no successor!
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. Hon
        13 May 2014 15: 19
        Quote: perfect100
        Putin is dying, and what shall we do? This same mess will begin! Immediately all the presidents will want to become! And the Germans and Zhirinovsky and Medvedev and the woman Lera! There is no successor!

        Yes, it’s hard for you without a shepherd.
        1. +1
          13 May 2014 15: 38
          Quote: Hon
          Yes, it’s hard for you without a shepherd.

          sorry stupid
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. Hon
            13 May 2014 15: 45
            Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
            sorry stupid

            Well, really so. we need a king. where are we without Putin? c'mon receiver We will live without Putin, as well as with Putin. If Primakov had been chosen at the time, it would have been better.

            Peter III king, monarch, emperor. do you want this?
            1. Old Cynic
              13 May 2014 16: 03
              Not. I personally want someone like Stalin.
            2. 0
              13 May 2014 16: 05
              Quote: Hon
              Peter III king, monarch, emperor. do you want this?

              It happens. But according to statistics and personal notes, as a result of the "democratic" elections, many more scoundrels came to power than as a result of the transfer of power by inheritance. hi
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. Hon
                13 May 2014 16: 21
                Quote: Ingvar 72
                It happens. But according to statistics and personal notes, as a result of the "democratic" elections, many more scoundrels came to power than as a result of the transfer of power by inheritance.

                Controversial. There are already a lot of negative examples in our history.
              3. Old Cynic
                13 May 2014 16: 22
                Bravo! Exactly!
            3. +2
              13 May 2014 17: 26
              The problem is that the probability of a monarch of an unworthy throne is great, we need an instrument of influence or re-election of the monarch.
              As for Primakov, it’s you in vain, he occupied the place which he was worthy, people like him are not able to be rulers of great countries, only advisers.
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. Hon
                13 May 2014 17: 31
                Quote: JACTUS RECTUS
                As for Primakov, it’s you in vain, he occupied the place which he was worthy, people like him are not able to be rulers of great countries, only advisers.

                How do you know? Putin for a long time was not visible and not heard until he was brought to the stage. He was a bribe-bearer of Sobchak, held high positions in St. Petersburg, then a short time director of the FSB.
                I am impressed by Primakov because of his views on the economy; they are more productive than Putin's. Well, alright, what can I talk about? It became how it became.
                1. +2
                  13 May 2014 17: 40
                  The character must be appropriate, will, charisma and much more. Regarding the economy, you are right, there is only one thing, but successful economic policy is not possible without political will, we can see this from the example of the European vassals of the United States.
            4. 0
              13 May 2014 18: 17
              Quote: Hon
              Well, really so. we need a king. where are we without Putin? c'mon receiver We will live without Putin, as well as with Putin. If Primakov had been chosen at the time, it would have been better.

              whether you like it or not, but without a leader, no state can exist and that’s not because
          3. Old Cynic
            13 May 2014 16: 02
            No, dear, you can’t even call this stupidity ...
        2. +3
          13 May 2014 16: 02
          Quote: Hon
          Yes, it’s hard for you without a shepherd.

          Yes, it’s hard for everyone without him. In the family, this role is played by the father, the master at work, the commander in the army. For the normal functioning of society, you need a leader, or as you put it, a shepherd. and for a normal society - normal shepherd. Under the shepherd EBN, we were really like sheep from all sides. The current team of shepherds is also in doubt, which is why the whole country is nostalgic for Stalin.
          Need a shepherd, hard without him. hi
          1. Hon
            13 May 2014 16: 10
            Quote: Ingvar 72
            that is why the whole country is nostalgic for Stalin.

            Yes, why aren’t they nostalgic for us? Who is according to Stalin, who is according to Hitler (all of Moscow in crosses), who is according to the ancient Slavs (Praslovites), who were read about in the Velis book, but in Ukraine it is fashionable now to nostalgia for ancient Ukrainians.
          2. The comment was deleted.
          13 May 2014 17: 04
          Quote: Hon
          Yes, it’s hard for you without a shepherd.

