No outsider tips

No outsider tipsWho is “not a stranger” and what kind of advice you ask? Lenin, probably, in the Mausoleum smirks. So, the author of this article is a native Kiev resident, a former citizen of the Soviet Union, and then an independent Ukraine. The last twenty years he lived in North America - the USA and Canada; now he lives with his family in Toronto, his parents and other relatives stayed in Kiev. By education - Master of Economics and an information technology specialist.

What is happening in Ukraine now hurts. Caring read and discuss news "From the land" as military reports, with fear and hope. Surely many will think: yes, that he can advise from there, and in general know - there, behind the hill? We here all see with our own eyes.

I beg to differ. Face to face does not see, but access to information sources in the West is much more extensive - through the Internet, on television, etc., from all participants in the events, including local CBC, CNN and others.

In the thick of things, everything that happens is perceived emotionally and sucks, of course, with the help of the media. On emotions, and not on logical analysis, there is a public opinion that quickly gains momentum and drives people into positions that are difficult to change afterwards. I draw attention to the word "position" - this is not the same as national or even personal interests. Let's come back to this later.

For example, the majority in Kiev believes that Yanukovych is a bastard who suppressed the will of the people, plundered the treasury, he is also the patron of raiders, the gangster, etc. - well, in general, there is no place to put a seal. At the same time, for some reason, few people wonder - what has annoyed Yanukovych personally with me? That is, how personally is he, Yanukovych, the actions hit my wallet and my life against the will of my elected deputies and my government? For the sake of interest, try to answer, just honestly, for yourself, and not for everyone, and for that guy.

I agree that Yanukovych is rare ... but not because "everyone knows this, he ordered people to shoot and sent raiders." Who personally heard these orders? I just saw live reports about how unarmed explosives with shields were bombarded with cobblestones and combustible cocktails. I think they didn’t like it very much, but they put up with it and went - so the order was, but of a different content. Who sent these snipers there? Certainly not Russian and not Yanukovych, why is it? To Yatsenyuk and Turchinov came to power instead? We need to find out who benefits from this, i.e. establish the presence of three factors - means, opportunity and motive. The caliber of bullets was clearly not Berkutovsky (unless they switched to NATO in advance); they had opportunities before that, but they did not use them, and snipers shot at them the same, i.e. the motive is completely absent. Yanukovych’s wines are different - he, as a leader, was responsible for the country entrusted to him and allowed her to reach the brink of an abyss under his strict guidance, no matter how or why.

But let's move from individuals to logical analysis and try to put ourselves in his place. What did he, as a manager, have to deal with? From the economic point of view, when imports exceed exports by a third, and a substantial part of the budget goes to subsidies for communal services and social security of citizens, the country does not live within its means. The United States can afford it, as long as their currency is trusted and they control its emissions, but not Ukraine, especially if it stops trading with Russia. It’s easy to get used to a good, even tolerable life (I’m speaking as an emigrant with experience), especially if you are convinced that it’s good because we deserve and earned it, unlike the Russians, because we have European values ​​and no Putin. But if we buy more than we sell, where does the currency come from to make up the difference?

In most developed countries, communal services, police, urban transport, local roads are maintained by municipal or local authorities, mainly due to real estate taxes, which are paid by everyone except churches and government institutions. In Ukraine, there is actually no such tax. Medical support and pensions also come at the expense of the budget. But where to get the money if Kiev strikes for months and nobody across the country pays taxes? If the cost of fuel exceeds its consumer price, then who pays the difference to industrialists and consumers?

After Tymoshenko signed gas agreements with Russia, Ukraine’s economy was doomed, collapse became a matter of time. It is surprising how quickly she was forgiven for this disastrous step and forged signatures. After the February coup, the lack of funds in the budget caused a shock. Well, clearly, Yanukovych stole and took with him in a government bogie. As soon as got all? And where did the Ministry of Finance, auditors, committees of the Rada look?

Do not think that I exaggerate the importance of the economy: the Soviet Union collapsed precisely because of it, it was not within our power to pull 70% of GDP on the commissariat. The people felt it in everyday life and rightly wanted a better life. Alas, this prospect does not care about the new government of Ukraine - just to make it through to the elections, and there it will be possible to write off everything as force majeure.

On the "escape" is also worth mentioning. Personal courage has not historically been a strong suit of the guarantor, but when it comes to life and death, someone, like Salvador Allende, remains and dies, by and large, without much benefit; others are fleeing to save lives, like the Hetman Skoropadsky in his time. Yanukovych still found the strength to continue his work; the hetman didn’t bother much, left everything and everyone to the mercy and dumped him to Europe.

We finish, however, the excursion into history. What happened in terms of macroeconomics and geopolitics? In fact, Yushchenko began a quarrel because of gas with Russia, which predictably resulted in the construction of two bypass flows and a solid increase in the price of gas for Ukraine. Those. laid a mine under the country's budget, which in a contractual manner secured Tymoshenko with its agreements with Putin and Gazprom, setting the country on the path to bankruptcy, impoverishment of the people and the collapse of the industry.

In such a situation, the country sooner or later has to borrow abroad. Bankruptcy ultimately leads to the establishment of creditors control over the economy of the country. Who will give the money, he will order the ball. There are few candidates for creditors: the IMF and the USA (which is basically the same thing), Russia and the European Union. The West is now offering large sums, if only the new government kept the chosen course. They just forget to mention at what interest they are ready to provide and explain how much it will cost every Ukrainian to lose jobs, raise prices for utilities, drugs, food, fuel, as well as in pensions, etc. Essential assistance in practice has so far been provided only by Russia, under friendly interests and without marauding conditions (of course, there were political conditions, but there can be no other way in the modern world). Interestingly, the current government has managed to embellish even the latest gas discount - due to non-payment on time. Was this not a priority? Something is hard to believe, rather, it is a continuation of the same policy - to put Ukraine in complete dependence on the United States (the EU has no extra money, it’s enough for Greece for the eyes).

After the coup, a trio came to power, which the people did not choose. People who believed and supported the Maidan, were announced on the list of the new interim government - in general, they were “divorced”. About the competence of this government, as well as the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian politicians, I will not spread, they are even inconvenient to compare them with Russian colleagues, given the rich experience and school inherited from the USSR. Neither Turchinov, Yatsenyuk and associates have neither the skills nor the management experience at this level, so they cannot do without the help and instructions of more experienced players. Judge for yourself how government actions can be perceived from the outside.

The first "exploits" of the temporary workers after the coup - the release of Tymoshenko and the abolition of the law on languages ​​- it is clear who is in peak. Who in Ukraine this law prevented? Interestingly, all the deputies who voted for him under Yanukovych almost unanimously voted against. What, the elected representatives of the people were afraid? Then, however, the law won back (apparently, the more experienced comrades advised). But the troops in the Crimea were not given any instructions for a week, while politely people very competently and professionally isolated those. Maybe they hoped that someone would not stand and pull the trigger in order to “show the bestial face of the invaders” and enlist Western help? The military, perhaps, would have defended the Crimea, but only every soldier understands that a shot without an order is a crime that could result in moving to a government residence, and in this situation also a sharp deterioration in health. The military has a long memory. If, God forbid, ordered to shoot at the crowd of workers "terrorists" or the Russian military, the servicemen will quickly remember what it was for the Berkut for conscientious execution and figure out how to deal with them later.

