The integration of Europe has become similar to Hitler’s plans.

The integration of Europe has become similar to Hitler’s plans.

In discussions of today's most pressing European problems, such as the crisis in the eurozone with the prospect of a number of countries or the situation in Ukraine departing from the European Union, there is clearly a lack of an analytical approach.

Short-term assessments and conclusions prevail, and few people dare to look at the situation in its historical context. This is due to the fact that such a review will open a lot of negative points about which in Europe do not want to hear. For example, he will show that such phenomena as the eurozone crisis, growing poverty in the “new” EU countries, the wave of anti-Russian hysteria in Eastern Europe, attempts to revise the outcome of the Second World War, and the events in Ukraine are not heterogeneous or random events, but are related a tough pattern.

All this is an expression of the fact that the policy of European integration since the beginning of the 1990-s has become very similar to the Hitlerite plans of the Grossraum Kontinentaleuropa. This idea may seem absurd, but below I will give arguments in favor of such a point of view.

In consideration stories European integration is dominated by the point of view, which throws out the most important historical fact from consideration - Maastricht was by no means the only option for European integration. The history of the formation of the European Union is now served as a smooth and straight line, in which European countries gradually penetrated the idea of ​​accepting common European values ​​and entered into integration processes.

However, this was not the case. The current version of European integration was born right in the center of the global confrontation, the Cold War between the USA and the USSR, which in Europe, and in particular, in Germany, was probably the most stressful. It is enough to recall that the first integration institutions of Western Europe were created with direct assistance and with the participation of allies in the anti-Hitler coalition: the United States, Great Britain and France as early as the end of the 1940s. At the same time, integration did not at all prevent Germany from splitting into Germany and the GDR, which was initiated by the Americans.

The USSR, with its Eastern European allies, also established its economic integration organization - the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecom), and most actively contributed to the restoration of the economies of Eastern European countries, in particular the GDR, and the creation on this basis of a single international socialist economy. Up until the end of the 1980s, there was a sharp rivalry between these two integration associations, which took place against the backdrop of regular crises in Germany over West Berlin.

In this era, filled with confrontation and saber-rattling weapons, Western European integration (here we have to introduce a more precise term to distinguish it from Eastern European socialist integration), of course, in general served the military-political and economic goals of the Atlantic bloc and the United States, but practically did not pursue expansionist goals. With the help of the institutions of Western European integration, the allies (the USA and Great Britain) eliminated one of the causes of the Second World War, opening the world market for Germany and allowed it to carry out a wide export of goods and industrial products. The country also received wide access to raw materials, primarily oil.

After the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the USSR, the situation changed dramatically. The Western European Union opened up the prospect of expansion into Central and Eastern Europe, which had lost its leader, who provided raw materials, a sales market for products and the former Warsaw Pact military core. And the West European Union took the path of its political and economic expansion, starting with the Anschluss of the GDR under the pretext of restoring the unity of Germany.

The East German state in 1990 was simply liquidated, and its economy was divided between West German concerns. Immediately after this, the current European Union was politically formalized by signing the Maastricht Treaty, which was entered into by European countries that were not part of the socialist bloc.

Germany has played a huge role in this political design of the European Union, both theoretical and practical. European integration was based on the theory of "social market economy" (die soziale Marktwirtschaft), within which it was assumed that a free capitalist economy, limited to certain norms, rules and government intervention, would be aimed at social progress of society. Of course, this theory, which emerged at the beginning of the 1930s, and which was booming in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1950s, was to a certain extent opposition to the national-socialist views on the economy.

The “Ordoliberals” did not adhere to the extremes of the national-socialist doctrine, such as racial theory or the forceful seizure of “living space”, but the “social market economy” and the national-socialist doctrine also had common moments. First, the interrelation of the economic and social order. Secondly, the idea of ​​social justice. Thirdly, government intervention in the economy in order to achieve greater social justice.

At the same time, the Potsdam agreements, which provided for the liquidation of German concerns and the denazification, were grossly violated in Germany. The German concerns continued to exist after a minor reorganization, and now we see among the flagships of the German economy all the same concerns that produced weapons for Hitler. Even the well-known concern IG Farbenindustrie, on which there is no place to put stamps for crimes during the war, existed until 2003, and its shares were traded on the market until very recently. Prominent national socialists managed to largely escape persecution in different countries, and the rest received short sentences.