          If the herd is large, a few herds, and jackal wolves want to eat deliciously, then a shepherd (helmsman) with sub-supplies (helpers) is needed, and there will be shepherd dogs by hand. So your words are not uttered with great intelligence. After all, it is necessary to feed the herd, let the voditsa get drunk, then milk and butter will also be litter. Without a shepherd, the herd will flee, poison the cornfields, in a word: there will be trouble, ruining the au pair!
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. Hon
            13 May 2014 17: 16
            If the herd is large, a few herds, and jackal wolves want to eat deliciously, then a shepherd (helmsman) with sub-supplies (helpers) is needed, and there will be shepherd dogs by hand. So your words are not uttered with great intelligence. After all, it is necessary to feed the herd, let the voditsa get drunk, then milk and butter will also be litter. Without a shepherd, the herd will flee, poison the cornfields, in a word: there will be trouble, ruining the au pair!

            And if Ludi is not a flock, and a man is not a sheep? Or can you reason only from the position of cattle?
              13 May 2014 17: 59
              Quote: Hon
              if ludi

              What is "ludi"?
              Quote: Hon
              Or can you reason only from the position of cattle?

              Boy, I think like a person who helped more experienced shepherds to graze cattle, only it was a long time ago. For individuals who are satisfied with the spreading on this thread, accuse the opponent of the "cattle position" the easiest way to turn the discussion into a dog dump, since you have not read and understood my parable and answered the merits of the discussion question.
              Are you offended by the fact that you laughed at your (no doubt!) Beloved politician? So him, except overseas and zapadlo-hebopher I didn’t appreciate the owners.
              1. Hon
                13 May 2014 20: 24
                What is "ludi"?

                typo. do not you have?
                helping herder cattle to more experienced shepherds

                what wonderful allegories. so how does cattle graze?
                Understand the people are not a flock, and he needs a shepherd as a tripper hare.
                  14 May 2014 12: 22
                  Quote: Hon
                  typo. do not you have?

                  Check out my comments. Find - inform.
                  Quote: Hon
                  Well, how does cattle graze?

                  In different ways, in the heat, in the cold wind, in the rain, in the mud, everything happened. Consider for yourself that daylight hours minus three hours, everything is on our own two feet. Earlier, under Leonid Brezhnev, the herd was over 200 goals, and dropped out one (two) times a season per season. Now, with the "democrats", with a growing population, they graze three (four) times a season and guess from three attempts: why more often?
                  Quote: Hon
                  Understand the people do not herd

                  Explain this to your children when they grow up.
                  Quote: Hon
                  needed as a tripper hare

                  You know better about the "rabbit" diseases, once mentioned.
      3. 0
        13 May 2014 15: 45
        Quote: perfect100
        There is no successor!

        and the monarch has a HEIR, and this is already +
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. Hon
          13 May 2014 15: 47
          Quote: wasjasibirjac
          and the monarch has a HEIR, and this is already +

          The main thing is that nature on this heir does not rest
  15. +3
    13 May 2014 14: 57
    About monarchism, sorry, nothing. There is an approach to Pan-Slavism. But the empire is NADNational state formation. The empire is not based on consanguinity, but on the idea. Moreover, an empire is not necessarily a monarchy. In the Roman Empire, the emperors were consuls, augusts (not monarchs). If the author believes that the Tatar (who is not Slavic - Turk, a little of what) is not his own, and the Pole (Slav) is his own, then he has no chance to build an empire, he is definitely not an imperial, and he won’t save Russia either: the Pole he will not go to him, and the Tatar will leave. So about patriotism is also off topic. Maybe only in the incoherence of the author’s judgments is the confusion of modern consciousness presented, which partially reveals the topic of the article.
    1. +2
      13 May 2014 15: 52
      that is exactly what it is. However, Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism and Catholicism have different paths in the spiritual plan. In Russia, everything is mixed up with a Tatar son-in-law, a brother in law Magyar, and you yourself are half Volga German, half Ural Cossack, and daughter-in-law Jewish. how to define grandchildren? and the answer is simple to the surprise of how we grow them ourselves. Here from this postulate and proceed. Learn to respect the elders, the readiness to defend the Homeland and which path to God they will choose, by and large it’s not important.
      1. 0
        13 May 2014 16: 13
        Quote: ty60
        The Ural Cossack, and the daughter-in-law of a Jew. And how to define grandchildren?