Following the chronicle of events, instead of thinking about economic recovery, the government announces mobilization. Everyone understands that the war with Russia, God forbid, will be very short and suicidal for the Ukrainian army (more precisely, that part of it that does not desert, will not refuse to fight, or even raise a tricolor - judging by the Crimea, there will be many of them). That is, military-liable men are removed from production (by the way, many, as it turns out, have lost their jobs because of this) and put on the maintenance of a state that already has no money. The trench at the border is a brilliant idea. Surely from tanks protect, as in the 41st near Moscow.

An even wiser initiative is to limit entry for Russians to Ukraine. All those who need it, have long been there, they are not hindered by border control. But now, if the Russians answer “symmetrically,” no less than a million citizens will be very unhappy when they are expelled from Russia. I think it’s just as easy to get through to work in the European Union not soon. This suggests the idea that a substantial part of the population is thus wanted to return home, depriving them of their means of livelihood, and to send their discontent towards Russia - this is after all its retaliatory sanctions.

And what to do with the "Right Sector", which, according to my parents, jumped out onto the Maidan at the very end like the hell out of a box? We organize them in the National Guard. Without proper preparation, it will certainly stop the Russians, and at the same time save the economy. We have rich traditions of the Makhnovshchina, so why limit ourselves? These warriors once rolled tanks in an open field.

But the greatest failure of the government, of course, is not that. The main breakdown is that they have thrown off from the accounts of those residents of the Southeast who were originally or were against the coup. No one listened to them, and in general was not going to talk, appointing the oligarchs to the governors (no one was surprised that they were immediately christened Gauleiters, and the National Guard, respectively, can be considered punitive in fact and substance). Given the example of the Crimea, the Southeast was actually pushed into the arms of Russia as the sole source of support.

The unequivocal manifestations, which can not help but resent the Russians and terrify the inhabitants of the Southeast, and indeed all sensible people, are approved and not stopped by the government (I do not want to offend anyone, just read blogs and comments on English-language publications on the Internet, people see everything and understands). Remember the “mosklyaku on the gilyaku” and Rada, who approvingly yelled at him in reply “Glory to the Heroes!”; swastikas on the flags of the “Right Sector”, as well as vigorous jumps of the youth, chanting “why not us, that Moskal!”). Well, it’s understandable with young people, they grew up after the dismemberment of the USSR under nationalist nonsense and don’t remember what a tragedy its disintegration turned to for the majority of Ukrainians and what working people lost (at least, all savings, social guarantees, and you can’t list them all). Give them another slogan, like "Who is not with us, that mu ... ak", I think, there would not be much difference. Another terrible thing is that many there consider it a joke. Is it really necessary to wait for these young men and women to put on the same shirts and arrange a night procession with torches and pogroms to get it? But this is not all - remember the stone physiognomy of Turchinov and Yatsenyuk, who promised to imprison and punish all separatists and enemy agents. It is clear that all this gives Russia the opportunity to talk about the threat to the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. And this, potentially, is a reason for intervention - doesn’t the government really understand this? In general, oil painting.

I am sure many participants of the Maidan are already thinking, but was it worth it to start all this? After all, this is not the end. The continuation of the "anti-terrorist" operation is a direct path to a civil war, which, perhaps, has already begun and can flare up from day to day. As a boy, I was briefly acquainted with the current head of this operation, Vasily Krutov, in the sports line (who would have thought that the world was so small). Then, during the Union, he made a strong impression on me as a person, a fighter and a professional. I do not think that he, a personnel officer, will be able to fight against the people - God forbid that he walk out of this story with honor and without blood on his hands.

So is there a way out of all this? Of course have. However, to implement it, you need to take a few basic concepts.

The first, and perhaps most important, is to learn how to distinguish patriotism from nationalism. The difference is that the patriots want the prosperity of their country and people, while the nationalists praise and oppose their country over others, regardless of whether it is for their own good or harm. Patriots may have opposing beliefs, but will always listen to the opinions of all in the name of the Motherland. A nationalist, by contrast, is always right by definition. So, Bandera, Melnikov, Bulbashi, SS from Galicia and other evil spirits are nationalists, who by their actions lead the country to a quick death. Patriots are ready to listen to all parties to the conflict, to negotiate and find solutions to save the nation.

Contrary to Obama, you need to realize that Russia is a global player with global interests and opportunities, and Ukraine is a regional player who is needed by the West as a market and source of cheap labor (for example, to assemble Boeing or Airbus at Antonov’s factories for a third of the cost). The United States is far from helping - inciting and collapsing, think of Georgia. The European Union with Russia will not quarrel over Ukraine, there’s no need for conflicts on the border or an extra poor beggar. There is enough of the Czech Republic and Romania - and that in the presence of oil does not really zhiruet. Sanctions of the West of Russia, by and large, on the drum - the dog barks, the caravan goes. Russia is self-sufficient, and it has enough reserves in Asia not to need Europe.

Let's admit that Russia has a reason for distrust. Throughout the entire period of independence, the Ukrainian government behaved not as an ally and partner, but as an employee of the oldest profession. Recall the section of the church, Yushchenko’s fiery speeches at a rally in Georgia at 2008, his attempts to ban Russian ships from their own military base (for a military mission in wartime!) Add joint NATO exercises and advertisements in the media, Bandera's heroization and other rag-tagging, throwing Yanukovych between the Customs and the European Union ... On the issue of patriots - I hope everyone understands that they fought with Bandera, mostly our Ukrainians, and not “Muscovites” (which, in literary Ukrainian, means “soldiers ", And not at all" Muscovites "or generally" Russian "). My grandfather was one of them. People like him were patriots who fought for their homeland against the nationalists who led it to death.

Make up your mind. Analyze and compare media reports - believe me, their tendentiousness is visible from the outside, without exception. For example, those who speak of Russian special forces in the eastern regions do not understand that if they saw him and write about him, then this cannot be special forces. Spetsnaz is when a military column is beheaded right before an operation, which is forced to be postponed because of this, and no one knows who or how did it.

Russian sites reprint materials from each other and hardly understand everything that is happening in Ukraine. Especially get their patriots and political analysts with their opinions. The Ukrainian news, however, claims objectivity, but they wishful thinking and play on patriotism, ignoring the fact that thousands of people don’t come out for demonstrations just like that or even for money - no special services have enough money to bribe so many people. And why ban Russian channels? If they lie, then let their foolishness be visible - to know, sometimes they convey the truth, once annoyed.

Do not demonize Russia and Russian. As before about Yanukovych, ask yourself - what did Putin personally annoy me with? Who says he is a freak, I have not yet proved it to me personally. Energy resources in Ukraine were cheap thanks to Russia and Putin, workers were paid thanks to orders from Russia. Maybe he is bad because he divorced his wife and has mistresses - this is his private business, it is already good that he is physically capable. That he is a secret billionaire - so I did not count his money and did not see evidence of his theft. But on the other hand, for his time in power, he increased the budget of Russia several times and returned to the people the national pride that had been outraged by Gorbachev and Yeltsin. He crushed the opposition - this is the business of the Russians, who they want, they vote for it. But he is the only politician who says (not loudly, but clearly) what he will do and why - and then he does what he says. Therefore, any politician in the modern world can only dream of his ratings. I don’t know if I would have voted for him myself, well, he’s not imposing himself on Ukraine, I hope everyone understands that.

