America versus England. Part 7. Nazi Drang nach Osten postponed until better times

America versus England. Part 7. Nazi Drang nach Osten postponed until better times

The Bulgarian revolutionary of Macedonian origin, ordered by the Croatian nationalists with the blessing of the German intelligence services, kills the Yugoslav king and the French foreign minister, and then it turns out that this was also a step towards war in Russia ...

In the last part, we dwelt on the fact that after the split of the anti-Soviet camp put together by Britain in the 1934 year of America, Germany faced the need to annex Austria to defeat Czechoslovakia and the subsequent invasion of the Soviet Union. Europe and America, obviously, have an idea in their blood to solve their own problems at the expense of Russia, it does not matter, even if it is Tsarist, Soviet or democratic. For example, nowadays, America, along with the European Union, has unleashed a civil war in Ukraine and has been diligently engaging Russia in a military conflict. It is not by chance that Russia for NATO has moved from the category of "partner" to the category of "enemy".

"February 11 1934 United Press telegraphed from London:" Since Nazi Germany became the center of the new fascist movement, the whole continent has become an arena of agitation and violence by those who believe that the old form of government is doomed ". The term "fifth column" was then still unknown. But the secret vanguard of the German High Command has already launched its offensive against the peoples of Europe. French Cagoulards and "fiery cross" English "fascist Union", the Belgian reksisty, P.O.V. Polish, Czechoslovak and genleynovtsy Guard Glinka kvislingovtsy Norwegian, Romanian "Iron Guard", Bulgarian Imro, lyapuasstsy Finnish, Lithuanian "Iron Wolf , The Latvian Fire Cross and many other secret societies created by the Nazis or reorganized counter-revolutionary leagues have already begun their work, clearing the way for the victories of the German army and the enslavement of the continent and preparing an attack on the Soviet Union. Here is an incomplete list of the most important acts of Nazi-fascist terror committed shortly after Hitler came to power:

October 1933. Murder in Lviv (Poland), secretary of the Soviet embassy Alexei Mailov, agents of the OUN, a terrorist organization of Ukrainian nationalists, funded by the Nazis.
December 1933. Murder of the Romanian Prime Minister Jon Duc by the “Iron Guard”, an organization of the Nazi-Romanian terrorists.
February 1934. Mutiny in Paris, raised by the French organization "Fire Crosses", inspired by the Nazis.
March 1934. The attempted coup in Estonia prepared by the Nazi-funded Fascist Freedom Union.
May 1934 The fascist coup in Bulgaria, an attempt of the coup in Latvia, organized by the Baltic Brotherhood, which was under the control of the Nazis.
June 1934. The assassination of the Polish Interior Minister, General Bronislaw Peracki, by agents of the OUN, the terrorist organization of Ukrainian nationalists, funded by the Nazis.
Killing by agents of the OUN Ivan Bibiy, the head of the "Organization of Catholic Action" in Poland.
Attempt a major insurgency in Lithuania, prepared by the Nazi organization "Iron Wolf". (Sayers M., Kan A. The Secret War against Soviet Russia. - M .: Algorithm, 2012. - S. 244).

In May, 1934, when “it became clear that Hindenburg had not long to live ... Hitler ... at a meeting with Defense Minister General von Blomberg aboard the cruiser" Germany "... bargained for the presidency in exchange for the CA" (Preparata GD Hitler, Inc. How Britain and the United States created the Third Reich //, and “Norman specifically visited Berlin,“ to agree on the secret financial support of the new regime. Hitler responded to courtesy of Norman, appointing his close friend Mine (July 30 1934 - SL) as economics minister and president of Reichsbank (U. Engdahl's Centenary of War: Anglo-American Petroleum Policy and the New World Order // http: //

In June 1934, an “aged field marshal fell ill” (Preparata GD, Ibid.), A. Hitler cracked down on the opposition in the ranks of the NSDAP, and “the Polish government ... intended to send a note to the US government about refusing to pay military debts” (S. Morozov On the issue of the secret annex to the Polish-German declaration of 26 in January 1934 of the year ( “Despite the ideological commonality of the two fascist dictators, Hitler’s first meeting with Mussolini, held on June 14-15 on June 1934 in Venice, did not lead to any agreement between them. Following this, Mussolini defiantly conducted great maneuvers in South Tyrol. ” (Rozanov GL Germany under the rule of fascism (1933-1939). - M .: IMO Publishing House, 1961 - C. 282 // ROZANOV_GERMAN_1961.htm # с_281).

