Russia: the last bastion of Slavism

The acute socio-political and economic crisis that emerged at the turn of 2013-14 in Ukraine acquired almost universal proportions by April. But the marked crisis is only one of the manifestations of the “invisible process” as a whole, sometimes breaking through, as a rule, in a distorted form, out into the space visible to all, where it is again distorted due to the usual misunderstanding or the prevalence of certain interests among people, facing its external manifestations. This process lasts not one century, besides, it moves from one type to another. Therefore, the essence of this process can be characterized only after the identification of its main manifestations and the search for its possible sources.

Without realizing the inner foundations of this global, in fact, process, it is difficult to count on an adequate response in its particular manifestations, and also, what is more important, on an adequate policy of Russia in the intervals between them.

It's not about Ukraine

In this case, no matter how offensive it was for Ukrainians, it’s not about them, not about Ukraine. It just turned out that at this point in time Ukraine has become the field of the next confrontation between the West and Russia.

The confrontation of the West with Russia is exactly the “invisible process” that has been going on for the last few centuries and sometimes “spills out” in the form of hot and cold wars, ideological and economic opposition of the USSR / Russia and the West, dividing Poland or, most likely, and will happen, the division of Ukraine ...

History last centuries allows us to put forward a hypothesis: as soon as the common border of the united West with Russia provides him with sufficient operational space, he, the West, crosses this border and begins a war with Russia. So it was in 1812, and in 1941. To make sure that, for example, almost all of Europe was with Hitler, it is enough to note the number of warriors taken prisoner by the Red / Soviet Army in the 1941-45 years and indicate their nationality. So, the Germans were taken prisoner ~ 2 390 000, ~ Hungarians X 514HXTxHeks, ру000 Romanians ~ ~, Romanians ~ 187000, ~ Poles ~ 157, 000 Czechs and Slovaks, ~ 70 000 ~ Poles, ~ 60 Austrians, ~ 000 49 Czechs and Slovaks, ~ 000 22 Poles, ~ 000 Austrians, ~ 23 000 Czechs and Slovaks, ~ 14 000 Poles, ~ 10 000 Czechs and Slovaks 5 000 French, ~ 2 000 Moldovans, ~ 2 000 Jews, ~ 2 000 Dutch, ~ XNUMX XNUMX Finns, ~ XNUMX XNUMX Belgians, ~ XNUMX XNUMX Luxemburgans, and I’m already, and I’m already, and I’m already, and I’m already, I’m already, and I’m already, and I’m already, and I’m already, and I’m already, I’m already, I’m already, I’m already, I’m already, I’m already, I’m already, I’m and I’m like, I’m already and I’m a piece and I’m already, and I’m already a question and I’m already, and I’m a piece and I’m already a piece and I’m already a piece and I’m already a piece and I’m already a piece and I’m already a question and I’m already a question and I’m a bit a bit.

But in the first case, and in the second, the axiom "worked" to the full extent: "Russia does not start a war, it ends it." In the first case, she ended the war in Paris in 1814, in the second case - in Berlin in 1945.

Both in 1812 and 1941, Europe was united by force weapons. But you cannot change your “nature”. And now Europe, peacefully united into something whole, again took up the old, expanding the space for NATO in the east. As you know, in the 90 of the last century, Europe promised Russia not to push NATO to the east. Empty! In 1999, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic were admitted to NATO, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and a number of other countries were admitted to 2004. But this did not yet provide the West with the necessary operational space. Georgia and Ukraine were put on the turn of NATO membership. If this had happened, Russia would, in fact, be taken into ticks, since the European part of Russia and the Urals would have become accessible to Western tactical missile systems.

So far, this idea has not worked with Georgia and Ukraine. But for how long?

The trend, however ...

The current confrontation between the West and Russia is actually the final stage of the “invisible process” noted above. Prior to this, for at least a thousand years there was a struggle between the West and the Slavs.

Slavs ... In the VIII — IX centuries, Slavic tribes settled almost the entire space from the shores of the Southern Baltic (sometimes from Jutland and east) to the Danube, with exits in some areas to the Mediterranean Sea. There were many tribes, genetically, they did not all belong to the same genus — there were Eastern, Western, and Southern Slavs, but in aggregate they represented a certain linguistic-cultural community. The degree of community is evidenced by the fact that even in the XVI century, knowing the Russian language, it is possible, as S. Herberstein noted, to travel relatively freely in many Slavic lands, although already in the VIII century the Slavs began to diverge in terms of language.

But, starting from the 9th century, perhaps earlier, Western Europeans began gradually pushing the Slavs eastward. Now they are practically absent in East Germany, in Pannonia - in the middle reaches of the Danube, in Norik - between the upper course of the Drava and the Danube. When "squeezing" the Slavs to the east, the following methods were used:

- the destruction of recalcitrant;
- forced assimilation.

Destruction of the recalcitrant ... This was most cruelly carried out on the southern coast of the Baltic, where the Germans in the 10th-14th centuries practically destroyed the Slavic tribes of encouragement, Pomorians, Viltses, etc., as well as a tribe of Prussians. The well-known English historian of the 20th century, A. Toynbee, describes (see “The Comprehension of History”) the events of that time: “Otto I [the founder of the Holy Roman Empire in the 962 year] destroyed the Wendians [the generalized name of the Slavs], ... which in stubborn battles lasted two centuries. ... The final victory was achieved by addressing the Vends in Macklenburg in 1161 and the destruction of the recalcitrant in Brandenburg and Meissen. In the XIII-XIV centuries. ... campaigns of the Teutonic knights ensured the advancement of the border of Western Christianity from the Oder line to the Dvina line ... By the end of the XIV century. ... European barbarians ... disappeared from the face of the earth. " With the further advance of the Germans to the east, this practice did not change. As noted by L. Gumilyov (“Our Contemporary”, 1991, # 1), “during the clashes of Russians with German crusaders in the Baltic, the Germans, capturing the city, turned the local population - Latvians and Estonians - into serf slaves, and Russians, including infants , polls hung. " And most recently - during World War II, Western Europeans, led by the Germans, mercilessly destroyed the civilian population of our Motherland: the civilian population was twice as large as on the battlefield.