Next, you need to understand that in any negotiations it is more profitable to focus on the interests of the parties, and not on the positions they occupy. If we talk about positions, for example, Ukraine will declare that Russia cannot dictate language policy to Ukraine, and Russia, on the contrary, that it has every right - it will be difficult to agree. But if we are talking about interests, Russian can easily be the second state in the choice of regions. And Russia does not dictate, and the Ukrainian one does not infringe, the interests of all parties have been achieved.

Ukraine is a red line that Russia cannot cross. Russia's main interest is national security. Russians need guarantees that Ukraine will not join NATO and there will be no enemy bases on it. One can argue that this is an internal affair of Ukraine, but Canada or Mexico would only try to place a Russian military base on its territory. What do you think the US would do about this?

In addition to security, Russia will not allow Ukraine to fill up its market with duty-free European products. Russia will not tolerate anti-Russian propaganda, "alternative" interpretations of the history of the Second World War, the glorification of the OUN and UPA and the inequality of the Russian language. Russia, in principle, will not abandon "its" - carriers of Russian culture in Ukraine. Russia does not want to dismember or seize Ukraine, because the other half will definitely be in NATO and some missile defense will appear on it, aimed at "against Iran." Russia needs a whole Ukraine, with the guarantee of non-alignment with NATO and friendly politics. On this account, I recommend watching the interview with Jacob Kedmi on youtube, much will immediately become clear.

What does Ukraine need? Ukraine is a neutral country, which, due to its position, can become a strategic hub connecting Russia and further all of Asia with Europe, with all the ensuing benefits. Ukrainian goods go to Russia, especially for industry and the military industrial complex; Ukraine gets what it does not have - fuel - at preferential prices, as well as technologies and products from Russia and Europe, not to mention all the benefits from the transit of goods. For a visa-free regime with Europe and the possibility of earning there by citizens of Ukraine, it is not necessary to join the European Union, you can agree on this separately, as well as on the compliance of legislation with European standards. In Ukraine, they say, “laskay calf two mothers sse”, which roughly means that a good calf sucks two mamok - why not? Perhaps federalization is a good compromise, perhaps there are others - but we need to talk about this with the people in all areas and regions, without threats and shooting.

In this case, it is not necessary to discount the interests of the trinity, temporarily in power. They understand that in case of defeat they all hang on one bitch. Therefore, they will go to the end, right up to the call for foreign intervention. And when they get there, they will ask for asylum in the USA, since they have enough money for a sweet life over the hill. To negotiate with them will be very difficult. The results of their activities "hit" very soon, it will reach everyone, but it will be too late.

One way or another, it’s necessary to decide now - until blood has flowed. However, judging by the latest news, even now it may be too late.
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  1. +45
    April 28 2014 09: 13
    Right choice.
    1. Validator
      April 28 2014 09: 42
      This is what the American ambassador thinks about Ukraine and its anthem. Do you think that such a h-oh will reckon with the lives and well-being of Ukrainians, or is he okay with them?
      1. +5
        April 28 2014 11: 25
        Quote: Validator
        That's what the American ambassador thinks about Ukraine and its anthem
        I listened to this hymn again, and it seems I understand why this Anglo-Saxon does not like him so much. He is unbearable to listen to Russian combat music, and indeed that is ancient, Russian music. I do not know and do not understand the text of the anthem, but the melody conveys well the breadth, courage of the soul of a Russian person, his ability to sacrifice himself. That’s why it’s so bad for a mattress to listen to the Slavic anthem. Dear Ukrainians, remember who our common MAIN ENEMY is!
        1. jjj
          April 28 2014 11: 34
          And how this ambassador will be contorted by the Anthem of Russia
          1. +2
            April 28 2014 11: 42
            Quote: jjj
            And how this ambassador will be contorted by the Anthem of Russia

            I think that he will die completely ... We perform, under our good songs ...
        2. +2
          April 28 2014 12: 10
          Quote: jungar
          Quote: Validator
          That's what the American ambassador thinks about Ukraine and its anthem
          I listened to this hymn again, and it seems I understand why this Anglo-Saxon does not like him so much. He is unbearable to listen to Russian combat music, and indeed that is ancient, Russian music. I do not know and do not understand the text of the anthem, but the melody conveys well the breadth, courage of the soul of a Russian person, his ability to sacrifice himself. That’s why it’s so bad for a mattress to listen to the Slavic anthem. Dear Ukrainians, remember who our common MAIN ENEMY is!

          Actually, this is a re-twisted Polish song, only words are redone.
          The national anthem of Poland is the song “Mazurek Dąbrowskiego” (“Mazurka Dombrowski” or “March of Dombrowski”), written allegedly by Józef Wybicki in 1797.

          The original name is “Pieśń Legionów Polskich we Włoszech” (“Song of the Polish Legions in Italy"), also known on the first line - "Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła" ("Poland Has Not Yet Perished"), which is often mistaken for Poland’s national motto.

          In addition, the “Dombrowski’s March” influenced the text and meter of the verse of Pavel Chubinsky 1862, the future anthem of the future Ukraine - “Ukraine Has Not Died”.
        3. +4
          April 28 2014 12: 23
          You will not believe it, but the anthem of Ukraine has nothing to do with the fact that it has nothing to do with Russian martial music, it does not belong to independent music either. Some Polish hussar wrote the music, then she walked in the form of a popular Polish romance, and the words joined forces at a drunken party of Poles and Ukrainians. But one advanced person attached his feet to the words, in other words stole, and became the author.
          1. ed65b
            April 28 2014 16: 45
            I read about the anthem in Kiev Times.
            True-Anarchist Anarchist •
            And you read the text of the anthem of Ukraine and compare it with the text of the anthem of Russia.
            I was puzzled by this comparison. Interesting observations came out.

            What are hymns calling for?
            Ukrainian - to fight and violence in one form or another on 6 lines, to work - on the 1st line. There is not a word about the friendship of peoples and about loyalty to the Fatherland.
            Russian - calls for friendship of peoples on 3 lines, there are calls for work and for maintaining loyalty to the Fatherland.

            What feelings do hymns express?
            Ukrainian - a sense of pride in 3 terms, hopes - in 3 lines.
            Russian - a sense of pride in 10 lines, hope in 3 lines.

            Important remarks about the anthem of Ukraine and its differences from the Russian anthem.
            There is not a word about God in the Ukrainian anthem!
            In Ukrainian, there is not a word about the wisdom of the people.
            There is not a word about fidelity to the Fatherland, but full of calls for freedom.
            But there are claims to lands that have never been part of Ukraine. But Mikhail Verbitsky wrote his poem, on the basis of which the anthem of Ukraine was written by then, back in the middle of the XIX century, i.e. long before Soviet power and before the accession to Ukraine of so many Russian lands.

