Ukrainian trap

Ukrainian trapFrom a conversation with an employee of the US National Security Agency with representatives of the German media ...

The day before yesterday, correspondence from Germany arrived at the post office, which set forth the content of a conversation between a high-ranking employee of the National Security Agency and representatives of the German media about events in Ukraine. The content of the conversation is so frankly and rigidly talking about US policy in Europe and the world that I considered it my duty to publish this correspondence.


“We offer to get acquainted with excerpts from the conversation with the executive director of the Institute for Global Perspectives at Columbia University, Professor, Ph.D. Paul Christie, held at the editorial office of the weekly European Economic Herald (Bremen, Lower Saxony, Germany).

Editorial: Dr. Christie, the Ukrainian events of recent months cause our readers a lot of questions. People try to understand the essence of what is happening, but they cannot explain the logic of events. Why do new Ukrainian authorities do this and not otherwise in relation to the population of their country? Why did the European Union seek with all its might to tear Ukraine away from Russia? Why is the United States pursuing such an implacable policy towards Russia? Not only ordinary people, but also specialists often cannot answer these and other questions. Could you, dear professor, clarify the situation a little?

Professor: To find the answer to any political question, one should always use the technique known since the days of Ancient Rome: “Who benefits?” Who among the world players benefits the situation that has developed in Ukraine now? What does Europe, the USA, Russia and, perhaps, some other players, for example, look for? Which of them is most interested in such a development of events?

To answer this question we need to accurately determine the main world problem of our time, the solution of which no longer tolerates delay. Who among the world players is directly interested in resolving this problem will play a major role in the events.

Ed .: And what is the main global problem of our time, requiring immediate solutions, in your opinion?

Prof .: This is, of course, the resolution of financial issues that have arisen due to the rapid development of the US economy in the past three decades. 17 trillions of dollars of government debt hangs over the American economy with a Damocles sword and could lead to a global crisis.

Ed .: Please clarify, in some detail, what threatens the world with the collapse of the American currency?

Prof .: If America has to devalue the dollar, getting rid of debts (if it is not possible to find other ways out of the debt pit), the whole world will plunge into a deep economic crisis, since the dollar is the world currency, which is tied to all world production. Immediately break all international economic relations. The decline in production in all countries will be the inevitable outcome of the destruction of international cooperation. Due to a halt in production, a huge army of the unemployed will appear. Then inevitably there will be a decline in the standard of living in all countries of the world. A drop in the level of consumption will be a decisive factor in political changes in various states, when lack of money and hunger will require redistribution of property and political changes. In the full world weapons, hatred, misunderstanding and deferred disputes, may start a world war for the redistribution of spheres of influence. And no country, including America, can avoid this scenario.

It is simply unbearable for me to think about the worst thing that can happen if, as a result of starvation riots, a nuclear or other weapon of mass destruction falls into the hands of any group of desperate people. This option to resolve financial problems is completely unacceptable.

Ed .: I see. But then it is necessary to urgently find a way out of this difficult situation - is there simply no alternative to this?

Prof .: Exactly - you yourself answered the question about what is the spring of all the actions of America in recent years. Realizing the prospects for the destruction of human civilization on earth, we began to search for peaceful ways out of this situation.

Ed .: Very interesting! And how did the best minds of America answer this question?

Prof .: An interesting solution was proposed, the essence of which I will now try to set forth.

In order to resolve financial difficulties, the United States must take extraordinary measures, comparable only to a global cataclysm. The problem is to arrange such a cataclysm without devastating consequences for the United States itself and its allies. That is, it is necessary to play such a card in order to solve the problem of debts and not to arrange a world massacre in which you can easily burn yourself.

The ability to repay your debts without a significant drop in the standard of living of your population is feasible only at the expense of others, no matter how cynical it sounds. It is necessary to find someone with the help of whom America could solve its financial problems. And such a natural solution was found - itself story gives this chance.

Ed .: And who will pay for solving financial problems?

Prof .: Naturally, no country in the world could do this without being converted into a desert. Therefore, it is necessary to organize events in such a way that the whole world, each country to one degree or another, become involved in resolving America’s financial difficulties. Such global cooperation will not only preserve peace on the planet, but also set the strongest impetus to subsequent progress.

Ed .: How can this be done?

Prof .: In order to end the debts, the United States needs new markets comparable in scale to the US. The only such market now can only be the European market. Consequently, it is necessary to find a way through which one could fully open the European market to the United States. We have been developing this project for many years.

God gave the United States advanced technology, the most powerful industry, huge financial resources and huge natural resources - and this must be used to overcome the difficulties of the growth of the American economy. God gave the same thing to Europe, therefore, in order to solve common financial and economic problems, it is necessary to simply connect the two main land economies into a single economy. And for this you need to reorient the European economy to closer cooperation with the United States.

Ed .: But the European economy is already tightly tied to the US economy.

Prof .: Exactly. However, the degree of cooperation needs to be done even more. In essence, we are talking about the two economies literally merging into one, mutually complementing each other.

Ed .: And then how about Europe’s dependence on energy supplies from various countries, primarily from Russia.

Prof .: Therefore, it is necessary to create such a situation in Europe so that the Europeans themselves abandon their energy cooperation with Russia and with other energy suppliers, and link their economic interests with energy supplies from the United States.

Ed .: But after all such a step is extremely disadvantageous to the European economy.

Prof .: True. But how else is it possible to peacefully resolve the financial and economic problems of the two first economies of the world? Peaceful resolution of problems will require participation from all countries, and Europe itself has set itself up, tying its economy to energy supplies from problem regions.

The United States has always helped Europe, we have contributed to the revival of Europe after World War II, and now Europe should, as a sign of gratitude to the United States over the decades of its prosperity, take part in restoring the American economy. Who is to blame for the fact that the circumstances were such that assistance is already needed for the United States from Europe? We are counting on the understanding of the current situation by the Europeans, but in any case, there is nowhere to retreat and we are all hostages of the moment.

Ed .: Well, good. And what will the Middle East, Russia, say to this?

Prof .: The US policy, if you remember, in the last decade was aimed precisely at waking the Middle East and introducing the peoples of this region to democracy. The Middle East is currently experiencing turbulent social and political changes, and in the future these changes will only increase, turning this region of the world into a very troubled place, which is very likely to affect the security of energy supplies from this region.

The fate of Russia is in her hands. Everyone will survive as they can, and Russia, of course, must suffer in many ways from a break in relations with Europe, but the extent of this suffering will largely depend on Russia itself. Russia is now in an extremely unenviable position - it has to resolve very dangerous and in principle unresolvable issues. And whatever the Russians take, any decision will not be in Russia's favor, since any steps taken by the Russian leadership are no longer capable of fundamentally changing the current situation.

Ed .: That is, the West does not intend to give Ukraine to Russia?

Prof .: And where is Ukraine? Whether the united Ukraine will remain on the world map or disintegrate is absolutely irrelevant for solving the main problem. The main task of the events in Ukraine is to dissolve Europe with Russia so that the Europeans completely refuse to cooperate with Russia and redirect their economies to full cooperation with the United States. The main goal - to tie Europe's economy more tightly to the US economy, and what happens in Ukraine in this case does not interest anyone. Ukraine is only a means by which it is possible to solve all problems without drawing the world into another world war. Ukraine is given the role of the rubble, which will interrupt European cooperation with Russia. And what kind of structure there will be, the form of government - these are absolutely not interesting questions. Only the people of Ukraine will be able to determine how tragic their fate will be in the establishment of a new order in Europe.

Ed .: But why exactly Ukraine was chosen to solve the problem of the world economy exit from the situation of default of the American currency?

Prof .: It's very simple. After all, it is through Ukraine that Europe supplies power from Russia. If you create controlled chaos in Ukraine and cut off energy supplies from Russia, then Europe will cry out for indignation. It remains only to accuse Russia of intransigence and aggressiveness, and Europe will be forced to break off economic relations with Russia and reorient on energy supplies from the United States. And then with our shale gas we will again find ourselves in the role of benefactors of Europe, in the role of a kind of energy wand.

Europe, rejecting Russian supplies, would retain its face as a defender of European human rights values ​​and at the same time help the United States to solve the problem of financial indebtedness.

Yes, the refusal of energy supplies from Russia will create a lot of economic and social problems in Europe, but who said that Europe should not pay for the years of prosperity while being protected by the American nuclear umbrella? May Europeans also take part in preserving the well-being of a free world. It is necessary, ultimately, that 500 billions of dollars, which make up Europe’s trade with Russia, would become Europe’s trade with America. Then we will have a real chance to settle our financial obligations and save the dollar as a world currency.

Ed .: As we now understand from your words, the United States does not intend to stabilize the situation in Ukraine?

Prof .: A wide range of activities can be applied here. But whatever happens in the sphere of politics in Ukraine, the main thing should remain unchanged - the termination of broad cooperation between Russia and Europe. Let the events in Ukraine go on as you please, but in any case they should lead to a gap between the Russians and the Europeans.

Ed .: Could you show on some examples of events in Ukraine how your concept is implemented? The fact is that some observers, trying to predict the logic of events, often become stumped, not understanding the reasons for the actions of the new Kiev rulers. People do not understand the logic of the behavior of Americans in connection with some steps to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.

Prof .: Of course. Only it is necessary to clearly realize one simple thought: the United States pursues its own goal exclusively to preserve the world monetary system based on the dollar - in order to realize this goal and all steps are being taken. For the practical implementation of this main goal, a Ukrainian campaign was launched to break the economic relations of Europe with Russia. All events taking place in Ukraine should be considered exclusively from these positions.

For example, the agreement of 21 in February, when the leaders of the Ukrainian opposition and representatives of France, Germany and Poland signed an agreement with Yanukovych on the early presidential elections in Ukraine, were doomed to non-compliance in advance. If this agreement had been realized, the discord in Ukraine could have subsided and then there could be no question of any break in the economic ties between Ukraine and Russia. Consequently, it was necessary to grossly violate the agreement, which was done. Both Russia and Europe should have become hostages of the complete unpredictability and illogical actions of the new Ukrainian authorities. The more misunderstandings then arise between Russia and Europe, the sooner the conditions will be created for the realization of our plans to create an economic barrier in Ukraine.

America needs an order in Ukraine that would interrupt the economic cooperation of Russia and Europe with each other. And the American policy is to develop events in this way. Now events in Ukraine are only unfolding, and there is no point in waiting for pacification - a troubled Ukraine should become an insurmountable barrier between Russia and Europe.