Forced assimilation ... Of course, when the Slavs were pushed to the east, not all were destroyed. But the conquered created the conditions under which they after a while forgot what kind of tribe they were. The methods were different. For example, the violent Christianization of pagans, the violent imposition of Catholicism in Orthodox lands, the closure of parishes, the closure of schools where instruction was conducted in the native language of the Slavs, the narrowing of the use of the native language for the Slavs, etc.

But the advance of the West to the east is not only the expulsion of the Slavs from “their places” or their forced assimilation. It is also Europeanization or “assimilation” of the Slavic and non-Slavic states of Central and Eastern Europe. An example of "assimilated" states is Poland and the Czech Republic. Most likely, these countries are forever lost to the Slavic world. An example of Europeanized countries of the last draft is the Baltic states. Trying to curry favor with the new masters, they use the whole range of anti-Russian measures with excessive zeal: closing Russian schools, refusing to give the Russian language a state status, although in Latvia the share of Russians is ~ 30%, and in Estonia ~ 20%, etc.

Finally, signs of the emergence of a new Europeanized state — Ukraine — appeared. And again the same tested set of anti-Russian measures: the closure of Russian schools, the failure to give the Russian language the status of the state, the refusal to grant autonomy to a number of areas in which the majority are Russian ...

The question is, what have the Russians? Why has a lot of things been going on in Russia lately? Yes, because at this point in time, Russia is the last bastion of Slavs on Earth: Serbia was bombed in the 1999 year, Belarus is too small. The bastion has been standing for more than one century, taking upon itself the main blows of the West.

The resilience of Russia causes an ineradicable hatred of Western Europeans for it, because this resilience is evidence of their moral weakness.

The origins of the confrontation

Aggressiveness and hate are twin sisters. DNA genealogy, a natural science discipline “born into the world” at the beginning of this millennium, allows us to reveal the deep sources of the marked hatred leading to confrontation between the West and Russia. DNA genealogy is a young science, there are no generally recognized canons in it, there are, of course, punctures, but there are impressive results. Below will be used the results obtained by A. Klesov, which are presented in a number of his articles, as well as in the book “The Origin of Slavs ...” At the same time, in order not to increase the volume of the material, the presentation will be simplified.

One of the main subjects of DNA genealogy research is the Y-chromosome of DNA. From the father, the Y chromosome is “transmitted” only to the son, and, as a rule, unchanged. As a result, the analysis of the Y chromosome mutation allows us to estimate the degree of kinship (along the male line) of both individuals and some communities, as well as the migration routes of these communities over thousands of years. Below through R1a, R1b, I, I1 ..., communities (genus, haplogroup) of people who are close in the degree of mutation of the Y chromosome are indicated.

Modern Western Europeans are mostly descendants of erbins (the genus R1b), while Eastern Slavs are basically descendants of the Aryans (genus R1a). Erbines and arias are genetically close relatives — their common ancestor lived ~ 20 thousands of years ago in Southern Siberia, apparently in the Altai region. After that, the migration paths of the Erbins and the Aryans diverged, but after ~ 15 thousands of years ago, they crossed into Europe. The meeting of genetically close relatives can not be attributed to the friendly.

In the article “Where to find the cradle of European civilization?”, Published in October of 2013, A. Klesov noted the following:

"The genus R1a came to the Balkans about 9 thousands of years ago ... In Europe, carriers of genus I lived long ago ... About 20 thousands of years ago, genus I was divided into genus I1 and I2 ... But there were no wars between R1a and I, in any case, archaeologists this did not find ... It seems that it was a golden time for a peaceful life in Europe.

And then something terrible happened. Almost all [mentioned] haplogroups of the genus from Europe are gone. DNA archeology sees a sharp change in the population of Europe in the 3rd millennium BC. The same sees DNA genealogy, according to which ... the population of Europe is “reset” about 4500 years ago and passes, as the genetics say, “bottle neck of the population”. The haplogroup G2a, the most common in Old Europe, disappeared ... The I1 haplogroup disappeared, the common ancestor of the current I1 carriers throughout Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals, ... lived only 3400 years ago. Gone ... haplogroup R1a and I2a ...

Haplogroup I2a ... - one part fled to the British Isles, the other to the Danube. It took more than two thousand years, from 4500 to 2300 years ago, for the I2 haplogroup in the Danube region to grow, and began to inhabit Eastern Europe ...

R1a, more precisely, its surviving representatives, fled to the Russian [East European] Plain ...

The only haplogroup that did not die, and, moreover, multiplied ... was the haplogroup R1b [came to Europe 4800 - 4500 years ago] ... For several centuries, the haplogroup R1b populated all of Central and Western Europe. Since then, it remains the most common European haplogroup, and it [now] accounts for about 60% of the male population of Central and Western Europe. This is a significant proportion of Spaniards, Portuguese, Basques, English, Irish, Scots, French, Belgians, Germans. ”

In order to correlate the facts of the distant past noted by A. Klesov with the above, it is necessary to determine the “carriers” of the haplotypes R1a, R1b, I, I1, I2, I2a ... The carriers of the haplotype R1b were noted in the previous paragraph. The carriers of the R1a, I1 and I2 haplotypes in the aggregate are, above all, the Slavs (at that time the Proto-Slavs).