            There is no Ukraine in the anthem itself, but Verbitsky has a mention about it:
            "Oh, Bogdane, Bogdane, our glorious hetman,
            First, vddav Ukraine Mosk.
            Schob return the honor, lay our heads,
            We will call Ukraine "virnyi siny". "

            Was the Uniate priest Mishka Verbitsky good? Truth?
            Kuchma was good at which the text of such an anthem was adopted, although only the first six lines were officially approved by the anthem text. Those. Kuchma omitted the call to fight from San to the Don and lower in the text.
      2. 0
        April 28 2014 11: 39
        Quote: Validator
        That's what the American ambassador thinks about Ukraine and its anthem

        Personally, I’m talking about the Ukrainian anthem (it’s not quite true Ukrainian, Polish tracing paper, if anyone doesn’t know) I think no better than entot Tefft!
        However, this does not prevent me from "reckoning with the lives and well-being of Ukrainians," here probably all the same it is not about the symbols, but about the carriers of these symbols. It is ridiculous of course to think that the johnteffts may be interested in the needs of the people of the territory of UKRain, even if he sobbed with delight at the sound of the funeral march, misunderstood as the main melody of UKRain!
      3. +1
        April 28 2014 11: 39
        Quote: Validator
        This is what the American ambassador thinks about Ukraine and its anthem. Do you think that such a h-oh will reckon with the lives and well-being of Ukrainians, or is he okay with them?

        Yes, all sane people know that these "stupid" think so about everyone in the world. Enough talk about how it is impossible to bring down the dollar as it will hit the entire world economy. It's time to cut it and it will be too late for the living now.
      4. +1
        April 28 2014 15: 35
        Now Teff will have to listen to the Russian anthem and shiver with his knees.
    2. platitsyn70
      April 28 2014 09: 47
      it seems that Ukrainians are not being pushed, but pushed into a civil war, and the Kiev authorities only indulge this.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        April 28 2014 11: 26
        Quote: platitsyn70
        it seems that Ukrainians are not being pushed, but pushed into a civil war, and the Kiev authorities only indulge this.

        And the Kiev authorities are at the head of the vanguard!
        While the Americans directly from Washington cannot give orders to the places, but this is a matter of time. Now SBU officers are already receiving epaulets from the hands of the American ambassador.
        This is only an illusion of independence of Ukraine .......... but in fact there is no such country
      3. 0
        April 28 2014 12: 21
        Quote: platitsyn70
        it seems that Ukrainians are not being pushed, but pushed into a civil war, and the Kiev authorities only indulge this.

        And there is. Moreover, they are pushing for a war with Russia. The Civil War is a minimum program, with Russia a maximum.
      4. The comment was deleted.
      5. 0
        April 28 2014 15: 20
        Quote: platitsyn70
        a feeling that Ukrainians are not being pushed, but pushed into a civil war

        And what does the difference between push and push feel? Or maybe they push, push, or in general, scary to say, push ?!
        Not tired of littering the forum with meaningless vyser on the topic "I'm in trend, plus"? negative
    3. +1
      April 28 2014 12: 04
      What a smart dog.
    4. +1
      April 28 2014 13: 02
      It looks like a new fashion in Ukraine.
      1. AVIATOR36662
        April 28 2014 14: 58
        Very invigorating! I am very pleased to accept such information! Everything is absolutely correct and competent! There would be more of such anti-Junta centers and centers. Kiev should be free forever from Bandera.
        1. 0
          April 28 2014 17: 48
          Quote: AVIATOR36662
          Very invigorating! I am very pleased to accept such information! Everything is absolutely correct and competent! There would be more of such anti-Junta centers and centers. Kiev should be free forever from Bandera.

          Hmm, after reading the article and putting it, one of the few, MINUS, I realized that the article was read diagonally!
          The article was written by a smart enemy who really knows our realities, so I don’t really believe in permanent living outside a puddle.
          So _
          Alerted immediately
          Quote: Ivan K.
          but access to information sources in the West is much more extensive - through the Internet, on television, etc., from all participants in the events, including local CBC, CNN and others.

          And then, among the stream of words, it appeared, for which the article was written _
          Quote: Ivan K.
          After Tymoshenko signed gas agreements with Russia, Ukraine’s economy was doomed, the collapse became a matter of time. It is amazing how quickly she was forgiven for this destructive step and forged signatures.

          And in the same spirit_
          Quote: Ivan K.
          contractually secured Tymoshenko with her agreements with Putin and Gazprom, putting the country on the path to bankruptcy, impoverishment of the people and the collapse of the industry.

          In general, everything is clear, Tymoshenko and Putin are guilty of everything that happens in Ukraine.
          So, what is the question for the forum users who put PLUS _ Do you agree with the author?
          And then forget _
          1. ibuts
            April 30 2014 09: 34
            Well you give, cynic! Thanks for the enemy, I really deserve it. In my opinion, I clearly wrote that everything that happened was a consequence of the unfriendly behavior of the government, and that Russia was forced to react. Who said she was to blame? Tymoshenko, yes - because of her incompetence, she fraudulently signed an unprofitable agreement (which then seemed beneficial and solved the gas problem at that time) - but what did I blame Putin for? That he switched to the market price and signed a lucrative contract? On the contrary, well done, the country saved money. After all, nobody forced Julia to sign up.
    5. 0
      April 28 2014 13: 49
      set a plus, but if he really is Canadian, how does he know that our media are transmitting, that he drew Old from the Western media. for the most part, I got the same impression in the bulk of the Russian media and, by and large, is no different from the impressions he described, he only has a third person about Russia, but I live in Russia. and so much of what needs to be presented to Ukrainians on sites and media such as a censor, but here ...?
      1. ibuts
        April 30 2014 09: 46
        I answer: Russian and Ukrainian channels are available here by cable or satellite, everything to choose from, almost everything is available on the Internet for free, including local city and regional ones, I communicate with friends in Ukraine, I read all the news on news sites. I don't want to poke my knowledge of English and Ukrainian in the face, but I don't think that many compatriots watch live CNN, CBC, etc. Translations made by Russian and Ukrainian TV quoting them make you want to cry and laugh at the same time. When I read the links to the "Western press" which writes about something, I suspect that the same translators translated this press. In the West, there is also an alternative press and TV, and most importantly, the people who consume it all make up their minds. I do not think that these publications and the comments of their users are read by many in Russia and Ukraine.
    6. 0
      April 28 2014 14: 42
      Quote: patriot_serg
      I beg to differ. Face to face do not see but access to information sources in the West is much more extensive - through the Internet, on television, etc., from all participants in the events, including local CBC, CNN and others.

      Laugh, B.L.
  2. +2
    April 28 2014 09: 24
    And what about Ukraine, as independent (it should be in quotation marks) ... Each of us played cubes in childhood (add letters, faces, numbers), - the "authorities" of Ukraine now is the cube that is assembled in the USA, assembled by stickers top photo.
    1. +5
      April 28 2014 11: 21
      Hey people and author. Think it over. If suddenly Russia declares a blockade of Ukraine:
      a) will not give more gas
      b) will not order defense products
      c) will not allow their consumer goods to come to us
      d) will not let guest workers
      e) freezes all transfers (as with Georgia)
      e) take all debts

