Bayonet battle

The history of the bayonet in the Russian army dates back to Peter I, when the introduction of the bayonet instead of bagnets in 1709 made the gun quite suitable for action in battle with fire, butt and bayonet. Now it was not necessary to separate the bayonet before each new shot and loading the gun. Combining the bayonet with a gun significantly increased the offensive force of the Russian infantry. Unlike the Western European armies, which used the bayonet as a defensive weapon, it was used as an offensive weapon in the Russian army. A powerful bayonet attack became an integral part of the tactics of the Russian army.

The tactics of skillful combination of fire with a bayonet hit reached its heyday in the Russian army during the time of A.V. Suvorov. "Bullet fool, bayonet - well done"; “The bullet will be obmishulitsya, and the bayonet will not obmishulitsya”; "Take care of the bullet in the barrel: three attack, kill the first one, shoot the second one, Karachun the third bayonet!" - These sayings of the most talented Russian commander have long become popular proverbs. They are often repeated, proving that Suvorov preferred bayonet to the bullet.

Indeed, he purposefully taught his soldiers to own a “cold rifle”, but along with this, Suvorov’s demand for our soldiers about mastering the “whole shooting art” was sealed in the glorious history of the Russian army. In his "Science to win," the commander wrote: "Take care of a bullet at the barrel, for firing, shoot a target hard ... To save the bullets of each shot, everyone at his opponent must aim in order to kill him ... We shoot completely ..." Practicing rapid bayonet attack, Suvorov believed that the success of the attack depends on the mark of shooting. "Infantry lights reveal victory," he said. One of the Russian officers, participants of the Suvorov campaign in Italy 1798-1799, describes how Russian selective shooters - huntsmen, combining fire with a bayonet, put Napoleon's troops to flight: "The French riflemen were more than tripled against us, and their bullets began rushing between us like a gadfly in the summertime. The hunters waited and, letting the enemy walk a hundred and fifty steps, let out their disastrous fire. Not a single bullet went to the wind: the enemy’s chain apparently reined up, it stopped ... The target battalion fire of our line was pulled out thick Every second by the tens of rows of the enemy, and ... Sabaneev, noting that the enemy’s arrows were quite far from their columns, moved the remaining two platoons of hunters into the chain and, bringing the rangers company together, ordered the first hike of the huntsman to beat the drum. this coveted battle, the hunters threw themselves at the enemy, and the bayoneted Molodetskaya Russian work began to boil; after four minutes the Frenchmen rushed headlong back ... "That was the way Suvorov miracle heroes acted on the fields of Europe, under the harsh walls of Ismail, on the snowy peaks of the Alps. And the glory of the Russian bullet joined the glory of the Russian bayonet.

It was precisely this circumstance that the closest attention was paid in the Red Army both in the pre-war period and during the Great Patriotic War. As one of the Soviet military leaders of that era wrote in the beginning of the 1930-ies, L. Malinovsky, head of the command and control department of the Red Army GU: "For this there is enough reason both in the nature of the battle and in the nature of the main mass of our Red Army soldier-fighter. At the same time, the most important place should be given to the educational value of this branch of combat training.

The experience of war says that the bayonet battle, and, in any case, readiness for it, is still very often the decisive and final element of the attack. The same experience testifies to the significance of casualties in hand-to-hand combat, both because of the attack of the bayonet and because of the inability to use the bayonet.