The tragic moments of relations between the genera R1b and R1a noted by A. Klesov confirm archaeological excavations. Thus, in Scandinavia and Germany during the excavation of sites belonging to that distant time, archaeologists often encounter the remains of R1a carriers “with split skulls, and both women and children in their homes”. With bitter irony, A. Klyosov attributes that era, and this is approximately 4 600 years ago, to the “culture of broken skulls”.

As can be seen, the process of confrontation of the West, first with the Slavs, and later with the Russians, began not from the 8th — 9th centuries, but several thousand years BC. And most likely, this confrontation is genetically predetermined.

Again, everything from the beginning?

First, a few words and direct text about some aspects of the "invisible process." A few thousand years ago, Erbins appeared in Europe - talented representatives of the human race, but merciless predators by nature. In the process of reproduction and, of course, resettlement, they destroyed, first of all, men of a different kind, and their genetically close relatives - the carriers of the R1a haplotype and their relatives - were destroyed, often without exception. The first assumption is based on the Basque paradox: men belong mostly to the genus R1b, and the Basque language is not Indo-European, the second is based on the results of archaeological excavations mentioned by A. Klesov.

The specified property of erbines and at a later time repeatedly broke through to the outside. To the examples noted above, we can add the almost total extermination of the Avars by the Franks at the end of the VIII century, the almost all the extermination of the North American Indians by the European settlers in the XVIII-XIX centuries, the extermination of the Tasmanians by the English settlers in the XVIII-XIX centuries. This property of erbins led to monstrous consequences during the Second World War, when in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union, the Europeans, in fact, destroyed 18 of millions of civilians.

Of course, the process of relationship of erbins with other genera, including the genus R1a, was not linear. It is largely accidental, and depending on the case, the “achievements” of the Western Europeans have sometimes been reset. After that - sometimes after centuries - they have to start almost everything from scratch.

For example, the invasion of the Huns in the 5th century and the penetration of plague from North Africa in the 6th led to a significant decrease in the population in Central Europe. Slavic tribes moved to the liberated lands, and the decrease in the number of erbine predators led, in full compliance with the “predator-prey” mathematical models, to a sharp increase in the number of Slavs. As a result, they again settled all the space from the South Baltic to the Mediterranean Sea.

The 6th century is the century of the phenomenon of the Slavs to the so-called “civilized world”. But the civilized world reacted negatively to this phenomenon, and sometimes hysterically. Evidence of this - the works of Western European historians of the time, in which there is practically no positive in relation to the Slavs. However, this is not surprising: we are seeing this today in Europe in relation to the Russians ...

Only after three centuries did the Erbins begin the next attack on the Slavs. Like the first, it was successful, but in the XIV century a plague again struck Europe. Only a few centuries later, having recovered from the misfortune, she, Europe, was again able to go east. As a result, by the 17th century, the West, having destroyed or assimilated the western and a significant part of the Eastern Slavs, moved, figuratively speaking, to Smolensk.

Now the position of Russia in geopolitical terms resembles the situation at the beginning of the 17th century. True, something better, something worse. Therefore, taking into account the thousands of years of prehistory, in the future we will only dream of peace.

The last feature

Constantly, sometimes from the very top of the Russian authorities, we are told that “Russia is a part of Europe” (D. Medvedev, 2011), that “we [Russia] are a European country ...” (D. Medvedev, 2013), etc. .

All this is strange. How can Russia be related to a part of a community whose foreign policy actions lead, as a rule, to chaos and destruction (for example, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya)? Moreover, how can multinational and multi-confessional Russia be equated with a European country?

In fact, even the civilizational framework is narrow (see the author’s article, “Russian World”, 2007) for Russia. Russia is really “the world”, the Russian world, in which a Russian person is defined not by “blood”, but by spirit.

Probably, for many, such a definition seems unacceptable, but for an outsider it is usually obvious. In confirmation, we present excerpts from the diary ( of a German soldier who participated in the assault on Stalingrad in 1942:

“October 1. Our assault battalion went to the Volga. More precisely, to the Volga still meters 500. Tomorrow we will be on the other side, and the war is over.

3 October. Very strong fire resistance, we can not overcome these 500 meters. We stand on the border of a grain elevator.

6 October. Damn grain elevator. It is impossible to approach him. Our losses exceeded 30%.

10 October. Where do these Russians come from? The elevator is no longer there, but every time we approach it, there is a fire coming out of the ground.

15 October. Hooray, we overcame the elevator. From our battalion left 100 people. It turned out that the elevator defended the 18 Russians, we found the 18 corpses ”(in the German division the battalion numbered 800 — 900 people).

Who are these 18 guys by nationality? There is hardly an answer, but for the German soldier and for the author they are Russians.

The unity of the peoples of the East European Plain and Siberia into something whole is an amazing, great achievement of the Russian person by blood. After all, at first it was not so. For example, when Grand Duke Ivan III negotiated with Novgorod about joining Muscovy in 1477, Novgorod asked (see V. Klyuchevsky, “Russian History”) that the Grand Duke did not send Novgorod to serve in “Nizovskaya Land” . A century later, during the agony of Kazan Khanate, the Volga peoples — Cheremis, Mordovians and Chuvash — beat the Russian tsar with the brow of the Russian tsar about accepting them into Russian citizenship, but, as noted in the chronicle, they asked the Russian tsar to “not fight them” ".