        Jews are grandchildren, definitely. According to all Jewish laws, they can obtain Israeli citizenship. (Michael Douglas was refused - his mother is not Jewish, Chubais was offered the opposite)
        Your thought is correct, but okromya Jews. hi
    2. 0
      13 May 2014 15: 52
      Stanislav, I absolutely agree with you.
      It is confusion of thinking, wandering without purpose through historical nooks, insights at the genetic level that lead to a distorted perception of reality.
      In the course of general history, there are the concepts of "Eastern despotism" and "Western democracies."
      The term "despotism" does not need to be understood in an accusatory sense, it was just that they agreed to call state structures with a successive mode of government. This was later inflated by the "enlightened monarchy" and the like.
      Eastern despotism is no worse and no better than Western democracy simply because they are fundamentally different and in demand precisely where the ethnos (simplified-people) accepts them as a fundamental instrument of government.
      The author of the article piled on one heap of self-identity and imperial spirit.
      Meanwhile, the Russian Empire included a large number of peoples and nationalities (the Tatars, by the way, contributed no less to the formation of statehood than the Russians).
      Therefore, equalizing Slavism and imperial traditions is not only wrong, but also dangerous (smacks of Nietzsche and Goebbels).
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. Hon
      13 May 2014 16: 37
      Well, all the same, there is something negative in the empire that is depressing. Empire conquers, annexes and enslaves. USA is an example of an empire in the modern world. Personally, I am more inclined simply to a strong state, a power if you want.
  16. +2
    13 May 2014 15: 02
    An empire (from lat. Imperium - power) is a powerful military power uniting different peoples and territories into a single state.

    Russia-Muscovy-Russian Empire - USSR - The Russian Federation has always been an imperial entity, and as soon as the center became weak, disintegration occurred.
    Monrach (whatever you call him) was the guarantor of integrity.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. Hon
      13 May 2014 16: 47
      As an empire, we began to form under Peter.
      1. +1
        13 May 2014 18: 24
        Quote: Hon
        As an empire, we began to form under Peter

        I beg you, enough parsley to put in the head.
        Do not remind us when we began to grow in Siberia ?!
  17. +2
    13 May 2014 15: 12
    A non-aggressive empire is good for our open spaces and many peoples! During the periods of our imperialism, all our peoples only developed and prospered! And they are not trying to impose democracy in the monarchies now existing in Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Japan, etc. What about the Libyan Jamahiriya?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. Hon
      13 May 2014 16: 59
      in these countries there is no autocracy, and the monarchy is simply a tribute to tradition. Why should we revive the monarchy if we abandoned this tradition? France and Germany were also monarchies.
  18. +1
    13 May 2014 15: 14
    The author really raised a topic that everyone thought about, but for some reason were afraid to talk about. Respect is clear.
  19. +1
    13 May 2014 15: 20
    Monarchism is not social in nature, it is aimed at serving the welfare of a narrow category of society, classically divides this society, initially laying a mine on its split, which history has shown beautifully, the current oligarchic capitalism, although pale, but just as well does not work for the good of everything society, hence the place of monarchism in the dustbin of history
    1. +1
      13 May 2014 16: 14
      Quote: saag
      Monarchism is not social in nature, it is aimed at serving the welfare of a narrow category of society, classically divides this society,

      What about democracy in its current form? request
      1. +1
        13 May 2014 16: 39
        democracy is just a form of elections, not a political system, the current form is capitalism, or rather oligarchic capitalism, as I have already said, it doesn’t bring anything good to people
        1. 0
          13 May 2014 18: 03
          Quote: saag
          democracy is just a form of elections, not a political system, the current form is capitalism,

          Life is so arranged that as a result of democratic elections, the rich and the cunning win over the strong and smart. With any system. The leader will die without leaving an heir, and that’s all, dry the oars. Stalin died, the country began to slowly slide into the abyss.
  20. Iar elterrus
    13 May 2014 15: 31
    You are absolutely right. Only Empire! Only she will lift people into space. A democracy that spends more on lipstick and perfume than on space exploration is simply not needed.
  21. Vladislav
    13 May 2014 15: 33
    After all, our ancestors somehow lived on the same land with the Tatars, Bashkirs and other peoples, without any monarchy for at least about 6 years. And this is according to the last Slavic calendar, which finally abolished petr500 (now the 1nd summer is according to this calendar). In general, the pre-Christian past of Russia (in contrast to IZ-TORA-I) (before 7522 from opens a lot of eyes, even a simple acquaintance with the un-castrated Russian (or rather, probably Slavic) alphabet (containing 988 letters).
    1. Old Cynic
      13 May 2014 15: 47
      Dear, what are you talking about? Want to ask something, ala to ask about what?
      (unlike IZ-TORA-I) - Are you a selfless adherent of Zadornov?

