Sixth column

Sixth column

The fifth column in the geopolitical coordinate system

The term “fifth column”, which appeared during the Spanish Civil War, is used extensively in modern Russian journalism. Its value was determined in our conditions fairly accurately. Therefore, this term has a strictly defined semantic framework.

This concept acquires meaning when we clearly and unambiguously recognize the existence of a radical confrontation between Russia, on the one hand, and the United States and the NATO countries dependent on them, on the other.

This confrontation cannot be described in ideological terms, since both Russia and Western countries are democratic societies with a capitalist market economy and a predominantly liberal ideology (individualism, civil society, freedom of speech, movement, conscience, human rights, etc.) .

The model of Eastern Christianity against Westernism does not fit either, which predetermined the opposition of the Orthodox Russian Empire and, earlier, Muscovy, and Catholic-Protestant Europe.

Today, both Russia and the West are secular secular societies. Therefore, to accurately determine the nature of this confrontation, only geopolitics that consider history as a planetary duel of the civilization of the Sea (West) and the civilization of the Land (heartland, Heartland, Russia), that is, as the Great War of the Continents.

In this case, both the opposition of powers with different Christian denominations before the October Revolution, the ideological war between socialism and capitalism, and the expansion of NATO to the East in the 90 of the twentieth century become separate moments of a more general geopolitical scenario in which the indelible contradiction between the sea, a trading system (Carthage, Athens, Great Britain) and a land society with heroic values ​​(Rome, Sparta, Russia). And it was after the end of the USSR that the geopolitical nature of this confrontation was revealed with all the clarity: the era of geopolitics began.

Geopolitics distributes spaces and societies by its main criterion: some lands, countries, political and social movements belong to the civilization of the Sea, that is, to the West, to the Empire of a trade-colonial type; others - to the civilization of Sushi, to the Empire of conservative values. Borders pass in the political space, which means they can coincide with whole countries, and can divide them from within along the line of civilizational choice.

The zone of American influence (North America, the European Union, pro-American regimes and political structures throughout the world) is an area of ​​atlantism, the civilization of the sea.

The land civilization has the main core of the space of Russia, as well as adjacent strategic zones. These adjacent zones can cause both the Land civilization and the Sea civilization. Geopolitical networks operate in them: Eurasian, that is, land, cultures and societies stretch toward Russia; in the direction of the United States and NATO - the Atlantic, that is, the sea.

The Ukrainian drama vividly illustrates this law of geopolitics: in this country, the geopolitical border passes exactly in the middle — in the South-East and in the Crimea people are endowed with a pronounced Eurasian, land, pro-Russian identity; in the West and partly in the Center - pro-American, Atlantic.

It is this geopolitical polarity that caused the death of the immature Ukrainian statehood in 2014. The radical atlantists who came during the coup d'état immediately faced fierce opposition in the Crimea and the South-East, which ended with the Crimea leaving for Russia and a civil war.
But back to the fifth column in Russian society. Now its nature will be obvious to us: it includes those groups that stand on the side of the civilization of the Sea (USA, NATO) and oppose the land, Eurasian identity that dominates Russia throughout its history.

This fifth column contributed to the collapse of the land continental structure represented by the USSR, then seized power under Yeltsin in the 1990s, when Russian Foreign Minister A. Kozyrev openly declared his “atlantist” orientation, and then was at the head of Russia as the ruling political party. economic and cultural elite until the 2000's.

During this period, she could not be called in the full sense of the word "fifth column", as she managed to fully establish herself in power and suppress the patriotic opposition. The fifth column and the regime of liberal reformers in Russia 1990-s are synonymous.

And, nevertheless, from the geopolitical point of view and at this time the Russian ruling elite was none other than the fifth column: it acted not in the national interests, but as an instrument of external control. The decision-making center is located in the West, while Moscow liberals only carried out these decisions, trying to achieve maximum benefits and preferences for themselves and their business.

This is how the Russian oligarchy developed, the power of a small group of large magnates who seized in the course of privatization and relying on reckless corruption, entire state monopolies, primarily the sphere of energy resources.

Fifth Column: from the ruling liberal reformers to the non-systemic opposition

The turn in the fate of this comprador pro-Western oligarchy was the coming to power of Vladimir Putin in 2000. Putin stopped the process of external control and began the careful removal of the most radical agents of the influence of atlantism from power. From that moment began the design of the fifth column in an independent socio-political phenomenon.

Since the beginning of the 2000-s, opposition to Putin has been composed of representatives of atlantism who dominated the 1990 and were marginalized with the advent of Putin and his course towards the civilization of Sushi, Eurasianism.

Since then, the “liberal opposition”, consisting of Westerners, disgraced oligarchs and outspoken Russophobes, has become increasingly reminiscent of the fifth column: in its fight with Putin, it has been more openly relying on the United States and NATO countries, without disdaining their direct financial support and openly speaking against the national interests of Russia and its sovereignty in favor of globalization and a cosmopolitan way of life.

This is an important point - the geopolitical fifth column (civilization level) began to take shape as the internal political fifth column, which already opposes its country from within it. But the core of this fifth column was precisely those who were in the center of the political establishment in 1990: oligarchs (Gusinsky, Berezovsky, Khodorkovsky), top officials (ex-prime minister Kasyanov, ex-deputy prime minister B. Nemtsov, ex-deputy from ruling parties V. Ryzhkov), media, culture and art figures.

The fifth column of street opposition was replenished with large figures who left the political elite under Putin. But the most important thing: the fifth column was typologically the same — both when it maintained its position within the political system, and when it found itself in the role of an extra-systemic radical opposition.
Thus, we are dealing with a dual phenomenon: an open (explicit) fifth column in the face of the radical anti-Putin street liberal pro-Western opposition and a hidden (implicit) fifth column in the face of those oligarchs, politicians, officials, analysts, experts, public figures, media owners who found it possible for themselves, being not less radical atlantists than the anti-Putin radicals, to remain within the political regime, going to compromise with Putin and his patriotic course.

From the point of view of geopolitics, both are the fifth column in the full sense of the word; both work in the interests of the United States, NATO, and the West; both those and others share the principles of the trading system, liberalism, individualism, globalism, etc .; both are opposed to the Russian original identity, the “special path” of Russia, do not consider its sovereignty and civilization uniqueness to be valuable (rather, on the contrary, they see an obstacle to progress and modernization).

But in relation to Putin, their positions differ significantly: some strongly oppose him, others for tactical reasons consider it necessary to support him, each time reinterpreting his words and actions in the atlantist key, and sometimes engaging in frank sabotage of patriotic reforms and steps to strengthen Russian sovereignty.

For Putin, some are open enemies and direct opponents of Russia, who have unequivocally chosen the West; others are his comrades-in-arms, associates and colleagues, although their basic setting is an orientation towards civilizational betrayal and sabotage. Geopolitically, the entire fifth column, both in power and in opposition, is one and the same. From the point of view of domestic politics, they are on opposite sides of the barricades: the first are against Putin, the second are for him.

The Sixth Column: Introduction of the Concept

To emphasize the difference between the two segments of the fifth column, it is proposed to introduce a neologism: the “sixth column”.

As in the case of the “fifth column”, which indicated the presence of the Franco general Emilio Mola, in addition to the four main columns, there was a special group of Franco supporters in Madrid-controlled Republicans (she was called the “fifth”), the number “six” was not carries no symbolic load here. We introduce this concept simply for the convenience of a correct politological analysis.

Both the fifth and sixth columns describe the supporters of the Sea civilization within the Land Civilization, that is, the network of atlantist agents of influence within modern Russia. And in terms of their fundamental positions, priorities and values, both columns are the same: they have one ideal, one owner, one landmark, one ideology - the USA, the West, Euro-Atlantic civilization, liberalism, globalism, global financial oligarchy.
But with respect to Putin, they are fundamentally differentiated: the fifth column in our society is customarily called only those who are openly and completely against Putin, for the United States and NATO, against the Crimea, against Russia, against Russian identity, against sovereignty, against Eurasian integration, against the return of Russia into history as a world power. This is pure betrayal in its acute, frank stage, if we consider it at the scale of the country and its people, and in the case of Putin, these are its open enemies.

The sixth column implies those whom we still cannot accurately qualify in our political science dictionary: its representatives are for Putin and for Russia, but at the same time for a liberal, pro-Western, modernized and westernized Russia, for globalization and integration into the Western world, for European values ​​and institutions, in order for Russia to become a flourishing corporation in a world where the rules and laws are set by the global West, of which Russia is destined to become - on as worthy and profitable grounds as possible.

The sixth column is not Putin's enemies, but his supporters. If they are traitors, then not on the scale of the country, but on the scale of civilization. They do not attack Putin in every patriotic step, they restrain him.

If the fifth column violently attacks all Putin's projects, for example, the Olympics, the sixth column ridicules the fifth and is proud of the Olympics. But when it comes to Crimea, it recommends that you limit yourself to the success of the Olympics and not risk an image victory.