Brest, Sevastopol, and Stalingrad showed that the situation has fundamentally changed compared with the centuries-old prescription. Therefore, if the enemy crosses the line near Smolensk, he will certainly meet with a Russian man ...
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  1. -1
    April 30 2014 07: 50
    Previously, the center of pan-Slavism (the idea of ​​uniting all Slavs) was the Czech Republic, because they felt the pressure of other peoples more strongly.
    1. platitsyn70
      April 30 2014 07: 53
      Europe has always overestimated its strength and this was their mistake, we say do not step on the same rake.
    2. +1
      April 30 2014 07: 55
      Quote: mirag2
      Previously, the center of pan-Slavism (the idea of ​​uniting all Slavs) was the Czech Republic, because they felt the pressure of other peoples more strongly.

      And Serbia, can it not, on the same grounds, apply for the title of the center you mentioned?
      1. zzz
        April 30 2014 09: 24
        Quote: Corsair
        And Serbia, can it not, on the same grounds, apply for the title of the center you mentioned?

        Yugoslavia .... every time I hear about it, I feel like a traitor ... destroyed Orthodox churches ... invasion of barbarians ... genocide of the Slavs ...

        Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary
        built in 1315 was decorated
        frescoes 1316-20 years.
        1. zzz
          April 30 2014 09: 27
          After the arrival of German forces KFOR
          the church was looted by local
          Albanian peasants and in the beginning
          June 1999 blown up.
      2. +2
        April 30 2014 12: 13
        The author did not reveal another important Slavic genus N1-genus of Novgorodians and Baltic Slavs. The clan of Rurik and his descendants. It is its representatives that the Ukrainians contemptuously call the Finno-Ugrians, but this is a pure Slavic family! Descendants of the Hyperboreans, from the North. R1a came from Siberia, it is this haplotype that can be traced in migrations to India and Persia. Now R1a and N1 are the foundation of the Russian world. But in Ukraine there are a significant number of genes of the Balkan haplotypes of the Slavs (not R1a), as well as in Galicia, about 40% of R1b and more than 10% of Semitic haplotypes. Is the "peculiarity" of Galicia's behavior clear now?
    3. -11
      April 30 2014 08: 19
      Quote: mirag2
      Previously, the center of pan-Slavism (the idea of ​​uniting all Slavs) was the Czech Republic, because they felt the pressure of other peoples more strongly.

      You can minus, but I spoil a big pile of Slavism. There are interests of my homeland. And this is the main point.
      1. +11
        April 30 2014 08: 34
        Quote: Mitek
        but I slander the slavs a big pile. There are interests of my homeland.

        Slavism is your homeland or you are so poor that you would not understand.
        You are just sorry.
        1. +4
          April 30 2014 08: 46
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Slavism is your homeland or you are so poor that you would not understand.
          You are just sorry.

          Alexander, these are just words Mitek, yes, bad, but just words ...

          But THIS is already VERY serious (I hope you are "in the subject"):

          Portraits of Hitler appeared in Vladivostok

          In preparation for the celebration of victory in the Great Patriotic War, screen images of the Fuhrer appeared in different areas of the capital of Primorye.
          In anticipation of Victory Day celebrations, unidentified people painted a multi-colored stencil with a portrait of Adolf Hitler on the walls of buildings in different parts of Vladivostok.
          "If something is applied to the house, the management company will clean it up, if individual buildings are damaged, the owner will eliminate the consequences on his own, but if the municipal property is painted over, the city administration services will work," reports IA PrimaMedia the reaction of officials.
          The authorities remind that, according to Art. 20.3 of the Administrative Code, for propaganda and public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols similar to Nazi to the point of confusion, or for public display of paraphernalia or symbols of extremist organizations, fines are provided: for citizens they range from one thousand to two thousand rubles, for officials - from a thousand up to four thousand, for legal entities - from 10 to 50 thousand rubles. In this case, Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "Vandalism" - with a maximum sanction of up to three years in prison is also applicable.
          1. +3
            April 30 2014 09: 09
            Quote: Corsair
            But THIS is already VERY serious (I hope you are "in the subject")

            I haven’t seen a single one, maybe what a **** **** s we drew, so in many cities this is enough.
            1. +2
              April 30 2014 09: 20
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              in many cities this is enough for us.

              About that and speech ...
              How did it "begin" in Germany 30s, Ukraine 90s ???
        2. -1
          April 30 2014 09: 25
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Quote: Mitek
          but I slander the slavs a big pile. There are interests of my homeland.

          Slavism is your homeland or you are so poor that you would not understand.
          You are just sorry.

          My Homeland is Russia, the USSR, a MULTINATIONAL country. And the non-Slavs did more for her than other Slavic peoples. The fraternal peoples are Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Chukchi and many others. Not all of them are Slavs. Wretches, Alexander, it is you. Not just wretched, but dumb and poorly educated. At least because you allow yourself to offend a person for views other than yours. And Slavism is just a fashion trend. I remember and know my story. I'm proud of my country. But this has a very distant relation to Slavism.
          1. s1н7т
            April 30 2014 10: 36
            Quote: Mitek
            And Slavism is just a fashion trend. I remember and know my story. I'm proud of my country. But this has a very distant relationship with Slavs.

            H'm. Slavism is like a cultural platform for the entire multinational country, to call it a "distant relationship" is at least strange, is not it? laughing
          2. dmb
            April 30 2014 10: 39
            Being completely in agreement with your second comment, I cannot welcome the first. Agree that the form of personal expression of your cool attitude does not indicate a high level of culture.
          3. +1
            April 30 2014 11: 36
            All united around the Slavs, they came and asked that the Russians protect them, give back the enemy together, and often only Russian troops shed blood, talking about the role of individuals in the history of our country is another topic ...
          4. +1
            April 30 2014 11: 49
            Not all of them are Slavs. Wretches, Alexander, it is you. Not just wretched, but dumb and poorly educated.
            Before blaming someone for not being well-mannered, pay attention to Your actions, perhaps this is yourself lacking in good manners!
            You can minus, but I slander a big pile on the Slavs.
            I will not pass you, think why. hi
          5. The comment was deleted.
        3. 0
          April 30 2014 12: 43
      2. +5
        April 30 2014 12: 33
        Quote: Mitek
        You can minus, but I spoil a big pile of Slavism. There are interests of my homeland. And this is the main point.