      For the information of those who passed the exam - in the chronology "Christmas", abbreviated written in capsuleif you will be more understandable.
      1. Vladislav
        13 May 2014 15: 59
        Yes, I mean that the monarchy is not particularly impressive ... But Zadornov, for the most part, is an artist, too true a malicious one (what is he already gaining adherents to? ..Already selfless?)
        In 1986 from "R.Kh.", the Unified State Exam was not yet. A "x." since - I do not pray for executed Jews, since I have my own ancestors.
        1. Old Cynic
          13 May 2014 16: 06
          Ah, here you are about ... Then, be so kind as you are, give examples from the so-unloved From You-Torah-I, when the states rose and flourished - in the left column - under democracy, and in the right - under the monarchy (strong ruler )
          1. Vladislav
            13 May 2014 16: 58
            You probably misunderstood me - I am not a supporter of democracy. It is thanks to the creators of Is-Torah-I that I (yes, I think others) know very little about the structure of the tribal system (since the annals in which the past was described are mostly destroyed), in which, according to some available information, the aristocrats ruled (as I understand it, the best representatives of the birth). Try not to lie - Aristotle (I can’t vouch that it was he) considered the Aristocracy (the system and not the caste of people) the fairest form of public administration. Democracy, in his opinion, is the worst of all that can be thought up in this area. From tyranny, he seems also was not enthusiastic. I do not know, he perceived tyranny and monarchy as one and the same?
            My opinion about the monarchy - in the absence of "best representatives" of clans, castes, estates (etc.) - in Russia at the present time, the monarchy will not lead to good. Those people who are now at the top (the imaginary "aristocracy") have not yet "got drunk" to such an extent that they have a conscience (exceptions of course are visible).
        2. Old Cynic
          13 May 2014 16: 16
          So you graduated from school in 1986? I am sincerely sorry for your teachers ... They could not teach you the grammar rules generally accepted in the USSR.
          And nefik on
          Jews executed
          to pray if the formation is lame.

          So still, what about the request? Will you give some examples?
          1. Vladislav
            13 May 2014 17: 22
            And nefik on (the test word is not fiGa?) ..
            How is it with the teachers?
            Grammar suffers - I’m in a hurry, and the penultimate 20 years I had to work more with construction tools, and not poke my keyboard, I lost my knowledge. Yes, and I print with two fingers :) .. for the same reason I will refuse with examples - I will have to print until the morning, and I also work at the moment. So sorry.
  22. +1
    13 May 2014 15: 49
    I bought into the title of the article and, being naive, thought that it would really be about monarchism. In fact, a monarchy, one of the oldest methods of government, which in one form or another still exists in some countries. So, an intelligent and detailed conversation about the pros and cons of this method would not hurt. If only because the manifestations of monarchism, in one form or another, actually take place. Even in such "democratic" countries as the United States. The same Roosevelt turned out to be so nice to ordinary Americans that, in violation of their own Constitution, they elected him as their president four times (!!!) and were ready to agree with his lifetime rule. In the USSR, the Stalin phenomenon is also one of this series. Yes, the same Putin today - say that he is going to steer until the end of his days, the country will not stand on its hind legs - the liberals will rustle a little on Bolotnaya, and that will be the end of it. But, this is so from the realm of fantasy.
    Quote: saag
    Monarchism is not social in nature,

    Well, that's how to say it. And what is social "by nature"? The reforms of Roosevelt, de Gaulle, among other things, contained a very decent component. Speaking of monarchism, I do not mean, of course, any European rabble from the so-called "House of Romanovs", claiming power in Russia. These must be driven out of here with a filthy broom. In general, the conversation on this topic did not work out. So, some emotions.
  23. 0
    13 May 2014 15: 51
    Quote: Old Cynic

    What idea of ​​monarchism can we talk about when embezzlers and traitors continue to occupy state and highest duties in industry? Who is responsible for this? The modern monarch Putin? Yes, he is not responsible for anything !!! Chubais has been stealing all his life - and he continues to steal. Already in the billions. And our Dmitrushko-Debilushko (the president of all Skolkovo, nano-Dimon, "Pathetic"), continues to broadcast that these are all temporary difficulties ... His grandmother was swept through the gate !!! Under grandfather Stalin, both he and his nominees would, at best, cut the forest naked ... And he holds the post of chairman (just like that - with a small letter!) ...

    I sidelize a little. The monarchy is so good that the monarch will not be able to steal, because he alone, he will not allow the next subjects. But the subjects will not, because in the idea of ​​a monarchy it is impossible to allow stealing from oneself (the monarch), from one’s own country. This is a circular anti-bail. :).