In such conditions, the national-socialist concepts of economic structure, in a slightly modified form, exerted their influence on the economic course of the Federal Republic of Germany and on the formation of Western European integration. These are ideas already developed during the war: Grosswirtschaftsraum - common market, government and customs union, European confederation. These developments of the National Socialists, cleared of racism, hatred of the Slavs and the occupation policy, were quite suitable for the post-war structure of Europe. Now, many in Europe and even in Germany believe that Hitler was the true father of Western European integration, and Jacques Delors - the former head of the European Commission - was even accused of realizing Hitler’s dreams.

Another national-socialist idea, known as Hungerplan (Plan for Hunger), which Hermann Goering put it like this: "If there is a famine, then not the Germans should starve, but others," went over to "ordoliberalism" in a modified form. Now, of course, no one expresses it in Germany, but this idea of ​​ensuring the welfare of the Germans at the expense of other European countries has found expression in the policy of the European Union after Maastricht. Germany, through the creation of the European Union, secured a market for its export goods. In 2010, the EU accounted for 69,5% of German trade, 69,8% of exports and 69,2% of imports.

Germany before the 2009, was the leading exporter in the world, and after the loss of this provision exported goods and services for a huge amount of 1,1 trillion. Euro. In 2013, the trade surplus amounted to 241,7 billion euros, most of which was obtained through trade with EU countries. This is the net profit of the German economy. At the same time, many European countries had a trade deficit: France - 73 billion euros, Spain - 2,5 billion euros, Romania - 5,7 billion euros, Latvia - 2,25 billion euros, Lithuania - 1,4 billion euros and so on .

How did it happen? The introduction of the euro in the 2002 year provided Germany with the best conditions for foreign trade and led to a sharp increase in its trade surplus, that is, profit. Since 2004, when the new countries began to join the European Union, now East European countries, the process of destruction of their economic and industrial potential began. New members were subject to strict requirements, rules, quotas, which led to a reduction in domestic production and an increase in imports. Many countries have lost entire industries, for example, the sugar industry was destroyed in Latvia, Portugal, Bulgaria, Ireland, Slovenia. In 2009, the European Commission explicitly prohibited Latvia from resuming sugar production. Bulgaria, which was the largest producer of agricultural products in the CMEA, now imports up to 80% of consumed vegetables and stopped growing tomatoes. Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was an industrialized part of Yugoslavia and retained its industry during the war years, has now become a de-industrialized country with an unemployment rate of 44%. Similar examples can be multiplied and multiplied.

The goal of this policy is obvious - the transformation of Eastern Europe into the markets for German export products. Poverty, unemployment and social unrest in the countries of Southern and Eastern Europe is the modern expression of the National Socialist Hungerplan. For comparison, in the CMEA economy was arranged differently, on the basis of reciprocity of supplies. If the USSR supplied, for example, iron ore and oil to the GDR, then the GDR supplied engineering products to the USSR. The entire Soviet Union traveled in passenger cars made in Ammendorf. Cranes, excavators, conveyors and other equipment from the GDR was widely used in Soviet industry.

Together with the expansion of the EU in Eastern Europe, an epidemic of struggle against the "crimes of the communists" began. There were all sorts of institutions of national memory, there was talk about equating Nazism with communism, in some countries they even started talking about compensations that Russia should pay. With regard to Latvia, it turned out that the amount of compensation in 4,7 is more than the amount invested in the Latvian SSR from 1945 to 1985. In the light of the problems of European integration, it becomes clear that these anti-Russian attacks of some Eastern European countries are nothing but attempts to replenish their wealth, which has flowed to Germany, at the expense of Russia.

Such a strange economic system, created in the 2000-ies in the European Union, was supported in two ways. First, lending to consumer countries and a variety of financial assistance. These loans and assistance created the illusion of well-being and development, leading to an increase in wages and consumption. Secondly, the export of consumer countries to countries outside the European Union, which made it possible to reduce the trade balance and keep the deficit at a minimum. This system existed as long as there was an opportunity for such exports. However, the global economic crisis 2008 of the year has undermined it. The countries of Eastern and Southern Europe lost a significant part of their exports outside the European Union, energy prices jumped sharply upward, and these countries could no longer make ends meet.

Germany also made every effort to strengthen its exports, both within the EU and beyond. German exporters succeeded in regaining most of the pre-crisis positions in the EU and expanding their presence in foreign markets. Unemployment in Germany fell from 7,1% in 2007, to 5,9% in 2001, while in the EU the average unemployment rose from 8,6% to 9,6% over the same period. But this is an average figure, and in some countries the unemployment rate has reached colossal values ​​- 30-40%. German Hungerplan in action, only renamed to Arbeitslosigkeitsplan. "Fat Herman" could now say: "If there is unemployment, then without work the Germans should sit, and others."