Understand one thing. In order to break the economic ties between Europe and Russia, Europeans need to be so intimidated by the Russian threat that they themselves want to do this - it is necessary to radically change European public opinion about cooperation with Russia. It is necessary to emphasize in every possible way the aggressiveness and unpredictability of Russia, provoking it to escalate the conflict in Ukraine. The media should constantly talk about the growth of tension in Ukraine, about the violence and cruelties perpetrated by the Russians, so that Europe is ripe for a break.

Let the Europeans shudder at a possible Russian invasion - creating an image of an unceremonious Russian ready for any adventure, starting from the provocative flyby of the American destroyer and ending with the advance of the Russian armada tanks to the borders of the Baltic states and Ukraine, all the activities of our media should be devoted now. The mindset of the European population and, ultimately, the success of the Ukrainian campaign for the United States depends on the activities of the media.

Ed .: Please explain that America will benefit from this development?

Prof .: With pleasure. In the event of a gradual reduction in the economic relations of Europe with Russia, it will be forced to reorient its economy towards the United States, since only the economy of America can now be compared with the economy of America in terms of the volume and quality of goods. This will give a powerful impetus to the development of the American economy, which will allow the elimination of American debt to begin.

But the most important should be the energy cooperation between Europe and the USA. Europe’s refusal of Russian and Middle Eastern energy sources will lead to huge investments in US shale gas production, will lead to the creation of a powerful infrastructure for its processing and delivery to Europe. Europe will be interested in the rapid creation of such infrastructure, and will not skimp on spending, which will allow the US to quickly eliminate its financial problems.

Ed .: And what if Europe does not agree with this scenario and does not want to sever relations with Russia?

Prof .: This is simply impossible to imagine - Europe is too dependent on the United States politically, militarily and economically. And besides participation in the structure of NATO, there is a moral duty of Europe to America, who once saved her from totalitarianism and ensured a comfortable life for Europe.

But if we consider it purely hypothetical, then this would be extremely irrational on the part of Europe - it would only be worse. This would have doomed America to the inevitable collapse of the dollar, and then world history will follow the most unfavorable scenario, as we have already discussed above. Yes, the gap between Europe and Russia is not an easy step, but the preservation of the status quo will result in more serious consequences for Europe and for the whole world.

Ed .: Thank you, Professor. Could you conclude our conversation with a few words about the fate of the world in the short term, as you imagine it.

Prof .: Of course. The reorientation of Europe to close economic cooperation with the United States should ultimately lead to the emergence of some kind of unity under the code name, for example, the North Atlantic Cooperation Organization. Moreover, the military basis of such a union, represented by NATO, has long existed. Such unification would be a logical continuation of the integration processes taking place in the modern world, and would allow to unite all democratic peoples on both sides of the Atlantic into a single democratic civilization. Other democracies could join this union in the future: Japan, Australia, and so on.

Why hide the fact that such an association would be the most powerful in the history of mankind, and it would forever eliminate the danger of the revival of totalitarianism in the world. Such an association would contribute to the creation of such progressive productive forces, which would be on the shoulder of the rapid development of outer space and the transformation of Earth civilization into space.

Russia, of course, will not be finally excluded from the world community, but only if it does not oppose itself to American efforts to overcome financial problems. Russia will have to be alone with its natural resources if it persists in its quest for the restoration of Russian hegemony. Then, in relation to Russia, the policy of isolation and promotion of democratic processes inside Russia will be applied.

China may help Russia to some extent, but it does not want to strengthen this cooperation too much due to the threat of losing the united Euro-American market. Thus, Russia must choose between its progressive development and participation in the common cause of overcoming the crisis in the modern world, or become marginal, doomed to eternal backwardness, as a mean knight guarding its own useless natural wealth.

Ed .: And the last. Tell me, Professor, what caused your intention to reveal the secret springs of the modern Ukrainian crisis? What or who directs you?

Prof .: I am not a supporter of coercive methods of settling conflicts, therefore I would like to make an effort to solve problems peacefully. For this, it seems to me, world leaders should be clear about what is happening in the modern world. Only complete openness of the policy can lead to predictable results. I want the world community to understand the difficulties of the current moment and to take whatever part they can to resolve them.

In addition, there are people in the United States and in Europe who hold similar views, and they would like through our dialogue to convey to the public their views on the peaceful resolution of problems and cooperation.

On the other hand, there are many hawks, both in the West and in the East, who would like to force resolution of urgent issues. Therefore, the main goal of our meeting is to show that there is a peaceful way to overcome all difficulties, so that people understand that peace on the planet will depend on their efforts. ”


I cannot tell you in detail exactly how the recording of this conversation fell into my hands. I also cannot judge with complete confidence how the facts presented in the conversation are true. However, I have complete confidence in the people through whom this record was provided to me.

And by the way, if we follow the latest statements by representatives of the American authorities, we will see that they are broadcasting in full accordance with the material outlined in the correspondence from Germany.

According to The New York Times (19 April 2014), the White House plans to isolate Russia, cutting off its economic and political ties with the outside world.

“Imagine what the situation would be today if you could tell Russia that it can keep its gas for itself,” said US Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday, 22 on April 2014, at a meeting with self-appointed Ukrainian rulers. And in a conversation with Ukrainian lawmakers, Biden said that the priority direction of the US’s work is to help them gain independence from the supply of Russian energy resources.

Now it remains only to draw conclusions and take stock.

1. America in Ukraine pursues its own selfish interests in creating such a situation in Europe that would allow it to overcome the current financial crisis and remain the world economic leader, keeping the dollar as the world currency.

2. America’s actions are directed not against Russia, but towards the creation of such an oversized government in Ukraine, in which stable energy supplies from Russia to Europe would have been impossible.

3. The goal of American action in Ukraine is to cut off the economic cooperation between Europe and Russia, forcing Europeans to completely reorient themselves to the American market.

If events in Ukraine develop according to the American scenario, then soon Russia will face very serious economic problems. The inevitable will be a reduction in economic cooperation with Europe and with all countries where American influence is strong. A reduction in cooperation will lead to a reduction in Russian production, with all the ensuing consequences.

To counteract the negative phenomena, Russia will have to more actively engage in accelerated development of the domestic market and intensify cooperation with countries independent of American influence.

But most importantly, Russia needs to urgently develop its own ideology of development, which would explain the Russians why they need to suffer economic hardships, opposing US policy, and not disarm. Unfortunately, Russia still doesn’t have such an ideology. But only she can give people confidence in their rightness and allow them not only to withstand the growing struggle, overcome difficulties, but also create a strong and prosperous state. Without such an ideology, Russia simply cannot hold out.

As soon as economic difficulties begin in the country, the Russian liberals of all stripes will blame everything, of course, the “Putin regime”, and they will begin to “rock the boat” vigorously, fulfilling the American order. A merciless battle for the minds of Russians will begin, in which the strongest will win. If this is liberalism, Russia will be doomed to collapse and destruction, despite all its weapons and resources. Therefore, the speedy development of the Russian ideology of development is not a question of tactics, but a question of fate.
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  1. +5
    April 29 2014 08: 16
    As in any garden where manure is used, it should burn out!
    1. +16
      April 29 2014 08: 40
      Such a union ... would allow the unification of all democratic peoples on both sides of the Atlantic into a single democratic civilization.

      I see that the West will not be disturbed by the soaps of the creation of this collective farm. But Europeans do not seem to be fools at all and must understand who will milk and who will eat the cream.
      1. +5
        April 29 2014 08: 55
        This alignment and the hedgehog is understandable ... but not always the result will meet the planned even well-calculated expectations ... after all, you can tear yourself hi
        1. +2
          April 29 2014 18: 37
          Quote: Vladimir.z.
          not always the result will meet planned even well-calculated expectations ...

          It seems to me that Mr. Professor did not calculate the reaction of Europe itself. After all, there are not brainless individuals, they know how to count money. Moreover, Europe is invited to tighten the strap. And this is fraught with riots in Europe itself.
          And then shale gas is not eternal, and at cost more than natural. So the project of the United North Atlantic Union will quickly be blown away, and even then both Europe and the USA will crawl on their knees to Russia and the Middle East for their energy resources.
          I think the United States even understands this very much, and therefore for them the military support of the dollar system is most acceptable, no matter how blasphemous it may sound.
      2. Klepa
        April 29 2014 09: 32
        Well, yes, those revolutions that take place in Europe will soon tear Europe apart. What is the general market there ....
        1. platitsyn70
          April 29 2014 13: 49
          in May, EU elections will see who comes to steer into Europe.
      3. +3
        April 29 2014 12: 15
        Baikal SU Today, 08:40 ↑ .. "who will milk and who will eat cream."
        ..they milk mulberries, and eat the cream of tama .. "Kharkiv Mayor Gennady Kernes successfully transferred the flight to Israel, where he was sent for treatment after the assassination attempt .."
        .. and another haifa is torn back to the place of Mel Odessa ..
        .. and while they are two-faced, we will all be in ...
      4. +3
        April 29 2014 14: 32
        Quote: Baikal
        Thus, Russia must choose between its progressive development and participation in the common cause of overcoming the crisis in the modern world, or become a marginal doomed to eternal backwardness,

        . In 1913 Russia accounted for a little more than 4% of world industrial production, its population was 9% of the world population. Per capita in Russia accounted for more than two times less production than in the rest of the world, including Asia, Africa and South America. By the mid-80s, the proportion of the population of the USSR decreased to 5,5%. And the share of industrial products of the Soviet Union in the global volume has already reached 14,5%. This figure is named in the statistical collection of the US CIA. According to these American data, the level of industrial production in the Soviet Union per capita was almost double the world level, and from the point of view of dynamics, this means that over 70 years of Soviet power, industry in the USSR developed 6 times faster than in the rest of the world, and the main growth was achieved under Stalin. Who else should we prove?
        The success of the USSR was seriously disturbed by the capitalist countries, and especially the United States. In the September issue of National Business for 1953. In Herbert Harris’s article, “Russians are catching up with us ...” it was noted that the USSR is faster than any country in terms of growth in economic power, and currently the growth rate in the USSR is 2 ~ 3 times higher than in the USA. US presidential candidate Stevenson evaluated; - that if the pace of production in Stalinist Russia continues, then by 1970 the volume of Russian production is 3-4 times higher than American. And if this happens, the consequences for capital countries (and especially for the United States) will be at least formidable. And Hirst, the king of the American press, after visiting the USSR demanded the creation of a permanent planning council in the United States. (The assassination of Stalin and Beria)
        The capitalists were well aware that the annual increase in the standard of living of the Soviet people is the most compelling argument in favor of the superiority of socialism. The Americans have already forgotten about this. It's time to remind !!!
      5. +1
        April 29 2014 21: 42
        It looks like a duck. Well, never a single prof. will not speak so frankly with almost the victim. It may make sense in what was said, but they presented it falsely
    2. Klepa
      April 29 2014 09: 31
      It is strange that an American professor used the word "God". God left the United States a long time ago, they themselves did everything possible and impossible for this.
      1. +6
        April 29 2014 10: 20
        "And what are these Nazis doing in Ukraine? They simply represent a cocked detonator to start a new world war" LaRouche
      2. RND
        April 29 2014 12: 33
        Quote: Klepa
        It is strange that an American professor used the word "God". God left the United States a long time ago, they themselves did everything possible and impossible for this.