When the fifth column organizes a march of traitors against reunification with the Crimea, the sixth column, cooling the flame of patriotism, agrees with the Crimea as inevitable costs, while emphasizing in every possible way that it will have to pay a high price for all this, and then categorically does not advise Putin to go deep into the affairs of the South-East, since this is supposedly threatened by success in the Crimea.

When Russian troops stand up for the Donetsk People's Republic, the fifth column will shout about military aggression against a sovereign Ukrainian democratic state, and the sixth one will put pressure on Putin, so that he will limit himself to this and not extend the peacekeeping operation to Kharkov and Odessa. Later, they will also be asking to keep Dnepropetrovsk, Kolomoisky, Nikolaev and Kherson behind the junta, when the fifth column will rage and slander the bloody tyrant who has now allegedly launched the “Third World War”.

The sixth and fifth columns are one. Therefore, every representative of the political and economic elite 1990, who was thrown out or simply dismissed by Putin, is a natural candidate from the sixth column to the fifth. The most important thing here is that both columns are the same network, geopolitically working against Russia as a civilization and against Putin as its historical leader.

The sixth column: existential enemy

What can oppose the fifth and sixth columns of Russia as a civilization, as a people, as a historical force, as a subject of world politics? With the fifth column of outspoken traitors and enemies of Putin and his patriotic course, the state itself is now seriously engaged.

Since the chief dispatchers of the sixth column, who previously covered the fifth column from inside the Kremlin, are somewhat removed from business, checks and conventions regarding the radical atlantist opposition have ceased to function. Putin openly called them “national traitors” and promptly took a number of concrete measures to localize them; including informational and online space.
In wartime conditions (Ukraine), it is not difficult to wage a struggle against an outright fifth column: all that is required of the state, including the power ministries and departments, is strict observance of the law and decisions taken.

Without patrons in the Kremlin, the fifth column is extremely vulnerable and untenable. It is effective only when the hands are tied and the eyes are closed. And also in emergency situations of crisis, catastrophes, etc. Therefore, at this stage, the fifth column can be identified, localized and placed under control.

Some of its representatives will leave Russia, some will lie low, some will become part of the sixth column, some - the most irreconcilable - will be punished. But this is today only a technical question. It will become acute only if Russia weakens sharply and enters the test zone, which, however, cannot be ruled out. But then the fifth column will be just a detachment of outspoken saboteurs, and repressive measures will be taken against it. For this, both the will and the understanding of the Kremlin in its current state will definitely be enough.

Much more problematic is the question of the sixth column. Its presence in the political and economic elite of Russia is still almost prevalent.

She does not impersonate anything, truly supports Putin and his policies. In every way defends the interests of the corporation Russia. Never objects to the president in the face. Motivates his position with the “interests of the state”, “limited resources”, “taking into account the international situation”, “concern for foreign policy and foreign economic relations”, “concern about the image of Russia”.

The sixth column is system liberals, effective state managers, loyal oligarchs, executive bureaucrats, active officials, and even some "enlightened patriots". Putin trusts them and relies on them. The fact that their consciousness acts according to the usual patterns of a unipolar, west-centric, atlantic operating system may not be obvious.

They are part of the civilization of the Sea, not only by personal choice, but also by virtue of circumstances. This paradigm prevailed in 1990, and its influence persists in Russian society to this day. Most of the economic structures, educational and cultural institutions, the modern Russian lifestyle itself are tuned to it.

Modern Russia is “Russian” only in a very relative sense. Its land Eurasian identity only weakly appears through the imposed, alien in fact, occupation forms and norms of life. We are under Western authority in a much deeper sense than direct technical external management, as it was discovered in the 1990s.

The West is within us in all senses, including consciousness, analysis, the system of relationships, values ​​and values. The current civilization is not yet fully Russian, this is not the Russian world, this is something that can only become the Russian world. Yes, there are all historical grounds for this, and moreover, history itself requires us to return to our deep-seated identity - the Russian Renaissance, the Russian Spring.

But this process of spiritual return to the Motherland, to the Russian essence, to our origins, to the Russian fate, has a fundamental enemy. It is the sixth column. She is so rooted in the ruling elite that she blocks any health initiatives of the president.

The sixth column - in politics, economics, culture, education, morals, values, information field - continues to stifle the Russian revival. It holds us back in politics and in social transformations, in ideas and art.
The sixth column constantly, a hundred times a day, betrays Putin, extinguishes revival, sabotages so mature and vital patriotic reforms, again turns the national idea into a simulacrum. And if with the fifth column the state entered the war, the sixth column still enjoys immunity and freedom of the hands.

But it is precisely in it today that the main obstacle is in Ukraine, in Europe, in the matter of Eurasian integration, and in domestic policy. It is invisible, cunning, mean, self-confident, deeply rooted in the structures of power, consolidated and follows a carefully worked out plan in the West. If Putin does not find the courage to fight the sixth column, his fateful accomplishments, his historical mission will be too fragile, reversible, even ephemeral.


Putin is now busy making history. But it is this historical mission to revive Russia that is the main object of hatred of the sixth column. The sixth column operates in the interests of a civilization alternative to us. In fact, this is still the same fifth column, only impersonating something else.

Today, the sixth column is the main existential enemy of Russia. In the world of network wars, precisely such a serpentine body of influence deeply embedded in the structures of power often becomes the decisive factor in dismantling political regimes and overthrowing rulers.

Ukraine became the victim of not only the fifth column of euromaidan, but also the sixth column inside the administration of Yanukovych and the Party of Regions. Washington strategists are preparing something similar for Russia. But who warned, he is armed.
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  1. platitsyn70
    April 30 2014 18: 51
    all corrupt Ukrainian politicians swept through Ukraine, starting with Kuchma and ending with Yanukovych.
    1. +13
      April 30 2014 19: 13
      Starting with Kravchuk, I agree otherwise!
      1. +39
        April 30 2014 19: 35
        Quote: Patton5
        Starting with Kravchuk, I agree otherwise!
        1. +7
          April 30 2014 20: 17
          To the point said. nothing to add ...
        2. +5
          1 May 2014 03: 43
          Russia has everything, vast expanses, seas, forests, coal, gold, oil, diamonds, gas, even palladium. There is a real President of a Great country! Affectionate, warm, romantic and such a native Crimea, Russia also has. What can I say, even the president of Ukraine has Russia!
        3. 0
          1 May 2014 04: 12
          Current is not half-life, but full-life
          1. +1
            1 May 2014 06: 35
            Probably it meant a breakdown into two parts, i.e. into two halves, hence the half-life.
      2. 0
        1 May 2014 02: 41
        Everything went right from Kravchuk, from Yeltsin and Lukashenko and etc. I wanted to steer everything myself. I remember the broadcast - Yeltsin almost jumped for joy. And then what will happen and did not think.
        PS The collapse of the Union was a foregone conclusion, but the four republics - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, should be a single state, if they want to exist as peoples, but you can name at least Russia, Russia, at least the Great Scythian ...
        In other matters, Russia (although it will be difficult) will live unequivocally, but others ...
        1. +5
          1 May 2014 03: 45
          Everything went right from Kravchuk, from Yeltsin and Lukashenko and etc. I wanted to steer everything myself. I remember the broadcast - Yeltsin almost jumped for joy.
          Either you, my friend, do not remember the broadcast, or you drive on purpose — father did not participate in this coven — Shushkevich reigned in Sinyavoka in those days — such a clinical democrat.
    2. +19
      April 30 2014 19: 19
      Sorry that is not the topic.
      Magnitogorsk Metallurg defeated Prague Lion with a score of 7-4
      Gagarin Cup remains in Russia. URAAAAAA !!!!!!!
      1. +7
        April 30 2014 20: 25
        Much more problematic is the question of the sixth column. Its presence in the political and economic elite of Russia is still almost prevalent.

        The fifth is shifting to the sixth (and the essence is the same ..) Now the squabble begins .. (where to hide the money ..) You can't take it abroad! (remember Putin hinted about offshore companies even before the sanctions)) Everything is being blocked by "partners"! Everything is now clear who is worth what .. (Chubais is quiet and giggles ..))) Glory to the Sanctions Glory to Russia!))) That's what I think ..
        1. +1
          April 30 2014 20: 51
          Quote: MIKHAN
          the issue of the sixth column is problematic. Her presence in the political and economic elite of Russia is still almost prevailing.

          There are proven ways
          1. 0
            1 May 2014 18: 34
            Quote: Cherdak
            Quote: MIKHAN
            the issue of the sixth column is problematic. Her presence in the political and economic elite of Russia is still almost prevailing.