      But apparently it’s worth it to do so that our brothers get a little hungry and remember that hunger is not at all an aunt - he is a formidable UNCLE!
      And then they are strong and independent ... in general they are ofigel ...
      let's see how GEYROP will help them when the entire Geyvrosoyuz bursts at the seams

      and it will be like in that joke with Vasily Ivanovich and Petka:
      "- Criticism, - said Chapay, - is when you, Petka, an ordinary fighter,
      you can say anything in my eyes.
      “But will there be nothing for me?”
      - Nothing, Petka! No new horse, no checkers, no harness ... "
      nifih will not be Ukraine - all will die out
      1. 0
        April 28 2014 12: 34
        Instead of torturing people, it’s easier to send troops. So once in Chechnya we let it go by chance, so what? To drive all this independent rabble into Banderstan and let it boil there, but there are normal Ukrainians, you can see in the Donbass.
        1. +1
          April 28 2014 14: 07
          Chechnya is not enough for you, so do you want to fight with Bandera for twenty years?
          1. 0
            April 28 2014 14: 46
            That's it, enough to the ears. We’ll give up now, tomorrow we’ll choke, and those who support us today will not give a hand tomorrow. Close the border, let them swell with hunger ... The policy of an ostrich, with which it is very cowardly. Of course, war is the last argument, but now, today, we need to promote comprehensive assistance. Humanitarian and informational openly, military, power, hidden but to the maximum.
      2. 0
        April 28 2014 14: 05
        It is high time to do this, and not only with Ukraine, but also snickering Europe.
      3. GRune
        April 28 2014 16: 29
        This will only embitter the remnants of a relatively loyal people, since UkroSMI will present it as another genocide (cold weather) ...
      4. ibuts
        April 30 2014 09: 50
        Well, you are not right about food - in Ukraine there was always something to eat, black soil, everyone had a summer house or a house with a garden. So they will not die of hunger. Here the production will die out, the workers will become impoverished, a real civil war, God forbid, will begin, with guns and tanks.
  3. +17
    April 28 2014 09: 26
    Reasonable and thorough.
    "Russia needs a whole Ukraine, with a guarantee of non-NATO membership and a friendly policy"
    1. +3
      April 28 2014 09: 31
      Tokma those who are not intended to even read it
    2. 0
      April 28 2014 10: 44
      Quote: Kaetani
      "Russia needs a whole Ukraine, with a guarantee of non-NATO membership and a friendly policy"

      Well, this is how to say ... In Russia there has always been a desire to unite the lands of "historical Rus" into a single state. This is the fundamental difference between Russian "great-power nationalism", which says: "Ukraine and Russia are historically one whole" and Ukrainian "separatist nationalism", which objects: "Ukraine is not Russia" and strives to prove it in every possible way.
      1. 0
        April 28 2014 11: 57
        Well, this is how to say ... In Russia there has always been a desire to unite the lands of "historical Rus" into a single state(This is bad?). This is the fundamental difference between the Russian "great power nationalism"(do linguistic analysis of the phrase), saying: "Ukraine and Russia are historically one whole" and Ukrainian "separatist nationalism", who objects: "Ukraine is not Russia" and strives in every possible way to prove it.

        And this, you old man, are carrying the sofa-expert nonsense, having read, moreover, superficially, articles from the Internet.
        Russia is a normal organism that grows and develops. Therefore, the annexation of historical territories is not annexation. But even, historically, Russia did not destroy either the people to join, nor its culture or religion.

        And with Ukraine ... This is a Slavic misfortune. And we need to survive it. And only together.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +3
      April 28 2014 11: 12
      Quote: Kaetani
      Reasonable and thorough.
      "Russia needs a whole Ukraine, with a guarantee of non-NATO membership and a friendly policy"

      I need ... but where can I get one now? half the zombie population ...
  4. +1
    April 28 2014 09: 28
    Personally, I see not a guise, but gnawed skulls of Christ sellers of Ukraine ...
  5. Gagarin
    April 28 2014 09: 30
    This doggie is now a TERRORIST and SEPARATIST!
    Quote: patriot_serg
    Right choice.
    1. +3
      April 28 2014 09: 45
      Quote: Gagarin
      This doggie is now a TERRORIST and SEPARATIST!

      She is also a RUSSIAN HIRE ... Yes, it’s worth figuring out, and whose pennies does she eat?
      1. +1
        April 28 2014 15: 24
        Quote: svp67
        Quote: Gagarin
        This doggie is now a TERRORIST and SEPARATIST!

        She is also a RUSSIAN HIRE ... Yes, it’s worth figuring out, and whose pennies does she eat?

        naturally, Putin, this is his most secret agent.
    2. 0
      April 28 2014 10: 50
      Quote: Gagarin
      This dog is now a TERRORIST and SEPARATIST! Quote: patriot_sergThe right choice.

      And her nickname "Babay". True true. laughing wassat
    3. +1
      April 28 2014 11: 42
      Quote: Gagarin
      This doggie is now a TERRORIST and SEPARATIST!

      Well, Kolomoisky needs to take it and this little magazine with a surprise
  6. +9
    April 28 2014 09: 31
    The fatal mistake of Yanukovych is his mistake, he believed that the USA and the EU perceive Ukraine and it personally, more serious than Somalia or Uganda.
    1. Fin
      April 28 2014 11: 23
      Quote: INVESTOR
      The fatal mistake of Yanukovych is his mistake, he believed that the USA and the EU perceive Ukraine and it personally, more serious than Somalia or Uganda.

      If only Yanukovych thought so, 80% of Ukrainians there think so. They are scared to admit to themselves that they are found and used. Incomprehensible pride, arrogance, ostentatiousness and a wild desire to look like an "ancient European civilization" makes them funny and prevents them from creating a normal state. From the latter: They demanded from the Russian Federation within 48 hours to report on the exercises at the border. The entire Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation compiled a report for two dayslaughing
  7. +9
    April 28 2014 09: 34
    Which, nah, independent ... Even in quotation marks. There has never been an independent state of Ukraine. I beg your pardon from the Ukrainians on the forum, but it is. Ukraine has never had an independent foreign policy. Yes and it can’t be, it seems to me. Again, sadly, but a fact, countries of this caliber are not independent. They live either in union with someone stronger and more significant, or are a colony. Ukraine was offered an alliance. But she chose a colony. Although most likely, they chose for her. Like this. The key moment for Ukraine, in my opinion, is its separation from the USSR. But the leadership was so eager to be independent that it scored on everything. What we see now is nothing more than a consequence of what happened 23 years ago.
  8. +2
    April 28 2014 09: 35
    "Russia needs whole Ukraine, with a guarantee of non-adherence to NATO and a friendly policy "

    This program is maximum.

    And what to do with the "Right Sector", which, according to my parents, jumped onto the Maidan at the very end as hell out of the box?

    This "phenomenon" - the Right Sector - has been cultivated for more than one year. It's bad that the people of Kiev did not see him.
    Those who follow the blind can easily fall into the abyss.
  9. Gagarin
    April 28 2014 09: 39
    A long-time friend from Kiev called me yesterday; before, it was like not a fool:
    "... The East is no longer buzzing, Europe is almost with us, a bright future, great European prospects for our children, etc. Everything was muddied by a bad Putin because he does not want to sell gas to BROTHERS cheaply! The IMF will give huge loans and build a world-class economy, Kiev loves the people of Donbass, you just did not understand everything correctly. For the Natsiks you are worried in vain, AS WELL AS WE WILL WIN RUSSIA AND WE HAVE WELL WE WILL HAVE THEIR IMMEDIATELY WITH POWER IN THE NECK ... "
    - here I interrupt him and ask: SO IT MEANS NEVER !?
    - he was offended and hung up, we are probably not friends anymore ...
    1. +1
      April 28 2014 10: 10
      Quote: Gagarin
      - he was offended and hung up, we are probably not friends anymore ...