As a result, Germany only aggravated the situation and got the problem of bankruptcy of a number of EU countries, which, within the framework of the established relations, have absolutely no way out. But then there are problems for Germany itself, since the fall in such profitable trade for her as a result of the bankruptcy of the PIGS countries threatens her well-being. Continuing the distribution of money in debt is also not an option; these debts will not be returned by countries with a ruined economy, and this will, in fact, be a non-repayable subsidy. Yes, and the European Union, it seems, can not afford such a policy. It is in these conditions that it becomes clear why events occurred in Ukraine and what kind of hidden drive of the conflict there is.

Of course, German politicians are not too worried about the fact that they support frank fascists and thugs in Ukraine. But Ukraine would be a tasty morsel. A large country, with a population of 45,5 million, would become a very large market for European goods. But the main thing is not this, but the fact that Ukraine, at the expense of numerous economic ties with Russia, would cover the costs of importing German goods through trade with Russia. Ukrainian goods and so were sold in Russia on the verge of dumping. Additionally, the masses of Ukrainians would go to Russia to earn money, the translations of which would partially pay for German imports. In other words, Ukraine’s European integration would be at the expense of Russia, and Ukraine would become the gateway through which Russian wealth would flow to Europe, primarily to Germany. There is nothing new in this endeavor. Russia had been dreaming of making Russia a raw materials appendage since the time of Bismarck, and it was seriously counted on at the time of the Dawes Plan, in the 1920s.

In this regard, little remained to be done - to bring a government to Ukraine that would agree to European integration without any reservations. And here the problems started. Russia took a tough stance. The reasons were more than enough, but the main one is the unwillingness to subsidize the German Grosswirtschaftsraum under the sign of the European Union. A general analysis of the situation suggests that the Ukrainian crisis is the end of European integration in the form in which it has developed over the past 20 years. Maaastricht and its specific economic system came to its historic end.

The order created in Europe ruined a part of the European countries, the further expansion of the European Union and its economic zone rested against resistance of Russia. A further historical choice is not rich: either to fundamentally revise the European economic structure and policy, or the economic crisis will reach Germany, with all the ensuing consequences. Although Goering said that others should starve, his policy ended with the Germans themselves having to end up starving, living in ruins and losing a quarter of the country. Historical experience in this sense is very, very instructive.
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31 comment
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  1. Kavosh
    April 16 2014 15: 52

    Is something crookedly copied, in short, the topic on his site Is the US or the World Coming to an End? - Paul Craig Roberts
    1. 0
      April 16 2014 16: 30
      And Cho with this ...MAY XEROX "WALK" ... A. On the topic there is chago, or so pont clumsy on the fence ... winked
    2. Evil Pole
      April 16 2014 16: 37
      I am sorry Dear. Whoever previously read Mein Kampf (I had to read it at an early time before Article 282, he knows) and now the incarnation of the 3rd ridge is underway. But! Stupid Nazis do not understand that the world is becoming multipolar and this cannot be avoided. NATO, the UN Security Council (especially), and PACE have outlived themselves as dinosaurs of a bygone era. The eastern vector that Russia has proposed clearly indicates that in the modern world, not a green "fant" will rule, but a fully backed currency. And yes! Columbus did not discover America, but the Vikings wink
      1. avg
        April 16 2014 17: 10
        Quote: Evil Chorus
        And yes! Not Columbus discovered America, but Vikings

        Yes ukr_y it was, ancient ukr_y in 1351 BC Yes
        1. +3
          April 16 2014 17: 23
          Quote: avg
          The integration of Europe has become similar to Hitler’s plans.

          And all this is again run by Germany!
        April 16 2014 17: 46
        Quote: Evil Chorus
        Not Columbus discovered America, but Vikings