A night battle, a scout action, a hand-to-hand fight, often involving an attack, a combination of a grenade strike and cold weapons - all this creates an environment that requires proper peacetime training for any army that wants to ensure victory in battle and achieve it not big, but small by blood. "

The combat regulations of the infantry of the Red Army unambiguously demanded: "The ultimate infantry combat mission in an offensive battle is to smash the enemy in a melee." At the same time, the priority setting for the appropriate combat training of the Red Army men was expressed very figuratively: “We must firmly convince everyone that they are moving forward during the attack in order to kill. Every attacker must choose a victim in the ranks of the enemy and kill him. on the way, should not be left unattended, whether it is running, walking, standing, sitting or lying. Shoot and beat everyone so that he will never get up again! Only those who will be able to achieve this and only a strong, dexterous and well-trained (to automatism) fighter, able to properly combine the action of fire and bayonet (shovels, pickaxes, ax, legs, fist), will be able to kill and win. Otherwise, everyone will have to wait fate is death. Now there is no doubt that in many attacks, and at night - surely, our opponents will seek victory in a bayonet strike, and therefore we must be able to withstand this blow with our more crushing blow. "

The Red Army men were taught that their bayonet was an offensive weapon, and the essence of the bayonet battle was interpreted as follows: “The experience of the war showed that many soldiers were killed or injured only because of the inability to use their weapons properly, especially the bayonet. Bayonet combat is a decisive factor in any attack. He must be fired before the last opportunity. The bayonet is the main weapon of the night battle. "

The Red Army soldiers were taught that in the hand-to-hand combat of the retreating enemy, they should push the bayonet and hand grenades up to the line indicated in the order; a chasing chase with quick, accurate and calm fire. A steadfast Red Army man, never losing the offensive spirit, will become the master of the combat situation, of the whole battlefield.

In Soviet soldiers, confidence was brought up that the ability to wield weapons would give the soldier not only a sense of personal superiority in the fight, but also the calm necessary to fight. "Only such a soldier will be able to fight with a full spirit and will not be nervous in anticipation of a decisive minute of battle, and despite all the obstacles, he will go ahead and win."

During training sessions, it was emphasized that a soldier’s complete confidence in his weapon can only be achieved through constant and systematic training. It was not without reason that the Soviet commanders believed that half an hour of daily practice in delivering various blows, as well as in action with a bayonet in conditions close to a real battle, were able to make all actions of the Red Army with a bayonet automatic.

However, the automatism of actions did not deny the individual abilities of the fighter, but, on the contrary, was supplemented by their development. Commanders were required to have each Red Army man learn to think and act independently, so that he would not have a break in time between thought and action. "To achieve this, the fighters must exercise their mind and eyes during practical exercises and, as far as possible, without commands. The commander must train the soldiers to beat off with a training stick, strike at various targets: stuffed targets, a moving target, as soon as it stops, etc. During this period, the students should work in pairs and act according to the principle of "teacher and student", "alternately."

At the same time, the speed of movements of the fighters, their sharpness, were developed by conducting various physical exercises and quick games that required speed of thinking and instant muscle response. Boxing and sambo played a significant role in the development of individual qualities of a fighter and went hand in hand with training for bayonet fighting.

One of the Soviet theorists of bayonet fighting G. Kalachev pointed out that a real bayonet attack requires courage, the right direction of strength and speed in the presence of a state of extreme nervous excitement and considerable physical fatigue. In view of this, it is necessary to develop soldiers physically and to maintain this development in them at the highest possible height. In order to make the blow stronger and gradually strengthen the muscles of the legs, all students from the very beginning of training should practice, make attacks at short distances, jump into the trenches and jump out of them. "

All methods of combat with a carbine (injection, loosening, butts) were carried out from the “Prepare for the Battle” position. This position was most convenient for attack and defense in hand-to-hand combat.

The Red Army practiced the following methods of bayonet combat.

An injection

The injection was the main method in bayonet combat. Striving directly at the enemy with a rifle with a bayonet that threatened his throat, and a blow to the open spot of his body were the highlight of the bayonet battle. To perform the injection, it was necessary to send a rifle (carbine) with both hands forward (directing the tip of the bayonet to the target) and, fully straightening the left hand, advance the rifle (carbine) with the right hand across the palm of the left hand until the magazine box rests on the palm. At the same time, it was necessary to straighten the right leg sharply and, giving the body forward, inflict a shot with a lunge with the left foot. After that, immediately pull out the bayonet and again take the "Prepare for battle" position.