        A dragonfly and an ant ... Dragonflies continue to want to eat fat and have fun. But, in my opinion, we will still see how their snot in their nose starts to freeze.
    3. Validator
      April 29 2014 10: 35
      [media = / watch? v = pTyqq50dJuw & feature =]
      If someone else is not completely aware of what Ukrosi is, I recommend listening to Poroshenko’s conversation with the director of Channel 5. Very cool!
    4. +3
      April 29 2014 10: 51
      There is only one conclusion: counter-propaganda in the western direction. The authorities should be concerned about the appointment of professional, competent and, most importantly, loyal specialists in this area.
      1. zzz
        April 29 2014 11: 18
        Quote: varov14
        There is only one conclusion: counter-propaganda in the western direction. The authorities should be concerned about the appointment of professional, competent and, most importantly, loyal specialists in this area.

        From a neighboring topic pulled.
        1. zzz
          April 29 2014 12: 33
          Musin says that Putin may have already begun hunting. And who will be the successor, if it is eliminated, Russia will take such a course. I recommend to listen. And about why Hugo Chavez died (killed)
    5. +3
      April 29 2014 11: 45
      All today's actions of the USA and the Junta go exactly according to plan. But the plan is likely to burst, too many conventions. Europeans (not ruler puppets!) Will no longer want to go into the bondage of the United States, they have too penetrated our market. The main thing for our leadership is to take the right steps and broadcast RT throughout Europe!
      1. +1
        April 29 2014 12: 42
        Our Armed Forces test the strength of the amerikosov intercontinental missile RS-24 YARS from the Kapustin Yar test site soldier The main thing is that they don’t put on their pants ...
    6. +1
      April 29 2014 12: 09
      Quote: Keeper
      As in any garden where manure is used, it should burn out!

      hello, in principle, this has been going on for a long time, It’s not in vain that the United States spent so much money and energy to control liberal democrats, the main weapon of liberals brought from overseas 20 years is crazy propaganda, the state should not interfere in the economy, Today America teaches a lesson to our liberals what we have been accustomed to for so many years, Liberal values ​​have been discarded altogether to solve their problems, AND NOW LET ANY LIBERAL WITH FOAM SHALL PROVE THAT THE MOST DEFENDANT PROTECTOR AND COMPETITOR OF FREEDOM AND HUMAN RIGHTS DO NOT SPIT ALL RIGHTS IF IT FACILITES A FAVORITE USA
      1. +1
        April 29 2014 12: 45
        China may help Russia to some extent, but it does not want to strengthen this cooperation too much due to the threat of losing the united Euro-American market. Thus, Russia must choose between its progressive development and participation in the common cause of overcoming the crisis in the modern world, or become marginal, doomed to eternal backwardness, as a mean knight guarding its own useless natural wealth.
        ............. lying, a dog ........... would you not come to us with weapons every century, if our wealth would not be needed .... ..... and the Russians flew into space and without you will be able to create a space civilization together with China ...... we have enough smart and talented scientists to create breakthrough technologies, history has repeatedly proved this ....... ... starting with the nuclear icebreakers that we only have, ending with floating nuclear power plants for the development of the natural resources of the Arctic Circle ......... and yours will never be able to develop normally in conjunction with your business, for Shorenny Russophobia, politicians
    7. +1
      April 29 2014 14: 05
      would be an arsonist. but the fire will not work ..
      and generally ..... from a Polish professional .. "- Your forecast - what will eventually become with Ukraine?

      - I think that the best option is if Ukraine had ceased to exist at all within today's borders. What kind of state is Ukraine ?! This is a territory, not a state. Perhaps a small state is forming within the western part, which will support the United States and the West. Probably, for some time they will retain Kiev. But Moscow, it seems to me, besides the South-East of Ukraine, will lay claim to Kiev. She has historical rights to this.
      - No wonder Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly called Kiev - “the mother of Russian cities” ...
      - That's right. Putin has an imperial idea. And it is worthy of respect. The USA also has an imperial idea, but it is purely materialistic. And the Russians are connected
      after all, spiritual values. There is messianism there, which has long been absent in the West. ""
      1. 0
        April 29 2014 14: 53
        Quote: Ross
        All today's actions of the USA and the Junta go exactly according to plan.

        If we continue the logic of the article, Europe is only an intermediate stage and a pleasant bonus. Nevertheless, there are hints, from a parade of sovereignty to the direct demand of the victim of his interests in relations with Russia. Even with her market, she will not save the Americans. With such a debt, which in the near future will surely only increase. Before the new fiscal year, we will certainly see an increase in the debt level. Shale gas seems to be a fable. In order to supply something to Europe, you need resources, at least for your economy, and as cheaply as possible. So the pressure is looming on Russia on an even larger scale, they will not leave it alone with its resources. The peacefulness of this process is that with the penetration of the European market, there will be time for the decomposition of Russia. Here, isolation will play a role and internal liberals of all stripes. And there you look, for the world, the real dependence of all species on the United States.
  2. +25
    April 29 2014 08: 18
    It is unfortunate that everything goes under the dictation of the Americans. But these creatures must know one thing - THEY WILL NOT SURVIVE. All the same, they will be wiped off the face of the earth. Such a nation of world scum should not go unpunished for all the evil that it has produced and is producing
    1. MBA78
      April 29 2014 12: 09
      another bike from the crypt ... they want to eat fish and not to sit x ... they won’t take a ride ... look at the map professor - there’s nothing to think about
    2. +1
      April 29 2014 13: 24
      95% of the article is fake. In fact, in style, and without proof link. I would not reflect. With Europe, trade with Russia is two times less than what is approved by the "Profesor", the USA is interested in increasing trade with Europe, but while they are implementing it, the "Profesor" should know that shale mining will be blown away (not familiar with the terminology, but deposits become unprofitable within a year or three).
      In short f furnace.
  3. 0
    April 29 2014 08: 22
    Quote: smel
    But these creatures must know one thing - THEY WILL NOT SURVIVE

    what is the basis of such a statement, a proverb about something that does not sink because it didn’t appear from scratch?
    1. +3
      April 29 2014 08: 25
      what is the basis of such a statement, a proverb about something that does not sink because it didn’t appear from scratch?
      Based on the fact that the litter is still burning. So this American substance has the opportunity to burn
      1. +6
        April 29 2014 08: 39
        dreams, dreams, go down to earth, it’s better to play war games in the computer, but not to transfer this action to reality
        1. +2
          April 29 2014 11: 05
          Quote: saag
          dreams, dreams, go down to earth, it’s better to play war games in the computer, but not to transfer this action to reality

          Yes, but to surrender everything, like Yanukovych or Gorbachev, if only there was no war - there is cowardice and cowardice! am
  4. +15
    April 29 2014 08: 23
    At the very least, to begin gasification of Russia not in words but in practice, I mean the population. I will gladly translate my solid fuel boiler into gas automation. hi
    1. +3
      April 29 2014 11: 02
      Quote: Russian quilted jacket
      At the very least, to begin gasification of Russia not in words but in practice, I mean the population. I will gladly translate my solid fuel boiler into gas automation. hi

      It is necessary to start not only gasification, but also accelerated, in-depth processing of all types of minerals, and renewable resources too. hi
  5. +5
    April 29 2014 08: 25
    "The fall in production in all countries will be the inevitable result of the destruction of international cooperation. Due to the shutdown of production, a huge army of unemployed will appear." ... and also add an army of parasites of migrants ... a cheerful perspective of internal problems in Europe looms.
  6. +14
    April 29 2014 08: 30
    Ideology! Ideology! Ideology! I completely agree with the author. Russia needs the WAY in one direction, and the liberals will drag the country in different directions or make them stand still
    1. +3
      April 29 2014 08: 47
      Plus and with both hands "for". The problem is that historically it has developed so that a new ideology can be successfully planted only after massive purges ... In this case, it is known in what ranks.
      1. +1
        April 29 2014 10: 57
        Quote: Baikal
        Plus and with both hands "for". The problem is that historically it has developed so that a new ideology can be successfully planted only after massive purges ... In this case, it is known in what ranks.

        Yes, but, first the ideology, and then the "cleansing".
    2. +2
      April 29 2014 09: 20
      and the liberals will drag the country into different countries or make them stand still

      Before them, their puppeteers from America were given the task of returning us back to the beginning / mid 90s.
      1. +2
        April 29 2014 11: 12
        Well, the solution to all problems - as always - is simple.
        If they want Ukraine to be a "blockage" between Russia and Europe,
        it is necessary to clean out this rubble politely.
        And all the plans of the pale-faced in Europe - will be covered
        And they will have to roll the dollar
  7. +8
    April 29 2014 08: 37
    Some very strange logic is present in the article. I’m certainly not an economist, I don’t understand something, but I just can’t taste it at all, how can breaking the economic ties between Europe and Russia help the United States prevent default? The maximum that they can achieve is a delay, because they have already forgotten how to produce something other than money (ha ha). The American auto industry is in crisis, high-precision high-tech industries are moved to Southeast Asia ...
    No, I don’t understand ... In my opinion, they will only achieve an even greater increase in external debt, and then it will fall even more painfully.
    1. +4
      April 29 2014 08: 55
      Quote: igor_m_p
      How can breaking the economic ties between Europe and Russia help the United States prevent default?