        Student song of Soviet times:
        "Columbus discovered America, our friends are completely foreign to that land ...
        , he’d better open a beer house on our street!
        Chorus: On a charcoal, on a small pour, pour, pour
        Student neighbor little,
        What are the horses given to drink ... "
    3. Pavel Sinko
      April 16 2014 18: 30
      The super article all falls into place The Third Reich is alive and is already developing at our borders. Here and our time is coming soon we will not shame the lands of the Russian brothers. We will leave to the descendants a bright memory of our affairs. The whole world looks at us as liberators of the human race.
  2. COLUN
    April 16 2014 15: 53
    Well, who would doubt it - fascism is walking the planet!
    And we have to stop him.
    Let's get to Fashington !!!
    1. +11
      April 16 2014 15: 58
      Here she is the mask
      1. jjj
        April 16 2014 16: 05
        And the Chinese very politely offered to build a new "Silk Road" through Russia to Berlin. And we are ready to equip special economic production zones all the way, where they could earn money for three. Hinted at the desire to build an axis: Berlin-Moscow-Beijing
      2. +19
        April 16 2014 16: 36
        Quote: Coffee_time
        Here she is the mask

        The main thing is not to forget!
  3. +9
    April 16 2014 15: 54
    Nobody has canceled the drang NAH OSTEN EUROPE to the east ..... now the highest Aryans are gaining eastern slaves with the help of the Orange Revolutions and simply by deceiving people with beautiful words about human rights.

    The order created in Europe ruined some of the European countries, and the further expansion of the European Union and its economic zone ran into Russia's resistance.

    As always, historically the Pan-European Offensive will be crushed by RUSSIA at the very last moment when we are again pressed against the wall.

    The afterlife shadow of BONOPART and HITLER looms behind the backs of modern followers of the ideas of the conquerors of the eastern peoples (subhuman ... as they believe) and, as always, the higher race will cruelly pay for its frivolity.
    1. +4
      April 16 2014 16: 38
      Only they naively believed that there were two players in Ukraine, and not three, as it turned out in reality. And since from the point of view of the United States their allies have only responsibilities, the economic strengthening of the EU was clearly not part of their plans. Plus, the goals of the United States in Ukraine are primarily military-political, with an indirect relationship to the economy.
      So it turned out that the Germans funded the American project, which not only did not improve their position, but also created threats for the loss of existing ones and also showed the prospects of becoming economically dependent on the United States.
  4. +14
    April 16 2014 15: 54
    In 41 until the last drove trains with wheat ...
    Will we also drive gas to the last? I understand everything both for the euro for gas and for the employment of the population ... It’s faster, it turns out, to integrate into the markets of Asia and the Pacific. hi
    1. +2
      April 16 2014 16: 31
      In order not to lose money to cover the budget of Russia, we will supply gas to Europe for the time being, and at the same time we need to reorient all our economic ties and resources to the BRICS countries!
      ... And then, if necessary, we can also regulate our attitude towards the European Union with a valve, let them feel our power and strength ... and behave ourselves!
      1. 225chay
        April 16 2014 21: 00
        Quote: VeteranS
        In order not to lose money to cover the budget of Russia, we will supply gas to Europe for the time being, and at the same time we need to reorient all our economic ties and resources to the BRICS countries!

        To reorient the Russian economy towards self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency of the country, domestic resources and raw materials will be enough
  5. johnsnz
    April 16 2014 15: 55
    Fuck you in a glass, not an ordnung)
  6. +2
    April 16 2014 15: 57
    They don’t think when. On the heels come. Shake is necessary. Well, everyone knows that the rush is needed when catching fleas. Apparently they got the fleas. So in a hurry.
  7. 0
    April 16 2014 15: 59
    Quote: KAVOSH


    Is something crookedly copied, in short, the topic on his site Is the US or the World Coming to an End? - Paul Craig Roberts

    Even the links do not want to be copied
  8. joum
    April 16 2014 16: 01
    Somewhere I came across about GDP: I was asked - "Europe is uniting against Russia .... Aren't you afraid?" ... I answered: "We have already encountered a united Europe in 1812 and in 1941. This should be scary for them! " ...
  9. +5
    April 16 2014 16: 01
    These are ideas developed already during the war: Grosswirtschaftsraum - the common market, administration and customs union, the European Confederation. These developments of the National Socialists, cleared of racism, hatred of the Slavs and occupation policies, were quite suitable for the post-war structure of Europe.

    Here, tree-sticks, shitty liberals. They changed the signboard, and as if they had invented something new. It can be assumed that the same people came to power, came from the States, or sat out in Germany. And then they quietly began to implement the same plans. The clown Hitler with his Jewish and Slavic bends was removed, and without this husk they began to implement "democratic" plans.

    Good article. Thank.
    How little we still know. And everything is on the surface.