            There are proven ways
            elimination of enemies

            There really are ways. However, their important part is not so much arrests / executions, namely the detection of the enemy, so that their own do not fall under the batch. How can I do that?
        2. -1
          1 May 2014 13: 37
          Chubais calmed down and giggles.
          Chubais, Medvedev, Kudrin, Putin, Rotenberg, Sechin, Deripaska, Prokhorov and other thieves' merchant rabble will be dumped onto the promised land or wherever their true roots and caches. They stole so much money that enough for 20 generations after themselves. But we, the Russians, will again have to raise the country from ruins, through grief, the death of deprivation and suffering.
      2. Artig
        April 30 2014 20: 40
        I apologize for being off topic, off topic smile
        Yeah, URAAAAA !!!!
      3. +4
        April 30 2014 20: 57
        Quote: Little Muck
        Gagarin Cup remains in Russia.

        Mozyakin - it's beautiful!
        Second Superman after Malkin
        1. +4
          April 30 2014 21: 50
          The Olympic Games showed everything ....
        2. -1
          1 May 2014 09: 26
          Olympiad LETTERED! They showed figure skating in a free program! Why do These get money ??? (when our team played to take off at the Olympiad, our Guard only survived the first 4 minutes, then the fire bell in the private sector flew three moves, the young mother with the little girl was saved! Smoked but Alive) And upon his return, the dispatcher said "You better not know the score! " So who are the Supermen after that?
    3. +5
      April 30 2014 21: 11
      or maybe it’s a countdown of the people ... the past years ... with Gorbachev and Yeltsin, one jo ... licked the west, the second separated Ukraine, although in a referendum the majority of Ukrainian citizens voted for the USSR ...
      1. +3
        April 30 2014 22: 52
        Well, then Medvedev also enters the sixth column.
        1. yur
          1 May 2014 00: 27
          Quote: Blondy
          Well, then Medvedev also enters the sixth column.
          Not "well, then," but this is the leader of the sixth column, at least in the government. angry
        2. +2
          1 May 2014 00: 49
          Quote: Blondy
          Well, then Medvedev also enters the sixth column.

          So, even the sanction iPhone did not get on the sanction lists, which means it works very inefficiently for Russia or works effectively for the benefit of someone else ... recourse
    4. 225chay
      April 30 2014 21: 24
      Quote: platitsyn70
      all corrupt Ukrainian politicians swept through Ukraine, starting with Kuchma and ending with Yanukovych.

      Well, it’s clear that these Atlantists are the fifth column of enemies! since Gorbachev’s times! all these Yakovlev’s Shevardnadz’s, Trumps, Eltsins ...
      Well, if it’s understandable, then it’s time to start eliminating this swamp, catching it like dogs until they infect a healthy part of the people and Russia with their rabies or gangrene. And close them in bandustans War of extermination to all oligarchs and the 5th column !!
  2. +21
    April 30 2014 18: 51
    Fifth column, sixth column ... But just did not try to be a citizen of your country?
    1. andreigaruda19
      April 30 2014 19: 24
      just citizens are apolitical.
      1. blackberry
        1 May 2014 01: 29
        And do not know why? You want politicism from the masses, some critical majority. And since politics is a concentrated economy, the contentment of this critical majority should not only depend on your political decisions, this connection / dependence should be obvious to him - that is, a minimum of links and a minimum change time. Whatever example you give ... Well, for example, a change in traffic fines. Or entering a duty on foreign cars. Change must be sensitive to his lifestyle, and not in the long run. And with the links the same story, only the solution is different. This conditional crowd must be able to understand the relationship. Not at the level - you made a speech or held a seven-hour telethon - approving to organize is not a problem for you, but you already know that this does not mean that you have gained your understanding mass. Understanding is needed at the level of implicit relationships, and this is only possible with a strong basic education. Schools with a normal level of exact sciences, history, geography. Soviet fit. Here’s how it used to be - the worker was trained in such a way that he understood what the engineer wanted with this drawing, plus he knew how the metal behaved, he was able to form his own opinion about the drawing, and about the part, and about the engineer :-) And here are the politicians, Unlike engineers, traditionally blown away. Rare individuals who did not deflate raised peoples.
    2. +6
      April 30 2014 20: 05
      The fifth column, the sixth column, the seventh .... "The enemy is the enemy, and war is war ..."
      1. +2
        April 30 2014 21: 19
        war is war and dinner ... If the sixth column can simply be removed from power, then the fifth as open enemies needs more trenchant ... The sixth revolves around Putin and diligently "advises" .... and the fifth shits right ... ..calls for a change of power (the same Bolotnaya) ... I understand that it is impossible without criticism, but criticism must also be constructive. Not only criticize for everything ... but offer your own ...
      2. -1
        1 May 2014 00: 36
        Quote: sub307
        The fifth column, the sixth column, the seventh .... "The enemy is the enemy, and war is war ..."

        God bless her - with the terminology: "land identity" ... "Civilization of the sea" - Galician ghouls - "Atlantists"! Yes, on pain of death they will not say: what is the Atlantic Ocean and where is it (together with systemic liberalism) ?! As for western Ukraine, or rather Galicia, if the cesspool is suitable, then yes - the civilization of the sea. Okay, - an intelligent person wrote an article for a wide audience, hoping that after reading that same sixth column and realizing that it has been exposed, it will repent ... But not to admit that reality is as presented by the author - to sign his own mental inferiority. The article is a big explicit "+"!
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +3
      April 30 2014 20: 06
      The author is trying to whitewash part of the fifth column, calling it the sixth, they say they are not enemies, they just want to steal more. And so you can still think up a bunch of columns: 7-th - Muslims, 8-th - Jews, 9-th - Ukrainians, 10-th - gasturbaitars, 11-th - United Russia, 12-th - blue, 13-th - ours women, 14-th - pensioners, etc. etc. A good parade of columns at the 1-May demonstration!
      1. +2
        1 May 2014 03: 56
        It seems to me that this is my personal opinion that the author is trying not to whitewash part of the fifth column, but to give the notion that it is much more difficult to work with people sitting deep in the government and pursuing the interests of the Atlantic, since you will never know whether the 6th column will decide when all its "partner" orientation openly thrust a knife into the back, while it is not known from which side this will be done in view of its dominance in structures, and what will be the threshold for "assimilation" / one-time transition to extraordenary methods of influence characteristic of representatives of 5- th columns. The author is only trying to prevent the situation, since he is clearly rooting for this, trying to reveal the essence and outline the face of the true enemies in the general mass of the acting forces in the Russian geopolitical arena, so that later no one will be surprised as with polymers.
        You don’t need to interfere with everything and everything - it only once again blinds the picture, which the author is trying to avoid.
        Therefore, Putin has long gone to the maximum level of management - if he had said so earlier and he would have been devoured by these vigilant representatives of the 6th column, and now they had to become "partners", since they had already quietly missed their moment.
        1. blackberry
          1 May 2014 12: 56
          How would they gobble it up? According to him, his friends became rich long before they met. And I think it’s impossible to believe in this even with an incomplete secondary education. But this column then just flipped over, neither really ties, nor merits to employers, nor sins accumulated, so, by small things, it can. And over the past years, they have overgrown with money, and ties, and, most importantly - obligations with a due date. And a lot has already been done - that is, if you give up, then the punishment will be imposed in any way. Even considering the upright. It’s bad when the enemy has nowhere to retreat.
    5. +7
      April 30 2014 20: 23
      Sorry, we had a motor depot 1153 in Kostroma, which was the army's reserve. The nickname of the motor depot was "wild division". Now there is a shopping center on the site of a car depot ... If in Ukraine they collect 5 hryvnias for the army .... I understand that Ukraine is not Russia, but still, it got a huge part of the Soviet Army. We've done everything ...
    6. +4
      April 30 2014 20: 26
      Quote: Reserve officer
      Fifth column, sixth column ... But just did not try to be a citizen of your country?

      In my opinion, only inanimate objects can be classified according to some signs, and then they will intersect according to others. Everything is much more complicated with human society! There are seventh and eighth columns and so on, just everyone sees the situation on the basis of the data that is available to him , refracts through the prism of his own life experience, and draws a conclusion on the basis of what he is convinced of at this moment!
      So that there would be more "healthy forces" in the state in percentages and there is "patriotic education"!
      And when the state stops doing this (oh, why do we need to be taught at the school of non-military education, some nonsense is being instilled in children, all the same, our friends are around ...) This is a very dangerous call, and you need to respond immediately, otherwise we’ll get twenty columns!
      1. Tanechka-clever
        1 May 2014 00: 28
        "patriotic education" -

        and who should do this — for example, the oligarchs, and former Komsomol and party functionaries in the past — are not interested in this — it was not for this that they dumped the public yoke of the workers and peasants. But patriotism is a public domain and many of them are afraid of it. And therefore, they are not interested in its revival. But there is no emptiness in the world, and then, instead of patriotism-creator, fascism-destroyer is born, which will absorb both the oligarchs and the nation as a whole. So the oligarchs still have little choice - and the working class, as the classics said, has nothing to lose but its chains
    7. AVV
      April 30 2014 21: 07
      Quote: Stock Officer
      Fifth column, sixth column ... But just did not try to be a citizen of your country?