      Sadly sad
    2. +6
      April 28 2014 10: 56
      Yesterday evenings I watched Solovyov and never ceased to be surprised by the emotional speech of one deputy of the Ukrainian Rada (I think Nikolai, the Party of Regions). It turns out that Russia and Putin are to blame for everything, and he interprets the objections that Russia wants to help Ukraine out of the political crisis in his own way. You (Putin, Russia) only say good words, but in reality you sleep and see in order to “crush” Ukraine again. And it turns out that Bandera are patriots. And in general, it is Russia that does not allow them to hold fair elections, which is why it "muddied" the South-East, but in fact ALL UKRAINIANS want to join the European Union and only Russia resists, as it envies, because Ukrainians will live happily and well-fed. I don’t know how anyone has it, but I got the impression that “not all of them are at home” (or maybe no one is at home at all).
      It’s hard for me to judge what is really going on in the minds of ordinary Ukrainians, but if it’s also what is in the head of this deputy, I sincerely feel sorry for the Ukrainians.
      1. +1
        April 28 2014 12: 03
        I also noted this "regionalist". Sincerely and emotionally, others are to blame. And no desire to hear.
        1. +1
          April 28 2014 13: 01
          Quote: GrBear
          I also noted this "regionalist". Sincerely and emotionally, others are to blame. And no desire to hear.

          But it does not seem that all this has already happened?
      2. +2
        April 28 2014 13: 00
        Quote: Alekseir162
        Yesterday evenings I watched Solovyov and never ceased to be surprised by the emotional speech of one deputy of the Ukrainian Rada (I think Nikolai, the Party of Regions). It turns out that Russia and Putin are to blame for everything, and he interprets the objections that Russia wants to help Ukraine out of the political crisis in his own way. You (Putin, Russia) only say good words, but in reality you sleep and see in order to “crush” Ukraine again. And it turns out that Bandera are patriots. And in general, it is Russia that does not allow them to hold fair elections, which is why it "muddied" the South-East, but in fact ALL UKRAINIANS want to join the European Union and only Russia resists, as it envies, because Ukrainians will live happily and well-fed. I don’t know how anyone has it, but I got the impression that “not all of them are at home” (or maybe no one is at home at all).
        It’s hard for me to judge what is really going on in the minds of ordinary Ukrainians, but if it’s also what is in the head of this deputy, I sincerely feel sorry for the Ukrainians.
      3. 0
        April 28 2014 14: 09
        Quote: Alekseir162
        Yesterday evenings I watched Solovyov and never ceased to be surprised by the emotional speech of one deputy of the Ukrainian Rada (I think Nikolai, the Party of Regions). It turns out that Russia and Putin are to blame for everything, and he interprets the objections that Russia wants to help Ukraine out of the political crisis in his own way. You (Putin, Russia) only say good words, but in reality you sleep and see in order to “crush” Ukraine again. And it turns out that Bandera are patriots. And in general, it is Russia that does not allow them to hold fair elections, which is why it "muddied" the South-East, but in fact ALL UKRAINIANS want to join the European Union and only Russia resists, as it envies, because Ukrainians will live happily and well-fed. I don’t know how anyone has it, but I got the impression that “not all of them are at home” (or maybe no one is at home at all).
        It’s hard for me to judge what is really going on in the minds of ordinary Ukrainians, but if it’s also what is in the head of this deputy, I sincerely feel sorry for the Ukrainians.

        unfortunately I did not watch the program, but I heard from many, including from the stories here on the site, like that. you know, I would not want to offend, or rather offend someone, but judging by similar speeches of Ukrainians, it seems that someone developed a “slave complex” from them. I’m not saying that in psychiatry there is such a definition as the definition of “reflex of consciousness”, but the fact that they are trying to free themselves from their “slave owner” and often implying in the phrase “Russia is trying to crush Ukraine” is their dependence on Russia, which suggests thought, after all, is such a “slave” complex; there is also such a thing as a reflex of consciousness! oh, how hard and painful it will be to get out of this state, especially for those who are deeply mired in this complex and in this reflex, because in order to change some kind of reaction, to some kind of irritant, you need to work very hard, hard, constantly control yourself , in the flesh to the point that you close for a long time in a dark room alone.
      4. AVIATOR36662
        April 28 2014 15: 07
        This deputy receives such money that he will be happy to vote (and has been voting for two months, and the Verkhovna Rada is simply stamping anti-popular laws) for everything that punishes any government and any junta! No wonder they showed that the "right sector" protects the city council (or obl. ) Nikolaev, where the PR has the majority!
    3. +1
      April 28 2014 10: 59
      Quote: Gagarin
      we are probably not friends anymore ...

      All the same and also. Just not just friends, relatives. We are enemies to them, Putin’s envoys. Completely zombies over. hi
      1. +1
        April 28 2014 13: 08
        The same situation ...
    4. +1
      April 28 2014 11: 11
      Exactly. And I had about the same conversation with mine, once a friend ...
      Sadly all this.
      So I want to send him this little article - yes, I deleted the address ...
    5. +1
      April 28 2014 11: 44
      Quote: Gagarin
      we are probably not friends anymore.

      Know such friends were
    6. +1
      April 28 2014 12: 07
      Quote: Gagarin
      A longtime friend from Kiev called me yesterday

      Do not worry, that means he was just a friend to you, friends in any situation remain friends.
  10. +7
    April 28 2014 09: 41
    Sorry, but a naive article by a naive person. The author is trying to tell something to the deaf and show the blind.
    The point is not at all that Turchinov and Yatsenyuk need power in Ukraine. They need a war that would be defeated, but not broken, to finally go far away from Ukraine.
    In Ukraine - there is no money and is not expected, jobs are being reduced, there are not so many opportunities for Westerners to earn. Nobody will let them into Europe, they are no longer needed in Russia (I’ll be surprised at the employer who will take on a man who wants to slaughter Russians, this is idiocy). So there will be NATO bases and nuclear burial grounds. But she fell in - someone will come, head, fill his pockets and run away. And so every 4 year. Ukraine, 23 of the year she went to her, so she came.
  11. 0
    April 28 2014 09: 43
    Man thinks soundly! Nothing to add - that's right. it remains to hope the quickest understanding of People in Ukraine. And for this, it is necessary to continue to neutralize the Indians, which, in fact, is happening
  12. Arh
    April 28 2014 09: 48
    They Shoot All One By One !!!
  13. +2
    April 28 2014 09: 51
    A very interesting article, like a look from the outside, only these three morons can’t prove anything and they will go to the end, the rest are like donkeys behind them, the trinity will then hide in the United States, and the donkeys will remain with nothing.
  14. +3
    April 28 2014 09: 51
    all this is good and correct. but there is one caveat-understand all-countries UKRAINE for a month as it does not exist. all these dances with a tambourine-AGONIA.
  15. +1
    April 28 2014 09: 56
    After the coup, the trio took power ...

    And this trinity now judges the entire South-East of Ukraine, as during the repressions in the 30s of the last century. And it is clear that the lessons of history did not teach them anything.
    1. +1
      April 28 2014 10: 36
      History teaches only that it teaches nothing.
      1. 0
        April 28 2014 11: 01
        Quote: Sochi
        History teaches only that it teaches nothing.