Depending on the situation, the injection could be done without deception and with the enemy deception. When the enemy’s weapon didn’t prevent them from stabbing, they should be stabbed straight (shot without deception). If the enemy was closed with his weapon, then, sending the bayonet directly, it was necessary to create a threat of injection (deception), and when the enemy attempted to repulse, quickly transfer his bayonet to the other side of the enemy’s weapon and to give him an injection. It was always necessary to keep the enemy under attack, since the fighter who failed to deliver a sensitive blow to the open space of the opponent's body for even one fifth of a second, himself risked dying.

Mastering the technique of performing the injection was carried out in the following sequence: first, the injection was performed without a stuffed animal; then a shot in the effigy; prick with a step forward and lunge; prick in motion, step and run; an injection in a group of stuffed animals with a change in direction of movement; at the end, an injection was performed on stuffed animals in a variety of settings (in the trenches, trenches, in the forest, etc.).

When studying the injection and during training, the main attention was paid to the development of accuracy and power of injection. In the process of teaching bayonet combat, the Red Army memorized by heart the saying about this Russian General Dragomirov: "... It must always be remembered that when using cold weapons, the eye can certainly be more important than when shooting: there is an error in determining the distance or infidelity of the arm leads to the loss of a bullet here she can lead to the loss of life. "

Butts beats

Butt blows were used when meeting with the enemy close when it was impossible to give a shot. Butts could be hit from the side, forward, back and top. For striking the butt from the side, it was required simultaneously with a right-side lunge forward and right-hand movement from the bottom upwards to make a strong blow with an acute butt angle at the opponent’s head.

It was convenient to use a side kick after a beating to the left. For striking forward, it was necessary to push the butt down with the right hand and, having seized the right arm above the top stocking ring, pull the rifle (carbine) back, make a swing, and then, with a lunge with the left foot, strike the back of the butt.

For striking with the butt back, it was necessary to turn on the heels of both legs to the right in a circle (the knees did not unbend at the same time), at the same time make a swing, for which the rifle (karabiner) could be moved further back by turning the magazine box up. After that, with a lunge with the right foot, it was necessary to strike the back of the head with the butt on the opponent's face.

To strike with a butt from above, it was necessary to throw a rifle (carbine), turning it with a magazine box upwards, on the fly grab with your left hand from the top of the upper lying ring and from the right below the lower lying ring and with a lunge with your right foot to strike a strong blow from above with an acute butt.

Butt strikes required to be applied accurately, quickly and strongly. Training in beats was carried out on a training stick ball or on a sheaf type stuffed animal.


Repulses were used to protect against the injection of the enemy and in the attack, when the weapon of the enemy prevented the injection. After the enemy's weapons were beaten off, it was necessary to immediately put an injection with a bayonet or a butt strike. Repulses were made right, left and down right. Repulsed to the right was made when the enemy threatened to stab in the upper right part of the body. In this case, with a quick movement of the left hand to the right and a little forward, it was necessary to make a short and sharp blow with the forearm at the enemy's weapon and immediately inflict a shot.

To bend down to the right (when the enemy was pricked into the lower part of the body), it was necessary to quickly sharply move his left hand in a semicircle to the left and down to the right to sharply strike the opponent's weapon on the forearm.

Repulses were made with one hand, quickly and on a small scale, without turning the body. The sweeping repulse was unprofitable by the fact that the soldier, opening himself, enabled the enemy to inflict an injection.

At first, only the technique of beats was studied, then having beaten off to the right with a stick with a training stick and having beaten with a subsequent shot into an effigy. Then the training was carried out in a diverse and sophisticated setting in combination with pricks and butts.