In July, 1934, Germany entered into a “transfer agreement with England, considered one of the“ pillars of British policy towards the Third Reich ”and presented to international concerns (“ Shell ”,“ Anglo-pershen ”,“ Standard Oil ”) a plan according to which Germany was supposed to import 1 million tons of oil products on credit for about 250 million dollars. According to the norms of the Anglo-German agreement, “The Third Reich was allowed to accumulate a significant surplus in trade with Britain; this surplus could be converted into a freely convertible pound sterling, which the Nazis could use to purchase any goods necessary for re-equipment in the world imperial markets of Britain; The main items of such imports were rubber and copper. By the end of the decade, Nazi Germany had become Britain’s main trading partner. For example, in 1937, it acquired British goods twice as many as two continents combined, and four times more than the United States ”(Preparata GD Decree. Op. // / book / read / 103531? p = 77).

As for Germany’s creation of an oil national reserve, the American consul in Hamburg, Ehrhardt, explained its creation “in case of emergency or, in other words, in case of war.” S.V. Morozov pays "special attention to this evidence of a western diplomat who among the first officials, albeit of a low rank, called the true motives of the oil deal - preparation for a war in which the Nazis and Western oil concerns took part. The delivery of the stipulated petroleum products was to be carried out within 4 months after payment. ...

1 November The 1934 Berlin signed the Anglo-German agreement, which "provided Germany with the free currency that it so needed for the purchase of strategic raw materials." At the same time, the head of the English-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell, Sir Henry Deterding, intended to come and see Hitler. Between November 1934 and April 1935, according to the obligations of the oil companies, oil was delivered, and the Reich had a much-desired strategic reserve. This allowed the Nazis to buy weapons and significantly intensify preparations for war ”(S. Morozov, Ibid.).

“In August 1934, the American Standard Oil purchased 730 acres of land in Germany and built large oil refineries that supplied the Nazis with oil. At the same time, the most modern equipment for aviation factories, which will begin production of German aircraft. Germany received a large number of military patents from the American firms Pratt and Whitney, Douglas, Bendix Aviation, and the Junkers-87 was built using American technologies. By 1941, when the Second World War was raging, American investments in the German economy amounted to 475 million dollars. Standard Oil invested 120 million in it, General Motors - 35 million, ITT - 30 million, and Ford - 17,5 million " (Rubtsov Yu. Hitler took a loan for the world war from America //

The penetration of American capital into the German economy was so great that it influenced the conduct of hostilities after the outbreak of World War II. In particular, “when some members of parliament began demanding from the government the bombing of the German military factories in the Black Forest, Sir Kingsley Wood (Minister of Aviation) gave such demands a severe rebuke:“ Do you understand that this is private property? ”(Preparat GD Decree. cit. // Not by chance, for example, “none of the tankers of the Standard Oil concern was torpedoed by the German Navy, while ships of other American companies operating on other routes suffered such a fate” (Higham C. Trade with the enemy. Like America helped Hitler //, and Cologne Ford was “not affected by the Allied bombings. Without stopping the conveyor, immediately after the war, he continued to assemble modernized machines ”(Kochnev, ED, Military vehicles of the Wehrmacht and its allies. - M .: Yauza; Eksmo, 2009. - C. 161).