        If she had been taught as a subject of science.
        And then, after all, as a means of propaganda.
        1. 0
          April 28 2014 11: 36
          Definitely. And there is.
  16. 0
    April 28 2014 09: 58
    Russia needs a whole Ukraine,

    But where to get it?
    1. 0
      April 28 2014 10: 09
      In real life, the whole, or rather, whole Ukraine is a utopia. How to unite in one state two halves, each of which cannot stand the other, the West considers the East to be Untermensch and really longs for a "final solution to the southeastern issue"? Where is this winner of the Shnobel Peace Prize, let him go and talk to the interested parties! Although no, the Monkey will only completely ruin everything.
  17. -1
    April 28 2014 10: 00
    In Ukraine they say, "affectionate calf two mothers sse", which roughly means that a good calf sucks two mothers - why not? Perhaps federalization is a good compromise, perhaps there are others - but we need to talk about this with the people in all areas and regions, without threats and shooting.

    read, read the article - everything seems to be smooth and objective with rare roughness. About "mos..lya" as a literary soldier: when I was a soldier (80-82), I did not notice the literary nature of this term, only the attitude towards a Muscovite. The rest of the hares were (there is an autocorrect to "I am a Nazi muzzle" - I think they understood me what term I am writing about). Funny author. I stumbled on a proverb. Like, as a Russian reader, I don’t know this proverb, didn’t know and never used it in everyday life. The author "translated" it into Russian for me. And immediately I want to say "go to x".
    1. ibuts
      April 30 2014 10: 00
      Let me clarify: the word "b" was used in the 19th century, then they said "bogged in", which meant tonsured into soldiers. It is abundantly found in the classics, in Shevchenko, etc. Now this word has been so overwhelmed that no one remembers the original meaning. In the good old days, in response to the Russian they called, I am a Nazi muzzle. By the way, the Ukrainians who fought against the Bandera scum in the forests in western Ukraine were also called yami.
  18. +3
    April 28 2014 10: 02
    In general, it does not seem that the mind is triumphant there.
    They will listen to their propaganda and wait for Russian tanks until the "revolution" hits the wallet.
  19. +4
    April 28 2014 10: 07
    Bandera Ukraine is doomed to death as well as Hitler Germany. The fascist regimes do not have a historical future.
  20. 0
    April 28 2014 10: 11
    At the same time, one should not discount the interests of a trinity temporarily in power. They understand that in case of defeat, they all hang on one bitch ...
    It will be very difficult to negotiate with them. The results of their activities will “hit” very soon, it will reach everyone, but it will be too late.

    It seems that it’s already late to negotiate, and there’s no one. This junta does not even plan to talk with any of the leaders of both the systemic (presidential candidates) and non-systemic (protesters and people at the barricades) opposition. With Russia? But Russia has neither the authority (from the opposition in Ukraine), nor the desire to agree on anything with the authorities, the legitimacy of which is at least questionable. Yes, and the results of the agreements, any of the real political forces in Ukraine can quite rightly at any time be cast aside.
    Yes, and it is impossible to write off the right sector and the self-defense of the Maidan, which had already scattered half of the whole Ukraine, armed themselves, little by little money from entrepreneurs, but the current rulers are not fully supported, while maintaining neutrality.
    In short, Makhnovism is possible, where everyone will be only for himself.
    Yes, plus the threat of economic collapse. Hard times come in Ukraine!
  21. Orc-xnumx
    April 28 2014 10: 14
    Good article by an unbiased person.
  22. 0
    April 28 2014 10: 26
    At the expense of what and who needs to be argued. Ukraine is a part of the Russian world torn into a separate country in a completely strange way. And the ultimate goal is the restoration of unity and the construction of a strong, healthy state. This question is possible not in the next few days and not in force, but it will have to be solved, just like thinking what to do with the western regions.
  23. aleksa1703
    April 28 2014 11: 02
    I’ve been following the situation from the very beginning.
    What the author writes is completely obvious to me.
    I also believe that even split into pro-Western (read pro-American) and pro-Russian Ukraine, in the light of NATO's advancement, Russia needs it least. That was the reason for such a quick reaction with the Crimea.

    It is even possible that the Turchinovs, Yatsenyuki themselves would not mind a referendum, for the sake of maintaining at least some integrity. Yes, here's where to put this right sector, which guards under the doors. After all, these ignoramuses immediately organize another Maidan.

    Thanks for the article.
  24. 0
    April 28 2014 11: 14
    For a specific position that the USSR fell apart for economic reasons. But if you stop thinking with cliches, learn a story and think openly? The rest is not worth discussing.
  25. pomeshkin.g
    April 28 2014 11: 18
    I liked the article, but I think that it is negotiating late and no one
  26. aepocmam
    April 28 2014 11: 22
    Ukraine is not a state or a country, Ukraine is just a territory and nothing more. Its disintegration into separate pieces and accession to other states is a matter of time, no more than five years. There will be no "tender veal" in the place of Ukraine. They will devour him, miserable, and not even leave bones ...
  27. -1
    April 28 2014 11: 29
    By education - Master of Economics and IT Specialist.

    I would like to ask the author
    What did you shed twenty years ago into Pi-indosia if you knew and knew everything so well?
    Information Technology Specialist.
    Is it not for the purpose of creating these very technologies, thanks to which we see this mess
    And now, he was born with the finished medicine
    Correctly say, antiviruses are created by those who once created the viruses themselves recourse
  28. 0
    April 28 2014 11: 46
    Interesting article. It’s a pity that such as Ivan K live abroad, and not in Ukraine.
  29. 0
    April 28 2014 11: 54
    Ukraine, to a greater extent, is a “rural” civilization and an export image of Ukrainian culture created on the basis of the village culture with its lard, vodka, bloomers, hopak and diva in flower wreaths.
    For rural civilization, the concept of territory, its land - land, land (the country in Ukrainian) is also extremely important. Even the name of the country has this soil principle. For this reason, the Ukrainian state is arranged more horizontally than vertically, since from the time of Kievan Rus it has been perceived more as a collection of lands - now regions - rather than as an upright power vertical.
    1. 0
      April 28 2014 14: 18
      First of all, the word Ukraine is in no way associated with the word krajina (country) (except on the contrary, I did not go into such jungle of word formation) since the Old Russian word oukraina happened - outskirts, border region. And where do you want to attach the land here.?
      No need to invent.
  30. 0
    April 28 2014 12: 03
    The author wrote everything correctly, BUT! He appeals to logic and common sense, but BANDERAlog monkeys cannot, by definition, have either logic or common sense! Monkeys have no normal brains! Example: a chant "Hto do not jump - that mos ...!" The height of "intelligence" and "presence of a brain"! And the cry "Glory to Ukraine!" generally from a series of violent schizophrenia: Yarosh would have climbed onto the platform of the Maidan and in front of the MayDowns would have shouted "Glory to me!" So urrrrr-patriots shout the glory of the territory - which is just in the derrrrma not up to its ears, and derrrrmo is already open in a cry: "Glory ...!" overwhelms. But she's screaming ...
  31. arch_kate3
    April 28 2014 12: 05
    It is unlikely that Ukraine can exist as an independent state. It would be more correct to join Russia as, for example, Tatarstan or somehow. For all ordinary people, it’s better (except for some oligarchs)! Think with your head!
  32. 0
    April 28 2014 12: 05
    Quote: Kaetani
    Reasonable and thorough.
    "Russia needs a whole Ukraine, with a guarantee of non-NATO membership and a friendly policy"

    Just how to do it. All presidential candidates from the United States and NATO. Ours are not, and if anyone is, then he has no chance. They will choose and recognize only their own. Continue to feed their president and his people discounts, etc. The United States and NATO will give any guarantees, as well as the new authorities in UKRAINE who declare that they give any guarantees and will cut fools later. So believe neither one nor the other is impossible. RUSSIA must pursue its policy regardless of the WEST. In these matters one must be tougher.
  33. arch_kate3
    April 28 2014 12: 07
    If Ukraine had good prospects as a state, then most of its hardworking inhabitants would not have fled to Europe, Canada and other countries! The people voted with FEET!
  34. +2
    April 28 2014 12: 48
    And all this "brothellero" began with a hunchback ...
    1. 0
      April 28 2014 13: 06
      Quote: chauffeur
      And all this "brothellero" began with a hunchback ...