    From the 2004 of the year, when the accession to the European Union of new countries, now countries of Eastern Europe, began, the process of destroying their economic and industrial potential began. New members were subject to strict requirements, rules, quotas, which led to a reduction in domestic production and an increase in imports.
  10. +1
    April 16 2014 16: 04
    Well, something like that ... Well, the territory was painted over by the European Union on which Hitler was counting.
    What I want to say, yes, after joining the European Union, Eastern Europe began to live ... differently, everyone is outraged ... at the household level, but they don’t want to go back to the ass! Here is a paradox. Even the Russians in the Baltic states, despite all their oppression, do not want to go to Russia.
      April 16 2014 17: 51
      Quote: Sergei75
      Even the Russians in the Baltic states, despite all their oppression, do not want to go to Russia.

      Why go to Russia now? And tomorrow go back again?
  11. Grenz
    April 16 2014 16: 05
    Heil Merkel!
    And although the author concludes that "Historical experience in this sense (Germany will suffer again) is very, very instructive."However, he does not draw another conclusion from the events taking place in Europe.
    It turns out that historical experience teaches only smart people, who are not observed in the leadership of a number of European (especially the Baltic countries, Poland, etc.).
    So, if you superimpose the red picture of the Reich on the Euro-picture, then when you mix the colors, you get brown - fascism with a "blue" bias.
      April 16 2014 17: 57
      Quote: grenz
      If you put a red picture of the Reich on the Euro-picture, then when you mix the colors you get brown - fascism with a "blue" bias.

      As a person who repaired second-generation color TVs at one time, I responsibly declare: red and blue create secondary violet, that is, in Russian "bruise" (this is in the case of "red on blue").
  12. +3
    April 16 2014 16: 11
    And note, as then the center of this "union" is Germany.
  13. +3
    April 16 2014 16: 13
    And this time we will break the ridge. But this time for good. GLORY TO RUSSIA. soldier
  14. +3
    April 16 2014 16: 14
    Actually, the author did not say anything new. Anyone who has eyes, ears and a brain sees it for himself. Surprisingly different. Those listed countries (Bulgaria, etc.) which are expressly forbidden to produce anything, for a long time x ... will the gayrops suck? Although, maybe they like it?
  15. +2
    April 16 2014 16: 17
    German politicians are not too worried that they support outright fascists and thugs in Ukraine.

    It appears from the article that hereditary Natsik continue to lead Germany.
    Then there is nothing to be surprised that Germany turns a blind eye to the frankly nationalist PS
  16. +10
    April 16 2014 16: 26
    They show us everything state. US debt, and state. Germany’s debt is 2,6 trillion, the main European countries are also close to it, Poland has accumulated half a trillion in a short time, and Japan - 12 trillion. What an effective economy is for free - everything is free, and when they start to tell me that they live well in Europe, I just give the numbers and facts available on the Internet and the opponent starts to think. In the recent past, our banks gave me credit for the development of their business or for the purchase of equipment at thirty percent, and in Europe three to five, is there a difference? And so if you touch everything. There is only talk about supporting small businesses, but there is no help, and they even stifle taxes. The production of something is small-scale, so the products are expensive, my friend bought a large, twenty-person dining table, for a country house and you know where; in Indonesia, it turned out cheaper than ordering from us. And we will probably live at the expense of carbohydrates, and not for our brains and the desire to work and earn. By the way, you know that when applying for a job, youth asks how much they will receive, and not how much they will earn!
    1. t-34-85
      April 16 2014 17: 01
      I wonder where your friend dug up money for a country house where is a table for 20 people if everything is as bad as you say ????
      1. +1
        April 16 2014 17: 29
        In contrast to me, a production worker - an acquaintance engaged in trade, began with a stall and further upward. I hope there is no need to explain the difference and fat between production and trade?
        1. t-34-85
          April 16 2014 19: 22
          that is, you can still live in Russia ?????
      2. 225chay
        April 16 2014 17: 56
        Quote: t-34-85
        I wonder where your friend dug up money for a country house where is a table for 20 people if everything is as bad as you say ????