      And they have real estate abroad and accounts are drawn up by dummies, so they need to be identified and uprooted like rotten stumps !!! These gray cardinals are in power, they, like in Ukraine, can only harm and promote interests of others for Russia !!!
    8. avt
      April 30 2014 21: 16
      Quote: Reserve officer
      Fifth column, sixth column ... But just did not try to be a citizen of your country?

      No, well, if everything is just in your own words, without abstruse quirks, call yourself "philosopher" then call yourself ??? And it seems like in business, articles "smart" can be written like Gaidar, don't be remembered by nightfall The main thing is that if someone doesn’t understand, they don’t ask all of them again - they’ll be afraid to appear stupid and uneducated. That’s how the “philosopher” marches through the brains now in the fifth, now in the sixth column, then renaming one into another. Science, understand! Philosophy!
      Quote: Алексей_К
      The author is trying to whitewash part of the fifth column, calling it the sixth, they say they are not enemies, they just want to steal more. And so you can still think up a bunch of columns:

      And so, because of my depravity, I believe that the author did not think at all, when he built the columns, he philosophized! We can say how the shaman went to the astral plane and from there told us poor things that he saw. This separation of columns is a well-known case in psychiatry, doctors call it schizophrenia.
    9. The comment was deleted.
    10. +1
      1 May 2014 02: 58
      What is important here is a more accurate identification of entities, rather than classification with serial numbers. The author has a great respect for analytics.
  3. +1
    April 30 2014 18: 53
    Hmm ... something this article reminds me of the 30s and 40s of the last century.

    Following the further logic of the author, there will be a purge of the enemies of the people among the liberals (and the 5th and 6th colon) .... interesting.
    1. +3
      April 30 2014 19: 46
      Caught a glimpse of where this is born in the author’s head?
      tomorrow another one will appear which will divide these 2 subgroups into another 4 ... but why ?? the goal of these teams is the same - to hinder the development of Russia from the inside, and how you put them in your head does not matter. Nooo! for each bloke you need to have an individual leash ... preferably at least
      1. +5
        April 30 2014 22: 10
        Yes, he just made an accurate diagnosis as an experienced doctor. Here is a preliminary list of the sixth column offhand: Medvedev DA, Dvorkovich AV, Livanov DV, Chubais AB, HSE, RBC channel.
      2. +1
        1 May 2014 01: 17
        Quote: afire
        Caught a glimpse of where this is born in the author’s head?
        tomorrow another one will appear which will divide these 2 subgroups into another 4 ... but why ?? the goal of these teams is the same - to hinder the development of Russia from the inside, and how you put them in your head does not matter. Nooo! for each bloke you need to have an individual leash ... preferably at least

        Yes, about the sixth column, he was only to see a legion of sweet demons, who are in the church with a candle - and on the podium a good man. But in fact, nits are much more harmful to the health of the state and nation than the hollow holes with Swamp, because both in power and with capital. Article ... - A little more pseudo-scientific than the genre of expressing opinions on the VO familiar to us. And all ...
      3. 0
        1 May 2014 03: 59
        Each castle needs its own key .... With all that it implies
    2. +4
      April 30 2014 20: 00
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Hmm ... something this article reminds me of the 30s and 40s of the last century.

      Honestly, in the last 5-10 years, I have perceived Stalin, especially after the introduction of the NEP and in the light of his struggle with Trotsky. He simply did not believe anyone, and when there are enemies alone, the enemies finally appear in everyone (or involuntary accomplices) and the roof begins to slowly move down. I think he still prevented the liberals of that time from saddling the revolution. Regarding the article, every active movement has a part that exists in the legal field and, so to speak, the combat wing. Only, in my opinion, the author speaks too lofty of the stubborn ones. What is the difference how they behave and where they function, the main thing is the result of their actions. Maybe GDP will seize the moment and push them away from the most important levers, I think they all know each other there. But here I agree with the author
      The West is within us

      in the sense that natural human emotions and desires are used and exploited.
    3. ren1999
      April 30 2014 20: 53
      And not only 5 columns, but all those who criticize power. You do not like that, for example, Serdyukov is free - the fifth column, get ....
    4. 0
      April 30 2014 22: 15
      Of course, it is not necessary to clean up the Stalinist ... but it is desirable to monitor and ideologically neutralize
  4. +6
    April 30 2014 18: 57
    GDP-Fifth for exhaust, sixth to the nail, enough to liberalize ...
  5. +3
    April 30 2014 18: 57
    Western countries are democratic societies with a capitalist market economy and a predominantly liberal ideology (individualism, civil society, freedom of speech, movement, conscience, human rights, etc.).

    yah belay and where can all this be found in the west? especially regarding freedom and conscience?
    1. Polarfox
      April 30 2014 19: 43
      Read it. No arguing against the facts:
      1. 0
        April 30 2014 21: 14
        Quote: Polarfox

        read it. but these are exceptions that only confirm the absolute lies of the West
  6. +5
    April 30 2014 19: 05
    Before the text of the article, a photograph of Dugin, he began to read, thought he was the author of the article, it turns out not. And why is this photo, does Dugin belong to traitors? I would not say.
  7. +7
    April 30 2014 19: 22
    Dugin is thinking in the right direction. Why? Because the very concept of "the fifth column" no longer contains the original meaning. The boy has grown up, the old clothes are small. Will the proposed neologism take root? Who knows? But there is no doubt that new political concepts and meanings are needed. Our enemies are too subtle. New conceptual tools are needed to define and identify them. Something like this.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  8. koshh
    April 30 2014 19: 22
    What's this? Open the witch hunt? And the seventh column on the horizon does not loom?
    1. +1
      April 30 2014 21: 05
      That's it! "Witch Hunt" - a screen for liberoids. It's time to pull it off!
  9. +4
    April 30 2014 19: 24
    Fifth, sixth, tomorrow there will be a seventh column, clanking will not bring to good.
    1. andreigaruda19
      April 30 2014 19: 29
    2. +6
      April 30 2014 19: 41
      Quote: Stavros
      Fifth, sixth, tomorrow there will be a seventh column, clanking will not bring to good.

      That's it! Once again I want to remind you that "our friends the Americans" recommended the completion of the Anti-terrorist operation Until MAY 18!
      However, it is on 18 May appointed "event of democratic and other forces" in the Russian Federation!
      A very strange coincidence!
      1. -1
        1 May 2014 08: 59
        Quote: Egoza
        ... Already a very strange coincidence!

        Nothing strange. The conductor is the same.
      2. 0
        1 May 2014 10: 53
        Quote: Egoza
        A very strange coincidence!
        The principle is one. When organizing a battle and planning, TABLES OF INTERACTION are created. So that the coincidence of dates and events, at various points, is only FAIR implementation of the plan.
  10. +5
    April 30 2014 19: 27
    A good analytical article ... harm from those in our ranks ... and in words FOR (well, or a silent nod of the head) ... but in reality it is not clear who they work for ...

    This is like a statement by a member of the government ... after which the quotes of shares of domestic enterprises fall ... then there is a comment ... that it was misinterpreted ... BUT the job is done ... and other examples of actions, columns
    1. +1
      April 30 2014 21: 20
      Former members of the government are especially amused, like "we know what is really going on, that's why they kicked out" ... there was Kadyrov's idea of ​​all who were not allowed to travel abroad for five years, but it looks like the sixth column buried this idea, although the idea is sound , and for divulging the term, you should not give children ...
  11. +2
    April 30 2014 19: 31
    The article is written in the spirit of Dugin and corresponds to his ideas of Eurasianism (of which I am a fan). That’s why the photo is at the beginning of the article.
  12. +3
    April 30 2014 19: 35
    At least the sixth, even the seventh column, even though you don’t call them, they are enemies of Russia. The time will come and they will all come to the scaffold of history, all of them in Russia will have one end, if we all want to see Russia free, strong, undefeated.
  13. Strezhevsky
    April 30 2014 19: 37
    I liked how he told Pozner right in the eye: you need to be isolated from television!
    Take a look you will not regret it.
  14. +5
    April 30 2014 19: 40
    winked Somehow everything is vague and foggy, especially about civilization. I will never forget Kasyanov. It stands on the balcony, behind the deciduous forest to the horizon, and it’s relatively young for 30-40 years, but thick and mumbling against this background: Russia does not understand the world order ... Russia must know where its place is in the world order ... and further in that spirit. He looked even more shameful when he traveled to Merikosia with human rights activists, together with this old toad, asking for money from the State Department.
    I wish the GDP health, patience and good luck. Happy holiday, dear Comrade President.
    1. 0
      April 30 2014 23: 25
      Quote: Balu
      I wish the GDP health, patience and good luck.