    2. 0
      April 28 2014 13: 25
      Quote: chauffeur
      And all this "brothellero" began with a hunchback ...

      And before him, Ukrainian nationalism was not?
      You either forgot everything or you didn’t live in the USSR at all.
  35. -1
    April 28 2014 12: 57
    SW Affmap! I will be brief. Do you live in Toronto? Let's goodbye!
    With a full belly, safe, on a soft sofa, writing smart things, even if they are smart - DO NOT NEED. Advisers and so enough in abundance. If you want to help, help really.
    1. 0
      April 28 2014 13: 28
      Quote: Ajent Cho
      If you want to help, help really.

      He didn’t say that he wanted to help anyone.
      And how to help Ukraine? Such a number of psychiatrists, which she needs, will not be found all over the world.
  36. Pesnyadv
    April 28 2014 14: 08
    Quote: jungar
    Quote: jjj
    And how this ambassador will be contorted by the Anthem of Russia

    I think that he will die completely ... We perform, under our good songs ...

    We will not refuse to dig and dig back into the LSI several times ... drinks
  37. krokodil_gena71
    April 28 2014 14: 26
    Good article. Thanks to the author
  38. GRune
    April 28 2014 15: 03
    The difference is that the patriots want the prosperity of their country and people, while the nationalists extol and contrast their country with others, regardless of whether it’s for the good or the detriment of it. Patriots may have opposing beliefs, but they will always listen to the opinion of everyone in the name of their homeland. A nationalist, by contrast, is always right by definition.
    Great definition!
  39. 0
    April 28 2014 15: 39
    Quote: Sour
    Quote: Ajent Cho
    If you want to help, help really.

    He didn’t say that he wanted to help anyone.

    The situation is unambiguous: if the author, a former Kiev resident, wants to help, let him help, not cleverly. If she doesn’t want to help, let alone not be clever. In my opinion, people who are not related to Ukraine have a much greater moral right to write about the situation. In this case, the author looks like a jackal of Tabaki shouting from behind the tiger of Sher Khan.
    Left the country of ancestors - keep quiet in a rag. Or help silently, without advertising yourself - then people will believe that this is sincere.
  40. +1
    April 28 2014 17: 04
    "Russian sites reprint materials from each other and hardly understand everything that is happening in Ukraine. They are especially haunted by jingoistic patriots and political analysts with their opinions. Ukrainian news claims to be objective, but wishful thinking and play on patriotism .. ... "

    One to one heard such speeches about 2 months ago. Your Putin, your magazines, your television .... Stop, I think to myself. But whether to watch Ukrainian television, read blogs, etc. Opened, read, listened. Brrrrrrr .... It seems that smeared in Such nonsense that no way. I’m silent about the live shooter, enough for exactly 6 minutes. There is a complete fooling of an entire people, they are working out the money of mattress covers in full. If every day for 23 years he gave a damn that you svi ... I - then sooner or later grunt. The man, born in 1962, who was in my time the secretary of the Komsomol organization, a member of the party, the secretary of the party committee, is now ready to gnaw his throat for Bandera, Shukhevych, Tyagnybyk, Yarosh. Only 23 years ..... Sad, gentlemen.
    1. ipshum
      April 29 2014 10: 22
      Russian sites reprint materials from each other and are unlikely to understand everything that is happening in Ukraine. Their jingoists and political analysts with their opinions especially get it.
      Evaluation of most comments by the writing audience of the Military Review.
      Are you offended?
      Read the comments carefully. Almost a feces dump truck on a fan.
      Find at least one difference from Ukrosayt. You will not find.
      Ranks need to be earned not by quantity and repost, but by quality.
    2. ibuts
      April 30 2014 09: 26
      I cannot but agree with you, Makarych. Especially when educated young people begin to carry complete nonsense about Bandera and Ukrainian history, evil Russians, and young pretty girls write poems that "we will never be brothers." But this is extras, I wrote about the hosts, commentators, etc. They are all trying to suggest that we are objective, and that Russian news is propaganda. This is just from the outside, comparing very clearly, although their propaganda is even worse, because it pretends to be non-propaganda.
  41. 0
    April 28 2014 19: 17
    Sometimes it’s better seen from the outside, the author lives in Canada where there are more Ukrainians than Canadians, I was not afraid to write such an article. I already wrote that in Ukraine somewhere there is a repeater of psychotronic zombie Ukrainians, well, I’m fantasizing on the verge of delirium, because there’s nothing more you’ll explain the whole brothel that’s happening in the country. Recently Kravchuk said on the air of the Russian television channel that I don’t know which channel, most likely Rain, other channels wouldn’t listen to this crazy stuff, he said that Ukrainians need to be patient a little, Russia will start soon Crimea will fall apart without firing a shot again, and the Crimeans themselves will ask to go back to Ukraine. As an elderly man, the former president is not ashamed to bear such nonsense. Exactly somewhere the translator is standing.
  42. ibuts
    April 30 2014 09: 19
    Thanks for the positive feedback.

    The article was written not for politicians in Ukraine, but for ordinary Ukrainians, such as my parents. I can’t talk to them at all now, maybe at least they read it. All former classmates also quarreled over politics.

    I just realized that arguing is useless, as well as proving that Ukraine is better off being friends with Russia. Therefore, I tried to clarify what the policy of the current rulers leads to - complete collapse and impoverishment, and also - that Russia cannot behave differently, and this must be understood and acted proportionately. Given the circumstances, Russia's endurance and its desire to lend a helping hand is worthy of respect.

    Imagine that you are Ukrainian and live over a hill in Russia, and your parents are employees in Ukraine. They are shooting there, the hryvnia is falling, the communal apartment has doubled, soon the public sector employees will have nothing to pay, and they believe that everything is fine and ready to vote for the next golden pod - I think you would be worried too.

    Answering those who believe that I am a couch commentator - why get personal, it’s better to scold my opinion, it’s easier to change one’s place of residence. He left Urkaina not because of difficulties (they weren’t in the 91st, the Union was just broken up), but to study exchange (just lucky, the case turned up), dreamed of helping the country return. Those who think that starting from the beginning over the hill is easy and that money is growing on trees is mistaken. Most of my peers I know at home earn no worse (in Canada, income tax is 30–40% of any decent salary). After a few years, I realized that if I return, I’ll have to start all over again - friends, career, family ... But I went to work many times, so I spent several years in Russia and Ukraine, in general, I’m not familiar with the situation by hearsay .

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"