        )))))) "And they (neighbors) often pull the toilet handle ... They probably eat a lot!"
        "Sounds from the toilet prevent us from falling asleep ..."))
    2. Pavel Sinko
      April 16 2014 18: 22
      Hi friend I am Pavel. I see your bewilderment here is the name of the site and anyone who wants to understand what is happening in Russia I advise you to watch it will be interesting not to regret it and stop being mistaken and perplexed by what is happening.


      here there are answers to all the questions that you asked a friend and go on a lot of interesting things while there is time.
  17. A40263S
    April 16 2014 16: 31
    the article is very, very correct, the goal of the EU - Ukraine in Europe is clear and understandable to everyone except perhaps the brainwashed Ukrainians themselves, to the article also add the "good" desire of the thane to get into every crack with his carrying of crap for the whole world and NATO expansion complete.
  18. Arh
    April 16 2014 16: 40
    And not only on the map, So in a quiet Europe more and more it looks like unfinished people !!!
  19. +2
    April 16 2014 16: 47
    The memory of the Europeans is 70 years old apparently.
  20. 0
    April 16 2014 16: 59
    The flag is different, the motivation is the same !!!
  21. 0
    April 16 2014 17: 24
    There is one task, different execution methods. The only ones who have obstructed and will impede the implementation of these plans are us, Soviet, and, in particular, Russian people.
    April 16 2014 17: 42
    A general analysis of the situation allows us to say that the Ukrainian crisis is the end of European integration in the form in which it has developed over the past 20 years. Maaastricht and its specific economic system have come to their historical end.

    If we hold out (Russia), the polar fluffy animal will raise its paw over the "Europa" and mark the territories cooling without gas with an odorous mark.
  23. tikhonov
    April 16 2014 17: 43
    Competent and useful article. Yes, the Germans, by other means than Hitler, achieved significant economic success and, in connection with this, their influence in world politics is growing. You should learn from the Germans the ability to live for themselves. We are helping the Central Asian republics, the same Ukraine - to the detriment of our people. But the Russian-speaking population in these countries is still subjected to discrimination. And it is hushed up. It is high time, both economically and politically, to force these regimes to behave respectfully towards Russian speakers.
  24. +1
    April 16 2014 17: 51
    The Third Reich was and the Fourth did not live long ... There are more and more beggars, Spain, Italy .. who else is there ... and all the old German women cannot be fed ...
  25. +1
    April 16 2014 18: 03
    I offer the lessons of history to the countries of the third world of Europe and the non-state America. Inexpensive. (As advertising.)
  26. The comment was deleted.
  27. +4
    April 16 2014 18: 13
    EU integration has long-standing roots.
  28. +2
    April 16 2014 18: 20
    [quote = MainBeam] [quote] Here, tree-sticks, shitty liberals. They changed the signboard, and as if they had invented something new. It can be assumed that the same people came to power, came from the States, or sat out in Germany. And then they quietly began to implement the same plans. The clown Hitler with his Jewish and Slavic bends was removed, and without this husk they began to implement "democratic" plans.

    Good article. Thank.
    How little we still know. And everything is on the surface.

    Article plus. I recall the final episode of the film "Secret" and the words of von Zwischen (I do not remember literally): "And when everything is at rest and everyone will forget about us, then we will emerge as our" Flying Dutchman "and take everything into our own hands. And the world will see the great Fourth Reich ".
    Probably it's time to prepare deep bombs, so as not to emerge!
  29. 0
    April 16 2014 18: 48
    Article +
    Now it’s clear why Yanuk went to Russia, not the EU. He did not fulfill the task of creating a unidirectional gasket between the Russian Federation and the EU.
    But the main thing is not this, but that Ukraine, through numerous economic ties with Russia, would cover the costs of importing German goods through trade with Russia. Ukrainian goods were already sold in Russia on the verge of dumping. In addition, the masses of Ukrainians would go to Russia to earn money, with transfers of which German imports would be partially paid. In other words, Ukraine’s European integration would be carried out at the expense of Russia, and Ukraine would become a gateway through which Russian wealth would flow to Europe, primarily to Germany.

    And therefore, Europe does not need it. Russia provides refuge, just in case, as a "trump six".

    It is another matter that the EU has never "cut through" the Russian soul, otherwise it would have acted more subtly. And history is not well known. National identity, in the phase of fascism, is unnatural for Russians. Moreover, we can "whip" ourselves for nationalism. And one should not threaten and deceive the Russian. He can endure, but not forget. hi
  30. +1
    April 16 2014 19: 07
    +++ article, that's right. I traveled all over Europe myself. I confirm unconditionally.
    impoverished eastern EU countries and rich shining Germany.
    Really the newly made EU countries do not understand anything.
    Most likely they understand and saw how to tear Serbia apart. This public execution is an indicative execution for those who disagree. Germany all fooled again.
  31. leo44
    April 17 2014 13: 22
    Wow, but we did not know this. And I think that everyone will jump in front of Germany ... But this turns out to be a continuation of the old conspiracy to conquer Europe ... Thanks for the article. I think so

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"