      As I understand it, they want to do with the EU what the EU did with its new eastern allies, i.e. turn Europe into a market for their goods, which will automatically lead to a fall in European production. They want to replace with their own goods, incl. gas and oil supplies from Russia. They believe that Europe should pay the US such a price in gratitude for the "help" of the Americans during and after the war.
      1. +5
        April 29 2014 10: 23
        So the whole point is that now the USA cannot offer any real goods to the USA. Gas - yes, but not right away, in about five years. Oil? It is also doubtful - the Middle East is at hand. Yes, and we not only drive oil to them through pipes, but we also successfully transport it by tankers, so it will be difficult to play a pipeline card on Ukrainian territory here. Electronics? - Southeast Asia, the same China, the same Korea. Food? It’s ridiculous. In Europe its enough. Cars? Even funnier. So I present the picture: Germany buys cars from the states ... In gratitude for the wiped out Dresden, probably? So the states, before pulling a blanket over the European market, should think about how to fill this market, besides dollars, again ...
      2. +4
        April 29 2014 10: 28
        Quote: mamont5
        They believe that Europe should pay the US such a price in gratitude for the "help" of the Americans during and after the war.

        And what will the USA pay Europe for 20 million killed Europeans (this is not counting us)?
        And besides it is very convenient laughing provoke 2 terrible wars in Europe, first destroy everything in Europe, kill 20 million, at the same time suck out all the money from Europe on military supplies, then give money for restoration (in debt), and then ask again, laughing oh sorry Europeans SHOULD help the US solve the problems that the US has created for itself by collecting debts.
        No, don’t say anything, but Carthage MUST be destroyed.
      3. 0
        April 29 2014 11: 45
        The whole subtlety is that the United States is not able to provide either gas or oil to anyone but itself, is not enough, and expensive, in addition, there are big environmental problems from the production of shale hydrocarbons. They are going to provide both Europe and Asia (and themselves) with the same Middle Eastern resources, having previously placed their production and transportation under their full control.
        In short, the "battle for Europe" has begun.
    2. +6
      April 29 2014 09: 38
      This is the whole point! I am also not so hot as a world economist, but I understand it this way. Americans know for sure that soon they will go nuts, which means the inevitability of a world war, and what a world war is, everyone understands, it is DEATH TO EVERYONE. They are looking for a way out , and an increase in the market at the expense of Europe, as they think, is the salvation of the situation. But unfortunately, I think, like you, that this will not save the situation. The ship "America" ​​is sinking, they are frantically looking for a way out so as not to drown. The problem is that, unfortunately, they have an excellent army and weapons. Therefore, they will not go to the bottom with their heads held high to their anthem! They will press the BUTTON! So all this blah blah, nothing more than a screen, they are preparing for war. IT'S good, BUT who will Europe be with when the cannons start talking big QUESTION! In short, I think a BIG WAR is inevitable! Sharpen ax brothers!
      1. +1
        April 29 2014 10: 42
        The world crisis will still be .... the States will not have time to transfer it to others .... globalization will end there ... and its main burden will fall on the territory of America .... we will get a bunch of new states on the American continent)))
        1. 0
          April 29 2014 12: 01
          Quote: KIND
          The world crisis will still be .... the States will not have time to transfer it to others .... globalization will end there ... and its main burden will fall on the territory of America .... we will get a bunch of new states on the American continent)))

          Well, a bunch, not a bunch, but a couple, three get.
      2. 0
        April 29 2014 11: 58
        Quote: Gunia
        This is the whole point! I, too, is not so hot as a world economist, but I understand it this way. The Americans know for sure that soon they will go nuts, which means the inevitability of the outbreak of a world war ... The ship "America" ​​is sinking, they are frantically looking for a way out of something don't drown.

        I will say more - a ship is drowning under the name of post-industrial financial capitalism!

        The problem is that they, unfortunately, have a wonderful army and weapons. Therefore, they will not go to the bottom with their heads held proudly under their anthem! They will press the BUTTON! So all this blah blah, no more than a screen, they are preparing for war. NATO is good, BUT who will Europe be with when the guns start talking QUESTION! In short, I think a GREAT WAR is inevitable! Sharpen the brothers axes!

        Even in this matter, time is relentlessly running out - the US nuclear potential is rapidly degrading, money for such a huge army and an inefficient and gluttonous military-industrial complex is sorely lacking, and there is no where to get it except to borrow it again or rob someone (rob)!
    3. 0
      April 29 2014 10: 56
      Quote: igor_m_p
      Some very strange logic is present in the article ....
      No, I don’t understand ... In my opinion, they will only achieve an even greater increase in external debt, and then it will fall even more painfully.

      Verify the truth.
    4. 0
      April 29 2014 11: 58
      I would also be skeptical about the allegations of this, allegedly, professor. Who is he, where did he come from? And the NSA’s profile is not analytics, but intelligence gathering using all kinds of technical means. His predictions are far from the ultimate truth.
    5. zzz
      April 29 2014 12: 12
      Quote: igor_m_p
      Some very strange logic is present in the article. I’m certainly not an economist, I don’t understand something, but I just can’t taste it at all, how can breaking the economic ties between Europe and Russia help the United States prevent default?

      Yes, he does not finish the article! The USA can only be prevented by conquering Russia, destroying half the world, and resettling the remaining ones to places where minerals will be mined, where there will be factories and factories, people will live in barracks, on reservations, and plow, plow, plow silently on ruling elite. And Russia is on the way to this world order, with a completely different worldview, because we have a SOUL! We are like a bone in the throat. And Ukraine is just the beginning of the destruction of Russia. But whether they succeed is a question for Putin.
  8. johnsnz
    April 29 2014 08: 37
    And if you apply the policy of an adequate response and break off relations between the EU and the US? It’s difficult, but, I think, not impossible.
    And I would also argue about the "two leading economies" of the world (the author probably means Europe and the United States). China is not afraid of its dumping?
    And so, summarizing, the article is a complete recognition of oneself as the last scoundrels. I recommend it to the total broadcast
    1. +2
      April 29 2014 08: 57
      Quote: johnsnz
      And if you apply the policy of an adequate response and break off relations between the EU and the US? It’s difficult, but, I think, not impossible.

      Yes, this is, I think, the best solution. And you need to start with Germany.
    2. +1
      April 29 2014 10: 54
      [quote = johnsnz] ...
      And so, summarizing, the article is a complete recognition of oneself as the last scoundrels. I recommend it to the total broadcast [/ yt & b ///

      It is impossible to disagree with you.
  9. HAM
    April 29 2014 08: 38
    Strange and convenient all the same this thing: "democracy", it can cover up everything, and blatant lies, and brazen robbery, and slander, and naked .. oh poo.
    1. +5
      April 29 2014 10: 00
      Interesting article.
      Oddly enough, but I have already expressed my opinion (though in a less detailed form). And my comment seems to coincide with what is happening.
      The task of breaking the economic ties between Europe and Russia is not so easy as described in the article:
      1.Let the Europeans shudder at a possible Russian invasion - creating an image of an unceremonious Russian ready for any adventure, starting from the provocative flyby of an American destroyer and ending with the advance of an armada of Russian tanks to the borders of the Baltic states and Ukraine
      Attempts to create an "aggressor Russia" are doomed to failure, and if we have to use force, it will be a force of support.
      2.But the most important should be energy cooperation between Europe and the United States. Europe’s refusal from Russian and Middle Eastern energy resources will lead to gigantic investments in American shale gas production, will lead to the creation of a powerful infrastructure for its processing and delivery to Europe.
      Well this is all nonsense. America, neither now nor in the future, will be able to supply ever-increasing volumes of gas.
      3.Our "Nord Stream" и "South Stream", these are nails in the lid of the coffin that can ruin the United States and collapse the dollar. And here should be "ears on the crown".
      Their next step will be the capture of Iran and its richest reserves of gas and oil. And it is precisely these energy carriers that are going to be delivered to Europe.
      So this article is just a fragment of a geopolitical war.
      And for now I will dwell on what has been said. These moves are obvious, and how many are hidden so far.
      It is a pity that Ukraine became a bargaining chip in this game.
      The sale of the elite, death for the people.
      I hope that we can handle this. hi
    2. +1
      April 29 2014 10: 51
      Quote: HAM
      Strange and convenient all the same this thing: "democracy", it can cover up everything, and blatant lies, and brazen robbery, and slander, and naked .. oh poo.

      On democracy: it is necessary by all available means to promote the true understanding of democracy, as the power of the majority when protecting and taking into account the views of the minority, as opposed to American or Western "democracy", as the power of the minority when manipulating the opinion of the majority.
      By the way, what is not ideology?
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +2
    April 29 2014 08: 47
    Mattresses are our enemies, and acting on this basis, they do everything to the detriment of Russia.
    1. +6
      April 29 2014 10: 30
      Quote: Giant thought
      Mattresses are our enemies, and acting on this basis, they do everything to the detriment of Russia.

      Reread the article more carefully. "Mattress makers" are not our enemies - they are enemies of the whole world and always act only on the basis of their own selfish interests, nothing more. We need to start acting in the direction of isolating the United States itself, let them solve their problems themselves. For this, it is necessary, first of all, to accelerate the construction of the "South Stream" and the second, third stage of the "North Stream", even at their own expense, whoever wants to take part will have time, plus a small gas dumping. At the same time, it is necessary to accelerate efforts to abandon the dollar in settlements (and in foreign exchange reserves) and switch to currencies of countries that produce goods, rather than services (including military ones) and cut paper. It is rightly said: "A miser pays twice," therefore the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance should not "waste away over the gold", reserves - if used correctly, is a profitable business. And the US economy, in this case, will collapse itself and it will not have time for military bases around the world (not for fat, I would live). And then, look what they wanted, everyone must pay for them, except for the United States itself (otherwise, you see, there is a war), and here are the pipes! What if there is a war? Well, the arsonist will pay for everything, it won't seem a little.
      PS: By the way, shale gas with the existing technology (chemical fracturing) is a complete gamble, and even with severe environmental consequences.
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. +10
    April 29 2014 08: 50
    Russia must choose between its progressive development and its participation in the common cause of overcoming the crisis in the modern world, or become a marginal, doomed to eternal backwardness, like a mean knight, guarding its natural resources no longer needed.

    After these words, everything is clear with the professor! fool
  14. +6
    April 29 2014 08: 50
    About this and says Fedorov.