        I have not met with such rudeness for a long time.
        It is clear that in a large family it is not without difficult teenagers, but it is depressing that this position was probably shared and not only by you.
        Russia is undoubtedly a great country. But this is not a reason for arrogance and arrogance towards other nations, and first of all - to Slavic - our closest relatives. On the contrary, they need to pay more attention.
        Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov, in his memoirs, recalling the beginning of 1 World, which he met in Poland, wrote that the Russian command was pleasantly surprised by the high percentage of mobilization arrivals at the call centers of local residents. What they did not expect.
        This undoubtedly indicates that even the Poles, who for centuries have been treated by the Vatican as an advanced strike force against Russia, carry in their genetics the memory of their Slavs. This was confirmed by the jointly shed blood in battles with Nazi Germany. And this historical legacy must not be done, but rather developed and strengthened.
        Only we have always been up to any so-called progressive, but in fact mentally unhealthy, flawed intelligentsia, a priori admiring European civilization, kowtowing before it and hating Russia, because Russia does not want to merge with European civilization like a rabbit with a boa. And this rotten fifth column worked for centuries to destroy the unity of the Slavic world, to leave Russia alone with the West and thereby increase the chances of the West in the struggle to enslave Russia.
        And it is very unfortunate that she is still reaping noticeable fruits in her heinous deeds.
        Your post is an indisputable confirmation of this.
    4. +4
      April 30 2014 08: 32
      having ears will hear
      1. +1
        April 30 2014 08: 36
        center, has always been and will be only in Russia
  2. +6
    April 30 2014 07: 55
    the population of our country: the civilian population was destroyed twice as much as on the battlefields.

    These are only direct losses ... but there are also indirect ones .... diseases, hunger, cold, stress, etc.

    I see clearly that the United States is trying to drive us as a North American Indians into isolated reservations ..

    But THANKS TO GOD the gene of resistance and the winner sits firmly in us and the West will not be able to cope with us, for this they will have to destroy all the Russians (which of course is unrealistic).
    1. +5
      April 30 2014 08: 00
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      for this they will have to destroy all the Russians (which of course is unrealistic).

      Theoretically, everything is real. It is not necessary to destroy directly physically. You can create such conditions that the people destroy themselves. By the way, our whole history shows that we fight with an external enemy much better than with ourselves. But it seems that our sworn friends are tired of waiting for this, like in the 90s everything went like clockwork, a little more and the winner chewed his piece of cake, but again it went wrong (for them, for the friends of Nashensky).
      1. 0
        1 May 2014 10: 07
        Theoretically, everything is real. It is not necessary to destroy directly physically. You can create such conditions that the people destroy themselves. By the way, our whole history shows that we fight with an external enemy much better than with ourselves. But it seems that our sworn friends are tired of waiting for this, like in the 90s everything went like clockwork, a little more and the winner chewed his piece of cake, but again it went wrong (for them, for the friends of Nashensky).
        Here we urgently need to change the power, this colonial oligarchic administration in the form of "Medveputs" has been spreading rot for the last 20 years. In general, for the last 150 years we have been observing the systematic genocide of the Slavs by the Germans and Jewish fascism.
    2. +1
      April 30 2014 12: 51
      Even as real. Open your mouth wider, hang your ears, stand on your toes waiting for cookies - and krants. The vehicles are powerful now, the liver will not close the mouth.
  3. +5
    April 30 2014 08: 04
    That's about the Serbs do not need la-la. Serbs still consider us brothers, and openly declare this, unlike other southern Slavs.
    And about how to cope with us - zapadentsev gut is thin. It will turn out, as it has been more than once.
    1. 0
      April 30 2014 08: 19
      Quote: Flinky
      That's about the Serbs do not need la-la. Serbs still consider us brothers, and openly declare this, unlike other southern Slavs.

      I realized that your comment refers to mine about Serbia ...
      What exactly did you embarrass in him?
  4. +4
    April 30 2014 08: 04
    Millions are you. Us - darkness, and darkness, and darkness.
    Try, fight with us!
    Yes, Scythians - we are! Yes, Asians - we -
    With slanted and greedy eyes!
    For you - centuries, for us - a single hour.
    We are like obedient slaves
    They held a shield between two hostile races -
    Mongols and Europe!
    Oh, the old world! Until you perish,
    While you languish with sweet flour,
    Stop, wise as Oedipus,
    Before the Sphinx with an ancient mystery! ..
    Russia - Sphinx. Rejoicing and mourning
    And bleeding black blood,
    She looks, looks, looks at you,
    With hate and with love!
    Yes, to love as much as our blood loves,
    None of you have loved for a long time!
    Forgot you, that in the world there is love,
    Which burns and kills!
    1. 0
      April 30 2014 08: 30
      Quote: andj61
      Millions are you. Us - darkness, and darkness, and darkness.
      Try, fight with us!

  5. +1
    April 30 2014 08: 07
    Theoretically, everything is real.