      I wish Obama a third term!
      If this goes on instead of a stupid confrontation and a fight, hell knows for the sake of what a rich-snickering family we will move this world to the edge of the galaxy fellow !!!
      We need to take this as a global idea, because outside the planet Earth, there are colossal sources of everything !!! . Sometimes it seems to me that a certain circle sits in the world (people-feudal lords-aliens wassat ) who really does not want this ....... they are all precisely Russians and Germans and all the more so are they afraid of friendship between them (apparently there were precedents), I think that's why they want to dump everyone in a primitive system.
  15. +2
    April 30 2014 19: 41
    I read somewhere that the term the fifth column appeared during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia, the offensive was carried out in four columns ... and the fifth, there were local folk members who provided all kinds of assistance to the invaders.
    Well, the sixth ... as there in the film ... these are the best citizens of this city, or something like that. In their outburst of servility to the authorities ... they are worse than enemies in terms of destruction.
    1. yur
      1 May 2014 00: 49
      Quote: Strashila
      I read somewhere that the term fifth column appeared during the Nazi German occupation of Czechoslovakia, the offensive was carried out in four columns ... and the fifth, were local folk
      This is something new. The article clearly describes how this expression appeared (Spain). Moreover, the term "fifth column" appeared BEFORE Hitler's occupation of Czechoslovakia.
  16. +3
    April 30 2014 19: 48
    article huge plus angry
  17. +1
    April 30 2014 20: 00
    It's time to turn the "fifth column" (if you agree with the author, then the sixth one) into a "heavenly hundred"
  18. SVD
    April 30 2014 20: 10
    The author who said "a" should also say "b". He calls the fifth column by name, and he is afraid to voice the sixth ...
    1. sir
      April 30 2014 20: 42
      The sixth column is system liberals, effective state managers, loyal oligarchs, executive bureaucrats, active officials, and even some "enlightened patriots". Putin trusts them and relies on them. The fact that their consciousness acts according to the usual patterns of a unipolar, west-centric, atlantic operating system may not be obvious.

      like everything is named winked
  19. kirqiz ssr
    April 30 2014 20: 12
    I think there is no fifth or sixth column, there are Traitors, as they were called under Stalin, the enemy of the people and the motherland, and that’s all.
    April 30 2014 20: 12
    In some ways, the author of the article is right. If the “sixes” of those who are slouching into a column under the current government are likely to form a large column. I am constantly annoyed by the colors of the United Russia flag, the same blue as the EU flag. Put on the little yellow stars in a circle and it will turn out exactly.
  21. Klarsen
    April 30 2014 20: 17
    "only and exclusively geopolitics is suitable for an accurate determination of the nature of this confrontation, considering world history as a planetary duel between the civilization of the Sea (West) and the civilization of Land (heartland, Heartland, Russia), that is, as the Great War of the Continents."

    For an accurate determination, it is necessary to consider a different moral component. The first civilization of Unspiritual profit, elevated to the absolute goal of life (West), and the second civilization of the Reviving peoples spirituality (not only of Russia alone, but led by it at this stage). There are many camps that are not part of both of these civilizations (again, at this stage). Ukraine is such a country. The development of Ukraine provides only two options: either the final fall of spirituality (the Western Way), or the revival of one’s spirituality, a return to true tribal roots, where sincerity, truth and love will be the new life philosophy (not necessarily part of the Russian Federation) of an entire country uniting different peoples . But the path in the current situation in Ukraine to any of these sides will be bloody, because corruption, hypocrisy, corruption, the desire for wealth at any cost on the one hand, and sincerity, love for family and friends (not to mention love for the Motherland ), awareness of the power of truth and moral and spiritual values ​​on the other, will lead to an uncompromising battle. Considering a very large percentage of those whose principle is “my hut from the edge”, we can say that the transition process will drag on for many years, and with it the bloodshed ...
  22. +2
    April 30 2014 20: 22
    Well, clearly the business of the Six. Six, it is in Africa-six. Runners, they probably can be called that.
    1. 0
      1 May 2014 04: 08
      I would say that it is more appropriate to compare the "sixes" with the gears in the mechanism, and at that they are different in size, which are different in the force of impact and the direction of action
  23. +1
    April 30 2014 20: 34
    Read the comments to the article "Topaz did not give a command".
    To laziness, the link
  24. skifo
    April 30 2014 20: 37
    Do not call traitors ... But analysis puts a lot in its place! It’s like in the 30s, by the way, all the same brethren, the so-called repressed ...
  25. 0
    April 30 2014 20: 39
    Everything is simple, the fifth column is the visible and explicit part of the internal, actually conscious and unconscious i.e. stupid, enemies, almost identified and generally harmless. The sixth column is a hidden and latent part of the same fifth column, and those and those are potential enemies of any state. A good owner even has a dirmo, and any one can be beneficial, an explicit dirmo serves as a guide or a visual aid for a simple person who is who and how is not necessary. Well, its hidden part can be used even more diverse, in the form of disinfectors or a shield from external forces. Nakraynyak in the form of nitrogen fertilizers.
  26. +1
    April 30 2014 20: 42
    In cheated. When the vodka runs out I will write about the seventh column.
  27. +2
    April 30 2014 20: 46
    (individualism, civil society, freedom of speech, movement, conscience, human rights, etc.).
    Quote: Reserve officer
    Fifth column, sixth column ... But just did not try to be a citizen of your country?

    "Individualism" and "civil society" with "freedom of speech" and "human rights" are not compatible at all, IMHO. When a murderer of a pedophile is imprisoned in one city for 6 years, and a pedophile in another - for two years, is this "freedom of expression and conscience"? When a person is forced to issue an annual (!) Cerebral Palsy diagnosis received at birth, is this a "civil society"? (By the way, I'm talking about my neighbor, from whom the disability of cerebral palsy was removed as a result and he is now forced to survive with his mother without his family). "Freedom of conscience"?
    Freedom of conscience - it sounds beautiful ...
    Someone's "conscience" allows children to rape

    (gr. 25/17, song "Fire")
    Be people, be Russian, remember your history! And no "sixth-fifth", and even the fourth (press) column will not bend you. And with the first three (executive-legislative-judicial) it is up to you to decide what to do. Not small, some ...
  28. dmb
    April 30 2014 20: 52
    Admins, well, you can’t do that. Portraits of the malacholny Dugin, judging by the test, the author is the same. And in the end, the mysterious signature is D. Kopylov. I already thought that Dugin cloned himself under a different name and there were two of them in our misfortune, I followed the link, Thank God he is the only one. As regards malakhalnosti, it is differently possible to name a gentleman who divides the world into a trading and heroic part, as a sea and continental, but it is very indecent. That's interesting, and to what part does he attribute the Spaniards. Since they are in NATO, then to the maritime. Come across Dugin with a proud hidalgo, I think they, with the help of a sword, explained to him his delusions. Well, consider traders pugnacious Germans or Gascons. One word malacholny.
    1. yur
      1 May 2014 01: 07
      Quote: dmb
      proud hidalgo, I think they with the help of a sword explained to him his delusions. Well, consider traders pugnacious Germans or Gascons. One word malacholny
      Do you think that the current Spaniards, who have become servants of tourists in their own country, the current multicultural, super-tolerant and tolerant of all kinds of distortions Germans and French are NOT traders? Oh well.
      1. dmb
        2 May 2014 19: 03
        In fact, Dugin writes not about the present day, but about the "historical confrontation between two civilizations" that exists only in his sick imagination. Otherwise, his references to Rome and Sparta are even more absurd. Besides, I don’t know how the Spaniards will behave, if someone dares to occupy them. I think they do not want to.
  29. +4
    April 30 2014 20: 57
    The sixth column is not Putin's enemies, but his supporters. If they are traitors, then not on the scale of the country, but on the scale of civilization. They do not attack Putin in every patriotic step, they restrain him.