But both General Motors'-controlled main Opel plants were severely destroyed in the summer of 1944 by the bombing of Allied aviation and “in 1967, after repeated requests, the US administration exempted the corporation from paying tax on the amount of income in 33 million dollars due to“ damage, caused by its aviation and automotive plants in Germany and Austria during the Second World War "(E. Kochnev. Decree. Op. - S. 151; Hyem C. Decree. Op. // http: //www.x-libri .ru / elib / highm000 / 00000075.htm). Several million dollars in compensation for damage caused in 1944 during the fighting in Germany to the enterprises of the American corporation International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) was also received by its head Sostenes Ben (Hyem C. Decree. Op. // http: // www / elib / highm000 / 00000051.htm).

“In the summer of 1934, the head of the Polish state, Jozef Pilsudski, in Warsaw, received the Minister of Propaganda Josef Goebbels on a large scale. ... To suppress "dissidents" [as well as, probably, the content of Soviet prisoners of war and communists - SL], a network of concentration camps was created in the second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the initiative of the Minister of the Interior. One of the first such camps was built on July 12 five kilometers from the town of Bereza-Kartuzskaya (now Brest Region) as an exact replica of the Orienburg concentration camp: five barbed wire hedges, a wide ditch with water, then a wire fence under high voltage, at the corners high fence (about 7 meters) were located watchtowers with machine guns, a large number of guards with German shepherds. The Polish voivode Kostik Bernatsky was directly responsible for organizing the camp ”(Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and Poland (1934) //

According to V.Ya. Sipols, “the Polish ruling circles wanted to coincide with the implementation of their plans to seize the new Soviet lands at the time of the Japanese attack on the USSR. The head of the Polish Foreign Ministry’s eastern department, T. Schetzel, spoke in a conversation with the Bulgarian charge d'affaires in July 1934 that Poland “expects that if a war breaks out in the Far East, Russia will be defeated, and then Poland will include Kiev and part of Ukraine. " The Polish ambassador to Japan did not even consider it necessary to conceal that he received from his government a lot of money to work on pushing Japan to war with the USSR, and this war "would be used by Poland and Germany to attack Ukraine." The following information was available on the aggressive plans of Poland in relation to the USSR at the British Foreign Office: "Poland seeks to seize part of Ukraine and split Russia into a number of separate states independent of Moscow." The closest cooperation directed against the Soviet Union was established between the governments and especially the Polish and Japanese military circles ”(Sipols V.Ya. Diplomatic struggle on the eve of the Second World War. - M .: International Relations, 1979 // http: //militera.lib .ru / research / sipols1 / 01.html).

“July 8 1934 was visited to Poland on a three-day visit to familiarize with the state of its military training, the brother of the Japanese emperor, Prince Konoe, who brought Pilsudski a letter from the former Minister of War of Japan, General Araki. By holding this post, Araki actively spoke in 1932 for the start of hostilities against the USSR. The Japanese military reported its intention to attack the Soviet Union, using the CER as a pretext, but complained about the weakness of Japanese aviation, which was why the war had to be postponed until March / April 1935. Despite this, Araki suggested: “If Poland and Germany give Japan’s assurances that they would come out against the USSR the day after the outbreak of hostilities between Japan and the USSR, Japan was sufficiently prepared to start a war immediately, without waiting for the end of the reorganization and strengthening of its aircraft (Morozov SV). .

25 July 1934, the Nazis, in the hope of a coup d'état, killed the Austrian Chancellor Dolfus. Because of the inconsistency of the actions of the conspirators, the fascist coup failed. According to F. von Pappen, A. Hitler told him that "we are standing," he said, and I still hear his hysterical voice on the threshold of the second Sarajevo. According to him, “in a state of hysterical excitement,” A. Hitler cursed “the stupidity and haste of the Austrian Nazi party, which had drawn him into such a terrible situation” (Papen F., Vice-Chancellor of the Third Reich. Memories of a Hitlerite German Politician. 1933-1947 / Per. from English - M .: Tsentrpoligraf, 2005. - C. 334-335).