    But all this is not that. Corruption has reached such proportions that it is necessary to fight against it almost by military actions, roughly speaking, by war. But to fight against such a huge number of enemies of the people (and they have both money and power, and means and many, many other things), one can only have an ideological army that is not connected with enemies or through family and non-friendly ties. Well this is not real.

    Therefore, we must somehow carefully deal with the destruction of these thieves, and moreover, so that others do not get bored against the future monarch.

    Time will tell.

    ps is not my minus in your comments
    1. Old Cynic
      13 May 2014 16: 12
      Yes, I, dear, I personally do not blame you, sorry.
      The monarchy is so good that the monarch will not be able to steal, because he alone, he will not allow the next subjects. But the subjects will not, because in the idea of ​​a monarchy it is impossible to allow stealing from oneself (the monarch), from one’s own country. This is a circular anti-bail. :)

      Here you are wrong! The whole history of Russia is the history of continuous embezzlement. The only difference is that one monarch knew and indulged embezzlement, while the other knew and mercilessly chopped off his shoulder, regardless of gender, age, rank, rank and merit.
      With something, Stalin Zhukov pushed aside, huh?

      But to fight against such a huge number of enemies of the people (and they have both money and power, and funds and many, many other things) can only be done with an ideological army that is not connected with the enemies or through family and non-friendly ties. Well this is not real.

      Alas, yes. The Bolsheviks once and for all put an end to the royal embezzlers, but the embezzlers of the Bolsheviks immediately replaced them. Everything is according to the law: nature does not tolerate emptiness.
      But, I will repeat for the hundredth time: it is necessary to fight corruption really, without making allowances for the neighboring house in the Ozero cooperative !!!
  24. 0
    13 May 2014 15: 53
    It’s good that there are people who touch on such topics. My opinion is the monarchy is a good idea. After her fall, she was vulgarized, the monarch should be like a father to the people as a symbol - the unifying force has always been like in Russia, it’s another matter that, given the era, if it was possible to restore the monarchy, it requires some modern adjustment.
  25. 3vs
    13 May 2014 16: 18
    Probably you shouldn’t be very upset with the author.
    It seems to me - a young man who recently graduated from a university with a humanitarian education,
    expressed his thoughts tormenting the soul.

    The monarchy in Russia died along with the abdication of Nicholas II.

    According to the GDP, everyone needs to use their hoes to bind their beds, then there will be order in the country.
    You may not agree with me, but I would put the GDP next to Alexander II.
    Yes, he comes from the KGB with his worldview from our Soviet era,
    but I am glad that Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, realizing that he is not pulling the president,
    it’s necessary to seek a successor worthy of Russia, but still chose Putin and not Boris Nemtsov or
    someone from the same clip.

    And if someone wants to seriously think about the meaning of life, Orthodoxy and something deep,
    I advise you to watch the lectures of the professor of the Theological Academy Alexei Ilyich Osipov.
    His lectures are broadcast on the Soyuz TV channel on Saturdays and Sundays at 22.00, and there are websites with his lectures on the Internet.
    In no case is it an advertisement for him, just information for consideration.
      13 May 2014 17: 14
      Quote: 3vs
      not Boris Nemtsov or someone from the same clips.

      ... from the same codes.
  26. 0
    13 May 2014 16: 28
    I am not against Putin. Let steers. He's doing great.
  27. 0
    13 May 2014 16: 35
    What is the appeal of a monarchy? first of all, in its succession, and the fact that one ruler is not limited in terms of reform and creation. A leapfrog with a change in course every 4-6 years somehow does not favor stability ... We were lucky with GDP, but who will be after it? and where he will lead the country another question. I am also for the monarchy, but so far only theoretically, because in addition to the GDP I’m not nominating, but he is already young, and there is no heir ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. Hon
      13 May 2014 16: 41
      Putin already has more power than many monarchs, Brezhnev too. In the west there are examples of Berlusconi and Churchill. We can set the time ourselves, which is convenient for us.
      1. 0
        13 May 2014 16: 53
        This is entirely possible, only GDP has gone ... and then what? And the heir prepares his whole life for governing the state, both morally and economically, and so on. Although this is also not ideal, they haven’t come up with a better one yet ... Democracy has not justified itself, All the so-called democracies have not turned out to be such.
        1. 3vs
          13 May 2014 17: 09
          It seems to me that the GDP as always has someone on a rainy day,
          hardly Dmitry Anatolyevich.
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. Hon
          13 May 2014 17: 11
          Quote: Sochi
          And the heir prepares his whole life for governing the state, both morally and economically, and so on.