    Yes smile also really destroy the United States.
    But historically, RUSSIA (I mean the peoples inhabiting it) on the edge of the abyss finds the strength to rise from its knees and win in a hopeless situation.
    There are people who are capable of leading people, giving them hope for a better future.
  6. +6
    April 30 2014 08: 07
    Good article. But in today's world, it’s unlikely to reach war. Since the Earth mother will become unsuitable for life. Apparently they put pressure on the psyche so that we break down and lie under the West. And this is unlikely. We are too different to be together hi
  7. +2
    April 30 2014 08: 07
    "... for three centuries the Erbins were able to launch another offensive against the Slavs. Like the first, it was successful, but in the XIV century the plague hit Europe again. Only a few centuries later, waking up from the misfortune, she, Europe, was able to go east again . "

    What a bastard! And they beat them with a slipper and poison them with dust, but they wake up and again, like cockroaches, crawl out of all the cracks. Against this invasion, it is necessary to use the Chinese chalk "Mashenka" in the composition with the Russian slipper and finally finish off their lair.
  8. +5
    April 30 2014 08: 09
    At least spit on me, but with modern, Russophobic Ukraine, it seems to me it's time to end. And no amount of federalization will help here, because in five to ten years all the feces will float out again. For 23 years, very many were completely brainwashed there, young people in the first place, and a furious generation of haters of everything Russian grew up. This generation is screaming loudly about the "free" Western world and spewing bile towards Russia.
    1. +3
      April 30 2014 08: 42
      Why do not care, Dmitry.
      I have long since been asserting that after the pacification of Ukraine, it will be necessary to pursue a policy of De VelikoUkrynizatsii, de-banderization, children’s blockade, deeds -... yes..and de..and de ... Oh, Farion forgot - defarionization. Directly de-Unonization, some kind.
      And according to the article.
      Some kind of dual feeling.
      We, the carriers of R1a, are getting toothless. Which does not quite fit with the process of history.
      It is clear that these "erbs" (by the way, I liked the term) are simply maddened predators. They don't last long. It is incapable to be a vital herd in which individuals are afflicted with rabies. As V. Pikul wrote - "... the Germans, as you know, are subject to collective insanity, in contrast to the Russians, each going crazy in his own way ...". So in the article about it.
      If the herd itself does not clean the rabid ones, others will do it - for the herd. Arias, for example.
      But still, I, for example, have never met a mention of the split skulls of women and children, in dwellings, and even right on the excavations.
      In connection with the sites of Neanderthals, there were references to traces of cuts on bones, which supposedly speaks of cannibalism.
      But here about an interference with universal destruction in dwellings - I met for the first time.
      Who is better aware of this topic than me, tell me what’s the catch.
      1. GRune
        April 30 2014 12: 08
        At least, the history books should be returned to normal, then the next generation of Russophobia will be confused ...
  9. +3
    April 30 2014 08: 11
    Something among the "new Russian" Slavs is not visible ....
    1. +1
      April 30 2014 11: 53
      Quote: Neighbor
      Something among the "new Russian" Slavs is not visible ....

      Firstly, there are many Slavs in the list of Russian billionaires.
      Secondly, I won’t be surprised if behind the back of any Abramovich or Mikhelson there is a face full of a Russian traitor and thieves.
      Thirdly, for every reasonable person, what nationality is the "new Russian", they are all enemies for us.
  10. +5
    April 30 2014 08: 14
    For the only time in history, the Slavs came together thanks .... to the Georgian. It was the USSR that created the most powerful Slavic union !!!!!
    1. 0
      April 30 2014 12: 25
      Free wind
      For the only time in history, the Slavs came together thanks .... to the Georgian. It was the USSR that created the most powerful Slavic union !!!!!

      I would like to clarify. Ancient Russia in critical periods has always been united. There are many examples, well, at least the "virtual Tatar-Mongol yoke" (from the point of view of foreign historians for the Romanov dynasty). The united Russia-Horde not only united the country during the period of internecine strife, but also completely defeated the European hordes of crusaders who were preparing a campaign to the East, forcing the predators to "forget" about their plans to march to the East for a long time. And always, when a critical situation is created for Russia by predators, there is a leader who unites the country into an alliance to repel it from predatory Europe. And now these predators are preparing to strike another blow immediately after the Second World War. The author writes about this creation a new Europeanized state - Ukraine. And again, the same tried and tested set of anti-Russian measures: closing down Russian schools, not providing the Russian language with the status of the state language, refusing to grant autonomy to a number of areas in which the majority are Russians ... through their agents of influence, the fifth column (through the green "candy wrappers"). And in Russia as well. McFall did not succeed, the United States is sending us a new ambassador, John Tefft, a master of organizing "color revolutions". And we have a lot of such Nemtsovs, Novodvorskys and others, and they are already planning a new "Swamp", such as maydanutyh. I listened to this Nemtsov on 24.04.2014/XNUMX/XNUMX in a show in Ukraine at Shuster. Another offended, in fact, enemy who dreamed of becoming Yeltsin's successor, what would have happened then. Still, Yeltsin apparently saw him in time (he was probably sober). It seems that the "red line" has approached, when it is time for Russia again to "liberate" not only Ukraine, but also Europe ...
  11. +4
    April 30 2014 08: 17
    In open battle, the Russians are invincible. And all the troubles only united our people. So they come up with all sorts of ways to defeat us bypassing.
  12. +3
    April 30 2014 08: 20
    The article is excellent. Many analysts assert and justify the hatred of the West towards us at the genetic level. But somehow Thatcher let slip on the main reason for the harassment of the West - these are the resources of Siberia. There is evidence that it has already been divided.
  13. Alex_Popovson
    April 30 2014 08: 20
    Some kind of crap is unscientific in particular, a moment about genetics. It is necessary for this researcher to push an electro-microscope into the anus with the entire Bioscience Science Council so that he does not write a canoe from the Utrez
    1. 0
      April 30 2014 12: 58
      Quote: Alex_Popovson
      Some kind of crap is unscientific
      Exactly. Alexander Valentinovich Turchinov and Fabian Gottlieb Thaddeus von Bellingshausen. Which of them is Slavic, and which of them is Russian?
      1. Alex_Popovson
        April 30 2014 16: 37
        Neither one nor the other - they are not in Russia. And for the good of the country they are not doing anything. But Andropov or Beria (Mingrel), Yevkurov (Ingush) and Lavrov (half Armenian) - Russian
        1. blackberry
          April 30 2014 18: 17
          Quote: Stanislav
          Quote: Alex_Popovson
          Some kind of crap is unscientific
          Exactly. Alexander Valentinovich Turchinov and Fabian Gottlieb Thaddeus von Bellingshausen. Which of them is Slavic, and which of them is Russian?