“Government forces led by Dr. Kurt von Schusching quickly took control of the situation. ... Hitler quickly retreated. ... Germany was still not strong enough militarily to support such an adventure. In addition, she was in political isolation. Even fascist Italy joined Britain and France, demanding independence for Austria ”(Shearer U. The rise and fall of the Third Reich (Volume 1) //

Meanwhile, when the Italian dictator Mussolini, who had already prepared for intervention, pulled the 4 division to the borders of Austria, “turned to France and Britain with a call to jointly punish the impertinent new — savage — German regime ... France, in anticipation of an answer, turned towards Britain, and Britain she said "no": there will be no military punishment for Germany - the game was not worth the candle. It became clear to the French that Britain wrote off Austria from all accounts. And she really did it: Mussolini will not forget the British betrayal, will not forget him, and Hitler - with gratitude ”(Preparata GD Decree. Op. / / Http:// -inc-74.php).

“Moreover, the Soviet Union for the first time expressed a desire to join the victor countries in Eastern Locarno in order to prevent Germany from advancing to the East. In the fall, the Soviet Union became a member of the League of Nations. The hopes of a split among the great powers were even more diminished than in the difficult year of 1934. Hitler could only preach a sermon about peace, continuing to secretly rearm, wait for an occasion ”(Shearer U. Ibid.).

“The German envoy in Vienna, Riet and other German officials involved in the rebellion, were either withdrawn or removed. Attempt failed. A longer process was required. Papen, who had only recently escaped the carnage (thanks to the police alongside his house - SL), was appointed German envoy to Vienna with the task of acting with more subtle methods ”(Churchill U. World War II. - M .: Voenizdat, 1991 / / According to F. von Papen, when he "after the failed Nazi coup and the murder of Dr. Dolphus took on the task of reducing tensions between Austria and Germany, it was clear that the only long-term policy that he could" follow was sanctified history the path to the ultimate goal of unification ”(Papen F. Decree. op. - C. 334-335).

27 July 1934 Berlin and Warsaw reached an agreement to counter the conclusion of the Eastern Pact. In the event of its signing, it was planned to draw up a military alliance, to join Japan and to involve Hungary, Romania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland in its sphere of influence. ... 10 August 1934 the Polish and German governments gave verbal assurances to the Japanese envoy in Warsaw and the ambassador in Berlin that they would not sign the Eastern Pact ”(S. Morozov, Ibid.). A speech against the USSR of such a bloc at least did not promise anything good for it, but as a maximum, it threatened with complete rout.

The ratio of the armed forces of the USSR and its probable opponents has not changed significantly since the time of the military alarm 1927, and then “in the case of general mobilization, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania on the western border, Turkey, Persia and Afghanistan in the Middle East, Japan and Manchuria in the Far East jointly deployed 229 rifle divisions and 101 cavalry brigade or regiment against Soviet 92 divisions and 74 cavalry regiments. "The headquarters of the Red Army took into account that these are the first-tier armed forces, followed by, sooner or later, by the armed forces of France and Great Britain" (N. Simonov. The Soviet military-industrial complex in 1920-1950-s: economic growth, structure, organization of production and management). Plus the armed forces of Nazi Germany.

According to S.V. Morozov, namely “the joint struggle against ... the Eastern Pact, became the basis for the rapprochement of Warsaw, Berlin and Tokyo. ... Secretary of the Polish Embassy in London L. Orlovsky informed the Warsaw Foreign Ministry in August to 1934 that various British publications since February had been writing about Polish-German intentions to attack the USSR together with Japan. He reported that 22 August, Wick Weekly and 25 August, 1934, the New State and Station, wrote about an upcoming Japanese attack on the Russian Far East, and Germany and Poland on its European part. Germany, allegedly, was to seize Leningrad, and then move to Moscow. Poland had the task of striking in two directions - at Moscow and at Ukraine ”(S. Morozov, Ibid.).