    Once, Gnei Pompey, before the decisive battle with Guy Julius, said: “He who is not with me is against me” and lost. At the same time, his rival, nicknamed Caesar, stated the exact opposite: “He who is not against me is with me” and defeated Pompey. Whether these words were spoken or not, it does not matter. The main thing is that Guy Julius managed to end the civil war, and as it were now said to consolidate society. Such is the oil painting, a true commander always keeps his nose in the wind.
    1. Tanechka-clever
      April 30 2014 22: 07
      "to end the civil war, and how they would say now to consolidate society" is the most important task of any ruler and any public leader. Good comment - bullseye
    2. The comment was deleted.
  30. +1
    April 30 2014 21: 23
    I really liked this analytical article. Politics gave a tricky one. Until the end of the 80s, everything seemed to be clear - Solzhenitsin, Sakharov, dissidents, etc. this is the 5th column. But more dangerous were those who disguised themselves as their own - Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Yakovlev, Gaidar, etc. etc. "You will recognize them by their deeds ..." This 6th colonna was legalized and almost ruined the country. But "there is a hole for the old woman" in the depths of the 6th really turned out to be? That healthy core, which for the time being was forced to accept the "rules of the game" without bothering with the oak, to wait for a convenient moment for its move. Now the situation is changing in comparison with the 80s and even 90s. Then a lot of her depended on the fraudulent media that shaped public opinion. Now the Internet makes it possible for people to look for answers to questions themselves and form their own opinion. This, by the way, is becoming more and more noticeable in the West, where people are more and more convinced that they do not have any freedom of information and press there.
  31. -1
    April 30 2014 21: 29
    The article is aimed at finding enemies, at internal showdowns.
    This is clear. I have never met anyone who likes dissent. There are none and never have been.
    The article is addressed primarily to Putin. "Look, Vova - we, Eurasians like me, are your real supporters, and the rest should be cleaned out, for they "there is the main existential enemy of Russia", you already deal with them. "
    In fact, the article is a denunciation and a call for a showdown, as well as an allusion to who is a "true patriot" in the country and who is not "true." And the author refers to the head of state as a fighting dog, which can be incited at your own discretion.
    The author (Dugin or not, it doesn't matter), like many others, is trying to appeal to Putin's authority in the fight against political opponents. But Putin's authority is based on his massive support. And it was not only the "Eurasians" who voted for him, they are just an obvious minority. The overwhelming majority of those who voted for Putin have never heard of Dugin and his ideas. And the minority that heard does not necessarily share them.
    1. yur
      1 May 2014 01: 33
      Quote: Sour
      And it was not only the "Eurasians" who voted for him, they are just an obvious minority. The overwhelming majority of those who voted for Putin have never heard of Dugin and his ideas.
      Why did you decide that we are a minority? This is about "Eurasianism". And let me tell you a great secret - not many people read the Commandments of the Lord in the original, moreover, not too many people know the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, however, the MOST DOES NOT kill, DO NOT rob, DO NOT rape, DO NOT steal. The same situation with Dugin and his ideas - it is not necessary to know him personally and get acquainted with his interpretation of Eurasianism, Slavism and religious values, this is already in the blood and soul of any decent person. I think so.
  32. +1
    April 30 2014 21: 42
    Quote: Cherdak
    Quote: MIKHAN
    the issue of the sixth column is problematic. Her presence in the political and economic elite of Russia is still almost prevailing.

    There are proven ways

    What should we do ..? We have no way out! again (overlaid ..)) Red sits and is silent bastard .. Today "accomplices" of Kvachkov gave terms (big ..) That's how we live! There are many Kvachkovs in Russia.
    1. -2
      April 30 2014 21: 49
      Quote: MIKHAN
      Today the "accomplices" of Kvachkov were given terms (large ..)

      Where are the big ones?
      Only 12 years. For preparing for the organization of an armed rebellion.
      In the USSR, which many here yearn for, they did not give less execution for it.
      Somehow this is the case.
      12 years of imprisonment for a man who was going to set some Russians on others, to force them to shoot at their fellow citizens is too little. Once again I am convinced that Russia has the mildest legislation in the solar system.
      Once again I am amazed that you can have a reputation as a patriot and at the same time dream about how to blow up the country. Like Kvachkov. This is our mentality.
  33. +1
    April 30 2014 21: 45
    In my personal opinion, the division goes between "those who live by their own labor" and "those who live at the expense of others." The states to a large extent live at the expense of others and do their best to develop a parasitic economy and support parasitic regimes and clans. In contrast to them, Russia acts on the principles of mutual benefit, and sometimes altruistically, developing industry in other states to the detriment of its own momentary interests.
    1. 0
      April 30 2014 22: 00
      Quote: Vladimir-35136
      In contrast, Russia acts on the principles of mutual benefit, and sometimes altruistically, developing industry in other states

      Give an example, if not difficult.
      And then they can be called a nonsense.
      The Germans, Chinese, Koreans, Americans, French, Japanese have built many factories in us, at least automobile, and not only.
      Where have we built factories in the last 20 years? Though altruistic, even selfish?
      But the point is not even that. It seems to many that someone lives at his expense and robbing him. This is easier than thinking about your inability to live, inability to fit into it.
      But thinking is not harmful. And even necessary.
      1. -1
        April 30 2014 22: 45
        What kind of factories are there ... Industry was developed "in other countries" by the USSR, not Russia.
        Quote: Vladimir-35136
        Russia acts on the principles of mutual benefit, and sometimes altruistically, developing industry in other states to the detriment of the momentary interests of its own.

        And it turns out that we have "momentary" interests? Do you, may I ask, have a stable paid job?
        Sour, support you! Regards, U.
      2. yur
        1 May 2014 01: 44
        Quote: Sour
        Give an example, if not difficult
        Example. $ 250 billion from gas discounts over 20 years of "fraternal" Ukraine.
  34. Jostal
    April 30 2014 21: 58
    Sasha is simply sick with Eurasianism — not the big deal .... geopolitics — mossy old stuff — theontics and theopolitology are already in fashion))) the nonastic idol of obvious sighs is the first rogue INN IN RUSSIA ... normal Martians do not speak down, haughty about green people ... they’ll block the accounts of yavonas from the split-off stabilization fund and other fondiks — there will be nothing to pay for riot police and other guardians of peaceful processions and rallies and FSE-kirdyk to the regime — and it’s not profitable for the Americans — not everything has been exported from Russia, so it's funny to even hear horror stories from the devil about lucifer ...
  35. Grandfather Victor
    April 30 2014 22: 01
    "... stopped the process of external control and began to carefully oust the most radical agents of influence of Atlanticism from power." Oh, is it? And the "budget rule" continues to operate!
  36. Tanechka-clever
    April 30 2014 22: 03
    I added the article. But I do not really agree with the author. In the end, after the sixth, if you wish, if you dig around and you can find the tenth. The fifth column is the enemies of the nation. And the enemy is known to be open and hidden. And tomorrow the sixth will become the fifth - we already went through this in the USSR. It's just that in the public consciousness there is no other struggle besides the private and the whole. Society arose and develops on the foundation of this struggle. The Jews left the Egyptian slavery - ridiculously, they left when the society collapsed, but the main thing is how to tell and "call" it. Poles-bourgeois at the very beginning of the war 41-45 years formed their army with Soviet money, but did not go to the front, and they were asked to leave the USSR, and already other Poles-communists did it. Today in Ukraine "Right Sector" - Yarosh and "Svoboda" - Tyagnibok can be called one sixth, and another fifth. But their essence is to defend the interests of the private. The pyramids in Egypt speak from the fact that the top as a private at the pyramid is the higher, the wider is the base below - the public. Multinational companies are the fifth column in any country in the world - international invaders of the public. And the sixth is the fifth column, which is not yet ripe, but when it is ripe, it will certainly pull the stranger's hand across the border.
    The USSR was a victory of the public over the private, but the first "pancake" is always lumpy.
    1. DimychDV
      1 May 2014 08: 59
      good I agree one hundred percent!
  37. their
    April 30 2014 22: 28
    Fifth, Sixth columns work with the full consent and support of the current government, upholding pseudo-democratic ideals to the detriment of their state and people. It has long been time to liberalize and talk about democracy. The national interests of the state are still betrayed, for the good of the Western world. People are buried in loans, mortgages with prohibitive interest. This is the most natural economic terrorism against Russian citizens. How long is it asking? Why is there no such chaos in China, Japan, Iran?
  38. mosgeo1
    April 30 2014 22: 40
    Yes, we have already experienced this, the collapse of Russia was prepared, but at the last moment thought better of what hands nuclear weapons would be in, and what would happen?
    Putin, thank God, dotted the "I" by overthrowing the junta of idiots!
  39. +1
    April 30 2014 23: 00
    If Russia develops in its own civilizational way, then all alien "columns" will immediately be found, and it will not be difficult to eliminate them. In the meantime, we adhere to Western development schemes, the anti-Russian forces have complete freedom of action within the framework of "world development."
  40. +1
    April 30 2014 23: 29
    In short, there are lice, and there are worms. If the first is visible, then the second is much more dangerous. Well, something like this.
  41. -1
    April 30 2014 23: 36
    Yes, it’s much more complicated here not in Russia and not in Ukraine, you need to look a little wider, here there is a clash of different cultures, let’s say slave-owning and free, and Ukraine, due to its stupidity (do not be offended for life), has been at the forefront. and Russia does not have a choice, let’s go through and through you if it’s up to us to survive, it’s better for you and we are together. May GOD give you the mind to understand this.
    1. blackberry
      1 May 2014 00: 23
      As I see it, culture has nothing to do with it. And as for the fools in Ukraine ... well, let's say, I was totally lucky and therefore only worked with smart ones. But if you take the Soviet era - after all, its industry was not inferior to the Russian in terms of technology, during the war everyone was evacuated to Siberia and Central Asia, including specialists who could not be allowed to the front. Or it should have been denied. And after the war everything remained there, and many people were left behind. It turns out that both engineers and designers were raised in a new way. I’m not saying that in autonomous navigation, but there were no imported people. And it is a well-known fact that at the time of the Belovezhskiy events after Russia, Ukraine was the richest territory, the territory is smaller, the population is educated, its own industry, agriculture is fully self-sufficient, climatic conditions are more favorable, and there is access to the sea. Live and be happy. Maybe that's why Kuchma fled to independence like a shot. Profiled everything. It turns out, it can even be fooled. Well, or played at first, and then between "it hurts to correct" and "ashamed to admit" I chose "and these are my principles and in general I am already an adult." Mom told him "don't even take candy from strangers" - I forgot.
  42. Nyx
    April 30 2014 23: 57
    How this suck dugin pisses me off. The civilization of the sea and land does not stand up to criticism at all, because Russia has nothing in common with Sparta. And further, any country has a special path, but for some reason, when it comes to a certain Russian "more special", we begin to take deeply into our mouths. Let me remind you that we were very "original" before the Crimean and Japanese wars. Oh yes - Peter the Great, Alexander the Liberator, Lenin and Stalin are apparently the same columns, well, yes. There would be an opportunity - I would put two minuses, but in general I have long wanted to go to the university heart to heart with this cuaretica to talk.
  43. Nyx
    1 May 2014 00: 08
    And by the way, what special Russian way are we talking about? What you are trying to pass off for him (mutual assistance, fraternity, equality) is simply the direct heritage of the October Revolution, invented by the Germans, French and Jews. How did pre-revolutionary Russia differ from other European countries? Unless people lived poorer and religion is different
  44. 0
    1 May 2014 00: 09
    Quote: platitsyn70
    all corrupt Ukrainian politicians swept through Ukraine, starting with Kuchma and ending with Yanukovych.