          Quote: Alex_Popovson
          Neither one nor the other - they are not in Russia. And for the good of the country they are not doing anything. But Andropov or Beria (Mingrel), Yevkurov (Ingush) and Lavrov (half Armenian) - Russian

          Bellingshausen commanded three frigates of the Black Sea Fleet. And the fascist son, now acting According to my feelings, the President of Ukraine would have been buried by the navy and the navy, and he would have died out of the archives, if his will. To which I would reach, I mean.
    2. blackberry
      April 30 2014 16: 59
      Quote: Alex_Popovson
      Some kind of crap is unscientific in particular, a moment about genetics. ...

      laughing is true in essence, well, maybe they got excited with crap. The person thought of how many letters he exhausted, and you - "everyone can offend the artist ..." (c) Unscientific rule already in this phrase
      DNA genealogy is a natural science discipline that "came into being" at the beginning of this millennium.

      and further in solid text until the signature of the author.
      Genetics is involved in genome decoding - this is a scientific discipline, and genealogy is from the field of archiving, which is also, of course, a useful social activity, if it is based on historical facts. If on fabrication and fraud - a whim this is empty.
      The closest to everyday language description of the problem with ancient DNA and the typing of a person by it:
      One of the biggest problems is the still small number of studied ancient DNA samples. Surprisingly, quite a lot of Neanderthal DNA has been studied, but very little is known about the DNA of the most ancient modern humans, although there are many potential possibilities. As a result, the DNA of the Neanderthals is compared with the modern one, without taking into account the DNA of people - our ancestors who lived synchronously with the Neanderthals and in an intermediate time period - from 40 thousand years ago to the present. Moreover, nothing is known about the DNA of people who preceded the Neanderthals, since due to too great antiquity it simply has not been preserved (or it has not yet been learned to isolate it). So, geneticists are forced to draw conclusions about the divergence of the lines of Neanderthals and Sapiens by comparing both with chimpanzees! From the point of view of classical anthropology, this looks at least strange (comparison of skeletal parameters such as "chimpanzee - Neanderthal - modern man" is a classic of the XNUMXth and early XNUMXth centuries, but in modern research it would look anachronistic). With such a dataset far it’s not always clear which gene variants are more ancient, which are new, and it is even more unclear when they became what we see them now.. In fact, modern paleogenetics provides a certain schematic tree of divergences of the main phylogenetic branches, on which the sequence of divergences is quite reliable, but there are no absolute dates. Estimates of the time of occurrence of certain mutations, given by geneticists, are very approximate and cannot be taken as accurate. A separate problem of modern genetics and especially paleogenetics is that unknown value of the overwhelming number of mutations. That is, it may be known that a certain gene is responsible for the synthesis of a specific protein or that a malfunction of a certain gene leads to a certain disease, but what are the obvious consequences of the normal version of a gene - how they appear in human life - as a rule, remains unknown. This is due to the fact that almost every external sign and even more so each behavior characteristic depends on the action of many genes at once; assessing their combined work is an extremely difficult task.

      Source - site
      But, if you wish, you can read academic literature on anthropology, paleontology and medicine.
  14. yulka2980
    April 30 2014 08: 26
    And why, then, the Germans were not massacred after the Second World War? By the way, there was a reason! And our poor ancestors were "soaked" only because they wanted to seize our lands. Sometimes it is disgusting to see how Europeans have to negotiate something with these cattle. They also call us barbarians
  15. +2
    April 30 2014 08: 27
    Our enemies are well aware that in open confrontation they cannot defeat us. We, Slavs, "Western civilization" loves to destroy by someone else's hands, and by the hands of traitors. For example, set up Ukraine against Russia (they feel sorry for Ukrainian blood), a bunch of traitors and Russophobes in power + propaganda and constant dripping on the brain can brainwash very many (divide and rule. I'm also surprised that Ukraine is still strong about Russian sentiments.
    The second example is the color revolutions and traitors in power: Starting with Prince Vladimir the Baptist (who surrendered the interests of Russia in the Balkans and adopted an alien ideology) and ending with Gorbachev - Yeltsin. I do not classify Nicholas II into this category, who by his stupidity managed to destroy, it seemed impossible to destroy, that many great armies and great conquerors — the Russian Empire — tried to destroy.
    1. -2
      April 30 2014 08: 39
      Nicholas II was betrayed. He did not ruin anything.
      1. +1
        April 30 2014 09: 55
        Nikolai is a wonderful family man, a good man, but he could not cope with the role of autocrat
  16. 0
    April 30 2014 09: 27
    And sometimes it seems to me that the further it brings people close to us in blood and spirit from someone, let's say, "Russian heart" or let there be a "Slavic heart" located somewhere in the endless expanses of our homeland, the more they lose their identity, their essence. Something so ephemeral that makes us all Russian. Many peoples have betrayed us and turned away, many will still betray us, but Russia, as it stood, will stand and will !!! We began to clear ourselves of the "try everything that the TV offers" virus. Unfortunately, from the very youth my generation was introduced to alcohol and cigarettes and to ganjubas. And now, having sipped all the delights associated with them, many of my friends began to quit drinking, smoking, and grabbing. Which is very encouraging! We win in any war, even in real, even informational, even virtual !!!
    1. GRune
      April 30 2014 12: 11
      And having choked on all the charms associated with them, many of my friends began to quit drinking, smoking, and grabbing.
      They just matured and started a family like everyone in their 30s and 35s, some of them, of course, get bogey after 40, but the exception is more likely ... Wait at 50-55, half more will start to go to church actively ...
      1. 0
        April 30 2014 13: 08
        Unfortunately, the family is far from always being a deterrent; there are sad examples ...
  17. 0
    April 30 2014 09: 47
    Powerful states based on their Slavic identity besides us did not remain unique in this Russia ... the rest of the Slavs are, to varying degrees, passionate about European integration with all the ensuing consequences of the loss of historical roots ...