    But with the instability of supplies, a puncture comes out, because there is a north stream, a blue stream, a southern stream (under construction). The completion of the construction of the southern stream will remove Ukraine from gas transit% by 80.

    But with the demonization of Russia militarily, with the crushing of the military threat from Russia into the minds of Europeans - so far it turns out better, but it is also slipping.

    With the opening of the market for the United States, Europeans will live poorer, if there are massive strikes due to an increase in salaries at 5%, it is difficult to predict what strikes will be if the standard of living decreases by at least 10%.

    Therefore, I think the main theme here is the collapse of Russia and pay off our debts at the cost of our natural resources.

    Russia will have to be alone with its natural resources

    They cannot afford this.
  15. 0
    April 29 2014 08: 52
    These would be the words, but zapadentsam in the ears and brains. And then they think that as soon as they sign an agreement with the EU, they will immediately rush to feed and cherish all the caring European community.
  16. +5
    April 29 2014 08: 55
    Who would doubt that!!!
    Everything seems logical, but the impact of the dollar on the global economy is greatly exaggerated !!!
    Following the logic of this ...
    Prof: I I am not a supporter of forceful methods of resolving conflicts, therefore I would like to make efforts to resolve the problems peacefully. For this, it seems to me, world leaders should clearly understand what is happening in the modern world. Only full transparency of the policy can lead to predictable results. I want the world community to understand the difficulties of the current moment and take a feasible part in resolving them.

    The United States is the loudest and screaming about the importance of a stable dollar ....
    So maybe the "devil" is not as scary as he paints him, fin reserve ??? !!! soldier
  17. +6
    April 29 2014 08: 56
    Quote: Giant thought
    Mattresses are our enemies, and acting on this basis, they do everything to the detriment of Russia.

    They have always been enemies and they will remain! And they will use everything everywhere and everything, and do not forget about the British, who even go to the water closet with the USA in their arms!
    By the way, from the history of the Second World War:
    In early May 1945, the entire SS Galicia division surrendered to American and British forces.
    The Ukrainian servicemen of the division were separated from the Germans and placed in a camp in the vicinity of Rimini (Italy). Due to the intervention of the Vatican, which viewed the soldiers of the division as "good Catholics and devoted anti-communists", their status was changed by the British from "prisoners of war" to "surrendered enemy personnel".
    Since during the surrender, the members of the division claimed that they were not Ukrainians, but Galicians, this fact served as a formal reason for refusing to extradite the "Ukrainian SS" despite repeated requests and demands from the Soviet side.
    After the war, the Association of former members of the Galicia division appeared in the American occupation zone of Germany (the SS prefix was prudently omitted). After several moves, the headquarters of the association finally settled in Toronto. Former SS-sheep took up the favorite business of real Ukrainian patriots: they began to glorify their nonexistent exploits in magazines and books that they themselves published.

    That's it!
  18. +7
    April 29 2014 09: 00
    If this is liberalism, Russia will be doomed to collapse and destruction, despite all its weapons and resources.
    Already tested 90 .. So we will stand to death!
  19. +3
    April 29 2014 09: 03
    Americans + Euro + Japan + Australia - Rest of the world: Oversaturated markets versus developing countries. When buying resources in America everything is smooth or the dollar will fall or the price of resources will increase. Euria will just worsen its welfare? and next to us with our gas.
  20. Gagarin
    April 29 2014 09: 04
    How America does not want to get off the throne of the world ... BUT WILL!
  21. +1
    April 29 2014 09: 06
    Ph.D. discusses global politics ... However! And how can you relate to these words (by the way, it is not known which way was obtained) seriously? Along the way - another tale of western zhurnalyug
  22. +2
    April 29 2014 09: 08
    Russia urgently needs to restore the size of the USSR - then we can calmly survive all the designs of Western "thinkers" on our own.
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 12: 21
      Quote: SarS
      Russia urgently needs to restore the size of the USSR - then we can calmly survive all the designs of Western "thinkers" on our own.

      That's right, but the question is how? I think this will not be before the fall of the hegemon, but will be one of the results of its fall.
  23. +2
    April 29 2014 09: 09
    That is, the world is threatened with hunger, devastation and turmoil due to the debt of the states, so the states, in their usual role as "saviors of the world", are saving this very world, bringing this very hunger, devastation and confusion to a country that will not be shown on the map? !!! what
    some strange article justifying the entire foreign policy of the states ... the halo is just not enough ...
    to artificially maintain American stability - does the whole world really want this? what
    1. +2
      April 29 2014 09: 45
      to artificially maintain American stability - does the whole world really want this?

      The world may not want to, but now it supports, we must put an end to this am
    2. +1
      April 29 2014 12: 23
      Quote: Salad
      some strange article justifying the entire foreign policy of the states ...

      The article does not justify the United States, but only once again reveals the motives and methods of their actions. hi
  24. +2
    April 29 2014 09: 17
    Quote: igor_m_p
    I’m certainly not an economist, I don’t understand something, but I just can’t taste it at all, how can breaking the economic ties between Europe and Russia help the United States prevent default?

    it’s very simple: what Europe doesn’t have, it buys from Russia, and if it breaks ties with us it will buy from the Yankees - thereby saving their economy ...
  25. +2
    April 29 2014 09: 19
    The article did not say anything new, but only confirmed that the United States is no longer able to continue to plunder the world alone. Now they are calling on Europe to join their gang, but as one character said: Pappandopulo from Odessa "... Pan Ataman has no gold reserves, so the lads are scattering, soon I will scatter in all four directions ..."! Only one thing was not taken into account by this so-called professor "Russia is not some kind of Upper Volta, but a completely self-sufficient power. And with his threats to organize" democratic actions "in Russia, I would advise him to think carefully before starting something. We are unarmed. the police will not be put up against the unbelted representatives of the "liberal rabble". And all the attempts of American "leaders" in the end only lead to the strengthening of our Motherland! After all, our ancestors have more than once broken the back of everyone who wanted to destroy us, and what are we worse than the ANCESTORS?
    1. +1
      April 29 2014 12: 37
      Quote: kartalovkolya
      ... Now they are calling on Europe to join their gang, but as one character said: Pappandopulo from Odessa "... Pan ataman has no gold reserves, so the lads are scattering, soon I will scatter in all four directions ..." ! Only one thing was not taken into account by this so-called professor "Russia is not some kind of Upper Volta ... And with his threats to organize" democratic speeches "in Russia, I would advise him to think carefully before starting something .... After all, our ancestors more than once they broke the back of everyone who wanted to destroy us, and what are we worse than the ANCESTORS?

      About Popandopulo amused. wassat
      In Russia, even the DAM who is considered a "liberal" turned out to be not a small patriot and showed the ability to react rather toughly to anti-Russian actions, up to the use of military force.
      And we, I hope, are not worse than our ancestors. "The enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!" hi
  26. +1
    April 29 2014 09: 19
    such a question for those who know it .. but it will not work for Russia to pick up the gas transmission system of Ukraine, for example, for debts and as a guarantor of the stability of gas supplies. putting people on guard. the army or even mercenaries is not the point.
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 12: 46
      Quote: spec-80
      such a question for those who know it .. but it will not work for Russia to pick up the gas transmission system of Ukraine, for example, for debts and as a guarantor of the stability of gas supplies. putting people on guard. the army or even mercenaries is not the point.

      As an option, I think it’s worth a try, only the court is a long time and is not guaranteed, but the mercenaries ... smile
  27. Khalmamed
    April 29 2014 09: 20
    "Philosopher Paul Christie" vividly outlined the modern "thought-expression" of dolorostan:
    approximately: "Europe !, RUSSIA, sending us with the theory, you lost you owe .., now we for the sake of our filled pants f .. we oblige you to be suckers ... and join a new state, otherwise our debts are not meritorious and sky-high but you are obliged to "well, just like punks, give me 10 kopecks (yes, we have thimblers and punks and they think better).
    and entot "doctor philosopher Paul Christie", apparently from the big and bursting (like Gulchitay: "the master appointed me his beloved wife!") vanity (well, like: "I know everything, I'm incredibly cool, I'm for the world, I came up with gravity ") gives OUR Minds and Strategists the answer:
    1. a point operation to isolate a screaming tumor (braids, bruised in the head, heads of gangs of mercenaries), maidan-pus resolves. No one intervenes. Tumor cool VERY polite PEOPLE temporarily.
    2. return of the selected president of Ukraine. TRIBUNAL over the Yuds for the sale, theft, betrayal of mercenaries, etc. etc.
    3. after that it is SIMPLY for 3 (well, so that it is GUARANTEED) of the year from PURE RUSSIAN POLITICITY to Europe gas for almost a dorm.
    4. to the un to oblige everyone to learn the words of the song and be ready to sing to the whole WORLD "goodbye america, goodbye washingulalyabad, aufiderzein country of satan".
  28. +1
    April 29 2014 09: 23
    But I wonder what will be the cost of this gas from America after transportation across the ocean, but they will not lay a pipe?
  29. +2
    April 29 2014 09: 26
    Quote: Dimy4
    But I wonder what will be the cost of this gas from America after transportation across the ocean, but they will not lay a pipe?

    it will also be liquefied plus an extra charge for land restoration after such mining
  30. +3
    April 29 2014 09: 29
    But really _ PEOPLE!
    1. +2
      April 29 2014 10: 37
      No it's ghouls living on someone else's blood.
  31. potap48a
    April 29 2014 09: 30
    urgently wake up a volcano in Yellowstone.
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 13: 03
      Quote: potap48
      urgently wake up a volcano in Yellowstone.