          And if the heir turns out to be piderast, and decides to drive rainbow parades, and allow animal marriages, then what? And you can’t remove it, and there is no choice, the monarchy of the autocracy is all things. Imagine if Navalny or Nemtsov was from a noble family and had the right to the throne. How do you like this prospect? Our and foreign history shows a huge number of examples not in favor of the monarchy. Just the same, under the elective system, a person prepares all his life, gains experience, forms his managerial qualities, and as a result, when he comes to power, he is an accomplished person. And Putin will leave, another will come, we can choose from his own team.
  28. 0
    13 May 2014 16: 54
    I'll put in my "five cents"
    It is obvious how much does not oppose this: we are one civilization; Europe, the USA and their friends are different; Japan, China, Taiwan - the third; Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran - fourth.
    I translate: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam ... Maybe you should look at the problem from this point?
    1. 0
      13 May 2014 17: 03
      And what about those who believe neither in God nor in hell?
  29. 0
    13 May 2014 16: 55
    Quote: 3vs
    I am glad that Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, realizing that he is not pulling the president,
    it’s necessary to seek a successor worthy of Russia, but still chose Putin and not Boris Nemtsov or
    someone from the same clip.

    Do you think you chose EBN? I hope this is not so.
    1. 3vs
      13 May 2014 17: 14
      I think that he himself made the decision by looking at both Boris Nemtsov and
      for kinder surprise and other contenders.
      GDP man with charisma and a stranglehold.
      Well, it’s not Boris Abramych who prompted him, but Lebed is still very
      I wanted to become the King, but it didn’t work out.

      In general, everything is in the hands of God, we deserve that ruler,
      which are worthy.
  30. 0
    13 May 2014 18: 09
    1. Democracy is possible only in a sovereign country with a national bourgeoisie.
    2. Democracy is not possible in a country with an oligarchy (implies democracy aimed at the sovereignty and interests of the people)
    3. For the necessary national reforms need tough Power. That is, we will actually be in a pre-mobilization position, where any procrastination associated with turtles of democratic reconciliation only allows us to finish us off on the march.
    4. Long U-turn towards space. The global need for transforming geopolitics in the field of energy resources has long been identified. It's time to put nuclear power plants and solar power sources on our natural satellite. The urgent task is to strengthen the development in the transportation of flows of significant possibilities of microwave and laser energy over long distances. There is also a solution to environmental and warming problems.
  31. Ivan 63
    13 May 2014 18: 34
    Author-long, tedious, not everyone understands, so people do not wake up. It is much easier, easier to understand and more correct to point to the enemy, including the internal one.
  32. +1
    13 May 2014 19: 46
    Not well ... the monarchy is a trend in this ... crazy world. laughing
    Don't be ashamed of your "complexes".
    The question is more to the details ... what a monarchy ... what an elite ... and the question of the presence of massive social elevators, not hereditary but deserved!
    The main argument against the monarchy is corruption in Russia.
    The main argument against communism is equalization and self-limitation of needs for the good of the goal.
    Corruption is self-restraint of needs ... veiled by the stupidity and stupidity of the authorities ... They steal, s.
    Throughout the 18,19,20 century, in the Russian Empire there was a flourishing of corruption and a flourishing of fertility ... it is a fact! European countries began to move to cities early on the background of the industrial revolution and their families were almost 2 times less than in the Russian outback ... So that quantitatively we were catching up with Europe under the kings.Fact.And why were they catching up? So the only allies in the allies were the army and navy, but they never heard of nuclear weapons.
    In 1812, the quantitative superiority of Napoleon's army. All of Europe "came to visit us". Let me remind you ... Napoleon began to en masse to call the people under arms.
    So the question of quantity was decisive ...
    Fiercely and cruelly, but the Empire grew quantitatively! Consider this the military communism of the Russian tsars. bully
    Here ...
    but corruption today is no longer necessary ... atavism.
    Like egalitarianism ... for also atavism.
    The modern monarchy in Russia may well be a social state (technology allows) with a carte blanche for initiative and enterprising people with the knowledge ... that capitalism is a double-edged sword and, moreover, relying on traditions from time immemorial ...
    What could be better?
    Monarchists of all countries unite winked
    Fighting corruption ... easy.
    Just declare that the war with it is over. Distribute certificates of great achievements in this area and take away assets. God forbid to hang and shoot.
    In our country, this is the 3rd century cultivated by all poets and writers. laughing