    You sir missed one "little detail", you forgot Kravchuk !!!!!! And the rest are already the last ones !!!! The first Kravchuk began the collapse of the economy - he sold the entire fishing fleet of the former union, which remained in Ukraine and after that it was commercial !!!! So the first stone was laid by Kravchuk, an old Kolyma pederast !!!!! And he poured vodka to Bora Yeltsin in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, so that Crimea would remain a part of Ukraine !!!! This is a real cock heads !!!! And the rest of the chickens !!!! hi
  45. maxim1
    1 May 2014 00: 13
    In Ukraine, the entire PR is in the 5th and 6th columns. The whole party without a trace.
    Evaluation criterion - their relation to the federation or confederation (at least
    If for the confederation (Ukraine) - there is still hope that not "colonists". Otherwise, everyone is hidden or open enemies of Russia. And only ordinary people who are not associated with interests with a snake in a tree or some small or medium-sized businessmen can be patriots of Russian civilization.
  46. 0
    1 May 2014 00: 15
    Sixth Column ...
    Medvedev D.A. there in the forefront.
  47. Nyx
    1 May 2014 00: 16
    I urge everyone to answer me, I have long dreamed of catching a duginst and pulling the bazaar
      1 May 2014 07: 05
      Quote: Nyx
      I urge everyone to answer me

      It’s not worth how many people have so many opinions. Wash off torment ...
  48. +1
    1 May 2014 01: 12
    With all due respect, the civilizations of the West and Russia, all these are certainly interesting thoughts, but in my opinion these are just tools, goals are as simple as three pennies: greed, desire to seize territories and seize resources, mineral resources and wealth, and most importantly, it is global power, Ukraine and everything that came before her is only steps towards the achievement of a global goal ....
  49. 0
    1 May 2014 01: 17
    No comments:
    1. 0
      1 May 2014 02: 40
      ay psychiatrists, here is your deputy ..
  50. -1
    1 May 2014 01: 19
    In my opinion, everything fits into the standard. More than five columns is the same as saying that Jesus had a son. And besides the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, there is also their great-grandson. Disgusting tendencies have gone. People - fasten yourself.
      1 May 2014 07: 08
      Quote: Manul
      say that Jesus had a son

      And what? Or was not the man? All survived to 33 years. Could make some happy ...
      1. +1
        1 May 2014 08: 26
        And what? Or was not the man?

        Here you are right hi I had in mind precisely the ideological component, and I oppose the growth of philosophies for the sake of philosophies. There are problems, but there is polemics. The introduction of all sorts of "new neologisms" does not help to identify pests and saboteurs, but on the contrary - they limit.
  51. Nyx
    1 May 2014 02: 04
    Hey, duginoids, I thirst for your blood. I wrote above why Dugin is wrong. Waiting for an answer
  52. 0
    1 May 2014 02: 37
    there is a lot of nonsense and pseudoscientific foam, but the image of the ivy bear cub is very clearly visible, so a plus for the article...
  53. Counter
    1 May 2014 03: 44
    Quote: The same Lech
    Hmm ... something this article reminds me of the 30s and 40s of the last century.
    Following the further logic of the author, there will be a purge of the enemies of the people among the liberals (and the 5th and 6th colon) .... interesting.

    Among liberals, ALL are “enemies of the people,” and the author’s logic in this article is completely complete. The author correctly identified this conditional “6th column”. If the fifth column is a relatively massive phenomenon, essentially a cesspool of liberals of all stripes combined, then the representatives of the 6th column are piece goods. These can be both representatives of the highest authorities and local bosses, but in any case they are more likely to be individuals than masses. The flow of such individuals from this 6th column to the “mass” 5th column constantly takes place. This happens when a representative of this 6th column eventually reveals himself to the authorities as an obvious saboteur. You cannot immediately recognize such people in power, and it takes some time to monitor their activity and draw certain conclusions. You can’t really accuse them of anything directly, but they need to be removed from power. The most recent example from recent history is State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev, whose activities in the parliamentary field have recently become well known. Another quite noticeable, but already former representative of this 6th column is Andrei Illarionov. This one stands out now because he constantly writes all sorts of “clever articles”, trying by any means to discredit and denigrate any positive decisions of the authorities. That is, today he is a completely typical representative of the 5th column, but he was not like this 10 years ago, when he entered the corridors of power. Then he was nothing more or less than an adviser to the President on some kind of economic issues, or something, but it’s easy to imagine what he could have advised the President there, being essentially a (wasn’t it a paid?) saboteur. And his talent for mischief was fully revealed now, after he was kicked out of power for “individual labor activity.” Comrade has been working tirelessly for the last 10 years, but now in the ranks not of the 6th column, but of the mass fifth! Well, in general, as in the famous expression, “personnel decide everything”! And it is rather a matter for the authorities themselves, God willing, to identify and neutralize representatives of this very 6th column in their ranks. Although some things can be seen from the outside.
  54. +2
    1 May 2014 03: 59
    and land society with heroic values ​​(Rome, Sparta, Russia)

    You forgot about the Great Silk Road. Born on the border of Lugansk, Donetsk and Rostov. It is not far from Debaltsevo. Central street - PAVEMENTS! Here there was a transshipment route from camels (well, call them trolls) to horses. My father was a surveyor (he knows he’s been in a drift at least once). So, at the request to find a site for the construction of a relay television tower, my father, during his free time from work, by the way, came across an irrigation system. Exactly the SYSTEM!! Cousin in Krasny Luch, cousin in Gorlovka. HURT!
  55. 0
    1 May 2014 04: 23
    Quote: Cherdak
    There are proven ways

    So the sixth column will be the first to use these methods.
  56. 0
    1 May 2014 05: 33
    Quote: Skipper2050
    Everything went right with Kravchuk, with Yeltsin and Lukashenko, etc. I wanted to steer everyone on my own.