      "One taletka is enough", that is, a "good" vigorous missile with a buried blast ... wassat
      Is this, I hope, a joke of humor? request
      It hurts really do not want to become a witness, and even more so the object of the consequences. am
      I don't want to become a "dinosaur". smile
  32. +4
    April 29 2014 09: 34
    He mastered only half. Everything is clear with the USA, global hegemony does not give rest (delusions of grandeur if for the simplest. I think psychiatrists will give a more clear diagnosis). Not about that now, but about Europe. Europeans, this pepper (professor) openly stated that you (Europe) are making a market. That you should refuse gas from Russia and at an exorbitant price buy it from the USA. Those are openly said that the United States owns everything and everything (well, or thinks that it owns), and you (Europe) must certainly agree with this, and do not care about your own interests. At the expense of you (Europe), the United States wants to solve the problem with public debt. Question to you (Europe), why do you have self-esteem atrophied? You are a nation with its centuries-old history. And you as suckers ....
  33. +1
    April 29 2014 09: 37
    In view of the difficult political situation and the media wars. I think that any information should be questioned. The thought presented in this article seems plausible based on (The more global, the more believable) Only time will tell who pursued what goals in the situation with Ukraine.
  34. +4
    April 29 2014 09: 38
    Even a complete reorientation of Europe to America will no longer save the situation. The trade turnover between Russia and Europe is about 500 billion. This market is enough to feed insatiable America a maximum of 10 years (and even in the utopian version).
    1. GRune
      April 29 2014 10: 14
      500 billion + investments for the development of production, processing and transportation of energy ... Enough for a long time ... + The dollar will remain the world currency.
      The Saudis will howl, but their relationship has already deteriorated, perhaps because of this Pindo plan ...
      Only one point confuses, the territory where shale gas will be extracted in such volumes will become completely unsuitable for life ...
    2. +3
      April 29 2014 10: 27
      Quote: HollyGremlin
      Even a complete reorientation of Europe to America will no longer save the situation. The trade turnover between Russia and Europe is about 500 billion. This market is enough to feed insatiable America a maximum of 10 years (and even in the utopian version).

      US national debt exceeded 17 trillion. dollars and almost equal to GDP. (Russia's GDP is somewhere around $ 2 trillion). The European market for the United States is too small. To maintain the previous standard of living of the population, at least three more such markets are necessary. The only chance is to nullify the public debt. But the United States borrowed domestically, so it will not be possible to reset to zero without a social explosion.
      In addition, in addition to trading in cut paper - dollars, the United States trades in all kinds of virtual securities - debt obligations.
      Therefore, the United States will not just not increase the market, but will receive its reduction due to the refusal of Russia and other countries to use dollars in the calculations and the rejection of American securities.
  35. +4
    April 29 2014 09: 41
    China may help Russia to some extent, but it does not want to strengthen this cooperation too much due to the threat of losing the united Euro-American market. Thus, Russia must choose between its progressive development and participation in the common cause of overcoming the crisis in the modern world, or become marginal, doomed to eternal backwardness, as a mean knight guarding its own useless natural wealth.
    . Especially amusing phrase, "unnecessary natural resources." Either mows like a fool, or naive as a child. Interestingly at Columbia University are all like that? or is it an exception?
    1. +3
      April 29 2014 10: 35
      Quote: tor11121
      China may help Russia to some extent, but will not want to intensify this cooperation too much because of the threat of losing the united Euro-American market.

      You're wrong. This is the desire of the United States, but not China.
      China, no matter what, and moreover anyone, is trying to maximize the situation in Ukraine for pulling (economically. Blankets) Russia to its side (the so-called diversification in the economy). Today they are ready to replace a number of products from Europe. hi
    2. 0
      April 30 2014 15: 58
      Quote: tor11121
      Either mowing down as a fool, or naive as a child. Is it all interesting at Columbia University? or is it an exception?

      I suppose that the "representatives of the German media" were given information that has already been chewed up and flavored with lies, which they, in turn, must chew, add to their lies and already put it up for general consumption.
  36. +3
    April 29 2014 09: 41
    The essence is generally understandable and not invented by Americans. The strategy has existed since the beginning of time - There is a strong state and a bunch of appendage countries (raw materials, financial markets, cheap slave labor) that ensure the existence and prosperity of the owner.
  37. +3
    April 29 2014 09: 56
    Prof .: And here is Ukraine? Whether a united Ukraine remains on the world map or breaks up - this has absolutely no significance for solving the main problem.
    This reminds me of a scene from "War and Peace" - when two German generals passing by Bolkonsky and Pierre, on the eve of Borodin, abstractly talk about the need to transfer the war into space. To which Bolkonsky angrily remarks to Pierre: "In space, I have a father, a son, and a sister in Bald Hills. He doesn't care. This is what I told you."
    The professor's abstract arguments are not devoid of meaning, they are cynically and pragmatically aimed at "solving the main problem" for Americans, but for us the situation is exactly the opposite. So nothing has been decided yet! And I would like to recall the words of Kutuzov from the same novel: "They will still eat horse meat! They will, remember my word!"
    1. +1
      April 29 2014 10: 36
      Actually, the USA is a developed imperialism and they cannot exist without wars, therefore the USA is the most aggressive and belligerent state on earth, they have their own interests and tasks solved with bombs and missiles around the world, but we forgot the powerful gray puppeteer - this is Great Britain and almost now everything is being done according to a script written specifically in Britain and the US national debt, and the dollar has nothing to do with it.
      1. 0
        April 29 2014 13: 36
        Quote: ArhipenkoAndrey
        ... we forgot the powerful gray puppeteer - this is Great Britain and almost now everything is done according to the script written in Britain and the US public debt and the dollar has nothing to do with it.

        In fact, Britain has long since (after WAR2), almost nothing to do with it, the puppeteers moved to the United States, away from mainland Europe, Russia and Asia, together with their worldview and habits. And the dollar, simply, became a replacement for the Pound Sterling. US government debt, in and of itself, would be a US domestic problem if it were not for the dollar (the main world currency).
    2. 0
      April 29 2014 13: 22
      [quote = blizart] [quote] Prof .: ... So nothing has been decided yet! And I would like to recall the words of Kutuzov from the same novel: "They will still eat horse meat! They will, remember my word!" [/ Quote]

      They will eat skunks, but not horse meat! am
  38. Artem1967
    April 29 2014 10: 00
    Scribble from the category "Pitchfork on the water". There are too many unknowns in the script. One thing is invariable: Russia must be self-sufficient and strong in order to ensure prosperity for itself and its friends. The United States is not one of them.
  39. +3
    April 29 2014 10: 03
    Everything is typical of the American ideology: for the sake of the dollar, put Europe on the ears, not to mention Ukraine .. If our pipeline through Ukraine is a stumbling block, is it not easier for Europe to create a Strong Hired Structure with Russia to protect it .. ? From the same inhabitants of Ukraine, Slovakia, Germany ..
    Go (forgive Gazprom!) For temporary concessions in gas prices for Ukraine .., under specific guarantees. We will compensate for losses from other directions. Better to fart than to bleed, looking at the triumph of pin-dos.
    And we must first of all talk with Germany. Its population is least affected by the crisis and therefore still maintains a sober view of events. In other countries, unemployed pin-dos can be raised at the moment, as well as in Ukraine ...
    1. +1
      April 29 2014 10: 42
      Quote: Tra-ta-ta
      Everything is typical of American ideology: for the sake of saving the dollar, put the whole of Europe on the ears, not to mention Ukraine.

      Believe me, if this venture fails, do not rule out a staged "divorce of the states" (splitting the state into 5-6 states and introducing new "sovereign currencies") and a complete scam of the whole world.
      Nobody is going to give a debt. so it’s hard to push for the dollar, much less start the third world USA. hi
      1. 0
        April 29 2014 13: 51
        Quote: Little Muck
        Quote: Tra-ta-ta
        Everything is typical of American ideology: for the sake of saving the dollar, put the whole of Europe on the ears, not to mention Ukraine.

        Believe me, if this venture fails, do not rule out a staged "divorce of the states" (splitting the state into 5-6 states and introducing new "sovereign currencies") and a complete scam of the whole world.
        Nobody is going to give a debt. so it’s hard to push for the dollar, much less start the third world USA. hi

        "Kidalovo" is a favorite of swindlers of all stripes, which, in essence, are all traders (not to be confused with trade workers), including bankers, modern usurers and, especially, speculators (parasites completely useless for society).
        But the USA does not have anything to wage World War 3 with (not that weapon and not such an army), and now they will not succeed in remaining untouched by the hostilities, they are scared.
  40. +2
    April 29 2014 10: 03
    Naturally, no country in the world could have done this without being turned into a desert. Therefore, events should be organized so that the whole world, each country, to one degree or another, begins to participate in resolving America’s financial difficulties.
    Well and hypocrisy belay
    The United States has always helped Europe, we have contributed to the revival of Europe after World War II, and now Europe should, in gratitude to the United States for its decades of prosperity, participate in the restoration of the American economy.
    in gratitude? for what? for the unleashing of the 2 world in Europe?
    Prof .: US policy, if you remember, in the last decade has been aimed precisely at to wake up the Middle East and to bring the peoples of this region to democracy. The Middle East is currently experiencing rapid socio-political changes, and in the future, these changes will only grow, turning this region of the world into an extremely troubled place, which is very likely to affect the security of energy supplies from this region.
    It seemed to me, or does one contradict the other? what
    Prof .: And here is Ukraine? Whether a united Ukraine remains on the world map or breaks up - this has absolutely no significance for solving the main problem. The main task of the events in Ukraine is to divide Europe with Russia so that Europeans completely refuse to cooperate with Russia and reorient their economies to full cooperation with the United States. The main goal is to tighten the European economy to the US economy, and what will happen in Ukraine in this case is of no interest to anyone. Ukraine is only a means with the help of which it is possible to solve all problems without drawing the world into another world war. Ukraine plays the role of blockage, which will interrupt European cooperation with Russia. And what kind of system there will be, the way of government - these are absolutely not interesting questions. Only the people of Ukraine will be able to determine how tragic their fate will be in the formation of a new order in Europe.
    Hitler is resting.
    And in general I am SHOCKED from such thoughts. Although it is difficult to expect another from the Anglo-Saxons. Amused how they care for humanity. Just some gummy bears am
  41. bugs
    April 29 2014 10: 08
    Easy to say, difficult to do. America's politics are now more hysterical. We have more adequate politicians in power, thank God, so we'll see who's who .. And yes, about the strange logic that has already been voiced here, I agree. The USA with its methods will only drive itself, loved ones, into an even deeper ass ..
  42. +3
    April 29 2014 10: 08
    To whom, of course.
    But I did not like this professor Christie.
    Not, maybe he really is a professor, it is customary there in the States, he has scribbled a book or wrote an essay - they give you a title. Found a mutant butterfly - became a professor of biology.
    Poor thinking is hard to understand.
    I, in general, about something else.
    From the mental constructions of this professor and the "doves" who joined him - it gives off a kind of computer game. Quest, damn it. Based on "Heroes of Might and Magic".
    They compose something, abstract, and believe that it should be so. In accordance with their ideas.
    And life throws more and more new realities.
    But these theorists are not ready for this. New theories are starting to build.
    Some kind of nonsense. In addition to one - frenzied, bestial hatred of the Russian world.
    Whatever Christie is waving there - there’s only one point - to show that Russia is an aggressor, an outcast, and it is preparing armada for the Baltic states and Ukraine. But he doesn’t cook for Europe, right? Great, really.
    Americans began to play with their democracy and tolerance.
    Remind adolescents during puberty.
    And Europe, not to mention the East and Russia, a long time ago grew out of soiled teenage pants.
    But - disturbing.
  43. BAT
    April 29 2014 10: 09
    In short - not an article, but a solid blah, blah, blah. If America collapses, then everything will collapse.
    About a year ago, here on a site, one of our comrades wrote to another American non-friend that after the United States fell, all of us, too, would fall. And very hard and painfully hit one place. But then we will then get up and hurt the bruised place, we’ll have a go, we’ll go and go further ... But the Americans, and they are sucking them, are unlikely. Something like that.
    1. +3
      April 29 2014 10: 46
      Quote: sichevik
      But then we will then stand up and rub the bruised place, have a laugh, a fuck and go on.