Fighting on soft-tip carbines

For instilling in the Red Army such qualities as swiftness and determination in actions, endurance, perseverance and perseverance in achieving victory, the “battle” of two soldiers was important. In the course of these "battles" there was also an improvement in the technique of performing combat techniques. Therefore, it was required that the fighters practice as often as possible in training pair "fights" on carbines (wooden sticks) with a soft tip.

For a successful battle with the "enemy" it was necessary to remember that only active actions can ensure the success of the battle. In a fight with the “enemy”, the fighter had to be brave and decisive, striving to attack the “enemy” first. It was emphasized that only activity in battle will lead to victory, and passive actions are doomed to failure.

If the “adversary” attacked well and defended poorly, then it was necessary not to give him the opportunity to go on the attack, but to attack him himself. If the “enemy” defended better than he attacked, then he had to be summoned to active actions (opening the body deliberately for an injection), and when he tries to inflict an injection, he must repel the attack and inflict a reciprocal injection. When conducting a battle with two "opponents" it was necessary to strive for a fight with them one by one. It was necessary to prevent the enemy from attacking from behind, and to do this, use the existing shelters that make it difficult for the “enemy” to attack simultaneously from several sides.

And now the training of Russian Armed Forces soldiers in bayonet and hand-to-hand fighting has not lost its relevance, because the old principle: "In peacetime, you need to learn what you have to do in war" cannot and should not be forgotten. Confident possession of your weapon is part of the psychological preparation of a fighter.
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  1. Alexander
    7 May 2011 10: 20
    very interesting material, many thanks to the author
  2. Escander
    7 May 2011 10: 37
    For a bayonet you need to have truly iron nerves, this is in addition to combat effectiveness - the most powerful psychological impact on the enemy. Probably not for nothing it was prohibited by the UN Convention. Nevertheless, there is no one to refuse a bayonet.
  3. morning
    7 May 2011 12: 47
    I could be wrong, but in my opinion the convention banned the shape of the bayonet in the form of an awl, due to the inability to wash and heal the wound (it always rotted).
  4. Vasya
    7 May 2011 12: 53
    In a real battle, an injection in the face is very good. Moreover, it is performed without the support of a blow to the body. Only hands. Due to which the speed and accuracy of execution are increased. As a rule, a shock effect occurs, allowing you to finish without much risk. In a real battle, in the first case it was a butt strike to the crown (the enemy bent), in the second case, a bayonet strike into the stomach was a mistake. The bayonet is stuck. which led to a loss of pace and, as a result, was injured and dropped out of the active phase of the battle.
  5. Escander
    7 May 2011 12: 59

    I'm about the bayonet.
    I can’t say for sure, according to the Israeli, they are forbidden there.
    The bayonet in the form of an awl was last used on a Mosin rifle.
    1. Hole puncher
      11 September 2012 12: 03
      In Simonov’s self-loading carbine, for some time, there was a folding tetrahedral needle bayonet. Hinged knife appeared later.
  6. zagoria
    7 May 2011 15: 49
    interesting. in the picture at the beginning are Bulgarian soldiers. There is an attack on the Turkish position during the Balkan War. The picture was painted in 1913. Drawn by the Czech artist Yaroslav Veshin, whose life and work are associated with Bulgaria, The original is in the arms of the President of Bulgaria.
    In the article "Bayonet battle", published by Sergei Monetchikogo in, the picture of Yaraslav Veshin is not attached. Therefore, all responsibility for misuse or any violation of copyright remains with the conscience of the Military Review. It would be correct to indicate the name of the author.
  7. Ivan Ivanov
    7 May 2011 17: 15
    I checked. In the article "Bayonet battle", published by Sergei Monetchikogo in, the picture of Yaraslav Veshin is not attached. Therefore, all responsibility for misuse or any copyright infringement remains with the conscience of the Military Review. If they get it
    1. 0
      7 May 2011 17: 34
      At the expense of copyright infringement - the author and the interactive link are in the article - there are no copyright infringements. We do not have many other articles on the site.

      Our articles, too, dragging around the Internet, this is normal.