In early August, 1934 of the year A.Hitler, after the death of Hindenburg, united the office of president of the republic with the post of chancellor and assuming the authority of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces, single-handedly headed Germany. “As a result of this, Hitler, from now on, as the Führer united in his hands all the highest state power, being at the same time the supreme commander of the armed forces” (Muller-Gillebrand B. Land Army of Germany 1933 - 1945. - M .: Izografus, 2002. - С 120).

In the autumn of 1934, in Germany and Poland, everything was ready for an armed invasion of Czechoslovakia and the USSR. The German army was increased to 24 divisions (21 infantry and 3 cavalry), and the Polish army on the border with Czechoslovakia conducted large military maneuvers, “which were used for the actions in the event of the collapse of Czechoslovakia or its surrender to Germany” (Meltyukhov MI 17 September 1939. Soviet-Polish conflicts 1918-1939. - M .: Veche, 2009. - C. 188). 30 September 1934 of the Year, less than two months after his appointment as Minister of Economy, J. Schacht presented to the Führer the "Progress Report on Economic Mobilization as of 30 September 1934 of the Year", in which he proudly stressed that economic preparation for war is laid "(Shearer U. Decree. Op. / /

“In September, a Japanese military mission led by the head of the aviation school, General Haruta, visited Warsaw on 1934. At about the same time, I.V. Stalin received information about the negotiations taking place between Berlin, Warsaw and Tokyo. Pilsudski, fearing the Eastern Pact and strengthening the positions of the USSR in Europe, considered it an important task to scare Paris with the possibility of war in the Far East and "show him that the USSR of France is not an ally."

In this regard, Japan’s provocation of conflicts on the Soviet Far Eastern border and the creation of tension in this region, which, according to the Marshal, would convince the French of the disadvantage of rapprochement with the Russians, were strongly welcomed. Y. Beck and the Chief of General Staff Gonserovsky talked about this with the Japanese envoy and the military attache, Colonel Yamawaki, who also often met with Pilsudski in his residence near Vilna. To discuss the military aspects of cooperation, it was planned to hold talks in Berlin on October 1934, where the Japanese military mission headed by General Nogato and the head of the Polish General Staff General Gonserovsky would arrive ”(S. Morozov, Ibid.).

“As for the British government, it began to consider the issue of concluding a bilateral non-aggression treaty with Japan, in order to secure its vested interests in the Far East, push Japan into military actions against the USSR. The initiative was shown by 1 of September 1934 by Mr. N. Chamberlain, who at the time was replacing Prime Minister S. Baldwin who was on vacation. Even in the Foreign Office, some people had serious doubts about the advisability of such a step. ... The British ambassador to Japan was instructed to find out what price Japan was willing to pay for England’s consent to conclude a pact so beneficial for her with Japan. N. Chamberlain and J. Simon vigorously advocated a pact with Japan. However, in connection with the forthcoming negotiations with Japan on issues related to its unwillingness to extend the existing agreements on the size ratio of the naval forces of the imperialist powers, negotiations with it on this issue were postponed ”(Sipols V.Ya. Ibid.).

In October 1934, the Tripartite Negotiations began in London between the United States, Great Britain and Japan. Representatives from Italy and France attended as observers. “Negotiations quickly reached a stalemate and 29 December 1934, the Japanese government officially sent a note in which it announced the denunciation of all previously signed agreements on naval armaments. In turn, this made it necessary to convene a new conference on maritime weapons, in accordance with Article XXIII of Part V, the London Treaty of 1930. A new conference was to be assembled in 1935 year ”(London Maritime Treaty (1936) //

9 October 1934 in Marseilles by agents of the Ustashi, controlled by the Nazis of the Croatian fascist organization, together with the Yugoslav king Alexander I Karageorgievich killed a supporter of France, Italy after Yunoslavia, who visited Poland, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union on a visit to Italy to create a coalition of France, Italy and Yugoslavia. Soviet rapprochement and one of the founders of the Eastern Pact is French Foreign Minister Jean-Louis Barth. “After the murder of ... Bart ... the political atmosphere in Europe began to thicken - in diplomatic circles talking about the inevitable war.