      I think that we will not groan. So, let’s bend when the fragments fly, and then go to full height. laughing drinks hi
  44. GRune
    April 29 2014 10: 10
    Very believable ... Well, wait and see, we’ll get used to the curtain ...
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 14: 00
      Quote: GRune
      Very believable ... Well, wait and see, we’ll get used to the curtain ...

      So the "curtain" in the modern world is practically impossible.
  45. +3
    April 29 2014 10: 15
    The author has thickened his paints to impossibility, describes some kind of scenario ideal for the USA, as if all the other players are static extras ... An autopsy will show that there is no need for propaganda, the threats to the USA are almost a bluff ...
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 14: 05
      Quote: Altona
      The author has thickened his paints to impossibility, describes some kind of scenario ideal for the USA, as if all the other players are static extras ... An autopsy will show that there is no need for propaganda, the threats to the USA are almost a bluff ...

      And in the USA it is like that - computer thinking (and upbringing), however. And their language is constantly being simplified and simplified. To get out of the vicious circle they need to switch to Russian. smile
  46. +3
    April 29 2014 10: 16
    Europe is too much dependent on the United States politically, militarily and economically. And besides participation in the NATO structure, there is still a moral duty of Europe to America, which once saved it from totalitarianism and ensured Europe a comfortable existence.

    Yes, P. dos have long been thinking of how to get out of debt at someone else's expense. And then they will again yell that they saved everyone and again they all owe them. It's like giving a drink!
    If Europe behaves, then it will end as independent.
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 14: 12
      Quote: old man
      Europe is too much dependent on the United States politically, militarily and economically ...

      If Europe behaves, then it will end as independent.

      The end of European independence was reached as early as 1936 - 1940, and finally, in 1945.
  47. +1
    April 29 2014 10: 19
    I don’t know, I don’t think that the true goals pursued by the United States are as superficial as the interruption of "European cooperation with Russia," especially at the level of energy carriers.
  48. +3
    April 29 2014 10: 24
    yes, the USA has a ton of plans. But life is richer than our plans. The era of Aquarius in the yard, the era of Russia. so, calmly, guys, our cause is just, we will win.
  49. 0
    April 29 2014 10: 29
    As in that joke, if you are raped, then relax and enjoy, Russia relax and we will not touch you, and the policy of isolation of a self-sufficient state located in such a way that it simply cannot be isolated, and there are enough opponents of states in the world, and there is enough data sooner or later, actions will lead to their joint actions, and the points of application of force in Europe and the USA have enough and there are no less contradictions, and that nonsense of uniting Europe and the USA is very similar to the prospects About Bender about New Vasyuki on Mars - the article is nonsense and the goal of the USA it is Russia, with its wealth of underground, water and natural, and about China, because the Chinese government understand that they will be following and it perspektivka severe headache pain USA.
  50. +3
    April 29 2014 10: 37
    Khazin and Glazyev spoke about this more than once in different variations, but the essence was the same as the need to save the buck. The option is quite real, though there is one very significant one, but recently in Western Europe right-wing forces have begun to come to power. who are more focused on their own economy and not the salvation of Americans. In all calculations, this alignment is most beneficial to the Morgans and Rockefellers - but not to the Rothschilds .... At the moment, Russia is beginning to lean more towards the Rothschilds, the Europeans are also not very eager to merge their wealth again with the Amer’s elite - there is one! ! This solution proposed by the professor is quite understandable, but it is not so simple - the turnover of goods with Russia from Europe is 1 billion a year and 500% of cars are sold to Russia, amers do not need them - Europe is a market !!! 40% Europe will not do this, the authorities will sweep away as hello, I think so.
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 14: 29
      Quote: grog_bm
      ... the truth is there is one very significant but - recently in Western Europe, right-wing forces have begun to come to power. who are more focused on their own economy and not the salvation of Americans ... Europeans are also not very eager to merge their wealth back to the Amer’s elite — they have their own! ... Europe will not do this, they will sweep away the power as hello, I think so.

      Close to the countries of "old Europe" and the EU as a whole, and the risk of getting in them nationally oriented (not pro-American), and besides, they are not at all Russophobic, unlike Ukraine, Poland and some other young European countries, governments are one of the the main reasons for the current American hysteria.
  51. +2
    April 29 2014 10: 39
    Resources that no one needs are powerful!
    The real economic basis of the existence of the United States is the use of cheap resources and the trade in cut paper, supported by gunboat diplomacy, in the realities of the 21st century, aircraft carrier diplomacy.
    In fact, an interview with some kind of murky, unknown philosopher appeared, carried out through several Internet resources at once. Maybe it's a fake after all?

    Attention moderators: why can’t you use the word “v b r o s”?
  52. +2
    April 29 2014 10: 54
    The USA can plan anything, but as they say - “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans” :) It is possible that Russia will again unexpectedly act in a non-standard, illogical way for them, and their entire deeply thought-out, carefully prepared operation will go to hell . Now they will get angry, then “Gyulchatai” will reveal her “face”, distorted with anger and hatred, then we will see her sharp, rotten teeth. Well, nothing, Our cause is just, Victory will be ours angry.
    1. +1
      April 29 2014 14: 36
      Quote: Zapasnoy
      The USA can plan anything, but as they say - “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans” :) It is possible that Russia will again unexpectedly act in a non-standard, illogical way for them, and their entire deeply thought-out, carefully prepared operation will go to hell ... angry.

      Russia is considered a “female” country (it is called a “female name”, especially honors the Mother of God, etc.), and women are unpredictable creatures! wassat
      The West cannot understand our “female logic”! smile
  53. +2
    April 29 2014 10: 56
    There is only one way out of this situation, and here I completely agree with Glazyev - create your own payment system and start selling your resources for rubles. Do not listen to domestic liberals like Kudrin and firmly pursue a pro-Russian policy within the country! They will begin a crisis like they have never seen before in your history!
  54. Bashkaus
    April 29 2014 11: 18
    And I thought about something more mundane: Ukrainian Motorsich produces about 80% of the engines for Milivo helicopters. And we have a rearmament program, according to which up to 2020 will be built by 1000! helicopters, i.e. on average one hundred per year. Putin recently said that we will be able to replace Ukrainian goods for the military-industrial complex no earlier than in a year and a half, i.e. even in the warmest conditions, in 1.5 years we will not receive about 100 helicopters... WHAT IF THERE IS WAR TOMORROW?!
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 11: 29
      Quote: Bashkaus

      There will be no war. And they’re already doing it with engines; they’ll have to tighten up and increase the volume (though not right away). The main plant in Russia has been built and is operating. hi
    2. 0
      April 29 2014 14: 46
      Quote: Bashkaus
      And I thought about something more mundane: Ukrainian Motorsich produces about 80% of the engines for Milivo helicopters... WHAT IF THERE IS WAR TOMORROW?!

      Before the Second World War, my father told me, although he was a small child at the time, he remembered that people sang the following ditty: “If there’s a war tomorrow, I’ll make a cannon out of shit, fill my ass with gunpowder and go beat the Nazis!” wassat
  55. 0
    April 29 2014 11: 21
    The United States, like many before them, is trying to achieve power over the whole world, and for this, once again, it is forced to put Russia, because it, and not China, with all due respect to it, is the main obstacle to these plans, in front of the choice is either to surrender to the mercy of the winner, or to destroy the contender for world domination (another “snake Gorynych or Koschey”). It is worth reminding them (the USA) that so far no one has succeeded in bringing Rus' to its knees. Even the Mongols, having won a military victory (and not a complete one) over most of Rus', only accelerated its (Rus) political and economic development, as well as their own decline and absorption of themselves by the “vanquished”. The same fate (defeat and unconditional surrender) awaits America.
  56. +2
    April 29 2014 11: 31
    "...I am not a supporter of forceful methods of resolving conflicts, so I would like to make efforts to resolve problems peacefully..."

    Those. put the whole world under cunning mattress covers... They wouldn’t go to prison with their problems!!! Moreover, the consequences are greatly exaggerated, because... In the event of a loss of dollars, the classic piss will come first of all to the Americans!!! That's why they give everyone nightmares!!!
    We need to develop the economy of our country!!! Industry and agriculture, science and new technologies!!! Become self-sufficient! Maintain and develop mutually beneficial cooperation with countries in Asia and Europe. And screw these American candy wrappers!!!
    Drain this buck!!! And then the half-dead economies of other countries will come to us! To us, and not to the financial bubble - the USA!!!
  57. +1
    April 29 2014 11: 35
    Strongly. And the professor’s arguments are very similar to the truth and the author’s conclusions are correct!
  58. ed65b
    April 29 2014 11: 46
    Another scare, either give up and dance to our tune, or you will be left alone in the whole world with your wealth. However, the professor of “sour cabbage soup” overestimates shale gas as an alternative to pipeline gas, and the “clogging” of its own territory will soon force the United States to abandon this project and the second gas is already running out and the final depletion of its reserves is not far off. The dynamics towards a decrease in oil shale production are becoming more and more obvious, and environmental problems are growing. Minus to the author.
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 14: 52
      Quote: ed65b
      Another scare... Minus to the author.