    How did Lukashenko get here? Or did I not notice it in Belovezhskaya Pushcha?
  57. 0
    1 May 2014 06: 41
  58. 0
    1 May 2014 07: 47
    Dugin is an academician. For me, the oligarchs should be stripped according to the principle “how much you earned, where you invested” and there is no need to invent all sorts of columns, civilizations like Land - Sea, existential nuclei and Newtonian binomials.
  59. ramsi
    1 May 2014 08: 40
    it seems, as it were, there is nothing to argue with (except for the civilizations of the sea and land) - but Putin is not drawn to Stalin...
  60. DimychDV
    1 May 2014 10: 06
    Civilization of Land and Sea - this is the first time I've heard of it. Interesting, but not convincing. Rather, on the Other Side we (who have accumulated the experience of many centuries of diplomacy and learned to compare this wormwood bitterness with the deafening quinine bitterness of military losses) are confronted by the mentality of the passionate, in cowboy scarves on their protocol faces, fugitive Protestant robbers and other civilizational renegades (that’s why they It is now easy to encroach on the moral foundations of the entire civilization, since it already interferes too much with getting rich, attacking, maintaining decency, raping, robbing - and therefore it must be declared obsolete, politically incorrect, and now let straight people be all around guilty before homosexuals, and let religion be completely discarded in the toilet. But the scoundrel financial director is quicker to...fool the client, set up his partner, and get himself into jail - and here the money is, lying where it is needed). Here, rather, the interests of the Money Bags are working at the global level - usurious not just anywhere, but at the level of top officials in the echelons of power. Rothschild said that he is not the king of the Jews, but the Jew of kings! This is where morality gets in the way. And in this area, the borders are not continental-sea, but rather religious. That’s why sophistry comes into such fashion. The art of the IMPOSSIBLE, unlike diplomacy.
    As for the 5th and 6th columns - it’s already closer to the similarity, although it still looks like a dissertation on marketing, written, as someone above sharply noted, in the interests of denunciation: they say, throw off the bastards, sir, otherwise my relatives from There's a lot of people in the outback - and they're all such honest "soil people"!!! Although I would not want to offend the author. In general, the article is a plus, because it showed a lot of important things.
    By the way, it is no coincidence that SOCIAL ELEVATORS do not work today; every general has a lieutenant son. And before, they took men from the plow into power and into directorial positions - and there was more sense.
    I have a friend: he says it’s purely as if he had read too much about Novaya Gazeta. GDP makes fire at every turn. Judging by economic policy: its results in the south of Primorye are aimed at ensuring that we ARE NOT here. Lease land to the Chinese for 49 years - please. And for a Russian guy, a participant in hostilities, a fourth-generation descendant of the first settlers, there are continuous obstacles to settling down on earth. Instead of developing roads in the region, Vladivostok built its 100-year-old dream, bridges. Now millions are needed annually to maintain them. It’s the same as bringing a powerful power line to a shack that is about to collapse or burn. Or the Olympics: there is a flood in the country, there are simply NO villages, the fleet is practically dead, the wind is blowing in the factories, there are only traders in the cities, and nothing is being produced. We are producing only parasites - the security forces and the army. It is clear that it is impossible without them. But first, you should stock up on something to feed them - and so that the people do not die of hunger or become drunk from surrogates. If China closes trade with us, takes the Chinese back, we will die out of hunger in six months. And we are starting a world sports festival. Moreover, we share resources with Crimea...
    This friend himself comes from a village and would not trade the Fatherland for anything. And he says to the children: “See for yourself how your Motherland loves you - and pay it back in kind. If everything remains bad, then love it from afar.”
    ...I think Stalin also fought with those in the 5th and 6th columns, “mixers and helpers,” but without much theorizing. Some were put in cells, others were exiled to the wilderness, to Saratov - to wrap the tails of cows, but the most active ones were spanked (by the way, about repressions. And you count: three million ALL executed in TWENTY YEARS out of a population of 180 million is quite a bit, approximately three out of a thousand over the same 20 years. Of my hundreds of acquaintances, exactly 20 people went to prison over the course of 15 years).
  61. Jostal
    1 May 2014 12: 02
    The connection between the LEADER!)))Lilliputians and the Moscow school of political studies, all sorts of awards there from the Supreme Master of the ORDER!!! clearly show the commitment and subordination to the “Atlantists” of the Lilliputian leader.... - the Russians should be ashamed! - the Russians were deprived of the right of self-identification ( national-cultural) were publicly called idiots! - and here at least pissing in the eyes is all God’s dew! The leader of the Lilliputians is our god!)))) and what does the 5th and 6th and 7th and 8th columns have to do with it - (And they will definitely appear) ... if the main enemy of everything Russian is in the Kremlin and all these columns have occupied the government - parliament - and cheers to the patriots - it’s all the same: - Kashpirovsky said the installation - then it is so!)))((((when will you wake up, those dense ones? - Although if only once you could read St. Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev, only 2 books: “On the truly monarchical worldview” and “Russian ideology” - everything is simply clear there and without Gumilyov’s crafty teachings - the revolution in Russia did not even take place against the existing regime of autocracy, but against the God-established order !!!!and hierarchy!!!and therefore everyone should solve for themselves the rebus about the legitimacy and legitimacy of the continuity of modern power in Russia, as such. Whatever the regime would be in Russia today, it is an Abomination before God! - and this is the most important...and everything else is political and political science attempts-completion, which are tightening the stranglehold on the heights of Russian cultural civilization.
  62. Nyx
    1 May 2014 13: 59
    Quote: DimychDV
    Civilization of Land and Sea - this is the first time I've heard of it. Interesting, but not convincing. Rather, on the Other Side we (who have accumulated the experience of many centuries of diplomacy and learned to compare this wormwood bitterness with the deafening quinine bitterness of military losses) are confronted by the mentality of the passionate, in cowboy scarves on their protocol faces, fugitive Protestant robbers and other civilizational renegades (that’s why they It is now easy to encroach on the moral foundations of the entire civilization, since it already interferes too much with getting rich, attacking, maintaining decency, raping, robbing - and therefore it must be declared obsolete, politically incorrect, and now let straight people be all around guilty before homosexuals, and let religion be completely discarded in the toilet. But the scoundrel financial director is quicker to...fool the client, set up his partner, and get himself into jail - and here the money is, lying where it is needed). Here, rather, the interests of the Money Bags are working at the global level - usurious not just anywhere, but at the level of top officials in the echelons of power. Rothschild said that he is not the king of the Jews, but the Jew of kings! This is where morality gets in the way. And in this area, the borders are not continental-sea, but rather religious. That’s why sophistry comes into such fashion. The art of the IMPOSSIBLE, unlike diplomacy.
    As for the 5th and 6th columns - it’s already closer to the similarity, although it still looks like a dissertation on marketing, written, as someone above sharply noted, in the interests of denunciation: they say, throw off the bastards, sir, otherwise my relatives from There's a lot of people in the outback - and they're all such honest "soil people"!!! Although I would not want to offend the author. In general, the article is a plus, because it showed a lot of important things.
    By the way, it is no coincidence that SOCIAL ELEVATORS do not work today; every general has a lieutenant son. And before, they took men from the plow into power and into directorial positions - and there was more sense. Not much, about three out of a thousand over the same 20 years. Of the hundreds of acquaintances I have over 20 years, exactly 15 people have been to prison).

    No, how can you seriously talk about the commonality of Russia and Sparta? In Sparta, the basis of the system was the oppression of others, but in Russia there was never slavery. In Sparta they fought just like that, for loot and glory. In Russia - for the truth (or so they thought).
  63. 0
    1 May 2014 15: 00
    Quote: blackberry
    Understanding is needed at the level of implicit connections, and this is only possible with a strong basic education

    Bravo! I give a standing ovation!
    The first and most important thing that the fifth column did with the collapse of the Union was, under the guise of reforms, it destroyed one of the best (if not the best) school education system in the world.
  64. -1
    1 May 2014 21: 51
    “The State Duma proposes to Kyiv to exchange military-industrial complex factories for gas debts.” Here is one of the sixth column in Russia - Oksana Dmitrieva. she invites Rogozin to estimate how much import substitution of Ukrainian military-industrial complex products will cost the Russian budget! How can you say that? V.V. Putin only recently said that we will do import substitution, and this means building our own factories, the latest equipment which has no analogues in the world, new jobs will appear for Russians, AND IT TURNS OUT WE WILL USE OLD EQUIPMENT AND FEED UKRAINE, WHAT A CLASS!!!!! SHAME ON THE GOVERNMENT.
  65. blackberry
    2 May 2014 17: 09
    Quote:, julfyjd
    “The State Duma proposes to Kyiv to exchange military-industrial complex factories for gas debts.” Here is one of the sixth column in Russia - Oksana Dmitrieva. she invites Rogozin to estimate how much import substitution of Ukrainian military-industrial complex products will cost the Russian budget! How can you say that? V.V. Putin only recently said that we will do import substitution, and this means building our own factories, the latest equipment which has no analogues in the world, new jobs will appear for Russians, AND IT TURNS OUT WE WILL USE OLD EQUIPMENT AND FEED UKRAINE, WHAT A CLASS!!!!! SHAME ON THE GOVERNMENT.

    You don’t live beyond the Urals, do you? I hope you sincerely do not understand the danger, and are not looking for fools here. If Ukraine allows the EU to lower itself into association (and according to the text of the agreement, this is exactly what Europeans will do with the Ukrainian economy), then the next step will be - let us pay you for the deployment of missile defense systems on your territory. And after they draw you a trajectory to your home and the time in minutes - You will no longer have not only new factories, but also old ones that take away the sales market from the States, people who will work for them on the same conditions as the repressed nuclear workers under Stalin - bread and life. Pensions with benefits will be the same as those of current Kosovars - 20 (twenty) euros per month per family member. Specialists with higher education are begging, walking around, crying “we were deceived.” They really were deceived. They lie to both Ukrainians and Russians. There will be nothing here at all, even in bast shoes. There will be Somalia. So don’t even paint the jelly banks.