The possibility of German aggression was taken into account even in an international treaty. October 18 1934 representative of the Hearst news agency in London V. Hillman informed the American ambassador in Berlin, William Dodd, about the conclusion of the British-Dutch pact. In accordance with it, the eastern border of the Netherlands could be considered the eastern border of England, if Germany attacked France and the British army, moving towards Germany, would enter Antwerp. For this concession from the Netherlands, England undertook to protect the Dutch possessions in the Far East from Japan. The official circles of Berlin and Warsaw also made at that time a kind of public gesture, designed, probably, to demonstrate that a symbolic cross had been erected at the time of Bart. In the second half of October - early November 1934, the German and Polish diplomatic missions were elevated to the rank of embassies ”(S. Morozov, Ibid.).

“In connection with the threat of Japanese aggression on 27 November 1934, at the request of the Mongolian government, the Soviet government concluded a gentlemanly (oral) agreement with it, which provided for“ mutual support by all measures to prevent and prevent the threat of military attack, as well as helping each other and support if any third party attacks the USSR or the Mongolian People's Republic. ” This agreement was of great importance for ensuring the independence of Mongolia and the consolidation of peace in the Far East. As the danger from Japan continued to grow (it came to real fighting near the borders of the Mongolian People's Republic), March 12 between the USSR and Mongolia signed a protocol on mutual assistance ”(Sipols V.Ya. Ibid.).

At the end of October 1934, Colonel West, the English military attache in Germany who controls the German military preparations, after a ten-day trip through Germany, was excited by the widespread preparation for the war and its inevitability (Morozov SV). When in December 1934, the Soviet ambassador to England, Ivan Maisky, was asked about the USSR’s attitude towards Germany and Japan, his answer was brief. “Our relations with these two countries are characterized ... by the presence of strong suspicions that they have aggressive aspirations in relation to our territory” (Dyukov A.R. “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” in questions and answers / Historical Memory Foundation. - M ., 2009. - C. 11 // However, since Austria’s accession to Germany failed, the defeat of Czechoslovakia and the subsequent invasion of Germany and Poland into the Soviet Union were temporarily postponed.

Summing up, we note that on the eve of the invasion of Austria and subsequent military actions against Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, Hitler repressed the opposition in the SA and concentrated in his hands all power in Germany. England and America, as before, proceeding from diametrically opposite interests, rendered the Nazis invaluable economic assistance in preparing for war. Poland, following the example of the Nazis, set up a concentration camp network for Soviet prisoners of war. Japan expressed its desire to join the German-Polish aggression against the Soviet Union. Painstaking work was done to involve Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary and Romania in the anti-Soviet alliance.

However, the unfortunate performance of the Nazis in Austria wiped out all the plans and developments of Germany, Poland and England behind them. The campaign to the Soviet Union was temporarily postponed. The inclusion of Austria in Austria was forced to engage in himself the gray cardinal of Nazi Germany, Franz von Papen.
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  1. parus2nik
    13 May 2014 12: 38
    Since then, little has changed ...
    1. +1
      13 May 2014 12: 49
      Yes, little has changed since the 19th century - almost the same enemies (only the leadership among them is slightly different), almost the same goals ... regardless of what kind of system we have and who is in power ...

      According to the article. The article is excellent, a lot of literature is shoveled. One drawback is that Finland’s role was missed, which, like Poland, tried to join any coalition in order to jointly chop off our territory. She even, just like Poland, collaborated with Japan, in the hope that when Japan invades the USSR and pulls our troops over, try to hit us in the back together with the Europeans.
  2. 0
    21 May 2014 11: 33
    In the USA, a network of concentration camps has already been created.