      I don’t agree, in my opinion, a big minus for the “professor”, but for the author of the article, on the contrary, a big plus.
  59. +3
    April 29 2014 12: 38
    The point is not at all whether you like the article or not. It contains the essence and goals of the global financial “elite”.
    These are our sworn “friends” - the Anglo-Saxons. They may seem omnipotent, but they are not. It is impossible to calculate everything. The Russian people have always been famous for their special intellect and extraordinary thinking. Now we are standing at the line. The significance of the challenge facing us is comparable to the summer of 1941. It's time to understand this and begin the internal mobilization of all resources. When Russia is united, it cannot be defeated. They know this and are very afraid of it! This is what Paul Christie modestly kept silent about. Wake up the bear - the time has come! hi
    1. zzz
      April 29 2014 12: 44
      I agree with you a thousand times!
    2. +1
      April 29 2014 14: 59
      Quote: Valter1364
      The point is not at all whether you like the article or not. It contains the essence and goals of the global financial “elite”.
      ... It’s impossible to calculate everything. The Russian people have always been famous for their special intelligence and extraordinary thinking... Wake up the bear - the time has come! hi

      There is this joke about programmers:
      - if you have a simple task, hire Indians;
      - if the task is complex, hire the Chinese;
      - if the task is not feasible, puzzle the Russians, they will complete it! smile
  60. 0
    April 29 2014 12: 40
    The path to the "golden billion" is described. Somehow we forget that the current civilization is based on oil, and you can live without gas. And oil in the Gulf countries and the Arctic. Let them trade and develop even to the stars, but without oil no one will go or fly anywhere.
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 14: 32
      Civilization is more likely to be more gas than oil. Most power plants already run on gas, as do industrial plants. enterprises. Yes, and they are already trying to switch cars little by little to gas.
  61. +2
    April 29 2014 12: 41
    I didn't like the article. There is no sign of an objective analysis of the situation.

    Dubious theses (I quote not literally, but according to the meaning):
    1. "Europe should be grateful to the US for help after the war and MUST help the US get out of the crisis"
    Many years have passed since the war and Europe, IMHO, no longer owes the United States anything, much less sacrifice its well-being for the sake of getting the United States out of the crisis into which the United States drove itself.

    2. “Europe has become extremely attached to Russian energy resources. Transit through Ukraine has become problematic and therefore Europe MUST reorient itself to energy resources from the United States.”
    Europe became attached to Russian energy sources not because it was crazy, but because IT WAS PROFITABLE. And everything else is empty chatter.
    And the transit problems associated with Ukraine have already been half solved by the Nord Stream, and if the South Stream is launched, then Ukraine will generally remain on the sidelines. But switching to American gas is a risky thing: someday it will still be there, and if it is, then in what volumes and at what price... So far, America has only made promises (pie in the sky), and a reliable supplier, Gazprom, is nearby (tit) in hand). And why should Europe change its dependence on one supplier to another? At least Gazprom has a pipeline, which in itself costs a lot of money, and there must be VERY compelling reasons for abandoning an established supply channel. And from America, deliveries will be carried out by gas carriers, which will not be a problem to send from one unloading port to another - China will offer a high price and “European” gas will sail to Asia. Europe has something to think about. It already depends heavily on the United States, but they are offering it another clamp - an energy one.
    3. “Russia cannot influence the situation with Ukraine”
    It says: “Russians, hands up!!!” Why on earth? IMHO, again wishful thinking. The USA did a great job to Russia and Ukraine - that’s a fact. And Russia has big problems - that’s also a fact. But there is also a certain gain - Crimea. The future will show how the situation with mainland Ukraine will develop. It’s too early to call America a winner yet. There are definitely losers: Europe and Ukraine, but as for the winners... time will tell.
    Ukraine as a state already has big problems, at least part of the territory has been lost for sure, Kyiv does not control the territory of the country and how this will all end and when is impossible to predict now. Europe was among the losers because it will have an unstable region at its side for a long time, from whose territory various criminals, guest workers, etc. will come to Europe. As a market for European goods, Ukraine, a warring country that is tight on money, is not very promising.
    In the current situation, America, at first glance, will, in any case, come with a lot of problems in the form of problems for Europe and Russia. But this is if we focus only on Ukraine. If you look at it more broadly, a blow has been dealt to the reputation of the United States as the main and only “fixer” on the planet. So, whatever one may say, the United States may have dug a hole for itself in Ukraine. Well, how deep it is - time will tell.

    p.s. I am not a politician or an analyst, I wrote as I see the situation.
  62. +1
    April 29 2014 12: 44
    How many people, so many opinions. As for me personally, it’s somehow not convincing to me. And in general, it seems that in America they don’t know how to think globally and strategically; everyone there has no brains, but pure cholesterol. Just like that... we got it!
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 15: 13
      Quote: dimitris
      How many people, so many opinions. As for me personally, it’s somehow not convincing to me. And in general, it seems that in America they don’t know how to think globally and strategically; everyone there has no brains, but pure cholesterol. Just like that... we got it!

      Absolutely agree with your assessment of American brains, haha! wassat
  63. +1
    April 29 2014 12: 44
    Everything is clear here. The United States wants to rule the whole world and is doing everything to ensure that the reins of power do not fly out of their hands. And Ukraine really is the catalyst for everything that is happening. And Europeans and especially Americans don’t really care what happens to Ukraine. Knock one of the main competitors out of the saddle, i.e. Russia, that’s the task at hand.
  64. +3
    April 29 2014 12: 48
    During the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, it was fashionable to speak French in Russia.
    Napoleon's army is defeated.

    Then they taught German in Russia.
    Hitler's army is defeated.

    Nowadays it is fashionable to learn English.

    Draw your own conclusions.
    1. +1
      April 29 2014 15: 18
      Quote: Lavrov
      During the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, it was fashionable to speak French in Russia.
      Napoleon's army is defeated.

      Then they taught German in Russia.
      Hitler's army is defeated.

      Nowadays it is fashionable to learn English.

      Draw your own conclusions.

      Warn China not to encourage the world to learn Chinese... smile
      Let them promote learning Russian right away, we don’t touch our own! wassat
  65. +1
    April 29 2014 13: 27
    Quote: Keeper
    As in any garden where manure is used, it should burn out!

    We can’t wait until they “burn out”, otherwise we will burn out too. We urgently need to withdraw all reserves and assets home and finally build our country, but first we need to change this Gaidar government, it’s dragging us down like a swamp.
  66. 0
    April 29 2014 14: 30
    An ambiguous article, even strange I would say. On the one hand, the presentation seems to be correct, but the details are very contradictory. The cost of shale oil and gas is high - no matter how you cut ties, if oil and gas suddenly become cheap - all plans to invest money in energy projects will simply collapse, along with the united North Atlantic economy. And what I liked most of all was the phrase - Russia will remain alone with its natural resources. And, sorry, will the United States start making spaceships for space exploration out of thin air? Or will they have enough minerals from Canada and Australia? Somehow it’s hard to believe. And not a word is said about the confrontation with China, as if it does not exist. Why then is the US moving its fleet to the Pacific Ocean... Therefore, it’s somehow hard to believe that this is a real US plan
    1. 0
      April 29 2014 15: 33
      Quote: uhu189
      ...And not a word is said about the confrontation with China, as if it does not exist. Why then is the US moving its fleet to the Pacific Ocean... Therefore, it’s somehow hard to believe that this is a real US plan

      Without Russia, China is not a problem for them, at least for now (not the same nuclear missile capabilities, few natural resources, weak scientific and technical base, overcrowding of basic human and industrial resources, peculiarities of mentality, etc., etc. .). hi
  67. Pitman
    April 29 2014 14: 38
    The whole world is under American cats????????????? But they didn’t sniff. There’s no need to scare the hedgehog with a naked ass!!!!!
    And this is food for thought......
    The West has an opinion
    What is soon to them Khan?
    First Crimea with Bulgaria
    Romania, Lithuania?
    Then all of Ukraine
    And Poland for one?
    Estonia and Latvia?
    It's time for a long time !!!
    It would be nice to Finland
    Get back?
    Germany again
    Harder to teach a lesson!
    Vladimir will crush you
    No gas for you!
    Collapse petrodollar
    Barack! You are a star !!!
    I also want to add
    A bit of myself
    It's time to teach you Russian
    Bourgeois gentlemen! good
  68. 0
    April 29 2014 15: 39
    Another crap, Europe trades with Russia because Russian industry has sagged and is not yet able to produce complex products, not counting single copies. What can Europe sell to the United States, from what it produces, I think that the first economy in the world is able to produce it all itself. In our case, it’s a classic scam: if you don’t see the sucker in the deal, then you’re the sucker. Latinos are sending Americans, Southeast Asia, after it has become a global factory, too, Africa is with the Chinese, the Arabs are fighting, the Russians are openly mocking and sending. Who's left? That's right - the Gay Europeans, but you can't fool them with chaff, hence the message about the old debt.
  69. 0
    April 29 2014 20: 50
    I wouldn’t be surprised if in the near future, that is, closer to the cold weather in Ukraine, the gas pipeline is destroyed. To then blame Russia for this. In general, the policy is already well understood; is this not a declared war against Russia or the World?
  70. 0
    April 30 2014 00: 42
    I read it carefully to the end.
    What's the benefit? Unite markets - save America's economy. But the goods in these markets are of equal value. There is no benefit. Such cooperation will not bring European goods no better or worse than American ones. Europe will also not invest in the shale gas bubble in America; this is a scam.
    Has everyone around really become so stupid that America’s peaceful way out of the crisis is so stupid? And the force with the Arab and Ukrainian revolutions will soon come back to America with big problems.
  71. 0
    April 30 2014 06: 27
    The article is certainly interesting. I won’t say that I agree with everything, because now everything is changing so rapidly that the strategy needs to be reworked. GTS overlap? South Stream and North Stream completely eliminate this problem. We send oil through Belarus, adding a couple more lines. The fact that chaos is at our fingertips is as long as there is light, heat, water and food. As soon as this ceases to be available, Ukraine will simply flee, with or without territories. It's just a game, a computer strategy. It is clear that here people have families and destinies, but who ever cared about this on a global scale?
  72. 0
    1 May 2014 22: 37
    Quote: smel
    what is the basis of such a statement, a proverb about something that does not sink because it didn’t appear from scratch?
    Based on the fact that the litter is still burning. So this American substance has the opportunity to burn

    Yes, and it is decomposing. Although they (the Americans) have decomposed a long time ago, starting with the development of America.
    An invented nation.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"