    Separately about Serbia ... they did not give up ... they are gaining strength
  18. -3
    April 30 2014 11: 18
    The title of the article "Russia: The Last Bastion of the Slavs" sounds like a mockery of late. It is a good bastion if, according to analysts, with the continuation of the current migration policy, by 2050, half of the population in Russia will be immigrants from Central Asia and other eastern regions!
    Naturally, for the authorities pursuing a policy of settling Asians in Russia, it is beneficial to hammer into our heads that we are not Russians, Europeans and other dubious ideas of Eurasianism. Today we are being told that our haplogroup is not the same as that of other Europeans, and tomorrow they will be convinced that it is the same as that of the Tajiks and Kyrgyz and that we are one people with them - Eurasians, "with slanting and greedy eyes."
    Russians have always been Europeans, the most numerous of the European nations. Russia has always been a European country, the largest and most populated, and therefore strong and dangerous for small neighbors, why it was always feared and disliked by the smaller western countries (who is pleased to live next to a huge bear?), And not because haplogupps.
  19. +1
    April 30 2014 11: 41
    Russia is not a European country, it was made by Peter 1. This is a country at the junction, a Eurasian country. And to deny this is to deny that Russia has been in contact with the nomadic civilizations of the East since time immemorial. Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns are our common ancestors, or at least the ancestors of a part of our peoples.
    1. +2
      April 30 2014 15: 48
      Quote: Aldo
      This is a country at the junction, a Eurasian country.

      Russia is not at any junction. she herself op center, her own.
  20. -2
    April 30 2014 12: 01
    Western Urodes inwardly feel that we, the Slavs, especially the Eastern ones, are better than them, therefore they are furious with impotent anger, and so at all times. And we, from the height of our spiritual superiority over them, are laughing at their wretched attempts to make us their slaves.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      April 30 2014 14: 13
      And what do you think we are better? You go near any settlement - how many spontaneous dump centers will you find? Nobody can compare with the ability to shit our land with our "spiritual superiority". In no case do I want to be with Europe. But you shouldn't be proud of your "specialness" either. You can learn a thing or two from them. And their anger is not so powerless. Look how the "great Ukrainians" are pounding - no need to take an example from them. Better look at GDP. After all, how much patience, intelligence is needed so that we just gasp - the impression is that he has both Abamka and the whole junta without sickly wages. And without crying about specialness. They are all partners.
  21. GRune
    April 30 2014 12: 02
    Neopagans woke up ??
    1. GRune
      April 30 2014 12: 14
      Woke up smile And immediately minus what is not so written, stated the fact!
  22. 0
    April 30 2014 12: 36
    [quote = zzz] [quote = Corsair] And Serbia, can't it claim to the title of the center you mentioned on the same basis? [/ quote]

    Yugoslavia .... every time I hear about it, I feel like a traitor ... destroyed Orthodox churches ... invasion of barbarians ... genocide of the Slavs ...

    As we get stronger, we will avenge the Serbs in 10-15 years
  23. +1
    April 30 2014 12: 52
    Quote: Corsair
    How did it "begin" in Germany 30s, Ukraine 90s ???

    Vladimir Vysotsky: "Soldiers of the CENTER group are walking across Ukraine.
  24. +2
    April 30 2014 13: 10
    Quote: Mitek
    Slavism is your homeland or you are so poor that you would not understand.
    You are just sorry

    But didn’t the Czechs with Slovaks, Croats, Bulgarians and Poles come to kill our ancestors during the Second World War?
    1. 0
      April 30 2014 14: 18
      Well, the Czechs had no time - they armed the Wehrmacht. The Germans thinned out the Poles - they crap more at home when ours approached. And the Bulgarians are real brothers - honestly both WW against Russia.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      April 30 2014 17: 16
      Quote: Mkrtumyan
      Czechs with Slovaks, Croats, ....... and Poles came to kill our ancestors during

      Try on those named by you, with the exception of the Bulgarians in the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920. The lads were still "those".
  25. 0
    April 30 2014 18: 00
    "And their wages will not be in gold or silver. For they ought to flog their heads and chop them themselves into chips." (Book of Veles. Bus time.)
    This, by the way, Bus was talking about the Romans.
  26. maevator
    5 May 2014 19: 25
    Russia = an Orthodox khanate, read the Eurasian Empire where the cross and the crescent give interesting fruits. As for the Slavs, I cannot but remind you that the Bulgarian "brothers" in two world wars fought in alliance with the knight-dogs against Russia. But whoever you dig up, Russia has an ally only itself. Sorry, I didn’t read it carefully about my brothers. So we have a plus sign

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"